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Bus 520 Report Final

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Higher Motivation leads to higher performance

Motivated workforces increase

organizational productivity
and performance

Submitted To:

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Submitted By
1)MD. Rakibul Islam Rakib


Higher Motivation leads to higher performance

Letter of Transmittal
April 18, 2013
Nasira Siddika
Course Instructor,
Organizational Behaviour,
School of Business,
North South University .
Subject: Submission of Survey Report Based On BRAC (NGO) Bangladesh.
Dear Mam,
Here is the Survey Report based on BRAC Bangladesh which is necessary for the partial
fulfillment of Organizational Behaviour ( MGT 321) course of BBA program.
In this report we try to demonstrate motivated workforce increases productivity & performance
which will store important data, files and other documents.
Therefore, we will be pleased if you accept the project and we also eagerly waiting for your
valuable recommendation about our work.
Thanking you
Sincerely ,
MD. Rakibul Islam Rakib

Higher Motivation leads to higher performance

Table of Contents
1. Introduction

Page Number

2. Theoretical Framework


3. Relevant Example & Feedbacks in

Context of BRAC Bangladesh

7 -8

4. Survey analysis of BRAC

5. Critical Analysis
6. Proposed Model


17- 20

7. Summary of findings &

8. Conclusion


9. References

23- 25


Higher Motivation leads to higher performance

The world needs motivation. Who doesnt need motivation? The answer is- in every sector
everyone needs motivaton. Without motivation no one can sustain, without motivation no one
can perform better in a organization, if without motivation no one can perform better, then that
could be effect in the organizational productivity. Now-a-days in the context of Bangladesh and
also in a global context highly performed people one of the most essential part in an organization
because in the exchange of high performance the organization will get high productivity and
organizational success depend on high productivity. All this factors like performance,
productivity and success of an organization will depends only in MOTIVATION. In a common
scenario motivated people are more productive than de-motivated people. In our research our
main focus was Bangladeshi based organization which also perform internationally. That
organizational success depands on their highly performed employees because these employees
are much productive and all these factors comes from motivationand this motivation comes from
higher authority and organizational well reputed environment. Not only that organization but also
when we survey in a mass level most of the employees mentioned they become motivated from
their organizational environment.



According to Carl Rogers, Becoming a person means that the individual moves toward being,
knowingly and acceptingly, the process which she/he inwardly and actually is. Motivation is a
broader concept that focuses on the image that an individual has of him/herself. Individual who
is motivated has a deep understanding of his/her emotions, strengths, weaknesses and drives. The
definition of managerial self-awareness as the ability to reflect on accurately assesses one's own
behaviors and skills as they are manifested in workplace interactions. Motivation of any
discrepancy between how one see him/herself and how others see them enhances self-awareness,
a key to maximum performance (McCarthy and Garavan 1999). McCarthy and Garavan 1999,
argue that a cannily mentor can help one to attain higher levels of motivation by understanding
their own emotions. The study of self-awareness continues to be a dynamic and active research
area. Lots of research relevant to basic theoretical issues has been conducted. There are five most
critical areas of self-awareness that have been found to be important in developing successful

Higher Motivation leads to higher performance

Motivation is a
phenomenon. It is
also some others
related with the
Jackson, I dont
someone, all you
the players will
Motivation must
face a common challenge of fostering a motivating work environment.

factors that are
enhancement of
productivity and
According to Phil
cannot motivate
can do is provide
environment and
(Jackson, 2000).
come from the
individuals. For


In order to prove this research paper we took survey of BRAC Bangladesh.
BRAC is a development organization dedicated to alleviate poverty by empowering the poor, and
helping them to bring about positive changes in their lives by creating opportunities for the poor.
Our journey began in 1972 in the newly sovereign Bangladesh, and over the course of our
evolution, we have been playing a role of recognizing and tackling the many different realities of
poverty. We believe that there is no single cause of poverty; hence we attempt tackling poverty
on multiple fronts.


1. How long you are working in your organization?

Less than one year.

2-3 years
4-7 years
More than 7 years.

Higher Motivation leads to higher performance

1.How long you are working for this organization?




