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D r .

M i c h a e l M u r r ay s

Natural Living News

Expert advice for everyday living


The heart of health

feed your
ways to

September/October 2014


cold and flu


: y
us if h
pl ow oug
kn en
to ting
w t
Ho ge



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a m e s s a g e F r o m D r . M u r r ay

seven tips to

Karolyn A. Gazella
Deirdre Shevlin
Anne E. Lanctt
Karen Sperry
Published by
Boulder, CO
Dr. Michael Murrays
Natural Living News
is published by
CHAT Inc. All rights
reserved. Articles
appearing in this
publication may
not be reproduced
in whole or in part
without written
permission from
the publisher. The
information in
this publication
is provided for
purposes only and
is not intended as
medical advice.
The publisher
and authors are
not responsible
for individuals
who choose to
self-treat, or use the
information in this
publication without
consulting with
their own health
care practitioner.
2014 CHAT Inc.

improve your


his issues Q&A column introduces a major new natural product

in the battle against aging and memory loss: PQQ. I thought this
would be a good opportunity to review some other natural and
gratifying ways to keep your brain as strong and agile as possible.

1. Get a good nights sleep. Poor sleep quality is a major cause

of poor mental function. Several natural products have been shown to

enhance the deeper levels of sleep that power your brains battery.

2. Eat to control blood sugar levels. The brain is critically

dependent on a constant and steady supply of blood sugar (glucose).
When people are on the blood sugar rollercoaster it is difficult to stay
focused and be able to concentrate.

3. Stay mentally active. Just as physical activity helps keep your

body in shape, you need to exercise your brain to keep it in shape. Do
crossword puzzles, learn a language or to play a musical instrument,
and challenge yourself mentally.
4. Socialize regularly. Social interaction not only helps ward off
depression and stress, both of which can contribute to memory loss, but
it also helps us stay quick-witted and mentally nimble. Look for opportunities to get together with people you enjoy.

5. Take fish oils. Fish oil supplements can help improve brain function as well as ward off Alzheimers disease. Take 1,000 to 3,000 mg of
EPA+DHA daily.

6. Eat blueberries. Blueberries and other berries are rich in plant pig-

ments known as anthocyanidins and have been shown to improve mental

function, as well as visual function (especially improving nighttime vision).

7. Be physically active. Physical activity increases blood flow to your

whole body, including your brain. A great deal of research indicates that
people who are more physically active benefit by having more mental as
well as physical energy.
In good health,

Dr. Michael T. Murray


D r . M i c h a e l M u r r ay s

natural living news

september/October 2014


Natural Facts

Goodbye, low-back pain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

melatonin for strong bones . . . . 8
super strawberries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
more reasons to exercise . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Featured Condition

cold and flu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Healing Foods

artichokes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Inspired Living

the value of friends. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Nutrient Profile

preventing iron deficiency . . . . . . . . 28

Ask dr. murray. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

n at u r a l fa c t s

Goodbye, Low-Back Pain

f you are one of the roughly 25

percent of North Americans to
suffer from low-back pain, you may
be tempted to try prescription medications like oxycodone or other opioids
to deal with the pain. Unfortunately,
these drugs are highly addictive and
have not been shown to be effective or
safedespite their popularity.

Heres some good news for back pain

sufferers: A study published in the
March 2013 issue of Anaesthesia shows
that magnesium can be extremely
effective for low-back pain. The study
highlights the importance of seeking a
more natural approach in this condition.
The study looked at 80 patients with
chronic low-back pain. The participants
who received magnesium (1g per day
for two weeks, followed by 500 mg per

day for four weeks)

reported much better
results than those
taking placebo. While all participants
experienced less pain after the study, those
results only lasted in the people who
took magnesiumeven at the 6-month
Likewise, all patients had a significant
improvement in lumbar spine range
of motion at the 2-week time point,
although only the magnesium group
improved throughout the 6-month
follow-up period.
These results show quite clearly that magnesium supplementation can reduce pain
intensity and improve lumbar spine mobility during a 6-month period in patients
with chronic low-back pain who had been
unresponsive to conventional care.

Statins Up Diabetes Risk

If youre thinking of taking statins to reduce your cholesterol, think again. These drugs,
which have already been found to have a number of health risksincluding liver problems
and muscle and nerve damageare also being found to increase the risk of diabetes.
A May 2013 paper published in British Medical Journal found that various statin drugs were
associated with increased risk of diabetes. For people taking Lipitor, risk of developing diabetes was 22 percent higher; with Crestor there was an 18 percent increased risk; with Zocor
the risk was 10 percent increasedall compared to those taking pravastatin.
This isnt the first study to link statins to diabetes risk. A 2012 study by the Mayo Clinic found
that the use of statins in postmenopausal women increased the risk for type 2 diabetes by
a staggering 71 percent! For all these reasons, its important to consider safe and natural
approaches to cholesterol managementsuch as diet, exercise, and effective supplements.
6 s e p t e m b e r / o c t o b e r

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n at u r a l fa c t s



Strengthens Aging Bones

elatonin, a hormone best known

for its role in regulating the
circadian rhythm, as well as controlling sleep/wake cycles, may also help
us age better, according to new research.

bones more resistant to fracture. The

findings suggest melatonin may be a
useful tool in combating osteoporosis.

Unfortunately, melatonin levels decline

as we get older. In fact, many older adults
do not secrete much melatonin at all. As
a result, there is a lot of scientific research
focusing on some of the anti-aging
effects of melatonin supplementation.

