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Bushido New Dawn Rules PDF

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New Dawn

GCT Studios

Bushido: New Dawn - Game Rules

Getting ready for

For a game of Bushido, each player will need;

A copy of these rules.

A set of Bushido miniatures to
represent their Warband.

A tape measure.

A bunch of six-sided dice (D6) in two
different colours, about six of one colour, six
of another. The examples in these rules use
white dice to signify Attack dice and black
dice to signify Defence dice.

A number of coins, chips, counters
or dice to track a models Ki Tokens.

Plastic card sleeves and a dry wipe
For the game, you will also need:

The play area is a 2 foot by 2 foot
area. Though commonly you need a bit more
space than this to accommodate dice, cards,
snacks, drinks, etc.

Six pieces of terrain, these can be
varied in size but should not be larger than
6 x 6 and the total amount of space the
terrain pieces take up shouldnt exceed half
the board.

Bushido Game terms

and Concepts

Active Model: The current model
that is resolving its action.

Active Player: The player who is
controlling the Active model.

Base to Base: A model is in Base
to Base (abbreviated to BtB) with another
model if; its base is touching the base of that

Cover: A model is considered in
Cover if the Active model cannot draw LoS to
the entire models Volume.

Bushido: New Dawn - Game Rules

Damage Roll: Is a roll on the
Wound Chart.

Dice; Rolls in Bushido use Six sided
dice (referred to as a D6), a D3 (D6 with the
results 1-2 = 1, 3-4 = 2, 5-6= 3) or a D2
(D6 with the results 1-3 = 1, 4-6 = 2). When
halving a result, always round down.

Enemy; Models in an opponents

Facing: The Facing of a model is
determined by the direction the model is
facing. Players should clearly mark Facing on
the models base, using a dot or arrow.




Volume: Models occupy a Volume
covering their base size and extending to a
height dependant on its Size;

oTiny = 1cm
oSmall = 2 cm
oMedium = 3.5 cm
oLarge = 5 cm
oHuge = 7.5 cm

For example see the Temple of Ro-Kan models

below; Hotaru and Riku have differeng heights
but for game purposes drawing LoS etc. they
would have the same volume as they are both
Medium sized models.

Warband: A players Warband
consists of owned and controlled models.

Zone of Control: In Bushido, every
model has a Zone of Control (abbreviated
to ZoC) extending 1 to any point within
its LoS. Models ignore Friendly models ZoC
when moving but once a model enters an
Enemy models ZoC it may only move directly
towards that model, or directly away, until it
leaves the ZoC. Models in BtB with Enemy
models have no ZoC.


Initiative: The model with the
Initiative checks its Attack dice first in Melee
Exchanges and declares the use of Ki Boosts/
Feats and Special Attacks or Defences
second. The Active model usually has the

Line of Sight: A model can draw
Line of Sight (abbreviated to LoS) up to 90
degrees either side of its Facing point (see
Facing). LoS is determined by drawing an
imaginary line from the centre of a models
base to any point or Volume another model
occupies (See Volume).

Measuring Distances:

oDistances in Bushido are
measured in inches.

measured after an action or game effect is
declared. If a model is unable to complete
the declared action due to having insufficient
movement or range then the action is still
considered spent and any costs paid.

oDistance is measured from
the edge of a models base.

Size: Unless a models Size is stated
as a trait it is calculated based on its base

o30mm = Medium

o40mm = Medium

o50mm = Large

Temple of

Temple of

Target: A model must be able to
draw LoS to another model to Target it. A
model may always Target itself.

Bushido: New Dawn - Game Rules

Bushido: New Dawn - Game Rules

The Profile Cards

smaller number is the maximum number of

Ki Tokens it can have on its Profile card at
any one time.

Models in Bushido are represented by a

profile card. The profile cards contain all
the information that will be used in a game
specific to that model(s). You also use the
profile card to keep track of the wounds
sustained by your model(s), Ki Tokens and
game effects.

4. Wounds Track:

Below, you will see a sample profile card

followed by a list of what the terms and the
symbols on the card mean;

1. Name:

The amount of wounds a model can sustain

before it is removed from the table.

5. Traits:
Each model has a number of traits that
describe how it behaves in the game and
whether it has any special advantages or

The name of the individual that the model


6. Ki Feats:

2. Type:

Ki Feat available to the model including its

name and cost full description of the Ki Feats
effects are on the reverse.

The Type affects some game effects.

3. Statistics:
The number is the models base Statistic
value. Some models also have a number
of Ki icons above the base value. This is
the statistics Ki Boost cost; this is the cost
in Ki Tokens to increase the base Statistic
by one for the duration of a single Target
or Opposed Test. A player may increase a
statistic multiple times, as long as there are
Ki Tokens available to do so (See Ki Feats).

a.MS: Melee Skill.

This is the number of dice the model uses

when resolving an Opposed Melee Test.

b.RAS: Ranged Attack Skill.

This is the number of dice the model uses

when resolving a Ranged Attack Action.

c. Move:

The distance the model can move in inches.

d. Ki:

7. Weapons grid:

9.Unique effect:
Any special rules that apply to this model.

10.Rice Cost:
The cost in rice to recruit this model
into your Warband. Models with Su
are Summoned models that enter play
during the game through a Ki Feat or
Effect and cannot be purchased when
creating your Warband. Models with
Sp are models with a special rule which
will be explained on its Profile card and
cannot be purchased when creating
your Warband.

Cult of Yurei

Most models in Bushido are armed in some

way. There are two categories of weapons:
Melee and Ranged Attack.

a. Designates the weapon as either
Melee or Ranged Attack.
includes the weapons Range bands. The first
number is short range, the second medium
range and the last number Long range.

b. Strength: The weapons strength
modifier to any Damage Rolls made by this
weapon (Sp) indicates a special effect and
consults the models Unique Effects for further
instructions. A indicates no modifier to the
Damage Roll.

c. Any Special
available to the model.


8. Faction symbol:
This symbol tells you what Bushido game
faction the model belongs to. Your force can
only consist of models that belong to the
same faction.

The first number tells you the amount of

Ki Tokens this model generates during the
Starting Phase and the number of dice it uses
for Opposed and Target Ki Tests. The second

Bushido: New Dawn - Game Rules

Taking Actions and

Models in Bushido perform actions to affect
the game. The actions a model can take
depend on its Condition and whether its in
BtB with an Enemy model, models in BtB
with an Enemy model may only declare;
Melee, Disengage or Ki Feats useable in BtB.
The Active Player chooses which model they
are activating (the Active Model) and what
action the model will take, the model must
declare a Simple or Complex action if able.

Throughout a game of Bushido all models
will be in one of these three Conditions. A
models condition affects the type of Actions
it can declare and may incur penalties to
actions it takes. The three conditions are;
Rested: The model may be activated and
declare either a Simple or Complex action.
(All models start each turn Rested)
Tired: The model may be activated and
declare a Simple action.
Exhausted: The model may not be chosen
to activate by the Active player and suffers
-1 MS.
The actions a model is eligible to declare
depend on its Condition.

Rested; the model may declare
either a Simple or Complex action.

Tired; the model may declare a
Simple action.

Exhausted; the model may
declare actions whilst exhausted.


Once a models action has been resolved

then the controlling player places a Condition
marker next to the model depending on the
action performed.
Simple action = Tired marker.
Complex action or Simple action (whilst in
the tired condition) = Exhausted marker.

Bushido: New Dawn - Game Rules

During the End Phase remove all Condition

Simple Actions

Disengage: The model resolves a
Melee exchange. It must however roll more
dice in Defence than in Attack. If the model
successfully defends then after the Melee is
resolved it may then Walk its Move statistic,
it may not enter into BtB with an Enemy
model with this move.

