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Functionalization of Graphene: Covalent and Non-Covalent Approaches, Derivatives and Applications

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Functionalization of Graphene: Covalent and Non-Covalent

Approaches, Derivatives and Applications
Vasilios Georgakilas, Michal Otyepka, Athanasios B. Bourlinos, Vimlesh Chandra, Namdong Kim,
K. Christian Kemp, Pavel Hobza,,, Radek Zboril,*, and Kwang S. Kim*,

Institute of Materials Science, NCSR Demokritos, Ag. Paraskevi Attikis, 15310 Athens, Greece
Regional Centre of Advanced Technologies and Materials, Department of Physical Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Palacky University
Olomouc, 17. listopadu 12, 771 46 Olomouc, Czech Republic

Center for Superfunctional Materials, Department of Chemistry, Pohang University of Science and Technology, San 31, Hyojadong,
Namgu, Pohang 790-784, Korea

Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v.v.i., Flemingovo nam. 2, 166 10
Prague 6, Czech Republic

4. Functionalization with Nanoparticles

4.1. Deposition of Precious Metal Nanoparticles
4.2. Deposition of Metal Oxide Nanoparticles
4.3. Deposition of Quantum Dots
4.4. Deposition of Other Nanoparticles
5. Substitutional Doping
6. Application of Functionalized Graphene
6.1. Devices of Doped Graphene
6.2. Multilayered Graphene Intercalates and
6.3. Electronic/Spintronic Devices Including Ultrafast DNA Sequencing
6.4. Green Chemistry
6.5. Bio-imaging
7. Summary and Outlook
Author Information
Corresponding Author

1. Introduction
2. Functionalization by Covalent Bonding
2.1. Covalent Attachment of Organic Functionalities to Pristine Graphene
2.1.1. Addition of Free Radicals to sp2 Carbon
Atoms of Graphene
2.1.2. Addition of Dienophiles to Carbon
Carbon Bonds
2.2. Covalent Attachment of Functionalities to
Graphene Oxides
2.2.1. Addition of Chromophores
2.2.2. Covalent Linkage to Polymers
2.2.3. Addition of Other Organic Molecules
2.2.4. Starting from Partially Reduced Graphene Oxide
2.3. Covalent Attachments of Hydrogen and
Halogens toward Graphene Derivatives
2.3.1. Graphane
2.3.2. Fluorographene (Graphene Fluoride)
3. Noncovalent Functionalization of Graphenes
3.1. GrapheneLigand Noncovalent Interactions:
3.1.1. Nonpolar Gas Interaction
3.1.2. H Interaction
3.1.3. Interaction
3.1.4. Cation Interaction
3.1.5. cation Interaction
3.1.6. Anion Interaction
3.1.7. GrapheneLigand Noncovalent Interaction
3.2. GrapheneLigand Noncovalent Interactions:
2012 American Chemical Society



Graphene, the two-dimensional sp2-hybridized carbon, is
currently, without any doubt, the most intensively studied
material. This single-atom-thick sheet of carbon atoms arrayed in
a honeycomb pattern is the worlds thinnest, strongest, and
stiest material, as well as being an excellent conductor of both
heat and electricity. It is no wonder that this two-dimensional
material is considered, from the application viewpoint, to be even
more promising than other nanostructured carbon allotropes,
that is, 1-dimensional nanotubes and 0-dimensional fullerenes.
Since the rst experimental evidence of the electronic
properties of graphene in 2004,1 a major focus of experimental
research has been concentrated on the development of new
synthetic routes enabling an eective production of well-dened
sheets.218 The commonly applied methods include the
micromechanical1 or chemical exfoliation of graphite,13 chemical


Received: January 31, 2012

Published: September 25, 2012


dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr3000412 | Chem. Rev. 2012, 112, 61566214

Chemical Reviews


vapor deposition (CVD) growth,612 and chemical, electrochemical, thermal, or photocatalytic reduction of graphene oxide
(GO; in this review, GO represents graphene oxide, whereas
graphite oxide is written in full) and uorographene.1518 The
specic approaches involve, for example, reduction of other
graphene derivatives like graphene uoride toward single
graphene nanoplatelets.
The developed methods of graphene preparation allowed
observation of unique properties including a half-integer
quantum Hall eect for both electrons and holes even at room
temperature,1922 extraordinarily high carrier mobility, and
single-molecule detection.23 Graphene also exhibits other
superior characteristics of electronic, mechanical, optical, and
transport nature. These include ambipolar eld eect,22
superlative mechanical strength,24 large specic surface area,25
high transparency,9,26 and high thermal conductivity.27
Thanks to these extraordinary and superior properties,
graphene has already revealed a great number of potential
applications with possible uses in touch screens, capacitors,
spintronic devices, fuel cells, batteries, sensors, transparent
conductive lms, high-frequency circuits, toxic material removal,
and exible electronics.9,2832 Once biofunctionalized with
biomolecules (proteins, peptides, etc.), the graphene-based
nanostructures may open a gateway to new elds in
biotechnology.33 Recently, graphene has been found to be a
promising component in the development of uorescence
resonance energy transfer (FRET) biosensors due to its
quenching capability toward various organic dyes and quantum
dots,3436 as well as fast DNA sequencing.37
Despite the great application potential, it is worth mentioning
that graphene itself possesses zero band gap as well as inertness
to reaction, which weakens the competitive strength of graphene
in the eld of semiconductors and sensors. This is one of the
reasons for the huge increase in the number of research projects
aimed at functionalization of graphene including reactions of
graphene (and its derivatives) with organic and inorganic
molecules, chemical modication of the large graphene surface,
and the general description of various covalent and noncovalent
interactions with graphene.3845 Band gap opening of graphene
by doping, intercalation, and striping would be useful for
functional nanoelectronic devices.46,47
This comprehensive review represents the rst complex work
covering all modes and methods of graphene functionalization
including their classication. The complementary discussion of
both experimental and theoretical aspects of graphene
functionalization and interaction is presented. The functionalization modes related to chemistry of graphene derivatives (GO,
graphane, uorographene) represent a signicant part of the
review, which thus considerably exceeds the chemistry of pristine
As a result we comprehensively discuss both covalent
functionalization based on binding of organic functionalities
like free radicals and dienophiles on pristine graphene (section
2.1) and attachment through the chemistry of oxygen groups of
GO, that is, methods starting from GO (section 2.2). The
covalent attachment of hydrogen and halogens and, generally,
the chemistry of graphane and uorographene is described in
section 2.3. Section 3 reports noncovalent functionalization and
interactions, which do not disrupt the extended -conjugation on
the graphene surface, unlike covalent functionalization. A
signicant part of this section is devoted to the theory of
grapheneligand noncovalent interactions, while various interaction modes ( interactions) are analyzed from both theoretical

and experimental viewpoints. In section 4, we discuss the

methods of deposition of various nanostructures on graphene
including a great variety of nanoparticles like noble metals, metal
oxides, quantum dots, polymers, and others. The superior
properties and applicability of these graphenenanoparticle
composites are extensively analyzed. The specic methods of
graphene doping to control the type and concentration of
charged carriers are summarized in section 5. A recent number of
reviews have dealt with graphene application in biosensors,
energy storage and production, and photocatalysis.4851 As such
section 6 addresses selected applications of functionalized
graphene, including doped graphene electronic devices,
magnetic bilayer intercalates, electronic/spintronic devices and
DNA sequencing devices, green chemistry, and bio-imaging.


2.1. Covalent Attachment of Organic Functionalities to
Pristine Graphene

Several chemical procedures have been developed to aord

dispersible graphene; in principle they are based on the
exfoliation of graphite, chemical or thermal reduction of GO,
intercalative expansion of graphite, chemical vapor deposition,
and epitaxial growth.4,5261 Pristine graphene has been isolated
by sonication of graphite in organic solvents.5 Similarly, Tour and
co-workers described isolation of graphene monolayers with
graphite dispersed in ortho-dichlorobenzene (o-DCB).62 Bourlinos et al.63 achieved dispersion of graphite in a variety of organic
solvents, including peruorinated aromatic molecules, pyridine,
and chloroacetate, in noticeable yield using a combination of
extended bath sonication and careful centrifugation. The
dispersible material includes mainly monolayer and few-layer
graphenes, as well as ultrathin layered graphitic sheets, which
have limited defects. This means that the extended aromatic
system of the graphene monolayer is not disrupted and thus the
electrical conductivity of graphene is almost unaected. The
dispersion of graphene in organic solvents helps in functionalization of graphene by several functional groups. Pristine graphene
nanoribbons have also been produced by chemical unzipping of
carbon nanotubes.44,64
The functionalization of pristine graphene sheets with organic
functional groups has been developed for several purposes. The
main purpose is the dispersibility of graphene in common
organic solvents that is usually obtained after attachment of
certain organic groups. The dispersion of graphene sheets in
organic solvents is a crucial move toward the formation of
nanocomposite materials with graphene. In addition, organic
functional groups such as chromophores oer new properties
that could be combined with the properties of graphene such as
conductivity. In most cases when organic molecules are
covalently attached on the graphene surface, its extended
aromatic character is perturbed, enabling the control of its
electronic properties. The development of a band gap through
chemical doping is a powerful method for the use of graphene in
nanoelectronic devices.65
The organic covalent functionalization reactions of graphene
include two general routes: (a) the formation of covalent bonds
between free radicals or dienophiles and CC bonds of pristine
graphene and (b) the formation of covalent bonds between
organic functional groups and the oxygen groups of GO.
Based on the previous experimental and theoretical experience
with fullerene and carbon nanotubes, the most attractive organic
species for the reaction with sp2 carbons of graphene are organic

dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr3000412 | Chem. Rev. 2012, 112, 61566214

Chemical Reviews


workers65 showed that the covalent attachment of nitrophenyls

to graphene sheets results in the introduction of a band gap,
which can be controlled, making the functionalized graphenes
potentially useful as semiconducting nanomaterials.
The strong covalent binding of the nitrobenzyl group on
graphene was detected by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
(XPS) (Figure 2, right). The N1s XPS spectrum of the
functionalized graphenes exhibits two peaks at 406 and 400 eV
that correspond to the nitrogen of NO2 and the partially reduced
nitrogen of the product, respectively. The reactions with
diazonium salts have been applied to the functionalization of
chemically or thermally converted graphenes, single graphene
sheets obtained by micromechanical cleavage from bulk graphite,
and epitaxial graphenes.64,6670
Hydroxylated aryl groups grafted covalently on graphene by
the diazonium addition reaction act as initiators for the
polymerization of styrene via the atomic transfer radical
polymerization (ATRP) method (Figure 3). As a consequence
the polymeric chains are covalently grafted on the graphene
The ratio between carbon atoms with sp2 and sp3 hybridization
in the graphitic lattice is an indication of the degree of oxidation
or a covalent functionalization reaction. This ratio is estimated
using Raman spectroscopy as the ID/IG ratio, where ID and IG are
the intensities of the peaks at 1350 and 1580 cm1, which
correspond to the number of sp3 and sp2 C atoms, respectively.
Graphene is dened as a pristine two-dimensional sp2 hybridized
carbon sheet; as such the coexistence of sp3 carbons in the lattice
are inherently classied as defects, where these defects can be on
the basal edges or inside defects in the plane. For the
modication described in Figure 3, the ID/IG ratio increased
from 1.7 to 2 after functionalization by diazonium addition.
An alternative free radical addition method includes the
reaction of benzoyl peroxide with graphene sheets.72 Graphene
isolated mechanically from Kish graphite was deposited on a
silicon substrate and immersed in a benzoyl peroxide/toluene
solution. The reaction was initiated photochemically, by focusing
an Ar-ion laser beam onto the graphene sheets in the solution.
The attachment of the phenyl groups was directly indicated by
the appearance of a strong D band at 1343 cm1. The appearance
of this D band is due to the formation of sp3 carbon atoms in the

free radicals and dienophiles. Usually both are intermediate

reactive components that are produced under certain conditions
in the presence of graphene.
2.1.1. Addition of Free Radicals to sp2 Carbon Atoms of
Graphene. Upon heating of a diazonium salt, a highly reactive
free radical is produced, which attacks the sp2 carbon atoms of
graphene forming a covalent bond. This reaction has been used
by Tour and co-workers to decorate graphene with nitrophenyls.44,64 The graphene sheets in this work were produced
through the chemical unzipping of carbon nanotubes. A
measurement of the conductivity of a graphene sheet through
a simple device (Figure 1) during chemical functionalization with

Figure 1. Chemical doping of graphene with 4-nitrophenyl groups: (a)

schematic representation; (b) SEM image of a graphene nanoplatelet
between Pt electrodes; (c) AFM image of a fragment of a monolayer
graphene. Reprinted with permission from ref 64. Copyright 2010
American Chemical Society.

diazonium salts results in a remarkable decrease in conductivity

due to disruption of the aromatic system by transformation of
carbon atoms from sp2 to sp3 hybridization. The conductivity of
the graphene sheets was shown to decrease in a controlled
manner, showing that conductivity can be controlled by reaction
time (Figure 2, left). In a similar approach, Niyogi and co-

Figure 2. Time dependence of current I: (left) Scheme of the experiment shows the device consisted of two parallel resistances derived from the
graphene and the solution, and (right) N1s and C1s XPS spectra of GNRs before and after the functionalization (f-GNRs). Reprinted with permission
from ref 64. Copyright 2010 American Chemical Society.

dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr3000412 | Chem. Rev. 2012, 112, 61566214

Chemical Reviews


Figure 3. The attachment of aryl groups on graphene nanoplatelets and the formation of polystyrene chains grafted on graphene nanoplatelets.
Reprinted with permission from ref 71. Copyright 2009 Royal Society of Chemistry.

an electron transfer from photoexcited graphene to the

physisorbed benzoyl peroxide. The short-lived benzoyl peroxide
radical anion is then decomposed to produce the phenyl radicals,
which react with the sp2 graphene carbon atoms.
2.1.2. Addition of Dienophiles to CarbonCarbon
Bonds. Apart from free radicals, dienophiles also react with
sp2 carbons of graphene. Azomethine ylide, which reacts through
a 1,3 dipolar cycloaddition, is one of the most common
dienophiles that have been successfully applied in the
functionalization of carbon nanostructures: fullerenes, nanotubes, onions, and nanohorns. This type of reaction aords a
variety of organic derivatives, which display interesting
applications in several areas; these include polymer composites,
biotechnology, nanoelectronic devices, drug delivery, and solar
cells.7378 After the successful production of graphene sheets
directly from graphite dispersed in organic solvents, 63
Georgakilas et al.79 showed that these graphene sheets could
be substituted with pyrrolidine rings via a 1,3 dipolar cycloaddition of azomethine ylide.
The graphene sheets were decorated with dihydroxyl phenyl
groups by pyrrolidine rings that were formed perpendicular to
the graphene surface by addition of azomethine ylide precursors
(Figure 5.)79 The azomethine ylide was formed by the
condensation of 3,4-dihydroxybenzaldeyde and sarcosin. The
hydroxyl groups introduced onto a graphene sheet increase its
dispersibility in polar solvents such as ethanol and N,Ndimethyformamide (DMF). The remarkable increase in the
ID/IG ratio and peak broadening after the reaction indicates that
the functionalization brings about an impressive increase in the
sp3 planar carbon atoms.
The TEM and AFM images reveal the presence of large
graphene sheets and few-layer graphitic nanosheets with sizes
ranging between 500 nm and 1 mm (Figure 6). Figure 6, bottom,
shows an AFM image of a characteristic graphene sheet with a
thickness of 1.5 nm, generally the thickness of unmodied

basal plane of graphene by covalent attachment of phenyl groups

(Figure 4). The above reaction was also carried out on a

Figure 4. Schematic representation of the radical addition reaction: (a)

the appearance of D band in the Raman spectrum of a single layer
graphene after the photochemical reaction and (b) optical image of a
functionalized single-layer graphene. The arrows indicate holes resulting
from prolonged laser exposure. Reprinted with permission from ref 72.
Copyright 2009 American Chemical Society.

graphene sheet placed in a eld eect transistor (FET) device. In

this case, apart from the signicant decrease in conductivity due
to the increase of sp3 carbon atoms after the covalent addition of
phenyl groups, an increase in the level of hole doping was also
observed. The increase in the hole doping was attributed to the
physisorbed benzoyl peroxide. Regarding the mechanism of
radical generation, Liu et al.72 suggest that a hot electron initiates

dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr3000412 | Chem. Rev. 2012, 112, 61566214

Chemical Reviews


Figure 5. (left) Schematic representation of the 1,3 dipolar cycloaddition of azomethine ylide on graphene. (top, right) Dispersion of functionalized
graphene nanoplatelets in ethanol. (bottom, right) Raman spectra of (a) pristine graphene and (b) pyrrolidine functionalized graphene. Reprinted with
permission from ref 79. Copyright 2010 Royal Society of Chemistry.

Figure 6. (top) Characteristic TEM and (bottom) AFM images of the graphene-f-OH isolated from an ethanol dispersion. Reprinted with permission
from ref 15. Copyright 2009 Nature Publishing Group.

monolayer graphene is between 0.6 and 0.9 nm.15,80 This

increase in graphene layer thickness indicates the existence of
functional groups across the graphene surface.
The exibility of this reaction procedure makes it important
because one is able to choose among several aldehydes or
substituted -amino acids as precursors, thus yielding a variety of
desirable functional groups. For example, to decorate graphene
sheets with tetraphenylporphyrin (TPP) or palladium-TPP,
Zhang and co-workers81 used tetraphenylporphyrin aldehyde
(and the Pd analogue) and sarcosin as precursors.
Quintana et al.82 utilized 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition to graphene
sheets by employing precursors of paraformaldehyde and a
specically designed NH2-terminated -amino acid. These
amino groups were shown to selectively bind gold nanorods.
Phenyl and alkyl azides react with the CC bonds of graphene
by the formation of the reactive intermediate nitrene. The
reaction of organic azides with graphene has been used
successfully by several research groups aording a variety of

organic graphene derivatives. By thermally and photochemically

activating a variety of para-substituted peruorophenylazides
(PFPA), Liu et al.83 were able to attach various functionalities to
the graphene sheet via a three-membered aziridine ring (Figure
7). These modications result in varying solubilitydispersibility
and surface energy of the modied graphenes.
Nitrene addition has also been used in the functionalization of
graphene sheets with phenylalanine. The graphene sheets were
reacted with Boc-protected azidophenylalanine in o-DCB
(Figure 8). The product was determined to have 1 phenylalanine
substituent per 13 carbons.84
Vadukumpully et al.85 reported that graphene sheets can be
covalently functionalized with alkylazides, where the alkyl chains
include several groups such as hexyl, dodecyl, hydroxylundecanyl, and carboxy-undecanyl. The carboxylate groups
introduced on the surface facilitated the attachment of Au
nanoparticles, which were used as markers to investigate the
reactive site distribution. The organically modied graphene

dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr3000412 | Chem. Rev. 2012, 112, 61566214

Chemical Reviews


Figure 9. (a) The reaction of alkyl nitrenes with graphene sheets. (b)
TEM images of the Au decorated graphene nanoplatelets after organic
modication with undecanoic acid groups. (c) Raman spectra of
graphene sheet before (1) and after the nitrene addition of
azidoundecanoic acid in 1:1 (2) and 10:1 (3) ratios. Reprinted with
permission from ref 85. Copyright 2011 Royal Society of Chemistry.

Figure 7. Functionalization of pristine graphene with PFPA. Reprinted

with permission from ref 83. Copyright 2010 American Chemical

epitaxial graphene can be controlled by the amount of the added

nitrene in the reaction.
Zhong et al.88 recently described aryne cycloaddition to the
graphene surface using 2-(trimethylsilyl)aryl triate as a precursor
toward the reactive benzyne intermediate (Figure 10, top). The
reaction resulted in the formation of a four-membered ring that
connected the aromatic arene rings to the graphene surface. The
Figure 8. Nitrene addition to graphene sheets using Boc-protected
azidophenylalanine. Reprinted with permission from ref 84. Copyright
2010 Royal Society of Chemistry.

sheets showed enhanced dispersibility in common organic

solvents such as toluene and acetone. An increase in the ID/IG
ratio was observed on functionalization, which increased when
excess nitrene was added. This indicates that the degree of
functionalization is dependent on the amount of nitrene added to
the reaction mixture (Figure 9). The appearance of the broad 2D
band at 2700 cm1 is characteristic of few layer modied
graphene sheets.
He and Gao86 developed a facile and versatile method for the
introduction of various functional groups and polymeric chains
onto graphene sheets via nitrene cycloaddition. This strategy
allows various kinds of functional moieties and polymers to be
covalently bonded to graphene, resulting in functional graphene
sheets and 2-D macromolecular brushes, respectively. The
functionalized graphene sheets show enhanced chemical and
thermal stabilities compared with GO and can be further
modied by dierent chemical reactions, including amidation,
surface-initiated polymerization, and reduction of metal ions.
The resulting functionalized graphene sheets are electrically
conductive and display excellent dispersibility and processability
in solvents.
The formation of covalent bonds between thermally generated
nitrene and epitaxial graphene has been demonstrated by Choi et
al.87 In this case, the formed band gap of the functionalized

Figure 10. (top) Aryne cycloaddition to graphene sheets. (bottom)

Raman spectra of (a) pristine and (d) functionalized graphene
nanoplatelets by aryne, (c) methylated aryne, and (b) uorinated
aryne. Reprinted with permission from ref 88. Copyright 2010 Royal
Society of Chemistry.

dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr3000412 | Chem. Rev. 2012, 112, 61566214

Chemical Reviews


Figure 11. (left) Structure of GO and (right) its FTIR spectrum. Left panel reprinted with permission from ref 101. Copyright 2009 Wiley. Right panel
reprinted with permission from ref 102; Copyright 2011 Indian Academy of Sciences.

Figure 12. (top) Structure of oligothiophene functionalized GO. (bottom, left) Fluorescence spectra of oligothiopheneGO compared with that of
pure oligothiophene. (bottom, right) FTIR spectra of GO, oligothiophene (6Thiop), and the functionalized GO (6Thiop-NH-SPFGraphene).
Reprinted with permission from ref 103. Copyright 2009 Elsevier.

