Commentary On Indian Constitution
Commentary On Indian Constitution
Commentary On Indian Constitution
Indian Constitution
Reservation Contains acts & orders related to land tenure, land tax, railways,
industries.{Right of property not a fundamental right now}
Anti-Deflection law
Fundamental Duties
Germany Weimar
Emergency Provisions
Rajya Sabha can make laws with respect to laws enumerated in state list in national
interest by passing a resolution supported by 2/3 of the members present & voting
Single citizenship for all (No dual citizenship with respect to central & state
Common & Centralized Election commission for state gov. as well as parliament
Only parliament has the power to amend constitution (States have their role only in
matters affecting federal interest In this case, Bill need to be ratified by legislatures
of not less than half of states by simple majority States special majority only in
formation of new legislative council)
Common Comptroller & Auditor General of India for union & state government
Single, unified & hierarchical judiciary with same laws throughout the nation
Central Rule over states in period of Emergencies
Constitution does not protect territorial integrity of states Parliament unilaterally
can increase or alter boundaries or name of states.
Common constitution throughout the nation
The Preamble
A bill regarding formation of new states / alteration of name or area of existing states
is introduced in parliament only on the recommendation of president who shall refer it
to state but is not bound to act upon states views.
If the said bill is passed by both the houses by simple majority then after presidential
assents it comes into action.
In case of union territories, it is not even necessary for president to obtain views of
legislatures of union territories.
Article 4: Any law referred to in Article 2 or Article 3 shall contain such provisions for the
amendment of the First Schedule and the Fourth Schedule is NOT consider to be an
amendment of the Constitution for the purposes of Article 368.
On 26th Jan 1950, Constitution divided Indian states into four parts
But before this division, Throughout India a constant demand to reorganize the states on
linguistic basis arose, Hence constituent assembly formed Linguistic Province commission
(LPC) to look into the matter (Headed by S.K. Dhar) June, 1948
LPC headed by Dhar supported reorganization on the basis of administrative convenience
rather than on Linguistic basis
In Dec, 1948 a second LPC was formed to again verify the report given by Dhar & look into
the matter again >>> Members (J.L. Nehru, Vallabh Bhai Patel & Pattabhi sitaramayya) >>>
Gave the same report as given by Dhar, hence on 26th Jan, 1950 division took place as
mentioned above.
Cause: Death of Potti Sriramulu due to 56 days hunger strike for separation of Telegu
speaking areas from Madras (Tamil speaking people)
States Reorganization Act: 1956 (7th Amendment): Formation of 14 states and 6 union
territories took place
Formation of Telangana created a flame among other separatist movement for creation of
new states. Given below are some of the pending demands for new states:
Right to be not discriminated on the basis of religion, race, sex, cast or birth of place
Right to equality
Right to life
Right of six democratic freedoms (Article 19) + Cultural & educational rights
Indian constitution provides single citizenship to all irrespective of the states a person
belongs to
Constitution simply describes classes of people deemed to be citizens of India as on
26th Jan 1950 & leaves entire law of citizenship to be regulated by parliamentary laws
Parliament enacted Indian citizenship act, 1955 for acquisition & loss of Indian citizenship.
Since its commencement it has been amended four times:
According to Indian citizenship act, 1955, Indian citizenship was extended to citizens of
commonwealth countries but this law was repealed by amendment in 2003
Fundamental Rights (FRs) are known as cornerstone of Indian constitution & mentioned in
Part 3 of the constitution
FRs prohibits unreasonable interference of the state & prevents its executive & legislature to
become authoritarian >>> Hence put due limitations of state power
Observance of fundamental duties is essential for having ones FRs redressed in case of their
Legal rights are protected & enforced by ordinary law of land whereas FRs are protected &
guaranteed by written constitution
In violation of legal rights, one can file suit in subordinate court or by writ application in High
court whereas in violation of FRs one can directly approach Supreme court
Legal rights can be changed by ordinary process of legislation whereas FRs cannot be
amended without amending the constitution itself (i.e. by special majority)
FRs provides protection only against state action not against a private individual except
rights pertaining to abolition of untouchability & rights against exploitation
FRs are not absolute but qualified rights >>> Subject to certain restrictions imposed by the state on
the question of national security, interest & general welfare of the society >> But restrictions are
checked by SC & HCs, whether restrictions are reasonable or not on the grounds of:
FRs are justifiable & can be enforced in court of law but state may deny some of the FRs to a
class of people For ex Armed forces, Para-Military personnel, Police forces etc. for national
security & integrity
Judicial review is the power of SC & HC only to declare a law unconstitutional & void if it is in
inconsistent with any of the provision of constitution to the extent of inconsistency
Judicial Review is power against both legislature as well as executives
States do not make laws which abridges the rights mentioned in part 3 of the constitution &
any law made in contravention of this clause shall be void to the extent of contraventions
Amendability of FRs
SC verdict in Golaknath V/S state of Punjab (1967) >> FRs has been given transcendental
position by constitution hence no authority functioning under constitution including
parliament has the power to amend FRs
In Keshavananda Bharati V/S state of Kerala, 1973, SC held that parliament has the
power to amend any provision of the constitution including part 3, however without harming
the Basic structure of the constitution.
Rule of Law
Constitution is supreme law of land & all laws passed by legislature must confirm to it
No person is above law & all are subjected to ordinary law without any distinction of rank or
position (Exception: President, Governor, Foreign diplomats & ambassadors)
No person can be punished or made to suffer except for violation of law & any such violation
must be looked by ordinary legal laws in courts
Natural Justice >> No person can be judge in his own case; both sides must be heard,
unbiased & impartial justice
Right to Equality
Article 19 22
Right to Freedom
Article 23 24
Article 25 28
Article 29 30
Article 32 35
Right to Equality
Article 14: Equality before law & equal protection of laws
Equality before law (British origin) >> No man is above law irrespective of his rank or
position (Negative in nature)
Equal protection of law (US origin) >> Among equals, law should be equal & equally
administered (Positive in nature)
Exception: President, Governor, Ambassadors, Foreign diplomats
No discrimination on the basis of cast, race, religion, sex or place of birth only
No discrimination w.r.t access of shops, hotels & public places including bathing Ghats
Empowers state to make special provisions for the advancement of SC & ST (including their
admission in educational institutions >>> Public & private both)
Empowers state to make special provisions for women & children
No discrimination against employment under state office on grounds only of religion, sex,
caste, descent, place of birth or residence >> Equality of opportunity to all citizens for
employment under state office
Exception 1: Article 16 Forbids discrimination on grounds of residence but if their is a good
region to retain certain posts for residents only then parliament may by law regulates the
extent by which it would be possible to depart from article 16
Exception 2: Reservation of employment for SCs & STs along with seats reserved in matter of
promotion with consequential seniority >> Unfilled vacancies to be carry forward & not to
Person holding an office in connection with affairs of religious or denominated institutions
shall profess the same religion or denomination
Untouchability offence act, 1955 prescribes punishment for practice of untouchability >>
Act was further amended & renamed as civil rights protection act in 1976
Under civil rights protection act laws were made more stringent & enlarged to include
Insulting a member of SC on grounds of untouchability, Preaching or justifying
untouchability on historical, philosophical or religious grounds.
1 or 2 years imprisonment & disqualification for election to any legislature
Prohibits the state to confer titles to anyone citizen or non-citizen >> Exception : Military &
Academic distinction
Prohibits a citizen of India from accepting any titles from any foreign states
A foreigner holding any office of profit or trust under the state is not to accept any titles
from foreign states without consent of the president
No person holding any office of profit or trust under the state is to accept any gift,
emolument or office from foreign state without consent of the president
Right to Freedom
Article 19: Right to 6 democratic freedoms
Article 19-1-A: Freedom of speech & expression with no geographical limitations
Guarantees all citizens of India to right to assemble peacefully & without arms but subjected
to following restrictions:
Guarantees all citizens of India (Except Armed forces, Police force, Military etc.) freedom to
form associations or unions or co-operative societies but subjected to certain restrictions in
interest of sovereignty & integrity of public & state
Does not confer the right to strike or declare a lock out >> Means does not confer the right
to bargain
Right to reside or settle in any part of the country temporary or permanent (Subjected to
certain restrictions)
No person shall be convicted of any offence except for violation of law in force at the time
of commission of act charged as offence, nor to be subjected to a penalty greater than that
which might have been inflicted under law in force, at time of commission of offence
Double Jeopardy
No person shall be prosecuted & punished for the same offence more than once but only in
respect of punishment inflicted by court of law or judicial tribunal
Does not immunize person from proceedings not before court of law >> means can be
punished under departmental proceedings for the same offence & then may be prosecuted
in court of law >> Can also be inflicted for contempt of court along with criminal proceedings
No person shall be deprived of his life/personal liberty except acc. to procedure made by law
Article 21 put limitation upon powers of executive as well as legislature & conferred to both
citizen & non citizen
State shall pass free & compulsory education to all children of age 6 to 14 years
Only elementary education not higher education
No person who is arrested shall be detained in custody without being informed on which
Person arrested shall be brought before magistrate within 24 hours of arrest
Without authority of magistrate no person shall be detained in custody more than said 24
Exception: Alien enemy & person arrested under preventive detention
Not to detain a person for what he has done but to intercept him before he does it &
prevent him from doing it
No offence is proved nor a charge is formulated but such a detention is purely on the basis
of suspicion or reasonable probability of impending commission
Max detention can be only for 3 months; for more than 3 months it must obtain a report
from advisory board ( Advisory board shall examine the statements & papers from
government & accused and will formulate whether detention is justified or not
Accused must have the earliest opportunity of making representation against detention
Accused must be told grounds for his arrest except the facts which are against public
interest to disclose
Some of the Preventive detention acts enacted by parliament are NASA, TADA, COFEPOSA,
Article 25: Freedom of conscience & free propagation, practice & profession of religion
Absolute freedom of an individual to mold his relation with god in whatever manner he like
Further state is empowered by law to regulate or restrict any economic, financial, political or
other secular activity which may be associated with religion practice
Subjects to public order, morality & health, every religious denomination shall have the
following rights:
Article 27: Freedom from taxes for promotion of any particular religion
Article 28: Freedom from attending religious instructions
Minorities & everyone have right to conserve his culture, script & language and can establish
educational institutions for the same
No citizen can be denied admission to any educational institution maintained by the state or
receiving aid out of state fund on grounds of religion, race, cast or language only (No place)
All minorities whether based on religion or language shall have the right to establish &
administer educational institutions of their choice
States in granting aid to educational institutions shall not discriminate against any
educational institution on grounds of management under minority (based on religion or
Heart & soul of the constitution which makes supreme court a guarantor & protector of all
Guarantees an individual a right to move to supreme court by appropriate proceedings for
enforcement of FRs conferred under part 3 of the constitution
SC is endowed with power to issue directions, orders or writs, whichever is appropriate for
enforcement of any of the rights conferred by part 3 of the constitution
Under article 33, parliament by law can restrict FRs available to member of armed forces or
forces charged with maintenance of public order to oblige them to properly discharge their
Any law made under article 33 by parliament cannot be challenged in court of law
FRs under article 19 are suspended by president in case of national emergency on grounds
of war or external aggression
But only after when it is conveyed to president by parliament in writing passed by 2/3rd of
members present & voting
Under article 359, President may also suspend the operations of other FRs in case of
national emergency
President may by issuing a proclamation can restore FRs (Other than of article 19) which
were suspended under article 359, even when national emergency is in force
No person shall be deprived of his property except by authority of law (No writ petition for
Right to property was removed from Fundamental right & transferred to legal rights by 44th
Article 326
Elections to the house of people & to legislative assemblies of the states should be on the
basis of universal adult suffrage
Exception of 44th amendment for classes who still enjoy right to property
Basic aim of DPSPs is to set up social & economic goals before the law makers
DPSPs are fundamentals in governance of the country & shall be considered dutifully by the
state while making laws, but DPSPs are not enforceable in court of law
Articles 36 to 51 deal with the provisions of the Directive Principles & are broadly classified
Socialist principles
Gandhian principles
Liberal intellectual principles
Socialist Principles
Children are given opportunities and facilities to develop in a healthy manner and in
conditions of freedom and dignity and that childhood and youth are protected against
exploitation and against moral and material abandonment.
