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Trade Manual

Unit One
By: Ty Stemmler and Eric Dakin
For: Mrs. Steffler

November 13th, 2014

Trade History
Trade History with Canada
Quick Overview:
Australia values its long-standing close and productive relationship with Canada.
Trade relations between our two countries date back over one hundred years and
formal diplomatic links were established in 1939. Since this time, the relationship has
expanded and we work together in many areas.

Relations Outside of Trade:

Australian and Canadian military forces fought side-by-side in both World Wars,
the Korean War and in the 1990-91 Gulf War. Both countries have forces in Afghanistan,
making a valuable contribution to the stabilisation of that country. As close military allies,
Australia and Canada work together to counter potential global terrorist threats through
technical cooperation, information sharing, exchanges of personnel and joint training.

Similar Groups and Organizations:

Australia works closely with Canada in a range of international fora, particularly
the United Nations, the Commonwealth, APEC, the WTO and the OECD.

More Trade Info:

Australia and Canada enjoy substantial trade and investment links. Strong
people-to-people links also enhance our relationship, with many Australians and
Canadians enjoying working holidays, cultural exchanges and international study
programs in both countries.

Future Trade:

Top Trading Partners

Top Export Partners:
China (29%) Major exports include iron ore, coal and gold.
Japan (20%) Major exports include coal, iron ore and beef.
Republic of Korea (8.4%) Major exports include coal, petroleum gas, and iron ore.

Top 5 Products exported by Australia:

Iron Ore (22%), Coal (18%), Petroleum Gas (5.5%), Gold (5.4%), and Crude Petroleum

Top Import Partners:

China Major imports include computers, office parts, and telephones.
United States Major imports include cars, refined petroleum, and
packaged medicaments.
Japan Major imports include cars, trucks, and vehicle parts.

Top 5 Products imported by Australia:

Crude Petroleum (8.5%), Cars (7.3%), Refined Petroleum (6.3%), Delivery Trucks
(3.6%), and Packaged Medicaments (3.4%)

General International Business Philosophy

Australian Government Philosophy:
The Government's vision for the nation is of a prosperous, innovative and sustainable Australia,
providing opportunity for all. International trade contributes to the fulfilment of that vision by increasing
productivity and international competitiveness, creating a high-skill, high-wage workforce and building
national prosperity.

Trade policy statement:,

Five guiding principles:

Unilateralism a commitment to the pursuit of ongoing, trade-related economic
reform without waiting for other countries to reform their own economies.

Non-discrimination Australia will not seek exclusive or entrenched preferential

access to other countries' markets.

Separation foreign policy considerations will not override trade policy

assessments in determining the choice of negotiating partners and consideration of
proposed trade deals.

Transparency the public will be kept well informed about the progress of trade
negotiations and will have the opportunity to provide input.

The indivisibility of trade policy and wider economic reform domestic

economic reform, improved international competitiveness and increased market access
work together to create jobs and prosperity.

Population of Australia (2013):
23.13 Million People

Australian Soccer

fans celebrate a win

Capital city of Australia:


Overview of the capital

city of Australia

Language(s) spoken:
English (90 %+)
Mandarin (1.7%)

Italian (1.5%)
Arabic (1.4%)
Cantonese (1.3%)
Greek (1.3%)

Australia Compared to Canada

Australia (Blue) compared to

Canada (Red) in size.

Australian Currency:
Australian dollar

Approximately $1.00 AUD= $1.00 CAD

Australian GDP per capita (2013):

1.561 trillion USD

Because of its large size and world placement, Australias climate can vary from tropical
rainfall to semi-arid desert

Labour force size and typical occupation (size, employment rate (%),
Labour Force-11 604 900
Employment rate-93.6 %
On-Hire and Recruitment
Printing and Packaging
Health Care & Pharmaceutical Manufacturing and Distribution

Environment & Energy

Food & Beverage
Mining & Technology Services (MESCA)
Transport & Logistics
Advanced Manufacturing
Clerical and administrative worker
Imports and Exports to and from Canada


Inorganic chemicals, precious metals


Boilers, mechanical appliances, etc.

Pearls, precious stones or metals


Aircraft and spacecraft


Beverages, spirits and vinegar


Meat and edible meat offal


Ores, slag and ash

Electrical machinery and equipment


Boilers, mechanical appliances, etc.


