The Sea Floor
The Sea Floor
The Sea Floor
W. H. Berger
Springer- Verlag
Berlin Heidelberg GmbH
Cover photo:
A new kind of deep sea benthos. Pogonophore-like tubeworms, severa! feet long, and a host of
other creatures crowd around the hot vents of the Galpagos spreading center. "Rose Garden"
vent site, Alvin Dive 984. (Photo courtesy R. Hessler, S.I.O.)
E. Seibold
W H. Berger
Introduction .......................................... .
Origin and Morphology of Ocean Basins. . . . . . . . . . . ..
1.1 The Depth of the Sea. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.2 Endogenic Processes .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
1.3 Exogenic Processes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
1.4 Morphology of the Mid-Ocean Ridge. . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . ..
1.5 Morphology of the Trenches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
1.6 Fracture Zones and Plate Tectonics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
1.7 Seamounts, Island Chains, and Hot Spots. . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
1.8 Evidence for Sea-Floor Spreading: the Magnetic Stripes. ..
1.9 Open Tasks and Questions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
Fig. 0.1. Founders of marine geology. Upper row, left to right John Murray (\841-1914),
Johannes Walther (1860-1937), N. I. Andrusov (1861-1924).
Lower row Alfred Wegener (1880- 1930), Jaques Bourcart (1891-1965),
Francis P. Shepard (\ 897-1985).
purposes of land geology, but for the clues it contained for its own evolution and its
role in the history of Earth. The new emphasis is first evident in the works of the
Scotsman, John Murray (Fig. 0.1.1), naturalist on the HMS Challenger Expedition
(1872-1876). This expedition, led by the biologist Charles Wyville Thomson (18301882), marks the beginning of modem oceanography. It established the general morphology of the deep-sea floor and the types of sediments covering it. John Murray's
chief opus, Deep Sea Deposits (written with A. F. Renard and published in 1891) laid
the foundation for the sedimentology of the deep ocean floor (Chap. 8). Murray's
studies established a fundamental dichotomy of shaJlow water and shelf sediments on
the one hand, and of deep-sea deposits on the other, and it became a commonplace
textbook truism that not true deep-sea deposits are found on land anywhere. This
doctrine was challenged when Ph. H. Kuenen (Fig. 0.1.8) demonstrated by experiment that clouds of sediment could be transported downslope on the sea floor at great
speed and to great depth, due to the fact that muddy water is heavier than the clear
water surrounding it. Sediment transported in suspension in this fashion settles out at
its site of deposition, heavy and large grains first, fine grains last. The resulting layer
is graded, and such layers are indeed common in the geologic record (e. g., Alpine
flysch deposits). Strong circumstantial evidence that Kuenen's concept is important in
deep-sea sedimentation was first presented by B. C. Heezen and M. Ewing, in 1952
(see Chap. 2.10). Kuenen made many other important contributions to marine geo-
logy, attacking a broad range of subjects in his book, Marine Geology (New York,
1950), and in numerous pUblications.
Studies in marine sedimentation eventually led into ocean history when geologists
started to take cores. The pioneering expeditions were those of the Gennan vessel
Meteor (1925-1927), which first established deep-sea sedimentation rates, and of the
Swedish vessel Albatross (1947-1948), led by Hans Petterson. The Albatross results
established the presence, in all oceans, of cyclic sedimentation due to the climate
fluctuations during the last million years, which included several ice ages (Chap. 9).
The last (and biggest) effort in this line is the Deep Sea Drilling Project (now Ocean
Drilling Program), using the vessel Glomar Challenger (1968-1983; Fig. 0.6), which
made Tertiary and Cretaceous sediment sequences available for systematic study.
The investigation of the sea floor proceeded parallel to that of marine sedimentation. Coastallandfonns were the most accessible, and considerable infonnation had
been accumulated early in this century (D. W. Johnson, Shore Processes and Shoreline Development, Wiley, New York, 1919). Much additional work on these topics
was done by F. P. Shepard (Fig. 0.1.6) and also by J. Bourcart (Fig. 0.1.5), who were
able to test earlier concepts against field data collected in shallower water. These two
pioneers of marine geology especially attacked the problems of the origin of continental margins, and of submarine canyons, by studying their morphology and associated sedimentary processes.
F. P. Shepard's wide-flung field areas include the shelf off the US East Coast, shelf
and slope off the US West Coast, and the floor of the Gulf of Mexico. His textbook
Submarine Geology (New York, 1948 and subsequent editions) summarizes the results of this work and present global statistics on sea-floor morphology. In the same
year, M. B. Klenova's textbook Geology of the Sea was printed. Amongst other
Russian pioneers, N. I. Andrusov (Black Sea) and N. M. Stnichov (lithogenesis)
should be mentioned (Figs. 0.1.3 and 0.1.7). Other representative works of Shepard
are Recent Sediments, Northwest Gulf of Mexico (Tulsa, 1960, with F. B. Phleger and
Tj. H. van Andel) and Submarine Canyons and Other Sea Valleys (Chicago, 1966,
with R. F. Dill). J. Bourcart carried out similar geomorphologic and sedimentologic
studies off the shores of France, especially in the Mediterranean. His concept of
continental margin ''flexure'', with uplift landward of a hinge line and downwarp
seaward of it, proved useful in explaining the migrations of sea level across the shelf,
and in studying the nature of sediment accumulation on the continental slope (see
Chap. 2).
The marine geomorphologist par excellence was B. C. Heezen (Fig. 0.1.12),
whose physiographic diagrams of the sea floor (dmwn with his collaborator, Marie
Tharp) show great insight into the tectonic and sedimentologic processes of the sea
floor. His graphs now appear in virtually all textbooks of geology and geography (see
Figs. 1.3 and 2.2). Of B. C. Heezen it has been said (somewhat facetiously, by E. C.
Bullard) that he perfected the art of dmwing maps of regions where no data are
available. Much of his work is summarized in the beautifully illustmted book The
Face of the Deep (New York, 1971, with C. D. Hollister).
A satisfying explanation of the overall morphology of ocean basins and of the
various types of continental margins could only come from geophysics, which deals
with the motions and forces deep within the Earth. It is no coincidence that a geophysicist fIrst fonnulated a global hypothesis for ocean-margin morphology which
proved to be viable: the meteorologist Alfred Wegener (Fig. 0.1.4).
A. Wegener became intrigued with the parallelism of the coast lines bordering the
Atlantic Ocean (a phenomenon noted already in 1801 by the famous naturalist-explorer, Alexander von Humboldt). It seemed to Wegener that the continents looked
like puzzle pieces which belong together. He then leamed quite by accident that
paleontologists had invoked fonner land bridges between the shores facing each other
across the Atlantic to explain striking similarities between the fossil records of both
sides of the ocean. After an extensive literature search, he became convinced that the
continents had once been joined, and had broken up after the Paleozoic. Replacing
the concept of land bridges with his hypothesis of continental drift, he started the
"debate of the century" in geology with an article in 1912 (Oeol. Rdsch. 23: 276), and
especially with his book The Origin of Continents and Oceans (Braunschweig, 1915,
in Gennan). He envisioned granitic continents floating in basaltic mantle magma like
icebergs in water (Fig. 0.2a), and drifting about on the surface of Earth in response to
unkown forces derived from the rotation of the planet.
Wegener's hypothesis, in modified fonn, is now an integral part of sea-floor
spreading and plate tectonics (Chap. 1), the ruling theories explaining the geomorphology and geophysics of the ocean floor and of the crust of the Earth in general. It
was the work of sea-going geophysicists which eventually led to the acceptance of
plate tectonis. The pioneering efforts of E. C. Bullard (Fig. 0.1.11) on earth magnetism, heat flow, and seismic sunreying, and of M. Ewing (Fig. 0.1.9) and his associates
in all aspects of marine geophysics were of central importance in this development
(although M. Ewing did not himself advocate sea-floor spreading). These scientists
also were instrumental in elucidating the structure of continental margins (M. Ewing
et al., 1937, Geophysical Investigations in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic
Coastal Plain, Bull Oeol Soc Am, 51, p 909; E. C. Bullard and T. F. Gaskell, 1941,
Submarine Seismic Investigations, Proc Royal Soc, Ser A 177, P 476).
The turning point in the scientific revolution which shook the earth sciences, and
which culminated in plate tectonics is generally taken to be the seminal paper of H.
H. Hess, History of Ocean Basins, published in 1962. Hess (Fig. 0.1.10) started his
distinguished career working with the Dutch geophysicist, F. A. Vening-Meinesz, on
the gravity anomalies of deep-sea trenches. These investigations resulted in the hypothesis that trenches may be surface expressions of the downgoing limbs of mantle
convection cells. As a naval officer, Hess discovered and mapped a great number of
flat-topped seamounts, whose morphology suggested widespread sinking of the sea
floor. Stimulated by subsequent discoveries on the Mid-Ocean Ridge (rift morphology, heat flow, and others) he proposed his idea of the sea floor being generated at
the center of the Mid-Ocean Ridge (Fig. 0.3 d), moving away and downward as it
ages, finally to disappear into trenches. The tenn "sea-floor spreading" was introduced by R. Dietz (in 1961) for this postulated phenomenon. Sea-floor spreading,
and its offspring plate tectonics have since become the basic framework within which
the data of marine geology are interpreted.
Fig. 0.2 a, b. Diagrammatic representation (ours. not his) of the Hypothesis of Continental Drift of
Alfred Wegener. a Continental blocks made of light "sial " float iceberg-like in the heavier mantle
"sima". As they drift apart, mountain ranges form at the bow, while new sea floor forms in between.
b The breakup of Pangaea, first envisaged by A. Wegener, in a modern reconstruction by R. S. Dietz
and J. C. Holden (1970, J Geophys Res 75:4939. simplified)
'" 10
Fig. 0.3 a--c. Models of sea-floor spreading proposed to explain the origin of the Mid-Atlantic
Ridge. a Hypothesis of A. Holmes (1929, Trans Geol Soc Glasgow 18:559). Note the left-over
continental piece in the center (which does not in fact exist). b Hypothesis of the alpine geologist
O. Ampferer, who first discussed magmatic "undercurrents" in 1906. In 1941, he supposed that
rising magma currents break apart continents and eventually produce a mid oceanic ridge through
symmetrical drifting apart of both continental margins. Also, he explained the Atlantic island arcs of
the Caribbean and their trenches using the concept of subduction. (1941, Sitz. ber. Akad. Wiss.
Wien, 150:20- 35). c Hypothesis of B. C. Heezen (1960, Sci Am 203: 98) . Note the exaggerated
mobility of continental margins, and the postulated diffu se injection of mantle material in a broad
ridge area. (In fact , injection occurs in the narrow zone at the center only)
Temperoture lower,
froctures heoled, veioci t y
nor mol
8.1 km/sec
Seismic velocity
decreosed by higher temperoture
ond frocturing, brecciation,
Fig. 0.3 d. Hypothesis of H. H. Hess (1962). Note narrow injection area. and stratigraphic onlap of
deep-sea sediments. This is the favored model, although serpentinization (a type of chemical alteration of basalt) was found to be less important than visualized by Hess.
Eulerian axis
between A and 6
Eu lerian pole
Tr ansform
Trans for m
Fig. 0.4. a. The principle of plate tectonics: rotation of blocks about an Euler pole. [W. 1. Morgan,
1968, J. Geophys. Res. 73: 1959] b The classical scheme (a) is illustrated in more detail in (b).
Compare with the block diagram of Fig. 1.12. Blocks (plates) rotate around the "Eulerian" axis
(arrows). This axis is independent of the terrestrial rotation axis. At the "divergent" plate boundary
(the ridge between A and B) spreading occurs symmetrically. At the right, at "convergent" plate
boundaries, plate B is subducted into the Earth's mantle beneath trenches. Both ridge and trench are
segmented and offset by multiple "transform" faults. All these transform faults follow small circles
about the Eulerian pole of relative movement between plates A and B. [CO Allegre 1988, Fig. 38,
p. 96]
Fig. 0.5. Reconstruction of Paleocene geography, based on plate tectonics principle s. Note the nearly
circum-equatorial seaway connecting Atlantic and Pacific , the Tethys. with India far in the south.
The opening of a seaway from the Atlantic 10 the Arctic is just beginning . [1.- Y. Royer et aI., 1992.
Univ. Texas Inst. Geophys. Tech . Rept. 1l7: 1- 38. By courtesy of R. D. MUller and J. G. Sclaterl
Fig. 0.6. The 120-m-long deep-sea drilling vessel GLOMAR Challenger, which was working from
1968 to 1983 , sampling the sea floor of the world's ocean. During this period 1092 holes were
drilled on 624 si tes, many in water depths of more than 5 km. The length of core materi al recovered
measures over 90 km. The ship was managed by the Scripps Insitution of Oceanography within the
Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP), which was the mo st important earth sc ience project of the 1970s,
funded by the USA. Since the mid-1970s the U.S. National Science Foundation. USSR, Germany.
Japan . the United Kingdom , and France have participated in the Project and helped in providing
support. [Photo courtesy DSDP, S.I.O.]
Further Reading
General Background
(least specialized literature first)
Press F, Siever R (1982) Earth, 3rd edn. Freeman, San Francisco
Emiliani C (1992) Planet Earth: cosmology, geology, and the evolution of life and environment.
Cambridge University Press
Glen W (1975) Continental drift and plate tectonics. Merrill, Columbus
Open University Course Team (1989) The ocean basins: their structure and evolution. Pergamon
Press. Oxford
Fig. 0.7. Layout of the deep-sea drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution. It is the successor of the
GLOMAR Challenger, but is larger, 143 m long. Therefore it can work in rougher seas and in higher
latitudes. The capacity of the many modern laboratories on board allows 50 scientists and technicians to participate. From Level 7 downhole measurements are carried out. At Level 6 drilled cores
are received and distributed to the sedimentological, petrological , paleontological, physical , and
chemical laboratories at Levels 3-6. One half of each core goes to the archives . In 1983 the Ocean
Drilling Program (ODP) began as continuation of DSDP with the participation of 10 US Institutions,
as well as Germany, France, the UK , Canada/Australia, Japan, and a consortium of the European
Science Foundation. JOIDES Resolution has been active since 1985. Texas A&M University is
managing the program [Joides Journal 1985]
Allegre C (1988) The behavior of the earth - continental and seafloor mobility. Harvard University
Press, Cambridge, Mass
Emiliani C (ed) (1981) The sea, vol 7. The oceanic lithosphere. Wiley Interscience, New York
Berger WH, Crowell JC (eds) (1982) Climate in Earth history. Studies in geophysics. Natl Acad Sci ,
Washington DC
Imbrie J, Imbrie KP (1979) Ice ages - solving the mystery. Enslow Short Hills NJ
Turekian KK (1976) Oceans, 2nd edn. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs NJ
Broecker WS (1974) Chemical oceanography. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, New York
LePichon X, Convenor (1988) Report of the Second Conference on Scientific Ocean Drilling
[Co sod II]. European Science Foundation and JOIDES , Strasbourg
Historial Perspectives
Wegener A (1929) The origin of continents and oceans. Translation by J. Biram, 1966. Dover, New
Holmes A (1945) Principles of physical geology. Nelson , London
Kuenen PhH (1950) Marine geology. Wiley, New York
Heezen BC, Tharp M, Ewing M (1959) The floors of the oceans. I. The North Atlantic. Geol Soc
Am Spec Pap 65
Runcom SK (1962) Continental drift. Academic Press, New York
Menard HW (1964) Marine geology of the Pacific. McGraw-Hill , New York
Phinney RA (ed) (1968) The history of the Earth's crust. Princeton University Press, New Jersey
Takeuchi H, Uyeda S, Kanamori H (1970) Debate about the Earth, revised edn. Freeman Cooper,
San Francisco
Wyllie PJ (1971) The dynamic earth. Wiley, New York
Vacquier V (1972) Geomagnetism in marine geology. Elsevier, Amsterdam
Tarling DH, Runcom SK (eds) (1973) Implications of continental drift to the Earth sciences. Academic Press, New York
Hallam A (1973) A revolution in the Earth sciences. Clarendon Press. Oxford
Kahle CF (ed) (1974) Plate tectonics - assessments and reassessments. AAPG Mem 23, Am Assoc
Petrol Geol. Tulsa Okla
6 000
Fig. 1.1. Overall depth distribution of the ocean floor and land elevations (hypsographic cUlVe).
Left: frequency distribution of elevations [H . U. Sverdrup et al. 1942, The oceans: IS]
Endogenic Processes
The exact nature of the forces and motions deep within the Earth is not accessible
to direct observation by sampling. Even the deepest drill holes (down to 12 km) only
scratch the surface of the Earth. They do not penetrate the crust, which is defined as
the uppermost layer of the solid Earth. Continental crust is about 20 to 50 km thick,
while oceanic crust is much thinner, 5-10 km. The mantle below the crust is the
source of the endogenic forces working on the crust. It is 2850 km thick and makes
c Rise
Rift Valley
Cr est
Fl ank
Fig. 1.2 a- c. Topography of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and adjacent sea floor. a Principle of continuous
echo profiling. The depth is given by s = v . t, where v is the sound velocity and 2t is the time the
sound takes to travel to and fro. Record output of the echo sounding device , on a moving strip of
paper. b Results of echo sounding as obtained by the German Meteor Expedition (1925- 1927).
Soundings were taken every 4.5 km. Numhers refer to sampling stations. Note central rift. c Modem
topographic profile with labels of physiographic features
Fig. 1.3. Physiographic diagram of the Atlantic ocean floor, from a painting by H. C. Berann
(National Geographic Society). based on bathymetric studies of B. C. Heezen and M. Tharp
Endogenic Processes
.. 10
Fig. 1.5. Hypothetical convecti on current s in the upper mantl e, producing sea-floor spreading and
continental drift. Thi s is one of a number of co nvect ion models whi ch have bee n pro posed to ex plain
the origin of mid-ocean ridges and trenches
(t hickness exaggerated )
up about two thirds of the mass of the Earth (Fig. 1.6). The remaining one third is
mainly core (radius = 3470 km). Only 0.4 % of the mass of Earth is in the crust.
Thus, the mountain ranges and great trenches are but small wrinkles on the planet.
The motions of sea floor and continents are perturbations on the very surface of a vast
globe of hot rock. What kind of rock? And why hot? We do not know for sure. The
kinds of rock dredged from deep clefts in the Mid-Ocean Ridge, and those recovered
by deep drilling into the Ridge basalt, presumably most closely resemble the upper
mantle material (see Appendix A 6). As mantle material pushes up at the Mid-Ocean
Ridge, it changes its character through pressure release, degassing, and especially
through reaction with seawater.
The heat most probably comes from the decay of radioactive elements. Another
possible source of heat is the gravitational segregation of heavy and light material,
which produced the onion structure of Earth in the first place. To receive the "messages from the mantle", that is, information about its structure and the processes in
the interior, geophysicists make seismic measurements, and study the characteristics
of magnetic and gravity fields . Mineralogists and petrologists investigate the behavior
of rocks under high pressures and temperatures, and geochemists collect indirect
evidence on the interior, derived from elemental abundances in the solar system in
combination with the density distribution inside the Earth.
are carried to the ocean by rivers and winds. Here they build up continental margins,
with the left-overs accumulating in abyssal plains.
Much of the sediment comes to the sea through quasi-catastrophic events: floods,
storms, earthquakes or - on a longer time scale - ice advances. Other types of
sediment arrive at the sea floor as a more or less continuous rain of particles: shells
of plankton organisms, wind-bome dust, cosmic spherules. Through geologic time
these gradually accumulating pelagic sediments built up a layer of a few hundred
meters thickness, which forms a veneer on the oceanic crust. This veneer contains a
detailed history of the evolution of ocean circulation and of pelagic organisms, for the
last 100 to 150 million years.
Although exogenic processes tend to level the Earth, by erosion and deposition,
they also can build mountains. The outstanding example is the Great Barrier Reef off
eastern Australia, whose mountain tops rise thousands of meters above the floor of
the Coral Sea. The mesa-like reef mountains are made from the calcium carbonate
secreted by corraline algae, stony corals, mollusks, and small unicellular organisms
called foraminifera. The algae, of course, depend on sunlight. The corals and foraminifera contain unicellular algae within their bodies, in symbiosis: they too depend on
sunlight for growth.
With this briefest of all introductions to the opposing effects of endogenic processes (which wrinkle Earth's surface) and exogenic processes (which mainly smooth
it), let us now return to the nature of the grand morphology of the sea floor - and to
sea-floor spreading.
How does this concept explain the major features of the sea floor?
' ,
~ ~
Fig. 1.7. Portions of continuous profiling records, from Mid-Atlantic Ridge (left) to Hatteras Abyssal Plain. Note the smoothing of the sea floor by a cover of sediment. with increasing age away from
the central ridge area. [T. L. Holcombe, 1977, Geo Journal I 6: 31]
Ridge, it becomes denser as it cools, but on the whole, the new lithosphere and its sea
floor float up higher out of the mantle and thus protrude, forming the Ridge.
Generally, the Ridge crest has an elevation (i. e., depth) of - 2500 to - 3000 m, all
around the world. From this similarity of elevations, we may conclude that the upwelling material and its temperature are rather uniform.
However, there is much variety on several scales. The ridge is much shallower
than average in the North Atlantic, where it has, not so coincidentally, one of the most
active "hot spots" associated with it, namely Iceland. Along its entire length, the
Ridge is segmented between major fracture zones (Sect. 1.6) and each of the segments (300-500 km long) has its own history and morphology. More generally,
everywhere along the Ridge axis there are subtle changes, comprising a few hundred
meters of elevation, which are in large part due to the way the magma chambers
along the Ridge axis are supplied with melt, from 30 to 60 km depth. This supply is
discontinuous in time and space, giving rise to segmentation in scales of 50-100 and
up to 300 km, with magmatically sated and starved sections. Detailed investigations
of axial morphology, using side scan mapping, submersibles, high resolution seismics, and deep-sea drilling, have greatly advanced our knowledge of the significance
of this segmentation in terms of Ridge dynamics (Fig. 1.8). Mushroom-shaped
magma chamhers (with roofs only 1.5 to 2.5 km below the sea floor) cause local
uplift and the formation of narrow axial graben structures. These valleys can then be
filled , episodically, by lava flows associated with dike intrusions from the underlying
chamber. On fast-spreading Ridge areas, as on the East Pacific Rise (Fig. 1.13), the
supply of lava is such that no big rift valley develops. Instead, there is an axial
summit with or without a narrow graben. However, big deep rift valleys are generated
along the axis of slow-spreading Ridge areas, as seen at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
The upwelling material forms pillow basalts and lava sheets after contact with the
cold seawater. From comparing the seismic sequence of basaltic layers at the presently forming mid-ocean ridges with equivalent (but ancient) slabs of oceanic crust
on land (such as the "ophiolites" of the Troodos Massif, Cyprus, or in Oman), we
~-<-< <-
Fig. 1.8. a Schematic cross-section of the East Pacific Rise. A halo of hot rock with a few percent
partial melt surrounds a much smaller mushroom -shaped axial magma chamber (black ) with more
than 50 % melt. [K. C. MacDonald et aI. , 1989, Nature , 339: 178]. b Comparison of field observations (left) and se ismological inve stigations (ri[;ht) regarding the structure of oceanic crust. Ophiolite sequence. R Radiolarites; PB pillow basalt; DB basalt in dike sheets; G gabbro (note layering
in lower portion); P peridotite. M denotes position of the Mohorovicic di scontinuity ("Moho", where
sound velocity changes suddenly). Corresponding sections in the seismic stratigraphy assigned by
inference. [CO Allegre , 1988 , modified]
know that these pillow lavas are underlain by basaltic dikes. Seismically, they are
known as "layers 2 A and 2 B", Magmatic gabbros (layer 3) and peridotites ("layer 4")
are separated by the Moho-discontinuity, here normally in about 5 km depth , indicating the thickness of the young oceanic crust (Fig, 1.8b).
With few exceptions, the volcanic rocks forming the oceanic crust on the ridges
are olivine tholeiites. They are dense, heavy silicate rocks rich in iron and magnesium, and belong the basalts, Their minerals are essentially plagioclase feldspar,
pyroxene, and olivine (Appendix A4). Compared with the more familiar basalt on
land, they have low contents of potassium, titanium, and phosphorus (Appendix A6) .
Also, they are depleted in those trace elements (rubidium, cesium, barium, lanthanium) which tend to be preferentially concentrated in the liquid phase during melting
or during fractional crystallization. It is difficult, however, to deduce directly the
composition of the mantle material from that of the tholeiite basalts. Many processes
affect the magmas on their way up toward the sea floor. These processes include
differentiation through partial melting; mixing of, and reactions between various
types of melts; reactions with solutions including seawater, and escape of gases. The
reactions of seawater with hot basalt, and the associated hot springs with their deposits are discussed in Chapter 10. 4.4. High porosities and permeabilities are favorable in these respects.
As the sea floor spreads away from the crest, the lithosphere cools and sinks, about
1000 m during the first 10 mi Ilion years . The next 1000 m of sinking takes about
26 million years (Fig. 1.9). It can be argued from physical principles that the depth of
the sea floor on the spreading flanks of the Ridge should be a simple function of age:
depth below crest = k . -V age.
-V 10 +26 '
which comes out as k '" 320, when depth is in meters and age in million years. If this
is correct, we can calculate the average age of the deep-sea floor from its average
depth (after correcting for sediment cover). For an average (corrected) basement
depth of 5000 m (= 2400 m below Ridge crest), we obtain an age of 60 million years,
which is indeed close to the average age of the sea floor.
a a
Equation (1.1) occupies a special place in marine geophysics, geology, and paleoceanography. It is one of the very few statements about Earth history that is both
quantitative and simple, and at the sarne time also valid and useful.
During sinking of the sea floor, the rough topography produced by volcanism and
faulting moves down the ridge flanks and is then gradually smoothed by the sediment
cover (see Fig. 1.7). However, abyssal hills with a relief in the 50 to 1000 m range
and with slopes of 1 to 15 remain as expressions of the underlying basement
morphology over large regions. Abyssal-hill morphology is the most common type of
landscape on the face of Earth: in the Pacific Ocean about 80 % of the sea floor
belongs to this category.
...... .. :,-......... .
trench area
~ -.. ,--~ .,..
lO .~ '".. .
coastal area
. " ...
t-- -
Fig. 1.10. a Topographic profiles across trenches in various regions of the ocean. Land or island arcs
to the right. [M. Talwani , 1970, in The sea 4 [I]: 282] . b Defonnation of the sea surface measured
by satellite altimeter. Sea level is influenced by regional gravity. Trenches are well-known gravity
minimum areas. Oceanic high areas not in isostatic equilibrium show positive gravity anomalies,
therefore "anracting" sea water and thus raising sea level. [Skylab Data Catalog NASA 1974,
p. 133]. c Map of the mean ocean surface reflecting ocean bottom features such as seamounts,
trenches, ridges , and fracture zones. Land masses have been masked out. The map was developed
by the US. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 1982. [Courtesy Jet. Prop. Lab,
the Himalayas. When the depths of the quake centers are plotted below the
epicenters, they are seen to occur on planes which intersect the surface near the
trenches and dip underneath the arcs or the continents at an angle of between 15 and
75, to a depth of about 700 km. It is reasonable to conclude that the earthquakes are
caused by friction on the upper surface of the downgoing slab of sea floor, and that
this friction ceases when the temperature becomes high enough to permit flow (Fig.
Fig. 1.12. Relationship of plate motions to plate boundaries and earthquakes. Divergent plate hOllndary Mid-Ocean Ridge , shallow earthquakes; convergent plate bOllndary, trench, shallow, intennediate, and deep earthquakes. Lateral boundary: ji'acture zone. shallow earthquakes on active part only.
Horizontal motions are of the order of I to 10 cm/yr. [Based on a diagram by B. Isacks. J. Oliver,
and L. R. Sykes, 1968, J Geophys Res 73: 5855]
Fig. 1.11. Earthquake belts in the Pacific. Deep and intennediate earthquakes are restricted to trench
regions. [R. W. Girdler, 1964, Astron Soc Geophys } 8: 537]
plote boundory
plote bound
e r e
The "ring of fire" around the Pacific is closely associated with the trenches:
volcanoes sit on top of the dipping earthquake planes, that is, the downgoing lithosphere. Of 800 active volcanoes, 75 % are in the "ring". Where the lithosphere descends before reaching the continents, the volcanoes fonn island arcs; where it descends under a continent (South America), mountain ranges are formed. The magmas
produced by partial melting of the downgoing slab mix with overlying materials on
their way up and form characteristic volcanic rock types, the andesites -named after
the Andes Mountains (Appendix, Fig. A 6.1).
According to the theory of sea-floor spreading, the trenches are produced by the
subduction of the sea floor. The descending lithosphere, some 100 km thick, finally
disappears into the asthenosphere, that is, the "soft" part of the upper mantle. The
descending lithosphere offers up materials to the continent, by the scraping off of
sediment, and by partial melting. These materials contribute to continental accretion,
that is to the growth of continents.
Much of such growth, apparently, also depends on the accretion of "terranes",
slabs of oceanic or continental-type crust which arrive at the trench, but refuse to go
down. Instead, they become part of the adjacent continent. The trench, now clogged,
must move seaward when this happens. Much of the west coast of the USA is thought
to consist of "terranes" moved in from elsewhere. The pieces of foreign real estate are
mapped as having dimensions on the order of 100 to 1000 km on a side.
Continental accretion is one way in which the endogenic forces oppose the wearing down of the continents by exogenic agents. Thus, the continued existence of
continents which rise high above the sea floor is intimately tied to the processes of
sea-floor spreading.
the plates has its own particular motion, which can be read from the magnetism of the
sea floor, as we shall see. The quantitative development of these concepts was initiated in the late 1960s by W. J. Morgan, D. P. McKenzie and R. L. Parker; X.
LePichon; and by B. Isacks, I. Oliver, and L. R. Sykes.
The motions are generally uniform and do not result in deformation of the plates;
hence they can be described as rotations on a sphere, according to a theorem of the
famous mathematician, Leonhard Euler (1707-1783). The fracture zones provide
traces for the latitudinal circles around the pole of rotation (which need not coincide
with that of the rotation of the Earth, see Fig. 0.4). Thus, the pole of rotation can be
determined for each plate. Geometry requires that spreading rates must increase away
from the pole of rotation for separating plates, and this is indeed observed. It will be
noted in Fig. 1.13 that a plate can contain both oceanic and continental lithosphere. In
fact, the continents share the motions of the mobile ocean floor. Thus, the continents
do drift, as Wegener had supposed, but not by plowing through the mantle magma.
Since Morgan proposed his scheme of plates making up the globe, new plates
have been discovered, and several modifications of plate geometry and kinematics
made. One recent model that summarizes progress in this field of research (c. de
Mets et aI., 1990, Geophys. J. 101) distinguishes 12 major plates including Philippine
(PH), Cocos (North of Nazca), and Caribbean Plates, and separate a North American
Plate from a South American one and an Indian Plate from an Australian one by
transition zones with diffuse deformation. The position of the boundary of the North
American Plate in the Arctic realm is likewise not well defined. More than a hundred
mantle plumes have now been defined by different authors, spread around the oceans
and on continents as well. These hot spots (Fig. 1.13 b) ar of interest in the context of
plate movements, as we shall see later.
Fig. 1.13. a. Distribution of earthquake epicenters shallower than 700 km between 1961 and 1967.
Note the close relationship to the plate boundaries in b. However, mid-plate earthquakes are also
quite common. [M. Barazangi and J. Dorman, 1969, ESSA, Coast and Geodetic Survey, and Seismol. Soc. Amer. Bull, 59]
(Fig. 0.3d). Thus, he discovered both a major problem - the origin of guyots - and its
solution: sea-floor spreading. Seamounts in general have elevations of more than
1000 m and typical slopes of 5 to 15. The Pacific has about 10 000 of such
There are a number of striking instances where seamounts - either flat-topped or
not - occur in linear chains. The Hawaiian chain is a prime example. How are such
chains generated? One possible explanation which has been proposed is to assume
that the volcanoes making the chain lie on a long zone of weakness in the crust, a
deep fracture, along which magma can rise to form volcanic islands. Yet, at least in
the case of the Hawaiian Islands, there is clearly a progression from high, large
islands with active volcanoes at the tip of the line , to sunken islands with extinct
volcanoes at the end (Fig. 1.14). It certainly looks as though the big islands are young
and the sunken ones old. Dating of the rocks, by radioactivity, confirms this impression. Thus, in the fracture hypothesis, we have to postulate a propagating crack,
which opens at one end and closes at the other.
A more satisfactory explanation of the origin of island chains was given by J. T.
Wilson (in 1965) and by W. J. Morgan (in 1972). They proposed a stationary source
of hot magma, deep in the mantle, over which the lithosphere rides. Volcanoes build
up on top of the crust over the "hot spot", a site of a "plume" of ascending magma.
As the plate moves, a trail of extinct volcanoes forms behind the active tip of the line
(Fig. 1.14).
Fig, Ll3. b. Major lithosphere plates of the Earth, as proposed by W. J. Morgan (1968, J. Geophys.
Res. 73: 1959). EU Eurasian plate; AM American; PA Pacific; fA Indo-Australian; AF African; AA
Antarctic; PH Philippine; NAZ Nazsca Plate. Convergent plate boundaries (a) occur mostly around
the Pacific. Convergent plate boundaries both of which have continental crust occur in the Himalayas (c). Divergent plate boundaries mostly as midoceanic ridges (e) are dissected by transfonm
faults (b). Uncertain boundaries (d) occur in the Southern Ocean and between the Eurasian and
American plates. Some of the many hot spots are indicated by black dols. Arrows show direction of
plate movement relative to hot spots. Spreading rates in em/year are generalized. Newer models
have modified this picture somewhat, as mentioned in the text. [R. TrUmpy, 1985, Z. Nat. forsch.
Ges. ZUrich, 5: 13 , modified]
This trail, then indicates the direciton of movement of the lithospheric plate, with
respect to the (more or less stationary) mantle source. Changes in direction of the
trail, as between Hawaiian islands and Emperor seamounts, would indicate changes
in the direction of plate motion,
Hot spot plumes (with diameters of a few hundred kilometers) are thought to
originate from the lower mantle. They constitute an important component of the
mantle's convection. Basalts from this source are enriched in so-called incompatible
elements (potassium, rubidium, cesium, strontium, uranium, thorium, and rare earth
elements), compared with Ocean Ridge basalts. Presumably the upper mantle was
stripped of these elements in its long history of making continents, and this process
The global distribution of the more than a hundred hot spots and a few larger
plumes with diameters of 2000 km, so-called superplumes, is unexplained as yet. Is the
mantle in control of these pattems? A relationship seems to exist between the general
distribution of hot spots and mantle-wide upward convection as indicated by low
- --;'-::""----:-,40'::.,------,J,~.O
Fig. 1.14. a--<: Origin of Haiwaiian islands, submerged coral banks, and Emperor Seamounts, according to the "hot spot" hypothesis as envisaged by J. T. Wilson (1963, Can J Phys 41: 863) and
W. J. Morgan (1971, Nature, London 230: 42). a Sketch of hypothesis. b Ages in million years along
Hawaiian Ridge [K-Ar determinations, summarized by S. Uyeda 1978 and biostratigraphic ages of
basal sediment in Glomar Challellf!.er Sites, 430-433 Leg 55 , 1977]. c Selected hot spot tracks from
the Indian Ocean basin. Numbers are radiometric ages in million years determined on basaltic rocks
from islands, seamounts, continental locations, and underneath sediments penetrated by deep-sea
drilling. The linear chains of volcanoes again grow older in the direction of plate motion. In
1987-1989 four legs of ODP were devoted to the investigation of hot spots in the Indian Ocean. The
results indicate that plumes may be stationary over periods as long as 100 million years as seen on
the "Ninety-east Ridge" and that the Kerguelen and Reunion hot spots appear to have begun with
massive outpouring of flood basalts (Deccan and Rajmahal). [R. A. Duncan, 1991, GSA Today
(1,10: 213-219, simplified]
seismic velocities in the lower mantle in these regions. Or are weaknesses in the
lithosphere responsible? One suspects that both aspects will prove to be important.
What is "proof' in the geologic sciences? Can we prove that a fossil was once part
of a living organism? Can we prove that the Earth has an age of 4.6 billion years?
Can we prove that large continental glaciers once covered vast areas of North
America and northern Europe?
It all depends on what one is willing to accept as proof. Certainly, all the above
questions were once vehemently answered with NO by experts, and would be
answered with disbelief today - diesbelief that anyone would ask such a silly question.
What, then, about proof for sea-floor spreading? Since 1968, the year in which
several major articles appeared on the subject, "sea-floor spreading" has joined the
various other propositions about the Earth which are accepted as fact.
Why can we be so confident that the sea-floor spreading story is correct?
Our confidence derives from the global pattern of magnetic anomalies on the sea
floor (Fig. 1.15). For each of the observations on morphology, heat flow, seismic
activity, etc., which are so nicely explained by sea-floor spreading, it is possible to
conceive of some other way to produce the phenomenon. However, for the magnetic
anomalies no reasonable alternative to sea-floor spreading has ever been proposed and not for lack of trying.
The patterns, the "magnetic stripes", were first discovered by geophysicists at
Scripps Institutions of Oceanography (R. G. Mason, A. D. Raff, V. Vacquier). However, their origin remained a complete mystery for several years. One of the problems
was that the area for which they had been mapped is tectonically complicated, and the
symmetry of the patterns about the Ridge, which holds the key to the explanation, is
not obvious at all there.
The first successful attempt to account for the "stripes" was by F. J. Vine (then a
graduate student at Cambridge University) and D. H. Matthews (his advisor), in 1963.
Their suggestion was strinkingly simple: put together the ideas on sea-floor spreading
of H. H. Hess and of R. S. Dietz, and combine them with the evidence for periodic
reversals in the Earth's magnetic field, as presented by A. Cox and co-workers (in
1963). The newly upwelled, hot material at the Ridge Crest (or within the central rift)
is magnetized upon cooling below 525 0 (the Curie Point), in accordance with the
prevailing magnetic field. If this field reverses periodically, and, they said, "if spreading of the ocean floor occurs, blocks of alternately normal and reversely magnetized
material would drift away from the center of the ridge and parallel to the crest of it."
Here, in a nutshell, was the key to proving the reality of sea-floor spreading (Fig.
1.16). The sea floor could be seen to act as a tape recorder of the earth's magnetic
Eventually, the magnetic anomaly sequence on each side of the ridge, in every
major ocean basin, was found to be exactly the same as in the lava flows studied (and
dated) on land.
The tape recorder is perhaps not of the finest quality, but it works remarkably well
(Fig. 1.16a). With a time scale at hand (Fig. 1.16c), we can now read off the spreading rate, simply by matching the sea-floor anomalies to the magnetic reversal scale.
Thus, we can make an age map of the sea floor (Fig. 1.17).
If the age map is correct, we should then find that the oldest sediment lying on the
basaltic substrate shows the same age progression. The deep-sea drilling ship Glomar
Fig. 1.15 a, b Magnetic lineations on the sea floor. a Anomaly patterns of A. D. Raff and
R. G. Mason (J 961, Geol Soc
Am Bull 72: 1267). These anomalies remained unexplained for
several years. They are now
recognized as being generated at
the " spreading centers" (arrows).
b Mechanism of generating magnetic anomalies , as proposed by
F. 1. Vine and D. H. Matthews
(1963 , Nature London 199:
947). [F. J. Vine in R. A. Phinney, 1968. The history of the
Earth 's crust, Princeton Univ.
Pre ss pp 73- 89]
'O" ~
. 0 l1li
Fig. 1.16. a--c Magnetic lineations on the sea floor and the time scale of magnetic reversals, fo r the
last 80 million years. Pattern on Reykjanes Ridge from 1. R. Heirtzler et al. (1966. Deep-Sea Res.
13: 427). Time scale after Heirtzler et al. (1968) 1 Geophys Res 73: 2119) . Biostratigraphic boundaries (c) modified
Challenger set out in 1968 to test this prediction. It was first found to be correct
during Leg 3 (1968/69). Since then, most magnetic and micropa1e-ontological age
determinations have coincided with an astonishing exactness (Fig. 1.18). In the end,
this agreement had to the accepted as "proof' of the new theory.
Million .
0::: W
M 20
10 M 1 Magn Anomal,E'S
.... 0
.. 0
30 25
I- W
W <.9
1- 0
a:: W
a l, !
0 Q..
W ~
a:: a::
Mognetlc oge
I Mlcropoleon to IOgicOl07
L Sites
distance """'"
Fig. 1.18. Comparison of magnetic anomaly ages ("basement age s") and biostratigraphic ages for
oldest sediment. Glomar Challenger Sites I ~417 (l968 ~ 1976). Compiled by M. Sarnthein, Kiel.
Note that most of the sediment ages are slightly younger than the pal eomagnetic basement ages as
is expected. Insert Age-distance plot of DSDP Leg 3 data, on a profile across the Mid-Atlantic
Ridge off Brazil at 30 S. These data (published by A. E. Maxwell et aI., 1970, Science 168: 1047)
first demonstrated the agreement between paleomagnetic dating based on the hypothesis of sea floor
spreading, and the dates deri ved from biostratigraphy
Both the physics of motion and the chemistI)' of the fractionation of materials
constitute the focus of such studies. How exactly are sulfide deposits formed near the
Ridge crest? What is their fate in the subduction zones? Do they contribute to the
formation of ore bodies there? What is the role of hydrothermal fluids in both environments? More fundamentally, how do these processes bear on the composition of
seawater and the atmosphere? We shall return to some of these questions, especially
in Chapter 10.
/ ~,
t:JJ Continent
0 Shelf
- .-
Fig. 1.19. The fit of the continents bordering the Atlantic , as proposed by E. C: Bullard et al. (i n
Blackett et al. 1965). The fit is based o n matching the 500 fathom (900 m) contour. Note the Niger
Delta overlap. which is expected, and the Bahamas overlap, which is unexplained. Note also the
position of Gibraltar relative of Africa, and the "closure" of the Bay of Biscay. The ali gnment of the
Paleozoic fold belt s in North America and Europe and in South America and Africa (here added) is
remarkably good. a Caledon ian fold belt; h Hercy ni an fold belt; c Panafrican fold belt. [From
various sources, Panafrican belt after C. 1. Archanjo and 1. L. Bouchez, Bull. Soc. Geol. France,
1991 , 4: 638]
Other problems have to do not so much with processes, but with a better grip on
historical reconstruction.
For the marine geologist interested in reconstructing the history of the oceans,
reliable paleogeographic maps showing the distribution of land and water through
geologic time are perhaps the most pressing need. E. C. Bullard et aI., in 1965,
demonstrated how to reassemble correctly the drifting continents and continental
fragments in a sphere (Fig. 1.19). Bullard's co-workers and others since have greatly
extended this type of work and have supplied a series of maps with ancient positions
of continental masses. These, of course, are extremely useful for historical geology,
both continental and marine. However, we know that mountain building and other
processes active at the transitions between oceanic and continental crust have
changed significant details of the continental configurations. Some of these changes
are crucial in deciding, for example, whether there was a connection between one
ocean basin and another. It will take many years of compilation, fieldwork, and
detailed reassembly just to provide the kind of paleogeographic base maps necessary
for explaining the distribution of ancient fossils, for instance.
These tasks are difficult enough for the time back to the Permian. For earlier
periods the challenge takes on intimidating dimensions.
Continuous improvement of the time scale of magnetic reversals, for example, is
an important task, because this scale forms the basis for discovering rates of change
in Earth history, including continental drift or sedimentary processes. A more difficult
task in this context is to determine the duration of magnetic reversals (less
than 10 000 years mostly) and why the reversals occur in the first place. Or, the same
question put differently, why reversals did not occur for considerable time spans, as,
for example, in the middle Cretaceous (see Fig. 9.22). Was the release of plumes from
the lower mantle (which apparently expressed itself millions of years later as outpouring of basalts on the seafloor) in any way related to the cessation of magnetic
reversals? If so, why should this be? Reversals, then, pose problems a-plenty - and
not just for migrating birds using the magnetic field to orient themselves.
Many fundamental questions have been raised (see Fig. 1.20). What determines
sea-floor spreading rates? What is the reason for changing spreading directions and
rates? What is the significance of the enormous clusters of islands and seamounts in
the South Pacific (between the Bikini Atoll, some 2000 km southeast of the Marianas
stretching parallel and inside the andesite line (Fig. A6.1) for about 8000 km to the
Tuamotu Archipelago)? Presumably, they have to do with details of mantle processes
which we are far from grasping as in other tectonic and volcanic intra-plate
Clearly, all the major features on the thin skin of planet Earth, the crust, must
ultimately owe much to such mantle processes. What does convection in the mantle
actually look like? Are upper and lower mantle convection largely decoupled or not?
What is the role of downgoing slabs in mixing the mantle? What about the rising
plumes? How important are they within the convection scenario? Where is their
source? How much is the material modified on the way up? How stable are the
plumes through geologic time? Why do they have quite different expressions on the
surface, ranging from oceanic plateaus to island groups?
OttBOdl e. ~
Hi Qh T
SulfI d e Oe""si'
Hydn>lherma l
,~ C ircu l a t i o n
Fig. 1.20. Fluxes associated with plate tectonics and mountain-building at convergent zones. Processes within subduction zones are poorly understood. They include metasomatic activity, whereby
existing rocks are partially or entirely replaced by reaction products of these rocks with invading
matter from below. [European Science Foundation, 1988, Report on the Second Conference on
Scientific Ocean Drilling, Strasbourg, Imprim. Reg.]
Further Reading
Cox A (ed) (1973) Plate tectonics and geomagnetics reversals. Freeman, San Francisco
LePichon X, Francheteau J, Bonnin J (1973) Plate tectonics. Elsev ier, Amsterdam
Uyeda S (1978) The new view of the earth - moving continents and moving oceans. Freeman ,
San Francisco
Anderson RN (1986) Marine geology - a planet Earth perspective. Wiley, New York
Kearey P, Vine FJ (1990) Global tectonics. Blackwell Scientific, Oxford
= 1.03
t ~,:l'2Dim
' 2g.9~1-
) J 3:
E{UFllH_ loo km
Fig. 2.1 a-c. Schematic isostatic block model for continent-ocean-transition. a Cross-section
through continent " floating" on mantle (Uyeda, 1978). b Density profiles. c Sketch of general nature
of continental margin
well layered or strongly defonned, depending on the tectonic forces active at the
The ocean margins, that is, the regions of transition between continent and deep
ocean, differ greatly in their characteristics, depending on whether they occur in
mid-plate areas (on the continent's trailing edge), or on the collision edge of a continent, or along a shear zone. The one thing most of the ocean margins have in
common is the occurrence of large masses of sediment. Ocean margins are generally
referred to as continental margins - a reflection of our landlubber point of view.
The importance of the continental margins in the overall geography of the ocean floor
can best be illustrated with a few statistics (Table 2.1). The various numbers reflect in
essence the efficiency of the exogenic and endogenic processes which provide the
balance between the extent of continents and of ocean basins. This balance is produced by erosion of highlands, deposition around the continents, and the mountainbuilding processes briefly alluded to earlier.
The bulk of the land area, about 70 %, is within 1000 m above sea level. Continents wear down toward sea level because it is the baseline of erosion. Sea level is
also the top level of deposition. Hence the sediments deposited offshore tend to build
up to sea level. The great plains of the lower Mississippi Basin, and the entire Gulf
Coast are prime examples of this tendency for large continental areas to be near sea
level. These areas are underlain by sediments deposited close to sea level during
times when the sea invaded the continent.
Large parts of the low-lying portions of continents are covered with marine deposits. Actually, such areas are part of the shelf of a continent, a part which is
frequently submerged in the course of geologic history, but which happens to be
exposed right now. At the present time in our geologic period, an unusually large
porportion of this shelf is exposed. If we put the outer end of the shelf at 200 m water
depth (for convenience - it varies greatly), 28 million km 2 , i. e., about 5 % of the
Earth's surface consists of submerged shelves, that is, between 7 and 8 % of the
ocean floor, or nearly the area of Africa.
Table 2.1. Statistics on continental margins. (After H. W. Menard and S. M. Smith, 1966, J Geophys
Res 71 p 4305. and other sources)
World ocean
adjacent seas
Continental slope
m) width
106 km 2 (km)
(% of its area) (7.9 %)
Indian Ocean 2.622
(3.6 %)
(1.6 %)
Average Area
Average Average Area
(10 6 km 2 ) width
(10 6 km 2) (106 km 2)
(7.6 %)
(4.7 %)
(5.2 %)
1 19'
3 13'
(6.2 %)
(5.7 %)
(1.6 %)
(0.5 %)
(0.3 %)
(2.9 %)
The schematic drawing in Fig. 2.2a shows the relationships between shelf, continental slope, and continental rise, and introduces commonly used terms associated
with continental margin environments. The physiographic diagram of the margin off
the East Coast illustrates the various morphologic provinces (Fig. 2.2b).
C. Shelf
The tenus pelagic and neritic refer to marine organisms as well as sediments, and
mean open ocean and coastal, respectively. Littoral, etc. down to hadal, refer to
water depths. Littoral ist the same as intertidal, meaning between tides. Supralittoral
refers to the spray zone, sublittoral to offshore from the tidal area.
Tabe 2.2. Land and ocean areas and drainage. (After H. W. Menard and S. M. Smith, 1966, J
Geophys Res 71 p 4305, and other sources)
North America
South America
Indian Ocean
(10 6 km 2)
% of Earth
181.3 a
(73.4 )
land areab
(10 6 km 2)
Ocean area
land area
depth of water
4,3: 1
a Including adjacent seas (Black sea, Mediterranean and Arctic included with Atlantic).
Numbers in parentheses: without adjacent seas.
b Excluding areas with interior drainage, and Antarctic.
- 1...-......,...,...~--t.~-.--.......- ...
Fig. 2.3 a-d. Evolution of Atlantic-type continental margins. Uplift of Earth mantle material a expands the continental crust (CC) causing graben structures. Volcanism is common at this stage. The
continental crust thins, subsides, and b splits apart. Coarse terrigenous sediments (dOlled) volcanogenic deposits (h/ack) (and salt in some cases) accumulate. Rifting is followed by drifting , with
further subsidence of continental margins. Mantle material forms new oceanic crust (OC) as shown
in c. This stage resemble s modern Red Sea conditions. d Sea-floor spreading widens newly formed
oceanic crust area. Sediments cover older parts of sea floor, and build up margin
The initial phase of this process can be studied in the East African Rift Valley,
where the sea has not entered the rift. The pulling apart (and therefore thinning) of the
continental crust opens a window for mantle material (Fig. 2.3 a, b) intruding from
the asthenosphere. Heat flow further increases and there is a bulging upward from the
rising mantle material, much as at the Mid-Ocean Ridge. However, between the
separating edges of continental crust there is an increasing gap now. Pieces of the
continental crust break off along "listric faults". This process continues to thin and
strech the continental crust. ("Nonvolcanic" margin type as in the Northern Biscay or
at Georges Bank, see Fig. 2.4).
Also, the central graben receives large amounts of sediment from the wall-like
mountains surrounding it. These mountains - first uplifted by the rising mantle material - continue to rise as erosion unloads them. The central valley, which started as
~<::,::: :
Fig. 2.4 a~. a Comparison of typical structural elements of "volcanic" (A) and "nonvolcanic" (8)
continental margins. I Normal thickness oceanic crust; 2 seaward dipping units; 3 structural high in
continental crust. often occurring adjacent to 2; 6 thinned. subsided continental crust; 7 un stretched
continental crust. Parallel signatures Sediments; douhle line Moho. Mantle underneath. [J. C . Mutter et a. 1987 and I. C. Sibuet and Z. Mascle 1978 in European Science Foundation. Cosod II Report.
Strasbourg. 1987: 92.] b Rifted continental margins in the North Atlantic. "Volcanic" type (A) and
" nonvolcanic" type (8). Iceland as hot spot on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge . [R. S. White et al. . 1987,
Nature. 330: 439.] c Continuous seismic reflection profile across the "volcanic" type of a passive
continental margin, with proposed drill sites for deep-sea drilling and the final drill hole 642 .
(Voring plateau off Norway. see Fig. b). Dipping reflectors between horizons E and K. E Top of
Lower Eocene basalt flows; K base of seaward-dipping reflector sequences; M and 0 Tertiary
unconformities (M Middle/Upper Miocene , 0 Middle Oligocene). [Data from K. Hinz in O. Eldholm et aI. , Proc. ODP Initial Repts. 104, 12.]
60' N
S. rddipping
aa .. llim.
and lIow.
contour. In
a gap, now sinks under the load of sediments and by cooling. As it widens, the sea
invades and the magmatic accretion process asserts itself morphologically, as a young
mid-ocean ridge with an axial valley.
The processes at depth, in the zone where continental crust meets the melts from
the asthenosphere, are hidden from view, and are correspondingly less well understood. Magma intrudes between blocks of continental crust and partly remelts it and
mixes with it. Some of the magma reaches the surface, producing large outpourings
of basalt, as in the Afar desert of Ethiopia. Examples with volcanic units up to 3 or 5
km thickness from Atlantic rifting are "volcanic" margins as in East Greenland and
Norway Voring plateau, see Fig. 2.4). Here deep-sea drilling confIrmed the character
of "dipping reflectors" as ancient lava flows.
Back to the Red Sea (Fig. 2.3 c), where the submerged margins are sinking on the
cooling lithosphere! Thick reef structures can grow on these sinking blocks, building
up a carbonate shelf, and further depressing the crust with their weight. If the Red Sea
were only slightly less open, salt deposits would form - indeed there is evidence from
thick evaporite deposits that this happened in the past.
In sum, the receding margins sink and a rampart of reef carbonate may build up,
and salt deposits also may form in the early phase of rifting.
Ancient salt deposits and reef ramparts are just what we see along many of the
Atlantic margins (Figs. 2.5, 2.6). Salt deposits, of course, also are well known from
the Gulf of Mexico, where they push up as salt domes (diapirs), providing a path for
petroleum migration (see Chap. 10). In the Atlantic proper, good evidence for salt
deposits exists, especially off Angola. The salt in the South Atlantic was laid down,
presumably, when this ocean was narrow, was closed to the north, and had restricted
exchange to the south due to the Walvis Ridge-Rio Grande Barrier (now near 30 S).
Large petroleum reserves may be associated with these salt deposits, because the
South Atlantic also was the site for deposition of organic-rich sediments, during a
long period in the middle Cretaceous.
The kind of material accumulating on sinking continental margins depends on the
geologic setting of the region. In the tropics, and where no large rivers bring sediment
or freshwater, reef carbonates can grow. Elsewhere, mixtures of lagoonal and riverine
sediments may gradually be buried by offshore deposits - mainly hemipelagic mud,
rich in the shells of planktonic (floating) and benthic (bottom-living) organisms. In
places, the sediments can become extraordinarily thick: 10 to 15 km of sediment are
reported from off the Niger, the Mississippi and from other large deltas (Fig. 2.6).
The end-result of rifting, then, is continental margins consisting of thick sediment
stacks piled both on the sinking blocks of a continental edge (Figs. 2.3, 2.6).
We can generalize these conclusions to all margins which originated by rifting and
are riding passively on the moving plate (hence passive margins). Besides the Atlantic margins proper, there are the East African margin, the margins of India, much of
the margin of Australia, and practically all of Antarctic. In the Antarctic, of course,
special conditions prevail with respect to erosion and deposition, at least since the
formation of ice sheets. Thick ice sheets have been present there since the late
Tertiary and possibly earlier.
Fig. 2.5 a-c. Evaporite deposition in the early Atlantic. a Geographic distribution of Mesozoic evaporites.
[K. O. Emery, 1977, AAPG
Continuing Education
Course Notes Ser 5: B-1.]
b Salt diapir structures (S)
as seen on air gun profile of
Meteor Cruise 39, off Morocco (near 30 N). Water
depth at triangle is approximately 1800 m. [E. Seibold
et aI., 1976.] c Relationship
of salt diapirs to margin
structure off Angola (SW
Africa). The Aptian salt is
underlain by nonmarine
clastic deposits which fill
graben-like depression
within pre-Cambrian basement [R. H. Beck and
P. Lehner, 1974, AAPG
Bull. 58. 376.]
