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Performance Analysis of FBMC Prototype Filter Under The Effect of Variable Parameters For Physical Layer Cognitive Radio

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International Journal of Modern Computer Science (IJMCS)

Volume 2, Issue 5, October, 2014

ISSN: 2320-7868 (Online)

Performance Analysis of FBMC Prototype Filter under the

Effect of Variable Parameters for Physical Layer Cognitive
Er.A.S Kang1

Dr.Renu Vig2

Assistant Professor, ECE Deptt

Professor, ECE Deptt

Panjab University Regional Centre,

Hoshiarpur, Punjab, INDIA

UIET, Panjab University

Chandigarh, INDIA


Abstract: In the present day world of wireless communication scenario, some spectrum bands are highly utilized while many remain
moderately utilized or rarely occupied. The cognitive radio is a new paradigm to overcome the persisting problem of spectrum underutilization.
Seeing the ever increasing demand of wireless applications, the radio spectrum is a valuable resource and in cognitive radio systems, trustworthy
spectrum sensing techniques are required to avoid any harmful interference to the primary users. As cognitive radio has the capability to utilise
the unused spectrum holes or white spaces so, there is a tremendous need to scan the large range of spectrum either for interference management
or for primary receiver detection. Dynamic Spectrum Access techniques need to be implemented for the sake of better radio resource
management and computational complexity analysis of multirate filter bank cognitive radio, where BER and Eb/No are the performance metrics
or governing parameters to affect the system performance using polyphase filter bank. The present paper deals with the study of effect of
variation of number of subchannels M at fix overlapping factor K of polyphase component of FBMC cognitive radio in terms of prototype filter
length at Lp=KM+1.
Keywords: FBMC, Cognitive-Radio, Spectrum, Sub channels, Filter Length



The recent interest in cognitive radio based research has

attracted a great deal of attention in spectrum sensing and
detection of radio users in the environment. The basic idea is
to detect the radio user in a given particular scenario with an
acceptable payoff or tradeoff. The primary objective is to
maximize the probability of detection without losing much on
the probability of false alarm while minimizing the complexity
and time to sense and detect the radio. The limited spectrum
for dense wireless communications and inefficient spectrum
utilization necessitates a new communication paradigm
cognitive radio which can exploit the unutilized spectrum
opportunistically. The evolving research efforts are in the field
of cognitive radios covering the different Physical Layer
Aspects such as cognitive process, different modulation
techniques which are utilised for the signal transmission in
CR and varying spectrum sensing techniques.CR as a future
wireless communication system is characterized as a system,
which is able to adapt its transmission and reception
parameters on the basis of cognitive interaction with the
wireless environment in which it actually operates. There are
several reasons that make spectrum sensing, a practically
challenging task. Avery low required SNR for primary user
detection, multi-path fading and time dispersion effects of
wireless channels which tend to complicate the spectrum
sensing problem and the frequently changing noise level with
time and location causes the noise power uncertainty a big
issue of concern for primary user detection[1].


Spectrum sensing is the main task of the PHY layer of a

cognitive radio. Cognitive radio reflects the situations where
both primary and secondary users occupy the same channel
space as in licensed band situations. It is also responsible for
spectrum sensing and reconfiguration of the transmission
parameters. Cognitive Radio can reconfigure its operating
frequency, modulation, channel coding and output power
without hardware replacement, this is the most significant
difference between cognitive radio network and other wireless
networks physical layer [2-4]. Software defined radio (SDR)
based RF front-end transmitters and receivers are required for
configurability of cognitive radio networks. Implementing RF
front-end, heavy-weight signal processing algorithms,
detecting weak signals, presence of PU while there are
secondary users, are significant sensing problems in Cognitive
Radio [1].
2.1 Main Features of Physical Layer
PHY Transport: 802.22 use Orthogonal Frequency Division
Multiplexing (OFDM) as transport mechanism. Modulation:
QPSK, 16-QAM and 64-QAM are supported. Coding:
Convolutional Code is Mandatory. Turbo, LDPC or Shortened
Block Turbo Codes are optional but recommended. Pilot
Pattern: Each OFDM / OFDMA symbol is divided into subchannels of 28 sub-carriers of which 4 are pilots, which are
inserted every 7 sub-carriers. No frequency domain
interpolation is required. Net Spectral Efficiency: 0.624
bits/s/Hz 3.12 bits/s/Hz. Spectral Mask: 802.22 have adopted
the Spectral Mask requirements proposed by FCC. (200 tap
FIR filter required). Fig.1 shows the Block diagram of CR
Model showing the importance of Physical layer



