Sequence Mystic Body Works
Sequence Mystic Body Works
Sequence Mystic Body Works
Ways to modify:
-Follow the portions of the sequence in Italics only for a gentle class, eliminating vinyasa transitions
except for those in Surya Namaskara.
-Reduce the number of vinyasas to transition or eliminate them completely.
-Vary the pace and length of holds to suit your class needs.
-Childs pose and cat/cow make nice transitions for a gentle class and rest periods for hot classes.
-To moderately reduce the intensity of the class, eliminate the sequences that are in bold type.
These are the highest intensity, deepest stretches and twists. All other sections are preparations for
those that are in bold type. Eliminating any other than those that are in bold type could prevent
you/your students from getting the most they can out of those more intense movements and may
result in injury.
Note: T=transition
Teachers, I highly recommend that you do the sequence yourself and become comfortable with it
before attempting to teach it.
This sequence may not be appropriate during pregnancy. Any instructor teaching yoga
to pregnant women should have specialized training in Prenatal Yoga and should
provide appropriate modifications for contraindicated poses. Those with special health
considerations should consult their medical practitioner before performing any exercise.
elephantjournal, Yoga in the Valley/Tracy Johnson cannot guarantee that this yoga
program is suitable and safe for every individual. Any liability, loss or damage in
connection with the use of the following yoga sequence, including but not limited to any
liability, loss or damage arising from the performance of the exercises demonstrated
here is expressly disclaimed.
Tracy Johnson
Marjaryasana/Bitilasana (cat/cow)
Uttanasana var. feet wider than hips, knees soft, hold opposite elbows, gentle sway
Sequence 1:
Tracy Johnson
Uttanasana Var. deep bend in knees, palms up with elbows close to body, back of
hands rest on floor fingers pointing forward, belly rests on thighs
Parivritta Parsvakonasana var. back leg remains in lunge position, heel lifted and
pressing back, right hip slightly internally rotated (revolved side angle variation/revolved
crescent lunge)
Parsvottanasana (pyramid/intense side stretch)
Repeat sequence 1 on left
Tracy Johnson
Sequence 2: (see video for sequence hold poses for three to five
Vajrasana w/backbend
Anjaneyasana var. externally rotate R leg, reach back w/R arm, catch foot, pull
heel to hip
Parsvotanasana low var.
Hanumanasana (splits)
Closing: (for gentle class you might consider using props for the
closing sequence)
Editor: Hayley Samuelson.