- ..... . . .
OJ Pre Combrlon
D Oceanic Basolts
- 10
Fig_ 2.6. Passive or Atlantic-type Continental Margins. Different types off Africa. A Nonmarine;
B marine sediments. [K. T. Pickering et aI., 1989: 252, Deep-marine Environments, Unw in Hyman,
London .]
L..-._ _ _--'-'.........._
Fig. 2.7 a, b. Sketch of collision margins. in profile (not to scale). a Peru-type collision (ocean-continent). Slope sediments are being tectonically deformed. Igneous activity including volcanism
derives from melts generated within the subduction zone. Complicated areal distribution of extension and compression. [J. Aubouin 1984, Bull. Geol. Soc. France. 3.] b Island-arc situation (oceanocean). Volcanic islands build up over subduction zone. Back-arc basin with spreading center.
[Sources: J. R. Curray. D . G. Moore, in C. A. Burk and C. L. Drake 1974, ref. p. 250; and
D. R. Seely, W. R. Dickinson 1977 Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Continuing Educ. Notes Ser. 5.]
nation processes associated with partial melting on the descending slab, and with
hydrothermal reactions, can lead to enrichment of melts with heavy metals - and
hence to the formation of ore deposits, as in the Andes (Fig. 1.20).
The types of rocks which characterize the continental margins next to subduction
zones are extremely varied, which comes as no surprise. The incoming lithosphere
brings an assortment of basaltic rocks, serpentinite, gabbro, peridotite, which were
derived from the mantle and altered by hydrothermal reactions under various conditions of pressure and temperature. In addition, various kinds of pelagic sediments
may be added - deep-sea clay, shell carbonates, biogenous silica. When such rock
assemblages are found on land, they are referred to as ophiolites and are mapped in
the hope of finding ancient subduction zones. It is like hunting for lost oceans on
land. Occasionally the reward is discovery of massive copper sulfides and other ores.
The mechanism allowing these ophiolites to escape subduction by vertical displacement of several kilometers ("obduction") is a matter of speculation.
The steep slopes leading into the trench are favorable for larg-scale gravitational
transport of rock masses from the land side into the subduction zone. The jumbled
masses (melange) thus generated are then sheared, and metamorphosed (i. e., baked
and cooked) under pressure (but at relatively low temperatures). Blue schists, and
subsequently amphibolites can form under these conditions.
In classic geologic literature, the sediments of trailing edges are known as miogeosynclinal, and those of collision edges as eugeosynclinal. The geosyncline part of
terms, of course, stems from the observation that the Earth's crust must have subsided
in order to accumulate the thick masses of sediment found in the mountains.
The nature of the active margins is subject of ongoing research and still holds
many surprises. The early simple concept of an origin from scraped off material left
by the downgoing slabs had to be modified. There is little transfer of material in
places and, in fact, there is "tectonic erosion", whereby portions of the margin are
swallowed by the subduction zone. This may be initiated by massive slumping into
the trench (e. g., Japan Trench), which delivers materials for building continental
roots, and for metasomatic processes within an island arc.
The role of fluids has received increased attention. Both tectonic motions (faulting, overthrusting) and chemical reactions within the accretionary prism are generally
influenced by the presence and composition of such fluids expulsed by tectonic
compaction and from dehydration reactions of commonly very high pore fluid pressures (Fig. 2.8). Gases are important, too. In the Caribbean Barbados Ridge Complex,
for example, the low-angle fault between the accretionary wedge and the underthrusting oceanic crust is greased by methane bearing fluids, which keep the wedge detached from the downgoing slab.
Special complexity is added to the subduction system by the phenomenon of
"back-arc spreading" (Fig. 2.7b). This is localized sea floor spreading, which occurs
landward of volcanic arcs, as in the Philippines or west of Guam. More than 75 % of
these marginal basins are concentrated in the Western Pacific. That extension
(necessary to let magma rise) should be associated with collision is surprising. Are
the island arcs drifting oceanward, pulled to the east by subduction?
Of course active, Pacific-type margins also are sediment traps. However, here
sediments are piled up into chaotic mixtures of various types of rocks. In addition,
one must keep in mind that enormous masses of material simply disappear deep into
the mantle. The scale of the subduction activity is difficult to imagine - the lithospheric slab now entering the Japan Trench is more than 10 000 km long! At present
rates, it will vanish in about 100 million years.
Fig. 2.8 a Reflection seismic profile from the subduction zone at the Nankai trough southeast of
southern Japan. 7WS Two-way travel time in seconds; BSR bottom simulating reflector. Note the
downgoing oceanic crust of the Philippine plate with the decollement zone (in Miocene sediments) .
The accretionary prism above it consists of turbidites and hemipelagic sediments and is intensively
deformed , thus opening paths for fluids . [A. Taira and Y. Ogawa, 1991 , Episodes 14, 3: 209.]
b Diagram showing paths for fluids in a sandy accretionary pri sm. [J. C. Moore et aI., 199 I, GSA
Today, I, 12: 269.] Where these paths reach the surface, seepage-related biological communities
may occur, as obse rved by submersibles in the Nankai trough (see Chap. 6.9).
Not all margins can be readily classified. Some of these rim the marginal basins
behind island arcs and elsewhere in adjacent seas. Some are originating from a
combination of continent shearing and rift extension, with examples on both sides of
the South Atlantic. Some have an extremely complex history, such as the Californian
margin, which not so long ago used to be dominated by accretionary processes and is
now characterized largely by tectonic shear (San Andreas Fault) and extension
(Southern Californian Borderland). However, the task of the marine geologist is not
so much to devise classifications which fit all possible instances, as to identify those
processes which characterize various types of margins and set them apart from others.
filled. The fjords of Norway, Greenland, and western Canada are witnesses to this
powerful action of the ice.
Shelves fonned by large deltas off river mouths (Amazon, Mississippi, etc.) can be
very flat and monotonous, in striking contrast to both the rugged ice-carved shelf and
the irregular coral reef shelf. The rich supply of fine sediment associated with delta
environments allows redistribution and smoothing by waves and currents. Of course,
waves and currents can also build up dunes, barriers, beach benns, and sand waves,
depending on circumstances (see Chap. 7). Examples for these conditions of high
terrigenous sediment supply include the North Sea, the shelf off the Siberian rivers,
the shelf of the Yellow Sea. A prime example is the Senegal delta, where the shelf has
less than 10 cm relief over several miles!
In any study of present shelves, we are chiefly faced with the question of how
much of the observed morphology and sediment cover is inherited from the past and
how much may be ascribed to the activity of the sea today. The task is complicated
by the fact that "today" includes at least the last several hundred years. Within such
time spans the sea can produce effects whose causes may not be obvious, especially
if they include rare but powerful hurricanes and large earthquake-generated waves
Tsunamis are produced chiefly in the trenches rimming the Pacific; they travel
over thousands of miles in a few hours. They are very long waves, and so low in the
open sea that they are not noticed on board a ship. When such a wave reaches a shelf
area, however, it slows down and builds up, reaching enonnous heights (tens of
meters) where conditions are right. In this condition it can wreak havoc on the coasts
of exposed shelves and also influence shelf morphology through the powerful bottom
currents it produces.
..... 5km
Fig. 2.9. Shelf break at the entrance of the Persian Gulf, subsurface echo profile by the research
vessel M eteor (1965). Note the accumulation of soft, layered sediment behind the rugged reef
structure. Upper slope collects reefal debris. The reef is dead. Shelf break is some what above 100 m
considered. However, such responses are difficult to separate from regional uplift and
Fig. 2.10. Physiographic diagram of the ocean margin off California. Note the narrow shelves
bounded by sea cliffs toward the land (uplift!). The Continental Borderland in the south is a
submerged basin-and-range province. The continental slope essentially consists of enormous coalescing fans which transgress over the abyssal hills province. [Sketch based on physiographic diagram
of H. W. Menard, 1964.]
The various physiographic diagrams commonly depicting the rapid descent from
shelf edge to deep sea are somewhat misleading in that the slopes are in reality quite
gentle: between I and 6 (see Table 2.1). A 1 slope, of course, would appear as a
plain if one were standing on it.
From the variety of types of slopes, it is clear that a number of different forces are
at work in shaping them. We have referred to some of the endogenic forces when
comparing Atlantic-type and Pacific-type margins. Changes in the thickness of continental crust, trough remelting and assimilation into the mantle (subcrustal erosion),
have been proposed as one mechanism influencing the evolution of margins. Such
processes may be active, for example, in the Southern California Borderland.
Basically, most slopes are the surfaces of thick accumulations of sediment washed
off the continents and mixed with marine materials of biologic derivation. The deep
sea receives a rather miserly share of the continent's products: the bulk accumulates
on the margins . The high rate of accumulation on many slopes leads to a precarious
balance in places, especially off deltas. When there is not enough time to de-water
and solidify the sediment, immense landslides can result from rather small disturbances, even in very gentle slopes. The slides tend to move on surfaces defined by
clayey layers with high water content. Water pressure may be unusually high in such
horizons, thus "floating" the overlying sediment stack. Slides can be coherent over
large areas, preserving much of the original stratigraphy, or they can be chaotic
(called slumps), producing a jumbled mess. Earthquakes can trigger slides, especially
in the active margins, but also elsewhere.
Off Cape Hatteras, a tongue-shaped mass of displaced sediment on the Upper
Continental Rise is 60 km wide and over 190 km long, and has a hummocky relief of
up to 300 m in places. During and following slope failure, deformation can span a
number of processes, from rigid-block motion to turbulent flow. Probably most of the
slope failures occurred during Pleistocene low sea level stands (1. S. Schlee and J. M.
Robb, Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull ., 1098, 1991).
An example of a large-scale is shown in Fig. 2.11; the jumbled masses have come
to rest at the foot of the slope and now form part of the continental rise. The seismic
profile was obtained by echo-sounding into the sea floor with powerful "booms" of
sound, rather than the "pings" used to define the surface of the floor. (The method is
called continuous seismic profiling).
The arrangement of the sedimentary layers below the sea floor in Fig. 2.11 shows
that erosion has taken place in earlier times, altemting with periods of deposition.
Erosion can be produced both by slides and by the action of strong deep currents
flowing horizontally along the slope. Such currents have been dubbed contour currents, to distinguish them from the turbidity currents which are mud-laden bodies of
Fig. 2.11. Submarine mass movements off Dakar (NW Africa). Air gun record of Meteor Cruise
25/1971. Shelf edge upper right. Slide starts at 1050 m depth (return time for outgoing sound pulse:
l.4s). Thickness of slide - 200 m. Material came to rest below about 2300 m depth (= 3.6 s) at the
foot of the continental slope. Insert left Air gun system with air guns as sound source. Acoustic
signals are reflected by the sea floor and by subbottom layers and are recorded by hydrophones in
the stre amer.
~\~~~ ~~~~~~TS,
Fig. 2.12. Compilation of exogenic processes shaping (passive) continental margins. [G. Einsele et
al. (eds.). Cycles and events in stratigraphy, Springer, Heidelberg, 1991: 318.]
water flowing downhill (Sect. 2.11). It is now thought that much of the sediment on
the continental rises is carried there originally by turbidity currents and by slides
starting somewhere near the shelf break, and that subsequently it is redistributed by
contour currents.
A compilation of different exogenic processes shaping the continental margin is
given in Fig. 2.12.
Submarine Canyons
Fig. 2.14. Illustration of morphological similarities of subaerial canyon (Grand Canyon lef) and
submarine canyon (La lolla Canyon right). Note steepness and overhang in both cases [Photo left ,
E. S.; underwater photo courtesy R. F. Dill.]
canyons, there is a continuous descent of the deepest point of the valley, with maximum slopes of 15 % near the coast and gentle slopes of about 1 % farther out to sea.
Quite commonly, canyons cut right through the shelf and may line up with valleys
on land. Ancient fishing vil\ages are sometimes located at the heads of submarine
canyons: the greater water depth disperses high waves away from the coast and
provides some safety for boats and houses on shore. Examples are Nazare in Portugal. Monterey Canyon of Central California, and Kayar in Senegal. Some canyons,
however, start only at the edge of the shelf. The seaward extension of submarine
canyons can reach to the end of the continental rise and beyond, and run for hundreds, even thousands of kilometers across the deep-sea floor (Fig. 2.2b, Hudson
Canyon; Fig. 1.3. Mid-Ocean Canyon, off Eastern Canada).
Canyons and various other types of slope valleys can be extremely abundant in
places, such that the slope is dissected like the remnants of a mesa on land. Nor do
those canyons necessarily run straight downhill; they may be cut at an angle to the
slope. In other places, submarine canyons seem to be absent, presumably by reason
of low sediment supply (insufficient for producing downhill currents) or because of
gentle slopes, or both. The best-known canyons are associated with the mouths of
large rivers - the Congo, Indus, Ganges and the Hudson. The fan valleys which
continue these canyons down slope are bordered by levees (Fig. 2.17).
A large number of hypotheses have been put forward over the years to account for
the origin of submarine canyons. In fact, different types of canyons must have different origins. For example, it has been demonstrated through deep-sea drilling, that the
Mediterranean became isolated from the world ocean some 5 to 6 million years ago
and dried up during periods of evaporation. At those times, deep canyons could have
been carved by the familiar action of rain and run-off, into the margins of the Mediterranean. Indeed, the true floor of the Nile Valley is very deep, supporting the idea
of canyon cutting curing desiccation. At present the river runs on top of a thick pile
of sediment, which has since filled the canyon. However, we can hardly invoke such
drastic falls of sea level everywhere in the world ocean. Thus, there must be a way to
make submarine canyons by cutting them under water. The fact that so many canyons
are off river valleys suggests a mechanism: some sort of submarine river flowing on
the sea floor. This submarine flow cannot be an extension of the river entering the
sea: its water is fresh and therefore less dense than seawater. River water floats on
seawater. But water with a high mud content is heavy enough to flow downhill on the
ocean floor.
One way to stir mud into the water is to have slides start in the soft sediments
deposited off river mouths. Large amounts of mud are brough down the river during
floods, and such mud is rather unstable. Hurricanes and wave action may produce
large amounts of heavy, muddy water through stirring up of the sediment. Earthquakes may be agents for starting mudslides which tum into muddy downhill flow, or
turbidity currents.
During glacial periods, when sea lev en was greatly lowered by the buildup of ice
caps, the exposed shelves could not act as mud traps for the rich sediment load
coming from land. Also, wave attack must have been strong and its effects may have
reached much greater depths than today. Storms and stonn waves were probably
more frequent then, so that sediment on the outer shelf and on the upper slope could
be resuspended periodically, providing for mud-laden, heavy water bodies, which
could then move downslope and initiate powerful turbidity currents.
The realization that such currents play an extremely important role in present-day
marine processes as well as in the geologic record, came only in the 1950's, largely
through the work of Ph, H. Kuenen (Fig. 2.15a).
Kuenen established, by experiment, that such heavy downhill flowing currents can
exist in nature and that they would deposit layers which show the grading familiar
from hitherto unexplained sediment-series (f7ysch) in the Alps and other mountain
ranges (Fig. 2.15b).
Turbidity Currents
Bouma (1962)
(generally shale)
Pel agic
sedimentation or
fine grained, low
density turbidity
current deposition
Plane parallel
lam inae
~I ~
Fig. 2.1S a, b. Origin of graded layers. a Experiment of Ph. H. Kuenen . J Turbid, sediment-laden
water is introduced into the tank; 2 water in tank remains still and clear over the bottom, where the
denser muddy water rushes downslope; 3 turbulent front of the turbidity current. Depending on its
strength, a turbidity current can erode and redeposit enormous amounts of sediment. [J. Gilluly et
aI. , 1968 , Principles of geology. W. H. Freeman. San Francisco, after photos by H. S. Bell, Cal.
Tech.] b Standard sequence of divisions in a turbidite laye . as proposed by A. H. Bouma. The lower
parI is the graded bed. produced by a turbidity current. The upper pari results from " normal"
sedimentation; it contains almost all the geologic time represented. Sudden loading of these pelagic
clays may produce "load casts". High velocities of the currents are indicated by drag and flute marks
at the base of the turbidite. [G. V. Middleton, M. A. Hampton. 1976, in D. 1. Stanley, D. J. P. Swift.
Marine sediment transport and environmental management, John Wiley, New York.]
influx of mud-laden bottom-hugging water bodies. These muddy waters, upon decelerating, drop their load within a short time as graded layers. Such layers are found
within the fan deposits of continental slopes and in the sediments building the abyssal
plains (Fig. 2.(7).
Kuenen's work inspired marine geologists to look for direct evidence of the action
of turbidity currents in the present ocean. A well-known example of this search is the
investigation of the succession of telegraph cable breaks down the continental slope,
which occurred after the 1929 Grand Banks Earthquake off Newfoundland. From the
timing of the breaks (as recorded by the telegraph companies involved). B. C. Heezen
and M. Ewing concluded (1952) that the quake had set off turbidity currents which
moved downhill at high speed and snapped the cables (Fig. 2.16). The speeds they
estimated were on the order of 25 to 50 miles per hour (10 to 20 m/s) - velocities of
powerful super-currents. (For comparison, the fastest normal ocean currents run at
Fig. 2.16. Grand Banks 1929 earthquake. The cable break sequence (later combined with the
stratigraphic record in the cores) was interpreted by B. C. Heezen and M. Ewing (1952. Am J Sci
250: 849) as evidence for high velocity turbidity currents. The land area, in hlack, is Newfoundland.
[B . C. Heezen, in M. N. Hill , 1963 , The Sea, 3: 744.]
Turbidity Currents
Fig. 2.17. Build up of deep-sea fans. 1 Canyon cutting through shelf and upper slope, traps and
funnels sediment to the fan; 2 upper fan valley, walls with slump features (U), bottom with debris
flows (V) and mostly graded coarse grained beds, forming conglomerates in fossil examples. Levees
with thin-bedded turbidities (X). Levees can be breached (note dead channels); 3 active suprafan
with distributary channel, filled with pebbly or massive sands (Y); 4 outer fan with classical turbidites (2); 5 abyssal hill region beyond fan. Valleys between hills may have distal fan material.
[Based on a sketch by W. R. Normark, 1970, Am Assoc Pet Geol Bull 54: 2170 and R. Walker,
1978, Am. Assoc. Petrol Geol. Bull. 62: 932.
about 2 mis, or 5 miles per hour.) While their calculations were not generally accepted, their studies did raise the possibility that such currents exist.
There are but few direct observtions of turbidity currents in the marine realm.
These currents are rare events, and when they do occur, instruments for measung
velocities or suspended matter are in much danger of being lost. We do not know,
therefore, what a "typical" turbidity current might look like. In Bute Inlet, in British
Columbia, where direct observations were made in the 1980s, floods from two rivers
entering the inlet produce muddy flows with velocities of about 3 m/s. The thickness
of the currents is more than 30 m, and coarse sand occurs at least up to 7 m above the
sea floor. Fine sand is transported far offshore; it was seen out to 50 km, and at a
depth of 620 m. The transport channel has bottom slopes of generally less than 10
(D. P. Prior et aI., Science 237, 1330, 1987).
Back to the submarine canyons! Normally, nothing much is happening in them
except for the gentle back and forth motion of the tides and internal waves. But from
O ____________~
O ____________5
Fig. 2.18. Abyssal plains. Seismic echo profile across a stretch of abyssal plain. (Courtesy
C. D. Hollister). Note that the sediment surface is perfectly horizontal regardless of the underlying
basement topography. (2800 fathoms = 5100 m; 3600 fathoms = 6600 m)
Deep-Sea Fans
The very distribution of abyssal plains supports the idea that turbidity currents run
along on the floor over extremely long distances. This can be observed in turbidites
off river mouths such as off the St. Laurence, Hudson, Mississippi, and Amazon
Rivers and more than 3000 krn to the south of the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta.
For such currents, trenches would form an absolute obstacle, and we should not
find abyssal plains beyond them. Once a trench is filled, however, plains can develop
on the other side. This is exactly the distribution seen in the Gulf of Alaska. As the
supply of turbidity deposits run out, far in the deep sea, the abyssal ocean floor starts
showing its typical bumpy morphology: the familiar abyssal hills, which are covered
by pelagic oozes and clay.
It reflects the youth of the science of marine geology that major processes of
sediment erosion, transport, and deposition, which are responsible for much of ocean
margin morphology, were essentially unknown until the 1950s. It took yet another
decade for the tectonics of ocean margins to come into focus, through the theory of
seafloor spreading. The history of ocean margin development is still, in the whole,
poorly understood because of the lack of samples from within the sediment wedges:
recovery by deep drilling is now possible, but is extremely expensive.
While turbidity currents and turbidites are of great importance in helping shape the
morphology of continental margins, they are but one aspect of the large-scale transfer
of material from the continent to the ocean. To appreciate the scope of this subject,
we next discuss marine sediments in general.
Further Reading
Shepard FP, Dill RF (1966) Submarine canyons and other sea valleys. Rand McNally, Chicago
Burk CA, Drake CL (eds) (1974) The geology of continental margins. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg
New York
Dickinson WR, Yarborough H (1981) Plate tectonics and hydrocarbon accumulation. Am Assoc
Petrol Geol, Continuing Education Ser I, revised edn. Tulsa, Okla
Watkins JS, Drake CL (eds) (1983) Studies in Continental Margin Geology. AAPG Mem, 34. Am
Assoc Petrol Geol, Tulsa, Okla
Bally AW (1981) Geology of passive and continental margins: history, structure and sedimentological record. Am Assoc Petrol Geol. Education Course Note Ser 19
Weathering and Volcanic Ejecta
and Gases
on Land
Ridge Crest
Dissol ved Matter Suspended Matter
Ca- Carbonates
Ferroman (Quartz.
Pyrite genese Feldspars etc)
Rock fragments
Clay minerals
rl DIAGENESIS ICompaction
Graywackes etc
SlIde- slumps-.
etc - deposits
. . ... .
.. ...,
Fig. 3.2. Distribution of ice-rafted materials in the North Atlantic. Present limits of drift ice (normal
and extreme) run from around Newfoundland toward Greenland and Iceland. During the last ice age,
this limit went from New York straight acro ss lO Portugal. Triangles Surface samples; da shes dredge
samples; circles core samples. [H. R. Kudrass , 1973, Meteor Forschungserg Reihe C 13: I]
b,:,:.:.! 10- 15
[ :',:: 1 5-
. .. .-:.::.',:..
.'.:.:.::.::: :::'
Fig. 3.3. Abundance of haze from dust, over the Atlantic Ocean. Numbers are % of observations.
[G. O. S. Arrhenius, 1963, in M. N. Hill, Sea 3: 695)
Not all volcanogenic sediment is brought by wind: pumice, being highly porous,
can float and move with ocean currents for long distances, even transporting attached
Of course, volcanic material is also eroded from land and brought into the sea as
terrigenous sediment. Differences in color, mineral composition, glass properties, and
subtle differences in chemistry, "chemical fingerprints", hold the clue as to which is
the source for a given volcanogenic deposit.
Geologically speaking, volcanoes have a short life, and single eruptions are flashlike events. Therefore ash layers can be used for regional stratigraphic purposes
(tephrochronology), for example, in the Mediterranean or around Iceland (Fig. 3.4).
Volcanic activity also adds gases and hydrothermal solutions to the ocean. These
fluxes have an important bearing on the evolution of the chemistry of ocean and
atmosphere and are the subject of intense study at present (Sect. 10.44).
... ..
' ... .
.. ..
.. ..
...... "
.. ....
'. '.
-, -,
Fig. 3.4. Distribution of volcanic ash produced by two large volcanic explosions in the Aegean Sea,
presumably of Santorini. The lower ash layer marks a prehistoric event (> 25 000 yrs.). The upper
layer is less than 5000 yrs old; the volcanic explosion creating it may be the one which brought
catastrophe to the Minoan culture, some 3600 years ago. [D. Ninkovich, B. C. Heezen, Nature
London 213: 1967 , 582, in K. K. Turekian, 1968, Oceans, Prentice-Hall, New Jersey]
rocks whose minerals have the fonn [Me Sia Alb Oc], where Me stands for the metals
Na, K, Mg, and Ca, and the remainder makes insoluble silica-aluminium oxides, that
is, clay minerals.
How stable was the composition of seawater through geologic time? If we use the
above concept of acid-base titration, and assume that seawater is a solution in equilibrium with the sediments on the sea floor, the results is that the composition should
be rather stable. Also, we can obtain samples of seawater salt in the ancient salt
deposits. Their composition indicates that sea salt did not vary much over the last 600
million years: probably by less than a factor of 2 for anyone major component.
Paleontologic evidence certainly agrees with this assessment. Already in the early
Paleozoic there are organisms whose closest modem relatives have rather narrow salt
tolerances: radiolarians, corals, brachiopods, cephalopods, echinodenns. Of course,
adaptation of the organisms to an increasing or changing salt content cannot be ruled
On comparing the average composition of river water with that of seawater, one
notes drastic differences. Essentially, river water is a very dilute solution of calcium
ppm b
10 561
HC03-, C032140
Fe 2+, Fe 3+
AI (OH)40.01
Weight % Rank
Residence times C
in seawater
Weight % Rank
in millions of years
58.8 a
( 1)
(Si =) 0.04
= 100 %
= 100%
a From D. A. Livingstone (1963) U.S Geol Surv Profess Paper 440 G ("Hard" water contains
roughly twice the average total, "soft" water one half).
b ppm = parts per million (g per ton).
C The residence time is the ratio between the mass within the reservoir and the mass introduced
per year. (Data mainly from E. D. Goldberg 1965, in Chemical Oceanography vol. 1, 163-196,
Academic Press, New York)
bicarbonate and silicic acid, with a small admixture of the familiar salts - a substantial proportion of which are recycled marine salts. We see from this discrepancy in
the composition of seawater and river water that the river influx per se is irrelevant to
the makeup of sea salt. What counts is the solubility of the salts. In the simples terms,
the soluble salts are abundant in seawater and the others are not.
3.3.2 Interstitial Water and Diagenesis. Fine-grained sediments (clays and silts)
have porosities of 70 to 90-% by volume when first deposited on the sea floor, while
sands have around 50 %. This pore space is initially filled with trapped seawater. As
the sediments are buried below new material, the load increases, pore space is reduced by compression, and part of the pore water leaves, mostly by escaping upward.
The water thus lost does not necessarily have the same composition as the water
originally trapped. Chemical reactions with the surrounding sediments cause changes
both in the interstitial waters and in the composition of the solids. Compaction and
chemical reactions involving pore fluids (or solids only, as in recrystallization) constitute "diagenesis", which is the process transforming loose sedimenus into rocks.
Fig. 3.5. Mud volcano. Side scan record from (he Black Sea bottom. (Side scan principl e see FIg.
4.15). [Courtesy Dr. Glunow. Moscow. from UNESCO-IMS -Newsletter 61 . Paris]
where A is the amount present, and r is the input. Some residence times are given in
Table 3.1. Clearly, sodium and chloride have a long residence time, and silica has a
very short one. The residence time is, in essence, a measure of the geochemical
solubility (or inversely, reactivity) of the substance in question. Equation (3.1) was
once used to calculate a "salt age" for the ocean, under the assumption that the ocean
had started out fresh and retained all sodium since. This salt age came out near 100
million years. In our museum analogy, calculating the salt age corresponds to figuring
the time the exhibit opened, from the number of people present and the rate at which
they are coming in. The salt age was once useful as a minimum estimate for the scale
of geologic time.
Fig. 3.6 a, b. Familiar examples of two major types of beach sand a medium sand, lithogenous,
La 10lla b coarse sand, biogenous, Hawaii. (Photos: W. H. B.)
the first type lithogenous, the second hydrogenous, and the third biogenous (Fig. 3.6;
Box 3.1) . Around the ocean margins, lithogenous sediments are predominant, although there are also salt deposits and biogenic sediments. In the deep sea, biogenous
sediments predominate, especially calcareous ooze.
Lithogenous Sediments
Hydrogenous sediments, while widespread (Ferromanganese deposits and metal sulfides around
deep-sea vents). are not important by volume at present. At times in the past. when thick salt
deposits were laid down in the newly opening Atlantic, in the Mesozoic, and much later in a
dried-up Mediterranean (end of the Miocene) the volume of hydrogenous sediments produced
was considerable. The salinity of the ocean may have been appreciably lowered during those
times of evaporite deposition.
3.5.2 Sand is typical of beach and shelf deposits (Fig. 3.6) Like gravel, it may
consists of rock fragments, a striking example being provided by black beach sands
on Hawaii, which are made of volcanic rock. Commonly, however, sand consists of
fragments of the minerals quartz, feldspar, mica, and others. Except for quartz, these
are compounds of the type [Na, K, Mg, Ca]a [Si, AI]b Dc, that is, alumino-silicates.
Quartz (Si02) is the mineral most resistant to abrasion and to leaching, and sands
which have been extensively reworked are therefore greatly enriched in quartz (mature sands). The first minerals to be destroyed during weathering, transport, and
reworking are the iron-rich minerals. Feldpar also is not very resistant to chemical
In many tropical beaches, sand may consist entirely of fragments of calcareous
skeletons, of mollusks, corals, and algae. One might argue whether a deposit made up
of such "bioclastic" material should be counted as "lithogenous", as derived from
pre-existing rocks or as "biogenous". Strictly speaking, there is a cycle of mechanical
breakup and abrasion involved (hence lithogenous), but for geochemical balance
calculations we might include this material with chemical deposits. Carbonate particles are easily abraded and chemically eroded. Thus, in a mixture of carbonate and
quart sand, the quartz will soon dominate when the sand is reworked.
The source areas and dispersal history of sands can also be explored by noting the
compositional types of "heavy minerals" (densities greater than 2.8 glcm 3 ; examples:
the silicates hornblende, pyroxene, olivine, and also magnetite, ilmenite, rutile) (Appendix A4). The heavy mineral association allows the mapping of depositional provinces, which, in tum, provides clues to the action of shelf currents and other factors
(Fig. 3.7).
The shape of sand grains, especially quartz grains, can give clues to their origin.
For example, grains in glacial deposits have sharp edges, whereas reworking by
waves leads to rounding. Dunes especially collect well-rounded grains, and such
grains may be "frosted". One problem with a straightforward application of these
concept is that quartz grains are so resistant that they can be recycled many times by
erosion and redeposition of old sedimentary deposits (polycyclic sands). Another
problem is that etching of grains can take place after deposition, within the sediment,
obliterating and confusing the surface markings.
3.5.3 Silt-Sized sediment is very characteristic of continental slope and rise, but may
occur at any place on the shelf where conditions are quiet, so that it is not washed out
by wave or current action. The composition of the silt is much like that of sand in the
coarser end of the range, and like that of clay in the finder end. Mica is especially
abundant in terrigenous silt.
Sand is commonly studied with a binocular microscope, and the composition of
clay is investigated by X-ray diffraction. The study of silt traditionally fell into the
crack between these two methods and has had a rather low popularity rating. More
recently, the scanning electron microscope has made it possible to investigate this
size fraction in more detail (Fig. 3.8). The composition of the silts is usually closely
related to that of the associated fine sand fractions.
Lithogenous Sediments
Fig. 3.7. Heavy mineral provinces of the Gulf of Mexico, based on typical mineral associations .
I East Gulf; /I Mississippi; 11/ Central Texas; IV Rio Grande; V Mexico. Carbonate particles are
dominant off Mexico and Yucatan . The heavy mineral patterns contain clues about the sources and
transport paths of terrigenous sediments. [D. K. Davies , W. R. Moore, 1970, J. Sediment. Petrol. 40:
Fig. 3.8. Recent hemipelagic sediment from Continental Rise off NW Africa (Cape Verde Rise).
SEM photos, hal' 20 /lm. Left Fine-silt fraction (2- 6 /lm) predominantly composed of coccoliths (c)
and of some detrital mica (m) and quartz (q); Rig ht coarse silt fraction, mainly detrital grains
(q quartz) and foraminifera tests and fragments (j). [Photo courtesy D. Fiitterer]
3.5.4 Clay-Sized sediment is ubiquitous on shelves, slopes, and in the deep sea. Like
the silt, it indicates low energy environments where abundant, because it is easily
picked up and washed away. Exceptions are clays in those high energy environments
where clay supply is extremely high, as off some tropical rivers. Much of the clay, as
mentioned, consists of clay minerals, products of weathering that are brought in by
rivers and winds and are dispersed by waves and currents.
The common clay minerals, or clay mineral groups, are montmorrilonite (or smectite), illite, chlorite, and kaolinite (Appendix A4). Their distribution and paleoclimatic
significance will be discussed in more detail in Chapter 8.
The high surface areas of clay particles give clayey sediments special chemical
properties. For example, they readily adsorb a large variety of substances, and react
with the ions in seawater and in interstitial waters. Thus, during diagenesis, within
buried sediments, new clay minerals can form slowly. Ultimately, this has important
implications for the chemistry of seawater and for geochemistry in general. Also,
clays can readily form aggregates, in seawater.
Clayey sediments in regions of high sedimentation rate are commonly rich in
organic matter, partly because organics cling to the clay during deposition, and partly
because where conditions are quiet enough for the deposition of clay they also are
favorable for the deposition of the fluffY organic particles. Much of the marine clays
may actually be brought to the floor within fecal pellets of organisms filtering the
water. Such clay is associated with food particles. Recent experiments in the Baltic
Sea, with sediment-trapping equipment, in the open ocean off California and elsewhere, suggest that this "fecal pellet transport" mechanism is a significant agent of
sedimentaiton. The association between clay and organic matter is important in petroleum exploration in the search for source rocks.
Biogenous Sediments
Table 3.3. Inorganic constituents and carbonate minerals in hard parts of marine organisms (for
3.6.2 Benthic Organisms are responsible for building up enormous masses of shelf
material off certain coasts. We have earlier referred to the Great Barrier Reef, which
is composed of calcareous shells and skeletons of corals, algae, mollusks, and foraminifera. Much of Florida sits on top of shelf carbonate built by benthos. Both aragonite
and calcite are secreted by various types of organisms (see Table 3.3). The content of
magnesium varies between groups of organisms, but also within the same group.
There is a tendency for higher magnesium values in those skeletons precipitated in
warmer water.
The great importance of carbonate-secreting benthos in producing sediment is
apparent all through the Phanerozoic record, that is, the last 600 million years or so.
Early on, phosphatic skeletons were actually more important than calcareous ones.
The reason for the switch is still unknown. Mesozoic and Cenozoic Platform carbonates were deposited all around the Tethys. the seaway which once linked the western
Pacific and the Atlantic through Asia and Europe. The oil fields in Arabia and in
Mexico are associated with cavernous Mesozoic reef limestones. built up within the
Tethys seaway. In the Paleozoic, shelf carbonates built the Permian reefs in the
Rockies, which contain a rich fauna of ancient corals, brachiopods, and mollusks.
The carbonates of the Caledonian mountains running from Norway to Scotland and
Wales into Newfoundland and Appalachia mark an ancient Atlantic seaway (Fig.
The older the carbonate deposits, the more recrystallized they tend to be. Aragonite is replaced by calcite in this process, and many original structures of fossils are
destroyed through "diagenesis". "Dolomitization" is an extreme form of diagenetic
alteration, whereby every second Ca-ion is eventually replaced by Mg.
The shallow water limestones of the geologic record, produced in the shelf environments of ancient oceans, commonly contain an admixture of siliceous rocks, as
layers or nodular masses of chert arranged along horizons parallel to the bedding.
Mineralogically, this material is, in the main, finely crystalline quartz; in Tertiary
sediments it may be cryptocrystalline, or it may be still amorphous in parts. The
origin of these flinty masses has long been a mystery (although this did not prevent
their being used for tool-making in the Stone Age, of course). In the Miocene Monterey Formation of California, the source of the silica is shells of planktonic diatoms.
However, in shelf limestones the source may well have been siliceous sponges. Such
sponges are abundant on shelves and upper slopes in the present ocean wherever
there are silica-rich waters, that is, in high latitudes and in upwelling areas.
Why is there no evidence for incipient chert formation in modern shelf carbonate
The reason is that silicate concentrations are very low in present tropical waters.
Diatoms and sponges precipitate silica, but their skeletons are delicate and are
quickly redissolved in the highly undersaturated seawater, which is stripped of its
silicate by diatoms in upwelling regions. Could ancient oceans have had higher
concentrations of silicate in the water? This is quite possible, if such oceans were
much less fertile than the present ones. Also, it has been suggested that a high level
of volcanic activity favored the formation of siliceous sedimentary rocks by supplying large amounts of silicate to seawater. For the Eocene, this idea has been
offered to explain the abundace of cherts in deep-sea carbonates. These cherts caused
considerable difficulties for deep-sea drilling, since they quickly destroy the drill bit,
and impede recovery of sediment cores.
3.6.3 Plankton Organisms contribute a significant amount of material to slope sediments (Fig. 3.8). Deep-sea carbonates are made almost entirely of planktonic remains
(see Chap. 8). Shelf sediments, especially those of the geologic past, can also contain
considerable amounts of planktonic remains. For example, the English chalk is made
largely of the remains of planktonic calcareous algae, the coccolithophorids (which
produce the little platelets called coccoliths). The role of diatoms in supplying opal to
margin sediments has been mentioned.
In general, the remains of planktonic organisms increase relatively to those of
benthic organisms in the offshore direction. A well-known application of this principle is the determination of the ratio of planktonic to benthic foraminifera in the
mapping of marine facies. In the deep sea, the ratio is greater than 10: 1. On the edge
of the shelf it is close to 50:50. In the Persian Gulf, a somewhat restricted shelf sea,
the plankton-benthos ratio is even lower: about 3:7 near the entrance, and less than
I: 10 in the interior. Thus, the planktonic remains are typical for the open ocean.
Nonskeletal Carbonates
Clearly, Dsat equals 1 for saturation, less than 1 for undersaturation, and is greater
than 1 for supersaturation.
Whenever Dsat ist greater than 1, we expect spontaneous precipitation. However,
even though Dsat is indeed greater than 1 in the surface waters of tropical oceans,
inorganic precipitation is negligible. It is commonly assumed that the presence of
magnesium interferes with the expected reaction. Thus we need to find an unusually
high Dsat, if we are to see inorganic precipitation. Additionally, the presence of
appropriate crystal nuclei should be favorable.
Hifh temperature and a low C02 content in the water increase the product [Ca2+]
[C03 -] by increasing the concentration of carbonate ion. The effect of adding or
subtracting C02 is readily seen from the following equations:
C02 + H20 = H+ + HC03- ,
HC03- = H+ + C03= .
Almost all the inorganic carbon in the ocean is in the form of bicarbonate, HC03-.
Removal of C02 drives the reaction of Eq. (3.3) to the left, subtracting hydrogen
ions. In tum, this drives the reaction of Eq. (3.4) to the right, opposing the change in
hydrogen ions. Increasing the temperature lowers the solubility of C02. Also, C02 is
taken up by algae during photosynthesis - hence the precipitation of CaC03 as crusts
on many shallow-water tropical algae.
The following equation summarizes the process surrounding carbonate precipitation and dissolution in a simplified manner:
CaC03 + H20 + C02 ~ Ca2+ + 2 HC03 .
Dissolution proceeds from left to right, precipitation from right to left. Note that C02
is used up during dissolution of carbonate (to help make bicarbonate), and is released
upon precipitation. We shall take up this theme again when discussing the greenhouse
effect (see Sect. 7.7.5).
3.7.2 The Bahamas are ideally suited to test for inorganic precipitation. They are
surrounded by some of the warmest, most alkaline waters in the ocean. There is
hardly any terrigenous input, and pure carbonates are accumulating. The Great Bahama Bank is extremely flat and usually less than 5 m deep (Fig. 3.9a). High rates of
evaporation and low rates of rainfall results in increased salinities, which can attain
over 40 %0. Hence [Ca2+] (observed) is increased in Eq. (3.2). Heating of the water
by the tropical sun further increases Dsat. Algae grow abundantly on the sea floor,
removing C02 during the day. Thus, conditions are indeed very favorable for the
precipitation of carbonate.
Two types of calcareous particles on the sea floor of the Great Bank have been
considered as possible products of inorganic precipitation: aragonite needles (length
of a few micrometers) and oolites (consisting of spherical ooids with a diameter near
one third of a millimeter) (Fig. 3.9).
The origin of the aragonite needles has been a puzzle for some time; both direct
precipitation and mechanical breakup (perhaps aided by boring clams, deposit
feeders, etc.) of pre-existing skeletons has been suggested. However, modem investigations, using scanning electron microscopy and stable isotope analysis, indicate that
most of the needles are formed within certain algae.
The oolites are spherical objects formed of concentric layers mostly of aragonite
needles and organic matter. They are quite abundant in the geologic record especially
in subtropical shelf sediments. In the Bahamas they occur especially on the outer rim
of the Great Bank, in the shallowest water. Here, in the zone of growth, they are
altemately moved about by strong tidal currents, or rest just below the sea floor,
buried by other oolites. Recent laboratory experiments suggest that ooids are formed
only if sufficient organic matter is present. According to high-resolution stereos can
investigations, precipitation is largely through biocalcification by unicellular algae.
Hence, carbonate precipitation directly from seawater seems to be negligible under
present-day conditions.
In sum, carbonate platforms and shelves are enormous biological factories generating biogenous carbonates, in competition with the open ocean plankton. The steep
slopes off the carbonate shelves are due to the fact that the carbonate sands and muds
delivered from above can harden quickly by cementation. Coral reefs are responsible
for sharp shelf edges. The alternation from glacial to interglacial sea-level variation,
and between exposure and submergence of carbonate shelves, has important implications for the carbonate budget of the entire ocean, and hence also for the concentration of C02 in the atmosphere (Sect. 8.5).
We have seen that during low sea-level stands more material reaches the deep sea
by turbidity current transport (Chap. 2.10). The reason is an increase of delivery of
terrigenous sediments by continental erosion during glacial time, and a lack of estuaries that could trap the material: it is delivered right to the shelf edge. The reverse
is the case in the region surrounding the Bahama Banks and around similar carbonate
platforms, where biological sediment production dominates. Such platforms deliver
Nonskeletal Carbonates
Fig. 3.9. Calcareous oolites, produced within tidal zone by algal activity. Upper Air photo of oolite
sand bars, Bahama Banks. Note tidal channels. [Photo courtesy D. L. Eiche r] . Lower SEM photos of
oiids, scale bar 5 J..lm; left slightly etched section. Three secondarily filled borings (h) intersect the
concentric laminae of primary oolite coating; right close-up of oolite laminae, showing acicular
aragonite needles. [Photos D. Fiitterer]
materials during high stands, while yielding little during low stands. When platforms
are flooded, the growth of algae, foraminifers, mollusks, and corals, produces a large
amount of calcareous debris which is then available for transport down the flanks
(and also for making storm ramparts, in cases). In contrast, during low stands, the
platforms fall dry and, while soils or karst from carbonate dissolution mediated by
runoff may develop, there is little production of loose sediment.
3.7.3 Dolomite. Calcite may contain magnesium in different concentrations. "MgCalcites" are, in fact, the rule rather than the exception in the shelf environment.
Dolomite rCa, Mg (C03)z], however, is a different story, and poses many unsolved
One might expect that dolomite would precipitate from seawater because it is
much less soluble than aragonite. There is, after all, plenty of magnesium in seawater
(Table 3. 1). However, such precipitation has not been observed in today's ocean.
Dolomite apparently forms within calcareous sediments, either through partial replacement of Ca with Mg in preformed carbonate or possibly by precipitation
from pore waters. As mentioned, these processes are part of "diagenesis". A classic
area for the study of incipient dolomite formation is the southern margin of the
Persian/Arabian Gulf (Fig. 3.10). Here, the intertidal flats lie behind barrier islands,
within a lagoon with warm and very saline water. In the pore waters of sediments
above low tide, magnesium is greatly enriched with respect to calcium (and sulfate is
reduced) due to the precipitation of gypsum (calcium sulfate) in adjoining evaporite
pans (i. e. the "sabkha").
O Land
Sab kha
Algol mo ts
b ~ In lerl idal
bd Lagoon
Hydrogenous Sediments
Obviously, in this instance of dolomite formation, the dolomite is closely associated with evaporation flats, tidal conditions, and unusually warm and saline water an environment unfriendly to higher organisms but favorable for recrystallisation.
Thus, we should not expect many macrofossils in sediments rich in this kind of
dolomite. Stromatolithic textures, however, may be preserved.
Experiments on dolomite formation suggest that the removal of the sulfate ion
from the interstitial waters (by reduction and precipitation as iron sulfide) is the
crucial step allowing dolomite formation. If so, the importance of the precipitation of
gypsum in evaporite lagoons may lie in the decrease of the sulfate concentration
rather than in the increase of the Mg/Ca ratio.
Microbial sulfate reduction in the uppermost few tens of meters of continental
margin sediments also seems to favor dolomitization. According to investigations
with deep-sea drilling cores, this occurs if accumulation rates are less than
500 m/million years and organic carbon contents are greater than 0.5 weight %.
Dolomite has also been found in deep-sea sediments deposited under anaerohic
conditions. This has been explained by bacterial sulfate reduction, removing this
obstacle to precipitation. Sulfate reduction also increases the alkalinity, providing
additional carbonate ions for precipitation. In general, diagenetic signals are strong in
hemipelagic sediments with suboxic processes. Under certain conditions, dolomitization of preformed carbonates may occur by dilution of interstitial seawater by freshwater, penetrating from nearby highs on tidal flats, as happens on the Bahaman
Islands, and on some coral reef islands.
3.8.1 Marine Evaporites are those sediments which form on evaporation of seawater. Restriction of exchange with the open ocean, in a semi-enclosed basin, is
necessary to drive the salt content high enough for precipitation to begin. Such
restricted bodies of water are (1) coastal lagoons; (2) salt seas on the shelves; or (3)
early rift oceans in the deep sea. A special case is the Mediterranean, which was
partially isolated in the latest Miocene, 6 to 5 million years ago (see Sect. 9.5.2).
How much salt can be produced by evaporating a 1000-m- high column of seawater? Salt constitutes 3.5 % (or 35 %0) of the weight of the column, its density is
about 2.5 times that of water. Thus, we would obtain about 14 m salt. Most of this
would be table salt (halite) (see Table 3.1). The least soluble salts precipitate first:
calcium carbonate (aragonite), and calcium sulfate (gypsum). To precipitate halite,
the brine needs to be concentrated about tenfold. Many evaporites only contain carbonate and gypsum (or anhydrite), others have thick deposits of halite or, rarely, of
the valuable (and very soluble) potassium salts. This sequence of mineral precipitation was experimentally established by Usiglio in 1849.
An evaporite basin, besides having restricted access to the open ocean, must lie
within an arid climate. New seawater must be delivered from time to time. This
seawater must be concentrated by evaporation. If only gypsum is to form, a concentration beyond threefold must be prevented, by new incursions of seawater, or else
halite must be removed during or after each evaporation cycle (Fig. 3.11). If only
halite is to form, left-over brine from a gypsum-precipitating basin must be available,
or the halite must be leached from elsewhere and brought into the basin by nonmarine
waters. Differential preservation, then, and serial fractionation are the key processes
in controlling the chemistry of salt deposits. In lagoonal settings, a periodic covering
of existing salts, by wind or flood deposits, may be necessary to prevent redissolution
by the next invasion of ocean water.
Only very few modern examples for submarine evaporite formation are known:
coastal lagoons of Ojo de Liebre in Baja California (Mexico) or the 20-km-Iong
drowned river valley Bocana de Virrila (Peru), where gypsum is precipitated when
salinities reach 160 %0 by evaporation and halite at more than 320 %0 (type a in Fig.
The formation of diagenetic dolomite and gypsum/anhydrite in coastal "sabkha"
environments was discussed in the last section. Features typical for this environment,
such as big gypsum crystals, nodular or intensely deformed anhydrite, and algal mats,
are well known in ancient evaporite series of the Permian period (Lower Clear Formation, Texas; Zechstein, Northwestern Europe). Also, such features were discovered
in uppermost Miocene sediments, underlying the Mediterranean, by deep-sea drilling
(see Fig. 3.12).
3.8.2 Phosphorites. As is true for nonskeletal calcium carbonate, marine phosphorites are in the boundary line between hydrogenous and biogenous origin. After
all, phosphorus is intimately associated with the life cycle on Earth, in the sea as well
as on land. It is an essential component of every living cell. In fact, it is likely that the
availability of phosphorus to photosynthetic organisms ultimately controls the fertility of the ocean, and hence also the formation of biogenous deposits.
Phosphorites deserve special attention for the reason of this tie-in to ocean fertility,
but also because of their economic value (Sect. 10.3.1).
3.8.3 Iron Compounds are abundant in both oceanic margin sediments and in the
deep sea, since iron is one of the most abundant elements on Earth. On the slopes, the
high supply of organic matter commonly leads to oxy gen deficiency, and to sulfate
reduction by marine bacteria, in the uppermost sediment layers. This process results
in H2S formation, and in the precipitation of iron sulfide (pyrite). In the deep sea, on
the other hand, oxygen is generally plentiful, and essentially all iron occurs in its
oxidized form, as iron-oxide/hydroxide (goethite), Here it is especially associated
with manganese deposits (Sect. 10.4).
The reduction of sulfate in anaerobic sediments. and the associated precipitation of
iron sulfide, is a geochemical process of major importance, which bears on the
Hydrogenous Sediments
II CoCOj"SoWration
NaCl SaturatlM
Fig. 3.11. Possible models for marine evaporite formation. a Serial fractionation in very shallow and
extended basins. Saturation of different salts is reached in a series ocean to land. Terrigenous
particles may be supplied from land. Recent example: Adshi-darja Lagoon attached to the Caspian
Sea by Kara Bogaz Inlet (chemical conditions there are not fully comparable with open sea).
b Serial fractionation and differential preservation in deeper basins divided by sills. Saturation of
differents salts is reached in a series shallow to deep water. Detail Only gypsum is precipitated near
the sill. Halite saturation is not reached, because brine sinks down to the basin escaping further
evaporation. Sill depths can be considerably reduced by carbonate and/or gypsum precipitation. No
Recent example known. [G. Richter-Bernburg, 1955 , Dtsch. Geol. Ges. 105 [4]: 59]
SOO k,n
__- L__~__~~'
Sedimentation Rates
10. 000 ~']['"- -.
Lf' Coral reef
_ Continental
High relief
s _~
~ Continental
Drainage areas :
Colo rado T
Amazonas ~
Mississ .
, . since 8OOOY.
I , IKiel Bay
I ,
since 100 Y
I ,
I 'r
~ ~ Sill CEOUS
Fig. 3.13. Rates of vertical crustal motion, of denudation, and of sedimentation rates. Scale in
mm/lOOO years, also called "Bubnoffs" (B), or m/million years. Postglacial sea level rise for comparison: 100 m in 5000 yrs. Note interaction with recently deglaciated land (arrows left) and with
coral growth rates (arrows riJ?ht). [E. Seibold, 1975, Naturwissenschaften 62: 62; modified]
To apply these figures to ancient sediments, one has to correct them for compaction, that is, for a loss of porosity of about 40 % in sands, to about 70 % in muds.
On the whole, high rates occur at the edges of the continents, especially in estuaries and marginal basins with river influx. Exceptionally high values (up to 10 m
per year) are recorded off southern Alaska glaciers. The lowest sedimentation rates
occur in abyssal regions far away from the continents. Characteristic values for
continental slopes are 40 to 200 mm/IOOO years, under upwelling areas even up to
1000 mm/IOOO years, for the deep sea I to 20 mm/IOOO years. Coral reefs can build
up at rates of 1 cm per year, that is , 10000 mm/looO years! (see Sect. 7.4).
The most reliable estimates of sedimentation rates are possible in the case of
annual layers or varves. Counting of the varves in the Black Sea yields a rate near
400 mm/IOOO years, and in a bay off the Adriatic Island Mljet, 250 mm/lOOO years
(Fig. 3.14). In the Santa Barbara Basin off California, varve counts yield 1 mm/year,
in the Gulf of California 1-4 mm/year. Many millenia of temperture variations and
upwelling history can be reconstructed from the varves in the Gulf sediments and in
""'"'" ?
Temperalu re ( OC)
Fig. 3.14. Annual layers (varves) in the sediment of a bay in the Adriatic Sea (Mljet Island). The
photo shows light and dark laminae. One light-dark pair corresponds to one year. The lower boundary of light layers are generally sharp. they are due to precipitation of carbonate by phytoplankton.which bloom in early summer (record to lhe right) as temperature rises. In fall and winter. rains
bring terrigenous matter which - together with organic detritus - provides for dark colors. The
interpretation of the varves is a complicated matter; recent studies use statistical procedures to
reconstruct climatic conditions in detail. (Photo E. S.)
sediments of Santa Barbara Basin off California using diatoms, dinoflagellates, and
other microfossils (Sect. 7.7.2). Unfortunately, such ideal calendar pages are extremely rare in the marine realm. They can only be preserved where burrowing
organisms cannot live, that is, in the absence of free oxygen above the sedimentwater interface.
It is somewhat hazardous to apply sedimentation rates found for a given type of
sediment to a geologic sequence of such sediments. Episodic or periodic events,
especially erosional events, can change overall rates considerably. In many cases,
sediments of a certain depositional regime are underlain by erosional features of the
same regime: ice-polished rocks under moraines, wind-polished pebble pavements
under dunes, channels under river gravels, lopped-off sea floor beneath graded storm
deposits (shallow water) or turbidites (deep water). Erosion, of course, means loss of
information to the geologists. Missing sections - hiatuses - are erased history, lost
time as it were, whose duration can hardly be estimated. Therefore "accumulation
rates" averaging long time spans and including these losses are smaller than instantaneous sedimentation rates. Of course, the presence of hiatuses suggests we must look
for information about the processes producing them. Also, hiatuses extending over
large regions can be used for the correlation of sediment sequences, especially in
seismic stratigraphy.
In concluding this chapter about sources and composition of marine sediments,
some more esoteric components may be mentioned. So-called "cosmic spherules"
were first described by Murray of the Challenger Expedition. Black magnetic spherical objects up to 0.2 mm in diameter, commonly rich in Fe and Ni, can be isolated
from pelagic sediments, typically several per gram pelagic clay. Because it was
thought that they represent a steady influx of matter from space, their abundance was
used occasionally as an indicator for accumulation rates.
Glassy objects, normally up to 1 mm in diameter, may be produced by meteorite
impacts on terrestrial rocks and are called "microtectites". They were found in deepsea sediments in strewn fields around Austmlasia (0.7 million years old), off the
Ivory coast (1.1 million years), and in the Caribbean (33-35 million years), for
example. Where abundant, they can be used as a time marker and serve for correlation by "event stratigraphy".
Further Reading
Selley RC (1976) An introduction to sedimentology. Academic Press, London
Bouma AG, Normark WR, Barnes NE (eds) (1985) Submarine fans and related turbidite systems.
Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York
Reading HG (ed) (1986) Sedimentary environments and facies. Blackwell Scientific, Oxford
Tucker ME, Wright VP (1990) Carbonate sedimentology. Blackwell Scientific, Oxford
Friedman GM, Sanders JE, Kopaska-Merkel DC (1992) Principles of sedimentary deposits. Stratigraphy and sedimentology. Macmillan, New York
We have seen that the morphology of the ocean margins is largely determined by
tectonics and sediment supply (Chap. 2), and we have reviewed the various types of
sediment~ which are involved (Chap. 3). We now tum to the all-important role of
water motion in determining the distribution of sediments on the sea floor. A first
impression of this role can be gained from contemplating Fig. 4.1 which illustrates
the redistribution of sediment supplied by a river in a setting typical for southern
California. The water motions indicated are not the only ones that need to be considered, as we shall see.
Fig. 4.1. Redistribution of sediment on the continental margin, by water motion . The drawing
reflects a West Coast geographic setting ; note river input , longshore transport (powered by wave
energy), interception by submarine canyon. Fine sediment bypasses the shelf, and comes to rest on
slope or deeper. Note starved beaches and rocky shelf beyond canyon. [Based on a drawing in D. G.
