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Question - Advertising is a non-personal communication of information usually paid for

and usually persuasive in nature about products, services or ideas by identified sponsors through
the various media." Explain.
Meaning of Advertising - Advertising is an activity of attracting public attention to a product,
service, or business as by paid announcements in the print, broadcast, or electronic media.
Definition of Advertising - "Advertising is the non-personal communication of information
usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, services or ideas by identified
sponsors through the various media." Now let's take this statement apart and see what it means.
Basically, sales are done either personally or non-personally. Personal selling requires the seller
and buyer to get together. Personal selling has its on advantages and disadvantages. Whereas
advertising is non-personal selling. Personal selling has many advantages over advertising like
direct communication, bargaining, enough time to discuss in detail about the product, seller can
easily locate potential buyer. Advertising has none of the advantages of personal selling, very
little time to present sales message, message is cannot be changed easily.
But, advertising has its own advantages which is not found in personal selling: advertising has
comparatively speaking, all the time in the world. Unlike personal selling, the sales message and
its presentation does not have to be created on the spot with the customer watching. It can be
created in as many ways as the writer can conceive, be rewritten, tested, modified, injected with
every trick and appeal known to affect consumers.
Advertising covers large groups of customer and to make it effective proper research about
customer is done to identify potential customers, to find out what message element might
influence them, and figure out how best to get that message to them.
Thus, it appears that advertising is a good idea as a sales tool. For small ticket items, such as
chewing gum and guitar picks, advertising is cost effective to do the entire selling job. For large
ticket items, such as cars and computers, advertising can do a large part of the selling job, and
personal selling is used to complete and close the sale.
Advertising is nonpersonal, but effective.

Communication means passing information, ideas, or feelings by a person to another.
Communication uses all the senses like smell, touch, taste, sound, sight. Only two senses - sound
and sight are really useful in advertising. In advertising, what appears is everything the writer
thinks the customer needs to know about the product in order to make a decision about the
product. That information will generally be about how the product can benefit the customer.
Paid For
Advertiser has to pay for the creation of ad and for placing it in the media. Cost of ad creation
and cost of time/space in the media must be paid for. Cost of advertising depends on TRP of
media, reach of media, and frequency of ad to be displayed.
"Persuasive" stands to reason as part of the definition of advertising. The basic purpose of
advertising is to identify and differentiate one product from another in order to persuade the
consumer to buy that product in preference to another.
Identified Sponsors
Identified sponsors means whoever is putting out the ad tells the audience who they are. There
are two reasons for this: first, it's a legal requirement, and second, it makes good sense. Legally, a
sponsor must identify himself as the sponsor of ad. By doing so the sponsor not only fulfils the
legal requirements, but it also makes a good sense, if the sponsor doesn't do so, the audience may
believe that the ad is for any competitor's product, thus wasting all the time and money in
making and placing the ad.

Definition and Objectives of Advertising

Question - What is advertising, define advertising, and state its objectives?
Meaning of Advertising - Advertising is an activity of attracting public attention to a product or
business, as by paid announcements in the print, broadcast, or electronic media.
Advertising is a paid form of a non-personal message communicated through the various media
by industry, business firms, nonprofit organizations, or individuals. Advertising is persuasive and
informational and is designed to influence the purchasing behavior and/or thought patterns of the
audience. Advertising is a marketing tool and may be used in combination with other marketing
tools, such as sales promotions, personal selling tactics, or publicity.

Definition of Advertising - Advertising is defined differently by different people, some of the

definitions are as follows:
According to Richard Buskirk, "Advertising is a paid form of non-personal presentation of
ideas, goods or services by an identified sponsor."
According to Wheeler, "Advertising is any form of paid non-personal presentation of ideas,
goods or services for the purpose of inducting people to buy."
According to William J. Stanton, "Advertising consists of all the activities involves in
presenting to a group, a non-personal, oral or visual, openly sponsored message regarding
disseminated through one or more media and is paid for by an identified sponsor."

