Denx Uboot Manual PDF
Denx Uboot Manual PDF
Denx Uboot Manual PDF
Digi International Inc. 2007. All Rights Reserved.
The Digi logo is a registered trademark of Digi International, Inc.
All other trademarks mentioned in this document are the property of their respective owners.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Digi International.
Digi provides this document as is, without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied
warranties of fitness or merchantability for a particular purpose. Digi may make improvements and/or changes in this manual or in the
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This product could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein;
these changes may be incorporated in new editions of the publication.
6 Boot commands...........................................................................18
6.1 Overview .................................................................................................................................18
6.2 Reading images into RAM ......................................................................................................18
6.2.1 From Ethernet.....................................................................................................................................18
6.2.2 From USB ...........................................................................................................................................18
6.2.3 From flash...........................................................................................................................................19
6.3 Booting images in RAM...........................................................................................................19
6.4 Direct booting ..........................................................................................................................20
6.4.1 Direct booting with Microsoft Platform Builder / Visual Studio.............................................................21
6.5 Automatic booting ...................................................................................................................21
7 Using NVRAM...............................................................................22
7.1 The intnvram command ..........................................................................................................22
7.1.1 Mappings of variables .........................................................................................................................24
7.2 The flpart command ................................................................................................................24
7.2.1 A partition table entry..........................................................................................................................25
7.2.2 Changing the partition table ................................................................................................................26
8 Firmware update commands ..................................................... 27
8.1 Overview................................................................................................................................. 27
8.2 Updating flash with images in RAM ....................................................................................... 27
8.3 Direct updating ....................................................................................................................... 28
8.3.1 Update limits .......................................................................................................................................28
1 Conventions used in this manual
This list shows the typographical conventions used in this guide:
Style In examples, to show the text that should be typed literally by the
2 Acronyms and Abbreviations
BIOS Basic Input Output System
CPU Central Processing Unit
FAT File Allocation Table
I2C Inter-Integrated Circuit
MBR Master Boot Record
NVRAM Non Volatile RAM
OS Operating System
PC Personal Computer
RAM Random Access Memory
TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol
USB Universal Serial Bus
3 Introduction
3.3.2 Monitor
U-Boot has a command shell (also called a monitor) for working with U-Boot commands to create a
customized boot process.
3.3.3 Variables
U-Boot uses environment variables that can be read or written to and from non-volatile media. Use
these variables to create scripts of commands (executed one after the other) and to configure the
boot process.
NAND: 128 MiB
In: serial
Out: serial
Err: serial
CPU: NS9360 @ 154.828800MHz
Strap: 0x03
SPI ID:2007/02/21, V1_4, CC9C/CCW9C, SDRAM 64MByte, CL2, 7.8us, LE
FPGA: wifi.ncd, 2007/01/25, 17:49:41, V2.01
Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0
4 U-Boot commands
4.1 Overview
U-Boot has a set of built-in commands for booting the system, managing memory, and updating an
embedded systems firmware. Custom built-in commands can be created by modifying U-Boot
source code.
# help
? - alias for 'help'
autoscr - run script from memory
base - print or set address offset
bdinfo - print Board Info structure
boot - boot default, i.e., run 'bootcmd'
bootd - boot default, i.e., run 'bootcmd'
bootelf - Boot from an ELF image in memory
bootm - boot application image from memory
bootp - boot image via network using BootP/TFTP protocol
bootvx - Boot vxWorks from an ELF image
cmp - memory compare
coninfo - print console devices and information
cp - memory copy
crc32 - checksum calculation
date - get/set/reset date & time
dboot - Digi ConnectCore modules boot commands
dcache - enable or disable data cache
dhcp - invoke DHCP client to obtain IP/boot params
echo - echo args to console
envreset- Sets environment variables to default setting
fatinfo - print information about filesystem
fatload - load binary file from a dos filesystem
fatls - list files in a directory (default /)
flpart - displays or modifies the partition table.
