Review Article: Inflammation, Vasospasm, and Brain Injury After Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Review Article: Inflammation, Vasospasm, and Brain Injury After Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Review Article: Inflammation, Vasospasm, and Brain Injury After Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Review Article
Inflammation, Vasospasm, and Brain Injury
after Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Brandon A. Miller,1 Nefize Turan,1 Monica Chau,2 and Gustavo Pradilla1,3
Department of Neurological Surgery, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA, USA
Division of Neuropathology, Department of Pathology, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA, USA
Cerebrovascular Research Laboratory, Grady Memorial Hospital, Emory University School of Medicine, 1365 Clifton Road,
NE, Suite B6166, Atlanta, GA, USA
1. Introduction
Subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) remains a devastating disease, leaving survivors with neurological injuries that range
from subtle cognitive deficits to disabling cerebral infarctions.
While treatment continues to evolve and improve, there are
few therapies that treat the underlying pathological mechanisms of SAH. Additionally, there is no clear explanation
for the heterogeneity among patients with SAH, with some
recovering well and others worsening after their initial ictus.
In this review, we will discuss the evidence supporting the role
of inflammation as a direct mediator of neurological injury
after SAH and a causative factor of post-SAH vasospasm.
We hypothesize that the diffuse inflammatory response after
SAH results in acute and chronic neurological injury and
vasospasm and that patients with more severe inflammatory responses may experience worse outcomes after SAH.
An improved understanding of the inflammatory pathways
experimental data showing that CSF from patients with
SAH increased rolling and adhesion of leukocytes in an
in vitro mouse model [7]. While there are other studies
showing elevation of E-selectin after SAH [8], some have
failed to detect E-selectin in the CSF of patients with SAH,
even when other inflammatory molecules, such as monocyte
chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), were elevated [9]. Other
cytokines that have been widely cited to play a role in
SAH, such as tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF), also show
wide variation in expression when compared across different
studies. For instance, Kikuchi and colleagues found elevated
levels of interleukin- (IL-) 6 and IL-8 but not TNF after
SAH, while other groups have found elevations of TNF
in the CSF after SAH [2, 10, 11]. One recent study found
detectable levels of TNF in only 30% of patients after SAH,
indicating that the inflammatory response after SAH may
be quite heterogeneous [12]. The differences across these
studies may be the result of different CSF collection times
after SAH, alternative methods of detection used, or diverse
patient populations. In addition, cross contamination of CSF
with blood during collection from ventricular or lumbar
sources is rarely accounted for. The volume of blood present
within the subarachnoid space would obviously affect the
levels of cytokines present in CSF, and therefore cytokine
concentration in CSF may reflect the volume of SAH rather
than the magnitude of the inflammatory response within the
One of the most widely studied molecules in SAH is
endothelin-1 (ET-1), a vasoconstrictor produced by endothelial cells. ET-1 has been detected in CSF from patients with
SAH and can be produced by monocytes isolated from
CSF of SAH patients [13, 14]. ET-1 has been implicated
in the development of vasospasm after SAH [15] and will
be discussed in detail later in this review. As with many
other proinflammatory molecules, the expression of ET-1 is
highly variable: in a study by Fassbender and colleagues,
ET-1 was not found in CSF of control subjects, and only
46% of patients with SAH had detectable levels of ET-1
[13]. Though the averaged results of both groups revealed a
significant increase in ET-1 after SAH, this demonstrates that
not all patients with SAH experience the same inflammatory
response. Furthermore, a study from a different group failed
to detect ET-1 after SAH [16]. This heterogeneity is readily
apparent to clinicians treating SAH, as many patients move
through their posthemorrhage course with few complications, while others experience severe complications such as
vasospasm and cerebral edema, which may both be driven by
an inflammatory response [17, 18].
