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Acknowledgements & Copyright





Authors Proles





List of Tables


List of Figures


1 Introduction
1.1 Competitive Programming . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.2 Tips to be Competitive . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.2.1 Tip 1: Quickly Identify Problem Types
1.2.2 Tip 2: Do Algorithm Analysis . . . . . .
1.2.3 Tip 3: Master Programming Languages
1.2.4 Tip 4: Master the Art of Testing Code .
1.2.5 Tip 5: Practice and More Practice . . .
1.3 Getting Started: Ad Hoc Problems . . . . . . .
1.4 Chapter Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .





















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2 Data Structures and Libraries

2.1 Data Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.2 Data Structures with Built-in Libraries  . . . . . . . . .
2.2.1 Linear Data Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.2.2 Non-Linear Data Structures (IOI syllabus excludes
2.3 Data Structures with Our-Own Libraries  . . . . . . . .
2.3.1 Graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.3.2 Union-Find Disjoint Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.3.3 Segment Tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.4 Chapter Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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3 Problem Solving Paradigms

3.1 Complete Search  . . . . .
3.1.1 Examples . . . . . .
3.1.2 Tips . . . . . . . . .
3.2 Divide and Conquer  . . .
3.2.1 Interesting Usages of












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Binary Search

















Greedy  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.3.1 Classical Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.3.2 Non Classical Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.3.3 Remarks About Greedy Algorithm in Programming Contests . . .
Dynamic Programming  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.4.1 DP Illustration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.4.2 Several Classical DP Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.4.3 Non Classical Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.4.4 Remarks About Dynamic Programming in Programming Contests
Chapter Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4 Graph
4.1 Overview and Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.2 Depth First Search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.3 Breadth First Search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.4 Kruskals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.5 Dijkstras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.6 Bellman Fords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.7 Floyd Warshalls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.8 Edmonds Karps (excluded in IOI syllabus) . . . .
4.9 Special Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.9.1 Tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.9.2 Directed Acyclic Graph . . . . . . . . . . .
4.9.3 Bipartite Graph (excluded in IOI syllabus)
4.10 Chapter Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




























5 Mathematics
5.1 Overview and Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.2 Ad Hoc Mathematics Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.3 Number Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.3.1 Prime Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.3.2 Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) & Least Common Multiple
5.3.3 Eulers Totient (Phi) Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.3.4 Extended Euclid: Solving Linear Diophantine Equation . . .
5.3.5 Modulo Arithmetic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.3.6 Fibonacci Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.3.7 Factorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.4 Java BigInteger Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.4.1 Basic Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.4.2 Bonus Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.5 Miscellaneous Mathematics Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.5.1 Combinatorics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.5.2 Cycle-Finding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.5.3 Existing (or Fictional) Sequences and Number Systems . . .
5.5.4 Probability Theory (excluded in IOI syllabus) . . . . . . . . .
5.5.5 Linear Algebra (excluded in IOI syllabus) . . . . . . . . . . .
5.6 Chapter Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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6 String Processing
6.1 Overview and Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.2 Ad Hoc String Processing Problems . . . . . .
6.3 String Processing with Dynamic Programming
6.3.1 String Alignment (Edit Distance) . . . .
6.3.2 Longest Common Subsequence . . . . .

























6.3.3 Palindrome . . . . . . . . .
Sux Tree and Sux Array . . . .
6.4.1 Sux Tree: Basic Ideas . .
6.4.2 Applications of Sux Tree
6.4.3 Sux Array: Basic Ideas .
Chapter Notes . . . . . . . . . . .

7 (Computational) Geometry
7.1 Overview and Motivation . .
7.2 Geometry Basics . . . . . . .
7.3 Grahams Scan . . . . . . . .
7.4 Intersection Problems . . . .
7.5 Divide and Conquer Revisited
7.6 Chapter Notes . . . . . . . .






























































A Problem Credits


B We Want Your Feedbacks





Steven wants to thank:

God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, for giving talent and passion in this competitive programming.
My lovely wife, Grace Suryani, for allowing me to spend our precious time for this project.
My younger brother and co-author, Felix Halim, for sharing many data structures, algorithms,
and programming tricks to improve the writing of this book.

My father Lin Tjie Fong and mother Tan Hoey Lan for raising us and encouraging us to do
well in our study and work.
School of Computing, National University of Singapore, for employing me and allowing me
to teach CS3233 - Competitive Programming module from which this book is born.
NUS/ex-NUS professors/lecturers who have shaped my competitive programming and coach-

ing skills: Prof Andrew Lim Leong Chye, Dr Tan Sun Teck, Aaron Tan Tuck Choy, Dr Sung
Wing Kin, Ken, Dr Alan Cheng Holun.
Fellow Teaching Assistants of CS3233 and ACM ICPC Trainers @ NUS: Su Zhan, Ngo Minh
Duc, Melvin Zhang Zhiyong, Bramandia Ramadhana.
My CS3233 students in Sem2 AY2008/2009 who inspired me to come up with the lecture
notes and CS3233 students in Sem2 AY2009/2010 who help me verify the content of this
book plus the Live Archive contribution.
My friend Ilham Winata Kurnia for proof reading the manuscript.


This book is written mostly during National University of Singapore (NUS) oce hours as part

of the lecture notes for a module titled CS3233 - Competitive Programming. Hundreds of hours

have been devoted to write this book.

Therefore, no part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,

electronically or mechanically, including photocopying, scanning, uploading to any information

storage and retrieval system.

Long time ago (exactly the Tuesday November 11th 2003 at 3:55:57 UTC), I received an e-mail
with the following sentence: I should say in a simple word that with the UVa Site, you have given
birth to a new CIVILIZATION and with the books you write (he meant Programming Challenges:
The Programming Contest Training Manual [23], coauthored with Steven Skiena), you inspire the
soldiers to carry on marching. May you live long to serve the humanity by producing super-human
Although its clear that was an exaggeration, to tell the truth I started thinking a bit about and
I had a dream: to create a community around the project I had started as a part of my teaching
job at UVa, with persons from everywhere around the world to work together after that ideal. Just
by searching in Internet I immediately found a lot of people who was already creating a web-ring
of sites with excellent tools to cover the many lacks of the UVa site.
The more impressive to me was the Methods to Solve from Steven Halim, a very young
student from Indonesia and I started to believe that the dream would become real a day, because
the contents of the site were the result of a hard work of a genius of algorithms and informatics.
Moreover his declared objectives matched the main part of my dream: to serve the humanity. And
the best of the best, he has a brother with similar interest and capabilities, Felix Halim.
Its a pity it takes so many time to start a real collaboration, but the life is as it is. Fortunately,
all of us have continued working in a parallel way and the book that you have in your hands is the
best proof.
I cant imagine a better complement for the UVa Online Judge site, as it uses lots of examples
from there carefully selected and categorized both by problem type and solving techniques, an
incredible useful help for the users of the site. By mastering and practicing most programming
exercises in this book, reader can easily go to 500 problems solved in UVa online judge, which will
place them in top 400-500 within 100000 UVa OJ users.
Then its clear that the book Competitive Programming: Increasing the Lower Bound of
Programming Contests is suitable for programmers who wants to improve their ranks in upcoming
ICPC regionals and IOIs. The two authors have gone through these contests (ICPC and IOI)
themselves as contestants and now as coaches. But its also an essential colleague for the newcomers,
because as Steven and Felix say in the introduction the book is not meant to be read once, but
several times.
Moreover it contains practical C++ source codes to implement the given algorithms. Because
understand the problems is a thing, knowing the algorithms is another, and implementing them
well in short and ecient code is tricky. After you read this extraordinary book three times you
will realize that you are a much better programmer and, more important, a more happy person.
Miguel A. Revilla
UVa Online Judge site creator
ACM-ICPC International Steering Committee Member and Problem Archivist
University of Valladolid


This is a book that every competitive programmer must read and master, at least during the
middle phase of their programming career: when they want to leap forward from just knowing

some programming language commands and some algorithms to become a top programmer.
Typical readers of this book will be: 1). Thousands University students competing in annual

ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) [27] regional contests, 2). Hundreds

Secondary or High School Students competing in annual International Olympiad in Informatics

(IOI) [12], 3). Their coaches who are looking for a comprehensive training materials [9], and 4).

Basically anyone who loves problem solving using computer.

Beware that this book is not for a novice programmer. When we wrote the book, we set it

for readers who have knowledge in basic programming methodology, familiar with at least one

programming language (C/C++/Java), and have passed basic data structures and algorithms (or

equivalent) typically taught in year one of Computer Science University curriculum.

Due to the diversity of its content, this book is not meant to be read once, but several times.

There are many exercises and programming problems scattered throughout the body text of this

book which can be skipped at rst if solution is not known at that point of time, but can be

revisited in latter time after the reader has accumulated new knowledge to solve it. Solving these

exercises help strengthening the concepts taught in this book as they usually contain interesting

twists or variants of the topic being discussed, so make sure to attempt them.
Use uva.onlinejudge.org/index.php?option=com_onlinejudge&Itemid=8&category=118,

felix-halim.net/uva/hunting.php, www.uvatoolkit.com/problemssolve.php, and

www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~stevenha/programming/acmoj.html to help you to deal with UVa [17]

problems listed in this book.

We know that one probably cannot win an ACM ICPC regional or get a gold medal in IOI just

by mastering the current version of this book. While we have included a lot of material in this

book, we are well aware that much more than what this book can oer, are required to achieve

that feat. Some pointers are listed throughout this book for those who are hungry for more.
We believe this book is and will be relevant to many University and high school students as

ICPC and IOI will be around for many years ahead. New students will require the basic knowledge

presented in this book before hunting for more challenges after mastering this book. But before

you assume anything, please check this books table of contents to see what we mean by basic.
We will be happy if in year 2010 and beyond, the level of competitions in ICPC and IOI increase

because many of the contestants have mastered the content of this book. We hope to see many

ICPC and IOI coaches around the world, especially in South East Asia, adopt this book knowing

that without mastering the topics in and beyond this book, their students have no chance of doing

well in future ICPCs and IOIs. If such increase in required lowerbound knowledge happens, this

book has fullled its objective of advancing the level of human knowledge in this era.

To a better future of humankind,

Steven and Felix Halim

PS: To obtain example source codes, visit http://sites.google.com/site/stevenhalim.

To obtain PowerPoint slides/other instructional materials (only for coaches), send a personal request

email to stevenhalim@gmail.com.

Authors Proles

Steven Halim, PhD <stevenhalim@gmail.com>

Steven Halim is currently an instructor in School of Computing, National University of Singapore

(SoC, NUS). He teaches several programming courses in NUS, ranging from basic programming

methodology, intermediate data structures and algorithms, and up to the Competitive Program-

ming module that uses this book. He is the coach of both NUS ACM ICPC teams and Singapore

IOI team. He participated in several ACM ICPC Regional as student (Singapore 2001, Aizu 2003,

Shanghai 2004). So far, he and other trainers @ NUS have successfully groomed one ACM ICPC

World Finalist team (2009-2010) as well as two silver and two bronze IOI medallists (2009).

Felix Halim, PhD Candidate <felix.halim@gmail.com>

Felix Halim is currently a PhD student in the same University: SoC, NUS. In terms of programming

contests, Felix has much colorful reputation than his older brother. He was IOI 2002 contestant.

His teams (at that time, Bina Nusantara University) took part in ACM ICPC Manila Regional

2003-2004-2005 and obtained rank 10th, 6th, and 10th respectively. Then, in his nal year, his

team nally won ACM ICPC Kaohsiung Regional 2006 and thus became ACM ICPC World Finalist

@ Tokyo 2007 (Honorable Mention). Today, felix halim actively joins TopCoder Single Round

Matches and his highest rating is a yellow coder.


There are a lot of C++ codes shown in this book. Many of them uses typedefs, shortcuts, or
macros that are commonly used by competitive programmers to speed up the coding time. In this

short section, we list down several examples.

#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE // suppress some compilation warning messages (for VC++ users)

// Shortcuts for "common" data types in contests

typedef long long
typedef vector<int>
typedef pair<int, int>
typedef vector<ii>
typedef set<int>
typedef map<string, int>

// To simplify repetitions/loops, Note: define your loop style and stick with it!
#define REP(i, a, b) \
for (int i = int(a); i <= int(b); i++) // a to b, and variable i is local!
#define TRvi(c, it) \
for (vi::iterator it = (c).begin(); it != (c).end(); it++)
#define TRvii(c, it) \
for (vii::iterator it = (c).begin(); it != (c).end(); it++)
#define TRmsi(c, it) \
for (msi::iterator it = (c).begin(); it != (c).end(); it++)

#define INF 2000000000 // 2 billion

// If you need to recall how to use memset:
#define MEMSET_INF 127 // about 2B
#define MEMSET_HALF_INF 63 // about 1B
//memset(dist, MEMSET_INF, sizeof dist); // useful to initialize shortest path distances
//memset(dp_memo, -1, sizeof dp_memo); // useful to initialize DP memoization table
//memset(arr, 0, sizeof arr); // useful to clear array of integers


ACM : Association of Computing Machinery

AC : Accepted
APSP : All-Pairs Shortest Paths
AVL : Adelson-Velskii Landis (BST)

BNF : Backus Naur Form

BFS : Breadth First Search
BST : Binary Search Tree

CC : Coin Change
CCW : Counter ClockWise
CS : Computer Science

DAG : Directed Acyclic Graph

DAT : Direct Addressing Table
D&C : Divide and Conquer
DFS : Depth First Search
DP : Dynamic Programming

ED : Edit Distance

GCD : Greatest Common Divisor

ICPC : International Collegiate Programming

IOI : International Olympiad in Informatics

LA : Live Archive [11]

LCM : Lowest Common Ancestor
LCM : Lowest Common Multiple
LCS : Longest Common Subsequence
LIS : Longest Increasing Subsequence

MCM : Matrix Chain Multiplication

MCMF : Min-Cost Max-Flow
MLE : Memory Limit Exceeded
MST : Minimum Spanning Tree
MWIS : Maximum Weighted Independent Set

OJ : Online Judge

PE : Presentation Error

RB : Red-Black (BST)
RMQ : Range Minimum Query
RSQ : Range Sum Query
RTE : Run Time Error

SSSP : Single-Source Shortest Paths

STL : Standard Template Library
TLE : Time Limit Exceeded
UVa : University of Valladolid [17]
WA : Wrong Answer
WF : World Finals

List of Tables

Recent ACM ICPC Asia Regional Problem Types . . . . . . . . .

Exercise: Classify These UVa Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Problem Types (Compact Form) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Rule of Thumb for the Worst AC Algorithm for various input size

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DP Decision Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45


Some Graph Problems in Recent ACM ICPC Asia Regional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

Graph Traversal Algorithm Decision Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
SSSP Algorithm Decision Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77


Some Mathematics Problems in Recent ACM ICPC Asia Regional . . . . . . . . . . 93


Some String Processing Problems in Recent ACM ICPC Asia Regional . . . . . . . . 110


Some (Computational) Geometry Problems in Recent ACM ICPC Asia Regional . . 120

List of Figures

University of Valladolid (UVa) Online Judge, a.k.a Spanish OJ [17] . .

ACM ICPC Live Archive [11] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
USACO Training Gateway [18] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
TopCoder [26] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Some Reference Books that Inspired the Authors to Write This Book .











Examples of BST (Left) and Heap (Right) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Example of various Graph representations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Calling initSet() to Create 5 Disjoint Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Calling unionSet(i, j) to Union Disjoint Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Calling findSet(i) to Determine the Representative Item (and Compressing the
Path) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Calling isSameSet(i, j) to Determine if Both Items Belong to the Same Set . . . . .
Segment Tree of Array A {8, 7, 3, 9, 5, 1, 10} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Updating Array A to {8, 7, 3, 9, 5, 100, 10}. Only leaf-to-root nodes are aected.




One Solution for 8-Queens Problem: {2, 4, 6, 8, 3, 1, 7, 5} . . . . . . . . .

UVa 10360 - Rat Attack Illustration with d = 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Visualization of UVa 410 - Station Balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
UVa 410 - Observation 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
UVa 410 - Observation 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
UVa 410 - Greedy Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Illustration for ACM ICPC WF2009 - A - A Careful Approach . . . . . .
UVa 11450 - Bottom-Up DP Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Longest Increasing Subsequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Coin Change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ACM ICPC Singapore 2007 - Jayjay the Flying Squirrel Collecting Acorns
Max Weighted Independent Set (MWIS) on Tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Root the Tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
MWIS on Tree - The Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Sample graph for the early part of this section . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Animation of DFS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Introducing two more DFS attributes: dfs number and dfs low . . . .
Finding articulation points with dfs num and dfs low . . . . . . . . .
Finding bridges, also with dfs num and dfs low . . . . . . . . . . . . .
An example of directed graph and its Strongly Connected Components
Animation of BFS (from UVa 336 [17]) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Example of a Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) Problem (from UVa 908
Kruskals Algorithm for MST Problem (from UVa 908 [17]) . . . . . .
Maximum Spanning Tree Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Partial Minimum Spanning Tree Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Minimum Spanning Forest Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .











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[17]) .
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Second Best Spanning Tree (from UVa 10600 [17]) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Finding the Second Best Spanning Tree from the MST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dijkstra Animation on a Weighted Graph (from UVa 341 [17]) . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dijkstra fails on Graph with negative weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Bellman Fords can detect the presence of negative cycle (from UVa 558 [17]) . . . .
Floyd Warshalls Explanation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Using Intermediate Vertex to (Possibly) Shorten Path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Floyd Warshalls DP Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Illustration of Max Flow (From UVa 820 [17] - ICPC World Finals 2000 Problem E)
Implementation of Ford Fulkersons Method with DFS is Slow . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Vertex Splitting Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Comparison Between Max Independent Paths versus Max Edge-Disjoint Paths . . .
Special Graphs (Left to Right): Tree, Directed Acyclic Graph, Bipartite Graph . . .
Min Path Cover in DAG (from LA 3126 [11]) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Bipartite Matching can be reduced to Max Flow problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Example of MWIS on Bipartite Graph (from LA 3487 [11]) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Reducing MWIS on Bipartite Graph to Max Flow Problem (from LA 3487 [11]) . . .
Solution for Figure 4.29 (from LA 3487 [11]) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



String Alignment Example for A = ACAATCC and B = AGCATGC (score = 7)

Sux Trie (Left) and Sux Tree (Right) of S = acacag$ (Figure from [24]) . . . .
Generalized Sux Tree of S1 = acgat# and S2 = cgt$ (Figure from [24]) . . . . .
Sux Array of S = acacag$ (Figure from [24]) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sux Tree versus Sux Array of S = acacag$ (Figure from [24]) . . . . . . . . . .



Circles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Triangles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Quadrilaterals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Great-Circle and Great-Circle Distance (Arc A-B) (Figures from [46])
Convex Hull CH(P ) of Set of Points P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Athletics Track (from UVa 11646) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .










Chapter 1

I want to compete in ACM ICPC World Final!
A dedicated student

In this chapter, we introduce readers to the world of competitive programming. Hopefully you enjoy the ride
and continue reading and learning until the very last page of this book, enthusiastically.


Competitive Programming

Competitive Programming in summary, is this: Given well-known Computer Science (CS) problems, solve them as quickly as possible!.
Lets digest the terms one by one. The term well-known CS problems implies that in competitive programming, we are dealing with solved CS problems and not research problems (where the
solutions are still unknown). Denitely, some people (at least the problem setter) have solved these
problems before. Solve them implies that we must push our CS knowledge to a certain required
level so that we can produce working codes that can solve these problems too in terms of getting
the same output as the problem setter using the problem setters secret input data. As quickly as
possible is the competitive element which is a very natural human behavior.

Please note that being well-versed in competitive programming is not the end goal, it is just
the means. The true end goal is to produce all-rounded computer scientists/programmers who are

much more ready to produce better software or to face harder CS research problems in the future.
The founders of ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) [27] have this vision
and we, the authors, agree with it. With this book, we play our little roles in preparing current
and future generations to be more competitive in dealing with well-known CS problems frequently
posed in recent ICPCs and International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI).
Illustration on solving UVa Online Judge [17] Problem Number 10911 (Forming Quiz Teams).
Abridged problem description: Let (x,y) be the coordinate of a students house on a 2-D plane.
There are 2N students and we want to pair them into N groups. Let di be the distance
between the houses of 2 students in group i. Form N groups such that i=1 di is minimized.
Constraints: N 8; 0 x, y 1000. Think rst, try not to ip this page immediately!

Now, ask yourself, which one is you? Note that if you are unclear with the materials or terminologies shown in this chapter, you can re-read it after going through this book once.
Non-competitive programmer A (a.k.a the blurry one):
Step 1: Read the problem... confused @-@, never see this kind of problem before.
Step 2: Try to code something... starting from reading non-trivial input and output.
Step 3: Realize that all his attempts fail:
Greedy solution: pair students based on shortest distances gives Wrong Answer (WA).
Complete search using backtracking gives Time Limit Exceeded (TLE).
After 5 hours of labor (typical contest time), no Accepted (AC) solution is produced.
Non-competitive programmer B (Give up):
Step 1: Read the problem...
Then realize that he has seen this kind of problem before.
But also remember that he has not learned how to solve this kind of problem...
He is not aware of a simple solution for this problem: Dynamic Programming (DP)...
Step 2: Skip the problem and read another problem.
(Still) non-competitive programmer C (Slow):
Step 1: Read the problem and realize that it is a matching on general graph problem.
In general, this problem must be solved using Edmonds Blossom Shrinking [34].
But since the input size is small, this problem is solve-able using Dynamic Programming!
Step 2: Code I/O routine, write recursive top-down DP, test the solution, debug >.<...
Step 3: Only after 3 hours, his solution is judged as AC (passed all secret test data).
Competitive programmer D:
Same as programmer C, but do all those steps above in less than 30 minutes.
Very Competitive programmer E:
Of course, a very competitive programmer (e.g. the red target coders in TopCoder [26])
may solve this classical problem in less than 15 minutes...


Tips to be Competitive

If you strive to be like competitive programmer D or E in the illustration above. That is, you want
to do well to qualify and get a medal in IOI [12]; to qualify in ACM ICPC [27] national, regional,
and up to world nal; or in other programming contests, then this book is denitely for you!
In subsequent chapters, you will learn basic to medium data structures and algorithms frequently
appearing in recent programming contests, compiled from many sources [19, 6, 20, 2, 4, 14, 21, 16,
23, 1, 13, 5, 22, 15, 47, 24] (see Figure 1.5). But you will not just learn the algorithm, but also how
to implement them eciently and apply them to appropriate contest problem.
On top of that, you will also learn many tiny bits of programming tips from our experience that
can be helpful in contest situation. We will start by giving you few general tips below:
Tip 0: Type Code Faster!
No kidding! Although this tip may not mean much as ICPC nor IOI are about typing speed
competition, but we have seen recent ICPCs where rank i and rank i + 1 are just separated by few
minutes. When you can solve the same number of problems as your competitor, it is now down to
coding skill and ... typing speed.

Try this typing test at http://www.typingtest.com and follow the instructions there on how to

improve your typing skill. Stevens is 85-95 wpm and Felixs is 55-65 wpm. You also need to

familiarize your ngers with the position of frequently used programming language characters, e.g.

braces {} or () or <>, semicolon ;, single quote for char and double quotes for string, etc.

As a little practice, try typing this C++ code (a UVa 10911 solution above) as fast as possible.
/* Forming Quiz Teams. This DP solution will be explained in Section 3.4 */
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;
int N;
double dist[20][20], memo[1 << 16]; // 1 << 16 is 2^16, recall that max N = 8
double matching(int bit_mask) {
if (memo[bit_mask] > -0.5) // see that we initialize the array with -1 in the main function
return memo[bit_mask];
if (bit_mask == (1 << 2 * N) - 1) // all are matched
return memo[bit_mask] = 0;
double matching_value = 32767 * 32767; // initialize with large value
for (int p1 = 0; p1 < 2 * N; p1++)
if (!(bit_mask & (1 << p1))) { // if this bit is off
for (int p2 = p1 + 1; p2 < 2 * N; p2++)
if (!(bit_mask & (1 << p2))) // if this different bit is also off
matching_value = min(matching_value,
dist[p1][p2] + matching(bit_mask | (1 << p1) | (1 << p2)));
break; // this break is necessary. do you understand why?
// hint: it helps reducing time complexity from O((2N)^2 * 2^(2N)) to O((2N) * 2^(2N))
return memo[bit_mask] = matching_value;

int main() {
char line[1000], name[1000];
int i, j, caseNo = 1, x[20], y[20];
// freopen("10911.txt", "r", stdin); // one way to simplify testing
while (sscanf(gets(line), "%d", &N), N) {
for (i = 0; i < 2 * N; i++)
sscanf(gets(line), "%s %d %d", &name, &x[i], &y[i]);

for (i = 0; i < 2 * N; i++) // build pairwise distance table

for (j = 0; j < 2 * N; j++)
dist[i][j] = sqrt((double)(x[i] - x[j]) * (x[i] - x[j]) + (y[i] - y[j]) * (y[i] - y[j]));
// using DP to solve matching on general graph
memset(memo, -1, sizeof memo);
printf("Case %d: %.2lf\n", caseNo++, matching(0));
return 0;


Tip 1: Quickly Identify Problem Types

In ICPCs, the contestants will be given a set of problems ( 7-11 problems) of varying types. From

our observation of recent ICPC Asia Regional problem sets, we can categorize the problems types

and their rate of appearance as in Table 1.1. For IOI, please refer to IOI syllabus 2009 [8] and [28].

Ad Hoc



Complete Search


Divide & Conquer



Dynamic Programming


String Processing
Computational Geometry
Some Harder Problems


In This Book
Section 1.3
Section 1.3
Section 3.1
Section 3.1
Section 3.2
Section 3.3.1
Section 3.3.2
Section 3.4.2
Section 3.4.3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Total in Set

Appearance Frequency
1-2 (can go up to 3)
7-16 (usually 11)

Table 1.1: Recent ACM ICPC Asia Regional Problem Types

The classication in Table 1.1 is adapted from [18] and by no means complete. Some problems,

e.g. sorting, are not classied here as they are trivial and only used as sub-routine in a bigger

problem. We do not include recursion as it is embedded in other categories. We also omit data

structure related problems and such problems will be categorized as Ad Hoc.

Of course there can be a mix and match of problem types: one problem can be classied into

more than one type, e.g. Floyd Warshalls is either a solution for graph problem: All-Pairs Shortest

Paths (APSP, Section 4.7) or a Dynamic Programming (DP) algorithm (Section 3.4).
In the future, these classications may grow or change. One signicant example is DP. This

technique was not known before 1940s, not frequently used in ICPCs or IOIs before mid 1990s, but

it is a must today. There are 3 DP problems (out of 11) in recent ICPC World Finals 2010.
As an exercise, read the UVa [17] problems shown in Table 1.2 and determine their problem

types. The rst one has been lled for you. Filling this table is easy after mastering this book.

Rat Attack
Solve It
Dragon of Loowater
Wedding Shopping
Hotel Booking
Angry Programmer
Fire! Fire!! Fire!!!
Useless Tile Packers

Problem Type
Complete Search or Dynamic Programming

Table 1.2: Exercise: Classify These UVa Problems


3.1 or 3.4
4.3 + 4.5

The goal is not just to map problems into categories as in Table 1.1. After you are familiar with

most of the topics in this book, you can classify the problems into just four types as in Table 1.3.

I have solved this type before
I have solved this type before
I have seen this type before
I have not seen this type before

Condence and Expected Solving Speed

Condent that I can solve it again now (and fast)
But I know coding the solution takes time
But that time I have not or cannot solve it
I may or may not be able to solve it now

Table 1.3: Problem Types (Compact Form)

To be competitive, you must frequently classify the problems that you read in the problem set into

type A (or at least type B).


Tip 2: Do Algorithm Analysis

Once you have designed an algorithm to solve a particular problem in a programming contest,

you must now ask this question: Given the maximum input bound (usually given in a good prob-

lem description), can the currently developed algorithm, with its time/space complexity, pass the

time/memory limit given for that particular problem?

Sometimes, there are more than one way to attack a problem. However, some of them may be

incorrect and some of them are not fast enough... The rule of thumb is: Brainstorm many possible

algorithms - then pick the simplest that works (fast enough to pass the time and memory limit,

yet still produce correct answer)!

For example, the maximum size of input n is 100K, or 105 (1K = 1, 000), and your algorithm
is of order O(n2 ). Your common sense told you that (100K)2 is an extremely big number, it is

1010 . So, you will try to devise a faster (and correct) algorithm to solve the problem, say of order

O(n log2 n). Now 105 log2 105 is just 1.7 106 ... Since computer nowadays are quite fast and can

process up to order 1M , or 106 (1M = 1, 000, 000) operations in seconds, your common sense told

you that this one likely able to pass the time limit.

Now how about this scenario. You can only devise an algorithm of order O(n4 ). Seems pretty

bad right? But if n 10... then you are done. Just directly implement your O(n4 ) algorithm since

104 is just 10K and your algorithm will only use relatively small computation time.

So, by analyzing the complexity of your algorithm with the given input bound and stated

time/memory limit, you can do a better judging whether you should try coding your algorithm

(which will take your time, especially in the time-constrained ICPCs and IOIs), or attempt to

improve your algorithm rst or switch to other problems in the problem set.

In this book, we will not discuss the concept of algorithm analysis. We assume that you have

this basic skill. Please check this reference book: Introduction to Algorithms [4] and make sure

you understand how to:

Prove correctness of an algorithm (especially for Greedy algorithms, see Section 3.3).
Analyze time/space complexity analysis for iterative and recursive algorithms.
Perform amortized analysis (see [4], Chapter 17) although rarely used in contests.

Do output-sensitive analysis, to analyze algorithm which depends on output size, example:

the O(|Q| + occ) complexity for nding an exact string matching of query string Q with help
of Sux Tree (see Section 6.4).

Many novice programmers usually skip this phase and tempted to directly code the rst algorithm

that they can think of (usually the nave version), after that they ended up realizing that the chosen

data structure is not ecient or their algorithm is not fast enough (or wrong). Our advice: refrain

from coding until you are sure that your algorithm is both correct and fast enough.
To help you in judging how fast is enough, we produce Table 1.4. Variants of such Table 1.4

can also be found in many algorithms book. However, we put another one here from programming

contest perspective. Usually, the input size constraints are given in the problem description. Us-

ing some logical assumptions that typical year 2010 CPU can do 1M operations in 1s and time

limit of 3s (typical time limit used in most UVa online judge [17] problems), we can predict the

worst algorithm that can still pass the time limit. Usually, the simplest algorithm has poor time

complexity, but if it can already pass the time limit, just use it!
From Table 1.4, we see the importance of knowing good algorithms with lower order of growth

as they allow us to solve problems with bigger input size. Beware that a faster algorithm is usually

non trivial and harder to code. In Section 3.1.2 later, we will see a few tips that may allow us to

enlarge the possible input size n for the same class of algorithm.

Worst AC Algorithm
O(n!), O(n6 )
O(2n ), O(n5 )
O(n4 )
O(n3 )
O(n2 )
O(n log2 n)
O(n), O(log 2 n), O(1)

e.g. Enumerating a Permutation
e.g. DP + Bitmask Technique
e.g. DP with 3 dimensions + O(n) loop, choosing n Ck=4
e.g. Floyd Warshalls
e.g. Bubble/Selection/Insertion Sort
e.g. Merge Sort, building Segment Tree
Usually, contest problem has n 1M (e.g. to read input)

Table 1.4: Rule of Thumb for the Worst AC Algorithm for various input size n (single test case
only), assuming that year 2010 CPU can compute 1M items in 1s and Time Limit of 3s.

Additionally, we have a few other rules of thumb:

210 103 , 220 106 .
Max 32-bit signed integer: 231 1 2 109 (or up to 9 decimal digits);
Max 64-bit signed integer (long long) is 263 1: 9 1018 (or up to 18 decimal digits).
Use unsigned if slightly higher positive number is needed [0 . . . 264 1].
If you need to store integers 264 , you need to use the Big Integer technique (Section 5.4).
Program with nested loops of depth k running about n iterations each has O(nk ) complexity.
If your program is recursive with b recursive calls per level and has L levels, the program has
roughly O(bL ) complexity. But this is an upper bound. The actual complexity depends on
what actions done per level and whether some pruning are possible.
Dynamic Programming algorithms which ll a 2-D matrix in O(k) per cell is in O(k n2 ).
The best time complexity of a comparison-based sorting algorithm is (n log2 n).
Most of the time, O(n log n) algorithms will be sucient for most contest problems.

As an exercise for this section, please answer the following questions:

1. There are n webpages (1 n 10M ). Each webpage i has dierent page rank ri . You want
to pick top 10 pages with highest page ranks. Which method is more feasible?
(a) Load all n webpages page rank to memory, sort (Section 2.2.1), and pick top 10.
(b) Use priority queue data structure (heap) (Section 2.2.2).
2. Given a list L of up to 10K integers, you want to frequently ask the value of sum(i, j), i.e.
the sum of L[i] + L[i+1] + ... + L[j]. Which data structure should you use?
(a) Simple Array (Section 2.2.1).
(b) Balanced Binary Search Tree (Section 2.2.2).
(c) Hash Table (Section 2.2.2).
(d) Segment Tree (Section 2.3.3).
(e) Sux Tree (Section 6.4).
(f) Simple Array that is pre-processed with Dynamic Programming (Section 2.2.1 & 3.4).
3. You have to compute the shortest path between two vertices on a weighted Directed Acyclic
Graph (DAG) with |V |, |E| 100K. Which algorithm(s) can be used?
(a) Dynamic Programming + Topological Sort (Section 3.4, 4.2, & 4.9.2).
(b) Breadth First Search (Section 4.3).
(c) Dijkstras (Section 4.5).
(d) Bellman Fords (Section 4.6).
(e) Floyd Warshalls (Section 4.7).
4. Which algorithm is faster (based on its time complexity) for producing a list of the rst 10K
prime numbers? (Section 5.3.1)
(a) Sieve of Eratosthenes (Section 5.3.1).
(b) For each number i [1 10K], test if i is a prime with prime testing function.


Tip 3: Master Programming Languages

There are several programming languages allowed in ICPC, including C/C++ and Java. Which

one should we master? Our experience gives us the following answer: although we prefer C++

with built-in Standard Template Library (STL), we still need to master Java, albeit slower, since
this language has a powerful BigInteger, String Processing, and GregorianCalendar API. Simple

illustration is shown below (part of the solution for UVa problem 623: 500!):
Compute 25! (factorial of 25). The answer is very large: 15,511,210,043,330,985,984,000,000.

This is way beyond the largest built-in data structure (unsigned long long: 264 1) in C/C++.

Using C/C++, you will hard time coding this simple problem as there is no native support for Big

Integer data structure in C/C++ yet. Meanwhile, the Java code is simply this:

import java.util.*;
import java.math.*;
class Main { // standard class name in UVa OJ
public static void main(String[] args) {
BigInteger fac = new BigInteger.valueOf(1); // :)
for (int i = 2; i <= 25; i++)
fac = fac.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(i)); // wow :)
} }

Another illustration to reassure you that mastering a programming language is good: Read this
input: There are N lines, each line always start with character 0 followed by ., then unknown
number of digits x, nally each line always terminated with three dots .... See an example below.

One solution is as follows:

#include <iostream> // or <cstdio>
using namespace std;
char digits[100]; // using global variables in contests can be a good strategy
int main() {
scanf("%d", &N);
while (N--) { // we simply loop from N, N-1, N-2, ... 0
scanf("0.%[0-9]...", &digits); // surprised?
printf("the digits are 0.%s\n", digits);
} }

Not many C/C++ programmers are aware of the trick above. Although scanf/printf are C-style
I/O routines, they can still be used in C++ code. Many C++ programmers force themselves to
use cin/cout all the time which, in our opinion, are not as exible as scanf/printf and slower.
In ICPCs, coding should not be your bottleneck at all. That is, once you gure out the worst
AC algorithm that will pass the given time limit, you are supposed to be able to translate it into
bug-free code and you can do it fast! Try to do some exercises below. If you need more than
10 lines of code to solve them, you will need to relearn your programming language(s) in depth!
Mastery of programming language routines will help you a lot in programming contests.
1. Given a string that represents a base X number, e.g. FF (base 16, Hexadecimal), convert it
to base Y, e.g. 255 (base 10, Decimal), 2 X, Y 36. (More details in Section 5.4.2).
2. Given a list of integers L of size up to 1M items, determine whether a value v exists in L?
(More details in Section 2.2.1).
3. Given a date, determine what is the day (Monday, Tuesday, ..., Sunday) of that date?
4. Given a long string, replace all the occurrences of a character followed by two consecutive
digits in with ***, e.g. S = a70 and z72 will be replaced, but aa24 and a872 will not will
be transformed to S = *** and *** will be replaced, but aa24 and a872 will not.


Tip 4: Master the Art of Testing Code

You thought you have nailed a particular problem. You have identied its type, designed the

algorithm for it, calculated the algorithms time/space complexity - it will be within the time and
memory limit given, and coded the algorithm. But, your solutoin is still not Accepted (AC).

Depending on the programming contests type, you may or may not get credit by solving the

problem partially. In ICPC, you will only get credit if your teams code solve all the judges secret

test cases, thats it, you get AC. Other responses like Presentation Error (PE), Wrong Answer

(WA), Time Limit Exceeded (TLE), Memory Limit Exceeded (MLE), Run Time Error (RTE), etc

do not increase your teams points. In IOI (2009 rule), there exists a partial credit system, in which

you will get scored based on the number of correct/total number of test cases for the latest code

that you have submitted for that problem, but the judging will only be done after the contest is
over, so you must be very sure that your code is doing OK.

In either case, you will need to be able to design good, educated, tricky test cases. The sample

input-output given in problem description is by default too trivial and therefore not a good way
for measuring your codes correctness.

Rather than wasting submissions (and get time or point penalties) by getting non AC responses,

you may want to design some tricky test cases rst, test it in your own machine, and ensure your
code is able to solve it correctly (otherwise, there is no point submitting your solution right?).

Some coaches ask their students to compete with each other by designing test cases. If student

As test cases can break other students code, then A will get bonus point. You may want to try
this in your team training too :). This concept is also used in TopCoder [26] challenge phase.
Here are some guidelines for designing good test cases, based on our experience:

1. Must include sample input as you have the answer given... Use fc in Windows or di in
UNIX to help checking your codes output against the sample output.

2. Must include boundary cases. Increase the size of input incrementally up to the maximum

possible. Sometimes your program works for small input size, but behave wrongly when input
size increases. Check for overow, out of bounds, etc.

3. For multiple input test cases, use two identical test cases consecutively. Both must output the

same result. This is to check whether you have forgotten to initialize some variables, which
will be easily identied if the 1st instance produce correct output but the 2nd one does not.
4. Create tricky test cases by identifying cases that are hidden in the problem description.

5. Do not assume the input will always be nicely formatted if the problem description does not
say so (especially for badly written programming problem). Try inserting white spaces (space,
tabs) in your input, and check whether your code is able to read in the values correctly.
6. Finally, generate large random test cases. See if your code terminates on time and still give

reasonably ok output (correctness is hard to verify here this test is only to verify that your
code runs within time limit).