2.2. Covalent Attachment of Functionalities to Graphene


aryl-modied graphene sheets were dispersible in DMF, o-DCB,

ethanol, chloroform, and water. Additionally, the aryl rings can be

GO can be characterized as a single graphitic monolayer with

randomly distributed aromatic regions (sp2 carbon atoms) and
oxygenated aliphatic regions (sp3 carbon atoms) containing
hydroxyl, epoxy, carbonyl, and carboxyl functional groups. The
epoxy and hydroxyl groups lie above and below each graphene
layer and the carboxylic groups exist usually at the edges of the
layers; however it should be noted that the chemistry and
heterogeneity of graphene oxide is still heavily debated. The
presence of oxygen groups on the surface of GO provides a
remarkable hydrophilic character and analogous chemical

substituted by several organic groups (i.e., methyl and uoro),

thereby giving a variety of interesting derivatives.
The ID/IG ratio of the functionalized graphenes increased from
0.24 for pristine graphene to 0.55 for the uorinated aryne, 0.69
for the methylated aryne, and 0.97 for the unsubstituted aryne
graphene sheets (Figure 10, bottom).

dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr3000412 | Chem. Rev. 2012, 112, 61566214

Chemical Reviews


Figure 13. The reaction between GO and CH2OH-terminated P3HT chains through an esterication reaction. Reprinted with permission from ref 104.
Copyright 2010 American Chemical Society.

Figure 14. (a) Schematic and (b) energy level diagram of a ITO/PEDOT:PSS/GOP3HT/C60/Al photovoltaic device. Reprinted with permission
from ref 104. Copyright 2010 American Chemical Society.

graphene show no important dierences from those of GO, since

no further structural perturbation occurred. After the functionalization of GO a large number of oxygen groups remain, as
revealed by FTIR analysis of the functionalized GO products in
comparison with the starting GO nanoplatelets (Figure
2.2.1. Addition of Chromophores. Polythiophenes and
oligothiophenes are well-known conjugated polymeric materials
with potential use in various optoelectronic applications, for
example, solar cells, due to high charge mobility arising from the
large number of electrons delocalized along their molecular
chains.103 Amine-terminated oligothiophenes can be grafted on
GO nanoplatelets through covalent amide bonds, as described by
Liu et al.103 (Figure 12). The disappearance of the carboxyl
groups and emergence of the amide bonds were recorded in the
FTIR spectrum of the functionalized GO (Figure 12, bottom,
left). An important observation from the FTIR spectrum is that
GO keeps its oxide character after functionalization in terms of
the presence of hydroxyl groups as conrmed by the absorption
band at 3431 cm1 in spectra recorded before and after
functionalization. The strong interaction between GO and
oligothiophene is indicated by the almost complete uorescence
quenching observed in the functionalized graphene in comparison with pure oligothiophene (Figure 12). The as-synthesized
donoracceptor material displayed a superior optical limiting
eect compared with the standard optical limiting material C60
and a control sample consisting of a physical mixture of GO and
In an analogous approach, Yu et al.104 reported functionalization of GO with CH2OH terminated regioregular poly(3hexylthiophene) (P3HT) through the formation of ester bonds
with the carboxyl groups of GO nanoplatelets (Figure 13). Due
to the presence of an abundant number of hydroxyl groups in the
added polymer, P3HT-GO was soluble in common organic

reactivity. GO is prepared either by methods based on the

oxidation of graphite with strong acidic media57 or ozone58 or the
chemical/thermal exfoliation of graphite oxide.5256 GO forms
unstable dispersions in water and polar organic solvents such as
ethylene glycol, DMF, NMP, and THF, since the exfoliated GO
nanoplatelets tend to aggregate through stacking and form
large particles of graphite oxide. Several protective agents have
been presented for the stabilization of GO nanoplatelets in the
solution such as octadecylamine,89 1-octyl-3-methyl-imidazolium,90 large aromatic molecules,91 didodecyldimethyl-ammonium bromide,92 polystyrene,93 and poly(sodium 4-styrenesulfonate)94 and also elastomeric silicon foams95 and DNA.96 The
presence of these stabilizing groups is not favorable however in
terms of use of graphenes in technological applications.
Theoretically, a simple reduction of GO should remove the
oxygen groups and rehybridize the eected sp3 C atoms to sp2 C,
thereby leaving it aromatic and defect free. However
experimentally, after any reductive treatment of GO a critical
number of oxygen groups and defects remain. The reduction of
GO has been extensively researched, and the methods ranging
from the traditional hydrazine treatment52 to bacterial treatment97 have shown to be successful, as well as a variety of other
methods.56,98100 These defects aect the properties of the
reduced GO (RGO), most importantly its electric conductivity.
For this reason, the type of graphene used is usually specied,
that is, chemically converted graphene, chemically reduced
graphene, RGO, or thermally reduced graphene, in order to
discriminate it from pristine graphene.4
Thanks to the rich chemistry of hydroxyl, carboxyl, and epoxy
groups, GO has been selected very often as the starting material
for the formation of graphene derivatives through the covalent
attachment of organic groups on its surface. In this type of
functionalization where the added groups are linked through the
oxygen atoms of GO, the Raman spectra of the functionalized

dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr3000412 | Chem. Rev. 2012, 112, 61566214

Chemical Reviews


solvents, facilitating its characterization and device fabrication by

solution processing. Yu et al.104 move a step forward designing
and presenting a photovoltaic device using a combination of
P3HT/GO product with C60 as illustrated in the scheme of
Figure 14, which recorded a 200% increase in the power
conversion eciency in comparison with a pure P3HT/C60
analogous system. This remarkable increase is attributed to an
extended electron delocalization that occurred after the covalent
attachment of P3HT with GO in comparison to pure P3HT.
Apart from the classical esterication and amidation reactions,
Melucci et al.105 covalenty attached optically active silaneterminated oligothiophene groups to GO substrates. The
advantage of this reaction is that the covalent attachment is
completed within a few minutes via microwave radiation, thereby
aording GO derivatives soluble in water as well as nonpolar
Apart from conjugated polymers, simple organic chromophores such as porphyrins, phthalocyanines, and azobenzene
with very interesting optoelectronic properties have been
covalently attached on graphene nanoplatelets.106109 Due to
the large visible light extinction coecients, porphyrins and
phthalocyanines are frequently used as antennas for harvesting
energy from photons. GO can be functionalized with porphyrins
through the formation of amide bonds between aminefunctionalized porphyrins and carboxylic groups of GO as
shown in Figure 15.106

Figure 16. UVvis absorption spectra of TPPgraphene, TPPNH2,

GO, and the control sample in DMF. Reprinted with permission from
ref 106. Copyright 2009 Wiley.

of their parts; the polymeric part oers dispersibility in certain

solvents, mechanical strengthening, and several morphological
characteristics, while graphene contributes to the electrical
conductivity, chemical reactivity, and reinforcement of the
mechanical properties.
Poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) is a biocompatible superhydrophilic polymer that has been used to cover nanostructures
providing them with these basic characteristics. It has found use
as a carrier for drug delivery, that is, metallic nanoparticles or
carbon nanotubes. Amine-terminated PEG can be grafted onto
GO nanoplatelets through amide bond formation. The
PEGylated GO is highly dispersible in water, as well as, in
contrast to GO, in several aquatic biological solutions such as
serum or cell medium. This important characteristic makes
PEGylated GO an important candidate for the delivery of
hydrophobic drugs in biological systems. As an example, a
camptothecin analogue named SN38 (Figure 17), which is highly
hydrophobic, can be immobilized on the surface of PEGylated
GO through van der Waals interactions, forming a nanostructure
with excellent stability in biological solutions.110 Camptothecin is
an organic aromatic molecule, which displays remarkable
anticancer properties. Its main disadvantage in cancer therapy
is its low solubility in aqueous media. In further work, Yang et
al.111 studied the behavior of PEGylated GO nanoplatelets in
RGO can be made dispersible in biological solution after its
functionalization by poly(L-lysine) (PLL) through amidation
(Figure 18).112 Poly(L-lysine) is an attractive biocompatible
molecule, with uses in promoting cell adhesion, drug delivery,
cell labeling, biofuel cells, and DNA electrochemical sensors. The
PLL/RGO nanostructure was used as a biosensor for hydrogen
peroxide (H2O2) detection exhibiting improved sensing of H2O2.
The detector device was based on the immobilization of
horseradish peroxidase onto the PLL/RGO surface and the
deposition of the resulting nanocomposite on a gold electrode.
Polyallylamine (PAA) can be reacted with GO; in this reaction
the numerous amine groups react successfully with the epoxy
groups of GO forming an eective cross-linking of the GO sheets
(Figure 19). After ltration of a colloidal suspension of PAA/GO
through a lter paper, a thin paper-like membrane was formed.113
Although the mechanical properties of PAA/GO membrane are
not impressively increased in comparison to a GO analogue, the

Figure 15. Schematic representation of the product of the reaction

between GO and amine-functionalized porphyrin. Reprinted with
permission from ref 106. Copyright 2009 Wiley.

The covalent interaction between the porphyrin and the GO

surface resulted in an improvement in the dispersibility in organic
solvents and an eective uorescence quenching after the
photoexcitation of the porphyrin. Furthermore, the as prepared
nanocomposite displayed much better optical limiting properties
compared with C60 or a control sample consisting of a physical
mixture of GO and the amine-functionalized porphyrin (Figure
16).106 Liu et al.108 presented in a related report better nonlinear
optical properties for porphyrin or C60 covalently functionalized
GO derivatives in comparison with their individual components;
this eect is attributed to a photoinduced electron transfer
between the porphyrin or C60 and GO.
2.2.2. Covalent Linkage to Polymers. GO can be grafted
to polymeric chains that have reactive species like hydroxyls and
amines, that is, poly(ethylene glycol), polylysine, polyallylamine,
and poly(vinyl alcohol). These materials combine the properties

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Chemical Reviews


Figure 19. Schematic representation of (a) GO and (b) PAA. (c)

Photograph of an aqueous colloidal dispersion of GO (left) and PAA
GO (right). (d) SEM image of the cross section of a PAAGO paper
sample. Reprinted with permission from ref 113. Copyright 2009
American Chemical Society.

formed either by direct formation or after the transformation of

carboxylates to the more reactive acyl chlorides. The PVA/GO
composite was dispersible in DMSO and hot water. In a further
step, the PVA/GO composite was partially reduced by hydrazine,
aording the PVA/RGO composite.114 Veca et al.115 also
reported covalent functionalization of graphene nanoplatelets
with PVA, aording derivatives readily soluble in aqueous and
polar organic solvents for further application.116,117 Lin et al.118
demonstrated an ecient method to covalently graft polyethylene (PE) chains onto the surface of GO, which resulted in a
high polymer grafting eciency and a 10 C increase in the
crystallization temperature compared with the pure polymer.
Furthermore, the polyethylene-functionalized GO (PE/GO)
displays a unique encapsulating structure and can be stably
dispersed in toluene.
Lee et al.119 reported an atom transfer radical polymerization
(ATRP) approach to functionalize GO nanoplatelets with
polymers. In this method, polymer chains were directly grown
from the surface of GO via living radical polymerization. The
technique involves the covalent attachment of the initiator
followed by the ATRP of various monomers including styrene,
methyl methacrylate, or butyl acrylate without damaging the GO
structure.120 The obtained nanocomposites showed signicant
enhancement in thermal and mechanical properties compared
with the pure polymers. Poly(methyl methacrylate) PMMA
functionalization of GO was carried out by Goncalves et al.121
Dierent PMMA/GO composites were synthesized by changing
the percentage of PMMA polymer to GO in the reaction. The
resulting composites were readily dispersible in organic solvents
and used as reinforcement llers in the preparation of PMMA
composite lms.
The formation of covalently bonded polymerGO nanocomposites, where GO was initially functionalized with
octadecylamine (ODA) has been reported by Pramoda et al.122
These ODA functionalized GO nanoplatelets were subsequently
reacted with methacryloyl chloride to incorporate polymerizable
CC functionalities at the graphene surfaces. These
intermediates were then employed in in situ polymerization of
methylmethacrylate to obtain covalently bonded PMMA/GO
Ramanathan et al.123 mixed oxygen and hydroxyl-functionalized high-surface-area graphene nanoplatelets with PMMA to

Figure 17. Immobilization of SN38 camptothecin on PEG-GO.

Reprinted with permission from ref 110. Copyright 2008 American
Chemical Society.

Figure 18. Schematic representation of the formation of the PLL/

RGOhorseradish peroxidase and its subsequent deposition on a gold
electrode. Reprinted with permission from ref 112. Copyright 2009
American Chemical Society.

idea of making sti GO membranes by cross-linking with

polymers seems to work successfully.
Poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) can be grafted onto GO nanoplatelets via ester bonds between the hydroxyl groups of PVA and
the carboxylic groups of GO. These covalent bonds can be

dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr3000412 | Chem. Rev. 2012, 112, 61566214

Chemical Reviews


yield graphene reinforced PMMA nanocomposites with a

signicant increase of about 30 C in the glass transition
temperature using only 0.5 wt % functionalized graphene
Amide-functionalized graphene nanoplatelets (few layer
graphene) were prepared by Das et al.124 to reinforce PMMA.
This functionalization resulted in a signicant increase of 70%
and 10% in the elastic modulus and the hardness, respectively, of
the composites with the addition of 0.6 wt % of graphene
Fang et al.71 demonstrated that polystyrene (PS) chains can be
covalently grafted onto the surface of partially RGO nanoplatelets, enhancing the glass transition temperature of the
polymer by 15 C. The initiator molecules were covalently
bonded to the RGO surface via a diazonium addition, and the
subsequent ATRP of styrene was carried out. With the addition
of only 0.9 wt % GO nanoplatelets, the resulting PS/RGO
composite lm exhibited a prominent reinforcement eect,
showing a 57.2% and 69.5% increase in Young's modulus and
tensile strength, respectively. The synthesis of PS grafted GO
nanoplatelets at room temperature was reported by Sun et al.125
The obtained functionalized nanoplatelets exhibited good
dispersibility in organic solvents. The covalent grafting of
polyglycerol onto the surface of GO was reported by Pham et
al.,126 while Zhang et al.127 reported that GO can be
functionalized with poly(N-vinylcarbazole) (PVK), where GO
acts as an electron acceptor, while PVK acts as the electron
donor. This material was characterized by IR, DSC, TGA, UV
vis, CV, XRD, and AFM. A nanocomposite of waterborne
polyurethane (WPU) with covalent functionalized graphene
nanoplatelets nely dispersed in the polymer matrix improves
the conductivity of the WPU.128
2.2.3. Addition of Other Organic Molecules. One of the
earliest reports of the functionalization of GO was the formation
of amide bonds between octadecylamine (ODA) and the
carboxylic groups of GO.62,129 The functionalized GO product
was characterized by Raman, FTIR, UV spectroscopy, AFM
microscopy, and thermogravimetric analysis and was found to be
dispersible in THF (0.5 mg/mL), CCl4, and 1,2-dichloroethane.
Water-dispersible GO derivatives have been produced by the
attachment of allylamine, p-phenyl sulfonate, and phenylene
diamine groups on the graphene surface.39,130
GO can also be used as support for the immobilization of
enzymes in the preparation of biosensors. As an example, glucose
oxidase (GOx) can be immobilized on GO nanoplatelets through
amide bonds (Figure 20).131 The GO/GOx composite has been
examined as a biosensor for the determination of glucose and was
shown to give a linear response over a broad concentration range
and exhibit high sensitivity, reproducibility in measurements, and
biocompatibility with human cells.
Zhang et al.132 have reported on the formation of a hybrid
material by covalent linking of C60 with GO (Figure 21). In this
synthesis an amide bond was formed between a pyrrolidine ring
modied C60 and the carboxyl groups on the GO surface.
Analogously to the fullerene derivatives of carbon nanotubes,133,134 GOC60 hybrids could be useful in many
optoelectronic applications due to their remarkable electronic
and optical properties.
Another interesting modication of partially RGO with
imidazolium derivatives was presented by Yang et al.;135 they
showed that 1-(3-aminopropyl)-imidazolium bromide can be
attached to the epoxy groups of GO nanoplatelets (Figure 22).

Figure 20. (top) Immobilization of glucose oxidase (H2N-GOx) onto

GO nanoplatelets. (bottom) Typical amperometric response of the
GOxGO electrode (blue line) and the pristine graphene electrode
(pink line). Inset shows calibration curve obtained for glucose
determination at 0.4 V vs Ag/AgCl. Reprinted with permission from
ref 131. Copyright 2010 American Chemical Society.

The imidazolium-modied GO was easily dispersed in water,

N,N-dimethylformamide, and dimethyl sulfoxide.
Functionalization of GO by imidazolium derivatives has also
been reported by Karousis et al.136 In this case, 1-(3aminopropyl)-imidazole was attached to the carboxylic groups
of GO through amide bonds. Subsequently, the heterocyclic ring
was transformed through N-methylation to its ionic immidazolium analogue. The counterion of the immidazolium ring can be
substituted by other ions, providing new composite materials
with interesting properties. As an example, bromine was
exchanged by lipophilic hexauorophosphate (PF6) making
the product dispersible in organic solvents such as dichloromethane, dimethylformamide, and methanol. Bromine can also
be substituted by a photoactive porphyrin molecule (Figure 23).
Graphene sheet seems to be a suitable material for transparent
conductive electrodes in polymer solar cells due to its 98%
transparency and 6 Ksq1 sheet resistance. The chemical
modication of graphene sheets remarkably improves their
dispersibility in organic solvents and polymers that are used in
polymer solar cells. As an example, the introduction of
butylamine groups to GO nanoplatelets improves their
dispersibility in organic solvents and polystyrene sulfonate,
which makes it possible to fabricate the transparent poly(3,4ethylene-dioxythiophene)/PS-sulfonate/GO composite lm.
This lm was deposited on an indium tin oxide (ITO) electrode,
which was then used as an anode in a polymer bulk
heterojunction solar cell. The use of butylamine-functionalized
GO nanoplatelets resulted in an increase of the overall power
conversion eciency to 0.75% in comparison with the value of
0.38% based on simple GO.137
To introduce butyl amine onto graphene sheets, RGO
nanoplatelets were rst functionalized by uorine using
plasma-assisted decomposition of CF4.138 The uorinated GO
was then transformed to butylamine-functionalized GO by
exchanging uorine atoms with butylamine groups (Figure 24).
Very often, carbon nanostructures have been used to reinforce
polymers, ceramics, and other matrices, which aords the

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Chemical Reviews


Figure 21. Representation of the formation of the C60GO composite. Reprinted with permission from ref 132. Copyright 2008 Elsevier.

Figure 22. Illustration of the preparation of imidazolium-modied GO. Reprinted with permission from ref 135. Copyright 2009 Royal Society of

o-DBC and DMF; additionally the incorporation of these

organically modied GO nanoplatelets into polymers and
conjugated polymers for photovoltaics was facilitated. This
procedure was initially developed by Stankovich et al.3 as a
general approach for preparation of GOpolymer composites.
Phenyl isocyanate-treated GO nanoplatelets were dispersed in
PS and other styrenic copolymers, such as acrylonitrile
butadienestyrene or styrenebutadiene, through solution
phase mixing. The modied GO was then chemically reduced
in order to improve the electrical conductivity of composites.
This functionalization procedure has been further used by Liu
and co-workers144146 in the fabrication of organic photovoltaic
cells. The phenyl isocyanate functionalized graphene was easily
dispersed into o-DBC, and this was further dispersed in P3HT to
form a donor/acceptor system. After the insertion of modied
GO into P3HT, a remarkable quenching of the photoluminescence was observed, indicating a strong interaction and
electron transfer from P3HT to GO nanoplatelets. This function
makes the formed composite suitable as an active layer in bulk
heterojunction photovoltaic cells as represented in Figure 27. A
photovoltaic cell containing the P3HT/GO composite showed a
power conversion eciency of 1.1%.146
Finally, Avinash et al.147 obtained covalently functionalized
GO with ferrocene via a green chemistry approach at room
temperature on solid phase alumina. The ferrocene/GO

polymers with interesting mechanical, optical, and electrical

properties.139142 The eect of the dispersion of carbon
nanostructures in such matrices is greatest when the dispersion
is ne and interfacial interactions between the nanostructures
and the matrix are present. These two factors, ne dispersion and
interfacial interaction, are important for chemical functionalization of carbon nanostructures. As an example, in order to
enhance the silica monolith structure, Yang et al.143 presented
the functionalization of GO with 3-aminopropyl triethoxysilane
(APTS). The ATPS was grafted onto the GO surface through
covalent bonds with the epoxy groups as represented in Figure
25. The silicon-functionalized GO (SiGO) was incorporated
into a silica matrix by hydrolytic condensation of an excess of
APTS in the presence of SiGO.
The functionalized GO was easily dispersed in water, ethanol,
DMF, dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), and APTS. The GO
reinforced Si monolith showed better mechanical properties in
comparison with the pure Si monolith (Figure 26); the
compressive failure strength and toughness were improved by
20% and 92%, respectively, compared with the pure Si monolith.
An organic GO derivative obtained from the covalent
attachment of phenyl isocyanate to GO through the formation
of an ester bond with the epoxy group has been used in several
diverse applications. After this chemical modication, GO
nanoplatelets were easily dispersible in organic solvents such as

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Chemical Reviews


Figure 23. Preparation of imidazolium-modied GO hybrid materials and anion-exchange reactions: (i) (COCl)2, 80 C, 18 h; (ii) 1-(3aminopropyl)imidazole, 100 C, 18 h; (iii) 1-bromobutane, 90 C, 18 h; (iv) H2O, NaPF6 or protoporphyrin IX disodium salt, 25 C, 18 h. Reprinted
with permission from ref 136. Copyright 2010 Elsevier.

Figure 24. Preparation of butylamine-functionalized RGO nanoplatelets. Reprinted with permission from ref 138. Copyright 2009 American Chemical

composite material exhibited interesting magnetic properties,

with the magnetization of the composite material found to be
more than that of both GO and ferrocene.
2.2.4. Starting from Partially Reduced Graphene
Oxide. As referred in the introduction of this chapter the
complete reduction of GO to graphene via dierent routes has

not been achieved yet. There are always epoxy and hydroxyl
functional groups on the basal plane of the RGO.148 Density
functional theory (DFT) investigations of the structure of
graphene after deoxygenation conrm that it is impossible to
completely remove the oxygen-containing functional groups
from the graphene surface using chemical or thermal reduction

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Chemical Reviews


Comparing the two methods in terms of the thermal stability

of the derivatives (Figure 29), after the removal of the organic
addends near 400 C for the derivative obtained via the epoxy
reaction (D-graphene/MA-POA2000), the RGO remained
nearly stable even at 800 C. In contrast the free radical addition
product (F-graphene/MA-POA2000) was continuously oxidized
from 400 to 800 C. Derivatives of RGO with poly(oxyalkyne)amine are dispersible in THF (0.25 mg/mL), and the dispersions
remain stable for at least two months.
RGO was also used by Shen et al.153 for the preparation of
amphiphilic graphenes. Here GO was reduced by sodium
boron hydride (NaBH4) aording RGO nanoplatelets, which
were decorated with PSpolyacrylamide copolymer (PSPAM)
by in situ free radical polymerization, initiated by benzoyl
peroxide (Figure 30).
The polymerized GO is dispersible in water, due to its
hydrophilic PAM component, and simultaneously in xylene due
to the hydrophobic PS component. Additionally, by controlling
the ratio between the two polymeric components, the hydrophilichydrophobic balance of the functionalized graphene can
also be controlled.