Ki Feat: The model may attempt to
perform a Simple Ki Feat listed on its Profile
card. Some Ki Feats can be combined with a
Walk action (see Ki Feats)

Melee: The model must Target an
Enemy model, LoS is not required. It must
then attempt to enter BtB with that model
by moving up to its Move Statistic, during
this move it may only enter into the ZoC of
the Targeted Enemy model, however if whilst
in the Target models ZoC you would enter
another Enemy models ZoC then you may
ignore that models ZoC if moving directly
towards the Targeted model. If at the end
of movement it is in BtB with the Targeted
Enemy model it must resolve a Melee
exchange. Models starting their activation in
BtB with a single Enemy model may move
around that Enemy models base before
a Melee exchange is resolved. If a model
which started its activation in BtB with an
Enemy model and Targeted another Enemy
model with a Melee action cannot reach the
Targeted model through its move around the
Enemies base then it must resolve a Melee
exchange against the model it started in BtB

change its facing after the movement.

Simple Scenario Action: A model
may not be in BtB with an Enemy model, or
in an Enemies ZoC. See the specific Scenario
for the effect. It may neither move nor
change facing during this action.

Stand up: The model removes its
Prone marker and may freely change its
Facing. If Standing Up brings the model into
BtB with an Enemy model resolve a Melee
exchange after removing the Prone State.

Wait: The model does nothing.

Walk: The model may move up to
its Move statistic in any direction and change
its Facing at the end of the move. Changing
Facing is considered a move, even if the
model remains in the space place. A model
performing a Walk action may not move into
an Enemys ZoC or move into BtB with an
Enemy model.

Complex Actions

Charge: The model Targets an
Enemy model within LoS and may move
up to its Move x 2 in a straight line, during
this move it may only enter into the ZoC of

the Targeted Enemy model, if it would pass

through another Enemy models ZoC its
move stops at the ZoC, however if whilst
in the Target models ZoC you would enter
another Enemy models ZoC then you may
ignore that models ZoC if moving directly
towards the Targeted model. If it does not
have enough move to bring the model in BtB
with its Target its action ends. If however this
move brings the model into BtB contact with
the Target Enemy model a Melee exchange is
resolved, for this Melee exchange the model
gains a +2 to the first Damage roll of the
Melee exchange.

Ki feat: The model may attempt to
perform a Complex Ki feat listed on its profile
card. Some Ki Feats can be combined with a
Walk action (see Ki Feats)

Focus: The model gains a number
of Ki tokens equal to its Ki Statistic. It may
neither move nor change facing during this

Complex Scenario Action: A
model may not be in BtB with an Enemy
model, or in an Enemies ZoC. See the specific
Scenario for the effect. It may neither move
nor change facing during this action.

Ranged Attack: The model may
make a Ranged Attack (see Ranged Attack)
and move up to its Move Statistic either
before or after the Ranged Attack is resolved,
changing Facing is considered a move.

Reload: The model may remove a
Reload Counter from its Profile Card (See
Traits). It may neither move nor change
facing during this action.

Run: A model may turn to face a
point within its LoS. The model may then
move up to its Move statistic X 1.5 in a
straight line, directly towards that point. A
model may not Run into an Enemy models
ZoC, into BtB with an Enemy model, or

Bushido: New Dawn - Game Rules

Types of Test in
To see if a models action is successful often
requires a test.
There are two primary types of tests in
Bushido, Opposed and Target. Both tests
involve rolling d6s, if the roll on a dice is a
natural 1 then it cannot be used to resolve
the test. If all dice rolled result in 1s then
the final result is considered 0 as if no dice
were rolled, and do not count for tie breakers
when calculating number of dice rolled.
Additional 6s after the first add a +1 to the
final result of Tests.
If naturally or because of negative modifiers
a model would have 0 or less dice to roll in a
Target or Opposed Test then that player still
rolls a single dice for the Test. In an Opposed
Test the Enemy models statistic is increased
by 1 for each value less than 1.
When declaring the use of Ki Boosts, Ki
Feats, Special Attacks or Defences during
any Test the Active model or the Model with
the Initiative chooses and declares second.
In the event of rerolling dice then players
must stick to the same combination of dice
and whether or not they used Ki Feats, Ki
Boosts or other abilities.

Target Tests
These require rolling a number of dice equal
to the named statistic/type i.e. Ki/Target test
(5), Move/Target test (6). The bracketed
number is the number that must be equalled
or exceeded by the highest dice rolled and
is called the Target Number. If no statistic is
specified then the Target Test is made using
a single d6.

Yumi must make a Move Target test (5),
she has a Move Statistic of 4 and so rolls 4 dice
for the test. She rolls a 3,3,5,6 meaning that she
has passed the test.

A Bakemono must make a Ki target test
(4), the Bakemono has a Ki Statistic of 1 and so
only rolls 1 die. It rolls a 2 meaning that it has
failed the test.

Bushido: New Dawn - Game Rules

Ranged Attacks are Target tests that are
resolved slightly differently.


Modifier to Target

Ranged Attack

Target is Tiny


Target is Small


The steps to resolving Ranged Attack actions


1.Check if the model can make a
Ranged Attack Action.
a.The Active model is not
in BtB with an Enemy model, or an Enemy
models ZoC.

2.Declare a Ranged Attack action.
a.The model may move up to
its Move statistic in any direction or change

Target is Large


Target is Prone


Target is Exhausted


Target is Surprised


Target in Cover


Active model
this turn

ran +1

3.Declare a Target Enemy model for
the Ranged Attack action.
a.Measure the range from the
Active models base to any volume of the
Target. Check the range measured against
your weapons Range Band. If the range is
equal to or less than the first number then
you are at Short Range. Equal to, or less
than the middle number is Medium Range
and equal to or less than the last number
is Long Range. If the model is further than
the Long range of the weapon the action fails
and move to step 10.
Range Bands


Short (First number)


(Second 5

Long (Third number)


b.The models declare the use
of any Ki Feats.
Ranged Attack test is calculated based on
the Range Band calculated in Step 3a, with
any modifiers added/subtracted.

model +1
moved/ or will move
this action

4.The Active model then calculates
its dice pool using its Ranged Attack Skill
Statistic as the starting number of dice used,
then decides if they will use any of that its
abilities, use a Ki feat or increase its Ranged
Attack Skill Statistic through a Ki Boost.
a.The Active player then rolls
their dice.
b.The Active model conducts
any rerolls of dice.
c.The Active model applies
any modifiers to the dice.
d.The Active player can then
choose up to an additional two dice rolled
which were not 1s. The result of a 2-5 on a
dice adds +1 to the highest dice, 6s adding
+2 to the highest dice.

5.The Active model compares its final
Attack result against the Target number.
If the result is higher or equal then it has
successfully hit, if the result is lower the
attack has failed and now move to step 10.
a.The difference in the result
and the target number is the Success level.

6.The player controlling the Targeted
model may nominate a different Friendly
model as the new Target if;
a.LoS of the Active model
crosses through the nominated models
ZoC before contacting the original Targets
b.The nominated model is
able to draw LoS to the Active model.
c.The nominated model is not

7.If Step 6 steps are met then the
nominated model becomes the Target model.

8.The models declare the use of any
Ki Feats

9.The Active Player then makes a
Damage Roll: rolling 2d6 and applying any
negative or positive modifiers, consulting
the Wound Table in the column equal to the
Success level of the test to see the number of
wounds suffered by the Target. Mark off the
wounds on the Target models Profile card. If
this reduces it to 0 or less then remove the
model from the table.

10.Place any Reload counters and
remove any Ammo markers from the models
profile card.

11.The Ranged Attack action is now
resolved and the Active models condition will
worsen one step (Rest Tired Exhausted).

Targeting a model in BtB

If the Targeted model is in BtB with a Friendly
model then after step 4 Make a Target Test
(3) using a single dice, with the following
modifiers to the Target Number.

Modifier to the
Target Number

Target is Tiny


Target is Small


Target is Large


If the test is successful proceed as normal, if

however the test is a failure then the Target
of the Attack is changed to the nearest
Friendly model in BtB and LoS. The Ranged
Attacked continues from Step 6 with the new

The Active player chooses and activates a
Bakemono Archer and declares a Ranged Attack
Action. It is not in BtB with or in the ZoC of an
Enemy model and so is free to do so.