However, after all these careful steps, you may still get non-AC responses. In ICPC, you and your

team can actually use the judges response to determine your next action. With more experience
in such contests, you will be able to make better judgment. See the next exercises:

1. You receive a WA response for a very easy problem. What should you do?
(a) Abandon this problem and do another.
(b) Improve the performance of the algorithm.
(c) Create tricky test cases and nd the bug.
(d) (In team contest): Ask another coder in your team to re-do this problem.
2. You receive a TLE response for an your O(N 3 ) solution. However, maximum N is just 100.
What should you do?
(a) Abandon this problem and do another.
(b) Improve the performance of the algorithm.
(c) Create tricky test cases and nd the bug.
3. Follow up question (see question 2 above): What if maximum N is 100.000?


Tip 5: Practice and More Practice

Competitive programmers, like real athletes, must train themselves regularly and keep themselves

programming-t. Thus in our last tip, we give a list of websites that can help you improve your

problem solving skill. Success is a continuous journey!

University of Valladolid (from Spain) Online Judge [17] contains past years ACM contest prob-

lems (usually local or regional) plus problems from another sources, including their own contest

problems. You can solve these problems and submit your solutions to this Online Judge. The

correctness of your program will be reported as soon as possible. Try solving the problems men-

tioned in this book and see your name on the top-500 authors rank list someday :-). At the point

of writing (9 August 2010), Steven is ranked 121 (for solving 857 problems) while Felix is ranked

70 (for solving 1089 problems) from 100386 UVa users and 2718 problems.

Figure 1.1: University of Valladolid (UVa) Online Judge, a.k.a Spanish OJ [17]

UVa sister online judge is the ACM ICPC Live Archive that contains recent ACM ICPC Regionals

and World Finals problem sets since year 2000. Train here if you want to do well in future ICPCs.

Figure 1.2: ACM ICPC Live Archive [11]

USA Computing Olympiad has a very useful training website [18] for you to learn about programming contest. This one is more geared towards IOI participants. Go straight to their website,
register your account, and train yourself.

Figure 1.3: USACO Training Gateway [18]

TopCoder arranges frequent Single Round Match (SRM) [26] that consists of a few problems
that should be solved in 1-2 hours. Then afterwards, you are given the chance to challenge other
contestants code by supplying tricky test cases. This online judge uses a rating system (red, yellow,
blue, etc coders) to reward contestants who are really good in problem solving with higher rating
as opposed to a more diligent contestants who happen to solve more easier problems.

Figure 1.4: TopCoder [26]


Getting Started: Ad Hoc Problems

We will end this chapter by introducing you to the rst problem type in ICPC: the Ad Hoc
problems. According to USACO training gateway [18], Ad Hoc problems are problems that cannot
be classied anywhere else, where each problem description and the corresponding solution are
unique. Ad Hoc problems can be further classied into two: straightforward where the solution
just requires translation of problem requirement to code; or simulation problem where there are
some set of rules that must be simulated to obtain the answer.
Ad Hoc problems almost usually appear in a programming contest. Using a benchmark of total
10 problems, there may be 1-2 Ad Hoc problems. If the Ad Hoc problem is easy, it will usually
be the rst problem being attacked by teams in a programming contest. But there exists Ad Hoc
problems that are complicated to code and some teams will strategically defer solving them until
the last hour. Assuming a 60 teams contest, your team is probably in lower half (rank 30-60) if
your team can only do this type of problem during an ICPC regional contest.
Get your coding skills up and running by solving these Ad Hoc problems before continuing to
the next chapter. We have selected one Ad Hoc problem from every volume in UVa online judge
[17] (there are 28 volumes as of 9 August 2010) plus several ones from ACM ICPC Live Archive
[11]. Note that some simple Ad Hoc problems below are tricky.

Programming Exercises related to Ad Hoc problems:

1. UVa 100 - The 3n + 1 problem (follow the problem description, note the term between !)
2. UVa 272 - TEX Quotes (simply replace all double quotes to TEX() style quotes)
3. UVa 394 - Mapmaker (array manipulation)
4. UVa 483 - Word Scramble (read char by char from left to right)
5. UVa 573 - The Snail (be careful of boundary cases!)
6. UVa 661 - Blowing Fuses (simulation)
7. UVa 739 - Soundex Indexing (straightforward conversion problem)
8. UVa 837 - Light and Transparencies (sort the x-axis rst)
9. UVa 941 - Permutations (nd the n-th permutation of a string, simple formula exists)
10. UVa 10082 - WERTYU (keyboard simulation)
11. UVa 10141 - Request for Proposal (this problem can be solved with one linear scan)
12. UVa 10281 - Average Speed (distance = speed time elapsed)
13. UVa 10363 - Tic Tac Toe (simulate the Tic Tac Toe game)
14. UVa 10420 - List of Conquests (simple frequency counting)
15. UVa 10528 - Major Scales (the music knowledge is given in the problem description)
16. UVa 10683 - The decadary watch (simple clock system conversion)
17. UVa 10703 - Free spots (array size is small, 500 x 500)
18. UVa 10812 - Beat the Spread (be careful with boundary cases!)
19. UVa 10921 - Find the Telephone (simple conversion problem)
20. UVa 11044 - Searching for Nessy (one liner code exists)
21. UVa 11150 - Cola (be careful with boundary cases!)
22. UVa 11223 - O: dah, dah, dah! (tedious morse code conversion problem)
23. UVa 11340 - Newspaper (use Direct Addressing Table to map char to integer value)
24. UVa 11498 - Division of Nlogonia (straightforward problem)
25. UVa 11547 - Automatic Answer (one liner code exists)
26. UVa 11616 - Roman Numerals (roman numeral conversion problem)
27. UVa 11727 - Cost Cutting (sort the 3 numbers and get the median)
28. UVa 11800 - Determine the Shape (Ad Hoc geometry problem)
29. LA 2189 - Mobile Casanova (Dhaka06)
30. LA 3012 - All Integer Average (Dhaka04)
31. LA 3173 - Wordsh (Manila06) (STL next permutation, prev permutation)
32. LA 3996 - Digit Counting (Danang07)
33. LA 4202 - Schedule of a Married Man (Dhaka08)
34. LA 4786 - Barcodes (World Finals Harbin10)


Chapter Notes

Figure 1.5: Some Reference Books that Inspired the Authors to Write This Book

This and subsequent chapters are supported by many text books (see Figure 1.5) and Internet

resources. Tip 1 is an adaptation from introduction text in USACO training gateway [18]. More

details about Tip 2 can be found in many CS books, e.g. Chapter 1-5, 17 of [4]. Reference for

Tip 3 are http://www.cppreference.com, http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/ for C++ STL and

http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api for Java API. For more insights to do better testing

(Tip 4), a little detour to software engineering books may be worth trying. There are many other

Online Judges than those mentioned in Tip 5, e.g.

SPOJ http://www.spoj.pl,

POJ http://acm.pku.edu.cn/JudgeOnline,
TOJ http://acm.tju.edu.cn/toj,

ZOJ http://acm.zju.edu.cn/onlinejudge/,

Ural/Timus OJ http://acm.timus.ru, etc.

There are approximately 34 programming exercises discussed in this chapter.

Chapter 2

Data Structures and Libraries

If I have seen further it is only by standing on the shoulders of giants.
Isaac Newton

This chapter acts as a foundation for subsequent chapters.


Data Structures

Data structure is a way to store and organize data in order to support ecient insertions, queries,
searches, updates, and deletions. Although a data structure in itself does not solve the given

programming problem the algorithm operating on it does, using the most ecient data structure
for the given problem may be a dierence between passing or exceeding the problems time limit.
There are many ways to organize the same data and sometimes one way is better than the other
on dierent context, as we will see in the discussion below. Familiarity with the data structures
discussed in this chapter is a must in order to understand the algorithms in subsequent chapters.
As stated in the preface of this book, we assume that you are familiar with the basic data

structures listed in Section 2.2, and thus we will not review them again in this book. We simply
highlight the fact that they all have built-in libraries in C++ STL and Java API (Note that in this
version of the book, we write most example codes from C++ perspective). If you feel that you
are not sure with any of the terms or data structures mentioned in Section 2.2, pause reading this
book, quickly explore and learn that term in the reference books, e.g. [3]1 , and resume when you
get the basic ideas of those data structures.
Note that for competitive programming, you just have to be able to use (i.e. know the strengths,
weaknesses, and time/space complexities) a certain data structure to solve the appropriate contest
problem. Its theoretical background is good to know, but can be skipped.
This chapter is divided into two parts. Section 2.2 contains basic data structures with their
basic operations that currently have built-in libraries. Section 2.3 contains more data structures for
which currently we have to build our own libraries. Because of this, Section 2.3 has more detailed
discussions than Section 2.2.
Materials in Section 2.2 are usually taught in level-1 data structures and algorithms course in CS curriculum.
High school students who are planning to join competitions like IOI are encouraged to do self-study on these material.


Data Structures with Built-in Libraries


Linear Data Structures

A data structure is classied as linear if its elements form a sequence. Mastery of all these basic
linear data structures below is a must to do well in todays programming contests.
Static Array in C/C++ and in Java
This is clearly the most commonly used data structure in programming contests whenever
there is a collection of sequential data to be stored and later accessed using their indices.
As the maximum input size is normally mentioned in a programming problem, then usually
the declared array size is this value + small extra buer. Typical dimensions of the array
are: 1-D, 2-D, 3-D, and rarely goes beyond 4-D. Typical operations for array are: accessing
certain indices, sorting the array, linearly scanning, or binary searching the array.
Resizeable Array a.k.a. Vector: C++ STL <vector> (Java ArrayList)
All else the same as static array but has auto-resize feature. Using vector over array is better
if array size is unknown beforehand, i.e. before running the program. Usually, we initialize

the size with some guess value for better performance. Typical operations are: push back(),
at(), [] operator, erase(), and typically use iterator to scan the content of the vector.

Ecient Sorting and Searching in Static/Resize-able Array

There are two central operations commonly performed on array: sorting and searching.
There are many sorting algorithms mentioned in CS textbooks, which we classify as:
1. O(n2 ) comparison-based sorting algorithms [4]: Bubble/Selection/Insertion Sort.
These algorithms are slow and usually avoided, but understanding them is important.
2. O(n log n) comparison-based sorting algorithms [4]: Merge/Heap/Random Quick Sort.
We can use C++ STL sort, partial sort, stable sort, in <algorithm> to achieve
this purpose (Java Collections.sort). We only need to specify the required comparison
function and these library routines will handle the rest.
3. Special purpose sorting algorithms [4]: O(n) Counting Sort, Radix Sort, Bucket Sort.
These special purpose algorithms are good to know, as they can speed up the sorting time
if the problem has special characteristics, like small range of integers for Counting Sort,
but they rarely appear in programming contests.
Then, there are basically three ways to search for an item in Array, which we classify as:
1. O(n) Linear Search from index 0 to index n 1 (avoid this in programming contests).
2. O(log n) Binary Search: use lower bound in C++ STL <algorithm> (or Java
Collections.binarySearch). If the input is unsorted, it is fruitful to sort it just once
using an O(n log n) sorting algorithm above in order to use Binary Search many times.
3. O(1) with Hashing (but we can live without hashing for most contest problems).

Linked List: C++ STL <list> (Java LinkedList)

Although this data structure almost always appears in data structure & algorithm textbooks,
Linked List is usually avoided in typical contest problems. Reasons: it involves pointers and
theoretically slow for accessing data as it has to be performed from the head or tail of a list.

Stack: C++ STL <stack> (Java Stack)

This data structure is used as part of algorithm to solve a certain problem (e.g. Postx
calculation, Grahams scan in Section 7.3). Stack only allows insertion (push) and deletion
(pop) from the top only. This behavior is called Last In First Out (LIFO) as with normal
stack in the real world. Typical operations are push()/pop() (insert/remove from top of
stack), top() (obtain content from the top of stack), empty().
Queue: C++ STL <queue> (Java Queue)
This data structure is used in algorithms like Breadth First Search (BFS) (Section 4.3). A
queue only allows insertion (enqueue) from the back (rear), and only allows deletion (dequeue)
from the head (front). This behavior is called First In First Out (FIFO), similar to normal
queue in the real world. Typical operations are push()/pop() (insert from back/take out from
front of queue), front()/back() (obtain content from the front/back of queue), empty().


Non-Linear Data Structures

For some computational problems, there are better ways to organize data other than ordering it
sequentially. With ecient implementation of non-linear data structures shown below, you can
search items much faster, which can speed up the algorithms that use them.
For example, if you want to store a dynamic collection of pairs (e.g. name index pairs), then
using C++ STL <map> below can give you O(log n) performance for insertion/search/deletion
with just few lines of codes whereas storing the same information inside one static array of struct
may requires O(n) insertion/search/deletion and you have to code it by yourself.
Balanced Binary Search Tree (BST): C++ STL <map>/<set> (Java TreeMap/TreeSet)
BST is a way to organize data as a tree-structure. In each subtree rooted at x, this BST
property holds: items on the left subtree of x are smaller than x and items on the right
subtree of x are greater (or equal) than x. Organizing the data like this (see Figure 2.1, left)
allows O(log n) insertion, search, and deletion as only O(log n) worst case root-to-leaf scan is
needed to perform those actions (details in [4]) but this only works if the BST is balanced.
Implementing a bug-free balanced BST like AVL2 Tree or Red-Black (RB) Tree is tedious
and hard to do under time constrained contest environment. Fortunately, C++ STL has
<map> and <set> which are usually the implementation of RB Tree, thus all operations
are in O(log n). Mastery of these two STL templates can save a lot of precious coding time
during contests! The dierence is simple: <map> stores (key data) pair whereas <set>
only stores the key.
Heap: C++ STL <queue>: priority queue (Java PriorityQueue)
Heap is another way to organize data as a tree-structure. Heap is also a binary tree like BST
but it must be complete. Instead of enforcing BST property, Heap enforces Heap property:
In each subtree rooted at x, items on the left and the right subtrees of x are smaller than x
(see Figure 2.1, right). This property guarantees that the top of the heap is the maximum
element. There is usually no notion of search in Heap, but only insertion and deletion, which
can be easily done by traversing a O(log n) leaf-to-root or root-to-leaf path [4].

However, for some tricky contest problems where you have to augment your data structure (see Chapter 14 of
[4]), AVL Tree knowledge is needed as C++ STL <map> or <set> cannot be augmented easily.

Figure 2.1: Examples of BST (Left) and Heap (Right)

Heap is useful to model Priority Queue, where item with highest priority can be deleted in
O(log n) and new item can be inserted into priority queue also in O(log n). The implementation of priority queue is available in C++ STL <queue>. Priority Queue is an important
component in algorithms like Kruskals for Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) problem (Section
4.4) and Dijkstras for Single-Source Shortest Paths (SSSP) problem (Section 4.5).
This data structure is also used to perform partial sort in C++ STL <algorithm>. This

is done by taking the max element k times (k is the number of the top most items to be
sorted). As each delete-max is in O(log n), partial sort has O(k log n) time complexity.
Hash Table: no native C++ STL support (Java HashMap/HashSet/HashTable)

Hash Table is another form of non-linear data structures, but we do not recommend using
it in contests unless necessary. Reasons: designing a good performing hash function is quite

tricky and there is no native C++ STL support for it. Moreover C++ STL <map> or <set>
are usually good enough as the typical input size of programming contest problems is 1M ,
making O(1) for Hash Table and O(log 1M ) for balanced BST actually do not dier by much.
However, a form of Hash Table is actually used in contests, namely Direct Addressing Table
(DAT), where the key itself determines the index, bypassing the need of hash function. For
example, UVa 11340 - Newspaper, where all possible ASCII characters [0-255] are assigned
to certain monetary values, e.g. a 3, W 10, . . . , I 13.

Programming exercises to practice using basic data structures and algorithms (with libraries):
Static array, C++ STL <vector>, <bitset>, Direct Addressing Table
1. UVa 482 - Permutation Arrays (simple array manipulation)
2. UVa 594 - One Two Three Little Endian (manipulate bit string easily with <bitset>)
3. UVa 11340 - Newspaper (Direct Addressing Table)
C++ STL <algorithm>
1. UVa 146 - ID Codes (use next permutation)
2. UVa 10194 - Football a.k.a. Soccer (multi-elds sorting, use sort)
3. UVa 10258 - Contest Scoreboard (multi-elds sorting, use sort)
Sorting-related problems
1. UVa 299 - Train Swapping (inversion index3 problem solvable with bubble sort)
2. UVa 612 - DNA Sorting (inversion index + stable sort)
3. UVa 10810 - Ultra Quicksort (inversion index - requires O(n log n) merge sort)

Inversion index problem: count how many swaps are needed to make the list sorted.

4. UVa 11462 - Age Sort (counting sort problem, see [4])

5. UVa 11495 - Bubbles and Buckets (inversion index - requires O(n log n) merge sort)
C++ STL <stack>
1. UVa 127 - Accordian Patience (shuing <stack>)
2. UVa 514 - Rails (use <stack> to simulate the process)
3. UVa 673 - Parentheses Balance (classical problem)
4. UVa 727 - Equation (Inx to Postx conversion)
C++ STL <queue>
1. UVa 336 - A Node Too Far (<queue> used inside BFS, Section 4.3)
2. UVa 10901 - Ferry Loading III (simulation with <queue>)
3. UVa 11034 - Ferry Loading IV (simulation with <queue>)
C++ STL <map>/<set>
1. UVa 10226 - Hardwood Species (use <map>)
2. UVa 11239 - Open Source (use <map> and <set> to check previous strings eciently)
3. UVa 11308 - Bankrupt Baker (use <map> and <set> to help managing the data)
4. UVa 11136 - Hoax or what (use multiset in <set>)
C++ STL priority queue in <queue>
1. UVa 908 - Re-connecting Computer Sites (priority queue in Kruskals, Section 4.4)
2. UVa 11492 - Babel (priority queue in Dijkstras, Section 4.5)
3. LA 3135 - Argus (Beijing04)


Data Structures with Our-Own Libraries

As of 9 August 2010, important data structures shown in this section do not have built-in sup-

port yet in C++ STL or Java API. Thus, to be competitive, contestants must have a bug-free
implementations during contests. In this section, we only discuss the ideas of these data structures.



Graph is a pervasive data structure which appears in many CS problems. Graph is simply a
collection of vertices and edges (that store connectivity information between those vertices). In
Chapter 3 & 4, we will explore many important graph problems and algorithms. In this subsection,

we only briey discuss four basic ways (there are others) to store graph information. Assuming
that we have a graph G with V vertices and E edges, here are the ways to store them:

Figure 2.2: Example of various Graph representations

A Adjacency Matrix, usually in form of 2-D array.

In contest problems involving graph, usually V is known, thus we can build a connectivity
table by setting up a 2-D, O(V 2 ) static array: int AdjMat[V ][V ]. For an unweighted graph,
we set AdjMat[i][j] = 1 if there is an edge between vertex i-j and set 0 otherwise. For a
weighted graph, we set AdjMat[i][j] = weight(i, j) if there is an edge between vertex i-j
with weight(i, j) and set 0 otherwise.
Adjacency Matrix is good if the connectivity between two vertices in a small dense graph is
frequently asked, but it is not good for large sparse graph as there will be too many cells in
the 2-D array that are blank (contain zeroes). An adjacency Matrix requires exactly O(V ) to
enumerate the list of neighbors of a vertex v an operation commonly used in many graph
algorithms even if vertex v only has a handful of neighbors. A more compact and ecient
form of graph representation is Adjacency List.
B Adjacency List, usually in form of C++ STL vector<vii> AdjList, with vii dened as:
typedef pair<int, int> ii; typedef vector<ii> vii; // our data type shortcuts
In Adjacency List, we have a vector of V vertices and for each vertex v, we store another
vector that contains pairs of (neighboring vertex and its edge weight) that have connection
to v. If the graph is unweighted, simply store weight = 0 or drop this second attribute.
With Adjacency List, we can enumerate the list of neighbors of a vertex v eciently. If there
are k neighbors of v, this enumeration is O(k). As this is one of the most common operations
in most graph algorithms, it is advisable to stick with Adjacency List as your default choice.
C Edge List, usually in form of C++ STL priority queue<pair<int, ii> > EdgeList.
In Edge List, we store the list of edges, usually in some order. This structure is very useful
for Kruskals algorithm for MST (Section 4.4) where the collection of edges are sorted by their
length from shortest to longest.
D Parent-Child Tree Structure, usually in form of int parent & C++ STL vector<int> child.
If the graph is a tree (connected graph with no cycle and E = V 1), like a directory/folder
structure, then there exists another form of data structure. For each vertex, we only store two
attributes: the parent (NULL for root vertex) and the list of children (NULL for leaves).
Exercise: Show the Adjacency Matrix, Adjacency List, and Edge List of the graph in Figure 4.1.


Union-Find Disjoint Sets

Union-Find Disjoint Sets is a data structure to model a collection of disjoint sets which has abilities
to eciently4 1). nd which set an item belongs to (or to test whether two items belong to the
same set) and 2). union two disjoint sets into one bigger set. These two operations are useful for
algorithms like Kruskals (Section 4.4) or problems that involve partitioning, like keeping track of
connected components of an undirected graph (see Section 4.2).
These seemingly simple operations are not eciently supported by C++ STL <set> which only
deals with a single set. Having a vector of sets and looping through each one to nd which set
M operations of this data structure runs in O(M (n)), but (n) is just less than 5 for most practical values
of n. For more details, see [33].

an item belongs to is expensive! C++ STL <algorithm>s set union is also not ecient enough
although it combines two sets in linear time, as we still have to deal with the shuing of the content
inside the vector of sets! Thus, we need our own library to support this data structure. One such
example is shown in this section.
The key ideas of this data structure are like this: Keep a representative (parent) item of each
set. This information is stored in vector<int> pset, where pset[i] tells the representative item
of the set that contains item i. Example: suppose we have 5 items: {A, B, C, D, E} as 5 disjoint
sets of 1 item each. Each item initially has itself as the representative, as shown in Figure 2.3.

Figure 2.3: Calling initSet() to Create 5 Disjoint Sets

When we want to merge two sets, we call unionSet(i, j) which make both items i and j to
have the same representative item5 directly or indirectly (see Path Compression below). This
is done by calling findSet(j) what is the representative of item j, and assign that value to
pset[findSet(i)] update the parent of the representative item of item i.

Figure 2.4: Calling unionSet(i, j) to Union Disjoint Sets

In Figure 2.4, we see what is happening when we call unionSet(i, j): every union is simply done
by changing the representative item of one item to point to the others representative item.
There is another heuristic called union-by-rank [4] that can further improve the performance of this data
structure. But we omit this enhancing heuristic from this book to simplify this discussion.

Figure 2.5: Calling findSet(i) to Determine the Representative Item (and Compressing the Path)
In Figure 2.5, we see what is happening when we call findSet(i). This function recursively
calls itself whenever pset[i] is not yet itself (i). Then, once it nds the main representative item
(e.g. x) for that set, it will compress the path by saying pset[i] = x. Thus subsequent calls of

findSet(i) will be O(1). This simple heuristic strategy is aptly named as Path Compression.
In Figure 2.6, we illustrate another operation for this data structure, called isSameSet(i, j)

that simply calls findSet(i) and findSet(j) to check if both refer to the same representative

item. If yes, i and j belong to the same set, otherwise, they do not.

Our library implementation for Union-Find Disjoint Sets is shown below.

#define REP(i, a, b) \ // all codes involving REP uses this macro
for (int i = int(a); i <= int(b); i++)
vector<int> pset(1000); // 1000 is just an initial number, it is user-adjustable.
void initSet(int _size) { pset.resize(_size); REP (i, 0, _size - 1) pset[i] = i; }
int findSet(int i) { return (pset[i] == i) ? i : (pset[i] = findSet(pset[i])); }
void unionSet(int i, int j) { pset[findSet(i)] = findSet(j); }
bool isSameSet(int i, int j) { return findSet(i) == findSet(j); }

Figure 2.6: Calling isSameSet(i, j) to Determine if Both Items Belong to the Same Set
Exercise 1: There are two more queries commonly performed on the Union-Find Disjoint Sets data
structure: int numberOfSets() that returns the number of disjoint sets currently in the structure
and int sizeOfSet(int i) that returns the size of set that currently contains item i. Update
the codes shown in this section to support these two queries eciently!
Exercise 2: In [4], there is a union by rank heuristic to speed-up this data structure. Do you think
this heuristic will help speed up the data structure signicantly? If yes, in which case(s)? Is there
any programming tricks to achieve similar eect without using this heuristic?


Segment Tree

In this subsection, we discuss another data structure which can eciently answer dynamic range

queries. As a starting point, we discuss a problem of nding the index of the minimum element

in an array given a range: [i..j]. This is more commonly known as the Range Minimum Query

(RMQ). For example, given an array A of size 7 below, RMQ(1, 3) = 2, as the index 2 contains

the minimum element among A[1], A[2], and A[3]. To check your understanding of RMQ, verify

that on array A below, RMQ(3, 4) = 4, RMQ(0, 0) = 0, RMQ(0, 1) = 1, and RMQ(0, 6) = 5.

Values =
| 10
Array A = ------------------------------------------------------------Indices =

There are several ways to solve this RMQ. One of the trivial algorithm is to simply iterate the

array from index i to j and report the index with the minimum value. But this is O(n) per query.

When n is large, such algorithm maybe infeasible.

In this section, we solve the RMQ with Segment Tree: a binary tree similar to heap, but usually

not a complete binary tree. For the array A above, the segment tree is shown in Figure 2.7. The

root of this tree contains the full segment, from [0, N - 1]. And for each segment [l, r], we split them

into [l, (l + r) / 2] and [(l + r) / 2 + 1, r] until l = r. See the O(n log n) built_segment_tree

routine below. With segment tree ready, answering an RMQ can now be done in O(log n).
For example, we want to answer RMQ(1, 3). The execution in Figure 2.7 (red solid lines) is

as follows: From root [0, 6], we know that the answer for RMQ(1, 3) is on the left of vertex [0, 6]

as [0, 6] is still larger than the RMQ(1, 3), thus the stored min(imum) value of [0, 6] = 5 is not

appropriate as it is the min value over a larger segment [0, 6] than the RMQ(1, 3).
We move to the left segment [0, 3]. At vertex [0, 3], we have to search two sides as [0, 3] is still

larger than the RMQ(1, 3) and intersect both the left segment [0, 1] and the right segment [2, 3].
The right segment is [2, 3], which is inside the required RMQ(1, 3), so from the stored min

value inside this node, we know that RMQ(2,3) = 2. We do not need to traverse further down.

The left segment is [0, 1], which is not yet inside the RMQ(1, 3), so another split is necessary.
From [0, 1], we move right to segment [1, 1], which is now inside the RMQ(1, 3). Then, we return

the min value = 1 to the caller.

Back in segment [0, 3], we now know that RMQ(1, 1) = 1 and RMQ(2, 3) = 2. Because

A[RMQ(1, 1)] > A[RMQ(2, 3)] since A[1] = 7 and A[2] = 3, we know that RMQ(1, 3) = 2.

Figure 2.7: Segment Tree of Array A {8, 7, 3, 9, 5, 1, 10}

Lets take a look at another example: RMQ(4, 6). The execution in Figure 2.7 (blue dashed line)

is as follows: We again start from the root [0, 6]. Since it is bigger than the query, we move right

to segment [4, 6]. Since this segment is exactly the RMQ(4, 6), we simply return the index of
minimum element that is stored in this node, which is 5. Thus RMQ(4, 6) = 5. We do not have to
traverse the unnecessary parts of the tree! In the worst case, we have two root-to-leaf paths which
is just O(log n). For example in RMQ(3, 4) = 4, we have one root-to-leaf path from [0, 6] to [3, 3]
and another root-to-leaf path from [0, 6] to [4, 4].
If the array A is static, then using Segment Tree to solve RMQ is an overkill as there exists
a Dynamic Programming (DP) solution that requires O(n log n) one-time pre-processing and O(1)
per RMQ. This DP solution will be discussed later in Section 3.4.3.
The Segment Tree becomes useful if array A is frequently updated. For example, if A[5] is now
changed from 1 to 100, then what we need to do is to update the leaf to root nodes which can be
done in O(log n). The DP solution requires another O(n log n) pre-processing to do the same.

Figure 2.8: Updating Array A to {8, 7, 3, 9, 5, 100, 10}. Only leaf-to-root nodes are aected.
Our library implementation for Segment Tree is shown below. The code shown here supports static
Range Minimum/Maximum/Sum queries (the dynamic update part is left as exercise). There are
of course other ways to implement segment tree, e.g. a more ecient version that only expands
the segments when needed.
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
// Segment Tree Library
// The segment tree is stored like a heap array
#define RANGE_SUM 0
#define RANGE_MIN 1
#define RANGE_MAX 2
vi segment_tree;
void init_segment_tree(int N) { // if original array size is N,
// the required segment_tree array length is 2*2^(floor(log2(N)) + 1);
int length = (int)(2 * pow(2.0, floor((log((double)N) / log(2.0)) + 1)));
segment_tree.resize(length, 0); // resize this vector and fill with 0
void build_segment_tree(int code, int A[], int node, int b, int e) {
if (b == e) { // as b == e, either one is fine
if (code == RANGE_SUM) segment_tree[node] = A[b]; // store value of this cell
segment_tree[node] = b; // if RANGE_MIN/MAXIMUM, store index

else { // recursively compute the values in the left and right subtrees
int leftIdx = 2 * node, rightIdx = 2 * node + 1;
build_segment_tree(code, A, leftIdx , b
, (b + e) / 2);
build_segment_tree(code, A, rightIdx, (b + e) / 2 + 1, e
int lContent = segment_tree[leftIdx], rContent = segment_tree[rightIdx];
if (code == RANGE_SUM) // make this segment contains sum of left and right subtree
segment_tree[node] = lContent + rContent;
else { // (code == RANGE_MIN/MAXIMUM)
int lValue = A[lContent], rValue = A[rContent];
if (code == RANGE_MIN) segment_tree[node] = (lValue <= rValue) ? lContent : rContent;
segment_tree[node] = (lValue >= rValue) ? lContent : rContent;
} } }

int query(int code, int A[], int node, int b, int e, int i, int j) {
if (i > e || j < b) return -1; // if the current interval does not intersect query interval
if (b >= i && e <= j) return segment_tree[node]; // if the current interval is inside query interval
// compute the minimum position in the left and right part of the interval
int p1 = query(code, A, 2 * node
, b
, (b + e) / 2, i, j);
int p2 = query(code, A, 2 * node + 1, (b + e) / 2 + 1, e
, i, j);
// return the position where the overall minimum is
if (p1 == -1) return p2; // can happen if we try to access segment outside query
if (p2 == -1) return p1; // same as above
if (code == RANGE_SUM)
return p1 + p2;
else if (code == RANGE_MIN) return (A[p1] <= A[p2]) ? p1 : p2;
return (A[p1] >= A[p2]) ? p1 : p2;
int main() {
int A[] = {8,7,3,9,5,1,10};
init_segment_tree(7); build_segment_tree(RANGE_MIN, A, 1, 0, 6);
printf("%d\n", query(RANGE_MIN, A, 1, 0, 6, 1, 3)); // answer is index 2
return 0;

Exercise 1: Draw a segment tree of this array A = {10, 2, 47, 3, 7, 9, 1, 98, 21, 37} and answer
RMQ(1, 7) and RMQ(3, 8)!
Exercise 2: Using the same tree as in exercise 1 above, answer this Range Sum Query(i, j) (RSQ),
i.e. a sum from A[i] + A[i + 1] + ... + A[j]. What is RSQ(1, 7) and RSQ(3, 8)? Is this a good
approach to solve this problem? (See Section 3.4).
Exercise 3: The Segment Tree code shown above lacks update operation. Add the O(log n) update
function to update the value of a certain segment in the Segment Tree!
Programming exercises that use data structures with our own libraries:
Graph (simple one, many more in Section 4)
1. UVa 291 - The House of Santa Claus (simple backtracking)
2. UVa 10928 - My Dear Neighbours (count out degrees)

Union-Find Disjoint Sets

1. UVa 459 - Graph Connectivity (also solvable with ood ll in Section 4.2)
2. UVa 793 - Network Connections (trivial)
3. UVa 912 - Live From Mars
4. UVa 10158 - War
5. UVa 10301 - Rings and Glue (with Computational Geometry, see Chapter 7)
6. UVa 10369 - Arctic Networks (also solveable with MST, see Section 4.4)
7. UVa 10505 - Montesco vs Capuleto
8. UVa 10583 - Ubiquitous Religions (count remaining disjoint sets after unions)
9. UVa 10608 - Friends (search set with largest element)
10. UVa 11503 - Virtual Friends (maintain set attribute (size) in representative item)
Segment Tree
1. UVa 11235 - Frequent Values (Range Maximum Query)
2. UVa 11297 - Census (2-D Segment Tree/Quad Tree)
3. UVa 11402 - Ahoy, Pirates! (Requires updates to the Segment Tree)
4. LA 2191 - Potentiometers (Dhaka06)
5. LA 3294 - The Ultimate Bamboo Eater (Dhaka05) (2-D Segment Tree++)
6. LA 4108 - Skyline (Singapore07)


Chapter Notes

Basic data structures mentioned in Section 2.2 can be found in almost every data structure and
algorithm textbooks and references to their libraries are available online in:
http://www.cppreference.com and http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api.
Extra references for data structures mentioned in Section 2.3 are as follow: For Graph data
structure, a good textbook is [21]. For Union-Find Disjoint Sets, see Chapter 21 of [4]. For Segment
Tree and other geometric-related data structures, see [6].
With more experience, and especially by looking at TopCoders codes, you will master more
tricks in using these data structures. This point is hard to teach. Thus, please spend some time to
explore the sample codes listed in this book.
The discussion about string-specic data structures (Sux Tree and Sux Array) is deferred

until Section 6.4. Yet, there are still many other data structures that we cannot cover in this book.
If you want to win a programming contest, mastering more than what we present in this book will
increase your chance to do better in contests, e.g. AVL Tree, Red Black Tree, Splay Tree
which are useful for certain contest problems where you need to implement and augment a balanced
BST; Fenwick (Binary Indexed) Tree which can be used to implement cumulative frequency
tables; Quad Tree for partitioning 2-D space; etc.
Notice that many of the ecient data structures shown in this book have the spirit of Divide
and Conquer (discussed in Section 3.2).

There are approximately 43 programming exercises discussed in this chapter.

Chapter 3

Problem Solving Paradigms

If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail
Abraham Maslow, 1962

This chapter highlights four problem solving paradigms commonly used to attack problems in programming
contests, namely Complete Search, Divide & Conquer, Greedy, and Dynamic Programming. Mastery of
all these problem solving paradigms will help contestants to attack each problem with the appropriate tool,
rather than hammering every problem with brute-force solution... which is clearly not competitive. Our advice before you start reading: Do not just remember the solutions for the problems presented in this chapter,
but remember the way, the spirit of solving those problems!


Complete Search

Complete Search, also known as brute force or recursive backtracking, is a method for solving a
problem by searching (up to) the entire search space in bid to obtain the required solution.
In programming contests, a contestant should develop a Complete Search solution when there
is clearly no clever algorithm available (e.g. the problem of enumerating all permutations of
{1, 2, 3, .., N }, which clearly requires O(N !) operations) or when such clever algorithms exist, but
overkill, as the input size happens to be small (e.g. the problem of answering Range Minimum
Query as in Section 2.3.3 but on a static array with N 100 solvable with O(N ) loop).
In ICPC, Complete Search should be the rst considered solution as it is usually easy to come
up with the solution and code/debug it. A bug-free Complete Search solution should never receive
Wrong Answer (WA) response in programming contests as it explores the entire search space.
However, many programming problems do have better-than-Complete-Search solutions. Thus a
Complete Search solution may receive a Time Limit Exceeded (TLE) verdict. With proper analysis,
you can determine which is the likely outcome (TLE versus AC) before attempting to code anything
(Table 1.4 in Section 1.2.2 is a good gauge). If Complete Search can likely pass the time limit,
then go ahead. This will then give you more time to work on the harder problems, where Complete
Search is too slow. In IOI, we usually need better problem solving techniques.
Sometimes, running Complete Search on small instances of a hard problem can give us some
patterns from the output that can be exploited to design faster algorithm. The Complete Search
solution can also act as a verier for faster but non-trivial algorithms (but only on small instances).

In this section, we give two examples of this simple paradigm and provide a few tips to give

Complete Search solution a better chance to pass the required Time Limit.



We show two examples of Complete Search: one that is implemented iteratively and one that is

implemented recursively (backtracking). We also mention a few optimization tricks to make some

impossible cases become possible.

1. Iterative Complete Search: UVa 725 - Division
Abridged problem statement: Find and display all pairs of 5-digit numbers that between
them use the digits 0 through 9 once each, such that the rst number divided by the second
is equal to an integer N , where 2 N 79. That is, abcde / fghij = N, where each letter
represents a dierent digit. The rst digit of one of the numerals is allowed to be zero, e.g.
79546 / 01283 = 62; 94736 / 01528 = 62.
A quick analysis shows that fghij can only be from 01234 to 98765, which is 100K
possibilities. For each tried fghij, we can get abcde from fghij * N and then check if all
digits are dierent. 100K operations are small. Thus, iterative Complete Search is feasible.
Exercise 1: What is the advantage of iterating through all possible fghij and not abcde?
Exercise 2: Does a 10! algorithm that permutes abcdefghij work?
2. Recursive Backtracking: UVa 750 - 8 Queens Chess Problem
Abridged problem statement: In chess (with a standard 8x8 board), it is possible to place
eight queens on the board so that no queen can be taken by any other. Write a program that
will determine all such possible arrangements given the initial position of one of the queens
(i.e. coordinate (a, b) in the board must contain a queen).
A nave solution tries all 88 17M possible arrangements of 8 queens in an 8x8 board,
putting each queen in each possible cell and lter the invalid ones. Complete Search like this
receives Time Limit Exceeded (TLE) response. We should reduce the search space more.
We know that no two queens can share the same column, thus we can simplify the problem
to nding valid permutation of 8! row positions row[i] stores the row position of queen
in column i. Example: row = {2, 4, 6, 8, 3, 1, 7, 5} as in Figure 3.1 is one of the
solution for this problem; row[1] = 2 implies that queen in column 1 is placed in row 2, and
so on (the index starts from 1 in this example). Modeled this way, the search space goes
down from 88 = 17M to 8! = 40K.
We also know that no two queens can share any of the two diagonals. Assuming queen A is
at (i, j) and queen B is at (k, l), then they attack each other i abs(i - k) == abs(j - l).
Go ahead and verify this formula by placing two queens randomly but on the same diagonal.
A recursive backtracking solution will then place the queens one by one from column 1 to 8,
obeying the two constraints above. Finally, if a candidate solution is found, check if one of
the queen satises the input constrain, i.e. row[b] == a. This solution is Accepted.
We provide our code in the next page below. If you have never code a recursive backtracking
solution before, please scrutinize it and perhaps re-code it using your own coding style. For
example, you may want to use C++ STL <algorithm>: next permutation instead.