Moore, 1969, Geol. Soc. Am . Spec. Pap. 107: 142]
Waves and currents leave their imprint on the sea floor in many ways, as depositional and erosional features. Familiar examples are wave forms on the sediment
surface, from the smallest ripple marks to large submarine dune fields. Others are
bedding structures within the sediment, from beach laminations to thick graded
layers, and also the grain size of the sediment, from muddy lagoonal deposits to the
highly sorted on wave-washed beaches. Scourmarks, channels, and clean-swept
banks and submarine plateaus are well-known products of erosion.
Just how effective are waves and currents as sculptors on the ocean floor? And
what are the clues to be studied if we wish to reconstruct the wave and current
regimes from the geologic record?
Sediment Transport
'lilt <DQ)-
0 00
0 00
~ ~CI:!C>
0 OO~
Fig. 4.2. Diagram relating current velocity somewhat above the bottom to the size of particles
of a given class which it erodes ("'Hjulstr0m Curve"). Graph applies to well-sorted sediment only.
[A. Sundborg, 1956, Geogr Ann 38: 127, in J. Gilluly et aI. , 1968, Principles of geology,
W. H. Freeman, San Fraciscol
4.1.2 Role of Velocity. How exactly does water move the grains? The velocity of the
current decreases toward zero at the interface itself. Hence the values of current
velocity given are valid for some distance above the floor. Because of the difficulties
in defining this distance for different conditions, modem investigtions use bottom
shear stresses produced by the flow regime. Exactly how much effect such a current
has near the interface depends on the roughness of this surface and on the turbulence
this creates. The turbulence leads to sudden changes in the impact of water on a grain
sticking out at the surface. As the current velocity increases, the frequency and force
of impact pulses increases, and some grains start to move. This leads to the impacting
of grains by other grains and soon more and more grains start to roll and jump over
the floor. The rolling and jumping grains are the hed load of the current (Fig. 4.3).
If the velocity of a current increases further, turbulence increases and the jumps
become higher, with more grains joining. For anyone grain the contact with the floor
decreases, and we now have a considerable suspended load within the water. Since
fine grains settle more slowly, they spend more time in suspension than coarse ones.
Thus, there is a statistical distribution between bed load and suspended load, corresponding to grain size distributions and turbulence.
The grains traveling in the bed load, naturally, will impact each other more than
those in suspension. We can conclude that there is another clue to direction of transport: signs of abrasion on bedload particles should increase down-current. The degree
low discharge
Threshold of groin
movement on flat bed
I incipient motion I
High discharge
.. .
Sand waves, form moves
of rounding of pebbles, for example, is such a clue. Sand grains, too, may bear this
information, although it is assumed that abrasion is much slower than for pebbles 300 to 400 times less effective. Below a size of 0.25 mm, however, rounding and
length of transport have no simple relationship. In fact, rounding may decrease downcurrent as the sands become finer and hence more irregular.
What if the current velocity of a sediment-carrying water body decreases from
some high value? The coarse material settles out first, and then the finer particles in
regular succession (Fig. 4.4). The values for current velocities at which the sediment
comes to rest are lower (by about 30 %) than the ones for erosion: it is easier to keep
sediment moving than to set it in motion from rest. For the suspended load, of course,
there is no velocity minimum for transport, as in erosion, since settling now dominates over interface conditions. One conclusions is that any current activity will tend
to sepamte clay-size from sand-size material, since the presence of sand facilitates
erosion, and the clay stays in suspension long after the sand settles back out.
Sediment Transport
1000 - - -- , - - - - r - -----,
l00 +---~r_--~~--~
10 +-----~~--r---~
0.1 ":_:--o-LT---.-+-....,.:.....:;....~-t--..;-r-rl
1 2mrn8
- _ --SoNI
-----t--Gta.,.. -
subsequent reworking does not reach as deep again. Such layers are known as "tempestites". They are commonly characterized by coarse material overlying an erosive
base, followed by intercalations of coarser and finer sediment. In the intertidal "wadden" the coarse material consists of shell.
The existence of tempestites is a reminder that experiments on sediment transport,
for example in artificial waterways (flumes), have a scale problem with regard to
both size and time. Small-scale experiments do not necessarily reproduce the largescale phenomena observed in nature.
wove motion
Fig. 4.5 a, b. Wave motion. a Sinusoidal wave, particles describe circles. b Formation of breakers.
The open ocean wave approaches the beach (/), "'feeling bottom", it slows and steepens (2). It
becomes unstable and breaks (3), producing a body of foaming water which runs across the beach
(4) transporting sediment.
Bascom, 1959, Sci. Am. 201 (2) 14 and 1960, Sci . Am. 203 (2) 80
Effects of Waves
The motion quickly decays with depth. At depths greater than one half of the wave
length there is virtually no motion. Thus, surface waves involve only the uppermost
part of the water column. Internal waves also exist at the thermocline, and at other
density discontinuities in the upper few 100 m. Such waves have been shown to
induce currents in submarine canyons. However, on the whole, their effects are
poorly known.
A surface wave running up onto the shore from deep water "feels bottom" when
the depth of water becomes less than one fourth of the wave length. At this point, the
circular motion of the water particles becomes more and more elliptical, and there is
a back-and-forth motion directly on the sea floor. In general, the maximum depth to
which sand is moved, the "wave base", is near 10 to 20 m. In exceptionally strong
storms, wave motions can reach considerably deeper. Ripple marks are seen on
shelves evep out to the shelf break. However, the relative importance of surface
waves, intemal waves, tides, and currents in producing such ripples is not always
clear. Recently, symmetrical ripples were discovered in fine sands of the outer shelf
off Oregon, at depths to 200 m, with crest-to-crest lengths of 10 to 20 cm, and with
the crests parallel to the coast. These oscillation ripples are thought to be produced by
winter storms on the exposed shelf. The measurement of ripples (Fig. 4.6) yields
clues as to the water motion which produced them.
The nature of the waves working the sea floor helps determine not only the
distribution of various types of ripples, but also the character of the sediment. Above
wave base, fine sediment is put into suspension periodically, and is transported away
by currents. It settles in quiet environments at greater depths. Below wave base, mud
can accumulate. The composition and the rate of production of bottom-living organisms changes greatly across the wave base, pres umably largely because of the change
in sediment character.
The rule "coarse sediment equals shallow water, fine sediment equals deep water"
derives from this general decrease of energy input to the sea floor with depth. However, it is the energy that is important, not the depth as such. Along any shore line, the
less exposed bays also tend to collect fine material, while coarse sediment characterizes the headlands.
4.2.2 Beach Processes. Nowhere are the effects of water motion more obvious than
on the beach (Figs. 4.7 to 4.11). Each uprushing wave moves the sand, leaving swash
marks at its upper limit and V-shaped backwash rills upon retreat. The balance
between erosion and deposition of beach materials produces a typical profile, featuring a berm and a foreshore (Figs. 4.7b and 4.9). The balance between erosion and
deposition shifts through time. After storms, in many cases, a considerable loss of
beach sand can be noticed. The sand is eroded and moves offshore. Typical for this
"dissipative" beach stage are high, steep waves with short periods.
How do beaches hold on to their sand? The answer to this question is that normal,
more gentle wave action with no prominent surf zone moves sand back inshore. The
resulting condition is called the "reflective" stage. Between two extremes, some
intermediate stages with or without longshore bars and throughs or bars transverse to
the beach may form.
On the beaches of California, and elsewhere on many coasts, the power of wave
action changes seasonally. Thus, winter beaches tend to be lower than summer
beaches, and the out-going sand leaves rocks and gravel exposed, where present
(Fig. 4.8). The sand which collects offshore fonns bars. The position of the bars can
be recognized from the shore by observing the breakers which form on top of them
(Fig. 4.9).
The waves which run toward the shore steepen as they slow in shallow water, and
at some point they break, spilling water down the front (Fig. 4.5b). This breaking
occurs where the water depth is roughly 1.5 times the wave height (from trough to
crest). Waves transport some water in the direction of travel, and this transport greatly
increases during breaking. Thus, water piles up on the beach, or on the foreshore, to
be exact (Fig. 4.9). In many places, the piled-up water returns to the ocean in narrow
streams, the rip currents feared by inexperienced ocean swimmers. These currents
can be fast (I to 2 m/s) and can carry swimmers beyond the breaker zone. Here the
Effects of Waves
Fig. 4.7 a, b. Beaches. a Hawaiian beach made of coarse shell sand (note steepness of profile).
Breakers form at reef edge, well offshore. Small arrow lower riRhl marks " swashline". b Pebble
beach in East Anglia. Note the distinct berm crest. [Photos W. H. B.]
Fig. 4.8 a, b. Boomer Beach , La 101la, California. a Exposed wavecut te rrace with boulder beach.
Sand has moved offshore, and also to southern end of embayment. This is the condition after storms
( usually in winter). b Sand covers the te rrace and much of the boulders. Summer condition . [Photos
W. H. B.]
Effects of Waves
Fig. 4.9. Beach profile (southern California). The summer profile shows the buildup of the berm at
the expense of the bars. During winter the surf removes sand from the berm, and the bars reform.
Note the breakers over the bars (arrows marked B) The vertical scale is exaggerated. Gradients in
sandy beaches are mostly around a few degrees, the finer the sand, the more gentle the slope.
[W. Bascom, 1960, Sci. Am. 203 [2] 80; modified]
currents disperse. They also can carry sediment, and produce channels and ripple
marks within the breaker zone.
Water transported by waves also causes longshore currents, which can move sediment parallel to the beach. Since the breakers are very efficient in suspending the
sediment, the longshore currents (velocities up to I m/s) can move a large amount of
material (Fig. 4.IOa). On both the US East and West Coasts, the longshore drift is
predominantly from north to south. On the shores of Southern California, sand
brought by rivers moves south till it is intercepted by the head of a submarine canyon.
Thus, south of submarine canyons, beaches tend to be starved for sand (Fig. 4.IOb).
The submarine canyon acts as a funnel, moving beach sediment as well as kelp and
other debris down to the deep-sea floor (Fig. 4.11) .
Where beaches are narrow or missing altogether, storm breakers can hit the coast
with full force. Armed with gravel or sand, breakers can dig a deep notch into cliffs,
even if these are made of hard rock. When the notches and sea caves become large
and deep enough, the overlying material collapses and cliff erosion results. By grinding up the fallen rocks, waves produce additional beach sand (Fig. 4.12).
Fig. 4.10 a, b. Longshore transport of beach sand. a Venice Beach, Los Angeles , looking north. Note
pile-up of beach sand on nothern side of large jetty at bottom. b La Jolla Point. San Diego, looking
south. Sand moves in from the north; beach ends abruptly before reaching promontory. Sand moves
offshore in La Jolla Canyon (arrow) . Dark fields north of point are kelp beds. Note starved pocket
beaches on the point. [Photos W. H. B.)
All over the world, one finds protective structures at the foot of cliffs. People are
more mobile now than ever, they flock to the sea, they enjoy the view from atop the
cliffs, and they tend to be unfamiliar with the realities of coastal erosion, Coastal
engineering - which largely progresses by avoiding previous errors - has evolved
considerably in areas where protection from storm waves has been part of the scenery
for centuries, for example around the North Sea. Walls proved to be vulnerable to
waves. The waves remove the support at the base, so that the wall topples over
toward the sea. A more effective way to tame the sea is to pile up "rip-rap" (boulders)
or "tetrapods", or to construct dams with gentle slopes, where the breakers can spend
their energy gradually rather than all at once (Fig. 4.13). Energy-consuming friction
and turbulence is increased by making rough suIt'aces on these slopes. The words of
Francis Bacon (1561-1626) apply: "Who would rule Nature, must first obey her."
Fig. 4.11. Sandfall in San Lucas Canyon, Baja California. The fall is about 10 m high. The photo
was taken by Conrad Limbaugh, at a depth of about 55 m, in natural light. [F. P. Shepard, 1963,
Submarine geology, 2nd ed. Harper and Row, New York, Fig. 148. Photo courtesy S. I. 0 .]
Fig. 4.12. Sediment from cliff erosion. Encinitas, California. The pebbles act as tools for undercutting of the cliff. Note fallen cliff rocks which are quickly ground up into small panicles. [Photo W.
H. B.]
- -..... b
Effects of Currents
Fig. 4.13 a-c. Defense against surf action. Westerland, Sylt Island, German North Sea. a Power of
storm surf (Feb. IS, 1962) demonstrated by damage to beach wall and transport of heavy tetrapods.
b Gently sloping wall breaks the power of storm tide breakers (fall 1961). c Interlocking tetrapods
serve to dissipate wave energy before it hits the wall. [Photos E. S. a and 1. Newig b, c]
I 12
. /. / /NO/HE/ TyOE:; /
~ ~ )OU~EA~ T~E~ \
, ~ ~ '-... '-... ~
Fig. 4.14 a-b . Gulf Stream. and wind-driven ocean circulation. a The Gulf Stream carries warm
surface waters toward the seas of NW Europe. It is part of the giant subtropical gyre of the North
Atlantic whose center is the Sargasso Sea. [Mainly after G. Neumann, W. J. Pierson, 1966, Principles of physical oceanography. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs]. b The global wind system,
schematically. [R. H. Fleming, 1957, Geol. Soc. Am . Mem. 67: 87J
I \_-- / I 1
t ../ /
t i J ~)
r .....--..
Fig. 4.14. c Idealized rectangular ocean with the currents which would fonn as a result of the wind
forces shown on the left. The asymmetry of the gyres is caused by the Earth 's rotation. (From
W. Munk. 1955. Sci . Am 193 (3) 6; modified)
Surface currents and associated temperature distributions control not only plankton patterns, but also the growth of benthic assemblages, especially coral reefs (see
Sect. 7.4). The western boundary currents bring warm water to high latitudes, the
eastern ones bring cool water to low latitudes. Thus, the belt of tropical coral reefs is
much wider in the west than in the east, within each ocean basin.
The drift of icebergs and hence the transport paths of their load of rocks is controlled by currents, as ar the paths of various other drifting materials such as trees - some
of which are thought to be responsible for the dispersal of land animals on islands.
The drifting larvae of benthic organisms (meroplankton) reach their uncertain destinations with the aid of currents, and disperse throughout the ocean basins by islandhopping if necessary.
Finally, surface currents can affect the sea floor directly, through erosion on
shelves and even on upper slopes. The deep-reaching Gulf Stream sweeps fine material off the Blake Plateau east of Florida (see Fig. 1.3), keeping the manganese
pavements there clean.
4.3.2 Current Markers. How can we detect the action of currents by studying the
sea floor? The winnowing of fines from remaining coarser material, that is the "sorting" of sediment, was discussed earlier (Sect. 4.1.2). Usually, it is necessary to make
grain size determinations to show that sorting occurred. However, sometimes effects
of winnowing can be seen in bottom photography, which shows pavements of
cobbles, nodules, shells, or other winnowed layers of coarse residual material. Also,
scour marks behind obstacles are common indicators of currents.
The use of side-scan sonar, on the shelf and more recently in the deep sea, has
greatly increased our knowledge about the activity of near-bottom currents, from
their effects on sediment patterns and morphology of the sea floor (Fig. 4.15). Streaks
of coarse material in fine sediments, indicating current action, were discovered in the
entrance to the Baltic Sea by such acoustic sensing (Fig. 4.16).
The direction of a current can be readily deduced from photography and acoustic
scanning. Current strength is more difficult to deduce. Direct observations on the
effects of current strength are possible in tidal flats. The German and Dutch Wadden
flats of the North Sea have long been a natural laboratory for these kinds of observations (Fig. 4. I 7).
We have seen some features which parallel currents. Some are at right angles
also: the current ripples. Much like wind dunes, ripples have a gentle up-current side
and a steep down-current slope (Fig. 4. I 8). This type of ripple differs from the
oscillation type mentioned earlier (Sect. 4.2. I). The internal laminae of the current
ripples consist of the down-current slopes made by material falling over the edge at
the crest. Thus, fossil ripple marks (cross-bedding) yield clues to ancient current
systems in contact with the sea floor (Fig. 5.3c).
The relationship between current velocities and ripple formation has been studied
in the laboratory in some detail. Ripple characteristics depend both on the type of
sediment present, and on velocity distributions in a complex manner. The formation
of ripples of dimensions of centimeters to decimeters starts at current velocities of
about 25 to 100 cm/s. The origin and architecture of giant ripples and underwater
Current Markers
Fig. 4.15. Principle of side-scanning echo sounder. a Water surface; b Sea floor with ripples, rocks ,
and a small depression (Ieji); c a section of the acoustic recording (sonograph). To Outgoing pulse
of the towed submerged sound source (the "fish"); Tl, T2, etc. , time markers (= distance to sound
reflecting object); Sh acoustic shadow; Fl, F2 schools of fish , and their acoustic image; d width of
insonification on the sea floor (= resolving power); hw distance "fish" to water surface (WS):
hb distance "fish" to sea floor. [R. S. Newton et aI. , 1973, Meteor Forschungsergeb. Reihe C 15; 55]
Fig. 4.16. Comet marks in the channel Store Belt, Baltic Sea, between the Danish islands of
Langeland and Lolland . Upper Sonograph of the sea floor. Length of record about 2 km , width 150 m, water depth about 12 m. Dark spots are boulders (morainal debri s). Some boulders have a
"tail", toward left and down. These "comet marks" indicate currents from the north. [Sonography by
F. Werner, KieJ.) Lower Morphology of a typical comet mark , as seen by divers. , Obstruction
(boulder); 2 crescent scour; 3 till ; 4 residual pebble layer (fossil erosional pavement); 5 "comet tail"
of fine sand, built into erosional depression produced by turbulence behind obstacle. [F. Werner et
aI., 1980, Sediment Geol 26: 233)
Effects of Current
Fig. 4.17 a, b. Current acrtion in tidal flats. a Mya arenaria in life position uncovered by erosion of
about 20--30 cm of mud, by lateral migration of tidal channel. Note the residual bivalve shells which
collect as a "pavement" on the erosional surface. b Large current-produced ripples, covered by small
ripple marks. German Bight north of Weser estuary. Ripples migrate ocean-ward (to the left) , hence
they are produced by currents of the outgoing tide. [Photos E. S.)
Fig. 4.18 a, b. Water a and sand b movement at current ripple marks. Sand is eroded at the luff side
(sector 2) and migrates to the ripple crest. From there sand is transported on the bottom or in
suspension (white arrows) downward , forming lee laminae . Horizontal bottom vortex in the ripple
valley removes fine grains, concentrates coarse material , including shells. Therefore ripples move
over coarser-grained base laminae. [H. E. Reineck, 1961 , Senckenbergiana Lethaea, 42: 51 J
dunes is less well known. These features may be several meters high, and tens, even
hundreds, of meters apart. Some resemble the barchan dunes of the great deserts.
What kind of currents are necesary to produce such dunes? Do they only form where
certain types of sediment are available? Are the dunes relicts from periods of unusual
activity on the sea floor? These questions are still open at the present time.
In coastal areas with a sufficiently large tidal range, alternation between high and
low tide produces tidal currents. Considerable erosion can take place where tidal
currents are confined because of the high velocities attained and the large volumes of
water which are commonly involved. In a number of harbors in estuaries, the tidal
currents help flush out the entrance and prevent if from silting up. The inlets of
lagoons on the East Coast are kept open by fast tidal currents. As these currents slow
on either side of the inlet, tidal deltas form (see Fig. 3.9).
4.3.3 Upwelling. So far, we have contemplated the effects of horizontal currents on
the sea floor. Vertical water motion also affects the sea floor, in more than one way.
The overall mixinR rate of the ocean is ultimately tied to vertical motion, and this rate
is closely tied to the productivity of the ocean. In tum, the sea's productivity influences what types of biogenous sediments (carbonate, silica, phosphates) will end
up on what part of the sea floor.
A more obvious example for the effects of vertical motion is upwellinR. Off coasts
with eastern boundary currents, surface water has a tendency to move seaward, due
to deflection by the Coriolis Force which results from the rotation of the Earth.
Deflection is to the right in the nothern hemisphere, and to the left on the southern
one (Fig. 4.19a). The seaward motion is reinforced when winds blow off-shore.
Outward-bound surface waters are replaced by cold, nutrient-rich waters from within
the thermocline (100 to 200 m depth) (see Fig. 4.19b). Hence the low water temperatures off Northwest and Southwest Africa, California, Peru, and Chile, and hence also
the high production of algal plankton, which feeds zooplankton, fish, and even birds
up the food chain. The intensity of upwelling changes seasonally and also from year
to year. For example, during "El Niiio"-years, upwelling is greatly reduced both off
California and off Peru (Sect. 7.7.3). Precipitation tends to be significantly increased
during such periods, along the North Central Coast of Peru large floods can occur and
have been documented in river flood deposits for the last several thousand years. The
upwelling variations are being followed by satellite sensing of temperature and chlorophyll abundance at the sea surface.
The sediments below areas with strong upwelling are typically rich in organic
matter. For example, sediments in the Walvis Bay area, Southwest Africa, have up to
20 % of organic carbon (Corg). Opal also is usually abundant: off Walvis Bay one
finds up to 70 % opal from the frustules of diatoms. Fish debris and other vertebrate
remains also are increased in abundance, presumably delivering part of the phosphate
necessary for phosphorite formation (see Fig. 10.7).
The sediment contains many detailed clues to the intensity of upwelling. The
planktonic species (foraminifera, diatoms) tend to indicate cold water. The high supply of organic matter depresses the oxygen content, due to decay in the deep water
and on the sea floor. In extreme cases anaerobic sediments with annual layers
T (C )
~----------~r---------~~---,O m
Fig. 4.19. Upwelling currents. Upper Global distribution of main upwelling areas. Note position on
the east side of subtropical gyres, at edge of "eastern boundary currents". Surface water moves
offshore due to Coriolis Force, and is replaced from below. [Science . 1980,208: 39]. Lower Temperature and oxygen distributions in an upwelling area off San Juan . Peru , Sept. 1968. [S oZuta et aI. ,
in R. Boje, M. Tomczak. 1978. Upwelling ecosystems. Springer, Heidelberg] Note the water layer
near 200 m depth in the ocean extends to the surface at the continent. This water is oxygen-poor and
nutrient-rich. The high nutrient supply stimulates algal production (that is, growth of dinoflagellates
and diatoms).
(varves) may develop. Using the clues described, it is possible to follow changes in
position and strength of upwelling , and hence the migration and change of nature of
the subtropic climatic belts in the geologic record. This is a field of active research
involving time scales from centuries to millions of years.
Fig. 4.20. Flow patte rns of deep-sea currents at 4000 m de pth. The main source areas are in the
Northe rn Atlantic (North Atlantic Deep Water, NADW), and in the Weddell Sea (Wed. Sea Bottom
Water, WSBW). Dissipation of these dee p currents is by gene ral upward movement. [E. Seibold et
aI. , 1986, The sea floor. Japane se edition, after Broecker and Peng, 1982, Tracers in the sea. Eldigio
Press. New York]
so" 70
60 SO 40 30 20
10 0
30 40 SO 60 70"
Fig. 4.21 a, b. Evolution of deep and intennediate water circulation during the Cenozoic as inferred
from isotopic results. The ocean of the Eocene (b) was dominated by halothennal circulation, while
the modern ocean (a) is dominated by thennohaline circulation. AABW Antarctic Bottom Water;
AAIW Antarctic Intennediate Water; NADW North Atlantic Deep Water; WSDW Wann Saline Deep
Water; MED Mediterranean water. [J. P. Kennett and L. D. Stott, 1990; in P. F. Barker and J. P.
Kennett et aI., Proc. Ocean Drilling Program, Sci . Res. 113, 875]
example, where the abyssal Antarctic Bottom Water passes through the Vema Channel off Argentina, or through the Samoan Passage in the eastern South Pacific.
The Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) fills the deepest parts of essentially all
major ocean basins, through such passages (Figs. 4.20, 21 a, WSBW). In the western
South Atlantic and in the South Pacific, the AABW causes dissolution of carbonate
on the sea floor - a process that profoundly affects sedimentation patterns and the
nature of the substrate for benthic organisms. The AABW originates on the shelf of
the Antarctic, mainly in the Weddell Sea (WSBW in Fig. 4.20) by cooling of polar
waters with admixtures of saline North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) (Fig. 4.21 a).
With a salinity near 34.7%0, when reaching a temperature of near -0.4 C, the Antarctic surface water becomes heavier than the underlying water and sinks through it.
Since it is also heavier than almost any water in the deep ocean, it sinks to the abyss
as AABW and fills it from below. Its spreading depends on a deep access to a basin.
For example, the Angola Basin can only be reached through the Romanche Deep, at
the Equator. Hence the AABW makes a long detour to get there (Fig. 4.20).
Besides chemical and mechanical erosion, AABW can produce particle sorting
and small-scale features such as scour and ripple marks, and (presumably) large-scale
ones, such as the giant dunes in the Argentine Basin.
b _ _ _ ___
Fig. 4.22a, b. Effects of deep geostrophic currents. a Continental rise off the US. East Coast, 2.5 km
depth. Little or no evidence of current action. (Organism is a "sea whip", pennatulid coral). b Same
area, but 5 km depth. Current action is obvious from scour marks and lineations. Current flow is
ji-om lower rig hi 10 upper leji, about 20-30 cm/s. [Photos courtesy C. D. Hollister; see A. H. Bouma,
C. D. Hollister, 1973, SEPM Pacific Section, Short Course, Turbidites and deep water sedimentation, Anaheim]
Effects of Current
Fig. 4.23. Giant dunes in Carnegie Ridge area, eastern tropical Pacific. Side-scan sonograph taken
at 2.4 km depth , covering 1600 x 450 m. Sediment is calcareous ooze. [Recording courtesy
P. Londsdale and B. T. Malfait, S. 1. 0 .]
above bottom. During these storms, erosion may remove the uppermost 5-10 cm of
sediment, leaving a smooth bottom, but after a few weeks, bioturbation re-establishes
a rough microtopography. This activity by benthic organisms facilitates erosion during the next storm.
Drift-like storm deposits hundreds of meters high, as well as hiatuses in deep-sea
sediments, may result from these processes. Obviously, the existence and nature of
these storms are of great interest in connection with plans to dump noxious waste into
the deep sea (Sect. 10.5.5).
At this point, it seems that these dramatic abyssal storms are restricted to the
neighborhood of the axes of very cold bottom-water flows, as on the west side of the
North and South Atlantic Basins, around South Africa, in Circum-Antarctic waters.
Also, benthic storms occur in regions with strong large eddies in surface waters.
If confirmed by further invetigations, these results raise the exciting possibility of
a direct link between surface and deep-sea currents.
During the last Ice Age the production of NADW was greatly reduced, for at least
two reasons. One, there was less evaporation in the North Atlantic and less export of
water vapor to the North Pacific. Thus, the necessary high salinities to make the
water heavy enough to displace existing bottom water were not achieved.
Two, the Norwegian Sea probably was largely covered with pack ice which blanketed the water surface and prevented rapid cooling. Thus, the deep circulation in the
Atlantic (and probably also in the Pacific) was entirely different during glacials from
what it is today.
On top of the cold, deep waters there is another layer before we reach the warm
surface waters. This is the intermediate water, which sinks in the subarctic and
subantarctic open ocean convergences, and forms the bottom for the subtropical
gyres. Along the ocean margins, where the intermediate waters intersect the continental slope, the flow tends to be in a direction opposite to that of the surface waters.
In general, the frictional interaction between bottom currents and the sea floor
results in a "benthic boulldary layer" which is on the order of a few hundred meters
thick. Compared with the overlying deep water, it has a high content of suspended
matter, and is characterized by turbulent motion. Also, its chemistry is distinct. This
layer, and the bioturbated mixed layer at the sea floor, form a system within which
seawater/sea-floor interaction is a dominant process controlling sedimentation patterns.
4.3.5 Exchange Currents. Geologically highly significant are the currents which
provide for the exchange of waters between marginal, semi-enclosed seas, and the
open ocean. The exchange entirely dominates the chemistry and fertility of the marginal basin and hence its sedimentation (see Sect. 7.6 and Fig. 7.12).
In arid zones, excess of evaporation over precipitation produces heavy water in the
marginal sea; as it flows out over the sill, it is replaced by surface water from the
open ocean. This is the case in the Mediterranean, and this circulation is called
allti-estuarine. The salty Mediterranean waters are found at 1500 m depth over the
entire central Atlantic, and profoundly affect the development of abyssal and deep
water masses (Fig. 4.21 a). A similar situation obtains, on a smaller scale, for the Red
Effects of Current
Sea and the Persian Gulf. Here the saline waters sink to intennediate depths below
the thennocline, and affect the development of the oxygen minimum in the Arabian
Sea. Basins with anti-estuarine circulation tend to collect carbonate on the sea floor,
and tend to discriminate against organic carbon, opaline silica, and phosphatic deposits.
The influx of Atlantic surface waters into the Mediterranean is a strong current
and a huge river: 50 times the Mississippi at flood stage. It is said that the Battle of
Trafalgar (1805) owed its outcome to the Gibraltar Current. The reason given is that
the French and Spanish fleet had to wait for favorable winds to buck the Current,
while Nelson was able to assemble his fleet and poise it for strike. In modem times,
the submarines invading the Mediterranean had to struggle against the deep outflow.
Already in 1820, the British Admiral W. H. Smyth observed the in- and outflow
through the Gibraltar Straits, and gave the correct explanation. It was not, however,
generally accepted for another 50 years of discussion.
The inverse situation - shallow current out of, deep current into the basin - is
typical for estuaries and fjords, and occurs on a large scale in the Black Sea and the
Baltic Sea. Excess precipitation over evaporation is necessary to develop this circulation. At the Bosporus, the connection between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean,
fishennen have known since time immemorial that their nets would pull toward the
Mediterranean at the surface and toward the Black Sea at the bottom. L. F. Marsili
(1681), pioneer in marine geology, confirmed the effect by measurement and correctly explained the currents as being due to density differences. The light excess
water flows out of the Black Sea at the top; the heavy saline water from the Mediterranean falls toward the bottom of the Black Sea, displacing the less saline water
above. Ultimately, anaerobic conditions result from this circulation, called estuarine,
and organic-rich deposits accumulate on the sea floor. The hows and whys are discussed in Section 7.6.
4.3.6 Turbidity Currents. We have already discussed the activity of mud-laden,
gravity-driven currents in connection with the origin of continental slopes, submarine
canyons and deep-sea fans (Chap. 2.10). These currents differ from the others here
listed in several important ways: (1) they are strictly episodic; (2) they derive their
power from excess density due to suspended sediment, and (3) they run downhill,
transporting large amounts of material.
Further Reading
McCave IN (ed) (1976) The benthic boundary layer. Plenum, New York
Komar PD (1976) Beach processes and sedimentation. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs NJ
Allen JRL (1982) Sedimentary structures, their character and physical basis. Elsevier, Amsterdam
Pickard L, Emery WJ (1982) Descriptive physical oceanography - an introduction, 4th ed. Pergamon Press, Oxford
Hollister CD, Nowell ARM (eds) (1985) Deep ocean sediment transport, vol I. Elsevier, Amsterdam
Hollister CD, McCave IN, Nowell ARM (eds) (1988) Deep ocean sediment transport, vol 2. Elsevier, Amsterdam
Shale (marin,)
Algol IImeslone (cantainl
nearshort and brac~i'h
water Inverl,bralel)
Limellone (conla inl for
off-Ihort inverlebralel,
.. pecially fUlulinidl)
Limulane, Impur, 10 Ihaly
(conlo inl inlermediQ~-e
off-Ihort inv,rlebralel)
Shale, morin, (con lain,
near-Ihore inv,rl,broln)
Nonmar ine Ihal., eommonly
4_ _ _ _ _ __
Shole (marine)
Algal limeslone (conlainl
near-shore Inverlebrotes)
Lim.. tone (conta ins for
_ _ _ _
upeciolly inverlebraln,
.....- - Oisconformity -
_ __
Fig. 5.1. Sea level fluctuation s: calendar of geologic history. The diagram shows a section of the late
Paleozoic cyclothem successions in Kansas, which consist of alternating marine and nonmarine
sed iments. Description of facies to the lefr; interpretation in tenns of depositional environment to the
righr. The interpretation uses "Walther's Rule " introduced a century ago, which state s that only
those sed iment types th at are neighbors geographically will be neighbors in strati graphic succession.
lR. C. Moore. as drawn by J. C. Crowell, 1978, Am. J. Sci. 278: 1345]
when sea level rises globally. In a very simplified way, one might say that climate is
mild during times of high sea level, and harsh during times of retreat of the oceans
into its basins. Sea level fluctuations, then, are closely tied to paleoclimatic evolution.
Global changes in sea level also have important bearing on the production of
hydrocarbons and coal. Sediments rich in organic matter, which have the potential to
deliver petroleum when heated under pressure (Sect. 10.2) accumulate especially
during periods when the continents are extensively flooded. The black shales of the
lower Jurassic and the middle Cretaceous derive from such widespread transgressions. Coal deposits typically form during more regressive periods, when lowlying coastal plains are available for growth of vegetation in swamps and moors.
Thus, sea level fluctuations are of interest in economic geology.
Quite generally, the rates of erosion of the continents and the sites of deposition in
the ocean depend much on continental relief and position of sea level with regard to
the shelves. How sediment is transported to the deep ocean is also controlled by sea
level. During high stands, the transport of sediment by turbidity currents will be
reduced. Turbidity currents depend on supply of mud to the outer edge of the shelf.
This supply is highest when sea level is low, and is greatly reduced during high
stands when submerged shelves and estuaries trap the material delivered by rivers.
Thus, the types of sediment bodies found at the base of the ocean margins should
depend on the history of sea level fluctuation.
Changes of sea level positions through time, then, are of fundamental importance
in the geologic sciences. The dynamics of coastal morphology, the mapping of sealevel indicators, the interaction of sea level and climate, and the origin of sediment
bodies in continental margins are topics which must be considered. However, sea
level is also of the utmost interest to people living at the coast: their livelihood and
their very survival depend on various manifestations of sea level change. This is true
for both short-term fluctuation (tides, storm waves, tsunamis) and long-term trends,
such as the isostatic uplift in Scandinavia or Canada, resulting from the removal of
the ice caps between 15 000 and 8000 years ago, or the steady sinking of major delta
regions (Mississippi, Nile, Ganges, Rhine). Also, the current general rise in sea level
due to global warming over the last 100 years which results in expansion of seawater,
is of concern. The rise is of the order of 2 cm per decade (Fig. 5.22).
We shall next review the evidence for sea level processes and fluctuations, starting
with the short-scale and the obvious, and proceeding to the Pleistocene and pre-Pleistocene changes. At the end we append a story on Venice: the old city is slowly but
surely sinking below the sea.
Fig. 5.2. Wave-cut terrace at Enoshima, Pacific coast of central Japan. [Photo E. S.]
Such escarpments or sea cliffs are the result of wave attack. The wave-cut platform in
front of a cliff is the most conspicuous lower boundary of wave erosion. It may be
thought of as the floor of a series of notches and caves which are cut into the
retreating cliff (Fig. 5.2). The rate of growth of such a platform varies greatly; it
depends on the force of the waves, the resistance of the cliff material, and the time
available for cutting. In Southern California, rates of cliff retreat are between 1 and
100 feet per century, for example. Rates of sea cliff retreat on the order of I m/yr are
common on certain coasts of the North Sea in the Atlantic , where stormy winter seas
eat their way into unconsolidated glacial deposits. In England, many coastal villages
have been lost through the centuries, due to erosion.
Waves transport and rework the sediment, changing its texture by sorting, and
influencing its structure, for example by producing ripple marks (Fig. 5.3). Caution is
indicated, however, since ripple marks also occur on the deep-sea floor, far below sea
level (Fig. 5.3b). Thick enrichments of heavy minerals, so-called placers, depend on
a process which only exists on a beach (Sect. 10.3.3). Well-sorted skeletal remains shell pavements or coquina - also are indicators of wave action. Waves usually
influence the sea floor only down to about 10 to 20 m. Even great storm waves have
a wave base rarely deeper than 30 m, although wave effects on sediments have been
observed at depths greater than that (Sect. 4.2).
Fig. 5.3 a--c. Ripple marks as wave indicators . a Oscillation ripples. wave length about 5 em , with
Arenico/a fecal strings: tidal flats. North Sea. b Oscillation ripple s, wave length 30 cm. Top of
Sylvania Sea Mount near Bikini Atoll , depth 1500 m , calcareous ooze . c Internal structure of current
ripples, sandy tidal flats. German North Sea Coast. Frame is 22 cm wide. [Photos E. S. a,
H. W. Menard b, H. E. Reineck c]
Waves can also be responsible for producing certain types of sediments, mechanically as well as chemically. Polished beach shingles and calcareous oolites are
examples. Calcareous oolites are characteristic for unusually warm and saline environments (Chap. 3.7.2). Apparently they grow only within the zone agitated by waves
and tides.
5.2.2 Tides and Storm Action: the Intertidal Zone. The tides, those long waves
made by the Moon's daily passage, raise and lower the sea level along the coasts by
a few centimeters or by many meters every day. The tides originate in a complicated
interplay between the rotation of the Earth-Moon system about its common center,
the System's rotation about the sun, the Earth's spin, and the topography of the floor
of oceans and seas. The tides which we witness at the coast are large rotational waves
radiating from points of no motion situated in the central areas of the ocean basins.
The amplitudes of the waves are highest close to the coast (Fig. 5.4).
Thus, tides are strictly tied to astronomical forcing and are shaped by basin morphology. If the distribution of their frequencies and amplitudes can be reconstructed
for the geologic past, we can obtain important clues about changes in the Earth-Moon
system, and about basinal morphology.
Here, we are concerned with the "indicators" of tidal action in a general sense. Of
course the classic sea level indicator facies is represented by the whole of the deposits
of the intertidal zone, which is alternately submerged and exposed by the tides. We
have already introduced one such type of broad intertidal, the "wadden" (Fig. 4.17).
Biological features will be discussed in Sections 6.2-6.6.
Tidal flats can be associated with river deltas as in the Bay of Bengal and at the
mouth of the Amazon River, or with estuaries, as in the Gulf of Korea or around the
North Sea. Characteristic small-scale features of these sediments are flaser- or lenticular bedding, bimodal ("herringbone") cross-bedding, a variety of erosional and
bioturbational markings, channel lag deposits, and graded laminae.
Rain imprints and desiccation cracks may also occur. On a larger scale, a landward
decrease of grain sizes due to decreasing current activities and time of water cover
marks a contrast to normal offshore conditions.
Intertidal flats and adjacent areas are subject to rapid changes in the conditions of
sedimentation. Peak winter storms wreak havoc along the coastal lowlands of the
North Sea from time to time. In 1362, an enormous storm, the "Great Man Drowning", raised the sea level by about 6 m along the Friesian Coast, where Germany
borders with Denmark. The storm flood created new access for the tides into the salt
marshes and moors lying behind natural barriers, inland from the intertidal flats. Soon
the tides brought mud which accumulated on top of the marshes and the peat, producing a storm layer. To the people living there, this geologically common event meant
destruction of homes and pastures. In 1634, another fierce storm produced widespread flooding, destroying villages and killing thousands. The present coastal geography of the area is essentially a product of those two storms. A faint indication of
plowed fields can be seen to this day on certain intertidal flats of the region. Some of
the land has been reclaimed since, aided by the influx of sediment from the wadden,
and by the building of dikes.
Intertidal Zone
AnAAft. - 1\ AnAn Ann. - 1\ nAAAI
Fig. 5.4. Tidal record s from harbor cities. At hallam the date s (March 1936) and the phases of the
moon . [A Defant, 1966, in G. Neumann, W. J. Pierson, 1966. Principles of physical oceanography.
Prentice-Hall , New Jersey]
In areas such as these lowlands, then, slight changes in sea level and the action of
heavy stonns bring marked changes in the type of sediment deposited. Typically, the
record which is preserved on the slowly sinking floor consists of an intercalation of
peat, salt marsh deposits, marine muds, and the sands and shells of the beach. Stonn
deposits are common within the intercalation. Similar sequences are quite familiar
from the geologic record (see Fig. 5.1). They are characteristic sea level deposits in
areas with high terrigenous sediment supply. The sea level controls the groundwater
level by damming up and floating the freshwater. The ensuing lack of drainage can
produce swamps from which peat bogs develop. In the geologic record these appear
as coal beds between marine sediments.
Fig. 5.5 a, b. Desiccation cracks in algal mats, in a lagoon on the west coast of Baja California near
San Quintin. a View from a sand dune, toward inner lagoon. Marsh vegetation, stressed by high
sailinty from evaporation , gives way to algal mats toward the intertidal. b Detail of algal mats
(section 2 m wide). The mats separate into polygonal pieces and curl upon drying. Upturned rims
collect evaporites. [Photos E. S.]
In muddy intertidal flats of the sUbtropics similar bedding features can be observed. High evaporation rates can produce widespread desiccation cracks (Fig. 5.5).
Other cIues to an intertidal environment of deposition are rain-drop impressions,
pseudomorphs of cubic halite crystals (that is, infilling of crystal forms by sand or
mud), precipitation of gypsum and tracks of land animals on sediments with marine
The sequences of algal mats constructed by cyanohacteria (but also in subtidal,
normal marine settings) are known back into the Precambrian, as stromatolites. They
are preserved as irregular layers, finely laminated mounds, or stubby columns.
Trapped sediments consist mostly of carbonate particles and eolian dust, but additional microbacterial mineralization cannot be excluded.
Cyclically laminated and thinly bedded rhythmites in the Late Proterozoic of
South Australia indicate that 650 million years ago the year had some 400 solar days
(as compared with 365 at present) and 13.1 lunar months (12.4). The day had 21.9
hours (24). Similar clues to a slowing of the Earth rotation - due to tidal friction have been found in stromatolites, bivalves, and corals in younger formations.
5.2.3 Photosynthesis. A large number of different benthic organisms can indicate
shallow water by their presence, but none as convincingly as those dependent on
light. Photosynthesis can only proceed when sufficient light is available. The light
intensity drops to I % of the surface value at anywhere between 10 and 200 m water
depth - depending on the clearness of the water. Sessile plants, such as the geologically important calcareous algae and algal mats, generally occur no deeper than 100
m or so. Animals living in symbiosis with algae also indicate shallow water. These
animals include large foraminifera, stone corals, even certain mollusks (Sect. 6.1.3).
14C ages
Thousands of years B. P.
Fig. 5.6 a, b. Sea level rise during deglaciation. a Various hypotheses of how the sea level is
supposed to have risen during deglaciation (about 15000 to 9000 years ago), and afterwards during
the Holocene. Dates are based on radiocarbon determinations. [E. Seibold, 1974. R. Brinkmann (ed).
Lehrbuch der allgemeinen Geologie, vol I, 2nd ed. F. Enke, Stuttgart], b Results from thoriumuranium dating on corals (A cropora po/mota off Barbados) suggest that these radiocarbon dates are
too young, by about 10 % for 10000 years, and 20 % for 15000 years. Two major pulses of sea
level rise are indicated. [E. Bard et al.. Nature. 1990345: 405]
Results of research during the past decade indicate that there were two major and
several minor pulses of meltwater addition to the ocean. The pulses are reflected in
rapid changes in oxygen isotope composition of the oceans (meltwater has a low
18 0/ 160 ratio), and this change, in tum, is recorded in the shells of foraminifera and
corals (see Sect. 7.3.2). The two major pulses are dated near 14 000 and II 000
years on the absolute age scale (12 000 and 10 000 years by radiocarbon; see
We are much closer now than we were even a decade ago to going from sea level
curves to the rate of mass of water added per time to the ocean. This will make it
possible to attack questions related to regional tectonics. What is the local imprint of
vertical coastal motion in each sea level curve? In northern latitudes, what exactly
was the regional uplift of the crust in response to the removal of ice? How much was
the crust depressed by the addition of water on the shelf? How did the Earth's rotation
respond to the shift of weight from Canada and Scandinavia to the open ocean? How
did this shift influence the geoid, the shape of the Earth, and its sea level? The
answers will profoundly affect our understanding of coastal morphology.
An outstanding example for the effects of the rise of sea level is the general
morphology of the East Coast of the USA. It is a coast of drowned rivers (Fig. 5.7a).
Fig. 5.7 a, b. Sea level rise and East Coast morphology. a Drowned river valleys, Cape Cod. Barrier
beaches migrate into the entrance of the estuary, as spits, and restrict access to the open sea. b
Close-up of a migrating spit, Buzzard's Bay. Migration is to the left. Note forced detouring of the
tidal channel. [Photo courtesy D. L. Eicher]
Longshore sand transport (Sect. 4.22) tends to close off the estuaries which fill with
sediment to make marshlands (Fig. 5.7b).
Drowned rivers can make good harbors: the East Coast is dotted by ports with
excellent deep-water access. Drowned rivers are sediment traps; they tend to catch in
their estuaries whatever material is brought from the continent. On the whole, therefore, the shelf off the East Coast is starved of sediment. What we find on the sea floor
there is largely relict material from the last ice age. The distribution of such relict
sediments , naturally, is not very indicative of the present-day processes active on the
shelf, except through the evidence for reworking .
With this general background, let us now consider the geologic-morphologic processes at sea level in more detail, first at river mouths, then at lowland coasts between
the rivers.
5.3.2 River. Mouths. A glance at a world map shows that river mouths can be
indentations or protrusions in the coastline - that is, estuaries or deltas (Fig. 5.8) .
Tidal motion can reach far into the esturies. Commonly, salt water intrudes along the
bottom. This intrusion of the marine realm brings marine sediments upriver. Such
sediments are easily recognized within the river deposits: echinoderm remains, foraminifera, marine ostracods.
River Mouths
.: :
.. . ~
" "
Fig. 5.9 a-f. Schematic cross-section through a birdfoot delta. a Inter-levee lowlands, marshes
(levees are ridges confining the distributary channels); b delta front; c prodelta; d open shelf floor;
e older base (mayor may not be deltaic); f distributary channel with fill and levees. A Delta builds
up and out, the sea retreats, the sedimentary sequence is "regressive" (a across h, b across c, etc);
B The sea level rises and the delta retreats, the sedimentary sequence is "transgressive" (a below h,
b below c. etc). Note that the regressive or transgressive nature of the sequence cannot be seen on
the surface, but only by studying the sequence of sediments within the delta.
Thus, both the river and the sea bring sediment. Why then are the estuaries not
filled in? River floods, tidal action, and especially the young age of estuaries are the
cause, The drowned river valleys produced by the transgression have not yet come to
equilibrium with the sediment load. Where the river valley runs across the shelf and
into a submarine canyon on the slope, the filling-in of the river mouth is slowed,
because sediment can travel out of the estuary onto the deep-sea floor. The Congo
and the Hudson are examples. The best harbors, therefore, are those with a canyon
offshore like New York, and those where strong tidal action keeps the outer river
channel open, as in London, Bordeaux, or Hamburg.
For the geologist, who must learn to read the record, the river mouth of deposition,
the delta, is of special interest (Figs. 5.9 and 5.10). Why a delta forms and not an
estuary depends on many factors: for instance, low tidal activity as in land-surrounded seas (Mississippi and Nile deltas); high sediment load due to strong seasonal
rains, and high erosion rates in the mountainous hinterland (the Indus, Ganges, Irrawadi or Huangho deltas).
When coast and sea level are stable, the delta builds out to sea, the marine facies
retreats, the record shows regression . A borehole in such a delta shows a regressive
sequence: shallow deposits over deep ones (Fig. 5.9A). If sea level falls, of course,
the regression is accelerated. Conversely, a rise of sea level or a sinking coastline wi II
Fig. 5.10. The bird-foot delta of the Mississippi. The subsidence of the delta allows the sea to
re-invade the areas of abandoned distributaries. [J. Gilluly et aI., 1968, Principles of geology.
W. H. Freeman. San Francisco, after H. N. Fisk]
ideally produce a transgressive sequence , which is the reverse order of the regressive
Deltas are economically interesting because of their oil and gas potential. High
organic productivity and enhanced preservation of organic matter by high accumulation rates may form source rocks. Sands in distributary channel fills or offshore bars
at the delta front can become reservoir rocks. General subsidence, aided by sediment
loading, results in multiple stacks of deltaic sequences, caused by repeated progradation and abandonement of delta lobes, each of them typically several tens of meters
5.3.3 Lagoons and Barriers. Next to deltas we usually find low-lying coasts showing a facies zonation parallel to the coastline. Offshore bars or barrier islands commonly occur together with a sand beach (Fig. 5.11). The beach may be backed by
dunes, which the wind piled up using sand from the beach. In tum, this beach-dune
complex may form a barrier for interior lagoons, as is the case along much of the
Gulf of Mexico and the East Coast. The narrow barriers can be tens of miles long.
Rivers emptying into the lagoons may cut one or several channels throug such barriers, especially when flooding, chopping them up into a series of barrier islands.
From the seaward side, storm waves may break through a barrier, forming overwash
fans on the laggon beach (Fig. 5.12). Tidal action keeps such channels open, building
deltas on both sides.
How does barrier-and-lagoon morphology reflect changes in sea level? Again, the
balance between the rise of sea level relative to the land and the supply of sediment
' .'
Iv I
vv v
I~ '" ~ I
Shore fa~ce;"ir----+---------~
I~""-,'" I
longshore bars
Fig. 5.11. Typical geomorphic features of a barrier-type coast. [H. E. Reineck, I. B. Singh, 1973,
Depositonal sedimentary environments. Springer, Heidelberg, based on a diagram by C. D. Masters,
to the coast is the crucial factor to consider. Since the sea level stabilized, about 6000
years ago, supply of material has been all-important. Off Galveston Bay, for example,
the large supply of sand allowed a rapid building-out of the offshore barrier (Fig.
5.13). On the whole , however, barriers and lagoons must have migrated landward
over the last 15 000 years.
The barrier-type coast is very abundant: of 244 000 km coastline its share is about
32 000 km, that is 13 %. North America and Africa each have about 18 %, Europe
only about 5 %. A stable broad shelf and a high supply of sediment would appear to
be favorable for the development of barriers coasts, as illustrated by the barrier island
coast of the Southern North Sea. Coastal uplift, narrow, dissected, and starved shelves
are unfavorable.
5.3.4 Mangrove Swamps. During the recent rise of sea level, generally speaking, the
various facies zones paralleling the coast migrated landward. In the tropics, one of the
Fig. S.12. Overwash fans on SI. Joseph 's Island, Texas. produced by storm waves.
Open Gulf to the left, lagoon to the right. [Photo courtesy D. L. Eicher]
G.- Island
Gatveston - B<;IY
I>:/:>':'~ I
GuH of Mexico
- - -
Fig. S.B. Architecture of Galveston Island. Regressive sequence below the barrier beach near
Galveston, Gulf of Mexico. Advance of barrier island is due to high supply of sand and relatively
stable sea level. The dates ( 1200. 2000, 35(0), are based on the 14C content of shells. [J. R. Curray,
1969. in D. J. Stanley. ed. The new concept of continental margin sedimentalion. Am Geol Inst.
Washington DC]
Mangrove Swamps
Fig. 5.14 a, b. Mangrove vegetation on Bimini (Bahamas). a Rhi:opora at low tide . The roots are
covered at high tide . Plant about 2 m wide. b Al'icennia with air roots. Width of view at proximal
edge 2.S m. [E. Seibold. 1964, Neues lahrb Geol Paleontol Abh. 120: 233]
most impressive migrations of this type must have been the retreat - and landward
invasion - of the mangrove swamps, Mangrove growth dominates many intertidal
zones in the tropics (Fig. 5.14). Mangroves need year-round tempertures of 20C or
higher. In equatorial regions with high annual rainfall, for example off Cameroon and
Guyana, mangrove forests form a broad belt offshore. Here, the mangrove forests
blend into the tropical rainforests at high tide level. The expansion (and successive
burial) of mangrove swamps during deglaciation due to a rising sea level, must have
produced an organic-rich layer on many tropical shelves, much as peat growth did on
temperates shelves. Such layers, when buried, will coalify. The coaly layers in
ancient cyclothems (Fig. 5.1) apparently originated in similar fashion. Rapid burial of
carbon extracts C02 from the atmosphere. The question of possible C02 changes due
to changes in sea level is a topic of active research in marine chemistry and geology
(see Sect. 8.3.6).
Mangrove swamps and other coastal habitats are quite sensitive to disturbance by
human activities. Changes in the coastal environment, whether by nature or by human
impact, can now be readily monitored using remote sensing, from satellites (such as
GEOSAT 3, which circled the globe in 1986--1989). This type of information will
greatly increase our appreciation of the rates of change in tidal flats, mangrove
swamps, deltas , lagoons, barrier islands, and coral reefs , and also provide clues
regarding the processes at work, including human impact through land use and pollution.
fluctuations of the Pleistocene. Sea level has been constantly changing over the last
several hundred thousand years as a result of the waxing and waning of large continental ice masses. The rise of the last deglaciation, which was witnessed by our
ancestors, was one of the biggest and fastest sea level changes ever, as far as we
It was the result of a maximum change of climate: from a peak cold period to a
peak warm period.
About 20000 years ago, during the last major ice age (the Wurm in Europe, the
Wisconsin in North America), enough water was tied up in the continental glaciers to
depress sea level by some 120 m. Large shelf areas fell dry as a result of the
ice-caused regression of the sea. Rivers crossed the shelves and entered the sea at the
shelf edge, cutting backward into the shelf. Their sediment load was dropped in a
narrow zone at the upper slope, became unstable there and slid, starting turbidity
flows which rushed down the undersea canyons. In front of the ice, outwash plains
(or moraine ridges next to the terminal ice tongues) developed on the exposed shelf.
Dune fields evolved on shelves where the climate was favorable.
Land animals spread over the emerged shelves and used them as land bridges in
some cases, for example, between Northeast Siberia and Alaska. Mammoths roamed
over the large area covered by the North Sea today. Their remains are found on the
sea bottom now, together with the tools of prehistoric hunters. Could these people of
the late Stone Age have left a memory of the effects of rapid sea level rise, in the
ubiquitous legends of a Great Flood?
5.4.2 Pleistocene Fluctuations. There is an indication that, throughout the late Pleistocene, major transgressions were much more rapid than any of the regressions. In
general, apparently, the buildup of ice (and hence the sea level drop) proceeded at a
slower rate than the melting of ice. The evidence for this concept rests on the oxygen
isotope record of pelagic foraminifera (Fig. 5.15).
How can we measure sea level changes in the chemistry of foraminiferal shells?
The principle of this method was introduced by C. Emiliani in 1955.
The shells of the foraminifera consist of calcium carbonate, CaC03. Hence, they
contain oxygen. The water within which the shells grow, H20, also contains oxygen.
There are three kinds of oxygen, the normal one, with atomic weight 16, and two rare
ones, with atomic weights 17 and 18. The oxygen-17 is very rare and we need pay no
further attention to it. Through mass spectrometry, one can determine the ratio between oxygen-16 and oxygen-I 8 (commonly written 160 and 18 0). The ratio of these
two isotopes in the shells is in equilibrium with the ratio of the isotopes in the water
in which the shells grew. In other words, if the 180/160 ratio in the water changes, it
will change similarly in the shell.
This fact relates to sea level change as follows. Every time the sea level drops, the
18 0/ 160 ratio of the water increases, because the glacial ice is made of water which
is impoverished in the isotope 18 0. Hence, seawater is enriched in 180 during glacials
(Fig. 5.15b). The 18 0/ 16 0 ratio of the carbonate shells reflects this change in the
chemistry of seawater. Temperature also influences the U10/160 ratio of the shells. In
Fig. 5.15a, however, the long sediment core on which the measurements were made
~ -1 .0
6'18 0
Fig. 5.15 a, b. Fluctuation of () 180 in the planktonic foraminifer Globigerinoides sacculifer. western
equatorial Pacific. a "Brunhes": present nonnal magnetic epoch, since 790000 years ago. "Matuyama": previous epoch, during which the Earth 's magnetic field was reversed. Eight isotope cycles
are visible within the Brunhes, the average duration is therefore 100000 years . The temperature of
surface waters is nearly constant through time , in the area where the core was taken. Hence, the
isotope fluctiations are produced largely by the build-up and decay of northern ice masses, as shown
in b. [Core data from N. J. Shackleton, N. D. Opdyke; 1973 , Quat Res 3: 39]
comes from an area where the effect of temperature on the isotopic signal can be
neglected in the present context.