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International Journal of Modern Computer Science (IJMCS)

Volume 2, Issue 5, October, 2014

ISSN: 2320-7868 (Online)

2.2 FBMC Transmission for Cognitive Radio

Figure1.CR Block Diagram of OSI Model

The FBMC system uses a specially designed Filter bank

structure. At first the complex modulation values are spread
over several carriers and filtered by a certain prototype filter
which indicates that a larger FFT is required to make the
transmission signal as clear from Fig.1The spectral band
efficiency of this filter bank is more beneficial as compared to
the conventional OFDM signal approach. Using an offset
QAM as the modulation technique in which the data values
are transmitted with a time shift of half symbol duration and
no data rate loss occurring, prior to transmission, the symbols
overlapping occurs to separate them at the receiver to
minimize the effect of ISI and obey the Nyquist Criteria. In
FBMC, no CP needs to be used to compensate for channel
induced ISI and ICI. The tedious signal processing is applied
along with channel equalization that is why the FBMC
Polyphase filter bank approach reduces all the earlier signal
processing requirements.


Over sampling



Fig.4 Block diagram of FBMC Modulation scheme

Fig.2 Roadmap to Cognitive Radio Wireless Communication


Fig3.System Model of Cognitive radio Transmitter

The major blocks include the spectrum and channel state

estimator, adaptive pulse shaper (Transmission waveform
shaping) and modulator. Receiver: The main components are
the Signal base band processor and detector.
RES Publication 2012

In the above block diagram, the modulation and demodulation

can be performed by applying IFFT and FFT. The time
domain samples of FBMC symbol can be represented by the
Eq no.1 showing the relation of N point IFFT where Xk is the
complex modulation data for subcarrier with index k. Prior to
the transmission, a CP is appended or added to each symbol.
By adding cyclic prefix, ISI is reduced but at the cost of
reduced effective data rate of the system as well.In the typical
design structure of FBMC, the complex modulation values are
spread over several carriers and ultimately filtered by a
prototype filter.The system performance of FBMC is
evaluated via BER as function of SNR. The SNR is defined
SNRdB=10log10(Es/N0)=10log10(EbNcM/OVNN0).Eq.2 as CP is
absent here.Eb is bit energy,N0 is noise variance, N is the
number of subcarriers available, Nc is number of subcarriers
used. OV is oversampling ratio and M is the number of bits
transmitted by one subcarrier. The Performance Analysis of
Effect of change of bits transmitted by one sub
carrier.i.e.M(64,128,256,512,1024,2048,4096) in our present
study is done at different values of overlapping factor

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International Journal of Modern Computer Science (IJMCS)

