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Lesson 3 For Prayer

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What is the main focus of this lesson?
Persistent prayer. What it is and how we do or do not do it
Briefly describe the context of your lesson. How long have students been studying this particular topic and/or how does it tie
into a unit?

This lesson talks about praying continually and persistently. Persistence is another way that we should pray to God.
What are your objectives for this lesson? Indicate connections to applicable national or state standards.
(If an objective applies to only certain students write the name(s) of the student(s) to whom it applies.)

have students think and wonder about how we should pray (not physically, like yesterdays lesson)
find how people (Jacob) in the bible prayed
have students determine the difference between persistence and nagging
determine what praying continually means and how persistence reflects it.

II. Before you start

Story of Jacob
Prerequisite knowledge and skills.
Ability to analyze, make inferences, or question a text.

Writing and reading

I will assess students by listening to them as they write or discuss how we should
I will assess the students by listening to what the students about what Jacob prayed
I will assess the students by listening to their reasoning about the different of
(formative and summative)
nagging and persistence.
I will assess students by asking them how praying continually involves persistence.
And what things or how we say things determines persistence or nagging through
the husband and wife analogy.
Universal Design for Learning Networks/Domains (see UDL Guidelines)



Multiple Means of Representation

Multiple Means of Expression (Action)

Multiple Means of Engagement

Options for Perception

Provide concrete objects such as books,
handouts, and paper

Options for action/interaction

Students will be going through the bible
looking a different verses and students
will be creating a poster and presenting it

Options for Language/Symbols

All words or symbols in lesson should be
understandable. But we have access to
dictionaries and chromebooks.

Options for Expression

Students will be giving a report on a few
bible verses. Students can talk, draw, or
could do a skit

Options for recruiting interest

Another lesson in prayer. Students will
have a few options as to what they will be
creating on poster.

Options for Sustaining Effort &
Students will present poster so they will
have to create one.

Options for Comprehension

Throughout the lesson I can pause and
reflect on what is being taught. Different
question strategies will also be used to
check comprehension and to assess for
other questioning to gain a students
better comprehension.
Materials-what materials (books,
handouts, etc) do you need for this
Technology utilized?
Do you need to set up your
classroom in any special way for
this lesson? If so, describe it.
Groupings Utilized?

III. The Plan
Time Parts









Options for Executive Function

Students know the objectives of the
lesson and what they will need to create
as a poster. They will see others present
and can gain ideas for their presentation.

Options for Self-Regulation

What students gain or learn will be
assessed at the end of the unit. So at the
end of each lesson in this unit they have
time to journal about what they have

Pencil, paper, faith journals, worksheet found on page 173 of activity book. Teacher manual

Students can be in rows or groups. Students will do individual work in the beginning of the
lesson and will later do partner work.

The description of the lesson, teacher activities and student activities


What is nagging? Tell me where or when you have heard someone or you yourself have nagged? What
is persistence?
Definition of persistence: firm or stubborn continuance of action despite hardships or
opposition. Quality that allows someone to continue doing something or trying to do
something even though it is difficult or opposed by other people
Definition of Nagging: constantly harassing someone to do something.

Ask the students what they think is the difference between the two words?
Read the story on page 512 in teacher handbook.

What kind of relationship should we have with God through prayer? Should it be one of nagging or

How can we have a relationship with God that is persistent? Lets look at the story of Jacob to find out.

Hand out page 173 from activity book. Have students try to individually fill out the top and
then in partners complete the bottom. Go over page 173 with the class.

Review the story of Jacob (students just learned about him last week.
o How did Jacob feel about revisiting Esau?
Remember to
What did Jacob Pray for? (reread Genesis 32:9-12)
be intentional
o Ask students, what they remember about the story of Jacob wrestling. Why was he
about planning
wrestling? Who was he wrestling? What happened as a result of wrestling?
o Why didnt Jacob let go? What was he asking for? How many times did he ask?
o Was Jacob Nagging or being persistent?
Integration into
He was being persistent in his actions and in the end he was blessed
your lesson
Then ask, so what does nagging and persistence have to do with prayer?
o Nagging is nothing to do with prayer, we should never nag God for anything
o We should always be persistent striving and enduring through anything we are going
through. We should always humbly ourselves before God and continually pray to




Select a stick for a name. Have that Person look up and read 1 Thessalonians 5:17
Draw another name and have them answer the question: what does it mean to pray
o To closely communicate with God on a regular basis and ask Him for guidance
consistently and often.

Have students update their faith journal on their idea of prayer. Make sure they date the journal entry.

Teacher Intern Post Observation Reflections

On a scale of 1-10 how well do you think your lesson went?
1=not well at all

10=it couldnt have gone any better!

What about your lesson went especially well? What strategies were effective? Did the students learn what you intended them to
learn? What specifically would you change if you were to teach it again?
I thought this lesson went very well. I made sure to keep the pace of things moving and the lesson structured where the
students knew what was going to happen next. My MT and I figured out that with the 7 grade the more structured each lesson
was the less time the students have to get off track and speak in ways disrespectful of each other. Throughout this lesson when
we were near a transition I gave them a list of directions to follow as I went from one thing to another. This kept the focus on
the material. The things I can work on are m y questioning strategy. I mixed up the questions from open-ended and narrowed
down to closed-ended to narrow students thinking into the direction I wanted. This was effective but I need to learn when and
how I should call on students. These students do not jump into a conversation or answer questions usually so I usually draw
sticks or cold call. After a few questions students will sometimes be more willing to voluntarily answer questions so I will
continue to work on creating questions students may be more willing to participate with.

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