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Meeting Rubric

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Capstone Conference Rubric


Preparation for

Evidence of Work
& Learning:





Candidate identifies thoughtful

objectives and agenda for the
meeting, initiates
conversation, and deliberately
manages the progress of the
meeting in a manner that
shows mature levels of
independence and strategic
time management.

Candidate identifies objectives

and agenda for the meeting,
initiates conversation and
manages progress of the
meeting with some support
from teacher in a manner that
shows evidence of
independence and time

Candidates objectives and

agenda for the meeting are
not entirely clear or
purposeful. Candidate
demonstrates limited
evidence of independence
and time management.

Limited evidence of
objectives and agenda are
provided by the student or
the agenda provided is
unclear or of limited
relevance to the project.

Candidate identifies
questions/problems that
demonstrate sophisticated
thinking, reflection and a
commitment to solving

Candidate identifies
questions/problems that
demonstrate critical thinking,
reflection and an interest in
solving problems.

Candidate identifies
questions/problems but
does not demonstrate
evidence of critical thinking
or reflection. There is
limited commitment to
solving problems indicated
during the meeting or
student is dependent upon
the teacher to solve

Candidate does not

questions/problems or
those identified are not
purposefully connected to
project in a meaningful

Next steps remain general

or are imposed by the

Next steps are not

identified as a result of
students failure to make
significant progress.
Candidate provides little or
no evidence of work that
aligns with either the
original proposal or a
revision of the project plan.

A clear and purposeful set of

next steps are identified as a
result of the collaboration
between student and teacher. .
Candidate presents evidence
of significant progress on
project that aligns well with
proposal and timeline or
Candidate explains revisions to
original plan/timeline and
explains in depth how the work
and learning presented
supports that revised plan.

Next steps are identified as a

result of the collaboration
between student and teacher.

Candidate presents evidence of

meaningful progress on project
that aligns well with proposal
and timeline or
Candidate explains revisions to
original plan/timeline and
explains how the work and
learning presented supports
that revised plan.

Candidate presents
inadequate evidence of
work or the evidence
provided does not clearly
align with original proposal
or with revised plan.

Articulation of

Candidate articulately
Candidate communicates
Candidate communicates
Candidate provides little or
communicates significant
evidence of learning about both some evidence of learning,
no evidence of learning
learning about both
him/herself and the content of
but evidence shows
since previous meeting.
him/herself and the content of
the project since the previous
inadequate progress since
Reference to project
the project since the previous
meeting with advisor/teacher.
the previous meeting.
content and Vision of the
meeting with advisor/teacher.
Specific reference is made to
Reference to project
Graduate is missing,
Specific reference is made to
project content and the Vision
content and Vision of the
irrelevant or unclear.
project content and the Vision
of the Graduate.
Graduate is incomplete, not
or unclear.
Based on your analysis ofofthethe
your presentation and your teachers feedback,
Based on your
of the
rubric, your presentation and

what are you doing well?

your teachers feedback, what are some things you need to

work on? Set a goal for your next meeting.

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