BFS-FRIEDMAN - Contamination Case Studies Paper PDF
BFS-FRIEDMAN - Contamination Case Studies Paper PDF
BFS-FRIEDMAN - Contamination Case Studies Paper PDF
While many references (17) discuss principles of
aseptic process control, fewer publications illustrate
the practical impact of substandard production practices on a product purporting to be sterile. By examining case studies, the tangible consequences of a
breakdown of one or more elements of current good
manufacturing practice (CGMP) can be explored. (8.9)
Three prevalent themes are central to the vast number
of aseptic processing contamination problems:
poor personnel practice
loss of environmental control
flawed operational design
One or a combination of these CGMP deviations has
led to contamination of aseptically processed products, including parenterals, ophthalmics, and aqueous
inhalers (10, 11). While personnel practice or a loss of
environmental control are normally named as the immediate source of a sterility problem, the investigation
into root cause (12) frequently also concludes that
changes in operational design are needed to implement
a lasting solution.
Quality is built into a product produced by aseptic
manufacture when sound process, equipment, and facility design is employed to minimize or eliminate
potential contamination hazards. Modern design approaches include systematic evaluation of potential
process vulnerabilities and holistic awareness of how
daily dynamic operational factors can interact (13, 14).
This process understanding should lead to dependable
design choices. The new process is then supported
throughout the product lifecycle by a robust quality system that provides the infrastructure for continuous improvement (15) and consistent contamination prevention
in accordance with 21 CFR 211.42 and 211.113 (16).
The Quality System
Figure 1 is a diagram of six basic elements of a
pharmaceutical operation, based on the finished drug
CGMP regulations (21 CFR 210 and 211). These
interrelated elements are outlined in the Food and
Drug Administrations (FDAs) Drug Manufacturing
Inspections compliance program (17) and are known
collectively as the quality system (18). As depicted by
the diagram (19), a quality system provides the nucleus that drives the proper functioning of each of the
five manufacturing systems. The quality system integrates all of these elements and its placement at the
center is also meant to signify a sixth system of quality
assurance (e.g., quality management, SOP review and
approval, batch release). The case studies in this paper
illustrate how drug product contamination stemmed
from deficiencies in one or more system. This paper
expands upon previously published contamination
case studies (20) by emphasizing the single quality
system element that appeared to be most deficient as
the process drifted, generally undetected for a significant period, from its state of control.
Case Study 1: Aseptic Processing of a Sterile Active
Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API)
A sterile active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) manufacturer shipped numerous lots of an aseptically proPDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology
Figure 1
The Quality System
The firm used a microbiologically inhibitory material (very high pH) as the medium for the process simulation. The suitability of the culture
medium was not evaluated (e.g., lack of data on
inherent growth promotion capability of the meVol. 59, No. 2, MarchApril 2005
Cultures of previously unopened vials grew E. cloacae. Patient blood cultures yielded E. cloacae. It was
determined that container-closure integrity of this parenteral product was lacking.
At least one lot was directly implicated in septicemia, and other lots were thought to possibly pose this
hazard. Over 25 reports of septicemia were received
by FDA naming the most worrisome lot or unknown. The firm voluntarily conducted a Class 1
recall (strong likelihood that product will cause serious adverse health consequences or death) of more
than 10 lots manufactured during the period of concern.
Case Study 3: Modified 0.2-micron Filter Design
and Change Control Systems
CGMP Issues
However, for their part, the sterile drug manufacturers change control system was expected to assess
whether the modified sterilizing-grade filter continued
to be suitable for its intended use.
Quality System Context
figurations. The vendor later recalled the filters. Although the vendor conducted some studies before releasing the new filters to the market, the studies did
not detect an increased rigidity of the cage that afforded inadequate expansion room to accommodate
filter medium swelling during some manufacturing
operations. The lack of adequate expansion room resulted in the rupture of some filters during processing,
depending on the liquid being filtered and the processing conditions.
Vendor claims and conclusions should be noted. An
essential element in a firms quality system, however,
is a change control program to adequately assess
whether equipment modifications will adversely affect
their unique operation. Ultimately, in this case, the
affected lots were rejected by the manufacturer, and
the firm returned to using the original, suitable filter
Case Study 4: Blow-Fill-Seal (BFS) Equipment
Design and Maintenance
A firm experienced both sterility and media fill failures. Stenotrophomonas maltophilia was identified as
a sterility failure isolate. Media fill isolates included
Pseudomonas spp. and Acinetobacter spp. The blowfill-seal (BFS) processing line had a good prior sterility history.
CGMP Issues
Mold plates used to form the primary product container were chilled with cooling water. This demineralized potable water was held in a tank at low temperature prior to use. When sampled, the cooling water
yielded very high microbial counts. Leaks developed
in the mold plates, allowing contaminated water to
infiltrate into product, causing non-sterility.
Based on this significant breach in equipment integrity, among the most relevant CGMP deviations
were the unsuitable processing equipment and the
lack of an adequate preventative maintenance program.
Quality System Context
The facilities and equipment system was most deficient. The unsuitable equipment and inadequate preVol. 59, No. 2, MarchApril 2005
The firm fumigated the room to try to control the
contamination. However, the firm later reported to the
FDA that another media fill failure had occurred with
the same fungus present. The firm concluded that more
work had to be done to remedy the root cause and then
they would again attempt to perform three successful
media fills to confirm the return to a state of control.
After further intensive efforts, the firm restored appropriate conditions for the aseptic production of a sterile
drug. This case study is consistent with what is seen in
many cases: once such a contaminant becomes airborne and is allowed to proliferate unchecked, it is not
a simple task to bring the environment back under
Case Study 7: Extensive Aseptic Interventions by
Approximately 60% of the units run in a media fill
were found to be microbiologically contaminated. The
firm implemented minor corrections to their satisfaction. The firm then ran three further media fills. A
second media fill yielded a high level of contamination. Isolates in both failures were common skin-borne
microbes (e.g., Staphylococcus spp.). A sterility failure had also occurred in the prior 6 months.
CGMP Issues
Multiple significant aseptic maneuvers were required
by this small-volume parenteral process. Media fill
investigations indicated that these steps appeared to
pose significant risk to the product. Aseptic gowning
by personnel was inadequate.
The firm felt that the initial media fill failure was
likely an anomalous episode that could be prevented
by implementing some minor corrections. Neverthe123
Table I
Results of Three Additional Media Fills
16. 21 CFR 210 and 211, US Food & Drug Administration, US Printing Office.
27. Farquharson, G. Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments. Part 7: Separative Devices.
8th Pharmaceutical Isolator Conference, Warwick,
U.K., December 2004.
17. Food & Drug Administration. Compliance Program Guidance Manual Drug Manufacturing
Inspections, CPGM 7356.002, February 2002.