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TantraCURE ThePelvicMuscles

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PE With Pelvic Muscle Training 1

1 INTRODUCTION .........................................................................................................................3
2 THE PELVIC MUSCLES .............................................................................................................4
2.1 THE BC MUSCLES ANATOMY .....................................................................................................5
2.2 THE PC MUSCLES ANATOMY ......................................................................................................9
2.3 OVERVIEW................................................................................................................................10
3 PELVIC MUSCLE EXERCISES OVERVIEW............................................................................11

THE THREE MAIN AREAS ..........................................................................................................11

THE DIFFERENT KINDS OF CONTRACTIONS ...............................................................................15
BENEFITS OF PELVIC MUSCLE TRAINING ....................................................................................16
RELAX YOUR PM MUSCLES AND DELAY THE EJACULATION ........................................................16
EMERGENCY STOP TECHNIQUE..................................................................................................17

4 LAST WORDS REGARDING PELVIC MUSCLE TRAINING ...................................................19

2 Cure PE With Pelvic Muscle Training

1 Introduction
A good and strong pelvic region is part of the secret of being able to last longer in bed
and one of the most important elements in arousal control.
As your pelvic muscles become stronger you will feel great progress in your sexual
abilities. You will have a feeling of being in control and your virility will also skyrocket.
Strong pelvic muscles are what make some men able to experience multiorgasms the
ability to get many orgasms in a row, and even without ejaculating! Orgasm and
ejaculation are two different mechanisms and a way of learning to separate these two
mechanisms is through pelvic muscle training.
Pelvic muscle training gives you a feeling of masculinity, stability, happiness, surplus and
self confidence. In Yoga and Tantra it is said that our life energy is stored in the pelvic
area, the so-called Kundalini. A persistant, disciplined training of the area will awaken
the kundalini creating a flow of sexual energy in the body.
Pelvic muscle training awakens the earth energies (as they are called in Yoga and
Tantra) giving you grounding and stability. Many men who suffer from premature
ejaculation are very airy and mental in their structures. They are not very connected
with their bodies and its processes. Perhaps they sit too much behind a computer or
office desk or perhaps they are very mental creatures always in their heads. If you can
recognize this in yourself you will reap great benefit from strengthening your pelvic
muscles as they help you to become more present in your physical body.
There exist countless yoga positions and techniques that include pelvic muscle
contractions as it is an essential tool used to direct the flow of pranic energy in the body.
The pelvic region is an area that is quite overlooked in the west, which is unfortunate
because it has a huge influence on your level of happiness and vitality.
In this little manual I hope to present to you the most fundamental knowledge that you
can use as a starting point in your further studies.

Cure PE With Pelvic Muscle Training 3

2 The Pelvic Muscles

The pelvic muscles are instrumental in both delaying and controlling ejaculation. They
cover an area extending from the penis itself to the perineum between the anus and the
sexual organs all the way to the tailbone at the bottom of the spine.
The muscles in the perineum area coordinate excretion, urination and orgasm.
Most people mistakenly refer to these muscles as the PC muscles. Actually the PC
muscles are just one of the set of muscles involved in this complex system of muscles.
Knowing more about your pelvic anatomy is absolutely essential to learning
ejaculation control, because it will give you direct awareness about which of your
muscles are tensing or twitching while making love.

Pelvic muscles, which are in bad shape

lead to:

Weak erections that come and go and are

never fully erect. Erections that lack virility
and self confidence.

Weak ejaculations. The semen may just

seem to ooze out.

Lack of being able to discern between

different levels of arousal meaning you
could go from a state of non-aroused pelvic
muscles to a state of super aroused pelvic
muscles ready to ejaculate without being
able to feel it.

A longer period of time between an

ejaculation and the next erection

With regards to controlling sexuality there are a set of muscles, which are just as
important, if not more actually, than the PC muscles. These are called the BC muscles
(Bulbocavernosus muscles)!
We wil now go through a brief anatomy lesson to brief you in the wonders of the pelvic
4 Cure PE With Pelvic Muscle Training


The BC Muscles Anatomy

In the diagram below you see a horizontal cross section of a woman and a man in
the pelvic area:

As you can see in the case of women the BC muscle surrounds the vagina opening.
In the case of men it surrounds the urinary tract of men in the penis and extends down to
the base of the penis.
Through practice you can learn to
1) Flex the tip of the bc muscle surrounding the urinary shaft in the penis or
2) Flex the base of the bc muscle surrounding the inner base of the penis in the
perineum area.