Objectives of Advertising - The real objective of advertising is effective communication

between producers and consumers with the purpose to sell a product, service, or idea. The main
objectives of advertising are as follows:
Objective of advertising is to inform its targeted audience/customers about introduction of new
product, update or changes in existing products or product related changes, information
regarding new offers and schemes. Informative advertising seeks to develop initial demand for a
product. The promotion of any new market entry tends to pursue this objective because
marketing success at this stage often depends simply on announcing product availability. Thus,
informative advertising is common in the introductory stage of the product life cycle.
Objective of advertising is to increase demand for existing product by persuading new customer
for first time purchase and existing customers for repurchases. Persuasive advertising attempts to
increase demand for an existing product. Persuasive advertising is a competitive type of
promotion suited to the growth stage and the early part of the maturity stage of the product life
The objective of advertising is to remind customers about existence of product, and ongoing
promotional activities. Reminder advertising strives to reinforce previous promotional activity by
keeping the name of a product before the public. It is common in the latter part of the maturity

Mathews, Buzzell, Levitt and Frank have listed some specific objectives of advertising.

To make an immediate sale.

To build primary demand.

To introduce a price deal.

To build brand recognition or brand insistence.

To help salesman by building an awareness of a product among retailers.

To create a reputation for service, reliability or research strength.

To increase market share.

Functions and Classifications of Advertising

Question - What is advertising? Explain in detail the functions and classifications of advertising.
Meaning of Advertising - Advertising is an activity of attracting public attention to a product or
business, as by paid announcements in the print, broadcast, or electronic media.

Advertising is the promotion of a companys products and services though different mediums to
increase the sales of the product and services. It works by making the customer aware of the
product and by focusing on customers need to buy the product. Globally, advertising has
become an essential part of the corporate world. Therefore, companies allot a huge part of their
revenues to the advertising budget. Advertising also serves to build a brand of the product which
goes a long way to make effective sales.

Functions of Advertising - Following are the basic functions of advertising:

1. To distinguish product from competitors' products
There are so many products of same category in the market and they competes with each other,
advertising performs the function of distinguishing advertiser's product from competitors.
2. To communicate product information
Product related information required to be communicated to the targeted customers, and
advertisement performs this function.
3. To urge product use
Effective advertisement can create the urge within audience for a product.

4. To expand product distribution

When the market demand of a particular product increases, the number of retailer and distributor
involved in sale of that product also increases, hence product distribution get expanded.
5. To increase brand preference
There are various products of different bands are available, the brand which is effectively and
frequently advertised is preferred most.
6. To reduce overall sale cost
Advertising increases the primary demand in the market. When demand is there and the product
is available, automatically the overall cost will decrease, simultaneously the cost of sales like
distribution cost, promotional cost also get decreased.
Classification of Advertising - Advertising can be classified on the basis of Function, Region,
Target Market, Company demand, Desired response, and Media.
A) Classification on the basis of function

Advertisement informs the customers about a product

Advertisement persuades the consumers to buy a product

Advertisement reminds existing customers about the presence of the product in the
Let us discuss some important types of advertising based on the functional aspect of advertising.
Informative advertising: This type of advertising informs the customers about the products,
services, or ideas of the firm or organization.
Persuasive advertising: This type of advertising persuades or motivates the prospective buyers
to take quick actions to buy the products or services of the firm. Example: Buy one, get one
Reminder advertising: This genre of advertising reminds the existing customers to become
medium or heavy users of the products or services of the firm that have been purchased by them
at least once. This type of advertising exercise helps in keeping the brand name and uses of the
products in the minds of the existing customers.
B) Classification on the basis of region
Advertisements can also be classified on the basis of the region, say:
Global advertising: It is executed by a firm in its global market niches. Reputed global
magazines like Time, Far Eastern Economic Review, Span, Fortune, Futurist, Popular Science.