Article 350 A: It enjoins every State and every local authority within the State to provide
adequate facilities for the instructions in the mother tongue at the primary stage to children of
linguistic minority areas.
Article 351: It enjoins the Union to promote the spread of Hindi Language so that it may
serve as a medium of expression of all the elements of the composite culture of India.
Article 335: It says that the claims of SC/ST shall be taken into consideration, consistently
with the maintenance of efficiency of administration, in the making of appointments to
services and posts in connection with affairs of the Union or of a State.
Under the implementation of DPSP, Zamindari, Jagirdari & inamdari systems were
abolished & actual tillers of the soil were made owner of the land.
What if laws made by state giving effect to DPSPs violates FR, can they be valid? This
question was raised before SC in 1951 in Champakam Dorairajan case !
SC held that they are supplementary to each other & no as such inherent conflict is between
them, thus, as far as possible, should be interpreted harmoniously. However, if it is not
possible, FRs will prevail over DPSPs means DPSPs can not override FRs, hence such a law is
On this ground, SC held Bank nationalisation act & Privy purse (abolition) act
In 1971, 25th amendment introduced a new article 31-c, which states that if state enacts
any law giving effect to two directive principles viz. Equitable distribution of wealth (article
39-b) & Prevention of concentration of wealth in fewer hands (article 39-c), & in that process
if the law violates FRs (article 14, 19 & 31), it can not be held void merely on this ground.
Article 31-c further states that such a law giving effect to 39 b & 39 c, can not be
questioned in court of law.
25th amendment was challenged in Kesavananda Bharati case (1973), in which SC held that
only first part of the article 31-c (overriding article 14, 19 & 31) is valid, but second part
which bars judicial review held unconstitutional.
42nd amendment, 1976 further amended article 31-c & widened its scope & gave
precedence for all DPSPs over article 14, 19 & 31 & hence made them immune to judicial
Minerva Mills case, 1980: SC struck down the changes introduced by 42nd amendment in
article 31-c & held them unconstitutional on grounds that total exclusion of judicial review
would offend the basic structure of the constitution.
Presently, only article 39-b & 39-c can be given precedence over articles 14 & 19
Addition of Fundamental Duties along with exceptions to FRs limits the operation &
free enjoyment of FRs
Some of the duties are very difficult to comprehend & also do not appear to be
capable of legal enforcement but only best regarded as directory to Indian citizens
Executive powers vested in president shall be exercise on advice of COM responsible to the
parliament, however, 42nd amendment made it obligatory for the president to accept advice of
The President of India is elected indirectly by the Electoral College according to secret ballot
by the system of proportional representation through single transferable vote.The President of
India is elected by an electoral college consisting of:
Elected members of the two Houses of Parliament and Legislative Assemblies of the States
States includes national capital territory of Delhi and the Union territory of Pondicherry
Do Not Participate
Nominated members of both the houses of the parliament & of state legislative assemblies
All the members of legislative council of states
There shall be uniformity in the scale of representation of the different states at the election of
the President as follows:
Value of vote of an MLA of a state: (Population of state / Total number of elected members
of state legislative assembly) * 100
Value of vote of an MP: (Total value of votes of MLAs of all states/ Total number of elected
members parliament) * 100
Hence, value of vote of MLA of UP is highest & value of vote of MLA of Sikkim is lowest
By 42nd amendment, census of 1971 was to be followed till 1st census after 2000, but in
2000, Union cabinet extended the same till 1st census after 2026 by 81st amendment 2001
Candidate with last position gets eliminated & 2nd preference of all ballots, who ranked
eliminated candidate 1st, is added to all accordingly. This process is followed till someone
fulfill electoral quota
Dispute regarding election of president (Article 71) or vice president is inquired & decided by
supreme court whose decision is final
Article 71 further states that no such disputes can be raised on the grounds of any vacancy in
electoral college
Following persons shall not be deemed to hold any office of profit, hence are qualified for
being a candidate for presidential election:
Vice President
Governor of any state
Shall not be member of any house of the parliament or state legislature & if he is, then must
vacate the seat
Shall not held any other office of profit
Parliament law 2008 : Pay of Rs. 1,50,000 monthly & official residence without pay
Pension of 9 lakhs / annum
President takes oath in presence of chief justice of Supreme Court To preserve, protect &
defend the constitution & law
President shall hold the office for terms of 5 years from the date he enters upon his office.
Even after expiry of his terms, he shall continue in office untill his successor enters upon his
May resign his office before the expiry of his normal terms of 5 years by writing to the vice
Power of impeachment of president lies in parliament only for violation of the constitution &
can be removed from his office before the period of 5 years (Quasi-judicial process)
Term violation of constitution is very vague term & has not been defined anywhere in the
Elected members of legislative assemblies have no role to play in impeachment proceeding
while they have a role in election of the president
Nominated members of parliament have the right to deliberate & vote when the resolution
of impeachment is under consideration while they have no vote in election of president
Procedure & authority to investigate the charges against president have not been specified
nor any definite time period has been specified
In case, office of president falls vacant due to death, resignation or removal of President,
Then Vice president or in his absence Chief justice of India or in his absence Senior most
judge of SC becomes the president until next elections are held & new president assumes
the office
Presidents office can remain vacant for max. of 6 months
If president is not able to discharge his duties due to sickness or absence or due to any other
reason than the vice president discharges the functions of President (VP is entitled to the
same allowances & privileges of President during this period)
Article 53: Executive powers of the union shall be vested in president & shall be exercised
by him either directly or indirectly or through officers subordinate to him, But always in
accordance with the constitution
Executive powers Powers of carry out administration of affairs of the state, except
functions of legislature & judiciary
In fact every appointment of union government is made in the name of president or under
his authority.
He directly administers the Union territories through administration appointed by him
President can declare any area as scheduled area & has powers w.r.t administration of
schedule areas & Tribal areas.
Power to remove
Legislative Powers
Summons the houses of parliament atleast twice a year, Prorogue either house & can
dissolve Lok sabha
Nominates 12 members of Rajya Sabha & may nominate 2 representatives of Anglo Indian
community to Lok Sabha
May address either house seperately or jointly or can send messages to them. At the
commencement of 1st session of parliament annually, President delivers an address
corresponding to queens speech from the throne in British parliament
Every bill passed by parliament must receive presidential assent before it can become an act.
President may give his assent or withhold or return it for reconsideration along with his own
suggestions ( Except money bill and constitutional amendment bill)
But if the bill is passed again with or without the amendments President is bound to give his
assents to it
President makes certain reports & statements to be laid before parliament as stated below:
Certain bills (Bill for formation of new states or alteration of boundaries of states, money bill,
financial) needs presidential recommendations for introduction in parliament
Suspensive Veto: Power of president to return a bill passed in parliament for reconsideration
(except money Bill)
Pocket Veto: No time frame for President to give his assent or refuse i.e. pocket a bill for
infinite times (Not for constitutional amendment bill as 24th amendment 1971, made it
obligatory for the president to give his assent to constitutional amendment bill
Pardon: Can rescinds both conviction & sentence + can absolve the offender from all
offences & disqualification
Reprieve: Can make stay of execution of a sentence (esp. of death) for pardon or
Remission: To reduce amount of sentence without changing its character (ex. 6 months for 1
Respite: Awarding a lesser sentence instead of a prescribed penalty in view of special facts
(ex. in case of pregnant women offender)
Commutation: Substitutes one form of punishment for another or lighter character
Emergency Powers
National Emergency Article 352 On grounds of threat to security of India or any part
of it , By war, external aggression or armed rebellion
Presidential Rule Article 356 Proclamation for taking over the administration of a
state, when state government can not carry out administration in state in accordance with
provisions of the constitution
Financial Emergency Article 360 When financial stability of credit of India or any
part thereof is threatened
Any proclamation under the emergency powers of the president, in order to be in operation
beyond a certain period, should be approved by parliament within the period so specified by
Financial Powers
It is only on the permission of president that annual financial statement (Budget) is laid
down before the parliament
Recommends the introduction of money bill & financial bill in parliament
Constitutes finance commission after every five years
Controls contingency fund for unforeseen expenses like flood, drought, war etc.