A long working year in same organization help employee to motivate .Though people have the
perception that these jobs pay little and offer little opportunity for advancement but during the
survey we found that 12% worker do the job for 7 years. Along with the benefit most importantly
job security is the main motivation to work for the organization longer time. Today in context of
Bangladesh getting a good job is very difficult.CEO and manager search for the youngest best
talent. Competition and expectation is higher in job market. So lack of quality may be cause of
job loss for the employee. Co -perative friendly environment also plays an important role. Co
operative behavior from the subordinate and manager motive the employee and being motivated
worker are working in the same organization for a long time. As a result performance is increase
and rate of turnover is getting low. Employee feel more confident and get the self efficacy
.Beside operant conditioning (Komaki,Coombs& Schepman 1996)- process of linking
rewards and discipline with employee behavior by the manager motivate the employee. They
achieve the reward through their performance. If performance is better they got the fringe benefit
as well as the bonus.
The workers who are working less than 4 year think that their basic salary is low compare to
other organization but the environment, rewarding process; working hour is suitable for them. So
they are willing to work for this organization for long period.
We also found some employees who are working less 1 year. This employee think fringe benefit
is alright for them but they are not so much motivated because of the basic salary. They will shift
to other company if they get better opportunity.
2. Does a long working hour de-motivate you?

Yes very much


Higher Motivation leads to higher performance


Depend on my energy level
Not at all
2.Does a long working hour de-motivate you?
d)Not at all
c)Depends on my enegry level
a) Yes very much

From this question we found out that working long hour does de-motivate but in context of
Bangladesh maximum respondents said that it depends on individuals energy level. Because
long hour working is a common thing in Bangladesh. The link between long workdays and
depression persisted even after the researchers took into account factors such as job strain, the
level of support in the workplace, alcohol use, smoking, and chronic physical diseases.
Overworked junior and mid-level employees appear to be more prone to depression than people
higher up the food chain, the study suggests. The length of the workday didn't have a perceptible
impact on the mental health of higher-paid, top-level employees such as cabinet secretaries,
directors, team leaders, and policy managers.

3. Are you happy with the salary system?


Very happy
Very bad

Higher Motivation leads to higher performance

3.Are you happy with the salary system?

45% 15%

a) Very

b) Happy

c) Moderate d) Bad
e) Very bad

The purpose of the graph was to find out the happiness of workers based on salary system and
the effect of their satisfaction. Motivation depends on several things such as salary, incentive,
benefits, working condition, co-workers etc. Incentive, benefits, working condition, co-workers
are motivating factors but salary is a hygiene factor. So if employees get decent salary they will
not be motivated but they will not be demotivated too. So in terms of importance salary is the
most important factor because without decent salary all other incentives and benefits are
valueless. in our survey we found that a significant portion of employees are not satisfied with
their salary.

4. Specify the personality of your boss.


Aggressive yet respective

Friendly and humorous
Emotionally intelligent
Introvert yet helpful.

4.Specify the personality of your boss.


d) Introvert yet helpful.

c) Emotionally intelligent

b) Friendly and humorous

a) Aggressive yet respective


Higher Motivation leads to higher performance

Employees like to work for bosses with people skills. Thats a super-shorthand term for
emotional intelligence. Its far more than being nice, kind or polite. Emotionally intelligent

Know how to read and understand the emotions of others and put that knowledge to work

Know how to read the emotional climate of a team of people and respond constructively

Are aware of their own emotional strengths and challenges

Go beyond just being self-aware; they are self-managing so they build on their strengths
and overcome their weak spots

So from the survey we found out that their boss a mixture of all personality.

5. Are you afraid of your boss?


Yes very much

Not at all
Depending on my work

5.Are you afraid of your boss?


d) Depending on my work


c) Not at all
b) Sometimes
a) Yes very much


10 15

The above table shows that the majority who are 12 in number are not afraid of their boss at all.
Some employee, who are 5 in number think that it depends on their work. If the work is done
properly there is nothing to be worried. Minority, who are 2 and 1 in number are afraid of their
boss. So it is clear that in BRAC Bangladesh employee are motivated by freedom. An
organization that motivates by fear will never reach its full potential. An organization that
motivates by freedom will change the rules of the game and set new standards.