Figure 3.1: One Solution for 8-Queens Problem: {2, 4, 6, 8, 3, 1, 7, 5}

/* 8 Queens Chess Problem */

#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;

int x[9], TC, a, b, lineCounter; // it is ok to use global variables in competitive programming

bool place(int queen, int
for (int prev = 1; prev
if (x[prev] == row ||
return false; // an
return true;

row) {
<= queen - 1; prev++) // check previously placed queens
(abs(x[prev] - row) == abs(prev - queen)))
infeasible solution if share same row or same diagonal

void NQueens(int queen) {

for (int row = 1; row <= 8; row++)
if (place(queen, row)) { // if can place this queen at this row?
x[queen] = row; // put this queen in this row
if (queen == 8 && x[b] == a) { // a candidate solution & (a, b) has 1 queen
%d", ++lineCounter, x[1]);
for (int j = 2; j <= 8; j++) printf(" %d", x[j]);
NQueens(queen + 1); // recursively try next position

int main() {
scanf("%d", &TC);
while (TC--) {
scanf("%d %d", &a, &b);
memset(x, 0, sizeof x); lineCounter = 0;
printf(" #
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8\n\n");
NQueens(1); // generate all possible 8! candidate solutions
if (TC) printf("\n");
return 0;



The biggest gamble in writing a Complete Search solution is whether it will be able to pass the
Time Limit. If it is 1 minute and your program currently runs in 1 minute 5 seconds, you may
want to tweak the critical code1 of your program rst rather than painfully redo the problem with
a faster algorithm which may not be trivial to design.
Here are some tips that you may want to consider when designing your solution, especially a
Complete Search solution, to give it a higher chance for passing the Time Limit.
Tip 1: Generating versus Filtering
Programs that generate lots of candidate solutions and then choose the ones that are correct
(or remove the incorrect ones) are called lters recall the nave 8-queens solver with 88 time
complexity. Those that hone in exactly to the correct answer without any false starts are called
generators recall the improved 8-queens solver with 8! complexity plus diagonal checks.
Generally, lters are easier to code but run slower. Do the math to see if a lter is good enough
or if you need to create a generator.
Tip 2: Prune Infeasible Search Space Early
In generating solutions (see tip 1 above), we may encounter a partial solution that will never lead
to a full solution. We can prune the search there and explore other parts. For example, see the
diagonal check in 8-queens solution above. Suppose we have placed a queen at row[1] = 2, then
placing another queen at row[2] = 1 or row[2] = 3 will cause a diagonal conict and placing
another queen at row[2] = 2 will cause a row conict. Continuing from any of these branches will
never lead to a valid solution. Thus we can prune these branches right at this juncture, concentrate
on only valid positions of row[2] = {4, 5, 6, 7, 8}, thus saving overall runtime.
Tip 3: Utilize Symmetries
Some problems have symmetries and we should try to exploit symmetries to reduce execution time!
In the 8-queens problem, there are 92 solutions but there are only 12 unique (or fundamental)
solutions as there are rotations and reections symmetries in this problem [35]. You can utilize this
fact by only generating the 12 unique solutions and, if needed, generate the whole 92 by rotating
and reecting these 12 unique solutions.
Tip 4: Pre-Computation a.k.a. Pre-Calculation

Sometimes it is helpful to generate tables or other data structures that enable the fastest possible
lookup of a result - prior to the execution of the program itself. This is called Pre-Computation,
in which one trades memory/space for time.
Again using the 8-queens problem above. If we know that there are only 92 solutions, then

we can create a 2-dimensional array int solution[92][8] and then ll it with all 92 valid permutations of 8 queens row positions! Thats it, we create a generator program (which takes some

runtime) to ll this 2-D array solution, but afterwards, we generate a new program and submit
the code that just prints out the correct permutations with 1 queen at (a, b) (very fast).

It is said that every program is doing most of its task in only about 10% of the code the critical code.

Tip 5: Try Solving the Problem Backwards

Surprisingly, some contest problems seem far easier when they are solved backwards than when

they are solved using a frontal attack. Be on the lookout for processing data in reverse order or

building an attack that looks at the data in some order other than the obvious.
This tip is best shown using an example: UVa 10360 - Rat Attack. Abridged problem descrip-

tion: Imagine a 2-D array (up to 1024 x 1024) containing rats. There are n 20000 rats at some

cells, determine which cell (x, y) should be gas-bombed so that the number of rats killed in square

box (x - d, y - d) to (x + d, y + d) is maximized. The value d is the power of the gas-bomb (d is

up to 50), see Figure 3.2.

Figure 3.2: UVa 10360 - Rat Attack Illustration with d = 1

First option is to attack this problem frontally: Try bombing each of the 10242 cells and see which

one is the most eective. For each bombed cell (x, y), we need to do O(d2 ) scans to count the

number of rats killed within the square-bombing radius. For the worst case when the array has

size 10242 and d = 50, this takes 10242 502 = 2621M operations. Clearly TLE!

Second option is to attack this problem backwards: Create an array int killed[1024][1024].

For each n rat population at coordinate (x, y), add the value of array killed[i][j] with the

number of rats in (x, y) that will be killed if a bomb is placed in (i, j) and (i, j) is within the

square-bombing radius (i.e. |i x| d and |j y| d). This pre-processing takes O(n d2 )

operations. Then, to determine the most optimal bombing position, we nd the coordinate of the

highest entry in array killed, which can be done in O(n2 ) operations. This backwards approach

only requires 20000 502 + 200002 = 51M operations for the worst test case (n = 20000, d = 50)

and approximately 51 times faster than the frontal attack!

Tip 6: Optimizing Source Code

There are many tricks that you can use to optimize your code. Understanding computer hardware,

especially I/O, memory, and cache behavior, can help you design a better program. Some examples:
1. Use the faster C-style scanf/printf rather than cin/cout.
2. Use the expected O(n log n) but cache-friendly quicksort (built-in in C++ STL sort as part
of introsort) rather than the true O(n log n) but not (cache) memory friendly mergesort.
3. Access a 2-D array in a row major fashion (row by row) rather than column by column.
4. Bitwise manipulation on integer is faster than using an array of bits (see Section 3.4.3), etc.
5. Use STL <bitset> rather than vector<bool> for Sieve of Eratosthenes (see Section 5.3.1).

6. Declare a bulky data structure just once by setting it to have global scope, so you do not
have to pass the structure as function arguments.
7. Allocate memory just once, according to the largest possible input in the problem description,
rather than re-allocating it for every test case in a multiple-input problem.
Browse the Internet or reference books to nd more information on how to speed up your code.
Tip 7: Use Better Data Structure & Algorithm :)
No kidding. Using better data structures and algorithms always outperforms any optimization tips
mentioned in Tips 1-6 above. If all else fails, abandon Complete Search approach.
Programming Exercises solvable using Complete Search:
1. UVa 154 - Recyling (try all combinations)
2. UVa 441 - Lotto (6 nested loops!)
3. UVa 639 - Dont Get Rooked (generate 216 possible combinations, prune invalid ones)
4. UVa 725 - Division (elaborated in this section)
5. UVa 10360 - Rat Attack (this problem is also solvable using 10242 DP range sum)
6. UVa 10662 - The Wedding (3 nested loops!)
7. UVa 11242 - Tour de France (iterative complete search + sorting)
8. UVa 11804 - Argentina (5 nested loops!)
Recursive Backtracking
1. UVa 193 - Graph Coloring (Maximum Independent Set)
2. UVa 222 - Budget Travel (input not large)
3. UVa 524 - Prime Ring Problem (also see Section 5.3.1)
4. UVa 624 - CD (input size is small, use backtracking; also solve-able with DP)
5. UVa 628 - Passwords (backtracking)
6. UVa 729 - The Hamming Distance Problem (backtracking)
7. UVa 750 - 8 Queens Chess Problem (solution already shown in this section)
8. UVa 10285 - Longest Run on a Snowboard (backtracking, also solve-able with DP)
9. UVa 10496 - Collecting Beepers (small TSP instance)
10. LA 4793 - Robots on Ice (World Finals Harbin10, recommended problem for practice)
Problem I - Robots on Ice in the recent ACM ICPC World Final 2010 can be viewed as a tough
test on pruning strategy. The problem is simple: Given an M x N board with 3 check-in points
{A, B, C}, nd a Hamiltonian path of length (M x N) from coordinate (0, 0) to coordinate
(0, 1). This Hamiltonian path must hit check point {A, B, C} at one-fourth, one-half, and
three-fourths of the way through its tour, respectively. Constraints: 2 M, N 8.
A nave recursive backtracking algorithm will get TLE. To speed up, we must prune the search
space if: 1). it does not hit the appropriate target check point at 1/4, 1/2, or 3/4 distance; 2).
it hits target check point earlier than the target time; 3). it will not be able to reach the next
check point on time from the current position; 4). it will not be able to reach nal point (0, 1)
as the current path blocks the way. These 4 pruning strategies are sucient to solve LA 4793.


Divide and Conquer

Divide and Conquer (abbreviated as D&C) is a problem solving paradigm where we try to make a

problem simpler by dividing it into smaller parts and conquering them. The steps:
1. Divide the original problem into sub-problems usually by half or nearly half,
2. Find (sub-)solutions for each of these sub-problems which are now easier,
3. If needed, combine the sub-solutions to produce a complete solution for the main problem.

We have seen this D&C paradigm in previous chapters in this book: various sorting algorithms like

Quick Sort, Merge Sort, Heap Sort, and Binary Search in Section 2.2.1 utilize this paradigm. The

way data is organized in Binary Search Tree, Heap, and Segment Tree in Section 2.2.2 & 2.3.3, also

has the spirit of Divide & Conquer.


Interesting Usages of Binary Search

In this section, we discuss the spirit of D&C paradigm around a well-known Binary Search algo-

rithm. We still classify Binary Search as Divide and Conquer paradigm although some references
(e.g. [14]) suggest that it should be classied as Decrease (by-half) and Conquer as it does not

actually combine the result. We highlight this algorithm because many contestants know it, but

not many are aware that it can be used in other ways than its ordinary usage.

Binary Search: The Ordinary Usage

Recall: The ordinary usage of Binary Search is for searching an item in a static sorted array. We

check the middle portion of the sorted array if it is what we are looking for. If it is or there is

no more item to search, we stop. Otherwise, we decide whether the answer is on the left or right

portion of the sorted array. As the size of search space is halved (binary) after each query, the

complexity of this algorithm is O(log n). In Section 2.2.1, we have seen that this algorithm has

library routines, e.g. C++ STL <algorithm>: lower bound, Java Collections.binarySearch.
This is not the only way to use and apply binary search. The pre-requisite to run binary search

algorithm a static sorted array (or vector) can also be found in other uncommon data structure,

as in the root-to-leaf path on a structured tree below.

Binary Search on Uncommon Data Structure (Thailand ICPC National Contest 2009)

Problem in short: given a weighted (family) tree of N vertices up to N 80K with a special trait:

vertex values are increasing from root to leaves. Find the ancestor vertex closest to root from a

starting vertex v that has weight at least P . There are up to Q 20K such queries.
Nave solution is to do this linear O(N ) scan per query: Start from a given vertex v, then move

up the family tree until we hit the rst ancestor with value < P . In overall, as there are Q queries,

this approach runs in O(QN ) and will get TLE as N 80K and Q 20K.

A better solution is to store all the 20K queries rst. Then traverse the family tree just once
from root using O(N ) Depth First Search (DFS) algorithm (Section 4.2). Search for some non-

existent value so that DFS explores the entire tree, building a partial root-to-leaf sorted array as it

goes this is because the vertices in the root-to-leaf path have increasing weights. Then, for each

vertex asked in query, perform a O(log N ) binary search, i.e. lower bound, along the current
path from root to that vertex to get ancestor closest to root with weight at least P . Finally, do
an O(Q) post-processing to output the results. The overall time complexity of this approach is
O(Q log N ), which is now manageable.
Bisection Method
What we have seen so far are the usage of binary search in nding items in a static sorted array.
However, the binary search principle can also be used to nd the root of a function that may be
dicult to compute mathematically.
Sample problem: You want to buy a car using loan and want to pay in monthly installments of
d dollars for m months. Suppose the value of the car is originally v dollars and the bank charges
i% interest rate for every unpaid money at the end of each month. What is the amount of money
d that you must pay per month (rounded to 2 digits after decimal point)?
Suppose d = 576, m = 2, v = 1000, and i = 10%. After one month, your loan becomes 1000
(1.1) - 576 = 524. After two months, your loan becomes 524 (1.1) - 576 0.
But if we are only given m = 2, v = 1000, and i = 10%, how to determine that d = 576? In
another words, nd the root d such that loan payment function f (d, 2, 1000, 10) 0. The easy
way is to run the bisection method2 . We pick a reasonable range as the starting point. In this
case, we want to nd d within range [a . . . b]. a = 1 as we have to pay something (at least d = 1
dollar). b = (1 + i) v as the earliest we can complete the payment is m = 1, if we pay exactly
(1 + i%) v = (1 10) 1000 = 1100 dollars after one month. Then, we apply bisection method
to obtain d as follows:
If we pay d = (a + b)/2 = (1 + 1100)/2 = 550.5 dollars per month, then we undershoot by
53.95 dollars after two months, so we know that we must increase the monthly payment.
If we pay d = (550.5 + 1100)/2 = 825.25 dollars per month, then we overshoot by 523.025
dollars after two months, so we know that we must decrease the payment.
If we pay d = (550.5 + 825.25)/2 = 687.875 dollars per month, then we overshoot by 234.5375
dollars after two months, so we know that we must decrease the payment.
... few logarithmic iterations after, to be precise, after O(log2 ((b a)/)) iterations where 
is the amount of error that we can tolerate.
Finally, if we pay d = 576.190476... dollars per month, then we manage to nish the payment
(the error is now less than ) after two months, so we know that d = 576 is the answer.
For bisection method to work3 , we must ensure that the function values of the two extreme points
in the initial Real range [a . . . b], i.e. f (a) and f (b) have opposite signs (true in the problem above).
Bisection method in this example only takes log2 1099/ tries. Using a small  = 1e-9, this is just

40 tries. Even if we use an even smaller  = 1e-15, we still just need 60 tries4 . Bisection
method is more ecient compared to linearly trying each possible value of d = [1..1100]/.

We use the term binary search principle as a divide and conquer technique that involve halving the range
of possible answer. We use the term binary search algorithm (nding index of certain item in sorted array) and
bisection method (nding root of a function) as instances of this principle.
Note that the requirement of bisection method (which uses binary search principle) is slightly dierent from the
more well-known binary search algorithm which needs a sorted array.
Thus some competitive programmers choose to do loop 100 times which guarantees termination instead of
testing whether the error is now less than  as some oating point errors may lead to endless loop.

Binary Search the Answer

Binary Search the Answer is another problem solving strategy that can be quite powerful. This
strategy is shown using UVa 714 - Copying Books below.
In this problem, you are given m books numbered 1, 2, . . . , m that may have dierent number
of pages (p1 , p2 , . . . , pm ). You want to make one copy of each of them. Your task is to divide these
books among k scribes, k m. Each book can be assigned to a single scriber only, and every
scriber must get a continuous sequence of books. That means, there exists an increasing succession
of numbers 0 = b0 < b1 < b2 , . . . < bk1 bk = m such that i-th scriber gets a sequence of
books with numbers between bi1 + 1 and bi . The time needed to make a copy of all the books is
determined by the scriber who was assigned the most work. The task is to minimize the maximum
number of pages assigned to a single scriber.
There exist Dynamic Programming solution for this problem, but this problem can already be
solved by guessing the answer in binary search fashion! Suppose m = 9, k = 3 and p1 , p2 , . . . , p9
are 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, and 900, respectively.
If we guess ans = 1000, then the problem becomes simpler, i.e. if the scriber with the most
work can only copy up to 1000 pages, can this problem be solved? The answer is no. We can
greedily assign the jobs as: {100, 200, 300, 400} for scribe 1, {500} for scribe 2, {600} for scribe 3,
but we have 3 books {700, 800, 900} unassigned. The answer must be at least 1000.
If we guess ans = 2000, then we greedily assign the jobs as: {100, 200, 300, 400, 500} for scribe
1, {600, 700} for scribe 2, and {800, 900} for scribe 3. We still have some slacks, i.e. scribe 1, 2,
and 3 still have {500, 700, 300} unused potential. The answer must be at most 2000.
This ans is binary-searchable between lo = 1 (1 page) and hi = p1 + p2 + . . . + pm (all pages).
Programming Exercises for problems solvable using Divide and Conquer:
1. UVa 679 - Dropping Balls (like Binary Search)
2. UVa 714 - Copying Books (Binary Search + Greedy)
3. UVa 957 - Popes (Complete Search + Binary Search: upper bound)
4. UVa 10077 - The Stern-Brocot Number System (Binary Search)
5. UVa 10341 - Solve It (Bisection Method)
6. UVa 10369 - Arctic Networks (solvable using Kruskals for MST too Section 4.4)
7. UVa 10474 - Where is the Marble?
8. UVa 10611 - Playboy Chimp (Binary Search)
9. UVa 11262 - Weird Fence (Binary Search + Bipartite Matching, see Section 4.9.3)
10. LA 2565 - Calling Extraterrestrial Intelligence Again (Kanazawa02) (BSearch + Math)
11. LA 2949 - Elevator Stopping Plan (Guangzhou03) (Binary Search + Greedy)
12. LA 3795 - Against Mammoths (Tehran06)
13. LA 4445 - A Careful Approach (Complete Search + Bisection Method + Greedy)
14. IOI 2006 - Joining Paths
15. IOI 2009 - Mecho (Binary Search + BFS)
16. My Ancestor - Thailand ICPC National Contest 2009 (Problem set by: Felix Halim)
17. See Section 7.5 for Divide & Conquer for Geometry Problems



An algorithm is said to be greedy if it makes locally optimal choice at each step with the hope of

nding the optimal solution. For some cases, greedy works - the solution code becomes short and

runs eciently. But for many others, it does not. As discussed in [4], a problem must exhibit two

things in order for a greedy algorithm to work for it:

1. It has optimal sub-structures.
Optimal solution to the problem contains optimal solutions to the sub-problems.
2. It has a greedy property (remark: hard to prove its correctness!).
If we make a choice that seems best at the moment and solve the remaining subproblems
later, we still reach optimal solution. We never have to reconsider our previous choices.


Classical Example

Suppose we have a large number of coins with dierent denominations, i.e. 25, 10, 5, and 1 cents.

We want to make change with the least number of coins used. The following greedy algorithm

works for this set of denominations of this problem: Keep using the largest denomination of coin

which is not greater than the remaining amount to be made. Example: if the denominations are

{25, 10, 5, 1} cents and we want to make a change of 42 cents, we can do: 42-25 = 17 17-10 =

7 7-5 = 2 2-1 = 1 1-1 = 0, of total 5 coins. This is optimal.

The coin changing example above has the two ingredients for a successful greedy algorithm:
1. It has optimal sub-structures.
We have seen that in the original problem to make 42 cents, we have to use 25+10+5+1+1.
This is an optimal 5 coins solution to the original problem!
Now, the optimal solutions to its sub-problems are contained in this 5 coins solution, i.e.
a. To make 17 cents, we have to use 10+5+1+1 (4 coins),
b. To make 7 cents, we have to use 5+1+1 (3 coins), etc
2. It has a greedy property.
Given every amount V , we greedily subtract it with the largest denomination of coin which
is not greater than this amount V . It can be proven (not shown here for brevity) that using
other strategy than this will not lead to optimal solution.

However, this greedy algorithm does not work for all sets of coin denominations, e.g. {1, 3, 4}

cents. To make 6 cents with that set, a greedy algorithm would choose 3 coins {4, 1, 1} instead of

the optimal solution using 2 coins {3, 3}. This problem is revisited later in Section 3.4.2.
There are many other classical examples of greedy algorithms in algorithm textbooks, for ex-

ample: Kruskals for Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) problem Section 4.4, Dijkstras for Single-

Source Shortest Paths (SSSP) problem Section 4.5, Greedy Activity Selection Problem [4], Hu-

man Codes [4], etc.


Non Classical Example

Todays contest problems usually do not ask for solution of trivial and classical greedy problems.

Instead, we are presented with novel ones that requires creativity, like the one shown below.

UVa 410 - Station Balance

Given 1 C 5 chambers which can store 0, 1, or 2 specimens, 1 S 2C specimens, and M :

a list of mass of the S specimens, determine in which chamber we should store each specimen in

order to minimize IMBALANCE. See Figure 3.3 for visual explanation.



j=1 Mj )/C,


i.e. A is the average of all mass over C chambers.


i=1 |Xi

A|, i.e. sum of dierences between the mass in each chamber w.r.t A.

where Xi is the total mass of specimens in chamber i.

Figure 3.3: Visualization of UVa 410 - Station Balance

This problem can be solved using a greedy algorithm. But rst, we have to make several observa-

tions. If there exists an empty chamber, at least one chamber with 2 specimens must be moved to

this empty chamber! Otherwise the empty chambers contribute too much to IMBALANCE! See

Figure 3.4.

Figure 3.4: UVa 410 - Observation 1

Next observation: If S > C, then S C specimens must be paired with one other specimen already

in some chambers. The Pigeonhole principle! See Figure 3.5.

Figure 3.5: UVa 410 - Observation 2

Now, the key insight that can simplify the problem is this: If S < 2C, add dummy 2C S specimens

with mass 0. For example, C = 3, S = 4, M = {5, 1, 2, 7} C = 3, S = 6, M = {5, 1, 2, 7, 0, 0}.

Then, sort these specimens based on their mass such that M1 M2 . . . M2C1 M2C . In
this example, M = {5, 1, 2, 7, 0, 0} {0, 0, 1, 2, 5, 7}.

By adding dummy specimens and then sorting them, a greedy strategy appears. We can now:
Pair the specimens with masses M1 &M2C and put them in chamber 1, then
Pair the specimens with masses M2 &M2C1 and put them in chamber 2, and so on . . .
This greedy algorithm known as Load Balancing works! See Figure 3.6.

Figure 3.6: UVa 410 - Greedy Solution

To come up with this way of thinking is hard to teach but can be gained from experience! One tip
from this example: If no obvious greedy strategy seen, try to sort the data rst or introduce some
tweaks and see if a greedy strategy emerges.


Remarks About Greedy Algorithm in Programming Contests

Using Greedy solutions in programming contests is usually risky. A greedy solution normally will
not encounter TLE response, as it is lightweight, but tends to get WA response. Proving that
a certain problem has optimal sub-structure and greedy property in contest time may be time
consuming, so a competitive programmer usually do this:
He will look at the input size. If it is small enough for the time complexity of either Complete
Search or Dynamic Programming (see Section 3.4), he will use one of these approaches as both will
ensure correct answer. He will only use Greedy solution if he knows for sure that the input size
given in the problem is too large for his best Complete Search or DP solution.
Having said that, it is quite true that many problem setters nowadays set the input size of such
can-use-greedy-algorithm-or-not-problems to be in some reasonable range so contestants cannot
use the input size to quickly determine the required algorithm!
Programming Exercises solvable using Greedy (hints omitted):
1. UVa 410 - Station Balance (elaborated in this section)
2. UVa 10020 - Minimal Coverage
3. UVa 10340 - All in All
4. UVa 10440 - Ferry Loading II
5. UVa 10670 - Work Reduction
6. UVa 10763 - Foreign Exchange
7. UVa 11054 - Wine Trading in Gergovia
8. UVa 11292 - Dragon of Loowater
9. UVa 11369 - Shopaholic

In this section, we want to highlight another problem solving trick called: Decomposition!
While there are only few basic algorithms used in contest problems (most of them are covered
in this book), harder problems may require a combination of two (or more) algorithms for their
solution. For such problems, try to decompose parts of the problems so that you can solve
the dierent parts independently. We illustrate this decomposition technique using a recent
top-level programming problems that combines three problem solving paradigms that we have
just learned: Complete Search, Divide & Conquer, and Greedy!
ACM ICPC World Final 2009 - Problem A - A Careful Approach
You are given a scenario of airplane landings. There are 2 n 8 airplanes in the scenario.
Each airplane has a time window during which it can safely land. This time window is specied
by two integers ai , bi , which give the beginning and end of a closed interval [ai , bi ] during which
the i-th plane can land safely. The numbers ai and bi are specied in minutes and satisfy
0 ai bi 1440. In this problem, plane landing time is negligible. Then, your task is to:
1. Compute an order for landing all airplanes that respects these time windows.
HINT: order = permutation = Complete Search?
2. Furthermore, the airplane landings should be stretched out as much as possible so that the
minimum achievable time gap between successive landings is as large as possible. For example,
if three airplanes land at 10:00am, 10:05am, and 10:15am, then the smallest gap is ve minutes,
which occurs between the rst two airplanes. Not all gaps have to be the same, but the smallest
gap should be as large as possible!
HINT: Is this similar to greedy activity selection problem [4]?
3. Print the answer split into minutes and seconds, rounded to the closest second.
See Figure 3.7 for illustration: line = the time window of a plane; star = its landing schedule.

Figure 3.7: Illustration for ACM ICPC WF2009 - A - A Careful Approach

Since the number of planes is at most 8, an optimal solution can be found by simply trying all
8! = 40320 possible orders for the planes to land. This is the Complete Search portion of the
problem which can be easily solved using C++ STL next permutation.
Now, for each specic landing order, we want to know the largest possible landing window.
Suppose we use a certain window length L. We can greedily check whether this L is feasible
by forcing the rst plane to land as soon as possible and the subsequent planes to land in
max(a[that plane], previous landing time + L). This is a Greedy Algorithm.
A window length L that is too long/short will overshoot/undershoot b[last plane], so we
have to decrease/increase L. We can binary search the answer L Divide & Conquer. As we
only want the answer rounded to nearest integer, stopping binary search when error  1e-3 is
enough. For more details, please study our AC source code shown on the next page.

/* World Final 2009, A - A Careful Approach, LA 4445 (Accepted) */

#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace std;
int i, n, caseNo = 1, order[8];
double a[8], b[8], timeGap, maxTimeGap; // timeGap is the variable L mentioned in text

double greedyLanding() { // with certain landing order, and certain timeGap,

// try landing those planes and see what is the gap to b[order[n - 1]]
double lastLanding = a[order[0]]; // greedy, first aircraft lands immediately
for (i = 1; i < n; i++) { // for the other aircrafts
double targetLandingTime = lastLanding + timeGap;
if (targetLandingTime <= b[order[i]])
// this aircraft can land, greedily choose max of a[order[i]] or targetLandingTime
lastLanding = max(a[order[i]], targetLandingTime);
return 1; // returning positive value will force binary search to reduce timeGap
// returning negative value will force binary search to increase timeGap
return lastLanding - b[order[n - 1]];

int main() {
while (scanf("%d", &n), n) { // 2 <= n <= 8
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
scanf("%lf %lf", &a[i], &b[i]); // [ai, bi] is the interval where plane i can land safely
a[i] *= 60; b[i] *= 60; // originally in minutes, convert to seconds
order[i] = i;

maxTimeGap = -1; // variable to be searched for

do { // permute plane landing order, 8!
double lowVal = 0, highVal = 86400; // min 0s, max 1 day = 86400s
timeGap = -1; // start with infeasible solution
// This example code uses double data type. This is actually not a good practice
// Some other programmers avoid the test below and simply use loop 100 times (precise enough)
while (fabs(lowVal - highVal) >= 1e-3) { // binary search timeGap, ERROR = 1e-3 is OK here
timeGap = (lowVal + highVal) / 2.0;
// we just want the answer to be rounded to nearest int
double retVal = greedyLanding(); // round down first
if (retVal <= 1e-2) // must increase timeGap
lowVal = timeGap;
else // if (retVal > 0) // infeasible, must decrease timeGap
highVal = timeGap;
maxTimeGap = max(maxTimeGap, timeGap); // get the max over all permutations
while (next_permutation(order, order + n)); // keep trying all permutations
// another way for rounding is to use printf format string: %.0lf:%0.2lf
maxTimeGap = (int)(maxTimeGap + 0.5); // round to nearest second
printf("Case %d: %d:%0.2d\n", caseNo++, (int)(maxTimeGap / 60), (int)maxTimeGap % 60);
} } // return 0;
// Challenge: rewrite this code to avoid double!


Dynamic Programming

Dynamic Programming (from now on abbreviated as DP) is perhaps the most challenging problem

solving paradigm among the four paradigms discussed in this chapter. Therefore, make sure that

you have mastered the material mentioned in the previous chapters before continuing. Plus, get

yourself ready to see lots of recursions and recurrence relations!


DP Illustration Using UVa 11450 - Wedding Shopping

Abridged problem statement: Given dierent models for each garment (e.g. 3 shirts, 2 belts, 4

shoes, ...), buy one model of each garment. As the budget is limited, we cannot spend more money

than the budget, but we want to spend the maximum possible. But it is also possible that we

cannot buy one model of each garment due to that small amount of budget.
The input consist of two integers 1 M 200 and 1 C 20, where M is the budget and C is

the number of garments that you have to buy. Then, there are information of the C garments. For

a garment id [0 . . . C-1], we know an integer 1 K 20 which indicates the number of dierent

models for that garment id, followed by K integers indicating the price of each model [1 . . . K]

of that garment id.

The output should consist of one integer that indicates the maximum amount of money necessary

to buy one element of each garment without exceeding the initial amount of money. If there is no

solution, print no solution.

For example, if the input is like this (test case A):

M = 20, C = 3

3 models of garment id 0 6 4 8 // see that the prices are not sorted in input

2 models of garment id 1 5 10
4 models of garment id 2 1 5 3 5

Then the answer is 19, which may come from buying the underlined items (8+10+1).

Note that this solution is not unique, as we also have (6+10+3) and (4+10+5).

However, if the input is like this (test case B):

M = 9 (very limited budget), C = 3

3 models of garment id 0 6 4 8

2 models of garment id 1 5 10

4 models of garment id 2 1 5 3 5

Then the answer is no solution as buying all the cheapest models (4+5+1) = 10 is still > M .

Approach 1: Complete Search (Time Limit Exceeded)

First, lets see if Complete Search (backtracking) can solve this problem: Start with money_left = M

and garment_id = 0. Try all possible models in that garment_id = 0 (max 20 models). If model

i is chosen, then subtract money_left with model is price, and then recursively do the same

process to garment_id = 1 (also can go up to 20 models), etc. Stop if the model for the last

garment_id = C - 1 has been chosen. If money_left < 0 before we reach the last garment_id,

prune this partial solution. Among all valid combinations, pick one that makes money_left as

close to 0 as possible yet still 0. This maximizes the money spent, which is (M - money_left).

We can formally dene these Complete Search recurrences:

1. if money_left < 0 (i.e. money goes negative),

shop(money_left, garment_id) = INVALID (in practice, we can return a large negative value)

2. if a model from the last garment_id has been bought (i.e. a candidate solution),

shop(money_left, garment_id) = M - money_left (this is the actual money spent)

3. in general case, for all model in [1 . . . K] of current garment_id

shop(money_left, garment_id) =
max(shop(money_left - price[garment_id][model], garment_id + 1))

We want to maximize this value (Recall that invalid ones have large negative value)

This solution works correctly, but very slow! Lets analyze its worst case time complexity. In the

largest test case, garment id 0 have up to 20 choices; garment id 1 also have up to 20 choices; ...;

and the last garment id 19 also have up to 20 choices. Therefore, Complete Search like this runs

in 20 20 ... 20 of total 20 times in the worst case, i.e. 2020 = a very very large number. If

we only know Complete Search, there is no way we can solve this problem.

Approach 2: Greedy (Wrong Answer)

Since we want to maximize the budget spent, why dont we take the most expensive model in each

garment_id which still ts our budget? For example in test case A above, we choose the most

expensive model 3 of garment_id = 0 with cost 8 (money_left = 20-8 = 12), then choose the

most expensive model 2 of garment_id = 1 with cost 10 (money_left = 12-10 = 2), and then for

garment_id = 2, we can only choose model 1 with cost 1 as money_left does not allow us to buy

other models with cost 3 or 5. This greedy strategy works for test cases A+B above and produce

the same optimal solution (8+10+1) = 19 and no solution, respectively. It also runs very fast,

which is 20 + 20 + ... + 20 of total 20 times = 400 operations in the worst case.

But greedy does not work for many other cases. This test case below is a counter-example:

M = 12, C = 3

3 models of garment id 0 6 4 8

2 models of garment id 1 5 10

4 models of garment id 2 1 5 3 5

Greedy strategy selects model 3 of garment_id = 0 with cost 8 (money_left = 12-8 = 4), thus

we do not have enough money to buy any model in garment_id = 1 and wrongly reports no

solution. The optimal solution is actually (4+5+3 = 12), which use all our budget.

Approach 3: Top-Down DP (Accepted)

To solve this problem, we have to use DP. Lets see the key ingredients to make DP works:
1. This problem has optimal sub-structures.
This is shown in Complete Search recurrence 3 above: solution for the sub-problem is part of
the solution of the original problem. Although optimal sub-structure are the same ingredient
to make a Greedy Algorithm work, this problem lacks the greedy property ingredient.
2. This problem has overlapping sub-problems.
This is the key point of DP! The search space is actually not as big as 2020 analyzed in
Complete Search discussion above as many sub-problems are actually overlapping!

Lets verify if this problem has overlapping sub-problems. Suppose that there are 2 models in certain
garment_id with the same price p. Then, Complete Search will move to the same sub-problem
shop(money_left - p, garment_id + 1) after picking either model! Similarly, this situation
also occur if some combination of money_left and chosen models price causes money_left1 - p1
= money_left2 - p2 . This same sub-problem will be computed more than once! Inecient!
So, how many distinct sub-problems (a.k.a. states) are there in this problem? The answer
is, only 201 20 = 4,020. As there only there are only 201 possible money_left (from 0 to 200,
inclusive) and 20 possible garment_id (from 0 to 19, inclusive). Each of the sub-problem just need
to be computed only once. If we can ensure this, we can solve this problem much faster.
Implementation of this DP solution is surprisingly simple. If we already have the recursive
backtracking (the recurrence relation shown previously), we can implement top-down DP by

doing these few additional steps:

1. Initialize a DP memo table with dummy values, e.g. -1.
The dimension of the DP table must be the size of distinct sub-problems.
2. At the start of recursive function, simply check if this current state has been computed before.
(a) If it is, simply return the value from the DP memo table, O(1).
(b) If it is not, compute as per normal (just once) and then store the computed value in the
DP memo table so that further calls to this sub-problem is fast.

Analyzing DP solution is easy. If it has M states, then it requires at least O(M ) memory space. If

lling a cell in this state requires O(k) steps, then the overall time complexity is O(kM ). UVa 11450
- Wedding Shopping problem above has M = 201 20 = 4020 and k = 20 (as we have to iterate
through at most 20 models for each garment_id). Thus the time complexity is 4020 20 = 80400,

which is very manageable. We show our code below as an illustration, especially for those who

have never coded a top-down DP algorithm before.

/* UVa 11450 - Wedding Shopping */
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
int M, C, K, price[25][25]; // price[garment_id (<= 20)][model (<= 20)]
int memo[210][25]; // dp table memo[money_left (<= 200)][garment_id (<= 20)]
int shop(int money_left, int garment_id) {
if (money_left < 0)
return -1000000000; // fail, return a large negative number (1B)
if (garment_id == C) // we have bought last garment
return M - money_left; // done, return this value
if (memo[money_left][garment_id] != -1) // if this state has been visited before
return memo[money_left][garment_id]; // simply return it
int max_value = -1000000000;
for (int model = 1; model <= price[garment_id][0]; model++) // try all possible models
max_value = max(max_value, shop(money_left - price[garment_id][model], garment_id + 1));
return memo[money_left][garment_id] = max_value; // assign max_value to dp table + return it!

int main() { // easy to code if you are already familiar with it

int i, j, TC, score;
scanf("%d", &TC);
while (TC--) {
scanf("%d %d", &M, &C);
for (i = 0; i < C; i++) {
scanf("%d", &K);
price[i][0] = K; // to simplify coding, we store K in price[i][0]
for (j = 1; j <= K; j++)
scanf("%d", &price[i][j]);
memset(memo, -1, sizeof memo); // initialize DP memo table
score = shop(M, 0); // start the top-down DP
if (score < 0)
printf("no solution\n");
printf("%d\n", score);

} // return 0;

Approach 4: Bottom-Up DP (Accepted)

There is another style of writing DP solutions, called the bottom-up DP. This is actually the true

form of DP a.k.a. the tabular method. The steps to build bottom-up DP are like this:
1. Identify the Complete Search recurrence as with top-down DP above.
2. Initialize some parts of the DP table with known initial values.
3. Determine how to ll the rest of the DP table based on the Complete Search recurrence,
usually involving one or more nested loops to do so.

For UVa 11450 above, we can write the bottom-up DP as follow. For clarity of this discussion,

please see Figure 3.8 which illustrates test case A above.

First, set up a boolean matrix can_reach[money_left][garment_id] of size 201 20. At

rst, only the cells reachable by buying any of the models of garment_id = 0 are true. See Figure

3.8, leftmost, where only rows 20-6 = 14, 20-4 = 16, and 20-8 = 12 in column 0, are true.
Then, we loop through from second garment until the last garment. We set can_reach[a][b]

to be true if it is possible to reach this state from any states in previous column, i.e. from state

can_reach[a + price of any model of previous garment_id][b - 1]. See Figure 3.8, middle,

where for example, can_reach[11][1] can be reached from can_reach[11 + 5][0] by buying a

model with cost 5 in garment_id = 1; can_reach[2][1] can be reached from can_reach[2 + 10][0]

by buying a model with cost 10 in garment_id = 1; etc.

Finally, the answer can be found in the last column. Find the cell in that column nearest to

index 0 that is set to be true. In Figure 3.8, rightmost, the cell can_reach[1][2] is the answer.

This means that we can somehow reach this state (money_left = 1) by buying combination of

various garment models. The nal answer is actually M - money_left, or in this case, 20-1 = 19.

The answer is no solution if there is no cell in the last column that is set to be true.

Figure 3.8: UVa 11450 - Bottom-Up DP Solution

We provide our code below for comparison with top-down version.

