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Delay-Differential Equations

Richard Bertram
Department of Mathematics and
Programs in Neuroscience and Molecular Biophysics
Florida State University
Tallahassee, Florida 32306

At the beginning of the course we discussed the discrete logistic

equation for population dynamics. This equation has also been used to
study complex dynamics such as chaos. We now turn to the continuous
logistic equation:



where r and K are the growth rate and carrying capacity and N is the
population density. The independent time variable is t0. Equation 1 can
be rewritten as
= R(N )N
where R(N ) = r(1



is a density-dependent growth rate and is a

decreasing function of N . There are two steady states, N,1 = 0 and

N,2 = K, but only the latter is stable (when r > 0). Thus, the population will tend to its carrying capacity over time.
The logisitc equation assumes that the organisms birth rate depends
instantaneously on changes in population size. However, in many cases
there should be a delay. For example, many organisms store nutrients, so
wont notice immediately if the population grows too large for the available
resourses. In 1948 G. E. Hutchinson modified the logistic equation to
incorporate a delay into the growth rate, so R(N ) becomes R(N (t0 )):
N (t0 )
= rN [1


where is the delay. We can write this in dimensionless form by introducing the following changes of variable: y


and t t . A delay of

is simply a delay of 1 in the new time variable. Also,

dN dt
1 dN
dt dt0 dt


So in the dimensionless form,

= r y[1 y(t 1)] .


Define r , so that the time delay is absorbed into the parameter.

Then Eq. 5 becomes
= y[1 y(t 1)] .


Now denote y(t 1) as y ; it is a delayed variable. Then we finally arrive

at the dimensionless delay-logistic equation,
= y[1 y ] .


Note that to specify initial conditions, one must specify the y value over
the time interval [0, 1] (or [0, ] for the dimensional form of the equation).
Often this is done by picking y to be the same value over this entire
interval, so y = y0 for all t [0, 1]. In the examples below I use y = 2
for t [0, 1]. Equation 7 has a single parameter, , which is convenient
for analysis. For the case = 1 the output is a damped oscillation that
converges to 1. To find equilibria analytically we proceed as usual, but





Figure 1: Solution to delay-logistic equation with = 1.

also set y = y since at equilibrium y does not change in time, so the

delayed value of y is the same as the non-delayed value. From Eq. 7, the
equilibria satisfy
0 = y(1 y)


or y = 0, 1.
When is increased to = 2 the damped oscillation becomes a sustained oscillation, with period of about 5 (Fig. 2). This indicates that a
Hopf bifurcation has occurred for some value of between 1 and 2.
We see from this example that a single delay-differential equation (DDE)






Figure 2: Solution to delayed-logistic equation with = 2.

is capable of producing periodic motion, in contrast to a single ordinary

differential equation. This is because the single DDE is not 1-dimensional,
but is actually infinite dimensional. This should be expected, since
one must specify the value of y over an entire interval (an infinite number
of points) to initialize the DDE.
So we see that by adding a delay one can induce oscillations. In this example, the delay was added into the term that provides negative feedback
(the quadratic term), which was intentional; delayed negative feedback
is well known to give rise to oscillations. As this example demonstrates,

population models with a single species can give rise to oscillations, as

long as there is delayed negative feedback.

Stability of the Linear Delay-Differential Equation

Local stability of DDEs is more challenging than for ordinary DEs, due
to the infinite dimensionality of the system. As an example, we consider
the simple linear delay-differential equation in dimensionless form
= ay


where y y(t 1). Note that the only equilibrium solution is y = 0.

Since Eq. 9 is linear, we try the exponential solution y = Cet, so that
= Cet


ay = aCe(t1) = aCete


ae = 0


and also

so together,

is the characteristic equation. The solutions of this equation are

called the eigenvalues, as in the case of a system of linear ordinary differential equations. For ODEs the equation is a polynomial and the fundamental theorem of algebra tells us how many roots (eigenvalues) to expect.
For the linear DDE the characteristic equation is transcendental, so there
is no theorem about number of roots (which could be countably infinite).

