1. Complete the attached Interview sample questions to prepare yourself for the interview
process. This will become the first page of your JOB SKILLS
section of your portfolio.
Student _____
Adult _____
Team _____
Adult _____
Team _____
3. Complete ten job applications and print them for the JOB SKILLS section. Choose positions
and companies that you are qualified to work for right now.
Student _____
Adult _____
Team _____
4. Research what you should wear when applying for jobs and attending interviews. Create a
checklist that you can use when preparing to apply for jobs. Take a picture of yourself
prepared for an interview. Place the checklist and the picture in the JOB SKILLS section.
Student _____
Adult _____
Team _____
5. Research what you should do when interviewing for a job. Write a summary description of
what employers are looking for when interviewing a potential employee. Place this
summary in the JOB SKILLS section.
Student _____
Adult _____
Team _____
6. Set up at least four appointments with your case manager, or other adult at school. Treat
this as though you are reporting for a job interview.
a. Make an appointment in person or by calling the office and asking for
______________. On at least two occasions, you need to request that the teacher
provide you an opportunity for a mock interview. Supply the questions you
prepared for so they can select 10 questions for each interview.
b. Confirm your appointment at least one school day in advance, wear interview
appropriate clothing, report to the office and indicate you have an appointment with
c. When reviewing your portfolio, speak clearly and with appropriate volume, make
eye contact while talking, and before leaving set up your next appointment.
Student _____
Adult _____
Team _____
Adult _____
Team _____
1. Complete the higher education section in (Disability Benefits 101)
Determine the type of post-secondary education you will pursue in order to be trained
in your career area of choice. Make a list of your options and place in the COLLEGE
SKILLS section.
Student _____
Adult _____
Team _____
2. Research four area of interest schools that train the areas you are interested in pursuing.
a. Print a copy of the entrance requirements and application process for each school
and place in the COLLEGE SKILLS section.
b. Complete and print the applications and place in the COLLEGE SKILLS section.
Student _____
Adult _____
Team _____
3. Visit two local colleges that offer area of interest programs. Request a business card from
the Admissions Advisor that you meet with. Attach the business card to the information
a. Request information about cost, entrance requirements, application process,
financial aid process, and services offered to assist students.
Student _____
Adult _____
Team _____
Adult _____
Team _____
5. Go to to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. Print the
completed form and place it in the COLLEGE SKILLS section.
Student _____
Adult _____
Team _____
1. Complete three interest inventories, print the results and place in your portfolio. At least
one interest inventory must be the Jung Typology Test listed below.
a. At select the Jung Typology Test. Click on the section that
will tell you which careers you are suited for. Print the results of your career
assessment. This will be the first page of your CAREER SKILLS section of your
b. At complete the interest inventory, reality check,
values survey and occupation research. Print your results and place in the CAREER
SKILLS section.
c. Research three music related careers. Write a summary of the job outlook, training
required and starting salary for each career.
Student _____
Adult _____
Team _____
2. Go to Choose the four careers you are most interested in from your
interest inventories. Find these careers on ISeek and print out all the information relating
to each career. Put this information in the CAREER SKILLS section.
a. Go to Click on Career Counselors and print the information to
include in your portfolio.
Student _____
Adult _____
Team _____
3. Using the information you have collected, complete the attached MN Career Guide
worksheets and include in the CAREER SKILLS section of your portfolio.
Student _____
Adult _____
Team _____
This section must be personalized for individual students. This example student is interested in a
career in music production.
1. Establish a performance portfolio for your college application process and include this in the
a. Create a demo cd or UTube channel
b. Contact three venues for possible gigs. Document these contacts in the attached
call log.
Student _____
Adult _____
Team _____
2. Contact a recording studio to complete the attached Career Interview with at least two
people who have careers in a music related field. Include the interview information you
gathered in the MUSIC SKILLS section.
Student _____
Adult _____
Team _____
3. Create a Personal Music Statement: This is a cover letter for your performance portfolio.
People who read your personal statement will get a sense of who you are and how you
write. This personal music statement includes a description of your musical style, the
instruments you can play and to what level of proficiency for each, music related activities
you participate in, achievements you are proud of, and your music career and education
goals. Although it may be difficult to do so, this is the place to reflect on your past and
dream about your future. It is also where you will describe your specific skills such as guitar
Student _____
Adult _____
Team _____
Adult _____
Team _____
Team _____
Team _____
4. Research and write an essay explaining how to do laundry including how to read a care
label, how to care for fabrics, general wash instructions and the cost of doing laundry at
a laundromat.
Student _____
Adult _____
Team _____
5. Complete an apartment search. Complete at least one application for your preferred
city in MN. Print the completed applications and place in the INDEPENDENT LIVING
SKILLS section.