Places report of CAG before parliament & recommendations of Finance commission
Military Powers
Diplomatic Powers
Presidents Position
Whenever constitution requires the satisfaction of the president, it is not his personal
satisfaction, but is the satisfaction of COMs
It is obligatory for the president to always have a C.O.M
Even after dissolution of lower house (Lok Sabha) of parliament, COMis in existence to aid &
advice the president in exercise of his executive powers
If he ignores the advice of COMs or acts contrary to advice of COMs, he can be impeached
for violation of constitution
42nd amendment, 1976 Amended article 74 & made advice of COMs binding for the
44th amendment 1978 Further amended 74th article that President may require COMs to
reconsider an advice, but is bound to act after reconsideration
Though president is not connected with decision making power of the cabinet, yet article 78
A, casts on PM to keep President informed of all cabinet decisions, concerning administration
of affairs of the union & proposal for legislation.Under some circumstances, president has to
act as per his own wisdom, sense of justice & discretion:
Appointment of PM, under situation when no single political party commands clear majority
support of lok sabha
Appointing a PM in case of vacancy due to sudden death & availability of no acknowledged
leader, due to inability of legislature party to do so and absence of settled seniority among
cabinet members; name of PM is proposed from outside
Dissolution of Lok sabha on advice of COMs which has lost the support of majority members
of lok sabha or against whom a motion of no confidence has been passed
Dismissing ministries, in case COMs has lost the confidence of lower house of the parliament
but still refuses to resign
Whenever vacancy occurs in the office of President or President is unable to discharge his
duties, Vice President acts as president of India & ceases to perform duties as chairman of
Rajya Sabha (During this period, he is entitled to all emoluments & incentives of President)
Can not be a member of either house of the parliament or state legislature & if a member of
parliament or state legislature is elected as Vice President, he ceases to be member of
parliament of state legislature from the date he enters upon his office of VP
VP holds office for 5 years, but if his successor is unable to enter the office, he continues to
hold his office beyond the stated period of 5 years until his successor enters upon his office
(But election is to be held no later than 60 days of expiry of the term of office of outgoing
Elected indirectly by Electoral College, consisting of all members of parliament (Both elected
& nominated) (State government do not participate in VPs election)
Election is held in accordance with system of proportional representation by means of single
transferrable vote & voting via secret ballot.
Supreme Court has final & exclusive jurisdiction for resolving disputes & doubts relating to
election of Vice President
VP takes oath in presence of President, to bear true faith & allegiance to constitution of
India & to faithfully discharge duties of his office
VP can be removed from his office by a resolution raised only in Rajya sabha, passed by
effective majority e. Greater than 50% of (Total membership Vacancy) & agreed upon by
simple majority i.e. greater than 50 % of total voting members, of the Lok sabha.
Prior to passing the resolution in Rajya sabha, a 14 days notice should be served to him
A formal impeachment is not required for his removal as in case of President
Council Of Ministers
Council of ministers consists of
Cabinet ministers
Minister of States (Independent charge)
Deputy Minister (Minister of state)
Points to Ponder
PM is appointed by President & on PMs advice COMs (President has to accept PMs choice)
Strength of COMs is not fixed, but depends on PM but shall not increase 15% of total
strength of the Lok sabha as per 91st amendment
A COM must be a minister of either of the house of parliament. If a person who is not a
member of either house of the parliament, is appointed as minister, he shall cease to be a
minister after 6 months, unless, he manages to get elected to either of the 2 houses
Ministers are required to take oath of secrecy administered by President
A COM may be chosen from either house of the Parliament. A COM who is member of one
house, has the right to speak in & take part in proceedings of other house without any right
to vote if he is not the member of that house
Constitution does not classify members of COM into different ranks, but is done informally
following British practice
An informal body of senior ministers who forms the inner circle. It is the cabinet, which
meets as & when summoned by PM, for taking important decision of the government.
Cabinet is the real policy making body of COM
A cabinet minister always heads a ministry & is given independent charge of it, unless he is
appointed as a minister without portfolio
Generally assisted by minister of state (but not bound constitutionally) or a deputy minister
or both
A cabinet minister attends meetings of cabinet on his own right
A minister of state is given an independent charge but generally assist a cabinet minister in
running the ministry
A minister of state can not attend meeting of cabinet on his own right but can attend if
invited. He is normally invited when given independent charge of a ministry
A deputy minister is a junior member of the COM. He always functions under a cabinet
minister or minister of state. He does not attend a cabinet meeting
Original constitution did not specifically mention the word cabinet anywhere. It was through
44th amendment, 1978 word cabinet was used under article 352. But it is not defined
anywhere & is based on understanding & conventions of Britain
All members of COM are not member of cabinet. Its composition is flexible. It is for PM to
determine from time to time the composition of cabinet, though due to relative importance of
certain departments, their ministers are invariably its members
Cabinet is central directing instrument of government in legislation as well as administration.
It is cabinet which controls parliaments & governs the country. Primary function of cabinet is
to formulate policies of government for the good governance of the country, have it accepted
by the legislature & carry on executive function of the state as per the constitution & laws
Principle of collective responsibility
All ministers are individually responsible to the President. Ministers hold office during the
pleasure of the President & can be removed from COMs by the President at any time but only
on the advice of PM. Hence, this power is mainly exercised by the PM
PM (1st among equals) is keystone in cabinet arch which means if he resigns or dies, whole
COMs goes out with him or COMs does not exist without the PM
PM acts as a connecting link b/w cabinet & President in communicating all decisions of
COMs & administrative or legislative affairs to the President
He is leader of majority party in Lok sabha & the main link b/w cabinet & parliament, acts as
government chief spokesperson in Parliament
President enjoys the right to information of affairs of the state & holds:
Right to be consulted
Right to encourage
Right to warn
Appointed by President
Must be qualified to be appointed as a judge of SC
Holds office during the pleasure of the President & can be removed by him anytime.
Conventionally he resigns when COMs resign or is replaced as he is appointed on their
1st law officer of GOI & its chief legal advisory & primary lawyer in SC
Not a member of cabinet, Does not have any executive authority & is not a political
Points to Ponder
Can not defend an accused in criminal proceedings or accept directorship of any company
without the permission of the government
Assisted by 2 solicitor generals (appointed for 3 yrs) & 4 additional solicitor generals
(appointed for 3 yrs), eligible for re-appointment, for a further term not exceeding three
To be consulted only in legal matters , only after ministry of law has been consulted
Solicitor General is subordinate to the Attorney General of India and works under him.
The Solicitor General for India is the second law officer of the country, assists the Attorney
Unlike the post of Attorney General of India, which is a Constitutional post under Article 76
of the Constitution of India, the posts of the Solicitor General and the Additional Solicitors
General are merely statutory.
He is the chief Guardian of Public purse & head of Indian audit & account department
Audits accounts of Union & states to ensure nothing is spent out of consolidated fund of
India or of the state without the sanction of the parliament or respective state legislature
Gets security of tenure as though appointed by President, CAG may be removed from his
office only on the grounds of proved misbehavior or incapacity only in a manner as a judge
of SC is removed (i.e. each house of parliament is passing a resolution supported by not less
than 2/3rd of the members present & voting )
Salary & conditions of his service can not be changed except under financial emergency
His salary is charged from consolidated fund of India & is not subjected to vote of parliament
(paid salary equivalent to Judge of SC) & is eligible for annual pension
In other matters, his conditions of service shall be determined by rules applicable to an IAS
officer, holding a rank of secretary to GOI
After retirement, he is disqualified for appointment under union or state government
Indian Parliament
Council of states (Rajya Sabha)
House of the people (Lok Sabha)
Though President is not the member of either house of the parliament, he is an integral part
of it.
Principle function of Parliament is to legislate i.e. to make laws on all subjects enumerated in
Union and Concurrent list (also on residuary subjects) & in some cases on state list subjects
for the benefit of the country
COM as a body is responsible to parliament for general affairs of the government.
As a result, a vote of no confidence against any one minister is tantamount to vote of no
confidence against whole COM
Lack of parliamentary confidence in the government may be expressed by house of the
people by -
Rajya Sabha
There is no difference b/w elected & nominated members except only elected members can
participate in elections of President
Office term for RS is 6 years with 1/3rd of members retiring every 2 years
RS members are elected by legislative assembly of states & UTs by means of single
transferable vote through proportional representation (Based on population)
Only 4 members are elected from UTs
3 from Delhi
1 from Pondicherry
Working Hours
11 am 12
Q & A hour
1st hour of working days i.e. Monday to Friday
Special Powers
If RS passes a resolution by majority of not less than 2/3 rd of members present & voting,
then it is expedient for parliament to make laws wrt any matter enumerated in state list for
whole or any part of territory of India on that matter for a period of not less than 1 year.