For our example, we will consider real and complex solutions separately.
First, suppose that is real. We can plot z = and z = ae and
look for intersections.

Figure 3: For real and a > 0.

For a > 0 there is a single intersection at a positive . Thus, the

solution y = cet increases exponentially to infinity as t , and the
equilibrium y = 0 is unstable.
For a < 0 there may be 0, 1, or 2 intersections. There is a single
intersection when the curves are tangent. At this point of tangency the
curves have the same slope, and since the line has slope of 1, this means
that at the point of tangency
ae = 1


ae = 1



Figure 4: For real and three values of a < 0. There is a point of tangency for a = ac (green) and
no real roots for a < ac (cyan).

so that
a = e .


Since this point is on the curve z = ae, if we replace a, then z = 1.

Since the intersection is on the line z = , = 1 also. Therefore, the
tangency occurs (and there is a single intersection) when ac = e1.
For ac < a < 0 there are two real negative eigenvalues. For a = ac =
e1 there is a single negative eigenvalue ( = 1). For a < ac there are
no real eigenvalues.
By superposition, the solution to the linear DDE is the sum of exponential solutions. So, if a [ac, 0] the real eigenvalues are negative and so the
associated exponential solutions decay to 0 over time. If a < ac there are
no exponentially decaying or growing components to the solution. What
about the components associated with complex eigenvalues?


Suppose that is complex. Then substitute = r + i into

the characteristic equation (Eq. 12). Then
r + i = a exp(r i)


= a exp(r ) exp(i)


= a exp(r )[cos(i) + sin(i)]


= a exp(r ) cos(i) a exp(r ) sin(i)


r = a exp(r ) cos(i)


i = a exp(r ) sin(i)


= cot(i) .



and therefore

Using these last two equations, we get parametric equations for r and a
with i as a parameter:
r = i cot(i)
a =
exp(i cot(i)) sin i


Due to the periodicity of the trigonometric functions, many curves are

traced out as i is varied from to , producing an infinite number
of curves.



Figure 5: For complex there are an infinite number of solution curves (green). Also included is
the solution curve for real (red).

The general solution is y(t; a) =

cnent, where summation is over all

values of n for the given parameter a, and y = 0 is a stable steady

state for values of a in which all eigenvalues have negative real parts.
That is, for all values of a between the dashed line and a = 0, a (ac2, 0)
in the figure. What is the value ac2? It is the value in which r = 0 and
i 6= 0 (the eigenvalue is complex). From Eq. 20, if r = 0, then
0 = a cos(i)


i = + k , k Z


i = a sin(i)



and using Eq. 21,


i = a


a = i


and thus

Equations 26 and 29 give the values of a where each of an infinite number of complex eigenvalues cross through r = 0. We dont care about
positive a values, since we know that in this case the real eigenvalue is
positive, and hence y = 0 is unstable. For the negative values of a, the
first crossing is at i =

and from Eq. 29, ac2 = 2 . Therefore, y = 0

is stable for a ( 2 , 0).


Linear Stability of the Delay-Logistic Equation

We now return to the delay-logistic equation,
= y[1 y ] .


In addition to the trivial steady state, this has a saturated steady state
at y = 1. We will investigate the linear stability of this. To do this,
introduce a small perturbation u from y = 1 and see if the phase point
returns to the steady state. That is, let y = u + 1, or u = y 1 and insert
into the DDE,
= (u + 1)(1 (u + 1))
= (u + 1)u .


For small perturbations, u + 1 1, so



which is the linear DDE we just analyzed, with a = . From this

analysis, we know that the trivial solution is stable for /2 < a < 0, so
u = 0 is stable for 0 < < /2. This means that a small perturbation
away from y = 1 decays to 0 over time, and thus y = 1 is a stable
steady state of the delay-logistic equation (Eq. 30) for 0 < < /2.
At = /2 this steady state loses stability when a complex eigenvalue
crosses through the imaginary axis (the real part goes from negative to


positive). Thus, there is a Hopf bifurcation at = /2. For > /2

the system has a stable periodic solution.






