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Assignment of Equity 11

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Assignment of Equity......!
(1) Historical development
of Equity
(2) What is Equity
Submitted to:
Sir Barrister
Submitted by:
Nasika Zafar
Roll No.

Historical Introduction

Before 1066 all laws were local and enforced in the manorial, shire and
hundred courts. Under the Normans, Royal Courts began to emerge from
the King's Council (Curia Regis). These did not take over the jurisdiction of
the local courts immediately, but over a long period of time the local
courts lost jurisdiction over cases and thus lost income. A practice was
started of sending judges around the country to hold assizes (or sittings)
to hear cases locally. This enabled the judges, over a period of roughly
200 years, to take the best local laws and apply them throughout the land,
thus creating law which was common to the whole country ie, common


As the work of the common law courts grew, the judges began to use
previous decisions as a guide for later cases. This was the beginning of
the doctrine of precedent.

The writ system

The judges also developed the writ system. A writ is simply a document
setting out the details of a claim. Writs were issued to create new rights
not recognised by the local courts and this helped to attract business.
Over a period of time the writ system became extremely formal and beset
with technicalities and claims would only be allowed if they could fit into
an existing writ. The rule was 'no writ, no remedy'. For example, certain
writs of trespass would only be issued for those acts done with force and
arms against the King's Peace. If the two requirements were not met, a
person had no claim.
Even if a writ was obtained, the judges would often spend more time
examining the validity of the writ than the merits of the claim. Writs were
issued by the clerks in the Chancellor's Office and they began to issue
new writs to overcome these difficulties, in effect creating new legal

In 1258 the Provisions of Oxford forbade the issue of new writs without the
permission of the King in Council. As a result the common law became
rigid and the rules operated unjustly. In 1285 the Statute of Westminster II
authorised the clerks to issue new writs but only if claims were in 'like
cases' to those before 1258. This was restrictive and made further
development of the common law very technical.
Other defects in the common law
There were also other faults with the common law courts, for example:
* the common law courts used juries which could be intimidated and
* the common law had only one remedy, damages, which was often
* the common law paid too much attention to formalities, eg if a contract
was made which required written evidence for its enforcement, then lack
of such evidence meant that the common law courts would grant no
* the common law courts did not recognise the trust.

What is Equity?
The word "equity" means fair or just in its wider sense, but its
legal meaning is the rules developed to mitigate the severity of
the common law.
In jurisdictions following the English common law system, equity refers to
the body of law which was developed in the English Court of Chancery
and which is now administered concurrently with the common law.
The English common law was principally developed and administered in
central royal courts: the Court of King's Bench, the Court of
Common Pleas, and the Exchequer.
Equity was the name given to the law which was administered
in the Court of Chancery.
The Judicature Reforms in the 1870s effected a procedural fusion of the
two bodies of law, ending their institutional separation. The reforms did

not effect any substantive fusion, however. Judicial or academic reasoning

which assumes the contrary amounts to a "fusion fallacy"

Equity Definition:
(1)The English system of justice that developed during 17th to 19th
centuries, separate and distinct from the system of common law.
Not bound by the precedents, it tempered the harshness and
inflexibility of common law, especially in cases involving families
and children. Although both systems of law merged by 1875, the
rules of equity prevail in case of a conflict with the rules of common

Another definition of Equity by Duhaime's Law

(2)A branch of English law which developed hundreds of years ago
when litigants would go to the King and complain of harsh or
inflexible rules of common law which prevented "justice" from


Originally the King's Council carried out the three functions of state,
namely legislative, executive and judicial. It dealt with all cases in
which the King had a direct interest, like breaches of the peace. Eventually
the courts split off from the Council and formed the main common law
After the Norman Conquest of England in the 11th century, royal justice
came to be administered in three central courts:


The Court of Exchequer


The Court of Common Pleas


The King's Council

Origins of the common law

The Court of Exchequer, which dealt with the collection of

revenues, was the first to separate, in the reign of Henry I (1100-1135).