Volume 2, Issue 5, October, 2014



Sheryl Ball etal[2005] has focussed on the potential of CR in

military and emergency service uses. Some of the issues
involved in adapting cognitive radio technology consumer
markets were examined [2]. Tero Ihalainen, T.H.Stitz
etal[2006]introduced a new low complexity per-subcarrier
channel equalizer for FBMC transceiver for high-rate
wideband communication over doubly-dispersive channel and
analyzed its performance. It was shown that the coded errorrate performance of FBMC is somewhat better than that of the
OFDM reference [3].Qiwei Zhang etal[2007] discussed that
benefits of CR are clear when used in emergency situations.
The idea of applying CR to emergency network is to alleviate
this spectrum shortage problem by dynamically accessing free
spectrum resources.CR is able to work in different frequency
bands and various wireless channels and supports multimedia
services such as voice, data and video. Reconfigurable radio
architecture is proposed to enable the evolution from the
traditional Software Defined Radio (SDR) to CR [4].
ShuangLiu [2008] investigated the motive, definition and
paradigms of cognitive radio. The author described the system
model used comprising of one primary user and one secondary
user with perfect channel side information available at both its
transmitter and receiver and channel fading gains [5].Xin
Kang,Y C Liang et al[2008] studied the optimal power control
policies for fading channels in cognitive radio networks
considering both the transmit and interference power
constraints. For each of the constraints peak power and
average power are investigated. The author derived the
optimal power allocation strategies in terms of maximizing the
ergodic capacity of the secondary user when channel state
information is available to the transmitter and the
receiver[6].Musbah Shaat et al [2009] addressed the problem
of resource allocation in multicarrier based CR networks. The
objective is to maximize the downlink capacity of the network
under both total power and interference introduced to the
primary users constraints. The optimal solution has high
computational complexity which makes it unsuitable for
practical applications and hence a low complexity suboptimal
solution is proposed. The performance of using FBMC instead
of OFDM in CR systems is investigated. Simulation results
illustrate that the proposed resource allocation algorithm with
low computational complexity achieves near optimal
performance and proves the efficiency of using FBMC in CR
context [7].Qihang Peng, Pamela CCosman etal[2010]
discussed analysis and simulation of sensing deception in
fading cognitive radio networks. The authors showed their
interest in determining the sensitivity of a tactical cognitive
radio system to intentional spoofing. They considered a
channel such that each band experiences flat Rayleigh fading
whereby fading is independent from band to band and derive
the average number of false detections by secondary users due
to spoofing.CR is a promising candidate in solving the
RES Publication 2012

ISSN: 2320-7868 (Online)

contradiction between spectrum shortage and low utilization

by allowing secondary users to dynamically access unused
spectral bands with only minimal degradation to primary users
[8]. M Bahadir Celebi,Huseyin Arslan etal[2010] proposed
cognitive radio implementation by using standard wireless
communication laboratory equipments such as signal
generator and spectrum analyser. Equipments are controlled
through MATLAB instrument control toolbox to carry out CR
capabilities specified by IEEE 802.22 WRAN standard.
Energy detection and maximum minimum eigen value
detection algorithms are employed to sense the spectrum for
opportunistic access. The aim of the work is to provide a CR
environment for spectrum sensing algorithms to perform a
comparative study considering wireless microphone signals
for research and educational purposes [9]. Shixian Wang,
Hengzhu Liu etal[2011]discussed the cognitive radio
simulation environment realization based on autonomic
communication. Cognitive Radio has been a research hotspot
because of its promise to improve the utilization of the
assigned but unused radio spectrum. In order to have such
ability, cognitive engine, the intelligent part of cognitive radio
should configure the system to adapt to its communication
context. Although much artificial intelligence techniques have
been proposed for cognitive engine realization, the author
proposed an agent based realization method which had been
investigated in autonomic communication research. Based on
similarity between cognitive radio and autonomic
communication, the autonomic cognitive radio conceptual and
architecture models are proposed[10].Ajay Kr Sharma et
al[2011] analysed the BER performance of Cognitive Radio
Physical Layer over Rayleigh channel under different channel
encoding schemes, digital modulation schemes and channel
conditions. It has been anticipated from simulation study that
the performance of the communication system degrades with
the increase of noise power [11].MusbahShaat and Fauzi
Bader [2012] considered a multicarrier based CR network.
The goal is to maximize the total sum rate of CR system while
ensuring that no excessive interference is induced to the
primary system. The optimal scheme adopts the dual
decomposition technique and in order to reduce the
computational complexity of the optimal scheme, a greedy
suboptimal algorithm is proposed. Selected numerical results
are discussed to reveal the near optimal performance of the
suboptimal scheme and superiority of proposed algorithm over
the random and SNR based schemes. The author highlighted
the advantages of using FBMC instead of OFDM in the
physical layer of the future CR systems [12]. Satwant Kaur
[2013] studied the wireless networks with cognitive radio
technology and discussed its various functions and capabilities
as a new networking paradigm for future wireless
communication [13].