#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;

int main() {
int i, j, l, TC, M, C, K, price[25][25]; // price[garment_id (<= 20)][model (<= 20)]
bool can_reach[210][25]; // can_reach table[money_left (<= 200)][garment_id (<= 20)]
// question: is 2nd dimension (model) needed? M = (201*20) -> (201) only?
scanf("%d", &TC);
// can we compute the solution by just maintaining 2 most recent columns?
while (TC--) {
// hint: DP-on-the-fly (a.k.a space saving trick)
scanf("%d %d", &M, &C);
for (i = 0; i < C; i++) {
scanf("%d", &K);
price[i][0] = K; // to simplify coding, we store K in price[i][0]
for (j = 1; j <= K; j++)
scanf("%d", &price[i][j]);
memset(can_reach, false, sizeof can_reach); // clear everything
for (i = 1; i <= price[0][0]; i++) // initial values
can_reach[M - price[0][i]][0] = true; // if only using first garment_id
// Challenge: this loop is written in column major, rewrite it in row major!
// See Tips 6.3 in Section 3.1.2
for (j = 1; j < C; j++) // for each remaining garment
for (i = 0; i < M; i++) if (can_reach[i][j - 1]) // if can reach this state
for (l = 1; l <= price[j][0]; l++) if (i - price[j][l] >= 0) // flag the rest
can_reach[i - price[j][l]][j] = true; // as long as it is feasible
for (i = 0; i <= M && !can_reach[i][C - 1]; i++); // the answer is in the last column

if (i == M + 1) // nothing in this last column has its bit turned on

printf("no solution\n");
printf("%d\n", M - i);
} } // return 0;

Top-Down versus Bottom-Up DP

As you can see, the way the bottom-up DP table is lled is not as intuitive as the top-down DP as
it requires some reversals of the signs in Complete Search recurrence that we have developed in
previous sections. However, we are aware that some programmers actually feel that the bottom-up
version is more intuitive. The decision on using which DP style is in your hand. To help you decide
which style that you should take when presented with a DP solution, we present the trade-o
comparison between top-down and bottom-up DP in Table 3.1.
1. It is a natural transformation from normal
Complete Search recursion
2. Compute sub-problems only when necessary (sometimes this is faster)
1. Slower if many sub-problems are revisited
due to recursive calls overhead (usually this
is not penalized in programming contests)
2. If there are M states, it can use up to
O(M ) table size which can lead to Memory
Limit Exceeded (MLE) for some hard problems

1. Faster if many sub-problems are revisited
as there is no overhead from recursive calls
2. Can save memory space with DP on-they technique (see comment in code above)
1. For some programmers who are inclined
with recursion, this may be not intuitive
2. If there are M states, bottom-up DP visits
and lls the value of all these M states

Table 3.1: DP Decision Table


Several Classical DP Examples

There are many other well-known problems with ecient DP solutions. We consider these problems
as classic and therefore must be known by everyone who wish to do well in ICPC or IOI!
Longest Increasing Subsequence (LIS)
Problem: Given a sequence {X[0], X[1], . . . , X[N-1]}, determine its Longest Increasing Subsequence
(LIS)5 as the name implies. Take note that subsequence is not necessarily contiguous.
N = 8, sequence = {-7, 10, 9, 2, 3, 8, 8, 1}
The LIS is {-7, 2, 3, 8} of length 4.
Solution: Let LIS(i) be the LIS ending in index i, then we have these recurrences:
1. LIS(0) = 1 // base case
2. LIS(i) = ans, computed with a loop below:
int ans = 1;
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) // O(n)
if (X[i] > X[j]) // if we can extend LIS(j) with i
ans = max(ans, 1 + LIS(j))

There are other variants of this problem: Longest Decreasing Subsequence, Longest Non Increasing/Decreasing
Subsequence, and the O(n log k) solution by utilizing the fact that the LIS is sorted and binary-searchable. See
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longest increasing subsequence for more details. Note that increasing subsequences can be modeled as a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG). Thus nding LIS is equivalent to nding longest path
in DAG.

The answer is the highest value of LIS(k) for all k in range [0 . . . N-1].

Figure 3.9: Longest Increasing Subsequence

In Figure 3.9, we see that:
LIS(0) is 1, the number -7 itself.
LIS(1) is now 2, as we can form {-7, 10} of length 2.
LIS(2) is also 2, as we can form {-7, 9}, but not {-7, 10} + {9} as it is non increasing.

LIS(3) is also 2, we can only form {-7, 2}. {-7, 10} + {2} or {-7, 9} + {2} are both non increasing.
LIS(4) is now 3, as we can extend {-7, 2} + {3} and this is the longest among other forms.
And so on until LIS(7). The answers are in LIS(5) or LIS(6), both with length 4.
There are clearly many overlapping sub-problems in LIS problem, but there are only N states, i.e.

the LIS ending at index i, for all i [0 . . . N-1]. As we need to compute each state with an O(n)

loop, then this DP algorithm runs in O(n2 ). The LIS solution(s) can be reconstructed by following
the arrows via some backtracking routine (scrutinize the arrows in Figure 3.9 for LIS(5) or LIS(6)).
Coin Change (CC) - The General Version

Problem6 : Given a target amount V cents and a list of denominations of N coins, i.e. We have

coinValue[i] (in cents) for coin type i [0 . . . N-1], what is the minimum number of coins that we
must use to obtain amount V ? Assume that we have unlimited supply of coins of any type.
Example 1:
V = 10, N = 2, coinValue = {1, 5}
We can use:
A. Ten 1 cent coins = 10 1 = 10; Total coins used = 10
B. One 5 cents coin + Five 1 cent coins = 1 5 + 5 1 = 10; Total coins used = 6
C. Two 5 cents coins = 2 5 = 10; Total coins used = 2 Optimal

Recall that we can use greedy solution if the coin denominations are suitable as in Example 1
above (See Section 3.3). But for general cases, we have to use DP as in Example 2 below:
Example 2:
V = 7, N = 4, coinValue = {1, 3, 4, 5}
Greedy solution will answer 3, using 5+1+1 = 7, but optimal solution is 2, using 4+3 only!
Solution: Use these Complete Search recurrences:
1. coin(0) = 0 // 0 coin to produce 0 cent
2. coin(< 0) = INVALID (in practice, we just return a large positive value)
3. coin(value) = 1 + min(coin(value - coinValue[i])) i [0..N-1]
The answer is in coin(V).

There are other variants of this problem, e.g. counting how many ways to do coin change and a variant where
supply of coins are limited.

Figure 3.10: Coin Change

In Figure 3.10, we see that:

coin(0) = 0, base case one.

coin(< 0) = , base case two.

coin(1) = 1, from 1 + coin(1-1), as 1 + coin(1-5) is infeasible.
coin(2) = 2, from 1 + coin(2-1), as 1 + coin(2-5) is also infeasible.
... same thing for coin(3) and coin(4).
coin(5) = 1, from 1 + coin(5-5) = 1 coin, smaller than 1 + coin(5-1) = 5 coins.
And so on until coin(10). The answer is in coin(10), which is 2.

We can see that there are a lot of overlapping sub-problems in this Coin Change problem, but there
are only O(V ) possible states! As we need to try O(N ) coins per state, the overall time complexity
of this DP solution is O(V N ).
Maximum Sum
Abridged problem statement: Given n x n (1 n 100) array of integers, each ranging from [-127,
127], nd a minimum sub-rectangle that have the maximum value.
Example: The 4 x 4 array (n = 4) below has 15 as the maximum sub-rectangle value.



3 x 2 from lower left sub-rectangle






| -4

1 |




| -1

8 |

2 | = 9 + 2 - 4 + 1 - 1 + 8 = 15

Navely attacking this problem as shown below does not work as it is an 1006 algorithm.
maxSubRect = -127*100*100; // lowest possible value for this problem
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) // start coord
for (int k = i; k < n; k++) for (int l = j; l < n; l++) { // end coord
subRect = 0; // sum items in this sub-rectangle
for (int a = i; a <= k; a++) for (int b = j; b <= l; b++)
subRect += arr[a][b];
maxSubRect = max(maxSubRect, subRect); // keep largest so far

Solution: There are several (well-known) DP solutions for static range problem. DP can work in

this problem as computing a large sub-rectangle will denitely involves computing smaller sub-

rectangles in it and such computation involves overlapping sub-rectangles!

One possible DP solution is to turn this n x n array into an n x n sum array where arr[i][j]

no longer contains its own value, but the sum of all items within sub-rectangle (0, 0) to (i, j). This
can easily be done on-the-y when reading the input and still O(n2 ).

scanf("%d", &n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) for (int j =
scanf("%d", &arr[i][j]);
if (i > 0) arr[i][j] += arr[i - 1][j];
if (j > 0) arr[i][j] += arr[i][j - 1];
if (i > 0 && j > 0) arr[i][j] -= arr[i
} // inclusion-exclusion principle

0; j < n; j++) {
// if possible, add values from top
// if possible, add values from left
- 1][j - 1]; // to avoid double count

This code turns input array (shown in the left) into sum array (shown in the right):













6 -11








Now, with this sum array, we can answer the sum of any sub-rectangle (i, j) to (k, l) in O(1)! Suppose
we want to know the sum of (1, 2) to (3, 3). We can split the sum array into 4 sections and compute
arr[3][3] - arr[0][3] - arr[3][1] + arr[0][1] = -3 - 13 - (-9) + (-2) = -9.
0 [-2]| -9 [-9]

9 | -4

6 |-11


4 [13]| -4 [-3]
With this O(1) DP formulation, this problem can now be solved in 1004 .
maxSubRect = -127*100*100; // lowest possible value for this problem
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) // start coord
for (int k = i; k < n; k++) for (int l = j; l < n; l++) { // end coord
subRect = arr[k][l]; // this is sum of all items from (0, 0) to (k, l): O(1)
if (i > 0) subRect -= arr[i - 1][l]; // O(1)
if (j > 0) subRect -= arr[k][j - 1]; // O(1)
if (i > 0 && j > 0) subRect += arr[i - 1][j - 1]; // inclusion-exclusion: O(1)
maxSubRect = max(maxSubRect, subRect);

Lesson: Not every range problems require Segment Tree as in Section 2.3.3! Problems where the
input data is static like this usually is solvable with DP technique.
Exercise 1: The solution above runs in 1004 . There exist 1003 solution. Can you gure out how to

formulate this solution?

Exercise 2: What if the given static array is 1-D? Can you form a similar O(1) DP solution to

answer range sum query(i, j), i.e. arr[i] + arr[i+1] + ...

+ arr[j]?

Exercise 3: Use the solution from Exercise 2 to nd maximum sum in 1-D array in O(n2 ). Can

you further improve the solution to O(n)?

Exercise 4: Now, what if the query is range minimum query(i, j) on 1-D static array. The solution

in Section 2.3.3 uses Segment Tree. Can you just utilize DP to solve the same problem assuming

that this time there is no update operation?


There are other classical DP problems that we choose not to cover in this book such as Matrix

Chain Multiplication [4], Optimal Binary Search Tree [14], 0-1 Knapsack [5, 14]. However, Floyd

Warshalls will be discussed in Section 4.7; String Edit Distance, Longest Common Subsequence

(LCS), plus other DP on Strings in Section 6.3.


Non Classical Examples

Although DP is one problem type that is most frequently appears in recent programming contests,

the classical DP problems on their pure forms above usually never appear again in recent ICPCs or

IOIs. We have to study them to understand more about DP. But once we do, we have to move on

to solve many other non classical DP problems and build up our DP technique skills. As you can

see below, there are many interesting DP techniques from simple to intermediate. Try solving these

problems at the corresponding online judges to further improve your DP skills. We have grouped

and ordered the following DP problems from our perceived level of diculty (easier to harder).
There are DP trick lessons in each example. Enjoy :).

1. Cutting Sticks (UVa 10003)

Abridged problem statement: Given a stick of length 1 l 1000, make 1 n 50 cuts to that

sticks (coordinates within range (0 . . . l) are given). The cost of cut is determined by the length of

the stick to be cut. Find a cutting sequence so that the overall cost is minimized!

Example: l = 100, n = 3, and cut coordinates: coord = {25, 50, 75} (already sorted)

If we cut from left to right, then we will incur cost = 225

1. Cut at coordinate 25, total cost = 100;

2. Cut at coordinate 50, total cost = 100 + 75 = 175;

3. Cut at coordinate 75, total cost = 175 + 50 = 225;

However, the optimal answer is: 200

1. Cut at coordinate 50, total cost = 100;

2. Cut at coordinate 25, total cost = 100 + 50 = 150;

3. Cut at coordinate 75, total cost = 150 + 50 = 200;

Solution: Use this Complete Search recurrences + top-down DP (memoization): cut(left, right)

1. If (left + 1 = right) where left and right are indices in array coord,

then cut(left, right) = 0 as we are left with 1 segment, there is no need to cut anymore.

2. Otherwise, try all possible cutting points and pick the minimum cost using code below:

// cost = initially infinity (a very large integer)

for (int i = left + 1; i < right; i++) // max 50 steps
cost = min(cost, cut(left, i) + cut(i, right) + (coord[right] - coord[left]));
// after the loop above is done, we know that cut(left, right) = cost

Lesson: The Complete Search recurrences above only has 50 50 possible left/right indices congu-

ration (states) and runs in just 50 50 50 = 125K operations! It is easy to convert this Complete

Search / recursive backtracking recurrence into a top-down DP a.k.a memoization technique!

2. Forming Quiz Teams (UVa 10911)

For the abridged problem statement and full solution code, refer to the very rst problem mentioned
in Chapter 1. The grandiose name of this problem is Minimum Weighted Perfect Matching on
Small General Graph. In general, this problem is hard and the solution is Edmonds Matching
algorithm (see [34]) which is not easy to code.
However, if the input size is small, up to M 20, then the following DP + bitmasks technique
can work. The idea is simple, as illustrated for M = 6: when nothing is matched yet, the state is
bit_mask=000000. If item 0 and item 2 are matched, we can turn on bit 0 and bit 2 via these simple
bit operations, i.e. bit_mask | (1 << 0) | (1 << 2), thus the state becomes bit_mask=000101.
Then, if from this state, item 1 and item 5 are matched, the state becomes bit_mask=010111. The
perfect matching is obtained when the state is all 1s, in this case: bit_mask=111111.
Although there are many ways to arrive at a certain state, there are only O(2M ) distinct states!

For each state, we record the minimum weight of previous matchings that must be done in order

to reach this state. As we want a perfect matching, then for a currently o bit i, we must nd
the best other o bit j from [i+1 . . . M -1] using one O(M ) loop. This check is again done using
bit operation, i.e. if (!(bit_mask & (1 << i))) and similarly for j. This algorithm runs in
O(M 2M ). In problem UVa 10911, M = 2N and 2 N 8, so this DP + bitmasks approach is
feasible. For more details, please study the code shown in Section 1.2.
Lesson: DP + bitmasks can solve small instances M 20 of matching on general graph.
Exercise: The code in Section 1.2 says that this break is necessary. do you understand why?,
with hint: it helps reducing time complexity from O((2N )2 22N ) to O((2N ) 22N ). Answer it!

3. Fishmonger (SPOJ 101)

Abridged problem statement: Given number of cities 3 n 50, available time 1 t 1000, and

two n n matrices (one gives a travel time and another gives tolls between two cities), choose a

route from the rst city 0 in such a way that one has to pay as little money for tolls as possible to

arrive at the last city n 1 within a certain time t. Output two information: the total tolls that

is actually used and the actual traveling time.

Notice that there are two potentially conicting requirements in this problem. Requirement

one is to minimize tolls along the route. Requirement two is to ensure that we arrive in last city
within allocated time, which may mean that we have to pay higher tolls in some part of the path.
Requirement two is a hard constraint. We must satisfy it, otherwise we do not have a solution.
It should be quite clear after trying several test cases that greedy Single-Source Shortest Paths
(SSSP) algorithm like Dijkstras (Section 4.5) on its pure form will not work as picking the
shortest travel time to ensure we use less than available time t may not lead to the smallest possible
tolls. On the other hand, picking the cheapest tolls along the route may not ensure that we arrive
within available time t. Both requirements cannot be made independent!
Solution: We can use the following Complete Search recurrences + top-down DP (memoization)
go(curCity, time left) that returns pairs of information (actual toll paid, actual time used):
1. go(any curCity, < 0) = make pair(INF, INF); // Cannot go further if we run out of time.

2. go(n 1, 0) = make pair(0, 0); // Arrive at last city, no need to pay/travel anymore.

3. In general case, go(curCity, time left) is best described using the C++ code below:

pair<int, int> go(int curCity, int time_left) { // top-down DP, returns a pair
if (time_left < 0) // invalid
return make_pair(INF, INF); // a trick: return large value so that this state is not chosen
if (curCity == n - 1) // at last city
return make_pair(0, 0); // no need to pay toll, and time needed is 0
if (memo[curCity][time_left].first != -1) // visited before
return memo[curCity][time_left]; // simply return the answer
pair<int, int> answer = make_pair(INF, INF);
for (int neighbor = 0; neighbor < n; neighbor++) // try to go to another city
if (curCity != neighbor) { // force us to always move
pair<int, int> nextCity = go(neighbor,
time_left - travelTime[curCity][neighbor]); // go to the other city
// among neighboring cities, pick the one that has minimum cost
if (nextCity.first + toll[curCity][neighbor] < answer.first) {
answer.first = nextCity.first + toll[curCity][neighbor];
answer.second = nextCity.second + travelTime[curCity][neighbor];
return memo[curCity][time_left] = answer;
} // store the answer to memo table as well as returning the answer to the caller

Lesson: Some graph shortest (longest) path problems look solvable with classical (usually greedy)
graph algorithms in Chapter 4, but in reality should be solved using DP techniques7 .
4. ACORN (ACM ICPC Singapore 2007 LA 4106)

Abridged problem statement: Given t oak trees, the height h of all trees, the height f that Jayjay

loses when it ies from one tree to another, 1 t, h 2000, 1 f 500, and the positions of acorns

on each of oak trees: acorn[tree][height], determine the maximum number of acorns that Jayjay

can collect in one single descent. Example: if t = 3, h = 10, f = 2 and acorn[tree][height] as

in Figure 3.11, the best descent path has a total of 8 acorns (dotted line).

Figure 3.11: ACM ICPC Singapore 2007 - Jayjay the Flying Squirrel Collecting Acorns

This problem can also be solved with a modied Dijkstras.

Nave DP Solution: Use a memo table total[tree][height] that stores the best possible acorns
collected when Jayjay is on a certain tree at certain height. Then Jayjay recursively tries to either
go down (-1) unit on the same oak tree or ies (-f ) unit(s) to t1 other oak trees from this position.
This approach requires up to 2000 2000 = 4M states and has time complexity 4M 2000 = 8B
operations. This approach is clearly TLE!
Better DP Solution: We can actually ignore the information: on which tree Jayjay is currently
at as just memoizing the best among them is sucient. Set a table: dp[height] that stores the
best possible acorns collected when Jayjay is at this height. The bottom-up DP code that requires
only 2000 = 2K states and time complexity of 2000 2000 = 4M is as follow:
for (int tree = 0; tree < t; tree++) // initialization
dp[h] = max(dp[h], acorn[tree][h]);
for (int height = h - 1; height >= 0; height--)
for (int tree = 0; tree < t; tree++) {
acorn[tree][height] +=
max(acorn[tree][height + 1], // from this tree, +1 above
((height + f <= h) ? dp[height + f] : 0)); // best from tree at height + f
dp[height] = max(dp[height], acorn[tree][height]); // update this too
printf("%d\n", dp[0]); // solution will be here

Lesson: When nave DP states are too large causing the overall DP time complexity not-doable,
think of dierent ways other than the obvious to represent the possible states. Remember that no
programming contest problem is unsolvable, the problem setter must have known a trick.
5. Free Parentheses (ACM ICPC Jakarta 2008 LA 4143)
Abridged problem statement: You are given a simple arithmetic expression which consists of only
addition and subtraction operators, i.e. 1 - 2 + 3 - 4 - 5. You are free to put any parentheses

to the expression anywhere and as many as you want as long as the expression is still valid. How

many dierent numbers can you make? The answer for simple expression above is 6:

1 - 2 + 3 - 4 - 5


1 - (2 + 3 - 4 - 5)

1 - (2 + 3) - 4 - 5

= -13

1 - 2 + 3 - (4 - 5)

1 - (2 + 3 - 4) - 5

1 - (2 + 3) - (4 - 5) =



The expression consists of only 2 N 30 non-negative numbers less than 100, separated by

addition or subtraction operators. There is no operator before the rst and after the last number.

To solve this problem, we need to make three observations:

1. We only need to put an open bracket after a - (negative) sign as it will reverse the meaning of

subsequent + and - operators;

2. You can only put X close brackets if you already use X open brackets we need to store this
information to process the subproblems correctly;
3. The max value is 100 + 100 + ... 100 (30 times) = 3000 and the min value is 100 - 100 - ... 100 (29 times) = -2800 this information needs to be stored, as we will see below.
The DP states that are easier to identify:
1. idx the current position being processed, we need to know where we are now.
2. open number of open brackets, we need this information in order to produce valid expression.

But these two states are not unique yet. For example, this partial expression: 1-1+1-1... has

state idx=3 (indices: 0,1,2,3 have been processed), open=0 (cannot put close bracket anymore),

which sums to 0. Then, 1-(1+1-1)... also has the same state idx=3, open=0 and sums to 0. But

1-(1+1)-1... has the same state idx=3, open=0, but sums to -2. This DP state is not yet unique.

So we need additional value to distinguish them, i.e. the value val, to make these states unique.
We can represent all possible states of this problem with bool state[idx][open][val], a

3-D array. As val ranges from -2800 to 3000 (5801 distinct values), the number of states is

30 30 5801 5M with only O(1) processing per state fast enough. The code is shown below:

void rec(int idx, int open, int val) {

if (memo[idx][open][val + 3500]) // this state has been reached before
return; // notice the + 3500 trick to convert negative indices to [0 .. 7000]
// negative indices are not friendly for accessing a static array!
memo[idx][open][val + 3500] = 1; // set this state to be reached
if (idx == N) { // last number, current value is one of the possible
used[val + 3500] = 1; // result of expression
int nval = val + num[idx] * sig[idx] * ((open % 2 == 0) ? 1 : -1);
if (sig[idx] == -1) // option 1: put open bracket only if sign is rec(idx+1, open+1, nval); // no effect if sign is +
if (open > 0) // option 2: put close bracket, can only do this if we
rec(idx+1, open-1, nval); // already have some open brackets
rec(idx+1, open, nval); // option 3: normal, do nothing

// Prepare a bool array used, initially set to all false,

then run this top-down DP.
// The solution is all the values in array used,
offset by -3500, that are flagged as true.

Lesson: DP formulation for this problem is not trivial. Try to nd a state representation that can

uniquely identify sub-problems. Make observations and consider attacking the problem from there.

6. Max Weighted Independent Set (on a Tree)

Figure 3.12: Max Weighted Independent Set (MWIS) on Tree

Abridged problem statement: Given a weighted graph G, nd Max Weighted Independent Set
(MWIS) on it. A subset of vertices of graph G is said to be Independent Set (IS)8 if there is no
edge in G between any two vertices in the IS. Our task is to select an IS with maximum weight of
G. If graph G is a tree, this problem has ecient DP solution (see Figure 3.12).

Figure 3.13: Root the Tree

Tip: For almost tree-related problems, we need to root the tree rst if it is not yet rooted. If the
tree does not have a vertex dedicated as root, pick an arbitrary vertex as the root. By doing this,
the subproblems w.r.t subtrees may appear, like in this MWIS problem on Tree (See Figure 3.13).
Once we have a rooted (sub)tree, we can formulate MWIS recurrences w.r.t their children. One
formulation is: C(v, selected) = max weight of subtree rooted at v if it is selected.
Base cases (the leaves):
A. If leaf v is not selected, MWIS rooted at v is 0.
C(v, false) = 0 for all leaves v
B. If leaf v is selected, MWIS rooted at v is the weight of v.
C(v, true) = w(v) for all leaves v
Recurrence relations (the internal nodes):
A. If root v is taken, add weight of v but all children of v cannot be taken.

ch children(v) C(ch, false) + w(v)

B. If root v is not taken, children of v may or may not be taken (pick the maximum one).
C(v, true) =

C(v, false) =


children(v) max(C(ch, false), C(ch, true))

Answer will be in the root: max(C(root, false), C(root, true)). DP solution can be implemented
either in a top-down or bottom-up fashion. As there are only 2 V states, the DP solution runs
in O(kV ) where k is the average number of children of a vertex in the tree!
Lesson: Optimization problems on tree may be solved with DP techniques. The solution usually
involves passing information to parent and getting information from the children of a rooted tree.


Remarks About Dynamic Programming in Programming Contests

In the past (1990s), if a contestant is good with DP, he can become a king of programming contests
as usually DP problems are the deciding problem. But now, mastering DP is a basic requirement!
You cannot do well in contests without this knowledge. However, we have to keep reminding the
readers of this book not to claim that they know DP by memorizing the solutions of classical
DP problems! Try to go to the basics of problem solving using DP: Determine states (the table)

FYI: The complement of Independent Set is Vertex Cover.

Figure 3.14: MWIS on Tree - The Solution

that can uniquely and eciently represent sub-problems and then how to ll that table, either via
top-down recursion or bottom-up loop.
We suggest that other than the examples shown in Section 3.4.3, contestants should learn
newer forms of DP problems that keep appearing in recent programming contests, especially tricks
on speeding up DP solution using quadrangle inequality, convex property, binary search, etc.
Programming Exercises for problems solvable using Dynamic Programming:
Longest Increasing Subsequence (LIS) Classical
1. UVa 103 - Stacking Boxes (Longest Path in DAG LIS)
2. UVa 111 - History Grading (straight-forward)
3. UVa 231 - Testing the Catcher (straight-forward)
4. UVa 481 - What Goes Up? (must use O(n log k) LIS)
5. UVa 497 - Strategic Defense Initiative (solution must be printed)
6. UVa 10051 - Tower of Cubes (can be modeled as LIS)
7. UVa 10534 - Wavio Sequence (must use O(n log k) LIS twice)
8. UVa 11790 - Murcias Skyline (combination of classical LIS+LDS, weighted)
9. UVa 11003 - Boxes
10. UVa 11456 - Trainsorting (get max(LIS(i) + LDS(i) - 1), i [0 . . . N -1])
11. LA 2815 - Tiling Up Blocks (Kaohsiung03)
Coin Change Classical
1. UVa 147 - Dollars (similar to UVa 357 and UVa 674)
2. UVa 166 - Making Change
3. UVa 357 - Let Me Count The Ways (a variant of the coin change problem)
4. UVa 674 - Coin Change

5. UVa 10306 - e-Coins

6. UVa 10313 - Pay the Price
7. UVa 11137 - Ingenuous Cubrency (use long long)
8. UVa 11517 - Exact Change

Maximum Sum
1. UVa 108 - Maximum Sum (maximum 2-D sum, elaborated in this section)
2. UVa 836 - Largest Submatrix (maximum 2-D sum)
3. UVa 10074 - Take the Land (maximum 2-D sum)
4. UVa 10667 - Largest Block (maximum 2-D sum)
5. UVa 10827 - Maximum Sum on a Torus (maximum 2-D sum)

6. UVa 507 - Jill Rides Again (maximum 1-D sum/maximum consecutive subsequence)
7. UVa 10684 - The Jackpot (maximum 1-D sum/maximum consecutive subsequence)

0-1 Knapsack Classical

1. UVa 562 - Dividing Coins
2. UVa 990 - Diving For Gold
3. UVa 10130 - SuperSale
4. LA 3619 - Sum of Dierent Primes (Yokohama06)

String Edit (Alignment) Distance Classical (see Section 6.3)

Longest Common Subsequence Classical (see Section 6.3)

Non Classical (medium diculty)

1. UVa 116 - Unidirectional TSP (similar to UVa 10337)
2. UVa 473 - Raucuous Rockers
3. UVa 607 - Scheduling Lectures
4. UVa 10003 - Cutting Sticks (discussed in this book)
5. UVa 10337 - Flight Planner (DP solvable with Dijkstra)
6. UVa 10891 - Game of Sum (2 dimensional states)
7. UVa 11450 - Wedding Shopping (discussed in this book)
8. LA 3404 - Atomic Car Race (Tokyo05)

DP + Bitmasks
1. UVa 10364 - Square (bitmask technique can be used)
2. UVa 10651 - Pebble Solitaire
3. UVa 10908 - Largest Square
4. UVa 10911 - Forming Quiz Teams (elaborated in this section)
5. LA 3136 - Fun Game (Beijing04)
6. PKU 2441 - Arrange the Bulls

DP on Graph Problem
1. UVa 590 - Always on the Run
2. UVa 910 - TV Game (straightforward)
3. UVa 10681 - Teobaldos Trip
4. UVa 10702 - Traveling Salesman
5. LA 4201 - Switch Bulbs (Dhaka08)
6. SPOJ 101 - Fishmonger

DP with non-trivial states

1. LA 4106 - ACORN (Singapore07) (DP with dimension reduction)
2. LA 4143 - Free Parentheses (Jakarta08) (Problem set by Felix Halim)
3. LA 4146 - ICPC Team Strategy (Jakarta08) (DP with 3 states)
4. LA 4336 - Palindromic paths (Amritapuri08)
5. LA 4337 - Pile it down (Amritapuri08)
6. LA 4525 - Clues (Hsinchu09)
7. LA 4526 - Inventory (Hsinchu09)
8. LA 4643 - Twenty Questions (Tokyo09)
DP on Tree
1. UVa 10243 - Fire! Fire!! Fire!!! (Min Vertex Cover Max Independent Set on Tree)
2. UVa 11307 - Alternative Arborescence (Min Chromatic Sum, 6 colors are sucient)
3. LA 3685 - Perfect Service (Kaohsiung06)
4. LA 3794 - Party at Hali-Bula (Tehran06)
5. LA 3797 - Bribing FIPA (Tehran06)
6. LA 3902 - Network (Seoul07)
7. LA 4141 - Disjoint Paths (Jakarta08)


Chapter Notes

The main source of the Complete Search material in this chapter is the USACO training gateway
We adopt the name Complete Search rather than Brute-Force as we believe that some Complete Search solution can be clever and fast enough, although it is complete, e.g. Branch &
Bound and A* Search (both are not discussed yet in this book). We believe the term clever
Brute-Force is a bit self-contradicting.
Divide and Conquer paradigm is usually used in form of its popular algorithms: binary search
(bisection method), merge/quick/heap sort, and data structures: binary search tree, heap, segment
tree, etc. We will see more Divide and Conquer later in Computational Geometry (Section 7.5).
Basic Greedy and Dynamic Programming (DP) techniques techniques are always included in
popular algorithm textbooks, e.g. Introduction to Algorithms [4], Algorithm Design [13], Algorithm
[5], Programming Challenges [23], The Art of Algorithms and Programming Contests [16], Art of
Programming Contest [1]. However, to keep pace with the growing diculties and creativity of
these techniques, especially the DP techniques, we include more references from Internet: TopCoder
algorithm tutorial [25] and recent programming contests, e.g. ACM ICPC Regional Kaohsiung 2006,
Singapore 2007, Jakarta 2008, Central European Olympiad in Informatics 2009, etc.
However, for some real-life problems, especially those that are classied as NP-Complete [4],
many of the approaches discussed so far will not work. For example, 0-1 Knapsack Problem which
has O(nW ) DP complexity is too slow if W is big. For this, people use heuristics or local search:
Beam Search, Tabu Search [10], Genetic Algorithm, Ants Colony Optimization, etc.

There are approximately 109 programming exercises discussed in this chapter.

Chapter 4

We Are All Connected
Heroes TV Series

Many real-life problems can be classied as graph problems. Some have ecient solutions. Some do not have
them yet. In this chapter, we learn various graph problems with known ecient solutions, ranging from basic
traversal, minimum spanning trees, shortest paths, and network ow algorithms.


Overview and Motivation

In this chapter, we discuss graph problems that are commonly appear in programming contests,
the algorithms to solve them, and the practical implementations of these algorithms. The issue on
how to store graph information has been discussed earlier in Section 2.3.1.
We assume that the readers are familiar with the following terminologies: Vertices/Nodes,

Edges, Un/Weighted, Un/Directed, In/Out Degree, Self-Loop/Multiple Edges (Multigraph) versus

Simple Graph, Sparse/Dense, Path, Cycle, Isolated versus Reachable Vertices, (Strongly) Connected Component, Sub-Graph, Tree/Forest, Complete Graph, Directed Acyclic Graph, Bipartite Graph, Euler/Hamiltonian Path/Cycle. If you encounter any unknown terms. Please go to
Wikipedia [46] and search for that particular term.
Table 4.1 summarizes our research so far on graph problems in recent ACM ICPC Asia regional
contests and its ICPC Live Archive [11] IDs. Although there are so many graph problems (many
are discussed in this chapter), they only appear either once or twice in a problem set. The question

is: Which ones that we have to learn? If you want to do well in contests, you have no choice but
to study all these materials.


Depth First Search

Basic Form and Application

Depth First Search - abbreviated as DFS - is a simple algorithm to traverse a graph. With
the help of a global array int dfs_num[V] which is initially set to unvisited (a constant value


Problem Name
The Suspects
Geodetic Set Problem
Finding Nemo
Color a Tree
Invite Your Friends
Ultimate Bamboo Eater
Bug Sensor Problem
Anti Brute Force Lock
Polynomial-time Red...
Gun Fight
Unlock the Lock
Interstar Transport
Repeated Substitution ...
Infected Land


Graph Problem (Algorithm)

Connected Component
APSP (Floyd Warshall)
SSSP (Dijkstra on Grid)
MST (Kruskal)
SSSP Un+Weighted (BFS + Dijkstra)
Longest Path in DAG (Toposort + DP + DS)
MST (Kruskal)
SSSP (Floyd Warshall, small graph)
Maximum Spanning Tree (Kruskal)
MST (Kruskal)
Flow on Graph
Bipartite Matching ( Max Flow)
SSSP on unweighted graph (BFS)
APSP (Floyd Warshall)

Table 4.1: Some Graph Problems in Recent ACM ICPC Asia Regional

DFS_WHITE = -1), DFS starts from a vertex u, mark u as visited (set dfs_num[u] to DFS_BLACK = 1),
and then for each unvisited neighbor v of u (i.e. edge u v exist in the graph), recursively visit
v. The snippet of DFS code is shown below:
typedef pair<int, int> ii; // we will frequently use these two data type shortcuts
typedef vector<ii> vii;
#define TRvii(c, it) \ // all sample codes involving TRvii use this macro
for (vii::iterator it = (c).begin(); it != (c).end(); it++)
void dfs(int u) { // DFS for normal usage
printf(" %d", u); dfs_num[u] = DFS_BLACK; // this vertex is visited, mark it
TRvii (AdjList[u], v) // try all neighbors v of vertex u
if (dfs_num[v->first] == DFS_WHITE) // avoid cycle
dfs(v->first); // v is a (neighbor, weight) pair

The time complexity of this DFS implementation depends on the graph data structure used. In
a graph with V vertices and E edges, dfs runs in O(V + E) and O(V 2 ) if the graph is stored as
Adjacency List and Adjacency Matrix, respectively.

Figure 4.1: Sample graph for the early part of this section
On sample graph in Figure 4.1, dfs(0) calling DFS from a start vertex u = 0 will trigger
this sequence of visitation: 0 1 2 3 4. This sequence is depth-rst, i.e. DFS goes to

the deepest possible vertex from the start vertex before attempting another branches. Note that

this sequence of visitation depends very much on the way we order neighbors of a vertex, i.e. the

sequence 0 1 3 2 (backtrack to 3) 4 is also a possible visitation sequence. Also notice

that one call of dfs(u) will only visit all vertices that are connected to vertex u. That is why
vertices 5, 6, and 7 in Figure 4.1 are currently unvisited by calling dfs(0).
The DFS code shown here is very similar to the recursive backtracking code shown earlier in
Section 3.1. If we compare the pseudocode of a typical backtracking code (replicated below) with
the DFS code shown above, we can see that the main dierence is just whether we ag visited
vertices. DFS does. Backtracking does not. By not revisiting vertices, DFS runs in O(V + E), but
the time complexity of backtracking goes up exponentially.

void backtracking(state) {
if (hit end state or invalid state) // invalid state includes states that cause cycling
return; // we need terminating/pruning condition
for each neighbor of this state // regardless it has been visited or not

Other Applications

DFS is not only useful for traversing a graph. It can be used to solve many other graph problems.

Finding Connected Components in Undirected Graph

The fact that one single call of dfs(u) will only visit vertices that are actually connected to u can
be utilized to nd (and to count) the connected components of an undirected graph (see further
below for a similar problem on directed graph). We can simply use the following code to restart
DFS from one of the remaining unvisited vertices to nd the next connected component (until all
are visited):

#define REP(i, a, b) \ // all sample codes involving REP use this macro
for (int i = int(a); i <= int(b); i++)

// inside int main()

numComponent = 0;
memset(dfs_num, DFS_WHITE, sizeof dfs_num);
REP (i, 0, V - 1)
if (dfs_num[i] == DFS_WHITE) {
printf("Component %d, visit:", ++numComponent);
printf("There are %d connected components\n", numComponent);


For the sample graph, the output is like this:

Component 1, visit: 0 1 2 3 4
Component 2, visit: 5
Component 3, visit: 6 7

Exercise: We can also use Union-Find Disjoint Sets to solve this graph problem. How?

Flood Fill - Labeling the Connected Components

DFS can be used for other purpose than just nding (and counting) the connected components.
Here, we show how a simple tweak of dfs(u) can be used to label the components. Typically, we
label (or color the component by using its component number. This variant is more famously
known as ood ll.
void floodfill(int u, int color) {
dfs_num[u] = color; // not just a generic DFS_BLACK
TRvii (AdjList[u], v) // try all neighbors v of vertex u, note that we use our TRvii macro again
if (dfs_num[v->first] == DFS_WHITE) // avoid cycle
floodfill(v->first, color); // v is an (neighbor, weight) pair
// inside int main()
numComponent = 0;
memset(dfs_num, DFS_WHITE, sizeof dfs_num);
REP (i, 0, V - 1) // for each vertex u in [0..V-1], note that we use our REP macro again
if (dfs_num[i] == DFS_WHITE) // if not visited
floodfill(i, ++numComponent);
REP (i, 0, V - 1)
printf("Vertex %d has color %d\n", i, dfs_num[i]);

For the sample graph, the output is like this:

Vertex 0-1-2-3-4 have color 1
Vertex 5 has color 2
Vertex 6-7 has color 3

Exercise: Flood Fill is more commonly performed on 2-D grid (implicit graph). Try to solve UVa
352, 469, 572, etc.
Graph Edges Property Check via DFS Spanning Tree
Running DFS on a connected component of a graph will form a DFS spanning tree (or spanning
forest if the graph has more than one component and DFS is run on each component). With one
more vertex state: DFS_GRAY = 2 (visited but not yet completed) on top of DFS_WHITE (unvisited)
and DFS_BLACK (visited and completed), we can use this DFS spanning tree (or forest) to classify
graph edges into four types:
1. Tree edges: those traversed by DFS, i.e. from vertex with DFS_GRAY to vertex with DFS_WHITE.
2. Back edges: part of cycle, i.e. from vertex with DFS_GRAY to vertex with DFS_GRAY too.
Note that usually we do not count bi-directional edges as having cycle
(We need to remember dfs_parent to distinguish this, see the code below).
3. Forward/Cross edges from vertex with DFS_GRAY to vertex with DFS_BLACK.
These two type of edges are not typically used in programming contest problem.
Figure 4.2 shows an animation (from top left to bottom right) of calling dfs(0), then dfs(5), and
nally dfs(6) on the sample graph in Figure 4.1. We can see that 1 2 3 1 is a (true) cycle
and we classify edge (3 1) as a back edge, whereas 0 1 0 is not a cycle but edge (1 0) is
just a bi-directional edge. The code for this DFS variant is shown below.

Figure 4.2: Animation of DFS

void graphCheck(int u) { // DFS for checking graph edge properties...

dfs_num[u] = DFS_GRAY; // color this as GRAY (temporary)
TRvii (AdjList[u], v) { // traverse this AdjList
if (dfs_num[v->first] == DFS_WHITE) { // GRAY to WHITE
// printf(" Tree Edge (%d, %d)\n", u, v->first);
dfs_parent[v->first] = u; // parent of this children is me
else if (dfs_num[v->first] == DFS_GRAY) { // GRAY to GRAY
if (v->first == dfs_parent[u])
printf(" Bidirectional (%d, %d) - (%d, %d)\n", u, v->first, v->first, u);
printf(" Back Edge (%d, %d) (Cycle)\n", u, v->first);
else if (dfs_num[v->first] == DFS_BLACK) // GRAY to BLACK
printf(" Forward/Cross Edge (%d, %d)\n", u, v->first);
dfs_num[u] = DFS_BLACK; // now color this as BLACK (DONE)

Finding Articulation Points and Bridges

Motivating problem: Given a road map (undirected graph) with cost associated to all intersections

(vertices) and roads (edges), sabotage either a single intersection or a single road that has minimum

cost such that the road network breaks down. This is a problem of nding the least cost Articulation

Point (intersection) or the least cost Bridge (road) in an undirected graph (road map).

