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Validate application quality with functional

and regression test automation

IBM Rational Functional Tester


Provides robust testing support

IBM Rational Functional Tester

maintenance capabilities to help ensure

software enables the automation of

a test creation and execution process

functional and regression testing. De-

thats resilient in the face of applica-

signed with a deep understanding of

tion change.

for Java, Web, SAP, Siebel and

Java , Web, SAP, Siebel and Microsoft

Microsoft Visual Studio .NET

Visual Studio .NET Windows Forms

Rational Functional Tester software

Windows Forms applications

technologies, Rational Functional Tester

accessible to novices and experts

software combines a robust recorder

alike is suitable for testers, GUI

of user actions with multiple custom-

developers and anyone else on the

ization options and intelligent script

project team who needs to ensure

Allows the use of keywords to

bridge the gap between manual
and automated testing

effective software development.

Enables you to choose your

scripting language Java or
Microsoft Visual Basic .NET
for test script customization,
editing and debugging
Helps validate dynamic data with
multiple verification points and
support for regular expression
pattern matching
Helps eliminate rework; minimize the rerecording of scripts;
and reduce script maintenance
(by ensuring playback even
when underlying applications
change) through the IBM
ScriptAssure technology
Helps improve productivity by
supporting version control to
enable parallel development
of test scripts and concurrent
usage by geographically distributed teams

Testing an application with IBM Rational Functional Tester software

Though functional testing can be

Lower the cost of functional testing

Bridge to automation

performed using a purely manual

The benefits of automated testing are

Often inefficient and inconsistent, test-

approach, automation brings great

quickly lost when teams expend great

ing can result in much time wasted

benefits to the software develop-

manual effort keeping test scripts up

creating, organizing and managing

ment organization, such as:

to date throughout the project. Rational

the most mundane tasks. Keyword

Functional Tester software uses the

testing, a framework for organizing and

Enabling regression testing

IBM ScriptAssure advanced technol-

managing test steps, allows testers to

testing for feature regression from

ogy to learn user interface (UI) control

rapidly create and reuse test scripts

one build to the next without

characteristics, thereby enabling the

as needed. Using Rational Functional

tying up tester resources.

software to identify the same controls

Tester software, testers can develop

Freeing quality assurance (QA)

in newer builds despite underlying

automation scripts that are associ-

departments from maintaining

changes. These characteristics are

ated with keywords, and enable easy

and executing basic tests, encour-

stored in an object map that can be

reuse and improved efficiencies. When

aging the creation of additional,

shared across scripts and projects.

testers use these automated scripts

thorough tests.

With this map, changes to object rec-

in concert with IBM Rational Manual

ognition characteristics affect all test

Tester software, they can enable the

such as test lab machine prepara-

scripts, simplifying maintenance. And

incremental adoption of automated

tion and database configuration.

new, advanced object map search

tests by using keyword testing as a

Automating nontesting activities

Reducing human error that can occur

and filter capabilities in Rational

building block to automation. And then

during activities such as test step

Functional Tester can help make

organizations can build a collabora-

execution and test result recording.

maintenance even easier.

tive test environment between manual

and automated testing tools that can

Any organization that relies on its own

Used to compare actual data with

application development to serve its

eliminate the friction and gap between

expected data, verification points

own needs or its customers needs

manual and automated testing and

inserted within test code can support

recognizes that application quality is a

leverage the strength of the entire test-

the usage of regular expressions to

prerequisite for success, not a luxury.

ing team.

validate dynamic content such as

However, ensuring that these applica-

an ever-changing and ever-increasing

tions work in a manner that meets or

Unlimited customization potential

order number, or time and date

Teams quickly learn that test script

exceeds project expectations requires

stamps. This capability further helps

modification and enhancement are

a level of project discipline and effi-

reduce the need for test maintenance

inevitable. Everything from simple

ciency that can be hard to achieve.

activities to accommodate changes

looping constructs to advanced file

Typically the domain of QA depart-

in the application(s) under test.

manipulation or operating system

ments, functional testing allows users

interaction may be necessary to get

to verify the successful implementation

the most out of an automated test-

of requirements in categories such as

ing tool. Rational Functional Tester

functionality, usability and appearance.

software offers an unprecedented

choice to its users in recognition of
this need the choice of mainstream,
industrial-strength languages hosted
within equivalently robust test editors
and debuggers.

Rational Functional Tester software can

Rational Functional Tester software sup-

Integrates with the IBM Rational

produce test scripts using either 100

ports the use of parallel development,

Software Delivery Platform

percent Java code hosted within the

enabling the version control of test

IBM Rational Manual Tester software

Eclipse Java Developer Toolkit editor,

scripts. Colocated teams can use the

is an integral component of the IBM

or using 100 percent Microsoft Visual

IBM Rational ClearCase LT product

Rational Software Delivery Platform.

