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Bulletin427 89-91

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Eirik Mauring & Jan Steinar Ranning

NGU - BULL 427, 1995


Combined use of common depth point and common offset

techniques in shallow reflection seismics

Eirik Mauring & Jan Steinar Rann ing, Norges geologiske underseketse, P.O.Box 3006-Lade, 7002 Trondheim, Norway.

Introd uction
The application of high-resolution shallow reflection seismics is dependent on the ability of the
near-surface material to propagate high-frequency seismic energy in the 100-500 Hz range. In
overburden, this is normally encountered in areas with a high water-table and fine-grained surface materials (Hunter et al. 1984). Under these
conditions, reflectors at depths of ten to several
hundred metres can be mapped. Over the last
ten years equipment has been developed to
transmit and record high-frequency seismic
energy using in-hole shotguns, high-frequency
geophones and digital seismographs with a high
dynamic range. The method has become more
cost-effective through the introduction of the

The common depth point and common offset techniques

Ground ro ll Airwave


Choos ing the optimum window


microcomputer for data acquisition and processing. High-resolution shallow reflection seismics
can now be successfully applied to geological,
engineering and environmental problems (e.g.
Meekes et al. 1990, Pullan & Hunter 1990, Miller
& Steeples 1994). The most commonly applied
shallow reflection seismic techniques are common offset (CO) (or optimum offset) (Hunter et
al. 1984) and common depth point (COP). In this
contribution we discuss the pros and cons of
both methods. We also show how CO-data can
be derived from data recorded with the COP
technique and how CO- and COP-data both can
be used in the interpretation of reflection seismic
time sections.

Offset " ,

Optimum window

Fig. 1. Common events on a wal kaway noise test reco rd.

A seismic time section is shown in Fig. 1 (from

Hunter et al. 1988). The section was recorded as
a walkaway noise test (Knapp & Steeples 1986).
The optimum window (Hunter et al. 1984) is the
horizontal range in which reflectors of interest
can be viewed with a minimum of noise interference. To reduce the amount of surgical muting,
the left (near-offset) side of the window is chosen
so that noise events from surface waves (ground
roll and ground-coupled airwaves) arrive after
the reflections from the deepest target of interest. There are several factors governing the
choice of the right (far-offset) side of the window;
(1) reflections from shallow targets will interfere
with the direct wave or refractions at great offsets; (2) reflections from shallow targets will be
wide-angle and suffer from phase- and amplitude
changes according to the Zoeppritz equations
(Pullan & Hunter 1985); (3) apparent low frequency pulses and loss of resolution will be the
result after time stretching from NMO corrections
(see below) of wide-angle reflections.
From the points listed above, it is obvious that
the choice of the position of the right side of the
optimum window will affect the definition of shallow reflectors.


Eirik Mauring & Jan Steinar Ronning

GU BULL 427. 1995

-' .

directio n

Co verage for
eaeh record

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Fig. 2. Common depth point profiling.

I 2 3 4 5 6

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, ".. ~,.... ,

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Fig. 3. Example of source-receiver configurations in a CDP


into COP gathers (Fig. 3). Prior to stac king the

traces in the COP gathers, one has to perform
normal mov e-out (NMO) correction. This correction has the effect of moving the source and
receiver to the location directly above the reflection 'point'. The correction is dynam ic, and its
magnit ude is depe ndent on source-rec eiver offset, two-way trave ltime to a reflector and the
seism ic velocity of the medium above a reflector.
Velocit ies can be found by performing velocity
analysis on COP gathers . The NMO correct ion
involves time stretching that becomes severe at
large offsets and for shallow reflectors. Thus,
shallow reflectors won't stack or they become illdefined and blurred. To be able to record both
shallow and deep reflectors with a minimum of
surgical muting, the optimum window can be quite narrow, and the produc tion rate becomes
The extraction of common offset (CO) data
from multichannel records allows us to broaden
the optimum window . By doing so, there will be
noise from surfa ce waves on the near-offset traces late on the COP record that can be removed
by surg ical muting. CO-data can be assembled
by picking the same channel from subsequent
COP records . CO can also be carried out as a
stand -alone acquisition technique as shown in
Fig. 4. Depth conversion of CO records is nonlinear.

Common of fset

Pros and cons of the COP and CO

techn iques



Fig. 4. Common offset profiling.

