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Design and Optimization of On-Chip Voltage Regulators For High Performance Applications

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[Invited Special Session Paper]1

Pingqiang Zhou
School of Information Science and Technology
ShanghaiTech University, Shanghai 200031, CHINA
Email: zhoupq@shanghaitech.edu.cn
Voltage regulators are traditionally fabricated offchip because they rely on bulky energy storage devices on
the board. Recent progress shows that it is possible to
integrate such voltage regulators on chip to improve
voltage regulation, and to potentially provide better
support for DVFS technique to reduce power consumption
in high performance multicore applications. This paper
presents an overview of the design and optimization of onchip voltage regulators for multicore applications.

Power is a major challenge in current and future
multicore processor design, and the dynamic voltage and
frequency scaling (DVFS) technique has been widely used
to reduce power consumption in recent high-performance
multicore processors [1][3]. The varying performance
demands in the cores of a multicore processor can be best
met if DVFS is supported by providing wide range of
VDD supply from the power delivery network.
Most conventional DVFS systems are based on offchip voltage regulators driving on-chip power grids, which
comes at the cost of additional complexity and area, since
voltage regulators are built traditionally in board-level
with large inductors or capacitors. The costs and sizes of
such bulky modules severely limit their use for on-chip
voltage regulation. In addition, due to the slow response
time of the off-chip regulators, the DVFS control
algorithms have to work on coarse temporal granularity,
with voltage changes on the order of several microseconds
[4], [5]. To enable fast (on the order of tens of nanoseconds)
and fine-granularity (at the core or block level) DVFS, it
is essential to develop fully integrated on-chip voltage
regulators, which can significantly improve on-chip
voltage regulation and eliminate load-transient spikes [6].
Power efficiency is one of the most critical design
metrics for voltage regulators. The power efficiency of a
regulator can be defined as the ratio of the power delivered
to the load to the power extracted from the input source,

This paper is invited by Special Session of Advanced CAD

Techniques for Power/Temperature-Aware IC Design in
ICSICT 2014.


The key challenge associated with realizing on-chip

integrated regulators is the difficulty in achieving high
efficiency at high power densities required by highperformance multicore applications. Due primarily to the
lack of dense, high-quality-factor energy storage elements,
on-chip voltage regulators are historically infeasible for
high-performance applications, and they are limited to be
used in ultra-low power applications (on the order of micro
watts) [7], [8]. The need for multiple supply voltages in
high performance multicore applications leads to several
recent efforts in exploring fully integrated on-chip voltage
regulators. Part of them focus on the design aspects of the
voltage regulators, for example, how to design the internal
structure of a regulator so that it can provide a wide range
of supply voltage [9][12]. Others look at the application
of these on-chip voltage regulators in multicore systems
and present approaches to optimize the efficiency of the
whole power delivery system integrating the on-chip
voltage regulators (see Figure 1) [6], [13][15].

C4 Contact

Lpkg Rpkg

Global VDD grid




voltage regulator
Power grid for one
power domain
Core load
Global GND grid

Lpkg Rpkg

C4 Contact

Figure 1: A power delivery system model integrated

with on-chip voltage regulators [6].




There are two kinds of typical voltage regulators

linear regulators and switching converters. Current-day
voltage regulators are mostly implemented by linear
regulators, such as LDOs [13], [16][18], but only
switching converters can provide a wide range of output
voltage at high efficiency which is critical for the
application of DVFS in multicore systems [9], [19].
Linear Regulators
A linear regulator maintains a steady output voltage
by varying its resistance in accordance with the load
condition. Figure 2 shows the most efficient form of linear
regulators a low-dropout (LDO) voltage regulator which
consists of a pass element (Mp), sampling resistors (Rf1 and
Rf2), reference voltage (Vref), an error amplifier, and a
differentiator [13], [17].

be achieved by improving the design of the LDO

regulators [17], [20].
2) we should minimize the input-to-output differential
voltage . The larger is, the lower the
efficiency of the LDO is. This means that LDO
regulators are not suited for DVFS applications that
require a wide range of supply voltage.
Switching regulators
A switching regulator uses an active device that
switches on and off to maintain an average value of output
current. The active device can be an inductor or a capacitor.
Inductive (switched-model) DC-DC converter: A
typical inductive switching regulator (also known as buck
converter) is shown in Figure 3, which consists of switching
power transistors, the output filter inductor (Lout) and
capacitor (Cout), and a feedback control comprised of a
hysteretic comparator and associated filter elements (Cfilter
and Rfilter) that enhance loop stability.

Figure 2 A LDO voltage regulator [17].

The dropout voltage of a linear regulator is
defined as the minimum voltage drop across the regulator,
i.e., the input-to-output differential voltage , to
maintain output voltage regulation. If is less
than , the regulator works in the dropout (linear)
region and the output voltage decreases in proportion to
the decreasing input voltage. In contrast, if is
larger than dropout voltage, the regulator is in regulation
region and it maintains the output voltage at a stable level
through the closed-loop feedback system consisting of the
sampling resistors Rf1 and Rf2 and the error amplifier.
Conventional LDO voltage regulators require a bulky offchip output capacitor to ensure AC stability and load
transient response. Recent work [17] proposed to add an
auxiliary fast loop (differentiator in Figure 2) to provide
a fast transient detector path as well as internal AC
The efficiency of an LDO is given by

( + )


where is the quiescent current in the internal

circuitry of the LDO that flows to the ground. From
Equation (2) we can see that, to improve the efficiency of
a LDO regulator
1) we should minimize the dropout voltage (which
limits max ) and quiescent current . This can

Figure 3 Inductive switching converter [4].