Figure 6: Solution to delay-logistic equation with = 2.


Periodic Breathing
Periodic breathing, also called Cheyne-Stokes breathing, is characterized by a few deep breaths followed by a few shallow breaths. In some
cases, the deep breaths are followed by no breathing, a condition called
sleep apnea. Periodic breathing often occurs in high altitudes during sleep,
and is a symptom of altitude sickness. It also sometimes occurs in babies.
During an apnea, blood oxygen levels and the heart pumping rate drop,
causing the sleeper to wake up. Of course, this results in a bad night
of sleep. In some extreme cases, death occurs during sleep. The leading
hypothesis for periodic breathing is that it is due to an instability in the
chemical control system for respiration. This hypothesis has gained support since it was first published, partly due to mathematical models (the
first of which was published in 1940).
More recently (2000), a simple delay-differential equation model was
published describing the dynamics of CO2 concentration in the lungs (p).
The equation is
=P V T
where P is CO2 production, V is brain-controlled ventilation, and T is

the transfer from lung to stores via the blood, and VL is the lung volume.
CO2 production is a result of metabolism and is assumed to occur at
a constant rate M . Ventilation is controlled by the brain stem, which


monitors CO2 levels in the blood. There is a delay between the measurement of the CO2 level and the time at which ventilation takes place. The
authors modeled this as pV (p(t )), where V is a ventilation function.
The transfer to stores does not involve the brain, so it occurs without a
delay and is described by the function T (p). As we shall see, the details
of the ventilation and transfer functions are not needed to understand the
instability hypothesis for periodic breathing. We now have

= M pV (p ) T (p) .


We assume that there is a steady state solution, p, that represents

normal ventilation. Then we consider a small perturbation from p, u =
p p, and see if the system returns to rest:

= M (u + p)V (u + p) T (u + p) .


Now do a Taylor approximation, treating u and u as separate variables,

f (u, u ) f (0, 0) +

(0, 0)u +
(0, 0)u


f (u, u ) = M (u + p)V (u + p) T (u + p)



and f (0, 0) = 0 since (0, 0) is the steady state.

= V (u + p) T 0(u + p)
(0, 0) = V (p) T 0(p)
(0, 0) = pV 0(p)



[V (p) + T 0(p)]u pV 0(p)u .


This tells us that all we need to solve the linearized DDE is V (p), T 0(p),
and V 0(p) (we dont need to know the complete V and T functions).
Fortunately, these things are measurable, and have been measured. V (p)
is the mean ventilation; T 0(p) = Q where is the solubility of CO2 in
blood and Q is the cardiac output; and V 0(p) is the chemoreflex gain. To
solve, insert u = cet into Eq. 42,
VLcet = c[V (p) + T 0(p)]et cete pV 0(p)


VL = [V (p) + T 0(p)] e pV 0(p)


V (p) + T 0(p) e pV 0(p)




and thus

and so the characteristic equation is

+ x + ye = 0



with the introduced to make the algebra easier later. Here

[V (p) + T 0(p)]
p V (p )


Periodic breathing, by hypothesis, begins when the steady state CO2

concentration in the lungs loses stability via Hopf bifurcation. So we look
for solutions to the characteristic equation of the form = i:
i + x + yei = 0


i + x + y[cos( ) i sin( )] = 0 .



For the real part,

x + y cos( ) = 0


y sin( ) = 0 .


and for the imaginary part,

From Eq. 52,


sin( )


and inserting this into Eq. 51,

x = cot( ) .



These latter two equations are parametric equations for x and y, with
as the parameter. We can plot the curve described by the equations over
some range of . Here we use 0.5 < < 0.9.




Figure 7: Periodic breathing occurs for (x, y) above the Hopf curve.

This curve is almost linear. One can then rewrite Eq. 42 in terms of x
and y, yielding
= u u .


