Pki Openssl
Pki Openssl
Pki Openssl
Download the tar file openssl-1.0.1e.tar.gz [LATEST] from the following link:
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Un-tar the tar ball. Read the INSTALL file. You need to execute the following
commands to install OpenSSL libraries and documents as a root:
make test
make install
If everything went through well, you should have installed OpenSSL commands and libraries
1.4 Domain name
The domain is used for presentation only. You can choice any name of
your choice.
Section 2 Setting up the Certificate Authority
A Certificate Authority is a trusted entity that issues digital certificates. A digital certificate
certifies the ownership of a public key. A number of commercial CAs is treated as root CAs.
Examples include VeriSign, GlobalSign, etc.
While a digital certificate is typically signed by a CA, the certificate of a root CA is self-signed.
Root CAs certificates are usually preloaded into most operating systems, web browsers, and
other applications that rely on PKI. These certificates are unconditionally trusted.
You will set up a root CA in this section.
2.1 The configuration file
Some OpenSSL commands such as ca, req, and x509 rely on a configuration file. A default
configuration file (openssl.cnf) is located in the following folder:
In order to make this lab more manageable, please create a directory lab06 in your home
directory. Then copy the default configuration file to lab06 directory. Then you can perform most
of the work for this lab in the lab07 directory.
Edit the default openssl.cnf file to fit your own setup. You can keep the default settings in most
of the sections. However, you need to make changes in the [ ca ] section. An example is shown
in the following screenshot.
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Next, you need to create several sub-directories and files as specified in the configuration file in
the [ CA_default ] section. For the index.txt file, simply create an empty file (touch index.txt).
For the serial file, put a single number (e.g., 1000) in the file.
2.2 Setting up a root CA using OpenSSL
As aforementioned, the certificate of a root CA is self-signed. The following command will
generate a self-signed certificate for the root CA:
openssl req new x509 keyout ca.key out ca.crt config openssl.cnf
You will be prompted for information and a password. Please remember this password. You will
have to type in the password (passphrase) each time you use this CA to sign a certificate for the
client. You will also be asked to fill in the information related to the owner of the certificate,
such as Country Name, Common Name, etc. These data will be included in the certificate. The
output of the command is stored in two files. The file ca.key contains the CAs private key,
while ca.crt contains the public-key certificate.
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Question 1: Summarize what you did to set up a root CA. Use screenshots to demonstrate your
In this section, a certificate will be issued to the company (the client) using
the root CA we just set up in the previous section. Please use a different domain name of your
choice for the client.
3.1 Generating the public/private key pair for the client
The company should generate its own public/private key pair by itself because the private key is
not supposed to be exposed to anyone except its owner. The following OpenSSL command will
generate an RSA private key.
openssl genrsa des3 out server.key 1024
You will be asked to provide a password to protect the key, which will be stored in the file
server.key. Please remember this password. You will need it later.
3.2 Generating a Certificate Signing Request
Once the company has their private key, they should generate a Certificate Signing Request
(CSR). The following OpenSSL command can be used to generate a CSR:
openssl req new key server.key out server.csr config openssl.cnf
Please use (your own domain name) as the common name of the CSR.
Then, the CSR should be sent to the CA to request the CA generate a certificate out of the CSR.
3.3 Issuing a certificate
In reality, CSR files are usually sent to a trusted CA for their signature. Upon receiving a CSR,
the CA will generate/issue a certificate after ensuring that the identity information in the CSR
matches with the clients true identity. In this lab, we will use our own CA to issue an SSL/TLS
certificate to the client The following OpenSSL command will generate a
certificate out of the CSR:
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openssl ca in server.csr out server.crt cert ca.crt keyfile ca.key config openssl.cnf
Please use man page (man x509) to find other useful options and try to retrieve the related
information included in the server certificate.
Question 2: Please summarize what you did to issue an SSL/TLS certificate to the client Use screenshots to demonstrate your results.