go - start application at address 'addr'
help - print online help
icache - enable or disable instruction cache
icrc32 - checksum calculation
iloop - infinite loop on address range
imd - i2c memory display
iminfo - print header information for application image
imm - i2c memory modify (auto-incrementing)
imw - memory write (fill)
inm - memory modify (constant address)
intnvram- displays or modifies NVRAM contents like IP or partition table
iprobe - probe to discover valid I2C chip addresses
itest - return true/false on integer compare
loadb - load binary file over serial line (kermit mode)
loads - load S-Record file over serial line
loady - load binary file over serial line (ymodem mode)
loop - infinite loop on address range
md - memory display
mm - memory modify (auto-incrementing)
mtest - simple RAM test
mw - memory write (fill)
nand - NAND sub-system
nboot - boot from NAND device
nfs - boot image via network using NFS protocol
nm - memory modify (constant address)
ping - send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network host
printenv- print environment variables
printenv_dynamic- Prints all dynamic variables
rarpboot- boot image via network using RARP/TFTP protocol
reset - Perform RESET of the CPU
run - run commands in an environment variable
saveenv - save environment variables to persistent storage
setenv - set environment variables
sleep - delay execution for some time
sntp - synchronize RTC via network
tftpboot- boot image via network using TFTP protocol
update - Digi ConnectCore modules update commands
usb - USB sub-system
usbboot - boot from USB device
version - print monitor version
The available commands vary according to the capabilities of the hardware platform.
For more information about a command, enter:
help command name
For example:
# help run
run var [...]
- run the commands in the environment variable(s) 'var'
As the first characters of a command are entered, U-Boot searches its list of
built-in commands until it finds a match. For example, entering save or sav or
even sa, causes U-Boot to execute the saveenv command.
U-Boot needs enough characters to be entered to determine the command to
execute. For example, if loa is entered, U-Boot cannot tell whether to execute
loadb, loads or loady, and an Unknown command message is displayed.
4.2.1 Information commands
Commands that information about the development board, devices, memory, etc., include:
Command Description
bdinfo Prints board info structure.
coninfo Prints console devices and information.
date [MMDDhhmm[[CC]YY][.ss]] Gets, sets, or resets system date/time.
fatinfo <interface> <dev[:part]> Prints information about the file system from dev on
iminfo addr [addr ...] Prints header information for the application image starting
at the addr address in memory, including verification of the
image contents (magic number, header, and payload
checksums). Works only for Linux kernel images.
nand bad Shows NAND bad blocks.
nand info Shows available NAND devices.
version Displays U-Boot version and timestamp.
Command Description
bootp [loadAddress] [bootFilename] Boots the image over the network using the BootP/TFTP
protocol. If no argument is given, bootp takes the values
from the loadaddr and bootfile environment variables.
dhcp Requests an IP address from a DHCP server, set in the
serverip system variable. If the autoload variable is set to
yes, also transfers the file to which the bootfile
environment variable points to the loadAddress RAM
memory address by TFTP.
nfs [loadAddress] [host ip Using NFS, transfers image bootfilename into the RAM
addr:bootfilename] address loadAddress.
ping <pingAddress> Pings the IP address passed as parameter. If the other end
responds, this message is displayed:
host <pingAddress> is alive.
rarpboot [loadAddress] [bootfilename] Using RARP/TFTP, transfers image into the RAM address
sntp Gets the date and time from the NTP server to which the
ntpserverip environment variable points..
tftpboot [loadAddress] [bootfilename] Using FTP, transfers image bootfilename into the RAM
address loadAddress.
4.2.3 USB commands
To access the USB subsystem, use the usb command, followed by its operations:
Command Description
usb reset Resets (rescans) USB controller.
usb stop [f] Stops USB [f]=force stop.
usb tree Shows USB device tree.
usb info [dev] Shows available USB devices.
usb storage Shows details of USB storage devices.
usb dev [dev] Shows or sets current USB storage device.
usb part [dev] Prints the partition table of one (dev) or all USB storage
usb read addr blk# cnt Reads cnt blocks starting at block blk# to RAM address
fatload usb <dev[:part]> <addr> Reads filename image from partition part of USB device
<filename> dev into the RAM memory address addr. If part is not
specified, partition 1 is assumed.
usbboot Boots from USB device.
