House Hearing, 110TH Congress - Continuing Investigation Into The U.S. Attorneys Controversy and Related Matters (Part Ii)
House Hearing, 110TH Congress - Continuing Investigation Into The U.S. Attorneys Controversy and Related Matters (Part Ii)
House Hearing, 110TH Congress - Continuing Investigation Into The U.S. Attorneys Controversy and Related Matters (Part Ii)
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JUNE 21, 2007
The Honorable Linda T. Sanchez, a Representative in Congress from the
State of California, and Chairwoman, Subcommittee on Commercial and
Administrative Law .............................................................................................
The Honorable Chris Cannon, a Representative in Congress from the State
of Utah, and Ranking Member, Subcommittee on Commercial and Administrative Law ...........................................................................................................
The Honorable John Conyers, Jr., a Representative in Congress from the
State of Michigan, Chairman, Committee on the Judiciary, and Member,
Subcommittee on Commercial and Administrative Law ..................................
The Honorable Lamar Smith, a Representative in Congress from the State
of Texas, and Ranking Member, Committee on the Judiciary .........................
The Honorable Paul J. McNulty, Deputy Attorney General, United States
Department of Justice
Oral Testimony .....................................................................................................
Prepared Statement .............................................................................................
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Washington, DC.
The Subcommittee met, pursuant to notice, at 12:11 p.m., in
Room 2141, Rayburn House Office Building, the Honorable Linda
Sanchez (Chairwoman of the Subcommittee) presiding.
Present: Representatives Sanchez, Conyers, Johnson, Lofgren,
Delahunt, Watt, Cohen, Cannon, Smith, Keller, Feeney, and
Staff present: Eric Tamarkin, Majority Counsel; Daniel Flores,
Minority Counsel; and Elias Wolfberg, Professional Staff Member.
Ms. SA NCHEZ. This hearing of the Committee on the Judiciary,
Subcommittee on Commercial and Administrative Law, will now
come to order. I will recognize myself first for a short statement.
The House Judiciary Committee began this investigation 4
months ago to look into the possibility that partisan political considerations had driven the Bush administrations decision to fire
U.S. attorneys last year.
The purpose behind this investigation remains clear. Our justice
system must remain free from the contamination of partisan politics, a cancer on our ability to enforce the rule of law. Put simply,
the American people need to know that they will not be arrested
or prosecuted for the reason of helping any political party win elections.
Some Members of this Committee have expressed concerns that
this investigation has been a fruitless attempt to embarrass the
Bush administration. These statements are confusing and disappointing, to say the least.
Since beginning this investigation, five senior Justice Department officials involved with the U.S. attorneys firings have resigned or announced their intention to do so, including todays witness.
There are now at least two internal Bush administration investigations into partisan maneuverings and related issues, including
the possibility that the Attorney General tried to improperly influence the investigation.
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We have seen documents and heard testimony that the Bush administration used partisan considerations to hire assistant U.S. attorneys, immigration judges and civil rights watchdogs.
Some of these critics have themselves voted to issue immunity to
a former Justice Department official in order to compel her testimony, acknowledging the serious nature and troubling questions of
this issue.
Most troubling, however, were the recent statements by two
former U.S. attorneys who are professional prosecutors whose expertise leads them to believe that there will be criminal charges as
a result of the firings.
All of these developments are a direct result of this investigation.
Unfortunately, despite all that we have learned, we still do not
have answers to two fundamental questions: Who made the decisions to put the fired U.S. attorneys on the termination list? And
why were these particular prosecutors chosen?
We have talked with every senior Justice Department official
who was or should have been involved in a process to review and
fire Federal attorneys. Each one has said, Not me.
We have also been presented with continually conflicting explanations for the mass firings of the U.S. attorneys, both in testimony and through a review of documents.
Years after the plan to fire these prosecutors began, and 4
months after we first started these questions, the Bush administration still cannot get its story straight.
This hearing was called to help clear up some of these contradictions.
Last month, the Judiciary Committee heard from Monica Goodling, former senior counsel to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales
and the deputys White House liaison. Ms. Goodling made specific
allegations about the Deputy Attorney General, including that he
testified inaccurately before Congress and that he misled Members
of the Senate Judiciary Committee in a private briefing.
I was particularly troubled when Ms. Goodling testified that a
few minutes before the private Senate briefing was to take place,
the deputy made clear to her that he did not think she should attend. The deputy suggested, if someone recognized her as the
White House liaison, then the Members would be more likely to
ask questions about the White House.
In a private interview with Judiciary Committee staff in April,
Mr. McNulty stated he had scant knowledge as to who was responsible for placing the U.S. attorneys on the firing list and why they
were placed on the list. This is the same thing we have heard from
every other senior Justice Department official who appears to have
played a significant role in the firings of the nine U.S. attorneys.
I hope that today Mr. McNulty will set the record straight and
explain these matters to the American people and to the Congress.
As we continue to work with the Department of Justice to get
complete and honest testimony from officials in that department, it
is also clear that the investigation must now include the White
House. Despite mounting evidence contradicting the initial explanations by Attorney General Gonzales and other Administration officials about why the U.S. attorneys were dismissed and what role
the White House played in the process, the White House has stub-
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bornly refused to negotiate its unreasonable take-it-or-leave-it offer
to this Committee.
In March, the White House offered to make Karl Rove, his aides
Scott Jennings and Sara Taylor, Harriet Miers and her deputy William Kelley, available for private discussions, only without an oath
and without a transcript.
These conditions condone perjury, promote confusion as to what
was actually said, and do nothing to restore the trust and faith of
the American people.
I know we have bipartisan commitment to honesty, openness and
transparency in Government. But off-the-record, behind-closed-door
conversations do nothing to advance these goals.
Chairman Conyers and Chairman Leahy have rightfully rejected
these conditions and I applaud their decision to issue subpoenas to
the White House last week.
While we recognize the institutional prerogatives of the White
House, the issuance of the subpoenas was a necessary and last resort that will finally allow the American people to learn the truth
about what happened.
President Bush has recently complained about the length of this
investigation, and I, quite frankly, agree with him. If the White
House fully cooperates with our legitimate request for information,
I believe that this investigation could be concluded very rapidly.
Thank you, Mr. McNulty, for being here and I look forward to
hearing your testimony.
At this time I would now like to recognize my colleague Mr. Cannon, the distinguished Ranking Member of the Subcommittee, for
his opening remarks.
Mr. CANNON. Thank you, Madam Chair.
Welcome, Mr. McNulty. We worked together for years on the
House Judiciary Committee, and it is nice to see you here, nice to
have you back. Not under the most pleasant of circumstances,
granted, but it is nice to have you here.
As you know, we are here to explore what happened in the dismissal of the U.S. attorneys last year.
The Chairman and I disagree significantly on at least one
pointactually, many points of her opening statement. There is, in
fact, nothing wrong with firing U.S. attorneysnothingat any
time, for any reason. They serve at will.
Mr. Clinton fired 93 attorneys, one of whom was investigating
him in particular.
So we hope that we can get to the bottom quickly of some of
these things.
You have testified exhaustively on this issue in your full day of
staff interviews. And you testified in February before the Senate in
both public hearing and at a private briefing.
It has been an awfully long time since then. And what have we
discovered in the meantime?
At the start of this process, I stated unequivocally my interest in
getting the facts out. But my concern was that this investigation
would shun the facts in favor of political headlines. I am afraid
that events have borne out my fears.
As I stated at the Subcommittees initial hearing on March 6, the
Department of Justice has shown in briefings and other commu-
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nications of the Congress that there were legitimate reasons to opt
for new leadership in certain districts. The evidence cited in the investigation to date has continued to support that interpretation.
I decried at the outset the loose accusations of corruption, political retaliation and favoritism that have been bandied about. These
accusations have yet to be substantiated.
For example, not a single public corruption prosecution or investigation has been shown to have been halted or even slowed down
because of the December dismissal of U.S. attorneys.
I stressed at the start my concern with the political maneuvering
of the majority disregarded the departments reasonable explanations for the purposes of stirring up partisan controversy for partisan gain.
So why are you here today, Mr. McNulty, so long after the investigation began? Is it because the majority really wants to know
what happened in the U.S. attorney dismissals? Or is it because
when Monica Goodling was before us last month she presented an
alluring he-said/she-said moment when she took issue, Mr. McNulty, with your Senate testimony and questioned whether you had
been fully candid?
If the majority is focused on knowing the facts, we would have
called you months ago or asked you about these issues in your
original or in a subsequent interview.
We are here because the majority wants to feed the breathless
reporting of scandal in the press and on the blogs with the hushed
anticipation about who will throw whom under the proverbial bus.
Frankly, I am not interested in seeing people hurt. And I really
dont want to see the Department of Justice hurt as it is as a byproduct of these inexhaustible hearings. So before we start today
I suggest that we take a step back and objectively look at what Ms.
Goodling said and didnt say.
She said that you were not fully candid about the involvement
of the White House in the review of U.S. attorneys and request for
resignations. But your testimony on that issue at your February 6
Senate hearing is consistent with evidence we have heard thus far.
Ms. Goodling also mentioned she gave your chief of staff information about Tom Griffin and vote cagingthat is gathering information about letters that dont go where they need to goon the eve
of your Senate testimony in February. She didnt say, however,
that you received it from your chief of staff or that you had time
to read it before the Senate testimony.
In fact, Mr. Sampsons testimony to investigators suggests that
the information that may have been given to you is subject to individual interpretation and emphasis. And your emphasis as it related to Mr. Cummins was that he was being removed for replacement and not for performance.
And still some believe his removal was performance. Why? Because some interpreted the emphasis in the information differently.
I could give you other examples, but time is short.
Today is your opportunity to clear this up. During your interview, when you were questioned about your prior testimony, you
answered: It is my full intention and I still am confident that I
went before the Senate with a desire to speak truthfully, and I
spoke truthfully based upon what I knew at the time.
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After Ms. Goodlings testimony, you issued a statement to the
same effect. It read: I testified truthfully at the February 6, 2007,
hearing based on what I knew at the time. Ms. Goodlings characterization of my testimony is wrong and not supported by the extensive record of documents and testimony already provided to
I look forward to hearing your testimony to clear up any questions that remain on the record so that we can move on to other
issues that will promote the good work of the Department of Justice instead of tearing it down.
Thank you, and I yield back.
Ms. SA NCHEZ. Thank you, Mr. Cannon.
I now would like to recognize at this time, Mr. Conyers, a distinguished Member of the Subcommittee and the Chairman of the
Committee on the Judiciary.
Mr. Conyers.
Mr. CONYERS. Thank you, Chairwoman Sanchez.
And I, too, welcome Paul McNulty. I have known him longer
than probably anybody on the Committee. He worked here at one
time. And we welcome him as a friend and as a cooperative person
for us to try to clear up some of the discrepancies that exist.
But, you know, this Committee works in a bipartisan way more
than ever. And I regret that my good friend Mr. Cannon continues
to describe the conduct of the Democrats on this Committee as
being politically motivated. And I regret that he chooses to do that
because he has done it time after time in these hearings.
And so I just want to try to correct at least one thing here: that
a U.S. attorney can be removed at any time, for any reason.
If that were correct, there would be no basis for any hearing. Obviously, there are some wayswell, you agree with me now, but
you said the statement. I mean, you know, people arent foolish.
They are listening.
There are reasons that a U.S. attorney cant be removed for any
reason whatsoever or at any time. As a matter of fact, Attorney
General Gonzales has repeatedly said there are times when it cant
So to start our hearing off with a former staffer in Judiciary, a
person who can help us get to the bottom of this and to bring this
to a close, seems to contradict my continued repeating about the bipartisanship of this Committee. And I really wish that we could
start this off in a more friendly way.
Mr. CANNON. Would the gentleman yield?
Mr. CONYERS. Of course. I cant refuse you at this point. [Laughter.]
Mr. CANNON. The Chairman of the full Committee understands
my great respect for him and, in fact, the bipartisanship with
which, generally speaking, this Committee has operated.
And I want to thank him for that. It has been a great pleasure
over 10 years, 11 years now, to work with the Chairman on many
issues where we have been on the same side.
I tell my friends, you know, if you are philosophically clear, it is
easy to work with people. And Mr. Conyers has been very clear
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And the gentleman is correct in saying that there are reasons
I was giving a broad statementthere are particular reasons, and
that goes to corruption. If you are removing someone from a U.S.
attorneys office for a corrupt purpose
Mr. CONYERS. Well, okay
Mr. CANNON [continuing]. That is not acceptable. And the gentleman is right; I want to acknowledge that.
Mr. CONYERS. Well, political firings is not acceptable, either, sir.
Corruption, no. But you cannot fire a person in the U.S. attorneys
office for political reasons.
Mr. CANNON. You can fire a U.S. attorney for political reasons.
Mr. CONYERS. A U.S. attorney
Mr. CANNON. But not someone at a lower level, not a career person in the U.S. attorneys office.
Mr. CONYERS. Well, okay.
Mr. CANNON. But I think we agree fundamentally on these
I also wanted to add
Mr. CONYERS. Wait a minute. Lets do this in a more organized
way. I just yielded to you because we have got to be bipartisan.