Higher Motivation leads to higher performance

6. What motivates you to be a part of the organization?

Mutual respect
Co workers

6. What motivates you to be a part of the organization?

a) Salary

b) Benefits

c) Mutual respect

d) Appraisal

e) Co workers

f) Environment


15% 10%

From the above figure, we can infer that for the employees working in BRAC Bangladesh the
major factors which motivates employees for higher productivity are good working environment
condition 40% , benefit 25% & high salary is 15%. The response of the figure has clearly shows
the majority views and interest in respect of working environment to have enjoying in their

7. Do you feel good working in your organization?

a) Yes I do because of the respect I get
b) Yes I do because of the package I get
c) No I dont because I dont get what I deserve

Higher Motivation leads to higher performance

d) No I am doing it only to support my family
e) No comments
7.Do you feel working in your organization?


From the above figure, we can infer that the respect the employees get mostly motivates them in
job interest & involvement. Some employees also think that they are not getting what they
deserve which may not motivate the employees. Another group is working their organization
just to support their family.

8. Will you leave your organization if you get more benefits and salary from
any other organization?

Yes if the benefit is high

Yes if the organization is well reputed
I wont leave because I love the organization
Yes if the satisfaction level is higher than my current one.
No comment

8)Will you leave your organization if you get more benefits and salary from any other organization?
e) No comment0

d) Yes if the satisfaction level is higher than my current one.


c) I wont leave because I love the organization?


b) Yes if the organization is well reputed

a) Yes if the benefit is high

Higher Motivation leads to higher performance

The response of the figure has clearly shows the majority views and interest of the employee of
BRAC Bangladesh in respect of benefits and salary expected to have enjoying in their
company. The majority who are 8 in number proof the significance of satisfaction level in
promoting workers motivation and commitment. Second majority who are in number 5 loves
their organization and they are committed to their job. Another group put emphasis on
organization and the benefits.

9. If your higher authority motivates you enough does your productivity


Yes very much

Not at all
Depending on my mood

9. If your higher authority motivates you enough does your productivity increases?


a) Yes very b) Sometimes


c) Not at all d) Depending

on my mood

The purpose of the graph is to find out the level of sensitiveness of the employees in terms of the
expected behavior of the higher level officer. The graph shows that 50% of the employees
perform better when their managers motivates them. It also indicates that if the manager behaves
aggressively the performance of the fallow workers may go down as they are very sensitive in
terms of the behavior of the managers. But this is the picture of the private institutions. In
government institutions behavior of managers does not affect the performance of the
subordinates. This picture shows that the private organization workers try to make their
managers happy with their performance which is not very common in public institutes. This
happens because the promotion and other benefits and incentives of employees depends on
managers evaluation in private institutions on the other hand the benefits and incentives of the
employees depends on political power in government institutions.

Higher Motivation leads to higher performance

Maslows Hierarchy of Needs Model:
Maslows hierarchy of needs is often portrayed in the shape of a pyramid, with the largest and most
fundamental levels of needs at the bottom, and the need for self-actualization at the top.

The most fundamental and basic four layers of the pyramid contain what Maslow called
deficiency needs or d-needs: esteem, friendship and love, security, and physical needs. With
the exception of the most fundamental (physiological) needs, if these deficiency needs are not
met, the body gives no physical indication but the individual feels anxious and tense. Maslows
theory suggests that the most basic level of needs must be met before the individual will strongly
desire (or focus motivation upon) the secondary or higher level needs. Maslow also coined the
term Met motivation to describe the motivation of people who go beyond the scope of the basic
needs and strive for constant betterment. Met motivated people are driven by B-needs (Being
Needs), instead of deficiency needs (D-Needs).

Job enlargement workers being given a greater variety of tasks to perform (not
necessarily more challenging) which should make the work more interesting.
Job enrichment involves workers being given a wider range of more complex,
interesting and challenging tasks surrounding a complete unit of work. This should give a
greater sense of achievement.

Empowerment means delegating more power to employees to make their own decisions over
areas of their working life.
Love and belonging: After physiological and safety needs are fulfilled, the third layer of human
needs are social and involve feelings of belongingness. The need is especially strong in
childhood and can over-ride the need for safety as witnessed in children who cling to abusive
parents. Deficiencies with respect to this aspect of Maslows hierarchy due to hospitalism,
neglect, shunning, ostracism etc. can impact individuals ability to form and maintain
emotionally significant relationships in general, such as:




