Zero Extension-1
Zero Extension-1
Zero Extension-1
Strains in rocks can be observed but ancient stresses can only be inferred. We should re-examine the potential of strain
geometry as the key to understanding and interpreting common shear structures ranging from faults to plastic shear zones. The
concept of failure along zero extension directions can be applied to natural structures in rocks and is predicated on strain
compatibility between dierently strained volumes. Zero extension directions are considered for two strain congurations, plane
strain (k 1) and uniaxial shortening (k 0). The crucial dierence between shear fractures, or faults, and plastic yield zones is
that the former are preceded by dilatation while the latter are isovolumetric. Volume changes during deformation aect the
orientations of zero extension directions and hence of the resulting structures. With isovolumetric strain, yield occurs on planes
at 458 to the principal shortening direction in plane strain and at 54.78 to this axis in uniaxial shortening. Uniaxial shortening
experiments on rock samples allow estimation of the relative volumetric strains when yield zones initiate. When this volumetric
strain is used to estimate the orientation of shear fractures in plane strain, ca 708 dips are predicted for normal faults at high
crustal levels, decreasing downwards to 458. # 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Because we deal with relatively large, and therefore
observable, strains, geologists generally have a much
better understanding and appreciation of strains and
displacements than we have of stresses and forces,
which in any case can only be speculative for ancient
events. Vindication of this cultural predisposition is
provided by Burland (1965), (quoted in Roscoe, 1970),
who pointed out that while ``stress is a philosophical
conceptdeformation is a physical reality''. Engineers
often express problems in terms of stress partly
because most engineering materials undergo very little
strain before disruptive failure and partly because
stresses and forces acting on engineered systems can be
either calculated or measured, albeit indirectly. But engineering practice provides no basis for geologists
either to view stress as a `cause' of deformation
(Edelman, 1989) or for a conjectural stress conguration to be the structural geologist's apotheosis.
In spite of geologists' familiarity with strain, their
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0191-8141/99/$ - see front matter # 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 1 9 1 - 8 1 4 1 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 0 1 2 - 7
numerous shear structures each of which is small relative to the strained volume, so neither the boundaries
nor the shape of the volume play a signicant role in
determining either the locations, orientations or geometries of the localised strains. The bulk strain is the
sum of the high local strains, shear zones, and the
lower matrix strains. A major attraction of the simple
shear model for rock deformation on both small
(Ramsay and Graham, 1970) and large scales (Escher
et al., 1975) is that a high strain shear zone remains
compatible with its matrix without a discontinuity
developing between the two. This compatibility exists
because a shear zone boundary is parallel to the plane
of shear, within which every direction is a line of no
nite longitudinal strain, and is also a line of no innitesimal longitudinal strain. Ideally, therefore, there is
no `mist', or strain incompatibility, between either (i)
the deformed shear zone and its, supposedly
unstrained, matrix, or (ii) regions of dierent shear
strain magnitudes within the shear zone, so long as the
shear strain contours are parallel to the shear zone
boundary, or shear plane. Any strain gradient within a
shear zone can be accommodated compatibly so long
as the gradient is normal to the shear plane. Strictly
speaking, strain compatibility requires only that longitudinal strains on either side of a shear zone boundary
are the same rather than zero but, in practice, nonzero identical strains would represent a very special
case (Treagus, 1983) not likely to occur with a simple
shear zone. Complications do arise nevertheless,
because strain gradients parallel to the shear plane
must occur in order to accommodate the lateral displacement gradients which are universally present along
both shear zones and faults. These complications are
not considered further as they do not aect the conclusions. What follows does not conict with the shear
zone model of Ramsay and Graham (1970) but simply
extends it by imposing more restrictive conditions.
The now traditional shear zone model predicts nothing explicitly about the orientation of a geological
shear zone because, as its matrix is considered as
undergoing no strain, all shear zone orientations are
equally compatible with their matrix; although if strain
is accommodated entirely by shear zones their orientations must be such as to accommodate the imposed
bulk strain. The freedom of orientation arises from a
simplication in the model, which is that the matrix is
considered as being unstrained and therefore not contributing to the bulk strain. In practice, there will
always be a penetrative strain of the matrix, either
elastic or both elastic and permanent. As is shown
below, if the local and matrix strains are compatible,
the principal strain axes of the bulk strain will be congruent with those of the matrix strain.
The potential strain incompatibility between a shear
zone and its matrix is, therefore, the key factor deter-
are not partly to neutralise one other. If both the conditions are to be satised then the local deformation
can only occur within planar zones which are parallel
to planes of zero strain, or zero extension, in both the
shear zone and the matrix. In the shear zone the zero
extension plane coincides with the shear plane, which
therefore should coincide with the zero extension plane
Fig. 3. Yield zones (solid lines) with conjugate angles of 1098 and
1108, in sylvinite roof support pillar at depth of ca 1000 m, Boulby
mine, Cleveland, UK. Vertical broken lines represent grooves made
by excavator shovel, which are oset along yield zones. From sketch
and measurements by Chris Talbot.
Fig. 4. (a) and (b) Initial outlines of sandbox (broken lines) with
contours of incremental shear strains (see key) in sand deformed by
rotation, by angle W, of left hand bounding wall of sandbox about
bottom left corner. (a) Shear strain increment for rotation from 2 to
38 and (b) increment for rotation from 4 to 58. (c) Cumulative shear
strains at 58 rotation. (d) Zero extension directions at 58 rotation as
determined from displacements of lead shot. (e) and (f) Contours of
dilatation for the same increments of rotation as in (a) and (b). (g)
Cumulative dilatation at 58 rotation. (h) Failure surfaces identied
from dark lines on radiograph. Note close correspondence, of both
orientations and locations, of incremental and cumulative maximum
shear strains and volumetric strains, zero extension directions and
failure surfaces. (Redrawn from Roscoe (1970), gs. 21(ac), 22(eg),
24(d) and 23(h).)
Fig. 5. (a) Mohr representation of constant volume plane strain deformation in matrix and bulk volume, for small strains. Locus of
zero extension directions is line OB. (b) Mohr representation of dilatational plane strain deformation in matrix and bulk volume, with
centre of the Mohr circle displaced relative to the origin by an
amount Dv/2. The zero extension direction in the XZ plane, point B,
is <458 to Z. OB is the locus of all zero extension lines. is the
original position of the vertical reference axis. The relative amount
of dilatational strain is given by the ratio Dv=eZ 1:0.
Thanks are due to my colleagues in the Liverpool
Fault Analysis Group for support and for constructive
comments on the manuscript. I am grateful to Chris
Talbot for providing the data and sketch for Fig. 3, to
Sue Treagus for advice on the Mohr construction and
to Richard Lisle and John Cosgrove for helpful
reviews which resulted in signicant improvement of
the manuscript.
Anderson, E.M., 1951. The Dynamics of Faulting. Oliver & Boyd,
Anderson, T.B., 1974. The relationship between kink-bands and
shear fractures in the experimental deformation of slate. Journal
of the Geological Society of London 130, 367382.