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Information System Security Goals: International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology Vol. 27, February, 2011

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International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology

Vol. 27, February, 2011

Information System Security Goals

Ioannis V. Koskosas*, Nikolaos Asimopoulos
Department of Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering
University of Western Macedonia,
Department of Business Administration
Department of Electrical Engineering
Technological Educational Institute of Western Macedonia
KOZANI, 50100, Greece
Tel:+3 24610 68000, Fax: +3 24610 68001
*e-mail: ioanniskoskosas@yahoo.com

A large part of information systems security approaches is technical in nature with less
consideration on people and organizational issues. To this end, there is a need to investigate
other means of managing information systems security since most information systems
security approaches although valuable they focus on technical oriented solutions, e.g.
checklists, risk analysis, evaluation methods, and ignore the social aspects of risks and the
informal structures of organizations. This research adopts a psychological-organizational
point of view to information systems security by investigating the role and application of
goals to informal structured organizations in the banking industry. The ultimate scope of this
research is to investigate the importance of having an efficient goal setting structure in the
context of information systems security in banking. The research contributes to interpretive
information systems with the study of goal setting in a security management context.

1. Introduction
This research is concerned with information systems (IS) security from a psychologicalorganizational point of view in the context of banking. Banking is being a highly intensive
activity that relies heavily on information technology (IT) to acquire, process and deliver the
information to all relevant users. To this end, IT provides a way for banks to differentiate
their products and services delivered to their customers. Although new technologies, systems
and networks provide opportunities for businesses to increase their customer base, reduce
transaction costs, and sell their products globally, security implications impede the business
While a number of significant, valuable approaches help to minimize and control security
risks, most of them ignore the human factor and the informal structure of organizations
[49,12]. To this end, approaching different psychological and organizational issues that may
have an effect on information systems security is the theme of this research. Hence, this
research is based on the rationale that, since goals are an integral part of management theory,
security risks may arise due to a failure to obtain some or all of the goals that are relevant to
the management of data through an organizations information systems.
To this end, this research adopts a psychological- organizational approach to information
systems security in banking by exploring and describing the process of goals setting in the
context of IS security management. Following a brief introduction, the next section describes
the research methodology adopted in this research. The third section, presents the IS security
background research and the theory of goal setting is then introduced. The fourth section,


International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology

Vol. 27, Febraury, 2011

presents the empirical findings and then discusses the research contribution, issues for further
research and practice. The last section presents some concluding remarks.

2. Research methodology
The first objective of this paper was to investigate if (do) information security managers
and groups set goals to manage highly confidential data through the organizations
information systems? Based on this main research question it was further imperative for the
research to identify the procedures based on which information security managers and groups
set security goals.
To this end, a qualitative research methodology having philosophical foundations, mainly
in interpretivism, was deemed more appropriate, than the quantitative or scientific approach,
for this research. Reference [35] described qualitative research as simply, research based
upon words rather than numbers. A more generalised, but appropriate definition is that
qualitative research is multimethod in focus and involves an interpretive, physical approach to
the subject under investigation [11]. This definition implies that qualitative researchers study
things in their physical environment and understand events in terms of the meaning people
assign to them; this is the strategy applied to this research. The term interpretivism refers to
studies that assume that people create and associate their own subjective and intersubjective
meanings (inductive process) as they interact (processual) with the world around them
[contextual; 38]. Interpretivism was particularly useful when the results were being obtained.
The respondents were providing their views from their interactions with the rest of the group
in which goal setting was in process. For instance, when the respondents were asked
questions regarding goals, it was difficult for them to provide a response without having been
involved with the rest of the group.
The next issue under consideration was the research method to be used. Having considered
the possible benefits of each available method (e.g., action research, case studies, field
studies, application descriptions), it was decided that the advantage offered by a case studyinvestigating a phenomenon within its real-life context- made this method the most
appropriate [60,7].
However, the question arose whether to employ single case studies or multiple case
studies. Theorists support the view that a single case study should be employed, particularly
when exploring a previously unresearched subject [60] or for theory testing by confirming or
refuting theory. When a single case study is used, a phenomenon is investigated in depth, and
a rich description and understanding are acquired [56].
Conversely, multiple case studies enable the researcher to relate differences in context to
constants in process and outcome [7]. According to [35] multiple case studies can enhance
generalisability, deeper understanding, and explanation. This research further asserts that
although studying multiple cases may not provide the same rich descriptions as do studies of
single cases, multiple cases enable the analysis of data across cases.
That said, a case study approach has been followed, using the IT departments of three
financial institutions in Greece. Since no prior research has studied the relationship of
information security and goals and in Greece, the current study represents an innovative and
original contribution to the field. It must be mentioned, though, that there were few biases and
challenges in gaining access to the IT departments and groups of these institutions, mainly
because security is a sensitive and confidential issue for banks IT employees. However, we
came to an agreement through a contract not to mention any data without the authorisation of
the information security/IT managers in the three case studies. Moreover, the method of
selection could bias the results due to (a) the specific market sector, that is, financial
institutions; (b) the investigation of the case studies in a single countrys culture, which may
not apply in another countrys cultures; and (c) the evaluation of only IT departments.
In order to study and compare the goal setting procedures in different case studies, three
financial institutions were chosen based on their IT group (employees) structure: Alpha-Bank,