If (x, y) values below the Hopf curve are inserted into Eq. 55 and if the
equation is solved numerically, we see that below the Hopf curve the equilibrium solution u = 0 is stable while above the curve it is unstable and
there are stable oscillations. That is, periodic breathing occurs for (x, y)
above the Hopf curve (Fig. 7).


Figure 8: Clinical data showing patients exhibiting periodic breathing (filled) and those exhibiting
normal breathing (open). From Francis et al., Circulation, 102:2214-2221, 2000.

Figure 8 shows clinical data from patients exhibiting periodic breathing

(filled squares) and the observed x and y values for these patients. It also
shows individuals not exhibiting periodic breathing (open symbols). As
predicted from the model, patients showing periodic breathing have x and
y values that place them above the Hopf curves, where oscillations are
expected. The cycle time for these patients is 1.2 0.2 min. We can use
this oscillation period along with the Hopf bifurcation theorem to deduce
a value for the delay that must exist for our model to reproduce the
experimental data. Let T denote the oscillation period, and then by the


Hopf bifurcation theorem,





T =

so that

( ) .


Using the range 0.5 < < 0.9 that we used to make Fig. 7, the range
of delays that will make the model range of periods match those from the
clinical data is 0.3 < < 0.5 (min), or 18 < < 30 (sec). That is,
the model predicts that when periodic breathing occurs there is a delay
of somewhere between 18 and 30 seconds between the time at which the
brain stem measures CO2 level in the blood and the time that ventilation


Ultradian Rhythms in Glucocorticoid Secretion

Another biological example of oscillations induced by time delays is in the
endocrine system. Glucocorticoids are hormones released by the adrenal
gland during periods of stress. The glucocorticoid released in humans is
cortisol, while that released in rats and mice (where virtually all studies
are done) is corticosterone. These are key stress hormones that act on
the cardiovascular, cognitive, metabolic, and immunological state of the
animal. Under normal conditions, there is a daily or circadian rhythm
in the release of glucocorticoids (which well call CORT), with high
release during waking hours and low release during sleep. Superimposed
on this slow rhythm is a faster rhythm with period of about 1 hour; this
faster type of rhythm is called an ultradian rhythm. The amplitude of
the ultradian rhythm is modulated by the circadian rhythm (Fig. 9). It
has been demonstrated that the response of the animal to a stressor varies
with the phase of the ultradian rhythm at which the stressor occurs.
The structure of the stress axis is shown in Fig. 10. The hypothalamus
is the region of the brain that regulates hormone secretion from the various endocrine glands. It does this by acting on the pituitary gland, which
contains five types of hormone-secreting cells, including pituitary corticotrophs. A neurohormone called corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH)
is released from the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of the hypothalamus


Figure 9: Measurements of blood corticosterone in two male rats. The bar indicates the dark phase.
From Walker et al., 2010.

and it stimulates the corticotrophs to secrete adrenocorticotropic hormone

(ACTH). This travels through the blood to the adrenal gland, where it
acts on cells of the adrenal cortex to secrete CORT into the blood. This
hormone feeds back onto neurons of the PVN and on the corticotrophs to
inhibit them. However, the CORT is not stored in the adrenal cells, but
must be synthesized in response to ACTH. This introduces a time delay
between the release of ACTH and the release of CORT.
The circadian oscillations in CORT are due to input from the bodys
central clock, a region of the brain called the suprachiasmatic nucleus
(SCN). This acts on neurons of the PVN so that the release of CRH
undergoes a daily rhythm, causing daily rhythms in ACTH and CORT.
(The central nervous system (CNS) also acts on the hypothalamus


Figure 10: Illustration of the key components of the stress axis.

to regulate hormone secretion.) It was originally thought that ultradian

rhythms in CORT were also due to ultradian rhythms in CRH. However,
the lab of Stafford Lightman has shown that ultradian rhythms in CORT
can be produced when CRH levels are relatively constant. How can this
happen? To answer this, he collaborated with mathematician John Terry
and his student Jamie Walker to build and ultimately test a mathematical
This model includes a variable for the ACTH concentration (a), glucocorticoid receptor availability in the corticotrophs (r), and CORT (c).


