Phoenix Lights Incident in 1997
Phoenix Lights Incident in 1997
Phoenix Lights Incident in 1997
7023 N Jentad Lane
Luke AFB AZ 85309-1661
The mission of the 56th Flghter Wing at Luke Air Force Base
(AYB) is to train F-16 nghter pilots. We are not an air defense baae
wblch maintains aircraft on "scramble" status. Instead, our pUots
are instructors and trainees I'llarulu&: to fly the F-16 and employ It in
the ground attack and aerial combat missions. While we routinely
have aircraft airborne at night. tbeir mission is not to invesUpte
unusual aerial .ightings, nor would they be _ked. to do so. On the
night of 13 Mar 97, our aircraft were involved in normal trainio,
missions and had no involvemeot whatsoever with the Ught.
observed over Phoenix.
On the eveDlog of 13 Jlar 97. our command post and other baM
a,encles received telephone calla about the lIgbts that many saw in
the sky over Arizona. In the days that followed. our public affairs
office also handled calls about the same subject. When queried by
the staff of the Strange Unlverae television program, our public
affairs people acknowledged tbat callers reported seeing light. ill
the sky, but our staff did Dot state that the cause was aerial nare .
III fact, WCI don't know whore the question of aerial flares come
from. There have been a number of accou.nU of the 13 Mar 97
incident that alleged Air Force involvement, alld we have mad.
every effort to ensure that callera understood that we were not
involved in that incident. However, despite our best "fforts to tbe
contrary, we have been accu.ed of withholding or covering up
information. This is not the case--ln fact, we have honestly
answered every query made about the 13 Mar 97 incident.
Chief, Records ManaiemeD.t
Information Syatema Flight