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Ansys Tips

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Solutions Inc

An ANSYS Support Distributor

Memo Number
July 16, 2000
ANSYS Tips & Tricks: Opening ANSYS Files by Double-Clicking
Windows NT: File Association

1. Introduction:
Double-clicking ANSYS *.db files in Explorer under Windows is a very useful feature. This memo
describes how to configure ANSYS 5.4 through 5.6 to enable opening database files by simply
double-clicking on the *.db icon. [It is useful to note that while ANSYS 5.6 automatically enables file
association with the *.db file, there are many limitations to this approach.]
2. Background Discussion:
Starting from ANSYS 5.6, the installation setup process under Windows associates *.db and
*.grph files, such that they can be opened in Explorer simply by double-clicking on the *.db or *.grph
icon. The way this works is that an undocumented -FILE argument to the ansysir.exe and
displayw.exe executables is used for the file association.
While this may seem to be an improvement from previous versions of ANSYS running on
Windows, the author finds this technique limiting for the following reasons:

This ability is only available for 5.6. 5.5 has a similar undocumented option, but it does not
automatically resume the database.

The last settings specified in ANSYS Interactive (ansysi.exe) are used. This means that the
working directory and jobname are left unchanged from the previous analysis. Subsequent
SAVE commands will produce undesired results if the user is opening a different database
from the last-specified jobname.

Similar to the point above, since the last settings are used, changing memory settings (total
workspace and database space) and graphics drivers (win32, win32c, 3D) are not permitted
without re-launching ANSYS Interactive and respecifying the appropriate values.
These points make this approach cumbersome and confusing. Hence, the author finds that manually
configuring Windows file association gives the user more flexibility.
3. Discussion on Association of *.DB
*.DB Database Files:
The following steps can be performed under Windows to associate *.db files with ANSYS:
1. Create a DOS batch file (regular text file) named launch_ansys56.bat as follows:
----------launch_ansys56.bat---------@echo off
start /b ansys j %~n1 p ane3flds m %2 db %3 d %4 g SIRESUME yes
-------------end of file-------------Save this batch file in any location, such as C:\location_of_scripts.


Modify your start56.ans file located in your ANSYS installation

directory which, by default, is C:\ansys56\docu:
----------add to start56.ans---------*get,SISTATUS,parm,SIRESUME,type
-------------end of file--------------


Go in Windows Explorer, under View > Folder Options (or

Tools > Folder Options in Windows 2000). Select the tab
File Types. Scroll down to find the DB file extension (or, if
listed by name, it may read ANSYS, Inc.). Select Edit (or
Advanced under Windows 2000). Edit the Open action,
and type the following instead:
C:\location_of_scripts\launch_ansys56.bat "%1" 128 32 3D

The file extension *.db is now redefined to be launched by the script

launch_ansys56.bat. This, in turn, will launch ANSYS in the working
directory with the correct jobname. In 3D graphics mode, the model
2303 W. 190th St Redondo Beach, CA 90278
310.896.1230 FAX 310.896.1240 http://www.csi-ansys.com

Solutions Inc

An ANSYS Support Distributor

will be resumed and plotted (for win32/32c, the model will be resumed but not plotted).
In Step 1 above, a DOS batch file was used to parse arguments to ANSYS and launch the ANSYS
executable. The second line adds the ANSYS executables, namely the ansys.exe program, in the
PATH variable. The third line launches the ansys.exe program standalone (start /b ansys). The
jobname is input via the %~n1 argument; usually, Windows passes the full file name to the program.
The use of the %~n1 argument restricts this input to just the file, without file extension (i.e., the
ANSYS jobname). The license product is specified with -p; in this case, ane3flds uses
ANSYS/Multiphysics/LS-DYNA. Some typical product license codes include:




Please refer to the ANSYS Installation and Configuration Guide for the appropriate product code
for your license. The workspace (-m), database space (-db), and graphics driver (-d) are input as
arguments to the batch file (explained later). ANSYS is run in interactive mode (-g). Lastly, a
parameter called SIRESUME is also passed to ANSYS with a value of yes.
In Step 2 above, the start56.ans ANSYS startup file was modified. Whenever ANSYS is
launched, the start56.ans file is read from the C:\ANSYS56\DOCU directory. This can be forced in
both GUI and batch mode with the -s read argument. The startup file contains information on
settings and commands which ANSYS uses each time it is launched. By adding the lines in Step 2, a
check of a parameter called SIRESUME is performed. If SIRESUME is yes, ANSYS resumes
jobname.db; otherwise, nothing happens.
The action Open (which is usually the default action) is associated with double-clicking the
*.db file. In Step 3, this action was redefined to be associated with the DOS batch script created in
Step 1. Furthermore, four arguments were passed to it: the jobname (%1), 128 MB for total
workspace, 32 MB for database space, and 3D graphics driver. If different settings are desired for the
default action, one can change this easily (e.g., change the arguments to 64 32 win32 for 64 MB
total workspace, 32 MB database space, and win32 graphics driver).
4. Advanced Options for DB File Association:
To allow the user more flexibility in selecting graphics drivers, product licenses, and workspace
& database memory settings, multiple actions can be specified:

Above are Tools > Folder Options dialog boxes for Windows 2000, although Windows NT is very
similar in nature.
An icon can be selected for the *.db files. Select Change Icon (window in middle) and browse
to search for the ansys.exe executable (by default, located in C:\ansys56\bin\intel\ansys.exe). Any
other icon can be selected instead of the default generic icon.

