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SLAs and service

Written by The Society
Published: 16 September 2014
Hits: 64571

Ensuring that a client organisation receives the most appropriate type and
level of service is an act of intention, not one of faith. Specifying services to
reflect the client organisations real needs, those of its customers and other
interested parties is not a trivial matter and must be adequately addressed.
This article reviews the need for service specifications and service level
agreements (SLAs) arising from the requirements of stakeholders. The
purpose of each and the ways in which they are expected to contribute to the
effective management of services provision are identified. Performance
monitoring and quality assurance are also discussed.


facilities management, service specification, service level, service level
agreement, SLA, performance measurement, critical success factor, key
performance indicator
Time equivalence: 30 minutes (article only); 2 hours (article and exercises).

Learning objectives
1. Define a service specification and a service level agreement (SLA)
and describe their respective functions.
2. Explain why service specifications and SLAs are essential tools in
facilities management.
3. Describe the use of critical success factors and key performance
indicators in assessing the performance of service providers.
4. Identify means of collecting and assessing performance data.
5. Discuss the correct use of rewards and penalties as part of incentive
systems for improved performance.
6. Describe the use of service specifications and SLAs as the basis for
continual improvement and their relationship with contractual
arrangements with service providers.

7. Assess the role of quality assurance systems in both service provider

and client organisations.

Specifying the actual services required and the performance expected of the
service provider are key aspects of any facilities management arrangement
(Atkin and Brooks, 2009). Accordingly, this article demonstrates how the
service requirements of stakeholders can be formalised in service
specifications and service level agreements (SLAs). We see that these are
essential tools in facilities management irrespective of whether services are
outsourced or retained in-house. These formal documents emphasise the
standards of service required rather than the processes involved. The typical
points which each should address are itemised and examples given, drawing
on guidance in Atkin and Brooks (2009). Performance measurement is then
considered in terms of critical success factors and key performance
indicators, which ensure that performance aims are directly related to the
client organisations business objectives. Various means of performance
monitoring are considered and, finally, the role of quality assurance systems
is reviewed.

Involving stakeholders
Identified stakeholders should be involved in specifying their requirements
and the level of performance that will be acceptable. This means:

involving stakeholders, as far as practicable, in identifying their

requirements (for example, through the use of questionnaire surveys
and in contributing to the drafting of service specifications and

controlling stakeholder input and changes once the specification has

been agreed; and

prioritisation by stakeholders of their requirements.

Organisations may find that they are defining and specifying their
requirements for the first time. In such cases, there is a risk that they might
unknowingly specify a higher level of service than was received in the past
and that, consequently, bids may be higher than forecast. Value
management, a technique for ensuring that real needs are addressed, can be
used to guard against over-specification, whilst allowing standards to be
raised over time.

Health and safety

All organisations must have a general policy on health and safety, which has
a two-fold purpose:

1. to provide and maintain, as far as is practicable, a healthy and safe

place of work; and
2. to take responsibility for compliance with relevant legislation.
Organisations need to be aware that their responsibilities for health and
safety extend beyond their employees to the extent that no activity should
pose risks to visitors or persons outside the facilities. The organisation also
has responsibility for anybody and anyone who is affected by the action of
an employee and the organisations policy statement and risk assessments
must reflect this. A person must be appointed who is competent in
implementing and ensuring that the organisation complies with health and
safety legislation. Employers must have access to a competent person (who
could be an employee, contractor or consultant) and must ensure that he or
she has adequate training, time and resources to discharge his or her duties
under health and safety legislation.
Management and supervision
Responsibilities imposed by legislation at all levels of management and
supervision must be identified. This must extend to all who are directly
involved in the day-to-day management of facilities; for example,
purchasing personnel and senior managers will have roles to play. Care
should be taken to allocate responsibility in line with authority, with
resources to cover the administration procedures for dealing with accidents
and contingency plans for handling power cuts, bomb alerts, floods and fire.
Safety representatives from all user bodies should always be involved.
Proper consideration should be given to providing information about
substances, plant and machinery to employees and to updating this
information. Additionally, training in health and safety responsibilities for
all employees should be provided.
Safety rules and practice
Organisations need to assess the risks to the health and safety of employees
and anyone else affected by the activities of the organisation (for example
employees, customers, visitors and the general public) and devise means of
implementing preventive and protective measures. Assessment must cover
planning, organisation, control, monitoring and reviews. There is a close
link between risk assessment and arrangements specified in the policy
Organisations must take account of the special requirements of persons who
have any kind of disability and others with special needs, and ensure that
appropriate measures are taken to safeguard their presence. This may
involve adaptation of existing means of access to and escape from buildings.
Organisations should seek professional advice on how their buildings and
other facilities comply with relevant legislation, including that aimed at
ensuring the inclusiveness of environments for those with special needs.
Day-to-day responsibilities