Command Description
cmp[.b, .w, .l] addr1 addr2 count Compares memory contents from address addr to addr2
for as many count bytes, words, or long words.
cp[.b, .w, .l] source target count Copies memory contents from address source to target for
as many count bytes, words, or long words.
go addr [arg ...] Starts the application at address addr passing arg as
md[.b, .w, .l] address [# of objects] Displays memory contents at address addr for as many
[#of objects] bytes, words, or long words.
mm[.b, .w, .l] address Modifies locations of memory, beginning at address, which
gets auto-incremented.
mw[.b, .w, .l] address value [count] Writes value into address for as many count bytes, words,
or long words.
nm[.b, .w, .l] address Modifies a fixed location of memory.
nand read addr off size Copies memory contents from flash address off to RAM
address addr for as many size bytes (only for NAND flash
nand write addr off size Copies memory contents from RAM address addr to flash
address off for as many size bytes (NAND flash memories
nand erase [off size] Erases size bytes from address off. Erases entire device if
no parameters are specified (NAND flash memories only).
U-Boot skips bad blocks and shows their addresses.
nand dump[.oob] off Dumps NAND page at address off with optional out-of-band
data (only for NAND flash memories).
nboot address dev [off] Boots image from NAND device dev at offset off
(transferring it first to RAM address).
Command Description
loadb [off] [baud] Loads binary file over serial line with offset off and baud
rate baud (Kermit mode).
loads [off] Loads S-Record file over the serial line with offset off.
loady [off] [baud] Loads binary file over the serial line with offset off and
baud rate baud (Ymodem mode).
Command Description
iloop chip address[.0, .1, .2] [# of Loops, reading a set of I2C addresses.
imd chip address[.0, .1, .2] [# of Displays I2C memory.
imm chip address[.0, .1, .2] Modifies I2C memory with an auto-incremented address.
imw address[.0, .1, .2] value [count] Fills an I2C memory range with value.
inm chip address[.0, .1, .2] Modifies memory, reads and keeps an address.
iprobe Discovers valid I2C chip addresses.
itest [.b, .w, .l, .s] [*]value1 <op> Returns TRUE/FALSE on integer compare.
Command Description
printenv [name ...] If no variable is given as argument, prints all U-Boot
environment variables.
If a list of variable names is passed, prints only those
printenv_dynamic Prints all dynamic variables.
envreset Overwrites all current variables values to factory default
Does not reset the wlanaddr or ethaddr variables or
any other persistent settings stored in NVRAM (see
topic 7.1).
saveenv Writes the current variable values to non-volatile
memory (NVRAM).
setenv name [value] If no value is given, the variable is deleted. If the
variable is dynamic, it is reset to the default value.
If a value is given, sets variable name to value value.
5 Environment variables
5.1 Overview
U-Boot uses environment variables to tailor its operation. The environment variables configure
settings such as the baud rate of the serial connection, the seconds to wait before auto boot, the
default boot command, and so on.
These variables must be stored in either non-volatile memory (NVRAM) such as an EEPROM or a
protected flash partition.
The factory default variables and their values also are stored in the U-Boot binary image itself. This
allows recovering the variables and their values at any time with the envreset command.
Environment variables are stored as strings (case sensitive). Custom variables can be created as
long as there is enough space in the NVRAM.
To expand simple variables, enclose them in braces and prefix a dollar sign:
Recursive variables (or scripts) contain one or more variables within their own value. The inner
variables are not expanded in the new variable. Instead, they are expanded when the recursive
variable is run as a command, as shown here:
To prevent variables from being expanded into other variables values, use the back slash \ before
5.3 Scripts
In U-Boot, a script is made up of variables that contain a set of commands that are executed one
after another.
Consider this variable:
# printenv cmd1
setenv var val;printenv var;saveenv
Running this script with run cmd1 creates the var variable with value val, prints the value val to
the console, and saves the variables to either the EEPROM or flash partition dedicated to
# run cmd1
Saving Environment to Flash...