Figure 25. Illustration of the reaction between GO and APTS and

incorporation of Si-f-GO nanoplatelets into the silica matrix. R = OH
or CH2(CH2)2NH2. Reprinted with permission from ref 143.
Copyright 2009 Royal Society of Chemistry.

2.3. Covalent Attachments of Hydrogen and Halogens

toward Graphene Derivatives

2.3.1. Graphane. Covalently modied graphene derivatives

can be prepared by attachment of atoms or molecular groups to
sp2 carbons. Such modication maintains the graphene 2D
lattice; however, due to the loss of the -conjugated electron
cloud present above and below the graphene plane, there are
dramatic changes to its properties. The idea to modify graphene
was introduced by Sofo et al.,154 who theoretically predicted the
existence of graphane, fully hydrogenated graphene, as well as its
uorinated counterpart. Graphane was synthesized by the
exposure of graphene to cold hydrogen plasma.42,155 The
attachment of hydrogen atoms to sp2 carbons changes their
hybridization state to sp3 (Figure 31), thus graphane while
maintaining the graphene hexagonal symmetry, has altered
electronic properties and local structure. The charge carrier
mobility of graphane is 3 orders of magnitude smaller than that of
graphene; as a consequence graphane behaves as an
insulator.42,156 The locally at graphene structure becomes
buckled in graphane, the CCC angle decreases from 120 (in
graphene) to 109.5 and the CC bond increases from 1.42
(in graphene) to 1.521.56 .157,158 Besides the typical G (1580
cm1) and 2D (2680 cm1) Raman peaks observed for graphene,
two additional peaks are observed in the graphane spectrum at
1620 cm1 (D) and 1350 cm1 (D, the defect peak) (Figure
32).42,159 It was shown that the hydrogenation of graphene is
reversible, and graphane can be dehydrogenated by annealing to
give graphene (450 C in Ar atmosphere).42
The graphene conduction band formed by -conjugated pz
orbitals is missing in graphane, and consequently, the graphene
zero band gap opens. The initial DFT calculations, using a
generalized gradient approximation (GGA), of the band gap
identied graphane as a direct band gap material and estimated a
band gap value of about 3.5 eV at the point.154 However, it is
well-known that GGA DFT underestimates band gap values,160
and more rigorous methods including, for example, screened
hybrid functional or involvement of increased electron
correlation (e.g., GW) should be used. The GW calculation
suggests the band gap values should be 5.4 eV (refs 161 and 162)
and 5.7 eV (ref 163.), while screened hybrid functional
calculations give a value of 4.5 eV. Recent high-level theoretical

Figure 26. Stressstrain plots of neat APTS monolith (solid) and Si-fGO reinforced PTS monolith (dotted). Inset: photographs of monolith
disks for the compressive tests. From left to right: Si-f-GO reinforced
PTS monolith and neat APTS monolith. Reprinted with permission
from ref 143. Copyright 2009 Royal Society of Chemistry.

or even a combination of these two.149,150 In a subsequent DFT

study, Ghaderi and Peressi151 conrmed the presence of
hydroxyl groups after reduction.
The residual oxygen-containing groups give the RGO a weaker
chemical reactivity as regards organic groups that can be grafted
onto the graphene surface through oxygen linkers. The chemical
functionalization of RGO using residual oxygen groups has been
presented by Hsiao et al.152 This procedure has the advantage
that it does not create additional defects on the graphene surface
compared with the reaction with CC bonds. They used a
specic polymeric molecule (MA-POA2000), which was grafted
onto RGO by two dierent methods, radical addition and
condensation using residual epoxy groups (Figure 28). In the free
radical grafting method, initiated by benzoyl peroxide, the radical
attacked the sp2 carbon atoms on the RGO surface. In the second
method, the free amine groups reacted with the residual epoxy
groups of RGO.

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Chemical Reviews


Figure 27. (a) Graphical representation of the modied graphene and P3HT, (b) schematic representation of the bulk heterojunction photovoltaic cells,
and (c) an AFM image of the modied graphene. Reprinted with permission from ref 146. Copyright 2009 Wiley.

Figure 28. Two dierent grafting methods from the same organic molecule. Reprinted with permission from ref 152. Copyright 2010 American
Chemical Society.

semimetal and the other an insulator. It should be noted that

opening of the graphene zero band gap still represents a
challenge in the manufacture of eld eect transistors.165 In this
respect, the electronic properties of graphene can be relatively
nely tuned by its partial hydrogenation.166 Well structured
partially hydrogenated graphene derivatives represent very
interesting materials with magnetic, metallic, and semiconducting properties, which can be designed by the degree of

calculations of the optical properties of graphane, which were

carried out with the BetheSalpeter equation (BSE), which
accounts for electronelectron and electronhole correlations
as well as excitonic eects,164 show an absorption spectra with the
rst exciton peak at 3.8 eV (for x or y polarized light, while the
transition is dipole forbidden for z polarized light, Figure 33).162
When one considers the electronic properties of graphene and
graphane two sharply diering materials are represented, one is a

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Chemical Reviews


Figure 29. (a) Thermogravimetric curves and (b) corresponding derivative curves of the starting materials and the derivatives. Photograph showing the
dispersion of graphene, F-graphene/MA-POA2000 and D-graphene/MA-POA2000 in THF (from right to left). Reprinted with permission from ref
152. Copyright 2010 American Chemical Society.

Figure 30. Schematic representation of covalent attachment of PS/PAM copolymer to RGO. Reprinted with permission from ref 153. Copyright 2009

Figure 31. Graphene layer (in green) that is attacked by cold plasma
hydrogen atoms to produce graphane. Reprinted with permission from
ref 159. Copyright 2009 American Association for the Advancement of

hydrogenation. Properties of graphene nanoroads (Figure 34)

and hexagonal nanodots have been studied theoretically. It has
been shown that the zigzag and armchair orientation, as well as
width, of graphene nanoroads aect its inherent properties, for
example, band gap (Figure 35). Wide zigzag roads (involving
more than two zigzag chains, Nz > 2, Figure 34) are magnetic
with energetically similar ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic

Figure 32. Raman spectra of pristine graphene (red), graphane (blue),

and graphane after annealing (green). In the Raman spectrum of
graphane the D defect peak becomes active, as well as the appearance of
D and D+D peaks. Reprinted with permission from ref 42. Copyright
2009 American Association for the Advancement of Science.


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Chemical Reviews


Figure 33. (a) First Brillouin zone and (b) unit cell and bases of graphane in the chair conformation. Blue and white balls represent carbon and hydrogen
atoms, respectively. (c) Band structure in local-density approximation (LDA, full line) and GW approximation (circles) and projected density of states of
graphane. The zero level indicates the vacuum level position. Reprinted with permission from ref 162. Copyright 2010 American Physical Society.

2.3.2. Fluorographene (Graphene Fluoride). Fluorographene (also known as graphene uoride) was synthesized by
uorination of graphene using XeF2 at room temperature (30
C).169 Fluorination of CVD grown graphene on a copper
support leads to single side uorination with preferred C4F
stoichiometry, while uorination of graphene on a silicon-oninsulator support leads to uorination on both sides of the
surface with a dominant C1F1 stoichiometry. Due to the presence
of defects in the CVD graphene structure (vacancies, free edges,
and grain boundaries), a small fraction of CF2 (12%) and CF3
(2%) besides the majority CF (86%) bonds were also identied
in uorinated samples using XPS.169 Single side uorination
leads to the appearance of a D peak at 1350 cm1 and broadening
of the G (1580 cm1) and D peaks (1620 cm1), as well as a
decrease in the 2D Raman peaks, while uorination on both sides
of the surface cancels the Raman signal (Figure 36). Graphene
uoride was also prepared from pristine graphite uoride by
mechanical exfoliation,170,171 that is, by an analogous approach to
that for the preparation of graphene. The chemical exfoliation of
graphite uoride, prepared by uorination of highly ordered
pyrolitic graphite at 600 C and 1 atm of uorine, provides
graphene uoride with stoichiometry C0.7F1.172 However, hightemperature synthesis leads to highly defective graphene
uoride.169 Chemical etching of graphite uoride by sulfolane
(at 80 C) was also successful in producing a colloidal solution of
graphene uoride.158
Fluorination of graphene dramatically changes its structure
and electronic and optical properties (Figure 36). The graphene
sp2 carbon atoms rehybridize to sp3 carbons in uorographene,
and consequently the uorographene structure is buckled; CC
and CF bonds are 1.571.59 and 1.411.45 long,
respectively. The zero band gap of pristine graphene opens, and
uorographene behaves like an insulator with a resistivity higher
than 1012 .171 An anisotropic negative magnetoresistance and
unusual staircaselike magnetic-eld dependence at low temperature of diluted uorographene has been reported recently.173 A
high third-order nonlinear optical response of uorographene
dispersion has been recently observed.174 Photoluminescence
measurements of a uorographene dispersion in acetone identify
an emission peak at 3.8 eV (Figure 37), which has been assigned
to band-to-band recombination of free electrons and holes.175
Theoretical calculations of the uorographene band gap by GGA
DFT method provides values around 3.1 eV,158,176,177 not very
dierent from the value for graphite uoride.178,179 The

Figure 34. Structures of (a) armchair and (b) zigzag graphene

nanoroads in graphane. Na denotes width of sp2 carbon lines in
armchair and Nz in zigzag roads. Reprinted with permission from ref
167. Copyright 2009 American Chemical Society.

Figure 35. Dependence of band gap (Eg in eV) of armchair nanoroads

on nanoroad width (Na). The insets show band structures of armchair
nanoroads of width (Na) 4, 5, and 6. Reprinted with permission from ref
167. Copyright 2009 American Chemical Society.

states.167 Thus, the graphene nanoroads behave like graphene

ribbons, while the hexagonal patterned vacancies in graphane
structure are shown to behave like quantum dots.168

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Chemical Reviews


Figure 36. One side uorination (one side uorinated graphene C4F, panel b) changes the optical properties of graphene (panel a). Raman signal of
stoichiometric uorographene (CF, panel c) disappears. The spectra of graphene and uorographene are oset for clarity. Reprinted with permission
from ref 169. Copyright 2010 American Chemical Society.

by hydrazine vapor (under relatively mild thermal conditions

100200 C)169 or the action of KI on a uorographene colloidal
dispersion in sulfolane (at 240 C) leads to graphene. It was
suggested that deuorination by KI proceeds via unstable,
spontaneously decomposing graphene iodine. This nding is
supported by the transient appearance of CI vibrations in IR
spectra and theoretical DFT calculations, which identify
graphene iodine as an unstable compound.158 Generally the
stability of stoichiometric graphene halides (C1X1) decreases in
the order F > Cl > Br > I, and uorographene (CF) seems to be
more stable than graphane (CH).158 The future preparation of
stoichiometric chlorographene (graphene chloride, CCl) is
improbable, because the potential pristine material graphite
chloride is unstable above 0 C.184
Recent photochemical chlorination of graphene produces
partially chlorinated graphene of uniform 8% coverage with
stoichiometry C16Cl. Typically, the partially chlorinated
graphene has a nonzero band gap and displays a higher sheet
resistance than graphene. Raman spectrum shows the appearance of the D peak (1330 cm1), while the 2D peak (2654 cm1)
disappears and the G peak (1587 cm1) broadens.185 Very
recently, preparation of few-layered graphene chlorinated up to
30 at.% and brominated up to 4.8 at.% by UV irradiation in
liquid-chlorine medium has been reported.186 The mixed
graphene halides have not been yet prepared and seem to be
promising materials with controlled electric properties.

Figure 37. Photoluminescence emission spectra at room temperature

(excitation at 290 nm, 4.275 eV) of graphene (blue) and uorographene
(green, 1 day uorination; red, 5 days). The dierence between the main
emission peaks is 156 meV (1260 cm1); this corresponds to the energy
of a CF vibration. The blue emission (at 2.88 eV) lasts ca. 30 s after
excitation, and its exact origin is uncertain. Reprinted with permission
from ref 175. Copyright 2011 American Chemical Society.

Graphite is a natural and inexpensive source for large scale
production of graphene sheets. However, the stacking
between graphene sheets results in the formation of multilayers.
Pristine graphene sheets are hydrophobic in nature, so they
cannot be dissolved in polar solvents. This makes functionalization of graphene sheets important for their future applications.
To make graphene soluble in common solvents, and thereby
avoid stacking, noncovalent functionalization with dierent
organic compounds is essential. Noncovalent functionalization
by -interactions (as in the case of carbon nanotubes) is an
attractive synthetic method, because it oers the possibility of
attaching functional groups to graphene without disturbing the
electronic network.187,188

agreement between theoretical and experimental band gap is

accidental, because high-level theoretical calculations by GW
predict a band gap of 7.5 eV.176,177,180 It is worth noting that
screened hybrid functional HSE06 calculations181,182 provide
higher band gap values than GGA DFT. This screened hybrid
functional method gives band gap values closer to the GW
method for graphane (GGA 3.5 eV, HSE06 4.5 eV, GW 5.4 eV)
and for uorographene (GGA 3.1 eV, HSE06 5.1 eV, GW 7.5
eV). The calculation of the optical spectra by BSE on the top of
the GW calculations predicts a spectral onset around 5.4 eV,
which is in good agreement with the experimental value (3.8 eV)
when taking into account eects of corrugation and defects.177
Graphene nanoroads and nanodots have also been theoretically analyzed in the uorographene matrix. Their electronic
properties depend on their orientation, structure, and width.183 It
was shown that uorographene is rather inert and thermostable
(up to 400 C) like Teon.171 Thermal deuorination (400600
C) leads to the removal of carbons and evolution of CF
products (e.g., CF4, C2F4, C2F6) from the graphene uoride
structure. On the other hand, deuorination of uorographene

3.1. GrapheneLigand Noncovalent Interactions: Theory

Graphene is a -system. The structure and electronic properties

of graphene, as well as the interaction of graphene with atoms
and molecules, have been studied extensively. Noncovalent

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intermolecular interactions involving -systems are pivotal to the

stabilization of proteins, enzymedrug complexes, DNA
protein complexes, organic supramolecules, and functional
nanomaterials.189193 These interactions involving systems
are most relevant in the context of nanomaterial design and
fabrication of nanodevices, because subtle changes in the
electronic characteristics of the systems can lead to dramatic
eects in the structure and properties of the nanosystem.193195
In the last two decades, extensive studies have been conducted to
understand the nature of -complexes including the nonpolar
gas interaction, H interaction, interaction, cation
interaction, and anion interaction.196,197 These -interactions
are of importance in device and sensing applications of carbon
nanotubes and graphene sheets.198 Extensive investigations have
been made regarding the energetic and geometrical signicance
of -interactions. Theoretical interpretations based on high-level
ab initio calculations have been instrumental in understanding
the nature of -interactions. The strength of the -interactions is
determined by the combined eect of attractive forces
(electrostatic, dispersive, and inductive interactions) and
repulsive forces (exchange repulsion). Each of these components
shows characteristic dierences in physical origin, magnitude,
and directionality.
3.1.1. Nonpolar Gas Interaction. In -interactions,
when the countermolecule is either a rare gas atom or a nonpolar
molecule (gas dimers, hydrocarbons), dispersion energies
predominate,199,200 while when the countermolecule is either a
polar molecule or Lewis acid, both electrostatic and dispersion
energies govern the interaction.
3.1.2. H Interaction. Complexes exhibiting the H
interaction190,201207 are of interest, because this interaction is
also one of hydrogen bonds. In going from CH4 to NH3 to H2O
to HF, the increase in the repulsive exchange energies is more
pronounced in ethene complexes than in benzene complexes.201
However, this increase is almost canceled out by both the
electrostatic and dispersion energies in the case of the ethene
complexes. Consequently, the induction energies become more
important in the case of the ethene complexes. On the other
hand, electrostatic, induction, and dispersion energies seem to be
signicant in the description of the benzene complexes. The
polarizabilities of the -electron systems play a key role in
governing the nature and geometry of the H interaction. The
magnitude of the dispersion energies tends to be proportional to
the number of electrons participating in the interaction. In the
case of extended -systems, like those found in poly complexes,
involving several hydrogen bonds, the multidentate H
complexes are additionally stabilized by a substantial contribution from the dispersion energy.
3.1.3. Interaction. The interactions197,198,208213
are one of the most intriguing noncovalent interactions, in the
sense that the negatively charged and diuse electron clouds of
the systems exhibit an attractive interaction. This interaction is
predominated by dispersion interactions when both systems
possess very similar electron densities. However, when one of the
systems is electron-rich and the other electron-decient, the
resulting complexes are bound by induction interactions as is the
case when the negative charge gets transferred from benzene to
hexauorobenzene.214219 The interaction of two benzene rings
has been widely investigated both experimentally and theoretically. Experimental estimates of the interaction energy give a
value of 2 kcal/mol,220 which indicates that the attraction is
appreciable and this attraction signicantly inuences the
interaction of phenyl rings in solution or other environments,

in addition to other factors such as solvophobic eects. For the

benzene dimer the edge-to-face conformer is the most stable but
is nearly isoenergetic to the parallel displaced conformation. Due
to this the isolated benzene dimer is extremely exible and could
coexist in both forms. On the other hand, when considering the
facial or axial substitution eect on the edge-to-face aromatic
interaction, we observe that for the axially substituted aromatic
systems, the electron density at the para position is an important
stabilizing factor. Thus, the stabilization/destabilization by
substitution of an aromatic ring is signicantly aected by the
electrostatic energy,213 while the dispersion energy is mostly
canceled out by the exchange repulsion. This leads to the
conclusion that stabilization/destabilization by substitution is
governed mainly by electrostatic energies. However, the facially
substituted aromatic system depends not only on the electrondonating ability responsible for the electrostatic energy but also
on the dispersion interaction and exchange repulsion. The
dispersion energy, together with the exchange repulsion,
augments the electrostatic energy in the facially substituted
aromatic systems. Using the ipping/apping motion due to the
changes of edge-to-face and face-to-face aromatic interactions,
Kim et al.216 designed a molecular ipper. In order to have
maximum control of this interconversion, electrochemically and
photochemically active systems can be utilized. The
interaction is one of the most important driving forces for
supramolecular self-assembly; thus by controlling the relationships of several noncovalent interactions, we could design and
synthesize novel organic nanostructures.217 While both Tshaped and stacked structures of the benzene dimer are almost
isoenergetic, (displaced) -stacked structures tend to be more
favored when they involve N-heterocyclic aromatic rings except
for the tetraazine dimer.218,219
3.1.4. Cation Interaction. When the countermolecule is
a metal cation in the -interactions, a combination of electrostatic
and induction energies dominate the cation interaction.220,221
For the interaction of a positively charged organic cation with the
negatively charged electron cloud, an accurate estimate of the
interaction energies requires the inclusion of the polarizability of
the system.222,223 The characteristics of transition metal
complexes with complexes are dierent from the typical
cation interactions involving alkali metal cations. While the
complexes of Na+, Cu+, and Ag+ favor the conformation of C6v
symmetry with the cation above the centroid, those of Au+,
Pd2+, Pt2+, and Hg2+ prefer the o-centered coordination to the
centroid because of the TMn+ donation.224229 Various
kinds of receptors with strong binding energies and high
selectivities for metal cations utilizing the cation interactions
have been designed.226228 When the cationwater interactions
are compared with cation interactions, it is found that the
distinct dierence between them is the magnitude of the
electrostatic energy, which is in general the dominant contributor
to the total interaction energy in the case of the cationwater
interactions. In the context of nanomaterial design, these ndings
are signicant because a greater electrostatic contribution implies
that the magnitudes of the interaction energies are more
susceptible to the dielectric of the environment. Very similar
interaction energies of benzene with ammonium and potassium
cations result from a balance of dispersion and induction energies
because the electrostatic and exchange energies are very similar
and hence mostly cancel out. However, the ammonium cation
complexes exhibit a larger contribution of dispersion energies.
3.1.5. cation Interaction. It should be noted foremost
that the magnitudes of the electrostatic and induction energies in

dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr3000412 | Chem. Rev. 2012, 112, 61566214