The player decides to move the Bakemono
incurring a +1 to the Target Number of the test. He
moves him a little closer and declares a monkey
as the Target of the action, neither player wishes
to use any Ki Feats.

He measures the range and it comes
to 7. The Ranged brackets for the Bakemonos
Ranged Weapon are 4/8/12 meaning it is the
Medium ranged bracket with a base Target
number of 5. He then checks the modifiers table
and adds 1 for the Bakemono having moved and
1 for the Monkey being small, making the final
target number 7.

Next he calculates his dice pool for the
test, his Ranged Attack statistic is 2 and he

Bushido: New Dawn - Game Rules

chooses not to use a Ki Boost to increase it. He
rolls the 2 dice and gets a 4 and 5 meaning the
final result is a 6. The highest dice was a 5 and
the 4 adds +1.

He checks this against the Target number
7 and realises the shot has failed, he places a
Reload marker on the Bakemono and its condition
worsens one degree. The action is resolved and
so his opponent now becomes the Active player.

Opposed Tests
These require the Active model and its Target
to roll a number of dice equal to the Statistic
being used or the X value of a Ki Feat. They
are resolved in the following order;

1.The models calculate their dice
pools, deciding if they will use any abilities,
Ki feats or increase the statistic being used
through a Ki Boost.

2.Both players then roll their dice.

3.Conduct any rerolls of dice.
a.The Active model then
requests any rerolls of the Targets models
b.The Target model conducts
any rerolls of its dice.
c.The Target model then
requests any rerolls of the Active models
d.The Active model then
conducts any rerolls of its dice.

4.The models apply any modifiers to
the highest dice result.

5.The final results are then compared,
the winner being the model with the highest
result; the difference is the Success Level.
Tie Breakers are resolved through the
following steps. If the step doesnt provide a
winner move to the next step.

1.Player who rolled the highest
number of dice, excluding 1s wins.

2.Active players model wins.

3.Reroll dice.
If naturally or because of negative modifiers
a model would have 0 or less dice to roll in a
Target or Opposed Test then that player still
rolls a single dice for the Test. In an Opposed
Test the Enemy models statistic is increased
by 1 for each value less than 1.
An Exhausted and Surprised Matsu is targeted in
a Melee Exchange by a Kairai Villager. Matsus
base Melee Skill is 2 but since she is Exhausted
-1 and Surprised -1 this drops to 0. Since models
always roll one dice the Kairai she is in the Melee
with will gain +1 to its Melee Skill for the Melee


Bushido: New Dawn - Game Rules


Enemy Statistic

Bonus to Models




The Active player chooses Ikiryo to
activate and declares a Simple Ki Feat Look into
the Void targeting an Ashigaru. This requires
an Opposed Ki Test, Ikiryo has a Ki Statistic of
3 and the Ashigaru 1. Ikiryo rolls 4,6,6 and the
Ashigaru rolls 2. Ikiryos highest dice is a 6 and
the Ashigarus a 2 so Ikiryo wins.

A Turn later the Active player chooses
Ikiryo to activate again and declares a Simple
Ki Feat Look into the Void targeting Hiro. This
requires an Opposed Ki Test, Ikiryo has a Ki
Statistic of 3 and Hiro 2. Both players will roll 3
dice as Hiro has the Strong Mind trait. Ikiryo rolls
1,1 and a5 and Hiro rolls 2,3 and a 5. Now in this
case Hiro wins as they both rolled a 5 as their
highest result but Ikiryo is considered to have
only rolled 1 dice as she rolled two 1s.

Melee Exchanges are Opposed Tests that

are resolved slightly differently (See Melee

Melee Exchanges
When a Melee exchange occurs first
determine which model has the Initiative;
the model with the Initiative checks its
Attack dice first in Melee Exchanges and
declares the use of Ki Boosts/Feats and
Special Attacks or Defences second. The
Active model has the Initiative but some
traits and States affect this. If a model has a
trait that causes two opposing effects on its
Initiative then both traits cancel each other.
Then use the following steps to resolve the
Melee Exchange;

1.Turn both models so their Facings
are contacting.

2.The models then calculate their
dice pools using its Melee Skill Statistic as
the starting number of dice used then decide
if they will use any abilities, Ki feats or
increase its Melee Skill Statistic through a Ki

3.Once the players have calculated
the number of dice they will roll in their
Melee exchange they must both secretly
decide how to allocate the dice between
Attack and Defence. If players are using a
Special Attack or Special Defence then they
must secretly remove a number of dice from
their pool equal to its cost. This is why you

need different- coloured dice; one colour

represents Attack and one colour represents
Defence. For example, a model with a Melee
Skill of 3 may roll either 3 Attack dice; 2
Attack dice and 1 Defence die; 1 Attack die
and 2 Defence dice; or 3 Defence dice.
a.Once both players have
allocated then they announce if they are
using a Special Attack or Defence.

4.Both players then roll all of their
dice simultaneously.
a.The model with the Initiative
then requests any rerolls of the Targets
models dice.
b.The other model conducts
any rerolls of its dice.
c.The other model then
requests any rerolls of the model with the
Initiatives dice.
d.The model with the Initiative
then conducts any rerolls of its dice.

5.Both players then calculate their
final Attack and Defence results by selecting
the highest dice of each type (Defence and
Attack); each player must then choose up
to an additional two dice of the same type
rolled which were not 1s. The result of a 2-5
on a dice adds +1 to the highest dice, 6s
adding +2 to the highest dice.

6.The models apply any modifiers to
the highest dice rolled.

7.The model with the Initiative
compares its final Attack result against the
other models final Defence result. If the result
is higher or equal then it has successfully hit
move to the next Step, If not then the model
has successfully Defended move to Step 9
and apply any Special Defence effects if used
by the Target.

8.The difference in the results is the
Success level.
a.The model with the Initiative
applies any Special Attack effects used, and
then proceed to the appropriate step.
b.The models declare the use
of any Ki feats.

9.Damage Roll; The player rolls 2d6
adding the results together and applies any
negative or positive modifiers, consulting
the Wound Table in the column equal to the
Success level of the test to see the number
of wounds inflicted.
a.Mark off the wounds on the
other models Profile card and apply any
effects. Go to step 11 if;
i.If this reduces it to 0
or less wounds then remove the model from
the table.
ii.If it is moved out of
BtB or became Prone.

10.Now run through steps 12 -17,

with the other model becoming the model

with the Initiative, unless it has already done
so and if it placed dice in Attack.

11.The Melee is now resolved and
BOTH models condition will worsen one
step; (Rest Tired Exhausted).
to Melee


Model is


Model is in
the Exhausted

Model is


Model is in the

is Out

-1 per
model Out

Each Enemy
model, after
the first, in BtB
and not in BtB
with a Friendly

Model is


Model is in the
Prone state

Model ran
this turn


performed a
Run action this

Model is


Model is

All these modifiers are cumulative. If the

modifier brings a models Melee dice pool
below 1, then the player will still roll 1 die.
However, the opponent gets a number of
extra dice to their MS equal to the number
the other players MA drops below 1.
Enemy MS Statistic Bonus to Models




A player chooses and Activates Kenko to
perform a Melee action. Kenko chooses a Ashigaru
model and measures his Move distance. Hes in
range and so moves Kenko into BtB. Both models
turn so that their Facing markings are touching.
Both players calculate their dice pools, first the
player controlling the Ashigaru; he has a base
pool of 3 dice equal to his Melee Skill, he chooses
not to Ki Boost so has 3 dice to split between
Attack and Defence. Next Kenko calculates his
dice, his starting pool is 4 equal to his Melee Skill
and decides to spend 2 Ki to Boost to 5 dice.
Next both players secretly assign their dice.
Kenkos controller decides to use his Combo


Bushido: New Dawn - Game Rules

Attack which costs 1 dice and so leaves him with a
pool of 4, he assigns 3 to attack and 1 to defence.
The Ashigarus controller needs the Ashigaru to
tie up Kenko and so goes 2 in defence and 1 in
Both players announce the use of Special Attacks/
Defences. First to announce is the Ashigarus
controller as Kenko has the initiative, he reveals
that he has not chosen to use a Special Attack or
Defence. Next Kenko reveals that he is using the
Combo Special Attack which cost him 1 so hes
rolling 4 not 5 dice.
Both players roll. Kenko gets 6,5,1 in Attack and
a 4 in Defence. The Ashigaru rolls 4,4 for his
Defence and 5 in Attack.
As Kenko has the Initiative from being the model
activated he checks his Attack dice first. His final
total is 7 ( 6 being his highest dice and +1 from
the 5) he cannot use the 1 as it is a failure. The
Ashigarus Defence result being a 5 (4 being his
highest dice and +1 from the other 4) mean that
Kenko Successfully hit with a Success Level of 2.
Now before he makes his Damage Roll he decides
to use his Ki Feat Fists of Iron for 2, meaning
that he will +3 (+1 Melee Strength base, +2 from
the Ki Feat) on the Wound Table. He rolls 2,2,
adds the +3 for a result of 7, unfortunately the
Ashigaru has Armour (2) and so this is reduce
from the score leaving a Final result of 5. He
checks the Wound Table and sees he has caused
1 wound.