Note that the oxygen isotope curve (Fig. 5.15a) indicates that sea level fluctuated
between rather well-defined limits. Sea level was never much higher than right now,
and it was never much lower than during the last glacial. There must be a climatic
factor or factors which prevent a buildup of ice beyond a certain limit, and other
factors which prevent additional melting once a certain amount of ice has been
melted. We shall retum to this puzzling observation in Chapter 9.
5.4.3 Effects on Reef Growth. The sea level fluctuations of the Pleistocene left their
imprint also in the shallow water carbonates, notably in the tropical reefs . Each
highstand of the sea level resulted in a buildup of reef carbonates, while the lowstands resulted in erosion. In fact, the origin of atolls, those ring-shaped islands
dotting the central Pacific, has been contemplated under this aspect (Fig. 5.16). Thus,
while Darwin's hypothesis of submergence is correct in a general sense (see Sect.
7.4.3, Fig. 7.8), the influence of the fluctuating sea level must not be forgotten.
II." *"WLI
----------------- -------------------MI-/110. 1 -
Fig. 5.16. Daly's Glacial Control Theory of coral reefs. The time sequence is from 1 (124000 years
ago) to 5 (the present). The ring shape of atolls is due to the more favorable situation for coral
growth at the edges of the island (due to cleanness of water, and high food supply). The knolls in the
lagoon grow up on slightly elevated, mud-free ground. [R . A. Daly, 1934, The changing world of the
ice age. Yale Univ. Press, New Haven]
On rising shores with reef belts, such as Barbados in the Caribbean, the fluctuating
sea level translates into raised reef terraces. The terraces correspond to the highstands
in sea level. They have been dated, by measuring the concentration of radioactive
uranium within individual coral heads, and the product of uranium decay, the element
thorium, since at the time of growth of the coral there is essentially no thorium
present, one can tell how much decay of uranium took place from the ratio of these
radioactive isotopes (Fig. S.6b). Results show that the uplifted corals grew during
several high sea level stands, namely 124000 and 103000 years ago - very much as
expected from the oxygen isotope curve shown in Fig. 5.15.
Ice-driven sea level fluctuations seem to have been less pronounced in the earlier
Pleistocene than in the later part of the period. However, even back to the Miocene
there were such fluctuations, since large-scale ice buildup apparently started on Antarctica some 15 million years ago. As far as we can tell from the oxygen isotope
record (see Chap. 9), the strength of the sea level fluctuations increased at 6 million
years ago (in the latest Miocene) and again about 3 million years ago, when northern
glaciations set in.
~~388:~ COASTAL
~~~~~~ ON LAP
200 KM
I.:...:..:J EXPOSURE
Fig. 5.17. Effect of sea level position on depositional pattern at the continental margin. Highstand
and lowstand of sea level. [P.R. Vail et aI., 1977, Am. Assoc. Pet. Oeol. Mem. 26: 49]
----------------------------------------------------~ 300
ef 01. '9 8 1
4 0 Myr BP 30
a... a...
Fig. 5.18. Relative changes of sea level as deduced from the geometry of margin sediment bodies.
The underlying model (solid line ) is that given in Fig. 5.17. [P. R. Vail and J. Hardenbol, 1979,
Oceanus 22 , 71]; Dotted line [Haq et al. 1987, Science , 235 , 1156.] [As drawn by W. H. Berger and
L. A. Mayer 1987, Paleoceanography 2,6,620]
The depositional patterns during a highstand and a lowstand of sea level are
illustrated in Fig. 5.17. In essence, the sediment pile moves into deeper waters during
the lowstand, and its geometry changes correspondingly. The construction of the
apparent sea level cycles (see Fig. 5.18) is based on this changing geometry of
sediment stacks (Fig. 5.19). The falls in sea level appear ar as instantaneous events,
o 9
Fig. 5.19. Reflection seismic line offshore Northwest Africa. The Triassic (TR), Jurassic (1) . and
Cretaceous (K) Supersequences are separated by dotted lines. Arrows indicate marine on- and
offlaps. During the Jurassic six seismic sequences are separated by minor unconfonnities. With the
beginning of the Cretaceous, carbonate sedimentation including reef building at the shelf margin (e.
g. 13.1) ends. The subsiding continental margin after the opening of the Atlantic has been covered
afterwards by thick sequences of deep-water shales (K 1.2) and deltaic sandstones. They were truncated by erosion with the beginning of Tertiary (T). Complicated Tertiary sequences. Faults marked
by half arrows. The fundamental pattern is similar to that observed in the Gulf of Mexico. [Based
on H. Ftichtbauer (Ed), Sedimente und Sedimentgesteine , 1988, Schweizerbart, Stuttgart, 859; after
P. Vail et al. 1977, Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Mem. 26]
due to the presence of erosional (or nondepositionmal) hiatuses. While sea level
might recede quickly, it cannot do so instantaneously, of course.
The "Vail sea level curve" is a useful tool for the correlation of seismic stratigraphies of continental margin sediments. To what extent this curve reflects the true
global sea level variations is not known. One problem is that the rate of sediment
supply (which is a factor more or less independent of sea level) must play an important role in controlling the geometry of the sediment bodies. Another is that the rate
of sinking of the margins must be considered. Quite possibly, sea level fell continuously since the latest Cretaceous and only varied its rate of falling. When it fell
slowly, the sinking passive margins overtook it, and accumulated transgressive sequences. When sea level fell quickly, the passive margins could not keep up: the
result was regression.
Other difficulties also arise in the reconstruction of sea levels from seismic
records. How does changing geoid configuration influence regional sea level variations, and can this effect overprint global eustatic curves? How exact is the timing?
Dating of seismic layers is by correlation, and uncertainties in absolute ages can be
considerable, using this method.
5.5.3 The Cause of Change. If sea level fluctuated through time , we must search for
the cause or causes of such fluctuations .
o my
4() MY I!alATH
60 MY I!alATH
AIle< 40 my
11K 4000
Fig. 5.20. Relationship between volume of Mid-Ocean Ridge and spreading rate. Upper cross-sections of ridges spreading at 6 cm/yr (left! and at 2 cm/yr (right) ; lower cross-sections of the same
ridges 40 million years after a change from 6 cm/yr (left) and a change from 2 cm/yr to 6 cm/yr
(right). The changes in ridge volume must produce corresponding changes in sea level. [W. C.
Pitman, 1979, Am . Assoc. Pet. Geol. Mem. 29: 453]
The obvious way to change sea level (if not by ice) is to change the average depth
of the sea floor: if the floor shallows, the sea level rises; if it deepens, the level falls.
We have seen that the depth of the sea floor is tied to its age: to change the depth, we
must change the age. To decrease the age (and hence cause a transgression) we must
replace old sea floor with young. This can be done by increasing the total mass of
new lithosphere formed per year, that is, by increasing sea-floor spreading rates or by
increasing the length of the Mid-Ocean Ridge and the trenches, or both (Fig. 5.20).
Global tectonic events which led to a change in the average age of the sea floor,
and hence its depth, apparently happened in the past. In the opening of the Atlantic,
for example, young sea floor was generated by the new spreading center in the
Atlantic, while old floor was subducted elsewhere in the Pacific (or else the entire
globe would expand). As the Atlantic grows, the average age of its sea floor increases
all the time - at some point it becomes older than the average age in the Indo-Pacific
and hence starts increasing the global average. Further growth of the Atlantic then
results in a drop of sea level. There are indications, from the magnetic stripes on the
sea floor, that global spreading rates in the Late Cretaceous may have been much
higher than now. It has been proposed that the high sea level stands of the Late
Cretaceous were caused by such a fast spreading rate.
Additionally, large intraplate submarine outpourings of basalts during this period,
especially in the southwest Pacific, have to be considered.
The changes which can be produced by replacing old sea floor with young, and
vice versa, are large but gradual. How can sea level be changed rapidly?
Mountain-building with shallow ocean crust, or with continental crust, is one way.
In this process, shallow crust (which is stacked up within mountain ranges) is
removed and replaced by deeper sea floor which will cover itself with a thicker layer
of water, drawing down the general sea level. If the Tibetan Plaetau represents
"doubled" continental crust, for example, the corresponding sea level fall is about
The quickest way to change sea level is to fill or to empty an isolated ocean basin.
We know (thanks to Leg 13 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project) that the Mediterranean
dried up intermittently between 5 and 6 million years ago. The water had to go
elsewhere: global sea level was raised by about 10 m whenever the Mediterranean
dried up. Conversely, when ocean water rushed in to fill the empty basin, global sea
level must have dropped by the same amount. Since salt deposits have been found, or
are thought to be present, in other ocean basins also (North Atlantic, South Atlantic),
geologically instantaneous transgressions and regressions may have been quite common after the break-up of Pangaea.
Even a "geologically instantaneous" transgression would not necessarily be spectacular to a human observer. A transgression which is geologically very fast (although
not produced by the hypothetical isolated basin effect) is proceeding right now in
Venice. To this phenomenon we tum in Section 5.6.
5.5.4 Geologic Aspects. Many sedimentary rocks on land were formed in shallow
seas, and depend therefore greatly on tectonically driven sea-level fluctuations,
whether global or regional in origin. The foregoing sections illustrate the complexity
of the processes involved, which geologists face when attempting to interpret the
record. The coastal zone, we have seen, is an extremely active environment, where
there is intense interaction between the forces of land and sea. Even small morphological features - a hill, a trough - become very important in modifying the winddriven waves and currents which shape the bottom and control sedimentation. Climatic variations and hinterland relief dictate sedimentary conditions, as shown in
the overall contrast between low-latitude carbonate shelves and high-latitude
shelves receiving continental debris, or being deeply eroded by ice. Marginal seas,
separated from the main ocean, are even more strongly influenced by regional
climatic and tectonic circumstances. Generally, faunal diversities decrease in these
environments, compared with the open shelf, due to more extreme fluctuations in
living conditions.
In our task to learn from the present for the past, we face an important obstacle.
The present sea floor is far from being an ideal training ground for aspiring geologists, because of the dramatic cycles of geologically rapid sea level changes during
the last half million years, and especially the rise within the last 20 000 years.
Equilibrium between the parameters of the system water/depth/climate/sediment
rarely obtains as already mentioned in Section 2.7. To demonstrate this basic fact
around the world would require a detailed description of a large number of case
histories - which is quite beyond the scope of this book. Our philosophy, instead, is
to stress principles, but to alert the reader to the complications which make their
application difficult.
The postage stamps reflect the international concern about the fate of Venice. They picture the
Palace at the Canale Grande and San Marcus Cathedral, threatened by the sea.
the Quaternary approximately equal to 1.7 million years (see Appendix A3), we
obtain an average rate of subsidence of almost 2 mm per year. Venice lies at the
rim of the delta - hence it sinks a little more slowly, say, 0.5 mm per year on
2. The Quaternary sediments underlying the region are partly marine and partly
continental, indicating fluctuations in the position of the coastline relative to sea
level. Tectonic movements and changes in sediment supply of the Po brought
about these fluctuations . At the present time, the shoreline tends to advance inland.
\ /
r lUI
Treviso 0
Fig. 5.21. Amount of subsidence of ground in the vicinity of Venice. Upper left Location map of
Venice and surroundings; Right subsidence profiles along the lines ABC (upper) and D BE (lower) .
Difference in elevation (in mm) refers to period between 1952 and 1968. Treviso (E) is taken as
fixed point for the geodetic measurements; hence its change in elevation (i f any) is defined as zero.
Note high rates of subsidence (about 7.5 mm/yr) in the industrial region of Marghera (near B) and
in the Po delta near Chioggia (D). The center of the city of Venice subsided by about 80 mm , i. e. ,
5 mm/yr. [Data from R. Fraselto, 1972, CNR-Lab Stud Din Masse Tech Rep no 4].
Fig. 5.22. Recent rise of sea level in two regions. a Europe and Africa. b West coast of North
America. Points are regional averages of the annual sealevel anomaly. Long-term trends fitted by
eye (note difference in slope). [T. P. Barnett, 1984; J. Geophys. Res. 89: 7980; trends added]
Fig. 5.23. The flooding of San Marcus Square by more than I m in November 1966.
[Photo courtesy A. Stefanon. Venice]
In the last 20 years the groundwater level was lowered by 5 m in and around
Venice, by 20 m in the industrial zone of Marghera. During this period, subsidence
accelerated markedly. Perhaps this factor alone can account for the high sinking
5. For the last 100 years the sea level has been rising globally globally by I to 2 mm
per years as mentioned in Section 5.3.1 and illustrated in Fig. 5.22.
6. The normal tidal range is about 1 m at Venice. Storms can increase a high tide
level considerably. On November 4, 1966, a storm tide reached + 1.9 m, flooding
the San Marcus Square (Fig. 5.23). Normally, the lagoon would act as a buffer
receiving the incoming water from the Adriatic Sea. However, large parts of the
lagoon were filled above sea level to gain land for industrial purposes. The lagoonal area therefore is only about 70 % of what it was some 200 years ago.
Shipping channels were deepened partly to more than 12 m. The concern that
these actions will increase the influence of storms and storm tides appears justified.
5.6.3 What Can Be Done About It? The results obtained from the studies summarized suggest that the pumping of groundwater must be regulated. Also, the effects
of filling the lagoon, deepening the channels, and changing the shapes of the inlets
(providing ready access for storm tides) must be studied. Of course, the problem of
removing waste in an economic and sanitary fashion must not be forgotten: the tidal
action flushes the city's polluted canals. The possibility of regulating tidal flow and
blocking storm surges from reaching Venice is being investigated using sluices at the
Lido. Building and maintaining gates that are up to 300 m long and over 15 m high,
and exposed to the sea while anchored in soft sediment, is a great technical challenge.
Not only Venice is threatened by these and similar processes, but many other large
coastal cities such as Bangkok in Thailand and Manila in the Philippines.
Nothing can be done about the general regional sinking. We cannot control such
geologic factors; we must live with them.
Further Reading
Reineck HE, Singh ill (1975) Depositional sedimentary environments. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg
New York
Payton CE (ed) (1977) Seismic stratigraphy - applications to hydrocarbon exploration. AAPG Mem
26, Am Assoc Petrol Oeol Tulsa, Okla
Einsele G, Ricken W, Seilacher A (eds) (1991) Cycles and events in stratigraphy. Springer, Berlin
Heidelberg New York
Berg OR, Woolverton DG (eds) (1986) Seismic stratigraphy II - an integrated approach to hydrocarbon exploration. AAPG Mem 39, Am Assoc Petrol Geol, Tulsa, Okla
Wilgus CK, Hastings BS, Kendall CG, Posamentier HW, Ross CA, van Wagoner JC (eds) (1988)
Sea level changes: an integrated approach. SEPM Spec Publ 42, Soc Econ Paleontol Mineral,
L.- -
- - - -
200 m - J
__ .-l
Fig. 6.1. Sketch of transfer Df particulate organic carbon in the ocean, from primary production to
burial in the sediment. Numbers are fluxes in gC/m 2/yr; within each circle the value to the left refers
to typical open ocean conditions, that to the right to the coastal ocean environment. [W. H. Berger,
G. Wefer, V. S. Smetacek, 1989, in Productivity of the ocean: present and past. Wiley, Chichester]
Despite the fact that so little organic matter arrives at the deep-sea floor, the
abundance of benthic organisms rather faithfully reflects the patterns of primary
productivity (shown in Fig. 6.3). Also, the depth effect itself is strongly reflected the shorter the distance to the productive zone above, the more food arrives on the sea
floor, and the more benthic biomass can be supported. Since productivity is highest
along the ocean margins, the effects from organic matter production and depth-dependent delivery reenforce each other, so that there is a great contrast between benthic activity (including bacterial growth) on the sea floor of the margins and that of
the deep sea.
This contrast is readily seen in the abundance patterns of organic carbon within the
surface sediment, in the upper 5 cm, where most of the benthic activity takes place
(Fig. 6.4). The low concentrations in deep sea sediments (C org < 0.25 %) are typical
for this environment, where bacterial growth is slow, and large benthic organisms are
quite rare. Underneath the Equator, the concentrations increase somewhat, because
equatorial upwelling leads to a greater supply of organic matter to the sea floor. The
highest concentrations (up to several percent of carbon) are srictly tied to coastal
upwelling areas along the margins. The contribution of both nutrients and organic
Fig. 6.2 a-d. Fecal pellets retrieved by trapping off California. a Tabular pellet (har 200 11m)
b Ellipsoidal pellet with organic coating (bar 200 Il-m) c Surface of ellipsoidal pellet, with coccosphere, diatom fragments and terrigenous particles (bar 10 Il-m d Surface of tabular pellet, with
diatom (Nitzschia sp.) and coccoliths (Emiliana huxleyi) (har 10 11m). [R . B. Dunbar and W. H.
Berger, 1981 , Geol. Soc . Amer. Bull. 92: 212]
carbon from the continents must not be neglected, of course. Off estuaries, algal
growth is stimulated both by supply of nutrients from the river. and by estuarine
circulation, that is, a type of upwelling. Quite generally, also, organic matter is delivered from the erosion of soil on land, and such matter can make up a substantial
portion of the carbon buried in the margins. The ratio of carbon isotopes in such
land-derived material is much more in favor of 12C than that in marine-derived matter
(-25 to -30 permil in terms of d 13C, versus -20 permil). This isotopic difference (as
well as chemical differences , represented by molecular markers) allow assessment of
the terrestrial contribution.
The large supply of organic carbon along certain margins generates an oxygen
minimum, due to the high oxygen demand, and this can result in anaerohic conditions
on the sea floor. Under such conditions, preservation of organic matter is enhanced ,
as the anaerobic (sulfate-reducing) bacteria are less efficient in destroying organic
matter than are those bacteria which use free oxygen for the purpose. The relationship
. 200.500,..60
rn60 . ,OO
L.. Jnocoy.,age
Fig. 6.3. Distribution of primary production (PP) in the world ocean, based on radiocarbon uptake
experiments. XPIOO= Export production, flux at 100 m waterdepth. [W. H. Berger 1992, Z . Deutsche
Geol. Ges. 142: 149-178.]
< 025%
> 0 .5%
0 .25 - 05%
> 1%
Fig. 6.4. Di stribution of organic matter content in marine sediments: percent Corg dry weight. [W. H.
Berger, J. C. Herguera , in P. G. Falkowski , A. D. Woodhead (eds) 1992 , Primary productivity and
biochemical cycles in the sea. Plenum Press New York. Data mainly from E. A. Romankevich ,
between anaerobic sediment and organic carbon content in sediments, after burial , is
of special interest in this context (Fig. 6.5). The lack of correlation between sedimentation rate and C org in anoxic conditions, and the good correlation in oxic conditions,
is evident when all available data from Neogene marine sediments are considered. It
Fig. 6.5. Relationship between organic carbon content and sedimentation rates in anoxic and oxic marine sediments of Neogene
age. The main fields are: A normal open
ocean environments, A' high productivity
regions, B anaerobic conditions. [R. Stein,
1991. Accumulation of organic carbon in
marine sediments. Springer, Heidelberg.]
0. 1
0 .1
appears that in one case carbon is readily preserved even when sedimentation rates
are low. In the other case, rapid burial is necessary to preserve a large portion of the
organic carbon supplied to the sea floor.
The correlation between percent C org and sedimentation rate is, at first glance,
surprising: the organic matter is being diluted by inorganic matter, yet its concentration rises. The reason is twofold: (1) high sedimentation rates are almost automatically associated with an increased supply of organic matter, because both rates of
sedimentation and rates of production are high in continental margin areas, and (2)
rapid burial removes the organic matter from the oxygen-rich sediment-water interface, enhancing preservation.
6.1.3 Sunlight and Nutrients. As mentioned, sunlight and nutrients are necessary for
marine production in the open ocean and this is equally true for the benthic environment, wherever primary production occurs (Fig. 6.3). The sunlit or photic zone is
only about 100m thick. Below that depth little sunlight remains, perhaps 1 % in very
clear water. The angle of incidence of the sunlight, the cloud cover, and the amount
of suspended matter in the water aU influence the depth of penetration of the light.
Benthic algae, then, can only occur on the upper half of the shelf area, say, over no
more than 2 or 3 % of the sea floor. Planktonic algae (phytoplankton), of course ,
occur practically over the entire area. However, this does not mean that the production by benthic organisms can be neglected. Typically, phytoplankton production is of
the order of 50 g carbon per square meter per year (50 g C/m 2yr). For benthic algae
the production values can be up to 100 times greater! Much benthic production takes
place in salt marshes and in kelp forests, but also in the symbiotic algae of coral reefs .
While the ocean offers plenty of some of the materials necessary for growth,
potassium and sulfate, for example, it is decidedly short of others, such as phosphorus, fixed nitrogen, silicate, and trace elements (iron, molybdenum etc.). These
nutrients have especially low concentrations in surface waters, because they are constantly being removed by algae. In fact, their availability controls the growth of the
algae; thus, they are limiting nutrients. Algal material, and also animal matter, sinks
below the photic zone and undergoes bacterial decay. Nutrients are released in the
process, that is, remineralization occurs. The nutrients are not being used at depth, in
the absence of light. They become concentrated, therefore.
Thus, the ocean has a deep reservoir of nutrients below the surface waters. The
boundary between this reservoir and the nutrient-poor sunlit waters is the top of the
thennocline, usually between 50 m and 100 m deep.
When the thennocline is eroded by stonns or when the deep water comes to the
surface through the pumping effects of eddies or through upwelling (Sect. 4.3.3), the
nutrients return to the surface water, into the sunlit zone. This fertilization by admixture of deep waters results in increased productivity, both in the algae and in the
animals that feed on them. All the good fishing areas are in such regions of vertical
6.1.4 Salinity. Life in the sea depends on other factors besides sunlight and nutrients.
A large number of organisms can tolerate salinity fluctuations only if salinity stays
between 30 and 40 %0 (stenohaline forms). Examples are radiolarians, reef corals,
cephalopods, brachiodops, and echinodenns. In general, their remains indicate
marine conditions for the sediment that contains them. However, there are exception.
A few representatives of the above groups may have relatively wide tolerances: for
instance, there is a starfish that lives in the brackish waters of the Baltic Sea. Also,
fossils embedded in sedimentary layers do not necessarily show the environment of
deposition: they may be redeposited.
With increasing salinity, for example in lagoons of arid regions, fewer and fewer
species are able to survive, until only a few representatives remain - an improverished fauna and flora. Some ostracods (bi-valved crustaceans of millimeter size) can
tolerate salinities of more than 100 %0. As these hardy form have few competitors (or
predators), impoverished faunas can be very rich in individuals. Quite generally, of
course, species-poor but individual-rich faunas indicate special, restricted environments. Restricted does not apply to space here, but to unusual temperature ranges,
oxygen deficiencies, and other stress-producing factors.
6.1.5 Temperature. In the open ocean, where salinities are well within the tolerance
of all marine organisms, temperature plays a decisive role in controlling distributions
(Fig. 6.6).
In polar areas the temperature can fall to -1.5 C; in marginal seas it can rise to
well over +30 C, as in the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf. Outside the tropics
temperature can vary strongly with the seasons in the upper 100 to 200 m of the water
column. Below this depth it varies little, however, being rather low throughout the
Most of the ocean is extremely cold: in the deep sea the temperature stays below
4 0c. The cold temperature in itself does not reduce diversity: it has recently been
shown that an astounding variety of small benthic organisms occur even at abyssal
depths. Large, unpredictable fluctuation of environmental factors appears to be much
more restrictive than just extreme cold. Such fluctuations work damage, especially on
eggs, larvae, and the young recruits of a population.
L amellibranchs
,....,.. " .. " Arctic and
Acadian Species
-- -- -- Virginian Sp.
- - Caribbean and
Carolinian Sp.
60 W
Fig. 6.6. Diversity of benthic shelf organisms as a function of latitude, shelf off the East Coast. An
Arctic fauna with few species in the north is being replaced by species-rich temperate and tropical
faunas to the south. (Each line equals ten species.) Note the sharp break at Cape Hatteras, where
warm Southern waters (Gulf Stream) leave the shelf. Arctic waters penetrate down to Cape Cod.
Gastropods show a greater change than bivalves (= lamellibranchs or pelecypods). The clams live
mostly l1'ilhin the sediment, in contrast to the snails. Hence they are more protected from inclement
conditions. lA. G. Fischer, 1960, Evolution 14: 64; modified]
Fig. 6.7 a, b. Sediment production and benthic photosynthesis. a Production of algal carbonate ,
measured in the field by staining live specimens and observing growth till collection. A Termination
of staining; B collection. I Halimeda; 2 Padina; 3 Penicillus; all common benthic algae in Bermuda.
[Photos and experiments by G. Wefer, 1980, Nature (London) 285: 323.] b Acropora meadow,
Florida Keys. The staghorn corals produce abundant carbonate, with the aid of symbiotic algae
(dinoflagellates) which live within their bodies. Growth rates are of the order of I em/year [Photo
W. H. B.]
Fig. 6.8. Temperature reconstruction using Porites lobara. which forms massive heads of coral off
the Philippines. Sampling is along profiles A and B, in a slab cut from a core. Results of isotopic
analysis are to the right. Temperature varies roughly between 30 and 26 oc, and this is recorded by
the coral. [J. Ptitzold in G. Wefer and W. H. Berger, 1991, Marine Geology 100]
which exists for both deep sea and shallow sea, as far as paleotemperatures estimates,
is the selective preservation of faunal (and floral) assemblages within the sediment.
Thus, changes in the assemblages may be due to changing conditions of preservation,
rather than to changes in the conditions of survival and growth. To separate the
effects of chemistry (that is, early diagenesis) from those of biology can be a fonnidable task.
Additional clues to sea surface temperatures have recently been derived from
long-chain (C37-C39) alkenones which are produced by coccolithophorids (see Sect.
6.1.6 Oxygen. The content of dissolved oxygen in the water is another environmental
factor of great importance, especially when concentrations fall to critically low levels
of a fraction of one milliliter of gas per liter of water (nonnal: 4 to 7 ml/l). In cases
where the oxygen concentration becomes low enough, all higher organisms, and even
shell-bearing protists, will succumb, and only anaerobic bacteria remain. Such conditions - called dysaerobic when moderate, and anaerobic when severe - can produce
varved sediments (Fig. 3.14), since there is no disturbance by burrowing organisms.
Much can be learned from varves regarding climatic change, on the scale of decades
to millenia, especially with regard to changes in the supply of organic matter and
At the present time we have to go to certain special areas to study this phenomenon - fjords in Norway and Alaska, the Black Sea, the Santa Batbara Basin off
California. In the geologic past, however, when the poles were not icy cold and did
not therefore deliver oxygen-rich water to the deep ocean, conditions of oxygen
deficiency were widespread. Much of the petroleum we bum today was formed in
oceans with a low oxygen content, in regions where oxygen dropped below critical
values and where organic matter did not readily decay, therefore.
Basically, oxygen deficiency arises when oxygen demand is strong, and supply is
weak. For example, in the Black Sea the salt water filling the basin (through the
Bosporus, Chap. 4.3.5) comes from the Mediterranean and is covered with a layer of
freshwater brought in by the Danube, the Dnepr, and other rivers (Fig. 7.12). The
light freshwater forms a lid on the heavy deep water, cutting off exchange with the
atmosphere. Growth continues in the upper waters, delivering organic matter to the
water below. Here it is eaten by animals, which use up oxygen by respiration, and is
decayed by bacteria, also using oxygen. Thus, the deepest water becomes entirely
A somewhat analogous process can be observed in organic-rich muds. Free
oxygen is present only in the uppermost layer of sediment, millimeter-thick (or centimer-thick when sandy). Burrowing animals must set up air-conditioning by pumping oxygen-rich water through their burrows - otherwise they must suffocate.
The geohistorian attempts to reconstruct the degree of oxygenation at the time and
place of deposition of a given sediment layer, from clues such as lamination or nature
of burrowing, and from chemical indicators such as sulfides and types of organic
matter present. The remains of certain benthic organisms also provide information
regarding the level of oxygenation (Fig. 6.9).
Benthic Life
,. ,
OXYGEN (mill)
that is, more opportunities for different approaches to making a living? We do not
know. So far, biologists have not succeeded in determining the number of niches
independently from the number of species occupying them.
6.2.2 Food and Substrate. Benthic animals, ultimately, live on food-stuff falling
down through the water or coming in from upslope along the sea floor. Both living
plankton and dead detritus drift in the water: the seston . The detritus consists of
organic and inorganic particles. One consequence of the dependence of the benthos
on this "rain" of seston is a pronounced decrease in benthic biomass with depth: the
deeper the sea floor and the farther away from the fertile coastal zone, the smaller the
amount of nutritious rain reaching it. Although so very little reaches the abyss (order
of 1 % of the production (Fig. 6.4)) hundreds of species - tiny crustaceans and worms
- make their living from the scraps coming down. How do these organisms manage
to spend less energy in the search of food than the food is worth? They must be
extremely energy-efficient.
The sessile benthos, of course, does not seek out its food. It waits for the water to
bring suspended material from which to take nourishment. The suspension feeders
(sponges, corals, brachiopods, crinoids, bryozans, and many others) filter the water,
either passively, using the natural water flow, or actively, moving water past their
straining apparatus. Commensals may seek a free meal in addition to shelter: for
foraminifera living in sponges it is convenient that the host provides both protection
from enemies and brings in a steady stream of food particles. Sessile benthos is
especially abundant on rocky bottom, e. g. in agitated environments, where the water
is not too muddy.
The vagile benthos on the rocky substrate - starfish, sea urchins, gastropods,
ostracods - feeds on epibenthic organisms, for example, by scraping off algae, or
preying on sessile animals. It protects itself from storms and predators by hiding in
nooks and crannies, growing thick shells, or by clinging to the rock, as do the chitons
and patellas using their strong sucker foot. On soft bottom (in less agitated environments), most vagile benthic animals ingest sediment, especially surface detritus (deposit feeders). Others hunt for prey.
We see that life in the bottom is greatly influenced by the type of the substrate,
which, like the organisms themselves, reflects environmental factors: temperature,
salinity, oxygen content, currents, microtopography. Thus, sedimentary processes and
life on the sea floor are intimately associated. The remains of organisms within their
habitat yield valuable clues to conditions of both growth and sedimentation, therefore. In fact, benthic organisms may produce much or all of the substrate, in places.
One aspect of ecology which is of great interest to geology is the production rate
of hard parts, that is, carbonate (Fig. 6.7). Off Miami, the macrobenthos produces
annually about lOOO g carbonate per m2 in the tidal zone, between 1 and 400 g per
m2 in the deeper water offshore. On shallow areas of the Persian Gulf, a single
species of foraminifer, Heterostegina depressa (Fig. 6.10), delivers annually 150 g
carbonate per m2 . This protist lives in symbiosis with photosynthesizing algae, as do
corals. Questions regarding type and rate of mineralization are obviously of importance to paleoecology; here biological and geological research are closely intertwined. Benthic foraminifera whose shells provide a lasting record are ideally suited
to define the limits of many of these conditions (Figs. 6.9 and 6.10.).
For an appreciation of the relationships between organisms and environment of
deposition, let us have a closer look at benthic organisms and their substrates, hard
and soft.
Fig. 6.10. Examples for different types of foraminifera. I Arenaceous form which agglutinates
available particles (Reophax. x 50); 2. 3 calcareous forms (Trimosina. x 250; Spir%('ulina. x 90).
The species of Trimosina shown lives at a depth of greater than 20 to 30 m. in the Indian Ocean;
Spir%cu/ina prefers shallow water and coarse substrate. 4: Heterostegina depressa (diameter of
test: 0.84 mm) a large tropical form living in shallow water in symbiosis with photosynthesizing
algae . The "pseudopods" radiating from the test are used for anchor and also for locomotion. [SEM
photos C. Samtleben and I. Seibold. Microphoto R. Rottger]
meters-long soft ribbons waving in the currents, offering hideouts and hunting
grounds for fishes. Hence, rocky areas are good fishing grounds (although they can
be hard on a fisherman's net).
Encrusting algae tend to cover rock outcrops permanently. Depending on water
temperature and depth, epifaunal associations develop: sponges, corals, tubeworms,
oysters, barnacles, bryozoans, encrusting foraminifera (Fig. 6.11). The infauna bores
actively into the substrate. This remarkable ability has been acquired by many types
of organisms, including sponges, worms, and mollusks. Some sea urchins with unpleasantly (for swimmers) long and brittle spines live in custom-made cavities. At
first glance such burrowed rock gives the appearance of being quite solid, since the
Fig. 6.11. Dense epifaunal growth. 1 Edge of coral patch reef, Lizard Island, Great Barner Reef
(1445'N, 2 m). [Photo E. S.]. 2 Epifauna on a mound of the Ross Sea shelf (Antarctic, 7659'S,
16736'E). No algae are present at this depth (110 m) so that the dense growth here is all from
animals: large fingery sponges, small bushy bryozoans , finely branched horny corals. A sea lily
(echinoderm) is seen in the upper left. [Photo J. S. Bullivant, 1967, N. Z. Dep. Sci. Ind. Res. Geol.
Surv. Paleontol. Bull. 176]
entrances to the burrows are usually quite small. However, in reality, the outer rind of
the rock may resemble Swiss cheese in its structure. Storm surf can then destroy this
outer layer. Thus the rock wears away, largely through bio-erosion. Limestone is
especially susceptible to this type of attack. Debris from boring sponges grinding
Sandy Substrate
holes into calcareous rock can make up some 30 % of the sediment in certain lagoons
of the Pacific coast.
In shallow rocky areas, organisms commonly are removed periodically by wave
action, and their remains collect in depressions or at the foot of the rocks. The
reef-talus deposits are of this origin. They are coarsely layered thick sequences of
sediments surrounding the reef structure, and are familiar from ancient exposed reefs
on land (Permian EI Capitan Reef, west Texas; Triassic Dolomites in the Alps;
Jurassic MaIm reefs in middle Europe; Cretaceous Albian reefs in southern Arizona).
The coarse-grained material of the reef talus is highly porous and permeable, and can
serve as reservoir rock for petroleum - as in the oil fields of the Middle East.
We shall return to reef formations in Chapter 7 when discussing the significance
of marine deposits as climate indicators.
. 11 .;."' .: .
',,'. ,' ,
,' ,
,~/)!;; ti );
Fig. 6.12. Sediment reworking by benthic organisms in tidal flats of temperate regions. 1 Snail
Littorina: 2 worm burrow (Pygospio); 3 crustacean burrow (Corophium) , 4 and 5 worm Arenicola
with fecal mound and funnel (see photo below); 6 to 9 bivalves Cardium , Scrobicularia , Mylilus,
and Mya: 10 originally horizontal layer, disturbed by burrowing; II light brown surface sediment.
[H. M. Thamdrup, in R. Brinkmann (ed), Lehrbuch der allgemeinen Geologie, F. Enke. Stuttgart
1964, modified. Photo E. S.]
Fig. 6.13. Shell pavement in the upper intertidal, German North Sea. (N of Weser estuary). The
shells form low mounds, built by waves and tidal currents. The orientation of the shells on the sea
floor indicates current directions [note valves pointing to right i. e ., downstream in 1 and shingling
in box corer profiles in 2. [Photos E. S. 1 and H. E. Reineck 2]
sand, due to the high cohesion of the clay particles. It is more difficult to burrow into
than sand, but burrows have a better chance of persisting. Second, the high content of
organic matter makes it worthwhile for many organisms to pass it through their guts
and extract the digestible fraction. Hence, deposit feeders are commonly found on
and in this type of substrate. Of course, suspension feeders would thrive on the
organic matter also. However, their filtering apparatuses tend to become clogged with
the abundant (and to them useless) clay. Furthermore, by constantly reworking the
mud, the deposit feeders make it difficult for sessile benthos to find a stable foothold.
Thus, deposit-feeding benthos dominates: about three fourths of the benthos belong
to this group.
Deposit feeding can take place on top of the sediment, which may also yield some
diatoms , and other algae growing there. Snails typically represent this type of detritus
behaviour, for example Littorina in tidal flats (Fig. 6.12). Also, burrowing clams may
extend their feeding siphons out to the top, to pipet off the food on the surface.
Examples are Scrobicularia and Macoma. On the tidal flats of northwestern America,
the small species Macoma secta, with a length of only 6 to 7 cm, can extend its
siphon up to 1 m - covering a good-sized territory. Various types of worms and sea
cucumbers (holothurians) are deposit feeders sometimes seen in deep-sea photographs. They leave tracks and fecal strings on the surface, and burrows within the
sediment (Fig. 6.14). In shallow water, certain deposit feeders can become extremely
abundant. The lugworm (Arenicola) , typical for muddy intertidals, in many areas can
Fig. 6.14 a, b. Tracks and burrows in deepsea clay. a Furrow-like fee ding trails of holothurians (deposit feeders). Note range of
states of preservation, fresh trail at lower
Ie/i. Also meander-like fecal strings extruded onto sediment surface. Small compact structures probably are agglutinating
foraminifera. Tracks and trails are not
preserved in the record , unless burial is by
sudden influx of sediment (such as turbidites). Northern Solomon Trench, water
depth 8500 m, field of view in upper photo
1.5 x 3 m. [Photo courtesy R. L. Fisher.)
b X-ray radiograph , positive, of deep-sea
Red Clay. Dense areas are dark. Network
of burrows (mainly deep-reaching burrows
are preserved) illustrates intensity of bioturbation. Typical burrow diameter, 0.5 to
I cm. Left Small manganese nodule. Core
taken about 1000 km SE of Hawaii , water
depth 5000 m, 49-{j0 cm below sediment
surface. [Photo F. C. Kogler)
attain densities of 200 individuals per square meter (Fig. 6.12). Each wonn can ingest
several hundred grams of sediment per day. At high densities, the entire sediment,
down to about 20 cm depth, may be worked over in a matter of weeks by depositfeeding organisms.
Muddy bottoms, then, are largely fecal material, many times recycled. This is also
true for the deep-sea floor, although here the cycling takes thousands of years rather
than months as in the mudflats - a difference of a factor of 10 000. Of course,
sedimentation rates also differ considerably, by a factor of up to 1000. The greater
number of recycles in the shallow water, before burial, reflects the much higher
supply of organic carbon - and hence energy supply - to the coastal sea floor. The
low level of benthic activity in deep-sea sediments and the relative greater importance of the infauna is illustrated by the fact that on more than 100 000 photographs
from 2000 different deep-sea stations, only about 100 visible animals were counted.
If fine sediments are fecal matter, should one not see more evidence of fecal
pellets and fecal strings? Indeed, fecal pellets are extremely abundant, especially
toward the surface of muddy sea floor. Here they alter entirely the hydraulic properties of the sediment, give rise to bacterial growth, and to development of fungal mats
in places. In the case of calcareous mud, the fecal pellets can harden by cementation
and can thus fossilize more readily. They are very abundant in many limestones, as
near-spherical and oval grains of diameters between 0.03 and 0.1 mm, a fact that is
only realized after careful microscopic study.
The biological reworking of soft sediment on the sea floor is a process of global
geochemical significance. Without such bioturbation, the sediment would quickly
disappear from the marine chemical sy stem. Only a thin upper layer would readily
react with the seawater. Through bioturbation, however, a several-centimeter-thick
layer of sediment keeps exchanging matter with seawater, the falling organic material
remains available for some time before burial, the nutrients in it are remobilized and
are given back to the seawater. Thus, the overall fertility of the ocean is closely linked
to bioturbation.
A surprisingly large proportion of Phanerozoic sediments on land originate from
marine muds. Fossil shales - produced from muds - make up about 50 % of the
sedimentary record. Limestones (in large part originating from calcareous muds)
provide 20 %, and sandstones 30 %.
sediments - the sediments from which we hope to extract the most complete and
accurate information about ancient climates (as discussed in Chap. 9) .
There is a great variety of traces, which eventually become trace fossils: trails,
feeding tracks, and fecal strings on the surface, burrows stuffed with fecal mud,
burrows used for housing and later filled by washed-in sediment, and others (Fig.
6.15). Various kinds of worms, snails, bivalves, crabs, holothurians, sea urchins, and
star fish make such tracks and burrows. Crabs and shrimp make the longest and
deepest burrows. In certain cores from off Northwest Africa we have observed vertical burrows more than 3 m long! Such "lebensspuren" have been and are being,
intensively studied by marine geologists in Wilhelmshaven on the North Sea, in Kiel,
and in Tiibingen. Thus, the German word Lebensspuren which translates into lifetraces has been adopted into English usage.
6.6.2 Lebensspuren are, in a sense, fossilized behavior of benthic organisms. Much
like shells, behavior represents adaptation to the environment, hence we can read
resting tracks
dwelling burrows
feeding burrows
Fig. 6.15 a-e. Types of traces by function , and organisms producing them. a-d Bivalves. e Wonns.
[A. Seilacher, 1953, Neues lahrb. Geol. Palaeontol. Abh. 96: 421 and 98: 87]
environmental information from tracks and burrows. Unlike shells, lebensspuren cannot be transported by currents, but stay in the sediment where they were made. Thus
they indicate in situ conditions, whether it be food supply, stability of the sediment,
wave action, even depth of water.
The tracks and burrows are useful not only for paleoecologic reconstruction but
also for physical geology, and even for tectonics. In the deep sea, for example vertical
burrows do not last if the sediment has a tendency to shear horizontally. Through
systematic box coring of deep-sea carbonates in recent years, it was found that
vertical burrows are extremely abundant in the west equatorial Pacific, in shallow
areas with sandy, stiff sediment. In deep areas, where dissolution of carbonate breaks
down the sand, the sediment loses strength. It can flow when shaken by earthquakes.
There are no vertical burrows here, only horizontal ones.
On land, the field geologist sometimes deals with badly jumbled marine strata - he
may not even be able to tell which side of a layer is up! Burrows, if present, can help
decide the issue. Many burrows are U-shaped. If one finds them as an arch, that is,
upside down, it proves that the layer has been inverted by tectonic forces. Sometimes
there is a question of lacustrine (lake-) versus lagoonal or marine sediments. The
marine environment has large long burrows in contrast to the less diverse and generally smaller ones of lakes.
6.6.3 Preservation. Not all tracks and burrows are equally well preserved, of course.
A delicate surface trail made by a star fish or a mussel has little chance of entering
the record. A 30-cm-deep Arenicola or Mya burrow or especially a 2-m-deep crab
burrow has an excellent chance: we should have to remove a thick layer of sediment
in order to obliterate it. In general, surface tracks can only be reserved by a catastrophic deposition event such as a flood or a turbidity flow. In the case of continuous
accumulation, when sediment builds up gradually and there is a mixed layer from
bioturbation, surface tracks are destroyed while only burrows penetrating the mixed
layer are preserved in the record (Fig. 6.16).
6.7 Bioturbation
6.7.1 Effects of Mixing. Bioturbation prevents the preservation of thin layers, that is,
annual layers, thin turbidite layers, or layers produced by contour currents alike.
Thus, today's well-turbated slope sediments are poorly layered. However, this need
not always have been the case. During times when the ocean was not well oxygenated, burrowing organisms could not as readily do their work of homogenizing the
incoming sporadic supply of sediment. Thus, quite commonly, we see finely layered
slope sediments in the geologic record, deposited in warm oceans with low oxygen
content. (Warm water dissolves much less oxygen than cold water: only since the
Earth has grown ice caps is the deep ocean highly aerated.)
Bioturbation alters and smooths the record. In a finely layered sediment, each
layer has a message about its origin and its environment of deposition. But when the
layers are mixed, the messages are mixed also, and we obtain a signal which is some
Fig. 6.16. Biogenic sedimentary structures in deep water off NW Africa (about 2000 m). Tiered
arrangement of active burrowers reaches 30 em into the sediment. Bioturbation homogenizes the
uppermost 3 em of sediment completely, destroying surface tracks. Sea urchins (Scolicia burrows)
and other burrowers produce typical traces (Planolites etc.) in different depths within the sediment.
The tiered system of burrows is ultimately dependent mainly on organic matter supply, oxygenation,
and sedimentation rates. Thus several parameters can potentially be extracted from the iehnological
record . [A. Wetzel , 1979, Ph. D. Thesis, Geol Inst Kiel]
sort of an average of the conditions which existed at the time. How large a time
interval is being averaged? How does this averaging affect the dating of sediments?
These questions are being investigated on deep-sea box cores, because of the great
importance of the deep-sea record for detailed paleoclimatic reconstruction. (For
dating by radioisotopes see Appendix A8).
One way to proceed is to determine the exact concentration of radioactive carbon,
as a function of depth in the sediment. The 14C stratigraphy should give us a clue to
both the depth of mixing and the effect on age determination (Fig. 6.17).
The 14C enters the sedimentary record within the CaC03 of the carbonate shells.
A certain proportion of the C02 in the air (and hence of the HC03- in the surface
water) contains 14C, which is produced in the atmosphere through the activity of
cosmic rays, from the normal nitrogen-14 atom. The radiocarbon is incorporated into
living matter and shells. It decays back to nitrogen. Thus, young shells have more
radiocarbon than old ones. The decay rate is such that one-half of the C-14 is gone
after 5700 years . This is the half-life. Thus, we can predict that a shell will retain one
half its radiocarbon after 5700 years, one fourth in II 400 years, one eighth in 17000
years, and so on. The limit of measurement is near 35 000 years - one sixty-fourth of
the original concentration.
How do we know the initial concentration of radiocarbon? We assume, for simplicity, that it was the same then as it is today in freshly forming shells (although we
now know that radiocarbon concentrations were higher during glacial time; see
W 10
~ 25
Fig. 6.17. Carbon-14 stratigraphy of a box core from the western equatorial Pacific. Top layers
(= mixed layer) shows similar ages down to 7 or 8 em, due to mixing. Overall sedimentation rates
is near 1.7 em/lOOO yrs. An anomalous 14C sequence appears at 15-17 em depth, presumably caused
by a redeposition event. [Data in T. H. Peng et aI. , 1979, Quat. Res. II: 141]
Fig. 5.6). Using this assumption, we can calculate the apparent age distribution down
the core. This is the distribution produced both by the continuous sedimentation of
radioactive sediment (i. e., calcareous shells) and the mixing on the sea floor. Here is
an interesting trend in the ages: they change very little in the uppermost part of the
sediment, the mixed layer, and then show a regular progression to higher values
6.7.2 Mixing Model. Sediment mixing is a complicated process involving the burrowing activities of various types of organisms, disturbing the sediment to various
depths (Fig. 6.16). It is not yet possible to describe the physics of mixing in a way
which is both correct and useful. However, the pattern shown by the 14C-distribution
suggests a very simple (somewhat too simple, for sure) model of how mixing operates on sediment, as follows.
We assume that the sediment consists of two layers only: a mixed layer at the very
top and a historical layer below. At the top of the mixed layer the newly arriving
material builds up the sea floor at a rate corresponding to the prevailing sedimentation rate .
At the bottom of the mixed layer, an equal amount of sediment leaves, per unit
time, and enters the historical layer. The mathematical formulation of this model is
straightforward. For example, a tracer such as microtectites (from a meteor impact) or
volcanic ash, which is added to the sea surface only once, will show a distribution
following the decay equation:
(6.1 )
where CL is the concentration of the tracer at a distance L above the first occurrence,
Co is the original concentration in the mixed layer, right after introduction of the
tracer, and M is the thickness of the mixed layer. Application of this formula to the
distribution of volcanic ash, observed in cores from the North Atlantic, suggests that
M is in the neighborhood of 6 cm. This estimate agrees well with the mixed-layer
thickness suggested by the 14C-stratigraphy shown in Fig. 6.17, for a core from the
west-equatorial Pacific. It should be noted, however, that radio carbon of the sand
fraction may yield results that differ from those based on bulk ages.
------- _ .
Fig. 6.18 a, b. Typical infauna associations in shallow water in cold to temperate regions. Examples
are from the entrance to the Baltic Sea (Kattegart). a Venus association in sandy substrate at 10- 20
m water depth, with the sea star Astropeclen (I) , the sea urchin Echinocardium cordalum (2), the
bivalves Venus gallina (3), Spisula elliptica (4), Tellina labula (5), the polychaete tube-building
worm Peclinaria koreni (6), and the gastropod Natica (7). b Amphiura association in muddy substrate at about 20 m water depth with the brittle stars A. chiajei (/) and A. IUiformis (2), the snails
Turiella communis (3) and Aporrhais pespe/icani (4) , the sea urchin Brissopsis Iyrifera (5) and the
polychaete Nephthys (6). Coastal regions in other regions of the world have other species, but the
basic make up of the associations persists ("parallel communities"). [G. Thorson , 1972, Erforschung
des Meeres, Kindler, Miinchen)
Fig. 6.19. Brittle star community. Uppermost continental slope off Senegal , Northwest Africa.
[Photo E. S.)
worms or of the shrimps. Nothing also of the predators which invade the area from
the sea and from the air.
Muddy sand and deeper waters are settled by the Syndosmya community. The
name-giving clam is a favored food item of flat-fish - something that certainly would
be hard to tell from the fossil record.
Muddy bottoms in depths of about 20 m are conspicuous by their dense cover of
brittle stars (Amphiura community, Fig. 6.19). Up to 500 individuals lie on a square
meter. They dominate the ecology of the sea floor here, but it is doubtful that this
information would be preserved in the record.
Fig. 6.20. Black smokers", made of precipitated metal sulfides at an East Pacific Rise Vent site.
Pillow lavas are covered by mussels and tube worms. IE. Seibold, Das Gedachtnis des Meeres,
1991, Piper, Miinchen. After P. Giese, 1983]
order of decades? How do these organisms cope with highly toxic fluids containing
H2S and trace metals in high concentrations? What are the implications for the
evolution of life, especially in the distant Precambrian with reducing sea-water conditions? And for those who wonder who might be out there in space - is the sun
necessary for the origin of life?
In the meantime, additonal exploration by ALVIN and other submersibles e. g.,
CYANA showed that these unusual communities are not restricted to hot vents on
spreading centers, but occur in back arc basins and other places with hydrothermal
activity as well. More importantly, related but somewhat different types of communities were found on the continental margin, sitting on "cold seeps" off Florida
and, together with carbonate "chimneys" off Oregon (see Fig. 2.8b). Here bacteria
oxidize not just H2S but a variety of other reduced compounds such as methane
(CH4), ammonia (NH4), and light hydrocarbons. Again, these bacteria form the basis
of a chemosynthetic food chain.
The vent communities are geologically old: in Oman and on Cyprus in Cretaceous
ophiolites, and even in Carboniferous rocks as in New Foundland, fossil examples of
tube worm communities were found, in part in association with massive sulfide ores.
These fossils now appear in an entirely new light.
Further Reading
Hedgpeth JW (ed) (1957) Treatise on marine ecology and paleoecology, vol I. Geol Soc Am Mem
Schafer W (1972) Ecology and palaeoecology of marine environments, Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh
Haq BU, Boersma A (eds) (1978) Introduction to marine micropaleontology, Elsevier, New York
Suess E, Thiede J (eds) (1983) Coastal upwelling - its sediment record. Part A: Responses of the
sedimentary regime to present coastal upwelling. Plenum Press, New York
Berger WH, Smetacek VS, Wefer G (eds) (1989) Productivity of the ocean: present and past.
Dahlem Konferenzen. Wiley, Chichester
Fig. 7.1 a, b. Climatic extremes in the present ocean. a Fringing reef and lagoons. Huahine. Society
Islands. tropical South Pacific. [Courtesy D. L. Eicher] b Tabular iceberg, Antarctic Ocean. [Counesy T. Foster]
tropics and sUbtropics nutrients are limiting to growth. Here the surface waters
become depleted of nutrients because the density gradient (light warm water on top
of cold heavy water) hinders upward diffusion of nutrient-rich deep waters. Generally, therefore, production is low. In high polar areas, light is the limiting factor:
productivity also is low. In the coastal zones of the tropics and in temperate latitudes,
Fig. 7.2. Climatic zonation of the open oceans. Zone boundaries tend to follow latitudes and line up
with climatic belts on land. Temperature, seasonality, and water budget (evaporation-precipitation
balance) are the most important descriptors. Temperate and polar can be separated by another zone:
subpolar. Approximate temperatures of surface waters in C shown at the boundaries.
the supply of light and of nutrients both is adequate; here production is high (see
Sect. 6.1).
Temperature imprints itself on sediment patterns in several ways, either directly
(through association with ice-generated debris, or warm-water coral, for example) or
indirectly (through correlations with the productivity of the ocean). Very warm waters
lack nutrients, very cold ones lack sunlight, as mentioned.
More subtle is the relationship between temperature profile and production (and
hence output of biogenous sediment). To grow, marine algae need to stay close to the
surface of the ocean, in the sunlit zone. To replenish nutrients lost from this zone, by
the settling of fecal material and organic aggregates, we need deep mixing. However,
such mixing also removes a large portion of the algae from the sunlit zone, taking
them to greater depth, where they cannot grow. Clearly, a succession of nutrient
delivery and stable stratification in time or space provides the most favorable conditions for growth, and hence for sediment production.
B/ooms of ('()ccolithophorids or diatoms must be contemplated with these mechanisms in mind. Such blooms can be extensive ("whitings" seen from satellites in the
case of coccolithoporids). They may, in fact, deliver much of the biogenous sediment
found on the sea floor - coccoliths in the low latitudes, diatoms in high latitudes and
coastal regions . Recent flux measurements with sediment traps support this concept
of episodic flux.
Temperature anomalies, specifically cold anomalies within the sub tropics and
along the equator, denote regions of upwelling, which are of special interest as
producers of organic-rich sediments (and as fishing areas) (Sect. 4.3.3). Equatorial
upwelling, which is due to divergence of westward-moving currents where the Coriolis Force changes sign, leaves a strong imprint in the shape of increased sedimenta-
tion rate of calcareous, siliceous, and phosphatic materials. Also, certain metals are
concentrated below the equator, by the upwelling mechanism. We shall return to
these subjects when discussing deep-sea sedimentation (Chap. 8) and ferromanganese
nodules (Sect. lOA).
Nutrient supply, as already mentioned, is increased through vertical mixing and
upwelling. Upwelling is highly seasonal, being induced by the wind field (Fig. 4.19),
which is quite variable, of course. Thus, the major upwelling regions - off Peru,
California, northwestern Africa, Namibia, and also in the Arabian Sea - show high
but greatly varying productivity.
Seasonal upwelling is largely tied to monsoonal activity. On the continents, seasonal contrasts are exaggerated, compared with the oceans (continental climate).
Around the large and high land masses of East Asia, this seasonal contrast affects the
entire northern Indian Ocean (monsoonal climate, see Fig. 7.2, hachured area). During winter, cold air masses flow off the continent (northeast monsoon in India)
bringing drought and upwelling. During summer, the circulation is reversed: the
southeast monsoon brings rain from the ocean. In the eastern Pacific, upwelling
virtually ceases every 3 or 4 years for a year or so. El Nino conditions are said to
prevail during such events. "EI Nino" means "the child" and refers to the Christ child,
in reference to the observations, by Peruvian fishermen , that conditions of poor
fishing start around Christmas. The El Nino phenomenon is not well understood,
although it is of great importance even on a global scale. The history of such oscillations can be studied in sediments with annual layers (varves) off California (Fig.
7.17), off Peru, and in the Gulf of California. In the Santa Barbara Basin off Southern
California, El Nino layers are characterized by unusually large proportions of warmwater diatoms, and reduced supply of organic matter. Because of this reduced supply,
oxygenation increases, and in some cases bioturbation sets in, destroying a number of
varves. Thus, the stratigraphy of bioturbation in the Santa Barbara Basin contains
valuable clues to the long-term workings of the Pacific wind field, and indeed the
global heat budget.
CJ 2
Fig. 7.3. Major distributional zonation of planktonic foraminifera. J arctic and antarctic; 2 subarctic
and subantarctic ; 3 transition zone; 4 subtropical; 5 tropical. Dominant foraminifera : a: Neogloboquadrina pachyderma, zone J left-coiling, zone 2 right-coiling; b: Globigerina bul/oides, Zone 2 ; c:
Globorotalia inflata , Zone 3; d: Globorotalia truncatulinoides , Zone 4 ; e: Globigerinoides ruber.