Chemical Reviews


the case of the organic cation complexes of these systems are

much smaller than those observed in the case of the alkali
metal cation complexes, while the contribution of dispersion
energies becomes signicant. If the counterion is an aromatic
cation, the contribution of dispersion energy becomes vital. The
cation interaction229231 is dierent from the normal metal
cation interaction and normal interaction in terms of
binding energies. In terms of total binding energy, the cation
interaction is weaker than the cation interaction but much
stronger than the interaction. On the other hand, for anion
templated ++ interactions,232 the binding energies are much
larger than those of and +. The stabilization is attributed
to the attractive electrostatic interaction due to antiparallel
displaced geometry with a signicant dispersion contribution. In
general, when the ++ stacking is in an energetically favored
conguration the electrostatic interaction is large, similar in
magnitude to the large exchange repulsion and much larger than
the dispersion interaction, unlike the case of stacked-displaced
+ and complexes.
3.1.6. Anion Interaction. Compared with ,
cation, and H interactions, the lone pair and anion
interactions233235 have only recently been investigated, because
aromatic rings are considered as electron sources, which give
repulsive interactions with anions. Recently, anion interactions have been extensively investigated as a strategy toward a
new type of anion recognition, host architecture, and supramolecular self-assembly.192,236,237 The total interaction energies
of anion complexes are comparable to those of the
corresponding cation complexes. While the largest contributions to the total interaction energy in the cation complexes
are the electrostatic and induction energies, the contribution of
the dispersion energies is substantial in the anion complexes.
Apart from the increase in dispersion energy, the anion
interactions are also characterized by a substantial increase in the
magnitude of the exchange-repulsion energy. Anions can interact
with the rings in two dierent complexation forms: covalent
bonding type and noncovalent anion type. The covalent type
complexes generally referred to as Meisenheimer complexes
are found to be the key intermediates in nucleophilic aromatic
substitution (SNAr) and usually the global minima structures in
the gas phase. However, in the solution phase, the covalent
bonding type complexes merge into the solvent-mediated
anion type or displaced anion type complexes. It is this
reason that the displaced anion type complexes with some
exible orientations are most common in many crystal
3.1.7. GrapheneLigand Noncovalent Interaction.
Various studies involving molecules adsorbed on a graphene or
graphite surface have been conducted. Hydrogen physisorption
on the graphene surface has been studied for possible
applications toward hydrogen storage.239 Tkatchenko and von
Lilienfeld240 have studied the adsorption of Ar on graphite by
comparing various density functionals. Umadevi and Sastry241
also employed DFT methods to study CO2, H2O, Li, Mg, Li+,
and Mg2+ on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. stacking
interactions are of a special interest due to the extended orbitals
of graphene. Adsorption of benzene and naphthalene on graphite
was studied by using the nonlocal vdW-DF method to compute
accurate binding energy curves.242,243 The vdW-DF method was
also shown to provide binding energies for Ag, Au, and Pd atoms
adsorbed on graphene surface in good agreement with the
reference CCSD(T) method.244 Functional groups attached to
an aromatic molecule are shown to aect the nature and

magnitude of interactions between the molecule and graphene.245 Nucleobases receive special attention due to a
biological importance of those molecules. Adsorption of adenine
on graphite was studied by using DFT taking into account van
der Waals interactions.246 A similar study compared the binding
energies of nucleobases by using LDA and MP2.247 Umadevi and
Sastry248 employed newly developed density functionals to deal
with similar systems, while Antony and Grimme249 reported
DFT-D/GGA, B2PLYP-D, and SCS-MP2 results for these
systems. Berland et al.250 used the vdW-DF method to accurately
calculate the binding energy curve for an adenine molecule
approaching graphene surface. The interaction of several amino
acids with the graphene surface has been studied using GGA and
MP2 methods.251 The planar nature of graphene can be
exploited to tune its electric properties. The benzenemetal
(M = Ni, K, Pd, Al, Ag, Cu, Au, and Pt) and graphenemetal
interface has been studied.244,252255 It has been shown that a
SiC substrate is able to induce a band gap in graphene.256,257
Organic molecules can also be used to achieve electronic tuning
of graphene;258 in this sense the interactions of diverse molecules
with graphene and carbon nanotubes have been utilized in
designing devices and sensors that recognize molecular
characteristics.259263 The interaction of nucleobases with
graphene has been utilized to design a two-dimensional
conductance device toward fast DNA sequencing.37,264,265
3.2. GrapheneLigand Noncovalent Interactions:

The noncovalent functionalization of graphene (G) exploits van

der Waals and ionic interactions between graphene and a
functionalized molecule. The pyrene moiety has been reported
to have a strong anity toward the basal plane of graphite via stacking.266 Xu et al.267 prepared stable aqueous dispersions of
graphene nanoplatelets using a water-soluble pyrene derivative,
1-pyrenebutyrate (PB), as a stabilizer. GO was functionalized
with pyrenebutyric acid in the presence of a base, and the
resulting product was reduced with hydrazine. Figure 38 shows

Figure 38. (left) Tapping mode AFM images of exfoliated GO and

(right) PB functionalized graphene on mica. Reprinted with
permission from ref 267. Copyright 2008 American Chemical Society.

AFM images of GO and PB graphene nanoplatelets with

thickness 1.3 and 1.7 nm, respectively. The exible graphene lm
showed conductivity 7 orders of magnitude larger than that of the
GO precursor.
Graphene is much more exible and less expensive than ITO
since its precursor is hydrocarbon gas/graphite. To improve the
power conversion eciency of graphene, Wang et al.268

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Chemical Reviews


noncovalently modied a graphene lm with pyrene butanoic

acid succidymidyl ester (PBSA). The interactions between
graphene and PBSA have a negligible eect on the optical
adsorption of the graphene lm in the visible region. This
improved the power conversion eciency to 1.71% for
functionalized graphene compared with pristine graphene
(0.21%) (Figure 39).

(HPC-Py).270 The functionalized graphene nanoplatelets with

a 3.3 1.4 nm average thickness were characterized using UV
vis spectroscopy, uorescence spectroscopy, atomic force
microscopy, attenuated total reectance micro-Fourier transform
infrared spectroscopy, and Raman spectroscopy.
Kodali et al.271 have shown that noncovalently functionalized
epitaxial graphene with pyrenebutanoic acid-succinimidyl ester
(PYR-NHS) can be prepared without disrupting graphenes
electronic structure. The grafting of pyrene-substituted TbPc2
single molecule magnets on graphene has been reported by
Lopes et al.272 The enhanced Raman intensity of TbPc2 on
graphene allows the detection of a few molecules per laser spot.
van der Waals interactions were responsible for the coupling
between the substituted pyrene and graphene.
Su et al.91 presented a unique approach to functionalize
graphene sheets with pyrene and perylenediimide as electronic
donor and acceptor molecules, respectively. The resulting
aqueous graphene dispersion yields single and double layer
graphene sheets. A solar cell based on these functionalized
graphene nanoplatelets showed an increase in conductivity
(Figure 40).

Figure 39. (a) Energy diagram of the fabricated device structure

graphene/PEDOT:PSS/P3HT:PCBM/LiF/Al. (be) Currentvoltage characteristics of the photovoltaic devices based on graphene lms in
the dark and under illumination: (b) pristine graphene lm, (c)
graphene lm treated by UV light, (d) graphene lm modied by
PBASE, and (e) ITO anode for comparison. Reprinted with permission
from ref 268. Copyright 2009 American Institute of Physics.

An et al.269 presented the functionalization of graphene lms

with 1-pyrenecarboxylic acid (PCA), which were laminated onto
exible and transparent polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) membranes. The noncovalent (-stacked) PCA graphene lms
display a number of unique optical and molecular sensing
properties that are absent in pristine graphene lms, while the
conducting nature of graphene is maintained. The exible PCA
graphenePDMS hybrid structure blocks 7095% of ultraviolet
(UV) light, while allowing 65% or higher transmittance in the
visible region, rendering them potentially useful for a number of
exible UV absorbing/ltering applications. In addition, the
electrical resistance of these structures is found to be sensitive to
visible light illumination, atmospheric pressure change, and the
presence of dierent types of molecular analytes. Owing to their
multifunctionality, these hybrid structures have immense
potential in the development of versatile, low-cost, exible,
portable electronic and optoelectronic devices for diverse
Stable aqueous suspensions of graphene nanoplatelets with a
high concentration (0.62 mg/mL) have been prepared by the
chemical reduction of exfoliated graphite oxide (EGO) using
sodium lignosulfonate (SLS), sodium carboxymethyl cellulose
(SCMC), and pyrene-containing hydroxypropyl cellulose

Figure 40. Current density vs voltage (IV) curves of P3HT/PCBM

heterojunction solar cells with 10 nm thick thermally reduced ReG and
ReGPyS lms as the transparent electrodes, respectively. Inset is a
schematic illustration of the solar cell; the ve layers from top to bottom
are Al, ZnO, a blend of P3HT and PCMB, PEDOT:PSS, graphene, and
quartz, respectively. Reprinted with permission from ref 91. Copyright
2009 Wiley.

It has been shown by Cheng et al.273 that graphene can be

functionalized with 1,5-diaminonaphthalene (DAN) and 1nitropyrene (NP) as electron-donating and electron-withdrawing molecules, respectively. The chemically modied
samples were systematically characterized by optical microscopy,
surface topography and potential measurements, and spatially
resolved Raman spectroscopic imaging.
Wang et al.274 reported the nonconvalent functionalization of
graphene with carboxylate-terminated perylene molecules.
These functionalized graphene nanoplatelets were used to
grow metal oxide via ALD methods (Figure 41). The ultrathin
high dielectric integrated graphene is very useful to achieve high
currents and ideal subthreshold swing without substantial gate

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Chemical Reviews


Figure 42. (a) Molecular structure of PTCDA. (b) Monolayer coverage

of PTCDA on epitaxial graphene. (c) Molecular-resolution STM image
of the PTCDA monolayer. (d) PTCDA herringbone unit cell, with the
lattice vectors (a and b). (e) PTCDA surrounding a step edge where the
graphene sheet is not continuous. (f) PTCDA continuously covers a
graphene-subsurface nanotube defect. (g) A bright protrusion that does
not disrupt the PTCDA monolayer and that is potentially attributed to a
6-fold scattering-center defect (Vs = 2.0 V, I = 0.05 nA for all ve STM
images). Reprinted with permission from ref 38. Copyright 2009 Nature
Publishing Group.

Figure 41. (A) Schematics of atomic layer deposition of aluminum oxide

via trimethylaluminum (TMA) precursor on (a) bare SiO2 substrate, (b)
a single layer graphene sheet with edges, (c) graphene containing a
defect site, and (d) perylene tetracarboxylic acid (PTCA)-coated
graphene. PTCA selectively adheres to graphene on SiO2 surfaces,
providing binding sites for TMA deposition. Inset is a top view of the
PTCA structure. (B) ALD of Al2O3 on PTCA-coated graphene. (a)
AFM image of graphene on SiO2 before ALD. The height of the
triangular shaped graphene is 1.6 nm as shown in the height prole
along the dashed line. Scale bar is 500 nm. (b) AFM image of the same
area as panel a after 2 nm Al2O3 ALD deposition. The height of the
triangular shaped graphene becomes 3.0 nm as shown in the height
prole along the dashed line. Scale bar is 500 nm. (c,d) Schematics of
graphene on SiO2 before and after ALD. The Al2O3 grows uniformly on
the noncovalently PTCA-coated graphene. Reprinted with permission
from ref 274. Copyright 2008 American Chemical Society.

schematic of the monolayer unit cell is shown in Figure 42d.

Interactions of the PTCDA monolayer with various types of
epitaxial graphene defects are shown in Figure 42c,eg. These
results demonstrate that organic functionalization of epitaxial
graphene possesses wide tolerance and can be readily achieved at
room temperature using surface chemistry analogous to that on
bulk graphite. This well-ordered, stable, robust, nearly defect-free
monolayer presents opportunities to explore self-assembly
chemistry on graphene. It allows chemical functionality tailoring
of graphene, as well as template growth and deposition of other
materials, as a potential route toward realizing graphene-based
molecular electronic and sensing devices.
Noncovalent functionalization of graphene nanoplatelets with
single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) was obtained by chemical
oxidation of graphite to GO, followed by hydrazine reduction
in the presence of ssDNA.92 This composite material is soluble in
water with concentrations as high as 2.5 mg/L.
In subsequent work, Liu et al.275 reported the deposition of
gold nanoparticles on DNA-functionalized graphene nanoplatelets. First thiolated DNA oligonucleotides were allowed to
adsorb on GO nanoplatelets (Figure 43), with the resulting
DNA-coated GO reduced by hydrazine to DNARGO. Gold
nanoparticles were then added to aqueous solutions of DNA
RGO and DNAGO to form the related composites. These
gold-decorated DNA-functionalized graphene nanoplatelets

In subsequent work, Wang and Hersam38 reported the roomtemperature molecular resolution of a self-assembled perylene3,4,9,10-tetracarboxylic dianhydride (PTCDA) monolayer on
epitaxial graphene using STM. The PTCDA molecular structure
is shown in Figure 42a. PTCDA is a planar molecule based on a
perylene backbone with a conjugated -electron system and
carboxylic acid anhydride side groups. After gas-phase deposition
in ultrahigh vacuum (UHV), the resultant monolayer of PTCDA
on graphene is observed at room-temperature using STM
(Figure 42b). The molecule forms a well-ordered, self-assembled
monolayer with large domains that span hundreds of nanometers. At higher resolution, the herringbone pattern formed by the
molecules in the PTCDA monolayer is visible (Figure 42c). This
structure closely resembles the (102) plane of the PTCDA bulk
crystal structure. Molecular structure diagrams are drawn over
the STM image in Figure 42c to indicate the locations of
molecules in the monolayer, and the outline of one unit cell is
shown with the lattice vectors (a and b) specied. A larger

dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr3000412 | Chem. Rev. 2012, 112, 61566214

Chemical Reviews


hydrazine. The adsorption of MG onto CRG not only greatly

improves the dispersity of CRG in water but also enhances the
electrocatalytic activity of the CRGMG nanocomposite toward
the oxidation of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH).
Tu and co-workers277 noncovalently functionalized graphene
nanoplatelets with water-soluble picket-fence iron porphyrin. An
ITO electrode modied with the porphyrin-functionalized
graphene showed excellent detection of chlorite. Geng and
Jung278 have synthesized porphyrin-functionalized chemically
converted graphene (CCG) nanoplatelets by hydrazine
reduction of GO with water-soluble porphyrins. The resulting
porphyrin-functionalized CCG nanoplatelets have been employed in the preparation of CCG lms that have a low sheet
resistance of ca. 5 Ksq1 with 80% transparency at 550 nm.
The functionalization of graphene nanoribbons with watersoluble iron(III) meso-tetrakis(N-methylpyridinum-4-yl) porphyrin (FeTMPyP) via noncovalent interactions on an
electrode surface has been demonstrated by Zhang et al.279 The
resulting FeTMPyP/RGNRs composite lm showed excellent
electrocatalysis toward the reduction of dissolved oxygen, and it
was subsequently used as a biosensor for the detection of glucose
in human serum.
Noncovalent functionalization of graphene nanoplatelets by
sulfonated polyaniline (SPANI) to produce a water-soluble
composite has been reported by Bai et al.280 A dispersion of the
composite was stable even after storage for two weeks;
additionally it displayed stability at pH 12 due to strong
stacking between the backbones of SPANI and the graphene
basal planes, as well as the electrostatic repulsion between the
resulting negatively charged SPANI/r-G nanoplatelets.
In subsequent work, graphene functionalized with polyaniline
was used as a high-performance exible electrode.281 The
functionalized material oers enhanced electron transfer from
graphene to the polyaniline lm and acts as a tensile backbone to
maintain a desirable mechanical exibility. The gravimetric and
volumetric capacitances of the GPCP-900s reach 233 F g1 and
135 F cm3, respectively, much larger than those of graphene
paper (147 F g1 and 64 F cm3) and many other currently
available carbon-based exible electrodes.

Figure 43. DNA coating and aqueous dispersion of GO and RGO,

which were then used as two-dimensional bionano-interfaces for
homogeneous assembly of metalcarbon heteronanostructures. Reprinted with permission from ref 275. Copyright 2010 Royal Society

have potential application in catalysis, magnetism, battery

materials, optoelectronics, eld eect devices, and biodetection
Xu et al.276 developed a novel and facile 3D self-assembly
method to prepare GO/DNA composite hydrogels with high
mechanical strength, excellent environmental stability, high dyeadsorption capacity, and self-healing function. The multifunctionality of the self-assembled hydrogel can be attributed
to the unique structures, properties, and self-assembly behavior
of the GO and DNA building blocks.
Methyl green is a water-soluble molecule with a positive
charge, so it can be adsorbed on the surface of CRG through
stacking, thus weakening the strong van der Waals interactions
between CRG nanoplatelets obtained when GO is reduced by

Figure 44. Illustration of a procedure to design RGON hybrids and the RGON platform used as an electrochemical biosensor. Reprinted with
permission from ref 283. Copyright 2010 American Chemical Society.

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Chemical Reviews


Figure 45. HRTEM micrographs of (a) neat ILFG showing the crumpled sheet like texture (inset on right-hand side shows the thickness of the
nanosheet), (b) neat RGO with the inset showing a blown up view of a fold on the nanoplatelet, (c) the PEDOTRGO nanocomposite; the ellipses
encircle the streak like structures typical of RGO and are surrounded by the amorphous polymer, (d) PEDOTILFG nanocomposite, the elongated
shapes (as in the inset) are characteristic of ILFG, (e) coexisting crystalline and amorphous phases in PEDOTILFG (inset is a magnied view of a
quasi-ordered arrangement of lattice fringes), and (f) a relatively defect free crystallite of ILFG in PEDOTILFG (the inset shows the fringe separation
of 0.85 nm). Reprinted with permission from ref 287. Copyright 2011 American Chemical Society.

Wu et al.282 employed a one-step method for the preparation

of polystyrene (PS)-functionalized graphene nanoplatelets. The
graphene is homogeneously dispersed in the PS matrix, thereby
creating electrically conductive graphene/PS nanocomposites.
The synthesis of the composite was achieved via in situ peeling of
graphite nanoplatelets into graphene nanoplatelets in the
presence of a PS solution. The resulting PS-functionalized
graphene nanoplatelets displayed a uy nanostructure. The
backbones of PS were stacked onto the basal plane of graphene
nanoplatelets by strong interactions with a graft ratio up to
85 wt. %. The PS chains eectively prevent the graphene
nanoplatelets from aggregating and the prepared graphene/PS
nanocomposites, with homogeneously dispersed single- and fewlayer graphene, exhibited extraordinary electrical properties and a
percolation threshold of about 2.7 wt. %, which outperforms that
of the starting graphite or carbon black material.
Functionalization of graphene through self-assembly of a
hydrophobic backbone of Naon has been reported by Choi et
al.283 (Figure 44). The resulting graphene nanoplatelets were
readily dispersible and displayed high conductivity and electrochemical biosensing properties for organophosphates. Ansari et
al.284 reported that a Naon/graphene nanocomposite can be
produced by dispersion of Naon in a GO aqueous solution and
subsequent reduction with hydrazine. In their report, they
showed that the presence of Naon nanochannels dramatically
increases the conductivity of graphene.
The widely soluble graphene nanoplatelet/congo red (GSCR)
composite was synthesized by noncovalent interaction coupling.285 The resulting graphene nanoplatelets were completely
dispersed in DMF, methanol, DMSO, ethanol, and water and
partially dispersed in many other organic solvents. The
mechanism of GSCRs good solubility was successfully explained
by Hansen solubility parameters. These functionalized nanoplatelets were used to prepare GSCR/Au hybrid materials
through electrostatic interactions. UVvis absorption, Fourier
transform infrared, Raman, and X-ray photoelectron spectra
revealed that congo red (CR) is successfully coupled to the
graphene nanoplatelets.

Liu et al.286 functionalized graphene with a water-soluble

aromatic electroactive dye, methylene green (MG), during the
chemical reduction of GO with hydrazine. Atomic force
microscopy and UVvis spectrophotometric results demonstrate that CRG functionalized with MG (CRGMG) is welldispersed in water through coulomb repulsion between MGadsorbed CRG nanoplatelets. The electrochemical properties of
the CRGMG composite were investigated, and the results
demonstrate that CRGMG conned onto a glassy carbon
electrode has lower charge-transfer resistance and better
electrocatalytic activity toward the oxidation of NADH than
pristine CRG. This method not only oers a facile approach to
dispersing graphene in water but also is envisaged to be useful for
graphene-based electrochemistry investigations.
Nanocomposite assemblies of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT), embedded with (a) uoro alkyl phosphate
based ionic liquid functionalized graphene (ILFG) and (b) RGO
prepared from a modied Hummers method, have been
synthesized (Figure 45).287 Defect-free graphene nanoplatelets
within the size of a few nanometers were achieved in the
PEDOTILFG nanocomposite. In contrast, structures comprising GO wrinkles interspersed with the amorphous polymer were
obtained in the PEDOTRGO nanocomposite. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy showed that ILFG was considerably less
oxidized compared with the pure RGO, which ratied the
superiority of the ionic liquid functionalization strategy over the
conventional chemical approach for exfoliating graphite.
Substantially higher electrochemical activity, improved ionic/
electronic conductivity, much faster switching rates, and an
almost ballistic enhancement in the electrochromic coloration
eciency were attained for the PEDOTILFG nanocomposite
in comparison to the PEDOTRGO lm. This demonstrated
the ability of the ionic liquid to not only fortify the structure of
graphene but also facilitate charge transport through the bulk of
the lm, by providing less impeded pathways. Since PEDOT
ILFG/RGO nanocomposites of good uniformity achieved this,
to some extent, the challenges associated with the processing of

dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr3000412 | Chem. Rev. 2012, 112, 61566214

Chemical Reviews


graphene-based high performance materials for practical

applications have been overcome.
The site-dependent and spontaneous functionalization of 4bromobenzene diazonium tetrauoroborate (4-BBDT) and its
doping eect on mechanically exfoliated graphene (MEG) has
been investigated by Lim et al. (Figure 46).288 The spatially

Figure 46. Noncovalent functionalization occurs on the basal plane of

defect-free graphene, as opposed to covalent bonding formed on the
edge of the graphene. Doping induces modulation of the Fermi level of
graphene. Reprinted with permission from ref 288. Copyright 2010
American Chemical Society.

Figure 47. (a) Synthetic scheme for the preparation of graphene

coronene composites. (b) Photographs of the aqueous solutions of CS,
EGCS, and HGCS and (c) corresponding images under UV/vis
illumination. (d) Schematic illustration of the exfoliation of few-layer
graphene with CS to yield monolayer grapheneCS composites.
Reprinted with permission from ref 291. Copyright 2010 Wiley.

resolved Raman spectra obtained from both edge and basal

regions of MEG revealed that 4-BBDT molecules were
noncovalently functionalized on the basal region of MEG,
while they were covalently bonded to the edge of MEG. The
chemical doping eect induced by noncovalently functionalized
4-BBDT molecules on the basal plane region of MEG was
explained by using Raman spectroscopy. The position of the
Fermi level of MEG and the type of doping charge carrier
induced by the noncovalently adsorbed 4-BBDT molecules were
determined from systematic G band and 2D band changes.
Noncovalent functionalization of RGO with chitosan by
chemical reduction of GO has been demonstrated by Fang et
al.289 The graphene captures the amino and hydroxyl groups of
chitosan via zwitterionic interactions and hydrogen bonding,
resulting in dispersibility of the composite in water. The
graphene suspension is highly biocompatible, which makes the
system highly desirable for potential biological and medicinal
applications. Jo et al.290 prepared RGO nanoplatelets via
noncovalent functionalization with a conducting polymer
dispersant, PEDOT:PSS. The resulting RGO/PEDOT suspension retains a fairly good colloidal stability in aqueous medium. A
large-scale exible thin lm of RGO/PEDOT hybrid material can
be prepared by ltration, followed by transfer onto a receiving
substrate, such as a exible PET or a quartz slide. The hybrid
RGO/PEDOT lm exhibits high conductivity with a controllable
transmittance, leading to its potential application as a large scale
transparent conducting thin lm.
Ghosh and co-workers291 demonstrated a simple and ecient
methodology to make stable aqueous solutions of single- and
few-layer graphenes by exploiting noncovalent interactions with
a coronene carboxylate acceptor molecule (Figure 47). Optical
and Raman spectroscopy unambiguously shows the strong
molecular charge-transfer interactions with the graphene. The
uorescent sheets of the composite with strongly bound
electron-decient uorescent coronene molecules could be of
use in nanoelectronics.