Final modified Result Of

The Damage Roll

As he used Combo Attack he reduces the success

level by 2 meaning he rolls again immediately in
the Success Level 0 Column (2 being the original
Success Level, -2 for the Combo Attack). This
time he rolls better and gets a 6,5 plus +3, -2
giving him a final result of 12 meaning that the
Ashigaru suffers another 3 wounds.
Now, as the Ashigaru is still on the Table, not



Bushido: New Dawn - Game Rules

Prone, in BtB, placed dice in Attack, and has
not already checked its Attack dice this Melee
Exchange he checks his final Attack Result against
Kenkos final Defence result.
The Ashigaru rolled a 5 and so this is the final
result, Kenkos final result is a 4. The Ashigarus
Attack is a success in the 1 Column and so the
player makes his Damage roll and gets a 4,5
giving a final result of 9 meaning that Kenko
suffers 2 wounds.
As both players have checked their Attack dice
the Melee Exchange is over and so both models
condition worsens by one degree.

Wound Table

The Success Level indicates which column

of the Wound table the player should
consult. The player then rolls 2D6, adds
the results together, adds any positive
or negative modifiers, this final number
is the row to cross reference to find the
number of wounds inflicted by the attack.
The Success level of an attack cannot go
above 10.
The modified result of the Damage Roll
cannot be lower than 2 or higher than 12.
1s are not failures when making a
Damage Roll.
Models without a Melee Combat Grid on
their Profile cards halve the final number
of wounds inflicted by successful Attacks.

A Kairai villager, successfully Attacks
Zuba with a final Success Level of 5. The player
rolls a 1 and 3 for his Damage roll and so the Final
result is 4, Zuba has the Toughness (1) trait and
so suffers 3 wounds.

Success Level
3 4 5 6 7







9 10

3 4 5 6
4 5 6 7
5 6 7 8
5 6 7 8
6 7 8 9
6 7 8 9
6 7 8 9
7 8 9 10
7 8 9 10
8 9 10 11
9 10 11 12


These are special abilities that allow a model
in a Melee Exchange to inflict an effect on its
opponent instead of a standard wound if it
successfully Attacks/Defends.
If a model is able to attempt one of these
Special Attacks/Defences it will appear on
the models Profile Card. All Special Attacks/
Defences have an X cost after the text, this
is the number of dice to remove from the
models Melee dice pool (See Step 4 above)
if it chooses to use a Special Attack/Defence,
this modifier only effects the current Melee
exchange being resolved. A model may only
perform one Special Attack OR Defence per
Melee exchange.
If through a movement from a Special Attack
or Defence a model moves into BtB with
another model then:
If that model is of a larger Size, the model
stops at the point at which it entered BtB.
If that model is of an equal Size, the
model stops at the point at which it
entered BtB and the model it contacted
is placed prone.
If that model is of a smaller Size, the model
continues its movement and pushes the
model it contacted directly away from the
point of contact and equal to a distance
that would enable the model to continue
its movement without contacting the
model. The model it contacted is placed
prone at the end of the movement.
If an Impassable Terrain element would
prevent this movement then the model must
stop at the point of contact.

Special Attacks
Slam Attack; If the Attack is successful the
Enemy model is moved d3 directly away and
becomes prone. It suffers half the wounds
when rolling on the Wound table.
Throw Attack: If the Attack is successful
the Enemy model is placed anywhere within
d2 in LoS, and becomes Prone. It suffers

half the wounds when rolling on the Wound

Sweep Attack: If the Attack is successful
then the Enemy model becomes Prone. It
suffers half the wounds when rolling on the
Wound table.
Powerful Attack: If the Attack is successful
then the model gains an additional +2
Strength for the Damage Roll.
Combo Attack: If the Attack is successful
then after the wounds from the attack have
been applied make another Damage Roll on
the Wound table at the original Success Level
2. Continue this until the Success Level is
reduced below 0.

For example, Hiro successfully attacks
a Kairai with a Success Level of 3. The player
makes a Damage roll using the Success Level 3
column, then after that is resolved they will make
another Damage roll in the Success Level 1 (3 -2
= 1 column). After this they will stop as the next
-2 would reduce the Success level below 0.

Critical Strike Attack: If the Attack is

successful, when making the Damage Roll
any doubles rolled instantly remove the
Enemy model from the game.
Push Attack: If the Attack is successful,
move the Enemy model 1 directly away
from this model if able. It does not suffer a
Damage Roll.
Force Back Attack: If the Attack is
successful, move the Enemy model 1 directly
away and then move directly towards it into
BtB. It does not suffer a Damage Roll.

Special Defences
Counter Attack Defence: If this Defence
is successful then deduct 2 from the Success
Level of the defence. If this is 0 or greater
then make a Damage Roll on Wound Chart in
the column equal to that number.
Throw Defence: If the Defence is successful
the Enemy model is placed within d2 in LoS,
and becomes Prone.
Sweep Defence: If the Defence is successful
then the Enemy model becomes Prone.
Side Step Defence: If the Defence is
successful move this model 1 away from the
Enemy model.
Push Defence: If the Defence is successful
move the Enemy model 1 directly away
from this model.
Drag Defence: If the Defence is successful
move this model 1 directly away from the
Enemy model, then move the Enemy model
directly into BtB.


Bushido: New Dawn - Game Rules

Model States
A model may, through game effects, enter
into a number of different states.
Berserk: The model gains the traits
Aggressive and Impetuous until the
End Phase.
Blind: Models with Blind Markers on its
Profile card cannot draw LoS outside
of BtB, must be the second model to
have the Initiative in Melee Exchanges and
suffer a -1 MS. During the End Phase remove
one Blind Marker from each model with a
Blind Marker on its Profile card.
Controlled: Controlled models are
Enemy models that become Friendly
for a number of actions equal to the
number of Control tokens on the models
Profile card. Whilst Controlled the Active
player may declare any action the model
would normally be able to perform but may
not spend its Ki tokens, the model does
however generate Ki. Simple actions will
remove one Control token and Complex
remove two Control tokens once the action
is resolved. As soon as all the Control tokens
are removed the model returns to the original
player and is considered an Enemy model.
Frightened: This model gains the
Defensive trait and suffers a -1 MS. It
may not declare actions that would
move it into BtB with Enemy models with the
Fear trait. During the end phase the model
must make another Fear test with the target
of the test equal to the highest Fear value of
Enemy models in BtB. If there are no Enemy
models in BtB the target of the test is equal
to the original failed test. Frightened models
automatically fail Fear tests against models
with a higher Fear value than the original
failed test.
On Fire: If a model has Fire markers
on its Profile card it is considered On
Fire. During the End Phase remove the
highest value Fire marker, the model suffers
a number of wounds equal to the removed
Fire markers value, these wounds ignore
the Armour and Toughness traits, after
removing the highest value marker, if that
model still has three or more of the same
value markers replace two of those markers
with one of the same type (Ie Fire marker)
but of one value higher. A model with Fire
markers on its Profile card, or a Friendly
model in BtB which is unengaged and not in
an Enemy models ZoC, may spend a Simple