Zones 4 and 5; f: Globigerinoides sacculi/er, Zone 5. [Map from A. W. H. Be, D. S. Tolderlund,
1971, in B. M. Funnell, W. R. Riedel , ed, 1971. The micropalaeontology of oceans. Univ Press,
Cambridge. SEM photos courtesy U. Pflaumann , Kiell
are shown in Fig. 7.3, with the areas they characterize. The general agreement of the
faunal zonation with the climate zonation of Fig. 7.2 is obvious - the role of latitudinal bands and of the deflection by surface currents again is apparent.
7.2.2 Transfer Equations. The agreement between faunal and climatic zonation
suggests that it should be possible to reconstruct climate by counting the relative
abundance of the species in the sediment assemblages. This is indeed the method
most commonly applied. The counts are used to calculate the original surface water
temperatures by means of a transfer equation, a term coined by the paleoecologist
John Imbrie. To illustrate how this works let us consider a very simple transfer
equation, namely the weighted average of the optimum temperature:
(7.1 )
Fig. 7.4 a, b. Expansion of polar climate in the North Atlantic. 17000 years ago. a Today's se a
surface temperature in winte r. b Tran sfer map, winter surface temperature 17000 years ago (in
ocean) , and distribution of ice sheets and pack ice. [Data from CLIMAP in E. Seibold, 1975.
Naturwissenschafte n 62: 321 ; see also Science 191: 1131. 1976; Geol. Soc. Am . Mem . 145: 464 pp.
Transfer Method
Today, the polar front is just south of Greenland (Fig. 7.4,2 DC isotherm). During
the glacial maximum, the front ran from New York to be Iberian Peninsula. Norway,
and even England, were largely cut off from the warming influence of the Gulf
Stream, with dramatic climatologic consequences.
The motion of the polar front in the North Atlantic, as reflected in deep-sea cores,
is a prime example for climatic transgression. Such a transgression can be used to
determine the rate of change. How fast does a glacial period change into an interglacial one? How fast can the glaciers build up at the end of a warm period? These are
questions of considerable interest, because mankind is involved in climate modification, by industrial C02 emission and by deforestation, and because the present unusually warm period (since 10 000 years ago) has been about as long as comparable
ones in the past, throughout the Late Pleistocene. We shall return to these questions
in Chapter 9 when discussing the geologic record.
7.2.4 Limitations of the Transfer Method. The method outlined (or others like it)
allows an estimate to be made of any environmental variable which shows a correlation with foraminiferal abundances (or abundances of other plankton: coccoliths,
radiolarians, diatoms). However, the significance of such estimates is in doubt where
the environmental variable is not in control of growth. A prime example is salinity.
There is little evidence that salinity has any influence on plankton distribution within
the normal range of seawater salinity.
There are some other problems with the transfer method. First, exact calibration is
difficult. Sediment arriving on the sea floor becomes thoroughly mixed with older
sediment. Thus, the calibration set of sea-floor samples contains information spanning thousands of years. Yet, the calibration set of present sea surface conditions is
based on a very few years at most. Are these last few years - the ones whose data
enter the present-day temperature atlas, for example - representative for the last two
or three thousand years? Perhaps.
Second, there is the problem of differential dissolution, hence selective preservation of plankton shells on the sea floor. Most of the calcareous ooze on the deep-sea
floor is exposed to at least some dissolution. Thus, the assemblages from which we
wish to draw paleoclimatic information are being altered on the sea floor. The more
delicate shells are being removed, while the thick-walled forms are being concentrated (Fig. 7.5). This is also true for siliceous shells, although dissolution patterns are
For older deposits the question arises: to what degree has evolution changed the
optima and ranges of the species? The question is ever-present in paleoecologic
research, and is always difficult to deal with.
Q.~ .
ar-- "1 ..
Fig. 7.5. Effect of selective dissolution on the temperature aspect of a mixed coccolith assemblage.
Warm-water forms are removed and cold-water species are enriched in the assemblage as dissolution proceeds. I: Cyclolithella annula; 2: Cyclococcolithina fragilis; 3: Umbellosphaera tenuis; 4:
Discosphaera !Ubifera; 5: Emiliania huxleyi; 6; Umbellosphaera irregularis; 7: Umhilicosphaera
mirabilis; 8: Rhahdosphaera styli/era; 9: Helicopontosphaera kamptneri; 10: Cyclococcolithina
leptopora ; /I; Gephyrocapsa sp. (includes G. oceanica and G. caribbeanica; the latter is shown);
12: Coccolith us pelagic/IS. [w. H. Berger, 1973, Deep-Sea Res. 20: 917]
from the same aqueous solution should have different ratios of oxygen-18 to oxygen16, depending on the temperature at which the precipitation proceeds.
The usefulness of this concept to paleoclimatic research was establish soon after,
by S. Epstein, R. Buchsbaum, H. A. Lowenstam, and H. C. Urey. They compared the
isotopic composition of mollusks shells which grew at various temperatures, in their
natural environment. Results showed that there was an orderly relationship between
the isotopic composition and the temperature of growth. A fit to their data points
yielded an equation which is widely used for paleo-temperature determination:
t = 16.5-4.3 (&-&,) + 0.14 (&-&,)2.
The terms are as follows: t is the temperature, & is the oxygen isotope composition
of the shell sample, &, is that of the water the shell grew in. The 0 notation describes
the deviation of the ratio of oxygen-18 to oxygen-16 from that of a standard (for
example mean ocean water), as a fraction of that of the standard:
o 0=
18 0 /160
For convenience, it is expressed in "per mil", that is why the above fraction is
multiplied by 1000.
Whenever an observed relationship between temperature and isotopic composition
follows Eq. (7.2), the shell is said to have been grown in isotopic equilibrium with
seawater. While mollusks (and planktonic foraminifera) generally precipitate shells in
oxygen isotope equilibrium by this criterion, many organisms do not. Furthermore,
the &, is variable geographically and through time, especially in coastal regions. It is
closely related to the salinity of the ocean, because evaporation and precipitation
affect both 18 0/160 ratio and salinity patterns. Also, it depends on ice volume. Unless
these effects can be excluded, the paleotemperature cannot be deduced from the
oxygen isotopes, other than within rather broad limits (see Fig. 5.15 and Sect. 9.3.4).
7.3.3 Carbon Isotopes. Besides oxygen isotopes, there are two stable carbon isotopes in calcareous shells: carbon-12 and carbon-13. These also have a temperature
dependence, but the main effect on their ratio is the 13C/12C ratio in the dissolved
inorganic carbon of the seawater and the metabolic activity of the shell-secreting
organisms. Fast-growing organisms, and those harboring symbiotic unicellular algae
(zooxanthellae), precipitate shells with relatively low values of carbon-13. However,
many shells yield information about the 13 C;I 2C ratio in the seawater they grew in.
The () 13 C signal in planktonic and benthic foraminifera - an index for the ratio
between the isotopes 13C and 12C in their shells - has recently emerged as a major
tool in reconstructing the marine carbon cycle. In surface waters, the habitat of
planktonic foraminifers, carbon is extracted by ~hotosynthesis ("fixed") into orfanic
matter. This process runs slightly faster for 1 C than for 13C , and hence 1 C is
incorporated preferentially. Basically, because of this preferential fixation, 13C is
ultimately enriched in the surface water, and this enrichment is reflected in the shells
precipitated by the planktonic forams. Organic matter - enriched in 12C - tends to
sink and is oxidized at depth, releasing fixed carbon back to the water as C02. Thus,
deeper water is richer in 12C than surface water, and benthic shells acquire correspondingly lower () 13C values than planktonic ones. At the same time, the deeper
water also has more C02 by the same process. In principle, therefore, we can say that
the difference in () 13C values of co-occurring benthic and planktonic foraminifers is
a measure of the efficiency of extracting carbon out of surface waters. This fundamental connection between the carbon isotope compositions of benthic and planktonic shells on the one hand, and the pumping of carbon from the surface to depth on
the other, was first pointed out by the geochemist and oceanographer W. S. Broecker.
It has important implications for the reconstruction of the C02 pressure in surface
waters (and hence the atmosphere) from the () l3C values in fossil foraminifera on the
sea floor.
7.3.4 Other Chemical Markers. Other useful markers include both metals and certain organic compounds, which are incorporated differently into shells or into organic
matter, depending on productivity or temperature. For example, cadmium has been
used for the reconstruction of nutrient patterns; its concentration parallels that of
phosphate, and it is incorporated into foraminiferal shells in accordance with its
abundance in seawater.
Magnesium in calcareous shells tends to increase with temperature. This effect
appears to be more pronounced in the lower organisms, such as calcareous algae and
foraminifera, than in the higher ones, for example the bamacles. The relationship has
not been exploited for paleoclimate work to any significant degree.
Mineralogy follows temperature to some degree. There is a tendency for relatively
more aragonite to be precipitated by benthic organisms in warm waters than in cold
waters, where calcite is distinctly favored. Aragonite is the less stable form of calcium carbonate and changes to calcite during diagenesis. Thus, aragonite content of
ancient calcareous sediments is largely a result of post-depositional alteration, rather
than of conditions of formation.
Fig. 7.6. Distribution of coral reefs (hachured areas). 20C isotherm for coldest month of the year
shown as heUl'Y line. Note the general correspondence. Areas of coastal upwelling (triang els) inhibit
coral growth. Hence the eastern margins are unfavorable for reef de velopment. Present maximum
equatorward extent of iceberg drift also is shown. [E. Seibold in R. Brinkmann led]. 1964, Lehrbuch
der allgemeinen Geologie . F. Enke, Stuttgart; coral reef distribution after J. W. Wells, 1957, Geol.
Soc. Am. Mem. 67: 609]
influence of the Canary Current and of upwelling, reef organisms begin to grow only
south of Dakar (15 N). However, on the whole, the equator does denote the mid-line
of the distribution, an observation which is useful in paleogeographic reconstructions.
7.4.2 Reef Building. "Coral reefs" are built up by many different kinds of organisms
and corals do not necessarily contribute the bulk of the material. Up to 10 000 g of
calcium carbonate per square meter can be produced annually, with a rate of upbuilding of 10 mrn per year. Calcareous ooze, for com~arison, builds up a thousand times
more slowly, with accumulation rates near 10 g/m /yr. Part of this high production of
calcium carbonate is based on photosynthesis by unicellular symbiotic dinoflagellates
living within the corals. During daytime, they use C02 and promote thereby precipitation of calcium carbonate. Skeletons are deposited up to five times faster during
daytime than during the night. Seasonal temperature variations are indicated in annual layers (see Fig. 6.8).
About 50 % of the reef is solid matter and 50 % is empty space (that is, pore space
filled with water). Where the sea floor sinks, reefs can build enormous shelf bodies
(on continental margins), or mountain peaks (on sunken volcanoes).
How is the reef built? To begin with, we have to distinguish between the framework (the supporting structure) and the fill , much as in building construction. The
corals proper, and, just as importantly, the calcareous algae, are involved in producing
the framework. Massive or (in protected places) branching stony corals can grow up
by more than 2.5 cm/yr, as individual colonies. In the shallowest water, encrusting
algae occur which grow over dead portions of the reef and cement it to such a degree
that it can resist even the strongest surf. These encrusting algae, too, can reach a high
rate of upward growth over considerable areas. The fill between the framework
consists of reef debris and the hard parts of various other reef inhabitants. The fill can
provide up to nine tenths of the reef mass.
The reef dwellers are legion, for the reef offers an extraordinary variety of life
styles (Fig. 7.7). Solid substrate favors epibionts such as bryozoans and sessile foraminifera. Cavities offer shelter for fish and crustaceans. The rich and colorful mollusk fauna is familiar from underwater photography and (rather unfortunately) from
souvenir shops.
The tropical coral reef is the shallow-water habitat with the greatest number of
species, that is, with the greatest diversity. More than 3000 species live in Indo-Pacific reefs. The skeletal remains produced in rich variety are broken up in various
ways, by boring algae, sponges, and sea urchins. Much is crushed by fishes and
crustaceans. In many skeletons, calcite crystals are held together by organic material.
When it decays, such skeleton disintegrate to lime mud (micrite). Finally, waves and
tidal currents grind up the relatively soft calcareous matter. The debris fills the interstices within the reef structure, collects in the lagoons behind the reefs, and washes
up on the beach. Also, debris trickles down the sides of the reef into greater depths,
building the reef flanks. Dissolution of aragonite, recrystallization and cementation of
the debris start very soon after deposition. These processes (important in the investigation of fossil reefs as oil reservoir rocks) are influenced by microbial activity as
well as interaction with rainwater. Already a slight drop in sea level would expose
large areas to rain water. Thus, phreatic processes (karstification, cementation) were
extremely important throughout the Pleistocene.
There are other concentrations of skeletal carbonates sometimes called "reefs"
even in arctic waters (red algae, mollusks in shallow waters or corals of the genus
Lophe/ia in deeper waters). These are quite distinct from tropical reefs, however.
7.4.3 Atolls. The various processes of reef building have their classic representation
in atoll development. Palm-studded rings of coral and shell debris, enclosing a lagoon
and sheltering it from the pounding surf, are quite common in the tropical South
Pacific. Charles Darwin first explained their origin (Fig. 7.8). His theory was built on
the idea of a sequence going from fringing reef to barrier reef to atoll. The fringing
reef grows immediately next to the land. The barrier reef is separated from the land
by a shallow lagoon. The atoll, finally, is an isolated quasi-circular ring of reefs, with
an emergent portion of reef debris, the atoll island. In the center of the ring is a
lagoon. Dimensions vary; a large atoll can be up to 40 km in diameter. Since the
algae, both as carbonate producers and as symbionts of corals, need light, the coral
reefs can grow only in very shallow water. An atoll, therefore, cannot have grown up
from deep waters. This is the reasoning that led Darwin to propose a combination of
slowly sinking sea floor and upbuilding of reef.
Darwin's theory has since been proven correct by drilling into several atolls. In the
drillhole on Enewetak Atoll (Marshall Islands of the tropical Pacific) the basaltic
basement, of Eocene age, was hit at about 1400 m depth. Detailed investigation of the
cores recovered from the Enewetak drill hole indicated that the reef had on occasion
emerged from the sea: land snails, pollen, and spores from terrestrial plants are
day-light hid~awQy
and r~5ting plac~
Fig. 7.7. Stone coral colony with associ ated macrofauna, class ified as to mode of fee ding. The dead
basal part of the coral fo rm s a hard substrate on whi ch epibenthos se ttles. No te the many bo ri ng
organi sms which help destroy coral structures. [S o Gerl ach, 1959, Verh . Dtsc h. Zool. Ges. 356 ]
Rf s grow upward to
_. ~
~....) ~ ,
. ?
(1 .
1" i
1. ..'" ~'
..1 l~'t1:=~Y"
Fig. 7.8. Darwin 's hypothesis of atoll form ation. Redrawn , with maps by Darwin (right) to show the
resemblance in form between barrier coral reefs surrounding mountainous isl ands, and atolls or
lagoon islands. [C. Darwin, 1842. On the structure and distribution of coral reefs, Ward Lock & Co,
present. Also, there are signs of freshwater influence in the chemistI)' of the limestones, and there are hiatuses - gaps in the record - indicating that erosion took place
at times during the Tertiary. A similar situation is indicated on Bikini Atoll , 200 miles
away. In both cases, the hiatuses are at depths of around 200 to 300 m below today's
reef surface, although on Enewetak there are also deeper ones.
Are flat-topped seamounts in the western Pacific ("guyots") sunken atolls? At
least some probably are - shallow-water reef rocks have been dredged from their
upper flanks, the tops being covered by pelagic sediment. Alternatively, they are
simply eroded volcanoes, planed off at sea level, by waves that readily eat into
volcanic ashes and debris . Perhaps the reef organisms were unable to keep up with
the rate of sinking, as the dead volcano rode downward with the subsiding crust. Was
it too cold? Or were the waters too poor in nutrients? There are many indications that
reef building was greatly reduced at times, especially in the middle Cretaceous, and
that many guyots originated at that time. The reason(s) remain obscure, so far. In any
case, whether a volcano ends up as an atoll or a seamount may largely depend on the
climatic conditions which allowed or prevented the growth of coral reefs.
7.4.4 Great Barrier Reef. The 2000-km-long Great Barrier Reef, lying 30 to 250 km
off eastern Australia, is the most impressive reef structure in the world today, and
demonstrates how biological sedimentation increases the size of continents. The reef
grows on subsiding crust, and is most massive in the north (around 10 S), reaching
about 1500 m thickness. In the south (at 24 S), it is only 150 m thick. The difference
may be related to the migration of the Australian continent. Plate tectonics requires
that Australia moved some 12 to the north during the last 24 million years (the
"Neogene"). Coral growth could begin as soon as the northern margin crossed the
southern limit of growth, about 20 million years ago. The more southern portions
crossed this limit later, offering less opportunity for growth. The importance of plate
motion for the architecture of the Great Barrier Reef is diminished, however, by the
finding (from recent drilling) that the main reef is less than 1 million years old.
Fig. 7.9. Distribution of shelf deposits in relation to climatic zonation, in the northern half of an
idealized ocean basin. Continents hlack. Current shown as arrows. Detrital refers to terrigenous
river influx, authigenic to phosphatic deposits associated with organic-rich sediments, biogenic to
carbonates (mollusks, foraminifera, corals, and algae). Shell carbonate is produced outside the
tropics as well but tends to be masked by terrigenous supply. Restricted shelf seas collect carbonrich (e) or evaporitic sediment (E) depending on climate zone. [K. O. Emery, 1969, Sci . Am . 221
[3] 106, modified]
Many high-latitude shelves (off Siberia, and off northern Alaska) are covered
seasonally by sea ice. The rivers entering these shelf seas are commonly ice-covered,
expect for a few summer months. When the ice breaks up and the flood sets in, the
freshwater may stay on top of the sea ice, off Alaska up to lO km offshore. It
penetrates downward through cracks in the ice and can dig 10 to 20-m-wide potholes
on the sea floor below the places of entry.
The sea ice, 1 to 4 m thick, hinders the transport of sediment by dampening waves
and longshore currents. The absence of sufficient longshore transport can perhaps
explain the scarcity of lagoons in the Arctic. The sea ice also shields the entire Arctic
sea floor from pelagic sediment supply: sedimentation rates in the central Arctic
ocean are extraordinarily low (- 1 mm/lOOO years).
The ice can pile up, compressed by ocean currents, as so vividly described by
Fridtjof Nansen (1861-1930), the great Arctic explorer. On the shelf, the ice can then
scrape the ground and produce deep, long ravines. These shelf areas are evidently
distinctly unfavorable for the laying of pipelines or the building of platforms. Furrows produced by drift ice during the last glacial have been discovered by side-looking sonar (Sect. 4.3.2) on the Scottish and Norwegian shelves out to the shelf rim.
Arctic environments are very demanding as regards benthic life. Paucity of species
is characteristic. One lagoon in Alaska southeast of Point Barrow, about 8 km wide
Ba s al De b ri s.
. : ~.
I HI/ Ilil
Lodgement till
beneath gnrded ice
and 4 m deep, is frozen over for 9 months in the year. On freezing, salt is largely
excluded from the ice; thus the salinity of the remaining water is increased to more
than 65 %0. When the ice and the snow cover melts, in early summer, the water is
diluted to a salinity of 2 %0. When the sea ice melts , in mid-summer, normal marine
waters enter the lagoon and salinity increases to 30 %0. In October, the lagoon freezes
over again, the cycle starts anew. Clearly, only very few types of shell-producing
organisms (or burrowers) can be expected under such extreme conditions.
The supply from rivers in high latitudes consists mainly of silt, with clay and sand
being distinctly subordinate. This is an interesting sedimentologic phenomenon, presumably caused by mechanical weathering through the freeze-thaw cycle. The process is important in producing loess, the silty sediment blown out from glaciated
areas and piled up in their perimeter.
eoxcess preocipitation
"'- 1~
Fig. 7.1l a, b. Evaporation/precipitation patterns in the world ocean, and corresponding salinity
distribution. a Map showing difference between precipitation and evaporation (cm/yr) (E. Seibold.
1970, Geol Rundsch 60: 73 , based on G. Dietrich, 1957). b Surface water salinities of the ocean,
averaged by latitude. and compared with evaporation-minus-precipitation values. [H. U. Sverdrup et
aI., 1942. The oceans. Prentice-Hall , Englewood Cliffs p. 124]
fied in the restricted seas adjacent to the ocean basins. We shall illustrate this amplification and its effects on sedimentation in some detail , believing that these concepts
will be able to guide the interpretation of a large class of ancient marine sediments
from both shallow and deep basins (see also Sect. 4.3.5).
The seas in the arid belt, with excess evaporation, have a common typical exchange pattern with the open ocean: shallow-in, deep-out (Fig. 7.12). This circulation
pattern is called anti-estuarine. Prime examples are the Mediterranean, the Persian
Gulf, and the Red Sea. Here, the loss of water by evaporation greatly exceeds the
influx from rain and rivers. Thus, the sea level drops and water enters through a
Fig. 7.12. Anti-estuarine and estuarine circulation in basins with excess evaporation and with excess
precipitation, respectively. The arid basin (A) is characterized by downwelling, hence low fertility
and high oxygen content. The estuarine basin (8) is characterized by upwelling and salinity stratification, hence high fertility and low oxygen content. The geographic names above the graph give
three examples each for anti-estuarine and estuarine circulation. [G . Dietrich, K. Kalle, 1957, Allgemeine Meereskunde. Boerntraeger, Berlin, modified]
passage from the adjacent open ocean. The incoming water, of course, is derived
from the surface water of the ocean, because it is at the surface that the downhill
gradient exists. The excess evaporation within the arid sea increases the salinity of
the inflowing water, which increases its density and makes it sink. Thus, the arid
basin fills up with heavy, saline, surface-derived water. Being heavier than the open
ocean water at the same elevation outside, the deep saline water pushes out and spills
over the sill, at depth (Fig. 7.12). In this fashion the circulation of shallow-in, deepout, is generated.
Where rain and river influx exceeds evaporation, sea level rises, and the water in
the humid sea is freshened out and becomes Ii/?hter than the open ocean water.
Thus, the heavier ocean water pushes in at depth and displaces the less saline
water from below. The incoming water is subsUiface water. The outflow proceeds on
the surface, where the gradient makes the water run down into the ocean. Examples
for this type of circulation (deep-in, shallow-out) are the Black Sea, the Baltic, and
the fjords of Alaska and Norway. This circulation pattern is called estuarine, or
fjord-like (see also Sect. 4.3.5).
Whether a marginal basin has an "estuarine" or "anti-estuarine" circulation has
profound consequences for its fertility and sedimentation. A comparison between the
Baltic as the humid model and the Persian Gulf as the arid model will highlight the
7.6.2 The Baltic As Humid Model of a Marginal Sea. First, the salinity distributions. In the Persian Gulf, surface salinity increases in going from the entrance near
Honnus into the inner Gulf. The high salinity water f70ws outward alon/? the bOl/om .
In the Baltic, salinity decreases at the surface, from the entrance toward the inner
bight. The heavy marine water comes in at the bottom, spilling from one depression
to the next. In the Baltic, low salinities are prevalent, generally less than 18 %0, due
to dilution from rain and rivers. In the Persian Gulf, salinities reach 40 %0.
Both excessively low and excessively high salinities are unfavorable for normal
marine organisms (Table 7.l). In the Baltic, the fully marine fauna of the entrance is
gradually reduced in going deeper into the basin. Correspondingly, the dominance of
certain brackish-tolerant species greatly increases. The marine molluscs become
smaller and their shells thinner.
Another consequence of the humid condition is that the lagoons at the rim of the
Baltic can easily freshen out, depending on precipitation, influx, and degree of isolation. In such enclosed embayments, reeds and other plants grow to build up peat,
eventually to be fossilized to coaly layers. The "Wealden" of England and NW
Germany, a sedimentary sequence at the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary, is a deposit of
such an environment. The analogous boundary conditions in the Persian Gulf, of
course, are hypersaline lagoons and evaporite pans.
Finally, stratification of the water column is much more stable in the Baltic than in
the Persian Gulf, due to the high density contrast between brackish surface water and
saline deep water. In summer, when the surface waters in the Baltic are heated to 15
C or so, density difference and stability are further increased. Thus, vertical mixing
virtually ceases; but without such mixing, no new oxygen can be supplied to the deep
waters from the surface waters which are in contact with the atmosphere.
We can map the stratification using benthic foraminifera distributions (Fig. 7.13).
Where the boundary between the more saline bottom waters and the more brackish
surface waters touches the basin slope, a sharp boundary between upper and lower
benthic fauna develops. A change in carbonate content and other sediment properties
also occurs here - clues which can be useful for the interpreation of ancient marine
Productivity in the Baltic sea is high because nutrient-rich subsUiface waters enter
from the North Sea. The nutrients are trapped within the Baltic through organic
sedimentation (algae, fecal matter) and are partially recycled from the sea floor. They
reach surface waters through mixing by winter storms and by diffusion. The high
supply of nutrients within the basin, however, leads to high productivity which in tum
delivers much organic matter to the sea floor. Oxygen is rapidly used up by decay of
this matter. Especially during periods of stable stratification, the bottom water de-
Table 7.1. Decrease of species from open ocean into Baltic. (After Remane 1958)
North Sea
Bay of
Marine Bivalves
Marine Snails
1 1 0
11 - 30
o ,
. .
ij ~
co E E;)
c: :
" _~
. . . '"'"'"
10 m
Fig. 7.13. Bathymetric distribution of the abundant benthic foraminifera in the western Baltic. Width
of black columns indicates number of living specimens found per IO cm 2 seaboltom (Ammoscalaria:
only empty shells were found in I 963/64). The wavy line at about 14 m depth marks the boundary
between outtlowing surface water and incoming marine water. [G. F. Lutze, 1965, Meyniana 15: 75]
velops a serious oxygen deficiency, with values of less than 10% saturation. Under
certain condition all the oxygen can be used up, and H2S (the foul-smelling gas)
develops from bacterial sulfate reduction.
7.6.3 Condition of Stagnation. As the oxygen content drops, the bottom fauna
changes. At a concentration of less than I ml 02 per liter of water, shelled organisms
disappear. Only a few species of metazoans remain: mainly worms (annelids, nematodes) and crustaceans. They stir the uppermost sediment, feeding on deposits, leaving burrows but essentially no hard parts. Below 0.1 ml 02 per liter the environment
becomes hostile to all metazoans; only some protists survive, and the various anaerobic bacteria.
As mentioned, both high productivity and stable stmtification are responsible for
the oxygen deficiency in Baltic bottom waters. If nutrient supply is then involved in
producing oxygen deficiency, could man 's activities increase "stagnation" of the
Baltic? Certainly. Deforestation and agriculture greatly increase soil erosion and
hence the input of soil extracts, that is, nutrients. Also, modem agricultural methods
in surrounding regions rely on fertilizer, much of which enters the Baltic Sea with the
runoff. Sewage and industrial waste is yet another source. Thus, stagnation is indeed
favored by man's activities. However, sediment cores from the centml Baltic show
that stagnation occurred frequently even before human factors could playa role. This
is reflected in the portions of the record which consist of finely laminated sediments,
with layers of millimeter dimensions (Sect. 3.9, Fig. 3.l3). These layers indicate the
absence of deposit feeders and other burrowers, hence they show the absence of
The increase in stagnation in the central Baltic during the last 50 years, then, could
be largely due to human activities, but it could also be a natural phenomenon which
will eventually reverse itself. This example illustrates a very general problem in
environmental research and engineering, namely that it is generally extremely difficult to keep apart the natural background fluctuations and the human influences.
The chemistry of anaerobic sediments is complex. Only a few aspects can be
mentioned here. The C02 concentration in the bottom-near water with very low 02
content is high: C02 is produced as the 02 is used up. C02 and water produce
carbonic acid, and the pH drops (to less than 7, compared with open ocean values
near 8). Consequently, calcareous shells are dissolved on the sea floor. High C02
content of interstitial waters also means that hydrogenous carbonates can form. Manganese is readily mobilized under conditions of oxygen deficiency, and migrates
upward in the sediment as Mn2+. It is kept on the sea floor both by oxidation and
precipitation as oxide (Mn02) and as manganese carbonate (MnC03), which forms
under conditions of anaerobism and high C02 concentrations. Iron carbonate may
also form, although iron is less mobile, being readily precipitated both as sulfide and
as oxide. When free oxygen is gone, bacteria produce sulfide by the reduction of
sulfate ion
Iron sulfide forms under these conditions; hence pyrite crystals (FeS2) are common in
black anaerobic sediments. If sulfate reduction occurs at the very surface of the
sediment, calcareous shells are preserved, because the destruction of sulfate greatly
increases alkalinity.
7.6.4 The Persian!Arabian Gulf As Arid Model of a Marginal Sea. None of the
conditions typical for the Baltic Sea develop in the Persian Gulf, because oxygen is
brought to the sea floor by sinking saline waters, and because fertility is generally
low. The incoming ocean sUlface waters are low in nutrients, as are warm surface
waters everywhere. Hence the Persian Gulf is nutrient-starved. One place where
anaerobic conditions can develop is in hypersaline lagoons, within the sediment.
Sulfate reduction then occurs and organic-rich layers with pyrite can develop. However, such layers should be readily distinguishable in the geologic record from the
stagnant basin layers in humid conditions.
The sediments of the Gulf proper are very different from those of the Baltic:
organic contents (0.6 to 1 %) are about five times lower, and carbonate content (> 50
%) is more than ten times higher. Benthic organisms exist at all depths and at all
times, any lamination is quickly destroyed by bioturbation. Mobilization of heavy
metals stops within the sediment because of the high oxygen supply in the mixed
In the Persian Gulf, the incoming surface water brings plankton from the Indian
Ocean; some of it survives as the salinity increases within the Gulf; the remainder
dies off. Planktonic foraminifera gradually diminish toward the inner Gulf, as seen in
the ratio planktonic foraminifera/total foraminifera (Fig. 7.14). The deep-water outnow may help to transport pollutants to the Indian Ocean. Its geologic effects can be
seen in shallow-water sediment particles on the continental slope below the Oman
shelf break.
7.6.5 Application to Large Ocean Basins. The contrast between estuarine (humid)
and anti-estuarine (arid) circulation is apparent even on the scale of very large basins
(Sect. 4.3.5). The Mediterranean is the obvious example. Right now it is anti-estuarine, or arid, with sediments high in carbonate, low in organic matter and heavy
metals. During the early Holocene, black layers (sapropel) developed in the eastern
Mediterranean. The most reasonable explanation is a freshening of surface waters by
runoff, and a reversal of the circulation (leading to increased productivity and diminished oxygenation) - a suggestion first made by B. Kullenberg, the Swedish oceanographer who developed the piston corer (Fig. 9.1). His hypothesis has recently
received much support from oxygen isotope studies indicating lowered salinities in
surface waters during sapropel periods.
On an even larger scale, the North Atlantic Basin is an anti-estuarine or arid basin,
with sinking surface water, well-oxygenated bottom water, high carbonate and low
organic matter content in sediments. Also, sediments have low opal content, as in the
Mediterranean and in the Persian Gulf: diatoms and radiolarians are readily dissolved. In contrast, the entire North Pacific can be seen as an estuarine-type basin,
<5 %
~ 5 -50 %
Fig. 7.14. Distribution of planktonic foraminifera abundance in the sand fraction of surface sedi
ments of the Persian Gulf. The number shown is the percentage of planktonic foraminifera, of all
foraminifera. The pattern indicates influx of plankton with surface waters entering from the open
ocean (right) into the Gulf. [Data M. Sarnthein, 1971, Meteor Forschungsergebn. Reihe C 5: 11
02 m il l
Fig. 7.15. Estuarine (left) and antiestuarine (right! aspects of the deep circulation in Pacific and
Atlantic ocean basins. The age of the deep waters is reflected in the distribution of the dissolved
oxygen concentration. [w. H. Berger, 1970, Geol. Soc. Am. Bull. 81: 1385]
because of the low salinities reached in its northern belt (Fig. 7.15). Its sediments, in
keeping with the Baltic model, are low in carbonate, high in diatoms and organic
matter (at the slopes especially), and much of its deep ocean floor is covered by
heavy metal concretions, the manganese nodules (Sect. lOA).
Together, the North Atlantic and the North Pacific mark the endpoints of a global
system of deep circulation that is driven by export of water vapor from the North
Atlantic to the North Pacific. This export is sensitive to climatic change. It was
reduced during glacial time, and so was the deep circulation which depends on the
surface salinity contrast produced by the vapor transport. The replacement of the deep
cold water flowing out of the North Atlantic by warmer near-surface water implies a
large gain of heat for the North Atlantic. When the anti-estuarine circulation of the
North Atlantic is turned down, in glacial times, this heat flux is greatly diminished,
favoring the expansion of sea ice (Fig. 704 a, b).
- 0.4
Fig. 7.16. Combined land, air, and sea surface temperatures, for 1861 to 1991 , averaged globally,
and shown as anomalies relative to the average of 1951-1980. Note the warming since the end of
the 19th century, which followed the " little ice age" . Temperature data chiefly based on compilations
by P. D. Jones and co-workers. [CO K. FoUand et aI. , 1992, in J. T. Houghton, B. A. Callandar, S. K.
Varney, eds, Climate change 1992 - Supplement. Cambridge Univ Press, Cambridge, U. K.J
Planktonic Foraminifera
Fig. 7.17. Productivity record in Santa Barbara Basin. The flux values were obtained by estimating
the total number of individual fossils within all taxonomic groups preserved in a given varve sample
and divided by the depositional surface area of the sample. Horizon/a/lines indicate average fluxes
for 1954- 1986. Arrows mark the occurrence of ENSO events. [CO B. Lange, W. H. Berger, S. K.
Burke , 1990, Climatic Change 16: 319]
and planktonic foraminifers (Fig. 7.17). One notes that productivity varies greatly,
and that it has been quite low since the early 1970s, compared with the previous two
decades. The El Nino event in 1983 resulted in an extremely low supply of planktonic
foraminifers, while the EI Nino in 1976 was centered on a period of low diatom flux.
7.7.3 EI Nino. "EI Nino" originally refers to a warm current off southern Ecuador and
Peru, which flows southward (see Chap. 7.12). During periods when the warm current is especially strong (every 3 or 4 years) large-scale climatic anomalies occur all
over the tropical Pacific. The largest EI Nino event on record is that of 1982-1983,
which was felt all over the globe. It started as an invasion of the eastern tropical
Pacific by warm waters from the west, which essentially shut down equatorial upwelling in the east, as well as upwelling off Ecuador and Peru. It was felt even in
Tahiti as an unusual warming of the sea surface, resulting in whitening of coral, that
is, in stress to its dinoflagellate symbionts. Similar hleachings occurred around the
Galapagos Islands, and even in Indonesia, the Arabian Gulf, and the Caribbean.
Extensive flooding occurred along the west coast of South America. Forest fires
extensively damaged the Indonesian rainforest, because of a severe drought: the
region of high rainfall had moved east. The list goes on ....
Was the 1982-1983 EI Nino (or better: ENSO Event, for "El Nino-Southern Oscillation", referring to large-scale air pressure changes) a result of the "global experi-
ment"? This cannot be answered. Perhaps (just perhaps) this event was so unusually
severe because (a) it would have been strong in any case (b) it was reinforced by
effects from a volcanic eruption (El Chich6n, in Mexico) (c) it occurred within the
warmest decade on record. Which brings us back to the original question about the
unusualness of the 1980s. More will be learned as we study longer records.
7.7.4 The Coral Record. Wherever there are corals in the tropical oceans, there is a
record of climatic change within the skeletons of these small colonial organisms (Fig.
6.8). These records are now being actively collected, from Bermuda, the Galapagos,
Fanning Island, the Great Barrier Reef, and other places. There are two pieces of
information that are especially useful: rate of growth and oxygen isotope composition. There may be other types of useful indices as well, related to biomarkers and
trace elements deposited within the skeleton - research on these has just recently
Time resolution is in some cases being pushed toward daily fluctuations. The
layers representing daily growth are typically less than 20 J.Ull thick. The measurement of daily growth rates should greatly expand the use of corals as indicators of
environmental change.
7.7.5 Global Change: the Role of Marine Geology. "Global change" has become
the catch phrase expressing the notion that human industrial activities are impacting
the planetary environment in major ways, with important consequences for the future
of global climate. The health and wealth of nations depend largely on climate, as
becomes obvious especially during long spells of drought. Thus, any long-lasting
significant changes in weather patterns are of prime concern. At present, greenhouse
gases (carbon dioxide and methane, among others) are added to the atmosphere in
substantial amounts that increase from one year to the next. Extrapolating into the
future, computer modeling of the radiation balance of the Earth suggests that a
doubling of carbon dioxide over the natural background (expected within the next 50
years or so) should increase global temperatures by some 3 C with an uncertainty of
about 1.5 DC. High latitudes are expected to be much more affected than low latitudes.
There is some evidence that the expected global warming has, in fact, begun: the
last decade was the warmest on record since global records have been kept (about the
last 100 to 150 years) (see Fig. 7.16). Clearly, an important question is whether this
recent increase in global temperatures could be just a chance occurrence, unrelated to
human activities. To check this possibility we need "climate proxies" that allow us to
determine past fluctuations in wheather patterns. Also, once we are able to establish
the amplitude of natural fluctuations (before the industrial revolution), we should be
able to improve the computer models: to be trustworthy, these should generate climate predictions that are tagged with the appropriate uncertainties.
Climate proxies can be derived from a great variety of high-resolution records,
such as tree rings, ice cores, and cave deposits. In marine geology, coral growth
bands (Sect. 7.4) and varved sediments are of special importance in this context
(Sect. 3.9).
Further Reading
Ekmann S (1953) Zoogeography of the sea. Sidgwick & Jackson, London
Purser BH (ed) (1973) The Persian Gulf - Holocene carbonate sedimentation and diagenesis in a
shallow epicontinental sea. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York
Berger A, Schneider S, Duplessy JC (eds) (1989) Climate and geo-sciences. Kluwer Academic,
Bleil U, Thiede J (eds) (1990) Geological history of the polar oceans: Arctic versus Antarctic.
Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht
Summerhayes CP, Prell WL, Emeis KC (eds) (1992). Upwelling systems: evolution since the early
Miocene. Geol Soc. London
8.1 Background
As mentioned in the introduction deep-sea deposits were first explored in a comprehensive fashion during the British Challenger Expedition (1873-1876). Many thousands of samples were subsequently studied by John Murray (1841-1914), naturalist
on the Challenger. He and his co-worker A. F. Renard published a weighty report on
the results, which laid the foundation for all later work in this field of research. The
first great step beyond Murray's work were the results of the German Meteor Expedition, almost half a century later (1927-1929). A new branch of oceanography started
with the recovery of long cores by the Swedish Albatross Expedition (1947-1949),
that is, Pleistocene oceanography. It revolutionized our understanding of the great Ice
Ages. Another great step came in 1968 with GLOMAR Challenger and the Deep Sea
Drilling Project, which provided the samples for Tertiary and Cretaceous ocean history.
We shall treat ocean history separately (Chap. 9). Here we summarize the presentday patterns, as they appear in surface samples and in box cores (Fig. 8.1), and
discuss some of the important processes of sedimentation, as well as aspects of
Fig. 8.1. Recovery of deep-sea sediment by box corer. The coring device is a steel box with sharp
edges which is pressed into the sea floor by heavy weights on top. The box is closed by a shovel
which rotates around two bolts just above the box. The shovel is pushed downward and sideward
when the box is pulled out, by pulling on the arm opposite the shovel. The frame with the three legs
steadies the corer before it penetrates the sediment. The many lines visible in the photo are used to
prevent the heavy device from swinging on deck. This type of box corer was first used by H. E.
Reineck. [Photo T. Walsh, S.I.O.]
the boundary between calcareous and noncalcareous sediments. Essentially, the calcareous facies characterizes the oceanic rises and elevated platforms, while the "red
clay" facies is typical for the deep basins. Thus, the overall pattern is depth-controlled. Superimposed on this pattern are the siliceous deposits, which accumulate
below areas of high fertility, that is, the oceanic margins, the equatorial belt and the
polar front regions. The oozes and clays are made of particles which fall down
through the water column as a kind of "rain". However, along the margins the deep
sea is being invaded by relatively coarse terrigenous materials (mainly silts, but also
sands), in places to a considerable distance from the shelf, far into abyssal plains
("m" in Fig. 8.2, also "glacial debris").
8.2.2 Biogenous Sediments Dominate. The bulk of the deep sea deposits consists of
biogenous sediments, notably plankton shells (Table 8.1; Fig. 8.3). About one half of
the deep-sea floor is covered by oozes, that is, sediments formed from plankton
remains: coccoliths (ca. 5 to 30 I..Im), foraminifers (ca. 50 to 500 11m), diatoms (ca. 5
to 50 11m), radiolarians (ca. 40 to 150 11m). The remains of coccolithophores (which
are part oft the "nannoplankton")are also referred to as "nannofossils".
The organisms producing the shells drift passively with ocean currents. Some
migrate up or down, thus catching different horizontal currents at different depths.
Table 8.1. Classification of deep sea sediments. [W. H. Berger 1974 in C. A. Burk and C. L. Drake.
The geology of continental margins. Springer Heidelberg Berlin New York]
Except for some of the radiolarians, virtually all plankton organisms making sediment live in surface waters. Coccolithophores and diatoms need light for photosynthesis. This is also true for many planktonic foraminifers, because of symbiotic algae
living within their bodies. Besides, food supply is highest in surface waters.
Shells of most perished organisms never reach the sea floor, and most of those that
do reach it are destroyed by dissolution. This is true both for calcareous and siliceous
material, but especially for the latter. Very few of the ubiquitous open ocean diatoms
are seen in sediments: they are mostly too delicate to be preserved.
In summary, the most important factors controlling the composition of biogenous
deep sea sediments are producitivity and preservation (Fig. 8.4). Productivity, of
course, controls the supply of plankton remains, while depth of deposition controls
the preservation of carbonate, which constitutes the bulk of biogenous sediments.
Dissolution at depth is enhanced by the high pressures and low temperatures there.
8.2.3 Sedimentation Rates. How fast do deep-sea sediments accumulate? The first
widely used rate estimates were those by W. Schott (1935). He identified the thickness of the post-glacial sediment in the central Atlantic by noting the presence of G.
menardii (Fig. 8.3), a tropical foraminifer that is absent during glacials, in the Atlantic. Thickness of uppermost sediment with G. menardii divided by the age of the
no deposil .~iFj Colcoreous Ool' ~ SiliceousOoze OShell and Slope [)tIJOSiIs GOeep Sec Muds. Glaciol Oebrl,
Fig. 8.2. Sediment cover of the deep-sea floor. The chief sediment types or facies are pelagic clay
and calcareous ooze. [w. H. Berger, 1974, in C. A. Burk. C. L. Drake (eds) The geology of
continental margins. Springer, Heidelberg)
Fig. 8.3. Shell-bearing planktonic organisms. Clockwise from IIpper left Siliceous diatom (x 600) ,
centric warm-water fonn; siliceous radiolarian (x 180); calcareous warm-water foraminifer Glohigerilloides sacclllifer (x 55); tropical subsurface foraminifer Glohorota/ia menardii (x 28): organicwalled tintinnid (x 480): calcareous coccolithophore (x 2100) with interlocking platelets ("coccoliths"). [Diatom microphoto by H.-J . Schrader; all others: SEM photos by C. Sam tie ben and U.Pflaumann]
Fig. 8.4. Distribution of major facies in a depth-fertility frame , based on sediment patterns in the
eastern central Pacific. Numhers are typical sedimentation rates in mm/IOOO yr (which is the same
as rnlmillion yr). [Source as for Fig. 8.2]
gotten concept of mantle convection and constructed a model providing for a new sea
floor "every 300 to 400 million years", which, he suggested, "accounts for the relatively thin veneer of sediments on the ocean floor" (see Chap. 1).
Before we tum to a closer examination of the various types of deposits, we briefly
touch on the subject of how the sediment arrives at the sea floor, in the pelagic rain.
Fig. 8.6 a- c. Seasonal and interannual variations in particle flux as obselVed in traps. a Sargasso Sea
(w. G. Deuser); b Gulf of Alaska (S. Honjo); c Bransfield Strait, Antarctica (G. Wefer et a\.). [W. H.
Berger, G. Wefer, 1990, Palaeogeography, -climatology -ecology Global Planet Change Sect 89:
245]. Photo shows krill fecal string and close-up of particle (coccosphere) on surface of string.
Photo courtesy G. Wefer
The fact that fecal transport makes up a high proportion of the pelagic rain implies
that biological patterns in surface waters dominate not only the sources of sediments
in the deep sea, but also the patterns of transport. There is one interesting corollary
(among many): the more mineral matter is available for inclusion in fecal pellets (e.
g., eolian dust), the more efficiently nutrients are removed from surface waters, by
particles. This mechanisms of "fast stripping", by enhanced settling, presumably is
responsible for the fact that little nutrient-rich (or muddy) water reaches the open sea,
from the coastal zone.
In the following we shall take a closer look at the major types of deep-sea deposits
resulting from the pelagic rain: "red clay" (in fact, reddish brown), calcareous ooze,
siliceous ooze. Manganese nodules will be discussed in the section on resources
(Chap. 10).
Concerning the lithogenous and hydrogenous minerals, they can be identified also
in the coarser fractions and compared to their parent rocks (e. g., basic or acidic
volcanics, granitic rocks), so that their origin can be readily deduced. The distribution
of quartz in the North Pacific suggests eolian transport from desert belts which agrees
with evidence on size distribution and chemical composition of the quartz. The Asian
highlands are the nearest source of dust.
The clay minerals warrant our special attention, since they make up the bulk of the
finest size class of nonbiogenous deep-sea sediments (ca. two thirds of the clay size
fraction; median diameters around 0 .001 mm, that is I /Jill). The clay size fraction in
tum provides some 90 % of "pure" "red clay". The main groups may be briefly
introduced as follows (see Fig. 8.7).
In the mineral group smectite (or montmorillonite), layers occur in a sequence
such that an aluminous octrahedral la?er is sandwiched between tetrahedral layers.
Abundances of Mg2+ (also Fe) and AI + in the octahedral layer, and of A1 3+ and Si4+
in the tetrahedral layer are such that there is a small net negative charge. This charge
is balanced by exchangeable cations between the "sandwiches". The cations are
hydrated, thus introducing variable amounts of water into the interlayer positions.
This is the reason for the prime criterion for the identification of smectite, that is, its
ability to expand. Smectite originates from low-temperature chemical alteration of
volcanic rocks, on land and on the sea floor, or from hydrothermal processes on the
sea floor. Fine ash particles alter to clay minerals of this group, when exposed to
seawater for a long time .
.......... J
Fig. 8.7. Structure of clay mineral s. The thickness of a complete layer is measured in Angstrom
unit s (A = 10. 8 em). using X-ray diffraction technique s. Note the basic similarity of the clay
mineral s. [Mainly after R. E. Grim. 1968. Clay mineralogy. McGraw-Hili New York]
Illite is a general tenn for clay components belonging to the mica group and their
derivatives; for present purposes it may be considered a fine-grained degraded muscovite. The muscovite structure again shows an octahedral layer, and the ratio of Si to
Al in the tetrahedral layer is exactly 3 to 1. The net negative charge of the "sandwich"
is balanced by nonhydrated, firmly bound K+ ions fitting in the holes left by the
hexagonal arrangement of the comers of the silica tetrahedrons.
Chlorite also consists of "sandwiches", but now bound by an additional octahedral
layer, the so-called brucite layer. Net charges of tetrahedral layers and of octahedral
layers balance each other, and therefore there are no inter-layer ions. Chlorite is a
common constituent of low-grade metamorphic rocks which are widely exposed on
glacially eroded shield areas and provide much of the material for glacial deposits.
Kaolinite consists of alternating tetrahedral and octahedral layers. It is a product of
intense chemical weathering, and represents an insoluble alumino-silicate residue
remaining after cations are stripped from feldspars and other minerals by extensive
8.4.3 Distribution of Clay Minerals. The clay minerals that are most abundant in
deep-sea clay are smectite (montmorillonite) and illite (Fig. 8.8). Their distributions
suggests that montmorillonite has important sources in oceanic volcanism, at least in
the Pacific, while illite is largely derived from the continents. The remaining two
important clay minerals, kaolinite and chlorite, also are land-derived; kaolinite from
chemical weathering in the tropics and chlorite from deep erosion and physical
weathering in high latitudes. Off the west coasts of North Africa and Australia,
Fig. 8.8. Clay mineral distribution on the ocean floor. The map shows the dominant mineral in the
fraction less than 211m. Mixfure indicates that no one clay mineral exceeds 50 % of the total. [W. H.
Berger, in C. A. Burk, C. L. Drake, eds , 1974, The geology of continental margins. Springer,
Heidelberg. Main source: J. J. Griffin et aI., 1968, Deep Sea Res 15: 433]
Calcareous Ooze
Fig. 8.9a, b. Depth distribution of calcareous deep sea sediments. a Idealized bathymetric zonation
of deep-sea deposits, produced by increasing dissolution of carbonate with depth. [According to
J. Murray, J. Hjort. 1912. The depths of the ocean. Macmillan, New York] Pteropods are pelagic
snails with aragonitic shells. b Generalized depth profiles for carbonate content in deep-sea sediments. [R. R. Revelle, 1944, Carnegie Inst. Wash. Pub!. 556]
circulation, which fills the deep Atlantic with calcite-saturated waters (NADW), and
leaves much of the Pacific undersaturated (Sect. 7.6.5; Fig. 7.15).
8.5.2 Dissolution Patterns in the Deep Sea. Most of what is known about global
dissolution patterns on the sea floor is represented by mapping the calcite compensation depth (CCD) (Fig. 8.10). The CCD or carbonate line is analogous to the snowline on land, which tends to follow a certain elevation contour in a given mountain
range, at a given latitude. In concept, the CCD is the particular depth level at anyone
place in the ocean where the rate of supply of calcium carbonate to the sea floor is
balanced by the rate of dissolution, so that there is not net accumulation of carbonate
(Bramlette, 1961). In practice, the CCD is mapped as the level at which percent
carbonate values drop toward zero. This method can lead to difficulties in areas with
exposures of pre-Recent carbonates (e. g., along the Pacific Equator, at great depth).
The CCD topography is quite different for the three great ocean basins, even
though depths remain largely between 4 and 5 km. In the Pacific, the surface described resembles a dinner plate with upturned rims, and a groove along the Equator.
Average depth is near 4.5 km. In the Atlantic, the CCD surface resembles an inclined
plane, with the low end in the north, and with a subdued reflection of seafloor
topography. The greatest depth is in the North Atlantic (> 5.5 km), where the deep
water is young and supersaturated with calcite down to about 4.5 km. The shallowest
CCD levels are in the northern North Pacific, where deep waters are old and rich in
excess C02 (that is, C02 added from respiration and decay at depth). Here waters are
undersaturated (or close to that state, in the upper portion) for much of the water
column below I km depth.
8.5.3 Peterson's Level and the Lysocline. A major step forward in the understanding of carbonate dissolution on the deep-sea floor came from field experiments
Fig. 8.10. Topography of the CCD surface, that is . the depth in kilometers below which little or no
carbonate accumulates. [W. H. Berger, E. L. Winterer, 1974, Spec. Publ. In!. Assoc . Sedimentol.
1: 11]
Surface - - - - - - - - - ,
~ e~ ~
\ -3-&-
.. ..
4 .0
" ",
4 ,5
; ; - GOOD
- - - """ "
,, ~GOOD
- ii, '. riA PRESER~VA
,,\9i tla
5,0 +--'---r--r---'r--r---'-"T'""--r--r-~
Rate of Dissolution
It appears very probable, therefore, that over large areas the lysocline denotes a level
of increase in the aggressiveness of the bottom water toward calcareous shells.
Using the concepts of a critical level of dissolution rate increase ("hydrographic
lysocline") and associated mappable depth level of preservation, a simple model of
carbonate deposition, and of the depression of the equatorial CCD readily emerges
(Fig. 8.12). Increased carbonate supply at the equator in the Pacific translates into the
observed depression of the CCD, a major feature of Pacific sedimentation that allows
one to follow the motion of the sea floor across the equator for the last 40 million
The fact that a level of equal preservation (the lysocline) roughly follows a level
of equal calcite saturation in the water column opens the possibility for reconstructing
changes in saturation state of the deep ocean, through time. This information is
crucial in reconstructing the partial pressure of C02 in the ocean, which, in tum, is
useful information with regard to reconstructing atmospheric C02 concentrations for
the distant past. For constant total ocean C02, a lowering of the average lysocline
position by 500 m translates into a lowering of atmospheric C02 of about \0 % (that
is, 30 ppm for the late Holocene). During glacial time, a lowering of roughly this
magnitude did indeed occur (see Sect. 9.3.1 and 9.3.2).
8.5.4 Dissolution Patterns Near Continents. Returning to the CCO map (Fig. 8.10),
we note that high fertility along the Pacific equator leads to a depression of the CCD
by some 500 m. Paradoxically, high productivity raises the CCO in the margin areas
around continents. The striking difference in content of organic matter between coastal and deep-sea sediments (Fig. 6.4) offers a clue to this apparent contradiction. In
the fertile areas of the ocean margins, the high supply of organic matter leads to
highly increased benthic activity as well as to the development of much C02 in
interstitial waters, which produces carbonic acid. Thus, carbonate ion is destroyed,
and calcite shells are attacked even at depths of a few hundred meters on continental
In constrast, in the equatorial areas of !he central Pacific, increased fertility leads
to an increased supply of calcareous shells which goes well beyond the increased
supply of organic matter in this region. Carbonate readily transits to the sea floor,
while organic carbon tends to be filtered out on the long way down (see Fig. 6.1).
Consequently, the ratio of calcitic shell to organic carbon is relatively high in the
pelagic realm, which is favorable for the preservation of calcite. Nevertheless, some
of the carbonate also dissolves above the lysocline, due to organic matter supply.
Preservation is never perfect.
8.5.5 Why Is There a CCD? The ultimate reason why abyssal waters dissolve
calcite is that organisms supply calcium carbonate to the sea floor in excess of the
amount that can be sedimented over the long run. This amount is fixed by !he influx
from the continents and from hydrothermal sources. The shell supply to the ocean
floor that exceeds the overall influx ultimately depletes the ocean of calcium carbonate, which results in bottom waters that are sufficiently undersaturated to redissolve
!he excess supply of calcium carbonate to the sea floor. Thus, a dynamic steady state
is maintained. From this simple "book-keeping" concept, it can be readily inferred
that, through geologic time, an overall increase in productivity leads to an overall
increase in dissolution, and vice versa.
Of course, we must be careful not to extrapolate too far back, when using the
present ocean as a model for the past. Mass production of coccoliths (or better,
nannofossils) began sometime in the early Cretaceous, of planktonic foraminifers in
the late Cretaceous. Also, if !he ocean was less well mixed in the Mesozoic than
today (say, because of less vigorous deep water production), this would have greatly
affected the general nature of !he CCD at !he time.
8.5.6 A Global Experiment. At the present time, mankind is engaged in a global
experiment involving carbonate dissolution, as well as climatic change. We - the
industrial nations mainly - are burning off enormous amounts of coal and oil at an
increasing rate. Large-scale deforestation is proceeding in !he tropics and elsewhere,
for the sake of agricultural development and for wood products and fuel. The resulting carbon dioxide enters !he atmosphere. So far, an amount equivalent to almost 50
% of the C02 originally present in !he atmospheres has been added within the past
century. About one half of this amount has entered the ocean, the rest has stayed in
the atmosphere (Fig. 8.13a). Eventually, over the next few centuries, some ten times
the original C02 in the atmosphere could be added, if the readily available coal and
oil is burned.
How will !he ocean react to the continuing (and perhaps increasing) input of C02?
In the long run, the ocean floor will neutralize most of the industrial C02 through
the dissolution of carbonate (Fig. 8.13b):
C02 + H20 + CaC03
Ca2+ + 2HCO-3 .