However, RS can extend the law by passing same resolution with same majority for 1 year
Money Bill
If Rajya Sabha returns the bill to Lok Sabha opposing the bill, then it is deemed to have
Rajya Sabha can send recommendations to Lok Sabha, but Lok Sabha is not bound to act on
Also Rajya Sabha does not have pocket veto & if it does not passes the bill within 14 days, it
is again deemed to have been passed by the house
No confidence Motion
Unlike Lok Sabha, it cannot pass motion of no confidence against the government
Lok Sabha
Parliament has frozen the representation of states & UTs at 543 till 2026 by 84th amendment
in 2001
Seats are allotted to every state on the basis of population as far as possible
Based on 2001 census i.e. in ratio b/w no. of seats allotted to its population
Provision does not apply to states having Population < 6 million
Certain seats are reserved for SCs & STs According to 87th amendment 2003 viz.
42nd amendment 1976, extended the normal life of Lok sabha to 6 years but 44th
amendment 1978 again reversed it to a period of 5 yrs
Duration of Lok sabha can be extended by a max. of 1 year at a time during proclamation of
national emergency Article 352, But if proclamation comes to end then not more than 6
Special Powers
May submit resignation to the speaker of Lok Sabha / Chairman of Rajya Sabha respectively
Disqualified if absent for 60 days without the permission of the house
Penalty of Rs. 500 / Day as a debt to Union for sitting & voting when a person is not qualified
or has been disqualified or not affirmed by oath
Freedom of speech to each MP which means no action shall be taken on any words or
speech spoken by him during the proceedings of the house
No action for any public speech
Absolute immunity from any action & for anything stated within the house
Protected from any disclosure that one makes in parliament
Cannot be arrested & put in prison for any civil action within a period of 40 days before &
after the commencement & termination of a session of the house
Immunity does not extend to arrest in criminal proceedings or contempt of court or
preventive detention
Right to refuse to give evidence & appear as a witness in a case pending in court of law when
parliament is in session
Each house has the power to institute enquiries & order attendance of the witnesses. In case
of disobedience, may order to bring witnesses in custody to bar of the house
Disciplinary Powers
For offending conduct of the house may impose disciplinary action on the member
May expel a member for ill conduct inside or outside of the house
Committee of Privileges
To look after powers, privileges & immunities of the house & its members
Lok Sabha 15 members as nominated by the speaker
Rajya Sabha 10 members as nominated by the chairman
Elected by members of LS among themselves & do remain in office as long as they are
members of the house
Speaker continues in his office even after LS is dissolved, till newly elected LS is constituted.
In normal situations, Speaker does not vote in 1st instance, but exercises his casting vote in
case of tie i.e. in case of equality of votes to maintain impartiality of his office
He is representative & spokesperson of the house in its collective capacity & chief custodian
of its powers & privileges
Removal of Speaker
His salary & allowances are fixed by parliament by law & charged from consolidated fund of
India & are not subjected to annual vote of parliament
His work & conduct can not be discussed & criticized in LS except while substantive motion
Can not be removed from the office except a resolution passed by effective majority
Powers of Speaker
Speakers conduct in regulating the procedure of maintaining order in house is not subjected
to jurisdiction of court
Under anti deflection act, authority of speaker if final, though open to judicial review
Presiding officer of each house has the final power to interpret the rules of procedure of the
Both chairman & deputy chairman cannot preside over a sitting of the house, when
resolution of their removal is under consideration.
However they can be present, can speak for themselves & take part in proceedings of the
house but without right to vote
If he resigns, or
Ceases to be member of RS, or
Can be removed by passing a resolution by majority, but such a resolution can only be
moved after giving 14 days advance notice to him
Bills in Parliament
Government member bill
Bill introduced by a minister of government, can be
Ordinary bill
Money bill
Financial bill
Constitutional amendment bill
As it is moved by the the government itself, President does not interfere in introduction of the
bill as he is obligatory to advice of COM
Types of Bills
Constitutional amendment
Introduced in
Introduced as
Gov. + Private
member bill
Gov. member
Gov. member
Presidential assent
in intro
Not Required
Passing Majority
majority (X >
50 %)
majority (X > majority
50 %)
50 %)
(X >
Stages of bill
Introduction of the bill (1st reading of the bill)
Principles of the bill are discussed thoroughly & members make speech about for or against
the principles of the bill
Clause, schedules & amendment regarding bill are taken into consideration
Bill can be referred to selection committee (Committee of the house) or can be referred to
joint committee (joint committee of both the houses)
If the bill is referred to joint / selection committee, they shall give their report (unanimously
or via majority) within specified date (with amendments, if required)
Reports & bill (as amended) are printed & made available to members of the house (Report
stage of the bill)
Bill is then taken up for consideration clause by clause
This is the stage where bill undergoes substantial changes & amended if found necessary
Presided over by Speaker of Lok sabha, then in his absence, Deputy Speaker of LS, then in his
absence, Deputy Chairman of RS & even in his absence any member as agreed by both the
Deadlock is resolved by total number of members of both the houses present & voting.
Generally, will of LS prevails due to its larger size
After the passage of the bill, it is presented to the President for his assent
No provision of Joint sitting for Money bill & constitutional amendment bill
Presidential Assent
If it is money bill or constitutional amendment bill he has to give his assent, but in case of
any other bill, he may return it to the parliament for reconsideration with his
If bill is passed again, with or without amendments & sent to the President for the 2nd time,
he has to give his assents.
After the assent of the President, Bill becomes an act
A bill which empowers government to draw some amount from consolidated fund of India
Money Bill
Decision of speaker is final weather a bill is money bill or not. His decision can not be
challenged in any court of law or any of the houses or by the President.
Money bill can only be introduced in Lok sabha with recommendations of President
Rajya Sabha can not amend or reject a money bill but only plays a recommendatory role in
passing of money bill.
RS must return the money bill within 14 days to LS with or without any recommendations
Weather LS accepts or does not except recommendations of RS, bill is deemed to have been
passed by both the houses
Now bill is forwarded to President for his assent & he is bound to give his assent to the bill
Financial Bill
Apart from the provisions of money bill, it includes other provisions as well & can be
introduced in LS only on the recommendations of President
Since it include other matters also RS has equal say to amend or reject it by virtue of its
President can also send the bill for reconsideration for once
It is represented before Lok Sabha upon recommendation of the President & it is the duty of
President to lay it before both the houses of Parliament
Presented by Finance minister on last working day of Feb month in parliament
Presents an estimate of receipt & expenditure of GOI for the following financial year
Gives proposal of taxation & other means to raise the receipts to meet the expenditure
Contains actual receipts & expenditure of previous year with detailed review of financial
position of said period
After its introduction, Lok Sabha discusses the demands for grant (i.e. proposed
expenditure) of various ministries & departments, one by one. All such expenditures are
charged from consolidated fund of India & presented in form of single bill called
appropriation bill.
Proposal for taxation to raise revenue is presented in form of financial bill
A fund to which all revenues received, loans raised & income received by GOI are deposited
All legally authorized payments on the behalf of GOI are made out of this fund
No money can be spent out of this fund except through grants made by parliament
All other public money except the one credited to consolidated fund shall be credited to
Public accounts of India
Bank savings account of the departments/ministries (for day to day transactions)
National Investment fund NIF (Money earned from disinvestment)
National Calamity & contingency fund (NCCF) (Under Home ministry) Merged with NDRF
National small savings fund, defense fund, provident fund, Postal insurance etc.
All Cess & Specific purpose surcharges
Government schemes Fund (Eg. MNREGA)
No need of Parliaments approval
Created in 1950, with a limit of merely 50 cr, raised to 500 cr in 2005, at the disposal of the
President to meet unforeseen expenditures Operated by Finance secretary
Contingency fund is used by the President where parliaments approval cannot be obtained
owing to time factor
However, sanction of parliament is necessary to replenish this fund from consolidated fund
of India
States have their own consolidated & contingency funds
Expenditures that do not require approval of parliament to be spent out of consolidated fund
of India. These expenditures are sanctioned by constitution itself:
Vote on account
Power of Lok Sabha (not of Rajya sabha) to authorize various ministries to incur
expenditures for a part of financial year, pending the passage of appropriation bill by the
Vote of Credit
Granted for meeting an unexpected demand upon the resources of India, when on account
of magnitude, the demand could not be stated with details ordinarily given in the budget
Supplementary Grant
Granted when the amount authorized by parliament through the appropriation act for a
particular service for current financial year is found to be insufficient
Additional Grant
Granted when a need has arisen during current financial year for additional expenditure for
some new service, not contemplated in budget for that year
Excess Grant
Granted when money has been spent on any service during a financial year in excess of
amount granted for that service in the budget for that year.
It is voted by Lok sabha after the financial year
President summons each house of the parliament at such intervals that there should be not
more than 6 months of gap b/w 2 sessions of the parliament, Hence the parliament must
meet atleast twice a year.
Powers to dissolution or prorogation are exercised by the President but power of
adjournment belongs to respective presiding officer. Time between prorogation & Reassembly is called Recess.
Budget Session
Feb May
Monsoon Session
July August
Winter Session
Nov Dec
Special session
If LS is not in session, not less than 1/10th of the members, on prior notice of 14 days, can
write to President for revoking national emergency
Starred questions
Unstarred questions
Unstarred questions are one of whom written answer is desired by the member.
No supplementary questions can be asked thereon
Requires a time period of 10 days
Not recognized under the rules & procedures of house of the parliament.
A member raise any issue of public importance on very short notice or without notice at all
Motions in Parliament
Basically a proposal brought before the house for expressing the opinion to the house.
Every question put in the house must, therefore, be proposed by a member as a motion.
Hence, motions are basically parliamentary proceedings
Resolutions in Parliament
Procedural device available to members & ministers to raise a discussion in the house on
matter of general public interest.
A resolution is infact a substantive motion but unlike motions, resolution forms have been
provided with the rules concerning both the houses.
If resolution is passed in form of statute / law, it has the binding effect. But, if it is passed as
an expression of opinion, it has only persuasive effect.
Hence, resolution is a particular type of motion, required to be voted upon, unlike as in case
of motion.