If a start56.ans file resides in the %HOMEDRIVE%\%HOMEPATH% directory or the working directory, ANSYS will read that file
instead of C:\ansys56\docu.
2303 W. 190th St Redondo Beach, CA 90278
310.896.1230 FAX 310.896.1240 http://www.csi-ansys.com

Solutions Inc

An ANSYS Support Distributor

Because the Open action can only be associated with one setting, a user can easily generate
multiple actions as shown in the middle dialog box above. This way, by right-clicking on the file, the
user can select whether to use 128/32 MB for total workspace and database space or 256/100 MB
instead. Different graphics drivers or different license products (Mechanical vs. Multiphysics) can
also be distinguished in this manner.
In the above example, four actions are associated
with the *.db file. If the user right-clicks on the
ANSYS *.db file (as shown on right), these four
commands appear. This gives the user more
flexibility in running ANSYS with as little interaction
as possible.
For the example on the right, three additional
actions were created by selecting New in the Edit
File Type dialog box above. Similar settings were
used as before, although, this time, different graphics
device and memory settings were input as follows:
Open 5.6 128/32 [3D]:
C:\..\launch_ansys56.bat "%1" 128 32 3D
Open 5.6 128/32 [win32]:
C:\..\launch_ansys56.bat "%1" 128 32 win32
Open 5.6 64/32 [3D]:
C:\..\launch_ansys56.bat "%1" 64 32 3D

An analogous DOS batch file can be created for

ANSYS 5.4 or 5.5, giving the user flexibility in running
older versions of ANSYS, if necessary. This is done by
substituting the appropriate values of 56 with 54 or 55. Because of this, the procedure outlined
above is revision-independent. The author has used this procedure with success since ANSYS 5.4.
Similarly, for companies with multiple types of licenses (Professional, Mechanical, Multiphysics,
etc.), right-clicking the *.db file allows selection of the appropriate type of license, especially in the
event that certain licenses such as Multiphysics are limited in quantity.
5. Discussion on Association of *.GRPH Display Graphics Files:
The ANSYS 5.6 file association using displayw.exe FILE %1 works quite nicely, so the user
should not need to modify this technique for *.grph files. The use of this ANSYS-supplied association
is recommended.
6. Discussion on Association of *.INP or *.DAT ANSYS Input Files:
ANSYS input files can also be associated with an action, similar to the *.db files above. Although
the author will assume that ANSYS input files have the *.inp file extension, since these are plain text
files, the user can have any file extension he/she wishes (*.txt, *.dat, etc.).
Usually, the default action (double-clicking the file) should be linked with a text editor, so the
user can easily modify/read the input file simply by double-clicking on it. However, as noted in
Section 4 above, multiple commands can be referenced to a file type. A user can add a command to
automatically run the input file by right-clicking on it as follows:
1. Create a DOS batch file (regular text file) named launch_ansys56.bat as follows:
-----------batch_ansys56.bat---------@echo off
ansys -j %~n1 -m %2 -db %3 p ane3flds -b -s read < "%~nx1" >> "%~n1.out"
-------------end of file-------------Save this batch file in any location, such as C:\location_of_scripts.


Go in Windows Explorer, under View > Folder Options (or Tools > Folder Options in
Windows 2000). Select the tab File Types. Scroll down to find the INP file extension
(or create a new file type if it does not exist). Select Edit (or Advanced under Windows
2000). Select a New action, and type the following instead:

2303 W. 190th St Redondo Beach, CA 90278

310.896.1230 FAX 310.896.1240 http://www.csi-ansys.com

Solutions Inc

An ANSYS Support Distributor

Action: Batch 5.6 128/32

Application: C:\location_of_scripts\batch_ansys56.bat "%1" 128 32
This process adds an action if a user right-clicks on
an ANSYS input file (*.inp) as shown on the right.
By selecting Batch 5.6 128/32 on the pop-up
menu, ANSYS automatically runs the input file.
In Step 1 above, a DOS batch file is created
which reads in an input file %~nx1 (this passes
file and extension to the DOS batch file). Output is
redirected to a file called jobname.out. The -b
option tells ANSYS to run in batch mode. The
product selection -p can be changed as noted in
Section 3 above.
The ANS_CONSEC environment variable is only
needed if the user does not wish to see the Batch
Job Completed dialog box. If the user wants this
notification, please omit the set
In Step 2, the command to run the input file in
batch mode is added. Please note that this should
not be set to the default action since a user will
oftentimes want to have opening the text
document the default action. Step 2 above will be a New action associated with the *.inp input file
(in the example above, Open is the default action).
7. DOS Commands (Reference):
For the interested user, file association can be done in DOS with the assoc command, whereas
file type definition is performed with the ftype command.
Sometimes, the *.inp (or other) text file is associated with notepad or some other text editor but
this file type does not show up in the list of defined file types (Edit > Folder Options > File Types).
This may be due to the fact that a description was not given to the filename at the time it was linked
with notepad. Use the command
assoc .inp=