Organisations must monitor and review arrangements to achieve continual

improvement in health and safety, using the policy and the management
system. Improvement will be enhanced through the development of policies,
approaches to implementation and techniques of risk control. A checklist
should be provided to guide the framing of service specifications and SLAs,
with respect to the requirements of health and safety in the workplace.

Specifications and agreements

There is a simple logic to the need for service specifications and service
level agreements (SLAs) and to the distinction between them. In short, one
has to say what one wants and then to say what the acceptable performance
is of that service.
Service specifications and SLAs are formal documents that together should
set out the following.
1. Customers expectations of the quality, performance and value of the
services to be provided in a clear and unequivocal manner.
2. Minimum acceptable standards of the service and the customer
requirements that have to be met.
3. Output or performance-oriented measures, concentrating on what is
to be provided as opposed to how.
4. Agreement between the customer and service provider for providing
a range and target level of services.
In practice, SLAs are often made by parties within an internal market, that
is, between the departments or other operational units within an
organisation, and act as a type of contract. This type of contract is not
necessarily accompanied by a charge for the service. SLAs are also suitable
for situations in which services are outsourced. Here, the SLA provides an
important basis for the contract and is the starting point in developing a
partnership agreement.

Service specifications
A service specification is a document that quantifies the minimum
acceptable (technical) standard of service required by the customer and will
generally form a part of the contract with the service provider. The
production of the service specification is a prerequisite in the negotiation
and drafting of SLAs and should set out the following.

Internal standards, relating to corporate or department policy as well

as those that have been adopted on previous contracts.

External standards, covering conformance to statutory requirements,

International Standards, health and safety legislation, industry
standards and manufacturers recommendations.

Procedures the service provider has to comply with in order to

achieve the required technical standards.

Quality and performance targets.

The extent of detail in the specification will depend on the importance and
complexity of the service or asset item. The following is an example outline
of sections and contents.
Part 1. Terminology
1.1 Definition of terms
Part 2. Areas, items and services
2.1 Scope of areas, items and services covered by specification
Part 3. External standards
3.1 Legal/regulatory requirements
3.2 Manufacturers' recommendations
3.3 Industry accepted best practice
Part 4. Internal standards
4.1 Corporate/departmental requirements
4.2 Established standards/codes
Part 5. Categorisation of areas, items and services
5.1 Procedures for each category
5.2 Frequency of procedures for each category
In the case of a cleaning contract, for example, the specification could
describe the standard of cleanliness to be achieved in terms of the maximum
amount of dust or debris which is permitted to remain following cleaning.
Another example would be a service specification for cleaning, showing,
first, prescriptive specifications and, second, performance requirements.

Service level agreement (SLA)

An SLA is a statement of intentions existing between the service provider
and the customer the recipient of the service setting out a specified level
of service. The agreement is formalised by producing a document that
describes the following:

name of each party;

roles and responsibilities of each party;

scope of services that are to be provided;

quality and performance-related targets;

time-related targets

prices and rates;

resources required:

method of communication and interaction between customer and

service provider; and

change procedures.