Moved by a member, if in his opinion, any minister/ any member commits a breach of
privilege of the house by withholding any fact or by giving distorted version of facts
Setting aside normal business of the house for discussing a matter of urgent public
A member with prior permission of the speaker, calls the attention of ministries on matter of
urgent public importance
He may make a brief statement or ask for the time to make a statement at later hour or date
(Indian innvotaion)
This motion is moved by opposition parties against whole COMs or against any individual
minister for failure to act / seeking disapproval of their policy
Speaker has to decide its order & fix a date for discussion of this motion & if it is passed in
LS, Gov. need not to resign, but COM is bound to seek confidence of LS as early as possible
If a money bill or vote of thanks to President (in joint session of parliament) is defeated, it
also amounts to censure of the government policy & gov. needs to seek confidence of LS as
early as possible
Moved against only COMs, not against any individual member (unlike censure motion)
Further unlike censure motion, no date is fixed or any time allotted to COMs as this motion
takes precedence over all pending businesses of the house
Cut motions are basically part of budgetary process which seeks to reduce the amount
for grants
Policy Cut
Implies that mover disapproves of the policy underlying the demand the amount
of demand to be reduced by Rs. 1
Economy Cut
Token Cut
Seeks the Demand to be cut by Rs. 100 to voice a particular grievance against the
Whips in Parliament
Speaker Protem
Usually senior most member in terms of years one has served & then age.
As soon as new LS is constituted, President appoints a speaker protem to administer the
oath of newly elected LS members & to preside over election of next speaker
Ceases to be speaker as soon as new speaker is elected
Bye Election
Midterm election
If LS or state assembly is dissolved well before the expiry of its full term then
the elections are held to constitute new house
Refers to last session of old parliament, held after a new LS has been elected
as a result of general elections. Lame ducks under it are those members who
were part of old house but could not get re-elected for the new house
Snap Vote
Gerry Mandering
Hung Parliament
When due to lack of time, demand of grants are put to vote whether they are
discussed or not in the house on last working day of allotted time
Point of order
When any individual or authority disregards any of the privileges & immunities,
either of the member or of the house, the offence is called breach of privileges.
Any act which impedes either the house or performance of official function of the
house or of any of its member, is called contempt of parliament
MPs / MLAs make laws only in broad skeletal form, Executives fill up the minor
When legislatures outsource the law making work to the executives, then it is known
as delegated / subordinate legislation
Committee on subordinate legislation examine the rules & regulations made by the
executives & submit its report to the house
Hence parliament continues to keep its control over delegation
Appointment of Governor
Appointed by President for 5 years but can be removed before his office terms, by the
President on advice of PM
Even can be transferred from one state to other by President on advice of PM
Rajasthan high court held that CJ of HC can be appointed as an acting governor in place of
vacancy in governors office due to death, resignation etc.
Immunities to Governor
Shall not be answerable to any court for exercise & performance of powers & duties of his
No criminal proceedings can be instituted or continued in any court during his terms of
No process for arrest or imprisonment of governor from any court during his terms of office
Civil proceedings against him, in which relief is claimed, can be instituted giving 2 months
prior notice
A politician belonging to ruling party at the center should not be appointed as governor of
state being run by some other party
Must be appointed after consultation with state concerned
Must be a detached figure from state politics & must retain power to refer any bill to center
for assent
All executive powers of the state are vested in governor & all executive actions of state
government are taken in his name
Executive powers of governor extend to all matters on which state legislature can make laws
In case of concurrent list executive powers of governor are subjected to executive powers of
the President
Make rules for convenient transaction of business of government & for its allocation among
to 94th amendment, In Jharkhand, MP, Chhattisgarh & Orissa, it is special responsibility of
the governor to see that a minister is placed incharge of tribal welfare
In Assam, he is given certain special powers with respect to administration of tribal areas
Appoints CM (Leader of majority party in legislative assembly) & on his advice COMs
Appoints the Advocate General, Chairman and members of the respective State Public
Commission; Although the later cannot be removed by him but the President on report of SC
in case of certain disqualifications
Appoint members of state election commission & state finance commission
Acts as chancellor of state universities
CM to communicate all decisions of COM, related to administration of state & to all the
proposal for legislation, to governor
Informs President, along with his recommendations, regarding break down of constitutional
machinery & imposition of Presidential rule in state
Power to nominate 1 member to lower house (Legislative assembly) from Anglo Indian
community & 1/6th of total number of members to upper house (Legislative council)
Summons state legislature, prorogue either house & can dissolve legislative assembly
No bill can become a law until the Governor signs it
Can dissolve the State Assembly before the expiry of its term on the advice of the Chief
Minister or as directed by the President.
Causes the annual Budget to be presented in Vidhan Sabha (Legislative assembly)
No money bill / ordinary bill / financial bill can be introduced in the Assembly without his
prior approval.
May give his assent or withhold his assent to a bill / Can withhold a bill and send it to the
President for consideration / may return to legislature (one time only) except money bill
Can issue ordinances when one or both the houses of state legislature are not in session &
when he is satisfied that certain actions are needed to be taken immediately
However, he is prohibited from promulgating ordinances that contains provisions, which
under the constitution requires previous sanction of the President. In such cases, he can
make ordinances taking prior permission of President
An ordinance issued by governor ceases to be in operation 6 weeks after the re-assembly of
the legislature unless approved earlier
No money bill / ordinary bill / financial bill can be introduced in the Assembly without his
prior approval.
No demand for grant can be made in legislative assembly except on his recommendations
To introduce annual budget in state legislature showing estimated revenue & expenditure of
state for that year
Can make advances out of contingency fund of state in case of unforeseen expenditure
Has the power to grant pardon, reprieve, respite or remission of punishment or to commute
sentences in certain cases, subjected to the laws of state legislature
Does not has the power to grant pardon in cases of death sentence But can commute or
respite it
Emergency Powers
Power to make report to the President whenever he is satisfied that a situation has arisen in
which government of the state can not be carried on in accordance with the provisions of
the constitution, thereby, inviting President to assume to himself function of gov. of the
When the Presidential rule is applied to state, governor becomes the agent of Union
government in the state & take reins of administration directly in his own hands & runs the
state with the aid of civil services on instructions received by President
Other Powers
Provided that, where the Bill is not a Money Bill, the President may direct the Governor to
return the Bill to the House or, as the case may be, the Houses of the Legislature of the State
together and, when a Bill is so returned, the House or Houses shall reconsider it accordingly
within a period of six months from the date of receipt of such message and, if it is again
passed by the House or Houses with or without amendment, it shall be presented again to
the President for his consideration.
When the bill is again presented to the President for the assent, the president is not bound
to give his assent to the Bill. This means that the state legislature cannot override the veto
power of the President.
The Constitution has also not prescribed any time limit within which the President has to take
decision with regard to a bill reserved by the governor for his consideration. Hence, the
President can exercise pocket veto in respect of state legislation also.
Council Of Ministers
COMs with CM at its apex aid & advice the governor in exercise of his functions
Governor is bound to follow advice of COMs except in cases where he can use his
discretionary powers
COMs is collectively responsible to legislative assembly of the state
Any person can be appointed as the minister but ceases to be one, if he is not elected as a
member of the state legislature within 6 months after his appointment as a minister
Whereas the constitution does not provide much discretionary powers to President, it
empowers the governor to exercise some functions in his discretion & while exercising his
discretionary powers, Governor need not seek or act according to advice rendered by COMs
Governor of Assam determines the amount payable by the state to district council as
royalty, accruing from the license for minerals
Governor of a state as administrator of an adjoining UT can exercise his functions as
administrator independent of his COMs in said UT
In some cases, Governor is enthrusted with special responsibilities, where he seeks the
advice of his COMs, but is not bound to follow them :
President may direct that governor of Maharashtra or Gujrat have special responsibility for
taking steps for the development of certain areas in the state such as vidarbha, Saurashtra
Governor of Nagaland shall have the responsibility with respect to law & order in state
mainly due to internal disturbances caused by hostile Nagas
Governor of Manipur shall have special responsibility to secure proper functioning of
committee of legislative assembly consisting of members elected from hill areas of state
Responsibility of governor of Sikkim for peace + social and economic advancement
(Equitable arrangement) of different sections of population of Sikkim
Governor sends report to the President that the gov. of state can not be carried on, in
accordance with the constitution. He makes such report purely on his discretion, not on
advice of COMs
In matters relating to reservation of bill for consideration of President, Governor may act on
his own
Appointment of CM, if no political party has a clear cut majority or does not have an
acknowledged leader
Dismissal of ministry, when it refuses to resign after losing majority support in house via no
confidence motion
Dissolution of legislative assembly on advice of COM who has lost majority support in house
However, Governor shall be bound to use his discretionary powers as a direction of the President
Has right to participate in proceedings of the house or houses of state legislature without
right to vote
Right to audience in any state court
Gives advice to state government upon legal matters
Enjoys all legislative privileges available to members of legislature
Uttar Pradesh
Andhra Pradesh
Elected by members of legislative assembly of state from amongst persons who are not
member of assembly
Nominated by governor ( From fields of art, science, literature, social science &
cooperative movements)
Elected by persons engaged in teaching for not less than 3 years in educational institutions
within the state, not lower than secondary school
Strength Not more than 1/3rd of legislative assembly, but can not be less than 40 (Except J
& K 36)
Legislative council is a permanent body (term 6 years) & not subjected to dissolution
After every 2 years, 1/3rd of its members retire, However, retiring members are subjected to
re-election & re-nomination
Flexible membership from 60 500 members; however in Sikkim, Mizoram & Goa, they are
limited to a minimum of 40 members only
Chosen directly by the people on the basis of adult franchise
Seats are reserved for SCs & STs on the basis of their population
1 member can be nominated by Governor from Anglo Indian community
Duration 5 years but may be dissolved earlier by the governor
42nd amendment increased assembly official term to 6 years but 44th amendment restored it
to 5 years
During proclamation of national emergency, life of assembly may be extended by an act of
parliament for a period of not more than 1 year at a time , but in no case beyond a period of
6 months, after proclamation of national emergency has ceased to operate
Membership Qualification
If legislative assembly rejects a bill, originated in Legislative council, then it is the end of the
Procedure of money bill is same as in parliament
In case of Financial or ordinary bill, if it is passed by legislative assembly, It is sent to
legislative council, where if it
Then it is referred back to legislative assembly, If legislative assembly passes the bill for the
2nd time, it is retransmitted legislative council, where
Then, bill is deemed to have been passed by both the houses & sent to governor for his
There is no provision of joint sitting of state legislature to remove a deadlock, as upper house
does not enjoy equal powers with lower house & can not amend a bill on its own
Privileges, Immunities, Committees etc. are same as Parliament
Recommending transfer of Chief Justices and other Judges of High Courts from one High
Court to any other High Court
Ensuring that the persons recommended are of ability and integrity
Citizen of India
Judge of HC for atleast 5 years in succession / advocate of HC for atleast 10 years in
A distinguish jurist in opinion of President (a highly qualified academia / law professor)
Lok Sabha
Rajya Sabha
IF there is lack of quorum of Judges of SC to hold or continue any session in court, CJ of India
with previous consent of President & after consultation with CJ of HC concerned, request in
writing the attendance of judges to sit in SC as ad-hoc judges for certain period (Judges shall
be qualified to be judges of SC)
Retired judges of SC can sit in SC as adhoc Judges on request of CJ after consent of President,
provided they fulfill the criteria of SC
Original jurisdiction of SC is power to hear a case for the 1st time unlike Appellate jurisdiction
Purely federal in character i.e. have exclusive authority to decide any dispute involving a
question of law between:
However, according to 7th amendment, 1956, original jurisdiction of SC does not extends to
disputes, arising out of provisions of a treaty, agreement etc. which was executed before
26th Jan 1950 & is in operation ever since
As per article 71, all disputes regarding election of President & vice President are handled by
In disputes b/w center & state due to disputes arising out of provisions of a treaty,
agreement etc. which was executed before 26th Jan 1950 & is in operation ever since
Parliament may by law exclude SCs jurisdiction in disputes w.r.t use, distribution & control
of water in any interstate river
Writ Jurisdiction
Appellate Jurisdiction
Constitutional Matters
Appeal lies to SC if HC certifies that the case involves a substantial question of law as to
interpret the constitution
If HC refuses to give certificate, SC may grant a special leave for appeal if it is satisfied that
case does involve such question
Civil Matters
Thus, No appeal in case of civil matters lies to SC as a matter of right as it lies only when HC
issues a certificate on above 2 conditions
Criminal Matters
President can refer to court either on a question of law or on a question of fact provided it is
of public importance. However, it is not compulsory for court to give its advice.
