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Journal Liquor

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Disusun Oleh :
M. RIZAL AFRIANTO (021610065)

Prodi Teknik Sipil

November, 2016




Kampus : Jl. Veteran No. 53 A Lamongan
Website : www.unisla.ac.id


Thank God we pray to the presence of God Almighty,

because by His mercy and grace we can present papers on the
As we know, the drug is an ingredient that can destroy the
young generation, both physically and mentally, for it is very
important that young people can recognize and avoid it for the
betterment of the younger generation.
We realize that this paper is not perfect, for that criticism
and constructive suggestions very authors expect to progress
writers in the future. Finally, hopefully this paper useful for
writers in particular and generally for the readers.

Lamongan, 27 November 2016


1. Background
Liquor is in alcoholic beverages and may harm the youth
and should be shunned by teenagers because it will ruin his
Before the advent of Islam, the Arab community is already
familiar with alcoholic drinks or also called liquor (liquor in
Arabic). Even merurut Dr. Yusuf Qaradawi in Arabic vocabulary
there are more than 100 different words to describe alcoholic
beverages. In addition, nearly all poetry / poetry Arabs before
Islam can not be separated from the cult of alcoholic beverages.
It suggests how close the community with custom drunk alcoholic
beverages. In many cases, both (khamer and alcohol) are
Adolescence is a very valuable state assets. A teenager can
change the world with his thoughts. Many teenagers who can be
proud country with many accomplishments he achieved.
Teens have the curiosity is very high. Curiosity is very useful for a
teenager because of this nature, a human teenager can be a
creative and want to find out about something that has not she
knew. But curiosity possessed teenager can be a negative thing
when teenagers use it on negative things.
Adolescence is a time of self. At this time the teenager tried
various things to get a true identity. Things can do a positive
thing or a negative thing. At this age teens want to show their
existence in the community, they do things in order to be noticed
by those around him.
In the era of globalization, adolescents difficult to tell which
things should be done and where things should not be done.
Because for teens all the things he does are correct.

Juvenile delinquency in the modern era has exceeded reasonable

limits. Many minors who are familiar with smoking, drugs, freesex, and involved many other criminal acts. This fact has been
unable diungkuri again, you can see the brutality of teenagers
today. The rising crime rate in Indonesia is not only done by
adults, but there are also many young boys and girls. Act of
juvenile delinquency are highly diverse and varied and is more
restrictive than adult criminal act.


Problem Formulation

To be more focused in the discussion, this paper limited the

problem on several things, namely:

hat is the meaning of liquor?

How many types of liquor that?
How is the effect of liquor on the man?
How to cope with the use and abuse of liquor?



The purpose of writing this scientific work such as:

1. Knowing the meaning of liquor.

2. Knowing the variety of liquors and indications.
3. Knowing the effect of liquor on the man.
4. Knowing how to cope with the use and abuse of liquor.


Definition Liquor

Liquor / alcoholic is a drink containing ethanol. Ethanol is a

psychoactive substance and its consumption causes loss of
consciousness. In many countries, the sale of liquor / alcoholic is
limited to a number of the course, most people who have passed
a certain age limit.
Liquors covers all types of beverages containing alcohol
(ethanol chemical name). According to archaeological records,
alcoholic drinks has been known to man since at least 5000 years
ago. Alcoholic drinks are part of everyday life in various cultures.
In Indonesia, known to some local alcoholic drinks, for example,
Brem, wine, and ciu.
Alcohol is a central nervous suckler suppressing agent even
a small amount may have a mild stimulatory effect


psychoactive ingredients contained in alcohol is ethyl alcohol

obtained from the fermentation of honey, sugar juice or tuberous
roots. The popular name: liquor (alcohol), kamput, tomi (hat
tilted), stamp mice, balo etc.
Alcohol can be made through a fermentation process
(fermentation) of various types of materials containing sugar,
such as fruit (such as grapes and apples), whole grains (such as
rice and wheat), tubers (such as cassava), and honey. Through
the process of fermentation can be obtained alcohol content of
14%. Alcohols with higher levels can be obtained through
distillation. In addition through the process of fermentation,
alcohol can also be made of ethene, a product of petroleum.

2.2 Types of Liquor

Under the rules of the Directorate of Drug and Food Control

Department of Health, the liquor is divided into three groups
based on the level of alcohol in it, namely:
a. Group A: alcohol content of 1% - 5%, for example beer.
b. Group B: the alcohol content of 5% - 20%, for example
c. Group C: alcohol content of 20% - 45%, for example
wiskey and vodka. Alcoholic drinks have different levels,
such as beer and soda alcohol (1-7% alcohol), wine (1015% alcohol) and liquor commonly called the spirit (3555% alcohol). The concentration of alcohol in the blood is
achieved within 30-90 minutes after drinking.

2.3 Effects Liquor

a. Effect Of Body (Physical and Mental) the influence of

alcohol on the body varies, depending on several factors,
i. The type and amount of alcohol consumed
ii. The age, weight, and gender
iii. The food is in the stomach
iv. Experience a person drinks - alcoholic beverages
v. Situations where people drink - alcoholic beverages
b. Although the influence of short-term effect on the
individual is different - different, there is a relationship
between the concentration of alcohol in the blood (Blood
Alcohol Concentration - BAC) and their effects. Mild
euphoria and stimulation of more active behavior along
with the increasing concentration of alcohol in the blood.
Unfortunately, many people assume that they look better
and they ignore the bad effects.
c. The risk of intoxication ( "hangover") symptoms of alcohol
intoxication The most common is the "drunk", "stoned" that
can cause injury and death. Loss of consciousness such as
coma may occur in severe alcohol poisoning as well as
stopping breathing and death. Besides death, the short-