One of the underlying causes of low

melatonin levels as a person ages may be
low vitamin B12 levels. The body needs
vitamin B12 in order to make melatonin. Like melatonin, vitamin B12 levels
decline with age, and vitamin B12 deficiency is often found in people aged 65
and over.

Previous studies have pointed to

melatonins antioxidant and longevity-promoting effects. But an animal
study soon to be published in the
journal Rejuvenation Research showed
that melatonin supplements
increased bone volume
and density and made

I have found taking the methylcobalamin

form of B12 (3 mg total) first thing upon
arising and using melatonin at night (3
mg) can really help people improve their
sleep quality and sleep-wake cycles.
And on the heels of this latest
study, that recommendation
makes even more sense.

8 s e p t e m b e r / o c t o b e r

2 0 1 4

The Supplement Everyone

Should Be Taking

A huge and growing amount of research is showing staggering statistics about

vitamin D deficiency. According to some research, at least 50 percent of North
Americans have low blood levels of vitamin D. And thats a big problem, because
low levels are implicated in a huge number of health conditions.
In fact, a new study published in the April 2014 issue of British Medical Journal
analyzed data on more than a million people to determine relationship between
disease and blood levels of vitamin D. The data included evidence from doubleblind trialsthe gold standard in scientific researchthat assessed whether taking
vitamin D daily was beneficial.
Conducted by a team of scientists at Harvard,
Oxford, and other major universities, this
study provides further evidence that vitamin
D3 protects against major diseases. Adults with
lower levels of the vitamin in their systems
had a 35 percent increased risk of death from
heart disease, 14 percent greater likelihood of
death from cancer, and a greater mortality risk
overall. In analyzing the double-blind studies,
middle-aged and older adults who took D3
had an 11 percent reduction in mortality from
all causes, compared to adults who did not.
The benefits were found only with D3, and
they found no benefit in people taking the D2
form of the vitamin.


The number
of deaths
linked with

low vitamin D3
in the U.S.

The researchers estimated that an astonishing

13 percent of all deaths in the United States
could be attributed to low vitamin Dlevels.
To ensure optimal vitamin D status, most
health experts are advocating daily dosages
of 2,000 to 5,000 IU, even in healthy adults.
While vitamin D3 conceivably has the potential to cause toxicity, the reality is that dosages
in the range of 2,000 to 5,000 IU per day are
now recognized as being perfectly safe levels.

n a t u r a l

l i v i n g

n e w s 9

n at u r a l fa c t s

healing foods
more Mediterranean


etabolic syndrome, a collection of conditions (high blood

pressure and blood sugar, excess
body fat around the middle, and high
cholesterol), affects nearly one in four
Americans, according to a 2013 study
published in the Journal of the American
College of Cardiology. While each of those
conditions has risks of its own, the combination of them puts sufferers at higher
risk of developing heart disease, stroke,
and diabetes.
In an attempt to identify lifestyle changes
that can help prevent metabolic syndrome, researchers recruited more than
400 people to participate in a diet study
for a year. One group of participants

followed the Mediterranean diet (high

in plant-based foods, low in red meat,
focused on healthy fats) with the addition of virgin olive oil.The second group
followed the Mediterranean diet with
nuts. The third followed a low-fat diet.
After one year, both Mediterranean
diet groups had changes in their blood
concentrations of fatty acids that are beneficial for metabolic syndrome. Count
this as one more point for a diet that has
already been proven to provide a host of
health benefits.

Super Strawberries

Its no secret that fresh strawberriesa rich source of flavonolscan help reduce stroke
and heart attack risk. But a new study shows that even freeze-dried strawberries reduce
heart disease risk.
The study, published in the June 2014 issue of the Journal of Nutrition, found that freezedried strawberries decreased total and LDL cholesterol, and
more strawberries resulted in greater reductions. This study
is interesting because it suggests that the benefit from
strawberries might result not just from the flavonoids, but also from the fruits fiber components.
Fresh fruit is always the best choice, but this study
shows that even a small amount of dried strawberries results in a noticeable reduction in cardiovascular
disease risk.
10 s e p t e m b e r / o c t o b e r

2 0 1 4

that heavy
LOSE IT with
Greenselect PHYTOSOME
Green tea extracts are widely used
in products for weight management.
But, not all green tea extracts are alike.
Absorption of the active constituents
varies and low absorption reduces
efficacy. Only Indena offers proven
Greenselect PHYTOSOME.
Greenselect PHYTOSOME is a
caffeine-free extract that is double
standardized in polyphenol and
ECGC content and combined
with phospholipids to maximize
bioavailability and effectiveness.
A recent clinical study in overweight
individuals with Greenselect
PHYTOSOME combined with
a reduced calorie diet resulted in
weight loss averaging over 30 lbs in
90 days along with a 12% reduction
in body mass index (BMI).1
Available through Natural Factors
and other fine manufacturers.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Di Pierro F., Menghi A.B., Barreca A., Lucarelli M., Calandrelli A., Greenselect Phytosome as an Adjunct to
a Low-Calorie Diet for Treatment of Obesity: A Clinical Trial, Alternative Medicine Review. Volume 14, Number 2 (2009).