Further, President is empowered to refer to SC for its opinion regarding disputes, arising out
of provisions of a treaty, agreement etc. which was executed before 26th Jan 1950 & is in
operation ever since. In such case, it is obligatory for the court to give its opinion to
In both of above cases, opinion expresses by SC is only advisory in nature & not
binding on President
Revisory Jurisdiction
Empowered to review any judgment or order made by it with a view to remove any mistake
or error that might have crept in judgment
Even though, judgment have been passed by SC has a binding effect on all the courts of
India, but not on SC itself.
Records & judicial proceedings are of evidentiary value before any court
Has power to determine its own jurisdiction
Contempt of court
Curative Petition
A review petition may be filed in SC after delivery of its judgment; Court may review the case
under its inherent power but on very restricted grounds
The petition 1st has to circulated to a bench of 3 senior most judges & judges who passed the
judgment complained of
Others Powers of SC
The Supreme Court can issue writs only for the enforcement of fundamental rights whereas
a High Court can issue writs for enforcement of fundamental rights along with for any
other purpose (refers to the enforcement of any legal right).
SC can issue writ against a person or government throughout the territory whereas High
Court can issue writs against a person residing or against a government located within its
territorial jurisdiction or outside its jurisdiction only if the cause of action arises within the
territorial jurisdiction.
SC writs are under Article 32 which in itself is a fundamental right thus SC cannot refuse to
exercise its writ jurisdiction. Whereas article 226 is discretionary thus HC can refuse to
exercise its writ jurisdiction.
Habeus Corpus
Habeas corpus is a Latin term which literally means You may have the body
This writ can be issued against any person, Private or official
An order calling upon the person who has unlawfully detained another person to produce
the later before the court to ascertain, whether the detention is legal or not
It is not essential to produce the detained person physically but what is important for the
court is to obtain the knowledge or reason for detention
If the detention is found to be unlawful, court can set free the detained person
The Writ of prohibition means to forbid or to stop and it is popularly known as Stay Order.
Writ of Prohibition is used against judicial & Quasi-Judicial authorities to command inactivity
to certain judgment
Sole purpose of this writ is to prevent inferior courts from usurping a jurisdiction with which
they are not legally vested >> Can be issued in excess or absence of jurisdiction
Issued by superior court to inferior court or tribunal to prevent it from exceeding its
jurisdiction & compel it to be within its limits of jurisdiction
A writ of prohibition is used to prevent an inferior court or tribunal to proceed the trial in
excess of its jurisdiction whereas a writ certiorari is issued to quash the order of an inferior
court or tribunal in excess of jurisdiction
A writ of prohibition is used before the order is passed by the court whereas a writ of
certiorari is used to nullify an order already passed by the court
Prohibition can be issued only against judicial and quasi-judicial authorities whereas
Certiorari can be issued even against administrative authorities affecting rights of
Quo Warranto
The word Quo-Warranto literally means by what warrants? or what is your authority?
It is a writ issued with a view to restrain a person from holding a public office to which he is
not entitled.
The writ requires the concerned person to explain to the Court by what authority he holds
the office.
If a person has usurped a public office, the Court may direct him not to carry out any
activities in the office or may announce the office to be vacant.
Thus High Court may issue a writ of quo-warranto if a person holds an office beyond his
retirement age.
Judiciary plays an assertive role to force the other organs of the state to discharge their
constitutional duties towards public
Judicial activism basically has been forced upon the judiciary by insensitive & unresponsive
administration that disregards the interest of the people, to ensure that administration of
country does not suffer because of the negligence on the part of executive & the legislature
Concept of Judicial activism emerged when SC started playing assertive role by giving some
landmark judgments & issued some stern directives to legislature & executives concerned
Phenomenon of judicial activism is welcome step only in short run & if it is carried out for
long, it may destroy the very essence of separation of powers , with the judiciary assuming
greater powers compared to legislature & executive in the absence of proper checks &
balance mechanism
Judicial Review
Both Supreme Court & High Court enjoys the power of judicial review in India
Based on the concept of supremacy of the constitution
For any law or executive order to be valid, it must confirm to the provisions of the
The court examines a law only from the point of view of legislatures competence
Court sees that the prescribed procedure has been followed by the executive
Court examines only procedural aspect not the motive behind the law or reason behind it,
hence can not pronounce it unconstitutional unless the law is passed without the authorities
Court can examine the law, not only from the point of view of legislatures competence, but
also from the aspect of motive behind the law
Though constitution of India follows procedure established by the law, but in case of
Maneka gandhi case, SC interpreted article 21 to include the expression of due process of
law in it
Hence, article 21 protects an individual both against the legislature & executives action.
However, it does not mean that due process of law has come in form under judicial review of
While interpreting an impugned law, court has to see whether the law as a whole or some
part of it is unconstitutional.
Court can declare impugned law as a whole or some part of it unconstitutional as the case
may be
Court interpret the provisions of the constitution in the light of social, economic & legal
conditions prevailing at that point of time
Judicial invalidation or new view of interpretation of law will not affect the past transactions
or vested rights, but will be effective with regards to future transactions only
While exercising the power of judicial review, courts are not supposed to deal with
hypothetical cases; therefore it is essential that the matter bought before the court must be
of concrete nature.
Court seeks to confine its decisions, as far as possible; within the narrow limits of
controversy b/w the parties concerned in particular case
Whenever the constitutional validity of a law is challenged, court will not hold it ultra vires
until the invalidity is clear from all doubts which means there is always presumption by the
court, in favour of laws validity
However, despite the extensive power of judicial review enjoyed by SC & HC, scope of
judicial review in India is limited, as while interpreting a law, SC will not self-legislate
SC is not supposed to question the reasonableness of any law except where the constitution
has expressly authorised the court to exercise its power.
Recommending transfer of Chief Justices and other Judges of High Courts from one High
Court to any other High Court
Ensuring that the persons recommended are of ability and integrity
Appointment of additional
Ad hoc judges
62 Years
Any dispute regarding the age of judge of HC is decided by President in consultation with CJ
of India
CJ 90,000
Others 80,000
From consolidated fund of State
After retirement a judge of HC can not plead in a court or before any authority in India except
in SC or HC other than in which he held office
Appellate Jurisdiction
All HCs entertain appeals in civil & criminal cases from their subordinate courts.
They have, however, no jurisdiction over tribunals established by the law relating to armed
forces of the country
Writ Jurisdiction
Right to entertain PIL cases lies with Supreme Court and High Court only.
A tool of judiciary to enforce legal & constitutional obligations towards executives &
legislatures in interest of public at large
Basic aim of PIL is to render justice & help in promotion of well-being of public interest (not
of individuals interest In individuals case , writ petition for FR)
Usually, relief provided by court is in form of directions or order of state including
compensation to affected parties
A PIL may also be introduced in a court of law by the court itself (suo motu), rather than the
aggrieved party or another third party. It is a result of judicial activism, not mentioned in
constitution or any law enacted by Parliament.
