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Essay About United States

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FICHA: 1133271






United stateds of american is a sovereign country constituted federal constitutional

republic comprising fifty states and a federal district, the capital is Washington DC.
It bordered by Canada to the north and Mexico to the south. With nine eight three
million square kilometers and more than three hundred sixteen million inhabitants,
the country is the fourth largest in total area. It is one of the nation's most ethnically
diverse and multicultural world, the product of large-scale immigration.


Between seventeen-seventy four and seventeen-seventy five, the United Kingdom
imposes a series of measures to limit the economy of the colonies. Restrictions
cause the war of the thirteen colonies against Britain. On July four, seventeenseventy six, the independence of the United States of America is declared. The UK
only recognizes US sovereignty from seventeen- eighty three. The economic
disunity of the new country requires the emergence of a strong central government.
The United States Constitution is written and ratified by the thirteen States in
seventeen-eigthty nine. George Washington, hero of the War of Independence, he
is elected first President of the United States.
In the nineteenth century, the country began to expand their territory through
purchases, possessions, wars and conquest of indigenous territories. In eighteenthree, buy Louisiana to France for US $ fiveteen million. In eighteen- nineteen,
acquired Florida from Spain for US $ five million. Between eigteen-fourty nine and
eihgteen- fourty eigth, in the war against Mexico, United States conquer the entire
region from Texas to California. During the second great migration to the West
(1850-1890), Indian tribes are decimated. In eighteen- fivety three, Arizona and
New Mexico are purchased from Mexico for US $ Ten million. In eighteen- sixty
nine, Russia sold Alaska for US him $ Seven million.


In the nineteenth century, the issue of slavery divides the United States. The need
for free and abundant labor work in the North opposes the South desire to keep
slaves. Southern States decide to separate in eighteen- sixty, when the abolitionist
Abraham Lincoln is elected president. In the Civil War (1862-1865) comes out as
winner the government of the Union, North.
Slavery is abolished and the federative system is weakened at the expense of
strengthening the central government. Lincoln's assassination in eighteen- sixty
five, marks the death throes of the southern rebellion. At the end of the nineteenth
century, the country continues its expansion and emerges as an imperialist power:
Hawaii is annexed in eighteen-ninety eight and in this year, in the war against
Spain, the United States conquered territories in the Caribbean (Cuba and Puerto
Rico) and in the Pacific (Philippines, Guam). Innineteen- three, the country
supports Panama to become independent of Colombia and thus makes the control
of the Canal Zone between the Atlantic and the Pacific. In 1913 and 1914, US
troops involved in the Mexican Revolution.


The end of the war also marks the completion of the temporary alliance with the
USSR to fight Hitler. Then begins the Cold War: Washington and Moscow
consolidate the division the world into two spheres of influence and strengthen
each its military might. In nineteen-fivety, the United States sends troops to Korea
to contain communist expansion. Internally, the country adopts McCarthyism,
series of policies to discover and disable suspects of sympathizing with
communism or ideas contrary to government measures.
With the election of Democrat John F. Kennedy in nineteen-sixty, the government
increased defense spending, while showing great concern for civil rights.
Washington supports the abortive Bay of Pigs invasion, carried out by anti-Castro
forces in Cuba (1961), and sends military advisers to South Vietnam to help in the
fight against communist forces.

After Kennedy's assassination in nineteen- sixty three, the country began military
escalation in Vietnam. US troops involved in the civil war in the Dominican
Republic in nineteen- sixty five. The Republican Richard Nixon, elected in
nineteen- sixty six, withdraw troops from Vietnam (1973) and promotes approach
to China and the Soviet Union. Nixon resign in nineteen- seventy five, following the
Watergate scandal. His successor, Gerald Ford, to continue with the politicizing of
detente with the USSR and signed, in nineteen- seventy six, the Salt Treaty 1,
limiting the proliferation of nuclear weapons. Democrat Jimmy Carter with (19771960), increase inflation and unemployment, and the US experience in its foreign
policy fiascos, with the drop of allies like the shah of Iran in nineteen- seventy nine.

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