City and Cinema
City and Cinema
City and Cinema
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Deriving from the urban films, Kracauer who put forth a concept of cine-city examined the modernity
sights within a sociological framework. Discussing the characters of the modernity through the street and city
scenes in a critical method, Kracauer comes up with psychological, sociological, philosophical ideas basing on
the form of the film. Establishing his theory as film as the redemption of the physical reality, Kracauer applied
a method which was useful to analyze the social tendencies, ideological hegemonies and psychological
characters of the masses through the codes in city scenes.
Kracauers perception of cine-site can also be seen in Godards films. Cinematographic materials in
Godards films are the aestheticized unity of liveliness of streets and roads and urban complexity.
Many good and bad film examples of the film art were carried out in cine-sites. New cinematographic
sites and metropolises are envisaged in the cine-sites established in Paris, New York, Los Angeles, Berlin,
Rome and Hollywood.
From time to time, the realistic power of the films shot in studios can leave a more realistic and better
impression than that of the ones shot in natural settings. An aesthetics proposition of Apollinaire, the poet of
Modern City and Light Era, summarizes the situation: The reality is moving towards the fiction. The one to
create the reality is the fiction. Godards proposition on this issue is: As all significant documentary films are
built with fiction, the all significant fictional films are built with documentary.
Other than modern symphonicurban films, it was also shown with its attractive, fascinating and offputting features in the works of the artists like Balzac, Dostoyevsky, Dickens, Gogol, Baudelaire and Rimbaud.
No matter in what way they are demonstrated, the cities are irreplaceable elements of the other arts. (ztrk,
2002, p.13-14)
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"Paris changes! but nothing in my melancholy,
Has moved! New palaces, scaffolding, blocks,
Old suburbs, all for me becomes allegory,
And my dear memories are heavier than rocks."
Baudelaire (Tableaux Parisiens)
The Surreal Table of Woody Allen
Winning the 2012 Golden Globe Awards for Best Screenplay and opening the 64th Cannes Film
Festival, Midnight In Paris directed by Woody Allen is the story of a young man's deep love for Paris and
Champs Elysees, Eiffel, Louvre, Notre Dame, The Arc de Triomphe... With a long scene of Paris
begins the film. Its suburbs, dark streets are the images made with the backgrounds that we do not see. We can
say that Midnight in Paris is one of the films in which Woody Allen tells the cities. With both its current state
and its state in the 18th and 19th centuries, Paris establishes the decoration of the film.
Leading actors of the film are Owen Wilson, Rachel McAdams, Marion Cotillard, Kathy Bates, Carla
Bruni, Adrien Brody. The scenario winning the Golden Globe Award was written by Woody Allen. After saying
goodbye to America with his film Hollywood Ending of 2002, Allen shot a series of urban films and fell in love
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ztrk, Mehmet (Compiler), Sinematografik Kentler -Mekanlar, Hatralar, Arzular-, Istanbul, Agora
Kitapl, 2008.
Salp, Tl Akbal, Zamanmekan-Kuram ve Sinema, Istanbul, Balan Publishing, 2004.
Allmer, Aalya, Sinemekan, Istanbul, Varlk Publications, 2010.
Robins, Kevin, Grmenin Kltr ve Politikas, (Translator Nuray Trkolu), Istanbul, Ayrnt
Publications, 1999.
Trkolu, Nuray-Aymaz, Gksel-ztk, Mehmet, Kentte Sinema Sinemada Kent, Istanbul, Yenihayat
Publishing, 2004.
ztrk, Mehmet, Sine-masal Kentler, Istanbul, Om Publication, 2002.
Krel, Serpil, Trk Ve Dnya Sinemas zerine Sentezler, Parmen Publishing, Istanbul, 2011.
Journalof Yeni Film, Periodical, Issue:24, November-2011. (Date accessed: 06.01.2012)
Elmac, Tuba, Son Dnem Trk Sinemas'nda Kentli Kimlik Balamnda tekinin Sunumu, Dokuz
Eyll University, Graduate School of Fine Arts, Cinema-TV USA. Post-Graduate Thesis, zmir, 2006.
(Date accessed: 04.01.2012)
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