n at u r a l fa c t s

protect against Breast Cancer

o lower risk of breast cancer, regular

exercise is key, according to a study
soon to be published in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention.
The study, which looked at more than
44,000 African American women for
16 years, found that women who exercised vigorously for seven hours or more
a week were 25 percent less likely to
develop breast cancer than those who
exercised less than an hour a week.
What counts as vigorous exercise?
According to the findings, brisk walking
offers breast cancer protection, but
walking at a normal pace does not. So to
reduce breast cancer risk, lace up those
shoes, and pick up the pace.

exercise boosts brain function

Want to keep your mind sharp as you age? Keep your heart in shape and your brain will
follow, say researchers at the University of Montreal. As people age, their arteries begin to
stiffen. That stiffening begins with the aorta (the main vessel stemming from the heart)
and eventually affects the vessels in the brain. Its thought that the hardening of the blood
vessels in the brain could contribute to the loss of cognitive function associated with aging.
In their study, soon to be published in Neurobiology of Aging, the University of Montreal
researchers looked at MRI scans while participants underwent tests of cognitive function.
The MRI scans evaluated blood flow to the brain, brain activity during the cognitive test,
and the condition of the aorta.
The results? Older adults whose aortas were in better shape and were more fit performed
better on their cognitive tests. The authors conclude that a lifestyle that maintains the arteries
elasticity can help prevent cerebrovascular damage, and keep your brain sharper for longer.
12 s e p t e m b e r / o c t o b e r

2 0 1 4

Superior Immune Protection

for Every Body... Every Day
When it comes to protecting our good health, everybody knows that a strong
immune system is essential every day of our lives. Yet, daily factors of modern living such
as stress, winter challenges, and travel can significantly weaken the immune system.
MaitakeGold 404 is an industry leading nutraceutical ingredient consisting of a
patented Maitake mushroom extract. When incorporated into dietary supplement
products, MaitakeGold 404 provides advanced immune support when you and
your family need it most. Its immune enhancing benefits have been confirmed in
human clinical trials conducted at the worlds leading research institutions.
MaitakeGold 404, which is rich in beta-glucan bioactives known for their
immune-enhancing benefits, helps promote daily and seasonal wellness for
Every BodyEvery Day.

Visit www.maitakegold.com to learn more!

MaitakeGold 404 is featured in Natural Factors

products and other fine supplement brands.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to
diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

f e at u r e d c o n d i t i o n

cold and flu

boost your immunity now
At all times, day and night, we are
constantly exposed to various bugs
bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other invisible
invaders.They are in the food we eat and
the air we breathe. Theyre in everything we touch or smell. Despite this
onslaught, many of us rarely catch a cold
or get sick because of the strength or our
immune system. With a strong immune
system, you are safe from attack by all
but the most virulent microorganisms.
Even if infection does gain a foothold,
its usually just a matter of time before
your immune system mounts an effective
counter attack. When working properly,
the immune system has a remarkable
arsenal of weapons to fight off micro
organisms that would do us harm.

The infection equation

The infection equation is like math. In

the infection equation the interaction
of the hosts immune system with the
infecting organism determines the equations outcome. Each day were exposed
to organisms that could make us sick, yet
we dont always fall prey to these bugs
because our immune system is generally
stronger than the organism: If the bug
is extremely powerful, or our immune
system is compromised, an infection
For too long modern medicine has
ignored the role of immune function
in the infection equation. Conventional medicine has been obsessed with
the nature of the beastthe infecting
agentrather than the condition of the
host and its defenses. Unfortunately, the
obsession with the pathogen has become
predominant in modern medicine, and
the importance of the hosts immune
system has been largely ignored.

Tuning up your

The first goal is to make sure that you

provide the immune system with all
the vital ammunition by consuming
a health-promoting diet and utilizing
proper nutritional supplementation. A
deficiency of virtually any nutrient can
significantly impair immunity. Next,
14 s e p t e m b e r / o c t o b e r

2 0 1 4

follow a healthy lifestyle that includes

getting enough sleep and engaging in
a regular exercise program. Supplying
optimal nutrition and learning to effectively deal with stress go along way in
supporting central control mechanisms
to keep the immune system functioning
well. Tuning up your immune system
increases your resistance not only to
colds and flu, but also to cancer and
other potentially deadly diseases.

Vitamin D for prevention

A growing body of science connects

low levels of vitamin D to influenza.
Since our bodies need sunshine to make
vitamin D, we make less during winter
months. Supplementing the diet with
additional vitamin D can help prevent a
drop in vitamin D levels when sunlight is
hard to come by. Beyond that it appears
that vitamin D functions in the body in a
(continued on page 17)
n a t u r a l

l i v i n g

n e w s 15

f e at u r e d c o n d i t i o n

cold and flu

Youve Got a Cold.
Now What?

nce a cold develops there are several

natural approaches that can speed up
recovery. With a healthy immune system,
a cold should not last more than three or four
days. Add in some natural healing methods
and you can shorten that, but it will still take
time. Do not expect immediate relief in most
instances. And since most natural therapies
for colds involve assisting the body in attacking the cold rather than suppressing the
symptoms like drugs, the symptoms of the
cold may temporarily worsen.