The Court of Common Pleas stayed in Westminster Hall to deal

with disputes between individuals, while The King's Council travelled
round the country. The Court of King's Bench separated sometime after

1230. Justices of the Peace (or magistrates) originated from a Royal

Proclamation of 1195 creating 'Knights of the Peace' to assist the Sheriff in
enforcing the law. They were later given judicial functions and dealt with
minor crimes. The common law developed in these royal courts. To
commence litigation in these royal courts, it was necessary to fit one's
claim within a form of action. The plaintiff would purchase a writ in the
Chancery, the head of which was the Lord Chancellor. Where the law
provided no remedy (or no efficacious remedy), litigants could sometimes
appeal directly to the King. Eventually, the King would delegate resolution
of these petitions to the King's Council. These petitions were eventually
delegated to the Lord Chancellor himself.
Emergence of the Court of Chancery

Petitioning the King

Disappointed litigants began to petition the King as the "Fountain of
Justice", the procedure being to present a petition (or bill) asking him to
do justice in respect of some complaint. For a time the King in Council
determined these petitions himself, but as the work increased he passed
them to the Chancellor as the "Keeper of the King's Conscience".
The Chancellor was usually a clergyman, generally a bishop, and learned
in the civil and canon law. The King, through his Chancellor, eventually set
up a special court, the Court of Chancery, to deal with these petitions. The
Chancellor supervised the Chancery where clerks (who originally worked
behind a wooden screen - cancelleria - hence Chancery) issued writs,
commissions and other legal documents.
The Chancellor dealt with these petitions on the basis of what was morally
right. The Chancellor would give or withold relief, not according to any
precedent, but according to the effect produced upon his own individual
sense of right and wrong by the merits of the particular case before him.
By the 14th century it appears that Chancery was operating as a court,
affording remedies where the strict procedures of the common law worked
injustice or provided no remedy to a deserving plaintiff. Chancellors often
had theological and clerical training and were well versed in Roman law
and canon law.
In 1474 the Chancellor issued the first decree in his own name,
which began the independence of the Court of Chancery from the
King's Council.

By the 15th century the judicial power of Chancery was clearly

recognised. Equity, as a body of rules, varied from Chancellor to
Chancellor, until the end of the 16th century. After the end of the 17th
century, only lawyers were appointed to the office of Chancellor. Over
time, Equity developed a system of precedent much like its common-law
One area in which the Court of Chancery assumed a vital role was the
enforcement of uses, a role that the rigid framework of land law could not
accommodate. This role gave rise to the basic distinction between legal
and equitable interests.

New Procedures
Equity was not bound by the writ system and cases were heard in English
instead of Latin. The Chancellor did not use juries and he concerned
himself with questions of fact. He could order a party to disclose
documents. The Chancellor issued subpoenas compelling the attendance
of the defendant or witnesses whom he could examine on oath.

New Rights
Equity created new rights by recognising trusts and giving beneficiaries
rights against trustees. (A trust arises if one party gives property to
trustees to hold for the use of beneficiaries.) The common law did not
recognise such a device and regarded the trustees as owners.
Equity also developed the equity of redemption. At common law, under a
mortgage, if the mortgagor had not repaid the loan once the legal
redemption date had passed, he would lose the property but remain liable
to repay the loan. Equity allowed him to keep the property if he repaid the
loan with interest. This right to redeem the property is known as the
equity of redemption.

New Remedies
Equity created new remedies:
(a) Specific performance, which is an order telling a party to perform their
part of a contract. This was useful where damages were not adequate, eg,
in the sale of land. Thus if the seller refused to sell after signing a
contract, the buyer could obtain an order of specific performance making
the seller sell the house.

(b) Rectification, which allowed a written document to be changed if it did

not represent the actual agreement made by the parties.
(c) Rescission, which allowed parties to a contract to be put back in their
original position in the case of a contract induced by a misrepresentation.
(d) Injunctions, usually an order to stop a person doing a particular act,
like acting in breach of contract (a prohibitory injunction).


Common Law vs Equity

Since the terms Common Law and Equity represent two branches or
avenues of Law not created by legislation, we should get to know the
difference between common law and equity. One understands Common
Law to mean precedent or law created by decisions of the courts. Equity,
on the other hand, is associated with the principles of fairness and
equality. Although the tendency is to use the two terms synonymously,
there are differences between the two that are more fully explained below.

What is Common Law?