Section 4 Using the PKI and Certificate for Securing a Web Site
In this section, we will explore how the PKI and certificates can be used by a web server to
secure web browsing. To make it simpler, please add the following entry to the /etc/hosts file on
the Linux computer:
This will allow an application to resolve the IP address of the domain.
Next, we need to launch a simple web server with the certificate generated in the previous
section. Please do the following:
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Launch a simple web server (HTTPS server) with the server.pem certificate by using the
OpenSSL s_server command:
openssl s_server cert server.pem -www
By default, the server will listen on port 4433. The default port number can be altered by using
the accept option. Now, please access the HTTPS server using a web browser (e.g., Firefox)
on the Linux computer. Type in the URL: Most likely, an
error similar to the following screenshot will appear on the web browser. At this point, please do
not add an exception for this web site. The secure connection failed because The certificate is
not trusted because no issuer chain was provided.
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Had this certificate been assigned by VeriSign, we would not have this failure, because
VeriSigns certificate is very likely preloaded into Firefoxs certificate repository already.
Unfortunately, the certificate of is signed by our own CA, which is not
recognized by Firefox. There are typically two ways to make Firefox accept our CAs self-signed
We can request Mozilla to include our CAs certificate in Firefox. Therefore, the
certificate is known by Firefox and trusted by the user. This is how it works in reality.
Unfortunately, the market of our own CA is not large enough for Mozilla to include its
Instead, we can manually load our CAs certificate into Firefox because we trust our
own CA. To do this, please click on the following menu sequence on Firefox browser:
Edit => Preferences => Advanced => Encryption => View Certificates
From there, you will see a list of certificates that are already included in Firefox. Do you trust
them? The Firefox does and you are supposed to.
Please click on import to load the ca.crt into Firefoxs certificate repository in the
Authorities category, and select the option: Trust this CA to identify web sites. This is to
tell Firefox that you trust our own CA.
Now, try to access This access should be successful without
any error. A web page similar to the one in the following screenshot should show up. Otherwise,
try to fix what you have done wrong and make the access successful.
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Scenario 1
Please conduct the following test:
Alter a single byte of server.pem file using Ghex. (Please record what you did. You will
need to restore the original file later.)
Restart the HTTPS server using the OpenSSL s_server command.
Reload the URL in the web browser.
Question 3: Please summarize what you did and observed while conducting the test specified in
Scenario 1. Please use screenshots to demonstrate your results. Please explain your results.
Scenario 2
Please conduct the following test:
Restore the original server.pem file.
Start the HTTPS server using the OpenSSL s_server command. Make sure it starts
Use the URL: to access the web site.
Use the URL: https://localhost:4433/ to access the web site.
Use the URL: to access the web site.
Use the URL: https://<IP of the server>:4433/ to access the site.
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Question 4: Summarize what you did and observed while conducting the test specified in
Scenario 2. Especially, summarize your observations while accessing the web site using different
names of the URL, although they all point to the same IP. Use screenshots to demonstrate your
results and explain your results.
To complete this section, please log on the Win 7 machine and conduct what you have done
using Firefox on the Linux machine on the Windows machine using Internet Explorer.
In order to install a certificate to Internet Explorer, please do the following:
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Question B1: Summarize what you did and what you observed. Explain your observations. Use
screenshots to demonstrate your results.
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Answer Sheet
========================== Required Questions ===========================
Question 1: Summarize what you did to set up a root CA. Use screenshots to demonstrate your
Question 2: Please summarize what you did to issue an SSL/TLS certificate to the client Use screenshots to demonstrate your results.
Question 3: Please summarize what you did and observed while conducting the test specified in
Scenario 1. Please use screenshots to demonstrate your results. Please explain your results.
Question 4: Summarize what you did and observed while conducting the test specified in
Scenario 2. Especially, summarize your observations while accessing the web site using different
names of the URL, although they all point to the same IP. Use screenshots to demonstrate your
results and explain your results.
Question 5: Please use the OpenSSL speed command to test the performance of the RSA and
AES algorithms. Summarize your observations. Use screenshots to demonstrate your results.