Thus, the industrial C02-pulse will produce a hiatus on the sea floor. A thickness of
about I m of carbonate sediment will have to be dissolved from the carbonate-bearing
sea floor, assuming that available coal and oil deposits are burned up. Initially, how-
1: 310
Fig, 8,13 a, b, C02 increase in the atmosphe re and projected carbonate dissolution on the sea floor.
a Atmospheri c C02 increase as seen in ice cores from Siple Station, Antarctica, and in the data of
C. D. Keeling , from Mauna Loa in Hawaii. [U. Siegenthaler, H. Oeschger, 1987, Tellus 39: 140.] b
Calculated factor by which future atmospheric C02 will exceed preindustrial C02 if present trend s
of C02 input continue till oil and coal are used up. Note that carbonate dissolution on the sea floor
does not prevent a strong initial rise of C02. [R. B. Bacastow, C. D. Keeling , 1979, U. S. Dpt.
Energy Conf. 770385: 72]
ever, dissolution will proceed mainly in shallow areas, especially in high latitudes,
where the water needs little additional C02 to become undersaturated. Subsequently,
it will affect low latitudes , presumably interfering with reef growth there. It will take
several hundred years for the deep areas of the sea floor to start "feeling" the effects
of the increased C02 supply. It takes this long to replace existing deep waters with
new deep waters that bring the message of new atmospheric conditions to the deepsea floor.
Can we predict how high the C02 level will rise, and what the effects will be on
climate? A great number of scientists - meterologists, oceanographers, geochemists,
and geologists - are working on this question. It is now generally agreed that a
doubling of the C02 content would increase the global average temperature by at
least 2 C (4 Fahrenheit). Some estimates go as high as double this amount. A
general temperature rise of about 0.5 C , from a century ago, has been observed. The
significance of this rise is not entirely clear, however (see Fig. 7.16).
A doubling of C02 might come within the next 50 years or so, depending on how
the trends of use of carbon fuels develop. Increased release of methane also must be
considered in this context (see Epilog). What might be the effect of forcing up the
global temperature by several degrees? Nobody knows the answer. It is possible that
the climate would simply be warmer and moister over large areas in mid-latitudes,
and that the change would be quite beneficial to agriculture in many countries.
However, it is also possible that a marked warming will produce undesirable side-effects: drought in the northern grain belts, for example, or a great increase in hurricane
activity. A large-scale melting of Antarctic ice is conceivable, which could produce a
sea level rise ten times faster than now. Another possibility to be considered is that
the (geologically) rapid C02 input introduces a strong disequilibrium into the oceanatmosphere system, which provokes short-term climatic oscillations, something that
is definitely inimical to economic , and hence political, stability.
The only safe prediction , from the point of view of geology, is that the C02 input
will decrease again, perhaps within two to three centuries, either from exhaustion of
Siliceous Ooze
resources, or from economic disruption caused by climatic change or other environmental problems (even neglecting the possibility of war). At that point, atmospheric
C02 will start decreasing as the alkalinity of the ocean rises from the dissolution of
The C02 problem reminds us of the extent to which we are now exploiting the
natural cycles of our planet for human benefit - yet a large part of a growing world
population remains without adequate food and shelter.
Fig. 8.14. Assemblage of modem radiolarians from sediments recovered in the equatorial Pacific.
[Microphoto W. H. B.]
Fig. 8.1S. Rux of siliceous fossils to the sea floor. [W. H. Berger. J. C. Herguera, in P G. Falkowski ,
A. D. Woodhead, eds, 1992, Primary productivity and biogeochemical cycles in the sea. Plenum
Press, New York]
Siliceous Ooze
oceanic divergences which are the result of atmospheric circulation. The regions of
divergence have nutrient-rich surface waters, hence there is sufficient silica available
to make robust siliceous shells. Also, such areas are rich in grazing zooplankton,
which pack the siliceous frustules into fecal pellets, thus accelerating delivery to the
sea floor (Figs. 6.2).
To obtain an estimate of the amount of silica precipitated in the upper waters, one
might multiply the measured amount of organic production with the ratio of solid
silica to organic matter found in suspension. This yields only a rough estimate, of
A typical fixation rate of about 200 g SiOz/mz is suggested, with a range from less
than 100 g (central gyres) to more than SOD g (Antarctic). Of this fixation, only I
g/m 2/yr, that is, 0.5 %, can be incorporated into sediments if the river input is the only
source of silica. Twice that (that is, 1 % of fixation) can be sedimented if we assume
an equal contribution of silica from seawater-basalt reactions, especially at the hydrothermally active ridge crests. The global map of silica flux (Fig. 8.15) suggests
that 2 g/mz/yr (= 0.2 glcm 2ka) is indeed a reasonable average value.
The second factor, the degree of solution of the siliceous material, reflects the ratio
between accumulation rates of nonsiliceous and siliceous particles. As concerns dilution of silica by carbonate, one might expect that a high supply of calcareous shells
would be accompanied by an equally high supply of siliceous shells, because both
siliceous and calcareous plankton depend on productivity of upper waters. This is not
generally the case, however. Indeed, there is a distinct negative correlation between
silica and calcite distributional patterns. This has been ascribed to opposing chemical
requirements for preservation. We have seen already that increasing productivity,
from some point on, leads to decreasing preservation of calcite, but to increasing
accumulation of silica. A similarly opposing trend is indicated for depth relationships,
with silica corrosion being greatest in upper waters (due to elevated temperature), that
of carbonate being greatest at depth.
The third factor controlling the abundance of siliceous fossils is the extent of
dissolution. The preservation of siliceous shells is rather closely correlated with their
abundance in sediments. A positive correlation between abundance and preservation
may be ascribed to an increased supply of easily dissolved diatom hash in fertile
areas, which will "buffer" interstitial waters for the more robust skeletons, and to an
otherwise favorable chemical environment in organic-rich sediments with slightly
acidic interstitial waters. In general, silico-flagellates and diatoms tend to dissolve
well before radiolarians and sponge spicules, and the following dissolution sequence
can be established (from least to most resistant): (1) silicoflagellates, (2) diatoms, (3)
delicate radiolarians, (4) robust radiolarians, (5) sponge spicules. Because of the
overriding importance of Antarctic opal deposition, the preservation of opal in the
rest of ocean must to a large degree depend on how much the Antarctic Ocean is able
to extract for deposition on its own sea floor.
waters and differences in concentration between these waters and the overlying seawater. By far the greatest reflux is from the uppermost part of the sediment column,
where recently arrived shells and frustules are being dissolved. However, the process
of dissolution and redelivery to seawater apparently continues downward into the
section, and includes sediments as old as 10 million years (Fig. 8.16).
It is possible and even probable that some of the silica released to the interstitial
waters reacts within sediments to form new minerals. However, near the sediment
surface most of the silica re-enters the ocean water. Thus, "old" bottom water, which
has been in contact with the sea floor for a long time, is silicate-rich. The reverse is
true for "young" bottom water which has arrived from the surface only recently.
Therefore, concentrations of dissolved silica are high in the deep North Pacific ("old"
water), and are low in the deep North Atlantic ("young" water).
From this overall distribution of dissolved silica in deep ocean waters, we can
draw an obvious conclusion. The reason that silica concentrations in deep water are
relatively low cannot be the uptake, if any, of dissolved silica by clay minerals. If it
were, the "old" waters should be the more depleted in silica. The reason for the low
concentrations must be that the deep water remembers its depleted condition at the
surface (from the silica extraction by diatoms) and that it did not have time to saturate
itself with respect to the actively dissolving opaline shells.
8.6.4 Deep-Sea Cherts. The discovery of chert within deep-sea sediments has both
fascinated geologists and frustated them in efforts to drill and recover complete
sections. The formation of deep-sea chert (siliceous sediments cemented by cryptocrystalline and microcrystalline quartz) appears to proceed from mobilization and
reprecipitation of opal, generating a disordered cristobalite (= fibrous quartz) which
eventually alters toward a quartzitic rock with mostly quartz-replaced and quartzfilled fossils as diagenesis progresses. Recrystallization may proceed at various rates
and somewhat divergent patterns, depending on the original sediment present.
If siliceous fossils and/or silica-rich volcanic glass are to be available as a source
for later production of chert, the following conditions appear necessary: (1) a sufficiently high supply of opal and low supply of dilutant; (2) silica-rich bottom water;
(3) a reasonably high burial rate; and (4) chemical conditions favorable for the preservation of siliceous shells.
During diagenesis, the opaline skeletons dissolve and volcanic material, if any,
releases silica during devitrification, and the silica-rich interstitial solutions migrate
along bedding planes or fractures and vertically to areas of precipitation in nearby
permeable lenses or layers. Why precipitation should be favored in some places and
mobilization in others in the same sediment is poorly understood in detail.
In the western equatorial Pacific and in many other areas of the global ocean,
massive chert beds first appear in upper Eocene sediments, when drilling down into
the sea floor (Fig. 8.16; "Ontong Java Series"). At that level, sound waves are
strongly reflected, due to a sudden change in impedance (product of density and
sound velocity). Interstitial waters tend to lose dissolved silicate to precipitation at
this horizon (Fig. 8.16, right). Note that there are other strong reflectors as well: the
"Drake Series" (marking the beginning of the Neogene) presumably derives from the
Fig. 8.16. Acoustic refl ectors in pelagic sediments on Ontong Java Plateau (Site 805) (/eji) and
dissolved si licate in associated drilling sites (Site 805 : open triangles) (righ!) . Site 805 is just north
of the equator. Water depth is 3188 m. T he sed im ent down to the Ontong Java Series reflectors is
calcareous ooze and chalk. Tota l sed im ent thickness is abo ut 1 km. Chert beds first appear near the
top of the Ontong Java Series and are middl e to late Eocene in age . Dissolved silicate drops at that
horizon, indicating precipitation. [W. H. Berger, L. W. Kroenke , L. A. Mayer, et al. . 1991 . Proc.
Ocean Drilling Progr. Init. Rpts. 130: 497; si li cate measurements by M. Delane y]
effects of episodic dissolution pulses within the post-Eocene carbonate sequence. The
basement reflectors are basaltic layers. The profiles of dissolved silicate indicate
reflux of silica to the sea floor from sediments as old as 10 million years. This loss of
silica is unfavorable for subsequent formation of chert.
The question why deep-sea chert deposits are concentrated in some geologic
periods and not in others cannot be answered at this time. Presumably, changes in the
global silica supply to the ocean (weathering processes, volcanism, ridge-crest hydrothermal activity) changed the amount of silica deposited, and changes in ocean
productivity changed the distribution patterns (see Sect. 8.6.2).
Certain ancient cherts, exposed as radiolarities in ophiolites and melanges of active margins (ribbon cherts), may be turbitides. Such cherts, it may be surmised,
could form because opal-rich sediments along active margins were redeposited by
turbidity currents into marginal basins, without much dilution from terrigenous materials (due to a high sealevel stand).
o ----.:--;=--;-:-~~ll!~:~~ene
Abunden~ ~ver3ity
Abundan~ ~ve"ity
Abundan~ ~ve"ity
Abundan~ ~ver3lty
Oh9 0 cene
Vahngi nian
,, ,,,
Fig. 8.17. Abundance and diversity patterns of pelagic microfossils. [H. R. Thierstein et aI. ,
in G . B. Munsch, ed, 1988. Report of the Second Conference on Scientific Ocean Drilling Cosod II ,
European Science Foundation, Strasbourg]
generally, there are more different kinds of fossils in tropical regions than in extratropical ones. Thus, much finer subdivisions of sequences are possible in low latitudes than in high ones. Also, diversity of fossils changes through time, due to
changes in the rates of origination and extinction.
The stratigraphic resolution achieved by identifying microfossils depends on circumstances - clearly, where diversity is low, resolution is poor. Under favorable
conditions (that is, when the critical species are present) the zones of pelagic microfossils in the Neogene allow resolution between one and a few million years in each
group. In the latest Neogene, nannofossil zonation is exceptionally detailed, and here
the resolution is about 0 .5 million years. Additional refinement is possible by using
well-dated first-appearance datums (FAD) and last-appearance datums (LAD), as
well as e\'olutionary lineages in the various groups. Besides pelagic forms, benthic
species are of interest in biostratigraphy. In the Tertiary, major changes in benthic
faunas occurred in the middle Eocene and at the end of the Oligocene.
8.7.3 Magnetostratigraphy. Reversals of the Earth's magnetic field (already encountered when discussing sea floor spreading and age-mapping of the sea floor;
Sect 1.8) impart to deep-sea sediments a sequence of normal (N) and reversed (R)
magnetization, which is preserved under favorable conditions and can be measured.
The strength of the signal depends on the concentration of iron-rich minerals, mostly.
Results - a sequence of Nand R tags, one for each sample - can be matched to the
established record, as first shown by C. O. A. Harrison and B. Funnell in 1964. For
example, on going downward into the sediment from the sea floor, the first clear
switch from N-samples to R-samples would be expected to correlate to the BrunhesMatuyama boundary. This reversal event is dated at 790 000 years, based on radioactive decay of 40K and on counting astronomical cycles within the 8 18 0 record (cyclostratigraphy, Sect. 8.7.5).
When faced with "floating" sections, a match cannot be made uniquely, unless
other information is available (fixpoints from biostratigraphy, for example). The more
confirmation from other methods, the greater is the confidence that a particular match
SITE 310
North Pacif ic
SITE 208
Southwest Pacific
8U C ("to.POB, G. sIJbgloboso)
FAD T proteon,uo
SITE 238
Fig. 8.18. Correlation by chemo- and biostratigraphy. Global ocean shift in 1)13C values as seen in
benthic foraminifers, about 6 million years ago, identified by association with biostratigraphic
markers. FAD First appearance; T. praeconl'exa: a centric diatom: Amaurolithus sPf': a horseshoeshaped nannofossIl. Note consistent relatIonship of FAD Amaurolithus to shift In I) 3C. [B. U. Haq
et aI., 1980, Geology 8: 427; redrawn]
o l ocene
marine carbona Ie
-:-=-=-::-_-_P l eislocene
0 . 7090
Lale Mi ocene
-- --- -
0 . 7086
',Lal~O Ii QOCen~
0 . 7082
----- ~---
0 . 7078
I Ma
Why do strontium isotopes change in the fashion observed? Presumably, the trend
stems from a decrease of basaltic sources of strontium (ratios near 0.702 to 0.703)
relative to continental sources (ratios from 0.705 to> 0.712). The reason, it may be
assumed, is an overall emergence of continents due to mountain-building since the
late Eocene, as well as a decrease in oceanic volcanism.
8.7.5 Cyclostratigraphy. The discovery that pelagic sediment properties show regular fluctuations with periods close to astronomical ones (as shown by spectral analysis: J. Hays, J. Imbrie, N. Shackleton, 1976; N. Pisias, 1976) opened the way for a
new dating method: counting of astronomical cycles within a record, extracted by
Fourier analysis. The method yields floating chronologies (unless tied into other
fixpoints). It has yielded valuable results, especially in Quaternary sediments. We
shall encounter the various cycles in Chapter 9, when discussing Quaternary sediments.
Further Reading
Hill MN (ed) (1963) The sea, Ideas and obseIVations on progress in the study of the seas, vol 3.
Interscience, New York
Lisitzin AP (1972) Sedimentation in the world ocean. SEPM Spec Publ 17, Soc Econ Paleontol
Mineral Tulsa, Okla
Hsii KJ, Jenkyns H (eds) (1974) Pelagic sediments on land and under the sea. Spec Publ Int Assoc
Sedimentol 1
Bolli HM, Saunders JB, Perch-Nielsen K (eds) (1985) Plankton stratigraphy. Cambridge Univ Press,
New York
Chester R (1990) Marine geochemistry. Unwin Hyman, London
9.1 Background
Paleoceanography, the study of ocean history, emerged in the 1930s and 1940s, when
cores became available that provided data from which history could be reconstructed.
Initial efforts by W. Schott (1935) using short cores taken by the German research
vessel Meteor have been mentioned (Sect. 8.2.3). In essence, the Swedish Deep Sea
Expedition (1947-1948) played the same role in launching the new science of his torical oceanography that the Challenger Expedition had played 70 years earlier, for
physical and biological oceanography. The research vessel Albatross set out from
Gothenburg in 1947, to begin the circumnavigation of the world's tropical environment, under the leadership of Hans Petterson. The expedition used a new device, the
piston corer, developed by B. Kullenberg in Copenhagen. This technique typically
recovered cores of a length of 7 m or so, with the oldest sediment being from 0.3 to
1 million years in age. Kullenberg's device, with modifications, is still used today
(Fig. 9.1).
The scientists reporting on these cores became the founders of paleoceanograpy.
They defined the fundamental questions about the Pleistocene history of the ocean:
regarding changes in productivity (G. Arrhenius), in plankton distributions and surface currents (F. B. Phleger, F. L. Parker), in surface water temperature and ice
volume (c. Emiliani), and in deep circulation patterns (E. Olausson). Since then,
these questions, and related ones, have been pursued vigorously.
Beginning in 1968, when the drilling vessel GLOMAR Challenger (Fig. 0.6) left
port in Galveston (Texas) to initiate scientific drilling in the deep ocean, many new
dimensions have emerged in paleoceanography: the length of time available for detailed study increased from about 1 million years to the past 100 million years! Since
1985, the JOIDES Resolution (Fig. 0.7) has been employed for deep ocean drilling.
In unconsolidated ooze and mud nearly undistrubed sequences can be recovered by
this ship, using hydraulic piston coring. Recovery of several kilometers of core material, from a single 2-month leg, is not unusual. The study of these materials is
time-consuming and labor-intensive. It requires the coordination and cooperation of
marine geologists from many institutions, in the USA and abroad. The harvest of
these efforts has not yet been wholly reaped, and new findings are constantly being
The following summary illustrates some of the highlights of the various discoveries that resulted from coring and drilling. It it as much a survey of questions as
of answers. We shall first acquaint ourselves with the Ice Age Ocean, whose study
defined the scope of paleoceanography, and we will then tum to the task of applying
the principles derived from such study to older sediments made available by drilling.
difficult to even attempt to answer from the land record: each succeeding glaciation
erased many of the traces of the previous one. The study of long cores from the
deep-sea floor opened the door to a new understanding. Such cores (Fig. 9.1), contain, in places, an uninterrupted record of the alternations of glacials and interglacials, within the "ice age".
Why is there an ice age at all? We do not know for sure. Clearly, it is colder during
an ice age than before or after, so that the Earth's heat budget is involved. This budget
is largely controlled by albedo (the amount of incoming light reflected into space)
and by the greenhouse effect (the trapping of infrared trying to leave Earth, by
greenhouse gases). Thus (unless we invoke a dimming of the sun), it seems reasonable to assume that albedo was increased and greenhouse gases were decreased,
during ice ages. We shall see, in the following, that this assumption is correct. Nevertheless, we still do not know the exact mechanisms responsible. Rather than approaching these very difficult questions of climatology, let us ask some quite simple
questions, such as:
1. What did the ocean look like during maximum glaciation?
2. What does the record show about the transition from the last glacial to the present?
3. What is the nature of the ice age cycles, that is, their frequency and amplitude, and
their extent in time?
9.2.2 Conditions in a Cold Ocean. How did the ice age ocean differ from the present
one? The question is by no means settled, but a consensus has been reached on
several aspects.
First, it is generally agreed that surface currents were stronger. It is obvious why
this should be so: surface currents are driven by winds, and winds depend on horizontal temperature gradients. With the ice rim and polar front much closer to the Equator,
the temperature difference between ice (0 DC or less) and the tropics (ca. 25 DC) was
compressed into a much shorter distance than now. Hence the temperature gradient
was greater, winds were stronger, and so were ocean currents.
Equatorial upwelling was intensified as a consequence, as well as coastal upwelling. Thus, at the same time that fertility decreased in high latitudes, due to ice cover,
it increased in mid-latitudes (because of intensified mixing) and in the subtropics
(due to upwelling).
Second, it is accepted that the ocean suiface was cooler, on the whole, than today.
With a substantial part of northern continents and seas under ice, the Earth reflected
the Sun's radiation more readily (had a higher albedo) than today, hence it absorbed
less of the radiation and its atmosphere was cooler. A cold atmosphere holds less
water than a warm one, and large areas on land therefore were drier than today. Water
vapor is the most important greenhouse gas, so that the trapping of infrared radiation
within the atmosphere was diminished. Dry areas (such as grasslands and deserts)
reflect more sunlight than wet ones (such as forests). Also, a more fertile ocean
would be slightly more reflective than a clear dark blue one with less algal growth.
All these factors favored reflection of the Sun's radiation back into space, and hence
favored cooling (Table 9.1).
Desert regions
Grasslands, most forests
Tropical forests, wetlands
Snow cover (old to new)
20 to 30
7 to 10
35 to 82
4 to 10, max. 19
6 to 55
a albedo: proportion (in percent) of incident light reflected upward, and not available for heating.
Third, it is known that some ocean regions cooled more than others, and that the
regional degree of change depends closely on the movement of boundaries of climatic
zones. If, for example, an area is near the boundary of subtropics and temperate belt,
it will then belong alternately to one or the other zone. Thus, the changes here are
substantial. Conversely, changes can be much less in the center of tropical or subtropical climatic regions.
Last but not least, the ocean surface was substantially lower during maximum
glaciation, by 120 to 130 m during maximum glaciation (Sect. 5.4), so that shelves
were exposed and the ocean surface was somewhat smaller. This also increased the
albedo of Earth.
9.2.3 The 18 K Map. These various concepts were put to the test by a coherent
quantitative reconstruction of the ice age ocean, in the 1970s. A. McIntyre, T. C.
Moore, and colleagues, using the "transfer" techniques of J. Imbrie (Sect. 7.2.2),
produced a map of sea surface temperatures for a typical (northern) summer month,
during maximum glaciation. The map is also called 18 K map, for "18 kilo years
ago", a date based on radiocarbon dating (see Fig. 9.2). The construction of the map
proceeded from deep sea cores, from which both surface and subsurface samples
were taken. Surface samples were used for calibration (Sect. 7.2.1). The abundance
patterns were correlated to surface water temperatures in nothern summer, to provide
the basis for the reconstruction.
From the information shown in the 18 K map, it can be concluded that the ice age
ocean 18 000 years ago was characterized by: (l) increased thermal gradients along
polar fronts, especially in the North Atlantic and Antarctic; (2) equatorward displacement of polar frontal systems; (3) general cooling of most surface waters, by about
2.3 DC, on average; (4) increased upwelling along the equator in Pacific and Atlantic;
(5) increased coastal upwelling and strengthening of eastern boundary currents; and
(6) nearly stable positions and temperatures of the central gyres in the major ocean
Fig. 9.2. Approximate distribution of sea surface tempertures for northern hemisphere summer, during the last ice age maximum (about 18000 years
ago; "18 K map"). Note the extent and thickness of ice. [CLIMAP Project Members. 1976. Science 191: 1131, simplified]
9.2.4 Pulsed Deglaciation. How and why did the last glacial change into the present
interglacial? How long did this take? The first question, presumably, must be
answered by invoking changes in the seasonal distribution of the Sun 's radiation (the
Milankovitch Mechanism, to be discussed in Sect. 9.3.5). The second question is the
more readily answered: it took between 7000 and 8000 years, approximately, to
reduce the ice masses of the last glacial to something like those we have today. In the
process, the sea level rose some 120 m (Sects. 5.3.1 and 5.4.2). Recent detailed work
on corals in Barbados confirmed earlier indications that deglaciation occurred in
pulses or steps (Fig. 9.3; Fig. 5.6b). Two major pulses are seen: Step 1, from 13.5 to
12.5 ka (also known as Termination Ia), and Step 2, from 11 to 9.5 kyrs (or Ib). These
ages are based on dating by thorium (see Appendix A8). In the radiocarbon scale
(heavy lines in Fig. 9.3), the ages of the two steps are centered on 12 and 9.5 ka,
which agrees exactly with two major warming steps known from northern Europe.
Comparison with the summer insolation curve at high northern latitudes (dashed line,
Fig. 9.3) suggests that unusually warm summers are responsible for initiating melting.
The retreat of the polar front in the North Atlantic, from its position between Long
Island and Portugal in the glacial (Fig. 7.4) to its present one off Greenland, also took
place in this discontinuous manner. A substantial re-advance of this front occurred
during the so-called Younger Dryas, between II 000 and 10 000 radiocarbon years
ago. (According to ice core measurements, some 12 SOO to 11 700 calendar years.)
The origin of this cold period, which returned much of Europe to glacial-type conditions for several hundreds of years, poses a major problem in paleoclimatology and
paleoceanography. The effects of the event are seen around the world; its record was
discovered in western Tibet as well as in the Sulu Sea, south of the Philippines, for
example. The origin of the Younger Dryas cold spell is entirely unknown (large-scale
E 10
ins. /
1. 05
Age (kyr)
1. 10
Fig. 9.3. Rate and timing of glacial meltwater discharge compared with subarctic
summer insolation. Discharge calculated
from a depth-versus-age curve for Barbados
corals (A . pa/mata). Heal'y line Time scale
based on radiocarbon dating; thin line time
scale based on thorium dating by E. Bard
and colleagues; dashed line summer insolation at 60 N, based on calculations by A.
Berge r. [R. G. Fairbanks, 1989, Nature 342:
637. simplified]
ice surges are one possible mechanism), but it is very likely that the ocean's circulation was involved in a drastic change in the heat budget in some fashion. Somehow,
the influx of tropical heat from the south, which today warms the northern North
Atlantic, was greatly diminished. A cascade of feedback processes then took over
(beginning, for example, with a great expansion of sea ice), plunging the world back
into the ice age, from which it had just escaped. This miniature ice age only lasted
about one millenium and ended abruptly, perhaps within decades.
In the northern Atlantic, a series of distinct layers of the last glacial period rich in
ice-rafted debris and poor in foraminifera suggests the occurrence of other abrupt
climatic events, perhaps triggered by short pulses of massive discharges of icebergs.
Our inability to explain the mysterious Younger Dryas cold spell points out some
fundamental limitations to paleoceanography (and paleoclimatic) research. The climate systems is extremely complex (see Epilog). Many of the important elements of
the system are not well constrained. The ocean's functions (such as redistribution of
heat by currents) cannot be isolated and determined as long as the functions of the
other elements of the system remain uncertain. We know that the ocean plays a
dominant role in the heat budget, not only because of currents, but also because of its
control on albedo (e. g., via sea ice cover) and water vapor (the dominant greenhouse
gas), and also because it controls short-term changes in atmospheric C02 (via its
carbon cycle and the biological pump, (discussed in Sect. 9.4.2).
200 ~
~ 6 ~~_~
2 50 ~
~ 9
3 00
3 50 '"
4 50
24 0
- 3,00
- 2.50
Fig. 9.4a- c. The Pleistocene record in deep sea sediments. a Carbonate cycles of the eastern Pacific,
magnetically dated (1. D. Hays et aI., 1969,Oeol. Soc. Am . Bull. 80: 1481). b G. menardii pulses
(left) and transfer temperature cycles (right) compared with oxygen isotope stratigraphy, Caribbean
Sea (1. Imbrie et aI., 1973, 1 Quat Res 3: 10). c Dissolution cycles compared with oxygen isotope
stratigraphy, western Pacific. [P. R. Thompson, 1976,1. Foraminiferal Res. 6: 208; N. 1. Shackleton
and N. D. Opdyke, 1973 , Quat. Res. 3: 39]
interglacials, the high sea level allows shallow water carbonates to build up - this
carbonate is extracted from the ocean, and is no longer available for deposition on the
deep-sea floor. Several other factors also playa role: changes in erosion rates on land
and on shelves, growth and decay of forests which affects the abundance of C02 in
the ocean - atmosphere system, changes in the temperature of the deep ocean,
changes in the overall productivity of the ocean, and changes in deep-sea circulation.
The latter, especially, govem much of the carbonate accumulation in the central
Pacific, through "basin-basin fractionation" with the Atlantic (Sect. 7.6.5). Whenever
North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) production is increased, the Atlantic traps the
carbonate, leaving less for the Pacific.
On much of the Atlantic sea floor, carbonate cycles tend to swing counter to those
in the central Pacific. The Atlantic carbonate cycles are largely dilution cycles, although effects from varying dissolution and production must also be considered.
During glacials, the supply of terrigenous materials from the continents surrounding
the Atlantic is greatly increased. In high latitudes, the moving ice grinds up enormous
masses of rock. The plant cover, which protects soil from erosion, is less dense. In the
sUbtropics, deserts are widespread, delivering dust. Flash floods in semi-arid regions
are efficient conveyors of huge amounts of material. The tropical rainforest is much
reduced, and semi-arid regions are expanded. The shelves are exposed, and subject to
erosion. All these factors contribute to the glacial increase of terrigenous deposition
rates. As the supply of terrigenous material increases, of course, the proportion of
carbonate in pelagic sediments decreases accordingly - the carbonate is diluted. By
changing the degree of dilution, carbonate cycles are produced.
9.3.3 The Faunal (and Floral) Cycles can be expressed in various ways, most
commonly as warm-cold cycles. Examples are the quantitative plots of Parker (1958)
and Imbrie and Kipp (1971). Parker's method contrasts the relative abundance of
warm-water and cold-water planktonic foraminifers as a function of core depth. The
Imbrie-Kipp method calibrates the warm- and cold-water percentages against surface
water temperature, by a statistical technique called factor regression. Based on this
calibration, the most probable temperatures of surface waters are then calculated for
samples deeper in the core. This technique was also used for constructing the 18 K
map (Fig. 9.2). We see that there were considerable temperature variations in the
Caribbean. We also see that the last change from cold to warm occurred about 11 000
years ago, with the beginning of the Holocene. The faunal cycles rather closely
follow the associated oxygen isotopes, without, however, duplicating them. In principle, comparison of the two curves allows the separation of temperature effect from
ice effect, in the oxygen isotope record, to be discussed next.
There is one other interesting fact that emerges from the faunal analysis: the
present time is rather unusual in being so warm. For the last one half million years or
so the climate was mostly much colder.
9.3.4 Oxygen Isotope Cycles. The fluctuations in the oxygen isotope composition of
foraminiferal shells were first described by C. Emiliani in his classic paper Pleistocene temperatures, published in 1955. He analyzed the planktonic foraminifera
from several long cores taken in the Caribbean and North Atlantic. He concentrated
on those species with the lowest oxygen-18 (Globigerinoides ruber and Globigerinoides sacculifer), reasoning that these species must live in shallow water and therefore reflect surface water temperature. Since the temperture of growth affects the
180/160 ratio (Sect. 7.3.2), the isotopic fluctuations reflect warm-cold cycles. In
addition, the composition of seawater controls the 18 0/ 16 0 ratios in the shells. The
seawater composition fluctuates with the waxing and waning of the continental ice
sheets. The reason is that ice is depleted in 180. During buildup of the ice, therefore,
this heavier isotope stays preferentially in the ocean, increasing the 180/160 ratio
here. Shells grown in such water, then, are enriched in 180, and this enrichment is
added to the enrichment caused by the lowered temperature of the water. When the
glacial ice melts, the 18 0 / 160 ratio in the ocean decreases again (see Fig. 5.15).
Today, oxygen isotope stratigraphy forms the backbone of Pleistocene stratigraphy.
We use oxygen isotopes as a master template, to which other records must be
compared to determine their significance. This is also true for nonmarine sequences,
as in the interpretation of the loess record in China, for example (Fig. 9.5). It is seen
(as has been well known for some time) that glacial intervals are characterized by
eolian dust deposits ("loess"; numbered Ll, L2, etc.) and interglacials by soil development ("soil", numbered St, S2, etc.). This is a reflection, among other things, of
drought-wet cycles. Detailed matching to the marine 018 0 record allows the observation that maximum wind supply occurred both during onset of glaciais and during
Xi fen g
Eolian Supply
(mg cm -2 kyr -1)
0 18
0 (/00. POB)
Fig. 9.5 a- d. Correlation of loess profiles from Xifeng (China, see inset) with marine SlgO record
during the last 500000 years . a Loess profile, L loess; S soil; b Same profile with refined ages of
loess sedimentation based on correlation to eolian flux record in (c); c Eolian flux record of the
North Pacific, Core V 21- 146 (mg/cm 2{kyr) from 3968 m water depth and with a distance of more
than 3000 km from the loess source area; d Sl 80-Stratigraphy (%0, PDB) of thi s core, used for
dating. [So A. Hovan et al. 1989, Nature. 340: 296]
Milankovitch Cycles
their maxima. Such supply of dust by wind has implications for deep-sea sedimentation - perhaps (as dust brings phosphate and iron) even for productivity in the ocean
(and hence for atmospheric C02; see Sect. 9.4.2).
9.3.5 Milankovitch Cycles and Dating. As pointed out by Emiliani, the isotopic
variations clearly indicate some sort of regular cycling such as could be produced by
the Milankovitch mechanism, which invokes regular variations in the Earth's orbital
parameters as a cause for the succession of ice ages separated by warm periods (Fig.
9.6). The hypothesis of Milutin Milankovitch (1879-1958) states that long-term fluctuations in the radiation received from the Sun, during summer seasons, in the high
latitudes of the northern hemisphere, have controlled the occurrence of ice ages over
the last 600 000 years.
For Emiliani's suggestion to be tested, a time scale for the isotopic variations was
needed. Three dating methods are available: (1) C-14 dating of the uppermost portion
of the record, and extrapolation downward. This method is not very reliable. (2)
Uranium dating of corals which grew during the last high stand of sea level, a datum
that can be correlated with the warm peak in the Isotope Stage 5 (Fig. 9.4 c). The best
estimates for this age are near 124000 years. From this we obtain an average sedimentation rate, which is more reliable than the one based on radiocarbon. (3)
Magnetic reversals - the same that are recorded in the cooling basalt of the spreading
sea floor (Sect. 1.8) - are recorded also in deep-sea sediments. The last major boundary between magnetic epochs (the Brunhes and the Matuyama) is dated at
790000 years ago. (An earlier date of 730 000 is now abandoned). This date can be
recovered in very long cores only. It allows interpolation of the ages for the isotope
The time scale derived from methods (2) and (3) is the one used in the comparison
between isotope record and Milankovitch curve in Fig. 9.6. A certain similarity of the
curves is obvious. Spectral analysis - that is, a search for the frequencies contained in
the isotopic record - shows that the following periods are strongly represented: near
20000 years, near 40000 years, and near 100000 years (see next Section). These are
the main periods contained in the Milankovitch irradiation curve. Thus, the evidence
is strong that irradiation of the northern hemisphere is the dominating factor in
controlling the frequencies of the Pleistocene climatic fluctuations.
What are these frequencies? They describe the motions of the Earth's rotational
axis and the change in shape of its path around the sun. The axis is not stationary in
space, and does not always point to the North Star as in the present. Instead, it
describes a circle, of which the North Star is one point. The circle is completed once
in about 21 000 years. This is the precession (Fig. 9.6). Also, the inclination of the
Earth's axis to the plane of its orbit changes through time. It is 66 1/2 0 at present, but
varies between about 65 and 68 once in 41 000 years. This is the obliquity variation. Obliquity is very important, because high obliquity obviously means warm
summers and cold winters, and vice versa. Finally, the Earth's orbit about the sun is
not a circle but an ellipse (as Johannes Kepler, 1571-1630, showed). The ratio between the long and the short axis varies through time. This is the eccentricity variation. One cycle takes about 100000 years. These, then, are the elements governing
-O. QJ.
- 0 .08
~>0'0 ,05~
23 , 5
22 . 5
21 .5 0
- 0.15
',.'.. 1: t
[0 ~
Fig. 9.6. The Croll-Milankovitch Theory of the ice ages. and its test. Upper 3 panels. Curves
showing orbilal parametrs as calculated by a A. L. Berger [in M. A. Kominz et aI., 1979, Earth
Planet Sci. Leu. 45: 394). I m = 100000 yrs.The eccentricity is the deviation of the orbit from a
perfect circle, for which e=O. The eccentricity varies with a period near 100000 years. The precession parameter is a function of both the position of perihelion (point of Earth's orbit which is
closest to the Sun) with respect to the equinoxes (day = night positions) and the eccentricity of the
orbit (which makes the difference of equinoxed and perihelion significant in tenus of seasonal
irradiation). The periodicity of the precession parameter is near 21 000 years. Note the small variations during times of low eccentricity. The obliquity is the angle of the Earth's axis , with respect to
the vertical on the orbital plane (inset, lower right). It varies with a period of 41 000 years. Lower
panel Curves showing the orbital periodicities contained in the oxygen isotope record in a subantarctic deep sea core . The solid line in the middle represents the original isotope record; superimposed (dotted line) is the eccentricity variation. Top cun'e 23 OOO-year component extracted from the
isotope record by band pass filter (a statistical method); bottom curve obliquity component extracted
in a similar fashion. Inset right illustrates obliquity. [J. D. Hays et a!. , 1976, Science 194: 1121]
Age (k.y.)
Fig. 9.7. Oxygen isotope record of G. sacculifer. ODP Site 806. western equatorial Pacific. Age
scale based on counting obliquity cycles extracted from the record (and set at 41 000 years; see Fig.
9.6).5, 9, IS, etc. Isotope stages; 015,030,045 position of crests of obliquity-related cycles; MPR ,
mid-Pleistocene Revolution (at 920 kyrs) , showing a distinct change from obliquity-dominated to
eccentricity-dominated. A, B , C, major cyclostratigraphic subdivisions, each with 15 obliquity
cycles, where 015 = 625000 yrs; "Milankovitch Epoch"; 015-030 "Croll Epoch"; 030--<>45 "Laplace Epoch". [W. H. Berger and G . Wefer, 1992, Naturwissenschaften 79: 541]
the changes in the seasonal irradiation of the northern hemisphere. Presumably, there
is an especially sensitive latitudinal belt in the northern hemisphere where these
changes in insolation are translated into varying amounts of snow cover, which in
tum govern climate by the albedo feedback mechanism (Sect. 9.2.2).
9.3.6 A Change in Thne. The Pleistocene record of 818 0 supports Milkanovitch's
propositions regarding the cause of ice age fluctuations. In particular, it is interesting
how much the 100000-year eccentricity cycle dominates the scene throughout the
last 900000 years. However, a surprise awaits us when we go further back than that:
the lower half of the Quaternary essentially has not 100 000 year cycles at all! The
8 180 fluctuations (that is, the variations in ice mass) in that part of the record are
entirely dominated by the obliquity cycle (Fig. 9.7). A little less than one million
years ago, eccentricity acquired a strong voice in the mixture of tunes within the
climatic record. (It is as though a strong bass joined the choir). We do not know the
reason for this major change in the Earth's climate system (marked MPR, for midPleistocene revolution, in Fig. 9.7). Apparently, there are no astronomical reasons:
the orbital elements, as far as one can tell, were much the same before and after the
event. Thus, we mut assume that the response to forcing changed.
Age (ky)
Fig. 9.8. Carlxm dioxide concentrations in the Vostok ice core from Antarctica (1. M. Bamola et a!. ,
1987, Nature 329: 408), compared with a productivity-related ol3C signal from the eastern tropical
Pacific (N. J. Shackleton et a!., 1983, Nature 306: 319). The signal plotted is the difference in ol3C
of a planktonic and a benthic species , which constitutes a proxy for the nutrient content in deep
waters. The time scale of the C02 record was adjusted using the deuterium record in the ice and the
0 180 record in the sediments. [W. H. Berger, V. S. Smetacek, O. Wefer, 1989, Productivity of the
ocean: present and past. Wiley-Interscience, Chichester]
distinguished American geologist Thomas C. Chamberlin (1843-1928) both put forward hypotheses about how the concentration of C02 could be changed through time.
The recent ice-core results prove that glacial C02 concentrations in air were lower
than interglacial ones by a factor of 1.5 (Fig. 9.8, upper curve). The C02 fluctuations
run parallel to the temperature at which the snow was deposited. Methane gas also
was measured; the fluctuations are similar to those of carbon dioxide.
The observed amplitude of C02 variation corresponds to a greenhouse effect of
between 1 and 2C, according to recent climate models. Changes are very rapid,
making it very likely that the ocean is responsible: it has a large carbon reservoir
(roughly 60 times that of the present atmosphere), and it has a "memory" of only
about 1000 years (the average age of its deep water masses). Small changes in its
overall chemistry, leading to a small proportional change of carbon dissolved in the
ocean, can potentially have large effects on the atmosphere.
9.4.2 Paleoproductivity. There are a number of ways to affect the sharing of carbon
dioxide between ocean and atmosphere (see Sect. 3.7.1). For example, if dissolved
Fig. 9.9. Sketch of a mechanism linking productivity to the carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere. According to W. S. Broecker when phosphate is added to the ocean, a new equilibrium is
established, with surface waters being more C02-depleted than before . This then reduces atmospheric C02. An increase in nutrient supply, through biopumping, also increases the 013C of the
dissolved inorganic carbon in surface waters (by preferential removal of 12C into organic matter
which sinks). Thus, the biopump mechanism provides a simple conceptual model linking pC02 and
the difference in ol3 C of planktonic and benthic foraminifers (as shown in Fig. 9.8)
inorganic carbon is preferentially stored at depth, and depleted in upper waters, the
atmosphere should receive a smaller share of the total carbon available. By increasing
the efficiency of biologic pumping such increased vertical fractionation can be
achieved (Fig. 9.9).
The bio-pump mechanism (first proposed by the American geochemist W. S.
Broecker, in 1981) provides a simple conceptual model linking pC02 and 8 13 C (that
is, the records shown in Fig. 9.8). The reason for the link is that the pumping tends to
remove 12C more efficiently from the photic zone than 13C, because 12C is more
readily incorporated into organic matter during photosynthesis. The effect is that 13C
is enriched in surface waters, relative to deep waters. The corresponding difference in
813C, which is picked up in the shells of planktonic and benthic foraminifers, is a
measure of the intensity of the fractionation resulting from the biological pumping.
This intensity, in tum, depends entirely on the nutrient content of deep ocean waters.
The bio-pump model for changing C02 content of the atmosphere (which is controversial and probably can only account for a modest portion of the effect seen in the
ice cores) implies higher productivity of the ocean during glacial time. There is
indeed good independent evidence that productivity was higher during glacials. Off
NW Africa, for example, the rate of burial of organic carbon during glacials is greatly
increased (Fig. 9.\0). The cause, presumably, is increased eastern boundary upwelling due to an increase in trade winds and monsoonal winds. Similar results have been
reported from other coastal upwelling regions. Along the Equator, as well, productivity was higher during glacial time than now. The general increase in productivity may
have resulted in the burial of sufficient additional carbon to pull down the C02
content significantly.
per mil
gC .. - 2 ,-1
10 L-________L-________________-J__________~__~------------~
16_6 ~
8_3 E
j. 160
PaleoproduC1 lvlty
() 120
AGE ka
Fig. 9.10 a, b. Paleoproductivity reconstructions for the late Pleistocene, off NW Africa. a Oxygen
isotopes, sedimentation rates , and organic matter content in Meteor Core 12392. Right Resulting
paleoproductivity estimate . [Po J. Miiller and E. Suess, 1979, Deep-Sea Res. 26A: 1347, and P. J.
Miiller et ai., 1983 in J. Thiede and E. Suess, Coastal upwelling , Part B. Plenum Press, New York],
Isotope stages as in Figs. 9.7. and 9.4 c. (J Holocene; 2-4 last glaciation; 5a-e last interglacial;
6 earlier glaciation). b Importance of wind in producing changes in upwelling, as seen in correlation
with dust supply (from which the strength of the wind is calculated). [M . S. Samthein et ai., 1987 in
W H. Berger and L. D. Labeyrie, eds. Abrupt climatic change - evidence and implications. Reidel
Changes in the sites of carbonate production also must have been important.
During times of low sea level, catbonate deposition would have been greatly decreased on the shelves, and this (together with erosion) would have increased the
carbonate ion content of the ocean, and hence the "alkalinity" of the ocean. In tum,
increased alkalinity allows the ocean to retain a larger share of the total C02 in the
9.4.3 The Long-Range View. On long time scales, not just the ocean's exchange
with the atmosphere has to be considered, but also the weathering of silicates on land,
and the input of C02 from volcanism. The weathering process can be summarily
described by the formula
C02 + CaSi03
CaC03 + Si02 ,
which shows the long-term uptake of C02 from trhe atmosphere. The (volcanogenic)
C02 on the left side, inasmuch as it evolved from the heating of subducted carbonates, is recycled on a very long-term scale (100 million to 1 billion years). Thus,
within the Earth below subduction zones, the equation reads backwards.
From the "Urey equation" (9.1) we can deduce how to effect a long-term decrease
of C02 in the atmosphere: by providing fresh CaSi03, through mountain building and
deep erosion. Mountain-building and sea level drop proceeded all through the late
Tertiary (Fig. 5.18), but especially in the last several million years, as shown in the
changing ratio of strontium isotopes within marine catbonates (see Fig. 8.19). Here is
one possible cause (of several) for the onset of the ice ages: a drop in atmospheric
C02 as a long-term trend within the late Tertiary.
a. ;:;:.
Meso zoic-->-
1 .0 1.8
: l~UI~1
Ifl l
Ptritonk fCll'Ofrinlf.,o
Bedhlc: foranMnIfero
Pi_Ionic loramlnll .. a
&tnthlc forOfnlnlfero
AGE (10 8 yr)
Fig. 9.11 a, b. Schematic diagram of the planetary cooling trend in the Cenozoic. a Generalized sea
level curve, showing overall regression (1. Thiede et aI., 1992, Polarforschung 61 [1] : 1; based on a
compilation by L. A. Frakes). b Oxygen isotopic composition of planktonic and benthic foraminifera
in deep-sea sediments. Vertical lin es marked MM and EO show approximate position of major
cooling steps, which involve high latitudes and deep ocean water masses. [W. H. Berger, E. Vincent,
H. R. Thierste in, 1981 , SEPM Spec. Publ. 32: 489, based on data of R. G. Douglas and S. M. Savin
(1975), central Pacific, and N. J. Shackleton and J. Kennett (1975). subantarctic Pacific]
where old sediments are laid bare by erosion, to identify an overall cooling trend
since the Cretaceous, from the increase of oxygen-I8 in their tests. His guess proved
Seven years after the Deep-Sea Drilling Project started, two paleontologist-geochemist teams had worked out the essential trends (Fig. 9.11B). The stratigraphies of
the oxygen isotopic composition of planktonic and benthic foraminifers shows separate trends in low latitudes, but similar trends in high latitudes. Thus, the overall
cooling in the Tertiary is largely a high-latitude (and deep-water) phenomenon. In
general, then, temperature gradients must have increased throughout the Tertiary,
since the middle of the Eocene, some 40 million years ago. Wind speed depends
strongly on temperature gradients. If so, winds and their offspring, the surface currents, greatly increased in the late Tertiary, as did coastal and mid-ocean upwelling.
Direct evidence that this is true is found in the increasing diatom supply, both in the
northern North Pacific and around the Antarctic, during the late Tertiary. Other evidence for fertility increases also exists. For example, radiolarian skeletons become
continuously more delicate after the Eocene. Apparently the content of dissolved
silica decreased through time, a sign that silica has been increasingly removed by
diatom production in upwelling areas.
The high-latitude cooling indicated in the oxygen isotope trends shows two major
steps: a more recent one in the middle of the Miocene, and an older one near the
Eocene-Oligocene boundary. We do not know the cause of these steps, which simply
enhance the overall trend of turning a warm ocean into a cold one. Perhaps, at some
critical treshold of cooling around Antarctica, deep water formation off its shores was
greatly enhanced and this set off a chain reaction producing a permanent reorganization in the ocean's circulation patterns, making the change irreversible. Or perhaps
the physical geography changed at that very time, barring or opening certain ocean
passages and thus redirecting the heat carried by ocean currents. The two types of
causes - internal feedback and change of geography - are not mutually exclusive. We
know that both are at work. The question is, how important they are in each given
9.5.2 The Great Partitioning. All through the Tertiary, changes in geography due to
plate motions profoundly affect the configuration of exchange between ocean basins.
A number of important valve points in the ocean's plumbing system (called "gateways") translate small motions of continents into large effects for ocean currents (Fig.
9.12). The dominant theme is a stepwise partitioning of the global ocean (originally
connected by large circumtropical passages) into the cul-de-sacs we have today. In a
sense, we trade northern and southern embayments along a broad world-encircling
tropical ocean for three separate super-large basins connected through a ring current
far in the south (the "Southern Exchange").
The gateways shown (Fig. 9.12) control access to the Arctic Ocean (east and west
of Greenland), connect the global ocean along the Equator ("Tethys Ocean" between
Africa and Eurasia, Panama Straits, Indonesian Seaway between Borneo and New
Guinea), and control the evolution of the Circumpolar Current (Tasmanian Passage,
Drake Passage). The difference from the present ocean to the Eocene ocean 45
" -- /
Fig. 9.12. Geography of the middle Eocene (ca. 45 Ma) and major critical valve points for ocean
circulation. Tropical valves are closing (filled rectangles), high latitude valves are opening up (open
rectangles) throughout the Cenozoic. [Base map from B. U. Haq, Oceanologica Acta, 4 Suppl.: 71]
million years ago consists mainly in the closing of the tropical gateways, and the
opening of the poleward ones. In detail, each of these closings and openings holds a
wealth of interesting stories. One of the most fascinating, for example, is the drying
out of the Mediterranean between about 6 to 5 million years ago, as discovered
during Leg 13 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project (with W. B. F. Ryan and K. 1. Hsti as
Co-chief Scientists). Huge amounts of salt were deposited at that time in the Mediterranean basin, so much that the salinity of the global ocean may have been reduced by
The overall trend towards isolation of the major ocean basins resulted both from
the grand switching of the valves and a drop in sea level (Fig. 5.18). This fall - a
long-term regression since the late Cretaceous - was briefly halted or reversed in the
middle Eocene and middle Miocene. It is thought to have been caused by a decrease
in spreading rates and by mountain building (in the late Tertiary). A decrease in
spreading rates makes for a lesser rate of production of young (hence shallow) sea
floor, which leads to deepening of the ocean. Mountain-building doubles up lithosphere, and leaves a hole to be filled. Both processes result in regression, therefore.
Regression results in albedo increase (land reflects sunlight better than does the
ocean), and C02 decrease (from the chemical weathering of exposed continental
rocks). Hence the cooling trend is favored.
9.5.3 The Grand Asymmetries. What are the consequences for ocean circulation of
the large-scale valve switch executed by continents moving away from Antarctica?
There are implications for physical, chemical, and biological oceanography. Generally, we can say that increased compartmentalization allows for a broader range of
temperatures and salinities in the global ocean. Water masses, then, become more
different with time. Eventually, mixing of these masses is restricted to the Southern
Ocean, that is, to the "cold box" of the ocean modelers. Thus, the average ocean
water has to be cold (which it is, at present). Since the cold water sphere becomes the
global environment, while the tropical waters are isolated, deep-sea and cold-water
faunas become global, while tropical ones become more provincial.
As concerns the heat budget, one leitmotif of Tertiary ocean history is the increased displacement of the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ, the heat equator)
to the north of the Equator. There are several causes for this. One is the whitening of
the Antarctic continent. This has the effect of pushing climatic zones northward.
Another is the northward movement of large continental masses which sets up monsoonal regimes favorable for northward heat transfer. The uplift of Tibet and the
Himalayas as a consequence of the collision of the Indian with the Eurasian Plate had
additional climatic consequences, for example, the strengthening of monsoons, and
an increase in weathering. A fourth factor is the peculiar geographic configuration in
both major ocean basins, Atlantic and Pacific, which provides for deflection of westward-flowing equatorial currents, sending them northward to strengthen the Gulf
Stream and the Kuroshio. The end result is that the southern hemisphere is robbed of
heat by the northern hemisphere: glaciers in southern New Zealand are in walking
distance from the seashore, at a latitude which corresponds to that of the vineyards of
Bordeaux! The significance of this asymmetry for paleoclimatology was emphasized
long ago by James Croll in his book Climate and Time (1875).
One important aspect of this planetary heat asymmetry is the fact that the North
Atlantic tends to deliver deep water to the southern exchange around Antarctica. On
the whole, it receives shallower water in return, not directly from the Antarctic, but
via various routes along which this water was warmed. Thus, the North Atlantic uses
deep water formation as a heat pump: warm water in, cold water out.
When was this "Nordic heat pump" first turned on? We do not know for sure, but
there are certain clues from chemial asymmetries between Pacific and Atlantic
(basin-basin fractionation, Sect. 7.6.5). Whenever the North Atlantic makes cold
deep water, and sends it off to the southern mixing ring, it also sends nutrients and
dissolved silica out of the basin. Also, in order to achieve the necessary density for
making deep water, salinity needs to be increased by sending water vapor to the
North Pacific. In tum, this sets up an esturine deep circulation pattern there, with high
nutrient and silica values at depth (Sect. 7.6.1). The result is that siliceous sediments
become rare in the North Atlantic and abundant in the North Pacific, whenever the
Nordic heat pump is in action. From the record of silica deposition, we see that the
Pacific-Atlantic asymmetry greatly increased between 15 and 10 million years ago
("silica switch"). At that time the Nordic heat pump started working hard (Sect.
9.5.4 The Onset of the (Northern) Ice Age. Once the Nordic heat pump was turned
on, the north-to-south asymmetry was greatly strengthened - the ice age could proceed in Antarctica, while being kept out of northern latitudes. Eventually, however,
the overall cooling caught up with the north as well, between 3.5 and 2.5 million
years ago (Fig. 9.13). Northern glaciation set in, and the planetary climate moved into
the glacial cycles which we discussed earlier. Again, the Plio-Pleistocene cooling was
" .5
6 '&01%. 1
" .0
. 35
2 ~
. Glac;ol
Preg loclal
lS ~
Fig. 9.13 a, b. Onset of the ice age. a Sudden increase in the abundance of detrital mineral grains at
DSDP Site 116, NW Atlantic, indicating glacial activity on the adjacent continent. [W. A. Berggren,
1972, Init. Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 12: 953] . b Change from a low variability climate (L) to
a high variability ocean climate (H), as indicated in the oxygen isotope stratigraphy of a piston core
from the central equatorial Pacific. The isotopes refer to the benthic foraminifer Globocassidulina
subglobosa, whose present composition is near +3.5 %0 at this site. Magnetic stratigraphy controls
the time scale. PP Panama Seaway closes gradually within the Gauss Epoch. [N. J. Shackleton, N.
D. Opdyke, 1977, Nature 270: 216]
associated with regression, In addition, mountain building and the northward drift of
land masses towards polar areas helped bring about a greater likelihood for snow to
stay on the ground - the necessary condition for glaciation. The exact timing of the
onset of ice age fluctuations may have to do with the closing of the Panama Seaway
at the time. Atlantic and Pacific were now even more isolated from each other than
9.5.5 The Mid-Miocene Cooling Step. The "silica switch" mentioned above, that is,
the large-scale transfer of dissolved silicate from the Atlantic to the Pacific between
15 and 10 million years ago, points to a major reorganization in the deep circulation
of the ocean which preceded the northern ice age (Fig. 9.14). In the stable isotope
~ ~
g '"
'"~ R~~! ,...,...
'" h" 1->
. '" h
'" ... '" '" ... ~"'"''''~
Fig. 9.14. The middle Miocene "silica switch" from the North Atlantic to the North Pacific, suggesting the turning on of the Nordic heat pump about 15 million years ago. Silica-rich sequences
marked black. (F. Woodruff and S. M. Savin, 1989, Paleoceanog. 4: 87, based on a compilation by
G . Keller and J. A. Barron, 1983, Geol. Soc. Am. Bull. 94: 590]
record, the crucial transition appears as a drastic increase in oxygen isotope values in
benthic foraminifera, between 15 and 13 million years ago (Fig. 9.11). This increase
reflects both growth of ice on Antarctica, and a world wide cooling of abyssal waters,
which in tum reflects a fundamental change in deep circulation. A strong increase in
the diversity of planktonic foraminifers at the time suggests the development of a
strong thermocline below warm surface waters, providing for diversification of
plankton habitats which resulted in divcersification of plankton species.
