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AS2159 Piling - Design and Installation

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so0z—ssiz sv AS 2158-2009 (incorporating Amendment No.1) Australian Standard® Piling—Design and installation ‘The Auta Stara wan prepared by Contos CEO'8, Png. ae approved on bata fhe Count of Stra Aaa on 19 uns 2008 “The Standard was publsed on 4 Noverber 2003. “Tho folowing eo reprocered on Carte CE: 918: ‘sala Bulking Codes Boos >ustalan Gacratrence Sooty usTRCADS. Concrete te of stata ngewe Aucala orash Uniorey Ping and FoundonSpecats Festi Uneraty of Say “Tha Stand was nse nat fr for coment OF 09160. Standards Ausala wisos to ackroniodge the parti oho exper int contd the degen of hi Stars Mvough Pa epresetaon ce the (Carmitco sed tough publ covenant pares. ooping Standards up-to-dete ‘Aslan Stra ae rg docuronts hat eet progress neceneo tection fytore. To marta te cumerey, al Standard re posal tvawed ard van ees ‘Be punted Gatwoe ers, arenas maj bose, ‘Stands ay obo whan. t's erat tha reader assur hams thy ao eng a curert Staci, uric shod dey render at ay Fave baat ‘bled soe he Standard wes pb Det inematon abou Ausbaan Standace, das, anendents ad new pee an bovourdby wg wow standards oma Standa Ausra waoones suggestions for reread ercoragy ead to ‘oly ce revadatay ot ary separ raccuaces or aegis. Conact us a saa ‘malsanderds.og.au, or we fo Sanaa Atala, GPO Bor 470, yey NSW 2001 AS 215¢—2009 (tneorporateg Amendment No.1) Australian Standard® Piling—Design and installation fond ong 20078. aud rng Amenarent No 1 (Ober 2010, ‘Ape ae reaared, No pat ofthe werk mye produces iin any fm by PREFACE ‘This Standard was prepared by the Standards Austalia Committee CE-018, Piling, to supersede AS 2159-1995, This Standard incorporates Amendment No. 1 (October 2010). The changes reyuired by the Amendment are indicated in the text by @ marginal bar and amendment number against the clause, note, table, fgure or part thereof affected. ‘The objective ofthis Standard is 0 provide requirements for design and installation of piles for supporting structures. The object of this revision isto align with vpdated [AS 1170 Standards and reflect changes in practice since the provious edition Major changes to the previous edition areas follows: (@) Revision ofthe overall Standard (©) Revision of the setting of strength reduction factors, that is, the seletion of the safety" level appropriate tothe installation being designed (©) Revision ofthe negative skin friction requirements (@) Revision of durability requirements to assist designers to achieve predicted lie (©) Include requirements for newer pile types and installation methods including steel screw piles, jacking, serewing and screwed east in place (© Requicement for some testing tobe ‘normative’ (@) Inclusion of new types of test including rapid pile testing The terms “normative” and “informative” have been used in this Standard 10 define che pplication of the appendix to which they apply. A ‘normative appendix isan integral part ‘fa Standard, whereas an ‘informative’ appendix is oly for information and guidance. Statements expressed in mandatory terms in notes to tables are deemed to be requirements ofthis Standard, Notes to the text contain information and guidance and are not considered to be an integral part ofthe Standard CONTENTS Page FOREWORD. 5 SECTION 1 SCOPE AND GENERAL. LL SCOPE vss 6 12 NORMATIVE REFERENCES, 6 13 DEFINITIONS 7 14 NOTATION io LS CLASSIFICATION OF PILES, 5 SECTION 2_ SITE INVESTIGATION 2.1 GENERAL 7 pea attr 22 INFORMATION REQUIRED. 5 SECTION 3 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS AND PROCEDURI 3.1 OBJECTIVE OF PILE DESIGN wesonsnnnsnsnsnnsnnnntnnnnennss 16 32 GENERAL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS 16 33 ACTIONS AND COMBINATIONS FOR STRENGTH AND SERVICEAEILITY 20 43. GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF GEOTECHNICAL STRENGTH DESIGN 21 44 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS FOR STRENGTH, 0 snes 413 GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF GEOTECHNICAL DESIGN FOR SERVICEABILITY, i stan 46 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS FOR SERVICEABILITY, » SECTION 5 STRUCTURAL DESIGN 511 SCOPE OF SECTION Brae 32 33. CONCRETE AND GROUT PILES. etree 54. STEEL PIL 36 53 COMPOSITE STEEL AND CONCRETE PILES. 1.00 S36 56 TIMBER PILES 37 SECTION 6 DURABILITY DESIGN 61 GENERAL snes sn 38 62. GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF DURABILITY DESIGN, 38 63 ACID SULFATE SOILS aebeiemmanie 64 DESIGN FOR DURABILITY OF CONCRETE PILES . 39 65 DESIGN FOR DURABILITY OF STEEL PILES. eect ea 6 DESIGN FOR DURABILITY OF TIMBER PILES, 45 SECTION 7 MatERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS TA GENERAL ses a 72, TOLERANCES AND DEFEC a Page 73. DISPLACEMENT PILES—PREFORMED. a8 74 DISPLACEMENT PILES DRIVEN CAST IN PLACE, se 7.5. DISPLACEMENT PILES—SCREWED CAST IN PLACE 3 716 NON-DISPLACEMENT PILES. sa 7.7 RECORDS OF DATA 37 SECTION § TESTING BL SCOPE vse Sei ee vo 6 82. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS, 60 83. PILELOAD TESTING ee ee a rece Sa STATIC LOAD TESTING. 65 85 HIGH-STRAIN DYNAMIC PILE TESTING... ne 67 6 BEDIRECTIONAL LOAD TESTING 68 87 RAPIDLOAD TESTING 6 S8 INTEGRITY TESTING. 69 APPENDICES A. STATIC LOAD TEST. n 1B HIGH-STRAIN DYNAMIC PILE TESTING. % © RAPID PILE TESTING. s1 D__ INTEGRITY TESTING. 85 E LIMIT STATES—SYMBOLS AND DEFINITIONS. 99 BIBLIOGRAPHY 90 FOREWORD Decisions in pile design are based on design formulae, empirical and practical experience, and the accumulated records ofa large numberof applications of proprietary systems (both successful and otherwise). As such, there is a great need for flexibility, experience, engineering judgement and commonsense in designing and constructing a pled footing system. Ina eal sense, these requirements are in conflict with the need to make unqualified ‘mandatory statements and, as a result, many of the stipulations ofthis Standatd are short and simple when, in other eases, extensive arrays of multiple choices are provided, Where applicable, explanatory notes are added to some clauses in this Standard and additional commentary is provide. STANDARDS AUSTRALIA Australian Standard Piling—Design and installation SECTION 1 SCOPE AND GENERAL La SCOPE ‘This Standard sets out minimum requirements for the design, construction and testing of piled footings for civil engineering and building structures on land of immelite inshore locations. It does not extend to offshore (deepwater) construction. NOTES: 1 AS $100 series shouldbe considered forthe design of footings fr ros bridges, 2 Where the stength or servceabty of an existing structure i wo bo evaluated, the general ‘rincipies of this Standard should be applied, The actal properties of the materials in the ‘race shouldbe used ‘The durability requirements ae appropriate for statues with design life within 420% ofthe target design Ie 1.2 NORMATIVE REFERENCES “The normative documents referenced inthis Standard are the following: [NOTE: Documents referenced for informative purposes are listed inthe Bibliography AS 1012. Methods of testing concrete (all Pars) 1163 Structural stel hollow sections 1170 Structural design actions 1170.4 Part: Earthquake aetions in Australia Methods of testing sols for engineering purposes PertG1: Soil strength and consolidation tests—Determination of the penetration resistance of soi Standard penetration tot (SPT) 1289.65.1 Part 65.1: Soil strength and consolidation tests—Determination of the static ceone penetration resistance of a soil—Field test using a mechanic and electrical cone or friction-cone penetrometer 1379 Specification and supply of concrete 1450 Steel tubes for mechanical purposes 1554 Structural steel welding 13541 Part I: Welding of steel structures 1579 Areowelded steel pipes and fittings for water and waste-water 1604 Specification for preservative treatment 1604.1 Part I: Sawn and round timbor 1720. Timber structures 1720.1 Part 1: Design methods 1726 Geotechnical site investigations As 2758 and rock for engineering purposes 2758.1 Part Concrete aggregates 2832 Cathodic protection of metals 28322 Part 2: Compact buried structures 28323 art Fixed immersed structures 3600 Concrete structures 3818 TimberHeavy structural products Visually graded 38183 Part3: Piles 3972 Portland and blended cements 4100 Steel structures 5100 Bridge design 5100.8 Part 5: Concrete 5100.6 Part 6: Steel and composite construction ASINZS 1170 Structural design actions 1170.0 Part: General principles 1594 Hotrolled ste! flat products 3678 Structural stee!—Hot-rolled plates, Mloorplates and slabs 3679 Structural steel 3679.1 Part I: Hotrolled bars and sections 3679.2 Part 2: Welded sections 4671 Steel reinforcing materials ASTM € 566-97 Standard Test Method for Total Evaporable Moisture Content of Aggregate by Drying 1.3, DEFINITIONS For the purpose ofthis Standard, the definitions below apply 1.3.1 Bored cast in place pile A ple, with oF without a Finer, Formed by excavating oF boring a hole in the ground and subsequent filing it with plain or reinforced eonerete 132 cased pile {A pile formed in the ground by installing a liner and partially or wholly filling it with plain or reinforced concrete after excavation, 1.33 Cone penetration test (CPT) ‘tes in accordance with AS 1289.65.1, to determine the penetration resistance ofa soil 1.34 Continuous fight auger pile (CFA) A pile formed in the ground by driling witha hollow flight auger that is subsequently and progressively withdrawa, withthe eavity below the auger tip being gradually filled with ‘concrete or cement grout injected under pressure. 135 Design action Combination of the nominal loads and other aetions multiplied by the appropriate load factors, Fak labdellelaala adele tletlat Asaise 2007 1 13.6 Design action effect () [Action effeet computed from the design values ofthe actions or design loads 1.3.7 Design geotechnical strength (Rs) The product of the design ultimate geotechnical strength (Rag) and the geotechnical strength reduction factor (4) 138 Desiga tite Period of time during which a structure ora structural element, when designed, is assumed to perform for its intended purpose with expected maintenance but without major structural repair being nevessary 1.39 Design serviceability oad (Ey) “The load on a ple corresponding tothe serviceability limit state 1.3.10 Design structural strength (Ry) ‘The product of the design ultimate strctral stength (Rays) and the steuetiral strength reduction factor (4). 1.3.11 Design ultimate geotechnical strength (42) ‘An estimate of the ultimate geotechnical strength assessed using caleulations in accordance ‘with Section 4 of tis Standard, 1.3.12 Design ultimate structural strength (Ra) The limit state at which state equilibrium i lost, or at which strctural elements fail YNOTE: The design ultimate structural strength may be assessed using calultions in accordance swith Setion 5 ofthis Standard 1.3.13 Driven east in place pile A pile formed by driving a liner, whichis either permanent or temporary, and Filling with plain or reinforced concrete 1.3.14. Driven preformed pile A prefabricated pile installed in the ground by driving 1 ity Ability ofa structure ora structural element 10 maintain adequ time under expected actions and environmental influences, 1.3.16 Ead-bearing pile A pile where the major component of the resistance ofthe pile is contributed by the force developed atthe base ofthe ple 1.3.17 Footing AS Dural te performance fora given AA part of a structure in direct contact with and transmitting load to the supporting foundation 1.3.18 Foundation The soil, subsoil or rock, whether built-up or natural, upon which a strctue is supported, NOTE: The term “foundation” 46 commonly used to mean both the footing ar the ground supporing the footing 1.3.19 Friction pile A pile where the major component of the resistance ofthe pile is contributed by the force Adeveloped along the shaft ofthe pile. 1320 Ground anchor {A tendon anchored into the ground by bond and used to provide a reaction for test loading piles 1.321 Large displacement pies Preformed or cast in place piles, generally with a solid cross-section dimensior of at least 300 mm, installed by driving screwing, pushing, vibrating or similat methods, which cause displacement such that significant stresses are induced in the surrounding soils, which ‘ay increase the Toad capacity ofthe pile and cause displacement of the suroundig soils 1.322 Limit state Condition for which a system is designed, and beyond which it ceases to fulfil ts intended fanction and becomes unfit for use [NOTE: There are recognized limit states, efor fre, serviceability, stability and suenth 1323 Fite AA structural member that is driven, serewed, jacked, vibrated, drilled oF otherwise installed in the ground so as to transmit loads tothe underlying soil or rock and provide a foundation for structure. 13.24 Pile group "Number of piles installed in close proximity and usually having a common pile cap. 1325 Pie head Top of pile 1.326 Pile heave Displacement (usually vertical) of a pile caused by the driving, or by extemal ground :movements of piles in close proximity. 1.327 Raking pile A pile installed at an angle to the vertical 1.328. Serviceability limit state (SLS), serviceability A limit state beyond which specified service criteria are no longer met, such as ‘unacceptably large displacements. vibrations eacking. spalling and other local damage. 13.29 Set Permanent penetration of a driven pile or liner per blow of the hammer. 1.3.30, Small displacement Preformed or east in place piles, generally with a hollow cross-section or a solid cross- section dimension less than 300 mm, installed by driving, screwing, pushing, vibrating oF Similar methods, which cause a small displacement sch that significant stresses or displacements are not induced in the sutrounding sols 1.3.31, Standard penetration test (SPT) ‘A test in accordance with AS 1289.63.1, to determine the penetration resistance ofa soil 1.3.32. Stoel screw piles Preformed small displacement ples installed by rotating a steel pie, which has one or more spiral lights (helices) welded to it 1.333. Temporary compression ‘The temporary ple-head deflection during a hammer blow, comprising elastie deflection of the pile cushion, the pile and the soil 1334 Test pile Pile subjected 0 @ loading test with the primary purpose of establishing. the load deformation characteristics, and/or the ultimate steuetural strength ofthe pil, and/or the ‘ultimate geotechnical strength ofthe pteisoil system. 1.3.38. Test ultimate geotechnical strength (Ryu) ‘An estimate ofthe ultimate geotechnical strength assessed from Toad test carried out in ‘accordance with Section 8 of this Standard 13.36 Toe The base of the pile 1.3.37 Ultimate geotechnical strength (Ry) ‘The resistance developed by an axially ot laterally loaded ple or pile group at which static cquilbyium is lost or at which the supporting ground fils 14 NOTATION The symbols wsed inthis Standard are listed below. Unless « contrary indication appears elsewhere, the symbols used in this Standard shall be as defined below. The notations in Clause 3.3, relating to load and combinations in AS 1170.4, have nat baen incorporated in this able TABLE 1 NOTATION Symbol Term Testis “A, | Netare opie tae resining uli Le he freee | Clause 4.42 beeen rss-sedlona areas fhe ile bse ad th pil sha TT Pits ofthe ie eos sston Greve) “ARR kverane ik ring for overall dion Classe 32, Toe 3210) ‘ue | Crosson! ra of compression elnoremest case 5330) [ie wave spect uagaph 2.2, Append | Plledometer tans 5632, ee —[etause $3.7 4,__ [Pe bse 2) danett Tables 44.01, 852 Di_[ Dowel dunes Clase 5632 ‘D__| Overall minimum width ofl i plane of ending Clase $2.26) i (conned TABLE 11 (continued) Saber Teeter Clases 15.6, 3.2.20), S425, 322 431 521 8334 Pararph S834 and El Append Bending omer, soa foros a axa sons nod by Pag eo nraoag 233, soma Clases 33.120), 33.20) Fea | Bending moments, ker forse and axel acton induced by | Chaaee 33.12(0,3320) Iga ground movements Fa__|Compresive an teste actons inthe ple nsedtyvenonl | Clare 33 020,3.3300) Tre | Actions de to nqaive How Chosen 33.1210) 33.20, 463, Tables 333,843 F_| nae tas rsa fr compression ple mae 1 ‘fe Ultinate tase rss fo up pile Chase 442 L_| Charo conte rout able 63 fa | Character strength of conceit weievant age Clase 7.33.10) Table 7331 Compression ple ‘Average skin ton or ond of ll mobilen | Cawse a2 Ze_| Viet srs for rafrconeat in comets piles Coser T3310), 732, | Aseleration du to paviy (28 ms?) Pangea CSA, Aen i [Depntecot a ena 73.10) Tex | dividual sk ang for isk tor ‘Cues 3.2, Taha 63208, 13200) | Conertpasenent or Chass $21, 532,536 Ty | begth ofthe est ple in cont wih ground pedo wo | Tables 43.1, R82 7 [Pte enuih Tabler 1, 832, Pargrph C2, Arges © M,_| Desig bending moment Close $2 Wz [Design wil ond Cinse 32.20) ‘conch TABLE Lt (conined) * | ste Rae so348s3, Parsgaph A. Appenn A, recap BI. Sppen append ‘2. _| Toa overburden reset tase ve Chase 4.0 7, [Maximum test lend for assessment af ple prormance st | Cluses 33.8332, Serica it state = By Paragraph Append 8 HA31,852, AL AD AS, ‘Arend hy Appi [Maximum test ond or assesment of eign gctchical ‘| Claes,8332, ‘imate int ate Paragraph 5.1, Append A Append A Tag | Design gnecnialstengt of ple Clauses 13.7320 52208, 43, ale, EEG EEE eee EEE eee Eee fappendic Ray | Design strstr sng of le Chases 13.10,5220, 2219, 8215423, Tablet, Appeacs ite sete stength ofa pleas seed Hom eload_ [Clues 13.35, 34.22, ‘Uniotegsotehniclsuength of pile This estimated ether | Clavses 3.37, 73.41, by elenition Fe (Bg Tables 532.242, E1, pend E ‘Uma sacra sueagh of ple Chases 52. 