Basic .NET code hosted within the

that ships with the Rational Functional

One of the industrys most compre-

Microsoft Visual Studio .NET editor.

Tester software, and upgrade to the

hensive and powerful solutions for

Anyone familiar with these program-

full IBM Rational ClearCase solution,

software system creation and applica-

ming languages can quickly modify

to enable work with geographically

tion lifecycle management, the IBM

existing code, as well as create custom

dispersed teams.

Rational Software Delivery Platform

libraries that can be called by other

provides automation support for the

test scripts. Coding is greatly simpli-

Built on open standards

aspects of software development. Fur-

fied thanks to the Eclipse and Visual

The Java scripting capabilities of

ther, it can help unite team members

Studio .NET editors, both of which

Rational Functional Tester software

by enabling them to share information

provide advanced editing features

are built on top of the Eclipse archi-

effectively across various tools.

such as automated code completion

tectural framework and its test, trace

and advanced debugging options.

and monitoring extension, called the

Integration into the Rational Software

Customization possibilities are limit-

Test and Performance Tools Platform

Delivery Platform is designed to help

less, and communication of test scripts

(TPTP). Both are open source pro-

ensure access to various software

with development is vastly simplified.

jects that provide shared, open source

development lifecycle assets such

In fact, GUI developers and other

services across tooling environments

as application requirements, and it

members of the development team

that target application development,

enables a shared user experience

can access Rational Functional Tester

testing, deployment and monitoring.

across team disciplines. From the

software from within their Eclipse

Usage of this infrastructure can

perspective of functional testing, this

or Visual Studio .NET code-based

promote benefits ranging from the

helps ensure the ability of developers

integrated development environments

elimination of proprietary data store

and testers to build, share and analyze

(IDEs) to create their own tests.

formats to enabling support for both

functional tests from within the same

internal and third-party customization

user interface they use to construct,

Supporting diverse team needs

and contribution. An investment in

test, deploy and monitor their appli-

As teams take advantage of Rational

tools based on Eclipse and TPTP can

cations using other tools within the

Functional Tester advanced scripting

help organizations avoid vendor lock-

Rational Software Delivery Platform.

capabilities, the need to store multiple

in and encourage future innovation.

versions of a test script becomes

important. Add to this the complication
of supporting geographically distributed
test teams, and the need for multisite
parallel development becomes clear.

About IBM Rational services

For more information

With an eye on whats right for your

To learn more about IBM Rational

business, IBM offers a variety of ser-

Functional Tester software, contact

vices to complement IBM Rational tools

your IBM representative or IBM

and best practices. Rational services

Business Partner, or visit:

are available for large and small projects to help you build team skills,


reduce the time to productivity when


implementing a new solution, and

maximize the return on your investment in IBM Rational tools.
About IBM Rational quality management software
IBM Rational quality management solutions offer testers leading-edge support
for performance testing, functional
and regression testing, manual testing,
developer testing, and test management. With Rational solutions, QA
teams can manage and address issues
with application functionality, usability,
reliability, scalability and performance.
Supporting a broad range of environments and built on a comprehensive,
self-managing platform, Rational quality
management tools enable the tight collaboration of distributed test assets and
information across the delivery lifecycle.

Copyright IBM Corporation 2008

IBM Corporation
Software Group
Route 100
Somers, NY 10589
Produced in the United States of America
All Rights Reserved.
IBM, the IBM logo, ClearCase, Rational and
ScriptAssure are trademarks or registered
trademarks of International Business Machines
Corporation in the United States, other countries,
or both.
Microsoft and Windows are trademarks of Microsoft
Corporation in the United States, other countries,
or both.
Java and all Java-based trademarks are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United
States, other countries, or both.
Other company, product and service names may
be the trademarks or service marks of others.
The information contained in this documentation
is provided for informational purposes only. While
efforts were made to verify the completeness
and accuracy of the information contained in this
documentation, it is provided as is without warranty of any kind, express or implied. In addition,
this information is based on IBMs current product
plans and strategy, which are subject to change by
IBM without notice. IBM shall not be responsible
for any damages arising out of the use of, or otherwise related to, this documentation or any other
documentation. Nothing contained in this documentation is intended to, nor shall have the effect
of, creating any warranties or representations from
IBM (or its suppliers or licensors), or altering the
terms and conditions of the applicable license
agreement governing the use of IBM software.

The Rational iterative lifecycle approach

to quality is designed to provide testers
with higher-quality code, and to help
them improve their productivity and
meet tight deadlines.


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