Cable TV channels are also used to advertise the products throughout world. Supermodels and
cinema stars are used to promote high-end products Examples: Sony, Philips, Pepsi, Coca Cola,
National advertising: It is executed by a firm at the national level. It is done to increase the
demand of its products and services throughout the country. Examples: BPL (Believe in the best).
Whirlpool Refrigerator (Fast Forward Ice Simple) etc.
Regional advertising: If the manufacturer confines his advertising to a single region of the
country, its promotional exercise is called Regional Advertising. This can be done by the
manufacturer, wholesaler, or retailer of the firm. Examples: Advertisements of regional
newspapers covering those states or districts where these newspapers are circulated. Eg. The
Assam Tribune (only for the NE region) etc.
Local advertising: When advertising is done only for one area or city, it is called Local
Advertising. Some professionals also call it Retail Advertising. It is sometime done by the
retailer to persuade the customer to come to his store regularly and not for any particular brand.
Examples: Advertisements of Ooo la la, Gupshup (Local FM channels) etc.
C) Classification on the basis of target market
Depending upon the types of people who would receive the messages of advertisements, we can
classify advertising into four subcategories:
Consumer product advertising: This is done to impress the ultimate consumer. An ultimate
consumer is a person who buys the product or service for his personal use. This type of
advertising is done by the manufacturer or dealer of the product or service. Examples:
Advertisements of Intel, Kuttons (shirt), Lakme (cosmetics) etc.
Industrial product advertising: This is also called Business-to-Business Advertising. This is
done by the industrial manufacturer or his distributor and is so designed that it increases the
demand of industrial product or services manufactured by the manufacturer. It is directed
towards the industrial customer.
Trade advertising: This is done by the manufacturer to persuade wholesalers and retailers to sell
his goods. Different media are chosen by each manufacturer according to his product type, nature
of distribution channel, and resources at his command. Hence, it is designed for those
wholesalers and retailers who can promote and sell the product.
Professional advertising: This is executed by manufacturers and distributors to influence the
professionals of a particular trade or business stream. These professionals recommend or
prescribe the products of these manufacturers to the ultimate buyer. Manufacturers of these

products try to reach these professionals under well-prepared programmes. Doctors, engineers,
teachers, purchase professionals, civil contractors architects are the prime targets of such
Financial advertising: Banks, financial institutions, and corporate firms issue advertisements to
collect funds from markets. They publish prospectuses and application forms and place them at
those points where the prospective investors can easily spot them.
D) Classification on the basis of desired responses
An ad can either elicit an immediate response from the target customer, or create a favourable
image in the mind of that customer. The objectives, in both cases, are different. Thus, we have
two types of advertising under this classification.
Direct action advertising: This is done to get immediate responses from customers. Examples:
Season's sale, purchase coupons in a magazine.
Indirect action advertising: This type of advertising exercise is carried out to make a positive
effect on the mind of the reader or viewer. After getting the advertisement he does not rush to
buy the product but he develops a favourable image of the brand in his mind.
Surrogate advertising: This is a new category of advertising. In this type of promotional effort,
the marketer promotes a different product. For example: the promotion of Bagpiper soda. The
firm is promoting Bagpiper Whisky, but intentionally shows soda. They know that the audience
is quite well aware about the product and they know this fact when the actor states, "Khoob
Jamega Rang Jab Mil Baithenge Teen Yaar ... Aap ... Main, Aur Bagpiper").
E) Classification on the basis of the media used in advertisement
The broad classification based on media is as follows:
Audio advertising: It is done through radio, P A systems, auto-rickshaw promotions, and fourwheeler promotions etc.
Visual advertising: It is done through PoP displays, without text catalogues, leaflets, cloth
banners, brochures, electronic hoardings, simple hoardings, running hoardings etc.
Audio-visual: It is done through cinema slides, movies, video clips, TV advertisements, cable
TV advertisements etc.
Written advertising: It is done through letters, fax messages, leaflets with text, brochures,
articles and documents, space marketing features in newspapers etc.

Internet advertising: The world-wide web is used extensively to promote products and services
of all genres. For example, Bharat Matrimony, www.teleshop.com, www.asianskyshop.com etc.
Verbal advertising: Verbal tools are used to advertise thoughts, products, and services during
conferences, seminars, and group discussion sessions. Kinesics also plays an important role in
this context.