53,53, Rese | Design minute geotechnical eng of pile (akimate load | Clauses 13.7 13.11 43, capecin) 433,443, 444 834 foundation ‘arena Design ukimate sroctrelarensh of ile Cle 1.3.10 1 forthe net area coat with he supporting srwnd Append Desig timate evra strength of ple in sable vane, Le, | Clas 863, ibe El the sol stata not bet betel imposed ground. /Arrendx ‘shlement S| Uninate ale of variour acon appropriate for porter | Clase 33.2) | Weigh of pe [eins 48 on | Weiatng tor for indo ik ings ows 3.2, Teles 43208) ‘conned TABLE LI (comimed) J coreshsica suenzth eduction fete for singe ples or ple | Clases 431,444,463, Apna Table k33.2 eo _| Base geotchnien! stent eduction ctor given in [Clauses 431,432 Gp | Gticcnial weap rednctan cor for be walow ran | Chase footing | srectal svengi redo tor orsingleplesorpite | Chuses 110,521,838 Ee S335, 5425 ‘be inset factor Clause 43.1 LS. CLASSIFICATION OF PILES 15.1 General ‘The elassiicaton of pile types used inthis Standard is ilustrated in Figure 1.5, Pile types are broadly classified into ‘displacement’ and ‘non-displacement” piles and further subdivided on the basis of the method of ple installation and formation. sa placement piles ment piles are defined as those that displace the ground through which they are being installed. To operate asa displacement pile, the displaced volume shall approximate the pile volume. Displacement piles may be installed by hammering, pushing, screwing, vibratirg or other means to force them into the grou, Displacement piles may be one ofthe following: (2) Preformed Solid and hollow sections that are installed in the ground and left in position. Such piles may be extended by splicing on additional lengths of piling Preformed piles may be fabricated from: () concrete, relnforced or prestressed; Gi) steet-H Section, tube and other sections; Gil) timber; oF Gv) acombination of concrete, steel or timber sections. (8) Driven cast in place Pile formed in situ by driving a tubular liner to form 4 void, ‘whieh is then wholly or partially filled with eonerete or grout. The liner may be cither— ©) permanent—made of concrete of stel with open oF closed ends of constant or tapered section; or Gi) temporary—steel tube extracted daring concreting or grouting, with or without sn expanded base (©) Screwed cast in place Piles formed in situ by serewing a threaded tube into the ground with concrete placement as the serew head is withdrawn. 1.53 Non-displacement piles 153.1 General Piles formed in situ by removing soil, using either rotary drilling, percuston, reverse circulation, grabbing, chselling and mechanical or hand excavation methods, 19 form a ‘oid, whieh i then filled with conerete oF grou. During removal oF the sil the sides ofthe excavated void may or may not be supported, 1.53.2 Supported ‘The support may be cither— (2) permanent—using steel, eonerete or othe linet; or (©) temporary—using (steel, conerete or other liners or timber shoring; Gi) drilting ids; of Gi) continuous Might augers. 153.3 Unsupported Piles in which the ground islet exposed during excavation 1.54. Partial displacement, post-grouted and preloaded non-dieplacement piles ‘Various techniques, such as partial displacement augers, postgrouting ofthe shaft or base and preloading the base of non-displacement piles, afe used to improve the performance of ‘non-displacement piles. Soll and rock remaves before of during —t— Unsupported Supported -—— J Support Screwed Temporary Tiners Ti ernst ‘rimber Closes concrete concrete oe comporite Reinforces Prestressed FIGURE 1.5 CLASSIFICATION OF PILE TYPES SECTION 2 SITE INVESTIGATION 2.1. GENERAL For any site on whieh itis proposed to install ples, site investigation shall be earied out to provide sufficient information to fulfil the requirements of Clause 2.2. When planning the site investigation, existing relevant information shall be taken into account [NOTE: The iatnson of this Section is wo ensure that adequate information is wailabe for design nd constuction, 2.2. INFORMATION REQUIRED Appropriate site investigations shall provide information on geotechnical conditions according to AS 1726, a follows: (a) The geotechnical design of piles. () Assessment of geotechnical conditions for pile construction or installation, (©) Some additional site-specific aspects, including— CO etetil for ground eave—dmage to cent sistas or ndeiburng piles; vibration etfeets—potential for damage to adjacent structures; (ii) expansive soil problems; (Gv) potential difficulties with pile eap construction; (9) _ groundwater conditions; (vi) negative friction effects; (vi) near-surface conditions or lateral load d n irelevant; (ill) possible obstructions to installation, e.g, boulders or old footings or piles: (Gx) potential For slope instability; (8) effects of excavation or seour, (xt) effects of contaminated ses; (xi) an assessment of the site surface for the provision af @ safe work patform for piling equipment; (il) potential for acid sulfate soils; and (xiv) potential for weak or compressible layers, or caverns below the pile base, including soils below lava flows. (2) Assessment of the potential effects of site conditions on ple durability NOTE: The site investigation should obtain information on all materials that might infuence the strength and serviceability performance of the sruture, Due account shoul be taken ofthe range of foundation options that might apply. This shold include testing of the soll and groundwater for aggressive agents, including sulphate, chloride and pli, 10 ensure approprisie expostre lasiicaton in regard to durabilty. Asaiseao07 w SECTION 3 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS AND PROCEDURES 3.1 OBJECTIVE OF PILE DI GN ‘The objective of pile design is to provide a footing that will safely support the superstructure over its design life 32. GENERAL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS, 32.1. General ‘The Footing shall be durable, and of adequate strength, and the footing performance shall be compatible with the superstructure so that it remains serviceable and ean perform its intended fanetion ‘The design shall take into avcount, as appropriate, the following: (8) Ultimate strength The limit state at which tae equilibrium is lst or which there {sa failure of the supporting ground or structural elements. To be of adequate tltimate strenth, the probability of stucturl or geotechnical failure of Ue piles shall be acceptably low throughout the intended design life of the structure. The ultimate strength of piles shall be checked for both structural and geotechnical adequacy. (6) Serviceabilty ‘The limit state at which deformation ofthe piles will cause damage or Joss of serviceability in the structure. (©) Durability The piles shall be able to withstand the expected wear and deterioration throughout the intended desga life ofthe structure (@)_ Other Other relevant design requirements The relevant action effects for ultimate and serviceability limit states and defetion Timits to be used in the design of the piles shall be determined from the analysis of the supported struetue, NOTE: Where foundations are being designed separa to the supported structure the valves of ulsmate and serviceability Toads, and defection and ferential defection lim, should be Indiated om he drawings, or otherwise provided in oder to falta the design. 3.2.2. Design for ultimate strength Single piles pile groups and individual ples within a pile group shall be designed for both structural and geotechnical strength as follows: (@) The design load for strength shall be determined from Clause3.32 using the appropriate loads and ether actions listed in Clause 3.3.1 (6) In the design ofa single pile or pile group, the various factored design loads and other sctions (including the effects of eecentreities due to constuction toleraees) shall be applied to that single pile or pile group, and the design action effect (E,) determined foreach pile or pile group for each load case (©) The design geotechnical stength (Re,) and the design structural strength (Ry) shall bbe determined in accordance with the requirements of Sections 4 and 5, as appropriate (2) The pile or pile group shall be proportioned so that che design gootechaical stength and the design structural strength are not less than the design action effect, that is Rag® Bai and 3220) Rue Be 3220) In addition tothe design of each pile in group, the geotechnical strongth ofthe group a8 8 single unit shall be analysed for failure under the design action effect fo the ple group. ‘The geotechnical design strength of the group shall comply with the provisions of Clauses 4.4.3 and 4.45. It is permissible to allow for the sharing af Toad besween piles and pile caps, or forthe sharing of a load among piles, povided an analysis demonstrates thatthe complete pile system operates within the general principles of this Standard even ‘though individual piles may not y Single piles and pile groups shall be designed for serviceability by controlling ot limiting pile movements (0) including differential and total settlements, horizontal displacement and 3.2.3. Design for serviceabil Under the serviceability loadings resulting from the load combinations for se-viceability design determined from Clause 3.3.3, pile movements shal be limited to enstre that the foundations and the structure remain serviceable throughout their design lives in aceordance ‘with the requirements of Section 4. 3.24 Design for durability Piles sh Ibe designed for durability in accordance with Section 6 3.28. Design for other relevant requirements Any special design criteria, such as stability, scour, fatigue, eyelic loading or seismic actions, shall be considered. Where relevant, these shal be taken into account inthe design of the piles in accordance with the principles of this Standard and other appropriate ‘engineering principles [ONS AND COMBINATIONS FOR STRENGTH AND SERVICEABILITY 33.4 Actions and loads 331 General ‘The design ofa ple for ultimate strength and serviceaifty limit states shall take account of appropriate action efTets arising from the following (2) Allactions specified in ASINZS 1170.0 and other relevant actions. (©) Permanent aetions of pile and pite cap. (©) Ground movement, including negative fetion, expansive soils, and vertical and lateral earth movements that may arise from various sources (@) Handling (©) Insiatlation (Any other addtional loads and actions that may be applied, e.g. impac, dynamic loading, water pressures and scour 334.2 Ground movement Allowance shall be made for actions induced by ground movements, as follows: (2) Where a pile is situated in ground undergoing sttloment, allowance shall be made for actions (Fy) due to negative friction ating onthe pile (6) Where a ple is situated in swelling soils, suchas reactive clays or those subjected to frost action, allowance shall be made forthe compressive and tensile actions (Fa) that may be developed in the pile. AS92009 us (©) Where a pile is subjected to lateral ground movements, allowance shall be made for bending moment, shear forces and axial actions (Faq) induced by such movements, These beading moments, shear forces and axial actions shall be determined using an appropriate soi-steucture analysis (2) Where a ple is subjected to heave due to unloading of the ground via excavation, allowance shall be made for bending moments, shear forces and axial actions (Fy) induced by such movements. NOTE: When using coking pls, vertical ground movements may also cause bending ‘moments andor shear forces in the pile together with axial actions. Caution should be xereeed in such eases, (©) Where displacement piles are installed st relatively close spacings, consideration shall be given to vertical and lateral displacements, compression and feasile actions, and bending moments induced in piles that have already been installed. I assessed to bbe necessary, meusures shall be taken to mitigate the above effects, S343 Handling Stresses induced in a pile by handling during manufacture, transport and on site, as appropriate, shall be determined by taking account of the number and location of lifting points, the muss of the pile and the length of the pile The caleulated stresses in a pile due to handling shall be multiplied by an appropriate load factor to allow for impact. The minimum load factor for handling shall be 1.5 The maximum stresses imposed by handling shall not exceed the values given in Clause 7.3.2 33.14 Installation For driven pile, allowance shall be made forthe stresses induced during instalation. Compressive and tensile driving stresses may be obtained from a wave-equation analysis or directly measured during pile driving, wsing dynamic pile testing equipment The maximum stresses imposed by driving shall not exceed the values given in Clause 7.333 33.2 Load combi ns for strength design Te load combinations for strength design shall be as follows: (a) The design actions for ultimate strength design of piles shall be the combination of factored loads that produces the most adverse effect on th pile in accordance with ASINZS 11700. (8) Where there ate ations induced by ground movement (See Clause, they shall be computed as follows: © For-structurl design (see Section 5) (A) 5,=12 Fir negatve tition actions 5 Fey compressive and tensile ations 5 Fe bending moments, shear forces and axial actions (©) 8,-1.5 Fy bending moments, shear forces and axial ations Gi) For geotechnical design (see Section 4) Loads induced by soil movements shall not be taken into account. NOTE: The negative feton aeton (F,) should be determined with due conservatism particularly where posible set up snd timeslependet sain sofening are not accounted for explicit. (©) Where other additional actions are to be applied and no load factor s given in ASINZS 1170.0 for these actions, a load factor of 1.5 shall be assigned. ty design ‘The design actions for serviceability design of piles shall be taken from the appropriate combinations of actions for shortsterm situations and long-term situations in accordance with this Clause with the actions as given in AS/NZS 1170.0 and including unfactored sotions due to any ofthe ground movements referred to in Clause, a appropriate 3.33 Load combinations for services Unless otherwise specified, earthquake serviceability actions need not be taken into SECTION 4 GEOTECHNICAL DESIGN 4.1 GENERAL ‘The geotechnical design ofa pile or pile group invalves consideration ofboth strength and serviceability, The design shal take into account ple-oil interaction. 4.2 ASSESSMENT OF GEOTECHNICAL PARAMETERS Values of the soil and rock parameters used in design shall be selected following considerations: (©) Geological, hydrogeological and geotechnical background information. sed on the (©) The possible modes of failure. (©) Results of laboratory and test method used, Jd measurements, taking into account the accuracy ofthe (@) A careful assessment of the range of values that might be encountered (©) The ranges of in sta and imposed stresses likely to he encountered (0 The potential variability of the parameter values, (@) The extent ofthe zone of influence governing the soil behaviour, for the limit state being considered (h) The influence of workmanship on arti ly placed or improved sil. ) The effects of construction activities on the properties of the ia situ sol Changes insite conditions, such as exeavation, filling or groundwater fu:tution (&) Tho sensitivity ofthe calculated result to the relevant parameter. ‘NOTES: 1 tn genera, the value ofa gootecnica parameter shouldbe a conservatively assessed value of thot piramster. Engineering judgement needs to be exerised in making sich i assessment, ‘with geotechnical eagiccring advice boing obtained as required 2 Many soit parameters ate not constants, but depend on factors such a the Leal of sires oF {3 Ieshould be recognized that slow value ofa geotechnical parameter i nt always necessarily 4 conservative value, For example, incase volving pile divebiity, dymanic earthquake Toads oF negative skin fiction and other lds due to ground movements, conservatism may require the Selection gf 2 high value ofa particular parameter. 