Now, nobody on this side of the aisle, Chris, has ever suggested
that all the Republicans on this Committee are engaged in some
attempt to defend blindly the Attorney General or the President.
We stay away from that. As a matter of fact, if I hear them going
in that direction, I am going to say the same thing to them that
I am saying to you publicly.
So lets have a hearing that doesnt accuse the people that have
called a hearing.
I am ultimately responsible for every hearing in this Committee.
And we are not doing this for fun and games. This is a very serious
matter that the person that he replaced has said, Mr. Comey, the
former Deputy Attorney General, and many other Republicans and
great lawyers and people whose political persuasions I have no idea
of what it is about, have all said this is a very serious matter.
And for a person of your rank and experience and friendship to
start us off by saying the Democrats are just hunting for political
fodder is something that hurts the bipartisan spirit that brings us
Mr. CANNON. If the gentleman would yield, let me reiterate again
my admiration for the gentleman and also for the Chairman of the
Committee, Linda Sanchez, the gentlelady from California, with
whom I have a very amicable relationship.
But I think it would not be unfair to characterize the opening
statement by the Chair as fairly direct and partisan on issues that
are appropriate. So I am not criticizing the Chair.
I do think that this issue needs to be drawn to a head. I appreciate the gentleman saying that on our side we have attempted to
help move this thing forward, because we have wanted to get it out
and resolved and done.
Ms. SA NCHEZ. If I could ask the gentleman to yield, just to respond to that.
Mr. Cannon, I do enjoy a very good working relationship with
you. I dont think that my opening statement was political. It merely states the fact of why we are continuing this investigation.
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And the fact that statements have been made that it is a purely
partisan endeavor is belied by the facts. We have had five senior
department officials resign or intend to resign. We have got investigations going on right now within the DOJ.
There is ample evidence in the written testimony that we have
received, in the oral testimony that we have heard in the Subcommittee and the full Committee that shows that this is a serious
It warrants our time and our attention and investigation. And it
is not fabricated because it is supported by factual information
Mr. CONYERS. May I get an additional moment
Ms. SA NCHEZ. Without objection.
Mr. CONYERS [continuing]. Merely to point out that the part that
is so important to me with Mr. McNulty today is the alleged caging
of Black voters possibly involving Tim Griffin; the process where
lists of voters to be challenged are generated?
What we have been told is that Mr. McNulty may be able to help
us on that subject. And I really hope he will. I trust that he will.
He has been a person that we have known across the years.
And it is, to me, very important that we review with Mr. Elston,
your chief of staff, and try to figure out as much as we can.
Now, this is not a meeting, an argument between lawyers on Judiciary. The whole of the country is trying to determine to what degree the Department of Justice, the ultimate enforcer of our laws,
may have been politicized. And that is all we are trying to get at.
And we keep asking very simple questions and now we have
stacks of testimony that contradictquite frankly, you dont have
to be a lawyer to figure out that a lot of these statements are at
loggerheads. They are contradictions.
And all the Chairman wants to do is try, to the best of her ability, to get to the bottom of this. We issue subpoenas very rarely,
only when we have to.
But it is the White House that has made you gentlemen and ladies at the Department of Justice look great. They havent responded to beans. And of course the natural flow of legal documents will have to follow that.
And I thank the gentlelady.
Ms. SA NCHEZ. Thank you. The time of the gentleman has expired.
At this time, I would now like to recognize the distinguished
Ranking Member of the full Judiciary Committee for an opening
statement. Mr. Smith?
Mr. SMITH. Thank you, Madam Chair.
Mr. McNulty, your extended welcome continues, and I welcome
you as well.
We are here primarily as a result of Monica Goodlings hearing
in May. Ms. Goodlings testimony was consistent with what we
have heard so far. After more than 3 months of investigation and
as much as the Committee hunts, the evidence does not support
the conclusion that U.S. attorneys were wrongly dismissed.
What did we learn from Ms. Goodling? That Ms. Goodling, the
Justice Departments former White House liaison, never spoke to
Karl Rove or Harriet Miers about whether U.S. attorneys should be
dismissed for partisan purposes.
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This was seismic news because the force behind this investigation has always been to see if White House partisanship lurked behind the U.S. attorney dismissals.
Ms. Goodlings testimony was a long-awaited burst of sunlight
helping to dispel that fog of suspicion.
However, we are not here to discuss, as we might be, whether
to bring the investigation of the U.S. attorney dismissals to a close.
On the contrary, we appear to be meeting to discuss what information Ms. Goodling says she shared with you, Mr. McNulty, or your
staff about the U.S. attorney dismissals prior to your Senate testimony in February; whether you were aware of that information;
and if you were, why you did or did not convey some of that to the
I find this a little odd for several reasons.
First, this exercise is not about whether there was any real
wrongdoing in the U.S. attorney dismissals themselves. It is not
about whether the Administration did anything other than exercise
its privilege to dismiss presidential appointees who were serving,
in fact, at the Presidents pleasure.
Instead, it is about the after-the-fact steps that Administration
took to explain its position that there was no wrongdoing. So-called
scandals about attempted explanations have become a subplot of
Washington theater.
Second, what Ms. Goodling said was actually a long way from
saying that you, Mr. McNulty, had intentionally misled Congress
in explaining the departments actions.
Finally, I find todays hearing a little odd because our staff, along
with the Senate staff, interviewed you long ago specifically about
your Senate testimony. Following your interview, the majority
made no urgent calls to bring you before us for a hearing. That call
came only after Ms. Goodling was thought to have provided some
additional dry grist for the press mill.
This hearing is really about another innocuous explanation of yet
another issue overblown by premature speculation. If that is what
we hear, I hope that we will listen and proceed accordingly. Lets
respect the evidence rather than clinging to prejudgments.
So, again, welcome. I look forward to your explanation, and hope
that the hearing helps us move the investigation toward its natural
and rightful conclusion.
Madam Chair, before I close, let me mention some new information that has just come to my attention this morning.
The Committee majority has opened a new Web site. This Web
site purports to solicit evidence, but it actually appears to be a partisan persecution of the Administration.
Let me quote: The Web site proclaims that it is designed to receive on a completely confidential basis any information concerning
the possible politicalization of the United States Department of
Justice since 2001.
It explicitly silences anyone who might want to offer information
about any other Administration: The incoming communications
should be limited to those who represent that they are or were employed by the Department of Justice during that period since
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Moreover, there is no pretense that the information received will
be shared and vetted with the minority. To quote: The communications will be received and reviewed by a select group of members
of the majority staff of the Judiciary Committee of the United
States House of Representatives.
The minority was not notified about this Web site, which in fact
is paid for with taxpayer funds. We have talked to the House parliamentarians, and they are very troubled as well.
This Committee, I am sure we all would agree, should not engage
in the partisan persecution of the Administrations public officials.
And, Madam Chair, let me say I hope that this Web site was not
set up with any Members knowledge. And I trust it will be taken
down immediately.
And now I will yield back the balance of my time.
Mr. CANNON. Will the gentleman yield?
Mr. SMITH. And I will be happy to yield
Ms. SA NCHEZ. The gentleman yields back his time, and, unfortunately, the gentleman was out of time.
Mr. CANNON. He wasnt. He had half a minute left.
Ms. SA NCHEZ. Four seconds.
Mr. CANNON. You cant tell the 4 seconds from a half a minute
on a clock that has colors. Thank you.
Ms. SA NCHEZ. Okay.
I want to thank the distinguished Ranking Member for his statement and state for the record I did not have knowledge of the Web
site. We will review it and make sure that it is an appropriate Web
site. And if there are problems with it, we will take the necessary
steps to correct that.
Without objection, the Chair will be authorized to declare a recess of this hearing.
At this time, I am now pleased to introduce the witness for todays hearing.
Deputy Attorney General Paul McNulty is our sole witness
today. Mr. McNulty was appointed as Acting Deputy Attorney General in 2005 and was confirmed in March of 2006.
Prior to that, he served as United States attorney for the Eastern
District of Virginia. Mr. McNulty also served with the House Judiciary Committee, first as chief counsel to the House Subcommittee
on Crime and then as chief counsel and communications director
for House Judiciary Committee Republicans.
Mr. McNulty, thank you again for joining us this morning. We
understand that you wish to make an opening statement before
taking our questions. And so, we will allow you to do that at this
time. You may begin.
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I spent 8 years with the House Judiciary Committee, and I am
thankful for the experience I had here and the many lessons I
learned here.
One of the lessons that I learned here during my time was that
character matters. And at my confirmation hearing for the job of
Deputy Attorney General, I was asked how I would handle a potential conflict between the values of integrity and loyalty. Senator
Schumer asked me that question.
I responded by saying that in my view the values of integrity and
loyalty never conflicted. Integrity always trumps loyalty.
And so, I have sought, by Gods grace, to act with integrity in all
that I have been called to do. And, yes, that includes the many,
many times that I have testified before Congress.
So when I testified in February before the Senate Judiciary Committee, I testified truthfully, based on the facts that I knew at the
In the months since then, we have all had a chance to review
thousands of documents from within the department and Congress
has heard dozens of hours of testimony and interviews from me
and others at the department. I was interviewed for a full day.
We have learned that my knowledge at the time I testified about
the replacement of the United States attorneys was, in some respects, incomplete. But I want to be clear today that at all times
I have sought to provide Congress with the truth as I knew it.
I also want to be clear that I do not believe and have never believed that anyone in the Department of Justice set out to intentionally mislead me so that I might provide Congress with inaccurate information about this matter.
To the contrary, I believe that thousands of documents that have
been produced demonstrate only that in the weeks before my testimony many in the department struggled with the question of how
to best provide Congress with accurate information about the removals of the United States attorneys in a way that was consistent
with our efforts to protect the reputations of the United States attorneys involved.
And I appreciate today to have the opportunity to discuss these
matters with the Committee. And I look forward to your questions.
One final point: I have served in the department under two Administrations and in many leadership positions. I have been the
Deputy Attorney General. I have been the principal associate Deputy Attorney General. I have been the director of policy and communications. And for 412 years I was United States attorney in the
Eastern District of Virginia.
I am very familiar with how the Department of Justice works.
And the public needs to know that when it comes to enforcing the
law, Justice Department employees are blind to partisan politics.
It plays no role in the departments actions.
The law enforcement professionals, lawyers and staff at DOJ
check their politics at the door and investigate and prosecute cases
based strictly on the facts and the law. That is what I have consistently observed over a period of 9 years at the Department of Justice.
It has been an extraordinary honor and privilege for me to be associated with the finest group of professionals you will ever find
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serving in a Government department or agency. I greatly enjoyed
my time at the Department of Justice.
So I thank you for the opportunity to be here. And I am pleased
to answer any of the questions that you may have.
[The prepared statement of Mr. McNulty follows:]
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Ms. SA NCHEZ. Thank you, Mr. McNulty.
Subcommittee Members will be permitted to ask questions subject to the 5-minute limit. And I will begin by recognizing myself
for the first set of questions.
Ms. Goodling, in her testimony before the full Committee, stated
that, As the plan was approved and updated the deputy was involved and kept updated and also that the deputy certainly knew
that Mr. Sampson had been working with several offices in the
White House for some period of time, and certainly understood that
they had signed off and were involved in the decision.
I am curious in getting your response to Ms. Goodlings statement that your Senate testimony was knowingly incomplete.
Mr. MCNULTY. Well, that involves going into four areas that Ms.
Goodling identified where she believed or she characterized my testimony as being less than candid. I know you are going to be
pressed with your time, so we will have to try work through the
You have raised the first of the fourit has to do with knowledge
of the White Houseso lets take that one on.
Senator Schumer asked me at my hearing about what I knew
about the White House involvement. And I said, These are presidential appointments. So White House personnel, I am sure, was
consulted prior to making the phone calls. And that is exactly consistent with what I knew at the time, and that is a true statement.
Ms. SA NCHEZ. So you dispute, then, the statement by Monica
Goodling that you had been updated and involved and kept updated and knew that Mr. Sampson had been working with several
offices in the White House for some period of time.
Your statement before the Senate Committee is a very general
statement, will you agree to that? To say, Well, you know, these
are political appointees and so I am sure the White House was involved.
It is a little bit more specific to know that they have been updated or that communications are going back and forth between
the White House and the DOJ. And you dont think that was an
accurate reflection of your knowledge at the time?
Mr. MCNULTY. No, my statement at the Committee hearing was
very accurate and truthful. And what Ms. Goodling said to you in
your exchange at this hearing does not contradict the truthfulness
of my statement.
What she was describing was what my role was in this process.
When I first learned of this, first consulted, it was in October,
not before that, and so I had no knowledge of any plan to remove
U.S. attorneys prior to October of 2006, and therefore no knowledge
of any White House contacts or White House involvement.
After I was consulted, which has been described by the Attorney
General and by Mr. Sampson I was consulted in October/November, that information or that list of names was sent to the White
House. The White House sent back its concurrence. And that is the
awareness I had of the White House involvement
Ms. SA NCHEZ. But you were aware of the White House involvement prior to your testimony before the Senate Committee.
Mr. MCNULTY. That is what I said: that the White House was
involved in approving the names.