An Articulation Point is dened as a vertex in a graph G whose removal disconnects G. A

graph without any articulation points is called Biconnected. Similarly, a Bridge is dened as

an edge in a graph G whose removal disconnects G. These two problems are usually dened for

undirected graphs, although they are still well dened for directed graphs.

A nave algorithm to nd articulation points (can be tweaked to nd bridges too):

1. Run O(V + E) DFS to count number of connected components of the original graph
2. For all vertex v V // O(V )
(a) Cut (remove) vertex v and its incident edges
(b) Run O(V + E) DFS to check if number of connected components increase
(c) If yes, v is an articulation point/cut vertex; Restore v and its incident edges
This nave algorithm calls DFS O(V ) times, thus it runs in O(V (V + E)) = O(V 2 + V E). But
this is not the best algorithm as we can actually just run the O(V + E) DFS once to identify all
the articulation points and bridges.
This DFS variant, due to John Hopcroft and Robert Endre Tarjan (see problem 22.2 in [4]), is
just another extension from the previous DFS code shown earlier.
This algorithm maintains two numbers: dfs_num(u) and dfs_low(u). Here, dfs_num(u) stores
the iteration counter when the vertex u is visited for the rst time and not just for distinguishing
DFS_WHITE versus DFS_GRAY/DFS_BLACK. The other number dfs_low(u) stores the lowest dfs_num
reachable from DFS spanning sub tree of u. Initially dfs_low(u) = dfs_num(u) when vertex u
is rst visited. Then, dfs_low(u) can only be made smaller if there is a cycle (some back edges
exist). Note that we do not update dfs_low(u) with back edge (u, v) if v is a direct parent of u.

See Figure 4.3 for clarity. In these two sample graphs, we run articulationPointAndBridge(0).
Suppose in the graph in Figure 4.3 left side, the sequence of visitation is 0 (at iteration 0) 1 (1)
2 (2) (backtrack to 1) 4 (3) 3 (4) (backtrack to 4) 5 (5). See that these iteration counters
are shown correctly in dfs_num. Since there is no back edge in this graph, all dfs_low = dfs_num.

Figure 4.3: Introducing two more DFS attributes: dfs number and dfs low
In the graph in Figure 4.3 right side, the sequence of visitation is 0 (at iteration 0) 1 (1) 2
(2) (backtrack to 1) 3 (3) (backtrack to 1) 4 (4) 5 (5). There is an important back edge
that forms a cycle, i.e. edge 5-1 that is part of cycle 1-4-5-1. This causes vertices 1, 4, and 5 to be
able to reach vertex 1 (with dfs_num 1). Thus dfs_low of {1, 4, 5} are all 1.
When we are in a vertex u, v is a neighbor of u, and dfs_low(v) dfs_num(u), then u is
an articulation vertex. This is because the fact that dfs_low(v) is not smaller than dfs_num(u)
implies that there is no back edge connected to vertex v that can reach vertex w with a lower
dfs_num(w) (which further implies that w is the parent of u in the DFS spanning tree). Thus, to
reach that parent of u from v, one must pass through vertex u. This implies that removing the
vertex u will disconnect the graph.
Special case: The root of the DFS spanning tree (the vertex chosen as the start of DFS call) is
an articulation point only if it has more than one children (a trivial case that is not detected by
this algorithm).

Figure 4.4: Finding articulation points with dfs num and dfs low

See Figure 4.4 for more details. On the graph in Figure 4.4 left side, vertices 1 and 4 are

articulation points, because for example in edge 1-2, we see that dfs_low(2) dfs_num(1) and

in edge 4-5, we also see that dfs_low(5) dfs_num(4). On the graph in Figure 4.4 right side,

vertex 1 is the articulation point, because for example in edge 1-5, dfs_low(5) dfs_num(1).
The process to nd bridges is similar. When dfs_low(v) > dfs_num(u), then edge u-v is a

bridge. In Figure 4.5, almost all edges are bridges for the left and right graph. Only edges 1-4, 4-5,

and 5-1 are not bridges on the right graph. This is because for example edge 4-5, dfs_low(5)

dfs_num(4), i.e. even if this edge 4-5 is removed, we know for sure that vertex 5 can still reach

vertex 1 via another path that bypass vertex 4 as dfs_low(5) = 1.

Figure 4.5: Finding bridges, also with dfs num and dfs low

The snippet of the code for this algorithm is as follow:

void articulationPointAndBridge(int u) {
dfs_low[u] = dfs_num[u] = dfsNumberCounter++; // dfs_low[u] <= dfs_num[u]
TRvii (AdjList[u], v)
if (dfs_num[v->first] == DFS_WHITE) { // a tree edge
dfs_parent[v->first] = u; // parent of this children is me
if (u == dfsRoot) // special case
rootChildren++; // count children of root
if (dfs_low[v->first] >= dfs_num[u]) // for articulation point
articulation_vertex[u] = true; // store this information first
if (dfs_low[v->first] > dfs_num[u]) // for bridge
printf(" Edge (%d, %d) is a bridge\n", u, v->first);
dfs_low[u] = min(dfs_low[u], dfs_low[v->first]); // update dfs_low[u]
else if (v->first != dfs_parent[u]) // a back edge and not direct cycle
dfs_low[u] = min(dfs_low[u], dfs_num[v->first]); // update dfs_low[u]

// inside int main()

dfsNumberCounter = 0;
memset(dfs_num, DFS_WHITE, sizeof dfs_num);
REP (i, 0, V - 1)
if (dfs_num[i] == DFS_WHITE) {
dfsRoot = i; rootChildren = 0;
articulation_vertex[dfsRoot] = (rootChildren > 1); // special case
printf("Articulation Points:\n");
REP (i, 0, V - 1)
if (articulation_vertex[i])
printf(" Vertex %d\n", i);

Finding Strongly Connected Components in Directed Graph

Yet another application of DFS is to nd strongly connected components in a directed graph. This
is a dierent problem to nding connected components of an undirected graph. In Figure 4.6,
we have a similar graph to the graph in Figure 4.1, but now the edges are directed. We can see
that although the graph in Figure 4.6 looks like connected into one component, it is actually
not strong. In directed graph, we are more interested with the notion of Strongly Connected
Component (SCC), i.e. if we pick any pair of vertices u and v in the SCC, we can nd a path from
u to v and vice versa. There are actually three SCCs in Figure 4.6, as highlighted: {0}, {1, 3, 2},
and {4, 5, 7, 6}.

Figure 4.6: An example of directed graph and its Strongly Connected Components (SCC)
There are at least two known algorithms to nd SCCs: Kosarajus explained in [4] and Tarjans
algorithm [45]. In this book, we adopt Tarjans version, as it extends naturally from our previous
discussion of nding Articulation Points and Bridges also due to Tarjan.
The basic idea of the algorithm is that SCCs form the subtrees of the DFS spanning tree
and the roots of the subtrees are also the roots of the SCCs. To determine whether a vertex u
is the root of an SCC, Tarjans SCC algorithm uses dfs_num and dfs_low, i.e. by checking if
dfs_low(u) = dfs_num(u). The visited vertices are pushed into a stack according to its dfs_num.
When DFS returns from a subtree, the vertices are popped from the stack. If the vertex is the root
of an SCC, then that vertex and all of the vertices popped before it forms that SCC. The code is
shown below:

stack<int> dfs_scc; // additional information for SCC

set<int> in_stack; // for dfs_low update check
void tarjanSCC(int u) {
dfs_low[u] = dfs_num[u] = dfsNumberCounter++; // dfs_low[u] <= dfs_num[u]
dfs_scc.push(u); in_stack.insert(u); // stores u based on order of visitation
TRvii (AdjList[u], v) {
if (dfs_num[v->first] == DFS_WHITE) // a tree edge
if (in_stack.find(v->first) != in_stack.end()) // condition for update
dfs_low[u] = min(dfs_low[u], dfs_low[v->first]); // update dfs_low[u]
if (dfs_low[u] == dfs_num[u]) { // if this is a root of SCC
printf("SCC: ");
while (!dfs_scc.empty() && dfs_scc.top() != u) {
printf("%d ", dfs_scc.top()); in_stack.erase(dfs_scc.top()); dfs_scc.pop();
printf("%d\n", dfs_scc.top()); in_stack.erase(dfs_scc.top()); dfs_scc.pop();
} }

Exercise: This implementation can be improved by about O(log V ) factor by using other data
structure other than set<int> in_stack. How?
Topological Sort (on a Directed Acyclic Graph)
Topological sort or topological ordering of a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) is a linear ordering of
the vertices in the DAG so that vertex u comes before vertex v if edge (u v) exists in the DAG.
Every DAG has one or more topological sorts. There are several ways to implement a Topological
Sort algorithm. The simplest is to slightly modify the simplest DFS implementation in this section.
void topoVisit(int u) {
dfs_num[u] = DFS_BLACK;
TRvii (AdjList[u], v)
if (dfs_num[v->first] == DFS_WHITE)
topologicalSort.push_back(u); // this is the only change
// inside int main()
topologicalSort.clear(); // this global vector stores topological sort in reverse order
memset(dfs_num, DFS_WHITE, sizeof dfs_num);
REP (i, 0, V - 1)
if (dfs_num[i] == DFS_WHITE)
reverse(topologicalSort.begin(), topologicalSort.end());
REP (i, 0, topologicalSort.size() - 1)
printf("%d\n", topologicalSort[i]);

In topoVisit(u), we append u to the list vertices explored only after visiting all subtrees below u.

As vector only support ecient insertion from back, we work around this issue by simply reversing

the print order in the output phase. This simple algorithm for nding (a valid) topological sort is

again due to Tarjan. It again runs in O(V + E) as with DFS.

Exercise: Do you understand why appending topologicalSort.push_back(u) in the standard

DFS code is enough to help us nd topological sort of a DAG? Explain in your own words!
Programming Exercises for Depth First Search (DFS):
Finding Connected Components / Flood Fill
1. UVa 260 - Il Gioco dellX
2. UVa 352 - Seasonal War (Flood Fill)
3. UVa 459 - Graph Connectivity (also solvable with Union-Find Disjoint Sets)
4. UVa 469 - Wetlands of Florida (Flood Fill)
5. UVa 572 - Oil Deposits (Flood Fill)
6. UVa 657 - The Die is Cast (Flood Fill)
7. UVa 782 - Countour Painting (Flood Fill)
8. UVa 784 - Maze Exploration (Flood Fill)
9. UVa 785 - Grid Colouring (Flood Fill)
10. UVa 852 - Deciding victory in Go (Flood Fill)
11. UVa 10336 - Rank the Languages (Flood Fill)
12. UVa 10926 - How Many Dependencies?
13. UVa 10946 - You want what lled? (Flood Fill)
14. UVa 11110 - Equidivisions (Flood Fill)
15. UVa 11518 - Dominos 2 (Flood Fill)
16. UVa 11749 - Poor Trade Advisor (also solvable with Union-Find Disjoint Sets)
Finding Articulation Points / Bridges
1. UVa 315 - Network (Articulation Points)
2. UVa 610 - Street Directions (Bridges)
3. UVa 796 - Critical Links (Bridges)
4. UVa 10199 - Tourist Guide (Articulation Points)
Finding Strongly Connected Components
1. UVa 10731 - Test
2. UVa 11504 - Dominos
3. UVa 11709 - Trust Groups
4. UVa 11770 - Lighting Away
Topological Sort (also see shortest/longest paths problems in DAG in Section 4.9.2)
1. UVa 124 - Following Orders
2. UVa 200 - Rare Order
3. UVa 872 - Ordering
4. UVa 10305 - Ordering Tasks


Breadth First Search

Basic Form and Application

Breadth First Search - abbreviated as BFS - is another form of graph traversal algorithm. BFS
starts with the insertion of initial source vertex s into a queue, then processes the queue as follows:

take out the front most vertex u from the queue and enqueue each unvisited neighbors of u. With

the help of the queue, BFS will visit vertex s and all vertices in the connected component that

contains s layer by layer. This is why the name is breadth-rst. BFS algorithm also runs in O(V +E)
on a graph represented using an Adjacency List.

Implementing BFS is easy if we utilize C++ STL libraries. We use queue to order the sequence

of visitation and map to record if a vertex has been visited or not which at the same time also

record the distance (layer number) of each vertex from source vertex. This feature is important as
it can be used to solve special case of Single-Source Shortest Paths problem (discussed below).
queue<int> q; map<int, int> dist;
q.push(s); dist[s] = 0; // start from source

while (!q.empty()) {
int u = q.front(); q.pop(); // queue: layer by layer!
printf("Visit %d, Layer %d\n", u, dist[u]);
TRvii (AdjList[u], v) // for each neighbours of u
if (!dist.count(v->first)) { // dist.find(v) != dist.end() also works
dist[v->first] = dist[u] + 1; // if v not visited before + reachable from u
q.push(v->first); // enqueue v for next steps

Exercise: This implementation uses map<STATE-TYPE, int> dist to store distance information.

This may be useful if STATE-TYPE is not integer, e.g. a pair<int, int> of (row, col) coordinate.

However, this trick adds a log V factor to the O(V + E) BFS complexity. Please, rewrite this

implementation to use vector<int> dist instead!

Figure 4.7: Animation of BFS (from UVa 336 [17])

If we run BFS from the vertex labeled with 35 (i.e. the source vertex s = 35) on the connected

undirected graph shown in Figure 4.7, we will visit the vertices in the following order:
Layer 0: >35< (source)
Layer 1: 15, 55, 40
Layer 2: 10, 20, 50, 60
Layer 3: >30<, 25, 47, 65
Layer 4: 45
// Three layers from 35 to 30 implies that the shortest path between them
// on this unweighted graph is 3 distance units.

Other Applications
Single-Source Shortest Paths (SSSP) on Unweighted Graph

The fact that BFS visits vertices of a graph layer by layer from a source vertex turns BFS as a good

solver for Single-Source Shortest Paths (SSSP) problem on unweighted graph. This is because in

unweighted graph, the distance between two neighboring vertices connected with an edge is simply
one unit. Thus the layer count of a vertex that we have seen previously is precisely the shortest
path length from the source to that vertex. For example in Figure 4.7, the shortest path from the
vertex labeled with 35 to the vertex labeled 30, is 3, as 30 is in the third layer in BFS sequence
of visitation. Reconstructing the shortest path: 35 15 10 30 is easy if we store the BFS
spanning tree, i.e. vertex 30 remembers 10 as its parent, vertex 10 remembers 15, vertex 15
remembers 35 (the source).
Which graph traversal algorithm to choose? Table 4.2 can be helpful.


O(V + E) DFS
Uses less memory
Cannot solve SSSP on unweighted graphs
Slightly easier to code

O(V + E) BFS
Can solve SSSP on unweighted graphs
Uses more memory
Slightly longer to code

Table 4.2: Graph Traversal Algorithm Decision Table

Programming Exercises for Breadth First Search (BFS):
Single-Source Shortest Paths on Unweighted Graph
1. UVa 336 - A Node Too Far
2. UVa 383 - Shipping Routes
3. UVa 417 - Word Index
4. UVa 429 - Word Transformation
5. UVa 439 - Knight Moves
6. UVa 532 - Dungeon Master (3-D BFS)
7. UVa 567 - Risk
8. UVa 627 - The Net (must print the path)
9. UVa 762 - We Ship Cheap
10. UVa 924 - Spreading the News
11. UVa 928 - Eternal Truths
12. UVa 10009 - All Roads Lead Where?
13. UVa 10044 - Erdos numbers (parsing part is troublesome)
14. UVa 10067 - Playing with Wheels (implicit graph in problem statement)
15. UVa 10102 - The Path in the Colored Field
16. UVa 10150 - Doublets (BFS state is string!)
17. UVa 10422 - Knights in FEN
18. UVa 10610 - Gopher and Hawks
19. UVa 10653 - Bombs! NO they are Mines!! (BFS implementation must be ecient)
20. UVa 10959 - The Party, Part I
21. UVa 11049 - Basic Wall Maze (some restricted moves + print path)
22. UVa 11352 - Crazy King
23. UVa 11513 - 9 Puzzle (BFS from goal state + ecient data structure)
24. UVa 11545 - Avoiding Jungle in the Dark
25. UVa 11730 - Number Transformation (need prime factoring, see Section 5.3.1)
26. UVa 11792 - Krochanska is Here! (be careful with the denition of important station)
27. LA 3290 - Invite Your Friends (plus Dijkstras)

28. LA 4408 - Unlock the Lock

29. LA 4637 - Repeated Substitution with Sed
30. LA 4645 - Infected Land
1. UVa 10004 - Bicoloring (Bipartite Graph check)
2. UVa 11080 - Place the Guards (Bipartite Graph check, some tricky cases)
3. UVa 11101 - Mall Mania (Multi-Sources BFS from mall1, get min at border of mall2)
4. UVa 11624 - Fire! (Multi-Sources BFS)



Basic Form and Application

Motivating problem: Given a connected, undirected, and weighted graph G (see the leftmost graph
in Figure 4.8), select a subset of edges E  G such that the graph G is (still) connected and the
total weight of the selected edges E  is minimal!
To satisfy connectivity criteria, edges in E  must form a tree that spans (covers) all V G
the spanning tree! There can be several valid spanning trees in G, i.e. see Figure 4.8, middle and
right sides. One of them is the required solution that satises the minimal weight criteria.
This problem is called the Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) problem and has many practical
applications, as we will see later in this section.

Figure 4.8: Example of a Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) Problem (from UVa 908 [17])
This MST problem can be solved with several well-known algorithms, i.e. Prims and Kruskals,
both are greedy algorithms and explained in [4, 21, 14, 23, 16, 1, 13, 5]. For programming contests,
we opt Kruskals as its implementation is very easy with help of 2 data structures.
Joseph Bernard Kruskal Jr.s algorithm rst sort E edges based on non decreasing weight in
O(E log E). This can be easily done using priority_queue (or alternatively, use vector & sort).
Then, it greedily tries to add O(E) edges with minimum costs to the solution as long as such
addition does not form a cycle. This cycle check can be done easily using Union-Find Disjoint Sets.
The code is short and in overall runs in O(E log E).
#typedef pair<int, int> ii; // we use ii as a shortcut of integer pair data type
priority_queue< pair<int, ii> > EdgeList; // sort by edge weight O(E log E)
// PQ default: sort descending. To sort ascending, we can use <(negative) weight(i, j), <i, j> >

// for each edge with (i, j, weight) format

EdgeList.push(make_pair(-weight, make_pair(i, j)));
// alternative implementation: use STL vector and algorithm:sort
mst_cost = 0; initSet(V); // all V are disjoint sets initially, see Section 2.3.2
while (!EdgeList.empty()) { // while there exist more edges, O(E)
pair<int, ii> front = EdgeList.top(); EdgeList.pop();
if (!isSameSet(front.second.first, front.second.second)) { // if no cycle
mst_cost += (-front.first); // add (negated) -weight of e to MST
unionSet(front.second.first, front.second.second); // link these two vertices
} }
// note that the number of disjoint sets must eventually be one!
// otherwise, no MST has been formed...

Figure 4.9: Kruskals Algorithm for MST Problem (from UVa 908 [17])
Exercise: The implementation shown here only stop when EdgeList is empty. For some cases, we
can stop Kruskals algorithm earlier. When and how to modify the code to handle this?
Figure 4.9 shows the execution of Kruskals algorithm on the graph shown in Figure 4.8, leftmost1 .

Other Applications
Variants of basic MST problems are interesting. In this section, we will explore some of them.
Maximum Spanning Tree

Figure 4.10: Maximum Spanning Tree Problem

This is a simple variant where we want the maximum, instead of the minimum ST. In Figure 4.10,

we see a comparison between MST and Maximum ST. Solution: sort edges in non increasing order.

Figure 4.11: Partial Minimum Spanning Tree Problem

Partial Minimum Spanning Tree
In this variant, we do not start with a clean slate. Some edges in the given graph are already xed
and must be taken as part of the Spanning Tree solution. We must continue building the MST
from there, thus the resulting Spanning Tree perhaps no longer minimum overall. Thats why we
put the term Minimum in quotes. In Figure 4.11, we see an example when one edge 1-2 is already
xed (left). The actual MST is 10+13+17 = 40 which omits the edge 1-2 (middle). However, the
solution for this problem must be (25)+10+13 = 48 which uses the edge 1-2 (right).
The solution for this variant is simple. After taking into account all the xed edges, we continue
running Kruskals algorithm on the remaining free edges.
Minimum Spanning Forest

Figure 4.12: Minimum Spanning Forest Problem

In this variant, we want the spanning criteria, i.e. all vertices must be covered by some edges, but
we can stop even though the spanning tree has not been formed as long as the spanning criteria
is satised! This can happen when we have a spanning forest. Usually, the desired number of
components is told beforehand in the problem description. In Figure 4.12, left, we observe that the
MST for this graph is 10+13+17 = 40. But if we want a spanning forest with 2 components, then
the solution is just 10+13 = 23 on Figure 4.12, right.
To get minimum spanning forest is simple. Run Kruskals algorithm as per normal, but as
soon as the number of connected component equals to the desired pre-determined number, we can
terminate the algorithm.
Second Best Spanning Tree
Sometimes, we are interested to have a backup plan. In the context of nding the MST, we may
want not just the MST, but also the second best spanning tree, in case the MST is not workable.
Figure 4.13 shows the MST (left) and the second best ST (right). We can see that the second best
ST is actually the MST with just two edges dierence, i.e. one edge is taken out from MST and
another chord2 edge is added to MST. In this example: the edge 4-5 is taken out and the edge 2-5
is added in.

Note that the solution for this problem is denitely a tree, i.e. no cycles in the solution!
A chord edge is dened as an edge in graph G that is not selected in the MST of G.

Figure 4.13: Second Best Spanning Tree (from UVa 10600 [17])
A simple solution is to rst sort the edges in O(E log E), then nd the MST using Kruskals in
O(E). Then, for each edge in the MST, make its weight to be INF (innite) to delete it in
practice, this is just a very big number. Then try to nd the second best ST in O(V E) as there are
E = V 1 edges in the MST that we have to try. Figure 4.14 shows this algorithm on the given
graph. Remember that both MST and second best ST are spanning tree, i.e. they are connected!
In overall, this algorithm runs in O(E log E + E + V E).

Figure 4.14: Finding the Second Best Spanning Tree from the MST

Programming Exercises for Kruskals algorithm:

Standard Application (for MST)
1. UVa 908 - Re-connecting Computer Sites (discussed in this section)
2. UVa 10034 - Freckles (straightforward MST problem)
3. UVa 10307 - Killing Aliens in Borg Maze (build SSSP graph with BFS, then MST)
4. UVa 11228 - Transportation System (split output for short versus long edges)
5. UVa 11631 - Dark Roads (weight of all edges in graph - weight of all edges in MST)
6. UVa 11710 - Expensive Subway (output Impossible if graph still unconnected)
7. UVa 11733 - Airports (maintain cost at every update)
8. UVa 11747 - Heavy Cycle Edges (sum the edge weights of the chords)
9. LA 4138 - Anti Brute Force Lock

1. UVa 10147 - Highways (Partial Minimum Spanning Tree)
2. UVa 10369 - Arctic Networks (Minimum Spanning Forest)
3. UVa 10397 - Connect the Campus (Partial Minimum Spanning Tree)
4. UVa 10600 - ACM Contest and Blackout (Second Best Spanning Tree)
5. UVa 10842 - Trac Flow (nd min weighted edge in Maximum Spanning Tree)
6. LA 3678 - The Bug Sensor Problem (Minimum Spanning Forest)
7. LA 4110 - RACING (Maximum Spanning Tree)
8. POJ 1679 - The Unique MST (Second Best Spanning Tree)



Motivating problem: Given a weighted graph G and a starting source vertex s, what are the shortest
paths from s to the other vertices of G?
This problem is called the Single-Source3 Shortest Paths (SSSP) problem on a weighted graph.
It is a classical problem in graph theory and ecient algorithms exist. If the graph is unweighted,
we can use the BFS algorithm as shown earlier in Section 4.3. For a general weighted graph, BFS
does not work correctly and we should use algorithms like the O((E +V ) log V ) Dijkstras algorithm
(discussed here) or the O(V E) Bellman Fords algorithm (discussed in Section 4.6).
Edsger Wybe Dijkstras algorithm is a greedy algorithm: Initially, set the distance to all vertices
to be INF (a large number) but set the dist[source] = 0 (base case). Then, repeat the following
process from the source vertex: From the current vertex u with the smallest dist[u], relax all
neighbors of u. relax(u, v) sets dist[v] = min(dist[v], dist[u] + weight(u, v)). Vertex
u is now done and will not be visited again. Then we greedily replace u with the unvisited vertex
x with currently smallest dist[x]. See proof of correctness of this greedy strategy in [4].

There can be many ways to implement this algorithm, especially in using the priority_queue.
The following code snippet may be one of the easiest implementation.
vector<int> dist(V, INF); dist[s] = 0; // INF = 2.10^9 not MAX_INT to avoid overflow
priority_queue<ii, vector<ii>, greater<ii> > pq; pq.push(ii(0, s)); // sort by distance
while (!pq.empty()) { // main loop
ii top = pq.top(); pq.pop(); // greedy: pick shortest unvisited vertex
int d = top.first, u = top.second;
if (d == dist[u]) // This check is important! We want to process vertex u only once but we can
// actually enqueue u several times in priority_queue... Fortunately, other occurrences of u
// in priority_queue will have greater distances and can be ignored (the overhead is small) :)
TRvii (AdjList[u], it) { // all outgoing edges from u
int v = it->first, weight_u_v = it->second;
if (dist[u] + weight_u_v < dist[v]) { // if can relax
dist[v] = dist[u] + weight_u_v; // relax
pq.push(ii(dist[v], v)); // enqueue this neighbor
} }
// regardless whether it is already in pq or not
This generic SSSP problem can also be used to solve: 1). Single-Pair Shortest Path problem where both source
+ destination vertices are given and 2). Single-Destination Shortest Paths problem where we can simply reverse the
role of source and destination vertices.

Figure 4.15: Dijkstra Animation on a Weighted Graph (from UVa 341 [17])

Figure 4.15 shows an example of running Dijkstras on a simple weighted graph |V | = 5 and |E| = 7:
1. At the beginning, only dist[source] = dist[2] = 0, pq is {(0,2)}.

2. From vertex 2, we relax vertices {1, 3, 5}. Now dist[1] = 2, dist[3] = 7, and dist[5] = 6.
Vertex 2 is done. The content of our priority_queue pq is {(2,1), (6,5), (7,3)}.
3. Among unprocessed vertices {1, 5, 3} in pq, vertex 1 has the least dist[1] = 2 and is in front

of pq. We dequeue (2,1) and relax all its neighbors: {3, 4} such that dist[3] = min(dist[3],
dist[1]+weight(1,3)) = min(7, 2+3) = 5 and dist[4] = 8. Vertex 1 is done. Now pq
contains {(5,3), (6,5), (7,3), (8,4)}. See that we have 2 vertex 3. But it does not matter, as
our Dijkstras implementation will only pick one with minimal distance later.
4. We dequeue (5,3) and try to do relax(3,4), but 5+5 = 10, whereas dist[4] = 8 (from
path 2-1-4). So dist[4] is unchanged. Vertex 3 is done and pq contains {(6,5), (7,3), (8,4)}.
5. We dequeue (6,5) and relax(5, 4), making dist[4] = 7 (the shorter path from 2 to 4 is
now 2-5-4 instead of 2-1-4). Vertex 5 is done and pq contains {(7,3), (7,4), (8,4)}.
6. Now, (7,3) can be ignored as we know that d > dist[3] (i.e. 7 > 5). Then (7,4) is processed


as before. And nally (8,4) is ignored again as d > dist[4] (i.e. 8 > 7). Dijkstras stops
here as the priority queue is empty.

Bellman Fords

If the input graph has negative edge weight, Dijkstra can fail. Figure 4.16 is a simple example where

Dijkstras fails. Dijkstras greedily sets dist[3] = 3 rst and uses that value to relax dist[4] =

dist[3]+weight(3,4) = 3+3 = 6, before setting dist[3] = dist[2]+weight(2,3) = 10+(-10)

= 0. The correct answer is dist[4] = dist[3]+weight(3,4) = 0+3 = 3.

To solve SSSP problem in the presence of negative edge weight, the more generic (but slower)
Bellman Fords algorithm must be used. This algorithm was invented by Richard Ernest Bellman
(the pioneer of DP techniques) and Lester Randolph Ford, Jr (the same person who invented Ford
Fulkersons method in Section 4.8). This algorithm is simple: Relax all E edges V 1 times!

Figure 4.16: Dijkstra fails on Graph with negative weight

This is based on the idea that dist[source] = 0 and if we relax an edge(source, u), then
dist[u] will have correct value. If we then relax an edge(u, v), then dist[v] will also have
correct value... If we have relaxed all E edges V 1 times, then the shortest path from the source
vertex to the furthest vertex from the source (path length: V -1 edges) should have been correctly
computed. The code is simple:
vector<int> dist(V, INF); dist[s] = 0; // INF = 2B not MAX_INT to avoid overflow
REP (i, 0, V - 1) // relax all E edges V-1 times, O(V)
REP (u, 0, V - 1) // these two loops = O(E)
TRvii (AdjList[u], v) // has edge and can be relaxed
dist[v->first] = min(dist[v->first], dist[u] + v->second);
REP (i, 0, V - 1)
printf("SSSP(%d, %d) = %d\n", s, i, dist[i]);

The complexity of Bellman Fords algorithm is O(V 3 ) if the graph is stored as Adjacency Matrix
or O(V E) if the graph is stored as Adjacency List. This is (much) slower compared to Dijkstras.
Thus, Bellman Fords is typically only used to solve SSSP problem when the input graph is not
too big and not guaranteed to have all non-negative edge weights!
Bellman Fords algorithm has one more interesting usage. After relaxing all E edges V -1 times,

the SSSP problem should have been solved, i.e. there is no way we can relax any more vertex. This
fact can be used to check the presence of negative cycle, although such a problem is ill-dened.

In Figure 4.17, left, we see a simple graph with negative cycle. After 1 pass, dist[1] = 973 and

dist[2] = 1015 (middle). After V 1 = 2 passes, dist[1] = 988 and dist[1] = 946 (right).

But since there is a negative cycle, we can still do this one more time, i.e. relaxing dist[1] =

946+15 = 961 < 988!

Figure 4.17: Bellman Fords can detect the presence of negative cycle (from UVa 558 [17])
bool negative_cycle_exist = false;
REP (u, 0, V - 1) // one more pass to check
TRvii (AdjList[u], v)
if (dist[v->first] > dist[u] + v->second) // should be false, but if possible
negative_cycle_exist = true;
// then negative cycle exists!
printf("Negative Cycle Exist? %s\n", negative_cycle_exist ? "Yes" : "No");

In Table 4.3, we present an SSSP algorithm decision table with programming contest in mind.
This is to help readers in deciding which algorithm to choose depending on various graph criteria.

Negative weight
Negative cycle

O(V + E)
Best: V, E 1M
WA except on Tree & DAG
Cannot detect

O((V + E) log V )
Ok: V, E 50K
Best: V, E 50K
Cannot detect

Bellman Fords
O(V E)
Bad: V E 1M
Ok: V E 1M
Best: V E 1M
Can detect

Table 4.3: SSSP Algorithm Decision Table

Programming Exercises for Dijkstras and Bellman Fords algorithms:
Dijkstras Standard Application (for weighted SSSP)
1. UVa 341 - Non-Stop Travel (actually solvable with Floyd Warshalls algorithm)
2. UVa 929 - Number Maze (on a 2-D maze graph)
3. UVa 10278 - Fire Station
4. UVa 10603 - Fill
5. UVa 10801 - Lift Hopping (model the graph carefully!)
6. UVa 10986 - Sending email (straightforward Dijkstras application)
7. UVa 11377 - Airport Setup (model the graph carefully!)
8. UVa 11492 - Babel (model the graph carefully!)
9. UVa 11635 - Hotel Booking (Dijkstras + BFS)
10. LA 3290 - Invite Your Friends (+ BFS)
Bellman Fords Standard Application (for weighted SSSP with negative cycle)
1. UVa 558 - Wormholes (checking the existence of negative cycle)
2. UVa 10557 - XYZZY
3. UVa 11280 - Flying to Fredericton (modied Bellman Fords)


Floyd Warshalls

Basic Form and Application

Motivating Problem: Given a connected, weighted graph G with V 100 and two vertices s1 and

s2, nd a vertex v in G that represents the best meeting point, i.e. dist[s1][v] + dist[s2][v]
is the minimum over all possible v. What is the best solution?
This problem requires the shortest path information from two sources s1 and s2 to all vertices in

G. This can be easily done with two calls of Dijkstras algorithm. One from s1 to produce shortest
distance array dist1 from s1, and one from s2 to produce dist2. Then iterates through all possible
vertices in graph to nd v such that dist1[v] + dist2[v] is minimized. Can we do better?
If the given graph is known to have V 100, then there is an even simpler algorithm in
terms of implementation to solve this problem as quickly as possible!

Load the small graph into an Adjacency Matrix and then run the following short code with
3 nested loops. When it terminates, AdjMatrix[i][j] will contain the shortest path distance
between two pair of vertices i and j in G. The original problem now become easy.
REP (k, 0, V - 1) // recall that #define REP(i, a, b) for (int i = int(a); i <= int(b); i++)
REP (i, 0, V - 1)
REP (j, 0, V - 1)
AdjMatrix[i][j] = min(AdjMatrix[i][j], AdjMatrix[i][k] + AdjMatrix[k][j]);

This algorithm is called Floyd Warshalls algorithm, invented by Robert W Floyd and Stephen
Warshall. Floyd Warshalls is a DP algorithm that clearly runs in O(V 3 ) due to its 3 nested

loops4 , but since |V | 100 for the given problem, this is do-able. In general, Floyd Warshalls
solves another classical graph problem: the All-Pairs Shortest Paths (APSP) problem. It is an
alternative algorithm (for small graphs) compared to calling SSSP algorithms multiple times:
1. V calls of O((V + E) logV ) Dijkstras = O(V 3 log V ) if E = O(V 2 ).
2. V calls of O(V E) Bellman Fords = O(V 4 ) if E = O(V 2 ).
In a programming contest setting, Floyd Warshalls main attractiveness is basically its implementation speed 4 short lines only. If the given graph is small, do not hesitate using this algorithm
even if you only need a solution for the SSSP problem.

Explanation of Floyd Warshalls DP Solution

We provide this section for the benet of readers who are interested to know why Floyd Warshalls
works. This section can be skipped if you just want to use this algorithm per se. However, examining
this section can further strengthen your DP skill. Note that there are graph problems that have
no classical algorithm and must be solved with DP techniques.
The basic idea behind Floyd Warshalls is to gradually allow the usage of intermediate vertices
to form the shortest paths. Let the vertices be labeled from 0 to V -1. We start with direct edges
only, i.e. shortest path of vertex i to vertex j, denoted as sp(i,j) = weight of edge (i,j). We
then nd shortest paths between any two vertices with help of restricted intermediate vertices from
vertex [0 ... k]. First, we only allow k = 0, then k = 1, ..., up to k = V -1.

Figure 4.18: Floyd Warshalls Explanation


Floyd Warshalls algorithm must use Adjacency Matrix so that the weight of edge(i, j) can be accessed in O(1).

In Figure 4.18, we want to nd sp(3,4). The shortest possible path is 3-0-2-4 with cost 3. But how

to reach this solution? We know that with direct edges only, sp(3,4) = 5, as in Figure 4.18.A.

The solution for sp(3,4) will eventually be reached from sp(3,2)+sp(2,4). But with only direct

edges, sp(3,2)+sp(2,4) = 3+1 is still > 3.

When we allow k = 0, i.e. vertex 0 can now be used as an intermediate vertex, then sp(3,4) is

reduced as sp(3,4) = sp(3,0)+sp(0,4) = 1+3 = 4, as in Figure 4.18.B. Note that with k = 0,

sp(3,2) which we will need later also drop from 3 to sp(3,0)+sp(0,2) = 1+1 = 2. Floyd

Warshalls will process sp(i,j) for all pairs considering only vertex 0 as the intermediate vertex.

When we allow k = 1, i.e. vertex 0 and 1 can now be used as the intermediate vertices, then it

happens that there is no change to sp(3,4), sp(3,2), nor to sp(2,4).

When we allow k = 2, i.e. vertices 0, 1, and 2 now can be used as the intermediate vertices, then

sp(3,4) is reduced again as sp(3,4) = sp(3,2)+sp(2,4) = 2+1 = 3. Floyd Warshalls repeats

this process for k = 3 and nally k = 4 but sp(3,4) remains at 3.

k to be the shortest distance from i to j with only [0..k] as intermediate vertices.

We dene Di,j

Then, Floyd Warshalls recurrence is as follows:

= weight(i, j). This is the base case when we do not use any intermediate vertices.

k = min(D k1 , D k1 + D k1 ) = min(not using vertex k, using k), for k 0, see Figure 4.19.

Figure 4.19: Using Intermediate Vertex to (Possibly) Shorten Path

This DP formulation requires us to ll the entries layer by layer. To ll out an entry in the table k,
2 , (row 3, column 4, in table
we make use of entries in the table k-1. For example, to calculate D3,4

1 or the sum of D 1 + D 1 . See Figure

k = 2, index start from 0), we look at the minimum of D3,4

4.20 for illustration.

Figure 4.20: Floyd Warshalls DP Table

The nave implementation is to use 3-dimensional matrix D[k][i][j] of size O(V 3 ). However,

we can utilize a space-saving trick by dropping dimension k and computing D[i][j] on-the-y.

Thus, the Floyd Warshalls algorithm just need O(V 2 ) space although it still runs in O(V 3 ).

Other Applications

The basic purpose of Floyd Warshalls algorithm is to solve the APSP problem. However, it can

also be applied to other graph problems.