2.2. Detection of Inflammatory Mediators in Blood after SAH.
In addition to the inflammatory cytokines found within CSF
in patients after SAH, a systemic increase in inflammatory
mediators after SAH is well documented [1, 19, 20]. This
systemic increase in inflammatory cytokines after SAH is
predictive of poor outcome and may be related to a late, rather
than early, inflammatory response [2124]. Other markers
of systemic inflammation, such as high body temperature
and leukocytosis, have also correlated with worse outcomes
experimental data showing that CSF from patients with
SAH increased rolling and adhesion of leukocytes in an
in vitro mouse model [7]. While there are other studies
showing elevation of E-selectin after SAH [8], some have
failed to detect E-selectin in the CSF of patients with SAH,
even when other inflammatory molecules, such as monocyte
chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), were elevated [9]. Other
cytokines that have been widely cited to play a role in
SAH, such as tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF), also show
wide variation in expression when compared across different
studies. For instance, Kikuchi and colleagues found elevated
levels of interleukin- (IL-) 6 and IL-8 but not TNF after
SAH, while other groups have found elevations of TNF
in the CSF after SAH [2, 10, 11]. One recent study found
detectable levels of TNF in only 30% of patients after SAH,
indicating that the inflammatory response after SAH may
be quite heterogeneous [12]. The differences across these
studies may be the result of different CSF collection times
after SAH, alternative methods of detection used, or diverse
patient populations. In addition, cross contamination of CSF
with blood during collection from ventricular or lumbar
sources is rarely accounted for. The volume of blood present
within the subarachnoid space would obviously affect the
levels of cytokines present in CSF, and therefore cytokine
concentration in CSF may reflect the volume of SAH rather
than the magnitude of the inflammatory response within the
One of the most widely studied molecules in SAH is
endothelin-1 (ET-1), a vasoconstrictor produced by endothelial cells. ET-1 has been detected in CSF from patients with
SAH and can be produced by monocytes isolated from
CSF of SAH patients [13, 14]. ET-1 has been implicated
in the development of vasospasm after SAH [15] and will
be discussed in detail later in this review. As with many
other proinflammatory molecules, the expression of ET-1 is
highly variable: in a study by Fassbender and colleagues,
ET-1 was not found in CSF of control subjects, and only
46% of patients with SAH had detectable levels of ET-1
[13]. Though the averaged results of both groups revealed a
significant increase in ET-1 after SAH, this demonstrates that
not all patients with SAH experience the same inflammatory
response. Furthermore, a study from a different group failed
to detect ET-1 after SAH [16]. This heterogeneity is readily
apparent to clinicians treating SAH, as many patients move
through their posthemorrhage course with few complications, while others experience severe complications such as
vasospasm and cerebral edema, which may both be driven by
an inflammatory response [17, 18].
2.2. Detection of Inflammatory Mediators in Blood after SAH.
In addition to the inflammatory cytokines found within CSF
in patients after SAH, a systemic increase in inflammatory
mediators after SAH is well documented [1, 19, 20]. This
systemic increase in inflammatory cytokines after SAH is
predictive of poor outcome and may be related to a late, rather
than early, inflammatory response [2124]. Other markers
of systemic inflammation, such as high body temperature
and leukocytosis, have also correlated with worse outcomes
4.2. Inflammatory Molecules Linked to Development of
Vasospasm. Among inflammatory molecules linked to cerebral vasospasm, the selectin family, which consists of three
members: E-selectin, platelet- (P-) selectin, and leukocyte(L-) selectin, has been extensively studied. These molecules
facilitate leukocyte binding and migration through vascular endothelium towards injured tissue. L-selectin and Eselectin are constitutively expressed on cell surfaces whereas
P-selectin expression requires activation by histamine or
thrombin [93]. E-selectin is elevated in the CSF of SAH
patients with higher concentrations seen in patients who
develop moderate or severe vasospasm [3]. Inhibition of
E-selectin with an inhibitory antibody [62] and E-selectin
tolerization via intranasal administration have decreased
vasospasm in rodent SAH models [63]. However, not all
data point to selectins having deleterious effects after SAH:
while P-selectin levels were higher in patients with SAH
who developed cerebral ischemia after SAH, L-selectins were
higher in patients who did not develop delayed ischemia
[23, 94].
Integrins are cell surface proteins that facilitate cell-cell
adhesion and interaction. The main integrins involved
in leukocyte adhesion and migration are lymphocyte
function-associated antigen 1 (LFA-1) and Mac-1 integrin
(CD11b/CD18). Systemically administered anti-LFA-1 and
Mac-1 monoclonal antibodies reduce vasospasm in rat [64],
rabbit [65], and primate [66] SAH models. Immunoglobulin
superfamily proteins, such as ICAM-1, play a role in
leukocyte adhesion and are upregulated in patients who
develop clinical vasospasm [3] as well as in rabbit [70]
and canine SAH models [47]. Anti-ICAM-1 monoclonal
antibodies were shown to decrease femoral artery vasospasm
and inhibit infiltration of macrophages and neutrophils into
blood vessel adventitia in a rodent model [95] and reduce
vasospasm in a rabbit model of SAH [71].