Common Law is more popularly known as case law, precedent law or
judge-made law. The reason for the above names is because Common
Law, in fact, constitutes rules of law developed by the courts through its
decisions. The origins of Common Law can be traced back to the early
centuries to rules developed by the royal courts after the Norman
Conquest in 1066. These rules developed by the royal courts were
recorded and thereafter used as authority or as a guide for future cases or
disputes. The decisions, therefore, were viewed as rules of law.
Today many countries, such as the United States of America, Canada and
India, have as their basis the rules of Common Law, which is the law
derived from the English Common Law system. The unique feature of
Common Law is that unlike statute or legislation, Common L aw rules are
developed on a case-by-case basis. For example, if the parties to a case
are at odds in relation to the law applicable to the dispute at hand, the
court will look to precedent or previous court decisions/reasoning to find a
solution and apply it to the facts. If, however, the nature of the case is
such that precedent does not directly apply, the court will take into
account the present trends in society, practice and rules of law and
thereafter deliver a judgment tailor-made for that particular case. This
decision thereafter becomes precedent and therefore binding on any
future cases of a similar nature. Common Law thus has a unique capability
to adapt to the changing trends in society.

What is Equity?
Equity is often referred to as the second branch of English law which
originated after the introduction of Common Law. In medieval England,
parties aggrieved by a decision of the court would petition the King to do
justice regarding the harsh judgment. The King, in response to such
petitions and complaints, in turn relied on the advice of the Lord
Chancellor, who looked into the dispute and sought to deliver a fair
outcome against the rigid principles of Common Law. The Lord

Chancellors role in administering equity was thereafter transferred to a

separate court called the Court of Chancery. Equity was developed with
the intention of alleviating the harshness and inflexibility of the Common
Law rules at the time or the rigid interpretations given to such rules by the
Courts. A body of general principles developed and these general
principles are more commonly known as maxims of equity. Some of these
maxims include:

Equity will not suffer a wrong to be without a remedy.

He who comes to equity must come with clean hands.

Furthermore, where there was a conflict between Common Law and

Equity, it was accepted that the rules of Equity prevailed. Principles
governing Trusts, equitable interests over property and equitable
remedies fall within the purview of Equity.
What is the difference between Common Law and Equity?

Common Law is a body of law based on precedent or court

decisions. Equity constitutes general principles and serves as a
supplement to Common Law.

Equity, simply put, is a form of legal relief in the event such relief
cannot be found in the rules of common law.

Equity is based on a judicial evaluation of fairness, reason, good

faith and justice. Common Law entails applying the rules of common
law to the issue before the court.

And these words from John A. Finch relating the answer of a great judge to
the question,
"What is the difference between the common law and equity?":
"Very little in the end.
"At common law you are done for at once.
"In equity you are not so easily disposed of.
"The former is a bullet which is instantaneous and charmingly effective.
"The latter, the angler's hook, which plays its victim before it kills him.
"Common law is prussic acid (cyanide), equity is laudanum."
In the 1876 Comic Blackstone, author Gilbert Beckett wrote:


"Law without equity is better than equity without law.

"And, therefore, though in law there is very often no equity, nevertheless

there is no equity that has not sufficient law to make its name of equity a
pleasant fiction."
But equity has its obvious limitations, as Blackstone wrote:
"Law, without equity, though hard and disagreeable, is much more
desirable for the public good than equity without law, which would make
every judge a legislator, and introduce most infinite confusion, as there
would be almost as many different rules of action laid down in our courts
as there are differences of capacity and sentiment in the human mind." (I
Blk. Comm. 62)


Rivalry between the Courts
The Court of Equity (or Chancery) became very popular because of its
flexibility; its superior procedures; and its more appropriate remedies.
Problems arose as to the issue of injunctions: the common law courts
objected to the Chancellor issuing injunctions restraining the parties to an
action at common law either from proceeding with it or, having obtained
judgement, from entering it in cases where, in the Chancellor's opinion,
injustice would result. Consequently, a certain rivalry developed between
the two courts and this came to a head in the Earl of Oxford's Case (1616)
1 Rep Ch 1 in which the common law court gave a verdict in favour of one
party and the Court of Equity then issued an injunction to prevent that
party enforcing that judgement. The dispute was referred to the King who
asked the Attorney-General to make a ruling. It was decided that in cases
of conflict between common law and equity, equity was to prevail. From
that time on the common law and equity worked together, side by side.
As equity was developing, it had no fixed rules of its own and each
Chancellor gave judgement according to his own conscience. This led to
criticism about the outcome of cases and John Selden, an eminent
seventeenth century jurist, declared, "Equity varies with the length of the
Chancellor's foot". To combat this criticism Lord Nottingham (Lord
Chancellor 1673-82) started to introduce a more systematic approach to
cases and by the nineteenth century, equity had become as rigid as the
common law. Delays were caused by an inadequate number of judges and


