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Apuntes Tema 4 Siglo XX

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1 Locate chronologically the Second Republic, the Civil war, the Franco

dictatorship and the transition to democracy.

Alfonso XII died

Military Coup
General Miguel
Primo de Rivera

Begining of Civil
Franco dies.
Transition starts.

M Cristina Regent

1874 1885

Alfonso XII
King 1874



1931 1936 1939

Alfonso XIII
becomes King

Republic II

1975 1978
End of
Civil War.
of Franco


2 Describe the main features of the reign of Alfonso XIII, including the Primo
de Rivera dictatorship.
During Alfonso XIIIs reign Spain experienced political and social conflict.
The Liberals and Conservatives continued to take turns in government (remember el pucherazo).
However, other parties opposed them: republican parties, nationalist parties in Catalua and Pas Vasco,
and the Socialist party.
Workers demanded better working conditions. There were many strikes (huelgas).
Spain was involved in military conflict in its new colonies in Morocco. Because of these problems, there
was a military coup in 1923. With Alfonso XIIIs support, General Miguel Primo de Rivera established a
dictatorship (dictablanda).

The constitution was suspended and

the king lost most of his powers.
Political parties became illegal.
Freedom of the press was limited by censorship.

At first, many people supported Primo de Riveras dictatorship.

Later on there was opposition from the army and from Alfonso XIII. Primo de Rivera resigned
in 1930.

3 Describe the reforms introduced during the Second Republic and their
The Second Republic began in 1931 when the Republicans and Socialists won the municipal elections.
The monarchy was abolished.
Manuel Azaa became president.
There was a new constitution and Spain became a democracy: all men and women could vote. The most
important suffragette was Clara Campoamor.
The republic introduced many other changes too:

The Church lost control of education. Public schools were established. It was the time of
Institucin Libre de Enseanza.

There was more regional autonomy. There was a statute of autonomy for Catalua.

The Industrial Revolution also changed how society was organised.

A Reforma Agraria was proposed.

These reforms divided Spanish society and caused political conflict. Left-wing people generally supported
the changes. However, right-wing people opposed these changes.
Still there were many conflicts in Spanish society.

4 Explain some of the causes and consequences of the Spanish Civil War.
In July 1936 a military rebellion began in Spanish Morocco. Its leader was General Francisco Franco. The
rebels took control of parts of Spain. The country became divided between areas controlled by the
Nationalists, the rebels led by Franco, and areas controlled by the Second Republic.
The Spanish Civil War started because of the military rebellion led by Franco. Franco and the Nationalists
were opposed to the changes that the Second Republic had introduced. They wanted to replace the
republic with a right-wing dictatorship. The Republicans supported the Second Republic.
For three years there was fighting between the Nationalists and Republicans, until the Nationalists took
control of Madrid. The war ended in April 1939. As a result of the Nationalist victory, the Second Republic
ended. Franco established a right-wing dictatorship.
The war had other consequences too:

Around 365 000 people died.

Many people lost their families.

People were imprisoned or killed because of their opinions (Nationalists who lived in the
Republican zones, and Republicans who lived in the Nationalist zones).

Roads, bridges, railways and buildings were destroyed.

People became ill because there wasnt enough food.

5 Explain how Spain evolved during the Franco dictatorship.

6 Describe some of the milestones in Spains transition to democracy, such as
membership of the EU and the adoption of the euro.
7 Research and present information about the UN Universal Declaration of
Human Rights.
8 Recognise the main artistic and cultural movements of the 20th and 21st
centuries in Spain.
9 Describe some of the main features of contemporary Spanish society,
including the main problems facing present-day Spain.
10 Use vocabulary related to the curriculum block correctly.

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