Un-Protected 1 sectors
Erasing Flash...
. done
Erased 1 sectors
Writing to Flash... done
Protected 1 sectors
Separate the commands in a script with semicolons (;). As with recursive variables, semicolons
must be preceded by a back-slash sign to prevent them from being interpreted as the termination
of the first command itself.
To save cmd1, enter:
For running commands stored in variables, use the run command and its variables separated by
5.4 System variables
U-Boot uses several built-in system variables:
Variable Description
autoload If set to no (or any string beginning with n), the rarpboot, bootp, or
dhcp command performs a configuration lookup from the BOOTP /
DHCP server but does not try to load any image using TFTP.
autostart If set to yes, an image loaded using the rarpboot, bootp, dhcp or
tftpboot commands is automatically started (by internally calling the
bootm command).
baudrate The baud rate of the serial connection.
bootcmd Defines a command string that is automatically executed when the
initial countdown is not interrupted.
Executed only when the bootdelay variable is also defined.
bootdelay Seconds to wait before running the automatic boot process in
bootfile Name of the default image to load with TFTP.
dhcp If set to on, enables the DHCP client to obtain a dynamic IP for the
Ethernet interface.
dhcp_wlan For modules with a WLAN interface, if set to on, enables the DHCP
client to obtain a dynamic IP for the WLAN interface.
dnsip IP address of the primary DNS server,
dnsip2 IP address of the secondary DNS server.
fileaddr The RAM address where the last file transferred by TFTP was placed.
filesize The size of the last file transferred by TFTP or USB.
gatewayip IP address used as network gateway.
ipaddr IP address of the target's Ethernet interface.
ipaddr_wlan IP address of the target's WLAN interface (for modules that have it).
netmask Subnet mask of Ethernet interface.
netmask_wlan Subnet mask of WLAN interface (for modules that have it).
ntpserverip NTP server IP address (for getting the date/time).
stdin Standard input system.
stdout Standard output system.
stderr Standard error output system.
serverip IP address of the host PC (for remote connections like TFTP transfers).
verify If set to n or no, disables the checksum calculation over the complete
image in the bootm command to trade speed for safety in the boot
process. Note that the header checksum is still verified.
5.4.2 Dynamic variables
Depending on the module, the partitioning information, and so on, U-Boot generates some
variables "on the fly" if they do not already exist in U-Boot.
These variables can be overwritten with setenv thus becoming standard U-Boot variables.
Dynamic variables which are not set with setenv also exist (they are automatically created), but
they cannot be printed with printenv.
Some of these variables are OS-specific for different OS implementations (Linux, Windows CE,
NET+OS). They provide special functionality for the OS running in the platform.
For more information, see the boot loader development chapter of the
development kit's documentation.
Detection of user keys can be disabled for customized hardware where these
keys do not exist. This requires reconfiguring and recompiling U-Boot. See
chapter 9 for information about U-Boot development.
6 Boot commands
6.1 Overview
U-Boot runs code placed in RAM, although it also can read from other media. The boot process
normally takes place in two steps:
Reading the OS image from media (Ethernet, flash, USB) into RAM
Jumping to the first instruction of the image in RAM
The TFTP transfer occurs between the serverip address (host) and the ipaddr address (target).
The host must be running a TFTP server and have bootfilename archive placed in the TFTP-
exposed directory.
For Linux kernel images, if the autostart variable is set to yes, this command directly boots the
kernel after downloading it.
# usb reset
# fatload usb <dev>[:partition] <loadAddress> <bootfilename>
This command reads file bootfilename from device dev, partition partition of the USB flash disk
into the RAM address loadAddress. Device and partition are given as a number (0, 1, 2...).
If no partition is specified, partition 1 is assumed.
6.2.3 From flash
For standalone booting, the device can read the image from flash, avoiding dependency on any
external hardware.
In targets with NOR flash memories, do this with memory commands:
This command copies count bytes, words, or long words (depending on the suffix used -: b, w, l -
from sourceAddress into loadAddress.