The cooling step is preceded by a substantial carbon isotope excursion toward
heavy values. This carbon isotope anomaly is seen in all oceans, at all depths. The
excursion is synchronous with the onset of abundant sedimentation of organic-rich
sediments in the margins of the Pacific. Presumably, the increase in organic deposition preferentially extracts 12C from the ocean, so that the carbon isotope values of
dissolved inor~anic carbon in the ocean become enriched in the isotope 13C, which
increases the I C/ 12C ratio as observed. In this manner, a link is established between
margin sedimentation, and the isotope record of deep-sea sediments. There is a possibility that the increased burial of organic carbon was in part responsible for the
mid-Miocene cooling that followed: the additional extraction of carbon from the
ocean would have lowered the catbon dioxide content of the atmosphere, preparing
the way for the subsequent build-up of ice.
Besides internal feedback mechanisms favoring cooling and ice growth on Antarctica (albedo increase and a lowering of atmospheric C02), we again have to consider
rearrangements in geography. In the case of the middle Miocene, it is the Indonesian
Seaway that closes some time between 20 and 10 million years ago. It is not clear,
however, how the closing of this passage would have contributed to the cooling.
A much discussed question is to what extent the shift in 018 0 toward heavier
values (Fig. 9.llb, MM) reflects cooling, and how much is due to ice buildup. Ice
rafting off Antarctica (as seen in "ice-rafted debris") apparently only sets in "in
earnest" towards the end of the middle Miocene. At that time, one surmises, significant glacial ice growth began on Antarctica. Such buildup could have been responsible for roughly 50 m drop in sea level, beyond the general regression from uplift in
Asia and elsewhere, which is reflected in strontium isotope stratigraphy.
9.5.6 The End-of-Eocene Cooling. Going back in time, we skip over the enigmatic
Oligocene, with its low plankton diversity and its strange Braarudosphaera blooms,
to take a closer look at the late Eocene and the Eocene-Oligocene boundary. On the
very first leg of the Glomar Challenger, the Eocene posed a major puzzle: the drill bit
hit chert in the western North Atlantic, at the level of a prominent seismic reflector
(see Sects. 3.6.2 and 8.6.4). Later, similar beds were found in many parts of the
ocean. In fact, only since the late Eocene (that is, the last 40 million years) do pelagic
sediments look "modem". From then on they have a facies distribution similar to that
outlined in Chapter 8.1.
In essence, Eocene sedimentary facies are less clearly differentiated from each
other than post-Eocene ones. The chemical fractionation machine of the ocean was
less efficient, both because ocean basins communicated more easily than now, and
because there was less of a temperature gradient driving the machine (that is, the
winds were weak, and hence the upwelling that concentrates organic-rich sediments,
silica, and phosphate in the margins). This situation changed towards the end of the
Eocene: the machine turned on. The polar regions cooled, presumably due to thermal
isolation of the Arctic and Antarctic and due to positive feedback from snow cover
and changing vegetation (increase of albedo, Sect. 9.2.2). The polar front migrated
equator-ward, pushing a late Eocene rain belt (and thus the temperature regions)
away from Antarctic shores. We see the effect on the oxygen isotope values in high
latitudes: they quickly move to higher values during the late Eocene, with an especially dramatic change at the Eocene-Oligocene boundary (Fig. 9.11b, EO). This is
the point at which the water in high latitude shelves is cold enough, and saline
enough, to sink and fill the deep ocean basins.
Whatever the cause - most likely internal feedback processes set in motion by
overall regression - the late Eocene cooling irreversible initiated a new type of ocean,
one where strong asymmetries began to develop between north and south, between
Atlantic and Pacific, and between margins and deep sea.
167 .5 W
168 .0 C/)
Fig. 9.15. Fundamental and rapid change in nannofossil content of deep-sea sediments from latest
Cretaceous to earliest Tertiary ("Krr-Boundary"). A highly diversified tropical assemblage is replaced by a less diversified assemblage of opportunistic species, including dinoflagellate cysts (large
sphere with hole) and the stress-tolerant form Braarudosphaera (pentagon). Sample spacing at the
left side. [DSDP Site 384 in the western South Atlantic studied by H. R. Thierstein and H. Okada,
1979, lnit. Reps. Deep Sea Drilling Project 43: 601)
The exact manner in which the global environment was changed as a consequence
of the impact is still a matter of lively discussion. A prolonged darkening of the sun
(from particles in the stratosphere), acid rain (from the burning of molecular nitrogen
when the air was heated), and drastic changes in temperature (from changes in greenhous gases) are some of the possibilities that have been put forward.
.- ...~.'
, ...3
Depth (m)
Fig. 9.16. Determination of paleodepth of the CCO by backtracking of drill sites. Subsidence track
and sediment sequence of Site 137 Central Atlantic . Lithologic symbols (from left to right at base):
broken lines clays; dots calcareous ooze; random dashes (below 400 m depth) basalt. CCO is
reached near 3.6 km depth, 90 million years ago . [W. H. Berger, E. L. Winterer, 1974, Spec. Pub!.
Int. Assoc. Sedimentol. I: 11]
' .
' ,I
, '.
.. I
, : I f;
of' It' ~ .
I ,
I I.
'f '
,'. ..'
.0 I", '\"
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, r:
curve, the distance corresponding to the age of the sediment for which we wish to
determine the depth of deposition. We obtain a paleodepth estimate, as a difference to
present water depth, for the time of deposition. To refine this estimate, we subtract
one half the thickness of the sediment accumulated since that time of deposition, to
account both for the buildup of the sea floor and for isostatic subsidence. The paleoCCD emerges as the paleodepth at which the facies changes from carbonate to
noncarbonate (Fig. 9.16). In the example, the site crossed at a paleodepth of 3.6 km,
90 million years ago.
To obtain a number of crossings, which would allow reconstruction of fluctuations, we apply the same procedure to a number of sites in the same region. In an
age-depth diagram, each drill site will appear as a subsidence curve, on which the
sedimentary facies (and rates of sedimentation) can be plotted. The changes in CCD
will appear as changing depths of the carbonate-to-noncarbonate boundary. Conditions do not always allow positioning of the CCD by backtracking. Upon moving
down the ridge flank, calcareous sediment can be deeply eroded, wherever bottom
currents remove the protective clay cover, so that "deep-sea karst" can form (Fig.
9.17). When this happens, backtracking will not find the depth of the CCD crossing;
the path of the site will show a hiatus extending above and below that depth level.
9.7.2 Atlantic and Pacific CCD Fluctuations. Reconstructions of CCD fluctuations
provide useful information on deep circulation, on overall and regional productivity,
and on the sharing of carbonate between shelf and deep-sea floor. Quite generally, the
CCD is one of the important proxies for the chemical state of the ocean that bears on
atmospheric C02 content.
Reconstructions differ somewhat depending on the available datings of basement
and sediments, and on the assumptions regarding the rates of subsidence. Nevertheless, the general trends have been well known since the early 1970s (Fig. 9.18): the
CCD stood high in the late Eocene, dropped near the Eocene-Oligocene boundary,
rose in the Miocene when it reached a peak between 10 and 15 million years ago, and
then fell to its present depth near 4.3 km . The most dramatic changes occurred at the
end of the Eocene, and within the last 10 million years, in both oceans. The drastic
drop at the end of Eocene is global, and hence reflects changes in the global carbon
...- ....
Q .
.. ........
. . NON"> - _ _
.;- - , '" EQUAT. PACIFIC
\ '.........
/. . .. ::.:.
: 11 :
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.=1 .:
: I'
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. . . .. '_ ..... -,PAC . 5
' . ".
.. . . . . ~OFF EQU....~QUAT
.. .
'<.". :.;.;;';'/
cycle. The sharp drop in the Atlantic after 10 million years ago has a strong regional
component, and reflects (among other things) the increase in production of North
Atlantic Deep Water discussed in connection with the "silica switch" (Sect. 9.5.5).
The overall similarity in the CCD fluctuations of Pacific and Atlantic indicates
that the chemical climate of the ocean is changing on a global scale throughout.
Comparison with sea level reconstructions and (5 18 0 stratigraphy suggests that
periods of high sea level are characterized by a shallow CCD and by warm high
latitudes; periods of low sea level by a deep CCD and cold high latitudes (and cold
deep waters). Why should a relatively warm ocean have a shallower CCD than a cold
one? Is not cold water less favorable to the preservation of carbonate than warm
9.7.3 Possible Causes of CCD Fluctuations. A simple hypothesis linking sea level
to CCD fluctuations is the concept of "basin-shelf-fractionation". The shelf, being
shallow, is the favored place for carbonate to accumulate, because of the correlation
between solubility and pressure. Flooded shelves, then, are carbonate traps, and
remove CaC03 from the ocean so that the deep-sea floor starves. Conversely, bared
shelve supply carbonate to the deep sea. Thus, it is not the temperature which is
important, but the sea level. Temperature happens to be correlated with sea level for
various reasons (decrease of albedo and increase in pC02 during flooding of shelves;
see Sect. 9.2.2).
There is good reason to believe that the mass balance hypothesis of CCD fluctuations does not suffice. We must, in addition, employ a more subtle argument, based
on internal cycling of carbonate within the deep ocean basins. Remember that the
biological productivity of the ocean is responsible for precipitating carbonate. Removal of solids from a solution lowers saturation. High productivity, then, results in an
undersaturated ocean with a shallow CCD. In this model, we can read the CCD
fluctuations as productivity fluctuations, with fertility high in the Eocene and
Miocene, low in the Oligocene. There is other independent evidence that productivity
was low in the Oligocene, supporting this concept.
CCD fluctuations also are closely associated with the history of erosion on the
deep sea floor. The dissolution of carbonate itself is a form of erosion, of course.
Compilations of sedimentation rates and hiatuses (gaps in the record) show that both
these stratigraphic parameters fluctuated consideraby through time. However, the
relationships between these fluctuations and those of the CCD are still obscure. One
problem is that hiatuses may be "produced" during drilling, whenever recovery is
difficult. This happens, for example, in the chert-rich sediments of Eocene Age.
Fig. 9.19. Cretaceous organic-rich sediments in the continental margin off the US East Coast. The
diagram is highly schematic and is based on both drilling and seismic profiler records. 1 Basalt; 2
greenish-gray limestone; 3 red clayey limestone; 4 white and gray limestone; 5 calcareous ooze and
chalk; 6 black clay; 7 multicolored clay; 8 hemipelagic mud; 9 terrigenous sand and clay. Age: fUR
Jurassic; CRET Cretaceous; TERT Tertiary; QUA Quaternary. [Y. Lancelot et al.. 1972, Init. Rep.
Deep. Sea Drilling Project 11 : 901]
both (Fig. 9.19). Regionally, the oxygen content apparently dropped low enough to
prevent burrowing organisms from established a mixed layer on the sea floor. Thus,
laminations are common in sediments of this time, especially in the margins.
The various indicators of low oxygen conditions are concentrated during certain
well-defined periods which may have been quite brief ("anoxic events"). They occur
typically in the Atlantic, although some have been found in the Pacific also. What is
the significance of these anaerobic and near-anaerobic deposits? What are the implications for the chemistry and fertility of the ocean at the time? For climate?
To answer these questions, we need to do several things: (I) Search for modem
analogues of deposition under low oxygen conditions (see Sect. 7.6.3). This will give
us an appreciation for the type of environment that might have prevailed in the
middle Cretaceous, or during parts of it. (2) Consider the physical principles of
oxygenation in a warm ocean. (3) Analyze the material to determine its origin (how
much is washed in from land?). (4) Note the stratigraphic details associated with
wide-spread, well-defined anoxic events, to obtain clues about possible specific
causes for specific events. We next take up these points in sequence.
9.8.2 Modern Analogs. There are two situtions where sediments with high organic
content are being deposited today: the partially restricted basins with estuarine circulation, and the open ocean continental slope, where it is intersected by a strong
oxygen minimum (Fig. 9.20). The Baltic and the Black Sea are examples for the first,
the Gulf of California and the Indian continental slope of the Arabian Sea for the
second. Common to both is a high supply of organic matter relative to the oxygen
0 246 8
("' 00)
024 6
Oatt! orow"
Fig. 9.20. Modern analogs of black shale deposition. a Black Sea, with strong salinity stratification
preventing vertical overturn and hence blocking supply of oxygen to the deep layers. b Intersection
of an oxygen minimum layer with a continental margin, in the northern Indian Ocean. The minimum
layer is a worldwide phenomenon; it is reinforced in areas of high production. [I. Thiede, Tj. H. van
Andel, 1977, Earth Planet Sci. Lett. 33: 301]
supply from the deep water which bathes the sea floor onto which the organic matter
falls. To expand the likelihood of obtaining "black" deposits, then, we can increase
productivity, or decrease the oxygen supply, or do both.
Which of these conditions applies to the mid-Cretaceous? There is no evidence for
high productivity in the mid-Cretaceous, either from sedimentation rates or from the
type of sediment delivered. In fact, productivity may well have been decreased compared to typical present values. Thus, it has to be a low supply of oxygen which is the
crucial factor.
9.8.3 Oxygen in a Warm Ocean. We can readily appreciate why the oxygen content
of deep waters was low: the temperature was relatively high. At present, the ocean
has a temperature of between 0 and 5 0c, except for a thin upper layer. Saturation
values for oxygen are near 7.5 mIll. Typical actual values in the deep ocean are
between 3 and 5 ml/l , that is, about 3.5 mill lower, because of oxygen consumption
through decay. For the Cretaceous ocean, isotopic measurements suggest deep water
temperatures close to 15 C. For water tempertures between 15 and 20C the oxygen
saturation is near 5.5 mIll, that is, 2 ml/l, that is, 2 ml/lless than for the present cold
deep water. We might expect, then, a typical value near 2 mill for the deep Cretaceous
ocean, after subtracing a loss to account for decay. Under these conditions, any
above-average loss of oxygen in an ocean basin with estuarine-type circulation (Fig.
7.12) would make the basin susceptible for developing regional oxygen deficiency.
Unusually high supply of terrigenous organic matter to such a basin could further
reduce the oxygen supply. This is a common factor today, along continental margins
(but is unimportant in the open ocean).
One scenario that also needs to be considered is the formation of heavy warm
saline water masses originating from high evaporation shelf seas. Pulsed input from
such sources to the deep ocean could conceivably produce stagnant bottom water
layers in somewhat restricted areas, as existed in the early Atlantic.
9.8.4 Milankovitch in the Cretaceous? Many pelagic sediments of Cretaceous age some now exposed in the mountains of Italy, others in the deep ocean - show distinct
cyclic deposition. Alternations of organic-rich and carbonate-rich facies are typical.
The detailed mathematical analysis of numerical sequences of such alternations (by
Fourier expansion) indicates that orbital cycles were important in producing them.
What might be the mechanism translating orbital information into sediment cycles,
during ice-free times? We do not know - presumably these mechanisms have to do
with fluctuations in productivity, perhaps linked to oxygen supply to the deep sea
(which releases nutrients) and to a changing rate of overturn, from fluctuations in
deep-water formation, and from a slight change in the latitude where deep waters
formed. It is unlikely that we shall know about these mechanisms soon - after all, we
do not yet understand the cycles of the Quaternary very well, even though they
govern the period we live in.
9.8.5 " Anoxic Events" and Volcanism. The widespread occurrence of Cretaceous
organic-rich sediments was referred to above as something that is not entirely unexpected, given the fact that deep waters were much warmer than today. However, the
question remains why such black deposits occur globally during well-defined time
intervals (leading S. O. Schlanger and H. C. Jenkyns to propose the term Oceanic
Anoxic Events . or OAE, in 1976). That there were such times when an unsual amount
of organic matter was deposited is strongly supported by the ol3 C stratigraphy in
& 13 C
11 5
Fig. 9.21. " Oceanic Anoxic Events" of Schlanger and Jenkyns , and the 1)"0 record of pelagic
marine limestones, showing coincidence of the "events" with positive 1)1 3C excursions (generated
through the lock-up of 12c-rich carbon). Width of black band reflects uncertainty in the value of
ol3e. Lower part: Cretaceous stages from Berrassian (right) to Maastrichtian (left). OAEs are
centred in the Aptian, Cenomanian/Turonian and Santonian/Campanian [M. A. Arthur, W. E. Dean ,
S. O. Schlanger, 1985 , AGU Geophys Monogr 32: 504; modifi ed]
20 30 40 50
60 70 80
Fig. 9.22. Correlation of the rate of production of ocean crust with sea level and temperature
changes, black shale and oil formation, and the abundance of magnetic reversals: basis of the
superplume hypothesis of black shale formation. [R. L. Larson, 1991, Geology 19: 963, courtesy of
the author]
Plateau east of New Guinea, which is some 40 km thick and has the size of Texas. A
"superplume" event may be responsible for its origin. According to recent theories,
the basalt forming the plateau derived from a great hot blob of magma that rose from
the core-mantle boundary during the early Cretaceous, and arrived at the surface
some time in the Aptian. The release of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere (and
possibly other disturbances related to hydrothermal reactions and heat input) may be
ultimately responsible for anaerobism in the deep sea. The coincidence of major
volcanism, anaerobism (and petroleum formation), and sea level rise certainly is
striking (Fig. 9.22). In addition, as R. L. Larson points out, the frequency of magnetic
reversals is affected: delivery of a plume of magma extracts energy from the coremantle boundary, which halts the processes responsible for reversals.
The last illustration in this chapter emphasis the complexitiy of factors that are
important in ocean history and paleoceanography. Especially the influence of mantle
processes on climate evolution are being hotly discussed in the geologic community.
Is the formation of black shales and related petroleum source rocks really determined
by volcanism? At this time we cannot say. In the next chapter we address the more
descriptive aspects of resources from the ocean floor, including hydrocarbons.
Further Reading
CLIMAP Project Members (1981) Seasonal reconstruction of the Earth's surface at the last glacial
maximum. Geol Soc Am Map Chart Ser MC-36, Boulder, Colo
Warme JE, Douglas RG, Winterer EL (eds) (1981) The Deep Sea Drilling Project: a decade of
progress. SEPM Spec Publ 32, Soc Econ Paleontol Mineral, Tulsa, Okla
Berger A, Imbrie J, Hays J, Kukla G, Saltzman B (eds) (1984) Milankovitch and climate, 2 vols.
Reidel, Dordrecht
Kennett JP (ed) (1985) The Miocene Ocean: paleoceanography and biogeography. Geol Soc Am
Mem 163, Boulder, Colo
Sundquist ET, Broecker WS (eds) (1985) The carbon cycle and atmospheric C02: natural variations
Archean to present. Geophys Monogr 32, Am Geophys Union, Washington DC
Crude oil
(metric tons of
oil equivalent)
Natural gas
(metric tons of
oil equivalent)
Shell carbonates
Mineral placers
Massive sulfides
10 900
Very large
Very large
> 660000
> 60000
181 860
> 61430
comparison to
world resources
Mn 706-2600
Cu 29-108
Sea-bed share
of world revenues
Nodules and
(106 metric
Table 10.1 Sea-bed Resources (After I.M. Broadus, 1987, Science 235: 853, simplified]
~ ~ ~
~------~l ~J U ~
:r 2
Fig. 10.1. Origin of petroleum. After burial of Ihe organic-rich sedimenl containing the source
material (black). carbon compounds (chains and rings) are produced. In the zone above I km depth
the numbers of C-atoms tend 10 be large within the organic mol ecules. In the oil zone. compounds
with fewer C-atoms (and more H-atoms) are produced by a cracking process. due to elevated heat
and press ure. Under a large overburden, gas is produced (CH.J = methane). [B. P. Tissot,
D. H. Welte, 1978, Petroleum formation and occurrence. Springer, He ide lberg]
of course, very schematic. Long reaction times may compensate for low temperatures. Also, high temperatures may convert organic matter into petroleum very
rapidly, even with only a modest sediment cover. This is demonstrated in the
Guayamas Basin in the southern Gulf of California, where hydrothermal activity
produced oil from sediments less than 5000 years old. If temperatures become too
high, oil is cracked to natural gas (Fig. 10.1). (2) Petroleum must migrate from
organic-rich source-rock sediments to porous and permeable reservoir rocks such as
sandstones or vuggy limestones in response to compaction pressure and gravity (oil
is lighter than interstitial waters) (Fig. 10.2). (3) Reservoirs must be big enough to be
of interest, and they must trap petroleum with impermeable cover rocks such as thick
shales or evaporites. Otherwise, the more volatile hydrocarbons escape to the surface.
Examples of lost petroleum are the pitch lakes in Trinidad and Iraq, where oil has
leaked through the surface, and the more volatile parts have evaporated into the
atmosphere. The La Brea tar pits in Los Angeles are a familiar illustration of the
process. About 200 natural marine oil seeps are reported worldwide. Petroleum seepage into the marine environment has been estimated as 0.6 million tons per year (a
little less than the amount of oil estimated to be spilled at sea). (4) These several
petroleum-forming processes must take place within the correct time frame: each
process needs to complete its tum in the proper sequence: When everything looks just
right, the drill hole may yet be "dry", because the timing in the interplay of the natural
processes was wrong.
10.2.3 Where Offshore Oil is Found. The classic area of offshore oil fields is the
Gulf of Mexico. The conditions of entrapment are much like those onshore. Marine
sediments overlie salt, which is gravitationally unstable, being less dense than the
overburden. It pushes up in plumes, making the so-called salt domes. The uptumed
sedimentary strata butting against the salt provide traps for petroleum (Figs. 10.2 and
t ttl
Fig. 10.2 a, b. Prerequisites for petroleum accumulation. a Basic ingredients of a petroleum reservoir system, showing migration from source beds (shales rich in organic matter) into reservoir
(porous rock . e. g .. vuggy reef limestone or sandstone). b Salt dome tectonics as an example for
trapping conditions.
- - - -- 5",11 - - - - -+O- - SIoPf
R,~ - -.....~I--Ab"Jal
PIo;,, -
not to ,col,
D ..d
Fig. 10.3 a, b. Salt plumes in the Gulf of Mexico. a Schematic profile of Pliocene-Pleistocene
sediment wedge intruded by early Mesozoic salt deposits . Intrusion of salt in the Sigsbee Abyssal
Plain produced the Challenger Knoll. (CK). [CO 1. Stuart, C. A. Caughey, 1977. Am. Assoc. Pet.
Geol. Mem. 26: 249: modified]. b Seismic profiler record from Sigsbee Knolls region. Challenger
Knoll was drilled in Hole 2 of Leg I of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, establishing its nature as a
salt dome feature. Time scale is two-way refl ection time (sea floor = 4.5 s Q 3400 mi. [1. L. Worzel ,
C. A. Burk, 1979. Am. Assoc. Pet. Geol. Mem. 29: 403]
Another area from which offshore oil has been produced for a long time is the
Continental Borderland off Southern California. There, oil originates from Miocene
organic-rich marine strata originally formed under conditions of upwelling and
oxygen deficiency. The oil is trapped in sandy layers abutting faults, hence there is
considerably natural seepage into the ocean, as at Coal Oil Point near Santa Barbara
and at the shores of Santa Monica Bay.
The newest highly promising areas for offshore petroleum are on the Arctic shore
of Alaska, where large-scale onshore recovery is already proceeding (Prudhoe Bay) .
The drawback to offshore exploitation here is that climatic conditions are highly
................... .
Up, Cl'lioceou.
Low. CrllOClOlll
~ Jurouic
Fig. 10.4 A- C. SlruclUral cross-sections across Auk-Ekofisk and Forties-Maureen fields. North Sea
vertical exaggeration 6.7x. Insert Map with national shelf boundaries. [P A. Ziegler, 1977 , Geo.
Journal I: 7]
In recent years, large reserves of oil and gas were discovered in the thick sedimentary deposits of the North Sea. Its central part is a rift system now inactive. Rifting
began during earliest Triassic, peaked in late J urassic/earliest Cretaceous, and terminated during Paleocene, i. e., after some 160 million years. High rates of subsidence
and sedimentation rates favored oil formation. The North Sea is the most important
hydrocarbon province of Western Europe (Fig. 10.4). Recoverable petroleum reserves
are estimated at more than 2 billion tons (United Kingdom 0.6, Norway 1.5 and
Denmark 0.1 [1989]) - just about two thirds of one year 's present world consumption. Natural gas reserves are about 4000 billion cubic meters. In 1989, production of
oil was some 175 million tons (92 from United Kingdom and 75 from Norwegian
waters) and 150 billion cubic meters of natural gas (45 United Kingdom, 31 Norway,
72 Netherlands, including mainland).
Exploration in the North Sea started in the early 1960s. In 1969 the Ekofisk Field
was discovered. Offshore production began in 1967 for gas and in 1971 for oil. The
technical difficulties in recovering hydrocarbons in this "fiercest of all seas" are
enormous. Blinding fog, swift and drastic changes in weather, wind speeds of more
than 160 km per hour, and waves frequently 30 m high, are dangerous even for the
huge platforms. In March 1980 in the Ekofisk field, the Norwegian platform Alexander L. Kielland collapsed in stormy weather, a catastrophe leaving over a hundred
people dead. Subsidence of the sea floor due to extraction of oil from overpressured
chalks in this field made it necessary to elongate the legs of several platforms by
several meters - a major engineering endeavor in the midst of the North Sea.
In the south of the hydrocarbon-rich region, a broad belt of gas fields stretches
east-west from Germany to southern England (Fig. lOA). Gas migrated from Carboniferous coal measures to porous Lower Permian sandstones and is sealed by overlying Zechstein (upper Permian) evaporites. Oil fields, however, are concentrated
around the north-south rift in the northern North Sea mentioned above, which originated in the first stages of opening of the northern North Atlantic. The major faults
bordering the rift lie on either side of the political median line between ther United
Kingdom and Norway. In the south the oil occurs in Cretaceous chalk reservoirs, next
to salt domes. Some fields are developed on Jurassic sandstones on the crests of
horsts and tilted blocks. The Forties and other fields get oil from basal Tertiary sands.
10.2.4 Present Oil Exploration. As already mentioned, one of the prerequisites of
petroleum formation and migration is an elevated temperature. A cover of roughly I
to 2 km of sediment is required with some possible exceptions in areas with high heat
flow or in sediments where large time spans for conversion are available. Most of the
ocean bottom, roughly 80 or even 90 %, offers no chances for exploration because it
Fig. 10.5. Regions where Cenozoic sediments are well over I km thick. Only areas where source
beds are deeply buried will produce petroleum (see Fig. 10.1). IW. H. Berger, 1974, in e. A. Burk ,
e. L. Drake , eds. 1974, The geology of continental margins. Springer, Heidelberg]
is too young and the sediment carpet is too thin (Fig. 10.5). The most promising
prospects for petroleum concentrations are continental shelves and slopes, and small
ocean basins with thick sediments produced by high accumulation rates and which
are rich in organic matter (e. g., the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean, the Mediterranean including the Black Sea, the Bering Sea, Okhotsk, Japan, South China Seas,
and the Indonesian Archipelago). The enormous sediment wedges of the continental
rises bordering the large ocean basins, although rich in organic matter in places, may
or may not contain suitable reservoir rocks; this question is being explored.
The shelf off the US East Coast has become the site of intensive exploration, and
leases have been granted in places, after much opposition from citizen's groups
concerned about the possibility of oil pollution. As shown by occurrences off California (Santa Barbara oil spill, 1969), in the North Sea (Ekofisk oil spill 1977), or in the
Gulf of Mexico (lxtoc-I oil spill 1979), such concern is not without basis. The
problem is a political one of profit and risk distribution; effects of spills on the ocean
as a whole cannot be shown to be damaging (but neither is it known whether spills
are innocuous). Regional damage, of course, can be extensive.
Some years ago, off the US East Coast, the Baltimore Canyon Trough area (Fig.
10.6) was regarded as the best prospect of the outer continental shelf, because of a
sediment thickness of more than 10 km and favorable structural and other conditions.
However, extensive drilling did not result in the discovery of oil fields .
In addition to the shelves, the upper continental slopes are interesting areas for
petroleum exploration. Their sediments were formed in the realm of fertile coastal
waters (including deltaic conditions). Hence, carbon content of the sediments is high
(Fig. 6.4). Also, an oxygen minimum develops in many areas on the upper slope (see
Fig. 10.6. Schematic section through the Baltimore Canyon Through off New Jersey. Based on
seismic profiles by the US Geological Survey. In the center the "Great Stone Dome", probably an
area of volcanic sills and dykes , intruding the sedimentary sequence. The oceanic/continental crust
boundary is highly speculative. [L. R. Jansa and J. Wiedmann. In: von Rad et aI. , 1982, Geology of
the Northwest African Continental margin: 225, Springer, Heidelberg, modified]
Fig. 9.20), and favors burial of organic matter. We have briefly mentioned the Mesozoic structures identified as salt domes in the eastern South Atlantic, off Africa
(Sect. 2.3, Fig. 2.4) where organic-rich Cretaceous sediments were found by deep
drilling. Clearly, from the Gulf of Mexico experience, petroleum may be expected in
such a situation.
Regardless of the promise of certain continental slope regions, activity on the
shelves, even in regions with heavy seas or in polar areas, is going to dominate
petroleum recovery from the sea floor in the foreseeable future. Expenses of drilling
increase rapidly beyond the shelf break because platforms either have to have extremely long legs, or they have to be positioned dynamically, that is, by constant
calculated application of power to several thrusters. Also, safety problems rapidly
increase with depth. Beyond the continental slopes, in the deep sea proper, where
sedimentation rates are low, the chances of finding oil rapidly diminish anyhow. This
may be one reason that the Exclusive Economic Zone extends "only" to 200 nautical
miles (371 km) offshore.
Fig. 10.7. Phosphorites. Circles Shelf phosphorites; I Holocene; 2 late Tertiary; 3 early Tertiary;
4 Cretaceous; triangles sea mount phosphorites; 5 late Tertiary; 6 early Tertiary; 7 Cretaceous.
[G . N. Baturin, P. L. Bezrukov, 1979, Mar. Geol. 31: 317). Continental phosphate deposits: A Precambrium ; B Paleozoic ; C Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous; D Senon to Eocene; E Miocene to Pleistocene. lM. Siansky, 1980. Mem. BRGM, France, 114)
much phosphate is released to the interstitial water (and also to seawater). Thus,
interstitial waters right below the sea floor may become saturated with the phosphate
mineral apatite. Precipitation of apatite, replacement of pre-existing carbonate minerals, and impregnation of sediment can then proceed. Off Peru, nodules with
diameters of several centimeters grow within soft sediments with a rate of some
mm/lOOO years, indicating diffusive upward flux of dissolved phosphorus. The resulting phosphatic concretions are resistant to transport by currents; they can be
mechanically exhumed and concentrated during periods of sediment reworking. Indeed, concretions are commonly associated within the sediment with hiatuses or other
discontinuity surfaces with drastically reduced net deposition rates.
Phosphorites are largely used for fertilizers, but also as a source of phosphorus in
the chemical industry. Marine phosphorites are enriched in some trace elements compared with marine shales (Ag 20x, U 30x, Cd SOx). Offshore phosphorites typically
contain less than 25 % P20S.
Weatheting processes on land concentrate P20S up to 30 to 40 %. Such residual
phosphorites are mined, for example, in Florida and Morocco (Fig. 10.7) Concentrations within marine P-rich deposits as reported from off California, western South
America, South Africa, or on the Chatham Rise (Fig. A6.1), east of New Zealand, are
up to 80 kg/m 2 phosphorites with up to 2S % P20S. They occur over large areas and
in water depths of less than 400 m. Exploitation will depend on the prices charged by
producers on land and on the domestic demand and supply situation. In any case, the
consumption of phosphorites from land increased from 3.5 million t P in 1900 to 140
million tin 1971 and presumably will continue to increase in the future.
10.3.2 Shell Deposits. Calcareous shell deposits were or are dredged in places as raw
material for calcium carbonate, and also for building roads. For example, oyster
shells have been mined in San Francisco Bay for use in making cement, and in
Galveston Bay in the Gulf of Mexico for calcination and reacton with seawater, to
extract magnesium. Dredging of shells hinders the growth of benthic organisms and
adversely affects the productivity of the sea bed. Conflicts commonly arise where
dredging and fishing activites overlap.
With the advent of worldwide souvenir markets and of face-mask diving, the
collecting of shells and corals has become an important source of income for islanders of the Pacific and other coastal peoples. Not surprisingly, attractive and rare
species suffer considerable depredation from such collecting.
10.3.3 Placer Deposits. Concentrations of heavy minerals and ore particles on
beaches and in estuaries are locally mined for metals such as titanium, gold, platinum, thorium, zirconium, and valuable minerals such as diamond. Seventy percent of
the world production of zirconium is being extracted from placer deposits off East
Australia. Diamonds are found in beach deposits of Southwest Africa, as well as
offshore. Magnetite is being mined from beach placers in certain areas in Japan and
New Zealand. In the USA, gold has been mined from beach deposits near Nome,
Alaska; thousands of tons of ilmenite (FeTi03) were extracted at one time from
free settling
Quartz Magnetite
p=26 p= 5,2
- :-
Fig. 10.8 A- D. Origin of heavy mineral
placers, schematic. A Suspended sediment particles are washed onshore, settle
to the floor, large and heavy ones (shown
solid) first. 8 Re sulting grain association
shows enrichment of large and heav y particles on the beach face. C Backwash
rolls away large particles (greater velocity away from sediment interface, V, to
the right). D Result ing association consists of medium-size, well-sorted heavy
minerals. [E. Seibold, 1970, Chern. Ing .
Tech. 42: A 2081]
film- sizing
Redondo Beach, California; beaches in western Oregon yield chromite and other
heavy minerals as well as gold and platinum; titanium minerals are taken from beach
sands along the eastern Florida coast.
How do placers originate? The process of concentrating heavy particles on the
beach has much in common with panning for gold - water motion works on the
different settling velocities of the particles and on their different sizes, to separate
heavy from light, large from small.
Terrigenous beach sands commonly consist of more than 95 % quartz, tropical
ones of calcareous grains. Volcanic rocks and other igneous sources supply minerals
which are considerably heavier than quartz or calcite (density of 2.65 and 2.70).
These minerals have densities of greater than 2.85 g/cm3. The "heavy minerals" are
ubiquitous, usually making up a few percent of the sand. The back-and-forth movement of the waves washing over the beach face can concentrate them greatly (Figs.
10.8 and 10.9). Under the microscope, one recognizes minerals such as ilmenite
(iron-titaniumoxide), rutile (titaniumoxide), zircon (zirconiumsilicate), and monazite
(phosphate, containing cerium and thorium).
Thick placers of heavy particles form only in the beach zone. Offshore placers,
therefore, were formed when the sea level stood lower. The gold deposits off Nome,
Alaska, are a case in point. Glaciers of the last ice age brought gold-containing debris
from the hinterland and dropped it on the shelf. This morainal material was then
worked up by the surf, as the sea level rose.
River deposits may contain heavy mineral concentrations, too, such as cassiterite
(Sn02) in Thailand, Malaysia, or Indonesia. In these areas, former river beds on the
shelf, which are now in down to about 100 m water depth, are of potential economic
interest and have been exploited offshore in shallower water for nearly a century. At
present, the offshore revenue reaches some 14 % of that of worldwide tin exploitation
on land.
10.3.4 Sand and Gravel. Considerable amounts of sand are taken locally for building
roads and houses, as well as for coastal protection (dams) and for fill. However, the
main use of beach sand is for building sand castles and for plain enjoyment. Recreation is one of the most important uses of beaches - by far exceeding mineral
extraction in business value. Beaches are commonly eroded by winter storms (Sect.
4.2.2); in some areas sand is brought in from offshore to replace the eroded material,
usually at considerable expense.
Gravel only rarely reaches the sea, unless high mountains are near, or unless
glaciers bring morainal debris. Such debris, when washed by waves or rivers on the
bare ice age shelves can then yield gravel. In the Baltic and in the North Sea, for
example, gravel is mined for a filler for concrete.
In summary, the economic importance of raw materials from shelves is very
modest: they contribute less than 1 % of the more conventional onshore production,
with the exception of tin (not to mention sunken treasures from antiquity, and from
Spanish pirates, licensed and otherwise). For economic impact of marine resources
on a global scale, one must look to hydrocarbons, fisheries, recreation, and waste
Fig. 10.9. Beach placers. The beach south of Quilon (SW India) has a heavy mineral deposit on the
top part (where the boat rests). During SW monsoon, high waves sort the sand as shown in Fig.
10.8., and produce layers of "black sand" (inset). The inset profile is 20 cm high. [Photo E. S.]
Fig. 10.10 a, b. Manganese nodules . a View (- 10 m 2) of nodule-covered deep sea fioor, central
trropical Pacific (Photo Metallgesellschaft Frankfurt). b Manganese nodules recovered on Challenger stations in the Central Pacific . a Nodule with upper smooth and lower uneve n surface (Station
274 5000 m); h Sliced section (parallel to the sea bottom) showing internal layering and nuclei
(Station 254, 5700 m). [1. MUITay, A. F. Renard , 1891. Report on deep-sea deposits. H. M. S.
Chall enger. 1873-1876. Reprinted 1965 by Johnson Reprint. London]
about the potential competition Many of them belong to the developing countries.
The resulting concept of the deposits as a "common heritage of mankind" has slowed
development of the resource, since venture capital is hesitant to take the risk both of
failure and of an unknown degree of taxation in case of success. Eventually, however,
the resource will probably be exploited. Mn, Co, Cu, and Ni are so-called strategic
minerals. For example, Co is used for dense and strong alloys in jet engine parts.
Because cobalt production is concentrated in a few African countries, the hostilities
between Angola and Zaire caused an increase in Co prices from US $ 3-6 per pound
during 1960--1977 to more than $ 22 in 1979. Cu, Mn, and Ni prices remained stable
- an illustration of difficulties in attempting to make economic forecasts in the mining industry.
10.4.2 Nature of Manganese Deposits. What are the ferro-manganese deposits like?
Where do they occur? How much of the valuable trace metals do they contain? How
did they originate?
The appearance of the manganese deposits varies. Nodules come in sizes of 1 to
10 cm and look much like small potatoes except for being black. The surface can be
smooth or rough. Not all deposits are nodules: some are crusts several centimeters
thick, others are pavements covering the sea floor in areas of active currents. The
nodules are rather porous. They are easily crushed, which should facilitate on-board
processing and chemical extraction of metals when the time comes. On cutting the
nodules, one notes a concentric structure. In the center there is commonly a core of
altered volcanic material. Fragments of older nodules, bones, or shark teeth can also
serve as core. From the age of such cores it is quite obvious that the deep-sea nodules
must grow very slowly, a few millimeters per million years, at most (Fig. 10.10 Bb).
The manganese nodules occur in areas of low sedimentation rate: because of their
slow growth they would soon be covered up in regions of high sediment supply (Fig.
Calcareous ooze accumulates at about 10 m per million years, 1000 to 10 OOOx
faster than nodules; hence no nodules develop (excepting "micronodules" and
encrustations on shells of foraminifera in many areas). Ferromanganese is deposited
here also, but is greatly diluted with carbonate. Brown pelagic clay (Red Clay)
accumulates at less than 1 m, up to about 2.5 m, per million years, the higher values
applying in the Atlantic Ocean. Surprisingly, nodules have time to grow at the surface
under these conditions. Apparently they are moved about sufficiently, through the
activity of benthic organisms, to stay onm top of the clay. In fact, such movement
may be necessary to keep them round rather than mushroom-shaped, and to prevent
them from coalescing into a pavement. If we could mount a time-lapse camera on the
sea floor, taking a picture every 100 years for 10 000 or 100 000 years, what a
spectacle of dancing nodules we might see!
In places, bottom currents prevent clay deposition or even cause erosion over large
areas. Indeed, in sediment cores nodules can be seen to be concentrated at horizons
of Tertiary hiatuses.
The distribution of nodules is patchy (Fig. 10.10 A). For example, in the eastern
central Pacific, records were taken with bottom-near television cameras, for hundreds
Fig. 10.11. Areas from which ferromanganese concretions have been reported. The richest areas are
in the north-equatorial Pacific . [w. H. Berger, 1974, in C. A. Burk, C. L. Drake reds], 1974. The
geology of continental margins. Springer, Heidelberg; mainly after D. R. Horn led] 1972, Ferromanganese deposits on the ocean floor. Harriman, New York]
of kilometers. For 5 % of the records the sea floor was covered to more than 50 % by
nodules , that is, up to 25 kg of ore per square meter. Conversely, 5 % of the records
showed sea floor free of nodules. Elsewhere the cover varied, sometimes considerably, even over distances of only 50 m. The reasons for patchiness are not clear; in
part it may be due to alternating burial and uncovering of nodules below slowly
moving clay carpets, somewhat akin to dune migration.
10.4.3 Origin of Manganese Nodules. Questions about the origin of ferromangese
concretions commonly address themselves to the following aspects of ferromangese
distributions. (J) The ultimate source; for example, weathering of continental or
oceanic rocks or sediments or exhalations from volcanic or hydrothermal vents. (2)
The immediate source, that is, the surrounding seawater or the mobilization of ferromanganese and other metals (by reduction) within sediments and diffusion to the
interface. (3) The mode of transport into or within the ocean, that is, whether delivery
is as solute, mineral, or coating on mineral.
The first of these problems, that of ultimate sources, was the one originally raised
by Murray and Renard (1891) and it has dominated much of the subsequent research.
With the discovery of widespread hydrothermal activity, the idea of a "volcanic"
origin of the nodules has gained in acceptance. It is now believed that both hydrothermal release of metals and terrigenous input are important sources.
Ferromanganese crusts derive most of their metal content from dissolved and
particulate matter (able to scavenge metal ions) in ambient bottom water. Nodules
lying on sediments also grow by input from below, i. e ., from metal ions released by
mobilization in interstitial waters. This is illustrated by uneven lower nodule surfaces
(Fig. 10.10 Ba). High organic matter contents in the sediment promote this mobilization and may also promote bioturbation, thus preventing burial of the nodules.
After F. T. Manheim and C. M. Lane-Bostwick, 1989, Nature, 335: 59, c) After S. D. Scott,
Indian O.
Manganese b )
Manganese nodules a)
Table 10.2. Metal contents of manganese nodules, crusts, and hot vent sulfides.
In the various discussions about the origin of ferromanganese, the trace element
content, as well as the iron-to-manganese ratio play an important role. Typical values
for Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Ocean are given in Table 10.2. Note that the Mn/Fe
ratio is greater in the Pacific than in the Atlantic. Also, the content of trace elements
in Pacific nodules, on average, is about twice that of Atlantic ones.
What factors control the Mn/Fe ratio? Which control the trace element content?
The Mn/Fe ratio, on the whole, increases with the degree of oxidation and with
depth - the more "deep-sea" character the nodules have, the more manganese they
contain. Shallow water ferromanganese concretions (e. g., on continental slopes) are
generally iron-rich. In the economically interesting manganese zone north of the
central equatorial Pacific, Mn/Fe ratios are as high as ten. High manganese content
appears to be favored by both high biogenous sediment supply and low rates of
accumulation. Under these conditions, presumably, the carrier material dissolves but
leaves its content of trace elements. Also, in the "manganese zone" in the Pacific, the
underlying sea floor consists of dissolving biogenous sediment rich in trace metals.
The sediment was originally formed underneath the Equator, then moved northward
and downward due to plate motion. this motion brought the calcareous sediment from
a zone of accumulation into a zone of dissolution. Thus, one way to concentrate
manganese and trace elements is to have organisms precipitate the metals (which they
do very efficiently), bring them to the sea floor in shells and fecal matter, and
dissolve or oxidize these carriers to obtain a more nearly pure concentrate.
Other mechanisms for concentrating the metals also must exist. For example, the
element cobalt tends to be high (> 1 %) within ferromanganese accumulating on
seamounts under highly oxidizing conditions. Here the manganese precipitates extremely slowly out of seawater (- 1 mm/million years), at the same time scavenging
(co-precipitating catalytically) the chemically similar cobalt. Indeed, cobalt contents
of crusts near hydrothermal vents are two orders of magnitude lower, because they
are diluted by high Mn and Fe precipitation, as indicated by growth rates of more
than 1000 mm/million years.
10.4.4 Ores from Spreading Axes. For some of the ferromanganese deposits on the
deep-sea floor, the origin is hardly in doubt: those on the crest of active spreading
ridges. Here, seawater circulates through cracks in the newly formed crust, reacting
with the hot basalt (Fig. 10.12). Precipitation of sulfides (Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, etc.)
originating there may become economically important in the distant future. Up to
now some 100 localities were discovered, by far the most in the Pacific. There is a
great variability in metal contents (Table 10.2).
Seawater penetrates the hot basalt and reacts with it. It takes up Si02 and metals,
gives up Mg to alteration products (smectites and other clay minerals) and gains Ca.
Seawater sulfate is stripped of its oxygen by the reactions with reduced iron in the
basalt, and sulfides precipitate accordingly. The hydrothermally active zone above the
magma chambers feeding the central rift is 3-5 km thick, and temperatures within the
fluids issuing from the vents reach some 350C. The high temperatures, of course,
greatly accelerate all rates of reaction.
... COLD (2C)
... ALKALINE (pH - 7.8)
"'S04 (2678 ppm)
{e.g. <0.06 ppb Fe
<0.06 ppb Mn
0.65 ppb Zn
0.45 ppb Cu}
... Mg {1 272 ppm}
.,6, T
HOT (350 0 C)
ACID (pH-3.5)
H2 S (250 ppm)
(e.g. 80 ppm Fe
49 ppm Mn
6 ppm Zn
2ppm Cu)
Mg - FR EE (0 ppm)
Fig. 10.12. Hydrothennal circulation model for a sediment-starved spreading ridge.The more important factors for reactions between seawate r and hydrothennal fluid s are illustrated. In addition ,
precipitates near vents act as scav engers - as iron oxides do for vanadium. [Modified from
S. D. Scott, 1991 , In: K. J. HsU and J. Thiede, 1992]
On exiting, the hot acid waters (pH about 3) mix with the cold, slightly alkaline
seawater, so that a great number of minerals, largely sulfides, must precipitate. The
precipitates form crusts and spectacular chimneys several meters high (over 10m in
cases), with growth rates up to I m/year (Fig. 6.20). Mounds, miniature spires, and
various baroque edifices can be built. In places, anhydrite (CaS04) forms, due to high
concentrations of sulfate when the exiting H2S is re-oxidized. A chimney made of
anhydrite in the North Fiji basin (back-arc spreading) was baptized " La Dame Blanche", a reference to its ghost-like appearance (Fig. 10.13), and in contrast to the more
common "hlack smokers", made of metal sulfides and oxides. Amorphous silica can
also form chimneys. In a broad zone around the vents, iron and manganese oxides are
precipitated, as the reduced Fe 2+ and Mn 2+ meets normal seawater, oxidizes, and
forms hydroxides.
Fig. 10.13. "La Dame Blanche" , a chimney made of anhydrite at an active hydrothermal site with fluids of 285 C
and active animal colonies. North Fiji
Basin axis, 1900 m watrer depth. [J. M.
Auzende et aI. , 1989, C. R. Acad. Sci .
Paris, 309, II, 1787]
As the ores and other minerals precipitate within cracks in the basalt, they tend to
clog the hydrothermal system, eventually turning it off. Ores near the surface may be
brecciated by hydrofracturing and may be covered by new lava in several cycles.
Fossile massive sulfide ore deposits as in Southeast Japan (Kuroko) or Cyprus
(Troodos) permit the study of these complicated relationships on land.
Metalliferous hydrothermal systems were recently also discovered in back arc
basins: Manus basin north of Papua New Guinea, Lau basin west of the Tonga Plate
boundary (Fig. Appendix AS.l) and others with oceanic crust. Vents in the Okinawa
Through issue from continental crust.
Of course, hydrothermal processes are everywhere associated with volcanic activity - Santorini off Greece, Ebeko in the Kurile Islands, Loihi seamount off Hawaii
(the latest creation of the fire goddess Pele) are examples.
Hydrothermal activity is of fundamental importance for plate tectonics (heat budget of the lithosphere) and for geochemistry (origin of seawater, fractionation of
metals from basalts, sil ica cycle). The heat transfer by this process is of the order of
one fourth of the total global heat loss. Every 8 to IO million years the volume of the
entire ocean passes through hydrothermal systems - conditioning the seawater and
resetting its chemistry. Ultimately, this process also stabilizes the chemistry of the
atmosphere and climate. It should be kept in mind, that seawater/basalt interaction is
not restricted to volcanically active regions - the entire seafloor is young and cools
continuously, and can drive weak hydrothermal flow almost everywhere.
Economically, the Ridge Crest deposits and other deep-sea hydrothermal ores are
as yet not important, despite their presumed large volume throughout the oceanic
crust. So far, it is much easier to mine the ores on land, many of which (especially in
active margins) may owe their existence to preconcentration by deep-sea hydrothermal activity (Fig. 1.20).
10.4.5 Red Sea Ore Deposits. A rather specialized case of Ridge Crest accumulation
is represented by the heavy metal deposits in the Red Sea, which are of Considerable
economic interest. Promising metalliferous deposits occur in the Atlantis II-Deep,
named after the Woods Hole research vessel. The basin, which lies offshore of
Mecca, was found in 1963 by the British vessel Discoverer; Atlantis II of Woods
Hole explored it in 1964 and 1965; Meteor and other German research vessels were
there in 1965 and afterwards.
The Glomar Challenger paid a visit in 1972, drilling in this area.
What is it that attracts all this attention to the Red Sea?
In the central Red Sea - an active spreading center which opened only a few
million years ago - there are several enclosed basins, the "deeps". The Atlantis II
Deep is more than 2000 m deep, and only 6 by 15 km in area. The bottom is filled
with a hot salt brine with a temperature of about 60C and a salinity of 25 %, seven
times that of seawater. Iron is 8000 times more concentrated in the brine than in
seawater, zinc 500 times, copper 100 times. The sediment below the brine is incredibly colorful, brick-red layers altemating with ocher, white, black, greenish. A variety
of minerals provides the coloring; economically the most important are the sulfides in
the dark layers. Zinc contents of up to 10 %, copper contents of 3 % or even 7 %
were measured. Unfortunately, the minerals are extremely fine-grained, which will
make extraction difficult.
How did these deposits originate? Apparently, two kinds of processes are important. First, we have to apply the hydrothermal mechanisms summarized in Fig. 10.12.
Second, thick sedimentary deposits of Tertiary age are nearby, abutting the newly
forming sea floor. These contain several-hundred-meter-thick salt and gypsum layers.
Hot water circulating through such sediments can dissolve out metals and salt and
hence produce metalliferous brine issuing into the brine pools. The metals precipitate
upon cooling, and when oxygen is supplied, by mixing with normal seawater. However, such mixing is greatly obstructed by the high density of the brine, and can occur
only at the very tops of the brines. Thus, the metals are trapped in the brine.
Just how rich are the deposits? In the Atlantic II Deep alone there are supposedly
3.2 million tons of zinc, 0.8 million tons of copper, 80000 tons of lead, 4500 tons of
silver, and even 45 tons of gold. Whether the net worth of this ore is significant (after
accounting for recovery, processing, and transport) remains to be seen. However, as
far as deep sea metals, it is the most studied and most promising occurrence found so
Initial rifting of continental margins produced polymetal sulfides in other areas,
also. The Guayamas basin in the Southern Gulf of California is an example.
sewage sludge in moderately deep water as far as 185 km off the coast of New Jersey
from 1986 to 1992 at a rate of 8-9 million wet metric tons per annum affected the
benthic food web some 2500 m deeper. It had been hoped that dispersal and dilution
of sewage particulates in surface waters would prevent waste from entering the food
web at such depths.
Much greater problems arise in confined water bodies. In the Baltic Sea the influx
of sewage and agricultural fertilizer results in large-scale eutrophication, which leads
to a greatly increased oxy gen demand at the sea floor. A shortage of oxy gen , sporadically exacerbated by climatic conditions, can produce massive fish kills.
Where sewage contains dangerous bacteria and where solids settle out in bays
close to cities, one potential problem is the stirring up of such material by storms, and
the fouling of heavily used recreational areas. Seaside recreation is big business in
many coastal cities. Thus, the pressure for "clean" disposal becomes intense in situations where tourism is at stake. A prime example is the Mediterranean, where there
are as many tourists as inhabitants along the shores, and where up to 25 % of coastal
waters is now deemed unfit for swimming (depending on criteria used).
10.5.3 Oil Spills. Certain kinds of pollution and dumping events have high media
visibility. Among these are oil spills. Such reports greatly raise the awareness level of
the public, regarding the potential problems stemming from misuse of the ocean, and
from irresponsible behaviour. In most cases, however, even massive spills (Torrey
Canyon, 1967; Amoco Cadiz, 1978; Exxon Valdez, 1989) have had limited impact in
tenns of area and time period affected (although that is of little comfort to those
whose livelihood is at stake).
One possible exception with potentially long-lasting effects may be the deliberate
release of oil in the upper Persian Gulf, from wells in Kuwait, during the hostilities in
1991. More than half a million tons of crude oil entered Gulf waters from the Mina
AI-Ahmadi oil tenninal, polluting 770 km of Saudi coastline. Significant impacts
from direct oiling are reported for the intertidal habitats (mangroves, sandy and rocky
beaches, and mudflats). Long-tenn damage is expected especially for the upper tidal
10.5.4 Chronic Hydrocarbon Pollution. In constrast to catastrophic spills, the
steady leakage of hydrocarbons from shipping and other industrial activities (including oil change in automobiles) receives much less attention. In 1985 the annual
petroleum hydrocarbon input to the sea was estimated to reach about 3 million tons with 12.5 % of it from tanker accidents. Additional risks arise from the operation of
more than 600 offshore oil production platfonns globally.
10.5.5 Radioactive Pollution. The principal source of artificial radionuclides in the
marine environment used to be nuclear weapon-testing. This source produced a very
low-level contamination with no obvious ill effects. Scientists use this contamination
for tracing water masses (e. g., by noting the tritium content of deep waters), and for
dating purposes in skeletal parts (e. g., a l4 C spike in the 1960s, in coral and shell). A
relatively smaller source of such nuclides are fission products introduced from military and commercial reactors. Dumping of radioactive waste has been prohibited
among the signatories to the London Dumping Convention (1972) since 1983. However, it may be more widespread than realized, as has recently become obvious (e. g.,
weapons disposal by the fonner USSR in the Barents Sea). Disposal of radioactive
materials (albeit of low-level activity) is also known to have occurred several decades
ago off California and off the U. S. East coast. The impact, if any, is unkown.
The massive release of radioactive materials to the atmosphere at Chernobyl
(April 1986) provided a unique opportunity to study the pathways of a number of
dangerous radionuclides, within the marine environment. Results (from trapping and
coring in the Black Sea and elsewhere) suggest that many, perhaps most, of the
metals involved (e. g., 137Cs) are rapidly removed from surface waters and transported to the sea floor within biogenic debris. Similar results are known from studying the effluent from the Hanford reactor, in the Columbia river mouth.
Problems of an entirely different order are posed by high-level radioactive waste.
Given that large amounts of such waste exist on land now, and that these pose a
considerable hazard for present and future generations, the disposal of such materials
through burial in the sea floor is an option that has received some discussion and
lOs 01 m
DlIIu.ion through
1.000s 01 m
Fig. 10.15. lnvestigation of risks associated with sub- seabed di sposal of high-level nuclear waste.
The diagram shows hypothetical pathways of contaminants from postulated leaks from waste repositories. These pathway (and others) have to be assessed before subsea disposal can be considered
as low-risk option. Vitrification of canister packages, circulation driven by hi gh temperature s generated by radiation , diffusion throug h sediments or erosion by deep- sea storms, all these might provide
for escape into bottom waters and uptake by benthic organisms, resulting in physical or biological
transport to surfac e waters. [M . F. Kaplan et a\. , 1984, Sandia Natl. Lab. Rep!. Sand 83- 7106]
study. One type of proposal envisions canisters placed into deep-sea sediments (Fig.
Geologic questions which must be considered in connection with such contemplated emplacement are as follows : (I) how stable is the area in which disposal is to
take place (i. e., might the sediment be eroded before the radioactivity has died down
sufficiently?); (2) what type of circulation will develop around the containers (which
are hot) , and where would leaked materials end up? (i. e., would they be adsorbed on
sediment particles, or reach the sea floor?); (3) what kind of reactions might leaked
material undergo, and how would this influence mobility and bio-activity? of special
interest are possible pathways into the food web of marine organisms that might be
eaten by humans.
