First Annual Report of Oneida Association PDF
First Annual Report of Oneida Association PDF
First Annual Report of Oneida Association PDF
QUESTION III.-- What has been the effect of the Social Theory of this Association,
upon your character?
The theory of sexual morality adopted by this Association, while it allows liberty which
in the world would lead to licentiousness degrading to both soul and body, here produces
the opposite effects; i.e. it invigorates with life, soul and body, and refines and exalts the
character generally. It is calculated to abolish selfishness in its most subtle and deeprooted forms, and practically adapted to fulfil the prayer of Christ in respect to the unity
of the church, and thus introduce her gradually into the glories of the resurrection. My
chief reason for believing this is because its development is invariably attended by the
manifest judgment of God.
The effect that free love has had upon my character, has been to raise me from a state of
exclusiveness and idolatry, to a greater enlargement of heart, and freedom of
communication with God aud this body. Selfishness is being purged out, and its place
supplied with the pure love of God. I feel that I am not my own, but am bought with a
price, therefore I am to glorify God with my body and spirit which are his. I see more
clearly than ever before the beauty of Christ's prayer, that we all may be one, even as he
and the Father are one.
Since I have become acquainted with the social theory, it has had the effect of destroying
selfishness, shame, and false modesty. It has also refined, strengthened, and increased my
respect for love; and I look upon amativeness not as a low, sensual passion, but (under the
influence of God's Spirit) as holy and noble. It has also taught me that there is no
enjoyment in love, only when God takes the lead, and that the only way to perpetuate
love is to walk in the spirit and learn to wait on him for it. Therefore I think our theory is
the greatest /safeguard against sensuality.
Our social theory 'is well worthy of its wise and benevolent author, God. A system so
perfectly congenial to man's nature could never have originated from any other source. Its
first effect on me was the crucifixion of exclusiveness in its strong hold, viz. the marriage
relation. Second, a sense of permanent unity with the church of God, of which I had
never felt the like before. Third, enlargement of my whole spiritual nature, more enlarged
views of the kingdom of God, its laws and regulations, and a greater clearness of
perception and understanding, and flexibility of spirit.