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Design and Development of Fuzzy Logic Algorithm With Varying Setpoints For Fan Speed Control System Using Arduino Microcontroller (IEEE) - CDO

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Design and Development of Fuzzy Logic Algorithm

with Varying Setpoints for Fan Speed Control System

Using Arduino Microcontroller

Ralph Laurence G. Visaya1, Mira Zara R. Fernandez1, Mike Jason M. Pizon1, Jayvee M. Serrano1, Rionel Belen Caldo2
Undergraduate Student, Electronics Engineering Department
Faculty Member, Electronics and Computer Engineering Department
Lyceum of the Philippines University-Laguna (LPU-L), Laguna, Philippines
Because of its simplicity and efficiency for linear systems,
the PID controllers were even used for industrial processes.
In this research work, the proponents presented the
The change in measured process variable and the desired
design and development of speed control system in
set point were calculated by PID and the computed values
arduino microcontroller using fuzzy logic algorithm. The
were used for adjusting the process of the controller in
proponents controlled the speed of the fan in meeting the
minimizing error [2]. However, there are drawbacks in PID
predefined set points. The temperature control system
controllers. It has been proven that fuzzy logic gives more
makes use of Matlab Fuzzy Logic Toolbox. The Sugeno
efficient results and precise outcomes. Certainly, fuzzy
style of fuzzy inference system and triangular membership
logic is becoming a dynamic area of study particularly in
functions were used in the control system. Moreover, the
control applications. It is indeed a very intuitive process,
fuzzy logic algorithm was derived in C language and
which can be used when measured models are not
realized in Arduino IDE. The proponents make use of the
accessible and input data are inaccurate. Compared to
trial and error method to obtain the desirable output in
conventional controlled mechanisms such as PID, fuzzy
meeting the Set Point. The input parameters are voltage
logic is definitely more useful and accurate. Fuzzy logic
error and change in error. These parameters are classified
system tends to mimic human thinking and it classifies our
as Zero (Z), Positive (P) and Negative (N). The
natural language into linguistic terms. It is a computational
output parameter is the voltage output, which was
tool, which requires expert knowledge to be used for
classified as Very Cold, Cold, Warm, Hot and
automatic control strategies. Fuzzification, defuzzification
Very Hot. The system makes use of a look up table for
strategies and fuzzy control rules were strategies used in
ease of complexity of the fuzzy control. It was verified
this mechanism [3]. The temperature control system can be
experimentally that the results obtained by the proponents
implemented using microcontrollers like Arduino IDE.
were acceptable.
Arduino microcontroller is a simple microcontroller board
and an open-source physical computing platform. The
variety of lights, motors and other physical outputs can be
microcontroller; Arduino IDE; Matlab fuzzy logic
controlled and it can be used to develop interactive objects,
toolbox; Fuzzy logic; C Language
taking inputs from a variety of switches or sensors [4]. In
this study, the proponents will integrate the concepts and
principles of fuzzy logic for speed control system and
realize it in Arduino microcontroller.
This section of research aims to explain and deliberate
the workings of the study. It includes the statement of the
1.2 Statement of the Problem
problem and the objectives set by the proponents. Also, it
comprises the importance and the limitations of the study.
Although PID controllers were the simplest and often
This section sought to measure the viability of the research.
the most effective controllers, its mathematical model is
1.1 Background of the Study
Nowadays, automatic control system has been used in
industrial applications because of its significance in the
used of different controllers. This control system compares
the measured value of a specific process with the desired
set of values in assessing as to whether the process would
maintain its set point despite unavoidable disturbances.
However, process controlled systems are often nonlinear
and tough to control precisely. One of which is the speed
control, which drives the speed intentionally, so as the
value required would be attained in ideal performance of
specific work process [1]. In some studies, the well-known
Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controllers were
used in controlling systems like temperature control.
and faster response rate [7]. In this work, the proponents
will incorporate the fuzzy logic algorithm in Arduino
microcontroller for speed control system. There are various
Programmable Logic Devices (PLDs) such as FPGA, PIC
Microcontroller, DSP and many more, but the proponents
choose Arduino because of its advantages over other PLDs.

difficult to obtain and its capabilities were limited

especially in dealing with complex processes [5]. In
addressing the problem with traditional control techniques,
the proponents make use of fuzzy logic control algorithm.
Fuzzy logic controller has been proposed by many
researchers to lighten the dependency on the mathematical
model. This tool is very strong considering that it has
excellent resistance to external disturbances [6]. Nonlinear characteristics can be realized using FLC unlike the
conventional controller that exhibits poor performance
when applied to non-linear systems [7]. However, due to
complex and heuristic assessment, its process requires
extensive computational power [6]. In general, for flow
measurement and control applications, fuzzy logic
controller is a good choice than the traditional controllers,
considering that its stability is better with small overshoot
It is relatively inexpensive compared to other
microcontrollers and the software of the Arduino runs on
commonly used operating systems such as Windows,
Macintosh OSX, and Linux. Moreover, the programming
platform of Arduino is handy for beginners. The
programming makes use of C/C++ programming language.