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Ms. SA NCHEZ. But your statement
Mr. MCNULTY. So I was very accurate.
Ms. SA NCHEZ. It seems to me that your statement before the Senate was less than completely candid about the fact that the White
House was involved
Mr. MCNULTY. With all respect, Madam Chair, I believe that is
an incorrect characterization of my testimony. I believe my testimony was dead-on accurate in what I knew at the time: that the
White House had approved the names. And that is how I responded.
Ms. SA NCHEZ. So you dispute Monica Goodlings testimony that
you had been kept updated and had known that several offices in
the White House had been communicating?
Mr. MCNULTY. Well, what she is saying there is she is referring
to, I assume, what I did know, which is what occurred from October forward. And to the extent
Ms. SA NCHEZ. But October forward was prior to your testimony
before the Senate, was it not?
Mr. MCNULTY. And that is why I knew that the White House
had been consulted and kept informed, because from the point I
first learned about it until I testified, I was aware of the White
Houses involvement at that point.
Ms. SA NCHEZ. I understand that you were aware of the White
Houses involvement. But the statement that you gave before the
Senate Committee strikes me as a very broad statement, not a very
specific statement as to what extent the White House was involved.
And I think that it could have been a little misleading in that it
didnt give the specifics of what you knew at the time that you testified.
Mr. MCNULTY. Can I say one more
Ms. SA NCHEZ. We may dispute that, but
Mr. MCNULTY [continuing]. Very important issue. I just think it
is fair for me to be able to respond to what you just said.
Ms. SA NCHEZ. I dont actually have your quote in front of me. I
believe that you expressed it. And if you wouldnt mind repeating
that again, I think that it contradicts the very specific knowledge
that you had that the White House was involved.
Mr. MCNULTY. Okay, I will be happy to repeat again. And,
Madam Chair, lets remember this occurs in a question-and-answer
moment like you and I are having right now.
Ms. SA NCHEZ. Correct.
Mr. MCNULTY. So Senator Schumer said, Was the President involved? That was his first question. And I said, I dont know.
And then he said, How about the White House? And my response when he asked about the White House was, These are
presidential appointments, so White House personnel, I am sure,
was consulted prior to making the phone calls.
And that is exactly what I knew: that the White House had been
consulted prior to our making those phone calls on December 7. So
I answered the question to the best of my ability.
And one more point: You know, after this was all over, after I
testified, we produced all these e-mails. And when you look at all
the e-mails you can learn things from them that refresh memory
or provide more specificity.
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And so one of the e-mails produced, a December e-mail, shows
the White House getting back to the department and saying specific offices were signed off on the idea.
But, of course, I wouldnt have had the benefit of refreshing my
memory with that e-mail on February 6. I could only remember
that we submitted it to the White House and the White House approved it, and that is how I answered the Senate question.
Ms. SA NCHEZ. Well, pardon my skepticismand my time has expiredbut I think an unduly broad statement like that was not
helpful before the Senate Judiciary Committee. And, again, it directly contradicts other testimony that was given before this Subcommittee, and I find that troubling.
My time has expired. I would now like to recognize Mr. Cannon
for 5 minutes of questioning.
Mr. CANNON. Thank you, Madam Chair.
During your interview, you stated as follows on page 165: I believe that information that has come to light as a result of this
process is information that the Senate would very much have wanted at the time they were gathering information from me, particularly. But I havent reached a conclusion that any one person misled me in that process.
Today, do you stand by that statement that you havent concluded that any one personfor example, Ms. Goodlingmisled
Mr. MCNULTY. That is right. I stand by that statement. I made
that in my interview and I have believed that all through the process, that no one in particular misled me when I was trying to get
ready for my hearing.
Mr. CANNON. And nothing from that time until the present has
led you to a conclusion that someone did mislead you?
Mr. MCNULTY. No, I have not made that accusation.
Mr. CANNON. Have you any reason to believe that someone did,
whether you made the accusation or not?
Mr. MCNULTY. No, I do not have that reason to believe.
Mr. CANNON. Thank you, Mr. McNulty.
It has been reported that in early March, you and Senator Schumer had a conversation in which you suggested to Senator Schumer your disappointment that you had not been able earlier to provide information that was then coming to light. In your staff interview, you suggested that you and Mr. Schumer might have different memories of that conversation. Could you please explain that
to us?
Mr. MCNULTY. Well, when the documents all came to light that
we are all familiar with at this point, Senator Schumer and I had
a brief telephone conversation. It was very brief. In that conversation, I expressed to him my disappointment that I did not have
that information at the time I testified. He understood that and
that was basically the extent of it.
And so my point is that I didnt accuse anybody or purposely
withholding that information. I expressed my disappointment that
information which I am sure Congress would wanted to have had
was not provided at that time, but only came later, after those documents came to light.
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Mr. CANNON. There has been much concern about the possibility
that some of the U.S. attorneys were dismissed while their offices
were in the middle of sensitive cases with political ramifications.
As Deputy Attorney General, and as a former U.S. attorney,
what is your reaction to this suggestion that the department
shouldnt dismiss U.S. attorneys while their offices are in the middle of such cases?
Mr. MCNULTY. Well, my problem with this view is that dismissing a U.S. attorney or a U.S. attorney leaving in the middle
of an investigation doesnt fit with the reality of how investigations
The fact is that all investigations, whether it is public corruption
or other types, are conducted by career agents, worked on by career
assistant United States attorneys, and they go on for long periods
of time potentially.
If it was the case that the removal of a U.S. attorney or the resignation for any reason whatever disrupted a case, we could never
change U.S. attorneys. We would have U.S. attorneys serve just
from Administration to the next, there could never be a possibility
of a switch, because you would have this problem of disruption.
That is why the system is designed the way it is, to have career
people doing the investigations, career prosecutors working the
cases, so that a change of U.S. attorneys does not disrupt it and
that the work continues to go on just fine.
When I left the Eastern District of Virginia, I might have liked
to think that I was critical to everything that was occurring there,
but the truth is that the office continued along just fine, and my
departure did not affect the ongoing work of that office.
And I think that is something being lost in a lot of this discussion about U.S. attorneys coming and going.
More than half the U.S. attorneys who served with me at the
start of this Administration have left the position of U.S. attorney
by now. And, again, in the 94 Federal districts, the work continues
to go on.
Mr. CANNON. So a U.S. attorney has a responsibility to be responsive to the Presidents priorities and at the same time is dispensable. So he or she can organize the offices priorities, like Ms.
Lam testified that she was not important to the investigation of
Mr. Cunningham, for instance, because the system would hold that.
And on the other hand, that is not inconsistent to say she was
great at what she did, but she didnt do what the Administration
expected of her and was very clear in setting its priorities for her.
Mr. MCNULTY. Right. Setting the priorities is one of many tasks
that the U.S. attorney is in a unique position to do. And that sends
the right message to the agents and to the prosecutors as to the
kinds of cases that we want to try to accomplish in this district,
and then they go about doing that work on the specific cases.
So, again, it is a difference of responsibilities. Priority-setting is
definitely an important responsibility for a U.S. attorney.
Ms. SA NCHEZ. The time of the gentleman has expired.
Mr. CANNON. I thank the gentlelady and yield back.
Ms. SA NCHEZ. Thank you, Mr. Cannon.
At this time, I would now like to recognize Mr. Conyers for 5
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Mr. CONYERS. Thank you so much.
Thank you, Mr. McNulty, for your candor and your being present
Let me just get this out of the way. You know, both the House
and the Senate Judiciary Committees have issued subpoenas to the
White House, and several former White House officials, for documents and testimony in the controversy that is before us. And we
are still hopeful that they may cooperate. But it is possible that enforcement action may need to be taken.
What is the policy of the Department of Justice with respect to
United States attorneys helping to enforce such congressional subpoenas?
Mr. MCNULTY. Well, first of all, on a question of the document
production and providing things to the Congress, I am recused on
that matter. So I dont have any involvement or knowledge of
where things stand, as to what has been provided or not provided.
And as to your question about the policy of the department with
regard to enforcement, I dont want to respond off the top of my
head. I would have
Mr. CONYERS. Let me help you. Would you help us bring charges
of criminal contempt if these subpoenas are resisted? Because that
may likely be the next step. Hoping that we dont have to do that.
Mr. MCNULTY. Well, I would have to say that my recusal on this
question would extend to the question of how subpoenas are enforced or not enforced. So I would not be involved in that question.
Mr. CONYERS. Well, do you know
Mr. MCNULTY. I am recused because the documents, in part, are
documents that can come from the Deputy Attorney Generals Office. And so, all officials who are leading offices where documents
Mr. CONYERS. But we are not talking about you weighing the
credibility of the documents or the witnesses. We are just talking
about us having to bring criminal charges if our subpoena isnt
We dont want you to become a member of the Federal court yet.
We just want you to do what the Department of Justice ought to
be doing.
Mr. MCNULTY. Well, Mr. Chairman, I hear your question in, sort
of, two parts. First, I hear, sort of, a general question about enforcement of subpoenas. And then, secondly, I hear you asking
about enforcement of particular subpoenas that be associated with
these documents that you are seeking.
Mr. CONYERS. Are you interested in either one?
Mr. MCNULTY. As to the second question, that is where I say my
recusal would clearly extend. I would not be involved in a question
of whether or not the subpoenas are to be enforced or not enforced.
And as to the first, I said I wanted to be careful before I speculated as to what a policy is, because I am not sure I could articulate a clear policy just sitting here right at the moment.
Mr. CONYERS. Okay. Let me quickly go to the White House was
consulted on this matter. Who in the White House was this consultation with?
Mr. MCNULTY. Well, if you look at the records that have been
produced to the Committee, what you see is there was a November
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7 e-mail that was sent by Kyle Sampson over to the White House
counsels office, submitting names and a plan for how the U.S. attorneys would be contacted and how the process would proceed
Mr. CONYERS. But over and above that, what did you know about
it? I mean, we all know that, that is
Mr. MCNULTY. Right. That is what I was referring to
Mr. CONYERS [continuing]. Public information.
Mr. MCNULTY. Well, actually, that is my point
Mr. CONYERS. Look, you are the number-two man in this operation. Let me ask you directly, was it through consultation with
Harriet Miers?
Mr. MCNULTY. Well, that e-mail I am referring to
Mr. CONYERS. I am not referring to an e-mail.
Mr. MCNULTY. Well, that is my knowledge of the consultation
Mr. CONYERS. You dont know anything about it other than that?
And that was an e-mail that came subsequently.
In other words, you have cut yourself out of the loop here on this
matter. It is kind of hardand I believe you, you know. You are
a very trusted ex-former staffer on Judiciary Committee. Remember that.
But we want to know where the lines go from the Department
of Justice to the White House. That is where these bread crumbs
keep leading us, and then they get lost in the snow or something
out here.
Ms. SA NCHEZ. The time of the gentleman
Mr. CANNON. Could I ask unanimous consent that the gentlemans time be extended for a couple of minutes at least? Because
I think that the Chairman is getting to the point of this hearing,
and I would love to get the answers to these questions. So I ask
unanimous consent that the gentleman be granted an additional 2
Ms. SA NCHEZ. Without objection, so ordered.
Mr. Conyers, you may continue for 2 additional
Mr. MCNULTY. May I respond, Mr. Chairman?
Mr. CONYERS. Yes, sir.
Thank you, maam.
Mr. MCNULTY. Well, you referred to my knowledge as being out
of the loop.
And the information I provided to you in my day-long interview
and the information you see in the e-mails, and perhaps most importantly what the Attorney General said in his testimony and
what Kyle Sampson said in his testimony, explains that I was consulted in this process at the end of what we now know to be the
process; that is, there was a process which extended over a 2-year
period of time looking at different U.S. attorneys, and Kyle Sampson described his consultations with lots of different officials.
At the end of that process, or near the end, I was approached,
consulted. Kyle Sampson explained that he was told by the Attorney General, Go get the deputys input.
So he came to the deputy in October. I provided my feedback to
the process. And that is how I beganand, Madam Chair, this goes
right to the question that you were asking earlier
Mr. CONYERS. Okay.
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Mr. MCNULTY. That, again, is my knowledge, sir, of how the
White House was involved.
Mr. CONYERS. Okay.
Now, we had testimony from the liaison to the White House that
she was told not to attend your briefing for the senators on the
United States attorney firings because if someone recognized her as
the White House liaison, there would be a greater likelihood that
there would be questions asked about the White House. Remember?
Mr. MCNULTY. I remember what she said to the Committee, yes.
Mr. CONYERS. No, what you said to her.
Mr. MCNULTY. What happened there was, as best I can remember, as we went up into that Senate briefing, my focus was on providing the information that we had promised concerning the reasons for seeking the removal, the resignations, of the seven U.S. attorneys.
And my sense was at that timeagain, this is before documents
have come to lightthat this was something the Department of
Justice had done on its initiative, to look at individuals based on
issues and concerns and so forth.
And so, my own view was that that was not a political thing;
that that was a very substantive thing. And I was concerned about
any appearance of it being political. And that
Mr. CONYERS. That is why you told
Mr. MCNULTY. That is my best memory as to why I would have
been concerned at that point and made that judgment.