44 ending moments in buried stature are sensitive to the relative stiffens 0” the structure land the surounding soil. The design should consider variation inthe stfiness parameters of oth the soi nd the srt ‘5 Except where specifically noted, the term sail incndes soil and rock, In many cases, weak ‘weathered sock canbe analyeed as for sll, however, special techniques may te requted for the analysis of song rock 43. GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF GEOTECHNICAL STRENGTH DESIGN 43.1, Design geotechni {A pile shall be proportioned such that the design geotechnical strength (Ra) isnot less than the design action effect (Ey) as detailed in Clause 3.2.2, that is— Rug? Be 43.1) ‘The design geotechnical strength (Ry) shall be calculated as the design ultimate geotechnical strength (Ry) multiplied by & geotechnical strength reduction factor (4). according to the following equation Rag” be Raoe 43.10) The geotechnical strength reduction factor () shall be determined as follows: = bo r= H0)K = dn where strength 46» = basic geotechnical strength reduction factor as given in Clause 4.3.2 = intense test faetor = 0.9, for stati load testing (see Section 8) 0.25, for rapid lod testing (sce Section 8) 0.8, for dynamic load testing of preformed piles (sce Section 8) = 0.35, for dynamic load testing of other than preformed pies (soe Sex 0.85, for bisitectional load testing see Section 8) fon for no testing K- = ‘testing benefit factor 1.33p/(p +3.) <1, for state or rapid load testing = L13pip +33) 1 for dynamic load testing P= percentage of the total piles that seceptance erteria \Where one or more piles tested fil to meet the specified acceptance cit set out in Clause 8.34 shall be followed ‘NoTES: |The geotechnical strength reduction actor for dynamic load testing relates to high-train avow | 100m |< 330000 | verses | Severe + Apyroxinaily 100 ppm SO,=80 ppm SO, + Soil conditions A~hih permesbility soll (sens and pravels) which rein grouedwae {Soil coniions Bow pemeabiiy sis its day) oral sls above grounds NOTES TO TABLES 64219), 6 4308), AND 64.2 1 This 15 simplistic and sometimes conservative approach 16 the definition of agrestis amon i in! mor than one chenea nthe service envionment andthe eet of tose chemicals ‘maybe modifi lathe prscace of tet Fr exams sulle oes Devoneagpeste at Levels of {0 t 100 pm when combined with mapesior a ammonium ions Inthe presence fbr on, owever, tek hy suite sos generally exhibits lite disaplve expansion wih the exception Of andiins of etna and exrame dying where entlizaton can cate rrface eng of corte 2 Corrosion danage by cles only elevast othe sel enfrcement and te elo. If ere Is no rehaforoement or the renforcement i oberise adequately preted (eg, by 9 saaing OF futhedcpoection) th chore content itv ote exposure aston, 3 Chemica oncenttions relat onl tothe proportion of chem preset hat is water e 41 Acide ground conion ean be eased by doled “agressive” eaton dioxide, pe and very sot ‘ters organic and minrel ais and bacteraetiviy Care roid inthe sneer af pl nde pul nla nd fete eonditon since pl ean change one th iene ofthe ple Therefore the BH should ot be asec ony on the Basis fe presenta test Fes ar the oud chemists ‘Sr imedstely iter sampling ster ethers isk oxton with tine, Tledg 1 aparent Sid, which doesnot corey repent inst anton pl stone may be a mitesting measur of agresiity witout ul analysis of eses ex stil vs. rine wien, {6 Contamination ty the ppg sf winral and domes wastes by apliag om mining poceing oF ids, sls aed solvents, which con eibr heavy tack concrete or lead 0-4 eosin Hk Cerin ground condos cant be properly tessa by reference onl o Tables 643 (A) (8) nd (ch. Thee cotions facade, for example, ares whore scigsalfte sus ei, coamiation by tndustial an? desc nate, o pls frm mining. prosessing, or mnnicringinstes. Tis foivents, mich ca edt ier emt atck of eonerte lead oa craion isk he absence ‘domestic refuse and "very severe” for indstaltsning waste ips, Chemical ealis of e later may, however allow a lower ak lifting 7 Forpiles in sured sol, consider the asumpsion of sl condtons A, where ecelerata conosin is posible Artin isd o regions of dy ld stingy where th chloride consnratos in ail ean be restr than seawater (o, Western Syne, Maroy River bse). Tis can ae Ie uper ew ees ‘tape where th gcse ss eeu 643 Durability requirements Durability of conerete piles shall be promoted by adherence tothe following reqirements () Protective measures. Proteotive measures sall be chosea— (0 by adoption of the minimum requirements of Table 6.4.3 in regard to concrete strength and cover for reinforcing stel and tendons depending on the design life required; or Gi) by a design tite assessment of concrete durability, utilizing proven numerical procedures (c.g, chloride diffusion modelling), supplemented by laboratory assessment under conditions that imitate the design life condions (ey ‘iiloride diffusion testing), NOTE: Use of supplementary cementitious materials may incretse darby In the cass of| Some rond authorities, use oF supplementary cementitious materials Is a requirement for onerete tha sin contact with soi. Use of supplementary cementitious materials leads to ‘onsidersbly lower 1-3 day strength (hen 100% Portland cement cones) aad this may sgniicany affect the manufictre, storage und transport of precast conerete pls. Conrete ‘Menge alone my aot be the sole means of delermining cover requirements an! satisiying urabilty requirements. 100 year design lie eathodie protection of stelroinfbeoment in piles isan option (©) Restrievions on chemical content in concrete piles. Restriction on chemical content shall be as given in AS 3600 for a SO yeardesiga life and AS10053. for 100 year design lie (©) Minimum cover to reinforcement for concrete placement For concrete plazement the following shall aply (The cover and arrangement of steel shall be such that concrete ean te properly placed and compacted Gi) The cover shall be not less than the maximum of 1.5 times the nominal “aggregate size and the cover given in Table 6.4.3 For severe and very severe exposure classifications, consideration shall be tgiven to using an inet liner and/or coating in addition to the specified concrete ai (@) Crack width Crack width shall not exceed 0.3 mm, (©) Concrete aggregates Concrete aggregates shall comply with AS2758.1_ with ‘exposure classifications as detailed in AS 3600 and cross-referencal in this document. Aggregate water absorption shall be specified inthe works document. As 2ise—200 2 TABLE 64.3 CONCRETE STRENGTH AND REINFORCEMENT COVER IN PILES Pinimum concrete eng (72) | __ Minimum cover reiafrcement mm Mra 0 yar design ie [100 ya design ie ctasiteaton | wreestant | Castinptce | mS Freest203] atin pretesed | en | pretresed presrenel| sce ptes Tonaggreine| 50 a 2 « | Sm 0 2 2 o so | as Modemte ca 0 2s a | ws severe 5 50 0 70 30 | 1 (eerote | grteaby 240) | reed 60) * Forveinfored piles use 32 MPx minimum ‘tassfeton in adn tthe pied cone over, ‘Superardabiiy: however, compressive sent is developed oN and in Dis cass appeepite for f tobe sesfl at an age restr han 2 8 43 Thetis imi te depth of caver that canbe wsed—enersive coer wl kad to sain during ile Aivng an therfore cover ba oe init fr pecs covert piles, 65. DESIGN FOR DURABILITY OF STEEL PILES 65.1 General Durability shall be allowed for in the design of stel piles by assessing the exposure classification fora pile in accordance with Clause 6.5.2 and for tha exposure cassifieation, complying with the requirements of one or & combination ofthe following: (2) Corrosion allowance for uncoated stel in accordance with Clase 6.5.35, (©) Coating systems in accordance with Clause 6.3.4 (©) Cathodic protection systems in accondance with Clause 6.5.5. Expected design life shall be calculated from loss rates and the additional so that stengta requirements are met atthe expected end of life of the pile. 652 Exposure classification for stcl piles The exposure classification of the surface of a steel pile shall be determined from Tables 6.5.2(A), 6.5.2 (B) and 6.5.2 (C). For the range of chemical conditiors of piles in soil, the condition leading to the most severe aggressive conditions shall be allowed for and consideration shall be given to possible changes in groundwater levels e As 2199-2009| TABLE. 65.2(4) EXPOSURE CLASSIFICATION FOR STEEL PILES— PILES IN WATER ‘Ser water—svbmergsd — ‘Se water pas one Severe Cold wate (onto 0°). ‘Seu water pis ane Very sore Tropica Sabrpiea water (Not f 30) sof rnning war Meiers TABLE. 6.5.2(8) EXPOSURE CLASSIFICATION FOR STEEL PILES— PILES IN REFUSE FILL ik posure cain TABLE. 652(C) EXPOSURE CLASSIFICATION FOR STEEL PILES—PILES IN SOIL, apovure conditions om Tevet [In groundvawer] Retty : shee x4 fn00-so,o00 | 0 0-20.00 | 1000-2000 | Modena | Mile * Sei eondions Ahgh permebiliy sls (eg sande nd gravel ha ae groan 4 oil onditons Bow pemesbiy soils (eis and elas) rl sis above groundwater "NOTES TO TABLES 632 (A), 652 (0) AND 632 ( 1 Where hgh levels of afites erst (100 ppm), sliding bats may be pest abd sti, tomuinesIsding to mirbilogicalyfnvced carson, I ach xen, elspa for ow permesbliy mils and deste for hgh emesis 2 Contaninton by the ping of mineral and domes wat or by silage hom mining peesing oF Imanafetrng indies presents special dablity sks Get the presence of crn ngaresive {ds (th organic ad nore) sts and solvent, wich ean chemical stack ste In he been ‘of sitespecieshemlalIntrmation the exposure codon sould be sates mt "evre fOr domes refine pean "ery saves for instil minng waste tps, Chemie and ming ftlsiso he iter may, however, ead ower tk elasieaton, 5 Forpiles in dstrtes ol, cnside the assmptin of si A contons where aselratd srs i pose aaa Salaehet deel Asis 2009 “ 65.3. Corvosio lowance for stel pil ‘Where no protective coating or cathodic protection is applied, allowance shall be made for loss of section during the design life. Where a pile coating is provided, eonsiceration shall be given to the likely life of the coating and allowance made for loss of pile section thereafter, if appropriate Where no protection systems are to be applied to ste! pifes allowance shall be made for uniform corrosion and loss of section. In the absence of other informatica, corrosion allowance shall be as tabulated in Table 6.5.3. In aceas where site-specific cerosion rates are known, those site-specific rates may be used. Corrosion on the internal faces of fully sealed closed-form pile may be assumed to be negligible. Where piles are electrically connected to a dissimilar metal, the resultant seneficial or adverse galvanie effect shall be taken into consideration NOTES. 1 Localized piting corosion is commonly experienced on submerged sto ples subjected accelerated low water corosio. Localized corrosion may also be found in the pile embedded Zone close tothe soll-water or sole iterface where microbial activity is high and where Scouring can maintain high caresion stivity. Such localized corrosion isnot covered by the orosion allowances given In Clase 6.4, Which ae averaged rates for situations where enenalized corosion occur. 2A cathodic protection system fr ste pls is only fully effective upto approximately mi tide level in sea or ial waters an upto ground level in soils above the groundwater able TABLE 653 CORROSION ALLOWANCES FOR STFEL PILES ‘Uniform corrosion allowance enisear) 01-002 om-aor NOTES 1 The allowances in Table 65.3 may’ He reduced, a6 appropiate ‘here edeuntecroson pein systems (oungs osc Frottlon) ave to be wad, Coatings wil tee corosion bowance while he rin in good eeniion, Coating damage Increasing nd in sch srimstancen, the coresonallowanoes in 2 To allow the implemenation of catbsie protection ater fhroughow the pied sytem at te time of contoction In roving elec! contin, consideration sal be itn othe ‘hethoo of sua euent coeslon, expecially If te competed ‘protected system or within close proximity (0 divet caren 53 For very severe conltons a stespecfe assessment sould be sunt (0 Sanders Ausrstia wv sandardeorgau 654 Coat 1g protection systems Consideration shall be given to the type of coating, method of application, trickness of coating, surface preparation, expected life under service conditions and the possibilty of ‘damage tothe costing during installation. If tis considered thatthe life of the coating wil be Tess than the required design life for the pile, appropriate allowance shall te made for Where a coating is ¢© be applied to steel piles above ground Tevel and above the Tow watermark, shall be a coating that is appropriate forthe environment and matedals used ‘NOTES: 1 Coating systems should comply withthe equiements of ASINZS 2312. 2 The following coating systems for submerged and below ground stel ples are in oder of increasing "ime to fist maintenance (2) Epoxy mastic. (©) High-buld high solids epoy. (©) Corrosion-inhibitng fabrics (eg, pevolatum-ape). (@) Polythene 655. Cathodic protection ‘Where cathodic protection isto be applied, it shall conform to the following (2) Underground steleathodie protection systems shall comply with AS 28322. (&) Submerged stet pile cathodic protection systems shall comply with AS 2812.3, 6.4 DFSIGN FOR DURABILITY OF TIMBER PILES 6.4.1 Design ti Durability shall be considered in the design of timber piles by making appropriate allowance in the selection ofthe timber and inthe chemieal treatment (where used) 6.2 Timber selection and treatment ‘Timber piles shall be cither treated or untreated having due regard to the soil and groundwater into whieh they are driven (as defined in AS 1604.1, the species of the pile and te type and petmaneney ofthe structure they support. ‘NOTES: 1 Where a timber pile is installed to ¢ dpth such that it is pormancatly below the ground vwatertable,ehemeal preservation may not be necessary as the timber will not be subject to onions where degradation will eeu. Any portion ofthe ple extends above this level will, be subjected to environmental conditions including the potential for decay and terit tack. 2 The durability of an unrated hardvood timber pile in contact withthe groual above the veer level can vary appreciably depending an the timber species used. AS S604 categorizes Timbers into groups of similar dorailty. Fo tinbers inthe most durable group, s design ie 025 years or more against deeay and termites would be expected 13 AS 5604 gives guidance on life expectancy for diffrent species of timber in groend contacts local experience may aso provide useful guidance. 6.6.3. Timber preservation Timber preservation fora pile shall be in accordance with AS 1604.1, hazard level #15 for a pile notin contact with sea water and hazard level 116 inthe ease of marine exposure, where Fisk of marine borer attack exists (see AS 3818.3). 6.4.4 Treatment after cutoff ‘The head of a pile, which has been treated with a preservative, after cutting off 10 the required level, shall be coated with a suitable preservative and covered with a water- resistant membrane prior to casting the pile caps. 66.5 Marine piles Where possible, all attachments and eross-bracings shall be positioned above the high tide mark, NOTE: Where additions) protection is needed for te ples, physical barrier, stch as plastic ‘wraps and concrete jacket. may be used SECTION 7 MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS 7A GENERAL Td Concrete Materials for plan, reinforced and prestressed concrete shall comply with the requirements of AS 3600 and AS 1379, Steal reinforcement shall comply with the requirements of ASINZS 4671 742 Grow Materials for grout shall comply with AS 3600 and AS 3972 or ASTM C366-97. Grout ‘uidiier shal comply with ASTM C566, except that expansion shall not exceed 4% TAS Steel ‘Steel for piles and pile fitments shall comply with the requirements of AS 1162, AS 1450, [AS 1579, AS 4100, ASINZS 1594, ASINZS 3678, ASINZS 3679.1 and ASINZS 3679.2. TAA Timber ‘Timber for pies shall comply with the requirements of AS 1604.1, AS 1720.1 and AS38185, 7.2 TOLERANCES AND DEFECTS 1.21 Positios tolerances Unless otherwise specified, the permissible positional deviation for a pile at extoff level shall be as follows (@) For a pile installed from land with a cut-off level no more than 2 m below piling ‘laform level—15 min in plan position and within 4% inclination for vertial piles And 7% inclination fr raked piles NOTE: Where a plo projects above the ground, » tighter inclination tlerace may be require, (©) For a pile instalted from land, witha eut-off level at or more than 2 m below piling platform level—[75 * 20(0-2)} mm in plan position and within 4% inclination for vertical piles and 7% inclination for raked piles, where h isthe depth to cutoff in meties (©) For a pile insalted from floating plant—150 mm in plan position and within 4% inclination for vertical piles and 7% inclination for rake piles, (@) For a noneireular pile section, whore orientation ofthe major ares is specified for “strength or positional requirements—rotational deviation from the. specified alignment shail not exceed 10°. NOTE: The structorl pile design should tke into account the tolerances on pile installation (aoe Clause $22). 