Rest. The immune system functions better

under optimal parasympathetic nervous
system tone. This portion of our autonomic
nervous system assumes control over bodily
functions during periods of rest, relaxation,
visualization, meditation, and sleep. During
the deepest levels of sleep, potent immuneenhancing compounds are released and many
immune functions are greatly increased.
Drink up. Load up on fluids, particularly
water and unsweetened herbal teas. When
the membranes that line the respiratory
tract get dehydrated, they provide a much
more hospitable environment for the virus.
Consuming plenty of liquids and using a
vaporizer maintains a moist respiratory tract
that repels viral infection. Drinking plenty
of liquids will also improve the function of
white blood cells by decreasing the concentration of solutes in the blood. And contrary
to popular lore, orange juice is not a great
way to hydrate when youre sick. Neither are
other concentrated sources of sugars like glu16 s e p t e m b e r / o c t o b e r

cose, fructose, sucrose, or honey. The sugar

greatly reduces white blood cells ability to
kill bacteria.

Take vitamin C. Orange juice may be out,

but vitamin C is in. Youve probably heard that
vitamin C treats and prevents the common
cold. It has been more than 40 years since
Linus Pauling wrote the landmark book, Vitamin C and the Common Cold. Pauling based
his beliefs about the immune-boosting properties of vitamin C on several studies that
showed it reduced severity and duration of
the common cold. An analysis of more than
30 studies, including more than 10,000 participants, concluded that vitamin C can reduce
the risk of developing a cold in high-stress
situations. Whats more, it may also reduce
the duration of a cold by a day or so.

Think zinc. Several studies have shown

that zinc lozenges provide relief from sore
throat due to the common cold. Zinc is a
critical nutrient for immune system function and also possesses direct antiviral
activity. Dissolve a lozenge supplying 15 to
25 mg of elemental zinc in the mouth every
two waking hours after an initial double
dose. Continue for up to 7 days.
2 0 1 4

way that prevents viruses from infecting

cells. Research has shown that vitamin
D supplementation prevents respiratory
infections in adults and children. During
the winter months, most vitamin D
experts recommend that people over
10 years of age take 5,000 IU per day.
For children under the age of 1 year the
dosage is 1,000 IU; children between the
ages of 2 and 4 years should take 2,000
IU; and children between 4 and 9 should
take 3,000 IU daily.

High-quality echinacea
boosts immune function

More than 300 scientific investigations

have shown that echinacea exerts significant effects on immune function.
But not all of the clinical studies have
been positive. Mixed results from clinical studies with echinacea are most likely
due to insufficient active compounds in
the supplements tested.
Chemical analysis of commercial echinacea preparations has shown tremendous
variation in the levels of key compounds even within the same product
from batch to batch. Echinacea must be
grown properly, harvested at the exact
right time, and extracted precisely for
maximal levels of all active compounds.
If not, it is likely to offer no significant
benefits. In contrast, clinical studies with
Echinamide, a patented, unique echinacea product standardized for effective
levels of polysaccharides, cichoric acid,
and alkylamides have been positive. The

studies have shown Echinamide is useful

not only in lessening the severity and
duration of the flu and common cold, it
can also be used to boost immune function in those susceptible to colds and flu.
Simply follow the dosage on the bottle,
but be sure the product is standardized
for the key active ingredients.

Laughter is the

Laugh long and often to boost your

immune system. Detailed scientific investigations have shown that laughter is one
of the most powerful natural immune
enhancers available. In addition, guided
imagery, hypnosis, and meditation have
been shown to enhance immune system
function. Obviously, if you want to have
a healthy immune system, you need to
laugh often, view life with a positive
eye, and put yourself in a relaxed state of
mind on a regular basis.
n a t u r a l

l i v i n g

n e w s 17

healing foods

the heart of health

ong considered a delicacy, the

globe artichoke is actually the
unopened edible flower bud of a
thistle-like plant whose Latin name is
Cynara scolymus. It is one of the worlds
oldest cultivated vegetables, and it has a
noble history. Artichokes are referenced
in the writings of the Greek historian
Dioscorides, who noted their large-scale
cultivation near Carthage, and the early
Roman scholar Pliny, who remarked
that they were more esteemed and commanded a higher price than any other
garden vegetable.

Today, 99 percent of all the globe artichokes grown in the United States are
produced in the area of Castroville, California, the self-proclaimed Artichoke
Capital of the World. Worldwide,
though, the lions share (80 percent)
of artichokes hail from Italy, Spain,
and Franceall countries that border
the Mediterranean Sea and have a
similar climate of warm winters and

Nutritional highlights

Globe artichokes arent just a delicacy.

They are also an excellent source of
dietary fiber, magnesium, and the trace
mineral chromium; a very good source
of vitamin C, folate, biotin, and the trace
mineral manganese; and a good source
18 s e p t e m b e r / o c t o b e r

of niacin, riboflavin, thiamin, vitamin A,

and potassium. A medium-sized globe
artichoke delivers all these nutrients in a
mere 60 fat-free calories.