Ms. SA NCHEZ. The time of the gentleman has expired.
At this time, I would like to recognize the gentleman from Florida, Mr. Keller, for 5 minutes of questioning.
Mr. KELLER. Thank you, Madam Chairwoman.
Thank you for being here today, Mr. McNulty. Sorry it is under
these circumstances. This is a tough town, as you know. Harry
Truman once said, if you want a friend in Washington, get a dog.
I got a dog. It bit me. [Laughter.]
So, sympathetic to you.
You are appearing here today without a subpoena. Is that correct?
Mr. MCNULTY. That is correct.
Mr. KELLER. You are here voluntarily?
Mr. MCNULTY. Yes, sir.
Mr. KELLER. You havent invoked the fifth amendment?
Mr. MCNULTY. No, I have not.
Mr. KELLER. You havent gone to court and sought immunity?
Mr. MCNULTY. No, I havent.
Mr. KELLER. Not everyone before us has appeared under the
same circumstances.
It is hard for a Member of Congress, when we have 5 minutes
to question Monica Goodling and 5 minutes to question you, to
make an accurate assessment as to what person is courageously
telling the truth and what person is full of baloney. It is just hard
to tell in a 5-minute instance.
I can tell you, though, that I got a very long phone call yesterday
from the attorney general of Florida, Mr. Bill McCollum, who
served in Congress for 20 years as my predecessor. And he told me
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that he worked very closely with you for 8 years on the Crime Subcommittee when you were his chief counsel, and told me that he
cant think of a single person in his lifetime that has more integrity, more honesty or more ethics than you do.
And I think that speaks volume, as someone who has known you
for a little bit longer than 5 minutes.
I want to begin with some of the areas of agreement that I saw
between you and Monica Goodling, for example.
I reviewed your prior testimony in the Senate and I reviewed her
testimony before us, and both of you have testified that you are not
aware of any evidence whatsoever that any U.S. attorney was fired
because of their pursuit of public corruption cases against congressmen. Is that still your testimony?
Mr. MCNULTY. That is correct.
Mr. KELLER. Okay. There has been some confusion about can you
fire someone for political reasons. Just let me simplify this, give
you analogy.
If I was the President and down in Orlando, Florida, my home
town, I had the worlds best U.S. attorney, he was ranked number
one out of 93, 100 percent conviction rate, the staff loved him, and
one day, in a very big, important mass murder case he says, You
know, I am not going to seek the death penalty; just politically I
dont believe in it, and I think life imprisonment is enough, and
I am the President, says, I think you are going to seek it, and if
you dont enforce the law on the books you are fired, is that within
my constitutional right to fire him just because I have a political
difference of opinion on that issue?
Mr. MCNULTY. Well, I believe that a President has, again, a right
to remove U.S. attorneys for any reason that is not an improper
reason. And enforcement of the law is certainly in the area of proper reason.
Mr. KELLER. In your testimony before the Senate in 2007, February, you did not intentionally mislead anyone. Is that correct?
Mr. MCNULTY. That is correct.
Mr. KELLER. Now, as you sit here today there are certain aspects
of your prior testimony that you feel are incomplete. Is that correct?
Mr. MCNULTY. The testimony that I gave in February was shown
to be incomplete as additional information came forward, yes.
Mr. KELLER. Tell us what things, as you sit here today, that
based on the information that you have now you feel were somewhat incomplete and that you would like to specifically clarify.
Mr. MCNULTY. Well, when I say incomplete, what I mean by
that is that there were a number of questions that were being
asked, either at the hearing or at the briefing I did, which were
connected to the information that came to light after we produced
documents and looked at various e-mails in the department.
So what I am referring to
Mr. KELLER. I dont want to cut you off
Mr. MCNULTY [continuing]. Is the fuller story.
Mr. KELLER. We have got a minute left.
Is there any specific subject area or two that you want to clarify
as saying, Hey, I said this back then, but now that I have reviewed that information, what I would tell you now is X, Y and Z?
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Mr. MCNULTY. I am sorry, not one is popping to mind that I
would say, this is a specific issue that was revealed in a particular
document or e-mail, that was right on point as to a question I received. It is just, nothing is popping to mind.
Mr. KELLER. Final question: As someone who has been a U.S. attorney, tell us the percentage of cases that the U.S. attorney himself or herself would actually personally handle, in terms of them
personally doing the opening statement, examination of witnesses,
closing statement. What would you estimate the percentage of
cases those are?
Mr. MCNULTY. We break offices down into four sizes: extra-large,
large, medium and small.
Extra-large offices are offices that have more than a hundred assistants. In those offices, U.S. attorneys handle very, very few
cases; just too much work to do, management-wise to be able to get
involved. It is pretty much the case in large offices, too.
Sometimes U.S. attorneys who have a long assistant United
States attorney/prosecutor background like to stay involved if they
can. Others just simply dont see that as being a wise use of time.
But if you get to a real small office, it is sometimes different. It
depends upon, again, the background of the United States attorney
as to whether or not they can prosecute.
So I would say that, again, generalizing, it is going to be a very
small percentage of actually case or trial work done by U.S. attorneys. They really have a lot to do in terms of managing the office,
outreach to the community, taking care of a wide variety of responsibilities as U.S. attorney.
Ms. SA NCHEZ. The time of the gentleman has expired.
The gentleman from Georgia, Mr. Johnson, is recognized.
Mr. JOHNSON. Thank you, Madam Chair.
Mr. McNulty, I would like to ask you some questions about the
March 1, 2006, Attorney Generals delegation order, entitled Delegation of Certain Personnel Authorities to the Chief of Staff to the
Attorney General and the White House Liaison of the Department
of Justice.
The order delegated to Kyle Sampson and Monica Goodling the
authority to take final action in matters pertaining to the appointment, employment, pay, separation and general administration of
various employees, including, by the way, employees in the Offices
of the Deputy Attorney General.
Are you familiar with that order?
Mr. MCNULTY. I am now, yes.
Mr. JOHNSON. And when did you first become aware of that
order, sir?
Mr. MCNULTY. The best I can recall is I became familiar when
there was a story on the subject in the National Journal, I believe.
Mr. JOHNSON. What date would that have been, approximately?
Mr. MCNULTY. Within the past month or so.
Mr. JOHNSON. So you were unaware of that
Mr. MCNULTY. Well, that is my best memory. I just cant remember any time seeing it or having some connection to it.
Mr. JOHNSON. Had you seen the order before?
Mr. MCNULTY. Before that story?
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Mr. MCNULTY. Again, I dont have any recollection of that.
Mr. JOHNSON. Did you understand that Kyle Sampson and
Monica Goodling ever had authority to make hiring and firing decisions in your office?
Mr. MCNULTY. Well, that is what I have come to understand,
Mr. JOHNSON. And you only came to that understanding after
reading that article?
Mr. MCNULTY. No, no. As a practical matter, I knew that, with
regard to how the office operated, but as an order
Mr. JOHNSON. But it wasnt the way that the office operated
when you were first sworn in as Deputy Attorney General, isnt
that correct? That is not how the office was conducted then, hiring
and firing decisions out of your office, correct?
Mr. MCNULTY. Well, it is a difficult subject
Mr. JOHNSON. Is that correct, or is that incorrect?
Mr. MCNULTY. It is hard for me to say yes or no to because I
would have to recall just exactly what was occurring at the
Mr. JOHNSON. Well, let me ask you this question. Let me put it
like this: When it came down to hiring your chief of staff, you did
that yourself when you were first employed as Deputy Attorney
General, correct?
Mr. MCNULTY. Not necessarily.
Mr. JOHNSON. Well, there was no White House liaison to the Justice Department involved in your decision to hire your chief of staff,
Mr. Elston, was there?
Mr. MCNULTY. I am sorry to make this difficult. It is just that,
if a person
Mr. JOHNSON. Is that true or is that false?
Mr. MCNULTY. I cant say it is true or false. It doesnt fit that
way. If a person is being hired into a political position, then there
is a process
Mr. JOHNSON. Okay, well, let me stop you. I dont want to run
out of time.
What is your understanding of the purpose of that delegation
order that you just learned about, you say, about a month or so ago
in a magazine article? What was the purpose of that order?
Mr. MCNULTY. My understanding of that order is to delegate to
the Attorney Generals chief of staff and to the White House liaison
the responsibility for making hiring decisions in the leadership offices at the department.
Mr. JOHNSON. You never had an opportunity to understand why
that order was entered?
Mr. MCNULTY. I dont have any memory of knowing about that
order being developed or being executed. It just doesnt come to my
Mr. JOHNSON. Does it surprise you? Did it surprise you, back in
March when you first learned about it, that your authority to hire
and fire within your own office had been taken away from you and
given to a couple of inexperienced political appointees?
Mr. MCNULTY. What struck me was the guidance on the control
sheet, if you will, that said, This is to not be circulated through
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the Office of the Deputy Attorney General. And I still dont know,
to this day, why that was the case. I think
Mr. JOHNSON. Were you disturbed because you were cut out of
the loop, as the Chairman indicated?
Mr. MCNULTY. Well, that definitely was a concern to me when
I saw that.
And I have heard Ms. Goodlings explanation of it. I didnt quite
understand it. And I am still not clear as to her position on that
But as to what I understood it to be, it looked like it was something that wasnt going through the deputys office for recommendation to the Attorney General, as most of our documents
do. I cant say much more about it than that.
Mr. JOHNSON. Did you have any discussions with Mike Elston
about him calling the U.S. attorneys, urging them to remain silent
about the circumstances of their firing?
Mr. MCNULTY. Well, I am familiar with that issue.
There are two things we are talking about here. There were some
January phone calls, three calls.
Mr. JOHNSON. Did he discuss the calls before he made them?
Mr. MCNULTY. The January phone calls I was aware of. The
March phone call I was not aware of.
Mr. JOHNSON. March phone call
Mr. MCNULTY. To Mr. Cummins, which was the subject of some
discussion at the Senate hearing and perhaps this hearing as well.
Mr. JOHNSON. What was the purpose?
Ms. SA NCHEZ. The time of the gentleman has
Mr. CANNON. Madam Chair, this is an important issue, and I
would ask unanimous consent that the gentleman be given an
extra minute so that we get this clear on the record.
Ms. SA NCHEZ. Without objection, so ordered.
You may continue, Mr. Johnson.
Mr. JOHNSON. Thank you, sir.
What would the purpose of the phone calls prior to the testimony
of the fired U.S. attorneys before this bodywhat were the purpose
of the phone calls?
Mr. MCNULTY. The phone call that was made in March was the
one that occurred prior to testimony of the U.S. attorneys. And that
was a phone call that Mr. Elston had made to Mr. Cummins. And
Mr. Elston wrote a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee after
the testimony of Mr. Cummins about that. He did the best he could
to explain his reasoning.
Senator Specter asked a lot of questions to Mr. Cummins. You
have Mr. Cummins doing an inference of what he thought Mr.
Elston meant, and then you have three other U.S. attorneys and
their friends.
Mr. JOHNSON. What was the purpose of the phone call?
Mr. MCNULTY. Mr. Elston would say that the purpose was to encourage Mr. Cummins to understand that there was no effort to try
to release information about individuals; that, in fact, Mr. Elston
explains that he was simply trying to assure Mr. Cummins that
there was no personal information or information about specific individuals that was being released by the department. He had read
a newspaper article
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Mr. JOHNSON. And the earlier phone calls
Mr. MCNULTY. Now, the January phone calls, those occurred
prior to the Attorney Generals testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, long before there was any notion that any U.S. attorney would be testifying on Capitol Hill.
At that time, Mr. Elston, at my encouragement, called twoI
think only left a message or didnt get through to a thirdbut
called two U.S. attorneys to assure them that the Attorney Generals testimony the next day was not going to get into any information about particular individuals. Some of the folks names had
never even come out in the public yet, and there was growing press
interest or there were articles starting to show up and there was
a concern that their confidentiality might bethat there may be information about them.
And he was trying to assure them that that was not going to
occur in the Attorney Generals testimony; he was not going to
speak about any particular people. We were trying to, again, stick
with the original thinking of keeping the matter quiet for purposes
of the privacy and the confidentiality of the individuals involved.
Ms. SA NCHEZ. The time of the gentleman has once again expired.
Mr. JOHNSON. Thank you, Madam Chair.
Ms. SA NCHEZ. Thank you.
At this time, I would like to recognize the gentleman from Florida, Mr. Feeney, for 5 minutes.
Mr. FEENEY. Thank you, Madam Chairman.
Mr. McNulty, it has been reported that in early March, when you
and Senator Schumer had a conversation, you suggested to the senator your disappointment that you hadnt been able to provide
more information, that things were currently coming to light.
In your staff interview you suggested that you and Mr. Schumer
might have different memories of that conversation. Could you
please elaborate for us?
Mr. MCNULTY. Well, what I meant by that was in any kind of
conversation that occurs, especially a brief conversation, then its
description later can sometimes differ in general ways.
And so my point was that Senator Schumer had said on different
occasions that I told him that I didnt have the information or I had
been misled, and that my memory of that conversation was a bit
But, again, we were moving quickly, and I was trying to communicate to him that I regretted the fact that we didnt have all the
information available when we originally provided it to the Senate
Judiciary Committee.