Chen et al.292 presented a noncovalent functionalization of

graphene at low temperature in aqueous solution with thionine,
which results in the formation of a stable aqueous solution of
single- and double-layer graphene nanoplatelets. Optical spectroscopy clearly veried the presence of interactions
between the graphene and thionine. The conductivity of the
functionalized hybrid material was around 7 orders of magnitude
larger than that observed for GO.
Graphene modied with poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) [PNIPAAm] via stacking interactions was successfully prepared
by Liu et al.,293 with aqueous suspensions of this nanocomposite
being very stable below 24 C. This stacking attachment
methodology can be used with any polymer and should allow
retention of the electrical properties of graphene.
By taking advantage of the solubility in water of the poly(2,5bis(3-sulfonatopropoxy)-1,4-ethynyl-phenylene-alt-1,4-ethynylphenylene) sodium salt (PPE-SO3) and the stacking
interaction between PPE-SO3 and graphene nanoplatelets,
Yang et al.294 reported a facile method of processing graphene
through noncovalent functionalization to obtain highly conductive graphene-based materials that are stable for long periods
of time. The successful attachment of PPE-SO3 onto graphene
not only stabilizes the graphene dispersion in water but also
endows the resulting graphene with negative charges, which
makes further functionalization of graphene feasible. Moreover,
PPE-SO3 molecules exhibit interesting optoelectronic properties, and the resulting graphene nanoplatelets functionalized with
PPE-SO3 should realize a variety of optoelectronic device
applications utilizing graphene.
Li et al.59 developed a simple chemical method to produce
graphene nanoribbons by graphite exfoliation. The exfoliated
graphite was dispersed in a 1,2-dichloroethane (DCE) solution
of poly(m-phenylenevinylene-co-2,5-dioctoxy-p-phenylenevinylene) (PmPV) by sonication for 30 min to give a homogeneous
suspension. Centrifugation removed large pieces of materials

dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr3000412 | Chem. Rev. 2012, 112, 61566214

Chemical Reviews


Figure 48. (A) (left) Photograph of a polymer PmPV/DCE solution with GNRs stably suspended in the solution and (right) schematic drawing of a
graphene nanoribbon with two units of a PmPV polymer chain adsorbed on top of the graphene via stacking. (BF) Chemically derived graphene
nanoribbons down to sub-10-nm width. Reprinted with permission from ref 59. Copyright 2008 American Association for the Advancement of Science.

A stable, biocompatible, free-standing paperlike material

composed of polyoxyethylene sorbitan laurate (TWEEN) and
RGO platelets has been presented.297 The TWEEN paper is
highly stable in water (no leakage of TWEEN) and suciently
robust to be handled by hand without breaking. Furthermore, the
material is noncytotoxic to three mammalian cell lines and
inhibits nonspecic binding of Gram-positive bacteria.
Graphene akes with controlled thicknesses have been
isolated in solution using density gradient ultracentrifugation.298
These stable graphene dispersions are produced using the bile
salt sodium cholate, which promotes graphite exfoliation and
results in graphenesurfactant complexes having buoyant
densities that vary with graphene thickness. The sorted graphene
akes were characterized using atomic force microscopy and
Raman spectroscopy.
The dual role of Pluronic copolymer in dispersing graphene
and in forming supramolecular hydrogels has been reported.299
The required amount of Pluronic copolymer was dispersed in
aqueous GO solution, and subsequent reduction was performed
with hydrazine hydrate. The aqueous graphene solutions were
stable for three months, and the viscosity behavior of the
hydrogels as a function of shear rate diminished.300 Liu et al.301
successfully prepared an aqueous dispersion of graphene
nanoplatelets (GNs) via chemical reduction of GO using
hydrazine hydrate in the presence of poly[(2-ethyldimethylammonioethyl methacrylate ethyl sulfate)-co-(1-vinylpyrrolidone)]
(PQ11), a cationic polyelectrolyte. The noncovalent functionalization of graphene nanoplatelets by PQ11 leads to a stable
dispersion for several months. PQ11 is a positively charged
polymer that exhibits the ability to reduce silver salts to Ag
nanoparticles. They found that such Ag/graphene nanocomposites exhibit good catalytic activity toward the reduction
of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), leading to an enzymeless sensor
with a fast amperometric response time of less than 2 s.
Noncovalent functionalization leading to solubilization of
graphene and single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) has
been explored in nonpolar organic solvents using various

from the supernatant (Figure 48). The obtained graphene

nanoribbons (GNR) have widths below 10 nm, as well as single
ribbons with varying widths along their lengths. The GNRs
exhibited ultrasmooth edges with well-dened zigzag or armchair
edge structures. Electrical transport experiments showed that,
unlike single-walled carbon nanotubes, all of the sub-10-nm
GNRs produced were semiconductors, aording graphene eld
eect transistors with ono ratios of about 107 at room
A simple wet-chemical strategy for synthesizing hemin
graphene hybrid nanoplatelets (H-GNs) through interactions has been reported by Guo et al.295 This new nanomaterial
exhibits high solubility and stability in water. Using this
composite, the authors were able to dierentiate between ssand double-stranded (ds-) DNA in optimum ion concentrations
due to the dierent anities of ss- and ds-DNA toward graphene.
With this information, a novel assay for single-nucleotide
polymorphism (SNP) detection was developed. This assay is
simple, rapid, and cost-ecient, and there is no need to label the
DNA substrate. The most important characteristic of the assay is
a sensitive probe for direct visualization of SNPs by the naked eye
at room temperature. This makes it more convenient than other
methods that rely on complex instrumentation.
Wang and co-workers296 reported a green and facile strategy
for the fabrication of soluble RGO. The method is based on the
reduction of exfoliated GO in green tea solution by making use of
the reducing capability and the aromatic rings of tea polyphenols
(TP). Measurements of the resultant graphene (TPG) conrm
the ecient removal of the oxygen-containing groups in GO.
The strong interactions between the RGO and the aromatic TPs
guarantee a good dispersion of the RGO in both aqueous
solution and a variety of organic solvents. These features endow
this green approach with great potential in constructing various
graphene-based materials, especially for high-performance
biorelated materials as demonstrated with the chitosan/TPG

dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr3000412 | Chem. Rev. 2012, 112, 61566214

Chemical Reviews


Figure 49. (a) Chemical structure of PEG-OPE. (b) The synthesis of PEG-OPERGO in H2O. Step 1, oxidation of graphite yields single-layer GO
nanoplatelets. Step 2, Chemical reduction of GO with hydrazine in the presence of PEG-OPE produces a stable aqueous suspension of PEG-OPE
RGO. (c) Photograph of (A) GO and (B) RGO in water and (C) PEG-OPERGO and (D) PEG-OPE in methanol. Reprinted with permission from ref
305. Copyright 2010 Wiley.

Figure 50. TEM images of chemically converted graphene nanoplatelets (a) in the presence of and (b) in the absence of ILP and (c) tapping mode AFM
image of the ILP-G processed from organic suspension and height proles across the ILP-G sheets indicating a thickness of 1.9 nm. Reprinted with
permission from ref 306. Copyright 2010 American Chemical Society.

electron donor and acceptor molecules.302 The large aromatic

surfaces of electron donor and acceptor molecules direct
themselves onto the surface of the graphene/SWNTs through
stacking interactions whereas the alkyl chains or glycol
chains on the aromatic molecules promote solubility and thus
produce stable dispersions of SWNT/graphene composites in
nonpolar solvents. Composites of graphene and SWNTs with
electron donors and acceptors show signicant change in their
electronic and Raman spectra, and these changes were found to
be characteristic of charge-transfer interactions.
Choi et al.303 reported a novel method for dispersing graphene
in various organic solvents via noncovalent functionalization with
amine-terminated polymers. The carboxylate groups remaining
after chemical reduction of GO successfully provided noncovalent functionalization sites for the protonated amine
terminal group of end-functional polymers. The noncovalent
functionalization facilitated the phase transfer of graphene
nanoplatelets from a water phase to an organic phase via simple

sonication. The noncovalent grafting via ionic interaction was

conrmed by attenuated total reection Fourier transform
infrared and Raman spectroscopy. The dispersibility of RGO in
16 dierent organic solvents was tested, and photographs were
taken after one month. UVvis absorption spectroscopy was
employed to conrm the dispersibility of the RGO. The
absorption peaks of the graphene were observed at 270 nm for
1-propanol, EtOH, and EG, conrming the stable dispersibility of
RGO in these solvents.304
An eective method to prepare amphiphilic RGO nanoplatelets by using a coilrodcoil conjugated triblock copolymer
(PEG-OPE) as the binding stabilizer has been shown by Qi
et al.305 (Figure 49). PEG-OPE is composed of one lipophilic conjugated oligomer and two hydrophilic PEG coils and is
synthesized by atom-transfer radical polymerization (ATRP).
Due to the amphiphilicity and -conjugation of PEG-OPE, PEGOPE functionalized RGO form a sandwich structure, making the
composite soluble in a variety of solvents including toluene and

dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr3000412 | Chem. Rev. 2012, 112, 61566214

Chemical Reviews


Figure 51. (Left) Photograph of several dispersions of gold nanoparticles (1 mM) in THF with dierent concentrations of GOODA (octadecylamine)
and (right) the characteristic UVvis absorption spectra of the dispersions. Reprinted with permission from ref 318. Copyright 2008 American
Chemical Society.

highest purity.310 Excluding conductivity, the other forms of

graphene (GO and partially RGO) also exhibit these advantages
for the deposition of nanoparticles.

water. The presence of PEG moieties in graphene allows for its

use in the exploration of biological systems, as well as its potential
application in the attachment and delivery of aromatic waterinsoluble drugs into cells.
Kim et al.306 demonstrated an eective method for the
preparation of solution-processable graphene nanoplatelets
(Figure 50) using ionic liquid polymers (ILP). These graphene
nanoplatelets were readily transferred between the aqueous and
organic phases using ILP as the transferring vehicle. Chemically
converted graphene nanoplatelets decorated with ILP were
found to be stable against chemical reduction and were well
dispersed in an aqueous phase without any agglomeration. The
reversible hydrophilic-to-hydrophobic switching of graphene
nanoplatelets was possible by simply exchanging the anions
associated with ILP.
Zhang et al.307 theoretically investigated the binding of organic
donor, acceptor, and metal atoms on graphene sheets. These
calculations revealed the eect of the dierent noncovalent
functionalizations on the electronic structure and transport
properties of graphene. The adsorption of 2,3-dichloro-5,6dicyano-1,4-benzoquinone (DDQ) and tetrathiafulvalene
(TTF) induce hybridization between the molecular levels and
the graphene valence bands. This transforms the zero-gap
semiconducting graphene into metallic graphene. However, the
current versus voltage (IV) simulation indicates that noncovalent modication by organic molecules is not sucient to
signicantly alter the transport properties of graphene for sensing

4.1. Deposition of Precious Metal Nanoparticles

Noble metals such as Pt, Au, Ag, Rh, Pd, and related alloys are
often used in the form of nanostructures in a variety of
applications ranging from catalytic systems to fuel cells, sensors,
supercapacitors, and storage batteries.311316 Considering its
reducibility, GO could be used to prepare graphenemetal
particle nanocomposites. As such dispersions of metal nanoparticles on graphene sheets potentially provide a new way to
develop catalytic, magnetic, and optoelectronic materials. Eorts
are being made to utilize graphene sheets as supports to disperse
semiconductor and Pt particles and use them in solar cells and
fuel cells.
Usually, the precursors for NPs are metal salts, which are
reduced in a solvent that contains dispersed GO, RGO, or
pristine graphene nanoplatelets. The last two are preferred when
the conductivity of the substrate is of high importance. In some
cases, the reducing agents or procedures are strong enough to
reduce GO simultaneously. The formed NPs are spread onto the
relatively huge surface area of graphitic nanoplatelets.
Graphene-stabilized gold nanoparticles (330 nm in diameter) have been synthesized using chemically modied graphene
nanoplatelets, which support the gold nanoparticles. In this
method, gold atoms were deposited onto few-layer graphene.
These gold atoms are then condensed upon annealing to form
nanoparticles.316 Recently, anity of gold nanoparticles to
graphene has been compared with that of palladium and silver
nanoparticles with the conclusion that palladium has the highest
anity to graphene. The theoretical calculations (at MP2 and
vdW-DF levels) suggested that the high anity of palladium to
graphene is caused by the partial covalent nature of binding
between Pd and graphene.317
The deposition of gold nanoparticles on GO nanoplatelets has
also been achieved by the direct reduction of AuCl4 by NaBH4 in
a GO THF suspension.318 The GO nanoplatelets used in the
synthesis were rst functionalized with octadecyl amine (GO
ODA) in order to be dispersible in the organic solvent. The
formation of the Au nanoparticles (NP) was conrmed using
UVvis absorption where the evolution of the characteristic
absorption band around 550 nm was observed (Figure 51). The
size and the dispersibility of the as formed Au NPs were
determined by the concentration of GOODA in the solution.
As presented in Figure 52, in the absence of GOODA, the Au
NPs formed large aggregates, and this caused precipitation. As
the concentration of GOODA was increased, the Au NPs were


Composite materials derived from ne dispersions of metallic
nanoparticles or oxides on carbon nanotubes have been
extensively studied and applied in catalytic or optoelectronic
applications, supercapacitors, fuel cells, batteries, etc.308,309 Due
to the increased interest in graphene arising from its exceptional
electrical and mechanical properties, the immobilization of
metallic and other nanoparticles on graphene sheets has become
the focus of many researchers.
A typical pristine graphene sheet can be characterized as an
ideal substrate for the dispersion of nanoparticles due to its large
active surface area per mass unit, in comparison with carbon
nanotubes, amorphous carbon, or graphite, which have a lower
active surface area because only the external surface is active.
Additionally pristine graphene has high conductivity and
mechanical strength, and it is free of metallic or carbon
impurities since the preparative methods are not catalytic, such
as in carbon nanotubes, and the graphite starting material is of the

dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr3000412 | Chem. Rev. 2012, 112, 61566214

Chemical Reviews


Pt or Pt/Ru NPs dispersed onto a conductive surface are used

as catalytic systems in proton exchange membrane fuel cell
devices (PEM fuel cells). These devices are designed to produce
electricity from the oxidation of hydrogen over a catalytic system.
Alternatively, methanol can be used as fuel in the so-called direct
methanol fuel cells (DMFC).
The conductivity of the surface is important for the collection
of the produced electrons and their transport to the collecting
electrode. Carbon black, carbon nanotubes, and graphitic
nanobers are often utilized as supports for the dispersion of
Pt NPs in these devices. Some of the advantages of carbon
materials as catalyst supports are high surface area, conductivity,
and low cost. The large surface area provides improved mass
transport of the reactants to the catalytic centers. Graphene
sheets exhibit remarkable electrical conductivity and the highest
specic surface area among carbon materials; as such they could
prove to be ideal as a support material to improve the
electrocatalytic activity of Pt or Pt/Ru NPs in PEM fuel cells
or DMFC.321324
The formation of Pt NPs was achieved by the borohydride
reduction of H2PtCl6 in a RGO suspension. The nal product,
which contained RGO nanoplatelets decorated with Pt NPs, was
deposited as a lm onto a glassy carbon electrode for use as an
electrocatalyst in a PEM fuel cell.321 The use of RGO in this
device showed a limited improvement in electrical power output,
RGO/Pt NPs delivered a maximum power output of 161 mW/
cm2 compared with 96 mW/cm2 for Pt NPs without a support.
RGO/Pt NPs have also been examined as an eective system
for the electrocatalytic oxidation of methanol in DMFCs. The
deposition of a ne dispersion of Pt NPs or PtRu alloys on RGO
can be realized by the reduction of the Pt or Pt/Ru salts mixed
with GO via reductive annealing under a H2/Ar atmosphere,323
reduction using ethylene glycol,324326 reduction utilizing
oleylamine and sodium borohydride (NaBH4),327 or electrochemical reduction (Figure 54).328
The use of RGO as support in DMFC electrodes resulted in a
slight improvement in the electrocatalytic activity.323 In another
report a much higher methanol electrooxidation catalytic activity

Figure 52. TEM images of the RGOAu composite on a holey carbon

grid: (a) sequential reduction sample; (b) simultaneous reduction
sample. Reprinted with permission from ref 319. Copyright 2010
American Chemical Society.

evenly dispersed onto the carbon surface resulting in enhanced

liquid phase stability, as well as a size decrease as revealed by the
red shift of the analogous absorption bands.
The application of high-frequency ultrasound to a GO
dispersion in a 2% poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) aqueous
solution leads to the reduction of GO. The presence in the
solution of tetrachloroauric acid (HAuCl4) leads to the
simultaneous formation of Au NPs by the reduction of Au
cations, with the majority of the Au NPs immobilized on the
RGO surfaces. A sequential reduction of the components had
less success in terms of the amount of Au NPs deposited on the
RGO nanoplatelets (Figure 52).319
Au NPs have been deposited on GO nanoplatelets in the
fabrication of ambipolar memory devices.320 In this case, GO is
assembled onto a Si/SiO2 substrate covered by a positively
charged molecular layer of aminopropyl-triethoxysilane
(APTES) and then reduced to obtain high conductivity. After
the formation of an insulating lm of Al2O3, over the RGO layer,
Au NPs were deposited and nally a top gate was fabricated
completing the device. The device can be operated as a
conventional conductivity switching memory or a new typeswitching memory by adjusting the charge density on the NPs
(Figure 53).

Figure 53. Schematic representation of the fabrication process of RGO-based memory devices using Au NPs. Reprinted with permission from ref 320.
Copyright 2010 Wiley.

dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr3000412 | Chem. Rev. 2012, 112, 61566214

Chemical Reviews


Figure 55. Thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA) plots of GO and

chemically converted graphene nanoplatelets obtained using microwave
irradiation. Reprinted with permission from ref 329. Copyright 2009
Royal Society of Chemistry.

water system has also been used for the reduction of Au, Pt, and
Pd cations in the presence of GO. The as formed NPs are then
capable of catalytically reducing the GO surface in the presence
of ethylene glycol.326
4.2. Deposition of Metal Oxide Nanoparticles

Metal oxide nanostructures have been used in catalytic systems,

gas sensors, energy storage, transparent conducting electrodes,
exible electronics, photonics, photovoltaic systems, etc.330338
As an example, tin oxide (SnO2), manganese oxide (Mn3O4),
cobalt oxide (Co3O4), and titanium oxide (TiO2) nanocrystals
supported on carbon substrates have been used successfully as
anodes in Li-ion batteries. A high degree of nanocrystal
dispersion and conductivity of the substrate are the most
important factors for high charge capacity and cycling performance. Graphene nanostructures are ideally suited as a carbon
substrate for use as anodes in Li-ion batteries.
SnO2 should be a good material as an anode for Li-ion batteries
with a theoretical Li storage capacity of 782 mAhg1 compared
with graphite, which has a storage capacity of 372 mAhg1. The
disadvantage of SnO2 is that during the charge/discharge cycle its
volume increases 3 times, causing breaks and cracks in the anode
and thus shortening its life. This obstacle could be avoided or
minimized by inserting RGO nanoplatelets between SnO2 NPs.
This was achieved by mixing homogeneously with RGO
nanoplatelets. The pores and void spaces that formed in this
case protect the anode from cracking, minimizing the expansion
of SnO2 (Figure 58). In an alternate synthesis, SnO2 NPs were
deposited on RGO nanoplatelets via an alkaline hydrolysis of
SnCl4 in the presence of RGO. It was shown that the initial
reversible capacity (810 mAhg1) of the RGO/SnO2 composite
is only moderately reduced after 30 cycles (570 mAhg1),
showing remarkable improvement compared with that of pure
SnO2 NPs.330
Zhang et al.339 have presented a method to increase
remarkably the loaded amount of metal oxide on graphene
substrate without aecting the quality of the dispersion. The
higher loading of metal oxide NPs could increase the charge
capacity of the composite. Starting from graphene oxide, the
oxygen groups here were used as anchors attracting Sn4+ cations
through electrostatic forces when GO and SnCl2 are dispersed in
water. After drying by heating, SnO2 nanocrystals are formed and
immobilized on the GO surface. TEM images showed the dense
decoration of SnO2 NPs on the GO nanoplatelets (Figure 59),
while AFM images showed that SnO2 NPs are possibly deposited

Figure 54. (Top) Schematic of formation of RGO/Pt and (bottom)

TEM images of dispersion of Pt nanoparticles on graphenes. Reprinted
with permission from ref 328. Copyright 2010 Royal Society of

was measured when a RGO support was used compared with a

carbon black support.328
A general method for the reduction of GO with simultaneous
deposition of metal NPs or nanoalloys has been developed by
Hassan and co-workers.329 In this method, microwaves are
utilized to reduce aqueous dispersions of GO in the presence of
various reducing agents like hydrazine hydrate, ethylenediamine,
or ammonium hydroxide. Thermogravimetric analysis of GO
and the as prepared RGO showed that this method was eective
in removing oxygen functionalities, with the RGO showing no
signicant weight loss up to 750 C (Figure 55).
In the case that a metal salt such as palladium nitrate, copper
nitrate, or a mixture is present in the aquatic phase together with
GO, the analogous metal NPs were formed and deposited on the
RGO nanoplatelets (Figure 56).
An oleylamine and oleic acid mixture is a powerful reducing
agent for the formation of Ag, Au, and Cu NPs in the presence of
GO. This method is superior to others because it exhibits a
narrow size distribution as well as ne dispersion of the produced
NPs on the GO surface. Ag, Au, and Cu NPs display a
characteristic absorption band in the UVvis region due to
surface plasmon resonance (Figure 57). The ethylene glycol/

dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr3000412 | Chem. Rev. 2012, 112, 61566214

Chemical Reviews


Figure 56. TEM images of RGO nanoplatelets decorated with (a) Pd, (b) Cu, and (c) CuPd NPs. Reprinted with permission from ref 329. Copyright
2009 Royal Society of Chemistry.

ion batteries, mainly due to its high abundance and low cost.
Graphene nanostructures, as highly conductive materials, acting
as substrates for the deposition of Mn3O4 could help overcome
the low conductivity of this metal oxide. In a characteristic
example a RGO/Mn3O4 composite aorded a high capacity of
810 mAhg1 with good rate capability and cycling stability.340
The decoration of RGO by well crystallized Mn3O4 NPs was
achieved by the hydrolysis of a Mn salt in a suspension of GO in
DMF/H2O followed by hydrothermal reduction of the GO
(Figure 60).
Improved anode performance in Li-ion batteries has also been
noted using composites of graphene or RGO and metal oxides
such as MnO2,341 CuO,342 Co3O4,343345 CoO,346 Fe3O4,347
TiO2,348 and Li4Ti5O12.349 For example, the RGO/Co3O4
composite is formed by deposition of cobalt on RGO
nanoplatelets in the form of Co(OH)2 followed by calcination
at 450 C (Figure 61).
The graphene/TiO2 composite has been widely examined and
its synthesis and physical properties have been reported by
several researchers.18,348,350353 An illustrative example of the
use of the nanostructured RGO/TiO2 hybrid is presented by
Wang et al.348 where they demonstrated the enhanced Li-ion
insertion/extraction kinetics in TiO2. This makes the material a
candidate for use in Li-ion batteries or other energy storage
materials. For the preparation of the composite, RGO nanoplatelets were dispersed in water by stabilizing them with sodium
dodecyl sulfate. To this solution, a TiCl3 solution was added,
which resulted in deposition of TiO2 NPs upon hydrolysis
(Figure 62).