In targets with NAND flash memories, the special NAND commands must be used:
# go <loadAddress>
# bootm <loadAddress>
where loadAddress (in both cases) is the address in RAM at which the image resides.
6.4 Direct booting
To simplify the boot process, Digi's U-Boot version includes the dboot built-in command, which
reads the OS image from the media and runs it from RAM in a single step.
The syntax for the dboot command is:
os is linux, wce, eboot, netos or any partition name.
media is flash, tftp or usb.
If the dhcp variable is set to yes or on, the command first gets an IP address
from the DHCP server to which the serverip variable points.
To boot a partition from flash, a valid partition name must be provided. To print the partitions table,
use the flpart command (for more information about this command see topic 7.2). Then execute
the command with the selected partition name:
# flpart
Nr | Name | Start | Size | Type | FS | Flags
0 | U-Boot | 0 | 768 KiB | U-Boot | None | fixed
1 | NVRAM | 768 KiB | 512 KiB | NVRAM | None | fixed
2 | Kernel | 1280 KiB | 3 MiB | Linux-Kernel | None |
3 | RootFS-JFFS2 | 4352 KiB | 16 MiB | Filesystem | JFFS2 | rootfs
4 | User-JFFS2 | 20736 KiB | 12 MiB | Filesystem | JFFS2 |
5 | Kernel-2 | 33024 KiB | 2 MiB | Linux-Kernel | None |
# dboot Kernel-2 flash
6.4.1 Direct booting with Microsoft Platform Builder / Visual Studio
The eboot program is used to interconnect the target to the Windows CE development system
(Platform Builder or Visual Studio). Eboot sends BOOTME messages to the development system
program. These two programs talk to each other to transfer and debug the Windows CE kernel.
This is the command for booting with Platform Builder / Visual Studio:
# dboot eboot
This command reads the eboot image from flash into a specific RAM address and jumps to this
image for execution.
# run bootcmd
# boot
If, for example, to automatically boot a WinCE image from TFTP server, set bootcmd like this:
Or, to automatically boot a Linux image from flash, set bootcmd like this:
7 Using NVRAM
An embedded OS requires some persistent settings; for example, MAC address, IP address, Internet
gateway, flash partition table, and U-Boot environment variables. Some of these are changed only in
production and others only during custom setup.
These settings must be stored in non-volatile memory (NVRAM) so they are not lost when the target is
powered off.
For modules that have an I2C EEPROM (such as the ConnectCore 9P family), NVRAM is the
EEPROM memory.
For modules that do not have I2C EEPROM, a flash partition is reserved for this purpose.
The contents are protected by a CRC32 checksum. They also are mirrored to either a different I2C location
or a second flash partition. In this way, if anything goes wrong or data becomes corrupted, the good image
is taken and the bad one is automatically repaired when booting U-Boot or running the intvram command.
Either one parameter or a set of parameters can be set or printed. Parameters are grouped in
blocks. This is the complete parameters list with the possible values some of them can take:
Params trailed with '=' require a value in the set command. In the print
command, '=' mustn't be used.
intnvram print module ethaddr1 serialnr : prints mac address and
serial number
intnvram print partition select=0 name select=1 name : prints first and
second partition
intnvram set network ip1= : changes the IP address
Specify the group of the parameter before the parameter itself. For example, to print the modules
MAC address, execute:
For printing different parameters of a block, the block must be used only once. For example, to
print the module IP and subnet mask of Ethernet interface, execute:
To access a partition parameter, address the specific partition with the parameter select=n, where
n is the index to the partition. This example prints the names of partitions 1 and 2:
7.1.1 Mappings of variables
Some of the protected variables in NVRAM are mapped to U-Boot environment variables.
Therefore, modifying them with intnvram command is the same as doing so with setenv
command. For security reasons, however, some variables cannot be modified with
the setenv command.