There is no evidence that deep-sea disposal by burial would be infeasible given
reliable containers and well-chosen areas . The main problems may not be geologic at
all: the issue is safety during transportation and emplacement. Also, there is the
ethical problem of the concept of producing highly dangerous substances only to
unload them in "no-man's land" at the risk of future generations.
Further Reading
Rona PA. Bostrom K. Laubier L. Smith KL (eds) (1983) Hydrothermal processes at sea floor
spreading centers. Plenum Press. New York
Tissot B. Welte DH (1984) Petroleum formation and occurrence. 2nd edn. Springer. Berlin New
Notholt AJG. Jarvis I (1990) Phosphorite research and development. Geol Soc Lond Spec Publ 22,
Cronan OS (1992) Marine mineral in exclusive economic zones. Chapman and Hall, London
Hsii KJ, Thiede J (eds) (1992) Use and misue of the seafloor. Dahlem Konferenzen. Wiley, New
We have attempted, in this brief survey of sea floor studies, to show where we have
been and where we are now. But where are we going? An answer can only be
tentative, of course. Just like other fields in the earth sciences, marine geology has
experienced an exponential expansion of knowledge in the last two decades. This
knowledge explosion is largely driven by technological developments: satellites, submarines, deep-sea drilling, all sorts of remote sensing devices, highly sophisticated
laboratory equipment, and electronic information handling. Also, large-scale integration of geology with physics, chemistry, and biology has continued at a rapid pace,
with new specialities arising from this cross-fertilization in quick succession, and
recombining across disciplines to attack common targets: messages from the mantle,
ridge-crest processes, fluid circulation in the margins, large-scale extinction, global
environmental change.
The safe prediction is to postulate a continuation of these trends resulting in
ever-greater specialization in technological skills, and in increased cooperation across
disciplines when focusing these skills on studying sea-floor processes and on reconstructing sea-floor history, as well as the history of ocean and climate.
What were the "hot" topics of research and discussion in the last decade? How do
they stack up against the topics of the two preceding decades?
Sea-floor studies of the 1960s were characterized by the overwhelming success of
geophysics: discovery of the grand motions of the continents and the sea floor by
continuous echo sounding (for bathymetry), by the mapping of earthquake foci and
heat flow, by seismic profiling, and especially by the mapping of paleomagnetism.
The 1970s saw a great expansion of geologic knowledge based on testing and
applying the new paradigm of plate tectonics, the crowning achievement of marine
geophysics. This expansion owed much to deep-sea drilling, which provided the
"ground truth" for sea-floor spreading, and made available an enormous amount of
rocks and sediments, the likes of which had not been seen before, or only in bits and
pieces. In rapid succession we gained an understanding of the main structural features
of the sea floor, of processes involved in creating and destroying sea floor, and of the
growth of continents through mountain-building in subduction zones. Geochemistry
took the lead in starting to unravel messages from the mantle, in the shape of isotopic
composition and rare earth content of volcanic products in different settings, from
basement rock to island arcs to mantle plumes. These messages, combined with
large-scale mapping of heat flow, magnetism, and gravity, and seismologic modeling,
are providing glimpses of the structure of the mantle, and the character of the convec-
tion processes responsible for sea-floor spreading and continental drift. Ridge-crest
processes took center stage as it became clear that the interaction between seawater
and basalt is a determinant factor in ocean chemistry. Deep-sea biology made headlines with the discovery of an entirely new kind of deep-sea community, the hot vent
assemblage on the East Pacific Rise. These communities represent a food web whose
base is chemosynthesis: the oxidation of sulfide issuing from the vents by archaic
bacteria specially adapted to high pressure and high temperature. The fact that sunlight is unnecessary to sustain primitive life forms has led to new speculations about
the conditions surrounding the origin of life. Was Earth's heat the energy source
nourishing the first living things?
Also in the 1970s, stratigraphy and its offspring paleoceanography received a
tremendous boost from deep-sea drilling. The main features of the Cretaceous and
Cenozoic history of the ocean were established, using biostratigraphy, magnetostratigraphy, and chemostratigraphy (mainly the isotopic ratios in the elements oxygen,
carbon, and strontium, as recorded in calcareous microfossils, and also the preservational state of the fossils, which records saturation and reactivity of deep waters). It
was found that the great evolutionalY breaks near the epoch boundaries were not an
artifact of poor preservation of the record, which is so common in the land sections.
Deep-sea sediments are made mainly of fossils, so neither was there any question of
missing the message due to lack of messengers. What emerged is that in the ocean
evolution proceeds mainly in distinct steps rather than gradually, and that major
discontinuities are tied to rapid climatic change.
Drilling in the margins discovered their architecture and established the course
and effects of continental break-up (in the Atlantic) and of continental accretion (in
the Pacific). Seismic stratigraphy, in conjunction with drilling results, greatly expanded our knowledge about margin structure and margin processes, and allowed the
(tentative) reconstruction of sea level variation on a global scale.
In the meantime, Quaternary research on the youngest deep-sea sediments established the cyclic nature of the record, and the dominance of astronomic forcing within
the background climatic fluctuations which characterize the "normal" situation between the climate steps.
The discoveries of the 1970s provided the base for the search for mechanisms in
the 1980s. The new catch phrases are "earth dynamics" and "global systems" and
they will continue to be most important. How does mantle convection control tectonic
or geochemical processes at the Earth's surface and how is it tied to the coevolution
of climate and life? How is the chemistry of the ocean and of the atmosphere determined, and what is the role of the circulation of seawater through the ocean crust and
through the ocean margins, and how is this circulation affecting crustal materials?
How do hot vents (on ridge crests) and cold seeps (along the margins) control the
abundance and diversity of chemosynthetic-based communities? How do ocean processes (productivity, sedimentation) codetermine climate? What exactly happened at
those times when extinction (or speciation) greatly accelerated in the ocean?
Significant contributions to these major topics came from all disciplines, but several major discoveries and developments set the tone. For the study of mantle
processes (degree of mixing, nature of layering), three-dimensional seismic tomo-
CO 2 , H2 0,ETC'
--=-t ~
Fig. E." Major components of the climate system and central role of the ocean as mediator between
the various elements. (W. H. Berger and L. A. Mayer, 1987, Paleoceanography 2: 613)
damentally new insights on how the face of the planet evolves, and the living things
on it.
During the 1990s and beyond, human interactions with the sea will increase,
leading to intensified investigation of human impacts. Mankind 's activities now have
reached truly global dimensions, outcompeting natural factors in many arenas of
geologic change. This trend began in the Neolithic age, with agriculture and deforestation gradually and regionally changing the rates of erosion and affecting soil
formation. It is now becoming a factor for profound and rapid alteration of the global
The knowledge gained in these various researches will help define our place in
nature, and will (in principle) allow us to use Earth 's resources more wisely. One area
where there is a pressing need for wisdom is in the disposal of waste, especially of
dangerous chemical and radioactive waste. Another is the assessment of hydrocarbon
resources. Yet another is the entire complex offorecasting, including earthquakes and
volcanism, and especially the effects of the large-scale climatic change which is
expected for the next centuries, as a result of human activities.
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Vogt PR, Tucholke BE (1986) The western North Atlantic region. The geology of North America,
vol M. Geol Soc America, Boulder
von Rad U, Hinz K, Samthein M, Seibold E (eds) (1982) Geology of the northwest African continental margin. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York
Vorren TO, Bergsager E, et al. (eds) (1992) Arctic geology and petroleum potential. Elsevier,
Walsh JJ (1988) On the nature of continental shelves. Academic Press, Orlando Fla
Watkins JS, Mountain GS (eds) (1990) Role of ODP drilling in the investigation of global change in
sea level. JOIjUSSAC Office, Washington DC
Watkins JS, Montadert L, Dickerson PW (eds) (1979) Geological and geophysical investigations of
continental margins. Am Assoc Petrol Geol Mem 29, Tulsa, Okla
Weaver CE (1989) Clays, muds, and shales. Elsevier, Amsterdam
Wiens HJ (1962) Atoll environment and ecology. Yale Univ Press, New Haven Conn
Winterer EL, Hussong DM, Decker RW (1989) The eastern Pacific Ocean and Hawaii. The geology
of North America, vol N. Geol Soc America, Boulder
Wolf KH, Chilingarian GV (eds) (1992) Diagenesis III. Elsevier, Amsterdam
Yarboro~gh H, Emery KO, Dickinson WR, Seely DR, Dow WG, Curray JR, Vail PR (1977) Geology of continental margins. AAPG Course Notes 5. Am Assoc Petrol Geol, Tulsa, Okla
Ziegler PA (1988) Evolution of the Arctic-North Atlantic and western Tethys. AAPG Mem 43. Am
Assoc Petrol Geol Tulsa, Okla
1 inch = 2.54 cm
1 ft = 0.305 m
1 mile (statue) = 1.609 km
1 mile (nautical) = 1.852 km
1 mrn = 1000 J.IIIl (micrometer,microns)
1 liter = 1000 milliliters = 0.264 US gallons
1 US gallon = 3.781 I
1 barrel (oil) = 42 gallons
A2 Topographic Statistics
Equatorial radius = 6378 km
Polar radius = 6356 km
Area = 510 x 106 km 2
Volume = 1.083 x 1012 km 3
Northern hemisphere: 61 % oceans
Southern hemisphere: 81 % oceans
Sea floor = 71 % of Earth's surface
Atlantic Ocean (inc!. Arctic and marginal seas)
Area = 107 million km 2
Volume = 351 million km 3
Indian Ocean
Area = 74 million km 2
volume = 285 million km 3
Pacific Ocean
Area = 181 million km 2
Volume = 714 million km 3
Total ocean
Area = 362 million km2
Volume = 1347 million km 3
Depths: for depths see Table 2.2
Source for A2, H. U. Sverdrup et al. (1942) the oceans, Prentice Hall, Engle wood Cliffs, New Jersey.
Shel ves: for shelf areas see Table 2.1
Holocene (= Recent)
(Age of Man)
(Age of Mammals)
(Oldest rocks)
Birth of Earth
Numbers indicate boundary ages in millions of years. Note that the age of fossils, the Phanerozoic
is only one eights of Earth's history. All other time belongs to the Precambrian. The deep-sea record
begins in the Jurassic (see Chap. 9). The Holocene is the youngest and the shortest epoch, it begins
with the disappearance of the large ice caps from Canada and Scandinavia, 10 000 years ago.
Sources for A3, Episodes, 1989, 12,2. International Union of Geological Sciences.
A4 Common Minerals
Silicate Minerals
Most abundant, crust-fonning minerals. Basic building blocks. Si04-letrahedra (see graph).
Quartz Si02. Framework structure: each tetrahedron shares all oxygens with other tetrahedra. Found
in granitic rocks and in sediments. Opal = disordered hydrated silica (Si02 . nH20)
Feldspars. Framework structure as in quartz. Replacement of Si by AI in some tetrahedra results in
negative charge which is balanced by cations. Found in virtually all rocks. Examples:
Na AI Si30S
Ca AIzSi20s
Microcline K Al Si30S
Micas. Sheet structure: each tetrahedron is tied to others by three oxygens. Sheets are bonded by
cations . Ubiquitous. Examples:
K Ah(AI Si3)Ot!XOH)2
K Mg3(AI Si3)O\ifOH)2 (also usually contains iron)
Clay minerals. Similar to mica, but deficient in cations. See Fig. 8.7 for clay mineral structure.
Abundant in sediments and in lowgrade metamorphic rocks. Produced during chemical weathering of rocks with feldspar and mica. Examples:
Montmorillonite (= smectite) (AI,Fe 3+,Mg)3 (OH)2[(Si,\I:IAI)40Io]Na' nH20
K,H30)AIz(H20, OH)2[AI Si301O]
Hornblende-type minerals. Double chain structure. Abundant in metarnorphick rocks, and in many
igenous rocks. Example:
Augite-type minerals. Single chain structure. Abundant in basalts. Example:
(Mg,Fe)Si 03
Olivine series. (Mg,Fe)Si 04 Isolated tetrahedra bonded via cations. Abundant in basalts.
Zeolites. Feldspar-like structure but with large interstices containing water. Common in volcanogenic sediments and in deep-sea clays. Examples:
(1/2Ca,Na,K)3[AbSisOI6] . 6H20
(CaNa2)[AIzSi?Ols] 6H20
A4 Common Minerals
Nonsilicate Minerals
Carbonates. Bulk of biogenous sediments. Examples:
Ca C03 shells and skeletons, see Table 3.3
Ca C03 ditto
Ca Mg (C03)2 diagenesis, see Chapter 3.
Evaporite minerals. Precipitated from seawater. Examples:
Ca S04
Ca S04 . 2H20
Na Cl
Mg S04 . 7H20
Mg Ch . 6H20
K Mg C13 . 6H20
Iron oxides and sulfides. Ubiquitous in igneous and sedimentary rocks. Examples:
Lepidocrocite y-FeOOH
FeOOH . nH20
FeS2. nH20
Heavy minerals (see Chap. 3.5.2)
Ca,Mg,Fe - silicate
Ca,Fe,Al - silicate
Mg,Ca,Fe,Al - silicates
K,Fe - mica
iron oxide
Ca,Fe,Na,K,Mg,Al - silicates
iron (hydr)oxide
iron sulfide
iron oxide
Mg,Fe,Ca - silicates
iron sulfide
Ca,Ti - silicate
Zr - silicate
Source for A4, any mineralogy textbook
0.004 (a)
Intrusive rocks
Extrusive rocks
(Coarse crystals)
Basalt b)
of Si02, increase
in Mg and Fe
a) Typical volcanic rock in island arcs and landward of trenches (Andes! ). Partial melting of downgoing oceanic crust appears to be an important process in generating andesite (see Fig. A6.1)
b)Typical basement rock for deep sea floor, that is, ocean crust below sediments.
I. Macquane Island
2. Chatham Island
3. Kermadec Islands
4. Tonga Islands
5. Samoa
6: Fiji Islands
7. Santa Cruz
8. Solomon Islands
9. Bismarck Islands
Mananas Islands
Bonin Islands
Kurile Islands
Aleutian Islands
Galapagos Islands
Fig. A6.1 Andesite line . The " andesite line" separates andesitic volcanoes from basaltic ones. The
recognition of this boundary predates plate tectonics by many decades (see Fig. 1.2). Graph from
Kuenen Ph H (1950) Marine Geology. John Wiley and Sons, New York
Chemical Rocks. Assemblages of minerals produced by precipitation from watery solution, either
by organisms or inorganically. Classification is by origin and composition.
Bedded limestone
Chert denotes a series of rocks ranging from silicified mudstones to very fine-grained quartz rock.
The origin of the silica (quartz) is biogenous opal (at least in Mesozoic and younger rocks).
A 7 Geochemical Statistics
Chemical Composition of Crust, Ocean, and Atmosphere
Cont. crust
Ocean crust
The crust is mainly made of alumuno-silicates, with the alkaline and earth-alkaline elements as
cations, and with iron inside and outside of the silicate minerals. Continental crust has a composition
resembling that of granodiorite, ocean crust that of basalt. Seawater is largely a solution of sodium
chloride. The atmosphere is a mixture of nitrogen and oxygen, both intimately tied to biological
Composition of Igneous and Sedimentary Rocks
(deep sea)
Red clay
(deep sea)
On the whole, igneous rocks and the sediments derived from them (mainly shales) have very similar
composition (columns 1 and 2). Note the depletion, in the sediments, of sodium (Na20) much of
which ends up in seawater. Note also the high C02 content in sediments (carbonates), the high
carbon content (coaly matter), and the sulfur (evaporites). The sea floor basalts differ from continental igneous rocks in the abundance and oxidation state of iron, in the calcium content, in magnesium,
and especially in potassium. Red clay has a composition much like sedimentary rock in general,
except for depletion in calcium carbonate (dissolution!), and enrichment in manganese. Also note
the differencein sulfur (no evaporites) and in carbon (high degree of oxidation). (Sources for A7:
Fairbridge R. W. ed. 1972 The encyclopedia of geochemistry and environmental sciences, Van
Nostrand Reinhold Co. New York; A. E. J. Engel and C. G. Engel, 1971 in A. Maxwell [ed] The Sea
vol. 4 pt. 1,465-519, John Wiley and Sons, New York
where NINo is the proportion of remaining atoms after time t, and 'A is the decay constant. Solving
the equation for NINo = 1/2 we obtain a value for t which is called the half-life
tl/2 =ln2/A. .
The decaying isotope is called parent and the resulting new isotope is called daughter. Geochronological dating is done by assessing the abundance of parent and/or daughter elements. When NINo
is known, and A., then t can be calculated.
Types of Radioactivity. Three kinds of radioactivity are useful in measuring time in the geologic
The first is primary radioactivity from radioisotopes with very long half-lives, which have been
around since the Earth was formed. These isotopes are ;B0tassium-40, rubidium-87, thorium-232,
uranium-235, and uranium-238 (4<X., 87Rb, 232yh, 235u, 80). The decay of 4<K. to 4Ar has been
used to date volcanic rocks (potassium-argon dates). Such dating delivered the time scale for
magnetic lineations on the sea floor (Chap. 1). The decay of 87Rb to 87Sr has been used to date
igneous rocks and meteorites, and to establish the timing of metamorphism (rubidium-strontium
method). The method is also used to study inhomogeneities in the upper mantleA~s reflected in
different 87Srltisr rations in oceanic basalts on the seafloor. 232rh decays to 2~Pb in a series
involving six alpha steps (each decreasing the atomic weight of the preceding parent by 4). 2~i also
is produced in this decay. The 232rh decay has been used to date the time of crystallization of certain
minerals. The two uranium decay series are especially important in dating Pleistocene deposits.
Another kind of radioactivity is called secondary; it consists in the alpha, beta, and gamma
emissions from the daughter elements along a decay series. The third kind of radioactivity is
cosmic-ray-induced. Certain radioisotopes are continually being produced by cosmic ray bombardment of the atmosphere and the ocean. Their abundance represents an equilibrium between new
production on Earth, and the decay by radioactivity. Examples are carbon-14, hydrogen-3 (= tritium), beryllium-7, beryllium-IO, and silicon-32.
A fourth kind of radioactivity - the man-made type - is useful for measuring the rate of rapid
geologic processes, such as water movements, dispersion of sediments, sediment mixing on the sea
floor, and growth rate of skeleton-producing organisms. The degree to which bomb-produced tritium
and carbon-14 are dispersed in the ocean, for example, contains clues about rates of deep water
formation and rates of carbon cycling. The depth to which plutonium penetrates sediment on the sea
floor tells something about the activity of benthic organisms. Some short-lived isotopes in the
natural uranium decay series also are used for the study of such processes.
Uranium Decay Series. There are two such series, one for 238u and one for 23\;, the heavier
uranium is the more abundant of the two isotopes (99.27 % versus 0.72 %). The two series proceed
by alpha and beta decay, as follows (half-life below each arrow):
) 234Th
~ ) 234Pa
) 214U
) 230Th
) 226Ra
4.49l0 9 yrs
7.510 4yrs
226Ra a,a,a,~,~,~ 210Pb f3,f3,a
22 yrs
1622 yrs
) 206Pb (stable)
22 yrs
) 227Th
IS.6 ds
) 223Ra
Fig. AS.I. Behavior of uranium series isotopes in the ocean. Uranium is much more soluble than
thorium and protactinium. These elements, therefore, precipitate when formed by decay of their
immediate parent. 23CTh and 231pa are the first long-lived isotopes in their respective series. Thus,
they have time to reach the sediment. (w. M. Sackett, 1964, Ann N Y Acad Sci 119: 340)
Carbon-14 Dating. Carbon-14 arises in the atmopshere from the interaction of nitrogen-14 (the
most abundant isotope in the air) with slow moving neutrons which owe their origin to cosmic ray
bombardment of the atmosphere. About 10 kg of carbon-14 is produced per year, in this fashion.
The half-life of 14C is 5700 years. Thus, the proportion of radiocarbon which disintegrates each year
(back to nitrogen-14) is one hundredth of 1.2 % of the total radiocarbon present. For steady state, the
amount formed equals the amount decaying, and the total mass of radiocarbon present, therefore,
should be near 80 000 kg . Each living organism (and each carbonate shell abuilding) has its share of
this radiocarbon within it. Bomb-produced 14C has considerably increased the total amount (and the
For dating purposes, the condition before the introduction of man-made radiocarbon is taken as
the normal state (A. D 1950). In reality there is not steady state, as was shown by tree-ring dating
for the last 8000 years. Radiocarbon dates may deviate from true ages by as much as 10 % in this
period (and for earlier periods as well; see Fig. 5.6).
The maximum range of the radiocarbon method in sediments is about 40000 years, which
corresponds to seven half-lives or 1/128 of the original activity. One measures the ratio between
radiocarbon and the total carbon present. The original ratio of radiocarbon to stable carbon (carbon12 and a minor amount of carbon-l3) is about one in 10 12 (one in one thousand billion) . The age is
100 000
400 000
300 000
230Th_ Hall- lives
~ 10 \
. ::~
' .
~ acllvlty
Hall-life of 230Th
! - t/2 -----1
lh oriQinol
, activity
I activity
" . . . . . . .L
1/32 or iginal
, activity
-- ---o-_L__ _
Oe pth in core I m I
Fig. AS.2. Thoriumdating of deep-sea core V 12-122 raised from the Caribbean deep sea floor
(\700 ' N, 7424' W, 2800 m, core length JO.95m). The part of thorium-230 activity which is
unsupported by uranium-234 decay in the sediment is plotted as disintegrations per minute, on a
carbonate-free basis. The dashed line and hollow circles show the decrease of activity expected if
the initial value is 10 dpm. and the rate of sedimentation is 2.4 cm/lOOO yrs, and assuming no
variation of the supply of 23~h through time. (Data from T. L. Ku and W. S. Broecker, 1966,
Science 15 I: 448)
( 14C/C )
( 14C/C)presenl
The initial ratio is assumed to be that of living matter in A. D. 1950. There also is a correction for
differential incorporation of 14C and 12C into various types of living and skeletal matter. This
correction is based on the measurement of 13C/12C ratios.
Either carbonate or organic carbon may be dated. In sediments, contamination from redeposition
can be a problem in fine-grained carbonate, as well as in organic carbon, especially near continents.
Also, the 14C content of organic carbon can change through exchange with the atmosphere, during
improper storage of sediment. Sediment mixing is an important problem in interpreting 14C dates of
marine deposits. This problem does not arise in the dating of single large shells, oc course.
The amount of carbon necessary for routine dating is 10 g of carbon (or 100 g of carbonate).
Refined methods can cope with amounts much smaller than this.
Table 9.1. Taxonomic classification: four examples. (1. L. Sumich, 1976, An introduction to the
biology of marine life. WC Brown Co., Dubuque, Iowa)
Blue whale
Purple sea
Giant kelp
The highest taxonomic category is the kingdom. Traditionally two kingdoms have been recognized, the "animals"
and the "plants", a division which goes back to the time of
the 18th century naturalist C. Linne. The biologist E.
Haeckel (in 1866) recognized the plVtists (unicellular organisms) as a separate kingdom, and H. F. Copeland (in
1938) elevated the monera (bacteria and blue-green algae)
to this rank. A five-kingdom system is now widely
adopted (R. H. Whittacker, 1966, Science 163: ISO). Such
a system is shown in the phylogenetic tree (Fig. A9.1)
which gives a summary of organism classification. "Archaeohacteria", many of them methanogenic, somewhere
between prokaryotes and eukaryotes, may constitute a separate sixth kingdom.
.. Animals "
,'/ Annelida
\ EchiUfida
Pagonophora ::
" Phoronida
\ Brachiopoda
\ , Ectoprocta
Echinoder- ~I
mata :
'- Platyhelminthes
Fig. A9.1. Evolutionary tree. Hypothetical evolutionary tree showing probable relationships of the
major groups of organisms. Kingdom s are outlined with dashed lines. (J. L. Sumich, 1976, An
introduction to the biology of marine life . W. C. Brown Co., Dubuque, Iowa)
Phaeophyta (Brown Algae). Best known as kelp forests
of temperate and cold water coasts, the most highly
productive marine biotope. Typical representatives:
Laminaria, Macrocystis, Fucus. Sargassum is abundant in Sargasso Sea, where it floats on the surface.
Delivery of organic sediments to coastal regions (posibly also below Sargasso Sea) (a, b)
Chlorophyta (Green Algae). Common at the sea shore
(e. g. , sea lettuce, VIva). In warm waters abundant
lime-secreting forms, e. g., Halimeda (Codiaceae) and
representatives of the Dasycladaceae which were rockforming in times past (e . g., alpine Triassic) (e)
Vletaphyta. The higher plants (mosses, vascular plants)
are primari Iy terrestrial. Exceptions are: the sea grasses
(e. g., Zostera) in the littoral zone, which are flowering
plants. Certain halophytes (Salicornia in salt marshes;
mangroves in tropical coastal swamps) are important
in the intertidal zone (d)
Kingdom Fungi. Unicellular and multicellular eukaryotic
organisms lacking photosynthetic pigments and depending on nutrition by absorption. There are few
marine species (e)
Kingdom Animalia. Multicellular eukaryotic organisms
without photosynthetic pigments and depending on nutrition by ingestion. Higher forms have sensory neuromotor systems
Porifera (Sponges). Most species are marine. Common on
firm sea floor in fertile area, in all latitudes . Boring
sponges (Cliona) produce sediment particles, weaken
mollusk shells, and erode calcareous substrates. Calcareous and siliceous form can be rock-forming. Siliceous sponge spicules accumulate in great masses on
the Antarctic shelf, in places (f)
Cnidaria (Coelenterata). Mostly Marine. Planktonic
forms (hydrozoans, siphonophores, scyphozoans) and
benthic forms (hydrozoans, anthozoans) abundant.
Stone corals contribute greatly to reef building in tropical regions (Acropora, Porites, Pocil/opora, etc.).
Deep water and water stone corals also exist (e . g.,
Lophe/ia) but they do not build reefs (g, h)
Worms. This common-name category for elongate softbodied animals (Vermes) no longer has scientific
standing. There are several phyla of worms, such as:
Platyhelminthes. flatworms (some free-living, but
mostly parasites), Nemertea. ribbon worms common
on the sea floor Aschelminthes, round worms (containing the important class of nematodes, which is very
abundant in the marine benthos; parasites common),
Phoronida, phoronid worms (few species, but common) , Sipunculoidea, peanut worms (few species),
Echiuridea, spoon worms (few species, deposit feeders), Annelida, segment worms (common in plankton
and benthos; well-known representative: Arenicola),
POfionophora , beard worms (lack a digestive tract;
tube dwellers, mainly soft bottom, deep sea, few
species; some live near hot vents, see cover photo),
Hemichordata (pterobranch and acorn worms; pterobranchia are common on the sea floor over a large
depth range, tube-building species colony-forming in
places; acom worms are common in soft sediment,
mainly on shelf).
Worms are important in reworking and processing
surface sediment, and in subsurface irrigation of the
sea floor (enhancing chemical exchange between sediment and water). Filter-feeding worms convert suspended matter to sediment. Tube-building worms can
provide solid substrates for epi benthos to settle on (i, j,
a, b, c)
Bryozoans (Moss Animals). Benthic organisms superficially resembling small colonial hydroids. Many
species secrete a protective and supporting structure
made of carbonate. These structures may be encrusting
rocks or shells, or may stand as small bushes or trees
Organisms Illustrated
Page 328
a spherical, rod-shaped, and flagellated bacteria
b pelagic blue-green alga (Trichodesmium. which is red-colored and gives the Red Sea its name)
c colony of a benthic blue-green alga (Phormidium)
Page 329
a, b dinoflagellate (Gonyaulax) and its resting cyst (Hhysnichosphere ")
c coccosphere (Cyclococcolithus) covered with coccoliths
d, e centric diatom (Actinoptychus) and pennate diatom (Nitzschia)
f, g common silicoflagellates (Distephanus, Dictyocha)
h, i benthic foram (Verneulinia) and planktonic foram (Glohigerinoides)
j , k spumellarian and nasselarian radiolarians (Octopyle steno;;ona, Theocorythium trachelium)
I tintinnid (Stenosemella)
m, n red algae (Rhodymenia , Lithothamnium)
Page 330
a, b brown algae, giant kelp (Macrocystis) , rockweed (Fucus)
c calcareous green alga (Halimeda)
d sea grass (Zostera)
e marine fungu s (Alternaria)
f calcareous sponge (Sycon); also shown are various types of sponge spicules
g benthic calcareous hydrozoan (MiUepora)
h stone coral (Fat'ites)
i, j annelid worms (the lugwonn Arenicola, the serpulid Spirorhis)
Page 331
a, b, c worms; echiurid (Boniellia). nemertine (Lineus). echiurid (Echiurus)
d bryozoan colony (Crisia)
e brachiopod (terebratulid)
f, g, h, i shell-forming mollusks: chiton or sea cradle (Nuttallina), pelagic snail (Cal'olinia). razor
clam (Ensis). shell-forming squid (Spirula)
j, k, I arthropods: cirriped (barnacle, Balanus), cope pod (Calanus). shore crab (Crassipes)
m holothurian or sea cucumber (Aspidochirota)
Page 332
a sea squirt (Halocynthia)
b sting ray (Taemiura)
Sources for A9: E. Y. Dawson, 1966. Marine botany, Holt Rinehart Winston, New York; B. U. Haq,
A. Boersma, 1978, Introduction to marine micropaleontology, Elsevier, New York; A. Remane , V.
Storch, U. Welsch, 1976. Systematische Zoologie, Gustav Fischer, Stuttgart; G. G. Simpson, W. S .
Beck, 1965 . Life - an introduction to biology, 2nd ed., Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, New York; H.
U. Sverdrup, M. W. Johnson , R. H. Fleming, 1942, The oceans - their physics, chemistry, and
general biology. Prentice-Hall , Englewood Cliffs.
Index of Names
(also see List of Books and Symposia)
Allegre, C. 9, 13, 23
Allen, J.RL 125
Alvarez, L. 265
Alvarez, W. 265
Ampferer, O. 8
Anderson, R.N. 40
Andrusov, N.!. 2, 4
Archanjo, C.J. 38
Arrhenius, G.O.S. 73, 241, 247
Arrhenius, S. 253
Arthur, M.A. 273
Aubouin, J. 52
Auzende, J.M. 296
Bacastow, R.B. 230
Bacon, F. 108
Baker, P.A. 89
Bally, A.W. 67
Barazangi, M. 30
Bard, E. 136,246
Barker, P.F. 121
Barnes, N.E. 95
Barnett, T.P 153
Barnola, J.M. 254
Barron, J.A. 263
Bascom, W. 102, 107
Baturin, G.N. 286
Be, A.W.H. 189
Beck, R.H. 49
Beck, W.S. 332
Bell, H.S. 63
Bener, P.R. 71
Berann, H.C. 18
Berg, O.R. 155
Berger, A. 213, 246, 252, 275
Berger, W.H. 13, 36, 158, 159, 60, 165, 184,
227, 228, 232, 235, 253, 254, 256, 258, 267,
Berggren, W.A. 262, 265
Bezrukov, P.L. 286
Biscaye, P.E. 225
Bleil, U. 213
Boersma, A. 184,332
Bolli, H. 236, 240
Bonnin, J. 40
Bostrom, K. 302
Bouchez, J.L. 38
Bouma, A.H. 63, 95, 122
Bourcart, J. 2, 4
Bramlette, M.N. 226, 236, 265
Brassell, S.C. 212
Brinkmann, R. 136, 172
Broadus, J.M. 278
Broecker, W.S. 13, 120, 194,55,275, 326
Buchsbaum, R. 193
Bullard, E.C. 3, 4, 5, 10,38,9
Bullivant, J.S. 170
Burk, C.A. 52,67,210,281
Caughey, C.A. 281
Chamberlin, T.C. 254
Chester, R. 240
Cooper, A.K. 201
Copeland, H.F. 327
Corliss, J. 182
Correns, e.W. 222
Cox, A. 33,40
Croll, J. 261
Cronan, D.S. 302
Crowell, J.e. 13, 128
Curie, M. 92
Curray, J.R. 52, 138, 142
Daly, R.A. 146
Darwin, e. v, 29, 71, 92, 145,96, 198,257
Davies, D.K. 81
Dawson, E.Y. 332
de Mets, C. 29
Dean, W.E. 273
Defant, A. 120, 133
Delaney, M. 235
Dickinson, W.R 52, 67
Dietrich, G. 202, 203
Index of Names
Dietz, R. 5, 6, 33
Dill, RE 4, 61, 67
Donnan, J. 30
Douglas, R.G. 167,258,275
Drake, C.L. 52, 67
Dunbar, C.O. 101
Dunbar, R.B. 159
Duncan, R.A. 32
Duplessy, J.C. 213
Eicher, D.L. 87, 137, 142, 186
Einsele, G. 60, 155
Ekman, S. 213
Eldholm, o. 46
Emeiss, K.C. 213
Emery, K.O. 49, 200
Emery, w.J. 125
Emiliani, C. 12, 13, 144,241,249,251,257
Engel, C.G. 323
Engel, A.E.J. 323
Epstein, S. 163, 193
Euler, L. 10, 29
Ewing, M. 2, 3, 5, 13, 16,64,219
Fairbanks, RG. 246
Fairbridge, RW. 323
Falkowski, P.G. 160, 232
Fischer, A.G. 138, 163
Fisher, RL. 19, 174
Fisk, H.N. 140
Fleming, R.H. 112, 332
Folland, C.K. 209
Foster, T. 186
Forsyth, D. 24
Frakes, L.A. 258
Francheteau, J. 24, 40
Frasetto, R 152
Friedman, G.M. 95
Fiichtbauer, H. 149
Fiitterer, D. 81, 87
Funnell, B.M. 189,238
Gaskell, T.E 5
Gerlach, S. 197
Giese, P. 183
Gilluly, J. 63, 99, 140
Girdler, R.W. 27
Glen, W. 12
Glunow, Dr. 76
Goldberg, E.D. 75
Goodchild, J.G. 92
Griffin, J.J. 224
Grim, R.E. 223
Haeckel, E. 327
Hallam, A. 13
Hampton, M.A. 63
Haq,B.U. 147, 148, 184,238,260,332
Hardenbol, J. 148
Harrison, C.G.A. 238
Hastings, B.S. 155
Hays, J. 240, 248, 252,275
Hedgpeth, J.w. 184
Hee2en, B.C. 2,3,4,8,13,16,18,43,64,74
Heirtzler, J.R. 35
Herguera, J.C. 160,232
Hess, H.H. 2, 5, 9,29,33,219
Hessler, R. IV, cover
Hill, M.N. 64, 73, 240
Hinz, K.46
Hjort, J. 225
Hjulstrom 99
Holcombe, T.L. 22
Holden, LC. 6
Hollister, C.D. 4, 66, 122, 125
Holmes, A. v,8, 13
Horn,D.R. 292
Hovan, S.A. 250
HSii,K.J. 91,240, 260,293, 295,302
Humboldt, A.v. 5
Hutton, J. 1,92
Imbrie, K.P. 13
Imbrie,J. 13, 189,240,244,248,249,252,275
Inman, D.L. 100
Irving, E. 7
Isacks, B. 27, 29
Jansa, L.E 284
Jarvis, I. 302
Jenkyns, H. 240, 273
Johnson, D.W. 4
Johnson, M.W. 332
Jones, P.D. 209
Judson, S. 138
Kahle, C.E 13
Kalle, K. 203
Kanamori, H. 13
Kaplan, M.E 301
Kastner, M. 89
Kearey, P. 40
Keeling, C.D. 230
Keller, G. 263
Kendall, C.G. 155
Kennett, J.P. 121,258,275
Kepler, J. 251
Index of Names
Kipp, N. 249
Klenova, M.B. 4
Kogler, EC. 174
Komar, P.D. 125
Kominz, M.A. 252
Kopaska-Merkel, D.C. 95
Kroenke, L.W. 235
Ku, T.L. 326
Kudrass, H.R. 72
Kuenen, Ph.H. 2, 3, 13, 62, 63
Kukla, G. 275
Kullenberg, B. 207, 241
Labeyrie, L.D. 256
Lancelot, Y. 271
Lane-Bostwick, C.M. 293
Lange, C.B. 210
Larson, R.L. 274,275
Laubier, L. 302
Lavoisier, A.L. 1
Le Pichon, X. 10, 13,29,40
Lehner, P. 49
Limbaugh, C. 109
Linne, C. 327
Lisitzin, A.P. 240
Livingstone, D.A. 75
Loeblich, A.R. 236
Lohse, J. 299
Londsdale, P. 123, 182
Lowenstam, H.A. 193
Luterbacher, H. 265
Lutze, G.E 205
Lyell, C. 92
Macdonald, K.C. 23
Malfait, B.T. 123
Manheim, ET. 293
Marsili, L.E 125
Martini, E. 265
Mascle, J. 46
Mason, R.G. 33, 34
Masters, C.D. 141
Matthews, D.H. 33, 34
Maxwell, A. 37,323
Mayer, LA 148,235,306
McCave, LN. 125
McIntyre A. 244
McKenzie, D.P. 10,29
Menard, H.W. 13,42,44,58, 131
Middleton, G.V. 63
Milankovitch, M. 251, 253
Mitchum, R.M. 147
Moore, D.G. 52, 97
Moore, J.C. 54
Index of Names
Remane, A 332
Renard, AE 2, 215, 290, 292
Revelle, R. 222, 225 .
Richter, EM. 239
Richter-Bemburg, G. 91
Rieken, W. 155
Riedel, W.R. 189,236
Robb, J.M. 59
Rodgers, J. 101
Romankevich, E.A. 160
Rona, P.A. 302
Ross, C.A. 155
Roth, P.H. 269
Rottger, R. 169
Royer, J.Y. 10
Rubey, w.w. 101
Runcom, S.K. 7, 13
Ryan, W.B.F. 91, 260
Sackett, W.M. 325
Saltzman, B. 275
Samtleben, C. 169,218
Sanders, J.E. 95
Samthein, M. 37, 207,256
Saunders, J.B. 240
Savin, S.M. 258, 263
Schafer, W. 184
Schlanger, S.D. 273
Schlee, J.S. 59
Schneider, S. 213
Scholle, P.A. 273
Schott, W. 217, 241
Schrader, H.-J. 218
Sc1ater, J.G. 10, 24
Scott, S.D. 293, 295
Seely, D.R. 52
Seibold, E. 24,49, 93, 120, 36, 143, 183, 190,
Seibold, I. 169
Seilacher, A 155, 176
Selley, R.C. 95
Shackleton, N.J. 145, 240, 248, 252, 254, 258,
Shepard, F.P. 2, 4, 61, 67, 100, 109
Sibuet, J.C. 46
Siegenthaler, U. 230
Siever, R. 12
Simpson, G.G. 332
Singh,I.B. 141, 155
Slansky, M. 286
Smetacek, V.S. 158, 184,254
Smit, J. 265
Smith, S.M. 42, 44
Smith. K.L. 302
Index of Names
Walker, R. 65
Walsh, T, 216
Walther, J. 1,2, 128
Warme, J.E. 275
Watkins, J.S. 67
Wefer, G. 158, 164, 165, 184,221,253,254
Wegener, A. v, 2, 5, 6, 7, 13,29
Wells, J.w. 195
Welsch, U. 332
Welte, D.H. 279, 302
Werner, F. 116
Wetzel, A. 178
White,R.S. 46
Whittaker, R.H. 327
Wiedmann, J. 284
Subject Index
Adriatic Sea 94
upwelling 118, 119
Baltic Sea 204, 205
Andes, ore deposits in 51,52
andesites 28, 320
Angola Basin 121
Angola cont. margin 48, 49
anhydrite 90, 319
hydrothermal 295, 296
annual layers (varves) 93, 94, 209
anoxic events
Cretaceous ocean 271
and volcanism 273
Bottom Water (AABW) 120 ff
Circumpolar Current 123, 259
Intermed. Water (AAIW) 121
icebergs 186
ice-rafted debris 264
anti-estuarine circulation 124, 125,202,203,
apatite, formula 319
Aptian (= epoch within Cretaceous)
salt 49
volcanism 274
Arabian Sea 125
oxygen minimum 271
aragonite 86, 194, 319
in organic hard parts 83
needles 86
calcite ratio
and temperature 194
formula 319
archaeobacteria 327
arctic environments 200
Arenicola (burrowing worm) 131, 172, 173,
177, 330, 331
Argentine Basin 121
arid basins 201 ff
arid climate 90
arkose, definition 321
arthropods 331
Subject Index
Lido 152
bars, offshore 104, 105, 107
basalt, nature 31,322
-seawater reaction 294, 296
basement 12, 37
basin-basin fractionation 208, 249, 261
basin-shelf fractionation 270
bathyal, definition 43
Bouma sequence 63
Bay of Biscay, closure 38
beach 78, 103, 287
sand, composition of 78, 80
and waves 102
processes 103 ff
profile, change of 105 ff
erosion 111
deposits 13 Off;
placers 130, 287, 289
dune complex 140
-starvation 298
fouling of 299
Beagle V
bed load 99
bed form, and fluid discharge
rate 100
benthic boundary layer 124
benthic orgauisms 48,83, 157, 158, 166, 176
activity 158;
on sea floor 83 ff
shelf, diversity 163
types 166
food and substrate 167 ff
and hard substrate 168 ff
on sandy substrate 171
communities 180
in Arctic lagoons 200
benthic foraminifera 167
Bolivina, Calif. Borderld. 167
types 169
depth zonation in Baltic 205
carbon isotopes 238
benthic storms 120,123
berm 103, 107
Bermuda 194
calc. algae 164
beryllium 324
Bikini Atoll 196, 198
bio-erosion 170
bio-pumping 194, 255
bioclastic material 80
biogenous sediments 77, 79, 82ff, 188
structures 178
deep-sea patterns 216
biomarkers 211
Subject Index
biostratigraphy 236, 237, 238, 257
resolution 11
vs. paleomagnetic ages 37
bioturbation 124, 175, 177
tidal flats 172
deep-sea clay 174
deep-water 178
and varves 188
birdfoot delta, cross-section 139
black shale deposition 129,272, 274,275
see also anaerobic sediments
organic-rich sediments
black smokers 182, 183, 295
Black Sea 76, 93, 125, 166
oxygen deficiency 271, 272
circulation 203
Blake Plateau 57, 114
blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) 328
see also stromatolites
Bolivina, sensitivity 167
Borderland of Southern California 57,58
boring organisms 169 ff, 197
bottom shear stress 99
bottom currents, calculated 120
see also currents
boundary currents 111 ff, 118, 123
and coral reefs 114
box corer, operation 216
Braarudosphaera (nannofossil)
blooms 264, 266
breaking waves 102
brittle star community 181
Brunhes-Matuyama boundary 145,238,251
bryozoans 170,331
bubnoff, definition 93
Bullard's fit of continents 38, 51
burrows and tracks 171, 174ff
Buzzard's Bay 137
cadmium, nutrient marker 194
calcareous oolites 132
calcareous ooze 188, 225
distribution 225
dissolution patterns 226
sedimentation rates 219
calcareous muds, definition 217
calcite compensation depth
definition 215
see also CCD
calcite, formula 319
calcium, budget 225, 322
Caledonian mountains
closure of proto-Atlantic 51
Paleozoic fold belts 38
Subject Index
Subject Index
growth 145 ff
atoll origin 146, 198 ff
fringing reefs 196
global distribution 194ff
as climate indicators 194ff
framework, fill 195
types 198
climatic record 210ff
whitening 210
nutrient pollution 298
terraces 146
coral 330
Acropora 164
porites, growth rate 165
isotopic analysis 165
climatic record 21 Off
isotopic analysis of 165
temperature record in 165
core of Earth 120
Coriolis Force 118, 119, 123
cosmic spherules 94
Cretaceous, duration 317
Cretaceous ocean 272, 273
organic-rich sediments 271, 273
Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary 265, 266, 305
crinoids 332
Croll-Milankovitch Theory
see Milankovitch
cross-bedding 114 117, 131, 132
crust of Earth
definition 16ff
illustration 47
chemical composition 322
crustaceans 332
cryptocrystalline (= consisting of extremely
fine crystals); see chert
Curie Point 33
currents 111 ff
velocity and transport 99
oceanic 111 ff
markers 114 ff
lineations 116, 122
see also turbidity currents
cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) 134
cyclic sedimentation 3, 128
Pleistocene 249, 250, 261
Cretaceous 273
cycling rate, of surficial sediments 173
Cyclococcolithina (nannofossil) 192
Cyclococcolithus 329
Cyclolithella 192
cyclostratigraphy 240
cyclothems (Paleozoic) 128
Subject Index
Subject Index
evaporation-precipitation pattern and
circulation 20 Iff
evaporites 89 ff
deep sea 48ff
Mediterranean 89, 91
serial fractionation 90
lagoonal 134
as climate indicators 199
event stratigraphy 95
events, and geologic record 65
role of in sediment transport 101
cooling steps in Tertiary 263, 264
anoxic events 271, 273
evolution and the record 12
evolutionary tree 328
excess thorium-230 method 324
exchange patterns, basinal 124, 201
exogenic processes 16, 20ff, 60
export production 160, 220
extinction, Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary 265
extreme conditions (for life)
Arctic 200
subtropis 162
FAD (first-appearance datums) 237
fan valley 65
Favites (coral) 330
fecal pellets 82, 157, 159, 175, 187
accelerated sinking 159
benthic 144, 175
transport 220
and silica flux 233
feedback, albedo 253
climate 259
geochemical 92
feldspar 80, 222
formulae 318
ferromangese concretions
see manganese concretions
see productivity
fixism 7
fjords 56, 125, 203
oxygen deficiency 166
flood basalt 32, 274
floods, Mississippi 111
Florida Current 111
Florida Keys, Acropora meadows 164
fluid circulation 53, 54, 305
flux 187, 220
siliceous fossils 232
of organic matter 220
flysch 3, 62, 63
food chain 157
foraminifers 189,329
ooze 215
see also planktonic foraminifers
benthic foraminifers
and genus names
foreshore 103
fossils, diversity 237
founders of marine geology Iff
fracture zones 27, 28ff
frequency analysis (spectral analysis) in
Pleistocene stratigraphy 251
fringing reef, Society Islands 186
frosted grains 80
fungal mats 175, 330
gabbro 23, 320
Galapagos spreading center (fauna)
Galveston Bay 141, 287
Island 142, 147
gas resources 278, 282
gateways and ocean currents 259
geochemical statistics 322
geologic time scale 317
geomagnetism 7
geostrophic currents 120, 122
geosyncline 53
Gephyrocapsa (coccolith) 192
giant clams 182
giant ripples, giant dunes 114, 121, 123
Gibraltar Current 125
glacial conditions
North Atlantic 190
world ocean 244ff
see also ice age glaciations, onset 146
glauconite 92,319
global warming 129,212,229,231
detection 208, 211
global change 208ff
human impacts 306
Globigerina (foram), climate zones 189
Globigerina ooze (= foram ooze) 215
Globigerinoides(foram) 145, 189,218,249,
oxygen isotopes 145,253
Globocassidulina (foram)262
Globorotalia (foram) 189, 217, 218, 248
Glomar Challenger 4, 11,32,33,33,215,241,
264, 297
goethite 90
formula 319
gold, placer 288; Red Sea 297
Gonyaulax (dinoflagellate) 329
graded layers 3, 63ff
see also turbidity currents,
Subject Index
Subject Index
formula 319
impact scenario, K-T bdry 265
impedance, definition 234
impoverished fauna 162
Indian Ocean statistics 42
hot spot tracks 32
Indonesian Seaway 264
infauna 166, 168 ff, 181, 187
instantaneous transgressions and regressions
interglacials 242, 243
intermediate water 124
internal waves 103
interstitial water 75, 76
intertidal 44, 132
oil pollution 300
intertropical convergence zone 261
IRD see ice-rafted debris
iridium, K-T boundary 265, 305
iron, abundance 322
minerals 90
sulfide 76, 90
oolites 92
deposits, Red Sea 297
island arc, geologic profile 52
island chains, as hot spot traces 29, 32
isostasy (= pertaining to crust "floating" on
mantle: thicker and lighter crust floats up
isostatic block model 41
and sea level 56;
isostatic, equilibrium 41, 51, 129
uplift 129
isotopes 192, 193
equilibrium 193
Pleistocene cycles (oxygen) 145
Isotope Stage Five 251
corals 165
Tertiary record (oxygen) 257
isotopic provinces, ocean crust 305
Japan Trench 25
JOIDES Resolution 4, 12,241
Juan de Fuca Ridge 34
Jurassic, duration
K-T boundary
see Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary
kaolinite 82, 199, 222, 224
formula 318
Kerguelen hot spot 32
Kermadec Trench 25
knot (ca 0.5 m1s) 111
Kurioshio (current) 111
Subject Index
Subject Index
origin 8, 33ff
volume, spreading rate, sea level 150
hydrothermal circulation 292
(see also hot vents)
mid-Pleistocene revolution 253
Milankovitch, mechanism 246, 251
Cretaceous cycles 273
minerals, tables 318
Millepora (hydrozoan) 330
Minamata Disease 302
Miocene, cooling step 262
silica switch 263
duration 317
miogeosync1ine (= downwarp in crust
containing little deformed shallow marine
sediments) 53
Mississippi Delta 48, 140
mixed layer, sea floor 177 ff
mixing rate of ocean (ca 1000 yrs) 118
mixing of sediments by organisms 178ff
mobilism, concept 7
Moho (= Mohorovicic sound velocity
discontinuity) 23,41
molecular markers 159
molluscs, types 331
monoplacophorans 331
monsoonal climate 188
Monterey Canyon 61
Monterey Formation of California 84
montmorillonite (= smectite) 82, 223
formula 318
moraines 55
mountain building 40, 303
and sea level 150
and Sr isotopes 240
mud, definition 79, 321
mud volcanoes 76
mud (= clay + terrigenous silt)
deep sea 79
definition 321
muddy sea floor, substrate 172
Mya (bivalve) 117, 172
burrow 177
Mytilus (bivalve) 172
Nankai trough, seismic profile 54
nannofossils, definition 216
nasselarians (radiolarians) 218, 329
Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (foram) 189
neritic, definition 44
nickel in manganese deposits 289, 290
Niger Delta 48
-overlap 38, 51
Nile Valley 62
Ninety-East Ridge 32
nitrogen, abundance 322
Nitzschia (diatom) 159,329
Nome, Alaska, gold placers 287, 288
Nordic heat pump 261, 263
North Atlantic, circulation 111ff
gyre 113
anti-estuarine circulation 208
Deep Water (NADW) 120, 121ff, 226, 249
North Sea 55,108, 110, 114, 131
intertidal 132, 172, 173
petroleum 282
benthic biota 299
North Atlantic Basin, North American Basin 17
map 18
spreading rate 31
sea floor age map 36
fit of borders 38
margin structure 50
margin morphology 46, 47, 49
evaporite deposits 49
margin stratigraphy 149,284,271
ice-rafted sediments 71, 72
surface currents 112
deep currents 121ff
turbidity currents 64
glacial conditions 190
ice age sediments
Norwegian Sea 123
nuclear waste, disposal 301
nutrients 161, 188
trapping in humid basin 204
-depletion 186, 206
fast stripping of 222
see also productivity, upwelling
OAE, see oceanic anoxic events
obduction 53
obliquity of Earth's axis 252
ocean crust, composition 322
ocean gateways 260
ocean margins, see continental margins
ocean history and deep sea drilling II
Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) 4, 13
oceanic anoxic events 271, 273
oceanic crust, illustration 23
chemical composition 41
oceans, drainage areas 44
geographic statistics 315
offshore bars 103, 140
oil, fields, offshore 280
formation 274
exploration 283
pollution 284, 300
Subject Index
Subject Index
Phosphate in organic hard parts 83
phosphorite deposits 90, 125, 278
Christmas Island 285
mining 286
phosphorus budget 82, 322
photic zone, thickness 161
photosynthesis, as sea level indicator 134
and benthic sediment production 164
phreatic processes 196
phylogenetic tree 328
physiographic diagrams 18,55
phytoplankton production 161
pillow basalts 22, 23, 183
pioneers, marine geology 1 ff
piston coring 241, 242
placer deposits 130, 287, 288
planktonic organisms 48, 84, 157,218
diversity 157
planktonic foraminifera, oxygen isotopes 144ff,
as temperature indicators 188 ff
zonation 189
in Persian Gulf 189, 207
carbon isotopes 254
planktonic organisms (= living within water,
drifting with the currents) 84
as tracers of currents 111
shell-bearing; planktonlbenthos ratio 84
Planolites (burrows) 178
plate stratigraphy 266
plate tectonics 28ff, 36, 303
history 5, 7
plate boundaries 9, 29, 31
and volcano chains 32
Pleistocene, sea level fluctuations 144 ff
record 242ff
Milankovitch control 251
atmosphere 253
duration 317
Pliocene 262
duration 317
plumes (= mantle plumes, see hot spots) 30ff
pockmarks (from mud volcanoes) 76
Po Delta (subsidence) 152, 153
Pogonophora (tube worms), 182,331, cover
see hot vent
polar front, ice age migration 190, 246
polar wandering, and continental drift 7
polar zones 186, 187
pollution 298, 300
and oxygen deficiency, 206
polycyclic sands (= eroded and redeposited)
80, 81
porifera, definition 330
Subject Index
Subject Index
scanning electron microscope (= SEM;
particles are viewed in an electron beam
focussd by magnetic fields) 81
Scolicia (burrows) 178
scour marks 114, 116, 122
sea cliffs, origin and rate of retreat 129ff
sea floor age, distribution 36
and depth (equation) 24
sea floor morphology 8ff, 15ff
study of 4ff
subsidence 23, 24: depth (and seafloor
spreading) 150
and topography of ocean surface 26
sea floor spreading, paradigm 5, 7, 8, 12, 16,
evidence for 32ff, 37
discovery 5
illustrat. 19
corollaries 27 ff
history 7 ff
spreading rate (half rate is measured from
ridge crest) 27, 150
and sea mount subsidence 29 ff
and island chains 29 ff
and magnetic anomalies 33 ff
age distr. in Atlantic 36
and passive margins 45
and petroleum accumulation 48
and sea level 150
sea grass 171
sea ice, and climate evolution 127
and oxygen isotopes 144 ff
in the Arctic 200
see also ice-, and icebergs
sea level, indicators 127
processes 129ff
recent (deglacial) rise 135
and coastal morphology 137
present and future rise 153, 230
history of fluctuations 143, 145, 147
and sediment bodies 147, 148
and margin subsidence 150
and seafloor spreading 150
Tertiary 257, 260
implications 305
sea mounts 5, 29ff, 198
sea salt 73
sea surface temperatures 187
history 209
see also paleotemperature
sea urchin 327
sea water composition 73ff, 75, 322
sediment types 77
cycle 69
Subject Index
Subject Index
taxonomy; principle 327
systematics 328
tectonic erosion 53
temperate zone 185, 187
temperature, gradients III
in upwelling water 119
as environmental factor 162
reconstruction of 163, 188
record in corals 165
world map 187
and productivity 187
species ranges 162, 190
distribution last ice age 243ff
Tertiary 259
unit conversion 315
tempestites 102
tephrochronology (age-correlation from the
sequence of layers of volcanic ash) 73
terraces 28
terranes 28
terrigenous sediments 44
muds, definition 217
Tertiary ocean history 257, 261
cooling 259
duration 317
Tethys Ocean 10, 83, 259
tetrapods (beach protection) 108
thalweg 60
thermocline (= layer below warm surface
waters and above cold deep waters)
and productivity 185
Miocene 263
thermohaline circulation 121
tholeiite (type of basalt) 23
thorium (dating) 146, 323
tidal currents 11 7, 118
tidal flats, 131ff
sediment reworking by organisms 172
also see wadden
tidal records 132, 133
tides 132 ff
time scale, geologic 317
tin, placer deposits 278, 288
tintinnids 218, 329
Toba eruption 72
Tonga Trench 25
topographic statistics 316
trace fossils 174 ff
trace elements 23
in manganese nodules 242, 294
tracks and trails 176
tracks and burrows 174
tradewinds 112 ff
trailing edges (passive margins) 44,45
Subject Index