State Judiciary
High Court
System of subordinate courts, with HC at apex
Legal services authority act, 1987 gave Statuary status to Lok Adalats
Alternative dispute resolution system developed in India Works under NALSA
To provide speedy & economic justice to weaker sections of the society
Focus in Lok adalat is on compromise, When no comprise is reached, matter goes back to
the court
No advocate, No witnesses examined, No court fee is levied.
Resolves cases which have not yet gone to courts or are pending in courts
Established at Central, state & district level have their own funds
Revenue courts
Final judgment or orders delivered by civil courts in any part of the territory of India shall be
capable of execution anywhere in India
Clause only applicable to civil courts not on criminal courts
Article 1 states J & K is a constituent state of Indian union, however Article 370 grants a special status
to J & K on the basis of agreement concluded at time of J & K accession to Indian union:
J & K has its own constitution apart from Indian constitution (Framed on 17th Nov 1956 &
came in force on 26 Jan 1957)
Parliament can not make laws with regards to J & K on subjects stated in state list
Residuary powers lies with legislature of J & K
Follows dual citizenship, only citizens of J & K can take part in elections to state assembly
Only citizens of J & K can acquire, own & dispose of immovable property in J & K
Only national emergency proclaimed on the grounds of war & external aggression shall have
automatic extension to J & K.
National emergency proclaimed on the grounds of internal armed rebellion shall not be
automatically extended to J & K
Parliament can not change name, boundary or territory of J & K without the concurrence of
state legislature
No preventive detention law made by government can have automatic extension to J & K
(Note PMLA is also applicable for J & K)
Union has no power to proclaim a financial emergency to J & K
State government shall be consulted by centre before appointing a person as governor of
Apart from Presidential rule, governor rule can also be imposed for a max. of 6 months
DPSP & Fundamental duties enlisted in Indian constitution are not applicable to J & K
Urdu Official language of the state
J & K High Court -
Act of parliament relating to following matters would not apply to Nagaland unless
state assembly so decides:
Special responsibility of governor wrt law & order in the state (after consulting
COMs, but his decision will be final) regarding internal disturbances occurring in
Naga hills mainly in Tuesang area (Special responsibility ceases if President directs
Governor has to ensure that money provided by the GOI out of consolidated fund of
India for any specific purpose, is included in the demand for grant relating to that
specific purpose only, not any other
A regional council for Tuensang district, consisting of 35 members should be formed
& governor in his discretion shall make all the rules & terms regarding this council
For a period of 10 years, from formation of state of Nagaland or for further period as
specified by Governor, on recommendations of regional council, following provisions
would be operative for Tuensang district:
President may provide for the constitution & functions, a committee of Legislative
assembly of the state, consisting of members of that assembly elected from the tribal
area of Assam
President can also direct that the governor shall have special responsibility to secure
proper functioning of that committee
President may provide for the constitution & functions, a committee of Legislative
assembly of the state, consisting of members of that assembly elected from the hill
areas of Manipur.
President can also direct that the governor shall have special responsibility to secure
proper functioning of that committee
Governor should submit an annual report to the President regarding the administration
of Hill areas
Legislative assembly shall not less than 30 members + 1 seat from the state in Lok
Sabha & 1 in parliamentary constituency
For the purpose of protecting the rights & interest of different sections of Sikkim
population, Parliament is empowered to provide number of seats in Sikkim
administrative assembly for the people belonging to such sections
Governor in his discretion (On direction of President) have special responsibility for
peace & equitable arrangement for socio- economic development of different sections
of Sikkim
Cultural Distinctiveness
Strategic Importance
President may appoint Governor of a state as administrator of adjoining UT, who shall exercise his
functions independent of his COMs
Lieutenant Governor
Points of Prominence
UT of Pondicherry & Delhi Legislative assembly with Council of Ministers & Chief Minister
Size of COMs is to be 10 % max. of legislative assembly
Parliament can make laws on any subject given in 3 lists ( Power also extends to Delhi &
Pondicherry even though they have their own legislature)
Pondicherry & Delhi can also make laws on any subject of state list & concurrent list except
laws related to Public order, Police & land
President may frame regulations for peace, progress & good governance for all UTs except
Delhi & Pondicherry
Parliament is empowered to constitute a high court for any of the UT or even can declare an
existing court there as high court
HC of Delhi
HC of Chennai
Kerala HC
Calcutta HC
Advisory Committee
UT of Delhi shall be called National capital territory & shall have a legislative assembly with
members, chosen directly by people from territorial constituencies
Assembly shall make laws on matter enumerated in state list (Except matters of Public order,
Police & land)
If any provision of law, made by legislative assembly wrt any matter which is repugnant to
any provision of law made by parliament wrt that matter, then law made by parliament shall
prevail & law made by LA shall to the extent of repugnancy, be void
If law made by LA is preserved for consideration of President & has received his assent, then
such law shall prevail in NCT, however, parliament can make laws adding to, varying or
repealing laws made by LA
There shall be COMs, not more than 1/10th of total members of LA, with CM at its apex to
aid & advice Lt. governor in exercise of his functions
In case of difference b/w opinions of COMs & Lt. governor, Lt. governor shall refer it to the
President for his decision & shall act according to directions given by President
Governor of each state having scheduled areas have to submit a report to the President
annually or whenever so required by the President
Executive powers of union extends to giving directions to the state regarding administration
of these areas
A tribal advisory council consisting of not more than 20 members should be established in
each state having scheduled areas therein, for their advancement & welfare
Governor is empowered to direct that any particular act of parliament or state government
does not apply to scheduled areas or if applied, then with specific modifications &
Constitution provides for appointment of a commission to report on administration of
scheduled areas & welfare of scheduled tribes in the state. President can appoint such
commission at anytime but compulsorily after 10 years from commencement of constitution
Tribal areas in state of Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura & Mizoram have been constituted
as autonomous districts (i.e. falls under the executive authority of state concerned)
President at any time by order direct that whole or any specified part of schedule
area ceases to be a scheduled area or may increase the scheduled area in state after
the consultation with the governor of the state
If there are different tribes in an autonomous districts, governor can divide the
district into several autonomous regions
Each autonomous district has a district council of 30 members + each autonomous region
also has a separate regional council
District & Regional councils are empowered to assess & collect land revenue & impose
certain specified taxes
Governor can appoint a commission to examine & report of any matter relating to
administration of autonomous district of regions.
He may also dissolve a district or regional council on the recommendation of appointed
Palaeo Mongoloids
Tibeto Mongoloids
Chhotanagpur Plateau
Gonds, Kondhs
Himachal Pradesh
West Bengal
Bhuiya tribe
Madhya Pradesh
Voluntary Provisions
Adult people (above 18 years) register in electoral rolls relating to a village comprised within
the area of Panchayat.
Meet twice a year (April 13 & Oct 3) & exercise functions as state legislature determines
In other words, Gram sabha is village assembly of registered voters within panchayat area to
discuss issues related to their areas
3 Tier System
Act provides for a 3 tier system of panchayati raj in every state i.e. Panchayats at village,
intermediate & district level
However, a state having population less than 20 lakhs may not have intermediate level
Members of Rajya sabha, Lok sabha & state assembly in district may be included in
intermediate level panchayat, in which they are registered as an elector
All the members of the panchayat at village, intermediate & district levels shall be elected
directly by the people
Chairperson of panchayat (at intermediate & district levels) shall be elected indirectly by &
among the elected members thereof
Chairperson of panchayat at village level shall be elected in such a manner as the state
legislature determines
Reservation of seats
Reservation of seats of SC & ST (at all 3 levels) shall be in proportion of, their population to
total population in panchayat area
Further, state legislature shall provide for reservation of offices of chairperson in panchayat
at all levels for SCs & STs
Reservation of not less than 1/3rd of total no. of seats for women, including number of seats
reserved for women belonging to SCs & STs
Further, not less than 1/3rd of total no. of offices of chairperson in the panchayats at each
level shall be reserved for women
Duration of panchayats
Every panchayat shall continue for 5 yrs from the date of its 1st meeting
It can be dissolved earlier in accordance with the procedure prescribed by the state
In case, it is dissolved earlier, elections must take place within 6 month of its dissolution
It is for the state legislature to determine as to what powers are to be assigned to the
panchayats to enable them to function as an institution of self-government
Powers shall be assigned mainly for social justice & economic development with regards to
29 matters, included in 11th schedule
Financial matters
Authorise a panchayat to levy, collect & appropriate taxes, duties tolls & fees
Assign to panchayat to appropriate taxes, duties, tolls & fees levied & collected by state
Provide for making grants in aid to panchayats from consolidated fund of India
Provide for constitution of funds for crediting money to panchayats
Within 1 year of coming into force of this act & henceforth every 5 years, state gov.
(Governor) shall appoint a state finance commission, to review the financial positions of the
panchayats & to suggest different means to enhance the same
State election commissioner shall be appointed by governor to suprident, direct & control
elections of panchayats including preparation of electoral rolls. He can be removed on the
same grounds as a judge of HC & his tenure shall be determined by the Governor
The act bars the interference by courts in electoral matters of the panchayats
It declares that validity of any law relating to delimitation of constituencies or allotment of
seats to such constituencies can not be questioned in any court
Further, no election to any panchayat is to be questioned except by an election petition,
presented to such authority & in a manner provided by state legislature
Act does not apply to J & K, Nagaland, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Hill areas of Manipur,
Darjeeling & certain other areas
However, parliament may extend its provisions to these areas under PESA, 1996 (Provision
to panchayat extension to scheduled areas)
Nagar Panchayats
Municipal corporations
All the members of municipality shall be elected directly by people of municipal area.