International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology

Vol. 27, February, 2011

Delta-Bank, and Omega-Bank1. The IT departments consisted of approximately 40 employees

at Alpha-Bank, 150 employees at Delta-Bank, and 410 employees at Omega-Bank.
Another issue to be resolved with the research approach used here concerns data
collection. This study employed multiple data-collection methods, as this is important in case
research studies [6]. In all cases, data was collected through a variety of methods, including
interviews, archival records, documents, and observation and visits at the banks over
approximately 3 months. The number of people interviewed in each of the three case studies
was approximately 15. Each interviewee was conducted approximately 6 to 8 times during the
3-month period. The interviewees ranged from IT managers, deputy managers, and auditors to
general IT staff. The interviews were conducted face-to-face, and when necessary, follow-up
telephone interviews were scheduled to discuss unclear data.
The use of multiple data collection methods makes triangulation possible and this provides
for stronger substantiation of theory [13]. Triangulation is not a tool or strategy, but rather an
alternative to validation [10]. Thus, any finding or conclusion made from the cases is likely to
be more convincing and accurate if it is based on several different sources of information
[60]. Five types of triangulation have been identified in the literature [24]: data, investigator,
theory, methodological, and interdisciplinary. The present study used data, theory,
methodological, and interdisciplinary triangulation.

3. Theoretical Background
3.1 Information Security Background
Although a number of IS security approaches have been developed over the years that
reactively minimize security threats such as checklists, risk analysis and evaluation methods,
there is a need to establish mechanisms to proactively manage IS security. That said,
academics and practitioners interest has turned into social and organizational factors that
may have an influence on IS security development and management. For example, reference
[39] have emphasized the importance of understanding the assumptions and values of
different stakeholders to successful IS implementation. Such values have also been
considered important in organizational change [48], in security planning [52] and in
identifying the values of internet commerce to customers [26]. Reference [12] have also used
the value-focused thinking approach to identify fundamental and mean objectives, as opposed
to goals, that would be a basis for developing IS security measures. These value-focused
objectives were more of the organizational and contextual type.
A number of studies investigated inter-organizational trust in a technical context. Some of
them have studied the impacts of trust in an e-commerce context [18,19,34] and others in
virtual teams [42,45]. Reference [59] studied trust as a factor in social engineering threat
success and found that people who were trusting were more likely to fall victims to social
engineering than those who were distrusting.
Reference [1] found that users considered a user-involving approach to be much more
effective for influencing user awareness and behaviour in information security. Similarly,
reference [31] studied influences that affect a users security behaviour and suggested that by
strengthening security culture organizations may have significant security gains. Reference
[9] investigated security information management as an outsourced service and suggested
augmenting security procedures as a solution, while [55] suggested a model based on the
Direct-Control Cycle for improving the quality of policies in information security
governance. Reference [25] discussed the importance of gaining improvements from software
developers during the software developing phase in order to avoid security implications.