Health benefits

Fresh artichokes are very low in calories

because most of the carbohydrate is in
the form of inulin, a polysaccharide or
starch that is handled by the body differently than other sugars. In fact, the body
does not use inulin for energy metabolism. This makes artichokes extremely
beneficial to diabetics as inulin has
actually been shown to improve blood
sugar control in diabetes. However, it is
important that the artichoke be as fresh
as possible as inulin is broken down into
other sugars when artichokes are stored
for any length of time.
The artichoke has a long folk history
in treating many liver diseases. Recent
evidence supports this long-time use.
The active ingredients in artichoke
are caffeoylquinic acids (like cynarin).
These compounds are found in highest
concentrations in the leaves, but they
are also found in the heart. Artichoke
leaf extracts have demonstrated significant liver-protecting and regenerating
effects. They also possess choleretic
effect, meaning they promote the flow
of bile and fat to and from the liver.This
2 0 1 4

is a very important property; if the bile

is not being transported adequately to
the gallbladder, the liver is at increased
risk of damage. Choleretics are very
useful in the treatment of hepatitis and
other liver diseases via this decongesting effect.
Choleretics typically lower cholesterol
levels, since they increase the excretion
of cholesterol and decrease the manufacture of cholesterol in the liver. Consistent

with this choleretic effect, artichoke

extracts have been shown to lower blood
cholesterol and triglyceride levels in
both human and animal studies. In one
experimental double-blind study, 30
patients given 500 mg of cynarin per day
for 50 days had an average 20 percent
reduction in total cholesterol along with
an average 15 percent reduction in triglycerides compared to a matched group
who received a placebo.
n a t u r a l

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n e w s 19

healing foods

Caffeoylquinic acids from artichoke have
also demonstrated potent activity against
the human immunodeficiency virus
(HIV). Specifically these compounds
inhibit a key enzyme (HIV integrase)
essential to the viruss ability to reproduce.

How to select and store

An artichoke should be compact and

heavy for its size. Its outer leaves should
be thick, firm, fleshy, and tightly closed.
Avoid artichokes whose leaves have
begun to spread apart or appear dry
and woodysigns the artichoke is past
its prime. Turn the artichoke over and
check the stem end; tiny holes are evidence of worm damage, which may be
extensive inside.
Spring artichokes should be a softer green
than the fall and winter crop, which are
typically olive green and may have what
growers call a winter-kissed appearance: bronze-tipped leaves or a
lightly blistered, whitish outer
surface. These changes are
caused by light frost expo-

20 s e p t e m b e r / o c t o b e r

sure in the fields and do not affect the

artichokes taste or tenderness. Avoid
those with blackened, wilted leaves,
or dark spots; these artichokes are not
bronzed, but damaged and deteriorating. Lastly, give your prospective purchase
a squeeze; the plump, crisp leaves of a
fresh artichoke will reply with a squeaky
In addition to fresh whole artichokes,
baby artichokes and artichoke hearts are
also available in cans and jars or frozen.
All the inedible parts have been removed
from these products, so theyre practically
ready to enjoy. Canned artichokes are
usually packed in brine. To reduce their
high sodium content, drain the brine
and rinse with cool water. Similarly, with
marinated artichokes, which are usually
sold in jars, you can significantly lessen
the hefty calorie tally supplied by the
seasoned oil mixture in which they
are preserved by pouring off
the oil and letting them drain
in a colander for a few
minutes, then rinsing

2 0 1 4

with cold water if youre concerned

about sodium. Frozen artichoke hearts
are uncompromised by added ingredients; simply cook them briefly until
heated through.
Despite their sturdy appearance, fresh
artichokes are quite perishable. Place
them in a plastic bag, sprinkle in a few
drops of water to maintain moisture, and
store in the vegetable crisper of your
refrigerator, where they will keep for
no more than four to five days. Do not
rinse, wash, or trim them before storing.
To store cooked artichokes, allow them
to cool, wrap in plastic wrap, or place in
a plastic bag and refrigerate. They should
keep for four to five days.

Tips for preparing

Artichokes can be steamed, baked, or

boiled and are delicious eaten either
hot or cold. Artichoke hearts can also
be sauted or stir-fried alone or with
other vegetables in a small amount
of broth or oil. Be sure to cut off the
artichokes topmost inch to remove the
upper inedible leaf tips. Trim the tips of
the remaining outer leaves with kitchen
shears. To prevent cut parts from darkening, rub them with lemon juice or place
the entire artichoke into a bowl of cold
water with a tablespoon of lemon juice
or vinegar. Immediately before cooking,
clip or pull off any short, coarse leaves at
the bottom and cut the stem flush with
the base to make for a more attractive
presentation when served.

3 Ways to

Serve Artichoke

Serve whole artichokes or quartered artichoke bottoms with a healthy dipping

sauce. Try an olive oil and balsamic vinaigrette with or without added garlic. Simply
add several unpeeled garlic cloves to the
pot when cooking the artichokes, then
remove and mash the cloves to create a
paste to add to the vinaigrette. For a sauce
with an Asian flair, combine soy sauce,
lemon juice or rice vinegar, minced garlic,
and grated fresh ginger; top with a dash of
dark sesame oil. Plain whole yogurt makes
an excellent base for a rich creamy dip.
Flavor it with pured roasted red peppers;
roasted eggplant, lemon juice and garlic;
or a rich bleu cheese or buttermilk-based
salad dressing.
Stuff steamed or boiled artichokes with a
mixture of cooked brown rice or quinoa;
pine nuts or walnuts; and chopped vegetables such as onion, mushrooms, sweet
pepper, and broccoli. They can also be
chilled after cooking and filled with tuna,
shrimp, salmon, or chicken salad.
Quartered artichoke hearts can be used
as an addition to tossed salads, pasta, rice
pilaf, tuna or chicken casseroles, or warm
potato salad.
n a t u r a l

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n e w s 21

inspired living

the value of connection

ost of us do not take the time

to recognize how important our
friendships are to us until we
are in a state of need. The truth is that
part of the human experience is realizing that life is a journey meant to be
shared with our family and friends. We
need each other. We need to work with
others, exchange services, share information, and provide emotional comfort.
Positive human relationships sustain us
and nourish us in every possible way to
the depths of our body and soul. Friendships are critical to a life worth living.