the officials depended on fees paid by the litigants so that there was every
incentive to prolong litigation for individual tasks and mulitply these tasks.
Some attempt was made to assimilate the remedies granted by the Court
of Chancery and the common law courts. Thus under the Common Law
Procedure Act 1854 the common law courts were given some power to
award equitable remedies and the Chancery Amendment Act 1858 gave
the Chancellor the power to grant damages in addition to, or in
substitution for, an injunction or a decree of specific performance.
The Judicature Acts 1873-75
The Judicature Acts 1873-75 rationalised the position. They created one
system of courts by amalgamating the common law courts and the court
of equity to form the Supreme Court of Judicature which would administer
common law and equity.
The Supreme Court of Judicature consists of the High Court divided into
divisions known as the Queen's Bench Division, Chancery Division, and
the Probate, Divorce and Admiralty Division (re-named the Family Division
in 1970 and the work reassigned); the Court of Appeal; and, since the
Supreme Court Act 1981, the Crown Court. Each Division exercises both
legal and equitable jurisdiction. Thus any issue can be adjudicated in any
Division; and any point of law or equity can be raised and determined in
any Division; but, for the sake of administrative convenience, cases are
allocated to the Divisions according to their general subject-matter. Thus
the court "is now not a Court of Law or a Court of Equity, it is a Court of
complete jurisdiction." (Pugh v Heath (1882), per Lord Cairns.)
It was forseen that a court which applied the rules both of common law
and of equity would face a conflict where the common law rules would
produce one result, and equity another. Section 25 of the Judicature Act
1873 provided that if there was any conflict between these principles,
then equity was to prevail. However, this did not fuse the principles of
common law and equity, which still remain as separate bodies of rules.
"The two streams have met and still run in the same channel, but their
waters do not mix" (Maitland).

In recent times the courts have used their equitable jurisdiction to develop
new remedies:
Mareva Injunctions


In 1975 the Court of Appeal recognised the Mareva injunction for the first
time. This is a court order freezing the assets of a party to an action or
stopping that party moving the assets out of the country.
In Mareva v International Bulkcarriers [1975] 2 Lloyd's Rep 509, a
shipowner let the 'Mareva' to a foreign charterer, with payment half
monthly in advance. The charterer defaulted on a payment. The
shipowner found out that the charterers had money in an English bank
and sought an injunction freezing the account. It was held that an order
would be granted to stop the charterers from moving the money abroad
before the case was heard. Normally the application will be ex parte,
which means that one party applies without giving notice to the other side
for if the other party did have notice, they could move the assets.
In The Due Process of Law (1980) Lord Denning described the Mareva
injunction as "The greatest piece of judicial law reform in my time".
Anton Piller Orders
In 1974 the High Court started to grant what later became known as
Anton Piller orders. This is an order to a defendant to allow the plaintiff on
to the defendant's premises to inspect, copy or remove documents or
other objects relating to the plaintiff's property. The aim is to stop the
defendant removing or destroying vital evidence. The defendant may
refuse entry, but such action would be regarded as contempt of court, for
which the defendant could be sent to prison. Once again it is an ex parte
application. The use of such orders was confirmed in the following case.
In Anton Piller v Manufacturing Processes Ltd [1976] Ch 55, the plaintiffs
made electrical equipment and employed the defendants as their agent in
the UK. They suspected that he was selling their technical drawings to
competitors and so applied for an order. The court held that an ex parte
mandatory injunction would be granted, to the effect that the plaintiff
could enter the defendant's premises and inspect relevant documents.
These orders have been used for breach of copyright, passing off and
matrimonial disputes.
It may be helpful to the understanding of equity to list the subjects which should
properly be included within it. No list can be exhaustive. However, the following
matters are assigned to the Chancery Division by the Supreme Court Act 1981:

* The sale, exchange or partition of land, or the raising of charges on land;

* The redemption or foreclosure of mortgages;


* The execution of trusts;

* The administration of the estates of deceased persons;
* Bankruptcy;
* The dissolution of partnerships or the taking of partnership or other
* The rectification, setting aside or cancellation of deeds or other
instruments in writing;
* Probate business, other than non-contentious or common form business;
* Patents, trade marks, registered designs or copyright;
* The appointment of a guardian of a minor's estate;
* All causes and matters involving the exercise of the High Court's
jurisdiction under the enactments relating to companies.

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