The Three Case Studies in this article are described as Alpha-Bank, Delta-Bank, and Omega-Bank
respectively, for confidentiality reasons

International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology

Vol. 27, Febraury, 2011

Moreover, reference [50] advanced a new model that explains employees adherence to IS
policies and found that threat appraisal, self-efficacy and response efficacy have an important
effect on intention to comply with information security policies. Reference [51 p. 1551] also
reviewed 1043 papers of the IS security literature for the period 1990-2004 and found that
almost 1000 of the papers were categorized as subjective-argumentative in terms of
methodology with field experiments, surveys, case studies and action research accounting for
less than 10% of all the papers. That said, this research adopts a case study approach to study
goal setting in information systems security since no prior research has studied these specific
contexts and their interrelationship in the banking industry.

3.2 The goal setting theory

The theory of goal setting falls within the broad domain of cognitive psychology and its
literature is an essential element of social learning theory [4], which has become increasingly
influential [37]. A goal encompasses terms such as intention, aim, task, deadline, purpose, and
objective, and it is part of the human condition, in the sense that almost all human activities
are consciously or unconsciously directed by goals. According to [33], goals motivate
behaviour in at least four ways. First, goals boost behaviour by leading individuals to expend
greater effort. Then, goals serve a directive function and maintain the individual focused on
the goal. Third, goals lead to persistence in the face of difficulty, and finally, goals lead to
exploration, arousal and the development of task-related strategies.
An assertion of goal setting theory is that, given requisite ability and task familiarity, the
more difficult and specific the goal, the higher the performance, considering that there is
feedback on goal achievement, goal commitment, and task knowledge [32,33]. Reference [36]
reported a peer review that ranked goal setting theory first in importance out of 73
management theories, as rated by organizational behaviour theorists.
Given goal difficulty and specificity, reference [32] reported that 90% of the studies show
an increase on performance. References [41,43,44], using MBO programs, with his PROMES
system, confirmed that specific goals have a positive impact on performance. Similarly,
reference [40] found strong effects of assigned group goals on group performance and [8]
reported that when individual and group goals were congruent, group members were
committed to increasing group performance. Reference [47] found that when individual and
group goals were incongruent, individuals gave priority to a specific goal over a more
ambiguous goal. Reference [29] found an important relationship of organizational group
culture and goal setting in information security management, while [28] found evidence that,
high levels of trust among IT security group members, in terms that one member is capable of
delivering, led to clarity to goal achievement. Furthermore, reference [30] reported evidence
that participation in goal setting directly influences self-efficacy, whereas self-efficacy, in
turn, was found to influence performance. Hence, it seems that people with high self-efficacy
are likely to seek out and set more challenging goals [4], which means they might also be
likely to accept more challenging goals as part of a group task.
Although, early studies of the goal setting literature showed the existence of links between
achievement goals and performance as clear and direct, recent work highlighted the need for a
reanalysis of these outcomes [20,14]. Reference [16] found that group goal commitment was
not related to group performance, [46] found different impacts of goal setting on performance
based on group size, and [57] found moderating effects from participation in goal setting,
group cohesion and group conflict. Reference [14] found that performance, avoidance goals
undermined performance regardless of contingencies, whereas performance- approach goals
had a positive influence on performance but not without any contingencies.
Although, the goal- performance relationship seems more complex than originally
anticipated, additional research findings are added on the portrait which show the importance
of learning goals when people need to find strategies for new complex tasks [46], the relation
of goals and goal orientation [54], or the relation of goals and risks [27]. Most of the research
reported however showed that there is a positive link between goals and performance.

International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology

Vol. 27, February, 2011

Similarly, reference [12] used the value-focused thinking approach to identify fundamental
and mean objectives, as opposed to goals, that would be a basis for developing IS security
measures. These value-focused objectives were more of the organizational and contextual
Following these trends, this research follows a macro-goal level approach and supports the
rationale that an efficient goal setting procedure may well improve the management process
of information security. Consequently, the main research question becomes, Do information
managers and groups who follow goal setting procedures set goals relevant to the
management of data through an organizations information systems?