The equations are:

p3 a
1 + p2rc
+ p5 p6 r
p4 + (cr)2
= a c


where the pj are parameters and a = a(t ). (The equations are

in non-dimensional form.) The first equation reflects the inhibition of
ACTH release when CORT binds to a receptor in the corticotrophs. The
second equation reflects the increase in CORT receptor transcription and
membrane insertion that occurs in response to CORT. The last equation
desribes the delayed synthesis of CORT.
Simulations with this model were done with XPPAUT to produce Fig. 11.
Initially the CRH input is low (parameter p1 is small). In this case there
are no oscillations. At the closed arrow the CRH concentration is increased
and oscillations begin. In these oscillations the ACTH concentration (red)
lead the CORT concentration (black), as has been observed experimentally. The oscillations are terminated, however, when the time delay is
too small (open arrow). This demonstrates that oscillations only occur
for appropriate values of the input parameter (CRH) and the time delay.
It is a common feature with models involving explicit time delays that
oscillations only occur when the time delay is sufficiently large.


Figure 11: Model simulation showing effects of CRH and the time delay on CORT and ACTH

Another property of systems with an explicit time delay is that when

oscillations occur their period depends critically on the value of the delay . Larger time delays give larger periods, but the oscillation periods
are significantly greater than the time delay. Figure 12 is a 2-parameter
bifurcation diagram that illustrates the region of parameter space where
oscillations occur, and the periods of the oscillations. Oscillations only
occur when the time delay is sufficiently large, regardless of the amount
of CRH drive. Thus, the model predicts that the mechanism for ultradian


CORT oscillations depends critically on the fact that CORT must be synthesized (not stored) in the adrenal cortex following ACTH stimulation.

Figure 12: Two-parameter bifurcation diagram showing the region in parameter space where ultradian oscillations occur. The parameters are CRH drive (p1 ) and adrenal delay ( ). From Walker et
al., 2010.

The dependence of oscillation period on the time delay is the focus of

Fig. 13. Note that the interval of CRH drive (p1) over which oscillations
are produced increases when the time delay is increased. In addition, the
period increases with the time delay, and is always much greater than the
time delay.


Figure 13: Period of the ultradian oscillation for several values of the time delay = Tlag . From
Walker et al., 2010.

Circadian Oscillations
The timing of behaviors of plants and animals is determined largely by
cycles of night and day, giving an approximate 24-hour periodicity in the
environment. Oscillations with a 24-hour period are called circadian
oscillations. Circadian oscillations in hormones have evolved to adapt
to the 24-hour rhythmicity of the environment. These oscillations are
endogenous to the body, since they persist in an artificial environment of
contstant dark or constant light. This can be demonstrated behaviorally
by wheel running, which hamsters do when they are awake and when
they have a wheel to run on (Fig. 14). The figure also shows actograms
from heterozygous and homozygous tau mutant hamsters, which exhibit
activity periods of 22 hrs and 20 hrs, respectively. The discovery of this
mutation, by Martin Ralph and Michael Menaker in 1988, demonstrated
that a mutation on a single allele can have a very large influence on the


circadian period. It was eventually determined to be on the gene for casein

kinase 1 epsilon.

Figure 14: Actogram of wheel running by hamsters in constant darkness. The period of activity
in this free-running environment is 24.2 hours (top). The middle actogram shows wheel running
in a heterzygous tau mutant, while the lower actogram shows that of a homozygous tau mutant
hamster. Both mutants exhibit faster rhythms in activity. From Liu et al., 1997.

As mentioned in the last section, circadian oscillations in the body

are driven by the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), a small nucleus in the
hypothalamus (Fig. 15). This is one of the few brain regions that receives
direct input from the retina, via the retino-hypothalamic tract of neural
fibers. This provides the input needed to entrain the SCN oscillator to the
light/dark cycle.