The SLA may be of a general format, applicable to a number of services or

facilities or it may be customer, facility or service specific. In any event, it
will incorporate relevant service specifications.
Development of SLAs
The customer has certain expectations about the level of service that the
service provider should deliver. These expectations need to be translated
into formal requirements and targets. In the development of these targets,
the service provider should be involved and the agreements developed
jointly, so that targets are both appropriate and practicable. An example of a
target is where the response to a problem for instance the failure of a light
fitting or photocopier breakdown should be within a specified period that
is practicable for the service provider and tolerable for the customer.
Stakeholders need to specify what their tolerance threshold is for rectifying
a range of failures or malfunctions. So, what does an SLA contain?
The following is an example outline of sections and contents.
Part 1. Agreement details
1.1 Name of parties to the agreement
1.2 Effective date of agreement
1.3 Period of agreement
Part 2. Scope of services specification of services
2.1 Management of maintenance and buildings, plant and equipment
2.2 External landscaping
2.3 Management of minor building works
2.4 Management of utilities and telecommunications
Part 3. Delivery times and payments
3.1 Service priority categories and times
3.2 Fees and payments
Part 4. Performance
4.1 Records required to be kept
4.2 Performance measures
4.3 Submission of performance reports
Part 5. Customer-service provider relationship
5.1 Communications
5.2 Incentives and penalties
5.3 Customer satisfaction scoring
5.4 Feedback to service provider and actions
5.5 Procedures for revising service levels

The SLA can contain details and targets relating to all or some of the items
listed earlier. In principle, the document should identify those measures that
the customer will use to judge the level of service received from the service
provider. These measures will generally fall under the following aspects of
the service: quality, performance, delivery time, charges for services and the
nature of the interaction with the service provider. The SLA can also set out
the procedure for incorporating any changes that occur in these targets.

CSFs and KPIs

The factors critical to an organisations success should be considered when
determining the criteria for measuring the performance (or fulfilment) of an
SLA. These are known simply as critical success factors (CSFs).

Critical success factors
are those actions that must be performed well in order for the objectives or
goals established by an organisation to be met satisfactorily.
Key performance indicators (KPIs)
enable management to understand, measure and control progress in each of
the CSFs
Within each CSF will be one or more key performance indicators (KPI).
KPIs enable management to understand, measure and control progress in
each of the CSFs. For example, an organisation may have set a goal of
providing the highest-quality service that ensures each internal customer
receives best value. A CSF in achieving that goal would be agreed SLAs.
Here, a KPI might be published service levels to show clearly what has to be
achieved and then, subsequently, to say what has been achieved.
In another example, an internal perspective on productivity, a CSF, would
lead to KPIs that highlighted abortive work, backlog and ability (or
inability) to perform tasks concurrently. Measures of productivity could

percentage of total work complete at a given time;

percentage of activities planned against unplanned;

percentage of total hours by customer type; and

breakdowns against planned preventive maintenance hours.

Where customer perspectives are concerned, a CSF could be quality for

which one of the KPIs would be complaints (or the lack of them) which, in
turn, would equate to a measure of the number of complaints over time or,
alternatively, a satisfaction rating.

There are many CSFs and KPIs that interact and combine to bring about a
culture and methods that aim to achieve best practice. Performing at the top
end of these measures would bring an organisation to the point of achieving
best practice and, with that, best value in the management of its services and

Performance measurement
The customers view of the quality of a service or product is based on
tangible and intangible factors, both of which are important. Tangible
factors are those which can be objectively measured, such as the time taken
to deliver an item, the charge made and the level of operational
Intangible factors include those which are more subjective in nature and,
therefore, more difficult to measure; for example, the utility of the item to
the customer, its adaptability and advantages over other types or merely the
courtesy of the service providers employees. The difficulty of quantifying
some factors should not preclude their measurement as they can be as
important as those that are easily measured.
Organisations should not, however, impose too many or overly demanding
performance measurements and excessive monitoring on service providers
as this could become counter-productive. A sensible approach is to
concentrate on KPIs.
Before performance measurements can be put in place, output specifications
must be established. For this, a good understanding of the organisations
requirements is essential, and this constitutes part of the informed client
function (ICF) see article on Strategy is the key to successful FM. The
approach of establishing output specifications and then corresponding
measurement systems can result in quantifiable business improvements and
reinforces the link between the facilities management plan and the
organisations overall business objectives. If output specifications are
correctly set up, the system for measuring them should reflect contractual
Service providers can gain competitive advantage by taking on much of the
performance measurement and by identifying the means for adding value.
The hard measurements reported, as based on the output specification, can
be supplemented by the identification of soft benefits, which exceed
contract requirements. This type of relationship between service provider
and client organisation is encouraged and formalised in partnering
arrangements see articles on partnering.
In practice, the overall performance of a service provider can be determined
by monitoring adherence to standards and targets under the following

conformance to regulations and standards;

quality-related and performance-related targets for service delivery;

expenditure targets;

time-related targets; and

interaction between customer and service provider.