in a DOS window to delete that file association. Double-click on the *.inp file, and link it with
notepad (or any text editor), but, this time, giving it a description. Now, the *.inp filetype should
appear in Windows NT File Type dialog box.
8. Conclusion:
The use of DOS batch files makes linking ANSYS database files (*.db) and input files (*.inp) much
easier in Windows Explorer. Not only can a user double-click on a *.db file to launch ANSYS and
resume the database, but the user can configure the right-click pop-up menu to allow several other
choices. This provides much flexibility while retaining the ease-of-use in Windows.
Some of this technique can be extended to UNIX, namely any platform running CDE (Common
Desktop Environment) with the dtfile file manager. However, because most UNIX users are
comfortable launching programs by typing in the xterm window, only the Windows method of file
association was covered in this memo.

Sheldon Imaoka
Collaborative Solutions, Inc. (LA Office)
Engineering Consultant

2303 W. 190th St Redondo Beach, CA 90278

310.896.1230 FAX 310.896.1240 http://www.csi-ansys.com

Solutions Inc

An ANSYS Support Distributor

ANSYS Tip of the Week

ANSYS Tip of the Week (TOTW) is provided for customers of Collaborative Solutions, Inc.
(CSI) with active TECS agreements, distributed weekly in Adobe Acrobat PDF format via email.
Unless otherwise stated, information contained herein should be applicable to ANSYS 5.4 and above,
although usage of the latest version (5.6 as of this writing) is assumed. Users who wish to
subscribe/unsubscribe or to view older TOTW archives can visit

Corrections, comments, and suggestions are welcome and can be sent to operator@csiansys.com [they will be distributed to the appropriate person(s)]. While CSI engineers base their
TOTW on technical support calls and user questions, ideas on future topics are appreciated. Users
who wish to submit their own TOTW are encouraged to do so by emailing the above address for
more information.

XANSYS Mailing List

The XANSYS mailing list is a forum for questions and discussions of the use of ANSYS. As of
04/00, there are more than 1000 subscribers with topics ranging from Structural, Thermal, Flotran,
to Emag analyses, to name a few. Users are encouraged to subscribe to evaluate the usefulness of the
mailing list for themselves. Also, either (a) using the mail program to filter [xansys] messages or (b)
using the digest option to receive one combined email a day is strongly recommended to minimize
sorting through the volume of postings.
This list is for *ALL* users of the ANSYS finite element analysis program from around the
world. The list allows rapid communication among users concerning program
bugs/ideas/modeling techniques. This list is NOT affiliated with ANSYS, Inc. even though
several members of the ANSYS, Inc. staff are subscribers and regular contributors.
To SUBSCRIBE: send blank email to xansys-subscribe@onelist.com
To unsubscribe send blank email to xansys-unsubscribe@onelist.com
Archived on http://www.infotech.tu-chemnitz.de/~messtech/ansys/ansys.html
ANOTHER archive on http://www.eScribe.com/software/xansys/
(A poor archive is also at http://www.onelist.com/archives.cgi/xansys)

CSI ANSYS Technical Support, Training, & Mentoring

Collaborative Solutions, Inc. is committed to providing the best customer support in our
industry. Three people will be devoted to technical support from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. PST every
working day. CSI customers with active TECS (maintenance) agreements may contact CSI by any of
the following ways:
Phone: 760-431-4815
E-mail: firstname.lastname@csi-ansys.com
CSI Engineers:
Karen Dhuyvetter
Bill Bulat

Greg Miller
Sheldon Imaoka

WWW: http://www.csi-ansys.com
FTP: ftp://ftp.csi-ansys.com

Sean Harvey
David Haberman

Alfred Saad
Mike Rife

CSI believes strongly in the value of training and mentoring to help make customers successful
using ANSYS. Training classes are usually 2-3 days in duration and provide instruction on various
topics, including structural nonlinearities, heat transfer, and dynamics. Mentoring sessions involve
working with a CSI engineer one-on-one on specific projects. These sessions help reinforce
applicable subject matter covered in training classes or help ensure that the customer is using ANSYS
most efficiently and effectively.
Training class schedules are posted at: http://www.csi-ansys.com/training.htm
Please contact your account manager for more details on training, mentoring, consulting, and
other CSI services.
2303 W. 190th St Redondo Beach, CA 90278
310.896.1230 FAX 310.896.1240 http://www.csi-ansys.com

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