Marketing Environment
Question - What do you mean by marketing and marketing environment?
In today's world of marketing, everywhere you go you are being marketed to in one form or
another. Marketing is with you each second of your walking life. From morning to night, you are
exposed to thousands of marketing messages every day. Marketing is something that affects you
even though you may not necessarily be conscious of it.
Definition of Marketing
According to American Marketing Association (2004) - "Marketing is an organizational
function and set of processes for creating, communicating and delivering value to customers and
for managing relationships in a way that benefits both the organization and the stakeholder."
According to Kotler (2000) - "A societal process by which individuals and groups obtain what
they need and want through creating, offering, and freely exchanging products and services of
value with others."
Marketing Environment
The term Marketing Environment refers to the forces and factors that affects the organization
ability to build and maintain good relationship with its customers. Marketing environment
surrounds the organization and it impacts upon the organization. Marketers have to interact with
internal and external people at micro and macro level and builds internal and external
relationships. The key elements of marketing environment are as follows:
Internal Environment,
Micro Environment, and
Macro Environment.
Internal Environment
Internal factors like men, machine, money, material, etc., on which marketing decision depends
consists internal marketing environment. The internal environment refers to the forces that are

within the organization and affects its ability to serve its customers. It includes marketing
managers, sales representatives, marketing budget, marketing plans, procedures, inventory,
logistics, and anything within organization which affects marketing decisions, and its
relationship with its customers.
Micro Environment
Individuals and organizations that are close to the marketing organization and directly impacts its
ability to serve its customers, makes Marketing Micro Environment. The micro environment
refers to the forces that are close to the marketing organization and directly impact the customer
experience. It includes the organization itself, its suppliers, marketing intermediaries, customers,
markets or segments, competitors, and publics. Happenings in micro environment is relatively
controllable for the marketing organization.
Macro Environment
Macro environment refers to all forces that are part of the larger society and affects the micro
environment. It includes demography, economy, politics, culture, technology, and natural forces.
Macro environment is less controllable.

Advertising Agency and its Functions

Question - What is Advertising Agency? Describe functions of advertising agency.
Definition of Advertising Agency
According to American marketing Association, "An Advertising agency is an independent
business organization composed of creative and business people who develop, prepare and place
advertising in advertising media for sellers seeking to find customers for their goods and
Advertising Agency is an independent business organization specialized in advertising related
work which undertakes the work of planning, preparing, and executing advertising campaign for
its clients. Advertising Agency is a body of experts specialized in advertising. Advertising
Agency performs following activities for its clients:
Planning: Advertising agency studies the product or services of clients to identify the
inherent qualities in relation to competitor's product or services, analyses competition and
marketing environment to formulate advertising plan.
Preparing: After the study of product, competition, and marketing environment the
experts of agency has to write, design, and produce the advertisement, it is also called
formulation of ad-copy.


Executing: Now, media is selected for time or space, ad is delivered to media, checked,
verified, and released in media. After ad release payment is done to media and client is billed
for the services provided.
Functions of Advertising Agency
Advertising agency performs following functions:
Contacting Clients: Advertising agency first of all identify and contact firms which are
desirous of advertising their product or services. Ad-agency selects those firms which
are financially sound, makes quality products or services, and have efficient management.

Planning Advertisement: Advertising agency's next function is to plan ad for its client.
For ad planning following tasks are required to be performed by ad-agency:
Study of clients product to identify its inherent qualities in relation to
competitors product.
Analysis of present and potential market for the product.
Study of trade and economic conditions in the market.
Study of seasonal demand of the product
Study of competition, and competitors spending on advertising.
Knowledge of channels of distribution, their sales, operations, etc.
Finally, formulation of advertising plan

Creative Function: Creative people like - the copywriters, artists, art-directors,

graphic-specialists have to perform the creative function which is most important part of all
advertising function.

Developing Ad-Copy: Ad-agency with the help of their writers, artists, designers,
animators, graphic-designers, and film-directors prepares and develops Ad-copy.