Performance data can be collected in a number of ways. For example, the

service provider may complete worksheets and job reports or feedback from
customers might be sought actively in the form of comments on worksheets,
complaints and customer surveys. Once the organisation has collected these
data they should be used to complete a score-sheet at regular intervals. This
should be undertaken for a sample of the services delivered by each service
provider based on KPIs. These will be given in the SLA and contract and
will provide a basis for measuring performance in a way that involves both
the customer and service provider.
The service providers level of service delivery to the customer will be, to a
greater or lesser extent, affected by the quality system that the client
organisation has in place. The satisfactory performance of the service
provider will be more assured if the quality system is geared to the levels of
service performance established in the SLAs. In other words, the ways in
which quality and service performance are measured, in accordance with the
SLAs, should reflect those prescribed in the client organisations quality

Updating service specifications and SLAs

Service specifications should not be regarded as fixed statements of service
requirements, but as a basis for continual improvement as circumstances and
customer requirements change. Experience will reveal how better results
and improved value can be achieved by a change in specification. Service
providers should be involved in the process of updating and improving
service specifications and SLAs in order to draw upon their experience of
actually providing the service. If necessary, visits to other facilities might be
necessary to provide insights into how improvements might be possible.
These actions will ensure that the organisation is able to determine if the
specified service was obtained and so draw lessons for the future. At all
times, it is essential that the requirements set out in the service
specifications and SLAs should be reflected in the contracts with service

Quality assurance systems

If client organisations are to receive a satisfactory level of service, not only
they but also their service providers must have good quality assurance (QA)
systems in place. Service providers QA systems should form an integral
part of their service provision. To add value, service providers have to adopt
QA to enhance service provision through a reduction in errors and
reworking. Thus, a quality approach can save money. Clients should
therefore consider QA systems of bidders during the assessment of bids.

Quality assurance systems generally consist of a policy statement, a quality

manual and a work practice manual. The policy statement is the
organisations explicit commitment to a quality-assured system covering its
services. The quality manual provides a detailed interpretation of the way in
which each of the quality standards is to be met within the context of the
operations of the business. The work practice manual explains the detailed
procedures that must be followed in order to comply with the QA system.
For a system to be effective, it needs to be applied as work is being done.
Thus, for example, logs and reviews should not be completed
retrospectively. Contract documents should incorporate quality-of-service
criteria and stipulate that payments will depend on the provider meeting
these criteria. These contractual provisions should assure the quality of
services or products of service providers. The issue of penalties and
incentives relating to performance standards should be considered following
performance reviews.

Service specifications are an integral part of the process and work with
SLAs to define the quality and/or performance required from a service. Both
they and SLAs are fundamental to the business of effective facilities
management, irrespective of whether the service is outsourced or retained
in-house. Time spent preparing tightly written service specifications and
SLAs will be repaid amply in the future since contracts will be easier to
manage and less prone to misinterpretation. Quality assurance systems
should be adopted by organisations as a necessary part of facilities
management and used to support the work of managers and service
providers alike. This ensures, as an absolute minimum, that a consistent set
of standards is applied as a basis for seeking continual improvement.

1. How would you go about ensuring that stakeholders did not goldplate their requirements?
2. How would you ensure that your organisation was fully aware of
current legislation in regard to health and safety?
3. How would you differentiate between the information provided
within a service specification and that within an SLA?
4. Choose a service (other than cleaning) and then write down the
headings under which details of the service could be specified
5. Identify the special features of the SLA for the outsourcing of
information technology by an insurance company.

6. Write down the CSFs and their associated KPIs covering the
business objective of competitive prices.

References and bibliography

Alexander, K., Atkin, B.L., Brchner, J. and Haugen, T. (eds.)
(2004) Facilities Management: Innovation and Performance. London:
Atkin, B. and Brooks, A. (2009) Total Facilities Management. Third edition.
Oxford: Blackwell Science.
Barrett, P.S. and Baldry, D. (2003) Facilities Management: Towards Best
Practice. Second edition. Oxford: Blackwell Science.

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