Ergo, the software is available online as free open source

tool [4]. The proponents conducted this study to address the
following problems: a) how to program fuzzy logic in
Arduino IDE? and b) how to develop fuzzy logic controller
using Arduino for speed control system?
1.3 Objectives of the Study
The main objective of this study is to design and
simulate a fuzzy logic controller for speed control system
using Arduino Microcontroller. Specifically, the
proponents sought to explore the functionality and basic
applications of Arduino microcontroller, to describe the
fuzziness in speed control system, to realize the fuzzy
logic algorithm for speed control system in Arduino
microcontroller, and to test and evaluate the performance of
fuzzy logic control system.
1.4 Significance of Study
The PID controller is effective for linear systems and for
first and second order systems, but it cannot be used for
higher order [8]. PID controllers require special
calculations for initialization and the specific initialization
is dependent on the particular form of the PID control
algorithm [9]. It is also limited and difficult for solving
nonlinearities. It may have trade-offs in terms of line and
load regulations with respect to response time. It does not
react to uncontrolled process behaviors and it lags to large
disturbances [10]. Today, fuzzy logic has been adopted by
many researchers due to its simplicity in calculation. In this
tool, the proponents will only need to set for fuzzy rules,
which will fit the system. The number of desirable inputs
can be processed and numerous outputs can be obtained
from the processed inputs [11]. This intelligent system is
applicable in solving real world problems, which includes
but not limited to, image processing, robotics/motion
control, pattern recognition, information processing,
computer, electronics, industrial engineering and so forth
[12]. The fuzzy logic can also be used as an alternative
design method to nonlinear controllers [6]. The advantages
of using fuzzy logic in speed control system includes:
cheap development, wide range coverage of operating
conditions and customizable natural language terms [13].
This study will design, develop and integrate series of
machine experiments using Arduino as the microcontroller
unit in controlling the fan speed. The novelty of this
research is the constants to be obtained using Sugeno-style
of fuzzy inference system, which would serve as its main
controller for speed control. This research helps the
proponents to enhance the knowledge in Arduino

technology and fuzzy logic algorithm. This study may also

be used as a good reference for future studies.
1.5 Scope and Limitation of the Study
In this study, the proponents will use fuzzy logic for
speed control system and it will be implemented in Arduino
Atmega 2560. The proponents will make use of Sugeno
style of fuzzy inference system to fine tune constants for
desirable crisp output. In this study, the proponents will be
performing experiments and simulations for LCD modules,
testing of functionality of the fan with the relay,
temperature sensor, heat lamps and LED displays. These
experiments and simulations will be integrated to produce
the whole fuzzy system for speed control system. In the
fuzzy logic algorithm, the triangular membership functions
of the FLC will be constructed with five (5) classifications
such as Very Cold, Cold, Warm, Hot and Very
Hot. The proponents considered only two input variables
namely: error (e) and change in error (de). The Fuzzy
Associative Memory (FAM) matrix of two-dimensional (2D) space will be constructed. The single output variable (y)
served as the voltage output. This will be optimized using
trial and error method using DevCpp and Matlab fuzzy
logic toolbox. The voltage ouput will be fed to the input of
the Microcontroller Unit (MPU), which will be used in
controlling the fan speed. The code will be uploaded to
Arduino IDE (Arduino Atmega 2560) and based on the
sensed external temperature condition; the MPU will
classify and make decision. The output behavior of the fan
and the heat lamp will decide whether the fan speed needs
to be decreased or increased.


2.1. Proposed Design

The proposed project aims to develop a speed control
system, which can control the speed of the fan. The
velocity of the fans will be controlled using fuzzy logic.
The speed of the fan depends on the temperature sensed by
the system. Speed control is dependent on the constructed
triangular membership functions; the speed of the fan will
increase/decrease. The triangular membership functions
were coded using Sugeno-style of fuzzy inference system
fuzzy algorithm. The system consists of computer, 5 LEDs,
1 LCD, 2 Fans, 2 heat lamps, Arduino Atmega 2560 as the
control unit and the fuzzy logic algorithm to control the fan
speed of the system. Also, the temperature sensor will be
used by the system in reading the temperature. This will
give information to the microcontroller. The proponents
will implement the prototype in a house wherein it serves
as the environment of the whole system.
2.2 Fuzzy Logic Controller
The first step in designing Fuzzy Logic System is to
describe fuzzy sets, the information in terms of fuzzy
linguistic terms or can be regarded as values equal to 0 or 1
and values within them. The fuzzy membership function is
used to assign values with respect to fuzzy sets and its
degrees of membership. Moreover, the most commonly