I didnt mention any specific individual and refer to a person as
having misled me.
But the point is that Senator Schumers memory of that conversation came to be something that Ms. Goodling in particular
characterized as my blaming her or accusing her of having not provided me with information. And that is just simply not true. I
didnt do that, and I have never accused anybody of not providing
me with information.
Mr. FEENEY. And you have made that clear today, that you are
not alleging, nor have you intended to allege, that Ms. Goodling in
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any way misled you or deliberately misinformed you in preparation
for any of your testimony or of your interviews.
Mr. MCNULTY. That is right, Congressman.
What I tried to say today in my statement and in some of these
remarks is that in this process, we were moving quickly, we were
trying to respond to questions, we were focused on particular
things. And I am not in a position to conclude or believe that individuals had some intention to keep information from me. There is
just not information enough to suggest that. And, therefore, I am
not going to reach that conclusion.
Mr. FEENEY. Well, I suppose the purpose of bringing you back
today is that there are some alleged contradictions in what we
heard from Ms. Goodling and what we have heard from you. But
I see an awful lot of similarities on the key points between your
testimony and hers.
Have you had a chance to review her testimony here to the
House Committee?
Mr. MCNULTY. Yes, I have.
Mr. FEENEY. And given the fact that there were a dozen or so
people over an extensive period of time involved in numerous decisions, both about the firings and the review of attorneys, and then
how to respond to senators and press and House Members and
other inquiries, you know, given your investigative background,
both here on the Committee and with the Attorney Generals office,
do you find it unusual that people could have somewhat different
perspectives and recollections about the details of who knew what
or who perceived what of things that occurred several years ago?
Mr. MCNULTY. Well, no, I dont find it at all surprising that folks
have different memories of things. I know that in my job as Deputy
Attorney General, I touch dozens and dozens of issues every day,
and I have a very complex and wide variety of things coming into
the deputys office.
And so this process, this kind of review, is very challenging because it requires you go back and remember specific things, and
you work hard at it. But the fact that you all are finding, perhaps,
some differences in recollections about things should not be surprising at all.
Mr. FEENEY. Well, and finally, with respect to Ms. Goodlings testimony, which a lot of us found to be very credible and forthright,
do you find any inherent or critical contradictions between what
you have told this Committee, either in interviews or in testimony,
and what she has told us? Do you find, on any of the key points,
any critical or inherent, unreconcilable contradictions in her testimony versus yours?
Mr. MCNULTY. The only issue in her testimony that I am here
to discuss in a way which is designed to clarify it is what I see the
four areas where she said that I was not fully candid with the Senate.
And I have discussed with the Chair the first of the four, and
then I am looking forward to the other three coming up so I can
talk about the two Tim Griffin issues and the Parsky Commission
matter and set the record straight that I spoke truthfully in all
four areas.
Ms. SA NCHEZ. Time of the gentleman has expired.
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Mr. FEENEY. Madam Chair, may I ask unanimous consert to include in the record the letter that has been referred to, I think, in
the prior questioning from Mr. Elston? I think it was the March
letter which he sent to the Senate to explain the phone calls that
he made.
Ms. SA NCHEZ. Without objection, so ordered.
The gentleman from Massachusetts, Mr. Delahunt, is recognized
for 5 minutes of questioning.
Mr. DELAHUNT. Mr. McNulty, let me state for the record that I
have always found you an individual of integrity and professionalism.
Mr. MCNULTY. Thank you, sir.
Mr. DELAHUNT. And I wish you well in the private sector.
Mr. MCNULTY. Thank you, sir.
Mr. DELAHUNT. Having said that
Mr. MCNULTY. Yes. [Laughter.]
Mr. DELAHUNT [continuing]. Let me see if I can bring some clarity to this. You would be unaware of any political or improper political considerations in terms of the development of this list. I think
your response to Mr. Keller was that you were totally unaware of
any that might have occurred.
Mr. MCNULTY. The development of the list of U.S. attorneys.
Mr. DELAHUNT. Right.
Mr. MCNULTY. My involvement with that begin
Mr. DELAHUNT. My point is that you were not really part of that
Mr. MCNULTY. That is correct.
Mr. DELAHUNT. You were the caboose, am I correct?
Mr. MCNULTY. I became involved at the end of the
Mr. DELAHUNT. At the end. I mean, you were left out of that
process. I mean, am I making a fair statement?
Mr. MCNULTY. You are making a fair statement, yes. I am not
saying it was intentional or not, I just know I was not involved.
Mr. DELAHUNT. I dont know myself, but I am just saying.
And the gentleman from Georgia indicated that in terms of the
delegation order, you were unaware until about a month ago, or
maybe 6 weeks ago, of the existence of that order.
Mr. MCNULTY. I dont have any recollection of that matter coming to my attention before that.
Mr. DELAHUNT. That is what I mean. And you referenced the fact
that you read that somewhere, that it was an admonishment not
to involve the Office of the Deputy Attorney General in the process
Mr. MCNULTY. Well, it was routed around our office, yes.
Mr. DELAHUNT. But it was clear to route around the Office of the
Deputy Attorney General.
Mr. MCNULTY. That is what the paper indicated.
Mr. DELAHUNT. You know, I am drawing an inference that you
were zoned out of this process. I dont know for what reason, but
maybe that is an issue to be pursued by the Committee.
You know, the day after you resigned, the Attorney General had
a press conference and he made several observations: The one person that I would care about would be the views of the Deputy Attorney General, because the Deputy Attorney General is the direct
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supervisor of the U.S. attorneys. And yet you werent part of the
Mr. MCNULTY. Well, at another time, the Attorney General said,
I think in his Senate testimony, that one of the regrets he had was
not directly involving the Deputy Attorney General in the process.
And to be fair, I mean, Mr. Sampson might say that he talked
to me about U.S. attorneys over the course of my time, that year
I served as deputy, and we talked about
Mr. DELAHUNT. But you were not involved in the compilation.
Mr. MCNULTY. I wasnt aware of the specific process of identifying U.S. attorneys
Mr. DELAHUNT. I mean, did Attorney General Gonzales call you
in and say, Paul, we have got a list of eight United States attorneys. What is your opinion? And I would think this is a matter
of significant consequence to the administration of justice, as far as
the department itself was concerned. Did you talk to him about
Mr. MCNULTY. Not before the phone calls were made on December 7. That is not how that process worked. It was more indirect.
Mr. DELAHUNT. Well, I guess what I am saying is, I just find that
Mr. MCNULTY. Let me make sure this is very clear. I was in a
meeting with the Attorney General on November 27, so I did have
that interaction.
Mr. DELAHUNT. What was that meeting about? Was it about the
Mr. MCNULTY. It was about the plan of going
Mr. DELAHUNT. Was that your first communication
Mr. MCNULTY. That was my first direct
Mr. DELAHUNT. How long did that conversation
Mr. MCNULTY. My best memory is, it waswell, it wasnt a conversation between us, it was a meeting involving several people. I
dont remember the Attorney General saying much at the meeting.
I dont recall even much that I said. So it was not like a meeting
with him personally.
And the meeting lasted approximately half an hour.
First time, November 27, for a half hour, on a key decision in
terms of the functioning of the Department of Justice.
He went on to saythis is the Attorney Generalhe signed off
on the names and he would know better than anyone else, anyone
in this room, any, anyone. Again, the Deputy Attorney General
would know best about the qualifications and experiences of the
United States attorney committee, and he signed off on the names.
I dare say, understanding the realities of what occurs here in
Washington, you were the caboose, you were given the list, and
maybe it was never articulated, but the suggestion was, Sign off,
we are moving.
Mr. MCNULTY. Well, to be fair, I was given an opportunity to
voice any objections I had, and I voiced some objections. And
Mr. DELAHUNT. Were your objections respected?
Mr. MCNULTY. Yes. At least one name was taken off a list on my
objection. I raised some questions about another and did not at the
end of the day voice that objection so that it wasnt removed.
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And to be fair to the Attorney General, I think he would say he
was relying on Kyle Sampson to get my input, and that is why we
didnt have direct communication.
Ms. SA NCHEZ. The time of the gentleman has expired. Would the
gentleman like an additional minute?
Mr. DELAHUNT. Well, you know, of course I will take the additional minute. Why not?
Ms. SA NCHEZ. Is there any objection?
Without objection.
Mr. DELAHUNT. Let me just say this, Mr. McNulty, and I say this
respectfully to you: I think you were poorly treated. I dont think
that the process was done in a way that reflected well, in terms
of the professionalism that I know exists in the Department of Justice. It is my belief that you were thrown under the bus.
And with that, I will yield back.
Ms. SA NCHEZ. Thank you, Mr. Delahunt.
The gentleman from Tennessee, Mr. Cohen, is recognized for 5
Mr. COHEN. Thank you, Madam Chair.
I incorporate, by reference, all the nice things that have been
said about you, to save time. [Laughter.]
Mr. MCNULTY. You can feel free to go ahead and take that time,
if you would like. [Laughter.]
Mr. COHEN. Let me follow up on the previous question. Who did
you take off the list?
Mr. MCNULTY. Well, we have not made that name public. I
Mr. COHEN. That is why I am asking the question.
Mr. MCNULTY. I know, but I am [Laughter.]
I am trying to respect that process. I hope you dont feel as
though I am resisting you. Your staff knows the name. And I really
would like to be able to keep it that way.
Mr. COHEN. Well, we will discuss with the Chairman about that.
And by the way, I think it is very bipartisan. I didnt know about
that Web site, either, so it is a bipartisan thing in not knowing
about it. But that is neither here nor there.
What was your relationship with Ms. Goodling?
Mr. MCNULTY. You mean, in terms of
Mr. COHEN. Cordial?
Mr. MCNULTY. Oh, yes, I had a very good relationship with her.
Mr. COHEN. Why would she suggest in her testimony that you
had basically given false information? You dont think it was because she had anything in for you, was it? She was just, kind of,
testifying on things of which she had no knowledge?
Mr. MCNULTY. Congressman, I do not know whyand I have
given it a lot of thought, but I would be totally speculating as to
why she felt it was necessary to say that.
Mr. COHEN. She said she crossed the line in using politics to hire
and fire folk. Are you aware of any suggestions whatsoever, personal or just through the department, that you crossed the line in
hiring in other areas other than politics?
Mr. MCNULTY. I am not so sure I get that question.
Mr. COHEN. Favoritism to people based on any particular ideological bent.
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Mr. MCNULTY. Well, I am not entirely clear on whether or not
she specified a category in particular where she crossed the line,
using her own words. So I am not sure I have
Mr. COHEN. She, kind of, said she did it if you were a Democrat,
you were out.
Mr. MCNULTY. I see.
Mr. COHEN. But were you out if you were a moderate.
Mr. MCNULTY. I dont know. That would not be information I
would have access to.
Mr. COHEN. If you went to a tier-two law school.
Mr. MCNULTY. I dont know.
Mr. COHEN. The honors program and the intern program, there
are some letters here from April, and you are aware of some of
those, I know. Were politics involved in determining who got those
appointments to the honors program at the Department of Justice
and the summer internship program?
Mr. MCNULTY. I dont know the answer to that question. I am
happy to try to provide you with more information in terms of context, but I dont know the specific answer to that question.
Mr. COHEN. Should politics have been involved?
Mr. MCNULTY. Politics should not be involved in the hiring of
any career person at the Department of Justice.
Mr. COHEN. And you are familiar with this letter of April 9, and
a subsequent meeting, in a meeting where some top Justice Department people pointed out some people that were summa cum
laude from Harvard and/or Yale that were not even asked for interviews.
Mr. MCNULTY. I am aware of that letter, and I am aware of that
allegation. I know that is being reviewed. I dont know if that allegation is correct or not.
I think the honors program has worked extremely well over the
years. It has attracted outstanding candidates to the Department
of Justice. And I dont know if it was subject to any political consideration.
When I was aware that the honors program needed to be reviewedand, again, in fairness to those who were involved in that,
they were working on looking at changes and improvements before
it was brought to my attention.
We have now made sure that it is controlled by career people
throughout the process.
Mr. COHEN. You have been in the Justice Department, both in
the previous Bush presidency and this one. How would you describe the difference in the morale of the Department of Justice
today and how it was when you started your job and how it was
under Bush the First?
Mr. MCNULTY. Well, that is, of course, a tough question to be
precise about, the department is so big. And to this day there are
just a lot of people who have very good morale at the Department
of Justice, because they love what they do and they have a clear
And so, I have had contact with folks in a wide variety of positions over the past several months who still have very good morale.
So it is hard to be specific about that.
Mr. COHEN. It is rather subjective.
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Mr. MCNULTY. It is.
Mr. COHEN. But let me ask you this: If General Gonzales would
choose to resign, would that hurt the morale at the Department of
Mr. MCNULTY. I dont know how to gauge that.
I think the morale at the department is generally good. I think
people, again, love what they are doing and are fulfilling their responsibilities in a very excellent way.
Mr. COHEN. Thank you, sir.
I yield the balance of my time.
Ms. SA NCHEZ. Thank you.