72.2 Cutofflevels Unless otherwise specified, a pile shall be trimmed to tolerance of 25 mm from the design cut-off level. Special care shall be taken to ensure tha the full cross-sectional area of the pile is at cutoff level, As 89209 “ 72.3. Trimming and capping When trimming a concrete or grout pile, care shall be taken fo prevent cracking or otherwise damaging the conerete or grout below cut-off level or damaging the stee! reinforcement. Any damaged conerete or grout shall be removed and the pile adequately repaired, Weak conerete oF grout and Istance in east in place piles shall be cut avay to expose sound concrete oF grout, ‘The head of a timber pite shall be eut off square to sound wood and the cut face shall be ‘coated with a suitable preservative and covered with a water-resistant membrane prior 0 ‘the casting of the pile exp. All soil and other debris shall be removed from the top ofa pile before constructing the pile cap 724. Variation in pile depths If the installed pile depth is inconsistent withthe design depth, a reassessment of founding depth, strength, serviceability and durability shall be made, IF necessary, additional ‘geotechnical investigation shall be undertaken to determine the cause ofthe variation, 125. Defective Where a pile exceeds the above tolerances, is damaged of is otherwise defective, 3 reappraisal ofthe strength, serviceability and durability of the pile shall be performed Where the stongth, sorviceability or durability are found tobe unsatisfactory, ‘he pile shall be rectified, downgraded or replaced with one or more supplementary piles, as appropriate 7.3. DISPLACEMENT PILES~PREFORMED 734 Dimensional tolerances Unless otherwise specified, concrete, steel or timber prefermed pile sections shall be supplied tothe following tolerances (a) Length Not less than the specified length 0) Cross-setional dimensions: Concrete and ste! piles—+10, ~5 mm ofthe specified dimensions Gi) Timber piles—mean diameter not less than the specified diameter, and the ‘ininium diameter i substantially oval piles not les than 80% ofthe apecifid diameter. (©) Straighmess The tolerance on straightness of any portion and of the completed length of a pile shall be as follows: ()Conerete and steel piles—1/250 of the length up to @ maximum deviation of 50 mm. (Gi) Timber piles—a straight line joining the centres of the butt and the toe eross- section to fall entirely within the pile for ples of 13 m or more in Tength, and ‘within 0 mm of the cenre-line of the section for shorter piles (2) Timber piles The maximum deviation of crooks or kinks shall not exceed the values sot dawn in AS 3818.3, © Joint: (Whore a pile is made up of more than one section, the maximum angular deviation atthe joint shall not exceed 1 in 100, subject tothe tolerance for the ‘complete pile as stated in Items (e)) and (eX) Gi) For timber piles using tube splices, as well as the above angular tolerance, each timber end within the splice shall not be out of square by more than 1 in 50 Tubes shal fit tightly onto the timber section, (Ends. Pile ends shall not be out of square by more than 1 in 50, 732 Handling and storage Piles shall be handled and stored so that they are not overstressed and in such a way as to prevent permanent distortion of any part. Care shall be taken to avoid damage to the outer surfaces of piles in storage and during handling. If damage oveurs, which is detrimental to the desigh requigements, it shall be repaired prior to installation of the pile Pile reinforcement shall be designed so that under the maximum computed pile handling stresses, as speified in Clause 3.3.15, the reinforcement is not stressed above tx lesser of (.5fy and 250 MPa, NOTE: This Clause x intended to limit cracking during handing, Cracking could rds pile durability afte installation 7.83 Installation by driving 133A. Installation sresses ‘The type and weight of hammer used for driving a pile shal be such thatthe driving energy produced is suffiient to install the pile without eausing damage tothe pile material. The suitability ofthe hammer shall be confirmed by wave equation analysis prior to installation ofthe ples. ‘The driving energy shall be controlled as follows: (@) Concrete During driving, the maximum stress in concrete piles shall 20t exceed 08% fq in compression, and in tension the stresses shown in Table 7.33.1 where ‘Fea is the compressive strength in megapaseals atthe time of driving. The crack Width shall not exceed the lesser of 0.3 mm or 0.01 times the concrete cover, expressed in milimetres. (©) Sieet During diving, the maximum stess in ste! pies shall not exceed 0. (©) Timber- During driving, the maximum compressive stress generated in tinber piles shall not exceed 0.9 times the characteristic strength in compression patllel to the arain (/2) specified for the stress urade of the timber piles, as defined in AS 1720.1. Unless close fitting tube splices are used, where piles are jointed, the compressive stress atthe joint section shall not exeeed 0.8 times the characteristic seength in compression parallel tothe grain (f2) specified forthe stress grade for pile timbers. TABLE 733.1 (CONCRETE—MAXIMUM TENSILE DRIVING STRESS iene Tere (@)Relaforenent quantity 256 08m (0) Reinfrasen guatty 256 Wim Presid covert les Ina ests ess inti ses) Ima Be intense y up fo 10% Reinforcement for precast concrete piles shall be determined in accordance with (Clauses, 33.14 and 53 7133.2 Founding erteria The following requirements apply: (@) The geotechnical strength of single pies shall be assessed by using the measured set (net penetration ofthe pile per hammer blow) during installation (0) The required set and the temporary compression of the pile per hammer How shall be determined from one of the following: (Dynamic analysis (wave equation analysis or dynamic driving formula). (Gi) Measurements taken during high-strain dynamic testing (Gi) Installation records of piles subjected to state load testing (©) The pile shall be driven until the set and the temporaty compression ofthe pile per hammer blow reach the values determined in Clause 7-3.32(6). Where a required set snd temporary compression of pile per hammer blow is specified, the effects of pile type, hammer type, mode of operation and ground condition shall be taken into account Where practicable, one or more piles shall be restruck after a specified period to assess the effects of time on pile capacity. If the blow count varies on restrike, the ultimate ‘geotechnical strength shall be reassessed, 1333 Pile heave “The order of driving ples shall be such as to minimize any lateral or vertical eave ofa pile ‘or pile group. Where heave of pile groups i likely to occu, pile top level readings shall be taken after driving and again after neighbouring piles have been driven. For piles that have risen significantly, the ultimate geotechnical stength shall be re-asessed by “e-drving or Toad tests, or both. Where necessary, all heaved piles shall be re-driven to the original required depth and/or resistance ‘Where lateral displacement occurs during driving, the structural stength ofthe pile shall be sssessed and appropriate corrective action taken 7.34 Installation by jacki 1 A. Jacking force Piles installed by pushing or jacking shall ave handling and installation stresses taken into account. In partici, where damaged sections can cause a loss of strength or durability, or ‘oth, cracking or spalling of concrete shall be repaired prior to further installation, Jcked-in piles shall be designed in accordance with the strength and serviceability requirements detailed in Section 4, with the additional requirement that txe pile jack instalation foree (Py. shall be determined as follows: Paws = OTN YpRee where 1, ~ coefficient of jacked pressure, determined fiom correlations from static loading tests, but not less than 1-4 ar in the absence of such correlatiens, taken as follows: 1.5 for ples greater than 15 m length 1.75 for piles between 8 and 15 m length = 2.2 for ples ess 108 Length Jacked-in ples shall be subjected to repeated jacking at the maximum jacking force (Pan) ‘The number of eyeles shall be not ess than 3. Pyyx Shall be maintained for nat less than 15. A time interval of not less than 2 min shall elapse between cycles ‘NOTE: Jackeein piles are generally installed by hydaulle jacking agains the reactbn provided by seleweight ofthe installing rg pls keildee, ‘The installation procedure shall not be interpreted to be equivalent toa static loading test as defined in Clause 8.3. The performance of jacked-in piles shall be determined in accordance ‘with the requicements of Section 8 and, in the absence of performance limits sated in the specification, acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with Clause 8.4.3 for sate testing and Clause 8.5.2 for high-strain dynamic testing TBA Colbration ofr The piling rig shall have a pressure gauge to measure the hydraulic ram pressure, This ‘gauge shall be calibrated on an annual basis. Because of potential hydraulic losses, the installation force shall be calibrated over the full range of pressures against a calibrated Toad cell place atthe head of the piles. 3A Pile movements Pile heave shall be observed and the requirements of Clause shall be appizable, Depending on prevailing soil conditions, the high bearing pressures imparted to the soil from the weight of the rig may result in vertical and latetal ground movements. These ‘ground movements have the potential to displace previously installed ples. This potential shall be assessed prior to commencement of piling installation and lateral displacements shall be measured periodically o ensure that no adverse effects result. Where the vertical and lateral movements of the previously installed piles prove tobe in excess of acceptable Timits, further analyses or testing shall be carried out to asess the adequacy ofthe piles. 738 Insta 738.1 Dimensional accuracy ‘The following tolerances shall apply in addition to those specified in Clause 73.1: (2) Steel sections and plates used to manufacture the ples shall be in accordance with the appropriate Standard (©) The diameter ofthe helix shall be not smaller than 5mm from the design diameter. (©) The piteh of the helix shall be not mere designer 73.82. Handling and storage ‘The piles shall be handled and stored in accor 785.3 Installation 7353.1 General A piling schedule shall be compiled prior to commencement of installation, which shall include the minimum pile founding depth, and minimum setting torque. This torque shall be the re-torque value. NOTE: Stel serew piles shoud not be used incondions where the helix is unable to be fully Seated into the Founding medium such us sloping rock surfaces. 18 +10 mm from the phen specified by the mace with Cause 7.3.2 73532 Installation stresses The pile installation equipment shall deliver sufficient torque to install the ple without ceasing damage to the pile material. ‘The installation equipment torque measuring device shall be calibrated regultly, at no treater than 6 monthly intervals 13, 3 Construction monitoring [Except where it is specified that a pile isto be founded at a specific level, site monitoring shall be carried out by measuring the torque as the pile is installed, and comparing t tothe torque assessed in accordance with Clause Where practicable, one or more ple shall be re-torqued alter a specified period to assess the effets of time, IF te forgue varies the ultimate geotechnical strength shall be assessed. 73. 4 Installation torgue [An assessment shall be made of the torgue that is required to install the piles to the Founding statum, to ensuee the piles will be installed through the overlying srate without ‘overstressng the shaft. Consideration shall be given tothe possibility of prourd relaxation, Which could affect the fong-term capacity of the pile ‘74 DISPLACEMENT PILES—DRIVEN CAST IN PLACE, 74.1 Dimensional accuracy Driven cas in place ples shall be constrcted to the following limits of aecurey (@) Cross-sectional dimensions Not less than the specified dimensions at any point in the pile length (©) Siraighmess Tolerance on the straightness of the liner at the commencement of ‘riving shall be 1/250 ofthe length ofthe liner. The tolerance on straightness of any portion and ofthe completed length of a ple shall be 1/100 ofthe length ofthe ple 142 1 {A driven cast in place pile shall be installed using a temporary or permarent liner, as follows: (@) The liner shall be of tubular section and of suficent thickness, strengtt and rigidity to prevent distortion hy ground pressure or by forces induced during th> installation process. (©) The liner shall be free from significant distortion or any internal prejections that right prevent the proper formation ofthe ple (©) If specified, the te ofthe liner shall be fitted with a pile shoe, which shell be capable of withstanding the forees resulting from the installation process, and designed to Provide a watertight joint withthe liner. (@) The liners (©) Unless otherwise specified, soi inside the liner shall be removed prior t concreting the soil cannot be removed, the liner shall be withdrawn and re-riven Ibe installed in accordance with Clause 7.33. 74.3. Construction Daring construction, the following shall be observed, where appropriate: (2) Reinforcing stel shall be inserted into the lin and fixed jn its coreet postion, ‘coaxial withthe liner and with the specified cover. (®) Concrete shall be placed to fill the entice volume ofthe pile without the formation of voids caused by entrapped air or lack of compaction. The volume of eonete shall be recorded (©) Conerete shal be placed in such a manner thatthe position of the reirforcement is maintained. (@) The concrete shall be placed in sufficient quantity and with sufficient fluidity to ensue that, iF the liner is withdraven, the concrete isnot lifted with the liner and there ‘sno separation ofthe concrete and no inflow of soil or water. (©) To avoid damage caused by ground heave and any other movement generated by driving, the sequence of pile installation shall be such that adjacent piles are not disturbed until the concrete in these piles has taken an initial set, NOTE: Typically, this willbe within 6 to 15 pile diameters of adjacent ples, depending on ‘ground conditions. (The location of the load applied to the soil by construction equipment shall be far enough away from the pile being installed and from recently constructed piles to avoid displacement or squeezing ofthe column of concrete, 7S DISPLACEMENT PILES—SCREWED CAST IN PLACE 151 Gens Displacement serew piles are formed by screwing a purpose-designed aiger head, connected to the end of @ kelly bar system into the ground, displacing soil during installation. When the required founding depth has been reached, an end plate or sacrificial tip is dislodged from the auger head. Concrete is then pumped or paced into the Kelly bar. ‘The kelly bar is slowly withdewwn uni itis fully removed from the soi, leaving «liquid column of concrete in the soil Appropriate reinforcing stool is placed either inmediately prior to concreting or upon completion of concreting, depending upon leading. and proprietary piling system requirements 752 Dimensional accuracy Displacement east in place screw piles shall be constructed to the following Fimits of secrecy: (a) Cross-setional dimensions Not less than the specified dimension at any point over ‘the pile length. For helically shaped serew piles this shall apply to both the nominal 00% diameter and the diameter of the outer Beis (©) Siraighmess ‘The tolerance on straighiness of any position and of the completed length of a pile shall be 1/100th ofthe length ofthe pile. 753. Construction Displacement cast in place screw piles shall be instal «in accordance with the fllowing: () Unless specified otherwise, a ple shall be constructed up to ground surface level () To avoid damage caused by ground heave and any other movement gencrsted by: driving, the sequence of pile installation shall be such that adjacent piles are not disturbed until the concrete in these piles has taken an initial set NOTE: Typically, this willbe within 6 10 15 pile diameters of adjacent ples, depending on round conditions. (6) The location of the load applied to the soil by construction equipment shall be far enough away from the pile being constructed and from recently constructed piles to ‘void displacement or squeezing of the column of conerete, (4) During driling the Kelly bar sall not be raised, to ensure thatthe sectifcal tip or end-plate shall not be dislodged, as this will allow soil and/or water to enter the Kelly system, (©) A measure of the drilling resistance shall be made over the entire length of the pile daring drilling (© Drilting shall continue until the required founding depth is obtained, Concteting shal commence immediately afer augering or placement of reinforcing steel, as appropriate, Care shall be taken to ensure that the pressure of the conerete atthe bottom ofthe auger is kept higher than the combined soil and water pressue acting at any depth over the pile, (@) During concreting, the auger shall be slowly withdrawn by rotation. The direction of rotation will depend on the proprietary system being used, Auger extraction shall be Smooth and at @ constant rate to maintain a positive pressure at the bottom of the auger head. Should the extraction of the auger head be such that the concrete pressure is less than the soil and water pressure, the auger shall be withdrawn flly from the soil andthe pile redrile. (8) The volume of conerete used in the piles shall be determined fo an accuracy of 5% and recorded (The concreting operation shall be continuous and uninterrupted. Should interruptions occur, the auger head shall be rerilled back into the concrete for a minimum of osm, G)__ The measured volume of conerete placed in any pile shall be not less than 105% of the nominal volume of the pile (K) Unless otherwise specified, reinforcing steel shall be located centrlly into the concrete column, Spacers shall be used lo provide the necessary cover () After completion of each pile, precautions shall be taken to prevent abjects from falling into the liquid concrete column, 7.84. Sampling and testing During installation, samples shall be taken from the concrete in accordance with speified requirements to determine the characteristic trenath, Samples shall be eylinders taken and tested in accordance with AS 012. 7.6 NON-DISPLACEMENT PILES 7.46.1 Dimes nal accuracy Unless otherwise specified, non-displacement piles shall be constructed to tre Following limits of accuracy (@) Cross-sectional dimensions Not less than the specified dimensions at any point in the pile length NOTE: Where it is required that a socket be formed in material Below the level to which & linet hasbeen instal, it may’ be impracticable to construct the shat and the socket tothe same dimensions becatse of the clearance required for excavation equipment. Allowance ‘Should be made fortis nthe ple Sesion. () Siraightness The tolerance on straightness of any portion, and of the completed length of pile, shall be 1/100 ofthe length of te pile 7.62. Support systems ‘To maintain stability of non-displacement piles in soil conditions that would otherwise collapse, an effective support system shall be used. The support system shall comply with the followings (2) Liners The liners shall comply with the requirements of Clause 7.4.2 (©) Shoring Shoring shall be of sufficient thickness, strength and rigidity to prevent distortion by ground pressure or by forces induced during the installation process The dimensions shall be such a8 10 enable the full pile eross-secton vo he formed ‘without restriction, (©) Drilling fluids The constituents of drilling Mud, including drilling mads or water, ‘and the methods of mixing and circulation, shall be such as to provide silty ofthe Shaft until tis filled with conerete as follows: (During construction ofa pile the level ofthe drilling uid shall be maintained {o ensure the stability ofthe excavation. ‘The level of the drilling fluid shall be maintained at least 1.0 m above the watetable at all times during the construction process Gi) When using drilling mud as the driling Mid, tests to determine density, viscosity and pH value shall be undertaken at the commencement of the project and until a consistent working pattern is established. Thereafte, tests for ‘density, viscosity and pH shall be carried out rogulacly. If theee is change i the established working patter, an additional test for pH shall alse be ea Gil) The density, viscosity and sand content of the drilling fluid shall be such as aot to impair the proper and complete placing ofthe concrete inthe pile. A sample ‘of fluid shall be taken from the base ofthe pile immediately prior to concreting to establish that these parameters are within acceptable fimits (©) Continuous flight auger Support by continuous Might auger shall compy with the requirements of Clause 7.6.6. 