Cure PE With Pelvic Muscle Training 5

The BC muscle has two main purposes:


The first purpose of the BC muscles is to force liquid (urine
or semen) out of the urethra.
This is done by the part of the BC muscle surrounding the
urinary tract of the urethra. The muscle is a set of fibers
which are knitted together in a so-called herringbone
pattern (see image), which is a pattern often used to set up

If you imagine that each of the tiles is a muscle fiber you

can envisage how when each fiber contracts that it creates
an upward going movement. This movement causes the
seminal fluid to be propelled outward and urine to get
squeezed out.
This movement also causes the penis to get pulled back
towards the body, which is why you can see the penis move
slightly upward when you for example squeeze the last
drops of urine out after urinating. Locating this part of the
BC muscle is as you can imagine, absolutely crucial in
learning to control your ejaculation.
The ability of the BC muscles to propel the liquid out can
also be used to hold the liquid back, like a kind of valve.

6 Cure PE With Pelvic Muscle Training

The other function of the BC is that it can force blood into the
cavity on the underside of the penis called corpus
spongiosum and the glans, which is how we get erections.
Another set of muscles called the ischiocavernous muscles
force blood into the cavity on the top part of the penis called
corpora cavernosum
The ischiocavernous muscles are neatly place to the right and
left of the BC muscles.

The bulb of the penis is a reservoir of blood. When aroused

voluntary or reflex contractions of the BC and
Ischiocavernosus muscles force blood into the corpora. With
both sets of muscles contracting on the base and legs of the
penis, a full erection is achieved.
As mentioned the BC muscle can be located by stopping the
flow of urine. Even if the urine does have a closing tap like
mechanism below the prostate, which can stop the urine flow,
contracting the BC muscles will cause peristaltic like
movements in the urethra, which you can feel quite easily.

Cure PE With Pelvic Muscle Training 7

If you are nervous and are suffering from performance

anxiety you will quite likely not have a full erection. In the
attempt to get a more full erection you might
subconsciously be flexing the BC muscles. This nervous
twitching which you usually are not aware about is a large
contributing factor to premature ejaculation.
The BC muscles, which are overworked trying to keep up
your erection (function 2) get tired and become unable to
withstand the pressure of the sexual energy (function 1 of
the valve).
If you can recognize this then the first thing you have to do
is to RELAX the BC muscles.
The art of learning to relax to thereby overcome
performance anxiety coupled with the exercising of the BC
muscles is a powerful cocktail which will help you to
overcome premature ejaculation.

8 Cure PE With Pelvic Muscle Training

2.2 The PC muscles Anatomy

The PC muscle surrounds the anus and meets up with the BC muscles, which lie more
towards the front. The PC muscle is more in charge of the excretion mechanism than the
ejaculation mechanisms but still plays a vital role in controlling the ejaculation.
It is actually a misconception that the most well-known perineal exercises for men are
called PC muscle exercises. They should actually be called pelvic muscle exercises as a
good exercise session involves the flexing of all the muscles in the region.
When a woman contracts her PC the vagina will contract. The vagina is situated closer to
the anus than the penis so the PC muscle directly affects the Vagina. In the case of men
the penis sits slightly higher and is an external organ so the contraction of the PC muscle
will not in the same way affect the penis. In the diagram below you see a cross section
showing the pc muscle (the BC muscles have not been included in this cross section).

As you can see the PC muscle is a U shaped muscle that is attached to the hipbones
towards the front, so when you flex it you pull the rectum towards the front. As you can
see in the diagram to the left, the vagina sits neatly in the U shape of the PC muscle so it
gets directly affected when women squeeze their PC muscles. In the case of men the
penis lies above the cross section you see in the diagram and is therefore not in the
Cure PE With Pelvic Muscle Training 9

same way affected by the squeezing movement. The PC muscle and the Iliococcygeus
muscle (IC) together combine to make Levator ani muscle, which is flat and sheet like in
its structure. The PC and IC muscles keep the organs in the abdomen area from sliding
downwards into the perineum area. While the PC muscles are attached to the front of the
hipbone the IC muscles are attached to the sides. Both PC and IC muscles attach to the
tailbone in the rear. You can actually also train the IC muscles, which can pull the anus
back towards the tailbone. You can feel it as a contraction in the tailbone area.
The PC and the IC muscles can move the rectum forward or backward respectively in a
horizontal movement or upwards when combined with the anal sphincter muscles.