Higher Motivation leads to higher performance

Humans need to feel a sense of belonging and acceptance, whether it comes from a large social
group, such as clubs, office culture, religious groups, professional organizations, sports teams,
gangs, or small social connections (family members, intimate partners, mentors, close
colleagues, confidants). They need to love and be loved (sexually and non-sexually) by others. In
the absence of these elements, many people become susceptible to loneliness, social anxiety, and
clinical depression. This need for belonging can often overcome the physiological and security
needs, depending on the strength of the peer pressure; an anorexic, for example, may ignore the
need to eat and the security of health for a feeling of control and belonging
What a man can be, he must be. This forms the basis of the perceived need for selfactualization. This level of need pertains to what a persons full potential is and realizing that
potential. Maslow describes this desire as the desire to become more and more what one is, to
become everything that one is capable of becoming. This is a broad definition of the need for
self-actualization, but when applied to individuals the need is specific. For example one
individual may have the strong desire to become an ideal parent, in another it may be expressed
athletically, and in another it may be expressed in painting, pictures, or inventions. As mentioned
before, in order to reach a clear understanding of this level of need one must first not only
achieve the previous needs, physiological, safety, love, and esteem, but master these needs.
The two factor theory:
Two-factor theory distinguishes between:

Motivators (e.g., challenging work, recognition, responsibility) that give positive

satisfaction, arising from intrinsic conditions of the job itself, such as recognition,
achievement, or personal growth,

Hygiene factors (e.g. status, job security, salary, fringe benefits, work conditions) that do
not give positive satisfaction, though dissatisfaction results from their absence. These are
extrinsic to the work itself, and include aspects such as company policies, supervisory
practices, or wages/salary.

Essentially, hygiene factors are needed to ensure an employee is not dissatisfied. Motivation
factors are needed to motivate an employee to higher performance. Herzberg also further
classified our actions and how and why we do them, for example, if you perform a work related
action because you have to then that is classed as movement, but if you perform a work related
action because you want to then that is classed as motivation.

Higher Motivation leads to higher performance

Equity theory: Employees evaluate their treatment relative to the treatment of others.
Inputs: Employee contributions to their jobs.
Outputs: What employees receive in return.
Theory X and Theory Y:
Theory X

People are lazy.

People lack ambition and dislike responsibility.

People are self-centered.

People resist change.

People are gullible and not very bright.

Theory Y

People are energetic.

People are ambitious and seek responsibility.

People can be selfless.

People want to contribute to business growth and change.

People are intelligent.

Reinforcement / Behavior Modification Theory:
Measurement of employee job performance:
When negative consequences are attached directly to undesirable behavior
Positive Reinforcement
When rewards are tied directly to performance.

Higher Motivation leads to higher performance


1. Most of the employees like their organizational environment very much.
2. Employees feel that benefits are quite attractive.
3. Employees are not highly committed to their work & their organization.
4. Most of the employees feel that they are sent for training & development regularly.
5. The employees working in the BRAC Bangladesh are highly motivated due to good working
environment & benefit and salary.
6. Companys policy & superiors support highly motivates for job interest & involvement.
7. The facilities provided by company like medical & educational facilities motivate the
employee for higher productivity.

Every Organization built on competitiveness in the market whether it is local organization or
International. And in this competitive world it is not easy to establish trust. The managers of the
organizations may face difficulties if their abilities of understanding and read others are poorly
developed. Realistic vision and understanding Organizational behaviors or Co-workers gained
from motivation. Managers must gain the knowledge and skill how to be a good Leader. And a
true Leader shares his value with others who must be able to demonstrate unseen soft qualities
such as moral integrity, honesty, sincerity and true dedication. Insight brings focused Leadership.
Focus drives performance and Performance drives result.

1)Jackson, P. (2000). Interview with Phill Jackson by Bob Costas. MSNBC.
2)Bitter, M. E., and W. L. Gardner. (1995). A mid-range theory of the leader/member attribution
process in professional service organizations: The role of the organizational environment and
impression management. In M. J. Martinko, (Ed.), Attribution theory: An orga- nizational
perspective. Delray Beach, FL: St. Lucie press.

Higher Motivation leads to higher performance

3)Gerhart, Barry A. (2003). Compensation: theory, evidence, and strategic implications.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
4)Steers, R. M., L. W. Porter, and G. A. Bigley. (1996). Motivation and leadership at work. New
York: McGraw-Hill.
5)Vroom, V. (1994). Work and motivation. New York: Willey.

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