7.6.3. Excavation ofthe pile shaft Precautions to be considered when excavating a pile shaft include the Following: (2) Excavation shall not take place close to athe piles that have recently been cas, and hich contain workable or unset concrete, if such excavation i likey to eause a flow of concrete or otherwise damage the pile. Unless specified otherwise, no gil shall be installed within three diameters of adjacent piles until the conerete or gut in these piles has taken intial set. (6) Where ground conditions are such thatthe ground near the top of the hole unstable, then a finer not less than 1m long shall be placed atthe top ofthe pile excavation to prevent collapse ofthe sol. The liner shall extend 150 mm above the work ng level 10 prevent surface debris from entering the excavation during constuction. NOTE: Alternatively, a est in place or precast conrae guide wall may be wed off his purpose. (©) Water that has entered or infiltrated into a pile excavation shall be removed immediately prior to concrete placement, if practicable. Ifthe inflow af water is sinfisiently large tn prevent such removnl, the pile excavation shall be filled with water to at last I'm above the ground watertble and concrete placed by temie sethods in accordance with Clause 7.5.56) 7.64. Base and shaft preparation A pile shall be founded in and underlain by material such that the stength_ and serviceability design eriteria for the pile are satisfied. Where soil or rock preperties ate found to be inferior to the design requirements, pile excavation dimensions shall be increased to satisfy the design criteria. Where specified, the material below the base shall be proved fora predetermined depth ‘The pile shaft and base shall be cleaned of loose material and debris to ensure that the strength and serviceability criteria ean be effectively saisied. 765 Construction Daring construction, the following requirements, where appropriate, shall be met: (2) Reinforcing see! shall be fixed in its correct position and with the specfiec cover, (©) Conerete shall be placed to fill the entre volume ofthe pile without the Farmation of voids caused by entrapped air, lack of compaction or segregation. The volume of ‘concrete shall be recorded (©) Concrete shall be placed in such a manner that segregation of the conc-ete does not ‘occur and thatthe position ofthe reinforcement is maintained (@)__ Unless otherwise spociied, a pile constructed ina table cohesive sol without the use of a temporary liner (other than that specified in Clause 7.6.3(6)} or ether form of support shall be concfeted as soon as practicable on the day the excavation is completed. The concrete shall be placed so that it does not cause the excavation to collapse or eause spoil or other foreign matter to contaminate the concrete. (©) The volume of concrete used in the pie shall be determined to an accuracy of 5% and recorded (8 The measured volume of concrete pls ‘the nominal volume ofthe pile ed in any ple shall be not less tan 105% of (g) The concrete shall be placed in sufficient quantity and with sufficient Muidity to ensure that, if he Tiner is withéravn, the concrete is not lifled with the line, there is ho separation ofthe concrete and there is no inflow of sei or water. (8) For concrete that ie cast under water of drilling fluid, concrete placement shall ‘commence as soon as practicable after de-sanding and placorent of the reinforcement. If delays in concreting oecur, further desanding or recirculation prior to placement of concreting shall be considered. G) Concrete tht is cast under water oF under drilling Muid by temic ar pump methods shal be placed without withdrawal ofthe tremie pipe or pump hose from the concrete uring the conerete discharge. Conereing shall commence with the hase of the temic ‘or pump hose on the bottom of the pile. Conerste placement shall continue with traduial withdrawal of the tremie or pump hose until all laitance and contaminated Concrete is above the pile cut-off level. During concreting, the tremie or pump hose Shall bo embedded a minimum 2m below the surface of the conerot over the duration ofthe pour. The depth of embedient of the tremie tube or pursp hose shall bbe monitored and recorded over the Full depth ofthe pour. Should the embedment of the tremie or pump hose be less than 2m at any stage the teomie or pump hose shall be romoved, resesled, recharged and reinsertsd below the srfice of the coneret, Concrete placed by this method shall not be vibrated. @ Shall have a cementitious content of not less than Concrete placed. by trem 4100 kim 7.646 Continuous ight auger pi Installation ‘A continuous Might auger pile shall be installed in accordance with the following: (2) Unless specified otherwise, a pile shall be constructed up fo commencement level of dsiling. (©) The sequence of pile installation shall be such that adjacent piles are rot disturbed Unless specified otherwise, no piles shall be installed within 3 diameters of adjacent piles until the conerete or grout in these piles has taken intial Se. (©) The location of the load applied to the soi! by construction equipment shall be far enough away from the pile being drilled and from recently constructed piles to avoid displacement or squeezing of the column of concrete or grout. (€) Tho diamerer ofthe auger shall be not les than the specified pile diameter. (©) When the auger has reached the pile toe level, the pile ole shall be filled with ceanerete or grout in an uninterrupted operation during extraction ” As 21892009 (9) Daring extraction, the auger shall not rotate in @ direction counter to tat used to ‘advance the suger, (8) The rate of injection and rate of auger withdrawal from the soi shall be coordinated 50.48 to maintain a all times a postive pressure at the lower end ofthe avger fight The pressure in the delivery line shall be measured by a pressure gauge or similar approved device, which shall be visible a all times to the operator responsible for ‘controlling the withdrawal of the auger (6) The auger hoisting equipment shall be capable of withdrawing the auger smoothly and at a constant rate, Should injection pressure fall during extraction, the auger shall bbe immediately redrilled and the section of the pile where the injection pressure was reduced shall be reformed (The pumping equipment shall incorporate a measuring device so thatthe volume of concrete or grout used inthe ples canbe determined with an accuracy of 5% The measured volume of concrete or grout placed in any pile shall be not less than 105% ofthe nominal volume ofthe pile () Unless otherwise specified, reinforcing steel shal be inserted after construction of the concrete or grout column. In al sols, other than predominantly sandy types, spacers shall be used as required to provide the necessary cover to reinforcement, () After completion of each pile, precautions shall be taken to prevent objects from falling into the column of liquid concrete or grout Sampling and testing Daring installation, samples shall be taken from the conerete oF grout and tested to determine the characteristic strength For concrete piles, samples shall bein the form of eylinders taken and tested in xecordance with AS 1012, For grout piles, samples shall bo inthe form of cubes or eylinders tested in aevonlance with AS 1012, 7.7 RECORDS OF DATA, 7.741 Displacement piles AAA Driven displacement ples During the installation of driven displacement piles, the following informaticn shall be recorded (@) Date of ériving the pie. (8) Location and dimensions ofthe pile. (©) Depth driven, (8) Characteristic of driving equipment (©) Final penetration for the last 10 blows and temporary compression for one of the blows, oras specified (Type and condition ofthe packing on the pile head and of the dolly or follower, if sed, (@) Sequence of driving in pile groups. (8) Conerete mix properties and slump and volume, if applicable. (Any apparent deviation fom specified location and inclination, (Any other relevant information [A penetration record of blows por metre (or less) for the fall length of the pile shall be taken fr the first pile and other Selected piles on the sit. 1 2 Jacked displacement ples Daring the installation of jacked displacement piles, the following informa‘ion shall be recorded (0) Date of installation ofthe pile (©) Location and dimensions ofthe pile (©) Depth installed, (@) Characteristics of jacking equipment (©) Type and condition ofthe packing onthe pile head, (8) Sequence of installation in pile groups (@) Concrete mix properties and slump and volume, if applicable (8) Any apparent deviation ftom specified location and inetination, (Any other relevant information. |A penetration record of jacking force forthe full length of the pile shal be taken forall piles IAS Cast in place screw displacement ples During the ins recorded: ation of cast in place serew piles, the following information shall be (@) Date and sime of commencing auger drilling. (8) Locations and dimensions of the pile (©) _Dilled depth (2) Unless specified otherwise, drilling resistance over the full depth ofthe pile. Drilling resistance may comprise’ penetration rates, drilling pressures, tore, ele, a5 appropriate for each piling system, (©) Arecord ofthe conerete volume placed over the full deh ofthe pile (2) The time and duration of any delays during pile construction. (a) Any other relevant data 7.12. Non-displacement piles During the installation of non-displacement piles, the following information shall be recorded: (2) Date and time of commencing and completing the ile excavation (6) Location and dimensions of the pile (©) Fxeavated depth (@) Installation method. (©) _ Details ofthe soils and rocks penetrated, (Details oF any roughening of he shat (a) Nature and extent of base cleaning, 2 AS 2150—200 (8) Continuous records of depth of trammic embedment, height or concrete within pile shaft and cumulative volume of concrete placed (9 Conerete or grout mix properties and volume and slump, if applicable, i) Method, date and time of end of excavation, commencement and completion of jeoncreting oF grouting, and whether any break oocurred in the filling process (8) Water level, if any, at the time of concreting or grouting () Any other relevant information. SECTION 8 TESTING 8.1 SCOPE This Section applies — (4) pile load testing to assess the pile serviceability; (6) pile load testing to assess design gootechnical strength; (©) pile load testing to assess ultimate geotechnical strength; and (@) pile load vesting to confirm adequacy oF construction methods; (©) pile shaft integrity testing NOTE: Due tothe uncertainty associated with the capacity of installed pile, it 6 advantageous to perform testing, Testing has the potential to provide infomation on the serv ccallty. and ‘limate limit state performance of piles. To reflect this, Section 4 provides for adjustment ofthe tsotecncal strength redaction factor om the base ofthe dros of testing 8.2. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 8.2.1. Selection and construction of tet piles |Wheee test piles are nominated as representative piles in advance of coxstrction or installation, those test piles shall be constructed in the same manner and to the seme standard of construction used forthe piles that they represent. Where test piles may be nominated subsequently to construction or installation, the construction records shall be reviewed to select ples for testing with a view to establishing either the expected performance of the represented piles, or the lower-bound performance ofthe represented piles. Piles that have anomalous construction records may als be tested in order fo evaluate their individual conformance with the nominated acceptance criteria. 8.2.2. Effet of changed conditions ‘The result of a pile testis specific to the geotechnical and groundwater conditions at the time of the test, Changes in site conditions, such as excavation, filling or groundwater actuation may affect the performance of the pile, To the extent which such shanger are known or prediciable and are significant, they shall be taken into account in assessing the long-term performance ofthe pile 8.2.3. Performance of the tests Testing shall be performed following the provedures set out in this Section and the appropriate Appendix, as set out in Clauses 84, 8.5, 86, 87 and 88. Data shall be accurately recorded anda report prepared NOTE: It is essential that «high degree of competence be mployed inthe use of test equipment, its set-up on site, the progress ofthe tet, the acuracy of eadings, the interpretation of the test data and the preparation ofthe report. 82.4 Requirement to test ‘The following principles apply: (a) Pile testing to verify geotechnical strength and shaft integrity is encvuraged, and testing benefit factors are specified in Clause 4.3.1 to allow the use of higher geotechnical strength reduction factors for such testing. If the design ultimate geotechnical strength (Re) is aot verified by pile testing, the basic geotechnical strength reduetion factor, as given in Clause 4.3.2, shall be adopted indesign, (©) Where the basic geotechnical strength reduction factor is 0.4 of less, n> testing required unless otherwise specified, efor providing the adequacy of construction practices, (©) Where the basic geotechnical strength reduction factor is greater then 0.4, the following testing shall be undertaken: (Inthe absence of tests to verify design ultimate geotechnical strength, testing shall be performed to verily pile serviceability forall foundations with average risk rating of 2.5 of greater. The relevant acceptance criteria nominated in Clauses 84.3 and 8.5.2 shall apply. The minimum rate of testing wil depend on the average risk rating, as tabulated in Table 8.2.4(A). (Gi) Testing shall be performed to verity the integrity of pile shals, Astessment of pile shaft integrity may be by high-srtin dynamic pile testing see Clause 8.5), orther methods of integtity testing (See Clause 8.8) NOTE: Low-srain head impact testing methods may not yet be able to sisss the Integyty ofthe fl shat length of ple, clone piles or piles socked fn rock, (Gil) The designer shall select the percentage of pile shafts to be tested far integrity from the range of values shown in Table 8.2.4(B) taking into eonsieration the average risk rating ofthe site, the type of pile and method of pile enstruction, the degree of installation monitoring to be earried out, and the rata of design action effect tothe factored stuctual strength ofthe pile shat. TABLE &24(A) PILE TESTING REQUIREMENTS POR SERVICEABILITY “Average rik rating [20209 [300349 [asoae |sonaw [os Pevcetage of ples tobe tsed | > , For sare : oe TABLE 82.4(8) PILE SHAFT INTEGRITY TEST REQUIREMENTS. Tower range ofategriy Upper range ot iterity te ype ‘ering one Gin tsvcet ites testea)_| (8002596 ofpes tested) Preformed single gi pislanalied by | Design fad govered by pil | Design al gevemed hy Ssving acing rs ssecolal pscity ica sacral opty Segmental preformed pcs inalcdby | Pull momento taxon | Sine compro ony Ging cing or sein ins design tad poveroed | joins, design bud governed yeenechnal acts, [ype sat tect Seto eee EL order wit no porary Sat | Desin tnd goveral by pile | Doig od gered ty pore yale somente, | pence cpa Plea sacral apc od using temporary ‘Design load governed by ple | Design lond governed by fsidforshetsippor ond rene pours | pened capac cara | pe sal secur station conto with fall | capt, mira ‘GFA or pail diplsement srw piles | Desi oi governed by ple | Deign oad pened by fctecnial api fall | ple sha sacral capecty 1 The Designer sl consider al f the relean fos lise i he above Table, o: jee oe, fa 2 Consider wing vps ane of esting percentages Wit igh average sk rating site. 5 Highesrin dynam ple sts caret out very ple ervecbilty las ay dso Be considered a fhe poectage of piles to etx for sha intepi. 4 Integy tt methods capable of esting the eae length ofthe hao a esta put ofthe ple sh whe he int ple el Tn Inxs of 5h of esa acre ea ae 83. PILE LOAD TESTING 83.1. Types of pile load testing “The appropriate pte lod test shall be selected from one oF more of — (@) static testing — (compression test; Gi) tension test: and (ii) teal toad test, (©) _igh-strain dynamic testing; (©) rapid Load testing; and (€) integrity testing. 8.3.2 Information required ‘When a pile load testi required, the type of testing and associated details shall be specified in a schedule of load test requitements (sce Figure Al in Appendix A), hereafter called “The Schedule’ "NOTE: The information listed in Figure Al may be provided onthe design drawing. 