The gentleman from North Carolina, Mr. Watt, is recognized for
5 minutes.
Mr. WATT. Thank you, Madam Chair.
And thank you, Mr. McNulty, for being here.
Ms. Goodling testified before this Committee that Senator
Domenici had raised concerns about U.S. attorney David Iglesias
and indicated that she briefed you on that fact prior to your Senate
testimony. You were aware of it.
In fact, in her handwritten notes, there is a quote that says,
Domenici says he doesnt move cases.
Ms. Goodling further testified that you told her not to reference
these concerns expressed by Senator Domenici in the materials to
be used in briefing Congress. Is that correct or is it incorrect?
Mr. MCNULTY. She explainedand to the best of my memory,
Mr. WATT. My question is, did you instruct her not to include references to Senator Domenicis statement in her briefing materials
in which she was preparing you for your testimony?
Mr. MCNULTY. I dont remember it that way.
What I remember is we were trying to identify the issues, concerns associated with different U.S. attorneys. And we were discussing what those issues would be in relationship to David
And certain characterizations were being listed in that chart,
which you now have. And that, as far as I can remember, is discussing those different characterizations.
Mr. WATT. So you deny that you
Mr. MCNULTY. Well, I dont want to say deny, because
Mr. WATT [continuing]. Instructed her not to include the references to Senator Domenici in the briefing materials?
Mr. MCNULTY. Her memory on that may very well be correct.
And what she says is that I said we should let Senator Domenici
speak for himself, rather than us speaking for him. And I dont specifically recall that, but that may be correct.
Mr. WATT. So did you find Senator Domenicis observations about
Mr. Iglesias to be an important factor in the fact that he was on
the list and was terminated?
Mr. MCNULTY. Well, when I saw his name on that list and I had
to make my own judgment as to whether or not I objected to it, the
phone conversation that I had with Senator Domenici on October
4, which was a brief conversation in which he expressed his own
dissatisfaction, that certainly was a factor in my mind when I saw
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the name on the list. And just as the Attorney General said, it affected his judgment.
Mr. WATT. So if you had instructed that that communication not
be part of the briefing materials and failed to fully disclose that to
the Senate, would it be accurate then for you to say that you were
fully informing the Senate about factors that were important in
making the determination of whether to put somebody on the list,
leave them on the list, or remove them from the list?
Mr. MCNULTY. I think it wasnt inconsistent with that, and we
were being as forthcoming as we could. Because we were identifying the things that we understood to serve as these justifications,
but we didnt always reference the source of that information.
We had congressional complaints involving Carol Lam in San
Diego. We probably identified Carol Lam as somebody who was not
moving or not acting consistent with the priorities of the department.
So, in my mind, I was distinguishing between what the factors
were that had been identified from perhaps the source of that and
trying to respect the process of letting members, you know, convey
their own views.
And that is about as best as I can remember as to why we would
try to distinguish there.
Ms. SA NCHEZ. The time of the gentleman has expired.
Mr. WATT. May I ask unanimous consent for 2 additional minutes?
Ms. SA NCHEZ. Without objection, so ordered.
Mr. WATT. And the reason I ask for this additional time, I wanted to explore this particular thing.
But more generally, the whole purpose of this series of hearings
has been about getting to the bottom of why various people were
put on a list and removed. And we dont seem to have much more
information about that today than we had when we started.
What is your understanding, now, Mr. McNulty, based on everything you know about who put the list together and why various
people were put on that list?
Mr. MCNULTY. Well, as I sit here today, my best understanding
is that Mr. Sampson put the list together, and that he put the list
together based upon information that he gathered over an extended
period of time, that he made changes to it from time to time based
upon various inputs he received, conversations he had, and that he
came to a point, finally, in October of 2006, with an essentially
close to final list, and then
Mr. WATT. And what was his position?
Mr. MCNULTY. He was the chief of staff to the Attorney General.
He started that process, though, as the deputy chief of staff. And
then, because we now know based upon the information that
Mr. WATT. And you think all of this was happening without the
Attorney Generals knowledge?
Mr. MCNULTY. Well, I think the Attorney General has been pretty clear in his testimony that he directedand I wont want to pick
the wrong word, but my best memory is he said he directed Mr.
Sampson to begin a process sometime in 2005 that involved dis-
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cussing with different people their views on the work of the U.S.
And, again, I am just, best I can, paraphrasing what I thought
the Attorney Generals testimony was on that.
And so, over that period of time, as first the deputy chief of staff
and then the chief of staff, Mr. Sampson gathered that information
and compiled lists and interacted with the White House from time
to time on that.
Ms. SA NCHEZ. The time of the gentleman has, once again, expired.
Mr. WATT. Thank you, Madam Chair.
Ms. SA NCHEZ. We will now go to a second round of questions
Mr. CANNON. Madam Chair, could we poll the panel to see who
wants to do a second round, just so we can, sort of, plan our time?
Ms. SA NCHEZ. Certainly.
Interested in a second round of questions, raise your hand.
I think there is significant interest in a second round of questioning so I will
Mr. CANNON. It is my fervent hope that the second round is more
productive or interesting than the first round has been.
Ms. SA NCHEZ. Well, that all depends on the questions and the
We will now start the second round of questioning, and I will recognize myself for 5 minutes.
Mr. McNulty, when you briefed the Senate on the U.S. attorney
issue, did you ask Mr. Goodling to wait outside while you did that
Mr. MCNULTY. Yes, I have already explained that I did.
Ms. SA NCHEZ. Can you refresh my memory briefly, if you will, because we have a limited amount of time, as to why, again, you
asked her not to participate or not to be inside during that briefing?
Mr. MCNULTY. Well, the best memory I have of that was that it
was a judgment I made there at the last moment. But I was concerned that it would give an appearance of the process being more
political, given the fact that her job was uniquely associated with
the political appointment of individuals to the department.
I felt that we were doing something that wasnt political, in my
mind. What we were doing was talking about the specific reasons
related to the seven U.S. attorneys that stood behind their seeking
the resignations.
Ms. SA NCHEZ. Well, briefly
Mr. MCNULTY. I thought it was not a process that really involved
the political aspect of
Ms. SA NCHEZ. Well, briefly, what would be your response to her
suggestion that you wanted to discourage questions about the
White House and its role in the firing? Briefly.
Mr. MCNULTY. Well, I mean, again, I can understand that is her
testimony on that subject, it is just not my memory of why that
would have been a concern.
I think that my own sense was, because I was the one going to
do the talking
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Ms. SA NCHEZ. Certainly, it clearly was a concern of hers, because
that was the opinion that she expressed, that she was excluded
from that briefing because
Mr. MCNULTY. Right. I know she expressed that.
Ms. SA NCHEZ. Okay. All right.
Mr. Elston was your chief of staff, correct?
Mr. MCNULTY. Yes, he is.
Ms. SA NCHEZ. Okay.
When Carol Lam, the former U.S. attorney for San Diego, asked
to stay on the job longer in order to deal with some outstanding
prosecutions, the expanding Duke Cunningham case being one
among them, Elston told her not to think about her cases, that she
should be gone in weeks, not months, and that these instructions
were coming from the very highest levels of government.
As Mr. Elstons boss, who was he referring to? Do you know?
Mr. MCNULTY. Well, he was referring to his interactions with the
Attorney Generals Office in particular.
He was in a bit of a difficult situation there. He was trying to
implement the decision that had already been made to seek the
resignation. And one of the challenging aspects of that was to settle
on a final date of departure. And various individuals
Ms. SA NCHEZ. I am just interested in knowing who you believe
the highest levels of Government meant. And would it be fair to
say the Attorney General, then?
Mr. MCNULTY. Well, I am not sure specifically who Mike was referring to there.
Ms. SA NCHEZ. Okay. All right. You have answered my question.
Mr. Elston also called around to the U.S. attorneys whom he had
placed on one of the draft firing lists to apologize when he discovered that his list would be turned over to Congress.
Did you instruct Mr. Elston to make those calls?
Mr. MCNULTY. No, but he told me he was, and I thought that
was a good thing he was doing.
Ms. SA NCHEZ. Did Mr. Elston frequently make direct contact
with U.S. attorneys without your knowledge or direction?
Mr. MCNULTY. He had a lot of contact with U.S. attorneys because, as the chief of staff to the Deputy Attorney Generals Office,
U.S. attorneys called in frequently and would talk to him, and he
would talk to them. For example, on death penalty cases, which involves a lot of interaction, he would talk to U.S. attorneys frequently.
Ms. SA NCHEZ. And you know that he allegedly called three of the
fired U.S. attorneys and made an implicit threat that the Justice
Department would detail the reasons for their firings if they didnt
stay quiet?
Mr. MCNULTY. Well, I would strongly disagree with that characterization of those calls.
Ms. SA NCHEZ. That is how it was characterized by the witnesses
who received those communications.
Ms. SA NCHEZ. And you disagree with that
Mr. MCNULTY. I disagree with their characterization.
Ms. SA NCHEZ. Okay. We will agree to disagree.
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On May 9, The Washington Post revealed that there was a ninth
fired U.S. attorney, Todd Graves of Kansas City, who was terminated in January 2006, after his name appeared on one of Mr.
Sampsons firing lists earlier that month.
The Department of Justice still has not produced documents to
us about that firing, despite our requests over a month ago.
As Deputy Attorney General in charge of our U.S. attorneys, tell
us what information or belief you have about the firing of Mr.
Mr. MCNULTY. I have very limited knowledge about that. I was
Ms. SA NCHEZ. You were not kept in the loop on that and you
were not consulted.
Mr. MCNULTY. Well, remember, I started as Acting Seputy Attorney General on November 1. I wasnt confirmed until March. And
the phone call that he received was made in January. So that was
before I was confirmed.
Now, having said that, I may have had some vague awareness
that he was departing. But I was not consulted in any decision to
seeklook, I think also you need to be careful. Mr. Gravess own
words at his hearing a few weeks ago on the Senate side I think
are somewhat in contrast to the language that is used with regard
to him.
He did not refer to himself ashe referred to himself as being
pushed out, but he also talked about the fact that he was intending
to leave and that he had no bitterness and he felt it was appropriate that he could be called and asked to go.
But, in any respect, I was not involved in that matter. And I
didnt have any specific understanding of what was going on there.
Ms. SA NCHEZ. Okay. You had no knowledge. I am assuming,
though, that being pushed out is not the same as voluntarily leaving.
With that, I will recognize Mr. Cannon for 5 minutes.
Mr. CANNON. Thank you.
May I just make an inquiry?
First of all, I think that Mr. Keller would be better recognized,
because he may need to leave, and I dont.
But as to the inquiry, I think we have a vote in 10 minutes. Is
it possible that we could wrap this hearing before the vote?
Ms. SA NCHEZ. We will certainly try as hard as possible to wrap
it before the vote, but I give no assurances.
Mr. Keller?
Mr. CANNON. I suggest that I could talk Mr. Keller out of taking
his 5 minutes if you want to poll your side to see if we could get
this done.
Ms. SA NCHEZ. Why dont we recognize Mr. Keller for 5 minutes?
He may begin his questioning. And we will discuss that in the
Mr. KELLER. Well, thank you very much, Madam Chairwoman.
And I am trying to figure all this out, because when I read
Monica Goodlings testimony, some aspects of it, there just seems
to be, kind of, some anger.
You know, for example, on some of the things that she is mad
about you at, like, for example, she says you were asked about the
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Parsky Commission, some obscure commission in California, and
you said it was okay. And you had heard from some people who
didnt like it. So, clearly, a false statement. It just seemed so much,
you know, to quarrel on such a little thing.
And I am trying to figure that out. I have a guess. And since I
am under privilege, I guess I am allowed to guess, so, without
being, you know, prosecuted.
But I know that Monica Goodling and Tim Griffin were friends
and opposition researchers at the RNC. And I know that you went
before the Senate and testified, truthfully, that the dismissals were
performance-based, except for one, except for Bud Cummins, who
was removed to make way for Tim Griffin. And some people felt
like that ended Tim Griffins chance of permanently getting that
job as a Karl Rove protege.
And I am wondering if she is just, kind of, mad at you and
throwing up somewhat trivial stuff like, What about the Parsky
Commission? You knew that some people didnt like it.
But at any rate, I am just trying to sort it through. Tell us your
side of the Parsky Commission debate.
Mr. MCNULTY. Well, thank you for letting me respond to that,
because I do want, before the hearing is over, to get to all of them.
On that one, I stated at my hearing that I thought the Parsky
Commission worked very well and that the department respected
the process.
Now, first of all, that is a matter of opinion whether you think
it is working well or not, and it may be that some at the department leadership felt it wasnt.
But at the time of my hearing, the Administration was relying
on the Parsky Commission to select our U.S. attorney candidates
in three out of the four California districts. So we were very much
engaged in the use of the Parsky Commission.
And from my perspective as deputy, who wasnt involved in the
selection of U.S. attorneys in particular, I assumed that we were
satisfied with it, that we had accepted it and that it was working
for us.
And so, that is why I described it that way at my hearing.
Mr. KELLER. All right, so, of the four things, we have covered her
claim that you, kind of, under-represented your knowledge of the
White House involvement.
Mr. KELLER. We have covered the Parsky Commission issue.