Transitive Closure (Warshalls algorithm)

Stephen Warshall developed algorithm for nding solution for Transitive Closure problem: Given
a graph, determine if vertex i is connected to j. This variant uses logical bitwise operators which
is much faster than arithmetic operators. Initially, d[i][j] contains 1 (true) if vertex i is directly
connected to vertex j, 0 (false) otherwise. After running O(V 3 ) Warshalls algorithm below, we
can check if any two vertices i and j are directly or indirectly connected by checking d[i][j].
REP (k, 0, V - 1)
REP (i, 0, V - 1)
REP (j, 0, V - 1)
d[i][j] = d[i][j] | (d[i][k] & d[k][j]);

Minimax and Maximin

The Minimax path problem is a problem of nding the minimum of maximum edge weight among
all possible paths from i to j. There can be many paths from i to j. For a single path from i to
j, we pick the maximum edge weight along this path. Then for all possible paths from i to j, pick
the one with the minimum max-edge-weight. The reverse problem of Maximin is dened similarly.
The solution using Floyd Warshalls is shown below. First, initialize d[i][j] to be the weight
of edge (i,j). This is the default minimax cost for two vertices that are directly connected. For pair
i-j without any direct edge, set d[i][j] = INF. Then, we try all possible intermediate vertex k.
The minimax cost d[i][j] is min of either (itself) or (the max between d[i][k] or d[k][j]).
REP (k, 0, V - 1)
REP (i, 0, V - 1)
REP (j, 0, V - 1)
d[i][j] = min(d[i][j], max(d[i][k], d[k][j]));

Exercise: In this section, we have shown you how to solve Minimax (and Maximin) with Floyd
Warshalls algorithm. However, this problem can also be modeled as an MST problem and solved
using Kruskals algorithm. Find out the way!
Programming Exercises for Floyd Warshalls algorithm:
Floyd Warshalls Standard Application (for APSP or SSSP on small graph)
1. UVa 186 - Trip Routing (graph is small)
2. UVa 341 - Non-Stop Travel (graph is small)
3. UVa 423 - MPI Maelstrom (graph is small)
4. UVa 821 - Page Hopping (one of the easiest ICPC World Finals problem)
5. UVa 10075 - Airlines (with special great-circle distances, see Section 7.2)
6. UVa 10171 - Meeting Prof. Miguel (solution is easy with APSP information)
7. UVa 11015 - 05-32 Rendezvous (graph is small)
8. UVa 10246 - Asterix and Obelix
9. UVa 10724 - Road Construction (adding one edge will only change few things)
10. UVa 10793 - The Orc Attack (Floyd Warshalls simplies this problem)
11. UVa 10803 - Thunder Mountain (graph is small)
12. UVa 11463 - Commandos (solution is easy with APSP information)

1. UVa 334 - Identifying Concurrent Events (transitive closure is only the sub-problem)
2. UVa 534 - Frogger (Minimax)
3. UVa 544 - Heavy Cargo (Maximin)
4. UVa 869 - Airline Comparison (run Warshalls twice, then compare the AdjMatrices)
5. UVa 925 - No more prerequisites, please!
6. UVa 10048 - Audiophobia (Minimax)
7. UVa 10099 - Tourist Guide (Maximin)


Edmonds Karps

Basic Form and Application

Motivating problem: Imagine a connected, weighted, and directed graph as a pipe network where
the pipes are the edges and the splitting points are the vertices. Each pipe has a capacity equals
to the weight of the edge. There are also two special vertices: source s and sink t. What is the
maximum ow from source s to sink t in this graph? (imagine water owing in the pipe network,

we want to know the maximum volume of water that can be passed by this pipe network)? This
problem is called the Max Flow problem. An illustration of this problem is shown in Figure 4.21.

Figure 4.21: Illustration of Max Flow (From UVa 820 [17] - ICPC World Finals 2000 Problem E)

One solution is the Ford Fulkersons method invented by the same Lester Randolph Ford. Jr who
created Bellman Fords algorithm and Delbert Ray Fulkerson. The pseudo code is like this:
max_flow = 0
while (there exists an augmenting path p from s to t) { // iterative algorithm
augment flow f along p, i.e.
f = min edge weight in the path p
max_flow += f // we can send flow f from s to t
forward edges -= f // reduce capacity of these edges
backward edges += f // increase capacity of reverse edges
output max_flow

There are several ways to nd an augmenting path in the pseudo code above, each with dierent

time complexity. In this section, we highlight two ways: via DFS or via BFS.
Ford Fulkersons method implemented using DFS can run in O(f E) where f is the max ow

value. This is because we can have a graph like in Figure 4.22 where every path augmentation only

decreases the edge capacity along the path by 1. This is going to be repeated f times. In Figure

4.22, it is 200 times. The fact that number of edges in ow graph is E V 1 to ensure 1 s-t

ow dictates that a DFS run is O(E). The overall time complexity is O(f E).

Figure 4.22: Implementation of Ford Fulkersons Method with DFS is Slow

A better implementation of Ford Fulkersons method is to use BFS for nding the shortest path

in terms of number of layers/hops - between s and t. This algorithm is discovered by Jack

Edmonds and Richard Karp, thus named as Edmonds Karps algorithm. It runs in O(V E 2 ) as it

can be proven that after O(V E) iterations, all augmenting paths will already exhausted. Interested

readers can browse books like [4] to study more about this algorithm. As BFS also runs in O(E),

the overall time complexity is O(V E 2 ). Edmonds Karps only needs two s-t paths in Figure 4.22:

s-a-t (send 100 unit ow) and s-b-t (send another 100).

map<int, int> p; // parent map to reconstruct path

int f, s, t; // global variables

// inside int main()

int max_flow = 0;
while (1) { // this will be run max O(VE) times
f = 0;
queue<int> q; map<int, int> dist; // O(E) BFS and record path p
q.push(s); dist[s] = 0; // start from source
while (!q.empty()) {
int u = q.front(); q.pop(); // queue: layer by layer!
if (u == t) break; // modification 1: reach sink t, stop BFS
TRvii (AdjList[u], v) // for each neighbours of u
// modification 2: also check AdjMat as edges may disappear
if (AdjMat[u][v->first] > 0 && !dist.count(v->first)) {
dist[v->first] = dist[u] + 1; // then v is reachable from u
q.push(v->first); // enqueue v for next steps
p[v->first] = u; // modification 3: parent of v->first is u
augmentPath(t, INF); // path augmentation in O(V)
if (f == 0) break; // seems that we cannot pass any more flow
max_flow += f;

printf("Max flow = %d\n", max_flow);

void augmentPath(int v, int minEdge) {

if (v == s) { // managed to get back to source
f = minEdge; // minEdge of the path
else if (p.count(v)) { // augment if there is a path
// we need AdjMat for fast lookup here
augmentPath(p[v], min(minEdge, AdjMat[p[v]][v]));
AdjMat[p[v]][v] -= f; // forward edges -> decrease
AdjMat[v][p[v]] += f; // backward edges -> increase
} } // for more details why we must do that, consult references!

The code snippet above shows how to implement Edmonds Karps algorithm in a way that it still

achieves its O(V E 2 ) time complexity. The code uses both Adjacency List (for fast enumeration of

neighbors) and Adjacency Matrix (for fast access to edge weight) of the same ow graph.
In general, this O(V E 2 ) Edmonds Karps implementation is sucient to answer most network

ow problems in programming contests. However, for harder problems, we may need O(V 2 E)
Dinics or O(V 3 ) Push-Relabel (relabel-to-front) Max Flow algorithms [4].

Exercise: The implementation of Edmonds Karps algorithm shown here uses AdjMatrix to store

residual capacity of each edge. A better way is to store ow of each edge, and then derive the

residual from capacity of edge minus ow in edge. Modify the implementation!

Other Applications

There are several other interesting applications of Max Flow problem. We discuss six examples

here while some others are deferred until Section 4.9. Note that some tricks shown in this section

may be applicable to other graph problems.

Min Cut

Lets dene an s-t cut C = (S, T ) as a partition of V G such that source s S and sink t T .

Lets also dene a cut-set of C to be the set {(u, v) E | u S, v T } such that if all edges in the

cut-set of C are removed, the Max Flow from s to t is 0 (i.e. s and t are disconnected). The cost of

an s-t cut C is dened by the sum of the capacities of the edges in the cut-set of C. The Min Cut

problem is to minimize the amount of capacity of an s-t cut. This problem is more general than

nding bridges in a graph (See Section 4.2), i.e. in this case we can cut more than just one edge,

but we want to do so in least cost way.

The solution for this problem is simple. The by-product of computing the Max Flow is Min

Cut. In Figure 4.21.D, we can see that edges that are saturated, i.e. the ow on that edge equals

to that edges capacity, belong to the Min Cut!, i.e. edges 1-4 (capacity 30, ow 30), 3-4 (5/5) and

3-2 (25/25). The cost of cut is 30+5+25 = 60. This is the minimum over all possible s-t cuts. All

vertices that are still reachable from source s belong to set S. The rest belong to set T . Here,

S = {1, 3} and T = {4, 2}.

Multi-source Multi-sink Max Flow

Sometimes, we can have more than one source and/or more than one sink. However, this variant

is no harder than the original Max Flow problem with a single source and a single sink. Create a

super source ss and a super sink st. Connect ss with all s with innite capacity and also connect

tt with all t with innite capacity, then run Edmonds Karps algorithm as per normal.

Max Flow with Vertex Capacities

Figure 4.23: Vertex Splitting Technique

We can also have a Max Flow variant where capacities are not just dened along the edges but

also on the vertices. To solve this variant, we can use the vertex splitting technique. A graph with

a vertex weight can be converted into a more familiar graph without a vertex weight by splitting

the vertex v to vout and vin , reassigning incoming edges to vout /outgoing edges to vin , and putting

the original vertex vs weight as the weight of edge (vout , vin ). For details, see Figure 4.23. Then

run Edmonds Karps algorithm as per normal.

Max Independent Paths

The problem of nding the maximum number of independent paths from source s to sink t can be

reduced to the Max Flow problem. Two paths are said to be independent if they do not share any

vertex apart from s and t (vertex-disjoint). Solution: construct a ow network N = (V, E) from G
with vertex capacities, where N is the carbon copy of G except that the capacity of each v V is

1 (i.e. each vertex can only be used once) and the capacity of each e E is also 1 (i.e. each edge

can only be used once too). Then run Edmonds Karps algorithm as per normal.

Max Edge-Disjoint Paths

Finding the maximum number of edge-disjoint paths from s to t is similar to nding max inde-

pendent paths. The only dierence is that this time we do not have any vertex capacity (i.e. two

edge-disjoint paths can still share the same vertex). See Figure 4.24 for a comparison between

independent paths and edge-disjoint paths from s = 1 to t = 7.

Figure 4.24: Comparison Between Max Independent Paths versus Max Edge-Disjoint Paths

Min Cost (Max) Flow

The min cost ow problem is the problem of nding the cheapest possible way of sending a certain
amount of ow (usually the Max Flow) through a ow network. In this problem, every edge has
two attributes: the ow capacity through this edge and the cost to use this edge. Min Cost (Max)
Flow, or in short MCMF, can be solved by replacing the BFS to nd augmenting path in Edmonds
Karps to Bellman Fords (Dijkstras may not work as the edge weight in the residual ow graph
can be negative).
Programming Exercises for Ford Fulkersons/Edmonds Karps algorithm:
Edmonds Karps Standard Application (for Max Flow/Min Cut)
1. UVa 820 - Internet Bandwidth (discussed in this section)
2. UVa 10480 - Sabotage (Min Cut)
3. UVa 10779 - Collectors Problem (Max Flow)
4. UVa 11506 - Angry Programmer (Min Cut)
1. UVa 563 - Crimewave (Max Independent Paths: with unit edge and vertex capacities)
2. UVa 10330 - Power Transmission (with Vertex Capacities, discussed in this section)
3. UVa 10511 - Councilling
4. UVa 10594 - Data Flow (basic MCMF problem)
5. UVa 10806 - Dijkstra, Dijkstra. (Max Edge-Disjoint Paths + Min Cost)


Special Graphs

Some basic graph problems have simpler / faster polynomial algorithm if the given graph is special.
So far we have identied the following special graphs that commonly appear in programming
contests: Tree, Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG), and Bipartite Graph. Problem setters may
force contestants to use specialized algorithms for these special graphs simply by giving a large
input size to judge a correct algorithm for general graph as Time Limit Exceeded (TLE). In this
section, we will discuss some popular graph problems on these special graphs (see Figure 4.25).

Figure 4.25: Special Graphs (Left to Right): Tree, Directed Acyclic Graph, Bipartite Graph



Tree is a special graph with the following characteristics: has E = V -1 (any O(V + E) algorithm is

O(V )), it has no cycle, it is connected, and there exists one unique path from any pair of vertices.

Finding Articulation Points and Bridges in Tree

In Section 4.2, we have seen O(V + E) Tarjans DFS algorithm for nding articulation points and

bridges of a graph. However, if the given graph is a tree, the problem becomes simpler: all edges on

a tree are bridges and all internal vertices (degree > 1) are articulation points. This is still O(V )

as we have to scan the tree to count the number of internal vertices, but the code is simpler.

Single-Source Shortest Paths on Weighted Tree

In Sections 4.5 and 4.6, we have seen two general purpose algorithms (O((E + V ) log V ) Dijkstras
and O(V E) Bellman-Fords) for solving the SSSP problem on a weighted graph. However, if the

given graph is a tree, the SSSP problem becomes simpler: any O(V ) graph traversal algorithm, i.e.

BFS or DFS, can be used to solve this problem. There is only one unique path between any two

vertices in a tree, so we simply traverse the tree to nd the path connecting the two vertices and

the shortest path between these two vertices is basically the sum of edge weights of this unique


All-Pairs Shortest Paths on Weighted Tree

In Section 4.7, we have seen a general purpose algorithm (O(V 3 ) Floyd Warshalls) for solving

the APSP problem on weighted graph. However, if the given graph is a tree, the APSP problem

becomes simpler: repeat the SSSP process V times from each vertex, thus it is O(V 2 ).
But this can still be improved to O(V +QL): Q is the number of query and L is the complexity

of the Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA) implementation (see [40] for more details). We run O(V )

DFS/BFS once from any vertex v to nd dist[v][other vertices] in tree. Then we can answer any

shortest path query (i, j) on this tree by reporting dist[v][i] + dist[v][j] - 2 dist[v][LCA(i, j)].

Diameter of Tree

The diameter of a graph is dened as the greatest distance between any pair of vertices. To nd

the diameter of a graph, we rst nd the shortest path between each pair of vertices (the APSP

problem). The greatest length of any of these paths is the diameter of the graph. For general

graph, we may need O(V 3 ) Floyd Warshalls algorithm discussed in Section 4.7. However, if the

given graph is a tree, the problem becomes simpler: do DFS/BFS from any node s to nd furthest

vertex x, then do DFS/BFS one more time from vertex x to get the true furthest vertex y from x.
The length of the unique path along x to y is the diameter of that tree. This solution only requires

two calls of O(V ) graph traversal algorithm.

Max Weighted Independent Set on Tree

In Section 3.4, we have shown a DP on Tree example that solves Max Weighted Independent Set

(MWIS) on Tree in O(V ). In Section 4.9.3 below, we will revisit this problem on a Bipartite Graph,

which can be reduced to Max Flow problem and runs in O(V E 2 ) with Edmonds Karps. However,
this problem is NP-complete on general graph.
Programming Exercises related to Tree (also see Section 3.4.3 for DP on Tree Topic):
1. UVa 112 - Tree Summing (backtracking)
2. UVa 115 - Climbing Trees (tree traversal, LCA)
3. UVa 122 - Trees on the level (tree traversal)
4. UVa 536 - Tree Recovery (tree traversal, reconstructing tree from pre + inorder)
5. UVa 615 - Is It A Tree? (graph property check)
6. UVa 699 - The Falling Leaves (preorder traversal)
7. UVa 712 - S-Trees (tree traversal)
8. UVa 10308 - Roads in the North (diameter of tree, discussed in this section)
9. UVa 10459 - The Tree Root (diameter + center of tree)
10. UVa 10701 - Pre, in and post (reconstructing tree from pre + inorder)
11. UVa 10938 - Flea Circus (use LCA)
12. UVa 11695 - Flight Planning (diameter + center of tree)


Directed Acyclic Graph

A Directed Acyclic Graph, abbreviated as DAG, is a special graph with the following characteristics:
it is directed and has no cycle.
Single-Source Shortest Paths on DAG
The Single-Source Shortest Paths (SSSP) problem becomes much simpler if the given graph is a
DAG as DAG has at least one topological order! We can use an O(V +E) topological sort algorithm

in Section 4.2 to nd one such topological order, then relax edges according to this order. The
topological order will ensure that if we have a vertex b that has an incoming edge from a vertex a,
then vertex b is relaxed after vertex a. This way, the distance information propagation is correct
with just one O(V + E) linear pass!
Single-Source Longest Paths on DAG
Single-Source Longest Paths problem, i.e. nding the longest path from a starting vertex s is
NP-complete on a general graph [39]. However the problem is again easy if the graph has no cycle,
which is true in DAG. The solution for the Longest Paths in DAG (a.k.a. Critical Paths) is just a
minor tweak from the SSSP solution in DAG shown above, i.e. simply negate all edge weights.
Min Path Cover on DAG
Motivating problem: Imagine that the vertices in Figure 4.26.A are passengers, and we draw an

edge between two vertices u v if a single taxi can serve passenger u then passenger v on time. The
question is: What is the minimum number of taxis that must be deployed to serve all passengers?

The answer for the motivating problem above is two taxis. In Figure 4.26.D, we see one possible
solution. One taxi (red dotted line) serves passenger 1 (colored with red), passenger 2 (blue), and
then passenger 4 (yellow). Another taxi (green dashed line) serves passenger 3 (green) and passenger
5 (orange). All passengers are served with just two taxis.

Figure 4.26: Min Path Cover in DAG (from LA 3126 [11])

In general, the Min Path Cover (MPC) problem in DAG is described as the problem of nding the
minimum number of paths to cover each vertex in DAG G = (V, E).
This problem has a polynomial solution: Construct a bipartite graph G = (Vout

Vin , E  ) from

G, where Vout = {v V : v has positive out-degree}, Vin = {v V : v has positive in-degree},

and E  = {(u, v) (V out, V in) : (u, v) E}. This G is a bipartite graph. Finding a matching on
bipartite graph G forces us to select at most one outgoing edge from v Vout (similarly for Vin ).
DAG G initially has n vertices, which can be covered with n paths of length 0 (the vertex itself).
One matching between vertex a and vertex b using edge (a, b) says that we can use one less path as
it can cover both vertices in a Vout and b Vin . Thus if the Max Cardinality Bipartite Matching
(MCBM) in G has size m, then we just need n m paths to cover each vertex in G.
The MCBM in G that is needed to solve the MPC in G is discussed below. The solution for
bipartite matching is polynomial, thus the solution for the MPC in DAG is also polynomial. Note
that MPC in general graph is NP-Complete [42].
Programming Exercises related to DAG:
Single-Source Shortest/Longest Paths on DAG
1. UVa 103 - Stacking Boxes
2. UVa 10000 - Longest Paths
3. UVa 10166 - Travel (shortest paths)
4. UVa 10029 - Edit Step Ladders
5. UVa 10350 - Liftless Eme (shortest paths)
6. UVa 11324 - The Largest Clique (nd SCC rst then longest path on DAG)
7. LA 3294 - The Ultimate Bamboo Eater (with 2-D Segment Tree)
8. Ural/Timus OJ 1450 - Russian pipelines
9. PKU 3160 - Father Christmas ymouse
Counting Paths in DAG
1. UVa 825 - Walking on the Safe Side (the graph is DAG, DP)
2. UVa 926 - Walking Around Wisely (the graph is DAG, DP)
3. UVa 988 - Many paths, one destination (topological sort + DP on DAG)

Min Path Cover in DAG

1. LA 2696 - Air Raid
2. LA 3126 - Taxi Cab Scheme


Bipartite Graph

Bipartite Graph, is a special graph with the following characteristics: the set of vertices V can be
partitioned into two disjoint sets V1 and V2 and all edges in (u, v) E has the property that u V1
and v V2 . The most common application is the (bipartite) matching problem, shown below.
Max Cardinality Bipartite Matching
Motivating problem (from TopCoder [26] Open 2009 Qualifying 1): Group a list of numbers into
pairs such that the sum of each pair is prime. For example, given the numbers {1, 4, 7, 10, 11, 12},
we can have: {1 + 4 = 5}, {1 + 10 = 11}, {1 + 12 = 13}, {4 + 7 = 11}, {7 + 10 = 17}, etc.

Actual task: Given a list of numbers N , return a list of all the elements in N that could be
paired with N [0] successfully as part of a complete pairing (i.e. each element a in N is paired to a
unique other element b in N such that a + b is prime), sorted in ascending order. The answer for

the example above would be {4, 10} omitting 12. This is because even though (1+12) is prime,
there would be no way to pair the remaining 4 numbers whereas if we pair (1+4), we have (7+10),
(11+12) and if we pair (1+10), we have (4+7), (11+12).
Constraints: list N contains an even number of elements (within [2 . . . 50], inclusive). Each
element of N will be between 1 and 1000, inclusive. Each element of N will be distinct.
Although this problem involves nding prime numbers, this is not a pure math problem as the
elements of N are not more than 1K there are not too many primes below 1000. The issue is
that we cannot do Complete Search pairings as there are

50 C2

possibilities for the rst pair,

48 C2

for the second pair, ..., until 2 C2 for the last pair. DP + bitmask technique is not an option either
because 50! is too big.
The key to solve this problem is to realize that this pairing or matching is done on bipartite
graph! To get a prime number, we need to sum 1 odd + 1 even, because 1 odd + 1 odd = even
number which is not prime, and 1 even + 1 even = also even number, which is not prime. Thus we

can split odd/even numbers to set1/set2 and give edges from set1 to set2 if set1[i] + set2[j]
is prime.
After we build this bipartite graph, the solution is trivial: If size of set1 and set2 are dierent,

complete pairing is not possible. Otherwise, if the size of both sets is n/2, try to match set1[0]
with set2[k] for k = [0 . . . n/2 1] and do Max Cardinality Bipartite Matching (MCBM) for the
rest. This problem can be solved with Max Flow algorithm like O(V E 2 ) Edmonds Karps algorithm.
If we obtain n/2 1 more matchings, add set2[k] to the answer. For this test case, the answer is
{4, 10}.
Bipartite Matching can be reduced to the Max Flow problem by assigning a dummy source

vertex connected to all vertices in set1 and a dummy sink vertex connected to all vertices in set2.
By setting capacities of all edges in this graph to be 1, we force each vertex in set1 to be matched to
only one vertex in set2. The Max Flow will be equal to the maximum number of possible matchings
on the original graph (see Figure 4.27).

Figure 4.27: Bipartite Matching can be reduced to Max Flow problem

Max Weighted Independent Set on Bipartite Graph

Motivating Problem: Suppose that there are two users: User A and B. Each user has transactions,

e.g. A has {A1 , A2 , . . . , An } and each transaction has a weight, e.g. W (A1 ), W (A2 ), etc. These

transactions use shared resources, e.g. transaction A1 uses {r1 , r2 }. Access to a resource is exclusive,

e.g. if A1 is selected, then any of user Bs transaction(s) that use either r1 or r2 cannot be selected.

It is guaranteed that two requests from user A will never use the same resource, but two requests
from dierent users may be competing for the same resource. Our task is to maximize the sum of

weight of the selected transactions!

Lets do several keyword analysis of this problem. If a transaction from user A is selected, then

transactions from user B that share some or all resources cannot be selected. This is a strong hint

for Independent Set. And since we want to maximize sum of weight of selected transactions, this

is Max Weighted Independent Set (MWIS). And since there are only two users (two sets)

and the problem statement guarantees that there is no resource conict between the transactions

from within one user, we are sure that the input graph is a Bipartite Graph. Thus, this problem

is actually an MWIS on Bipartite Graph.

Figure 4.28: Example of MWIS on Bipartite Graph (from LA 3487 [11])

Lets see Figure 4.28 for illustration. We have two users. We list down all transactions of A on the

left and all transactions of B on the right. We draw an edge between two transactions if they share

similar resource. For example, transaction A1 uses resource 1 and transaction B1 also uses resource

1. We draw an edge between A1 (with weight 45) and B1 (with weight 54) because they share the

same resource. In fact, there are two more edges between A2 B2 and A3 B3. Transaction B4

has no edge because the resources that it used: {4, 5} are not shared with any other transactions.

In this instance, {B1 (54), A2 (51), A3 (62), B4 (2)} is the MWIS, with total weight = 54+51+62+2
= 169.

To nd the solution for non-trivial cases, we have to reduce this problem to a Max Flow problem.
We assign the original vertex cost (the weight of taking that vertex) as capacity from source to
that vertex for user A and capacity from that vertex to sink for user B. Then, we give innite
capacity in between any edge in between sets A and B. See Figure 4.29.

Figure 4.29: Reducing MWIS on Bipartite Graph to Max Flow Problem (from LA 3487 [11])
Then, we run O(V E 2 ) Edmonds Karps algorithm on this Flow graph. After the Max Flow algorithm terminates, the solution is {s-component

vertices in User A} + {t-component

vertices in

User B} where s-component (t-component) are the vertices still reachable to source vertex (sink vertex) after running Max Flow. In Figure 4.30, the solution is: {A1 (20), A2 (18), A4 (54)}+{B3 (47)} =
139. This value can also be obtained via: MWIS = Total Weight - Max Flow = 259 120 = 139.

Figure 4.30: Solution for Figure 4.29 (from LA 3487 [11])

Programming Exercises related to Bipartite Graph:

Maximum Cardinality Bipartite Matching (graph modeling + Max Flow)
1. UVa 670 - The Dog Task
2. UVa 753 - A Plug for Unix
3. UVa 10080 - Gopher II
4. UVa 10092 - The Problem with the Problemsetter
5. UVa 10735 - Euler Circuit
6. UVa 11045 - My T-Shirt Suits Me
7. UVa 11418 - Clever Naming Patterns
8. Top Coder Open 2003 Seminal Round 4 - Division 1, Level 3 - RookAttack
9. Top Coder Open 2009: Qualifying 1 - Prime Pairs
10. LA 4407 - Gun Fight

Max Weighted Independent Set in Bipartite Graph

1. UVa 11159 - Factors and Multiples (similar solution with Bipartite Matching above)
2. LA 3487 - Duopoly (also in Zhejiang Online Judge problem 2129)
Max Vertex Cover in Bipartite Graph
1. UVa 11419 - SAM I AM (Min Vertex Cover)
2. LA 2523 - Machine Schedule (also in PKU 1325 - Machine Schedule)
3. PKU 2226 - Muddy Fields


Chapter Notes

Take note that recent ICPCs and IOIs usually do not just ask contestants to solve problems involving
the pure form of these graph algorithms. New problems usually require contestants to combine two

or more algorithms or to combine an algorithm with some advanced data structures, e.g. using
BFS and Dijkstras together in the same problem to compute shortest path on both weighted and
unweighted version of the same graph, to combine longest path in DAG with Segment Tree data
structure, etc.
This chapter, albeit already quite long, still omits many known graph algorithms and graph

problems that are sometimes tested in ICPCs or IOIs, namely: Kosarajus algorithm for nd-

ing Strongly Connected Component, Prims and Boruvkas algorithms for Minimum Spanning
Tree, k-th shortest paths, Eulers Path/Tour, Fleurys algorithm, Chinese Postman Problem,
Hamiltonian Path/Tour, Bitonic Traveling Salesman Problem, Arborescence, Tarjans Oine
Lowest Common Ancestor, Dinics or Push Relabel algorithms for Max Flow, Circulation
Problem, Kuhn Munkress (Hungarian) matching algorithm, Edmondss Blossom Shrinking, etc.
If you want to increase your winning chance in ACM ICPC, please spend some time to study
them beyond this book. These harder ones rarely appears in regional contests and if they are, they
usually become the decider problem. Harder graph problems like these are more likely to appear
in ACM ICPC World Finals level.

However, for IOI contestants, most graph materials in IOI syllabus are already covered in this

There are approximately 173 programming exercises discussed in this chapter.

Chapter 5

We all use math every day; to predict weather, to tell time, to handle money.
Math is more than formulas or equations; its logic, its rationality,
its using your mind to solve the biggest mysteries we know.

Recent ICPCs (especially in Asia) usually contain one or two mathematics problems. This chapter aims to
prepare contestants in dealing with them.


Overview and Motivation

As with the topic of graph in previous chapter, there exist mathematics problems in recent ICPC
problem sets at least one, and can be two per problem set (see Table 5.1)!

Problem Name
The Luncheon
Counting Zeroes
Sum of Factorials
Vivians Problem
Period of an Innite ...
Sum of Consecutive ...
Tile Code
Numerical surprises
Puzzles of Triangles
Stopping Dooms Day
Discrete Square Roots
Find Terrorists
Irreducible Fractions
Rating Hazard
Nowhere Money


Mathematics Problem (Algorithm)

Prime Numbers

Prime Numbers
Modular Exponentiation (Java BigInteger)
Formula Simplication + BigInt

Farey Sequence
Fibonacci, Zeckendorf Theorem

Table 5.1: Some Mathematics Problems in Recent ACM ICPC Asia Regional

The appearance of mathematics problems in programming contests is not surprising since Computer
Science is deeply rooted in Mathematics. The term computer itself comes from the word compute
as computer is built primarily to help human compute numbers.

We are aware that dierent countries have dierent emphasis in mathematics training in preUniversity education. Thus, for some newbie ICPC contestants, the term Euler Phi is a familiar
term, but for others, the term does not ring any bell. Perhaps because he has not learnt it before, or
perhaps the term is dierent in his native language. In this chapter, we want to make a more level-

playing eld for the readers by listing common mathematic terminologies, denitions, problems,
and algorithms that frequently appear in programming contests.


Ad Hoc Mathematics Problems

We start this chapter by mentioning Ad Hoc mathematics problems. They are basically contest
problems involving mathematics that requires no more than basic programming skills.
Programming Exercises related to Ad Hoc Mathematics:
1. UVa 344 - Roman Numerals (conversion from roman numerals to decimal and vice versa)
2. UVa 377 - Cowculations (base 4 operations)
3. UVa 10346 - Peters Smoke (simple math)
4. UVa 10940 - Throwing Cards Away II (nd pattern using brute force, then use the pattern)
5. UVa 11130 - Billiard bounces (use billiard table reection technique)
6. UVa 11231 - Black and White Painting (use the O(1) formula once you spot the pattern)
7. UVa 11313 - Gourmet Games (similar to UVa 10346)
8. UVa 11428 - Cubes (simple math with complete search)
9. UVa 11547 - Automatic Answer (one liner O(1) solution exists)
10. UVa 11723 - Numbering Road (simple math)
11. UVa 11805 - Bafana Bafana (very simple O(1) formula exists)


Number Theory

Mastering as many topics as possible in the eld of number theory is important as some mathematics
problems becomes easy (or easier) if you know the theory behind the problems. Otherwise, either

a plain brute force attack leads to a TLE response or you simply cannot work with the given input
as it is too large without some pre-processing.


Prime Numbers

A natural number starting from 2: {2, 3, 4, . . .} is considered as a prime if it is only divisible by

1 or itself. The rst (and the only even) prime is 2. The next prime numbers are: 3, 5, 7, 11, 13,
17, 19, 23, 29, . . . , and innitely many more primes (proof in [20]). There are 25 primes in range
[0 . . . 100], 168 primes in [0 . . . 1000], 1000 primes in [0 . . . 7919], 1229 primes in [0 . . . 10000], etc...

Prime number is an important topic in number theory and the source for many programming
problems1 . In this section, we will discuss algorithms involving prime numbers.
Optimized Prime Testing Function
The rst algorithm presented in this section is for testing whether a given natural number N is
prime, i.e. bool isPrime(N). The most nave version is to test by denition, i.e. test if N is
divisible by divisor [2 . . . N -1]. This of course works, but runs in O(N ) in terms of number of
divisions. This is not the best way and there are several possible improvements.

The rst improvement is to test if N is divisible by a divisor [2 . . . N ], i.e. we stop when

the divisor is already greater than N . This is because if N is divisible by p, then N = p q. If

q were smaller than p, then q or a prime factor of q would have divided N earlier. This is O( N )
which is already much faster than previous version, but can still be improved to be twice faster.

The second improvement is to test if N is divisible by divisor [3, 5, 7 . . . N ], i.e. we only

test odd numbers up to N . This is because there is only one even prime number, i.e. number 2,

which can be tested separately. This is O( N /2), which is also O( N ).

The third improvement2 which is already good enough for contest problems is to test if N is

divisible by prime divisors N . This is because if a prime number X cannot divide N , then

there is no point testing whether multiples of X divide N or not. This is faster than O( N ) which

is about O(|#primes N |). For example, there are 500 odd numbers in [1 . . . (106 )], but there
are only 168 primes in the same range. The number of primes M denoted by (M ) is bounded

by O(M/(ln(M ) 1)), so the complexity of this prime testing function is about O( N / ln( N )).
The code is shown in the next discussion below.
Sieve of Eratosthenes: Generating List of Prime Numbers
If we want to generate a list of prime numbers between range [0 . . . N ], there is a better algorithm
than testing each number in the range whether it is a prime or not. The algorithm is called Sieve
of Eratosthenes invented by Eratosthenes of Alexandria. It works as follows.
First, it sets all numbers in the range to be probably prime but set numbers 0 and 1 to be
not prime. Then, it takes 2 as prime and crosses out all multiples3 of 2 starting from 2 2 = 4,
6, 8, 10, ... until it the multiple is greater than N . Then it takes the next non-crossed number 3
as a prime and crosses out all multiples of 3 starting from 3 3 = 9, 12, 15, 18, .... Then it takes
5 and crosses out all multiples of 5 starting from 5 5 = 25, 30, 35, 40, .... After that, whatever
left uncrossed within the range [0 . . . N ] are primes. This algorithm does approximately (N (1/2
+ 1/3 + 1/5 + 1/7 + ... + 1/last prime in range N )) operations. Using sum of reciprocals of
primes up to n, we end up with the time complexity of roughly O(N log log N ) [44].
Since generating a list of small primes 10K using the sieve is fast (our library code below can
go up to 107 under contest setting), we opt sieve for smaller primes and reserve optimized prime
testing function for larger primes see previous discussion. The combined code is as follows:

In real life, large primes are used in cryptography because it is hard to factor a number xy into x y when both
are relatively prime.
This is a bit recursive testing whether a number is a prime by using another (smaller) prime numbers. But the
reason should be obvious after reading the next section.
Common sub-optimal implementation is to start from 2 i instead of i i, but the dierence is not that much.

#include <bitset> // compact STL for

ll _sieve_size; // ll is defined as:
bitset<10000010> bs; // 10^7 + small
vi primes; // compact list of primes

Sieve, more efficient than vector<bool>!

typedef long long ll;
extra bits should be enough for most prime-related problems
in form of vector<int>

void sieve(ll upperbound) { // create list of primes in [0 .. upperbound]

_sieve_size = upperbound + 1; // add 1 to include upperbound
bs.reset(); bs.flip(); // set all numbers to 1
bs.set(0, false); bs.set(1, false); // except index 0 and 1
for (ll i = 2; i <= _sieve_size; i++) if (bs.test((size_t)i)) {
// cross out multiples of i starting from i * i!
for (ll j = i * i; j <= _sieve_size; j += i) bs.set((size_t)j, false);
primes.push_back((int)i); // also add this vector containing list of primes
} // call this method in main method

bool isPrime(ll N) { // a good enough deterministic prime tester

if (N < _sieve_size) return bs.test(N); // O(1) for small primes
REP (i, 0, primes.size() - 1) if (N % primes[i] == 0) return false;
return true; // it takes longer time if N is a large prime!
} // Note: only work for N <= (last prime in vi "primes")^2

// in int main()
sieve(10000000); // can go up to 10^7
printf("%d\n", isPrime(5915587277)); // 10 digit prime

Optimized Trial Divisions for Finding Prime Factors

In number theory, we know that a prime number N only have 1 and itself as factors but a composite

numbers N , i.e. the non-primes, can be written uniquely it as a multiplication of its prime factors.
Thats it, prime numbers are multiplicative building blocks of integers. For example, N = 240 =
2 2 2 2 3 5 = 24 3 5 (the latter form is called prime-power factorization).
A nave algorithm generates a list of primes (e.g. with sieve) and check how many of them can
actually divide the integer N without changing N . This can be improved!
A better algorithm utilizes a kind of Divide and Conquer spirit. An integer N can be expressed
as: N = P F N  , where P F is a prime factor and N  is another number which is N/P F i.e.
we can reduce the size of N by taking out its factor P F . We can keep doing this until eventually
N  = 1. Special case if N is actually a prime number. The code template below takes in an integer

N and return the list of prime factors see code below.

vi primeFactors(int N) {
vi factors;
// vi "primes" (generated by sieve) is optional
int PF_idx = 0, PF = primes[PF_idx]; // using PF = 2, 3, 4, ..., is also ok.
while (N != 1 && (PF * PF <= N)) { // stop at sqrt(N), but N can get smaller
while (N % PF == 0) { N /= PF; factors.push_back(PF); } // remove this PF
PF = primes[++PF_idx]; // only consider primes!
if (N != 1) factors.push_back(N); // special case if N is actually a prime
return factors;

// in int main()
sieve(100); // prepare list of primes [0 .. 100]
vi result = primeFactors(10000); // with that, we can factor up to 100^2 = 10000
vi::iterator last = unique(result.begin(), result.end()); // to remove duplicates
for (vi::iterator i = result.begin(); i != last; i++) // output: 2 and 5
printf("%d\n", *i);

In the worst case when N is prime, this prime factoring algorithm with trial division requires

testing all smaller primes up to N, mathematically denoted as O(( N )) = O( N /ln N ).

However, if given composite numbers, this algorithm is reasonably fast.
Programming Exercises about Prime Numbers problems:
1. UVa 294 - Divisors
2. UVa 406 - Prime Cuts
3. UVa 516 - Prime Land
4. UVa 524 - Prime Ring Problem (requires backtracking)
5. UVa 543 - Goldbachs Conjecture
6. UVa 583 - Prime Factors
7. UVa 686 - Goldbachs Conjecture (II)
8. UVa 897 - Annagramatic Primes
9. UVa 914 - Jumping Champion
10. UVa 993 - Product of digits
11. UVa 10006 - Carmichael Numbers
12. UVa 10042 - Smith numbers
13. UVa 10140 - Prime Distances
14. UVa 10200 - Prime Time
15. UVa 10235 - Simply Emirp (reverse prime)
16. UVa 10311 - Goldbach and Euler
17. UVa 10394 - Twin Primes (adjacent primes)
18. UVa 10533 - Digit Primes
19. UVa 10539 - Almost Prime Numbers
20. UVa 10637 - Coprimes
21. UVa 10650 - Determinate Prime (nd 3 consecutive primes that are uni-distance)
22. UVa 10699 - Count the Factors
23. UVa 10738 - Riemann vs. Mertens
24. UVa 10789 - Prime Frequency
25. UVa 10852 - Less Prime
26. UVa 10924 - Prime Words
27. UVa 10948 - The Primary Problem
28. UVa 11287 - Pseudoprime Numbers
29. UVa 11408 - Count DePrimes
30. UVa 11466 - Largest Prime Divisor


Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) & Least Common Multiple (LCM)

The Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) of two integers (a, b) denoted by gcd(a, b), is dened as the
largest positive integer d such that d | a and d | b where x | y implies that x divides y. Example
of GCD: gcd(4, 8) = 4, gcd(10, 5) = 5, gcd(20, 12) = 4. One practical usage of GCD is to simplify
fraction, e.g.




= 12 .

To nd the GCD between two integers is an easy task with an eective Euclid algorithm [20, 4]
which can be implemented as a one liner code (see below). Thus nding the GCD is usually not
the actual issue in a Math-related contest problem, but just part of the bigger solution.
The GCD is closely related to Least (or Lowest) Common Multiple (LCM). The LCM of two
integers (a, b) denoted by lcm(a, b), is dened as the smallest positive integer l such that a | l and
b | l. Example of LCM: lcm(4, 8) = 8, lcm(10, 5) = 10, lcm(20, 12) = 60. It has been shown [20]
that: lcm(a, b) = a b/gcd(a, b). This can also be implemented as a one liner code (see below).
int gcd(int a, int b) { return (b == 0 ? a : gcd(b, a % b)); }
int lcm(int a, int b) { return (a * (b / gcd(a, b))); } // divide before multiply!

