Hegel Syllabus
Hegel Syllabus
Hegel Syllabus
[No reading]
[PDFs online]
380-383 & others
389 & Nuzzo & Testa
409-410 & Lumsden & McCumber
409-410 & Lumsden & McCumber
Department of Philosophy
General Syllabus Statement Spring 2016
This syllabus provides a general plan for the course. Deviations may be necessary.
The last day to withdraw from a course with the possibility of receiving a W is Tuesday, March 1.
Students are responsible for confirming that they are attending the course section for which they are
registered. Failure to do so may result in an F for the course.
By University policy and to respect the confidentiality of all students, final grades may not be posted or
given out over the phone. To see your grades, use PAWS.
The customary penalty for a violation of the academic honesty rules is an "F" in the course. See the
University Policy on Academic Honesty on the reverse of this sheet. Copying or using material from the
internet without citation is a violation of the academic honesty rules.
A student may be awarded a grade of "W" no more than 6 times in their careers at Georgia State. After
6 Ws, a withdrawal is recorded as a WF on the student's record. A WF counts as an F in a GPA.
Your constructive assessment of this course plays an indispensable role in shaping education at Georgia
State University. Upon completing the course, please take the time to fill out the online course evaluation.
Students who wish to request accommodation for a disability must do so by registering with the Office of
Disability Services in Suite 230 of the Student Center. Students may only be accommodated upon issuance
by the Office of Disability Services of a singed Accommodation Plan and are responsible for providing a
copy of that plan to instructors of all classes in which an accommodation is sought.
Subscribe to one of our department listservs for current information and events:
Undergraduate Students:
Graduate Students:
As members of the academic community, students are expected to recognize and uphold standards of intellectual and academic integrity. The university
assumes as a basic and minimum standard of conduct in academic matters that students be honest and that they submit for credit only the products of their
own efforts. Both the ideals of scholarship and the need for fairness require that all dishonest work be rejected as a basis for academic credit. They also
require that students refrain from any and all forms of dishonor-able or unethical conduct related to their academic work.
The universitys policy on academic honesty is published in the Faculty Handbook and On Campus: The Student Handbook and is available to all members of the
university community. The policy represents a core value of the university, and all members of the university community are responsible for abiding by its
tenets. Lack of knowledge of this policy is not an acceptable defense to any charge of academic dishonesty. All members of the academic community
students, faculty, and staffare expected to report violations of these standards of academic conduct to the appropriate authorities. The procedures for
such reporting are on file in the offices of the deans of each college, the office of the dean of students, and the office of the provost.
In an effort to foster an environment of academic integrity and to prevent academic dishonesty, students are expected to discuss with faculty the
expectations regarding course assignments and standards of conduct. Students are encouraged to discuss freely with faculty, academic advisers, and other
members of the university community any questions pertaining to the provisions of this policy. In addition, students are encouraged to avail themselves of
programs in establishing personal standards and ethics offered through the universitys Counseling Center.
Definitions and Examples
The examples and definitions given below are intended to clarify the standards by which academic honesty and academically honorable conduct are to be
judged. The list is merely illustrative of the kinds of infractions that may occur, and it is not intended to be exhaustive. Moreover, the definitions and
examples suggest conditions under which unacceptable behavior of the indicated types normally occurs; however, there may be unusual cases that fall
outside these conditions that also will be judged unacceptable by the academic community.
Plagiarism: Plagiarism is presenting another persons work as ones own. Plagiarism includes any para-phrasing or summarizing of the works of another
person without acknowledgment, including the submitting of another students work as ones own. Plagiarism frequently involves a failure to acknowledge
in the text, notes, or footnotes the quotation of the paragraphs, sentences, or even a few phrases written or spoken by someone else.
The submission of research or completed papers or projects by someone else is plagiarism, as is the unacknowledged use of research sources
gathered by someone else when that use is specifically forbidden by the faculty member. Failure to indicate the extent and nature of ones reliance on other
sources is also a form of plagiarism. Any work, in whole or in part, taken from the Internet or other computer-based resource without properly referencing
the source (for example, the URL) is considered plagiarism. A complete reference is required in order that all parties may locate and view the original
source. Finally, there may be forms of plagiarism that are unique to an individual discipline or course, examples of which should be provided in advance
by the faculty member. The student is responsible for understanding the legitimate use of sources, the appropriate ways of acknowledging academic,
scholarly or creative indebtedness, and the consequences of violating this responsibility.
Cheating on Examinations: Cheating on examinations involves giving or receiving unauthorized help before, during, or after an examination. Examples of
unauthorized help include the use of notes, computer-based resources, texts, or "crib sheets" during an examination (unless specifically approved by the
faculty member), or sharing information with another student during an examination (unless specifically approved by the faculty member). Other examples
include intentionally allowing another student to view ones own examination and collaboration before or after an examination if such collaboration is
specifically forbidden by the faculty member.
Unauthorized Collaboration: Submission for academic credit of a work product, or a part thereof, represented as its being ones own effort, which has
been developed in substantial collaboration with another person or source or with a computer-based resource is a violation of academic honesty. It is also
a violation of academic honesty knowingly to provide such assistance. Collaborative work specifically authorized by a faculty member is allowed.
Falsification: It is a violation of academic honesty to misrepresent material or fabricate information in an academic exercise, assignment or proceeding
(e.g., false or misleading citation of sources, falsification of the results of experiments or computer data, false or misleading information in an academic
context in order to gain an unfair advantage).
Multiple Submissions: It is a violation of academic honesty to submit substantial portions of the same work for credit more than once without the explicit
consent of the faculty member(s) to whom the material is submitted for additional credit. In cases in which there is a natural development of research or
knowledge in a sequence of courses, use of prior work may be desirable, even required; however the student is responsible for indicating in writing, as a
part of such use, that the current work submitted for credit is cumulative in nature.