Bushido: New Dawn - Game Rules

action to remove two Fire markers from a
models Profile card.
During the End Phase an Ashigaru has 3 x Fire
markers (1) and 1 x Fire Marker (2) counters.
He removes the Fire (2) marker and suffers two
wounds, his opponent then chooses to replace 2
x Fire (1) markers with a Fire (2) marker leaving
him with 1 x Fire (1) marker and 1 x Fire (2)

Poisoned: If a model has Poison

markers on its Profile card it is
considered Poisoned. During the End
phase, remove the highest value Poison
marker, the model suffers wounds equal to
the removed markers value, after removing
the highest value marker, if that model still
has three or more of the same value markers
replace two of those markers with one of the
same type but one value higher. These
wounds ignore Armour.
Prone: Models that are in the Prone
state; have no ZoC, do not block LoS,
Enemy models may choose not to be
considered in BtB with them when declaring
actions and must be the second model to
have the Initiative in Melee Exchanges. The
only action a Prone model may declare is
Stand Up. When a Prone model is the Target
of a Melee Exchange or through initiating a
Melee Exchange from Standing Up it suffers
-1 MS.
Spirit Block: Models with Spirit Block
Markers on their Profile Cards do not
generate Ki during the Ki Generation
step. At the end of the Ki Generation Step
remove one Spirit Block Marker from each
model with a Spirit Block Marker on its Profile
Stunned: Models with any Stunned
Markers on their Profile card suffer a
-1MS. During the End Phase remove
one Stunned Marker from each model with a
Stunned Marker on its Profile card.
Surprised: A model is Surprised if it is the
Target of an Enemy models action and that
Enemy model started its activation not in
BtB with it and outside of its LoS. Surprised
models may not declare Ki Feats or Ki
Boosts, are always the second model to have
the Initiative in Melee Exchanges, and may
not benefit from traits or effects that would
change this. They also suffer a -1 MS. and
suffer a -1 MS. Models are only Surprised
until the action in which they were Surprised
is resolved.

Ki Feats
Each model may perform the Ki Feats on its
Profile Card.
Ki Feats are categorised in a number of
ways. Before the Feats name the following
icons may be present. These can restrict the
feats use; when it can be used or how.
Not in Melee; All Ki Feats may be used
whilst the model is in Melee unless it
has this Icon.
No Move; Models performing Simple
and Complex Ki Feats can combine
the action with a Walk either before
or after it is resolved, unless it has this icon.
All Feats have a cost in Ki Tokens; this cost
must be spent for the effects of the Feat to
be applied. If a model does not have enough
Ki Tokens then it may not declare the use of
the Feat.
When a feat can be used depends on its
complexity. Instant and Active Ki Feats are
not considered actions.
Can be used any time except in
Melee exchanges and Ranged Attacks
when the timing is dictated by the
steps detailed.

Because this is not an action it
can be combined with a Simple or Complex
Action if the model is the Active model.
Active Player:
Can only be used when this models
controller is the Active Player, even if
it is not the Active Model.

Because this is not an action it can
be combined with a Simple or Complex
Action if the model is the Active model.
It is important to remember that Instant
and Active Ki Feats/Boosts cannot be used
to affect dice already rolled, and any traits or
effects that would affect a roll or test must be
declared and paid for before dice are rolled.
A Simple Feat requires a Simple

Can only be used when the model is
the Active model.

A Complex feat requires a Complex
Can only be used when the model is
the Active model.
Ki Feats are classified further by whom they
Personal: This Feat affects the user
Target (X): This Feat affects a specific
Target. The Target must be within X
otherwise the Feat fails, but the Ki
Tokens must still be removed.
Aura: This Feat affects an area that
may be either set or variable. The area
is expressed as a 360 degree radius
measured from the edge of the models base,
the model from which it originated is always
considered within the Aura. Unless stated
Auras ignore LoS rules, obstacles; all models
even partially within the Auras area of effect
are affected. Auras last until the End phase
or the originating model is removed from
Pulse; This Feat affects an area that
may be either set or variable. The
area is expressed as a 360 degree
radius measured from the edge of the
models base. Unless stated Pulses ignore
LoS rules and obstacles; all models even
partially within the Pulses area of effect are
affected. The effects of Pulses last until the
Ki Feat is resolved.
Special: The effect of the Feat is
unique in some way and is further
described on the models Profile card.

Ki Boosts to Statistics
Some models are able to increase a statistic
through the spending of Ki Tokens (See Profile
Cards). These increases are Ki Feats that are
- X - Instant - Personal. The increase lasts
until the currently Active models activation
is resolved.

A player is activating Yumi, they are
unsure whether they are within 4 of a Bakemono
they want to declare a Melee action against.
Luckily Yumi can boost her Move Statistic by 1 for
every two Ki spent. The player declares that they
are Ki Boosting her Move Statistic once, spent the
two Ki and then declare the Melee action.


Bushido: New Dawn - Game Rules

A player has a model with 6 Ki,
Outnumbered in a Melee exchange, the model
can Ki Boost its Melee Skill by 1 for every three
Ki spent. When calculating that models dice pool
for that exchange they decide to Ki Boost by 2 by
spending all six Ki.

Character Traits
Models in Bushido commonly have one or
more Traits.
Some traits have X, Y or Type values in
brackets after the traits name. This is either
a positive or a negative modifier, a range or
the Type of model the trait affects.
Players cannot choose whether they use
Traits, but can choose in which order their
own models traits trigger. Unless stated they
are considered in effect.
Some traits on a models Profile card may
have either Melee or Ranged after the trait in
brackets, in this case the trait only applies to
the models weapons of that type. If neither
Melee or Ranged is stated it applies to all
Weapon Types
Example; A model with the trait Sharp
(Ranged), would only benefit from Sharp
when making Ranged Attack actions with its
Ranged weapon.

A player controlling a Kairai with Rise (4)
and Last Stand can choose to attempt his Rise
test first, then if successful the Rise trait would
cause the model to recover all its wounds. If it
failed then the Last Stand trait would trigger.

Example; Players cannot choose not to use

the Armour trait.

Traits A-B
Aggressive: This model may not choose
more Defence dice than Attack Dice during
Melee exchanges.
Ammo (X): This model starts the game with
X Ammo counters. When this model resolves
a Ranged attack remove an Ammo Counter.
If this model has no Ammo counters it may
not declare Ranged Attacks.
Armour (X): Reduce the result of Damage
Rolls against this model by X.

Hanso is successfully Attacked in a Melee
exchange with a Success Level of 4, his opponent


Bushido: New Dawn - Game Rules

rolls a 4 and 3 for a result of 7 on their Damage
Roll, Hanso has the Armour (2) trait and so the
final result is a 5 in the Success Level 4 meaning
Hanso suffers 3 wounds.

Damage rolls made by this model ignore the
Target Enemy models Armour trait.
Assault Fire: This model may make a
Ranged Attack against the Target of a Melee
or Charge action if it was not in BtB at the
start of its action. After moving but before
the Melee is resolved if the model entered
BtB with the Target resolve a Ranged Attack.
The Ranged Attack is considered to be at
Short Range. If the model is removed from
play by the Ranged Attack the models
activation ends. The Active model suffers a
-1 to MS and RAS until the end of its current
Assassin: If this model makes a successful
Attack against a Surprised model, it may roll
three dice for the Damage roll and choose
the highest two.
Automatic Disengage: When this model
activates it may ignore Enemy models in BtB
when declaring its action and freely move out
of BtB with Enemy models without declaring
a Disengage action.
Aware: This model can choose to draw LoS
360 degrees around its base.
Believer: (X/Type/Y): Friendly models
within X of the Type reduce the cost of Ki
feats by Y.
Blood of Orochi: During Ki Generation this
models controller adds together all the Blood
of Orcochi values of models in their warband
currently on the table. The player can then
spend these points to grant a model the
Poison trait until the End Phase. The Poison
traits X and Y values are dependant on the
number of points spent on that model, and
are as follows;




If a model already has the Poison trait, the

player may choose which to use for the turn.
Any points unspent are lost.
Bodyguard (X/Type): This model may
switch positions with another model of Type

Within X and has LoS to Type,

Type is not in BtB with an Enemy

This model is not in BtB with an

Enemy model.