used technique requiring four parameters to be specified

with respect to its x and y coordinates is called Trapezoidal
Membership Function. Also, the Triangular Membership
Function can be used in the system which requires three

parameter specifications. The proponents preferred to use

triangular membership function in this proposed [14].
2.3. Software Flowchart

value understandable by Arduino IDE. Next, the

proponents will program the LED displays, temperature
sensor, fan, driver, heat lamps and LCD display. Then, the
entire program will be uploaded to the arduino IDE
software. The fan speed will be displayed in the LCD and
the LEDs will turn on depending on the temperature. When
the temperature is higher than the setpoint, fans will turn


3.1 The Prototype

Fig 2.4.1: Software flowchart of the speed controller

In the figure above, ADC conversion is needed to
convert the analog values to digital fuzzy inputs. The fuzzy
sets will be deffuzified and it will give a crisp output that
will be fed to the speed control system using the Arduino
Microcontroller. The cycle continues until the desired
output voltage (Vref) is achieved.
2.5. Hardware Block Diagram

Fig 2.5.1: Block diagram of fuzzy logic fan speed


Figure 3.1.1: The prototype

Figure 3.1.1 shows the miniature house with electronic
speed controller system with the principle of varying an
electric motors speed. It was designed to provide
conversion of the sense temperature to its corresponding
voltage. The converted voltage corresponds to the speed
level of the fan. Basically, the system comprise of heat
lamp, fan and temperature sensor. The sensor is placed near
the halogen lamp. This heating mechanism has its own AC
supply. The amount of power delivered to the fan can be
controlled by fuzzy logic algorithm through serial port
using ARDUINO microcontroller. The proponents assigned
different set points, which are identical to the constructed
five (5) membership functions:
Table 3.1: Membership functions

In Figure 2.5.1, it shows the block diagram of the fuzzy

logic speed control system. To start, using the fuzzy logic
toolbox stored in MATLAB sofware, initialize the inputs in
the fuzzy interference system for making the fuzzy logic
rules. Then, the output (defuzzified values) of the fuzzy
logic system will be fed to the input of the Arduino
Microcontroller. The crisp output will be converted to the

As shown in Table 4.1.2, the warm category has the

range of values 25C to 28C. In this study, the proponents
considered using such values as target set points. This
means that the speed of the fan stops whenever the set
temperature ranges were achieved. The LM35 sensor is
used in sensing the current temperature. The controller
calculates the error between set point value and current
value. The calculated voltage and change error were used
as input functions to the fuzzy logic. The inputs being fed

will undergo fuzzification process, so as to calculate its

degrees of membership. After gathering data and
brainstorming, the proponents decided to designed a
miniature house prototype, which composed of two (2)

different room sections, one with 2 heat lamp and fan, and
the other with 1 lamp and fan which is smaller than the first
one. Also the proponents decided to make a separate circuit
box in creating the circuitry and in ensuring that all wirings
were properly installed. Building the final prototype is
composed of low cost resources and salvaged parts; it was
very mind-numbing because almost everything is
handmade. The components and hardware are composed of
1 ACEduino@2560 board, 1 Liquid Crystal Display, 2
2 halogen lamp, 1 LM35 sensors, 4 PCBs, 2 transistors
BD139, 2 diodes 1N4001, 7 resistors, 2 Capacitors, and 5
LED lights. It took the proponents three (3) weeks to
finalize the prototype and make sure that all components
are secured and working properly.

Figure 3.2.3: Membership function editor


3.2.1. Sugeno Fuzzy Inference Method
Sugeno Fuzzy model is a method of fuzzy inference
proposed by takagi, sugeno used in this study for Matlab
Fuzzy Logic Toolbox Simulation.
The figures below
illustrate in detail the constructed fuzzy rules.

Figure 3.2.1: FIS editor

Figure 3.2.4: Fuzzy rule editor

Figure 3.2.5: Surface viewer

Figure 3.2.2: Rule viewer

3.3 DevCpp Fuzzy Logic Controller

Figure 3.2.2, shows the fuzzy rule editor for the speed
control system wherein it is constructed using look up
table. On the other hand, Figure 3.2.3, the crisp output or
duty cycle is shown in the membership function editor and
it is the output (Vout) or the crisp output for the fuzzy logic
system. The graphical illustration of the rules for speed
control system simulation purposes is elicited in Figure
3.2.4. The graphical illustration of the rules for the speed
control is elicit in Figure 3.2.5, it includes the surface view
of the speed control system with voltage error in the x-axis,
change in error in the y-axis and duty cycle or the crisp
output (Vout) in the z-axis.