For this purpose, each municipal area shall be divided into territorial constituencies known
as wards
State legislature may provide a manner of election of chairperson of municipality
Ward committees consisting of 1 or more wards within the territorial area of municipality
having population of 3 lakh or more
Reservation of seats
Duration 5 years
Elections to constitute a municipality shall be completed well before the expiry of duration
of 5 years (same as panchayats) & in case of dissolution, within 6 months from date of
A municipality constituted upon the dissolution of municipality before the expiration of its
duration, it shall continue only for the remainder period, for which the dissolved
municipality would have constituted, had it not been dissolved
74th amendment also envisage setting up of committees for district planning, to consolidate
the plans prepared by panchayats & municipalities in district & to prepare a draft
development plan for the district as a whole
Concurrent list
State List
Under certain conditions, constitution authorizes union government to extend its jurisdiction over
matters included in state list viz.
When a proclamation of emergency is in force, parliament can legislate on matters included in all 3
Article 356
Article 249
Empowers Rajya Sabha to transfer any matter in state list to legislative jurisdiction of
parliament by a resolution passed by 2/3rd of the majority
Article 252
Article 253
Empowers parliament to make laws for whole or any part of Indian territory for
implementing international agreements & conventions, even if the subjects covered
by such treaties & agreements falls within state list
Residuary powers have been paced under legislative jurisdiction of the parliament
A state law providing for compulsory acquisition of private property shall have no effect without
Presidential assent
Article 31A
Grants immunity to laws providing for agrarian reforms from article 14 & 19 but
immunity of article 31 A shall not be available to state laws unless it receives
Presidential assent
Article 200
Directs governor of state to reserve a bill passed by state legislature for the
consideration of President, if in his opinion, law if passed, would derogate the
powers of HC
Authorize a state to levy tax wrt water & electricity, being distributed, used or sold
by any authority, established by law made by parliament. But no such law shall be
valid unless it has been resent for consideration of the President & have received
his assent
Financially strong centre, so much that states are almost completely dependent upon the
union for financial assistance. While proceeds of all the taxes within the state list are entirely
retained by the state, proceeds of some of the taxes in union list are allotted wholly or
partially to the states.
Stamp duties + Duties of excise on medicinal & toilet preparations are mentioned in union
list & are levied by central government but collected by state government
Taxes levied & collected by union but assigned to states:
Taxes levied & collected by the union but distributed b/w union & states Income tax (Not
including corporate tax)
Prime objective is promoting welfare of STs & raise administration of scheduled areas
Parliament make grants to give financial assistance to states to help overcome budgetary
Specific budget grants to states, as in case of jute producing states like WB, Assam, Bihar &
Orissa, in lieu of share of Jute export duty, levied by government
Union can make grants for any public purpose for various national development schemes
Union provides many other grants to states from time to time which mean states depend
greatly on Union to get loans. A state government can only borrow within India & can not
raise a new loan without the consent of Union government, if there is an outstanding on
previous loans
Constitution provides for appointment of finance commission by President every 5 years to
advise him regarding distribution of resources b/w union & states & other revenue matters
Niti Ayog also plays a vital role in financial relations b/w centre & states. It decides outlays of
the plans for the country which in turn decides amount of money to be given to various
Cooperative Federalism
In exigencies of war, national interest takes precedence over fine points of centre state
divisions of powers
Substitution of primary police state by welfare state, where varied social services or
technological advancement requires huge outlays & state government could not meet them
on their own resources
Within their respected areas of authority, Union & state legislatures are supreme & are not
supposed to encroach upon others sphere
If a new law passed by one encroaches upon the subject, held & assigned by the other, court
will apply Doctrine of Pith & Substance
If it is found that law in substance is within the subjects assigned to that legislature &
intention of law is genuine, the law shall be valid, even though there is some overlapping.
Hence, there can not be watertight division of powers b/w centre & the state, because if it
is, it would made several laws invalid on simple grounds of overlapping
Interstate councils
PM (Ex-officio chairperson)
6 union ministers (as appointed by PM)
CM of all the states & UTs
Administrators of UTs
Largely based on GOI act of 1935; ISC has 3 specific duties viz.
Serve centre as well as states; recruited by ministry of personnel in consultation with UPSC
Are under direct control of ministry for ex. IAS, IPS, IFS
If Rajya sabha passes a resolution supported by not less than 2/3rd of members present &
voting, then Parliament may by law provide for creation of one or more all India services
(Including All India Judicial services 42nd amendment)
All 3 Services
Member of AISs or Central services hold office during the pleasure of President & in case of
state services, of governor
President / Governor may provide for compensation if
No person holding a civil post under Union or states shall be dismissed or removed by an
authority subordinate to appointing authority
No such person is reduced, dismissed or removed in rank except after an enquiry in which he
has been informed of the charges against him & given a reasonable opportunity of being
heard wrt those charges
Points of Prominence
UPSC, if requested by governor, may with approval of President agree to act for a state
Half of the members of every PSC are the officials, who have held the government office
(union or state) for atleast 10 yrs
All PSCs are only advisory in nature
Chairman & members of Joint & state PSC can be removed from the office by only the orders
of the President
Governor only has power to pass an interim order of suspension, pending the final order of
President on report of SC
Administrative Tribunals
Tribunals are meant to relieve the courts of overload & expedite the process of justice in
interest of affected officials
It authorises parliament to setup administrative tribunals for the purpose of setting disputes
& complains involving civil services
It also authorize parliament to establish an administrative tribunal for the union & a
separate administrative tribunal for state or for two or more states
The CAT exercises jurisdiction over all service matters concerning the following:
However, the members of the defence forces, officers, staff of the Supreme Court and the
secretarial staff of the Parliament are not covered under the jurisdiction of CAT.
State Administrative Tribunal (SAT) For states services including state PSC
Following categories of employees are exempted from purview of Administrative tribunal:
Employees of SC & HC
Armed force professionals
Rajya Sabha & Lok Sabha members
Points of Prominence
Foreign exchange (export & import)
Land reforms
Industrial & labour disputes
Ceiling on urban property
Election to parliament or state legislature
Rent & Tenancy Issues
Production, procurement & distribution of food stuff
Regional Languages
Legislature of state may adopt any one or more of languages in use in state or Hindi as
official language of the state. Until that is done, English is to continue as official language of
the state
For the time being, English would remain the official language for communication b/w state
& union or b/w various states. But 2 or more states are free to agree to use Hindi for
communication b/w themselves
Language of Judiciary
All the proceedings in SC & in every HC as well authoritive text of all bills, acts, ordinances
etc. should be in English unless parliament provides otherwise
Governor of the state, with previous consent of the President can authorize the use of Hindi
or any other official language of the state in the proceeding of the HC of state, but not wrt
the judgment, Decrees & order passed by it
National Emergency
External War or external aggression
Must be passed by each house of the parliament by simple majority or cease to operate at expiry of 2
months (Subjected to judicial Review)
Approved for 6 months from the date of approval & can be further extended for a period of 6 months.
However, it can be extended beyond 1 year period but in any case not beyond 3 years from the date
of issue of proclamation, if :
A proclamation of financial emergency will remain in force for 2 months, unless before expiry of that
period, it is approved by both the houses of parliament by simple majority
Once approved, it will be in force till it is revoked by the President (None Issued so far)
Rajiv Gandhi gov. imposed a ban on defection through 52nd amendment act.
The act aims to prohibit undemocratic, unethical & unprincipled political defection by
members of legislature, by innovation of an instrument of disqualification
A member of parliament or state legislature belonging to any political party, shall be
disqualified for being a member of that house if:
He voluntarily give up the membership of such political party
An independent member joins a political party after being elected
A nominated member joins a political party after 6 months
A member does not act according to the whips issued by his political party
If 1/3rd members of a political party resign from their parent party & form a splinter group
If 2/3rd of members of a political party resign from their parent party & merge with another
political party
Act debars a defector from holding any public office for the duration of remaining term of
the existing legislature or until fresh elections
Size of COMs is to be 15 % max. of lower house at the centre as well as at states. (However,
smaller states such as Mizoram, Sikkim etc. would have the liberty of having a minimum of
12 ministers)
Seeks to debar a defector from holding any remunerative political post for the remaining
tenure of the legislature or unless re-elected
Omitted exemption of splinter group law from exemption to Anti defection law
Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Committees
The work done by the Parliament in modern times is considerable in volume and varied in
nature. The time at its disposal is limited (3 sessions only) Hence, It cannot give close
consideration to the details of all the legislative and other matters that come up before it.
Hence Parliamentary Committees are necessary for detailed study on specific matters & serve
following purpose:
Standing Committee (Advisory and Inquiry in Nature) Standing Committees are permanent
committees. Each House of Parliament has Standing Committees
Based on composition
Consists of 30 memberswho are elected by the Lok Sabha every year from among its
Ministers are not allowed to be part of this committee.
The main function is to report what improvements in organisation, efficiency, or
administrative reform, consistent with the policy underlying the estimates may be affected.
Consists of 15 members elected by the Lok Sabha and 7 members of Rajya Sabha
A Minister is not eligible for election to this Committee.
The term of the Committee is one year.
The functions of the Committee on Public Undertakings are:
Consists of 15 members elected by the Lok Sabha and 7 members of the Rajya Sabha
A Minister is not eligible for election to this Committee.
The term of the Committee is one year
The main duty of the Committee is to ascertain whether the money granted by Parliament
has been spent by Government within the scope of the Demand.
The Appropriation Accounts of the Government of India and the Audit Reports presented by
the Comptroller and Auditor General mainly form the basis for the examination of the
The members are nominated by the Speaker. Almost all sections of the House are
represented on the Committee as per the respective strength of parties in the House.
The function of the Committee is to recommend the time that should be allotted for the
discussion of such Government legislative and other business as the Speaker, in consultation
with the Leader of the House, may direct to be referred to the Committee.
The Committee, on its own initiative, may recommend to the Government to bring forward
particular subjects for discussion in the House and recommend allocation of time for such
The Rules Committee consists of 15 members including the Speaker who is the ex-officio
Chairman of the Committee.
The members are nominated by the Speaker.
The Committee considers matters of procedure and conduct of business in the House and
recommends any amendments or additions to the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of
Business in Lok Sabha that are considered necessary.