Figure 57. (Left) UVvis absorption spectra of Ag, Au and Cu NPs

deposited on RGO and (right) TEM image of the RGO nanoplatelet
with Au NPs deposited on the surface. Reprinted with permission from
ref 329. Copyright 2009 Royal Society of Chemistry.

on both sides of graphene oxide nanoplatelets explaining the

observed high loading in this case.
Since high conductivity is essential for the use of graphene/
SnO2 composites in Li-ion batteries, thermal reduction of the
GO/SnO2 composite at 300 C is needed to aord the RGO
SnO2 composite. The content of the SnO2 in the nal composite
was about 60%, compared with other carbon supports where the
SnO2 content is usually less than 25%. The RGO/SnO2 showed
an initial reversible charge capacity of 786 mAhg1, which after
50 cycles drops to a capacity of 560 mAhg1, is comparable to
results reported by other groups.339
Although Mn3O4 exhibits very low conductivity, it could be
considered an attractive oxide for use as an anode material for Li-

Figure 58. (left) Schematic representation of the formation of RGO/SnO2 and its use in Li ion batteries and (right) cyclic performances for (a) SnO2
nanoparticles, (b) graphite, (c) RGO nanoplatelets, and (d) RGO/SnO2. Reprinted with permission from ref 330. Copyright 2008 American Chemical

dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr3000412 | Chem. Rev. 2012, 112, 61566214

Chemical Reviews


TiO2 nanocrystals have been considered one of the most

promising materials for photocatalytic water splitting.351 Under
optimized conditions photoinduced electrons in TiO2 can escape
recombination with the photoinduced holes, thereby splitting
water molecules to produce hydrogen. RGO has been used as
support with TiO2 in an eort to minimize the recombination of
the photogenerated electronhole pairs and thus to improve the
water-splitting eciency. Zhang and co-workers351 showed that
the RGO/TiO2 composite could be synthesized by the
hydrolysis of tetra-butyl titanate in a dispersion of RGO
nanoplatelets followed by thermal annealing at 450 C (Figure
63). The eciency of photocatalytic water splitting by the RGO/
TiO2 composite was determined by measuring the H2 evolution
during irradiation using simulated solar light.
It was shown that when the concentration of RGO in the
composite is 5% the evolution of H2 is almost two times higher
than commercially available P25. This enhancement in the
photosplitting of water is due to the high conductivity of the
RGO substrate, which helps the photogenerated electrons of
TiO2 escape recombination with holes and thus increase the
water splitting eciency.
TiO2 NPs also serve as charge carriers in the photocatalytic
reduction of GO. UV irradiation of TiO2 NPs mixed with GO in a
water suspension led to the reduction of GO. As the mixture of
TiO2 and GO was irradiated, its light brown color turns to dark
brown or black (Figure 64). The absorption spectrum of UVirradiated TiO2 decreases as the amount of added GO increases.
By monitoring of this decrease in absorbance, the number of
electrons that were transferred from TiO2 to GO was estimated
to be 0.01 mol/g. At a carbon to oxygen ratio of 2.25, the
concentration of oxygen groups on GO was estimated to be 0.02
mol g1. Taking into account these estimations, the yield for the
photocatalytic reduction of GO was approximately 50%.18
Continuing this attractive subject, Lightcap et al.354 showed
how the RGO nanoplatelets can act as a conductive pathway for
the reduction Ag+ to Ag0 by TiO2 NPs. This process then leads to
the formation of Ag NPs.354 It is believed that photoinduced
electrons from the photoexcited TiO2 move through the RGO
nanoplatelets before reaching Ag cations and reducing them; a
scheme of this process is presented in Figure 65.
TiO2NPs/GO composites have also been used in the
photodegradation of methylene blue. This shows that the
composite may have application as a photocatalyst for the
degradation of organic compounds. The composite was
synthesized via a hydrothermal method whereby commercially
available P25 was deposited on GO, with the subsequent
reduction of the GO nanoplatelets by heating the P25/GO
suspension in an autoclave. The P25/GO composite showed
improved photodegradation catalytic activity of methylene blue
compared with pure P25 or P25 supported on carbon nanotubes
(Figure 66). The presence of GO improved the photocatalytic
activity in three ways: (a) due to its high conductivity, RGO
facilitates the charge separation in TiO2 NPs and thus reduces
charge recombination that lowers the yield of photocatalysis, (b)
the absorption of the organic dye is maximized due to the
interaction of the organic dye with the extended aromatic system
of RGO, and (c) the TiOC bond causes a red shift in the
absorption spectra. This increases the utilization of natural
Additionally composite materials of graphene or GO and
metal oxide NPs such as Bi2WO6 (ref 355) or ZnO (ref 356) have
been successfully applied as photocatalysts.

Figure 59. (top) Schematic representation of the formation of the GO/

SnO2 composite. (bottom) (a) TEM image of SnO2 NPs loaded on GO
with corresponding SAED pattern and (b) HRTEM image of the
SnO2GO composite. Reprinted with permission from ref 339.
Copyright 2010 Royal Society of Chemistry.

Figure 60. Mn3O4 NPs grown on GO: (a) schematic two-step synthesis
of Mn3O4/RGO, (b) SEM image of the Mn3O4/RGO composite, (c)
XRD spectrum of Mn3O4/RGO, (d) TEM image of Mn3O4/RGO with
inset showing the electron diraction pattern of the Mn3O4 NPs on
RGO, and (e) high-resolution TEM image of an individual Mn3O4 NP
on RGO. Reprinted with permission from ref 340. Copyright 2010
American Chemical Society.


dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr3000412 | Chem. Rev. 2012, 112, 61566214

Chemical Reviews


Figure 61. Schematic representation of the formation of the RGO/Co3O4 composite: (a) dispersion of RGO in isopropyl alcohol/water solution, (b)
formation of RGO/Co(OH)2 composite, and (c) formation of RGO/Co3O4 composite by calcination. Reprinted with permission from ref 343.
Copyright 2010 American Chemical Society.

Figure 62. The growth of TiO2 on surfactant-stabilized GO nanoplatelets. Reprinted with permission from ref 348. Copyright 2009 American Chemical

Proof for the above reaction mechanism is obtained from

analysis of uorescence emission spectra of ZnO in the presence
of several concentrations of GO, as shown in Figure 68. The
uorescence weakens as the concentration of GO increases; this
is indicative of a quenching pathway for the excited ZnO NPs by
the GO.356 ZnO nanorods and nanowires have also been
deposited on the surface of GO; this results in interesting
optoelectronic properties.357,358 The GO/ZnO nanorod composite showed increased eciency as a visible-blind UV sensor.
The function of the device is based on the ability of ZnO
nanorods to absorb photons and the high conductivity of GO,
which facilitates the charge transfer. The ZnO nanorods were
grown after the immersion of a GO/ZnO NPs precursor in a zinc
nitrate solution, which uses the ZnO NPs as nucleation centers.
The photoresponse of the as prepared device reached 22.7
AW1 at 20 V.357
Magnetically modied graphene and GO nanoplatelets
formed by the deposition of magnetite (Fe3O4) on GO can be
used for the removal of heavy metals from aqueous media,30,359
drug carriers,360 and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).361
The formation of the GO/magnetite NP composite can be
obtained by the coprecipitation of Fe3+/Fe2+ ions by the addition
of an ammonia solution to an aqueous dispersion of FeCl3, FeCl2,
and GO. Chandra et al.30 deposited magnetic Fe3O4 NPs with a
size of about 10 nm onto the GO. Because of their small size, the
NPs in graphene show superparamagnetism. This composite
material is then reduced using hydrazine. The magnetic RGO
showed remarkable eciency in the removal of arsenic (99.9%)
from water, which could then be separated by application of an
external magnetic force (Figure 69).30
Magnetite microspheres on RGO surfaces have been prepared
using a solvothermal method. In this method, a dispersion of GO
and FeCl3 was reduced in the presence of NaAc and
poly(ethylene glycol) in an autoclave at 200 C (Figure 70).362
The composite reveals a signicant saturation magnetization of
about 45.5 emu/g, which is lower than that of pure magnetite
NPs, due to the presence of the nonmagnetic GO. From TEM
measurements, it can be seen that the magnetite microspheres

Figure 63. (top) Synthetic procedure for the preparation of RGO/TiO2

composites. (bottom) Reaction time proles of H2 evolution under
UVvis irradiation over the photocatalysts: (a) TiO2 P25 and (b) 1%,
(c) 5%, and (d) 10% GOTiO2. Reprinted with permission from ref
351. Copyright 2010 Royal Society of Chemistry.

ZnO is a semiconductor with a band gap of 3.37 eV, which can

act as photocatalyst in the form of NPs suspended in a conductive
carbon substrate such as GO under UV irradiation. UV
irradiation of GO/ZnO composite results in the partial reduction
of GO. Electrons from the excited ZnO NPs are transferred to
GO and react with the epoxy and other oxygen groups, resulting
in the reduction of GO. The deposition of ZnO NPs on GO was
achieved by simply mixing GO nanoplatelets and ZnO NPs in
ethanol. After irradiation, the light brown ethanol suspension
becomes dark brown due to the formation of RGO (Figure 67).

dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr3000412 | Chem. Rev. 2012, 112, 61566214

Chemical Reviews


Figure 64. (left) The change in color of a suspension of GO/TiO2 before and after UV irradiation. A suspension of TiO2 NPs is also shown for
comparison. (right) Absorption spectra of UV-irradiated TiO2 suspension (a) before and (bd) after the addition of GO suspensions: (b) 50, (c) 150,
and (d) 300 g of GO (a0 corresponds to the TiO2 suspension prior to UV irradiation). Reprinted with permission from ref 18. Copyright 2008
American Chemical Society.

Figure 65. (top) RGO as a conducting pathway. (bottom) Photographs

showing the color changes observed during stepwise transfer of
electrons: (1) storage of electrons in TiO2 by irradiation of the
suspension with UV light; (2) addition of GO; the resulting gray color is
due to the formation of RGO; (3) upon the addition of AgNO3,
reduction of Ag+ to Ag NPs (red color) by stored electrons in the RGO
occurs. Reprinted with permission from ref 354. Copyright 2010
American Chemical Society.
Figure 66. (top) Schematic representation of the photodegradation of
methylene blue on the P25/GO composite and (bottom) photodegradation of methylene blue under visible light using (1) P25, (2)
P25carbon nanotubes, and (3) P25RGO photocatalysts. Reprinted
with permission from ref 352. Copyright 2010 American Chemical

have an average diameter of 15 nm. This aggregation is attributed

to the magnetic forces that develop between the magnetite NPs.
A dierent method for the preparation of GO/Fe3O4 hybrids
is schematically illustrated in Figure 71. In this case, preformed
magnetite NPs were modied with tetraethyl orthosilicate
(TEOS) and (3-aminopropyl)triethoxysilane (APTES), in
order to introduce amino groups onto their surface. These
amino-modied magnetite NPs were then attached to the
carboxylic groups of GO by use of the cross-linking agents 1ethyl-3-(3-dimethyaminopropyl)-carbodiimide (EDS) and Nhydroxysuccinnimide (NHS).363

applications such as biological labeling, solar cells, and lightemitting devices.364367 However, several obstacles need to be
overcome for their use. As an example, the use of QDs in solar
cells suers from diculty in transferring the charge carriers away
from the QD in the device.368 GO nanoplatelets decorated with
QDs could act as nanowires that promote direct charge transport
and ecient charge transfer to QDs, thus increasing their
eciency in solar cells.

4.3. Deposition of Quantum Dots

Quantum dots (QDs) are nanostructures composed of groups

IIIV or IIVI elements that exhibit interesting optical and
electronic properties that make them very attractive in

dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr3000412 | Chem. Rev. 2012, 112, 61566214

Chemical Reviews


Figure 67. (left) Suspensions of ZnO, ZnOGO, and ZnORGO

resulting from irradiation and (right) AFM analysis of ZnO NPs
deposited onto GO nanoplatelets. Reprinted with permission from ref
356. Copyright 2009 American Chemical Society.

Figure 70. Deposition of magnetite nanoparticles on RGO nanoplatelets. Reprinted with permission from ref 362. Copyright 2010 Royal
Society of Chemistry.

Figure 68. Emission spectra of a 1 mM ZnO suspension at dierent GO

concentrations: (a) 0, (b) 0.035, (c) 0.09, (d) 0.14, (e) 0.20, and (f) 0.24
mg/mL. Reprinted with permission from ref 356. Copyright 2009
American Chemical Society.

Figure 71. Schematic representation of the GO/Fe3O4 NPs. Reprinted

with permission from ref 363. Copyright 2010 Elsevier.

In a recent article, Chen et al.369 showed that upon irradiation

of CdSe/ZnS nanocrystals deposited on graphene, an ecient
energy transfer occurs from the individual NPs to the graphene
surface. This energy transfer is indicated by a uorescence
intensity quenching of the CdSe/ZnS nanocrystals by a factor of
The CdSe/ZnS nanocrystals were deposited by spin casting
onto the graphene sample deposited on quartz substrates at a low
density. Under illumination, uorescence from individual

Figure 69. (left) Magnetite NPs immobilized on GO nanoplatelets and

(right) RGO/Fe3O4 removal from the water using an external magnetic
force. Reprinted with permission from ref 30. Copyright 2010 American
Chemical Society.

dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr3000412 | Chem. Rev. 2012, 112, 61566214

Chemical Reviews


region from blue to red can be produced by the uorescence of

the composite solutions (Figure 74).

nanocrystals located on the graphene layer or on the quartz

substrate could be observed, with strong uorescence quenching
observed for particles deposited on the graphene sheets (Figure
72). A similar uorescence quenching was observed when CdS
and CdSe NPs were dispersed on GO nanoplatelets.370,371

Figure 74. (a) Photographs of a series of RGOCdSe NPs composite

dispersions prepared with dierent reaction times under UV light
irradiation of 365 nm and (b) uorescence spectra of a series of RGO
CdSe NPs composites prepared after dierent reaction times. Reprinted
with permission from ref 372. Copyright 2011 Royal Society of

Figure 72. (a) Schematic representation of the experiment. (b) Optical

reectivity image in the emission range of the nanocrystals. (c, d) Wideeld uorescence images of individual CdSe/ZnS nanocrystals in the
region shown in panel b. Reprinted with permission from ref 369.
Copyright 2010 American Chemical Society.

4.4. Deposition of Other Nanoparticles

The uorescence quenching of QDs from GO can be avoided

by blocking the direct attachment of these species by an
insulating layer. As an example GO can be covered during its
reduction step by a monolayer of the reductive agent such as the
positively charged p-phenylene diamine, while CdSe NPs during
their formation were covered by the negatively charged
hexadecanoic chains as described by Wang et al.372 The
composite is formed due to the electrostatic forces between
the two components (Figure 73). The presence of the organic
aliphatic molecules provides the composite with high solubility in
organic solvents, such as toluene. Due to this insulating layer the
composite showed a characteristic uorescence spectrum after
photoexitation of QDs, and furthermore this uorescence band
can be tuned by controlling the size of the formed QDs through
the reaction time of its preparation route. Thus using several
sized QDs on RGO, a variety of colors that cover the visible light

Apart from the metal oxide/GO composites, alternative Li-ion

anode materials have been synthesized by dispersing other
nanoparticles such as Si or Sn on GO surfaces.373,374 Si is an
attractive material for energy storage because it is known to have
the highest theoretical energy density among the common
elements, as well as being cheap and abundant.
A dispersion of Si NPs with size less than 30 nm in diameter on
RGO nanoplatelets results in the formation of a composite
material with high Li ion storage capacities and cycling stability.
After preparation of an electrode from this material, a storage
capacity of 2200 mAhg1 was measured after 50 cycles, while a
capacity of 1500 mAhg1 was observed after 200 cycles.373
A thin lm of the composite was prepared by addition of an
aqueous GO dispersion to a Si NP dispersion, followed by
ltration and air drying before thermal annealing in a H2/Ar
atmosphere at 700 C (Figure 75).

Figure 73. Schematic representation of the formation of RGO/CdSe NP composite. Reprinted with permission from ref 372. Copyright 2011 Royal
Society of Chemistry.

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Chemical Reviews


A particularly distinctive position in this chapter should be given
to the substitutional doping of graphenes, where carbon atoms
from the hexagonal honeycomb lattice of graphene can be
substituted by nitrogen or boron atoms. Depending on the
electrophilic character of the atoms that substitute the carbon
atoms, the doped graphene sheets show n- or p-type behavior. In
addition, by controlling the degree of this doping modication,
the electrical properties of graphene could be potentially tailored,
thereby expanding remarkably the application of graphene in
The incorporation of nitrogen atoms is made using their three
sp3 orbitals; this leads to their lone pair electrons being
conjugated with the graphitic -system. The N-doped graphene
sheets are electron-rich so that n-type semiconducting behavior
is expected. In general, N-doped graphene sheets are formed by
the substitution of O or C atoms with N during reduction or
annealing43,376378 or in situ during graphene growth using
CVD,379 arc discharge,380 or solvothermal methods.381 Oxygen
or sp3 carbon atoms that are situated at the defect sites of GO can
be substituted by nitrogen during the reduction step using a
nitrogen-rich reductive source like ammonia or hydrazine, at high
Starting from graphene nanoribbons (GNRs), Wang et al.43
demonstrated N-doping using high-power electrical joule
heating in ammonia gas. The chemically derived GNRs were
dispersed on a SiO2/Si chip and immobilized between a
palladium metal source/drain (SD) forming a FET-like device
(Figure 77). The GNR was electrically annealed under an NH3/
Ar atmosphere. The existence of CN bonds in the derived
GNR was identied by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)
and nanometer-scale secondary ion mass spectroscopy. In this
case, the CN bonds are formed mostly at the edges of graphene
sheets where the chemical reactivity is higher.

Figure 75. (a) AFM image of GO and (b) related height prole, (c) Si/
GO composite paper, and (d) Si/RGO composite paper obtained by
reduction of Si/GO. Reprinted with permission from ref 373. Copyright
2010 Royal Society of Chemistry.

Cobalt hydroxide (Co(OH)2) materials usually display a

layered structure with a high interlayer spacing and a well-dened
electrochemical redox activity. The combination of cobalt
hydroxide NPs with GO nanoplatelets are promising candidates
for use in alkaline batteries, fuel cells, and supercapacitors. Chen
et al.375 showed that the abundance of hydroxyl anions produced
by the hydrolysis of disodium sulde (Na2S) in an aqueous
solution of GO and CoCl26H2O is sucient to reduce GO, as
well as facilitate the formation of Co(OH)2 NPs (Figure 76).
The GO/Co(OH)2 composite was applied as a supercapacitor
electrode, which displayed enhanced electrochemical performance. This performance was examined using cyclic voltammetry,
electrical impedance spectroscopy, and galvanostatic charge
discharge measurements.375

Figure 77. Electrothermal reaction of an individual GNR in NH3: (a)

schematic representation of the device electrically annealed under NH3
(where D is the drain, S the source, and G the gate); (b) SEM and (c)
AFM images of a 30 nm wide GNR and (d) AFM image of the device
fabricated on the GNR. Reprinted with permission from ref 43.
Copyright 2009 American Association for the Advancement of Science.

Figure 76. The formation process of RGO/Co(OH)2 nanocomposites:

(a) interactions between GO and Co2+ and (b) the simultaneous
deposition of Co2+ and reduction of GO. Reprinted with permission
from ref 375. Copyright 2010 American Chemical Society.

dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr3000412 | Chem. Rev. 2012, 112, 61566214

Chemical Reviews


Figure 78. Schematic structure of GO and N-doped GO produced by hydrothermal reduction. Reprinted with permission from ref 377. Copyright 2010
American Chemical Society.

Figure 79. A possible mechanism for the solvothermal synthesis of N-doped graphene. Reprinted with permission from ref 381. Copyright 2011
American Chemical Society.

Figure 80. (a) Concentration of chemically induced charge carriers in SLG exposed to dierent concentrations of NO2 and (b) changes in resistivity at
zero B eld caused by graphenes exposure to various gases diluted to 1 ppm. Reprinted with permission from ref 384a. Copyright 2008 American
Chemical Society.

Here the eciency of the N-doping tends to be dependent on the

amount of oxygen groups at the defect and edge sites of GO.
In a similar manner, partially nitrogen-doped reduced GO
nanoplatelets were produced by hydrothermal treatment of GO
in a colloidal dispersion in the presence of hydrazine and
ammonia (Figure 78).377 The structure and surface chemistry of
the resulting GO nanoplatelets is strongly dependent on the
temperature of hydrothermal treatments.