Figure 15: Nuclei of the hypothalamus.

How do the neurons in the SCN produce a daily rhythm? Is it a product

of a neural network within the SCN? To check this one can take the SCN
from a hamster and dissociate the neurons in culture, so that they are
not interconnected. Figure 16 demonstrates the firing rate of a single
dissociated SCN neuron over time. A circadian rhythm in firing rate is
obvious, demonstrating that network interations among SNC neurons are
not necessary for circadian rhythm generation.
How do the ion channels in the membrane of the SCN neuron produce a
circadian rhythm? The most obvious mechanism is through oscillations in
gene transcription, which produces one or more gene product that varies


Figure 16: Firing frequency recorded from dissociated hamster SCN neurons over time. The lower
two recordings are from heterozygous and homozygous tau mutant hamster. The homozygous
mutant exhibits a shorter period. Liu et al., 1997.

ion channel activity on a daily basis. Figure 17 shows one such periodic
gene called the period gene (per) whose product is the period protein
(PER). These mRNA measurments come from mice sacrificed at different
time points over a number of days. During the first day the mice are
exposed to a 12/12 light/dark cycle, while they are in constant darkness
after that (the dashed bar represents a period of time that would have
corresponded to a light period, were the mouse not in constant darkness).


There is a clear rhythm in the abundance of per mRNA, with high levels
during the light phase and low levels during the dark phase.
It is interesting that similar rhythms in per mRNA are observed in peripheral tissue such as the liver, kidney, and pancreas (Fig. 18). However,
this rhythm dies out over time in peripheral tissue, while it persists in
SCN explants. It is thought that periodic input from the SCN is needed
to synchronize the oscillations in peripheral cells.
Circadian Oscillations in Period Gene
Expression, from Mouse Brain SCN

Animals kept in 12/12 dark/light cycle before constant darkness

Figure 17: Daily rhythm in expression of the period gene in the SCN that continues in constant
darkness. Measurement made using in situ hybridization. From Shigeyoshi et al., 1997.

What is the mechanism for the circadian rhythm in per gene expression?


Figure 18: Oscillations in per gene expression in peripheral tissue. Measurement made using a
per-driven luciferase reporter. From Repport and Weaver (2002).

This has been the focus of a great deal of research in molecular biology for
the past couple of decades, and now a great deal is known. The essence
of the mechanism is given by a simple DDE model published by Scheper
et al. (1999). There is a single variable for per mRNA concentration
(m) and one for effective PER protein (p), which is the protein after
phosphorylation. It is known that phosphorylated PER can enter the
cells nucleus and act as a transcriptional repressor of its own gene! That


is, m is inhibited by p. Thus, the m DDE is

qm m
1 + p2
where rm is mRNA production rate constant and qm is an mRNA degradation constant. The effective protein p is produced by m (via mRNA
translation), followed by several phosphorlyation steps. Finally, for p to
repress m it must translocate across the nuclear membrane. This all takes
time, so the production of p from m is delayed. The p DDE is
= rpm3 qpp
where rp is the effective protein production rate constant, qp is the protein
degradation rate constant, and m = m(t ).
As in the last example, the system has delayed negative feedback. It
is therefore expected that oscillations can be produced with a sufficiently
long time delay. In this case, we want the oscillations to have a period
of about 24 hours. It turns out that this occurs if the time delay = 4
hours, as shown in Fig. 19. We see that the mRNA level peaks before the
protein level, which has been observed in the Drosophola (house fly) eye,
where many studies on circadian gene expression have been performed.
The rhythm shown in Fig. 19 is called a free-running rhythm, since
there is no input from a light source. In the animal, this input is provided
by the retina via the retino-hypothalamic tract. This input acts to entrain


mRNA and Protein Oscillations in Scheper


Oscillations in mRNA lead oscillations in protein levels

Figure 19: Period mRNA and effective protein time courses in the DDE model. The free-running
period is 24.6 hr.