4. Research findings
4.1 Goal Setting
It was imperative for this research that any organizations used as a case study should have
followed goal setting procedures, particularly in the banks security/IT departments. Before
the interviews commenced, the contacted banks replied positively that goal setting was a
consistent part of their overall business strategy. In fact, goal setting was a very important
issue, and it was seen as an integral part of the overall risk management process. All the
interviewees within Delta and Omega-Bank argued that goals are being set on a regular basis
within each banking unit respectively, and that goals represent the identity of the banks
business activities plan. The goals within both organizations, like in the case of Alpha-Bank,
are always business oriented and within the technology units the main goals are cost
reduction, automation of processes, systems efficiency, and security. Likewise, goals within
all of the three organizations come in the form of projects which either originate from topmanagement to the different banking units or from those units to top-management, in the form
of project proposals. The goal setting activities within the three organizations are shown in
Tables 1, 2, and 3 respectively. However, it is not in the scope of this research to describe in
detail each step of the goal setting phases within the organizations but rather to give an
overall view of how the selected organizations set security goals.
That said, the IT group within Delta-Bank distinguishes the monitoring phase into an
independent phase instead of being part of the execution phase, like in the cases of Alpha- and
Omega-Banks. Similarly, the first four steps at the goal initiation phase within the
organizations were identical although the IT group at Omega-Bank considers the level of
security applications in internet banking and alternative networks as separate levels of
security goal activities. The interviewees within Omega-Bank argued that the additional
taxonomy of security levels gives a more clear insight into the different aspects of security.
Table 1 The Goal Setting Process in Alpha-Bank
1st Phase: Goal Setting Initiation Phase
Step 1:

Selection of members for the project group

Step 2:

Explanation of the method to the members of the group and planning of the goal
setting security risk activities

Step 3:

Physical security goals (external)

Step 4:

Systems security goals (internal)


2 Phase: Goal Execution Phase

Step 1:

Risk identification goals

Step 2:

Selection of identified risks

Step 3:

Final risk identification and further goal setting via a joint security


International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology

Vol. 27, Febraury, 2011

project group meeting

Step 4:

Control of goal setting activities

Step 5:

Risk monitoring


3 Phase: Evaluation Phase

Last step: Evaluation of security risk goal setting activities and compiling a report

Table 2 The Goal Setting Process in Delta-Bank

1st Phase: Goal Setting Initiation Phase
Step 1:
Selection of members for the project group
Step 2:
Explanation of the method to the members of the group and planning of the goal
setting security risk activities
Step 3:
Physical security goals (external)
Step 4:
Systems security goals (internal)
2nd Phase: Goal Execution Phase
Step 1:
Risk identification activities
Step 2:
Risk estimation
Step 3:
Final selection of security risks via a joint project group meeting
3rd Phase: Evaluation Phase
Last step: Evaluation of security risks and goal setting activities planned
4th Phase: Monitoring Phase
Last step: Monitoring of the risks selected

Table 3 The Goal Setting Process in Omega-Bank

1st Phase: Goal Setting Initiation Phase
Step 1:
Selection of members for the project group
Step 2:
Explanation of the method to the members of the group and planning of the goal
setting security risk activities
Step 3:
Physical security goals
Step 4:
Security of internal systems
Step 5:
Security applications in relation to internet banking
Step 6:
Alternative networks
2nd Phase: Goal Execution Phase
Step 1:
Risk identification goals
Step 2:
Selection of identified risks
Step 3:
Final risk identification and further goal setting via a joint security
project group meeting
Step 4:
Risk monitoring
3rd Phase: Evaluation Phase
Step 1:
Evaluation of goal security risk related activities
Step 2:
Providing an evaluation report
Step 3:
Security policies and procedures

At the goal execution phase all of the organizations exhibited similar patterns although at
Delta-Bank the risk monitoring stage was assumed as an independent final phase from that of
execution. Alpha-Bank, had also an additional step of controlling the goal activities planned
whereas Delta-Bank and Omega-Bank did not. At Alpha-Bank this stage is considered as
reactive because the IT group seeks feedback to ensure that the security goal setting plan until
that stage will actually accomplish its objectives. From the interviews, Delta- and OmegaBank considered that such feedback is achieved at the evaluation phase, but at Alpha-Bank
the IT group members argued that although feedback is achieved at the evaluation phase,
some of the goal activities planned may be jeopardised before that phase. Thus, the control

