Introduction To Utility Analysis
Introduction To Utility Analysis
Introduction To Utility Analysis
Fisher has used the term Util as a measure of utility. For example according to
this approach, it can be said that consumption of one apple will give say 5utils and
so on.
Features of utility:
Utility is a subjective because it deals with the mental satisfaction of human
beings. A thing may have different utility for different persons.
Utility is relative. Utility of a good never remains the same. It varies across time
and place. For example, Warm clothes have utility in winters not in summers.
Utility is not essentially useful. A commodity having utility need not be useful.
For example cigarettes are not useful however they satisfy the wants of those who
Utility is independent of morality. Utility has nothing to do with morality. Use
of liquor may be immoral but it has utility those use it.
Types of utility: Marginal utility: Marginal utility (MU) means change in the total utility (TU)
derived from the consumption of one more unit of a good i.e. the additional or
extra utility received from consuming each additional unit of a commodity is
called marginal utility
Mathematically it is calculated as:
TUn TUn-1
Total utility; - Total Utility (TU) is the aggregate of the utility that a consumer
derives from the consumption of a certain amount of a commodity.
Mathematically, TU can be obtained by the sum of marginal utilities from the
consumption of different units of the commodity.
Total Utility
that the price of the commodity was equal to the total utility. Thus goods which
give more total utility should have more value and which have less total utility
should have less value. But it is not true in the real life situations. One obtains
more total utility from water than from diamonds, yet the price of water is less
than diamonds. This is known as Diamond- water paradox.
Price of the commodity is determined by the marginal utility and not the total
utility. Water is available in abundance, so its total utility reaches the saturation
point i.e. marginal utility becomes zero. Consequently, although the total utility
derived from water is exceedingly large because of the great quantity consumed,
yet its marginal utility is very low; so price of water is almost zero.
On the other hand, availability of diamonds is very rare, so their total utility never
reaches the point of saturation. Consequently, although the total utility derived
from diamond is low because consumers purchase relatively few of them, yet
marginal utility of diamonds remains high and positive. That is why price of
diamonds is high.
Consumer Surplus: Sometimes a consumer is ready and willing to pay for a
commodity much more price than its actual price. The difference between the two
prices is called consumer surplus.
The consumer is prepared to pay the price equivalent to the total utility that he
obtains from all the units of the commodity but actually he pays the price
equivalent to the marginal utility of the commodity. Marginal unit refers to the
additional unit that the consumer is prepared to buy. Each unit preceding the
marginal unit (called intra- marginal units) would give the consumer more utility
than the utility of the marginal unit.
Aggregate of the marginal utilities of these units is called total utility. But the
price being equal to the marginal utility, the amount of money actually paid by the
consumer will be equivalent to the marginal utility (price) multiplied by the
number of units bought. The concept of consumer surplus is thus based on the
difference between total utility and marginal utility.