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New Syllabus

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Paper-I :

1. Administrative Theory
The historical dimension of Public Administration - Wilsons Vision.
Major paradigms in the evolution of the discipline and its present status.
British philosophy of Public Administration.

Re-conceptualization of Public Administration: (i)Minnowbrook I,

Minnowbrook II, Minnowbrook III; (ii) Development Administration
and its changing profile; (iii) Comparative Public Administration and the
search for theories; (iv) Gender and administration.

Comparative study of Administrative systems: U.K., France, U.S.A,

Brazil and China - developments since 1980s.

2. Masters of Administrative thought and critical evaluation of their

contributions: F. W. Taylor, Karl Marx, Max Weber, Chester I. Barnard,
M.P Follett, Elton Mayo, Herbert A. Simon, Harold Lasswell, Fred W.
Riggs, Geoffrey Vickers, Dwight Waldo, Yehezkel Dror.
Non-Western tradition in Public Administration: Sun-tzu, M. K. Gandhi,
Mao, Nyerere.

3. Theories of Public Administration:

theories of public control of bureaucracy;

theories of bureaucratic politics;
Public Institutional Theory;
theories of public management;
theories of public choice
post-positivist theories (a) Critical Theory of Public
Organization, (b) Postmodernism and Poststructuralism in
Public Administration.

4. Public Administration and governance (i) government and

governance; (ii) Good Governance-concept, evolution and applications;
(iii) Democratic Governance-concept and contextualization; (iv) EGovernment, E-Governance and M-Governance.

5. Organization Theory: Classical, Neo-Classical, Systems, Structural,

Structural-Functional, neo-Human Relations, Pluralist, OrganizationalSocial Psychological, Strategic-contingencies, Market, InterpretiveCritical.

6. Organizational decision-making: (a) Synoptic or RationalDeductive (Dewey); (b) Incremental and Mutual Partisan Adjustment
(C.E. Lindblom); (c) Disjointed Incremental (D. Braybrooke and C.E.
Lindblom); (d) Mixed Scanning (A. Etzioni).

7. Administration and organizational culture- social political and

economic determinants.
8.Modern Organization in society- creativity factor- motivation and
needs (Abraham Maslow, R. Likert, C. Argyris, D. McGregor, John
Herzberg) alternative organizational assumptions about people and
Psychological Contract: Rational Economic Man, Social Man, SelfActualizing Man, Complex Man Aliens and Locals.
Leadership as: Influential Increment, manager of environmental
contingencies, event management, situated action, management of
meaning, negotiation, upward influence.
Approaches to organizational communication (processes of
socialization, conflict management, organizational change and
leadership, organizational diversity, technology).
Organizational rationality: theoretical evolution.
9.Public Policy Making Concepts, models and its critique.
Public Policy Analysis Various approaches at:
Formulation stage (a) Output Studies (Dawson and Robinson), (b)
Policy content (T.A.Lowi, Ira Sharkansky),
Implementation (N.Pressman, A. Wildavsky, George C. Edwards),
Evaluation (David Nachmias, H.E.Freeman and Ilene N. Bernstein).
New developments in policy analysis (Paul A. Sabatier and

Rethinking the development dynamics: `Anti-Development Thesis;

democracy, bureaucracy and development; development and Non-State
Actors; Sovereign State, Supermarket State and development; human
development; gendered development.
10. Administration in society-(i) administrators; promoters, resisters,
accommodators, detractors; (ii) accountability and control-(a)
legislative, executive and judicial control, (ii) role of media, civil society
organizations and NGOs, (c) judicial activism, (d) whistle blowers, (e)
Ombudsman, (f) Citizens Charter, Right to Information, Social Audit.
11. Techniques of Administrative Improvement (i) Social Impact
Assessment, (ii) CBA, (iii) Network Analysis, MIS, PERT, CPM, (iv)
Forms of budget and budgetary processes; (v) MBO; (vi) Public
Program Evaluation.
Ethics in Governance-issues and institutions; Public Administrators
ethical involvement Applied ethical choice and its tools and concepts;
Administrative corruption-problems and remedies; Relationship between
political and career executives-ethical dimensions.
12. Administrative Law - Meaning, scope and significance;
Administrative Law in France, U. K. and Germany.
13. Concept and theories of Local Government - Alexis de
Tocqueville, John Stuart Mill, M.K.Gandhi, Cynthia Cockburn, Manuel

Public Administration: emerging crisis and new directions.

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