Australias Flinders University. The study

followed nearly 1,500 older people for
10 years. It found that those who had a
large network of friends outlived those
with the fewest friends by 22 percent.
Several explanations can be offered, but
the most likely is that the companionship provided by friends may boost mood
and self-esteem.The positive emotions we
experience when we are with good friends
apparently improves ourphysiology.

Interestingly, the study found that close

relationships with children and relatives had almost no effect on longevity.
Friendships and health
That is not saying these relationships
Loneliness is a dreaded state. Feelings of
are not important to the quality of our
isolation and being alone in the world
lives, just that they had no real effect on
can be devastating. On the flip side,
having a strong network of friends can
improve our health and help us to live Perhaps the explanation is that friends
longer, according to a study conducted may be better able to be there for you
by the Centre for Ageing Studies at
(continued on page 26)

The glory of friendship is not the outstretched hand, not the

kindly smile, nor the joy of companionship; it is the spiritual
inspiration that comes to one when you discover that someone
else believes in you and is willing to trust you with a friendship.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

in good times and challenging times.

They also may be better able to:

Increase your sense of belonging and

your happiness and reduce

your stress
your self-confidence and


Help you cope with traumas, such as

divorce, serious illness, job loss, or the

death of a loved one
Encourage you to change or avoid
unhealthy lifestyle habits, such as
excessive drinking or lack of exercise

Developing friendships

For many people, establishing friendships

comes very easily. For others, it is difficult to
attract or maintain friendships. Friendships
require work and time.They take effort.
Not surprisingly, with the expansion of
social media, it is now easier for just about
anybody to reach out and find friends with
common values and interests. However,
you cannot establish the same level of intimacy via the Internet as you can in the real
world.That said, there are great avenues
out there to join a chat group or online
community that can help people feel connected and lessalone.
n a t u r a l

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n e w s 23

inspired living

Build your

In order to have good friends, you need

to be a good friend. What are the characteristics that you feel define a good
friend? Do you value honesty, loyalty,
integrity, sincerity? Think about what
you look for in a friend, and try to
develop those traits within yourself. By
developing the characteristics of a true
friend deep within you, you will attract
people with similar values.
My father, Cliff Murray, Jr., was one of
the most popular men I have ever met in
my life. Just about everybody loved my
dad and he had many, many friends. His
life was rich with quality relationships.
When I was in my 20s I asked him his

secret. He shared with me his story of

feeling lonely as a young man and not
having any real friends. His life changed
when he read Dale Carnegies book
How to Win Friends and Influence People.
Written in 1936, this book is a classic on
how to develop friendships. I highly recommend it.

Nourish your friendships

If you are blessed to have good friends,

then congratulations! But, you have to
continue to nourish these relationships.
Here are five simple steps to make your
friendships even better.
1. Connect. In this busy world, time
can fly by without staying in touch
with our friends. Connecting to our

Friend-Finding Tips
If you need to establish new or better
friendships in your life, you have to get
out into the world and make connections. Here are a few suggestions:

Go to church or some other faith

community. Take advantage of the
social opportunities these organizations offer.


involved in your community.

Make sure it is something that you
are interested in. Find a community cause
or activity that means something to you.

Volunteer at your local hospital, Boys

and Girls Club, charitable group, or other

24 s e p t e m b e r / o c t o b e r

Take up a new interest that involves the

opportunity to meet people who have

similar interests. Take a yoga or aerobics
class, wine tasting course, or a class at a
community college.

2 0 1 4

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inspired living

friends provides the food and water to
the relationship. If you cant meet faceto-face, then call, text, or email them.
Do whatever it takes to stay up-to-date
and current with what is going on in
2. Express gratitude. Everyone likes to
be loved, but everyone needs to be appreciated. Reach out and do something
thoughtful that shows your appreciation. It has to be an action to make the
3. Create positive memories. Whether
it is having a friend over for a special
dinner, taking them to their favorite
restaurant, or (my preference) spending
some time with them on a great golf
course, we have to celebrate our friendships by creating new memories while
reminiscing about the old.
4. Clear the plate. Sometimes in friendships there are misunderstandings and
conflict. Dont be afraid to bring these
up, but only if your intent is to sincerely
apologize for your actions and how they
may have been perceived. Be prepared to
make amends.
5. Dont be afraid. Friendships can
grow through the stress of time and life
events, but only if there is space enough
to allow for change and the occasional
expression of tough love. For example,
if your friend is engaging in an activity
or going down a path that is potentially
dangerous to their long-term goals, dont
26 s e p t e m b e r / o c t o b e r

be afraid to express your thoughts to

them in a loving, non-judgmental way.
That is a true, courageous friend.

Worthy friendships

Have you ever heard the passage,Do not

give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast
your pearls before swine, lest they trample
them under their feet, and turn and tear
you in pieces. When I was a teenager, I
brought a new friend over to meet my
grandmother. Later, I asked her what
she thought. Her response was Dont
cast your pearls before swine. Well, I
was taken aback, but years later I truly
understood what she was saying to me.
My friendship was a valuable pearl and in
her opinion this boy was not worthy. Of
course, she was absolutely right, but I had
to learn that lesson on my own. Make
sure to nurture friendships with those
friends who are worthy of your friendship.And do everything you can to make
your friendships valuable.
2 0 1 4

nutrient profile


preventing americas

most common

nutrient deficiency

ron plays a central role in our red

blood cells, where it functions in
transporting oxygen from the lungs
to the bodys tissues, and carbon dioxide
from the tissues to the lungs. Iron also
plays a role in several key enzymes used
in energy production and metabolism
including DNA synthesis. It is critical to
human life.