In another approach, the same group has studied the nitrogen

doping and simultaneous reduction of GO during annealing in
NH3.376 GO was heated in a 2 Torr NH3/Ar (10%) atmosphere.
N-doping started at 300 C and reached a maximum level of 5%
doping by heating at 500 C. Several grams of N-doped GO
could be produced by the described method. It was further
observed that NH3 reduced GO more eectively than H2 under
the same conditions. The N-doping as well as the reduction was
characterized by XPS and electrical transport measurements.

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Chemical Reviews


Figure 81. (a) A general bottom-gated graphene FET structure with phenyl-SAM interface engineering. (b) Illustration of chemical bonding of the
organosilane SAM to the hydroxyl group-enriched dielectric surface. (c) AFM image of a spin-coated ultrasmooth phenyl-SAM with surface roughness
of 0.10.2 nm in rms. (d) Microscopy image of a large-area, uniform CVD graphene as patterned to various shapes on a phenyl-SAM engineered silicon
oxide wafer. Reprinted with permission from ref 390. Copyright 2011 American Chemical Society.

N-doped graphene has been directly synthesized using a CVD

method, as demonstrated by Wei et al.379 The product was
deposited on a Cu lm catalyst when a mixture of CH4/NH3 was
heated at 800 C. Here the incorporation of nitrogen in the
graphitic lattice occurred simultaneously with the formation of
graphene layers. The N-doping of the product was conrmed by
XPS and EDS spectra to be about 8.9%, so that the N-doped
graphene behaves as an n-type semiconductor.
Nitrogen- or boron-doped graphene has also been produced
using an arc discharge technique. As described by Panchokarla et
al.,380 N-doped graphene sheets are produced by carrying out the
arc discharge between carbon electrodes in the presence of
hydrogen and pyridine or ammonia. To produce boron-doped
graphene, it was necessary to use boron-stued graphite
electrodes or a mixture of hydrogen and diborane vapor; the
B-doped graphene showed a p-type semiconductor behavior.
Large scale sheets consisting of co-doped N and B graphene
sheets have been synthesized using a CVD approach, where the B
and N form randomly distributed domains within the graphene
plane.382 The presence of these randomly distributed domains
creates a typical semiconductor behavior in the graphene lattice.
In a dierent approach, N-doped graphene has been
synthesized by a one-step solvothermal method through the
reaction of tetrachloromethane and lithium nitride (Figure
79).381 Gram scale production is easily obtained in the
laboratory, showing that this method allows for scalable
synthesis. Characterization results suggest that nitrogen species
have been incorporated into the graphene structure with content
in the range of 4.516.4%. The detailed atomic structures of such
N-doping induced defects were investigated using STM. This
revealed a perturbed electronic structure due to N doping.383

Figure 82. Transferred monolayer graphene on patterned selfassembled monolayer (SAM)-modied SiO2 substrate (top left). UV
photoemission spectra of the graphene lms on dierent SAM-modied
substrates show work function changes (top right). Chemical structure
of N,N-ditridencyl-3,4,9,10-perylene-tetracarboxylic diimide (PTCDIC13) and schematic FET structure using PTCDI-13 as an active layer
and graphene as source/drain electrodes (bottom left). Transfer
characteristics of PTCDI-C13 FETs with graphene electrodes on
dierent SAM-modied SiO2s (bottom right). Reprinted with
permission from ref 46. Copyright 2011 American Chemical Society.

eld1,20,22 and chemical species.23,384 Depositing dopant atoms

or simple molecules on graphene surface induces interstitial
doping by charge transfer processes between graphene and
dopant atoms, which results in a change in the work function of
graphene. For example, to create p-type semiconductors, one can
use water, NO2, and O2 as dopants, while in the creation of n-type
semiconductors NH3 can be used (Figure 80).23,384387 Simple
charge transfer as well as carrier doping by electric eld is limited
to doping levels smaller than 1014 cm2, whereas higher doping


6.1. Devices of Doped Graphene

There has been much interest in doping graphene because

tunable electrical properties of graphene are attainable by
instantaneous doping. Graphene can be doped by both electric

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Chemical Reviews


Figure 83. AFM images of pentacene lms (50 nm) near the interface between SiO2: (a) untreated graphene electrodes and (b) thermally treated
graphene electrodes. Schematic representations of the possible molecular packing orientations near the interface between SiO2 and (c) untreated
graphene electrodes or (d) thermally treated graphene electrodes. Reprinted with permission from ref 391b. Copyright 2011 Wiley.

Figure 84. Schematic models of the bilayer graphene (BLG), the BLG doped with FeCl3 (aBGL) composite system, the BLG dual-doped with FeCl3 and
K (aBLG+K), and the BLG doped with K (BLG+K) (top), tight binding parameters for the onsite potential dierence () obtained by DFT calculation
(center), and band structures calculated by tight binding method and the Dirac point shifts (D) obtained by DFT calculation (bottom). Reprinted with
permission from ref 394. Copyright 2011 American Chemical Society.

levels can be achieved using ionic polymer electrolytes or alkali

Most simple molecular doping in the atmosphere makes it
dicult to control the position and magnitude of doping. For this
reason, interstitial doping investigated so far is usually done
under vacuum conditions to avoid unwanted adsorption of
dopant molecules. Thus, stable doping methods, using organic
molecules or polymeric molecules such as tetrauoro-tetracyanoquinodimethane (F4-TCNQ), tetracyanoethylene (TCNE),
aniline, anisole, benzene, chlorobenzene, or nitrobenzene, are
required for use in applications.385387 Aromatic molecules,385
including 1,5-naphthalenediamine (Na-NH2), 9,10-dimethylanthracene (An-CH3), 9,10-dibromoanthracene (An-Br), and
tetrasodium 1,3,6,8-pyrenetetrasulfonic acid (TPA), can stably
bind to single-layer graphene (SLG) through strong
interactions between their aromatic rings and the graphene.
Electrical measurements of SLG/aromatic molecule composites
suggest that the aromatic molecules impose carriers on the SLG.

Another method toward doped graphene is to deposit

nanoparticles instead of unstable metallic atoms on the graphene
surface, as described in section 4.
Self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) are ultrathin molecular
lms spontaneously formed at oxide surfaces or interfaces due to
chemical or physical interactions of molecules with a substrate,
frequently without necessity of high-vacuum or high-temperature processing.46,390393 The robust ultrathin layer in a dened
area is constructed by spontaneous chemical reaction at the
interface, which makes SAMs technologically attractive for
surface and interface engineering (Figure 81). In addition,
surface energy, dipole moments, and chemical reactivity of the
surface can be easily tuned by attaching functional groups to the
SAMs. SAMs have received considerable attention due to their
use in organic electronics as active materials or insulators. SAM
graphene systems are found to be very stable in high vacuum and
ambient environments. The robustness and the large electronic
eect suggest that the integration of a SAM with graphene

dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr3000412 | Chem. Rev. 2012, 112, 61566214

Chemical Reviews


chemical modication of graphene electronic properties using

methods of molecular engineering and self-assembly.390393
Recently, Liu et al.390 have investigated the physics associated
with the dielectricgraphene interface for integrated back-gated
FETs by controlling some of the detrimental scattering eects via
application of a phenyl-SAM. Electrical characterization of the
FET device with a phenyl-SAM interface exhibited a 150%
improvement in extrinsic carrier mobility compared with the
FET device with no SAM interface. Furthermore, the IV
characteristics exhibit no hysteresis during the process as the gate
voltage is scanned from one polarity to the other, and it remains
very stable and uniform for devices fabricated over a relatively
large area. The authors further analyzed the IV characteristics
for devices with and without the phenyl-SAM, applying models
previously developed to predict the Dirac point shift during the
voltage sweep. From this analysis, the authors attributed the
enhanced carrier mobility to reduced interfacial impurity and
surface polar phonon scattering as well as the ultrasmooth SAM
surface. Additionally it was shown that the hysteresis present in
devices at room temperature without the interface treatment was
dominated by charge injection from the graphene to the
graphenedielectric interface. This nding was further supported by the Dirac point shift model results.390
In Figure 82, SAMs have been used as a buer layer to induce
instantaneous doping of graphene and tune the work function of
graphene electrodes for high-performance organic eld-eect
transistors (OFETs).46,391 The doping type and position are
determined by patterning SAMs with dierent functional groups.
A microscopic study of the work function can be investigated by
utilizing scanning Kelvin probe microscopy (SKPM).393
The fabrication of a pentacene organic transistor that utilizes
graphene electrodes has been presented by Lee and co-

Figure 85. Currentvoltage transfer characteristics of (a) bilayer

graphene FETs and (b) monolayer graphene FETs with molecular
doping agents: SiO2, untreated SiO2/Si (no doping); NH2, NH2-SAM
modied SiO2/Si (N-doping); F4-TCNQ, 2,3,5,6-tetrauoro-7,7,8,8tetracyanoquino-dimethane (thickness of 10 , p-doping). (c) The
electronic band structures of bilayer graphene on untreated, NH2-SAMs
modied SiO2/Si substrate, and F4-TCNQ deposited bilayer graphene
on NH2-SAM modied SiO2/Si substrate (from left to right). Reprinted
with permission from ref 47. Copyright 2012 Wiley.

provides a new and reliable method of carrier doping in

graphene. The SAM doping approach oers the potential for

Figure 86. (a) Raman spectra of intercalated FLGs. (b) Atomic structural model; carbon atoms are shown as gray spheres, iron atoms as red, and
chlorine atoms as brown. (c) Transport measurements of an intercalated bilayer device; Shubnikov-de Haas (SdH) oscillations seen in Rxx(B) are
recorded at temperatures 2, 10, 20, and 40 K. Reprinted with permission from ref 396. Copyright 2011 American Chemical Society.

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Chemical Reviews


Figure 87. (a) First and fourth cyclic voltammograms of the Ni/FLG electrode in polymer electrolyte and (b) in situ Raman spectra of the Ni/FLG
electrode at selected potentials during electrochemical lithiation. Reprinted with permission from ref 398a. Copyright 2010 American Chemical Society.

Figure 89. (a) Schematic representation of the layer by layer deposition

procedure and (b) the assembly process of PVA/GO: (left) the
interaction of a GO layer and PVA chains and (right) the internal
architecture of PVA/GO. Reprinted with permission from ref 405.
Copyright 2010 American Chemical Society.

Figure 88. Grand canonical Monte Carlo simulations for ideal GOF-n
structures with n graphene carbons per linker. The structures of three
examples with n = 64, 32, and 8 are also shown. GOF materials are
formed of layers of GO connected by benzenediboronic acid pillars.
Reprinted with permission from ref 399. Copyright 2010 Wiley.

workers.391 The polymer residues remaining on the graphene

surface were shown to alter the performance of the transistor,
with a stand-up orientation of pentacene formed on the polymer
residue surface, which results in a molecular assembly that is
optimal for charge transport (Figure 83). In contrast, epitaxial
growth of pentacene on a polymer-free graphene surface results
in a lying-down structure of the pentacene; this molecular
assembly facilitated by interactions between pentacene and
graphene adversely aects lateral charge transport at the interface
between electrode and channel.
These results ultimately improve the potential applications of
graphene transistors toward VLSI circuits390 and graphene
electrodes for high-performance organic eld-eect transistors
(OFETs).46,391 Chemical doping can decrease sheet resistance of
graphene while maintaining its high transparency. Lee et al.392
developed a new method to simultaneously transfer and dope
chemical vapor deposition grown graphene onto a target
substrate using a uoropolymer as both the supporting and
doping layer. This method was used to fabricate a exible and
transparent graphene electrode on a plastic substrate.

The band gap opening of graphene is the most desired

property in the device industry because it is vital to the
application of graphene as eld eect transistor (FET). Chemical
doping of graphene can open the band gap of graphene.
However, it accompanies signicant Dirac point shifts, which
give a low on/o current ratio and a poor switching property.
Recently, both theoretical and experimental studies show how to
make a wide band gap and reasonable Dirac point shift in
graphene system by using dual doping of bilayer graphene. Yang
et al.394 have investigated bilayer graphene (BLG) dual-doped
with FeCl3 acceptor and K donor by employing the rst
principles method taking into account van der Waals interaction.
Due to high electronegativity of the FeCl3 molecular layer, FeCl3
adsorbed BLG is hole-doped. Also the asymmetric composite of
BLG with the FeCl3 layer adsorption is shown to exhibit an
energy gap opening (Figure 84). By utilizing this asymmetric
behavior, which increases the band gap, the bilayer graphene with
dual FeCl3 acceptor and K donor doping makes a signicant
energy gap opening (0.3 eV) with a proper Dirac point shift
(0.09 eV) toward practical FET device applications.

dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr3000412 | Chem. Rev. 2012, 112, 61566214

Chemical Reviews


Figure 90. Schematic illustration of the LbL deposition of GO and PW clusters and the photoreduction of GO. Cationic polyelectrolytes
polyethyleneimine (PEI) and PAH are used as electrostatic linkers. Reprinted with permission from ref 402. Copyright 2011 American Chemical

Figure 91. Optical images of a GO/PW multilayer lm on a quartz substrate before (A) and after (B) 6 h of UV photoreduction and on a exible PET
substrate before (C) and after (D) 6 h of UV photoreduction. Both substrates were coated using a PET/PW precursor lm. Reprinted with permission
from ref 402. Copyright 2011 American Chemical Society.

Figure 92. Schematic representation of a hybrid multilayer composite of functionalized MWNTs and RGO. Reprinted with permission from ref 401.
Copyright 2010 American Chemical Society.

Park et al.46,47 developed a new method for band gap opening

of bilayer graphene by dual molecular doping. The 2,3,5,6tetrauoro-7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane (F4-TCNQ)
molecules deposited onto bilayer graphene induce p-doping
from the top, while NH2-functionalized self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) constructed on SiO2/Si substrate induce n-doping
from the bottom side. These dual doping-driven perpendicular
electric elds with opposite directions remarkably increase the
on/o current ratio of bilayer graphene eld-eect transistors
(FETs), which unambiguously proves that it is possible to open a
band gap with two molecular dopants (namely, F4-TCNQ and
NH2-functionalized SAMs) (Figure 85). Both theoretical and
experimental results indicate that band gap opening of bilayer
graphene can be accomplished by dual molecular doping, which
does not require a complicated fabrication step for preparing a
device with a dual-gate structure.

6.2. Multilayered Graphene Intercalates and Composites

Few layer graphene (FLG) can be chemically modied

interstitially by intercalating molecules into the structure.
Intercalation between layered crystalline materials and graphene
occurs through van der Waals interactions, providing new
chemical and physical functionality such as superconductivity
and quasi-low-dimensional magnetism.395 An FeCl3 bilayer
graphene (BLG) intercalate has been synthesized and electrically
characterized as a minimal graphite intercalation compound
(GIC, Figure 86).396 Interestingly, the resistance behavior of this
intercalation product is related to a magnetic transition. This
work demonstrates the rst step toward the synthesis of various
dierent functional bilayer intercalates including sandwich-like
Besides the fundamental study of 2DESs (two-dimensional
electron systems), FLG intercalation materials can be considered

dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr3000412 | Chem. Rev. 2012, 112, 61566214

Chemical Reviews


Figure 93. Schematic illustration of the preparation of a GO/ionic liquid multilayered composite and their LbL assembly on a quartz crystal
microbalance (QCM). Reprinted with permission from ref 403. Copyright 2010 Wiley.

explored due to its reversible Li+ intercalation/deintercalation

capability in layered FLGs, which could potentially lead to a
higher Li-ion storage capacity. Besides ion batteries, it would be
possible to consider FLG intercalates for hydrogen storage
Instead of using multilayer graphenes, hydrogen can be stored
between layers of GO, which are separated without lling the
space between them. GO layers can be linked together to form a
new layered structure, that is, GO framework (GOF, Figure
88).399 Such GOF structures have tunable pore widths, volumes,
and binding sites depending on the linkers chosen and could
exhibit interesting gas sorption properties. Ideal GOF structures
can adsorb hydrogen up to 6 wt % at 77 K and 1 bar, a value
higher than any other porous material known. The synthesized
GOF materials exhibit 9 and 32 kJ/mol isosteric heat adsorption
for H2 and CO2, signicantly larger than those found in similar
nanoporous materials. However, the current experimental

Figure 94. Structure of armchair and zigzag nanoribbons.

for storage applications based on their exotic material properties.

For example, the intercalation of ionic Li+ in FLGs398 occurs
during the electrochemical lithiation of FLGs (Figure 87). This is

Figure 95. Schematic ZGNR-based spin-valve device (left) with parallel and antiparallel spin congurations and the corresponding spin-magnetization
density isosurfaces. The blue boxes represent ferromagnetic electrodes to control spin polarization of the ZGNR device and the red arrows indicate the
directions of spin congurations. In the isosurfaces, red/blue color denotes up/down spin, and a ZGNR skeleton is drawn in green color. Spin-transfer
paths (right) from the left to right density of states of the ferromagnetic leads for parallel (P) and antiparallel (AP) spin congurations in a ZGNR spinvalve device are compared with those in a conventional spin-valve device. Reprinted with permission from refs 29 and 409. Copyright 2008 Nature
Publishing group and Copyright 2010 American Chemical Society, repectively.

dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr3000412 | Chem. Rev. 2012, 112, 61566214

Chemical Reviews


Figure 98. TEM image of graphene functionalized with polypyrrole

(left) and selective adsorption of mercury from water (right). Reprinted
with permission from ref 422. Copyright 2011 Royal Society of

Figure 96. Simulation results of the transport property for 5GCATCGCT-3. (a) Time-dependent histogram of the transmission
peak positions (red (blue) denoting maximal (minimal) values). The
histogram shows features of Cyt (SC), Gua (SG), Ade/Cyt (SA/C), and
Gua/Thy (SG/T) corresponding to the band centered around E EF = Es
= 1.8, 0.65, 1.2, and 1.65 eV, respectively. The height of each right
box represents the energy range of integration for Sbase. (b) Plots of
Sbase(t) with respect to time as a ssDNA passes. The sequence
GCATCGCT can be partly resolved. (c) Final base sequence obtained
from the analysis of panel b and 2D TACF, C(t,t0;) analysis. Reprinted
with permission from ref 37. Copyright 2011 Nature Publishing Group.

Figure 99. (left) TEM image of the polypyrrole graphene hybrid

activated at 600 C and (right) absorption selectivity of CO2 gas over N2
gas at 298 K. Reprinted with permission from ref 427. Copyright 2012
Royal Society of Chemistry.

poly(acrylic acid) (PAA) and polyacrylamide (PAM) through

covalent attachment forming two charged composites: the
negatively charged PAA/GO and the positively charged PAM/
GO. The two polymeric GO composites were dispersible in
water and the multilayered lm was formed by a sequential
adsorption of the two charged composites through electrostatic
interactions. The same technique has been used for the
preparation of a GO/poly(vinyl alcohol) multilayer composite
material.405 A glass substrate was immersed in a dispersion of GO
and a solution of poly(vinyl alcohol) PVA sequentially.
For example, a GO/polyoxometalate composite lm has been
prepared as follows.402 GO and a Keggin-type polyoxometalate
cluster H3PW12O40 (PW) are alternatively deposited on a
substrate via electrostatic adsorption (Figure 90). The PW
cluster acts as a photocatalyst and reduces GO, yielding a product
with good conductivity. The multilayered RGO/PW composite
lm can be produced on several substrates such as quartz glass,
silicon wafers, and exible polymers (Figure 91).
Positively charged ammonium-modied CNTs were employed between the RGO multilayers by the LbL deposition
technique through electrostatic interactions (Figure 92). The
CNT acts as a conducting bridge between GO sheets enhancing
the conductivity and mechanical exibility of the graphene
Through a LbL assembly, Ji et al.403 inserted ionic liquids
between partially RGO layers and poly(sodium styrenesulfonate) (PSS) as shown in Figure 93. The multilayered composite
has a higher anity for toxic aromatic hydrocarbons than for
their aliphatic analogues. Such multilayered composite materials
can be used for a functionalized device like a gas sensor, with
enhanced electrical/mechanical functionalities.