International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology

Vol. 27, February, 2011

of goal setting activities planned is a premature stage, which provides though more valuable
information at the time needed.
In terms of Internet banking security, Omega-Bank was the only case study among the
three to consider the security applications in relation to Internet banking as an additional step
at the goal initiation phase. As one IT member said: Internet banking security applications
consume much of our time and it should be established a co-department, in the future, which
will focus only on that aspect of security. However the three case studies make use of
checklists which prioritize Internet banking security risks in terms of their likelihood ratio and
However evidence from the three case studies showed the existence of political agendas
that ultimately affected the goal setting process. In the case of Omega-Bank the establishment
of the Disaster Recovery Planning (DRP) centre, established problems due to different
stakeholders interests that were diverged from those in the IT group. In effect, the DRPs
input to goal setting was controlled since the DRP activities contribute to the risk monitoring
and evaluation phase, as they also focus on post-evaluation implementation on security
related projects. During the interviews with the organizations, there was an argument that
goal setting was not always efficient due to such political agendas because different banking
units were competing with each other for the greater share of funds and often in disregard of
the IT units. As one IT employee said: Goal setting should be a group effort rather than a
process run by different stakeholders interests.
At Delta-Bank, there were similar patterns of political agendas that drove backwards the
goal setting activities plan of the IT group. An example was the investment of approximately
1 million for security risk surveillance purposes e.g., a new firewall software architecture,
new intrusion detection systems and other investments in hardware including physical
security, where even though the funding was agreed the decision was interrupted several
times before. An IT employee said: Banks try to invest in new ways where the investment is
directly returned while with security the return is most of the time indirect. This makes it for
IT units more difficult to convince top management for project funding. From the interviews,
though, it was argued that effective goal setting is not just about making stakeholders
understand but rather improving the quality of debate and understanding of security issues
among all stakeholders. To this end, the process of setting security goals will also improve.
The evaluation phase was also a significant stage of the overall goal setting process in the
context of security risk management within all of the three IT groups. In the case of OmegaBank, the IT group considered an additional activities step, that of security policies and
procedures, based on which the IT group investigates whether there is a need to change any
particular aspect. The difference in the case of Omega-Bank, as compared to the case of
Alpha-Bank and Delta-Bank, is that the IT group makes a more frequent evaluation of the
security policies and procedures after the implementation of security projects.
However goal setting within all of the three case studies was a significant and consistent
part of the overall organizations business activities plan and development including IT
security projects. The procedures according to which the IT groups within the three
organizations respectively set goals, in the context of security risk management, exhibit
similar patterns, albeit with a few minor differences in the implementation process, in terms
of stage prioritisation.

5. Discussion
Based on the empirical findings from the three case studies, goal setting was indeed an
integral part of their business activities plan. These goal setting procedures were presented in
this paper. However different stakeholders had different goals and views, which sometimes
conflicted at the expense of banking security as part of the goal setting process. If an
information systems security task requires significant extra effort and interferes with the
business tasks, business units need to understand the reason for this and be motivated to
comply. Since business-unit people are users of security, failure to understand security needs

International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology

Vol. 27, Febraury, 2011

will result to ineffective goal setting through misunderstanding in communication at the

expense of Internet banking security.
At an organizational level, a success key to effective management of security risk
messages may be the consideration of users needs and values at the centre of security design.
Effective security goal setting has to take into account different stakeholders needs,
acknowledge that their needs may sometime conflict and find a solution that is acceptable by
all stakeholders. That said, understanding different stakeholders needs can form the basis for
security goals, strategies and processes. In the practical application of goal setting, the
understanding leads to a clear definition of the appropriate level of security measure with
regard to security. The challenges of innumeracy, heuristic and other biases add to difficulty
of communication about security. Nevertheless, these perspectives need to be recognized in
order for management to be successful and so the goal setting procedure with regard to
security risks.
However, an effective and successful goal setting is not just about giving out information
or about making stakeholders understand. Nowadays, successful goal setting can result when
the quality of debate and understanding of security issues among all stakeholders is improved.
In doing so, the process of goal setting, with regard to information security, will also improve.