The third issue is the allegation she made that you, sort of,
under-represented the degree of knowledge you had regarding the
circumstances of Bud Cumminss departure.
Would you like to
Mr. MCNULTY. Well, we have two other ones. And those are the
two Tim Griffin ones.
Mr. KELLER. All right. Just go ahead and tell me your side on
Mr. MCNULTY. All right.
So the first is that Senator Schumer asked me at the hearing
whether I knew who recommended Tim Griffin to us for that appointment as the interim in the Eastern District of Arkansas.
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Now, this is after I have already stated at this hearing that Mr.
Cummins was asked to leave so that Mr. Griffin could be given a
chance. But what I didnt know until later was how, specifically,
Mr. Griffin came to our attention.
I had known for months that Mr. Cummins was asked to move
over so that Mr. Griffin would have a chance, as Ms. Goodling indicated, that she had told me that quite some time ago.
But I did not knowand I think, in her testimonyand I am
going to be a little careful here, but I think in her testimony she
said she wasnt even particularly aware of how he came to our attention.
So that was the issue there; I answered that question truthfully;
I just didnt know the specifics of how he came to be recommended
to us.
We have later learned that Ms. Miers contacted Kyle Sampson,
and that is the way.
And the second one has to do with the caging issue. And there,
it is a rather simple issue of where she is challenging my testimony.
Senator Schumer asked me about an allegation involving Tim
Griffin in a practice known as caging. And I said that I was aware
of an article on that subject, but I didntand here is my quote:
I didnt know anything about it personally. And that is perfectly
true. I didnt know anything about it personally.
The night before my hearing, I was given an article and a short
explanation. And I did not have an opportunity to read those
things. I knew about the existence of the issue. And I therefore did
not want to testify about a matter that I didnt know about personally. And I just said that at the time.
Mr. KELLER. You got it all out, on those four issues? That is your
Mr. MCNULTY. Yes, thank you.
Mr. KELLER. Okay. I will yield back, Madam Chairwoman.
Ms. SA NCHEZ. Thank you. I thank the gentleman.
At this time, I would like to recognize Mr. Conyers for 5 minutes
of questioning. Mr. Conyers?
Mr. CONYERS. Thank you, Madam Chair.
Now, did you just say you didnt know anything about caging?
Mr. MCNULTY. What I said was that when I was asked that
question at the Senate hearing all I knew about the subject at that
Mr. CONYERS. Was an article that you
Mr. MCNULTY [continuing]. Was that there was an article.
Mr. CONYERS. Was that article by Greg Palast about AfricanAmerican soldiers scrubbed by secret GOP hit list?
Mr. MCNULTY. Right
Mr. CONYERS. Dated June 16, 2006. Was that it, as you recall?
Mr. MCNULTY. That is the article I am referring to.
Mr. CONYERS. And didnt Monica Goodling tell you that caging
might come up at the hearing as she was briefing you?
Mr. MCNULTY. Yes, that is correct.
Mr. CONYERS. And did it come up?
Mr. MCNULTY. It did.
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Mr. CONYERS. And your response was you never looked at the
caging, even though Goodling told you, you saw the Greg Palast article, and it was put in your briefing testimony for the Senate, your
briefing book?
Mr. MCNULTY. Right.
Mr. CONYERS. And you didnt look at the material in your briefing book outside of the article?
Mr. MCNULTY. Mr. Chairman, I didnt read the article.
I was aware the article existed because Senator Pryor referred
to it in his testimony right before I got up to testify and Ms. Goodling had raised the issue the day before. But I had not read the
article and had not become familiar with the issue.
And even if I had read that article, Mr. Chairman, if I just may
say so, even if I had read that article and I was asked that question again by Senator Schumer, I would still be very careful before
I started speaking because information based upon just one article
Mr. CONYERS. But there was more in your briefing book.
Mr. MCNULTY. There was another Tim Griffin e-mail, which gave
his explanation of that article, which I have now seen, but I hadnt
read before I testified.
Mr. CONYERS. So could I infer that caging of Black voters may
not have been one of the high items on your list as your responsibility as Deputy Attorney General?
Mr. MCNULTY. Well, I am not sure what you mean by that. I
mean, the
Mr. CONYERS. What I mean by it is Goodling told you about it,
it is in your Senate testimony, and yet you failed to answer questions on the subject before the Senate, and you tell me even now
as of today, have you looked at it yet?
Mr. MCNULTY. I have now read the article and I have read that
Mr. CONYERS. No, I mean the whole subject matter of caging. I
mean, this disenfranchises lots of people.
Well, first of all, you know, caging is challenging lists of voters
that are usually minority voters, and
Mr. CANNON. Would the gentleman yield? Because I think Ms.
Goodling testified slightly about the
Mr. CONYERS. Wait a minute. Let me just finish the question.
Ms. SA NCHEZ. The time belongs to the gentleman from Michigan.
Let him finish his question.
Mr. CONYERS. Yes, I will get back to you, Chris. I always yield
to you. You know that.
But we have got a whole chain of testimony. This is one of the
big issues that came out of at least a couple of major elections in
this country. And you are saying, Yes, I was told about it. Yes, it
was in my tab in the briefing book for Senate testimony. And yes,
I looked at Palasts article, but I didnt read it.
Why does it not generate much concern or attention for you? For
me, voter rights is one of the big problems that we have in terms
of having it enforced in the Department of Justice.
Mr. MCNULTY. Well, Mr. Chairman, if I may respond, we are
dealing with two things here.
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First of all, with regard to what I knew at the hearing I went
to on February 6, I was about to go and testify on the question of
why certain U.S. attorneys were asked to leave, and specifically
what happened in the case of Arkansas.
The subject having to do with an article making an allegation
against a particular person like that was not directly related to
what I was doing. I was given an article the night before, I didnt
have the time and I didnt focus on that particular issue, because,
again, I was anticipating the hearing looking at other subjects.
Now, secondly, if you are raising with me as Deputy Attorney
General the question of caging votes, I am very happy to work with
you on that concern.
Mr. CONYERS. Good.
Mr. MCNULTY. I am not prepared today to give you a lengthy explanation of where that stands, if there is anything happening at
the Department of Justice on the matter.
Mr. CONYERS. Well, just your commitment that we will work on
it together is good enough for me.
Mr. MCNULTY. Well, you certainly have that commitment. You
know, I am obviously not going to be around a long time. But I certainly understand the importance of the issue to you, and the department takes any issue involving voting rights seriously, and we
will make sure that is understood.
Mr. CONYERS. Thank you.
Could I get an additional minute to yield to the Ranking minority leader of this Committee, as I always do when he asks?
Ms. SA NCHEZ. Without objection, so ordered.
Mr. CANNON. In fact, the Chairman is extraordinarily gracious in
this regard.
I just wanted to point out that the cagingwe needed that clear,
and I think Mr. McNulty was fair herecaging is, as I understand
it, a term of art for mail houses, and it relates to what you do with
a letter that comes back because it didnt have an address that
Mr. CONYERS. I see. And that is all you know about caging.
Mr. CANNON. That is what I think the term generally means. But
I am not an expert in the area at all.
Mr. CONYERS. Well, maybe I ought to bring you in and lets us
work together on this. Because we are talking about the caging, the
process where lists of voters to be challenged are generated that
deal with blocking them out of the voting process. It is not an issue
of the mail at all.
Mr. CANNON. Thank you. I yield back to the gentleman.
Ms. SA NCHEZ. Thank you.
I believe Mr. Cannon is recognized for 5 minutes.
Mr. CANNON. You know, I am actually willing to defer to one of
the Democrats, if you want to go ahead, and I will ask questions
if I feel like we need to later on. Thank you.
Ms. SA NCHEZ. I appreciate that, Mr. Cannon.
The gentleman from Georgia, Mr. Johnson, is recognized for 5
Mr. JOHNSON. Thank you, Madam Chair.
Mr. McNulty, you testified at the Senate Judiciary Committee
that Bud Cummins was forced out to make room for Tim Griffin
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to serve as U.S. attorney, and that it was not connecting to the
performance of Mr. Cummins.
Why did you believe that Bud Cummins was forced out just so
that Mr. Griffin could serve?
Mr. MCNULTY. Because that is how the facts were laid out for
me at the time that that was occurring.
It was occurring in the summer of 2006. And, as Ms. Goodling
mentioned, I was regularly briefed about the status of U.S. attorneys, in terms of where they are going. And I was told at that time
that Mr. Cummins was going to be encouraged to resign at some
point so that Mr. Griffin would have an opportunity to serve in
that position.
Mr. JOHNSON. And it was not a merit-or a performance-based
reason why Bud Cummins was asked to leave. It was for some
other reason, correct?
Mr. MCNULTY. I was never told that there was a performance
issue associated with why Mr. Cummins was being asked to step
Mr. JOHNSON. But you were told that there was a plan to install
Tim Griffin in that position, correct?
Mr. MCNULTY. Well, what I was told specifically was that he was
going to be going into the office with the hope of eventually becoming a U.S. attorney. But that would have been a multi-step process,
involving his nomination and confirmation. Initially, he would be
going in and he would have an opportunity to serve as the interim
U.S. attorney.
Mr. JOHNSON. Now, when you revealed the fact that Bud
Cummins was being replaced for non-performance reasons and that
the White House was involved in the decision to get rid of him and
put someone else, i.e., Tim Griffin, in his place, that angered some
people at the White House, correct?
Mr. MCNULTY. Evidently.
Mr. JOHNSON. And it angered Sara Taylor.
Mr. MCNULTY. I have seen the e-mail recently to that effect.
Mr. JOHNSON. It angered Mr. Rove.
Mr. MCNULTY. I dont know that for a fact.
Mr. JOHNSON. It angered the Attorney General.
Mr. MCNULTY. Apparently so.
Mr. JOHNSON. What gives you that impression?
Mr. MCNULTY. Again, an e-mail that came forward whichI
wasnt aware at the time that he was upset. But he
Mr. JOHNSON. When did you become aware that he was upset?
Mr. MCNULTY. When I read the e-mail, that he apparently was
very upset with my testimony, because he believed that it was a
performance-related issue associated with Bud Cummins.
Mr. JOHNSON. Did it appear that he wanted to maintain a stance
that all of the fired U.S. attorneys were fired due to performancebased reasons, as opposed to political reasons?
Mr. MCNULTY. Well, he explained that further at this hearing.
And I think what he said was that he just misunderstood. He
thought that there had been some performance issue associated
with Mr. Cummins and that he stood corrected once he learned
that that was not the case.
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Mr. JOHNSON. Didnt the Attorney General know at the time that
the preparations were ongoing to replace Bud Cummins with Tim
Griffin, that that process was taking place?
Mr. MCNULTY. I assume so. I dont know exactly when he became aware that Mr. Griffin was going into the Eastern District of
Arkansas to take that interim position at some point. I am not sure
when he first learned that.
Mr. JOHNSON. You told Senator Schumer that you did not have
information as to how Tim Griffin came to be appointed U.S. attorney in the Eastern District of Arkansas.
When Ms. Goodling testified before this Committee, she testified
that that was false, and she said that she had kept you informed
of the effort to remove Bud Cummins in order to arrange an opportunity for Mr. Griffin since the spring or early summer.
She stated that, The subject came up frequently in my briefings
over the course of the next 6 months. And she said that she was
confident that I had informed the deputy of Mr. Griffins background, and the White House had approved Griffin to go into
background investigation in advance of a nomination as early as
June or July. And she talked about subsequent discussions about
installing him as the interim U.S. attorney.
What is your response to that?
Mr. MCNULTY. Well, all of that, as best I can recall, is true. It
is just that it doesnt go to the question of where I may have not
answered, you know, her allegation.
The point is, she says that I did not answer Senator Schumers
question as to how he came to our attention. And I didnt know the
answer to that question when I was asked at my hearing, how did
we specifically come to know of Tim Griffins interest.
What I knew was everything that you just recited: that he had
come to our attention, that we had sent him to Arkansas, we had
asked Mr. Cummins to leave. And everyone knew, of course, of his
background, and Senator Schumer stated his background at my
hearing before I ever was even asked anything about him.
So the only issue here between Ms. Goodling and myself is the
question of how Tim Griffin came to our attention. That was what
I was asked. And I didnt know that answer at the time, as I have
explained today.
Ms. SA NCHEZ. Time of the gentleman has expired.
Mr. JOHNSON. Madam Chair, if I could have just 2 minutes more,
with unanimous consent.
Ms. SA NCHEZ. Without objection, so ordered.
Mr. JOHNSON. Mr. McNulty, in an e-mail titled McNulty Strikes
Againyou are familiar with that e-mail, right?
Mr. MCNULTY. Yes, I mentioned that a moment ago, that I read
that e-mail.
Mr. JOHNSON. Yes. That was from Sara Taylor, correct?
Mr. MCNULTY. That is right. That is what I read.
Mr. JOHNSON. She is the political director at the White House
under Karl Rove, correct?
Mr. MCNULTY. She was, I think.
Mr. JOHNSON. And she was very upset in that e-mail.
Mr. MCNULTY. Yes, I saw the e-mail, right.