the oscillator to the light/dark cycle. In the Scheper model, best results
were achieved when light input was modeled as an increase in the protein
degradation rate, qp. Figure 20 shows that when short pulses of doubled
qp are applied at a period of exactly 24 hr the oscillator is entrained to
this period (rather than the free-running period of 24.6 hr). In fact, when
the stimulus period is as long as 28 hr the oscillator is still entrained. A
similar sort of entrainment process is thought to occur in animals.
Probably the most well-known model for circadian gene expression
was developed by Albert Goldbeter in 1995. This is instructive since


Entrainment Through Periodic Stimulation

The Scheper oscillator is subjected to periodic 1-hr doubling of protein
degradation rate qp. Free-running period is 24.6 hr.

Stimulus period = 24 hr

(dashed = free-running)

Stimulus period = 28 hr

Figure 20: Entrainment of the Scheper model occurs when it is subjected to short periodic pulses
in which qp is doubled.

the rhythm also depends on a time delay between transcription of PER

mRNA, but this time delay is implicit in the system, rather than explicit
as in the Scheper model. The system diagram is shown in Fig. 21. There
are variables for the period mRNA (M ), unphosphorlyated protein (P0),
singly phosphorylated protein (P1), doubly phosphorylated protein (P2),
and nuclear doubly phosphorylated protein (Pn). The implicit delay is


due to the time required for the protein to be phosphorylated and then
transported from the cytosol into the nucleus.












Figure 21: System diagram for the Goldbeter model of circadian period gene expression. See
Goldbeter, 1995.

Since the delay is implicit, the equations are ordinary differential equations, rather than delay-differential equations. The per mRNA equation
= vs
K I + PN
Km + M
where the repression of transcription by nuclear PER is achieved by putting
Pn in the denominator of the transcription term. The second term reflects
degradation of the mRNA. (Note that translation does not come at the
expense of mRNA.) The P0 ODE incorporates translation that creates
protein, phosphorylation that converts P0 into P1 through the action of a
kinase, and dephosphorylation that converts P1 into P0 through the action
of a phosphatase:
= ksM v1
+ v2
K 1 + P0
K2 + P 1


The other phosphorylated states are described by:

+ v4
= v1
K 1 + P0
K 2 + P1
K 3 + P1
K 4 + P2
= v3
k1P2 + k2Pn vd
K 3 + P1
K 4 + P2
Kd + P 2
where the linear terms reflect transport into and out of the nucleus. Note
that protein degradation only occurs in the doubly phosphorylated state,
and indeed this is the target of proteases that chew up protein. The P0
and P1 proteins are also targets, but to a much lesser extent.
Once the period protein is doubly phosphorylated it can move into
the nucleus and repress period transcription. The nuclear period protein
equation is:
= k1P2 k2Pn
This is the complete Goldbeter model, with 5 variables and 17 parameters. Since there is no explicit time delay , one has a harder time adjusting
parameters to make the system produce a circadian rhythm. Goldbeter
found a good combination of parameter values for this. In subsequent
years he extended the model, and looked at questions such as entrainment
by light pulses.
One advantage that the Goldbeter model has over the Scheper model
is that the factors yielding the time delay (phosphorylation and nuclear
transport) are in the model, while they are treated as a black-box time


delay in the Scheper model. Thus, the Goldbeter model is more mechanistic. It also has more variables that can, in principle, but compared with
actual data. However, the Scheper model is more intuitive, and clearly
captures the idea that circadian oscillations in gene expression are due to
delayed negative feedback. As is typically the case, there is no right
model: both models have something to contribute to our understanding
of the biological system.


Applied Delay Differential Equations, T. Erneux, Springer, 2008.
Goldbeter, A., A Model for Circadian Oscillations in the Drosophila
Period Protein (PER), Proceedings of the Royal Society of London:
Biological Sciences, vol. 261, pp. 319-324, 1995.
C. Liu, D. R. Weaver, S. H. Strogatz, S. M. Reppert, Cellular construction of a circadian clock: period determination in the suprachiasmatic
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