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Section V-2 Concrete Classes and Mixes: 502.01 Description

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The concrete classes and mixes to be incorporated in the Works shall be as specified herein.


Concrete Classes


General. Concrete shall have the mix designations and strength requirements indicated
in Table 502.02 except for those specifically mentioned elsewhere in these Standard


Class Requirements. The approximate weights or volumes of the components for each
class of concrete and any other data given in any table of these specifications or the
Particular Specifications are as an aid to the Engineer for suggested trial mix and also
will be of value to Tenderers and Contractors in determining the approximate quantities
of components required. However, the minimum crushing strength of Work Test Cubes
at 7 days and 28 days must be strictly adhered to. Acceptance of the work by the
Engineer will be based on 28-day cube strength as determined under Clause 502.06,
Testing, of these Standard Specifications.
Concrete to be used shall include the mix designations and strength requirements
indicated in Table 502.02. Method for Testing Concrete, BS 1881, shall govern for the
manufacture of compressive strength test cubes for all classes of concrete, except as
specified for piles in Section XI, Concrete Pile Foundations.
Table 502.02 Requirements of Different Classes of Concrete
Class of Concrete
































Water cement ratio (max.)







Minimum cement content kg/m







Minimum crushing strength kg/cm

Preliminary Design Test Cubes at 7 days
Minimum crushing strength kg/cm
Work Test Cubes at 7 days
Minimum crushing strength kg/cm
Preliminary Design Test Cubes at 28 days
Minimum crushing strength kg/cm
Work Test Cubes at 28 days

The minimum crushing strength at 28 days is assumed to be 1.18 times the compressive
strength of 15cm by 30cm cylinders in kg/cm. Slump range to be agreed with the
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Engineer based on the different Concrete Classes, the particular application for the
concrete, and the review and acceptance of trial mixes. Slump test results shall confirm
that the slump of the tested concrete is approximately equivalent to the slump of the
approved mix design for the specific class of concrete.

Uses of Different Classes of Concrete. Unless otherwise specifically specified herein or

in the Particular Specifications:
Concrete Class K140 shall be used for all blinding concrete and non-reinforced sections
or as otherwise specified.
Concrete Class K250 and K335 shall be used for non-reinforced and reinforced
concrete, or as otherwise specified.
Concrete Class K455 shall be used for cast-in-place reinforced concrete in pier shafts,
abutments, walls, bored piles, pile caps and approach slabs, in bridge superstructure,
barriers and precast panels, and where noted on the Drawings or in the Particular
Unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings or specified under the respective Sections,
concrete Class K500 shall be used for all post-tensioned concrete including that
specified in Section XIII, Post-Tensioned Concrete Works, and as indicated on the
Drawings or in the Particular Specifications. Similarly, Class K550 shall be used for all
prestressed concrete including that specified in Section VIII, Prestressed Concrete
Concrete classes above K550 shall be used on structures and at locations where
specified in the Particular Specifications, indicated on the Drawings or included in the
Bills of Quantities.


Mix Design


Samples. Samples of all materials to be used in the mix shall be submitted to the
Engineer for testing and such samples shall be tested in the Site Laboratories as
directed by the Engineer. No materials forming any part of this mix shall be delivered to
the Site before the Contractor receives the prior written approval by the Engineer of such


Mix Design. After receiving written approval by the Engineer of the samples, the
Contractor shall submit in writing to the Engineer a proposed mix design proportioned by
weight and based on trial mixes conducted with the approved materials to be used for
each specified class of concrete for the project.
Each mix design submitted shall be accompanied by all relevant data. The Engineer will
then examine the details and make the necessary tests for each mix design, and if he
approves, will inform the Contractor in writing. If the Engineer does not approve the

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Contractor's mix design, he shall instruct the Contractor of the exact component
composition for each class of concrete to be used by the Contractor for the working mix.
No concrete works will be allowed to commence before the Contractor receives in writing
from the Engineer either approval of the Contractor's proposed mix design or the
Engineer's instructions in reference to the component composition of the working mix
as aforesaid, including details of the proposed placement method.
The Contractor must make arrangements for all the foregoing as early as possible and
no claims for delay or compensation will be considered on account of waiting for the
Engineer's written approval or instructions.
In the event of any changes in characteristics or source of supply of any of the
component parts, a new mix design must be approved by the Engineer as described.
Any delay due to such changes will be entirely the responsibility of the Contractor and no
claims for delay or compensation will be considered. During the progress of the work, the
Engineer will take samples of the work mix at any time in order to check their compliance
with the approved mix design.

Adjustments during Progress of Work. After the original proportions have been
approved, as prescribed above, these proportions shall not be changed during the
progress of the work except as follows:



Adjustments for variations in workability. If it is found impossible to obtain

concrete of the desired placeability and workability with the proportions originally
determined, the Engineer will make such changes in aggregate weights as he
may deem necessary.