The power transistors acts as an inverter that switches
on and off at a frequency and provides a square wave to
the low-pass output filter. The regulator output voltage,
Vout, is approximately set by the duty cycle of the square
wave. Vhys, the output of the filter, is fed to the hysteretic
comparator, whose output then sets the duty cycle of the
square wave input to the power transistors. The hysteretic
comparator has a high threshold Vhigh and a low threshold
voltage Vlow. When Vhys falls below Vlow, the PMOS power
switch turns on, and when the Vhys increases above Vhigh
the NMOS turns on. Since Vhys is directly affected by Vout,
hysteretic control can react very quickly when Vout
fluctuates in response to load current transients [4].
In real design, parallel sets of power transistors and
inductors can be interleaved and connected to the same
output load such that the current through each inductor is
interleaved across even time intervals. In this way, the
interleaved inductor currents cancel out at the output and
result in an average current with small ripple [4], [21].
The inductive DC-DC converters can achieve high
efficiency and also work with large output load [10].
However, one big problem is that the on-chip inductive
switching converters for high-performance applications
require large inductors that are implemented on the metal

layers on chip, which may cause severe noise interference

and special shielding process is needed for such inductors.
Switched-capacitor (SC) DC-DC converter: A SC
converter (also known as charge pump) is a network of
charge-transfer capacitors and switches that operates in
two or more phases, converting an input voltage to an
output . If is higher than , the conversion is
called a step-up conversion. Vice versa, if If is
lower than , the conversion is called a step-down





Figure 4 A 2:1 SC converter [6].

Figure 4 shows a SC converter with 2:1 conversion
ratio (for clarity, the control unit and closed-loop feedback
system is not shown). Two capacitors each with
capacitance of 6CB and five switches are connected in a
network, and the switches are controlled by two signals 1
and 2 . In the charging phase, 1 turns ON two switches
connecting the two charge-transfer capacitors in series.
Since both capacitors have the same value of capacitance
6CB, each will be charged to /2 if enough time is
provided for the capacitors to be fully charged. In the
discharging phase, three other switches turn ON, while the
ones controlled by 1 turn OFF. This will connect both
capacitors in parallel with the output load, resulting in an
output voltage = /2. As current starts to flow into
the load, the charge stored in the capacitors will deplete
and the output voltage will drop to /2 at the end
of this stage before it is recharged in the next phase. The
ripple at the output of the SC converter can be
effectively controlled by multi-phase interleaving
technique, and 16 and 32 phases are typically used in real
A promising feature of SC converter is that, with the
same total amount of flying capacitance, we can
dynamically reconfigure the network of the capacitors and
switches such that a SC converter can work with different
conversion ratios at different times, so as to provide a wide
range of supply voltage to support DVFS applications [9],
[14], [15].
Recent works [11], [12] demonstrate that, with
advanced design techniques and energy storage devices
such as deep trench capacitors, a SC DC-DC converter can
provide high power density (up to 2.3A/mm2) and high
efficiency (>80%), and therefore make itself a compelling
candidate for high performance applications.


Recently there have been several pioneering works on
the optimization of on-chip voltage regulators, with the
aim of maximizing the power efficiency either at the
regulator level [12] or at the system level [13], [15].
Zeng et.al. [13] have looked at the analysis and
optimization of LDOs in a power delivery system with
multiple power domains. They first develop a GPU-CPU
simulation engine for a power delivery network with
integrated LDOs, and then propose a simulation-based
nonlinear optimization strategy to maximize the efficiency
of the power delivery system by optimizing the number of
the used LDOs for each power domain.
The work in [12] has presented models for the power
loss inside the SC converters and focused primarily on
optimizing the internal design of the SC converter to
reduce wasted power within the converter, by controlling
the voltage ripple and choosing the optimal switch
width and switching frequency. Under this paradigm, the
burden of optimizing the other power loss terms in the
system, such as the voltage droop in the power grid (see
Figure 1), is placed on conventional means for power
delivery optimization [22].
The work [15] has studied the application and
optimization of SC converters for DVFS in multicore
power delivery system that may have multiple power
domains. First, they suggest the use of distributed SC
converters in a multicore system with multiple power
domains. Their simulation results show that the voltage
droop seen by the core loads is affected by both the number
and location, i.e., distribution, of the converters.
Compared to a single lumped converter, distributed
converters with the same total amount of capacitance can
significantly reduce the voltage droop by providing better
localized voltage regulation. Second, they consider a
holistic optimization of the SC converters at the system
level to minimize the power loss in the whole power
delivery system. Due to the fact that the current
distribution in a multicore system is spatially imbalanced,
using SC converters with identical size and evenly
distributing them over a chip area is not the best choice.
Therefore, they develop an accurate power loss model for
the whole power delivery system integrated with SC
converters, and then propose an ideal mathematicalprogramming-based CAD approach to automate the
design and distribution of the SC converters supporting
DVFS in a multicore system, with the objective of
maximizing the efficiency of the whole power delivery

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