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Mr. JOHNSON. And you characterize it as being from an angry
Mr. MCNULTY. I said that?
Mr. JOHNSON. Well, I am asking you. Was she angry?
Mr. MCNULTY. Oh, I dont know
Mr. JOHNSON. Think she was angry?
Mr. MCNULTY [continuing]. If she was an angry person or not.
I dont know. The e-mail speaks for itself.
Mr. JOHNSON. She said that, McNulty refuses to say Bud is lazy,
which is why we got rid of him in the first place. Do you remember seeing that in that e-mail?
Mr. MCNULTY. Yes, I do.
Mr. JOHNSON. Did you believe, at the time that you first read the
e-mail, that Bud Cummins was lazy, and did you refuse to testify
about that issue?
Mr. MCNULTY. I dont remember refusing.
Mr. JOHNSON. Well, actually
Mr. MCNULTY. No one has ever described Mr. Cummins to me
as being lazy.
Mr. JOHNSON. So you did not think he was lazy.
Mr. MCNULTY. No, I didnt.
Mr. JOHNSON. And so you disagreed with the characterization
that Ms. Taylor had made.
Mr. MCNULTY. I dont know where that was coming from. Maybe
someone told her that. I just dont know.
But as far as I was concerned, there was no issue like that associated with Mr. Cummins, and I dont recall anybody ever trying
to encourage me to think there was. And I had to reason to suggest
it when I testified.
Mr. JOHNSON. Okay. All right.
Now, according to Ms. Goodlings testimony before the Committee here in May, she said a decision was made that Kyle Sampson would personally inform you of the Attorney Generals designation order. Did Kyle Sampson ever personally brief you about the
delegation order that we have talked about earlier?
Mr. MCNULTY. I just cant remember.
When I was asked the questionwas it, I think, by you or perhaps Mr. Delahunt?I did try to put some reservation there that
I just dont have any memory of that prior to reading that story.
But if he did, it just doesnt stand out in my mind.
Mr. JOHNSON. And, again
Ms. SA NCHEZ. The time of the gentleman has expired.
I would like to recognize Ms. Lofgren, the gentlewoman from
California, for 5 minutes of questions.
Ms. LOFGREN. Thank you. Thank you, Madam Chairwoman.
I want to explore a little bit the situation in Missouri.
At the Department of Justice, Mr. Scholzman really oversaw
what seems to have been a dramatic shift within the Civil Rights
Division, particularly with respect to voting rights. And the focus
really on the enforcement activities went from protecting the rights
of eligible individuals to register and vote to encouragement of ID
requirements and voter roll purge programs.
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And the case that Mr. Scholzman brought under the National
Voting Rights Registration Act to force Missouri to purge its voter
rolls is just one example.
I am wondering, Mr. Scholzman came in almost immediately
after Mr. Graves was replaced. Were you in on this selection? What
can you tell us about Mr. Scholzmans selection?
Mr. MCNULTY. Not much. I wasnt involved in any decision to
have him become the interim there. I have no memory of being involved in any of that selection.
That would have been in, again, relatively early stages of my
time as deputy. I was confirmed on March 17, and it was probably
about March when that change was being made.
Ms. LOFGREN. Okay.
When Mr. Scholzman brought a case against four volunteers for
a group known as ACORN on voter registration fraud, and that
was the week before the election, contrary to the written guidance
of DOJ stating that prosecutors and investigators should be extremely careful not to conduct overt investigations during the preelection period or while the election is under way.
Are you familiar with this ACORN case that was brought?
Ms. LOFGREN. Did you have a role in approving the indictments
in that case?
Mr. MCNULTY. Yes, I will explain where the deputys office came
into that.
And really quickly, I am going on the back of your last question.
An individual in my office is involved in interviewing interims that
go into officesDavid Margolisand so I am not clear, just sitting
here today, what role he played in that selection. But it is quite
likely that he was involved in that discussion. I just dont, personally, have any memory of that.
Ms. LOFGREN. Well, if I can
Ms. LOFGREN [continuing]. Mr. Scholzman says it was Mike
Elston who had spoken to him prior to the indictments.
Mr. MCNULTY. Oh, yes. I will switch to that subject now. That
is the ACORN issue you are asking about.
Ms. LOFGREN. That is correct.
Mr. MCNULTY. Okay. What happened was that sometime shortly
before those indictments were returned, we received notification
that there was an intention to seek the indictments. I am not sure
if it was a phone call to Mike or a urgent report or something to
that effect.
We notified the Attorney Generals Office that this was occurring.
We told the Western District of Missouri to hold on until we had
reviewed what was going on.
We then checked with the Criminal Division responsiblethe
Public Integrity Section oversees this area of the lawand found
out in discussing it with them and with this office in the Western
District of Missouri and the assistant United States attorneys involved, some form of consultation, that the Criminal Division had
no objection to this going forward at that time.
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And, therefore, we informed the Attorney Generals Office to that
effect and were told that there was no objection or to the case being
Ms. LOFGREN. Well, what about the policy of the department that
opposed bringing these indictments? Did you consider that?
Mr. MCNULTY. Well, that is what we looked for when we consulted with the Criminal Division.
The people who were responsible for developing that policy and
overseeing that policy are the Public Integrity Section folks in the
Criminal Division. And those same folks, who established that policy and police it, were the ones who said that this did not violate
that policy and that it could be done. And once we were aware of
that, we
Ms. LOFGREN. Well, are you aware that Mr. Schlozman has now
told the Senate that he wants to clarify that the Public Integrity
Section never directed or advised him on this case?
Mr. MCNULTY. Well, as best I know this issue, he
Ms. LOFGREN. That is what we have been told, at least.
Mr. MCNULTY. Right. It is a question of the word. I believe there
is some communication about using the word directed versus
seeking the advice.
Ms. LOFGREN. Well, it says directed or advised, is what he said.
Mr. MCNULTY. Well, advised there I think may also be a question of whether or not he was being prompted to or advised to do
something proactively as opposed to consulting and getting the
input from that office. Because I am pretty confident that the office
Ms. LOFGREN. Well, if I could, because that is contradictory to
what we have been told. And if we could follow up in writing on
this, I think that would help.
Mr. MCNULTY. I am very happy to help you try to get the clear
answer to it. But I think the record is that the Criminal Division
was consulted and that he got the information he needed to know
that it was appropriate to go forward. And I believe right now he
is trying to make sure that he doesnt
Ms. LOFGREN. Well, if we can count on your written clarification,
I think that would be best.
Mr. MCNULTY. Absolutely.
Ms. LOFGREN. And, if I may, with unanimous consent, I would
like written clarification on one other item, if I may.
Ms. SA NCHEZ. Without objection.
Ms. LOFGREN. I serve on the House Administration Committee as
well, and Chair the Elections Subcommittee. And we have been exploring with the Election Assistance Commission various communications between the Department of Justice and that commission,
and have come across an e-mail between Hans von Spakovsky, formerly of the DOJ, about a deal that he believed he made with the
EAC on how the DOJ would consider changing its position on
whether voters could vote or not.
And I would like to know whether it was practice for the DOJ
to make deals about the proper interpretation of laws and whether
this deal was brought to your attention.
And I will submit the e-mails to you for your written response,
seeing that my light is on.
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And I thank the gentlelady for her
Ms. SA NCHEZ. And I thank the gentlewoman from California.
Mr. Cannon is recognized for 5 minutes.
Mr. CANNON. I thank you, Madam Chair.
I want to thank you, Mr. McNulty, for being here with us today.
You have been forthright. You have been directly responsive to
questions, sometimes compound questions, and that is a little difficult. You have been thorough in your answers. And I appreciate
that. And I think you have done your reputation a great service
today with the way you have handled the questioning here.
I would like to ask a couple questions about Will Moschella.
After our review of thousands of pages of documents and testimony provided to this Committee, it is evident that Mr. Moschella
had no role in the decision to fire any U.S. attorney, yet you directed him to testify before this Committee in early March.
Do you agree with my statement that Mr. Moschella had no role
in the decision to fire any of the U.S. attorneys?
Mr. MCNULTY. That is correct.
Mr. CANNON. Thank you.
Some of the e-mails provided to this Committee show that you
directed Mr. Moschella to testify. Can you tell us why?
Mr. MCNULTY. Well, first of all, as to the previous question, he
began as the principal associate Deputy Attorney General just
shortly before the final process. And therefore I have no memory
of his involvement.
He did attend a meeting with the Attorney General on November
27. But again, that would have been the first weeks of his job as
PADAG, so he had very little
Mr. CANNON. Context?
Mr. MCNULTY [continuing]. Understanding. Yes, context and involvement.
The simple answer to your question about Mr. Moschellas testifying is because I already had suffered enough and I wanted to
look for a way to share the pain. [Laughter.]
As you can see, testimony can always be a tricky business.
But the simple fact is, well, there arent that many people who
are candidates for testimony on a matter that cuts across, sort of,
leadership issues and so forth. And from time to time, you know,
the PADAG isthat is the position he hasis stuck with the short
straw. And that is how it happened in his case.
Mr. CANNON. And, of course, he has worked for this Committee
as well and is well-liked on the Committee and well-respected. And
I think he has acquitted himself very, very well in the process.
Mr. MCNULTY. Well, Mr. Cannon, maybe I should be a little bit
more fulsome, too.
I mean, he also, we knew, would be an excellent witness because
he is a very intelligent guy, and he prepared himself as well as he
could and came here. And as I tried, he answered the questions as
fully and completely as he knew at the time.
Mr. CANNON. Yes. Based on everything you know, do you believe
that Mr. Moschella testified truthfully and without intent to mislead when he testified before this Committee?
Mr. MCNULTY. Absolutely.
Mr. CANNON. Thank you.
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This has been a very difficult process for everyone. I hope that
we can get to the truth of the matter fairly quickly.
And I think that Mr. Keller would like me to yield to him, and
I would be happy to do that.
Mr. KELLER. Thank you.
I just have one question for you, Mr. McNulty.
Earlier Mr. Delahunt was asking about, kind of, being cut out of
the loop with a memorandum that essentially delegates certain
personnel authority. And there is something called a control sheet
on this issue dated February 24, 2006. And then sure enough this
order was signed by the Attorney General on March 1, 2006.
You recall Mr. Delahunt talking to you about that effectively
Mr. KELLER [continuing]. Cutting you out of the loop.
I was curious about how that arose and what led to you being
cut out of the loop. And I had the staff research it for me, and I
see an e-mail from Monica Goodling on January 19, 2006, a few
days before, asking that this be done outside of the system, in effect around the deputy attorney.
This is dated January 19, 2006, from Monica Goodling to Paul
Corts. It says, Please do a delegation from A.G. to his chief of staff
and White House liaison, which is her, by position titles. Okay to
send directly to me outside of system. Thank you.
Were you aware that she was the one that requested, in effect,
that you be cut out of the loop on this delegation of authority?
Mr. MCNULTY. Well, that came to my attention, I believe, in the
context of that article that appeared a month or so ago about this
Mr. KELLER. Do you know why?
Mr. MCNULTY. I dont know why. I just dont understand the full
background to this. And, again, I would only be speculating. I just
dont know.
Mr. KELLER. All right.
Mr. Cannon, I yield back.
Mr. CANNON. Reclaiming my time, I would ask unanimous consent to submit for the record or to be included in the record an article in the L.A. Times, U.S. Attorneys Fallout Seeps into the
Courts, and just make a point
Ms. SA NCHEZ. Without objection, so ordered.
[The article follows:]
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Mr. CANNON. Thank you, Madam Chairwoman.
Just to make a final point here
Ms. SA NCHEZ. That is 2 seconds.
Mr. CANNON. Maybe the Chair would indulge me for
Ms. SA NCHEZ. We will grant you an additional 30 seconds.
Mr. CANNON. Defense lawyers in a growing number of cases are
raising questions about the motives of Government lawyers who
have brought charges against their clients. In court papers, they
are citing the furor over the U.S. attorneys dismissals as evidence
that their cases may have been infected by politics.
This is not a neutral process that we are involved in. And I have
tried to work very hard today to get all the questions out that we
could ask Mr. McNulty. I thank the majority and also the Members
of our side for their intensity. And hope that we could actually
move on, beyond this issue, quickly, because it is important to the
Thank you. And I yield back.
Ms. SA NCHEZ. Thank you, Mr. Cannon, for your cooperation.
I would also like to thank Deputy Attorney General McNulty for
his testimony today. I believe that your testimony will be a great
help in helping us get to the truth in this entire matter.
Without objection, Members will have 5 legislative days to submit any additional written questions, which we will then forward
to you and ask that you answer as promptly as you can, to be made
part of the record.
Without objection, the record will remain open for 5 legislative
days for the submission of any other additional materials.
And, again, I want to thank everybody for their time and their
And this hearing of the Subcommittee on Commercial and Administrative Law is adjourned.
[Whereupon, at 2:23 p.m., the Subcommittee was adjourned.]
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to their decisions to prosecute or not prosecute cases, and that Federal laws, such
as the Presidential Records Act and the Hatch Act, may have been violated.
The American people deserve the truth about these issues. We hope todays hearing will shed light on the facts so we can ensure our Federal system of justice does
in fact do justice.
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