Figure 3.3.1: DevCpp program simulation

On Figure 3.3.1, the simulation for finding the crisp
output or the duty cycle and the Vout is exhibited.
Basically, the proponents make used of the trial and error
method in meeting the Voltage Reference (Vref), which
1.5 as set by the proponent. The voltage error and change in
error is being computed in the program. In the simulation,
the Vref was achieved after five iterations.

and LED lights. The LCD displays the temperature in C

and F as well as the fan speed in terms of percentage. LED
lights indicate changes in temperatures, Blue led for Very
Cold; Green for Cold; White for warm; Orange for hot and
Red for Very hot. Fan Speed is expected to be 100% at
maximum temperature 45C and 0% for temperature 28C
below. The system is not designed to control the
temperature of the proposed environment, therefore the
tests conducted and the results provided focuses on the
response of the fan whenever the temperature changes,
Also the system only use small scale of voltages, which
cannot support devices with outsized outputs.
3.6 Images of Connections

3.4 Arduino Simulation Output

Figure 3.6.1: Wiring connection of the system

Figure 3.4.1: Serial monitor simulation
In the figure shown above, the Serial Monitor output
is displayed. It is made after verifying and uploading the
codes to Arduino microcontroller in order to see what will
be the output of the program. In the data shown, fan is on
when the temperature is above the set point temperature,
fan will be off when it reaches the set point or the
temperature is below the set point.When the temperature
reaches the maximum temperature, the fan will be at full
speed which is 100%. Also the temperature reading is also
displayed in the serial monitor.




The purpose of this section is to show the analysis and

interpretation of data for series of experiments. The
proponents record the voltage and speed of fan (%) in every
change of temperatures; the experiments were made in two
different environments Controlled and Uncontrolled. The
results of the experimentations in Arduino were tabulated
and graphed below.

3.5 Project Capabilities and Limitations

The prototype is a closed environment system. This
makes the temperature compact. The systems include
halogen lamps, which will be used as heating mechanism.
The speed of fan is directly proportional to temperature
sensed by the temperature sensor. The proponents also
include indicators such as Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)

Figure 4.1: Fan speed for varying temperatures

The figure above show the output voltage and the
response of the fan for every change in temperature, each
variable is directly proportional to each other.

Figure 4.2: Graphical representation for

controlled environment trial
For the controlled environment wherein the cover of the
house is covered, the fan turns on at 29.3C with fan speed
of 4% until it reaches the maximum temperature of 49.8 C
with fan speed of 100%. There were 47 recorded
temperatures, voltages and fan speed.

Table 4.1: Theoretical and actual values of fan speed

Table 4.2: Correlation coefficient for theoretical and

actual values of fan speed for controlled environment

optimum crisp output. The proponents set different range of

temperatures such as 15 C
to 20 C for Very Cold, 21 C

24 C
for Cold, 25 C to 28 C
Warm (set point), 29 C
37 C
for Hot and 37 C
to 49 C
for Very Hot. These
ranges were used for the construction of input membership
functions. The LEDs used have corresponding colors such
as blue for very cold, green for cold, white for warm,
orange for hot and lastly red for very hot. The LEDs will
turn on whenever it reaches the required temperature. If the
temperature is higher than 49 C,
the two fans will be driven
to speed of 100%. The fans serve as the output of the
system while the heat lamp serves as the heating
mechanism of the system. Based on the simulation and
data analysis, it has been experimentally verified that fuzzy
logic algorithm can be implemented smoothly in Arduino
microcontroller. The temperature, output voltage and the
speed of fan is directly proportional to each other. The
results satisfied the classification of membership function
of the fuzzy rules with perfect correlation value. The
system works properly and stably.


Jesus Christ is gratefully acknowledged as the ultimate

source of knowledge, wisdom and strength in this research
endeavor. Lyceum of the Philippines University - Laguna
(LPU-L), specifically, the office of Research and Statistics
Center is commended as well for providing financial
Table 4.2 shows the results when the correlation
coefficient for theoretical and actual values of fan speed
was computed. The computed r is 1.00. This means that
there is a perfect correlation between two compared
variables. The relationship that appears to exist is very
positive; thus the data is reliable.


The whole system is coded using fuzzy logic algorithm

and it was implemented in Arduino microcontroller. The
proponents make used of Matlab to simulate the fuzzy logic
with two input variables: voltage error and change in error.
The proponents used the Sugeno style of fuzzy inference
system. They make used of if else rules and trial and error
method. The FAM matrix with 25 weights was utilized and
used in classifying the crisp output. By the use of DevCpp
programming platform, the proponents fine-tuned the
output membership functions in verifying and obtaining




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