Most important for us to know when performing pelvic muscle exercises is that the pelvic
region contains a complex set of muscles which each have different functions and
movements. To sum up:
1. The BC muscles are responsible for milking the urethra and causing the corpus
spongiosum to inflate with blood. Over stimulation of these muscles when
making love will lead to premature ejaculation.
2. The PC muscles contract around the anus and are used in defecation. They tend
to pull the rectum towards the front. In women the PC muscles also contract the
3. The IC muscles contract around the anus and are also used in excretion. They
tend to pull the rectum towards the back and are attached to the tailbone.
4. Levitor Ani are the PC and IC muscles combined which pull up the rectum (used in
defecation where the upward going movement of levitor ani combined with the
peristaltic movements of the sphincter muscles cause the feces to come out).
5. The Ischiocavernosus muscles, which are responsible for causing the corpora
cavernosa (top part of penis) to inflate with blood.
There is a lot of confusion about the PC muscles and the BC muscles as they can feel
like one big muscle, but with a little bit of training the differences and subtleties become
quite obvious. The PC and the BC muscle are commonly referred to as the PM muscles
(Pelvic Muscles).
When making love it is of utmost importance to keep the PM muscles relaxed! Flexing
them while making love is a big mistake, which will bring on the ejaculation faster. I made
this mistake for years before finally finding out that one actually should relax the PM
muscles instead, so I speak from bitter experience.
It is good to have strong PM muscles. They give you a stronger erection (remember that
part of the BC muscles responsibility is pumping blood into the corpus spongeum) and
will make your orgasms stronger. Strong PM muscles also give you a much better sexual

10 Cure PE With Pelvic Muscle Training

control and will help to stop an ejaculation if you should be so unlucky as to cross over
the point of no return.
Our PM muscles are unfortunately not very well tuned. Do you remember anybody ever
telling you as a kid to train those muscles?

Pelvic Muscle Exercises Overview

So now that you know more about the anatomy the next step is to know how to exercise
this anatomy!
Pelvic muscle exercises are often referred to as Kegel exercises due to the western
doctor who started prescribing these exercises to his clients, but actually Tantric have
been exercising these muscles for millennia as they tie in with breathing and meditation
The most important aspect of kegel exercises is flexing the PM muscles and relaxing
them, exactly like when you are training other muscles. They need to be flexed and then

3.1 The Three Main Areas

There are three main areas that need your attention in order to get ejaculatory

1) AREA 1: Flexing the tip of the BC muscles

2) AREA 2: Combined flexing of the base of the BC muscles in the perineum
(between anus and testicles)
3) AREA 3: Flexing of PC muscles and anal sphincter muscles

An advantage of PM workouts is that you can perform them anywhere. At work, while
waiting for the bus, even while speaking with other people (as long as you dont come
across as a strange and strained person!)
If you still cannot discern between the movements of the BC vs. the PC muscle you can
think of the flexing of the BC muscle as something that happens towards the front and
the flexing of the PC muscle as something that happens towards the back.
I will give a runthrough of the 3 areas here:

Cure PE With Pelvic Muscle Training 11

AREA 1: The tip of the BC

This is the part that you flex
when you urinate and you
finish urinating and press out
the last drops. The flexing of
these muscles causes the
penis to go upward and the
testicles to pull upwards.
The continual contraction of
these muscles is called
Yoni Mudra in yoga.
If you cannot flex this
muscle 25 times in a row or
keep it flexed for 25 seconds non-stop then it could do with a little bit of training!
The flexing of these muscles gives an enormous sexual control not to mention the fact
that it sublimates the sexual energy. The exercising of this area will harmonize and
strengthen your water chakra (Swatistana chakra) creating a flow of erotic energy in your
being. This flux of sexual energy coursing through your etheric arteries will give you an
enormous charisma.
Yogis contract this area while visualising the sexual energy rising up through their
Having full control over these muscles is what gives some men the ability to ejaculate
without touching their penis. The continual contraction of these muscles can be very
Becoming aware of these muscles is a KEY FACTOR in solving premature ejaculation.
Many men unconsciously flex these muscles while making love, which leads very quickly
to ejaculation. You can imagine that if flexing these muscles alone without any other
external stimulation can make you ejaculate, then the unconscious flexing of these
muscles coupled with all the stimulation present during lovemaking will make you
ejaculate extremely quickly.