Who is at risk of iron


are routinely given iron supplements

Inadequate intake of iron is common in
many parts of the world, especially in
areas that consume primarily a vegetarian diet. Typical infant diets in developed
countries (high in milk and cereals) are
also low in iron. The adolescent consuming a junk food diet is at high risk for
iron deficiency.

Iron deficiency may occur due to an

increased iron requirement, decreased
dietary intake, diminished iron absorption or utilization, blood loss, or a
combination of factors.

The population at greatest risk for a

diet deficient in iron is the low-income
elderly population, in part due to the
fact that decreased absorption of iron is
quite common in the elderly. Decreased
absorption of iron often occurs because
of a lack of hydrochloric acid secretion
in the stomach. Decreased stomach acid
production is a fairly common condition
in the elderly. Other causes of decreased
absorption include chronic diarrhea or
malabsorption, the surgical removal of
the stomach, and antacid use.

Increased requirements for iron occur

during the growth spurts of infancy
and adolescence, and during pregnancy and lactation. Currently, the
vast majority of pregnant women

Blood loss is the most common cause of

iron deficiency in women of childbearing
age. This is most often due to excessive
menstrual bleeding. Other common
causes of blood loss include bleeding

Iron deficiency is the most common

nutrient deficiency in the United States.
The groups at highest risk for iron deficiency are infants under 2 years of age,
teenage girls, pregnant women, and the
elderly. Studies have found evidence that
iron deficiency affects as many as 30 to
50 percent of these groups.

28 s e p t e m b e r / o c t o b e r

2 0 1 4

from peptic ulcers, hemorrhoids, and

blood donation.

Iron deficiency and


Anemia refers to a condition in which

the blood is deficient in red blood
cells or the hemoglobin (iron-containing) portion of red blood cells. The
primary function of the red blood cell
is to transport oxygen from the lungs
to the tissues of the body in exchange
for carbon dioxide. The symptoms of
anemia, such as extreme fatigue, reflect
a lack of oxygen being delivered to
tissues and a buildup of carbon dioxide.
Iron deficiency is the most common
cause of anemia. However, it must be
pointed out that anemia is the last stage
of iron deficiency. Iron-dependent

enzymes involved in energy production

and metabolism are the first to be affected
by low iron levels.

The effects of iron


The negative effects of iron deficiency

stem largely from the impaired delivery
of oxygen to the tissues and the impaired
activity of iron-containing enzymes
in various tissues. Iron deficiency has
proven health consequences, including
the following.

Impaired immune function. Even

marginal iron deficiency can significantly
impair immune function. Iron deficiency
greatly reduces the immune systems ability
to fight off infection. Common findings in
iron-deficient individuals are increased rate
of infections, lymphatic tissue shrinkage,
n a t u r a l

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n e w s 29

nutrient profile


altered white blood cell concentrations,

and defective white blood cell function. Iron deficiency may contribute to
chronic infections and frequent colds.

Diminished mental function. Virtually any nutrient deficiency can result

in impaired brain function, especially
in children. Since iron deficiency is
the most common nutrient deficiency
in American children, it is the most
important nutritional cause of learning
disability. Iron deficiency is associated
with markedly decreased attentiveness, narrower attention span, decreased
persistence, and decreased voluntary
activity. Fortunately, iron supplementation can bring a return to normal
mental function.
Decreased energy levels. Several
researchers have clearly demonstrated
that even a slight iron-deficiency leads
to a reduction in physical work capacity
and productivity. Nutrition surveys done
in the United States have indicated that
iron deficiency is a major impairment

30 s e p t e m b e r / o c t o b e r

of health and work capacity. Supplementation with iron has shown rapid
improvements in work capacity in irondeficient individuals. Impaired physical
performance due to iron deficiency is
not dependent on anemia. Again, the
iron-dependent enzymes involved in
energy production and metabolism will
be impaired long before anemia occurs.

What are the best dietary

sources of iron?

The best dietary source of iron is red

meatespecially liver. Good non-meat
sources of iron include beans, molasses,
dried fruits, whole grain and enriched
breads, and green leafy vegetables. Fish
is another good source. Iron from plant
sources is better absorbed when its eaten
with vitamin C.

Iron supplements

Iron deficiency can best be diagnosed

with a blood test that measures serum
ferritin, the iron storage protein. This
is by far the most sensitive test for
(continued on page 32)

2 0 1 4

nutrient profile


Iron supplementation is often required to

raise iron levels, especially during pregnancy and in young menstruating women.
Ferrous sulfate is the most popular iron
supplement, but it often causes constipation or other gastrointestinal disturbance.
Although it is best absorbed when taken
on an empty stomach, doing so often
causes nausea or GI upset. So it is most
often taken with food, which greatly
reduces its absorption.
Currently, the best forms of iron supplement appear to be special forms of ferric
pyrophosphate and ferrous bisglycinate.
Both are free from gastrointestinal side
effects with high relative bioavailability, especially when taken on an

What is the usual dosage

for iron supplements?