Short outline of the COP and CO

techn iques
When conduct ing a COP seismic reflection survey, it is ideal to place all receivers equal spaced
in-line inside the optimum window . Once having
found the appropriate source -and-receiver spacing and the offset from source to the near-offset
receiver, a COP survey can be conducted acco rding to Fig. 2. The recorded traces are sorted

Whi le the COP technique requires cost- and

time-consum ing processing , very little proces sing is needed with the CO technique , allowing
the user to quic kly obtain a picture of the subsurface without having to first determine its velocity
structure . Oata acquis ition efficiency is quite
similar for the two techn iques. Oue to multifold
coverage of subsurface reflectors , the signal-tonoise ratio is better with the COP techn ique.
Shallow reflectors are often ill-defined with the
COP technique due to large offsets and wideangle reflections. The definition of shallow reflectors can in some cases be improved by performing amplitude versus offset (AVO) analysis to
reduce move-out errors (Ursin & Ekren in press).

Examples of COP and CO records

The first example is from Vigra, western Norway.
The objective of the survey was to map bedrock
topography. Fig. 5 shows the COP record (left)
and the CO record. The records are derived from
the same multichanne l records . Recording time
is 100 ms, distance from source to the near-offset receiver is 20 m and the receive r spacing is 4

Eirik Mauring & Jan Steinar Ronning

NGU BULL 427. 1995

spacing is 5 m. The records are dominated by

horizontal reflectors, probably representing layered sand/silt (according to Riis, 1992). The event
at 105-110 ms is the bedrock reflector. Events
between 20 and 30 ms on the COP record appear low-frequent and incoherent due to NMO time
stretching. Shallow reflectors can more reliably
be detected on the CO record. In the example, a
weak overburde n reflector can be observed at
about 30 ms (indicated by arrows).

" .,. ... u .. ' '' f


~ II









4 1\

~ 50
w 60 _
;: 70





Fig. 5. COP (left) and CO records derived from the same multichannel records . Arrows denote bedrock reflector.

m. The CO record was assembled by picking the

first trace from each multichannel record. The
example illustrates the problem with shallow
reflectors on COP records. The shallow bedrock
reflector on the CO record (indicated by arrows)
cannot be recognised on the COP record due to
NMO time stretching and far-offset interference
with direct/refracted waves.
The second example is from Haslemoen,
southeastern Norway. The objective of the survey was to delineate intra-alluvial structures. Fig.
6 shows the COP record (left) and the corresponding CO record, illustrating the better signal-tonoise ratio that can be achieved with the COP
technique. Recording time is 300 ms (only a part
of the record is shown). Distance from source to
the near-offset receiver is 10 m and the receiver






'" a 0







Fig. 6. COP (left) and CO records derived from the same multichannel records. Arrows denote shallow , overb urden reflect or.

COP- and CO-data can both be derived from

multichannel records. While COP-data offer a
higher signal-to-noise ratio than CO, it is shown
that using only COP-data can give poor resolution of very shallow reflectors. In the interpretation
of seismic reflection data the combined use of
COP- and CO-data has proven to give more
information than by using either COP- or COdata.
Ackno wledgements
The authors wish to than k Drs, Bo H. Jacobsen, Ole B. Lile and
Mark A. Smethurst for reviewing this paper.

Hunter, JA , Pullan, S.E., Burns, RA , Gagne, R.M. &
Good, R.C. 1984: Shallow seismic reflection mapping of the overburden-bedrock interface with the
engineering seismograph - some simple techniques. Geophysics 49, 1381-1385.
Hunter, JA, Pullan, S.E. & Higgins, R. 1988:
Geometrics short course on shallow seismic reflection for engineering and geotechnical studies.
Unpublished course notes.
Knapp, R.W. & Steeples, D.W. 1986: High resolution
common-depth-point reflection profiling: Field
acquisition parameter design. Geophysics 51 , 283294.
Meekes, JA C., Scheffers, B.C. & Ridder, J. 1990:
Optimization of high-resolution seismic reflection
parameters for hydrogeological investigations in the
Netherlands. First break 8, July 1990 , 263-270.
Miller, RD. & Steeples, D.W. 1994: Applications of
shallow high-resolution seismic reflection to various
environmental problems. Journ. Appl . Geophys . 3t ,
Pullan, S.E. & Hunter, JA 1985: Seismic model studies of the overburden-bedrock reflection. Geophysics 50 ,1 684-1688 .
Pullan, S.E. & Hunter, JA 1990: Delineation of buried
bedrock valleys using the optimum offset shallow
seismic reflection technique. In Ward, S.H. (ed.),
Geotechnical and environmental geophysics , vollll:
Soc. Expl. Geophys., 75-88.
Riis, V. 1992: Avsetningsmodell og hydrog eologi av
Haslemoen. Cand. Scient. Thesis, Univ. Oslo, 168
Ursin, B. & Ekren, B.O. in press: Robust AVO analysis.
Geophys ics.

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