Student _____
Adult _____
Team _____
6. Apply for a MN ID card. Make a copy of the completed application and place it in the
Student _____
Adult _____
Team _____
7. Enroll in a permit instruction course to prepare for application for a MN Drivers license.
Make a copy of the receipt for payment and/or confirmation of enrollment and place it
in the INDEPENDENT LIVING SKILLS section. For students who plan to get a drivers
Student _____
Adult _____
Team _____
8. Develop a meal plan for one week. Include grocery list, cost of ingredients, and recipes.
Include this information in the INDEPENDENT LIVING SKILLS
Student _____
Adult _____
Team _____
Team _____
10. Using public transportation, develop a plan to get from your home to a local music
college or recording studio. Use this method of transportation to attend one of your
college visits or to visit a recording studio for the Career Interview. Print the itinerary
including timelines, stops, transfers and cost and place in the INDEPENDENT LIVING
SKILLS section.
Student _____
Adult _____
Team _____
11. Register for behind-the-wheel training with a local driving school. Place the receipt for
payment of services in the INDEPENDENT LIVING SKILLS section. For students who plan
to get a drivers license
Student _____
Adult _____
Team _____
12. Take the MN Drivers License examination. Place the documentation from your
examination in the INDEPENDENT LIVING SKILLS section. For students who plan to get a
drivers license
Student _____
Adult _____
Team _____
Adult _____
Team _____
2. Make an appointment with Hennepin County Adult Mental Health requesting an intake
meeting. Document this contact in the attached call log and enter your appointment
information on your calendar and your cell phone.
Student _____
Adult _____
Team _____
General advice
Answer the questions that are asked
If you are applying to several schools, you may find questions in each application that are
somewhat similar.
Don't be tempted to use the same statement for all applications. It is important to answer
each question being asked, and if slightly different answers are needed, you should write
separate statements. In every case, be sure your answer fits the question being asked.
Tell a story
Think in terms of showing or demonstrating through concrete experience. One of the worst
things you can do is to bore the admissions committee. If your statement is fresh, lively,
and different, you'll be putting yourself ahead of the pack. If you distinguish yourself
through your story, you will make yourself memorable.
Be specific
Don't, for example, state that you would make an excellent doctor unless you can back it up
with specific reasons. Your desire to become a lawyer, engineer, or whatever should be
logical, the result of specific experience that is described in your statement. Your
application should emerge as the logical conclusion to your story.
Find an angle
If you're like most people, your life story lacks drama, so figuring out a way to make it
interesting becomes the big challenge. Finding an angle or a "hook" is vital.
reader's attention or lose it. This paragraph becomes the framework for the rest of the
Tell what you know
The middle section of your essay might detail your interest and experience in your
particular field, as well as some of your knowledge of the field. Too many people graduate
with little or no knowledge of the nuts and bolts of the profession or field they hope to
enter. Be as specific as you can in relating what you know about the field and use the
language professionals use in conveying this information. Refer to experiences (work,
research, etc.), classes, conversations with people in the field, books you've read, seminars
you've attended, or any other source of specific information about the career you want and
why you're suited to it. Since you will have to select what you include in your statement,
the choices you make are often an indication of your judgment.
Don't include some subjects
There are certain things best left out of personal statements. For example, references to
experiences or accomplishments in high school or earlier are generally not a good idea.
Don't mention potentially controversial subjects (for example, controversial religious or
political issues).
Do some research, if needed
If a school wants to know why you're applying to it rather than another school, do some
research to find out what sets your choice apart from other universities or programs. If the
school setting would provide an important geographical or cultural change for you, this
might be a factor to mention.
Write well and correctly
Be meticulous. Type and proofread your essay very carefully. Many admissions officers say
that good written skills and command of correct use of language are important to them as
they read these statements. Express yourself clearly and concisely. Adhere to stated word
Avoid clichs
A medical school applicant who writes that he is good at science and wants to help other
people is not exactly expressing an original thought. Stay away from often-repeated or
tired statements.
"I would like to thank the admissions committee for considering my application."
"It is my sincere hope that you will grant me the opportunity to attend your fine
"In sum, there are three reasons why you should admit me..."
19. Please include any other information you would like to share with your counselor to assist
her/him in making an accurate appraisal of you to colleges and universities.
Note: Please feel free to use a second sheet of paper if your comments do not fit into the spaces
Where would you like to be in your career five years from now?
Give me an example of a time that you felt you went above and beyond the call of duty.
Have you ever been on a team where someone was not pulling their own weight? How did you
handle it?
Tell me about a time when you had to give someone difficult feedback. How did you handle it?
What is your greatest failure, and what did you learn from it?
What irritates you about other people, and how do you deal with it?
If I were your supervisor and asked you to do something that you disagreed with, what would
you do?
What was the most difficult period in your life, and how did you deal with it?
Give me an example of a time you did something wrong. How did you handle it?
What irritates you about other people, and how do you deal with it?
Tell me about a time where you had to deal with conflict on the job.
What assignment was too difficult for you, and how did you resolve the issue?
What's the most difficult decision you've made in the last two years and how did you come to
that decision?
Describe how you would handle a situation if you were required to finish multiple tasks by the
end of the day, and there was no conceivable way that you could finish them.
Career Interview
Here are some interview questions to help you with your interview. Remember to be prepared for the
interview. Have your questions ready. Know what you want to ask. Have a pencil and paper ready to
write down what you want to remember. You will probably think of many of your own questions. Some
new questions may come to you while the interview is in process. Listed below are some general
questions to get you started.
Career Cluster #2:
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