This table lists the mapped variables:
7.2.1 A partition table entry
A partition table entry contains these fields:
Field Description
Number Index of partition in the table
Name Name of the partition
Chip Index of flash chip (normally, only one)
Start Physical start address of the partition (in hex)
Size Size of the partition (in hex)
Type Partition type (what it will contain)
FS File system that the partition contains:
Flags Flags (non-exclusive):
mount read-only
7.2.2 Changing the partition table
To modify the partition table, use the flpart command in U-Boot:
# flpart
Nr | Name | Start | Size | Type | FS | Flags
0 | U-Boot | 0 | 768 KiB | U-Boot | None | fixed
1 | NVRAM | 768 KiB | 512 KiB | NVRAM | None | fixed
2 | FPGA | 1280 KiB | 1 MiB | FPGA | None | fixed
3 | EBoot | 2304 KiB | 1 MiB | WinCE-EBoot | None |
4 | Registry | 3328 KiB | 1 MiB | WinCE-Registry | None |
5 | Kernel | 4352 KiB | 20 MiB | WinCE-Kernel | None |
a) Append partition
d) Delete partition
m) Modify partition
p) Print partition table
r) Reset partition table
q) Quit
Cmd (? for help)>
Partitions are added, modified, or deleted step-by-step; the command prompts for the necessary
Start and Size values can be given as hexadecimal numbers (prefixed with 0x)
or as decimal numbers followed with k (for KiB) or m (for MiB).
The partition table also can be reset to the default values. In this case, because the partition table
differs according to the targets OS, the desired OS can be selected.
Changes take effect only after quitting 'flpart' and saving the
When the size or start address of a partition has been changed,
it is always necessary to erase it and write a new image to it.
8 Firmware update commands
8.1 Overview
The boot loader, kernel, and other data stored in flash form the firmware of the device. Because
U-Boot can write any part of flash, its flash commands can be used to reprogram (update) any part
of the firmware. This includes the boot loader itself.
The update process normally takes place in three steps:
Reading image from media (Ethernet, USB) into RAM memory
Erasing the flash that is to be updated
Copying the image from RAM into flash
The first command erases size bytes beginning at address. The second command copies count
bytes, words or long words (depending on the suffix used: b, w, l) from sourceAddress into
For NAND flash memory:
The first command erases size bytes beginning at address. The second command copies count
bytes from sourceAddress into targetAddress.
8.3 Direct updating
Digi's U-Boot version includes the built-in update command. This command copies the image from
the media to RAM, erases the flash size needed for the image, and moves the image from RAM
into flash in a single step, simplifying the update process.
Here is the syntax for update:
# help update
update partition source [file]
- updates 'partition' via 'source'
values for 'partition': uboot, linux, rootfs, userfs, eboot, wce
or any partition name
values for 'source': tftp, usb
values for 'file': the file to be used for updating
If the dhcp variable is set to yes or on, the command first gets an IP address
from the DHCP server pointed to by the serverip variable.
For updating partitions with files larger than the available RAM memory, see
your OS-specific update flash tool.
9 U-Boot development
U-Boot is an open source project. Sources are freely distributed, and can be modified to meet
requirements for a boot loader.
The project sources are ready to be installed and compiled in a Linux environment. If a Linux
machine is not available for development, install the Cygwin X-Tools software
( The X-Tools provide a Unix-like development environment for Windows,
based on Cygwin and the GNU toolchain, to cross-compile the boot loader.
For information about installing the U-Boot sources, modifying platform-specific sources, and
recompiling the boot loader, see your development kit documentation. Procedures may vary
according to hardware platform and OS.