The GCD of more than 2 numbers, e.g. gcd(a, b, c) is equal to gcd(a, gcd(b, c)), etc, and similarly
for LCM. Both GCD and LCM algorithms run in O(log10 n), where n = max(a, b).
Programming Exercises related to GCD and/or LCM:
1. UVa 332 - Rational Numbers from Repeating Fractions
2. UVa 412 - Pi
3. UVa 530 - Binomial Showdown
4. UVa 10193 - All You Need Is Love
5. UVa 10407 - Simple Division
6. UVa 10680 - LCM
7. UVa 10717 - Mint (requires Complete Search on top of LCM/GCD)
8. UVa 10791 - Minimum Sum LCM (prime factorization + tricky cases)
9. UVa 10892 - LCM Cardinality
10. UVa 11388 - GCD LCM (must understand the relationship between GCD and LCM)
11. UVa 11417 - GCD


Eulers Totient (Phi) Function

Now that we have discussed prime number and GCD, we can dene relatively prime. Two
integers a and b are said to be relatively prime if gcd(a, b) = 1, e.g. 25 and 42.

There is an interesting problem of nding positive integers below N that are relatively prime
to N (see programming exercises below). A nave algorithm starts with counter = 0, iterates
through i [1 . . . N ], and increases the counter if gcd(i, N ) = 1, but this is slow for a large N .
A better algorithm is the Eulers Totient (Phi) function [36]. The Eulers Phi (N ) is a function
to compute the solution for the problem posed above. (N ) = N


through all prime factors of N . For example N = 36 = 22 32 . (36) =

P F ), where we iterate
36 (1 12 ) (1 13 ) = 12.


In fact, there are only 12 integers less than equal to 36 that are relatively prime to 36. They
are 1, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 25, 29, 31, and 35. As we need to factor N , the complexity of
this algorithm is similar with the complexity of factoring an integer with trial division mentioned
earlier. The code is below.
int EulerPhi(int N) {
vi factors = primeFactors(N);
vi::iterator new_end = unique(factors.begin(), factors.end()); // get unique
int result = N;
for (vi::iterator i = factors.begin(); i != new_end; i++)
result = result - result / *i;
return result;

Programming Exercises related to Eulers Totient (Phi) Function:

1. UVa 10179 - Irreducible Basic Fractions (direct application of Eulers Phi function)
2. UVa 10299 - Relatives (another direct application of Eulers Phi function)
3. UVa 10820 - Send A Table (a[i] = a[i - 1] + 2 (i))
4. UVa 11064 - Number Theory
5. UVa 11327 - Enumerating Rational Numbers


Extended Euclid: Solving Linear Diophantine Equation

Motivating problem: Suppose a housewife buys apples and oranges at a total cost of 8.39 SGD. If
an apple is 25 cents and an orange is 18 cents, how many of each type of fruit does she buys?
This problem can be modeled as a linear equation with two variables: 25x + 18y = 839. Since
we know that both x and y must be integers, this linear equation is called the Linear Diophantine
Equation. We can solve Linear Diophantine Equation with two variables even if we only have one
equation! This is dierent from System of Linear Equations discussed later in Section 5.5.5. The
solution for the Linear Diophantine Equation is as follow [20].
Let a and b be integers with d = gcd(a, b). The equation ax + by = c has no integral solutions
if d | c is not true. But if d | c, then there are innitely many integral solutions. The rst solution
(x0 , y0 ) can be found using the Extended Euclid algorithm shown below (also see [4], Chapter 31),
and the rest can be derived from x = x0 + (b/d)n, y = y0 (a/d)n, where n is an integer.
// store x, y, and d as global variables
void extendedEuclid(int a, int b) {
if (b == 0) { x = 1; y = 0; d = a; return; }
extendedEuclid(b, a % b);
int x1 = y;
int y1 = x - (a / b) * y;
x = x1;
y = y1;

Using extendedEuclid, the Linear Diophantine Equation with two variables can be easily solved.
For our motivating problem above: 25x + 18y = 839, we have:
a = 25, b = 18, extendedEuclid(25, 18) = ((5, 7), 1), or
25 (5) + 18 7 = 1.
Multiplying the left and right hand side of the equation above by 839/gcd(25, 18) = 839, we have:
25 (4195) + 18 5873 = 839. Thus,
x = 4195 + (18/1)n, y = 5873 (25/1)n.
Since we need to have non-negative x and y, we have:
4195 + 18n 0 and 5873 25n 0, or
4195/18 n 5873/25, or
233.05 n 234.92.
The only possible integer for n is 234.
Thus x = 4195 + 18 234 = 17 and y = 5873 25 234 = 23,
i.e. 17 apples (of 25 cents each) and 23 oranges (of 18 cents each) of a total of 8.39 SGD.
Programming Exercises related to Extended Euclid algorithm:
1. UVa 718 - Skycraper Floors
2. UVa 10090 - Marbles (use solution for Linear Diophantine Equation)
3. UVa 10104 - Euclid Problem (pure problem involving Extended Euclid)


Modulo Arithmetic

Some mathematics computations in programming problems can end up having very large positive
(or very small negative) results that reside the range of largest integer data type (currently the
64-bit long long in C++). Sometimes, we are only interested with the result modulo a number.
For example in UVa 10176 - Ocean Deep! Make it shallow!!, we are asked to convert a long
binary number (up to 100 digits) to decimal. A quick calculation shows that the largest possible
number is 2100 1 which is beyond the reach of 64-bit integers. However, the problem only ask if
the result is divisible by 131071. So what we need to do is to convert binary to decimal digit by
digit, and then quickly perform modulo operation to the intermediate result by 131071. If the nal
result is 0, then the actual number in binary (which we never compute), is divisible by 131071.
Programming Exercises related to Modulo Arithmetic:
1. UVa 374 - Big Mod
2. UVa 602 - What Day Is It?
3. UVa 10174 - Couple-Bachelor-Spinster Numbers
4. UVa 10176 - Ocean Deep! Make it shallow!! (as discussed above)
5. UVa 10212 - The Last Non-zero Digit
6. UVa 10489 - Boxes of Chocolates
7. LA 4104 - MODEX


Fibonacci Numbers

Leonardo Fibonaccis numbers are dened as f ib(0) = 0, f ib(1) = 1, and f ib(n) = f ib(n 1) +
f ib(n 2) for n 2. This generates the following familiar patterns: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55,
89, . . . which can be derived with an O(n) DP technique. This pattern sometimes appears in some
contest problems which do not mention the term Fibonacci at all, like in some problems shown as
exercises below (e.g. UVa 900, etc). Note that Fibonacci sequence grows very fast and sometime
problems involving Fibonacci have to be solved using Java BigInteger library (see Section 5.4 for a
quick solution involving large integers).
Fibonacci numbers have many interesting properties. One of them is the Zeckendorf s theorem: every positive integer can be written in a unique way as a sum of one or more distinct
Fibonacci numbers such that the sum does not include any two consecutive Fibonacci numbers.
Programming Exercises related to Fibonacci:
1. UVa 495 - Fibonacci Freeze (use Java BigInteger class)
2. UVa 763 - Fibinary Numbers (Zeckendorf representation)
3. UVa 900 - Brick Wall Patterns (Combinatorics, the pattern is similar to Fibonacci)
4. UVa 948 - Fibonaccimal Base (Zeckendorf representation)
5. UVa 10183 - How many Fibs?
6. UVa 10229 - Modular Fibonacci
7. UVa 10334 - Ray Through Glasses (use Java BigInteger class)
8. UVa 10450 - World Cup Noise (Combinatorics, the pattern is similar to Fibonacci)
9. UVa 10497 - Sweet Child Make Trouble (Combinatorics, the pattern is Fibonacci variant)
10. UVa 10579 - Fibonacci Numbers
11. UVa 10862 - Connect the Cable Wires (the pattern ends up very similar to Fibonacci)
12. UVa 11000 - Bee
13. UVa 11161 - Help My Brother (II) (Fibonacci + median)
14. UVa 11780 - Miles 2 Km (the background of this problem is about Fibonacci Numbers)



Factorial of n, i.e. f ac(n) is dened as 1 if n = 0 or n f ac(n 1) if n > 0. Factorial also grows

very fast and may also need Java BigInteger library (Section 5.4).
Programming Exercises related to Factorial:
1. UVa 160 - Factors and Factorials
2. UVa 324 - Factorial Frequencies
3. UVa 568 - Just the Facts
4. UVa 623 - 500! (use Java BigInteger class)
5. UVa 884 - Factorial Factors

6. UVa 10061 - How many zeros & how many digits? (there exists a formula for this)
7. UVa 10139 - Factovisors (there exists a formula for this)
8. UVa 10858 - Recover Factorial
9. UVa 10220 - I Love Big Numbers! (use Java BigInteger class)
10. UVa 10323 - Factorial! You Must Be Kidding
11. UVa 10780 - Again Prime? No time.
12. UVa 11347 - Multifactorials
13. UVa 11415 - Count the Factorials


Java BigInteger Class


Basic Features

When intermediate and/or nal results of an integer-based mathematics computation cannot be

stored in the largest built-in integer data type and the given problem does not use any modulo arithmetic technique, we have to resort to BigInteger (sometimes also called as BigNum) libraries. A simple example: try to compute 25! (factorial of 25). The result is 15,511,210,043,330,985,984,000,000
which is beyond the capacity of 64-bit unsigned long long in C/C++.
The way the BigInteger library works is to store the big integer as a (long) string. For example we
can store 1021 inside a string num1 = 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 without problem whereas this
is already overow in a 64-bit unsigned long long in C/C++. Then, for common mathematical
operations, the BigInteger library uses a kind of digit by digit operations to process the two big
integer operands. For example with num2 = 17, we have num1 * num2 as:


------------------------------ *
------------------------------ +
num1 * num2 = 17,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

Addition and subtraction are two simpler operations in BigInteger. Multiplication takes a bit more
programming job. Ecient division and raising number to a certain power are more complicated.
Anyway, coding these library routines in C/C++ under stressful contest environment can be a
buggy aair, even if we can bring notes containing such C/C++ library in ICPC. Fortunately, Java

has a BigInteger class that we can use for this purpose (as of 9 August 2010, C++ STL currently
does not have such library thus it is a good idea to use Java for BigInteger problems).
The Java BigInteger (BI) class supports the following basic integer operations: addition

add(BI), subtraction subtract(BI), multiplication multiply(BI), division divide(BI),

remainder remainder(BI), combination of division and remainder divideAndRemainder(BI),

modulo mod(BI) (slightly dierent to remainder(BI)), and power pow(int exponent). For

example, the following short Java code is the solution for UVa 10925 - Krakovia which simply
requires BigInteger addition (to sum N large bills) and division (to divide the large sum to F

import java.io.*;
import java.util.*; // Scanner class is inside this package
import java.math.*; // BigInteger class is inside this package

class Main { /* UVa 10925 - Krakovia */

public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
int caseNo = 1;
while (true) {
int N = sc.nextInt(), F = sc.nextInt(); // N bills, F friends
if (N == 0 && F == 0) break;
BigInteger sum = BigInteger.valueOf(0); // use valueOf to initialize
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { // sum the N large bills
BigInteger V = sc.nextBigInteger(); // for reading next BigInteger!
sum = sum.add(V); // this is BigInteger addition
System.out.println("Bill #" + (caseNo++) + " costs " +
sum + ": each friend should pay " + sum.divide(BigInteger.valueOf(F)));
System.out.println(); // the line above is BigInteger division
} } }
// divide the large sum to F friends


Bonus Features

The Java BigInteger class has a few more bonus features that can be useful in programming

contests. It happens to have a built-in GCD routine gcd(BI), a modular arithmetic function
modPow(BI exponent, BI m), and Base Number converter toString(int radix).
GCD Revisited
When we need to compute the GCD of two big integers, we do not have to worry. See an example
below for UVa 10814 - Simplifying Fractions that ask us to simplify a given (large) fraction to its
simplest form by dividing both numerator and denominator with the gcd between them.

import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.math.*;

class Main { /* UVa 10814 - Simplifying Fractions */

public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
int N = sc.nextInt();
while (N-- > 0) {
BigInteger p = sc.nextBigInteger();
String ch = sc.next(); // ignore this one
BigInteger q = sc.nextBigInteger();
BigInteger gcd_pq = p.gcd(q); // wow :)
System.out.println(p.divide(gcd_pq) + " / " + q.divide(gcd_pq));
} } }

Modulo Arithmetic Revisited

One of the problems presented in the previous section is LA 4104 - MODEX. We are asked to nd

what is the value of xy (mod n). It turns out that this problem can be solved with:

import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.math.*;
class Main { /* LA 4104 - MODEX */
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner sc new Scanner(System.in);
int nTC = sc.nextInt();
while (nTC-- > 0) {
BigInteger x = BigInteger.valueOf(scan.nextInt());
BigInteger y = BigInteger.valueOf(scan.nextInt());
BigInteger n = BigInteger.valueOf(scan.nextInt());
System.out.println(x.modPow(y, n)); // look ma, its in the library ;)
} } }

Base Number Conversion

The base number conversion is actually a not-so-dicult4 mathematical problem, but this problem
becomes even simpler with Java BigInteger class. We can construct and print a big integer in any
base (radix) as shown below:
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.math.*;
class Main { /* UVa 10551 - Basic Remains */
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
while (true) {
int b = sc.nextInt();
if (b == 0) break;
String p_str = sc.next();
BigInteger p = new BigInteger(p_str, b); // special constructor!
String m_str = sc.next();
BigInteger m = new BigInteger(m_str, b); // 2nd parameter is the radix/base
System.out.println((p.mod(m)).toString(b)); // can output in any radix/base
} } }

Programming Exercises related to Big Integer that are not mentioned elsewhere in this chapter.
1. UVa 343 - What Base Is This? (number base conversion)
2. UVa 355 - The Bases Are Loaded (number base conversion)
3. UVa 389 - Basically Speaking (number base conversion)
4. UVa 424 - Integer Inquiry (bignum addition)
5. UVa 446 - Kibbles n Bits n Bits n Bits (number base conversion)
6. UVa 636 - Squares (number base conversion++)
7. UVa 10083 - Division (bignum + number theory)
8. UVa 10551 - Basic Remains (bignum mod and base conversion)

For example: (132)8 is 1 82 + 3 81 + 2 80 = 64 + 24 + 2 = (90)10 and (90)10 is 90 (keep dividing by 2)

45(0) 22(1) 11(0) 5(1) 2(1) 1(0) 0(1) = (1011010)2 (read backwards).

9. UVa 10814 - Simplifying Fractions (bignum gcd)

10. UVa 10106 - Product (bignum multiplication)
11. UVa 10473 - Simple Base Conversion (number base conversion)
12. UVa 10523 - Very Easy!!! (bignum addition, multiplication, and power)
13. UVa 10925 - Krakovia (bignum addition and division)
14. LA 4104 - MODEX (bignum modPow)


Miscellaneous Mathematics Problems

In this section, we list down a few more mathematics problems that have been used a few times
in some programming contests. Mastering the solutions for these problems can be an advantage
if you are given similar problem or problem that uses these knowledge as part of solution for the
problem. The terms mentioned here also act as keywords for further study.



Combinatorics [31] is a branch of discrete mathematics concerning the study of nite or countable discrete structures. Programming problems involving combinatorics usually titled How Many
[Object], Count [Object], etc, although some problem setters choose to hide this fact from their
problem title. The code is usually short, but nding the recurrence formula takes some mathematics brilliance and patience. In ICPC, if such problem exists in the given problem set, ask one team
member to derive the formula whereas the other two concentrates on other problems. Quickly code
the usually short formula once it is obtained.
For example, try solving UVa 10401 - Triangle Counting. This problem has a short description:
given n rods of length 1, 2, . . . , n, pick any 3 of them & build a triangle. How many distinct
triangles can you make? (3 n 1M ) . Note that, two triangles will be considered dierent if
they have at least one pair of arms with dierent lengths. If you are lucky, you may spend only a
few minutes to spot the pattern. Otherwise, this problem may end up unsolved by the time contest
is over. Hint: answers for few small n = 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 are 0, 1, 3, 7, 13, 22, 34, and 50,
Programming Exercises related to Combinatorics (also see Fibonacci Numbers above):
1. UVa 326 - Extrapolation using a Dierence Table
2. UVa 369 - Combinations (be careful with overow issue)
3. UVa 991 - Safe Salutations (Catalan Numbers)
4. UVa 10007 - Count the Trees (Catalan Numbers, see [30] for details)
5. UVa 10219 - Find the Ways! (use Java BigInteger class)
6. UVa 10303 - How Many Trees (Catalan Numbers)
7. UVa 10375 - Choose and Divide
8. UVa 10784 - Diagonal
9. UVa 10790 - How Many Points of Intersection?

10. UVa 10918 - Tri Tiling

11. UVa 11069 - A Graph Problem
12. UVa 11115 - Uncle Jack (N D , use Java BigInteger class)
13. UVa 11204 - Musical Instruments (only 1st choice matters)
14. UVa 11310 - Delivery Debacle
15. UVa 11401 - Triangle Counting (spot the pattern, coding is easy)
16. UVa 11554 - Hapless Hedonism (similar to UVa 11401)



Cycle-nding [32] is a problem of nding a cycle in a sequence of iterated function values.

For any function f : S S and any initial value x0 S, the sequence of iterated function values:
x0 , x1 = f (x0 ), x2 = f (x1 ), . . . , xi = f (xi1 ), . . . must eventually use the same value twice (cycle),
i.e. i = j such that xi = xj . Once this happens, the sequence must repeat the cycle of values from
xi to xj1 . We let as the smallest index i and let (the loop length) be the smallest positive
integer such that x = x+ . The cycle-nding is the problem of nding and , given f and x0 .

For example in UVa 350 - Pseudo-Random Numbers, we are given a pseudo-random number

generator f (x) = (Z x + I)%M with x0 = L and we want to nd out the sequence length before
any number is repeated.

A nave algorithm that works in general for this problem uses a data structure (e.g. C++ STL
<set>, hash table or direct addressing table) to store information that a number xi has been
visited in the sequence and then for each xj found later (j > i), we test if xj is stored in the data
structure or not. If it is, it implies that xj = xi , = i, = j i. This algorithm runs in O( + )
but also requires at least O( + ) space to store past values.
There is a better algorithm called Floyds Cycle-Finding algorithm [32] that runs in the same
O( + ) time complexity but only uses O(1) memory space much smaller than the nave version.
The working C/C++ implementation of this algorithm is shown below:
pair<int, int> floyd_cycle_finding(int (*f)(int), int x0) {
// The main phase of the algorithm, finding a repetition x_i = x_2i, hare speed is 2x tortoises
int tortoise = f(x0), hare = f(f(x0)); // f(x0) is the element/node next to x0
while (tortoise != hare) { tortoise = f(tortoise); hare = f(f(hare)); }
// Find the position of mu, the hare and tortoise move at the same speeds
int mu = 0; hare = tortoise; tortoise = x0;
while (tortoise != hare) { tortoise = f(tortoise); hare = f(hare); mu += 1; }
// Find the length of the shortest cycle starting from x_mu, hare moves, tortoise stays
int lambda = 1; hare = f(tortoise);
while (tortoise != hare) { hare = f(hare); lambda += 1; }
return make_pair(mu, lambda);

Programming Exercises related to Cycle-Finding:

1. UVa 350 - Pseudo-Random Numbers (straightforward application of oyds cycle-nding)
2. UVa 408 - Uniform Generator

3. UVa 944 - Happy Numbers (similar to UVa 10591)

4. UVa 10591 - Happy Number
5. UVa 11036 - Eventually periodic sequence
6. UVa 11053 - Flavius Josephus Reloaded
7. UVa 11549 - Calculator Conundrum


Existing (or Fictional) Sequences and Number Systems

Some Ad Hoc mathematic problems involve a denition of existing (or ctional) number Sequence
or Number System and our task is to produce either the sequence/number within some range
or the n-th one, verify if the given sequence/number is valid according to denition, etc. Usually,
following the description carefully is sucient to solve the problem.
Programming Exercises related to Sequences and Number Systems:
1. UVa 100 - The 3n + 1 problem
2. UVa 413 - Up and Down Sequences
3. UVa 694 - The Collatz Sequence (similar to UVa 100)
4. UVa 10408 - Farey Sequences
5. UVa 10930 - A-Sequence
6. UVa 11063 - B2 Sequences
Number Systems
1. UVa 136 - Ugly Numbers
2. UVa 138 - Street Numbers
3. UVa 443 - Humble Numbers
4. UVa 640 - Self Numbers (DP)
5. UVa 962 - Taxicab Numbers (Pre-calculate the answer)
6. UVa 974 - Kaprekar Numbers
7. UVa 10001 - Bangla Numbers
8. UVa 10006 - Carmichael Numbers
9. UVa 10042 - Smith Numbers
10. UVa 10044 - Erdos Numbers (solvable with BFS)
11. UVa 10591 - Happy Number (solvable with the Floyds Cycle-Finding algorithm)
12. UVa 11461 - Square Numbers
13. UVa 11472 - Beautiful Numbers


Probability Theory

Probability Theory is a branch of mathematics concerned with analysis of random phenomena.

Although an event like an individual coin toss is random, if it is repeated many times the sequence
of random events will exhibit certain statistical patterns, which can be studied and predicted.
In programming contests, such problems are either solve-able with some closed-form formula,
or one has no choice than to enumerate the complete search space.
Programming Exercises related to Probability:
1. UVa 474 - Heads Tails Probability
2. UVa 542 - France 98
3. UVa 10056 - What is the Probability?
4. UVa 10491 - Cows and Cars
5. UVa 11176 - Winning Streak
6. UVa 11181 - Probability|Given
7. UVa 11500 - Vampires


Linear Algebra

A linear equation is dened as an equation where the order of the unknowns (variables) is linear

(a constant or a product of a constant plus the rst power of an unknown), e.g. X + Y = 2.

System of linear equations is dened as a collection of n unknowns (variables) in n linear
equations, e.g. X + Y = 2 and 2X + 5Y = 6, where the solution is X = 1 13 , Y =


Notice the

dierence to the linear diophantine equation as the solution for system of linear equations
can be non-integers!

There are several ways to nd the solution for a system of linear equations. One of them is
Gaussian Elimination. See [5, 37] for details.
Programming Exercises related to Linear Algebra:
1. UVa 10089 - Repackaging
2. UVa 10109 - Solving Systems of Linear Equations
3. UVa 10309 - Turn the Lights O


Chapter Notes

We admit that there are still a lot of other mathematics problems and algorithms beyond this
chapter. This last section provides pointers for a few more topics.
For an even faster prime testing function than the one presented here, one can use the
non deterministic Miller-Rabins algorithm [41] which can be made deterministic for contest
environment with a known maximum input size N .

In this chapter, we have seen a quite eective trial division method for nding prime factors

of an integer. For a faster integer factorization, one can use the Pollards rho algorithm [4].

However, if the integer to be factored is a large prime number, then this is still a slow business.

This fact is the security part in modern cryptography techniques.

There are other theorem, hypothesis, and conjectures about prime numbers, e.g. Carmichaels

function, Riemanns hypothesis, Goldbachs conjecture, twin prime conjecture, etc. However, when

such things appear in programming contests, usually their denitions are given!
We can compute f ib(n) in O(log n) using matrix multiplication, but this is usually not needed

in contest setting unless the problem setter use a very big n.

Other mathematics problems that may appear in programming contests are those involving:

Chinese Remainder Theorem (e.g. UVa 756 - Biorhythms), Divisibility properties (e.g. UVa

995), Pascals Triangle, Combinatorial Games (e.g. the Sprague-Grundys theorem for

games like UVa 10165 - Stone Game (Nim game), Chess, Tic-Tac-Toe, etc), problems involving

non-conventional Grid system (e.g. UVa 10182 - Bee Maja), etc.

Note that (Computational) Geometry is also part of Mathematics, but since we have a special

chapter for that, we reserve the discussions related to geometry problems in Chapter 7.

In terms of doing well in ICPC, it is a good idea to have at least one strong mathematician in

your ICPC team. This is because there usually exists one or two mathematics problems in the set

where the solution is short but getting the solution/formula requires a strong thinking cap.
We suggest that interested readers should browse more about number theory see books like

[20], http://mathworld.wolfram.com/, Wikipedia and do more programming exercises related to

mathematics problems, visit http://projecteuler.net/ [7].

There are approximately 175 programming exercises discussed in this chapter.

Chapter 6

String Processing
Human Genome has approximately 3.3 Giga base-pairs
Human Genome Project

In this chapter, we present one more topic that is tested in ICPC, namely: string processing. Processing
(long) string is quite common in the research eld of bioinformatics and some of such problems are presented
as contest problems in ICPC.


Overview and Motivation

Although not as frequent as graph and mathematics problems in the previous two chapters, string
processing problems are also found in recent ICPCs (see Table 6.1). Some string-related problems
have huge inputs. Thus the solution must use ecient data structures and algorithms for string.

Problem Name
Searching Sequence ...
A DP Problem
String Cutting
Team Arrangement
The longest constant gene
Find the Format String


String Problem (Algorithm)

Classical String Alignment Problem (DP)
Tokenize Linear Equation
Classical String Edit Problem (DP)
Ad Hoc String Processing
Ad Hoc String Processing
Longest Repeated Substring
Longest Common Substring of >= 2 strings
Ad Hoc String Processing
Sux Array + Segment Tree

Table 6.1: Some String Processing Problems in Recent ACM ICPC Asia Regional


Ad Hoc String Processing Problems

We start this chapter by mentioning Ad Hoc string processing problems. They are contest problems
involving string that require no more than basic programming skills. We only need to read the
requirements in the problem description carefully and code it. Sometimes, pure character array
(a.k.a. string) manipulation is sucient. Sometimes, we need string libraries like C <string.h>,

C++ <string> class, or Java String class. For example, we can use strstr in C to nd certain
substring in a longer string (also known as string matching or string searching), strtok in C to
tokenize longer string into tokens based on some delimiters. Here are some examples:
Programming Exercises related to Ad Hoc String Processing:
1. UVa 148 - Anagram Checker (+ backtracking)
2. UVa 159 - Word Crosses
3. UVa 263 - Number Chains
4. UVa 353 - Pesky Palindromes
5. UVa 401 - Palindromes
6. UVa 409 - Excuses, Excuses! (string matching)
7. UVa 422 - Word Search Wonder (string searching in a grid)
8. UVa 537 - Articial Intelligence?
9. UVa 644 - Immediate Decodability
10. UVa 865 - Substitution Cypher (simple character substitution mapping)
11. UVa 902 - Password Search
12. UVa 10010 - Wheres Waldorf? (string searching in a grid)
13. UVa 10115 - Automatic Editing
14. UVa 10197 - Learning Portuguese
15. UVa 10293 - Word Length and Frequency
16. UVa 10391 - Compound Words (Use ecient Data Structure!)
17. UVa 10508 - Word Morphing
18. UVa 10815 - Andys First Dictionary
19. UVa 10878 - Decode the Tape
20. UVa 10896 - Known Plaintext Attack
21. UVa 11056 - Formula 1 (involving case insensitive string comparison)
22. UVa 11062 - Andys Second Dictionary
23. UVa 11221 - Magic Square Palindrome (solvable without DP)
24. UVa 11233 - Deli Deli
25. UVa 11278 - One-Handed Typist
26. UVa 11362 - Phone List
27. UVa 11385 - Da Vinci Code (string manipulation + Fibonacci numbers)
28. UVa 11048 - Automatic Correction of Misspellings
29. UVa 11713 - Abstract Names (modied string comparison function)
30. UVa 11716 - Digital Fortress (simple cipher)
31. UVa 11734 - Big Number of Teams will Solve This (modied string comparison function)

However, recent contest problems in ACM ICPC usually do not ask solutions for basic string
processing except for the giveaway problem that all teams should be able to solve. Some string
processing problems are solve-able with Dynamic Programming (DP) technique. We discuss them
in Section 6.3. Some other string processing problems have to deal with long strings, thus an
ecient data structure for string like Sux Tree or Sux Array must be used. We discuss these
data structures and several specialized algorithms using these data structures in Section 6.4.


String Processing with Dynamic Programming

In this section, we discuss some string processing problems that solve-able with DP techniques
discussed in Section 3.4.


String Alignment (Edit Distance)

The String Alignment (or Edit Distance) problem is dened as follows: Given two strings A and B,
align1 A with B with the maximum alignment score (or minimum number of edit operations):
After aligning A with B, there are few possibilities between character A[i] and B[i] index i:
1. Character A[i] and B[i] match (assume we give +2 score),
2. Character A[i] and B[i] mismatch and we replace A[i] with B[i] (-1 score),
3. We insert a space in A[i] (also -1 score), or
4. We delete a letter from A[i] (also -1 score).
For example:
A = information
-> ___information_
B = bioinformatics -> bioinformatic_s
---222222222--- -> String Alignment Score = 9 x 2 - 6 = 12

A brute force solution that tries all possible alignments will typically end up with a TLE verdict
for long strings A and/or B. The solution for this problem is a well-known DP solution (NeedlemanWunschs algorithm [24]). Consider two strings A[1 ... n] and B[1 ... m]. We dene V (i, j)

to be the score of the optimal alignment between A[1 ... i] and B[1 ... j] and score(A, B) is
the score if character A is aligned with character B.
Base case:
V (0, 0) = 0 // no score for matching two empty strings
Recurrences: For i > 0 and j > 0:
V (0, j) = V (0, j 1) + score( , B[j]) // insert space j times to make alignment
V (i, 0) = V (i 1, 0) + score(A[i], ) // delete i times to make alignment
V (i, j) = max(option1, option2, option3), where
option1 = V (i 1, j 1) + score(A[i], B[j]) // score of match or mismatch
option2 = V (i 1, j) + score(A[i], ) // delete
option3 = V (i, j 1) + score( , B[j]) // insert
In short, this DP algorithm concentrates on the three possibilities for the last pair of characters,

which must be either a match/mismatch, a deletion, or an insertion. Although we do not know

which one is the best, we can try all possibilities while avoiding re-computation of overlapping
subproblems (i.e. basically a DP technique).



With a simple cost function where a match gets a +2 point and mismatch, insert, delete all get
a -1 point, the detail of string alignment score of A = ACAATCC and B = AGCATGC is shown

Align is a process of inserting spaces to strings A or B such that they have the same number of characters.

Figure 6.1: String Alignment Example for A = ACAATCC and B = AGCATGC (score = 7)

in Figure 6.1. The alignment score is 7 (bottom right). Follow the dashed (red) arrows from the

bottom right cell to reconstruct the solution Diagonal arrow means a match or a mismatch (e.g.

the last C). Vertical arrow means a deletion (e.g. ..CAT.. to ..C_A..). Horizontal arrow means

an insertion (e.g. A_C.. to AGC..).



As we need to ll in all entries in the table of n m matrix and each entry can be computed in

O(1), the time complexity is O(nm). The space complexity is O(nm) the size of the DP table.


Longest Common Subsequence

The Longest Common Subsequence (LCS) problem is dened as follows: Given two strings A and

B, what is the longest common subsequence between them. For example, A = ACAATCC and

B = AGCATGC have LCS of length 5, i.e. ACATC.

The LCS solution is very similar to String Alignment solution presented earlier. Set the cost

for mismatch as negative innity, cost for insertion and deletion as 0, and the cost for match as 1.

This makes the String Alignment solution to never consider mismatches.



A palindrome is a string that can be read the same way in either direction. Some variants of

palindrome nding problems are solve-able with DP technique, as shown in this example: given a

string of up to 1000 characters, determine the length of the longest palindrome that you can make

from it by deleting zero or more characters. Examples:

ADAM ADA (of length 3, delete M)

MADAM MADAM (of length 5, delete nothing)


The DP solution: let len(l, r) be the length of the longest palindrome from string A[l ... r].

Base cases:

If (l = r), then len(l, r) = 1. // true in odd-length palindrome

If (l + 1 = r), then len(l, r) = 2 if (A[l] = A[r]), or 1 otherwise. // true in even-length palindrome

If (A[l] = A[r]), then len(l, r) = 2 + len(l + 1, r 1). // both corner characters are similar
else len(l, r) = max(len(l, r 1), len(l + 1, r)). // increase left side or decrease right side
Programming Exercises related to String Processing with DP:
1. UVa 164 - String Computer (String Alignment/Edit Distance)
2. UVa 531 - Compromise (Longest Common Subsequence + printing solution)
3. UVa 10066 - The Twin Towers (Longest Common Subsequence - but not on string)
4. UVa 10100 - Longest Match (Longest Common Subsequence)
5. UVa 10192 - Vacation (Longest Common Subsequence)
6. UVa 10405 - Longest Common Subsequence (as the problem name implies)
7. UVa 10739 - String to Palindrome
8. UVa 11151 - Longest Palindrome
9. LA 2460 - Searching Sequence Database in Molecular Biology (String Alignment)


Sux Tree and Sux Array

Sux Tree and Sux Array are two ecient and related data structures for strings. We do not
put this topic in Chapter 2 as these two data structures are special for strings.


Sux Tree: Basic Ideas

Figure 6.2: Sux Trie (Left) and Sux Tree (Right) of S = acacag$ (Figure from [24])
Consider a string2 S = acacag$, a Sux3 Trie of S is a tree that contains all possible suxes
of S (see Figure 6.2, left). Two suxes that share common prex will share the same rst few
vertices, e.g. cag$ and cacag$ share the rst two vertices ca before they split. The leaves
contain the indices of the suxes. Sux Tree of S is Sux Trie where we merge vertices with only
one child (see Figure 6.2, right). Notice the edge-label and path-label in the gure.
Exercise: Draw the Sux Tree of S = competitive$!

Notice that S is usually appended with a special char $ which is lexicographically smaller than all the alphabets
used in S.
A sux of a string is a special case substring that goes up to the last character of the string.


Applications of Sux Tree

Assuming that a Sux Tree4 for a string S is already built, we can use it for these applications:
Exact String Matching in O(|Q| + occ)
With Sux Tree, we can nd all (exact) occurrences of a query string Q in S in O(|Q| + occ) where
|Q| is the length of the query string Q itself and occ is the total number of occurrences of Q in S
no matter how long the string S is. When the Sux Tree is already built, this approach is faster
than many exact string matching algorithms (e.g. KMP).
With Sux Tree, our task is to search for the vertex x in the Sux Tree which represents the
query string Q. This can be done by just one root to leaf traversal that follows the edge labels.
Vertex with path-label = Q is the desired vertex x. Then, leaves in the subtree rooted at x are the
occurrences of Q in S. We can then read the starting indices of such substrings that are stored in
the leaves of the sub tree.
For example, in the Sux Tree of S = acacag$ shown in Figure 6.2, right and Q = aca,
we can simply traverse from root, go along the edge label a, then the edge label ca to nd vertex
x with the path-label aca (follow the dashed red arrow in Figure 6.2, right). The leaves of this
vertex x point to index 1 (substring: acacag$) and index 3 (substring: acag$).
Exercise: Now try to nd a query string Q = ca and Q = cat!
Finding Longest Repeated Substring in O(n)
With Sux Tree, we can also nd the longest repeated substring in S easily. The deepest internal
vertex X in the Sux Tree of S is the answer. Vertex X can be found with an O(n) tree traversal.
The fact that X is an internal vertex implies that it represent more than one suxes (leaves) of
string S and these suxes shared a common prex (repeated substring). The fact that X is the
deepest internal vertex (from root) implies that its path-label is the longest repeated substring.
For example, in the Sux Tree of S = acacag$ shown in Figure 6.2, right, the longest
repeated substring is aca as it is the path-label of the deepest internal vertex.
Exercise: Find the longest repeated substring in S = cgacattacatta$!
Finding Longest Common Substring in O(n)
The problem of nding the Longest Common Substring (not Subsequence)5 of two or more
strings can be solved in linear time with Sux Tree. Consider two strings S1 and S2, we can
build a generalized Sux Tree for S1 and S2 with two dierent ending markers, e.g. S1 with
character # and S2 with character $. Then, we mark each internal vertices with have leaves
that represent suxes of both S1 and S2 this means the suxes share a common prex. We then
report the deepest marked vertex as the answer.
For example, with S1 = acgat# and S2 = cgt$, The Longest Common Substring is cg
of length 2. In Figure 6.3, we see the root and vertices with path-labels cg, g, and t all have
two dierent leaf markers. The deepest marked vertex is cg. The two suxes cgat# and cgt$
share a common prex cg.

As Sux Tree is more compact than Sux Trie, we will concentrate on Sux Tree.
In abcdef, bce (skip character d) is subsequence and bcd (contiguous) is substring and also subsequence.

Figure 6.3: Generalized Sux Tree of S1 = acgat# and S2 = cgt$ (Figure from [24])

Exercise: Find the Longest Common Substring of S1 = steven$ and S2 = seven$!


Sux Array: Basic Ideas

Building ecient Sux Tree under contest environment is a bit complex and risky. Fortunately,

another data structure that we are going to describe, called Sux Array invented by Udi Manber

and Gene Myers, has similar functionalities as Sux Tree but simpler to implement, especially

in programming contest setting. Thus we will skip the discussion on building a Sux Tree and

instead focus on Sux Array.

Basically, Sux Array is an integer array that contains indices of sorted suxes. For example,

consider the same S = acacag$ with n = 7. The Sux Array of S is an integer permutation of

n as shown in Figure 6.4. Note that we regard the terminating symbol $ as the lexicographically

smallest character.

Figure 6.4: Sux Array of S = acacag$ (Figure from [24])

Sux Tree and Sux Array are very related. As we can see in Figure 6.5, the leaves of a Sux

Tree (from left to right) is in Sux Array order. In short, a vertex in Sux Tree corresponds to

a range in Sux Array!

Figure 6.5: Sux Tree versus Sux Array of S = acacag$ (Figure from [24])

A Sux Array is good enough for many practical string operations in contest problems. In this

section, we present two simple ways to build a Sux Array given a string S[0 ... n-1].

#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
char S[1001]; // this naive Suffix Array cannot go beyond 1000 characters
int SA[1001], n;
// compare suffixes
int SA_cmp(const void *a, const void *b) { return strcmp(S + *(int*)a, S + *(int*)b); }
int main() { // first approach: O(n^2 log n), only for
n = strlen(gets(S));
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) SA[i] = i; // sort
qsort(SA, n, sizeof(int), SA_cmp);
// O(n log n)
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) printf("%d %s\n", SA[i],
} // return 0;

n <= 1000
* comparison
* O(n) = O(n^2 log n)

When applied to string S = acacag$, the simple code that simply sort all suxes with sort

library will produce the correct Sux Array = {6, 0, 2, 4, 1, 3, 5} (note that index starts from 0).
However, this is barely useful except for contest problems with n 1000.