Key proinflammatory cytokines elevated in experimental
models and patients with vasospasm include IL-1B, IL-6, IL8, TNF, and MCP-1. IL-6 has been shown to peak early
after SAH, suggesting that it may be an early marker for
predicting vasospasm development [9, 11, 47, 96101]. TNF
levels in poor-grade SAH patients were shown to correlate
with severity of vasospasm [68] and serum MCP-1 levels were
associated with predicting negative outcome but not severity
of vasospasm [21]. Cytokine inhibitor CNI-1493 [72], antiIL-6 antibodies [102], anti-IL-1B antibodies [67], and TNF
inhibitors [103] have all been shown to attenuate vasospasm
in animal models.
Several studies have examined intracellular signaling
pathways activated during inflammation and their role
in vasospasm. Mitogen-activated protein-kinase (MAPK)
and nuclear factor kappa-B (NfB) intracellular signaling
pathways are crucial in generating inflammatory immune
responses [104]. Jun N-terminal kinase 1 (JNK1) and JNK2,
which are part of MAPK family, are activated in the cerebral
vasculature after experimental SAH and their inhibition
reduces vasospasm [105, 106]. Inhibition of JNK was also
effective at reversing the vasoconstrictive effects of tenascinC in a rat model of SAH [92]. Poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase
(PARP) is a nuclear enzyme that regulates adhesion molecule
expression and neutrophil recruitment during inflammation
[107]. In a rabbit model of SAH, Satoh and colleagues showed
PARP activation within the smooth muscle and adventitia of
blood-exposed vessels and that PARP inhibition decreased
the severity of vasospasm [108].
The complement pathway of antibacterial proteins also
affects vasospasm after SAH. Complement depletion by
treatment with cobra venom [109] and prevention of complement activation with nafamostat mesilate, a serine protease
inhibitor, reduced vasospasm in experimental models [90,
110] and human subjects [111, 112]. Moreover, expression of
the membrane attack complex (MAC) is increased in a rat
model of SAH and can be responsible for lysis of extravasated
erythrocytes and release of hemoglobin after SAH [113].
Recently, the lectin complement pathway (LCP) has also
shown to be activated after SAH, and LCP activity has been
linked to SAH severity and vasospasm in humans [114].
Oxidative signaling and oxidative stress are effectors
of the immune response in many central nervous system
diseases [115], and it is likely that the balance of oxidative
stress and antioxidants influences response to and recovery
from SAH. Haptoglobin is a serum protein composed of
tetramer of two and two chains. Its main action is to bind
free hemoglobin and facilitate its uptake and clearance. This
has a net effect of reducing oxidative stress caused by free
hemoglobin [116, 117]. Three phenotypes of haptoglobin (Hp)
have been identified in humans: Hp 1-1, Hp 2-1, and Hp 2-2
[118]. In humans, the haptoglobin proteins with -2 subunits
have been associated with higher rates of vasospasm compared to haptoglobin 1-1 [119]. Similarly, genetically modified Hp 2-2 mice experience increased macrophage infiltration in the subarachnoid space, more severe vasospasm, and
worse functional outcome after SAH [120]. Recently, Hp 2-2
phenotype was associated with neurological deterioration but
not cerebral infarction or unfavorable outcome in one clinical
SAH study [121]; however, another recent study did find worse
clinical outcomes in patients with the 2-2 phenotype [122].
Ongoing work in this area will further clarify the role of
haptoglobin phenotype in SAH.
Endothelium-derived relaxing factor or nitric oxide (NO)
is synthesized enzymatically by three main nitric oxide
synthase (NOS) isoforms, endothelial (eNOS), neuronal
(nNOS), and macrophage inducible NOS (iNOS) [123].
Under physiologic conditions, NO affects signaling pathways
for vasodilation and cytoprotection among many others [123,
124]. The function of eNOS can be altered in many disease
states such as atherosclerosis, hypertension, and diabetes
mellitus, in which case eNOS starts to produce superoxide
anion (O2 ) instead of NO, an alteration defined as eNOS
uncoupling [125]. Increased eNOS and iNOS expression
were detected in mice after SAH, and this physiological
response to SAH is decreased in proinflammatory Hp 22 transgenic mice compared with Hp 1-1 mice [126, 127].