12 Cure PE With Pelvic Muscle Training

AREA 2: The base of the

BC muscles combined
with the PC muscles
The flexing of this area leads
to a powerful awakening of
the Earth energies in your
being and will make you feel
more grounded, vital and
joyful. This exercise is called
Moola Bandha in Sanskrit
and is used a lot by yogis,
simultaneously with different
kind of yoga positions.
The flexing of this area can
easily be confused with the
flexing of the anal sphincter
(See Area 3) and some
people need quite a lot of
practice before they can
isolate this flex from the
other flexes. It is quite easy
though to feel the difference once you find out how to do it. The flexing of area 3 feels like
a sucking upward movement accompanied with the closing of a circular muscle. Moola
Bandha feels like to sets of muscles on the left and right joining each other while the flex
is being made. Moola Bandha involves the front of the PC muscles where they attach to
the hip in the front and the contraction of the BC muscles.

Many men who suffer from premature ejaculation lack grounding. They are not in contact
with their bodies and the earth energy does not flow well through them. By exercising this
area you become more grounded and attain a feeling of masculine strength.

Cure PE With Pelvic Muscle Training 13

AREA 3: The Anal

Sphincter Muscles.
Involves the flexing of the
anal muscles.
involves the continual
sustained contraction of
these muscles is called
Ashwini Mudra and gives
a very strong awakening
of the earth energies and
creates a sublimation of
the energy to especially
the fire and air chakras.
The benefits of Ashwini
Mudra are enormous. I
once saw a whole book
written about Ashwini
Mudra and its benefits!

Personal Experience with Ashwini Mudra

I personally have a great affinity to Ashwini Mudra as it has some surprising results that
come with a steady practice. During my first visit to Romania I performed ashwini mudra
every day a couple of hours while studying Romanian. I learned to speak the language in
the course of 4 weeks due to this exercise, which is very powerful tool as it raises the
sexual energy to the level where you have your focus. When learning new languages you
should focus in your mind (The Third Eye) as this helps you to synthesize all the new
information while simultaneously focusing in your heart to feel the culture and people
whose language you are learning. By applying Ashwini Mudra while studying I was
actively raising my sexual energy to the level of the heart and the mind.
I also often use this technique if I am driving and I am sleepy. It helps to keep me awake
as it shoots energy up your spine.
So as you can see, PM muscle training is good for more than just a good sex life!

14 Cure PE With Pelvic Muscle Training


The Different Kinds of Contractions

In each of the 3 areas you can contract the muscles in different rhythms:
In a flexing you contract the muscles for a second and relax them for a second.
In clenching you contract the muscles between 3 and 10 seconds and relax them for the
same amount of seconds.
In clamping you contract the muscles between 10 seconds and 2 minutes.
Continual Contraction
These are long contractions ranging from 2 minutes when you are a beginner to
extended periods (even up to an hour) by more advanced practitioners.
Fluttering is like flexing, just faster. In the start it is difficult to perform fluttering much
faster than flexing, but with practice it becomes easier. Definitely a good work out!

A good training program involves all three areas with all the above types of contractions

Word of warning
Never overdo your pelvic muscle training. PM muscles are like any other muscles and
can be overstrained. In a certain period of my life I was so anxious to overcome problems
with premature ejaculation that I was doing the exercise all day long and it started giving
me severe pains. Rather follow these simple exercises I will give you here. Less in the
start is much better than too much!

Cure PE With Pelvic Muscle Training 15


Benefits of pelvic muscle training

The benefits of performing all these pelvic muscle contractions are numerous:
1) Raises your awareness about the muscles in the sexual region
2) Allow you to feel when you are unconsciously tensing some of the muscles while
making love so you consciously can go in and relax these muscles.
3) Helps you to apply the emergency stop technique if you pass the point of no return
4) Helps you to acquire multi orgasms
5) Strengthens your Earth Chakra giving you more grounding, vitality and
6) Helps you to transmute and sublimate the sexual energy


Relax your PM muscles and delay the ejaculation

Keeping your PM relaxed is very important when learning to control the

ejaculation! The Biggest Mistake Men make is that they consciously or
unconsciously contract the muscles in the pelvic area while making love.
Relaxing the PM muscles keeps the arousal levels low and the body in a
parasympathetic state. From the tantric viewpoint relaxing the PM muscles keeps the
earth chakra open and relaxed allowing vitality to flow freely in the body. By keeping
these muscles relaxed you will start to learn to feel and identify the small contractions in
the muscles, which keep you overly aroused and which also signal the onset of the
ejaculatory reflex when they start contracting quickly.
If we have not trained the PC muscles it is more difficult for us to feel the subtleties of
these contractions.
While making love the PM muscles often start contracting by themselves which raises the
level of arousal and pulls more blood down to the pelvic region making the ejaculatory
pump ready to start while prompting the seminal vesicles to start opening up. With some
discipline and training you can become aware of these subconscious contractions
allowing you to calm them down bringing the arousal down.
Deep relaxation is really the key and your relaxation should not only extend to the PM
muscles but your whole body.
You can try it next time you masturbate or make love. Experiment keeping your PM
muscles as relaxed as possible. You might experience some contracting here and there