This model has actions remaining,
and Type is the target of a Melee, Charge or
Ranged Attack action.
This model then becomes the target of the
action, and the action is resolved normally.
Bravery: This model may reroll a failed Fear
test. The second result must be kept.
Brutal (X): This model adds X to the highest
Attack Dice when calculating the final result.

Traits C-E
Camouflage (X): This model cannot be
Targeted by Enemy models when in Obscuring
Terrain or when it would benefit from Cover,
unless the Active model starts its activation
within X of the model Targeted.
Channel (X): During this models activation
it may remove Ki Tokens from its own profile
card and place in on a Friendly model(s)
profile card as long as the model(s) is within
X. If the model is outside of this range then
the Ki Tokens are lost.
Charging Bonus (Bonus): When this
model Charges an Enemy model it gains the
bracketed Bonus for that Melee exchange.
Command (X/Type): This model may
declare a Simple action Command; it then
activates up to X number of non-exhausted
models of the Type to perform a Simple
action. The order the models activate in is
chosen by the controlling player, after each
action is resolved that models condition
worsens as normal.
Conspiracy of the Cult (X): When this
model activates it may inflict up to X wounds
on any Friendly model(s) with this trait, up to
its own X value. This model gains Ki Tokens
equal to the number of wounds suffered. A
model cannot suffer more wounds than the X
value of its own Conspiracy of the Cult trait.
These wounds ignore Amour and Toughness.
Co-ordinated Attack (Type): If this model
is in a Melee exchange in which a Friendly
model of Type is Outnumbering then this
model gains +1 MS. A model can only benefit
from this trait once per Melee Exchange.
Cowardly: This model must reroll successful
Fear tests. The second result must be kept.
Cumbersome: If this model is not the Active
model then it suffers a -1 to its Melee Skill.
Defensive: This model may not choose
more Attack dice than Defence Dice during
Melee exchanges.
Disturb Flow (X/Y): All Enemy models
must spend an additional X Ki tokens when
performing Ki Feats within Y.

Dodge (X): During a Melee exchange the

model may force its opponent to reroll up to
X Attack Dice once, the second result must
be kept.
Durable: When this model would suffer
multiple wounds it only suffers one wound.
If this model would recover wounds only
recover one wound.
Elusive: This model ignores Enemy models
ZoC when moving.

Traits F-J
Fear (X): When models make Target Fear
tests against this model X is the target
number of the tests. Models with equal Fear
X traits ignore Fear tests, but must still test
against models with higher Fear X traits.
Fear Tests; Fear tests are Target tests using
the models Ki statistic to resolve. Resolve a
Fear test when;

1.An Active model declares an action
that would bring it into BtB with a model with
the Fear Trait. If the Active model fails the
Fear test. Its action is spent and its condition
worsens by one degree (see Model States
and Conditions) and its activation ends.

2.Or, an Active model with the Fear
trait declares an action that would bring it
into BtB with an Enemy model. If the Enemy
model fails its Fear test then it enters the
Frightened state (See Model States and
Note; Models only enter the Frightened state
in Step 2.
Fearless: This model automatically passes
Fear tests.
Feint (X): During a Melee exchange the
model may force its opponent to reroll up to
X Defence Dice once, the second result must
be kept
Fire (X/Y): When this model inflicts wounds
through an Attack on an Enemy model, that
model gains Y Fire markers of value X.
First Strike: This model gains the Initiative
for the first Melee exchange with an Enemy
model if it started the current activation
Flank: During this models controlling
players Deployment they may choose
whether this model will use Flank or not,
if the player chooses not to use Flank, this
model is deployed as normal. If the player
declares the model is using Flank then do


Bushido: New Dawn - Game Rules

not deploy it and instead choose a table
edge. Then starting in the second turn of
the game, at the beginning of the Starting
Step, and before Ki Generation roll a d6.
Add the game turn number to the result
rolled, if the total is equal to or greater than
five then immediately deploy the model
anywhere along the chosen edge but not in
the opponents Deployment zone, ones are
not considered failures for this roll.
Fly: When a model with this trait declares a
Walk, Run, Melee or Charge action it ignores;
Terrain elements, other models and ZoC for
the duration of the action.
Force of Will (X): A model with this trait
may add X to its highest dice when making
opposed Ki tests and is the Active model.
Forward Deployment: This model may be
deployed 4 outside the deployment area
when the players Warband is deployed.
Group Activation: All models on this Profile
card must perform the same action when
declared the Active model; each model
on this card resolves any moves before
any Melee exchanges are resolved. Melee
exchanges are then resolved in the order the
controlling player chooses.
Heal (X): If unengaged this model may
declare a simple action and remove X
Wounds from its profile card or that of a
Friendly model in BtB.
Heavy: This model may not move as part of
a Ranged Attack action.
Immovable: This model may not be moved
by an Enemy attack, Ki Feat or effect, and
can never become Prone.
Immunity (Type): This model may not
have Markers of Type placed on its Profile
exchanges with this model Enemy models
must always discard the highest resulting
Attack dice before the final results are
Impetuous: This model must always be
the first activated by the Active player. This
model may only declare Melee, Charge and
Ranged Attack actions and needs to target
the nearest Enemy model it is able to. If a
player controls several impetuous models
then that player chooses the order in which
they activate them.
Indomitable (X): This model ignores X
additional Enemy models when checking for
Out Numbering in Melee exchanges.
Insignificant: This model;
Has no ZoC.
Does not inflict opponents with a -1 MS
penalty due to Out Numbering.
May not perform Simple or Complex


Bushido: New Dawn - Game Rules

Scenario actions.
Does not count towards the number of
models in the Warband when calculating
Pass tokens.
Intangible: This model ignores ZoC, other
models, terrain and being in BtB when
declaring actions. It may not end its move
occupying the same volume as a terrain
feature or another model.
Iron Mind (X): This model adds X to its
highest dice when it is the Target of an
opposed Ki Test.
Jump Up: At the start of this models
activation but before its action is declared it
may remove the Prone state from itself.
Kami: When this model suffers wounds
instead remove an equal number of Ki Tokens
from its profile card. If this model has no Ki
Tokens on its Profile card it is removed from
play. This model may not be Channelled to or
Leeched from and cannot be Healed.

Traits L-R
Large: Models Targeting this model with a
Ranged Attack subtract 1 from the Target
number of the test.
Last Stand: If this model is reduced to 0
wounds, it may still be activated until the
end of the turn, this model cannot recover
wounds through any game effect or trait
once its wounds have been reduced to 0.
During the End Phase, the model is removed
from play
Leadership (X): Friendly models within
X may use this models Ki Statistic when
resolving Fear tests.
Leap: When this model declares a Melee,
Charge, Walk or Run action, and is not in
BtB with an Enemy model. It may, before
movement reduce the distance this model
would move in inches by X. If so then place
this model anywhere within X, the model may
not be placed in BtB with an Enemy model or
in an Enemy models ZoC. The model then
completes its move and action.
Leech (X): Once during this models
activation it may remove Ki tokens from any
Friendly model(s) as long as the model(s) is
within X. If a model is outside of this range
then its Ki tokens are lost.
Light Weight: This model does not suffer
penalties to the Target number of a Ranged
Attack action for moving as part of a Ranged
Attack action.
Light Footed: This model moves through
Difficult Terrain as if it were Clear.
Lightning Reflexes: This model always has