Adjustment for variation in yield. If the cement content of the concrete,

determined by means of the yield test ASTM Designation C138, varies more than
two (2) percent from the designated value, the proportions shall be adjusted so
as to maintain a cement content which does not vary more than two (2) percent
from the designated value.


Adjustment for minimum strength. If it is found impossible to produce concrete

having the minimum allowable strength specified, the cement content shall be
increased as directed by the Engineer.


Adjustment for new materials. No change in the source or character of the

materials shall be made without due notice to the Engineer, and no new materials
shall be used until the Engineer has accepted such materials and new
proportions based on tests on trial mixes have been determined.

Contents of Chlorides and Sulphates

The amount of chlorides in the concrete mass shall not exceed 1,000 ppm when calculated on the
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total concrete mass, or 6,000 ppm when calculated on the amount of cement in the actual mix. The
amount of sulphate in the concrete shall not exceed 800 ppm when calculated on the total concrete
mass, or 5,000 ppm when calculated on the amount of the cement in the actual mix. For the
above-mentioned calculations, the amounts of chlorides and sulphates shall be determined by
laboratory analyses of the cement, aggregates, water and admixtures. The analyses shall be
carried out by recognized methods.


Water-Cement Ratio

The quantity of water used in mixing shall be approved by the Engineer on the basis of preliminary
tests and trial mixes and shall be the least amount that will produce a workable homogeneous
plastic mixture which can be worked into the forms and around the reinforcement. In no
circumstances shall the consistency of the concrete be such as to permit a separation of the
aggregate from the mortar during handling. Excess water shall not be permitted and any batch
containing such excess will be rejected.
In measuring water for each batch of concrete, allowance shall be made for the water contained in
the aggregates. The total water in the batch shall be deemed to consist of the water carried by the
aggregates plus the water added.
Frequent tests including the slump test shall be carried out to ensure that consistent water content
is maintained.



In addition to all previously mentioned tests, the following tests shall be carried out. All tests must
be carried out in a manner as directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall bear all expenses
involved in obtaining, cutting-out or sampling all specimens and/or component parts for testing.
Nine test cubes (15cm) shall be made in accordance with BS 12390 from a sample taken from
each randomly selected batch of concrete. Samples shall be taken at the point of discharge from
the delivery vehicle. Unless otherwise instructed by the Engineer the rate of sampling shall be as
given in the Table below but not less than one sample shall be taken on each day that concrete of
that grade is used.
Use of Concrete

Sample from One Batch Selected Randomly to Represent

an Average Volume of Not More than the Lesser of:

Prestressed Concrete

10 m or 10 batches

Reinforced Concrete

20 m or 20 batches

Mass Concrete

50 m or 50 batches

Each test cube shall be numbered consecutively and marked with the date, the section of work
from which it was taken and any other information required and dispatched to the approved
laboratory for testing for compressive strength. Cubes Nos. 1, 5 and 9 shall be tested after 7 days.
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If the average of the three 7-day test cubes is below the minimum requirement, the Contractor
must immediately stop all concreting until checks are made on the material and equipment and
immediately rectify any defect which has become apparent as the result of such checking. If the
Contractor elects to remove and replace the defective concrete without waiting for the results of the
28-day test, concreting can then continue entirely at the responsibility of the Contractor. Cubes
Nos. 2 and 8, 3 and 7, and 4 and 6 will be considered three individual samples or sets and after 28
days of curing shall be tested as specified above. If either of the cubes in any set shows definite
evidence, other than low strength, of improper sampling, molding, handling, curing or testing, it
shall be discarded and the strength of the remaining cube shall then be considered the test result
for that set.
Final acceptance of the concrete works is based on 28 days' testing on the three sets of two cubes
each. The work is considered in compliance if the average of the three sets of cubes equals or
exceeds the minimum specified for the class of concrete being placed, and if the average of the
two cubes in any one set does not fall below the specified minimum strength by more than 35
kg/cm. If the results of the 28-day testing are unsatisfactory, the Contractor, in accordance with
the instructions of the Engineer, shall conduct tests in the suspect parts of the structure. The
concrete may be test loaded in-situ or cylindrical test cores may be drilled out and tested in
accordance with BS 1881. Should the tests prove that the concrete is unsatisfactory or below the
standards specified, the Engineer may order the concrete to be removed and replaced with
concrete of the specified quality or accept it at a reduced payment. All the above shall be at the
expense and responsibility of the Contractor.



Slump range for different Concrete Classes to be agreed with the Engineer. The method of making
the slump test shall conform to AASHTO T119 or ASTM C143.
Mixes of the stiffest consistency that can be placed efficiently shall be used. Mixes with excessive
water cement ratios will be rejected.


Measurement and Payment

No separate measurement or payment will be made by the Department for the work or details as
described in Section V-2, Concrete Classes and Mixes, of these Standard Specifications. All
materials, labour, tools, equipment and appurtenances as required or as directed by the Engineer
to complete the Concrete Works shall be considered as a subsidiary obligation to the Items
included in the Bills of Quantities unless otherwise specified in the Particular Specifications.

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