A better way to build the Sux Array is to sort suxes O(n log n) in increasing length. We

start from suxes with length 1, length 2, length 4, length 8, ..., up to n. As the length grows

exponentially, we only need O(log n) steps. Thus the overall complexity is O(n log2 n). With this

complexity, working with strings of length n 100K the typical programming contest range is

not a problem. The library code is shown below. For explanation, see [29, 24].
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
#define MAXN 200010
int RA[MAXN], SA[MAXN], LCP[MAXN], *FC, *SC, step;
char S[MAXN], Q[MAXN];
bool cmp(int a, int b) {
if (step==-1 || FC[a]!=FC[b]) return FC[a] < FC[b];
return FC[a+(1<<step)] < FC[b+(1<<step)];
void suffix_array(char *S, int n) { // O(n log^2(n))
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) RA[i] = S[SA[i] = i];
for (FC=RA, SC=LCP, step=-1; (1<<step)<n; step++) {
sort(SA, SA+n, cmp);
int cnt = 0;
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
if (i>0 && cmp(SA[i-1],SA[i])) cnt++;
SC[SA[i]] = cnt;
if (cnt==n-1) break; // all distinct, no need to continue
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) RA[SA[i]] = i;

Now with a Sux Array already built, we can search for a query string Q of length m in string S of
length n in O(m log n). This is O(log n) times slower than the Sux Tree version but in practice is
quite acceptable. The O(m log n) complexity comes from the fact that we can do O(log n) binary
search on a sorted suxes and do up to O(m) comparisons per sux.
The fact that the occurrences of Q in the Sux Array of S are consecutive can be used to
deal with the longest repeated substring and the longest common substring problems in similar
O(m log n) + O(occ). For example in S = acacag$, the repeated substring ca occurs in
SA[4] and SA[5]. For the common substring between S1 = acgat# and S2 = cgt$, we can
concatenate the two string into S = acgat#cgt$, build the Sux Array of the concatenated
string, and then modify the comparison function to check for the marker character # and $.
Our code for nding the query string Q in a Sux Array is shown below:

pair<int, int> range(int n, char *Q) {

int lo = 1, hi = n, m = strlen(Q), mid = lo; // index 0 - null
while (lo <= hi) {
// valid range = [1..n]
mid = (lo + hi) / 2;
int cmp = strncmp(S + SA[mid], Q, m);
if (cmp == 0)
break; // found
else if (cmp > 0) hi = mid - 1;
lo = mid + 1;
if (lo > hi)
return make_pair(-1, -1); // not found
for (lo = mid; lo >= 1 && strncmp(S + SA[lo], Q, m) == 0; lo--);
for (hi = mid; hi <= n && strncmp(S + SA[hi], Q, m) == 0; hi++);
return make_pair(lo, hi);

int main() {
int n = strlen(gets(S));
suffix_array(S, n + 1); // NULL is included!
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) // SA[0] is the NULL
printf("%d %s\n", SA[i], S + SA[i]);

pair<int, int> pos = range(n, Q);
if (pos.first != -1 && pos.second != -1) {
printf("%s is found SA [%d .. %d] of %s\n", Q, pos.first, pos.second, S);
printf("They are:\n");
for (int i = pos.first; i <= pos.second; i++)
printf(" %s\n", S + SA[i]);
printf("%s is not found in %s\n", Q, S);
return 0;

Programming Exercises related to Sux Array:

1. UVa 719 - Glass Beads (minimum lexicographic rotation, solvable with SA)
2. UVa 10526 - Intellectual Property
3. UVa 11107 - Life Forms
4. UVa 11512 - GATTACA
5. LA 4657 - Top 10 (ACM ICPC Jakarta 2009, problem setter: Felix Halim)
6. https://www.spoj.pl/problems/SARRAY/ (problem setter: Felix Halim)


Chapter Notes

The materials regarding String Alignment (Edit), Longest Common Subsequence, Sux Tree, and
Sux Array are courtesy of A/P Sung Wing Kin, Ken [24] from School of Computing, National
University of Singapore.

The string alignment problem discussed in Section 6.3 is called the global alignment problem.
The best solution so far is O(nm/ log2 n) [24] but it is complicated to code. However if the given
contest problem is limited to d insertions or deletions only, we can speed up Needleman-Wunschs
algorithm to O(dn) by just concentrating on the main diagonal of DP matrix.
For the specialized case of local alignment problem, a better algorithm similar to NeedlemanWunschs algorithm exists (Smith-Watermans algorithm [24]).
The Longest Common Subsequence problem can be solved in O(n log n) when all characters are
distinct [24].
There are other string matching algorithms that are not discussed in this chapter: Rabin-

Karps, Boyer-Moores, Knuth-Morris-Pratts (KMP), Aho-Corasicks, etc. But for

many contest problems involving string, using library functions like C strstr in <string.h>
or string.find() in C++ STL <string> is usually already sucient. If a faster string matching
algorithm is needed during contest time, we suggest using Sux Array that has been discussed in
this chapter.
For more example applications of Sux Array, please read the article Sux arrays - a programming contest approach by [29].
There are several other string processing problems that we have not touched yet: Grammar and Parsing (e.g. Backus Naur Form), Encoding/Decoding/Cypher/Cryptography,
Shortest Common Superstring, Regular Expression (using Java), Hashing techniques for
String Processing, Sux Automaton, etc.

There are approximately 54 programming exercises discussed in this chapter.

Chapter 7

(Computational) Geometry
Let no man ignorant of geometry enter here.
Platos Academy in Athens

(Computational) Geometry is yet another topic that frequently appears in programming contests. Many
contestants afraid to tackle them due to oating point precision errors1 or the many tricky special cases
commonly found in geometry problems. Some others skip these problems as they forgot some important formulas and unable to derive the required formulas from basic concepts. Study this chapter for some ideas on
tackling (computational) geometry problems in ICPC.


Overview and Motivation

Almost all ICPC problem sets have at least one geometry problem. If you are lucky, it ask you for
some geometry solution that you have learned in pre-University which you still remember or the
solution can be derived by drawing the geometrical objects. However, many geometry problems
are more complex and nding the correct algorithm is harder. Table 7.1 shows some geometry
problems in recent ACM ICPC Asia Regional.

Problem Name
Monster Trap
Boundary Points
How I Wonder ...
Shooting the Monster
Triangle Hazard
Magic Rope
Separate Points
Malfatti Circles
In-circles Again


Geometry Problem (Algorithm)

Convex Hull

Triangles & Circles

Circles in Triangle

Table 7.1: Some (Computational) Geometry Problems in Recent ACM ICPC Asia Regional

To avoid this error, usually we do oating-point comparison test in this way: f abs(a b) < EP S where EP S
usually is a small number like 1e-9.

We divide this chapter into two parts. The rst part is geometry basics in Section 7.2. We
review many (not all) English geometric terminologies and formulas that are commonly used in
programming contests. The second part deals with computational geometry in Section 7.4 7.5, where we use data structures and algorithms which can be stated in terms of geometry.


Geometry Basics

As ACM ICPC contestants come from various nationalities, languages, and backgrounds, sometimes
these English geometric terminologies below may look alien. Here, we try to provide a list
which cannot be exhaustive to be used as a quick reference when contestants are given geometry
1. A Line can be described with mathematical equation: y = mx + c or ax + bx + c = 0.
The y = mx + c equation involves gradient / slope m.
Note: Be careful with vertical lines with innite slope. Usually, we treat the vertical
lines separately in the solution code (example of the special cases in geometry problems).
2. A Line Segment is a line with two end points with nite length.

Programming Exercises related to Lines:

1. UVa 184 - Laser Lines
2. UVa 270 - Lining Up
3. UVa 833 - Water Falls
4. UVa 10180 - Rope Crisis In Ropeland (closest point on line segment)
5. UVa 10242 - Fourth Point
6. UVa 10263 - Railway
7. UVa 11068 - An Easy Task (line ax + by + c)
8. UVa 11277 - The Silver Bullet (Complete Search + collinear test discussed below)
9. LA 4601 - Euclid (Southeast USA Regional 2009)

Circles (see Figure 7.1)

1. In a 2-D Cartesian coordinate system, the Circle centered at (a, b) with radius r is the
set of all points (x, y) such that (x a)2 + (y b)2 = r 2 .
2. The constant is the Ratio of any circles circumference to its diameter in the Euclidean
space. To avoid precision error, the safest value for programming contest is pi = 2
acos(0.0), unless if this constant is dened in the problem description!
3. The Circumference c of a circle with a Diameter d is c = d where d = 2 r.
4. The length of an Arc of a circle with a circumference c and an angle (in degrees2 ) is


Human usually works with degrees, but many mathematical functions in programming languages works with
radians. Check your programming language manual to verify this. To help with conversion, just remember that one
radian equals to 180 degrees.

5. The length of a Chord of a circle with a radius r and an angle (in degrees) can be
obtained with the Law of Cosines: 2r 2 (1 cos()) see the explanation of this law
in the discussion about Triangles below.
6. The Area A of a circle with a radius r is A = r 2
7. The area of a Sector of a circle with an area A and an angle (in degrees) is


8. The area of a Segment of a circle can be found by subtracting the area of the corresponding Sector with the area of an Isosceles Triangle with sides: r, r, and Chord-length.

Figure 7.1: Circles

Programming Exercises related to Circles (only):

1. UVa 10005 - Packing polygons (Complete Search: Circle through 2 points, test others)
2. UVa 10012 - How Big Is It (Circle radius, use complete search)
3. UVa 10136 - Chocolate Chip Cookies (Circle through 2 points)
4. UVa 10221 - Satellites (nding arc and chord length of a circle)
5. UVa 10432 - Polygon Inside A Circle (area of n-sided regular polygon inside circle)
6. UVa 10451 - Ancient Village Sports (inner/outer circle of an n-sided regular polygon)
7. UVa 10589 - Area (check if point is inside intersection of 4 circles)

Triangles (see Figure 7.2)

Figure 7.2: Triangles

1. A Triangle is a polygon (dened below) with three vertices and three edges. There are
several types of triangles:
Equilateral Triangle, all three edges have the same length and all inside/interior angles
are 60 degrees;

Isosceles Triangle, two edges have the same length;

Scalene Triangle, no edges have the same length;
Right Triangle, one of its interior angle is 90 degrees (or a right angle).
2. The Area A of triangle with base b and height h is A = 0.5 b h
3. The Perimeter p of a triangle with three sides: a, b, and c is p = a + b + c.
4. The Herons Formula: The area A of a triangle with 3 sides: a, b, c, is A = sqrt(s
(s a) (s b) (s c)), where s = 0.5 p (the Semi-Perimeter of the triangle).
5. The radius r of the Triangles Inner Circle with area A and the semi-perimeter s is
r = A/s.
6. The radius R of the Triangles Outer Circle with 3 sides: a, b, c and area A is R =
a b c/(4 A).
7. In Trigonometry, the Law of Cosines (a.k.a. the Cosine Formula or the Cosine
Rule) is a statement about a general triangle that relates the lengths of its sides to the
cosine of one of its angles. See the scalene (middle) triangle in Figure 7.2. With the
notation described there, we have: c2 = a2 + b2 2 a b cos(). This formula can
be rewritten for the other two angles and .
8. In Trigonometry, the Law of Sines (a.k.a. the Sine Formula or the Sine Rule) is an
equation relating the lengths of the sides of an arbitrary triangle to the sines of its angle.
See the scalene (middle) triangle in Figure 7.2. With the notation described there, we



sin() .

9. In Trigonometry, the Pythagorean Theorem specializes the Law of Cosines. The

Pythagorean theorem is only correct for right triangles. If the angle is a right angle
(of measure 90 or /2 radians), then cos() = 0, and thus the law of cosines reduces
to: c2 = a2 + b2 .
10. In Trigonometry, the Pythagorean Triple is a triple with three positive integers a,
b, and c, such that a2 + b2 = c2 . Such a triple is commonly written as (a, b, c). A
well-known example is (3, 4, 5). If (a, b, c) is a Pythagorean triple, then so is (ka, kb, kc)
for any positive integer k. A Primitive Pythagorean Triple is one in which a, b, and
c are coprime. Primitive Pythagorean Triples describe the three integer side lengths of
a Right Triangle, although the converse may not be true.

Programming Exercises related to Triangles (and possibly Circles again):

1. UVa 143 - Orchard Trees (counting integer points in triangle)
2. UVa 190 - Circle Through Three Points (triangles outer circle)
3. UVa 438 - The Circumference of the Circle (triangles outer circle)
4. UVa 10195 - The Knights Of The Round Table (triangles inner circle, Herons formula)
5. UVa 10286 - The Trouble with a Pentagon (Law of Sines)
6. UVa 10347 - Medians (given 3 medians of a triangle, nd its area)
7. UVa 10991 - Region (Herons formula, Law of Cosines, area of sector)
8. UVa 11152 - Colourful Flowers (triangles inner and outer circle, Herons formula)
9. UVa 11437 - Triangle Fun

10. UVa 11479 - Is this the easiest problem? (property check)

11. UVa 11524 - In-Circle (yet another variant of circles in triangles)
12. UVa 11579 - Triangle Trouble
13. LA 4413 - Triangle Hazard
14. LA 4717 - In-circles Again

1. A Rectangle is a polygon with four edges, four vertices, and four right angles.
2. The Area A of a rectangle with width w and height h is A = w h.
3. The Perimeter p of a rectangle with width w and height h is p = 2 (w + h).
4. A Square is a special case of rectangle where w = h.

Programming Exercises related to Rectangles:

1. UVa 201 - Square
2. UVa 476 - Point in Figures: Rectangles
3. UVa 922 - Rectangles by the Ocean
4. UVa 10502 - Counting Rectangles (Complete Search)
5. UVa 10908 - Largest Square (implicit square)
6. UVa 11207 - The Easiest Way (cutting rectangle into 4-equal-sized squares)
7. UVa 11455 - Behold My Quadrangle (property check)

1. A Trapezium is a polygon with four edges, four vertices, and one pair of parallel edges.
If the two non-parallel sides of the trapezium have the same length, we have an Isosceles
2. The Area A of a trapezium with base w1, another edge parallel with the base w2 and
height h is A = 0.5 (w1 + w2) h.

1. A Quadrilateral or Quadrangle is a polygon with with four edges (and four vertices).
Rectangles, Squares, and Trapeziums that are mentioned above are Quadrilaterals. Figure 7.3 shows a few more examples: Parallelogram, Kite, Rhombus.

Figure 7.3: Quadrilaterals

1. A Sphere is a perfectly round geometrical object in 3-D space.
2. The Great-Circle Distance between any two points A and B on sphere [38] is the
shortest distance along a path on the surface of the sphere. This path is equal to the
length of the Arc of the Great-Circle of that sphere that pass through the two points
A and B.
The Great-Circle of a sphere is dened as the circle that runs along the surface of the
sphere so that it cuts the sphere into two equal hemispheres. To nd the solution to the
Great-Circle Distance, we nd the central angle AOB (see Figure 7.4) of the Great-Circle
and use it to determine the length of the arc.
Although quite rare, some contest problems use this distance metric. Usually, the two
points on the surface of a sphere are given as (latitude, longitude) pair. The following
library code will help us obtain the shortest great-circle distance given two points on the
sphere and the radius of the sphere. For the derivation of this library code, see [38].

Figure 7.4: Great-Circle and Great-Circle Distance (Arc A-B) (Figures from [46])
double greatCircleDistance(double pLat, double pLong,
double qLat, double qLong, double radius) {
pLat *= PI / 180; pLong *= PI / 180;
qLat *= PI / 180; qLong *= PI / 180;
return radius * acos(cos(pLat)*cos(pLong)*cos(qLat)*cos(qLong) +
cos(pLat)*sin(pLong)*cos(qLat)*sin(qLong) +

Programming Exercises related to the Great-Circle Distance:

1. UVa 535 - Globetrotter
2. UVa 10075 - Airlines (with APSP)
3. UVa 10316 - Airline Hub
4. UVa 10897 - Travelling Distance
5. UVa 11817 - Tunnelling The Earth

1. A Polygon is a plane gure that is bounded by a closed path or circuit composed of
a nite sequence of straight line segments. These segments are called edges or sides.
The point where two edges meet are the polygons vertex or corner. The interior of the
polygon is sometimes called its body.
2. A polygon is said to be Convex if any line segment drawn inside the polygon does not
intersect any edge of the polygon. Otherwise, the polygon is called Concave.
3. The area A of an n-sided polygon (either convex or concave) with n pairs of vertex
coordinates given in some order (clockwise or counter-clockwise) is:

= - * |



| = 1/2 * (x1y2 + x2y3 + y3y4 + ... + xny1
-x2y1 - x3y2 - x3y4 - ... - x1yn)

This can be written into the library code below. Notice that our default setting is allinteger coordinates and use all-integer operations whenever possible. You need to change
a part of this code if the given points are not integers:
struct point { int x, y; } // a point has two members
int determinant(vector<point> P) { // default: integer computation
int result = 0, x1, y1, x2, y2;
for (int i = 0; i < P.size(); i++) {
x1 = P[i].x; x2 = P[(i + 1) % P.size()].x;
y1 = P[i].y; y2 = P[(i + 1) % P.size()].y;
result += (x1 * y2 - x2 * y1);
return result;
// area is half of the determinant and the result may be a non-integer
double area(vector<point> P) { return fabs(determinant(P)) / 2.0); }

4. The perimeter p of an n-sided polygon with n pairs of coordinates given in some order
(clockwise or counter-clockwise) can be computed with Pythagorean theorem:
double perimeter(vector<point> P) { // point has x & y
double result = 0.0, x1, y1, x2, y2, dx, dy;
for (int i = 0; i < P.size(); i++) {
x1 = P[i].x; x2 = P[(i + 1) % P.size()].x;
y1 = P[i].y; y2 = P[(i + 1) % P.size()].y;
dx = x2 - x1;
dy = y2 - y1;
result += sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
return result;

5. Testing if a polygon is convex (or concave) is easy with a quite robust3 geometric predicate test called CCW (Counter Clockwise) Test (a.k.a. Left-Turn Test).
CCW test is a simple yet important predicate test in computational geometry. This test
takes in 3 points p, q, r in a plane and determine if the sequence p q r is a left
turn4 . For example, CCW (p, q, r) where p = (0, 0), q = (1, 0), r = (0, 1) is true. This
test can be implemented with the following library code:
int turn(point
int result =
if (result <
if (result >
return 0; //

p, point q, point r) {
(r.x - q.x) * (p.y - q.y) 0) return -1; // P->Q->R is
0) return 1; // P->Q->R is
P->Q->R is a straight line,

(r.y - q.y) * (p.x - q.x);

a right turn
a left turn
i.e. P, Q, R are collinear

// Note: sometimes, we change the > 0 to >= 0 to accept collinear points

bool ccw(point p, point q, point r) { return (turn(p, q, r) > 0); }

With the library code above, we can now check if a polygon is convex by verifying if all
three consecutive points in the polygon make left-turns if visited in counter clockwise
order. If we can nd at least one triple where this is false, the polygon is concave.

Programming Exercises related to Polygons:

1. UVa 478 - Point in Figures: Rectangles, Circles, and Triangles (point inside polygon)
2. UVa 634 - Polygon (point inside polygon)
3. UVa 10078 - Art Gallery (testing if a polygon is convex)
4. UVa 10112 - Myacm Triangles (check if point in triangle with area tests like UVa 478)
5. UVa 11447 - Reservoir Logs (area of polygon)
6. UVa 11473 - Campus Roads (perimeter of polygon)

There are of course exists many other geometric shapes, objects, and formulas that have not
been covered yet, like 3-D objects, etc. What we have covered so far are the ones which
appear more frequently in programming contests.

Other Programming Exercises related to Basic Geometry that are not listed above:
1. UVa 10088 - Trees on My Island (Georg A. Picks Theorem: A = i +


1, see [43])

2. UVa 10297 - Beavergnaw (cones, cylinders, volumes)

3. UVa 10387 - Billiard (expanding surface, trigonometry)
4. UVa 11232 - Cylinder (circles, rectangles, cylinders)
5. UVa 11507 - Bender B. Rodriguez Problem (simulation)

Geometric programs are preferred to be robust, namely, no numerical errors. To help achieving that quality,
computations are often done by predicate tests (e.g. the CCW test) rather than by oating point calculations
which is prone to precision errors. Moreover, arithmetic operations used are limited to additions, subtractions and
multiplications on integers only (exact arithmetics).
Or in other words: p q r is counter-clockwise, r is on the left of line pq, triangle pqr has a positive area and
its determinant is greater than zero.


Grahams Scan

The Convex Hull of a set of points P is the smallest convex polygon CH(P ) for which each
point in P is either on the boundary of CH(P ) or in its interior (see Figure 7.5.D). Every vertex
in CH(P ) is a vertex in original P . Thus, the algorithm of nding convex hull must decide which
vertices in P to be chosen as part of the convex hull.

Figure 7.5: Convex Hull CH(P ) of Set of Points P

There are several convex hull algorithms available. In this section, we choose the O(n log n) Ronald
Grahams Scan algorithm. This algorithm rst sorts all n points of P (Figure 7.5.A) based on its
angle w.r.t a point called pivot. In our example, we pick bottommost and rightmost point in P as
pivot (see point 0 and the counter-clockwise order of the remaining points in Figure 7.5.B).
Then, this algorithm maintains a stack S of candidate points. Each point of P is pushed once
on to S and points that are not going to be part of CH(P ) will be eventually popped from S.
Examine Figure 7.5.C. The stack previously contains (bottom) 11-0-1-2 (top), but when we try to
insert 3, 1-2-3 is a right turn, so we pop 2. Now 0-1-3 is a left turn, so we insert 3 to the stack,
which now contains (bottom) 11-0-1-3 (top).
When Grahams Scan terminates, whatever left in S are the points of CH(P ) (see Figure 7.5.D,
the stack contains (bottom) 11-0-1-4-7-10-11 (top)). Graham Scans eliminates all the right turns!
Check that the sequence of vertices in S always makes left turns a convex polygon.
The implementation of Grahams Scan, omitting parts that have shown earlier like ccw function,
is shown below.
point pivot; // global variable
vector<point> polygon, CH;
int area2(point a, point b, point c) {
return a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x + b.x * c.y - b.y * c.x + c.x * a.y - c.y * a.x;
int dist2(point a, point b) { // function to compute distance between 2 points
int dx = a.x - b.x, dy = a.y - b.y; return dx * dx + dy * dy;
bool angle_cmp(point a, point b) { // important angle-sorting function
if (area2(pivot, a, b) == 0) // collinear
return dist2(pivot, a) < dist2(pivot, b); // which one closer
int d1x = a.x - pivot.x, d1y = a.y - pivot.y;
int d2x = b.x - pivot.x, d2y = b.y - pivot.y;
return (atan2((double)d1y, (double)d1x) - atan2((double)d2y, (double)d2x)) < 0;

vector<point> GrahamScan(vector<point> Polygon) {

// first, find P0 = point with lowest Y and if tie: rightmost X
int i, P0 = 0, N = Polygon.size();
for (i = 1; i < N; i++)
if (Polygon[i].y < Polygon[P0].y ||
(Polygon[i].y == Polygon[P0].y && Polygon[i].x > Polygon[P0].x))
P0 = i;
point temp = Polygon[0]; // swap selected vertex with Polygon[0]
Polygon[0] = Polygon[P0];
Polygon[P0] = temp;
// second, sort points by angle w.r.t. P0, skipping Polygon [0]
pivot = Polygon[0]; // use this global variable as reference
sort(++Polygon.begin(), Polygon.end(), angle_cmp);
// third, the ccw tests
stack<point> S;
point prev, now;
S.push(Polygon[N - 1]); // put two starting vertices into stack S
i = 1; // and start checking the rest
while (i < N) { // note: N must be >= 3 for this method to work
now = S.top();
S.pop(); prev = S.top(); S.push(now); // trick to get the 2nd item from top of S
if (ccw(prev, now, Polygon[i])) { // if these 3 points make a left turn
S.push(Polygon[i]); // accept
else // otherwise
S.pop(); // pop this point until we have a left turn
vector<point> ConvexHull;
while (!S.empty()) { // from stack back to vector
ConvexHull.pop_back(); // the last one is a duplicate of first one
return ConvexHull; // return the result

Programming Exercises related to Convex Hull:

1. UVa 109 - Scud Busters
2. UVa 218 - Moth Eradication
3. UVa 361 - Cops and Robbers
4. UVa 681 - Convex Hull Finding (pure convex hull problem for starting point)
5. UVa 811 - The Fortied Forest (Complete Search with convex hull)

6. UVa 10002 - Center of Masses (centroid of convex polygon, convex hull)

7. UVa 10065 - Useless Tile Packers (plus area of polygon)
8. UVa 10135 - Herding Frosh
9. UVa 10173 - Smallest Bounding Rectangle
10. UVa 11626 - Convex Hull


Intersection Problems

In geometry problems, we can virtually take any pair of objects and see if they intersect, and if
they are: what is the point/area/volume of intersection? This is the source of many computational
geometry problems in contests.
Line segment intersection is one the most frequent intersection problems. We can test whether
two line segments intersect or not by using several ccw tests (code is shown below).
struct line { point p1, p2; }
int intersect(line line1, line line2) {
((ccw(line1.p1, line1.p2, line2.p1) * ccw(line1.p1, line1.p2, line2.p2)) <= 0)
((ccw(line2.p1, line2.p2, line1.p1) * ccw(line2.p1, line2.p2, line1.p2)) <= 0);

However, intersections can occur between dierent types of objects other than two line segments.
The other objects are: Cube, Box, Circle, Polygon, Triangle, Rectangle, etc. Some examples are
shown below.
Programming Exercises solvable related to intersection problem:
Line Segment Intersection
1. UVa 191 - Intersection
2. UVa 378 - Intersecting Lines
3. UVa 866 - Intersecting line segments
4. UVa 920 - Sunny Mountain
5. UVa 972 - Horizon Line
6. UVa 10902 - Pick-up sticks
7. UVa 11343 - Isolated Segments
Other Objects
1. UVa 453 - Intersecting Circles (circle and circle)
2. UVa 460 - Overlapping Rectangles (rectangle and rectangle)
3. UVa 737- Gleaming the Cubes (cube and cube)
4. UVa 904 - Overlapping Air Trac Control (3D-box and 3D-box)
5. UVa 10301 - Rings and Glue (circle and circle)
6. UVa 10321 - Polygon Intersection (convex polygon and convex polygon)

7. UVa 11122 - Tri Tri (triangle and triangle)

8. UVa 11345 - Rectangles (rectangle and rectangle)
9. UVa 11515 - Cranes (circle and circle, plus DP)
10. UVa 11601 - Avoiding Overlaps (rectangle and rectangle)
11. UVa 11639 - Guard the Land (rectangle and rectangle)


Divide and Conquer Revisited

Several computational geometry problems turn out to be solvable with Divide and Conquer paradigm
that has been elaborated earlier in Section 3.2. One of the example is shown below.

Bisection Method for Geometry Problem

Figure 7.6: Athletics Track (from UVa 11646)

Suppose that we have a problem as follows: Given a desired soccer eld with desired length : width
ratio = A : B, two arcs from the same circle whose center is located in the middle of the eld,
and the length of the athletics track (the perimeter: 2 length + 2 arc) to be 400m, what is the
actual length and width of the eld? See Figure 7.6.
It is quite hard to nd the solution with pen and paper, but with the help of computer and
bisection method (binary search), we can nd the solution easily.
Suppose we binary search the value of L, then we can get W from b L/a. The expected length
of an arc is (400 2 L)/2. Now we can use Trigonometry to compute the radius r and the angle o
via triangle CM X (see Figure 7.6). With r and o, we can compute the actual arc length. We then
compare this value with the expected arc length to decide whether we have to enlarge or reduce
the length L. The important portion of the code is shown below.
lo = 0.0; hi = 400.0; // the range of answer
while (fabs(lo - hi) > 1e-9) { // do bisection method on L
L = (lo + hi) / 2.0;
W = b * L / a; // W can be derived by W
expected_arc = (400 - 2.0 * L) / 2.0;
half_L = 0.5 * L; half_W = 0.5 * W;
r = sqrt(half_L * half_L + half_W * half_W);
angle = 2.0 * atan(half_W / half_L) * 180.0 / PI;
this_arc = angle / 360.0 * PI * (2.0 * r);
if (this_arc > expected_arc) hi = L;
lo = L;
printf("Case %d: %.12lf %.12lf\n", caseNo++, L, W);

Programming Exercises related to this section:

1. UVa 10245 - The Closest Pair Problem (as the problem name implies)
2. UVa 10566 - Crossed Ladders (Bisection Method)
3. UVa 11378 - Bey Battle (also a Closest Pair Problem)
4. UVa 11646 - Athletics Track (Bisection Method, the circle is at the center of track)
5. UVa 11648 - Divide The Land (Bisection Method)


Chapter Notes

Some materials from this chapter are derived from the materials courtesy of Dr Cheng Holun,
Alan from School of Computing, National University of Singapore.
There are many other Convex Hull algorithms such as Jarviss March, Gift Wrapping, and
Upper/Lower Hull with more or less similar time complexity as Grahams Scan. The Grahams
Scan algorithm presented in this chapter is usually enough for most contest problems.

There is a computational geometry technique that has not been discussed yet: plane sweep.
Interested reader should consult the following books [19, 6, 4].
If you are preparing for ICPC, it is a good idea to dedicate one person in your team to study this
topic in depth. This person should master basic geometry formulas and advanced computational
geometry techniques. He must train himself to be familiar with many degenerate (special) cases in
certain geometry problems, able to deal with precision errors, etc.

There are approximately 96 programming exercises discussed in this chapter.

Appendix A

Problem Credits

The problems discussed in this book are mainly taken from UVa online judge [17] and ACM ICPC

Live Archive [11]. We have tried our best to contact the original authors and get their permissions.

So far, we have contacted the following problem setters and obtained their permissions: Sohel

Haz, Shahriar Manzoor, Manzurur Rahman Khan, Rujia Liu, Gordon Cormack, Jim Knisely,

Melvin Zhang, and Colin Tan.

If any of the author of a particular problem discussed in this book that we have not contacted

yet does not allow his/her problem to be used in this book, we will replace that particular problem

with another similar problem from dierent problem setter.

Appendix B

We Want Your Feedbacks

You, the reader, can help us to improve the quality of the future versions of this book. If you spot
any technical, grammatical, spelling errors, etc in this book or if you want to contribute certain
parts for the future version of this book (i.e. I have a better example/algorithm to illustrate a
certain point), etc, please send email the main author directly: stevenhalim@gmail.com.


[1] Ahmed Shamsul Aren. Art of Programming Contest (from Stevens Website). Gyankosh
Prokashoni (Available Online), 2006.
[2] Jon Bentley. Programming Pearls. Addison Wesley, 2nd edition, 2000.
[3] Frank Carrano. Data Abstraction & Problem Solving with C++. Pearson, 5th edition, 2007.

[4] Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, and Cli Stein. Introduction to
Algorithm. MIT Press, 2nd edition, 2001.

[5] Sanjoy Dasgupta, Christos Papadimitriou, and Umesh Vazirani. Algorithms. McGraw Hill,

[6] Mark de Berg, Marc van Kreveld, Mark Overmars, and Otfried Cheong Schwarzkopf. Computational Geometry: Algorithms and Applications. Springer, 2nd edition, 2000.
[7] Project Euler. Project Euler.
[8] Michal Forisek. IOI Syllabus.
http://people.ksp.sk/ misof/ioi-syllabus/ioi-syllabus-2009.pdf.

[9] Steven Halim and Felix Halim. Competitive Programming in National University of Singapore.

Ediciones Sello Editorial S.L. (Presented at Collaborative Learning Initiative Symposium CLIS
@ ACM ICPC World Final 2010, Harbin, China, 2010.

[10] Steven Halim, Roland Hock Chuan Yap, and Felix Halim. Engineering Stochastic Local Search

for the Low Autocorrelation Binary Sequence Problem. In Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, pages 640645, 2008.

[11] Competitive Learning Institute. ACM ICPC Live Archive.


[12] IOI. International Olympiad in Informatics.


[13] Jon Kleinberg and Eva Tardos. Algorithm Design. Addison Wesley, 2006.

[14] Anany Levitin. Introduction to The Design & Analysis of Algorithms. Addison Wesley, 1st
edition, 2002.

[15] Rujia Liu. Algorithm Contests for Beginners (In Chinese). Tsinghua University Press, 2009.

[16] Rujia Liu and Liang Huang. The Art of Algorithms and Programming Contests (In Chinese).
Tsinghua University Press, 2003.

[17] University of Valladolid. Online Judge.


[18] USA Computing Olympiad. USACO Training Program Gateway.


[19] Joseph ORourke. Computational Geometry in C. Cambridge University Press, 2nd edition,

[20] Kenneth H. Rosen. Elementary Number Theory and its applications. Addison Wesley Longman,
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[21] Robert Sedgewick. Algorithms in C++, Part 1-5. Addison Wesley, 3rd edition, 2002.

[22] Steven S Skiena. The Algorithm Design Manual. Springer, 2008.

[23] Steven S. Skiena and Miguel A. Revilla. Programming Challenges. Springer, 2003.

[24] Wing-Kin Sung. Algorithms in Bioinformatics: A Practical Introduction. CRC Press (Taylor
& Francis Group), 1st edition, 2010.

[25] TopCoder. Algorithm Tutorials.

http://www.topcoder.com/tc?d1=tutorials&d2=alg index&module=Static.

[26] TopCoder. Single Round Match (SRM).


[27] Baylor University. ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest.


[28] Tom Verhoe. 20 Years of IOI Competition Tasks. Olympiads in Informatics, 3:149166, 2009.

[29] Adrian Vladu and Cosmin Negruseri. Sux arrays - a programming contest approach. 2008.

[30] Wikipedia. Catalan number.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catalan number.

[31] Wikipedia. Combinatorics.


[32] Wikipedia. Cycle-Finding (Detection).

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cycle detection.

[33] Wikipedia. Disjoint-set data structure.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disjoint-set data structure.

[34] Wikipedia. Edmonds matching algorithm.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edmondss matching algorithm.

[35] Wikipedia. Eight queens puzzle.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eight queens puzzle.

[36] Wikipedia. Eulers totient function.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eulers totient function.

[37] Wikipedia. Gaussian Elimination for Solving System of Linear Equations.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaussian elimination.

[38] Wikipedia. Great-Circle Distance.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great circle distance.

[39] Wikipedia. Longest Path Problem.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longest path problem.

[40] Wikipedia. Lowest Common Ancestor.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lowest common ancestor.

[41] Wikipedia. Miller-Rabin Primality Test.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miller-Rabin primality test.

[42] Wikipedia. Path Cover.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Path cover.

[43] Wikipedia. Picks Theorem.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Picks theorem.

[44] Wikipedia. Sieve of Eratosthenes.

[45] Wikipedia. Tarjans Strongly Connected Components Algorithm.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarjans strongly connected components algorithm.

[46] Wikipedia. The Free Encyclopedia.


[47] Yonghui Wu and Jiang De Wang. Practical Algorithm Analysis and Program Design (In
Chinese). Posts and Telecom Press, 2009.


ACM, 1

Divide and Conquer, 32

All-Pairs Shortest Paths, 78

Dynamic Programming, 40

Minimax and Maximin, 80

Transitive Closure, 80

Area of Polygon, 126

Array / Vector, 15

Articulation Points, 62

Backtracking, 27

Edit Distance, 112

Edmonds Karps, 82
Edmonds, Jack, 82
Eratosthenes of Cyrene, 95
Euclid Algorithm, 98
Extended Euclid, 99

Bellman Fords, 76

Euclid of Alexandria, 98

Bellman, Richard, 76

Eulers Phi, see Eulers Totient

BigInteger, see Java BigInteger Class

Eulers Totient, 98

Binary Search, 32

Euler, Leonhard, 98

Binary Search Tree, 16

Bioinformatics, see String Processing

Bisection Method, 33

bitset, 96

Breadth First Search, 67

Bridges, 62

Brute Force, 26

Factorial, 101
Fibonacci Numbers, 101
Fibonacci, Leonardo, 101
Flood Fill, 61
Floyd Warshalls, 78
Floyd, Robert W, 78
Ford Fulkersons, 81

CCW Test, 126

Ford Jr, Lester Randolph, 76, 81

Combinatorics, 105

Fulkerson, Delbert Ray, 81

Competitive Programming, 1
Complete Search, 26

Gaussian Elimination, 108

Computational Geometry, see Geometry

Connected Components, 60

Convex Hull, 128

Cut Edge, see Bridges

Cut Vertex, see Articulation Points

Cycle-Finding, 106

Data Structures, 14

Decomposition, 38

Depth First Search, 58

Dijkstras, 74

Dijkstra, Edsger Wybe, 74

Geometry, 120
Grahams Scan, 128
Graham, Ronald, 128
Graph, 58
Data Structure, 18
Greatest Common Divisor, 98
Greedy Algorithm, 35
Hash Table, 17
Heap, 16
Heron of Alexandria, 123
Herons Formula, 123

Diophantus of Alexandria, 99


Direct Addressing Table, 17

Intersection Problems, 130

IOI, 1

Picks Theorem, 127

Pick, Georg Alexander, 127

Java BigInteger Class, 102

Base Number Conversion, 104
GCD, 103
modPow, 103

Prime Numbers, 94
Primality Testing, 95
Prime Factors, 96
Sieve of Eratosthenes, 95

Karp, Richard, 82

Probability Theory, 108

Kruskals, 70

Pythagorean Theorem, 123

Kruskal, Joseph Bernard, 70

Pythagorean Triple, 123

Law of Cosines, 123

Queue, 15

Law of Sines, 123

Range Minimum Query, 22

Least Common Multiple, 98

Left-Turn Test, see CCW Test

Segment Tree, 22

Libraries, 14

Sequences, 107

Linear Algebra, 108

Single-Source Shortest Paths

Linear Diophantine Equation, 99

Detecting Negative Cycle, 76

Linked List, 15

Negative Weight, 75

Live Archive, 10

Unweighted, 68

Longest Common Subsequence, 113

Weighted, 74

Longest Common Substring, 115

Lowest Common Ancestor, 86

Special Graphs, 85
Bipartite Graph, 89

Max Cardinality Bipartite Matching, 89

Manber, Udi, 116

Mathematics, 93

Max Flow, 81
Max Edge-Disjoint Paths, 84
Max Flow with Vertex Capacities, 84
Max Independent Paths, 84
Min Cost (Max) Flow, 85
Min Cut, 83
Multi-source Multi-sink Max Flow, 83

Minimum Spanning Tree, 70

Maximum Spanning Tree, 71
Minimum Spanning Forest, 72
Partial Minimum Spanning Tree, 72
Second Best Spanning Tree, 72

Modulo Arithmetic, 100

Myers, Gene, 116

Max Weighted Independent Set, 90

Directed Acyclic Graph, 87
Longest Paths, 87
Min Path Cover, 87
SSSP, 87
Tree, 86
APSP, 86
Articulation Points and Bridges, 86
Diameter of Tree, 86
Max Weighted Independent Set, 86
SSSP, 86
Stack, 15
String Alignment, 112
String Matching, 111
String Processing, 110
String Searching, see String Matching

Network Flow, see Max Flow

Strongly Connected Components, 65

Number System, 107

Sux Array, 116

Number Theory, 94

Sux Tree, 114

Palindrome, 113

Exact String Matching, 115

Longest Common Substring, 115

Longest Repeated Substring, 115

Tarjan, Robert Endre, 63, 65

TopCoder, 10

Topological Sort, 66

Union-Find Disjoint Sets, 19


UVa, 10

Warshall, Stephen, 78, 80

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