the Initiative in Melee Exchanges. Models

with this trait gain the initiative against
models with First Strike.
Martial Prowess (X): During a Melee
exchange the model may reroll up to X
Attack or Defence Dice once, the second
result must be kept.
Medium: This model is a medium size.
Oni Rage: During Ki Generation this model
may gain an additional number of Ki Tokens
equal to D2. If it does it enters the Berserk
State until the End Phase.
Order (X/Type/Y): The model may declare
a complex action and may then immediately
improve the conditions of X models of Type
that are within Y (Exhausted Tired
Parry (X): This model adds X to the highest
Defence Dice when calculating the final
Defence result in Melee Exchanges.
Poison (X/Y): When this model inflicts
wounds through an Attack on an Enemy
model, that model gains Y Poison markers
of value X.
Ranged Defence (X): A model making a
Ranged Attack against this model adds +X to
the Target number of the test.
Rapid Fire (X): When this model declares a
Ranged Attack Action it may resolve up to X
Ranged Attacks during the activation. These
Ranged Attacked may Target different models
and are resolved in the order this models
control chooses. This models condition still
only worsens one degree regardless of the
number of Ranged Attacks made by Rapid
Regenerate (X): This Model recovers X
wounds during the End phase.
Reload (X): After resolving a Ranged
Attack action place X Reload counters on
this models Profile Card. The model cannot
declare a Ranged Attack action as long as it
has Reload counters on its card.
Retreat: This model must always declare a
Disengage action if it starts its activation in
BtB with an Enemy model.
Rise(X): At the end of an action where
this model is reduced to 0 wounds, make a
Target test with one D6 with a target of X.
If successful the model becomes Prone and
recovers all Wounds. If it fails remove the
model from play as normal.

Traits S-Z
Scout: This model may deploy after both
players normal deployment and may deploy
anywhere within 4 of the controlling players
normal deployment zone. Also the models

controller adds +1 to the result of the Tactical

roll during the Deployment Phase.
Self-Sacrifice (X/Type): If this model
is within X of Type, unengaged and not
Exhausted. Then if Type would receive a
wound roll, before that roll is made the
player may remove this model from play and
the Wound roll is cancelled.
Sharp: This model ignores Enemy models
Armour and Toughness traits when rolling on
the Wound table.
Sixth Sense: This model is never considered
Surprised. This trait ignores the effects of
the Camouflage Trait.
Slow: This model must be the second model
to have the Initiative in Melee Exchanges,
and may not declare Run or Charge actions.
Small: Models Targeting this model with a
Ranged Attack action add 1 to the Target
number of the test.
Split Attack: When this model declares a
Melee or Charge Action, after its movement
if it is in BtB with two or more Enemy models
the player may resolve a Melee exchange
with two or more of those models. The player
splits this models Melee Skill between the
Melee Exchanges with a minimum of 1 MS
for each exchange before resolving the Melee
Exchanges, then resolves them in the order
they chose. This only worsens the Active
models condition by one degree (Rested
Tired Exhausted).

Kenko activates and is in BtB with two
Bakemono. He decides to split his Melee Skill of 4,
to 3 and 1. He resolves the first Melee Exchange
with Melee Skill 3, after which the first Bakemonos
condition worsens one degree, he then resolves
the second and final Melee Exchange with Melee
Skill 1 after which both the second Bakemonos
and Kenkos condition worsens one degree.

Note: Kenkos state only worsens when the

final melee exchange is resolved.
Soulless: This model automatically succeeds
all opposed Ki rolls, and Fear tests.
Spirit Block: When this model inflicts
Wounds through an Attack on an Enemy
model, that model gains one Spirit Block
Steadfast: This model may freely choose
how to place MS dice when frightened.
Steady: The model can never become Prone.
Strong: When this model makes a Damage
Roll with the Type stated, roll 3d6 and choose
the two highest dice.
Strong Mind (X): This model gains an
additional X dice when resolving Opposed Ki


Bushido: New Dawn - Game Rules

Stubborn: This model cannot voluntarily
leave BtB with an Enemy model.
Stupid (X): When this model is the Active
model and declares an action, make a Target
test with one D6 with a target of X, if it fails
this test the model forfeits its action, but its
condition still worsens one degree.
Tactician (X): This model adds X dice to
the players Tactical rolls. The player may
only benefit from one models Tactician at a
Terror: If a model should make a Fear test
against this model it must reroll the test if it
succeeds it, the second result must be kept.
Tiny: Models Targeting this model with a
Ranged Attack action add 2 to the Target
number of the test.
Tireless: This model does not tire or exhaust
as a result of Melee exchanges initiated by
Enemy models.
Toughness (X): Reduce the final number of
wounds inflicted by successful attacks by X
after consulting the Wound Chart.

Zuba is successfully Attacked in a Melee
Exchange with a Success Level of 2. His opponent
rolls a 9 on his Damage Roll and so would suffer 3
wounds but Zuba has the Toughness (1) trait and
so only suffers 2 wounds.

Unblockable Strike: Models with this trait

ignore their opponents highest Defence dice
in Melee Exchanges.
Unstable (X): This model suffers a penalty
of X to its Move statistic when move through
Difficult terrain.
Weak: When this model makes a Damage
Roll with the Type stated, roll 3d6 and
chooses the two lowest dice.
Weak Mind (X): This model loses a number
of dice equal to X when making opposed Ki



Games of Bushido are broken down into

Turns. How many turns the game lasts is
dictated by the Scenario being played.

Ki Generation - All models receive
a number of Ki Tokens equal to the first
number of their Ki statistic.

Players calculate the number of
Passes for the turn. Each player totals the
number of Friendly non-Insignificant models.
The player with the least gains the difference
in Pass tokens.





Tactical Roll; both players roll a D6;
the winner decides which player will start the
main phase as the Active Player.

Spirit Block


2. Main phase









Starting with the Active player.

The Active player chooses a model
and declares a Simple or Complex action for
it to perform, or uses a Pass token.

The models action is resolved.

The opponent then becomes the
Active player, unless; the player is unable
to activate a model then their opponent
continues to be the Active Player, and
activates models until they are unable to
activate a model.

Once neither player is able to
activate a model, move to the End Phase.

3. End phase

Resolve any effects that occur or
end in the End phase. Always resolve the
negative effects first.

Refer to the Scenario being played
and check for the scoring of Victory Points. If
this is the final turn of the scenario the game
finishes. If one player has no models left on
the table, the game ends, and Victory Points
are calculated immediately.


1.Starting phase

Discard any unspent Pass tokens.

Note; games can only finish in the End Phase.





Token Key:

Resolution of Unique Effects.

Each game Turn is divided into three phases.

The three phases are the Starting phase,
the Main phase and the End phase.



Bushido: New Dawn - Game Rules



W a r b a n d
A players Warband in Bushido is made up of
a number of models from the same faction,
the Rice cost of your Warband must come
to the same total as your opponent. Players
can only recruit one card of each fighter and
cannot duplicate them; this does not prohibit
the opponent recruiting the model for their
force. Sometimes two or more models are
represented by the same Profile card. A
player can choose to recruit up to the number
of models as there are Wound tracks on the

Pass Tokens
A player may spend a Pass token instead of
taking an action with one of their models,
if they do then their opponent becomes the
Active player.


Bushido: New Dawn - Game Rules



Bushido is best enjoyed by playing a scenario

to decide the victor. Scenarios are broken
down into the following sections.

Players should decide before a game on
which elements to use, and how the terrain
elements will affect the game. The terrain
should fill roughly between a quarter and
half of the play area. Terrain elements are
categorised by two traits; Visibility and
Unless stated Idol Markers are 30mm Bases,
these are Difficulty; Clear and Visibility;
Clear although a model may not end its
action occupying the same area as the Idol
Markers base.

Can the terrain be seen through when
drawing LoS?

Blocking: No LoS can be drawn
through any part of this the terrain that is
considered Solid.

Obscuring: Models draw LoS 3
extending from where the terrain that is
Obscuring starts. No matter where the model
is in relation to the terrain.

Un-Obscuring: LoS can be drawn
through the terrain.

How easy is it for a model to move through?

Impassable: Cannot be moved

Difficult: Can be moved through
but at Movement rate for any movement
whilst in the terrain element.