Salt, sulfur, earths, lime, stone, cement


Meat and edible meat offal


Optical, medical, scientific, technical



Optical, medical, scientific, technical



Pharmaceutical products


Pharmaceutical products


Motor vehicles, trailers, bicycles,



Nickel and nickel articles


Plastic and plastic articles



Motor vehicles, trailers, bicycles,



Wood and wood articles, charcoal


Top 10 as % of Total from Australia


Top 10 as % of Total To Australia


Australian Imports as % of Cdn Total


Australian Exports as % of Cdn Total


Popular brand name product/company



Post-secondary education facilities Name & overview of two programs

World Rank
University of Melbourne
University of Sydney

1. Healthcare
An ageing workforce and high turnover rate (particularly in rural regions) means
healthcare graduates will have ample opportunity to find work. According to research
released by Graduate Careers Australia (GCA), more than 97 per cent of graduates
holding bachelor degrees in medicine and pharmacy (as well as engineering) found fulltime employment within four months of graduation. In particular, Dentistry graduates
topped the median starting salary list at AU$80,000.
Across Australia and online, there are more than 330 health courses available across
various disciplines. And, according to the US-based Georgetown Universitys Center of
Education and the Workforce report, a health-centred background makes people more
employable than postgraduate qualifications in most other fields.
2. Engineering
Fortunately for engineering students, the booming mining sector in Australia calls for
expertise across several engineering disciplines. Mining, mechanical, electrical,
petroleum and metallurgical engineering courses are all showing growth as job
opportunities continue to become available in this vast sector.

Opportunities and Trade Barriers


Smartline Mortgage Advisers

Smartline Mortgage Advisers was established in 1999 and is an Australian owned
company with more than 200 franchises. Since its beginning the company has helped
more than 100,000 customers and currently manages a portfolio of home loans worth
$10 billion.
This franchise scored 9.4 out of 10 during a national consumer survey and is a
responsible franchiser, which has earned them a reputation for excellent costumer
BrightEyes Sunglasses
BrightEyes Sunglasses was established in 1985 and is currently one of Australias
largest sunglass retail stores. The company has established over 45 stores across
BrightEyes is a higher end sunglass retail store with brands such as Ray-Ban, Oakley,
Arnette, Mangrove Jacks and more.
Mister Minit
A shoe maintenance and repair shop that was originally based out in Belgium where it
was established in 1957 but is now Australian owned. The company serves over 3.5
million people every year and has expanded into other countries such as Japan, New
Zealand and other European countries.
The company also specializes in key cutting and duplication and engraving and watch
service, which were added in France in 1966.
Worldwide Printing Solutions
Established in Western Australia in 1995. The company does design, printing and
marketing solutions for businesses. They have numerous centres in New South Wales,
Victoria, Queensland, South Australia and Western Australia.

Trade Barriers
The Australian Government has planned for the progressive reduction of tariff protection
for local industry. The tariff reduction programme has already reduced 48% of Australian
tariff to zero and 35%. About 86% of tariff rates now range between zero and 5%,
except certain automobile products and the textile, clothing and footwear commodities.

The average applied most-favoured-nation (MFN) rate for industrial products is 4.6%,
while the applied MFN tariff for agricultural products is less than 1%.
The Australian government on Monday unveiled further sanctions against Russian oil
and gas, financial and defense sectors, bringing Canberra in line with the European
Under the new sanctions there will be no new arms exports and no new exports for the
oil and gas industry, Prime Minister Tony Abbott told the Australian parliament.
In addition, Russian state-run banks are not allowed new access to Australian capital
markets and there will be no new trade and investment in Crimea.
"I want to make it absolutely clear that the bullying of smaller nations by big ones, and
the assertion that might is right should have no place in our world," Abbott said.
The fresh sanctions will affect a further 63 Russian and Ukrainian individuals and 21
organizations and businesses, bringing the total to 113 individuals and 32 entities that
have now been targeted directly by Australian measures.

Currency and Time Zones

Name and denominations:
Australia's national currency is the Australian dollar which comes in denominations
of $5, $10, $20, $50 and $100 notes. Coins come in 5, 10, 20 and 50 cent and one
and two dollar denominations.
Value compared to Canadian Dollar:
Approximately $1.00 AUD= $1.00 CAD
Hard or soft currency:
The paper currencies of some developed countries have earned recognition as hard currencies at
various times, including the United States dollar, Euro, Swiss franc, British pound sterling, Japanese
yen, and to a lesser extent, the Canadian dollar and Australian dollar. As times change, a currency
that is considered weak at one time may become stronger, or vice versa. However, countries that
consistently run large trade surpluses tend to have hard currencies

If it is 9:00am in Toronto, calculate the time in the capital city of your country.
Australias capital city Canberra is 16 hours ahead of Toronto therefore if its 9am in
Toronto when its 1am in Canberra

Trading History
Present/future trading

Currency & Time Zones

Time Zones
Most suitable communication mediums
for doing business

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