Figure 97. SEM image of a low-temperature exfoliated GNS (left) and

eect of the pH on the adsorption capacity (right). Reprinted with
permission from ref 417. Copyright 2011 American Chemical Society.

capacity observed is 1 wt % H2 uptake at 1 bar for GOF; this value

needs to be improved for future application.
The 2-D layer morphology of graphene oers the opportunity
to form multilayered composite nanostructures by applying wellknown techniques and procedures. The important properties of
graphene such as transparency, conductivity, and mechanical
strength can be combined with the properties of other
components such as carbon nanotubes,400,401 polymers,402406
etc., with fascinating results.
A graphene/polymer multilayered composite can be prepared
in solution through a layer-by-layer (LbL) assembly technique
(Figure 89). Shen et al.404 have covered RGO sheets with

dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr3000412 | Chem. Rev. 2012, 112, 61566214

Chemical Reviews


Figure 100. Photocatalytic activity of SEGP25 and SRGOP25 nanocomposites. (A) Pseudorst-order CH3CHO photo-oxidation rate constants for
SEGP25 and SRGOP25 nanocomposites under ultraviolet (365 nm) and visible illumination. (B) CO2 photoreduction for SEGP25 and SRGO
P25 nanocomposites under ultraviolet (365 nm) and visible illumination. Reprinted with permission from ref 429. Copyright 2011 American Chemical

the occupied bands below the Fermi energy (EF) have C2

symmetry, while the unoccupied bands have symmetry. Since
both occupied and unoccupied bands have orbital symmetries
orthogonal to each other, spin-transfer to FMA is not allowed
due to mismatching between the orbital symmetries at both
sides, which lead to an ideal spin-valve with innite MR value.
Although theoretical works have proposed and predicted
many interesting properties of GNRs, the experimental
realizations of GNRs are still not easy. Sub-50 nm nanoribbons
were rst fabricated by e-beam patterning and oxygen plasma
etching from mechanically exfoliated graphene.410 Although the
process yielded Ion/Ioff ratios of up to 104, devices showed high
variability due to the lack of control over edge termination. On
the other hand, the challenge of synthesizing reproducible GNRs
is an interesting one. Isolation of GNRs directly from bulk
graphite involved sonication of expanded graphite in the
presence of a polymer.59,411 The polymer acted to noncovalently
functionalize and consequently stabilize nanoribbons formed by
mechanical fracture. In the presence of the polymer, the ribbons
can be suspended in organic solvents and then deposited by spincoating. For such sub-10-nm GNRs, the band gap was inversely
proportional to their width, with an energy gap of 0.4 eV. This
led to ono ratios of up to 106 for the thinnest strips.411 In
addition, recently, high-resolution temperature distribution was
measured for a self-heated GNR.412
Even though it is dicult to synthesize the ideal GNR with
clear edge structures experimentally, theoretical results suggest
that GNRs can be candidates for a sensitive molecular sensor as
well as future electronic FET devices and spintronic devices.
Recently, Cai et al.413 have reported atomically precise bottomup fabrication of GNRs. They used surface-assisted coupling of

6.3. Electronic/Spintronic Devices Including Ultrafast DNA


Structural and electronic/magnetic properties of graphene

nanoribbons (GNRs) have been intensively studied both
experimentally and theoretically. Depending on their various
edge structures, GNRs present dierent electronic properties
ranging from normal semiconductors to spin-polarized halfmetals (Figure 94). Unlike graphene sheets as a zero gap
semiconductor, armchair GNRs open an energy band gap, as
semiconductors with energy gaps, which enables the basic
electric logic states. The electronic structures of GNRs as electric
devices have been investigated based on theoretical calculations.407 Energy gaps decrease as a function of increasing ribbon
widths arising from the quantum connement eect, which can
be characterized by Eg 1/W. Thus, enhancing such Ion/Ioff
ratios by introducing an appreciable band gap has been a major
issue in graphene-based logic devices. No magnetism has been
found in armchair GNRs. In contrast, metallic zigzag GNRs
(ZGNRs) are considered as an element for spintronic
Since ZGNRs favor a ferromagnetic state, the ZGNR can be a
potential spintronic device by controlling the spin state. Based on
calculations of the quantum transport property for the
ferromagnetic state with both the parallel spin conguration
(ferromagnetic parallel; FMP) and the antiparallel spin
conguration (ferromagnetic antiparallel; FMA), ZGNR exhibits
an extreme enhancement of magnetoresistance (MR).29 This
abnormality arises not only from the spin symmetry, which is the
major origin of the giant magnetoresistance (GMR) and the
tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR), but also from the unique
orbital symmetry of the ZGNR (Figure 95).29,409 For the ZGNR,

dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr3000412 | Chem. Rev. 2012, 112, 61566214

Chemical Reviews


Figure 101. GON-induced cancer cell therapy. Reprinted with permission from ref 443. Copyright 2012 Wiley.

functional groups can give us a variety of properties, for example

semiconductivity with a wide range of band gaps, that is, metallic,
ferromagnetic, antiferromagnetic, half-metallic, or half-semiconducting.

molecular precursors into linear polyphenylenes and their

subsequent cyclodehydrogenation. Since edge structures,
width, and length of GNRs are dicult to control, nding an
eective way to overcome these problems becomes more and
more important, both for academic research and for industry
As an interesting application, a new method for ultrafast DNA
sequencing using a GNR-based nanochannel device has been
suggested.37 While a single-strand DNA passes beneath a GNR,
each nucleobase interacts with the GNR via stacking
interactions. Because the conducting properties of a GNR dier
when they interact with dierent nucleobases due to the Fano
resonance phenomena, real-time DNA sequencing is possible by
analyzing the real-time conductance of the GNR. Since the stable
stacking interaction reduces stochastic motion of a
nucleobase during the conductance measurement, the overlap
between the signals from each nucleobase can be minimized.
Thus, more reliable DNA sequencing can be realized after several
statistical analyses including a data-mining approach and a twodimensional transient autocorrelation function (Figure 96).
Modication of the electronic structure of nanoribbons by
chemical functionalization is an eective way to make them
ecient for their applications. This can be achieved through edge
modication or adsorption of functional groups.43,414,415 A
simple chemical modication of nanoribbons is to saturate the
edges by atomic functional groups, such as H, O, F, OH,
and NH2, which change electronic/magnetic states of GNRs.
Working on obtaining desirable properties by modifying
nanoribbons with appropriate functional groups will help us
nd the suitable form of graphene nanoribbons for each
application. Modication with various types of elements and

6.4. Green Chemistry

Graphene-based materials display green chemistry applications

such as water remediation, CO2 capture, and renewable energy
For water remediation, graphene needs to be functionalized to
be dispersible in solution. Indeed, graphene has been shown to be
eective at absorbing organic pollutants from aqueous solutions
via and other electrostatic interactions. In several cases,
small organic molecules or surfactants have been used to disperse
graphene in organic media or water. These molecules/
surfactants stack permanently on the graphene sheets, thereby
preventing aggregation. This kind of dispersion could be
characterized as a noncovalent type of chemical functionalization, because these molecules are immobilized on the graphene
surface via stacking, H bonds, electrostatic forces, etc.
Xu et al.416 showed that bisphenol A could be removed from
an aqueous solution with a higher capacity than that with other
known carbonaceous absorbents. The high capacity of
adsorption is believed to be due to hydrogen bonding as well
as interactions. Huang et al.417 have shown that graphene
can be used to absorb Pb(II) cations from aqueous solution. The
authors noted that the adsorption capacity was strongly
dependent on solution pH (Figure 97). In a similar way,
Vasudevan and Lakshmi418 have demonstrated that phosphate
anions can be removed from aqueous solutions by graphene at an
optimal pH value of 7. The absorption kinetics followed a

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Chemical Reviews


Figure 102. Fluorescent images of human breast cancer cell T47D after incubation with green GQDs for 4 h: (a) phase contrast picture of T47D cells;
(b) individual nucleus stained blue with DAPI; (c) agglomerated green GQDs surrounding each nucleus; (d) the overlay high contrast image of
nucleolus stained with blue DAPI and GQDs (green) staining. Reprinted with permission from ref 445. Copyright 2012 American Chemical Society.

Figure 103. (a) In vitro uorescence microscopy images of T47D cells treated with GO-F (50 g mL1) for 24 h. (iiii) Low magnication images of
T47D cells: (i) phase contrast picture, (ii) uorescence images of GO-F, and (iii) overlay of images i and ii. (ivvi) High magnication images of an
individual T47D cell: (iv) phase contrast picture of an individual T47D cell, (v) uorescence image of GO-F, and (vi) overlay of images iv and v. (b) T2weighted MR image showing strong T2 contrast in agarose phantoms. It shows alginate phantoms doped with dierent concentrations (as shown) of
GO-F. The T2-weighted image was acquired in a 7 T scanner with multislice multiecho sequence. The T2 relaxivity was 297.06 mM1 s1. Reprinted
with permission from ref 447. Copyright 2012 Wiley.

volumes of water. Yang and co-workers420 further showed that

methylene blue can be eectively removed from aqueous
solutions using GO; the authors recorded removal eciency

second-order kinetic model, suggesting that the absorption was

chemically controlled.418 GO has been shown by Zhao et al.419 to
be an eective absorbent of both Cd(II) and Co(II) from large

dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr3000412 | Chem. Rev. 2012, 112, 61566214

Chemical Reviews


et al.,430 the water splitting reaction electrophotochemically

occurred with a 10-fold enhancement of H2 evolution in
comparison with pure BiVO4 under visible illumination. Xiang
and co-workers431 have shown that photocatalytic H2 production
can be achieved in the presence of a TiO2/MoS2/graphene
nanocomposite. The positive synergetic eect between the MoS2
and graphene sheets can eciently suppress charge recombination, improve interfacial charge transfer, and provide a greater
number of active adsorption sites and photocatalytic reaction
centers for H2 production. Graphene nanomaterials also have
been used as eective replacements for Pt-based materials (Pt
C) in the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) as has been reported
by Liang and colleagues.432 They showed that a Co3O4/N-doped
graphene hybrid material exhibits comparable elecrocatalytic
performance with superior stability compared with Pt-based
materials (PtC) in alkaline solutions for the ORR reaction, this
result shows that this material can be applied to fuel cells.
GrapheneCNT complexes have also been shown to be
excellent ORR electrocatalysts. The bis(triuoromethanesulfonyl)amide doped graphene could enhance the power conversion eciency of solar cell to 8.6% in
producing electricity from solar energy.433

higher than 99%. Sulfonated graphene nanosheets prepared from

GO were shown by Zhao and colleagues421 to be highly eective
at the removal of naphthalene and 1-naphthol, with very high
absorption capacities. Chandra and Kim422 functionalized
graphene sheets with polypyrole (PPy), with the resulting
composite material showing high and selective absorption
capacity for Hg(II) cations (Figure 98).422 The presence of
graphene in PPy enhances the charge density of the pyrrolic
nitrogen, thus increasing the electrostatic interaction between
adsorbate and adsorbent. Sui et al.423 have shown that carbon
nanotubegraphene hybrid aerogels fabricated by supercritical
CO2 drying of their hydrogel precursors display extremely high
desalination capacity, high binding capacities to some heavy
metal ions and high adsorption capacities for dye stus. This
hybrid material shows promise in water purication due to its
high versatility, which can be attributed to its light weight, high
conductivity, large BET surface area, and hierarchically porous
Graphene sheets decorated with magnetite nanoparticles have
been shown by Chandra et al.30 to be extremely eective in
As(III) and As(V) removal. The benet of using this magnetic
graphene material in water remediation is that it can be separated
easily using an external magnetic eld once absorption has taken
place. In a similar manner, Geng et al.424 synthesized RGO/
Fe3O4 composites for dye removal from aqueous solutions.424
They demonstrated that by simple annealing in moderate
conditions, this hybrid adsorbent can be easily and eciently
regenerated for reuse with hardly any compromise of the
adsorption capacity. Graphene decorated with photocatalytically
active SnO2 and TiO2 has been employed in the degradation of
dyes under visible light irradiation as illustrated by Zhang et al.425
The degradation activity of these materials were shown to be
higher than that of the commercially available P25 benchmark
catalyst. Zhang and co-workers426 have reported that a TiO2
RGO hybrid material is capable of ecient Cr(VI) to Cr(III)
The greenhouse gas CO2 can be captured using N-doped
porous graphene with a large surface area as demonstrated by
Chandra et al.427 The authors achieved a high selective
absorption capacity of 4.3 mmol/g CO2 at 298 K, thereby
showing the composite materials potential for industrial
application (Figure 99). In a similar manner Mishra and
Ramaprabhu428 have shown that by using polyaniline decorated
graphene sheets CO2 could be reversibly captured. The increase
in CO2 absorption over RGO sheets is attributed to the chemical
interaction of CO2 molecules with the nitrogen containing
functional groups of the polyaniline.
Beside end-of-pipe or remediation issues, renewable energy
production is conceptualized as alternative processes for green
fuels in the near future. The current trend of sustainable
technology is the harvesting of solar energy, specically photoassisted water splitting and photovoltaic conversion. Liang and
colleagues429 have reported that TiO2 modied nanographene
enhances the photocatalytic reduction of CO2 7 times compared
with pure TiO2. The importance in this work is the role of lessdefective graphene in the hybrid photocatalyst. This work
illustrates the use of the nanocomposite in solar cells as it
facilitates the diusion of photoexcited electrons to the reactive
sites (Figure 100).
In water splitting, the performance of semiconductor nanomaterials can be signicantly enhanced with the electronic
support of graphene. In the system of BiVO4/RGO composite
connected to a collecting electrode, which was investigated by Ng

6.5. Bio-imaging

Graphene can be made luminescent (i.e., quantum dots) by

inducing a band gap. This can be achieved by reducing the
connectivity of the -electron network using chemical or physical
methods.434436 This makes graphene a strong candidate for
bioimaging applications because it is biocompatible and displays
ourescence in the infrared and near-infrared.435440
Sun et al.441 reported that pegylated (poly(ethylene glycol))
nanographene oxide (NGO) displays photoluminescence in the
visible and infrared regions. They showed that the anticancer
drug doxorubicin could be physisorbed onto the pegylated NGO
surface that had been functionalized with antibodies. These
antibodies allowed for selective killing of cancer cells in vitro,
which could be monitored using uorescence. In a similar
manner, Peng and co-workers442 demonstrated that uoresceinfunctionalized pegylated graphene oxide (GO) could be used in
intracellular imaging. The poly(ethylene glycol) spacer was
introduced to prevent GO-induced quenching of the conjugated
uorescein. Moreover, the composite material exhibited
excellent pH tunable properties. Li and colleagues443 have
shown that pegylated NGO functionalized with transferrin can
be used for two-photon luminescence cell imaging and
phototherapy. It was observed that irradiation by a laser source
creates microbubbling in the presence of NGO, which causes
instant cell damage at an order of magnitude lower irradiation
power (Figure 101). It was noted that the damage caused by the
irradiation was extremely site specic, only causing cell death at
the point of irradiation, thereby oering localized therapy.
Graphene quantum dots (GQDs) have been used for cellular
imaging due to their low toxicity and high photoluminescence
yield as has been illustrated by Zhu et al.444 The authors showed
that the GQDs synthesized by a one-step solvothermal method
display biocompatibility as well as low cytotoxicity, making them
excellent bioimaging agents. Peng and co-workers445 reported
that GQDs can be synthesized from readily available pitch carbon
bers via chemical exfoliation. It was shown by the authors that
the photoluminescence of the GQDs can be tailored by changing
the reaction temperature. The QDs were shown to display
minimal toxicity and were employed as imaging agents in two
human breast cancer cell lines (Figure 102).

dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr3000412 | Chem. Rev. 2012, 112, 61566214

Chemical Reviews


Hu et al.446 have demonstrated that GO functionalized with

CdSe/ZnS quantum dots can be used for visible-light imaging
and near-infrared phototherapy of cancer cells. The authors
showed that as the QDs are irradiated in the near-infrared region
they display a reduction in uorescence, thereby making this
composite material suitable for in situ monitoring of the
treatment. Narayanan and co-workers447 have shown that
NGO functionalized with Fe3O4 can be used as a dual imaging
material, utilizing photoluminescence as well as magnetic
resonance imaging (Figure 103).
Kim et al.448 reported that GO modied with low-molecular
weight branched polyethylenimine (BPEIGO) is able to act as a
cationic gene carrier. It was shown that the composite had a high
delivery eciency and biocompatibility when used in transfection studies. The use of the composite for bioimaging was
shown when a labeled DNA strand was attached and the
movement of the composite into the cells was monitored using
confocal microscopy. Mao and colleagues449 have reported that
p-sulfonated calyx[6]arene modied graphene can be used as a
turn on uorescent probe for L-carnitine both in vitro and in
living cells. The as formed composite displays good stability in
biological systems as well as a low toxicity, making this composite
material potentially useful in imaging as well as drug delivery.

applications of graphene and graphene composite materials will

more than likely be in devices.454
The use of graphene nanoparticle materials is another
important issue that needs to nd solutions with respect to
repeatable and controllable synthetic procedures if their true
potential is to be attained. The performance of these graphene
nanocomposite materials are highly dependent on the
architecture of the nanoscale building blocks, which can often
result in nonrepeatable experiments, which makes this another
important point that needs to be addressed. It is only with an
advance in these synthetic areas that the promised uses of
graphene nanocomposite material in green chemistry will nally
be achieved. It may be that for photocatalytic water splitting the
separation of holes and electrons can be successfully achieved
using a graphene nanoparticle composite material.
Whatever the future holds for graphene research, one can be
assured that there will continuously be interesting topics because
the material has already found interesting applications in elds as
far apart as stem cell dierentiation,455 highly selective
separation,456 graphenenanowire hybrid structure based
photoconductive devices,457 graphene charge-doping based
plasmon control,458 and high-resolution spectroscopy.459
Looking toward the future use of graphene, it may be that in
expanding on the already studied synthetic procedures lies a key
to unlocking a new realm of opportunities for this material.


In 2004, the initial measurements of the electrical conductivity of
graphene by Geim and Novoselov sent ripples of excitement
through the scientic community. In the past years, the initial
interest in the so-called wonder material has not faded, with a
number of potential applications already proposed ranging from
water remediation to supercapacitors, DNA-sequencing, photocatalysts, and oxygen reduction reaction catalysts. This says that
there is clearly much work to still be done to understand the
properties of graphene and functionalized graphene, thereby
opening new avenues of research. One just has to consider the
structure of GO to realize that there are multiple manipulations
that can be chemically achieved, if only we understood the
structure fully.450 This review provides insight into the various
ways to functionalize graphene and graphene derivatives, thereby
expanding the number of potential applications for graphenebased materials. The functionalization modes can be classied
according to the method and materials used and as such have
been categorized as covalent functionalization, noncovalent
functionalization, substitutional doping of graphene, and hybridization with nanoparticles, nanowires, and other materials. These
various methods of functionalization oer various ways to expand
on the current uses of graphene, that is, bioimaging or band gap
opening, which can be used in electronics.
Graphene as a 2-D material still suers from controlled
synthetic growth conditions, especially when graphene derivatives are considered. It is imperative that these synthetic issues
are addressed so that graphene and its derivatives can attain the
highly promised application potential. With improved synthetic
procedures graphene should be able to be employed far more
easily in electronics as well as other applications that require fast
electron transfer like photocatalytic applications toward renewable energy. The 3-D manipulation of the 2-D graphene material
is another very important issue to be addressed as the
manipulation of graphene into higher order nanostructures is
already showing promise in supercapacitators,451 fuel cells,452
water remediation,422 and drug delivery453 among others.
However, as has been noted in the main text, the main

Corresponding Author

*R.Z.: e-mail address radek.zboril@upol.cz; telephone +420-58563-4947; fax +420-58-563-4958. K.S.K.: e-mail address kim@
postech.ac.kr; telephone +82-54-279-2110; fax +82-54-2798137.

The authors declare no competing nancial interest.


Vasilios Georgakilas received his B.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Chemistry

and Organic Chemistry from the University of Ioannina (Greece) in
1989 and 1998, respectively. He then worked in the Institute of Material
Science of N.CSR Demokritos and at the University of Trieste as a
Postdoctoral Fellow and Research Associate. In 2010, he was elected
Assistant Professor in the Material Science Department of the University
of Patras. His research interest lies in the functionalization of carbon
nanostructured materials and their application.

dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr3000412 | Chem. Rev. 2012, 112, 61566214

Chemical Reviews


Vimlesh Chandra studied Natural Sciences at Lucknow University and

received his Ph.D. degree from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
(2009). He has been a postdoctoral research fellow in the Department of
Chemistry at Center for Superfunctional Materials at Pohang University
of Science and Technology since January 2009. He is developing
graphene functionalized materials for environmental application.

Michal Otyepka received his Ph.D. degree in Physical Chemistry at the

Palacky University, Olomouc (2004). Currently, he is a head of the
Department of Physical Chemistry at the Palacky University, Olomouc,
and senior researcher at Regional Centre of Advanced Technologies and
Materials, Palacky University, Olomouc. His research is focused on
modeling of biomacromolecules, complex molecular systems, and
hybrid materials.
Namdong Kim received his Ph.D. degree in experimental condensed
matter physics at Pohang University of Science and Technology
(POSTECH), Korea (2005). He was a postdoctoral research scientist at
the Physics department, Columbia University (through 2009).
Currently, he is a research assistant professor at the Chemistry
department of POSTECH and focuses on graphene-related phenomena.

Athanasios B. Bourlinos holds B.Sc. (19911995), M.Sc. (19971999),

and Ph.D. (19992002) degrees in Chemistry from Athens University,
Greece. He spent 2 years (20022004) as a postdoctoral fellow at the
Materials Science & Engineering Department, Cornell University
(Ithaca NY, USA), 6 years (20052011) as a research associate at the
Institute of Materials Science, NCSR Demokritos (Athens, Greece),
and 1 year (20112012) as a research associate at the Physics
Department, University of Ioannina (Ioannina, Greece). He currently
holds a position as Assistant Professor at the Physics Department,
University of Ioannina. His research area focuses on the synthesis or
surface modication, characterization, and properties of nanoscale
materials with emphasis on carbon nanostructures.

K. Christian Kemp received his M.Sc. in Chemistry from the University

of the Free State, South Africa. He is currently pursuing a Ph.D. at the
Department of Chemistry, Pohang University of Science and
Technology, under the guidance of Prof. Kwang S. Kim.


dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr3000412 | Chem. Rev. 2012, 112, 61566214

Chemical Reviews


of the Czech Republic (Grant P208/12/G016), Grant Agency of

the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (Grant
KAN115600801), Operational Program Research and Development for Innovations European Regional Development Fund
(Grant CZ.1.05/2.1.00/03.0058), and Operational Program
Education for Competitiveness European Social Fund
(Grant CZ.1.07/2.3.00/20.0017). This work was also a part of
the research project RVO:61388963 of the Institute of Organic
Chemistry and Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Czech
Republic. The authors deeply thank Dr. J. Tucek (Palacky
University, Olomouc, Czech Republic) for the manuscript

Pavel Hobza received his Ph.D. (with R. Zahradnik) degree in Prague.

After postdoctoral study with Camille Sandorfy at the Universite de
Montreal, he spent several periods as a visiting professor and a visiting
scientist at Montreal, Erlangen, and Muenchen. In 2001, he moved from
Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of the
Czech Republic, to the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry
where he is currently Head of Department of Molecular Modeling. He is
a professor of Physical Chemistry at the Charles University in Prague.
His research interests focus on molecular interactions and their role in
physical chemistry and biodisciplines.

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Radek Zboril received his Ph.D. degree at the Palacky University,

Olomouc. After the Ph.D. study, he underwent several foreign stays at
the universities in Tokyo, Delaware, and Johannesburg. Currently, he is
a professor at the Department of Physical Chemistry and a general
director of the Regional Centre of Advanced Technologies and
Materials at the Palacky University, Olomouc. His research interests
focus on nanomaterial research including iron and iron oxide based
nanoparticles, silver nanoparticles, carbon nanostructures, and magnetic
nanoparticles and their syntheses, physicochemical characterization, and
applications in the eld of catalysis, water treatment, antimicrobial
treatment, medicine, and biotechnologies.

Kwang S. Kim received his Ph.D. degree from University of California,

Berkeley. He was a postdoctoral fellow at IBM and a visiting professor or
scientist at Rutgers University, MIT, and Columbia University.
Currently, he is a professor in the Department of Chemistry and the
director of the Center for Superfunctional Materials at Pohang
University of Science and Technology. His research interests include
design and development of novel nanomaterials and molecular devices.

This work was supported by Korea NRF (National Honor
Scientist Program Grant 2010-0020414, WCU Grant R32-2008000-10180-0), KISTI (Grant KSC-2011-G3-02), Grant Agency

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dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr3000412 | Chem. Rev. 2012, 112, 61566214

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