Ifa Bbe 16oct2016
Ifa Bbe 16oct2016
Ifa Bbe 16oct2016
Result will be available through ON-LINE mode ONLY (Result Packet will NOT be sent by Courier / Post).
Please download the Enrolment Kit (Offer Letter, Enrolment Form, Course Fee etc) from the result declaration Portal or
collect it from Nearest FIITJEE centre / FIITJEE Centre where you wish to Enrol. (Result Packet will NOT be sent by Courier
/ Post).
Visit www.fiitjeelogin.com and create a Student / Parent Account. Use "Add Registration Number" link on the portal to
attach your Big Bang Edge Test Registration Number to your profile with the help of Registration Number and Web
Access Code printed on your Big Bang Edge Test Hall Ticket. Update the Students profile with the data required on the
Students, who do not have the facility to check their Results Online, can visit nearest FIITJEE Centre or where they
registered, to enquire about the same.
Regular Enrolment Window: Sunday, 6th November 2016 to Wednesday, 9th November 2016.
Extended Enrolment Window (with Late Fee of Rs 2000): Sunday, 13th November & Monday, 14th November 2016.
Students interested to take Enrolment before 6th November OR from 10th November to 12th November 2016 will have to
pay a facilitation Fee of Rs 5000/- over & above the applicable Program Fee at the time of enrolment and any other
applicable Fee as per the Terms & Conditions of the Test. For more details, please contact your respective FIITJEE Study
It is strongly recommended that the Enrolment is done and completed in Regular Enrolment Window.
Timings for Fee Payment - 10:30 am to 1:30 pm and 2:30 pm to 6:30 pm.
It is strongly recommended that the Enrolment is done and completed during Normal Fee Payment Dates / Enrolment
Windows Only. The dates after Normal Fee Payment Dates are not meant ideally for Enrolment and will invite Facilitation
Fee / Late Fine etc. For more details please contact your respective FIITJEE Study Centre.
FIITJEE Study Centre where you wish to join the FIITJEE program.
FIITJEE has furnished hostel / lodging & boarding facilities at the following FIITJEE centres viz. Delhi (South Delhi, North West
Delhi, East Delhi & Dwarka Centres), Amritsar, Bangalore, Bhilai, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Bokaro, Chandigarh, Chennai,
Hyderabad, Indore, Jaipur, Kolkata, Lucknow, Mumbai, Patna, Pune, Ranchi, Vijayawada & Visakhapatnam which is available
for male Students only, on the basis of merit. The hostel expenditure to be borne by the Student is approximately Rs. 6,000/to Rs. 9,000/- per month on double occupancy basis and varies from one hostel to another and city to city. Expenses are
subject to revision as and when required without prior notice. FIITJEE also has hostel / lodging & boarding facilities for
female Students at select FIITJEE centres. Appropriate assistance may be provided in locating paying guest accommodation
for female Students at other locations. Hostel facility is available at select FIITJEE Centres only. Please contact your
respective FIITJEE Study Centre for more details.
Note 1: Fee amount to be paid at the time of Admission cannot be paid by cheque or cash.
Note 2: Initial Fee amount to be paid at the time of admission can only be paid by Demand Draft / Pay Order / NEFT. For
more details on NEFT method of Fee payments please visit www.fiitjee.com/neft and also refer your Admission
Test Hall Ticket for Details on Making the Fee Payment through NEFT.
Note 3: The local /at par post-dated cheques are to be submitted at the time of admission only along with the Demand
Draft / Pay Order/ NEFT. Please ensure that the cheques towards fee payment must be as per CTS -2010 guidelines
specified by RBI. You may check the same with your bank.
Note 4: FIITJEE will remain Closed from 30th October to 1st November 2016 on account of DEEPAWALI.