In an animal model of SAH, simvastatin was shown to
recouple eNOS and improve outcome after SAH [128]. On the
other hand, genetic elimination of eNOS in knockout mice
reduces the incidence of vasospasm and reduces oxidative
stress as measured by superoxide production but has no effect
on iNOS [129]. eNOS knockout mice also exhibit reduced
receiving statins after SAH. Another case-control study
showed that oral atorvastatin treatment decreased vasospasm
and cerebral ischemia but did not lead to significant functional improvement 1 year after SAH [184]. In a phase-II
randomized controlled trial enrolling 80 patients with SAH,
patients treated with oral pravastatin 72 hours after SAH had
a 32% reduction in vasospasm incidence, and vasospasmrelated neurologic deficits and mortality were decreased by
83% and 75%, respectively [185]. Subsequently, pravastatin
was also effective at sustaining the improved neurological
outcome at 6 months after the treatment [186]. A Cochrane
review of clinical trials on statins after SAH concluded
that, in the only clinical trial that met criteria, although
simvastatin improved vasospasm, mortality, and functional
outcome, these benefits were not statistically significant [187].
Currently, clinical trials including simvastatin in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (STASH) trial are ongoing
Nitric oxide (NO) depletion contributes to the pathogenesis of cerebral vasospasm after SAH [188, 189]. Therefore,
several NO donors have been investigated for treatment of
vasospasm. Intrathecal NO supplementation via controlledreleased polymers was shown to prevent vasospasm in rat
and rabbit models of SAH [190, 191] and delayed polymer
implantation 24 or 48 hours after SAH has been shown
to be still effective at ameliorating vasospasm [191]. Several
other studies have also shown that selective intracerebral
NO injection, [192] intraventricular NO injection [193],
and systemic nitrite infusions can improve the severity or
decrease the incidence of vasospasm in experimental and
clinical studies [189]. Intravenous sodium nitrate (NaNO2 )
was also shown to reduce the degree of vasospasm and
nitrite, nitrate, and S-nitrosothiols concentrations in CSF
were found to be increased compared to controls in primate
model of SAH [194]. L-citrulline is an amino acid that
when converted to L-arginine increases nitric oxide (NO)
production by NO synthase (NOS), leading to vasodilation
[195]. L-citrulline administration has been shown to prevent posthemorrhagic cerebral vasospasm in the transgenic
Hp 2-2 model of SAH, improve neurological function as
determined by PGA (posture, grooming, and ambulation)
scores, and reverse the decrease in upregulation of iNOS and
eNOS expression in Hp 2-2 animals compared with baseline
levels in mice [126]. Besides vasodilation, NO supplementation can have anti-inflammatory effects through modulating
leukocyte-endothelial cell interactions in the acute inflammatory response. Inhibitors of NO production increase leukocyte adherence [196], and NO modulates oxidative stress
[197] and microvascular permeability [198, 199]. The antiinflammatory effects of NO through prevention of leukocyte
adhesion have been linked with its ability to inactivate the
superoxide anion [200]. Besides ameliorating vasospasm,
whether NO donors including citrulline can help recoupling
of eNOS, decrease the inflammatory infiltration, and decrease
neuronal apoptosis requires further investigation. Other NO
donors such as sodium nitroprusside and nitroglycerin are
not considered as potential candidates due to their side
effects such as dose-limiting hypotension, cyanide toxicity,
and tolerance development [201].
Clazosentan, a synthetic endothelin receptor antagonist
(ETRA), has been investigated as a potential treatment
for vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage [202]. In
the CONSCIOUS-1 trial, an intravenous infusion of clazosentan 5 mg/h decreased vasospasm but the study was
not powered to detect changes in morbidity and mortality
[203]. In CONSCIOUS-2, a phase-III randomized controlled
trial, including 1,157 patients, clazosentan infusion up to
14 days after hemorrhage did not reduce vasospasm-related
morbidity and mortality or improve functional outcome
[75]. A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials for
ETRAs for the treatment of vasospasm, including 5 trials
with 2601 patients, showed that ETRAs decreased incidence
of angiographic vasospasm; however, they did not improve
functional outcome, vasospasm-related cerebral infarction,
or mortality [204]. As a result, the use of ETRAs in patients
with SAH was not proven to be beneficial [204]. These studies
reinforce that vasospasm alone cannot be accounted for the
neurological deficits and functional outcome after SAH and
treatment strategies that only target improving or preventing
vasospasm are not likely to succeed.