83.3 Test load 833.1. General ‘The test loads (P,P) shall be as specified inthe schedule or, where not spe ‘the nominated values in Tables oF 83.333 Where the purpose of the test isto measure theultimate geotechnical strength, te test load 2 shall be estimated in advance. Sufficient sllowance shall be made in all aspects of the test set-up for the actual value to exceed the estimate. Under no circumstances shall the load P, cause the structural strength ofthe section to be exceeded, taking ito secount any relative eccentricity or lad inclination ofthe applied load from the central pile axis. shall be Where maximum test loads applied, for tension or for lateral load tests, ae hig than the default values specified in Tables 8.3.32 and, consideration shall be given to the potential effets of permanent pile deflection on pile performance 83.32 Withow negative friction ‘The test loads (Py PP) shall be as specified, or where not specified, shall be asset out in ble TABLE 83.3.2 ‘TEST LOADS WITHOUT NEGATIVE FRICTION n= Ee P= Rid for compression oa ting 1.2 for tension ater nad testing P= Rogaine pelea srengh ofa pile otectncal fle By = design ston ft ter srs ats 5, = desionstion fleet derailment fe = eset sag reteten etr sage pls o plepops ag = ted lite gerd ple saps = toa for mseunen of skint grt song ‘NOT: Where maxinem te nals applied for fnson or lr loa fxs ov Raher fan the et vac spetiod stove consideration all be piven othe pene of ermaent le etiestion a pl pevfomanee 83.33 Where negative fletion is expected to occur ‘Where the test ple isin ground undergoing settlement that will develop negative friction on the pile, the test may be undertaken with the ple either isolated from, or in contaet with, the igraund undergoing langcterm settlement. The serviceability test load shall be ae act out in Table 83.33. TABLE 8333 ‘TEST LOADS WITH NE GATIVE FRICTION ~ Far cmrein es ese Hom he ol igre 1, 2h for eampresion sts o piles in oma wih the ground undrgieg log N= Rw To be deerme for compression esting by lking it aco he rq inate Scagth the sable one see Case 43) and making du allownnee fre shal Feely shor dart of he od est 2, = loud for assent of ile seventy PL = low forasesent of timate seca strength PL = Joni for asesment of design poetical ngih Eu, ~ design tin effect der sevcebllysetons Ra, ~ maximum pile ond du to negative Rese ‘NOTE: Thee area mumber of aerate eatepes tat can be employed ie order nyse tt re frpcted to experience lading fom elie ground daring the stutre's life. These inloe the folowing (a) Lslatng he pile om th sting gro by pe-bringo evn he refered oni, (6) Compensating forthe eet ofthe lading, by adopting a serviceability Load of Sq + 2Fy a8 (6) Inseumeatng the et pile logis engi vase sat resistance dstibto, @ Undertaking high-strain dynamic ile texing im accorance with Cmte K.410 erie alt 83.34 Hammer energy For high-strain dynamic pile testing, the hammer energy shall be sufficient t mobilize a pile soil resistance equivalent to the maximum test loads given in Table&3.3.2 (ie, 2, = Ealdy) oF in Table 8.3.3. where negative iriction is expected 10 occur. 83.4 Acceptance of piles ‘The criteria for acceptance of test piles shall be in accordance with Clauses, 8.6, 8.7 ‘oF £8, as appropriate, Piles not meeting these eriteria shall be considered as defective piles in accordance with Clause 7.2.5. Piles deemed to be represented by the test pile shall also be reassessed accordingly. Only tests performed on piles meeting the relevant acceptance criteria shall ke considered tobe valid tests. One of more valid tests shall be undertaken in substitution forany test on a pile that fils to mect the relevant acceptance erteria 83.5. Effects of test set-up ‘Account shall be taken of the effects of the test set-up when interpreting the results of pile Toad testing. “Test set-ups such as those involving the use of reaction piles or Kentledge may influence the behaviour of the test pile and the effects of the reaction systems shall be allowed for in intorpreting the ple load-setlement behaviour SA. STATIC LOAD TESTING $4.1 Use of static loading Unless otherwise sposiied in the schedule of load test requirements, an incremental ‘maintained static load test procedure, as given in Clause 8.4.2 and Appendix A shall be used to assess the performance of a pile foundation under the design serviceability limit state and the design geotechnical ultimate limit stat, or to determine the ultimate geotechnical strength ofthe pile Foundation Static load testing shall be caried out in accordance with the appropriate test procedure sven in Appendix A. Static Toad testing shall be used 10— (0) evaluate pile performance at pretiminary or later stages of work; oF (6) _prooftest nominated piles as work proceeds. 842. Test procedure BAA Proofload test ‘The primary objectives ofthis test areas set out in Table 8.4.2. ‘The test shall be performed using the load schedule for compression, tension or Tater loading as detailed in Appendix A. ‘Where a pile must sustain significant cyclic or surge loading, an appropriate loading sequence shall be included, which will allow the assessinent ofthe additional displacements under these loads. The test pile shall be designed t0 safely carry the applied load without exceeding its structural strength Note 1 Due account shouldbe taken of bending moments resulting fom the posible ecentscty of te et fad in determining the maximarn fest load tobe applied tothe ple head 2 The load schedule may be varied by specying an alternative loading programy in he schedule (see Figure Al, Appenix A) 84.22 Ulvimate geotechnical srength test ‘he primary objective ofthis testis to determine the ultimate geotechnical strength of the pile (fy) a8 Set out in Table 8.4.2. ‘The test shall be performed using the load schedule for compression, tension or lateral loading as detailed in Appendix A. The test pile shall be designed fo safely carry the applied load without exceeding its structural strength NOTES 1 Due account should bo taken of bending moments resulting fom the possible eccentricity of the test loadin determining the maximum test load to be applied tothe ple hea, 2 The lad schedule may be varied by speeithng an alternative lsding program ine schedule (Gee Figare Al, in Appendix A), As 2159209 “ TABLE 8.42 ‘TYPES OF STATIC LOAD TEST ‘Applied est ad ee Clee 3.3.2 ‘Contention f design ulna genteel engh an conesponding deletion Urumte[ Utimae geotechnical srength of ile 8.4.3 Acceptance criteria 843.1 Prooftests ‘The pile performance under compressive tet loading shall be deemed to comply with this Standard provided all the criteria specified in the schedule or in Table are satisfied [Any criteria specified inthe schedule shall take precedence over the values in Table 84.3. Where the pile is subjected to negative skin fiction, limits on the maximum movement of the test pile when loaded tothe serviceability load shall he specified as part of the pile test acceptance eritera, taking into account the provisions for negative fiction of Clause 4.8.5 For tension and lateral load tests, the acceptance citria shall be specified prior to the test. If the acceptance criteria are not met, then a reassessment of the design geotechnical steength shall be made. ores, 1 The acceptance criteria for «pile in service wil usually depend on structural considerations and the default values in Table 84.3.1 should be reviewed in elaion to the structural requirements ‘When specifying acceptance criteria for tension test it shouldbe noted thatthe movements to mobile theultimate geotechnical strengths may be smal TABLE 84.3.1 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA~COMPRESSION PROOF LOAD TEST FER (enw) nEvope P= Ba +2 Fu (Clawse 8333) PLIAE 0 SF nf AB > mss (1A ater removing Max. (0.0145) 2 PAE 10-0088 0 (aer omeviog hy 10 0058 A 11 Movement to neide np more thar 2mm rep ver 3h 4S min (afer Toad hs ee a place for i) 2. The eect of group Toads on sctements shall be considered when specifying the cepa settement ofa og pl 4 Altermtive aceptans criteria may be rquted fm asetng the perfomance ef ples Ins rough sting pour 44, the pile bate diameter an, fr scl sre piles, stall be taken a the see ange tern the lester ha ameter 'S tyr the eng ofthe test pile Jn camat with ound expected t undergo Inger schlement. Fora tet pile aed fm his sein good y=. 6 Max (0015) sth reer 0.014 a8 $m © Standards Australia sw standard aa a 8.4.32 Ulimate geotechnical strength tess ‘Acceptance criteria are not relevant for these tests as the primary aim of these tests is t0 measure the load-deformation response up tothe ultimate geoteshnieal srength and assess the later, BA33- Tension teste ‘The acceptance criteria for tension lod tests shall be specified prior tothe tes, NOTE: When specifsing the acceptance citerin for tension piles that develop thelr espaciy Principally by skin fcton, i should be noted that the movements to mobilize ‘he sltimate ‘eotechncal strength maybe smal, 134 Lateral tests ‘The acceptance criteria for lateral load tests shall bo specified prior tothe test, The effets of the fixity of the pile head during a lateral test (usbally free) compared tothe fixity in service (often partially restrained or fixed) shall be considered when establishing the accoptable defection limits, 84.3.8 Definition of ultimate geotechnical strength ‘The pile test measurement of ultimate geotechnical strength of the pile (Rig) all be the ‘greater of (@) the maximum pile-top load which ean be sustained for a period of 10 min; nd (©) the pile-top load corresponding to a piletop deflection limit, which wauld cause failure ofthe supported structure. In the absence of a structure-spocfic estimate of the pile-top deflection causing failure of the supported structure, the piletop deflection limit shall be no greater than 0.05D for preformed and installed piles and 0.10D for cat in place piles. The maximum safe test load shall be determined by consideration of both the overall ability of the fest arrangement and of the structural capacity of the pile including appropriate allowances for eccentricity and misalignment. If the maximum safe test load is applied at a deflection less than the pile-top deflection limit, the maximum safe test Toad shall be adopted asthe ultimate geotechnical strength of the ple (Rg) 85 HIGH-STRAIN DYNAMIC PILE TESTING 85.1. General High-stain dynamic pile testing, which mobilizes all or part of the available pile static capacity, shall be used when specified or required for any ofthe following: (@) To proof-test nominated piles as work proceeds (©) To predict the ultimate geotechnical strength at a preliminary or later stage of work, (©) To provide an indication of resistance distribution. (@)_ Tomonitor pile stresses during installation (and thus avoid pile damage), (©) Tosassess hammer energies and confiem input for drivin formulae (1) Toestimate and conti parameters used in wave equation (@)Tocheck assumptions made concerning pil (8) To assess pile integiy alysis. driveability High-strain dynamic pile testing shall be carried out in accordance with Appendix B 852 Acceptance criteria ‘Where acceptance criteria are not specified ia the schedule, the pile head movements at P, and Pp ealeulated from analysis of dynamic test data, shall not exceed those given in Table 85.2 Any criteria specified inthe ‘Schedule’ shall ake precedence over the above values. TABLE $52 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA—HIGH-STRAIN DYNAMIC LOAD TEST. Pinka (Gane 633) Pa Bat Dy ( Clase 8333) PLIAB ~0SF ad AE + as (ODES er romaveg PI) Max, (015) a 1AE= 10-008 2 Ger romavng Pe) NOTES! 1 Atemative aceplance crterin my be required in asserting the performance of piles Instat throug seting ground. 2 The eet of gros loads on stlements sal he considered when sping the aceptable setement 1 size pie 274 eth pile se os) tse, nd fr sles sere ile sal be ake he tel Tange Slameter, noe les sha diameter 4 “Lei the fength of he fest contact ith round expected to undergo Henge setlement. For atest ltd ham is sting ound a=. 5 May, (0.145) the prt oF 014 ad 5 6 This deeton isthe messed set er dynam esting tservceabity os 1 Inthe sbsece of move detailed arly, the ple he deteton shoud be take the cumulated pormanent displacement vel blows delivered pir tothe Bow selected fr 8.6 BL-DIRECTIONAL LOAD TESTING 8.6.1 General Bi-directional load tests are non-destructive tests that are caried out by the reaction supplied by one oF more sacrificial hydraulic jacks cast into the pile. The most common ‘configuration of jacks involves casting of the required number of jacks atthe base of the pile; however, series of jacks may be cast at any level inthe pile shaft depending on test requirements. Bi-irectional testing measures the vertical displacement of the pile sha and the Toad inducing that displacement. Similarly, end-bearing resistance is determined by measuring the load versus movement characteristics of the pile when a jack is placed ator near the pile 8.6.2 Performance criteria ‘The test is usually performed to determine ultimate capacity. Performance eriteria in those circumstances shall be specified prior to the test being caried out For bi-directional tests performed om all piles other than those tested for ultimate capacity, ‘unless otherwise specified, the interpreted oad-settement curve of the pile Head from the tests shall be deemed to comply with this Standaed provided th criteria in Tatle 84.3.1 are satisfied, ° AST 209 8.7 RAPID LOAD TESTING 87.1 General Rapid pile loading tests produce a force on a foundation by imparting a long force pulse to the foundation by means of impact of @ cushioned dropped mass or reaction against an aceelerating mass. Rapid pile testing may be used on individual vertical or inclined piles or pile groups for the following: (©) Evaluating the response under axial compression loads. Results may 2e used to ‘estate the static load-movement performance and soil damping characteristics of @ foundation (©) Evaluating performance under lateral loading (@-., 1 simulate loads resting from impact, wind, earthquake and other transient forces). The test may be used at preliminary or late stages of work ot as a prooftest on nominated piles oF pile groups during the pling work. Rapid load testing shall be carried out in aovordance with Appendix C. 8.7.2 Acceptance erter The pile performance shall be deemed to comply with this Standard provided crt Clause 8.5.2 are satisfied, 88 INTEGRITY TESTING S81 Pile integrity testing is w method of testing a pile as installation proceeds with the aim of indirectly assessing one or more ofthe following: (@) The structural integrity of the pile (©) The relative shape of the pile shaft and an estimate of the physical dimensions of the pile, or both (©) Thepile length, (2) The continuity ofthe pile (©) Characcrstcs of the low strain ples system response, Where specified or adopted inthe selection of stuctual strength reduction factors used in design or required under Clause 82.4, pile integrity testing shall be performed in accordance with Appendix D, 8.8.2 Test procedure Where integrity testing is required, the test to be adopted shall be one of the following: (2) Pulse echo method. (©) _Imputse response method. (©) Sonic logging method (8) Alternative tests as specified. teekblakdehdaailaat ‘ettendarda Ansa 883 Acceptance eriteria ‘The pie shall be deemed to have satisfactory integrity provided the results do not indicate likely impediment of the ability ofthe pile to perform it intended function (NOTE: Examples of impediment of itegrity inlude— (@) a leck of structural integrity; (©) disadvantageous change in physical dimensions; or (©) siscontimiy or inconsistency in materials used for the ple, Where the pile is not deemed to havo satisfactory integrity, further integrity investigation shall be carried out using an alternative procedure. Further investigation may include one or more ofthe following: (_Reteimming of he pile head and retesting, iy Excavation to permit visual inspection at the depths where discontinuities are indicated Gi) Coring ofthe pte Load testing. Should the results of these further investigations indicate the pile t0 not be satisfactory, remedial works shal be carried out. This work may inelude— (A) replacement of the pile; (B) post grouting ofthe ple shal; and (©) providing a structural solution, for example, bridging beams to ensure at loads are supported satisfactorily APPENDIX A STATIC LOAD TEST. (Normative) AL GENERAL ‘This Appendix sets out test methods for proof and geotechnical ultimate static load tests, Details of the testing procedure and any modification shall be set out on the ‘Schedule of load test requirements’ typical form for schedule of load test requirements i shown in Figure AL Ad PREPARATION AND APPARATUS ADA Preparation for testing ‘The pile head shall be prepared to allow application of the load coaxial with te pile axis for compression or tension tests and perpendicular to the pile axis fora Iatral lod test, The preparation shall enable the test load to be transmitted to the pile (ee, through a steel bearing plate or other arrangement) with negligible focal damage or distortion tothe pile head [NOTE: Any extension ofthe pile forthe pupose of earying ou the test should Be oaxil with {he original pileand be of suliient strength to rasan the proposed test loding. A22. Reaction system ‘The test load shall be applied to the pile by jacking against a reaction system. Tke resultant force shall be coaxial with th pile for tension and compression tests and perpendicular t0 the ple for lateral load test. ‘The reaction system may comprise ground or rock anchors, kentledge o reaction ples ol for testing ‘The reaction system shall be stable and shall provide safe access as requ personnel. ‘Minimum distances from the test pile contre-line to anchorages, kentledge sunports and ‘reaction ples shall be as follows: (2) Anchorages Where ground anchors are used to provide a test reaction — (0 part of the bonded seotion of the anchor shall be closer tothe cetreline of| the pile than 3 times the shaft diameter ofthe pile; and Gi) where the test pile has an enlarged base, no part of the bonded secon of the tnchor shall be loser tothe pile base cente-line than a distance equal to the base diameter, NOTE: If to anchors are used, one at cach ep of the loading beam, precautions should be taken io prevent any