Approval of Client: Ad-copy is shown to the client for his approval

Media Selection and scheduling: It is very important function of ad-agency to

select appropriate media for its clients. Ad-agency has to consider various factors like- media
cost, media coverage, ad-budget, nature of product, client's needs, targeted customer, and etc
while selecting media.

Ad-Execution: After approval, verification, and required changes, the ad-copy is

handed to the media for ad-execution.

Evaluation Function: After execution, it is the responsibility of ad-agency to

evaluate the effectiveness of ad to know how beneficial the ad is for its client.

Marketing Function: The advertising agency also performs various marketing

function like- selecting target audience, designing products, designing packages, determining
prices, study of channel of distribution, market research, sales promotion, publicity, etc.

Research Function: Ad-agency performs various research functions likeresearch of different media, media cost, media reach, circulation, entry of new media,
information regarding ratings, and TRP's of TV programs, serials.

Accounting Function: Accounting function of ad-agency includes checking bills,

making payments, cash discounts allowed by media, collection of dues from clients, payment
to staff, payment to outside professionals like- writers, producers, models, etc.
After the above explanation, we can conclude that ad-agency has to perform all the advertising
functions for their clients.

Types of modern Advertising Agency

Question - Explain advertising agency, and what are the different types of advertising agencies?
According to American marketing Association, "An Advertising agency is an independent
business organization composed of creative and business people who develop, prepare and place
advertising in advertising media for sellers seeking to find customers for their goods and
Advertising Agency is an independent business organization specialized in advertising related
work which undertakes the work of planning, preparing, and executing advertising campaign for
its clients. Advertising Agency is a body of experts specialized in advertising.
Types of Advertising Agency - Following are the different types of advertising agencies:
Full Service Agency
In house Agency
A Creative boutique
Media Buying Service
La Carte Agency
Special Service Agency
Sweet Shops
Full Service Agency - Such Advertising Agencies offers its clients a full range of marketing,
communication, and promotion services including research, planning, creating, producing the ad,

and selecting media. Full service agency also offers other services like- strategic market
planning, sales promotion, direct marketing, package design, public relation, and publicity.
In House Agency - In house Agency is the advertising department of the firm which is
responsible for planning and preparation of advertising materials. Big organizations like- Gap,
Calvin Klein, Revlon, and etc. can manage in house advertising department and can take the
advantage of proper coordination and greater control in all phase of advertising and promotion
Creative Boutique - Creative boutiques are known for their creative concept development, and
artistic services to their clients. Any advertiser wants to infuse greater creativity into the message
theme or individual advertisement can approach a creative boutique. Such agency provides only
creative services.
Media Buying Services - They are independent companies specialized in media buying. Media
Buying service agencies particularly deals in buying radio time and television time.
La Carte Agency - Some advertisers prefer to order a la carte rather than using all the services
of an agency. A la carte can be purchased from a full-service agency or from an individual firm
deals in creative work, media, production, and or research.
Special service agency - Some agencies focuses on some selected areas, and gains specialization
or expertise in those areas, such agencies collectively are called special service groups.
Sweet shops - Such agencies are small agencies operates only in one city. Small clients who
want advertisement in local media like- local cable, banners, posters, pamphlets
etc., approaches such agencies.

Selection of Advertising Agency

Question - What are the different aspects an advertiser should consider while selecting an
advertising agency?
The Advertiser looks for an advertising agency whose services and expertise meets his
requirements. Following factors should be considered while selecting an advertising agency:Services offered by Ad-agency - There are different agencies provides different services, some
provides all the services, some provide selected services, some provides only media services. It
depends on the requirement of advertiser whether he need a fulls service agency, creative
boutique, media buying service agency, or a sweet shop.