5.1 Limitations and Further Research

There are opportunities to undertake further intensive research to identify more critical
social and organizational factors and their relation in the context of information security
management. Although an effective goal setting seems to positively influence security
management, we cannot be sure as to how an effective goals setting procedure could always
lead to security implementation success. Future research on information security goal setting,
especially research based on case studies, should therefore examine the role of other possible
factors at the level of security goal setting in addition to social, organizational considerations.
Likewise, another issue interesting to investigate would be the role and type of feedback in
goal setting and communication in the context of information security, e.g., whether the type
of feedback (outcome or process feedback) provided affects the communication goals
The relationship between theory and practice may be considered weak and unstructured, as
qualitative approaches have been criticised for not infusing theoretical factors. To this end, in
this research an attempt was made to address this issue by developing a theoretical framework
of social and organizational factors which may improve the management of information
security. Although, qualitative research does not offer the pretence of replication since
controlling the research will destroy the interaction of variables, this research was conducted
in a structured methodology guided by the specific social and organizational factors based on
the literature review.
Moreover, the research findings may be influenced by political games that different
banking units wish to play. As the participation in a research study can help organizational
members to voice their concerns and express their views they can use this opportunity to put
forward those views that they wish to present to other members of the organization. To this
end, in order to mitigate or record the effect of suspicion for interpretive research, this
research used a collection of various perspectives and an interpretation of how the
interviewees react to the opinion expressed by other members.

6. Concluding remarks
The research described in this paper was concerned with information security from a
social, organizational point of view. Based on a theoretical framework this research supported
the rationale that security risks may arise due to a failure to obtain some or all of the goals
that are relevant to the management of data through an organizations information systems.


International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology

Vol. 27, February, 2011

At a very practical level, enhancing cooperation among IT members through employee

participation in group goal activities, positive attitudes, professionalism and employees
moral rewards could lead to an effective communication among the groups that would, in
turn, lead to an effective goal setting procedure with regard to information security. The
findings of this research also suggested that data management were positioned within the
broader business activities plan in the three case studies. At least, this is what is evidenced
from this research. Interviews with respondents suggested that information security
management could be effectively improved if organizations consider more carefully the
human factor, which could result to a better understanding in what the organization is trying
to achieve on a security level. This is a significant contribution since previous research, while
recognizing the importance of the human factor and behaviour, falls short of analysing
information security in the context of goal setting.
Past research showed that information security can be more efficiently managed if there is
more investigation beyond the technical means of protecting information resources. The
research described in this paper was concerned with information system security from a
social, organizational perspective. Thus, the findings of this research may be used to some
extent to explore security organizational practices in real life.
In conclusion, the triangulation methods used including interviews, documents, archival
records, observation and physical artefacts, provided useful insights into information security
in the context of banking and allowed the study of goal setting within its real life context.

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Dr. Ioannis Koskosas
Received the B.A. degree in economics and an MSc in Money, Banking and Finance from
Middlesex University, London, UK. He has also received his PhD from the faculty of
Information Systems, Computing and Mathematics from Brunel University, London, UK. He
is currently a Senior Lecturer at the University of Western Macedonia and at the
Technological Educational Institute of Western Macedonia, Greece. His research interests
currently lie in the areas of e-banking security, information systems management, and eFinance innovation.

Dr. Nikolaos Asimopoulos

Received the B.A. degree in Electric Engineering from Aristotle Universisty Thessaloniki,
Greece and an MSc in Computing Engineering from the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and
State University, USA. He has also received his PhD in Computing Engineering from the
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA. Professor Nikolaos Asimopoulos
was Visiting Professor in the University of Western Macedonia, Greece, and currently is co25

International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology

Vol. 27, Febraury, 2011

Vice President of the Technological Educational Institute of Western Macedonia, Greece. His
research interests lie in the areas of computer and electrical engineering.


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