16 Cure PE With Pelvic Muscle Training

but simply by being continually aware maintaining a relaxed focus in the region will give
you good results.
You will actually be surprised what a difference it makes to be able to keep your PM
muscles relaxed. For the sake of experimentation you can then try to start tensing them
again and you will feel a sudden onslaught of arousal bringing you close to the top again.
Continually doing this for a month will give you miraculous results. You can write it on a
piece of paper and stick it up on your wall Remember to relax your PM muscles.
So, how do you know if you are relaxing your PM muscles?
1. During lovemaking it is most often the BC muscles, which you subconsciously are
tensing. You are either tensing by pushing out (like when you are peeing) or tensing by
holding back (like you would when you are holding back the pee). So notice if you are
tensing in any of the two ways while making love and make sure the BC muscles are
2. If your stomach muscles are clenched its very likely youre also contracting both the
PC and BC muscles. Take a moment to try relax your stomach.
I once had a lover who made it a big thing to massage my stomach. I had a lot of tension
there so it was quite unpleasant!
So, the next time you make love try to relax the pelvic and stomach muscles very


Emergency stop technique

You can use the emergency stop technique if you pass the point of no return. The
technique consists of squeezing all your pelvic muscles as much as possible.
To stop the ejaculation process, get out quickly from the bed, stand with your feet slightly
apart while leaning your hands on your knees. Flex your PM and keep the contraction
until the urge to ejaculate passes over, normally not more than 15 seconds. While
contracting you breathe out and suck your abdomen upward.
If you can keep PM contracted the urge will pass by and you would have been successful
in stopping the rhythmical contractions associated with ejaculation. But this is extremely
difficult! More often than not when I applied this method I would only push the semen into
the bladder.
This technique is your last way out of a bad situation. I used it a lot in my young days
before I learned to control my arousal levels.
Personally I do not care much for these kinds of emergency stop techniques, as they can
be so disruptive to the lovemaking process. You should really focus on developing your
awareness of your arousal instead of relying on these emergency techniques.

Cure PE With Pelvic Muscle Training 17

Timing is of the essence with emergency stop techniques. If you do it too late the semen
would already have come out and the moment you stop contracting it will just spurt out. If
you do it too early you might just provoke the ejaculation forth where simply trying to
relax as deeply as possible would have averted the ejaculation.
You should definitely never masturbate with the intention of learning to use the
emergency technique. I have encountered a lot of books that advocate this but I
personally feel its crazy. Its like driving towards a cliff full speed and then hoping your
brakes work. You just fall victim to your subconscious urge to ejaculate while feebly
convincing yourself that you are training your ability to hold back an ejaculation.
Focus on developing your awareness through arousal control, PC muscle training,
breathing exercises and mental training (all included in the TantraCURE system) instead
of racing towards the edge of cliffs. The results will come to you, you just have to be
patient and give it the time it takes to harmonize your energy body and develop
awareness. If you are a young man with your blood brimming with testosterone and
dopamine, training exclusively with the emergency stop technique always taking yourself
right to the edge of your point of no return will just have the opposite effect on you. You
will learn to take yourself to the edge and to ejaculate quickly and more often than not
you will not succeed in holding the ejaculation back. Trust me, I have been there!

18 Cure PE With Pelvic Muscle Training

Last Words Regarding Pelvic Muscle Training

To be able to last long in bed you need a harmonious strengthening of the pelvic muscle
region. Exaggerated training or training performed in the wrong way can cause more
harm than good.
In the 12 week training program that follows with TantraCURE is included a thorough
pelvic muscle training that should be practised on a daily basis. The exercises change
from week to week getting progressively more complex and detailed.
Pelvic muscle training is a central part of any good premature cure, so if you want to
cure premature ejaculation, then its best to start with pelvic muscle exercises as quickly
as possible!
If you would like to know more please visit
I wish you success on your path to sexual mastery!


Cure PE With Pelvic Muscle Training 19

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