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Brochure MM

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And Balance

Since the advent of quantum physics, science assures us that

everything is energy. From light to matter, all is made of
vibration and frequency. Most of us have heard we are all
a spark of God, seeing God as the total light that exists.
As human beings, we can only integrate a part of that light,
as this is Spirit, it roots itself in our hearts. The choices of
the soul then sets the conditions we get in this life, and
as a divine plan, the same rule applies unconditionally to
each. This vibration reveals itself through specials gifts or
talents. It is in the fluid expression of these talents that the
light circulates in our hearts and bodies. It is what links us
all together and makes us feel as one. And so our journey
is condensed as written on the Delphic Temple pediment...
"Know thyself and thou shall know all the
mysteries of the gods and of the universe "

Reveal Your Essence

With Confidence
in the Expression
of ourTalent
"...and live spiritual autonomy that
expresses itself through inner listening,
respect and unconditional love."
Michel Mathieu

The essence of life is contained in the light of the heart.

It is this light that eyes will try to see by looking inside. The
light in the heart thus awakes and circulates inside our being.
Self-knowledge is a birth to our own light; our own sun.
As long as man has not found his own sun, he seeks it out.
Once he has reinstated himself as the center, there he is,
enlightened and enlightening, with his sun inside. Clear
consciousness of the inner sun of self, such is the goal of
true knowledge.
" He who knows one is master of himself,
And without a kingdom is really a King "
To achieve this, the 7 major centers of energy (chakras),
within the body, have to be open and balanced. In order to
do this, I channel the light to clear the energy structure
of crystallizations (residual memories of events or trauma
not yet enlightened by the conscious mind), inherited beliefs
and conditioning cluttered throughout the aura, in masses of
low vibration that affect all aspect of our being: physical,
emotional, mental and spiritual. It is a step in the awakening
process to master our true power to attract events and
circumstances that will contribute to a fullfilling life.

Energy Structure

This vibratory action installs an energy circuit (Pillar of Light)

that purifies and protects any space: home, workplace and
land. It implants the vibrational structure " Tree of Life" and
the protective Sphere of Archangel Michael.
Allows the receptivity that is required for rooting, expansion
and integration of a vibration of higher consciousness.
It acts as a "vibrational amplifier."
Removes negative energies or parasites
Restructuring Integration Protection
The installation of this structure is desirable everywhere, but
is strongly recommended in places where vibrations of higher
levels are to be integrated such as: Channelling Teachings
Initiations also Professional firms Homes, etc.
This action adjusts itself to the energy circuits of the beings
living on the premises. 1-3 hour process completed on site
Investment: $250

12 Chakras Initiation

This initiation, completed through the exercise " Fusion of the

12 Chakras", aims to integrate the Higher Self and the soul
with the personality in this incarnation.
It realigns the 12 strands of DNA and contributes to the
opening and maintenance of our own channel and the fluidity
of the whole structure.
The purpose of the exercise is to raise the vibratory rate
and balance the energy centers of the individual, enhancing
the contact with higher vibration of consciousness and
allowing a smooth transition to the 5th dimension.

Both feet rooted to the earth in

a permanent connection to the Source
Follow-up for the 21 days of integration.
Time of transmission: 3 hours

Investment: $250

Healing Sessions
The history of each individual is kept, vibrationally recorded inside of us,
in a structure of energy. Thus, a reading of the soul takes place at the
begining of the meeting to prioritize the elements of intervention,
in relation to the evolution of the being in his journey.
Depending on requirements, the intervention will
take place with the individual seated or laying on
a massage table. The session wraps
up with an informative debrief.
Therapeutic tools:

- Archangelic Healing:
* Removes parasites
* Balances the chakras
* Massive de-crystallization
* Heals past and present memories
* Restores fluidity to the souls structure

- Polarity Therapy:

(Derived from Acupuncture, Chiropractic, Osteopathy,

Naturopathy and Ayurvedic medicine)

Imbalanced Structure
* Allows the release of deep tension
* Aligns and enhances the flow of vital energy;
improving the experience (pleasure) in the body.
Expect an integration of 3 to 7 days.
Investment: $120

Astrology Reading
For individuals or couples, discover
major influences affecting your life
according to your needs for growth
and thriving. In a 1 hour session,
learn about the relevance of your choices
in education, career, love or business association
in relation to soul alignment
Investment: $120

Balanced Structure

I practice Shiatsu and Polarity Therapy since 1981. The

practice of these disciplines has contributed greatly to my
journey. It allowed me to develope the ability to perceive
the flow of energy, at a subtle level, linked to the various
aspects of being: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
After many experiences of "reading" clients, it was in 1995,
during an extended stay in Dominican Republic, that I
became aware of my own process of "channeling" through
meeting beings of Archangelic vibration; the Masters of
Incarnation. Under the"authority" of Archangel Michael,
they provided me with lessons that became a formation
called Spiritual Archangelic Healing of La Stella. I had the
privilege, until now, of transmitting this course in Canada,
France, Mexico and Costa Rica.
The purpose of this training is to reveal this "gift" that is
unique to the profound nature of each and to highlight
various elements linked to the specific needs for the balance
of the being. The expression of that gift or talent, through
our skills, is the main engine that brings fluidity in every
aspect of our lives. The talent I have developed makes me
an agent of transformation, a catalyst, bringing to the being
the ability to recognize and cut what is no longer needed for
his evolution. It is with joy and humor that I bring light to
ones path and accompany those being in the elimination
of major limitations impeding their lives, leading them to
the most beautiful version of themselves.

To schedule an in-person or Skype service:


Love, peace and

happiness are
natural states
of being
The point
of attraction of
this sits in the


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