Environmental Problems: Pollution
Environmental Problems: Pollution
Environmental Problems: Pollution
Environmental Problems
There is becoming an increasing amount of environmental problems which
threaten both existing ways of life and the future survival of humanity and
human civilisation. This is probably due to four factors:
The destruction of natural habitats
The abuse of natural resources
Climate change
Pollution: the contamination of something, especially the environment
Pollution has several causes including car exhaust fumes, power plants,
petrochemical plants, nuclear waste disposal activity, incinerators, factories,
aircrafts and others. Rivers and seas are polluted by the run-off of waste
products and chemicals. The soil is contaminated by the chemicals released
through underground spills, pesticides and herbicides. Pollution has damaged
the worlds natural systems that nurture and sustain life. Pollution also
contributes to climate change and this damages the Earth.
The Destruction of Natural Habitats
Natural Habitats: the place where species of plants or animals live in the wild
Tropical rainforests are under threat because of deforestation. The problem is:
The forests are the lungs of the Earth helping to remove carbon dioxide
from the atmosphere and without them greenhouse gases increase and the
Earth warms.
Plants and wildlife are being destroyed, including life we have never
discovered and know nothing about. This is short-sighted. It damages the
possibility of learning more about the world and removes the possibility of
scientific benefits from these species (e.g. medical cures).
Soil erosion and landslides; forests retain soil but deforested areas do not.
Soil moves into rivers causing silting and leading to flooding. The roots of
trees bind together and without them these landslides are more common.
Natural beautiful landscapes are lost forever.
should find a whole new way of living as the way that we have lived for the last
200 years is not working.
The Effects of Climate Change on Human Life
Crop yield will be reduced
Death among the sick and the elderly will increase due to hotter days
Those without proper housing will have a reduction in the quality of life
There will be water shortages, more flooding and more wildfires
Poorer parts of the world will be hit earlier and harder by the effects of
climate change. Richer countries can protect themselves against the
changes although there is no immunity they will be affected as well.
Individual and Community Response
Sophisticated computer modelling of future rates of climate change suggest that
all is not lost. We do have a short time left to cut back emissions in order to avoid
the levels of warming which have the most dangerous consequences for humanity
and life on Earth.
Individual Responses
Recycling and Reducing Unnecessary Packaging
Currently most rubbish ends up in incinerators or in landfill sites.
However, better recycling of paper, cardboard, metal and plastics can
significantly reduce the need to burn or bury waste.
People can stop using plastic bags, which take a long time to break down,
and avoid buying products with unnecessary packaging.
House Energy Conservation and Insulation
Loft and wall cavity insulation reduce the energy needed to heat houses.
Dont leave taps running, turn them on only when you need water. This
saves water and the power needed to pump the water throughout the
Dont leave appliances on standby: they are using energy while they dont
need to.
Use energy-efficient bulbs. They last longer and use much less energy.
Community Response
Non- polluting Forms of Transport
Many people use the car for a distance of less than 2 miles: walk or cycle
Some environmentalists feel that they should not use planes unless
absolutely necessary and have given up using them for holidays.
Buy Local
Instead of buying food from the other side of the world, buy it from a local
producer: this reduces transport emissions and helps local business