Experience of Agency - An experienced agency performs better then a new agency because it is
familiar with different components of marketing environment like- competitors' policies, taste of
consumer, income of consumer, consumer responses, fashions and trends, reputation of different
media etc.
Location - A major factor to be considered while selecting ad-agency is location of office of
agency. A considerable amount of communication is required at different level of ad planning,
creation and execution. So, a local or nearby ad-agency should be preferred which is easily
Size of Agency - There are both large size agencies and small size agencies, both have their own
advantages and disadvantages. Large agencies serve big clients, provides wide variety of
services, and charges higher but, cannot give personal attention because of having large number
of clients, also cannot give much attention to small clients because of having large number of big
Competitors' Agency - Agency which is working for competitors must be avoided otherwise
agency will not prepare ads which help the advertiser to take an edge over competition.
Image of Agency - While selecting ad-agency the advertiser should enquire the image, integrity,
ethical standards, and relations of agency with its clients.
Creativity and other skills - Ad-agency must be creative enough to generate new ideas to gain the
attention of target audience.
Rates Charged by Agency - The rates of agency must suit the pocket of client. Advertiser
should select agency whose rates are reasonable and within the ad-budget.
Financial Strength of Agency - A financially strong ad-agency have better turnover and better
contacts with media owner, and afford better infrastructure, well-equipped-ad labs, and quality
Past Records of Agency - It is necessary to know who were the past clients of agency, how long
were they with agency, why they left the agency, brand image of products of clients, etc.

Advertising as Mass Communication and Communication Mix

Question - Elaborate the statement "Advertising is a form of mass communication", and describe
the elements of marketing communication mix.

Advertising is a form of mass communication
Yes, it is true to say that advertising is a form of mass communication. Advertising is a process
of transmission of information by the manufacturer or a seller of a product or service to modify
or stimulate the behavior of the buyer to buy a particular product. Advertising can be in any form
of presentation such as sign, symbol or illustration in print media, a commercial on radio or
television, poster etc. Thus, advertising is the communication link between the seller and the
Advertising is a paid form of a non-personal message communicated through the various media
by industry, business firms, nonprofit organizations, or individuals. Advertising is persuasive and
informational and is designed to influence the purchasing behavior and/or thought patterns of the
One of the basic ingredients of today's popular culture is consumption and it is the advertising
industry that makes mass consumption possible. Advertising is an important element of our
culture because it reflects and attempts to change our life styles.
The advertising message has to reach a billion people, speaking different languages, practicing
many religions. Advertisers can reach their audiences through television, radio, cinema, print
medium, outdoor advertising, sales promotion and the Internet. Hence, advertising is a form of
mass communication.

Marketing Communication Mix

The marketing communication mix is the specific mix of advertising, personal selling, sales
promotion, public relation, and direct marketing a company uses to pursue its advertising and
marketing objectives. Elements of the mix are blended in different quantities in a campaign.

Elements of communication mix

Marketing communications has a mix. Elements of the mix are blended in different quantities in
a campaign. Following are the elements of marketing communication mix:
Advertising - Advertising is any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion
of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor.

Personal selling - Personal presentation by the firm's sales force for the purpose of
making sales and building customer relationship.


Sales promotion - Short term incentives to encourage sales or purchases of a product or



Public relation - Building good relationship with the company's various publics by
obtaining favorable publicity,
handling unfavorable rumors, stories, and events.


Direct marketing - Direct communication with carefully targeted individual consumers

to obtain immediate response and cultivate lasting relationship.


Sponsorship - Sponsorship is about providing money to an event, in-turn the product or

company is acknowledged for doing so.


E-marketing - Online marketing is also gaining importance these days.

Building Advertising Program

Question - What is advertising creation stage in building of advertising program?
Ad-creation stage consists of three stages:
Idea Generation
1. Idea generation stage
Orientation: First of all, in the process of idea generation it is necessary to identify the
purpose or objective of communication then only a proper creative idea can be decided.
Preparation: Relevant and sufficient information is required to be gathered.
Analysis: Once the information is collected is required to be properly organized under
different heads like- technical information, consumer behavior information, competitors'
information etc.
Ideation: Ideation is the generation of actual ideas by trying different combinations of
facts and information available.
Incubation: Once ideas are generated, they are kept aside to incubate, i.e., to let
the subconscious mind work on them for some time.
Synthesis: When the team arrives at this step, it is equipped with a number of ideas. In
this stage, the emphasis is on combining these ideas and evolving something substantial from
Evaluation: The various ideas generated in the previous steps are evaluated here.
The criteria used for evaluation are described here. The idea should be:
i) Relevant to the communication objectives.

