Reducing Major Defects in Radiators Manufacturing: Kumar P., Sonawane B.S., Sontakke R.R., Surves.B., Wasnik A.R
Reducing Major Defects in Radiators Manufacturing: Kumar P., Sonawane B.S., Sontakke R.R., Surves.B., Wasnik A.R
Reducing Major Defects in Radiators Manufacturing: Kumar P., Sonawane B.S., Sontakke R.R., Surves.B., Wasnik A.R
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
IJSART - Volume 2
B. Flux on header plate: The flux was applied on substrate by dipping, and
then dried with blowing warm air. An improper amount of
flux can produced brazing joint with high porosity and flux
residue, therefore appropriate flux must be given.
IJSART - Volume 2
Fig.8:Tube Dimension
Aluminium radiator cores are brazed in a furnace to
join the tubes, fin, and headers. This brazing process is
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IJSART - Volume 2
dl = L0 (t1 - t0)
For dim.1.83mmdl=1.83*0.001*0.000023*(620-35)=0.02mm.
Above expansion length is same for all the dimension
approximately. In this analysis process we are finding
expansion of the based on the temperature variation from 35c
to 620 c.Thats why we selected the module tempdisplacement study state. Which helps out to find the
expansion of the tube based on the temperature varies from
35c to 620 c.By analysing the tube cross section with 5
different iterations we got the perfect tube size is 1.89 to
1.95mm.Co efficient of thermal expansion = 0.000025 /m k
In this analysis process we are finding expansion based on the
temperature variation from 35c to 620 c. also depend on
inserting dimension. This perfect tube dimension forms good
joint with header slot when the tolerances are minimum
(1.97mm) or maximum (2.07mm).
In this paper we studies all the process for
manufacturing of a radiator and the problems in their
manufacturing process specially radiator leakageandimproved
them by qualitative and trial i.e iteration method asconsidering
perfect brazing gap from 0.03 to 0.08mm between the header
and tube joint.From that we have setted new tolerance limit as
1.920.03mm.So as defect in radiator decrease, rejection rate
also reduced and also the cycle time.
It is our privilege to acknowledge with deep sense of
gratitude to our Project Stage-I guide, Prof. A.R. Wasnikfor
their valuable suggestions and guidance throughout our course
of study and timely help given to us in the completion of
Project Stage-I.
Were highly obliged to Dr. V.V. Shinde, Head of
Department, Dr. M. S. Gaikwad, Principal, Sinhgad Institute
of Technology,and entire staff of Mechanical Engineering
department for their kind cooperation and help. We also take
this opportunity to thankTATA TOYO RADIATOR
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IJSART - Volume 2
Qina G., Leib Z., Sua Y., Fua B., Large spot laser
assisted GMA brazingfusion welding of aluminumalloy
to galvanized steel, Journal of Materials Processing
Technology , 214 (2014) ,pp. 26842692.
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