Cilostazol is a selective phosphodiesterase III inhibitor
that is used to treat ischemic peripheral vascular disease and
exhibits anti-inflammatory properties including inhibiting
microglial activation [205, 206]. Oral cilostazol administration prevented vasospasm in a rat model of SAH [207] and
reduced endothelial damage in a canine model of SAH [208].
Clinical studies have demonstrated effectiveness of cilostazol
in decreasing incidence and severity of vasospasm [209,
210]. A multicenter randomized clinical trial of cilostazol
has shown a decrease in angiographic vasospasm but no
improvement in outcomes 6 months after SAH [211].
Leukocyte adhesion
Inhibition of selectins
decreases vasospasm
[62, 63]
Leukocyte adhesion
cytokine produced by
Blocking reduces
vasospasm [6466]
Induces neuronal apoptosis
after SAH [52]; blockade
reduces vasospasm [67]
Promotes repair of
aneurysms [69]
Leukocyte adhesion
Endothelin-1 Potent
Inhibition reduces
vasospasm [73, 74]
6. Discussion
Evidence from both clinical and animal studies indicates
that inflammation contributes to aneurysm formation, brain
injury, and vasospasm after SAH and that many of the
same molecules contribute to vasospasm and brain injury
after SAH (Figure 1, Table 1). Much of the data from human
studies linking inflammation to worse outcomes after SAH
is correlative and studies examining different inflammatory
molecules at different time points after SAH make it difficult to make direct comparisons (Table 1). However, taken
together, human and animal studies suggest that a higher
inflammatory burden contributes to the pathophysiology
of SAH. This would suggest anti-inflammatory treatment to
be a robust treatment strategy for SAH, as in other diseases.
For example, the possibility that aspirin could reduce chronic
inflammation within the walls of aneurysms and decrease the
risk of rupture [34, 35] is akin to the paradigm of human cardiovascular disease in which the anti-inflammatory actions of
aspirin and statins may protect against cardiovascular disease
[122, 232, 233]. Unfortunately, this strategy has not borne
out reliably in clinical trials. One potential reason for this
is that animal studies of homogenous populations may not
be an accurate model of SAH in humans where individual
responses to a given insult could be quite variable.
Clinicians who care for patients with SAH understand
that there is a wide range of physiologic responses to SAH,
even in patients who present with the same initial grade of
hemorrhage. While this is doubtlessly influenced by many
factors (such as SAH blood volume), the intensity of an
Variable expression in patients with
SAH [3, 8, 9], used to prognosticate
outcome in critically ill patients
without SAH [28]
individuals inflammatory response to SAH may also determine if a patient develops delayed clinical deterioration or
vasospasm. While this could be influenced by factors such as
haptoglobin genotype [122], there are probably other genetic
and environmental factors that influence patients production
of, and tolerance to, a post-SAH inflammatory response.
Evidence from animal studies has shown that inflammatory stimuli can both exacerbate and reduce vasospasm,
depending on the intensity of the stimulus [234]. A recent
clinical study implied that preexisting atherosclerotic disease
could have a protective effect on patients who suffer SAH,
possibly by modifying neuroinflammation [233, 235, 236].
In the future, treatment for SAH may involve tailoring
therapy to match the timing and intensity of an individual
patients inflammatory response. In order for this approach
to be implemented, successful validation of inflammatory
biomarkers and outcome measures for SAH would need to
be developed.
7. Conclusion
The immune response within (and possibly outside of) the
CNS is clearly a driving force behind many of the pathological
events of SAH, including both vasospasm and early brain
injury. Though much experimental and clinical work has
linked increased inflammation to poor outcome after SAH,
there is still no proven anti-inflammatory treatment that can
be offered to patients who have suffered SAH. The volume of
research on inflammation and SAH is rapidly expanding and
will likely lead to new clinical trials, development of biomarkers, and hopefully anti-inflammatory treatments for SAH.
Though anti-inflammatory treatments will likely improve the
lives of patients with SAH, it must be remembered that
neuroinflammation has beneficial effects as well and could
also play a role in recovery after SAH.
Conflict of Interests
The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests
regarding the publication of this paper.
Brandon A. Miller received NIH R25 Fellowship Award
and AANS/CNS Robert J. Dempsey Cerebrovascular Section
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