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International Journal of Modern Computer Science (IJMCS)

Volume 2, Issue 5, October, 2014

Large parts of assigned spectrum are underutilized while the

increasing number of wireless multimedia applications lead to
spectrum scarcity. Cognitive radio is an option to utilize non
used parts of the spectrum that actually are assigned to
primary services. The benefits of cognitive radio are clear in
the emergency situations. Current emergency services rely
much on the public networks. This is not reliable in public
networks where the public networks get overloaded. The
major limitation of emergency network needs a lot of radio
resources. The idea of applying Cognitive Radio to the
emergency network is to alleviate this spectrum shortage
problem by dynamically accessing free spectrum resources.
Cognitive Radio is able to work in different frequency bands
and various wireless channels and supports multimedia
services such as voice, data and video. A reconfigurable radio
architecture is proposed to enable the evolution from the
traditional software defined radio to Cognitive Radio. So
cognitive radio network architecture devices detect the LO
leakage and communicate the channel usage to cognitive
radios. We can compare the performance of existing and
proposed architectures assuming passive primary receivers. So
detecting primary receivers for cognitive radio applications
has been our main motivation that prompts us to choose this
problem statement.The present study will focus on
Performance Enhancement of Filter Bank Multicarrier
(FBMC) based Cognitive Radio (CR) in
opportunistic, autonomic domain under different strategic
conditions of wireless environment. By introducing techniques
to improve the spectral efficiency and minimizing the
spectrum underutilization, hence improving the overall
performance of FBMC based CR.




A flowchart has been prepared for study of effect of sub

channels on prototype filter length for fbmc cognitive radio.
The distinctive feature of the fbmc design technique has
ability to provide improved frequency selectivity through the
use of longer and spectrally well shaped prototype filters. In
the present case, more emphasis has been laid on the
Lp=KM,KM-1-D,KM+1-D as a specific prototype filter
length, under the assumption of Group Delay D of filter as
zero in all the respective cases.

RES Publication 2012


ISSN: 2320-7868 (Online)




Different Graphic plots have been obtained between the

various parameters namely Number of Subchannels M,Bit
Error Rate BER,Signal to Noise Ratio SNR,Prototype Filter
Length Lp=K*M+1 at a fix value of Overlapping factor
K=4.The spectrum sensing is performed by measuring the
signal strength at the outputs of the subcarrier channels at the
receiver. The Cognitive Radio system is able to transmit over
the direct link more than that when the direct link is blocked
for all subcarriers in the source side.The impact of the present
study of FBMC CR is highlighted through the role of number
of subchannels. Readjustment of various parameter levels
leads to optimization between different radio environment
parameters under varying strategic conditions. The
computational complexity of the FBMC cognitive radio is
studied under the effect of K,M and Lp. For FBMC system,
the prototype coefficients are assumed to be equal to
PHYDAS coefficients with overlapping factor K=4.Actually,
the entire process here involves the three steps. Fixing the
subcarriers, matching the subcarriers and re-adjusting the
assigned subcarriers as per the system requirement on an
average basis. For optimization and tradeoff sake,the number
of subcarriers is taken to be greater than 8.The literature
survey on FBMC shows that the different subcarriers are
adjusted in such a way that the interference to the primary user
by secondary users is kept to a minimum. Moreover, the
impact of different constraints values on the system
performance is investigated. This paper formulates a linear
assignment problem to select and match some subcarriers for
transmission and use the rest only for direct transmission. The
FBMC CR in physical layer is a potential candidate for future
wireless communication system. A Bandwidth of 10Mhz with
M=64,128,256,512 subcarriers have been taken into
consideration in the present scenario. The subcarriers are
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International Journal of Modern Computer Science (IJMCS)