ii) Original and capable of catching the attention of the viewer.

iii) Flexible so that they can be modified or extended to other advertisements in the future.
2. Copy Writing
The word 'Copy' has a specific meaning in the world of advertising. Advertisement Copy is the
soul of advertisement. An Advertisement Copy is the written and spoken matter expressed in
words, sentences, and figures designed to convey the desired message to the target audience. In
print media, the elements of an ad-copy are head line, sub-headlines, illustrations, slogans, and
brand name.
Approaches to Copy Writing
A copy-writer has to answer the following questions to prepare an effective advertising copy:

What am I advertising?

To whom am I advertising?

How can I convey best the advertising message to my readers?

Where and how the product is being sold?

When the product is purchased and used?

What legal implications are involved?

3. Layout
A layout is a miniature sketch of the proposed advertisement. A rough layout is first prepared
in which the headline and subheads are lettered in artwork and photographs are drawn or
provided, and the position various elements of ad-copy is indicated. The rough layout is tested
and modified to prepare the final layout. The final layout is appended with many explanations
and mechanical designs to give a comprehensive view. It refers to specifications for estimating
costs, guidance for engravers and blueprints for advertisers.
Layout means two things; in one sense, it means the total appearance of the advertisement
its design and the composition of its elements; in another sense, it means physical rendering of
the design for the advertisement its blueprint for production purposes.
Functions of the Layout

It Organizes all the Elements

It Brings Together Copy Writer and Art Director

It Enables the Advertiser to Visualize his Future Advertisement.

It Acts as a Guide to the Copy Specialists.

Copy Testing
Copy testing is a means of measuring the communication value of advertising. As a
diagnostic tool rather than an evaluative tool, copy testing can be instrumental to the creative
development process. There are two key objectives in a copy testing framework. One objective is

to determine whether the advertising can cut through the clutter and make people stop and notice
the ad. The second is to assess whether the ad communicates the intended message.

Advertising Appeals
Question - What is Advertising Appeal? Describe different types of advertising appeal.
Advertising Appeal is an igniting force which stimulates the customer mindset towards the
product or services. It not the only factor in the marketing mix which initiates a consumer for
buying the product but it is certainly one of the advertisers' most important creative strategy
decisions involves the choice of an appropriate appeal.
Advertising appeals are designed in a way so as to create a positive image of the individuals who
use certain products. Advertising agencies and companies use different types of advertising
appeals to influence the purchasing decisions of people. There are three types of appeals:
Rational or Informational Appeal
Emotional Appeal
Moral Appeal
Rational or Informational Appeals
This is generally product oriented appeal, highlights the functional benefits like- quality,
economy, value, or performance of a product. Following are different types of rational appeals:

Feature Appeal - Advertisements based on such appeal are highly informative, provides
information of product attributes or features that can be used as the basis for rational
purchase decision. Technical and high involvement product often uses this appeal.

Competitive Advantage Appeal - Such appeal is used to compare the product with the
competitor's product directly or indirectly and advertiser try to present his product superior
then competitor's product on one or more attributes.

Favorable Price Appeal - Here price offer is considered as the dominant point of the

News Appeal - Some type of news or announcements about product or company

dominates the advertisement.

Product Popularity Appeal - Product popularity is considered as the dominant point of

advertisement by highlighting the increasing number of users of brand or the number who
have switched to it.

High Quality - Some products are preferred for their quality not merely because of their
taste or style, such products are advertised by highlighting the quality attribute in

Low price - Many people prefer low priced goods. To target such audience products are
advertised by highlighting the low-price tag of the product.