coninfo command......................................11
conventions in this manual..........................5
autoload system variable .......................... 16 cp command..............................................12
automatic booting ..................................... 21 creating built-in commands .........................9
autostart system variable.......................... 16 custom variables .......................................17
available commands
and hardware platform....................... 10
available RAM date command ..........................................11
and update limits................................ 28 dhcp command..........................................11
dhcp system variable ................................16
dhcp wlan system variable........................16
baudrate system variable.......................... 16 Digi custom variables................................17
bdinfo command ....................................... 11 direct booting.............................................20
BIOS ....................................................... 6, 7 dnsip system variable ...............................16
boot loader dnsip2 system variable .............................16
defined ................................................. 7 dynamic variables .....................................17
boot process ............................................... 8
bootcmd system variable .......................... 16
bootdelay system variable ........................ 16 environment variable commands ..............13
booting images in RAM............................. 19 environment variables
bootm command simple and recursive ..........................14
and Windows CE images................... 11 envreset command ...................................13
bootp command ........................................ 11
built-in commands
creating ................................................ 9 FAT .............................................................6
fatinfo command .......................................11
C fileaddr system variable ............................16
cmp command .......................................... 12 filesize system variable .............................16
commands firmware
boot .................................................... 18 update commands .............................27
built-in .................................................. 9 flash
environment variables........................ 13 updating with images in RAM ............27
firmware update ................................. 27 flpart command .........................................24
flpart ................................................... 24
information ......................................... 11
intnvram ............................................. 22 gatewayip system variable........................16
memory .............................................. 12 go command .............................................12
network .............................................. 11
serial port ........................................... 13
type-ahead ......................................... 10 hardware platform
update ................................................ 28 and available commands ...................10
USB.................................................... 12
I nand erase command ............................... 12
nand info command .................................. 11
I2C .............................................................. 6
nand read command................................. 12
I2C commands ......................................... 13
nand write command ................................ 12
iloop command ......................................... 13
nboot command .................................. 12, 13
imd command ........................................... 13
nboot memory
iminfo command ....................................... 11
booting image from NAND device ..... 13
imm command .......................................... 13
netmask system variable .......................... 16
imw command .......................................... 13
netmask wlan system variable.................. 16
information commands ............................. 11
network commands................................... 11
inm command ........................................... 13
nfs command ............................................ 11
intnvram .................................................... 22
nm command ............................................ 12
ipaddr system variable.............................. 16
non-volatile memory (NVRAM)
ipaddr wlan system variable ..................... 16
and persistent settings....................... 22
iprobe command....................................... 13
ntpserverip system variable ...................... 16
itest command .......................................... 13
NVRAM ....................................................... 6
loadb command ........................................ 13
partition table
loads command ........................................ 13
entries, contents of ............................ 25
loady command ........................................ 13
modifying ........................................... 26
M resetting ............................................. 26
persistent settings..................................... 22
MBR............................................................ 6
ping command .......................................... 11
md command............................................ 12
printenv command .................................... 13
protected variables ................................... 17
comparing.......................................... 12
copying .............................................. 12 R
copying contents from flash to RAM
address............................................ 12 rarpboot command.................................... 11
copying contents from RAM to flash reading images into RAM ......................... 18
address............................................ 12 recursive variables.................................... 14
displaying contents ............................ 12
dumping NAND page......................... 12
erasing............................................... 12 saveenv command.................................... 13
modifying a fixed location .................. 12 scripts........................................................ 15
modifying contents............................. 12 serial port commands ............................... 13
writing values to................................. 12 serverip system variable ........................... 16
memory commands .................................. 12 setenv command ...................................... 13
mm command........................................... 12 simple variables ........................................ 14
mw command ........................................... 12 sntp command .......................................... 11
stderr system variable............................... 16
N stdin system variable ................................ 16
nand bad command.................................. 11 stdout system variable .............................. 16
nand dump command............................... 12 system variables ....................................... 16
T updating flash............................................27
TFTP ........................................................... 6
USB commands ........................................12
tftpboot command ..................................... 11
Digi custom ........................................17
boot process ........................................ 8
Digi-custom ........................................17
built-in commands................................ 9
dynamic........................................13, 17
command shell (monitor) ..................... 7
environment .................................13, 14
commands ........................................... 9
in scripts .............................................15
described ............................................. 7
mapping of .........................................24
development ...................................... 29
protected ............................................17
hexadecimal assumed for numbers..... 8
source code, modifying........................ 9
variables............................................... 8
update command ...................................... 28
verify system variable ...............................16
update limits
version command......................................11
and available RAM............................. 28