Volume 2, Issue 5, October, 2014

ISSN: 2320-7868 (Online)

allocated sequentially to the users with optimum results. In

figure 6.BER is found to decrease and increase at different
values of SNR .A staircase plot between Lp and BER has also
been obtained. A loglog and semilog plots between various
performance parameters have been depicted. It has been found
that with increasing BER, SNR is found to decrease and vice

Fig.10 Matlab plot obtained between M and BER

Fig.6 K=4,Lp=KM+1

Fig.11 Matlab plot obtained between M and Lp

Fig.7 Staircase Plot between Lp and BER

Fig.12 Matlab plot obtained between M and SNR


Fig.8 Loglog plot between Lp and BER

Fig.9 Matlab plot obtained between SNR and Lp

RES Publication 2012



Cognitive radio networks have a promising future and have

excellent applications of wireless networks. The adaptive
technology naturally presents unique signal processing
challenges in cognitive radio domain. The signal processing
prospective of CR has significant impact in CR technology in
its performance enhancement. The present paper has studied
the effect of noise variance under fading channel in cognitive
radio environment. The use of allocated spectrum varies at
different times and over different geographical regions. To
overcome the spectrum deficiencies and inefficient utilization
of allocated frequencies, it is mandatory to take into
consideration the latest communication models by means of
which radio frequency spectrum can be utilized wherever the
void or white space is available. The present paper shows the
comparatative analysis of number of subchannels M on FBMC
prototype filter length at fix overlapping factor K=4 using
BER and Eb/No as performance measuring indicators.


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Volume 2, Issue 5, October, 2014

The expected outcome of proposed research will be helpful in

detecting interference at primary receiver and speed and
reliability of detection in Cognitive cycle of CR system. The
Spread Spectrum Detection in terms of Power and with wide
frequency range hidden in the noise can be done. The hidden
node problem due to the multipath fading in the propagation
between primary transmitters and sensing receiver can be
studied by applying learning and intelligence approach. The
most of the CR will have to autonomously work in
multiservice, multi technology and multiuser environment and
it has to adapt the different parameters under different
conditions. Vertical and Horizontal sharing of radio spectrum
will be possible to some extent with efficient spectrum space
opportunities, spectrum mobility and transmission power
control. The CR must be capable of spectrum sensing and
operating over wide radio spectrum range, emulate many radio
technologies and different modulation schemes which cause
various hardware challenges. The present study will be useful
for optimum selection of hardware components which will
minimize circuit complexity and cost and less chances of
interference. OFDM based CR network performance will
improve with the application of multirate signal processing in
multicarrier wireless communication. Better Radio Resource
Management is possible. The problem of Congestion in ISM
bands which adversely affects the quality of communication
will be reduced by CR networks based on Dynamic Spectrum



As Cognitive radio technology is an important innovation for

the future of communications and likely to be a part of the
new wireless standards, becoming almost a necessity for
situations with large traffic and interoperability concerns.
Moreover CR are devised to be used with telecommunications
or computer network related disciplines but there are
inadequate facilities to provide robustness and effective
security. To overcome this, existing technologies will increase
the complexity and new types of attack are possible.
Therefore, innovative ideas are required to provide security to
Cognitive Radio Networks and make them robust against
crucial attacks, especially the attacks inherent to the Cognitive
Radio functionality. So to make Cognitive Radio systems
trustworthy, dependable and efficient, a comprehensive energy
efficient mechanism is required to identify, remove or mitigate
the attacks at any phases of the Cognitive Cycle.
The first author is thankful to the Joint Research Action Group
(JRAG) on intelligent information and signal processing in
communication, Deptt of Electronics Technology ,Guru
Nanak Dev University Amritsar for valuable suggestions and
discussion on Multirate CR system. The help rendered by Dr
Jasvir Singh, Professor Communication Signal Processing Lab
,GNDU Asr and Mr Hardeep Singh ,Research Scholar is also
acknowledged .

RES Publication 2012


ISSN: 2320-7868 (Online)

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