terdeney for Inter buckling ofthe Beam, (6) Kentledge Where kent (toads shall not be applied by supporting the kentledge directly on the pile oF pile cap; Ie is used to provide a ext reaction — Gi) no part of the Kentledge support system shall be closer to the pile centre-ine than a distance of 2.5 times the shaft diameter of the pile; and (Gil) the weight ofthe kentledge shall be transferred to the ground in a manner such hat (A) the load is transferred symmetrically around the pile heads (B) the stability ofthe kentledge is maintained a all times: and (©) any tondency ofthe kentledge to tlt or sway is minimized (©) Reaction piles Where reaction piles are usd to provide a test reaction, the centre-o ‘entre spacing between vertical reaction piles and the test pile shall be not less than the greater of — 3) S times the test pile diameter, and Gi) 25m. NOTES: 1 Non-isplacement piles should be used to provide reaction for test loading in preference to displacement ples” Non-dsplacement piles may be insaled before or aller ihe pile to be tested 2 If displacement reaction piles are to be ied then, wherever practicable, dey should be ‘installed prior to the instalation of the test pile 43. Where a working pile is wed asa reaction pil that loaded invasion, displccoment ofthe pile should be monitored throughout the test, and appropinte mesures (eg, redrving the Pile) shoud be taken to ensro that any perminentdiaplacement ofthe reactor ple does not, ect its in-service performance 4 Where reaction piles are used, the desien of the restin piles should consigr potential {nection with the test ple and, if possible he zones where sol resistance is developed for the test ple and the rection piles shoul be separated a Tar as practicable. is preferable ‘hat reaction anchors with anchor zones located Below the tp of the test pile are used rather ‘an reaction piles, Departures from these minimum distances shall be permitted provided an assesment ofthe interaction betwoen the test pile and the reaction system is made. Details of any such interaction assessment shall be included inthe pie test report. A23- Equipment for N23. General ang and test measurement Equipment for applying the tet load shall (@) have # load capacity not less than the maximum requited load specified in the Schedule, (8) be capable of accommodating the maximum required pile movement specified in the Schedule plus the displacement af the reaction system that ocours during loading: (6) _ be capable of applying a controlled increase or decrease in load; and (4) be capable (inthe case of sustained load test) of maintaining a constant load forthe specified period A232 Measurement of load [Load eels shall be used to measure Toad and shall maintain stable calibration during testing, Te load measuring device shall— (2) unless otherwise specified, be accurate to within 2% of the indicated load and of stable construction; and (b) havea calibration certificate issued within the preceding six months. NOTE: A calibeted jack and manometer system isnot considered 1 fifi he eequlzements of this Chase, Standards Ausra ews sanders org.a8 a AS 2159—200 ‘SCHEDULE OF LOAD TEST REQUIREMENTS This schedule shall be completed wher applicable. type and size: 2 Method of ins 3 Type of test: (1) Compression test (2) Tension (upit test (detain tem 6 below i requirements dir) quirements ter). (4) Other (0.9, namic testing), as detailed in tam 8 below. (3) Lateral load test (detail in tem 7 below i 4 Maximum load and pile movement: (1) The loading system shall have a capacty of at least kw (2) The overal oading anc measuring system shall be capable of accommodating @ pile movement (measured atthe ple head or cap) of at least mm (3) Movement shall be measured with a system capable of dalivering an accuracy of 04 mm, 5 Commencement of loading: ‘The minimum period between installation ofthe test ple and commencemen of the ple test shall be sys. 6 Tension (uplift) load test program: 7. Lateral load test program: 18 Requirements different from or adltional to those specified in AS 2189, 8 Accoptance criteria if diferent from Section 8): 410 Required qualifications of persons to supervise and carry out the testing: FIGURE A1 SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS—EXAMPLE A233 Measurement of pile displacement The following shall be observed: (2) General ‘The displacement of the pile shall be monitored by presse levelling or by a system of dial gauges, or electrical transducers in conjunction with a reference frame in order to provide an acerate measure of the absolute displacement ané any otation lortiltof the pile head. The displacement measuring devices shall— (be accurate to within the lesser oF 0.1% ofthe pile shaft diameter and 0.1 mm; (Gi) have sufficient travel to accommodate the maximum pile head moxement or the required differential displacement between the tst pile and a reference frame; and (Gil) be shielded from direct sunlight or other environmental influences. ‘Where dial gouges or elecirial transducers are used, a minimum of three such gauges for transducers, spaced equally around the pile and equidistant from the axis of Toading, shall be utilized NOTE: Approximate pile head displacements may additionally be determined using two Pualelefeence wires, onc on eter side of the pile, and held under conta tension. The Ives shoul be positioned aginst sales fixed to the pile bead Supports for he reference Wites shoudl conform tote requirement forthe reference frame (given in item (b) below) (8) Reference frame Pile displacements may be measured relative to reference frame that is independent of the reaction system and the test pile. The reference frame shall be (8) shielded from the direct sunlight or other environmental influences, (Gi) suiciently robust to minimize distortion due to temperature differences Gi) mounted preferably « minimum of five pile shaft diameters from the pile and ny part ofthe reaction system, to minimize ground movement effects; snd Gv) checked for movement by independent levelling during the test with such ‘movements applied asa correction to the apparent pile head moversens (©) Level datum level datum shall be established on a permanent object or other ‘well-founded siructare or deep datum point. Movements of the pile head or the Teference frame shall be related to this datum using a precise vel located Snproximately equidistant from the datum and the ts, [A secondary measurement system shall be used throughout the rest to check that there has been no displacement inthe reference frame. A3 LOADING PROGRESS AND RECORDING OF DATA ABA General ‘The application of test loads tothe pile shall be as given in Table Al for proof and vltimate tests unless other wise preseribed in the schedule. The test loads P,, Py and Py shall be computed by reference to Table 8.3.32 for test loads without negative friction, or ‘Table for text loads with negative friction, A32. Load apy Following application of each increment, the load shall be sustained at a constant magnitude until the rate of movement of the pile head is less than 0.5 mr per 15 min, commencing min ater applying any load increase, but in no case less than the minimum specified holding time, lation TABLE AL LOADING PROGRAM—COMPRESSION TEST PROCEDURE ‘Minimum ond duration oat a ‘Supe SI (rot an uit eta 208, | amie Lowting 1, 0%, 20 mit sa, 20min ‘Stage SP (oan eae est Som, mir Unloasing rom one 20a ‘Sane GI (poof nd aims ens WP, 20 mie Lowling 1% 062, omic 06 20mie sare, 20 nie | 0%, 2008 0% A, 20 nia ‘Sage UT (aimee on) axis waite st ot rae UT Por maxima lowsble test oad ‘Sige U2 (lina eos on if a Unloading om ‘Sage G2 (pout end llinstetesty | Loading decrement of20%F, | Wmineach davenent Union fom 100% min 0%, lo min 40%. 1o.aie TABLE Az LOADING PROGRAM—LATERAL OR TENSION TEST PROCEDURE, ‘Sage ST (rook and wma MP To in oatig oF, 0, Wain 0% F, 10min ‘Stage $2 (proof and itimate ets) SP, nin ‘Stage OF (pooTand ulna Wi) ws, oie (co Tae 83) 50%, 10min | rar, Wonin | 0%, 10min I 100% Fe in “Stage 6 (rot and wna) 6 P, oie Unoadog fom Py 6%, 10min Ore 10in ASS. Recording during the loading stages Simultaneous records of loa, pil (@) immediately upon reaching the load; (©) at intervals of 1,2 and 5 min and, where appropriate, 10 and 15 min after reaching Toad; head movement and time shall be taken — (©) where appropriate, at 15 min intervals thereafter up to 1 (2) where appropriate, at 30 min intervals after 1 and (©) _ immediately prior to each load application. ‘Check measurements of the reference fame shall be taken at the end of each loading increment. Daring the test, graphs shall be made of load versus ime and movement versa time as an id to monitoring pile and pile test performance. Such graphs may be used to detect instability in the pile or reaction system and to modify or abort the test, ASA Recording during unloading stages During unloading stages, as @ minimum, the load, movement and time shall be recorded ‘immediately on reaching the load decrement and immediately priot to the removal of the next load decrement, Ad REPORT [A report shall be prepared containing all relevant information including the following (2) Description ofthe static test procedue. (©) Details of any available site investigation data at or near the test location (©) A description ofthe test pile (@)__A description ofthe Forming o driving of the pile (©) The results of any testing of pile materials, (0 Details of the est reaction system, including any technical assessment made of the effets ofthe reaction system on potential pile performance, (2) Details ofthe measurement system and reference frame, (6) Type of loading schedule carried out or details ofthe procedure adopted, (A record oF the time, test load and pile head movement relationship thecughout the test. The cord shall clearly indicate whether the results ar uncorrected readings or readings that have been corrected for ealbration, movement of datum poiets, or other influences. (Where specified, an interpretation ofthe results of the test. (8) Reference to this test method, ie, Appendix A, AS 2159, APPENDIX B HIGH-STRAIN DYNAMIC PILE TESTING (Normative) BL GENERAL This Appendix sets out test methods for highstrain dynamic testing of >iles to test performance under serviceability load and/or to demonstrate a strength above serviceability Toad, up to the ultimate geotechnical strength of the pile The test load (,, Py oP.) shal be as given in Clause 8.3.3 and acceptance itera as given in Clause 85. Details of the testing procedure and any modification shall be set out on the ‘Schedule of. Toad test requirements" A typical form for the schedule of load test requirements in given in Figure AL B2_ PILE PREPARATION ile preparation for testing shall include all practical steps to ensure that the hammer and pile are aligned to prevent bending ofthe pile during the test blows, and thatthe hammer Sikes a flash sound surface perpendicular tothe pile axis. The pile Head should be capable of withstanding the bursting stresses generated at the pile head during hammer impact, NOTE: Where possible transducers should be attached to the pile shaft « minimum of 1S diameters below the ple hea, 3 HAMMER ENERGY The dynamic pile test shall be carried out using hammer energy sufficient to mobilize the pile strength requirements as described in Clause 8. or as otherwise spevified in the Schedule ‘The wlkimate geotechnical strength of the pile will only be measured if suficient energy is delivered to the pile ina single blow 9 mobilize all of the availabe pile shaft and base resistance, If sufficient impact energy is not available, other methods of malysing the dynamic data shall be ased to estimate the ultimate geotechnical strength, 4 NEGATIVE FRICTION ‘Where the test pil is in ground undergoing settlement that will develop negative fiction on the pile, the dynamic test shall include rigorous analysis using full sigml matching Sulficient impact energy shall he applied to the pile to mobilize resistance in the stable zone ofthe test ple, atleast equal tothe ultimate geotechnical strength requirement inthe stable zone (see Clauses 44.5 and 4.63) The amount and distribution of shaft resistance in ‘the unstable zone shal be estimated by signal matching, [NOTE: The shaft fiction disribaion shall be compared with that obsined fom design to assess the rsonablenes ofthe estimate BS TIME AND PURPOSE OF TESTING Dynamic testing may be carried out during pile instal cor at any time thereafter (restike tex), NoTEs: | ‘Testing duriag pile driving sequences i enconraged in onder to stable hammer performance, monitor compression and tnsion sess levels, diving plans ane acceptance 2 The longterm geotechnical strength ofthe ple may be predicted by dynamic testing during Installation, buts generally more reliably predicted by resrks testing, 3 Restikes should preferably be undertake 26h or more afte intl driving. tion (driving or end of crving test) BG APPLICATION OF DYNAMIC TESTING Dynamic pile esting was developed primarily for the evaluation of preformed érven piles ‘of uniform section during driving or on restike. NoTES: 1 This testing technique ha been succossfully applied to other ple types, inching timber pies (tapered) and eatin place piles. The sucessful interpretation and analysis of such pies has to be seconpsnied by reliable information on the pile geometry. 2 The dynamic interaction of screw pile flanges with soil i complex and poorly understood. The use of highstrain dynamic pile testing of screw piles should only be accepted in combination with stati load testing, end where a rliablecorelation beeen the two testing mods forthe particular ste and serew pile geometry canbe demoastates, BT INSTRUMENTATION ‘The instrumentation for a dynamic pile test shall consist of a sufficient sumber of transducers, arranged around the pile, to reliably establish the average section transient strain (oF force) and acceleration (or velocity or displacement) The transducer signals shall be recorded for subsequent analysis. Fourstrain transducers shall be wsed for spiral welded and east in place ples All transducers shall be calibrated at least every 2 years, and immediately following any repairs. Any instrumentation used in situations where oversressing has occured, oF is suspected, shall be checked to determine if ealibration is necessary before further use bg TEST PROCEDURE, ‘The test procedure shall follow that specified in the Schedule, bearing in mind te primary ‘objectives ofthe test, namely — (2) to assess the performance ofthe pile footing under the design serviveabilty load and (®) to demonstrate a resistance equal to atleast the design geotechnical ultimate Timit state The dynamic pile test shall be caried out by impact from an approprite pile-driving hhammer or drop-weigh, of sufficient energy o satisfy the specifications inthe Schedule Unless otherwise specified, testing shall commence with small drop heights (low impact energy blows) to verity pile hammer alignment and energy transfer. Drop heights shal then be increased until the test data indicate a static resistance equal to or greater than the design serviceability action effect (E,) has been verified. Drop heights shall then be increased tnt the test data indicate a pile soil resistance equal to or greater than Bald, has been verified. Care shal be taken during the test not to exceed pile compression or tesion stress Timits and to ensure alignment of the hammer and pile is maintained to minimize sending of the pile daring the tes 9 REPORT ‘A report shall be prepared containing all relevant information including the following: © ) © @ © o @ @ Pile details, including pile number, typ, size, length, penetration and location of test uges. Installation details, including date and time, driving system, together with each ‘component above the pile head (cushions, helmet, hammer, follower and similar), hammer stoke or drop, pile set and temporary compression. Test details as for Itom (b, ifthe test was performed subsequent fo instalation or if details for the test differed from the normal installation procedure. For each pile test, the maximum compressive and tensile stresses in the pile, the ‘maximum pile ead velocity, pile head displacement andthe energy transfer. NOTE: These shouldbe either fora representative Blow or be averaged over a number of bows ‘An assessment of ple inteprity (or damage) at the time of testing “The method of interpretation of results and the maximum mobilized resistance by this method. ‘Any assumptions critical to the interpretation of results (e.g, damping factor. Justification for such assumptions should be provided Where rigorous analyses are performed, the full results of such analyses and the following additional information: (Predicted pite head movement atthe maximum serviceability lim state and at ‘the maximum mobilized resistance. (Gi) Shaft and end bearing components of the maximum mobilized resisance, Reference to this test method, ie., Appendix B, AS 2158, APPENDIX. C RAPID PILE TESTING (Normative) CL GENERAL ‘This Appendix sets ont test methods For rapid pile testing, ‘The test force shall have the form and characteristics given in Paragraph C2 (C2. DEFINITIONS Fer the purposes ofthis Appendix the do C2 Rapid force A force pulse of sufficient duration to result in the full length ofthe pile being maintained in compression for a duration of at least five multiples of the natural period of the Toundation, The force is applied in a continuovsly increasing and gradually decreasing ‘manner. Atypical rapid axial compressive force is shown in Figute C2.1 tions below apply. MAGNITUDE OF APPLIED FORCE ° 30°" "wo" "wo" 200 “TM FIGURE C2.1. TYPICAL RAPIO AXIAL COMPRESSIVE FORCE €22 Wave speed roperty that reflects the speed at which 9 strsin wave propagates through « 23 Nataral period Represents the time