For iron deficiency, the usual recommendation is up to 60 mg daily in divided

doses. For general health purposes, the
RDAs should be used as supplementation guidelines. High intakes of other
minerals, particularly calcium, magnesium, and zinc, can interfere with iron
absorption, so when treating iron deficiency it is recommended to take iron
separately from these minerals. In contrast, vitamin C enhances iron absorption.

Cautions and warnings

Keep all iron supplements out of the

reach of children. Acute iron poisoning in
infants can result in serious consequences.
32 s e p t e m b e r / o c t o b e r

Recommended Dietary
Allowances (RDA) for Iron

Daily dose

Infants (7 months) up to
age 10

10 mg

Males 11-18 years old

12 mg

Males 19 years and older

8 mg

Females 11 years and older

18 mg

Pregnant women

27 mg

Severe iron poisoning is characterized

by damage to the intestinal lining, liver
failure, nausea, vomiting, and shock.
Dietary intake of iron often does not
adequately satisfy body needs.This is particularly common in young menstruating
women and during pregnancy and
lactation. Iron supplementation is recommended at these times and during
deficiency. The best forms of iron supplement are ferric pyrophosphate and
ferrous bisglycinate.
2 0 1 4

a s k D r . M u r r ay

expert answers to
your health questions
from the editor

Do you have a question for Dr. Murray? Submit it online at

www.DoctorMurray.com/contact-us. Please note that answers
to health questions are not medical advice. If you have an issue
that requires medical attention, please see your doctor.


Is PQQ the next nutrient


Pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) is a

novel vitamin-like compound found
in plant foods that is showing a wide range
of benefits to brain and body function in
preclinical studies and initial clinical evaluation. Although PQQ is not currently
viewed as a vitamin, it is likely to be considered an essential nutrient in the future.


What exactly does PQQ do?

PQQ stimulates growth and serves

as a cofactor for a special class of
enzymes involved in cellular functions
like cellular growth, development, differentiation, and survival. It is also as an
extremely powerful antioxidant capable
of catalyzing continuous cycling (the
ability to perform repeated oxidation and
reduction reactions) to a much greater
degree compared to other antioxidants.
For example, PQQ is able to carry out
20,000 catalytic conversions compared
to only 4 for vitamin C.


Are there any food sources

of PQQ?
PQQ has been found in all plant
foods analyzed to date, but in very

34 s e p t e m b e r / o c t o b e r

low quantities. PQQ-rich foods include

parsley, green peppers, kiwi fruit,
papaya, and tofu. These foods contain
about 2-3 mcg per serving. Green tea
provides about the same amount per


Is PQQ an essential nutrient?

Based on current research there is

no question that it plays a critical
role in human nutrition. Omitting PQQ
from diets in mammals leads to growth
impairment, compromised immune
status, and abnormal reproductive function. Like essential nutrients, the immune
system seems particularly sensitive to low
levels of PQQ. With PQQ deprivation
there are multiple defects in immune
function and loss of white blood cells to
respond properly.


What is the most important

function of PQQ?

One key action of PQQ involves

a direct action on key enzymes
involved in the energy-producing
compartments in our cellsthe mitochondria. As a result PQQ improves
energy production. In addition, PQQs
2 0 1 4

powerful antioxidant effect protects

against mitochondrial damage. But
PQQ not only protects mitochondria
from oxidative stressit also promotes
the spontaneous generation of new
mitochondria within aging cells. This
effect is a fountain of youth for mitochondrial function.


What are the clinical uses

of PQQ?

Given the nutritional importance

and tremendous span of physiological effects of PQQ, there are considerable
benefits in conditions that revolve around
low mitochondrial function, including in
aging, many brain and neurological diseases (e.g., Alzheimers and Parkinsons
disease), and many other chronic degenerative disease. Current research has
primarily focused on its ability to protect
memory and cognition in both aging
animals and humans. Here are some of
the effects noted in the animal studies:


reverses cognitive impairment

caused by chronic oxidative stress and
improves performance on memory
tests in animal models.


supplementation stimulates the

production and release of nerve growth

PQQ protects the brain against neurotoxicity induced by other powerful



protects brain cells from the

damaging effects of the beta-amyloidprotein linked with Alzheimers disease.


Has PQQ been studied in

human clinical trials?

Yes, preliminary clinical studies are

extremely encouraging, and several
larger clinical trials are currently either
completed and awaiting publication or
are in process.
In regards to improving brain function,
while PQQ is somewhat effective on
its own, it is even more effective when
combined with coenzyme Q10. This
synergistic effect was first seen in animal
studies and further demonstrated in a
human double-blind, placebo-controlled
clinical trial published in 2009 in the
journal Food Style. In this study of 71
middle-aged and elderly people between
40 and 70 years of age, supplementation
with 20 mg per day of PQQ resulted in
improvements on tests of higher cognitive function compared to the placebo
group. In the group receiving 20 mg of
PQQ along with 300 mg of CoQ10, the
results were even more dramatic. PQQ
and CoQ10 are both involved in mitochondrial energy production, so these
results are not that surprising.


What is the proper dosage?

The current recommendation of 10

to 20 mg of PQQ daily is based upon
the equivalent dose in animals consistently improved various mitochondrial
functions. There are also some clinical
and observational studies that justify the
dosage, especially the 20 mg dosage, for
enhancing memory.

n a t u r a l

l i v i n g

n e w s 35

Determine Omega-3 and -6 balance for optimal health.




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