productivity (eg "jazzed, accidents due to speeding). In

addition, alcohol can lead to criminal behavior. 70% of
inmates using alcohol before committing acts of violence
and more than 40% of domestic violence are affected by
d. Effect of Long Term
Excessive Alcohol Consumption Long Term hearts can be caused:
i. Damage to the heart
ii. High blood pressure
iii. Stroke
iv. Liver
v. digestive tract cancers
vi. Other Gastrointestinal disorders (eg gastric ulcer)
vii. Impotence and reduced fertility
viii. Increased risk of breast cancer
ix. Difficulty sleeping
x. Damage to the brain, changes in personality and
atmosphere and the feeling
xi. Difficulty in remembering and concentrating
xii. In addition to health problems, alcohol, also affect the
relationship among, financial, employment, and also
raises legal issues.
Often we hear, read, even watched either through the mass
media, print and electronic, especially television aired a bulldozer
attractions that are wiping out thousands or even millions of
bottles of liquor "in algojoi" by the Police together with other
relevant parties. Giving rise to a variety of responses from
various groups, especially those of Religion is very proud of the
Police toughen stance to combat the circulation of liquor until
keakar-roots. Because alcohol can threaten the existence of our
nation, which in the short term could destabilize security and
stability in the long term could threaten the future of the nation.
In the Bhagavata Purana (I. 17. 38. - 39) there is a
description of the chain of crimes in the start of gambling,
drunkenness, prostitution, fights and lose compassion among

fellow beings that result in the emergence of hate and envy , If

man is already covered by the nature of hate and envy then he
would be lost sense of excitement is the greatest, and there
would be no excitement or calmness hearts those who have
Alcohol addicts commit an act of crime against children who
do not terma'afkan grandchildren. Because it causes anak2 they
were born with unsightly body shape and character is bad,
especially sel2 nerves, not to mention the sperm. Penyakit2
attributable to keturunan2nya passing alcohol to egg fertilization,
so that the 'alaqah (the future fetus) became ill.
e. Influence Against Pregnant Women
Alcohol is one of the main factors of miscarriage. This can
cause a woman to experience dangerous komplikasi2 who can
make dies.
If a baby is saved from death when he was barupa fetus in
the womb, it does not mean he was free from the dangers of
alcohol attributable both parents. Instead, it will manuai they
planted her foul mouth, and suffer harmful interference pressure
7 deadly disease that they want to inflict him. This child will be
the one to suffer, which does not do a sin and does not drink

Tolerance and Dependence

Alcohol users can continuously developed tolerance and

dependence. Tolerance is the increased use of a small amount of

alcohol becomes more likely to get the same effect. While
dependence is a state where alcohol becomes an important part
in his life, a lot of time is wasted because of thinking (how to
obtain, consume and how to stop). Alcohol users would have
trouble how to stop or control the amount of alcohol consumed.

2.4 Overcoming Abuse Liquor

He said that the efforts to prevent the public from the effects
of alcohol does not need to be glued to the standard rules,
because in addition to religion have declared prohibitions, social








"Because of the alcohol, there is the fact that a drunken person

would easily fight, lose their minds so they can do deviate. So
mudharatnya effect is much greater, "he said.
1. Rehydrate your body
Ethanol contained in alcoholic drinks cause the body to
become dehydrated, which lead to headaches, dry mouth and
fatigue. Consuming 500 ml of water after drinking alcohol before
going to bed is recommended. This fluid will help hydrate the
body and increase the amount of electrolytes and glucose levels
in the blood.
2. Reduce Caffeine
Some people believe that caffeine can treat migraine
headaches and hangover. Unfortunately, caffeine also has a
dehydrating effect on the body that actually increase the
problem of your headaches and migraines. Compared to a cup of
coffee, you better drink a glass of fresh juice to neutralize the
pain in the head.
3. Eat
Once satisfied toast the night, waking up in the morning with
a heavy head certainly feels uneasy. To overcome this, look
carbohydrate foods that can bring blood sugar levels back to
normal. Bananas are also worthy of a snack. Bananas contain
some substances that can neutralize your stomach in a short
4. Sleep
Alcohol disrupt the pituitary gland when you drink that
resulted in the sleep cycle. The severity of his drinking, you just

need to sleep. When you can go straight to bed after partying

drinks, it was great! If not, try to sleep in the next morning or
5. Sports
Some types of vigorous exercise such as cardio, could help
pump the blood which makes the body more quickly circulate
blood through the kidneys and liver. This will make the body
more quickly put out the effects of alcohol on the body.
If you want to avoid the effects of alcohol, the healthiest way is
to stay away from alcohol and the like. Preventing much better,
especially for your health. There are several things you can do to
prevent the use and abuse of alcohol, among others:
a. Religious Education from an early age
b. Fostering harmonious domestic life with care and
c. Establish constructive communication between parents
and children
d. Parents set a good example to children.
e. Children are given knowledge about drugs as early as
possible, the type, and the negative impact.

3.1 Conclusions
Similarly, some alternative countermeasures against the
problem of alcohol or liquor.

Seeing the condition of social, political, economic and

legal we are still not stable, so it is still pessimistic


that this problem can be completely resolved.

First we actually have to have a strong foundation of
Law and established as the primary basis to manage
the development process of social, cultural, economic
and political as well as character building. Changing a
culture or tradition is very difficult and requires time


and a long process

Alcohol is very dangerous for its users.
All parties should continue to strive for the use and
abuse of alcohol can be stopped.

3.2 Advice

From the foregoing it can be suggested several things,


The need for an understanding of the younger


generation will be the negative effects of liquor.

The need for firmness principalities and powers in
limiting or even eliminating the liquor from the

Contoh Tugas Makalah, Mei 2015

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