Normal: No affect to movement
Some terrain elements like a building might
have different types of Visibility and/or
Difficulty and so the players should decide


Bushido: New Dawn - Game Rules

before the game starts which areas are


Deployment can be either Baseline or Corner
Square deployment.

Baseline Deployment: models are
set up with the base of the model touching
the edge of the board.

Corner Square Deployment: Players
set up their models in a 6 square in opposite
corners of the board.

Unless otherwise stated in the Scenario
description the players should setup the
terrain and deploy following these steps.

1.One player sets up the terrain
(Randomly decide which player)

2.The other player then chooses
a Deployment area (As detailed by the

3.Players make a Tactical roll.

4.The winner decides which player
deploys first. That player then deploys their
entire force. Then the second player deploys
their force
(Deploy as detailed by the

ames of Bushido represent the struggles

of each faction to meet its objectives in
battle. Scenarios allow players to attempt to
meet their objectives while trying to stop the
opponent meeting theirs. Scenarios greatly
improve a game of Bushido and once you
are comfortable with the rules it is highly
recommended you compete using them.
In every Bushido scenario there are three
victory points (VP) available, in total, to both
players. The score a player earns during a
scenario depends upon how many VPs they
and their opponent gain (See table right).
Bushidos scenarios are intended to create
the strategical difficulties and challenges any
commander (you) will face on the battlefield.
To this end if you or your opponent should lose
all of their Warband in a turn then during the
End phase the game ends and VPs earned
are calculated (Remember a game can only
finish during the End phase).












Game Length
Games of Bushido can be Fixed or Variable

5 Turns Variable: During the Starting
Phase of Turn 5 one of the players rolls a
single D6. If the result is 4 or more the game
will end at the end of the turn. If the result is
not then the game continues to the next turn
and this roll will be made again. The game
will always end on the seventh turn.

Fixed (X): The game ends after the
End Phase of the designated turn.

Victory Conditions
All scenarios in Bushido have three Victory
Points. The game cannot have more than
three Victory Points.


Bushido: New Dawn - Game Rules

Bushido: New Dawn - Game Rules


Six pieces, no piece within 2 of another, or the edge of the board.


Baseline Deployment
Place 4 Idol markers as per the diagram below.

The Idols

Six pieces, no piece within 2 of another, or

the edge of the board.


Baseline Deployment
Place 3 Idol markers as per the diagram
below facing either all left or all right.

Place each marker 6 away

form the table edge.


One player sets up the terrain.

The other player then chooses a deployment area.
Winner of the tactical roll nominates which player deploys first. That player then deploys
their force.

Game Length
6 turns.

Victory Conditions

1VP for the player who Scored with the most Gift Tokens placed (see Special Rules) at the
end of Turn 2, 4 and 6.

Special Rules

Place a Marker in the centre

of the board and then one
8 to the left and right exactly 12 from the baseline.


One player sets up the terrain.

The other player then chooses a deployment area.
Winner of the tactical roll nominates which player deploys first. That player then deploys
their warband.

Game Length
6 turns.

Victory Conditions

1VP for each Idol turned towards the players Deployment Zone at the end of the game.

Special Rules

If a model starts its activation in BtB with an Idol Marker and is not in BtB with or in the
ZoC of an enemy model, it may take a simple action to turn an idol 90 degrees in any direction. Models with the Insignificant trait may not turn Idol Markers.

Each player starts the game with 5 Gift Tokens. This is placed in a Gift Token Pool for each
To Score with a Gift Token a model must be in BtB contact with an Idol and not be in BtB
with or be in the ZoC of an enemy model, perform a simple action and have Gift Tokens in
the player pool. The player then removes the Gift Token from their Pool. The value of the
Gift Token depends on which Idol the Gift Token was scored on.

Home (closest deployment) - 1 Point

Neutral (middle of the board) - 2 Point
Away (Closest to enemy deployment) - 3 points

At the end of the End Phase of Turns 2,4 and 6 the number of points each player has
scored on each Idol is calculated and the VP awarded. The scores are then reset to 0 for
each Idol.



Bushido: New Dawn - Game Rules

Bushido: New Dawn - Game Rules

The Shrines

Six pieces, no piece within 2 of another or the edge of the board.


6 Corner Square Deployment.

The Challenge

the table.

Baseline or Corner

1VP - If the model your opponent Challenged is alive at the end of the Game.
1VP - If the model you Challenged is not
alive at the end of the game.
1VP - For the player whose own Challenged model is closest to the opponents
Deployment area at the end of the game.


No special rules

Game Length:
5 turns Variable
Each player places a Shrine
Marker within the opponents
half of the table outside of
their deployment zone.

Victory Conditions:

Both players are attempting to kill the

model they selected to Challenge whilst
keeping theirs alive and moving it across

Game Length
6 turns.

Victory Conditions

1 VP - First player to Appease their own shrine, in a turn the opponent did not.
1 VP - Player with more Offering counters on their shrine at the end of the game.
1 VP - First player to Despoil an opponents Shrine.

Special Rules

5 Models that are NOT insignificant start the game with a single offering marker.
The Shrines
If a model starts any activation in BtB with a Shrine and not in an enemies ZoC they may
use a simple action to Appease the ancestor within (if it is your shrine) or attempt to despoil the sacred ground (if it is your opponents).
To Appease a Shrine the model places its offering marker on the Shrine.
To Despoil a Shrine the model removes an opponents offering marker from the opponents


Corner Deployment or Base Line


Each player places a Shrine in their half of

the table not within 2 of a piece of Terrain.
Place one Object in the centre of the table
then place two more Objects either side of
the centre one every 4.

Game Length:
6 turns

Victory Conditions:

To have more Objects on the Shrine in your

half of the table at the end of Turns 2,4,6
one VP is scored at the end of each of those
1VP for most Object at the end of turn 2
1VP for most Object at the end of turn 4
1VP for most Object at the end of turn 6

Special Rules:
Shrines; are 50mm, Terrain elements that
are Blocking and Impassable


Before deployment both players nominate

a model in their opponents Warband, this
model is the Challenged.

The Offering


One player sets up the terrain.

The other player then chooses a deployment area. Their opponent then places their shrine,
they then do the same.
Winner of the tactical roll nominates which player deploys first. That player then deploys
their warband.

Special Rules:

Objects; 30mm base, does not affect

movement or LoS but models may not end
their movement occupying the same space.
Pick Up; if a model is not in BtB or, in
the ZoC of an enemy model it may Pick
Up the object before that start of its action
for free.
A model may only carry one Object at a
If at the start of a models action the
model is in BtB with an enemy they may
Place the Object anywhere in BtB.
If the model starts in BtB with a Friendly
model and is not in BtB with an Enemy they
may Take the Object from that model before its action is resolved.
Insignificant models may not Pick Up or
Take objects.
Models carrying an Object suffer -1 MS,
-1RAS and enemies targeting them with
Ranged Attack Actions -1 to the Target number.
If a model starts its action in BtB with a
Shrine, is not in BtB with, or in the ZoC of
an Enemy model it may Pick Up or Place
an Object it is carrying on the Shrine.


Bushido: New Dawn - Game Rules

The Six Haka


Baseline Deployment


Place 6 Idol markers as per the diagram below.


O - 6 in from deployment, 8 from the table edge

O - Centre line, 4 from the table edge

O - 6 in from the deployment, 8 from the table edge

Game Length:
6 turns

Victory Conditions:

1VP - for the player who Scored the highest total with Prayer Tokens at the end of Turn 2,
4 and 6.

Special Rules:

Prayers; each player starts the game with 5 Prayers Tokens. These are placed in a Prayer
Pool for each player.
Simple Scenario Action; the model must be in BtB with an Idol. The player then removes
one Prayer Token from their Pool. The value of the Prayer Token depends on which Idol the
model was in Base to Base with.
Home (closest deployment) = 1 Point
Neutral (middle of the board) = 2 Point
Away (Closest to Enemy deployment) = 3 points
At the End of Turns 2 and 4 the two Idols on which most Prayer Tokens were scored are
removed from the table and can no longer be scored on.
During the Starting Phase of Turns 3 and 5 reset each players Score to 0.


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