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Agreeing With Malthusian Theory

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Agreeing with Malthusian Theory

The Malthusian Theory was written by Thomas Robert Malthus on essay entitled
Principle of Population in 1798. Between 1796 and 1826, several modification regarding on
his conclusions were made.

According to Malthus, the population growth is growing

exponentially while the food supply is increasing arithmetically. This translates to population
rapidly growing and eliminating the abundance of increased in food supply.
I agree with the Malthusian Theory. People tend to overlook the planets longer term
sustainability and if it still continues, the world might face dire results. According to Guillebaud
(2014), the UN alerted the worlds population (currently at 7 billion), that we had reached the
point where the amount of resources need exceeds what is available. The humankind will need
100% of the planets total biocapacity by 2050 as estimated by the World Fund for nature.
Inevitably, the growth of the population cannot be sustained by the food capacity. Even if
there are technology advancements for food production, the populations exponential growth will
still outstrip the advancement. Food production will have a hard time coping with the increasing
demand due to the increasing world population. There is also a possibility that the population
growth will outweigh the supply of other resources considering that resources are generally
scarce. Though technological advancements are being implemented and developed, it cannot be
denied that land for food production is decreasing. Hawley (1950) stated that man's tendency to
multiply up to the maximum carrying capacity of the land is superficially evident in many parts
of the world" (as cited in Catton Jr., 1998). As population increased, the demand for different
land uses has been increasing. Several agricultural lands have been converted for residential and
industrial purposes. Land quality is also deteriorating because of soil erosion and salinization so
improvements made might be offset by the land quality. Another case is the extraction of
underground groundwater for water consumption. The rate of groundwater extraction is greater
compared to the rate of its replenishment and it is an alarming problem since it can take a lot of
time to recharge. Moreover, natural watering systems are becoming less reliable since changes in
climate have already been affecting the weather patterns. Food production will likely be affected
by the decline in land availability, decline in soil quality and water availability. Other factors
such as natural calamities can be considered. Natural calamities happen more frequently than

before due to changing weather patterns because of global warming. Natural calamities destroys
crop and the intensity of a calamity will affect how food production will cope with the damages.
Moreover, the land/space we lived in is a limitation and population growth cannot be unlimited.
Even if technological advances are made, there will still come a time when all resources will be
One example is the famines happening in underdeveloped countries. Incidentally, they
are also the countries with high population growth. When reproduction is beyond replacement of
natural resources, there is a big possibility that it will result to a competitive relationship among
the population members.
It should also be noted that human does not only rely in food, but on other resources as
well. Suplee (1998) stated that the mankind is not only depleting essential mineral
stocks. We are also diminishing the plant and animal resources available to future
human generations, and destroying biological buffers against the effects of global
climate change (as cited in Catton Jr., 1998). A decline in those commodities might have

a great impact. When resources are used more than they can replenishment rate, population
exceed the carrying capacity. If the supply runs out, the worlds population will experience
devastating consequences.
Fischer, T. (2016, November 10). Malthus Was Wrong. Is He Still Wrong? Retrieved August 30, 2016, from History, Future. Now.
: http://www.historyfuturenow.com/wp/malthus-was-wrong-is-he-still-wrong/
Guillebaud, J. (2014, June 10). There are not enough resources to support the world's population. Retrieved August 28, 2016,
from ABC: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/ockhamsrazor/there-are-not-enough-resources-to-supportthe-world's-population/5511900
Seth, T. (n.d.). Malthusian Theory of Population: Explained with its Criticism. Retrieved August 29, 2016, from Economics
Discussion: http://www.economicsdiscussion.net/articles/malthusian-theory-of-population-explained-with-itscriticism/1521
William R. Catton, J. (2002). Malthus: More Relevant than Ever. Retrieved August 31, 2016, from Minnesotans For
Sustainability: http://www.mnforsustain.org/catton_malthus_more_relevant.htm
Yelnick, J. (n.d.). Population Growth: Demographic Transition and Malthusian Theories. Retrieved August 30, 2016, from
Study.con: http://study.com/academy/lesson/population-growth-demographic-transition-and-malthusian-theories.html

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