required forthe pile to complete one vibration eycle. For axa loading of a pile the natural period is equivalent to 2Lle secondsleycle where 1 isthe pile length and cis the wave speed, 3. SAFETY [NOTE: Testing should be cared! ont fo appropriate safety standards and the test equipment ‘manufacturer's specifications shouldbe complied with C4 EQUIPMENT ca General ‘The equipment used shall be capable of applying a peak testing force in accordance with Paragraphs C2.1. Typical methods of generating a rapid force include pressure of gases produced by combustion and pressure induced by a cushioned impact from a dropped mass. ‘The equipment used shall be capable of applying a peak testing force in aceoedance with project requirements, C42 Equipment using pressure of gases produced by combustion This test involves burning of a solid fue ina combustion chamber, creating large pressures that accelerate reaction masses mounted on the pile, simultaneously applying an equal and ‘opposite foree to the pile. The force and pile displacements are measured by a pressure transducer and laser level respectively “The equipment shal feature the following: (@) Pressure chamber, consisting of a piston bolted to the top of a pile The piston contains a chamber for solid propellant fuel anda load cell and pressure transducer. (©) Reaction masses, typically 5% to 10% of the target peak force, (©) Venting system and silencer to release pressurized gas and to muffle the noise from the combustion, (2) A mechanism to protest the foundation from damage from the masses returning to C43 Equipment using a drop mass The equipment shall comprise the following: () A drop mas, usually between $Y and 10% of the targeted peak force mounted in guiding frame to ensire a concentrie blow to the head ofthe ple () Springs ofthe required stifines to ensure a blow of the required duration (©) Armeans of eatehing the mass. (@ Load coll and optical measuring device. C5. MEASURING SYSTEMS 5.1 Measurement of force The measurement of applied force shall comprise a calibrated force transcucer located between the test equipment and the head of the pile. The force transducer shal have 8 response time of less than 0.1 ms and have an accuracy of not less than 2% of the peak applied force Any instrumentation shall be calibrated atleast every 2 years and immediately following any repairs. Any transdacers, used in situations where oversiessing is sospested, shall be checked to determine i calibration is necessiry before further use. C52 Measurement of pile movement Pile movements shall primarily be measured using calibrated displacemen: transducers having a precision of at least 0.28 mm and response time of less than 0.1 ms. The displacement transducer shall he positioned centrally on the pile. The displacenent shall be measured using a stationary reference, which shall be positioned at sufficient distance from the test foundation so that measurements are not subject to disturbance. Typically, the Stationary reference is located at 20 m from the test foundation, Should ste restrictions not permit the use of a stationary reference, acceleration transducers may be used as the primary displacement measuring system, Details shall be noted in the report 8 AS 21502000 33. Pile groups For tests performed on pile groups, multiple tansducers shall be used to enable ‘measurement of differential movements of the pile caps. C54 Measurement of acceleration Accelerometers shall be used as a secondary system for measurement of pile head displacement, Two accelerometers shall be atached securely on opposite sides of the pile Shaft, The resonant frequency of the accelerometers shall be greater than 5 kHz end shall be linear to an acceleration of atleast 50g. Should a discrepancy occur between the primary and secondary displacement tansducers, the primary transducer is generally taken as the more accurate result, unless there is sufficient reason to suspect « malfunction, €6 RECORDING OF RESULTS ‘The applied force, displacement and acceleration versus time shall be recorded, as well as the permanent displacement resulting from the test. Signals from the transducers shall be collected and stored by a storage system connected 10 a system to display the results. The data acquisition system shall be capable of acquiring a recorded signal of at least 50 ms of pre-event data and 300 ms of postevent data Signals from transducers shall be recorded in either analogue of digital ferm, When digitizing, the recommended sample frequency is 4000 Hz or greater, but shall be not less than 2500 Ha. Signals fom the transducers shall be displayed during the test and capable of displaying results with respect to time. Displays shall also be capable of displaying measured force versus displacement, CT ANALYSIS OF RESULTS The measured applied force and pile head displacements shall be used to analyse pile performance under the rapid loading test, ‘Analyses of the results to sccount for the effects of inertia shal be carried ost in striet accordance with the test equipment manufacturer's recommendations or established Published methods relevant to those tests. c# REPORT ‘A report shall be prepared containing all relevant information, including the following: (@) Pile details, including pile number, type, size and founding depth. (6) Installation details, including date and construction details. There shall be « full desertion ofthe Formation or driving ofthe ple (©) Details of soils data from the nearest adjacent bores or soil test locations including groundwater depths, (@) Design loads that the piles wore installed to and loading schedule as required by this code, (©) Description, calibration data and last date of calibration ofall components of the apparatus for obtaining measurements and apparatus for recording, reducing. and displaying data, (9 Location of displacement and acceleration transducers. (@) Location end distance of stationary reference o o @ a 0 cm) o} © © Testing date. ‘A graphical representation of foree vs time, including an indication of any prestoad fon the pile due to the weight of the test apparatus andor reation mas if applicable). Graphical representation oF displacement vs. time. Measured rapid force vs, displacement plot Graphical representation af velocity vs, time and acceleration versus time Any unusual occurrences during the installation of the pile and during the rapid loading tests ‘The methods of analyses used to assess inertial effets ‘The predicted load-settlement performance of the pile(s) under staie loading conditions, where appropriate, Reference to this test method, ie, Appendix C, AS 2159. APPENDIX D. INTEGRITY TESTING (Normative) Di scopE, ‘This Appendix sets out test methods for integrity testing of piles, D2 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 2A. Preparation for testing “The method of testing shall be determined from the Shed Where the method of testing equites the positioning of sensing equipment on the pile head (onic echo and impulse response methods), the head shall be clean, free fom water, Ihitanee, loose concrete, overspilled concrete and blinding concrete, and readily accesible forthe purpose of testing. Whore the method of testing roqures the pile length to be logged, tubes shall be cast into the pile to allow the passage of a sonic pulse from a transmiter(o receiver trough the material ofthe pile 2.2 Time of testing In the case of east in place conerote or grout piles, integrity tests shall be performed after the concrete or grout has achieved a characteristic strength of atleast 25 MPa and uo less than one week after casting ofthe ple 23 Report ‘A report shall be prepared containing all relevant information including the following: (a) Identification ofthe ple tested (©) A description oF the test pile (©) Fall details of the ground conditions, nominal pile dimensions and construction methods (@) Details ofthe test applied (eg, vibrator postion and frequency), (©) Details ofthe equipment used (eg. hammer characteristics), (9 Any departure from the normal procedure. (@) A record of the test results number of blows), (hy Dew (9) dentfication of any abnormal acoustic reflectors or transmitters detected, sluding any data necessary for interpretition, et, sof any signal processing An assessment ofthe significance of reflectors or transmitters detected, with respect tthe ability ofthe pile to perform its intended function, (4) Reference tothe test method used, e ‘Pulse echo method’, Appendix D, AS 2159. AS52009 6 D3. PULSE ECHO METHOD D3. General ‘Where an integrity test by the pulse echo method is specified, testing shall be carried out as specified 32 Site testing ‘A hand-held hammer shall be used to impact the pile head ator near the ple centre in such ‘4 manner as to generate sharp stross-wave, free from distortion, and of as short a ‘wavelength as posible. The hammer weight may be varied depending on the characteristics ‘ofthe pile. The hammer may be instrumented with an accelerometer. [A sensor such as an accelerometer or geophone shall be used t0 record the pilechead ‘movement response. The sensor may be placed near the pile edge, or close to the point of impact. A characteristic response shall be obtained by averaging the esponse ofa minimum of three impacts ‘The impact and sensor locations, the hammer characteristics and the numberof blows shall all be reported. (D3. Signal processing Data is typically presented as the time response of pile-head velocity. Tre pile-head velocity response shall be enhanced using appropriate filtering and magnifieaion to assist ‘with interpretation of the signal Care shall be taken to ensure that such signal processing does not remove important features from the record or conversely generate features that may be missterreted as having structural significance. As much as possible, signal processing paramcters shall be applied consistently on a project-wide basis tall ples, D4. VIBRATION METHOD 41 General Where an integrity test hy the vibration method is specified, testing shall be carried out as specified D42 Site testing ‘The required impulse shall be generated by applying an electrodynamic vibrator on the pile head and generating sinusoidal stress waves of constant amplitade. The vibrator shall be placed on a level ed of epoxy resin or similar, inthe centre of the pile, aligned with its fxis, and precisely levelled. The vibrator shall be capable of being varied over a typical Frequency range of between 20 Hz and 2000 Fz, and of applying a force of 5) N to 100 N to the pile head, The vibrator shall incorporate an accelerometer to dotermine the peak applied force, and the maximum force applied shall be kept constant across the applied frequency range [A sensor such as an accelerometer or geophone shall be used to record the pile-head ‘movement esponse. The sensor may be placed on a peripheral plate nca the ple edge. Two sets of tests shall be conducted, with the sensor paced on plates on opposing diameters The vibrato all be reported D435 Signal processing .nd sensor locations, the vibrator characteristics and the test frequencies shall Data is typically presented as the ratio of pile-head velocity and force as + function of vibration frequency, known as a mobility diagram. The signal response shall be enhanced ‘sing appropriate processing to assist with interpretation of the mobility diagram generated, Care shall be taken to ensure that such signal processing does not remove important features from the record or conversely generate features that may be misinerpreted as having structural significance. As much as possible, signal processing parameters shall be applied consistently on a project-wide basis to all ples. DS. IMPULSE RESPONSE METHOD DSA General ‘Where an integrity test bythe impulse response method is specified, testing shall be carried ‘out as specified DS2 Site testing ‘A hund-held hammer shall be used to impact the pile head at ot near the pile cexte in such 8 manner as to generate a sharp stess-vave, free from distortion, and of as short 4 ‘wavelength as possible, The hammer weight may be vatied depending onthe cheracterstcs ofthe pile, The hammer may optionally be instramented with an accelerometer, [A sensor such as an accelerometer or geophone shall be used 10 record the pile-head ‘movement response. The sensor may be placed near the pile edge, or close to the point of impact, A characteristic response may be obtained by averaging the response of a number of impact, The impact and sensor locations, the hammer characteristics and the number of slows shall all be reported DS3_ Signal processing Data is typically presented as the ratio of pileshead velocity and foree a8 a tinction of impulse frequency, known as « mobility diagram. The signal response shall be enhanced using appropriate processing to assist with interpretation ofthe mobility diagram generated Care shall be taken to ensure that such signal processing docs not remove important features from the recon or conversely generate features that may be misinterpreted as hnaving structural significance. As much as possible, signal processing parameters shall be applied consistently an a project-wide basis to all ples. D6 SONIC LOGGING METHOD 6.1 General ‘Where an integrity es by the sonic logging method is specified, testing shall be carried out as specified. This method includes both eross-hole sonic logaing and singlesole sonic Togging 6.2 Site testing ‘The piles shall be prepared by fixing closed and water-filled PVC or steel tubes to the reinforeing cage forthe length of the pile prior to conereting. The number and arrangement ofthe tubes used in eros-hole sonic logging depends primarily onthe pile diameter. Small ameter piles may be tested using single-hole sonic logging, Picvoeleetic probes, one being @ sonic emitter and one being a sonic receiver shill be used. During testing the probes shall be raised in unison from the pile base tothe pile top at @ const rate that ensures that measurements are taken at approximately every 10 mm to 20:mm of pile depth. For cros-hole sonic logging, the probes shall be at the same level in parallel tubes. Each combination of tube pairs shall be so tested, For singleshole sonic logging, the probes shall be vertically separated by a constant distance ‘The probe characterises, tube type, location and lengths, the order of testing, and the raising rate shall all be reported. 6.3 Signal processing Data is typically presented as time responses ofthe received signal (known as waterfall ‘iagram) or an integration of the received signal that indicates energy received. Both plots fare shown as a function of pile depth The signal response shall be enlanced using appropriate Filtering and magnification to assist with interpretation ofthese outputs. Care shall be taken to ensure that such signal processing does not remove important features from the record or conversely generate features that may be misinterpreted as having structural significance. As much as possible, signal processing parameters shall be applied consistently ona project-wide basis tll piles, DT ALTERNATIVE TEST METHODS ‘There are a numberof her forms of test that may be applied inorder to provice an indirect ‘evaluation of pile integrity as defined in Clause 8.6.1. These may be applied with due recognition of their application characteristics, their Timitaions, advantages and disadvantages. These methods shall be applied on site in accordance with recommended practice, and signal processing shall be in accordance with the general principles noted in this Appendix. APPENDIX E LIMIT STATES—SYMBOLS AND DEFINITIONS. nformative) To facilitate interpretation of this Standatd, Table El below lists some of the symbols and definitions tha apply to limit state and which are used herein, together with mor? callogual ‘terminology that may be more familiar to users ofthis Standard, TABLE Et TERMS Saber Datnton ‘Common ermine [Desi acon effect Citinate ios combination (toes up acing or Per ple oop. 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Tcugh a Memerarsim of Undone Commorveat Goverment, Standards Astalai rocogrized a Astalas peak non-gnierent nora standards body, Strcrcs Austa slo appar ecclncein den al ovation Iwo We Asaln Desay Pur Fer turer ineraon vist ww stander org ‘Australian Stendards® Cmmitess of exper fom haut, ovement, conse otha lant str repre Aslan Slardarts. Th equrerars or ecerenendaons cand n published Sarcace we a ceraants oe ns ‘trsitav rss fhe sooo of eonmarts esse rom oer cures. he eect he alest lie an uty expurace.Asclan Stade ere ap und arco ae puso oe ae “pda regan o ate soon of trang ees. Intemational involvement ‘Standard sata rogprabe fo onan the uation vowpob icone te fault of Intatonal Stanras anal he est msatona experience Foote in mana Strats Ti ls ‘tin siting cal nish to compet hina mates Stncats usale epooets sta toh ‘he tamatendl Crgarzaton fr Stnderdzaion (5) ad the ens totes Commis IE, ‘Sales and Distribution ‘Austen Starcards®,Harcbocks anc athr documents dessopetby Str Asta ae rbd nd ‘dsrbutod unde Tease by SA lett Ute Forineration ogarang he debe of Standart contact ‘Standards Ausra Led GPO BCA Syeney NSW 2001 one: 029237 6200 Fre 02 8297 9010, rat eared or a2 Inte wine standaros. ony For informaton regain these and evouton o Standards contact ‘ShGinal umes Pane: 18 122 Fe 100065 49 49 Ema saleseagobalcom ‘sano 7397 g2a8a This page has been left intentionally blank. STANDARDS AUSTRALIA Amendment No. 1 to AS 21592009 CORRECTION ‘The 2009 eon of AS 2189 Is amended flows: the amendment abald be este in th prorat SUMMARY: This Amencnent applies othe Eguton 463, Publsed on 21 Ober 2000 auor Equation 4635 Bet Replace the current Equation 4.6.3 with the following: Rion 2 (Bas + Fat) 463 This page has been left intentionally blank.

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