Long Life - Many consumers want product of durable nature that can be used for a long
period, in advertisement of such product durability is the dominant point of the message.
Performance - Many advertisements exhibit good performance of product.
Economy - Many customers consider savings in operation and use of product, for
example in case of automobile the mileage is considered while selecting the brand or model.
Scarcity - Another appeal that is occasionally used is scarcity. When there is a limited
supply of a product, the value of that product increases. Scarcity appeals urge consumers to
buy a particular product because of a limitation.
Other Rational Appeals - Other rational appeals include purity, more profits, time
saving, multifunction, more production, regular supply and availability of parts, limited
space required, artistic form, etc. that can make advertising effective.

Emotional Appeals
An emotional appeal is related to an individuals psychological and social needs for purchasing
certain products and services. Emotions affects all type of purchase decisions. Types of
emotional appeals are as follows:

Positive Emotional Appeal - Positive emotions like- humor, love, care, pride, or joy are
shown in advertisements to appeal audience to buy that product. For example- Jonson and
Jonson baby products.

Negative Emotional Appeal - This includes fear, guilt, and shame to get people to do
things they should or stop.

Fear - Fear is an emotional response to a threat that expresses some sort of danger. Ads
sometimes use fear appeals to evoke this emotional response and arouse consumers to take
steps to remove the threat. For example- Life Insurance

Anxiety - Most people try to avoid feeling anxious. To relieve anxiety, consumers might
buy mouthwash, deodorant, a safer car, get retirement pension plan.

Humor - Humor causes consumer to watch advertisement, laugh on it, and most
important is to remember advertisement and also the product connected with humour. For
example- Happy dent, and Mentos.
Moral Appeals
Moral appeals are directed to the consumes sense of what is right and proper. These are often
used to exhort people to support social and ethical causes. Types of Moral Appeal are as follows:

Social awakening and justice

Cleaner and safe environment

Equal rights for women

Prohibition of drugs and intoxication

Adult literacy

Anti-smuggling and hoarding

Protection of consumer rights and awakening

Other Type of Appeals

Reminder Appeal - Advertising using reminder appeal has the objective of building
brand awareness. For example- IPO

Teaser Advertising - Advertisers introducing a new product often use this appeal. It is
designed to build curiosity, interest and excitement about a product or brand. For examplePonds ad of Saif & Priyanka

Musical Appeals - Music is an extremely important component in advertising. It captures

the attention of listeners. For example- Docomo, Airtel

Transformational Appeal - The idea behind this appeal is that it can actually make the
consumption experience better. For example- Ambay products

Comparison Appeal - In this appeal a brands ability to satisfy consumers is

demonstrated by comparing its features to those of competitive brands. For example- Tide &

Direct Appeals - Direct appeals clearly communicate with the consumers about a given
need. These extol the advertised brand as a product which satisfies that need.

Indirect Appeals - Indirect appeals do not emphasise a human need, but allude to a need.

AIDA Concept
Question - Discuss the AIDA Concept? How it is related to promotional mix?
AIDA Model is a selling concept presented by Elmo Lewis to explain how personal selling
works. AIDA Model outlines the processes for achieving promotional goals in terms of stages of
consumer involvement with the message. The Stages are Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action.
In this media filled world, advertisers need to be quick and direct to grab audience attention. Ads
are required to be eye catchy which can make audience stop and read or watch what advertiser
have to say next. Powerful words and pictures are used in ads to make them attractive.
After getting attention of a chunk of the targeted audience, it is required to keep them engaged
with the ad to make them understand the message in more detail. Gaining the reader's or
audience interest is more difficult process than grabbing their attention. To gain audience interest
the advertisers must stay focused on audience needs.

The Interest and Desire parts of AIDA goes hand-in-hand. As advertiser builds the audience
interest, he also need to help them understand how what he is offering can help them in a real
way. The way of doing this is by appealing to their personal needs and wants.
A good way of building the reader's desire for advertiser offering is to link features and benefits.
Hopefully, the significant features of the offering have been designed to give a specific benefit to
members of the target market.
Finally, advertiser need to be very clear about what action he want the audience to take- trial,
purchase, repurchase, or other.

AIDA and the Promotional Mix

Personal Selling








Not Effective
Not Effective

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