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3 TRDINVAN UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING all Markee 180 2072 Chaitra _ Tune hrs | Subject: - Telecammunication ¢¢ Candidates are required to give their answors in thir ovm words a far as practicable. Attempt AM questions The figures in the margin indicuce Full Marks Asgume suitable dats if nevesvery. KAKK Vxplain digital switching sysiem, Mention finctions of suitching sysiem in telocommanization [8] 20 List the types of transmission medic. Briefly explain fourwire transmission system and operation of hybrid, [244] ora is multiplexing? Why pulso stuffing i neoded? Explain 11M of analeg and digital sources aux] theo sow complete TDM PCM system with dada rate. 12e2H] Sova is multistage switching? Describe the STS switching with nest diagram and its blocking probabilities. (26) 35. What ae the baste switching functions? Colewate and diaw, bow mary crass points ste found in three slege switching sysiem, whore as 3 stage, array of 4 input lines and 4 second stages aay. p51 2) Way signaling is important in telecommunication system? Briefly explsia $87 protocol stuck. (2461 Jo What are the formulas used in telecoremunication traffic engineering decision wee? Describe tie blocking formulas uses in finite sources fey Wf. pcos tom? Deseite tetera Binsin mode rea] 1 List the regulation’ Of Nepal Tecommumications Authority. What ave the basic chargiag plan needs for Telecommunication Company? ie] (YE Wie short notes on: Bea] a) ADSL b) ISDN w 23 TRIBRUVANUNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING Examination Control Division 1 2071 Chaitra Subject: - Te Y Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. Y Attempt All questions. Y ‘the figures inthe margin indicate Full Marks, ¥ Assimne suitable data if necessary. @ 1s With & neat sketch of technical structure of a telephone office, explain ihe distribution plant. @ 2+ Whatis the difference between two and four wire commumication? Describe the four wire comrmuriestion. 3 Compare and contrast among various multiplexing sechniques used in telecommuunication. ® "§-*What are principles of digital exchange? Describe non blocking switches with 3 stages switching matrix, © Se Mat is signaling in communication system? Explain its forms and types in case of telecom network, : ® ghar of 25 sorvers carry traffic of SE. If the average duration of a call is 4 minutes, 8 dofermine the number of cafls put through by © single server and group es a whole in I out. © .-Frplain the purpose, duties and responsibilities of International Telecommunicetion Union GTI. © Se What are the ISDN sevice connections? Explain, + (19) its] fo} [4+] fo} [toy {10} 28 —_suntuyay wavensry INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING Examination Contral Division | Programme | 2070 Chaitra Piear Bani iV 717 Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable, ¥. Attempt All questions, ‘The figures in the margin indicate ull Marks. Y Assume suitable data i'necessary \. Explain the role of Logic or digital electronics in upgrading the electromechanical switehing system into digital switching system. vy 2. Desotihe briefly the advantages of fiber optic cable over the copper eable, Advise suitable application of both the media. {443] 4. Explain FPM hierarchy. Describe T carcier system showing the frame structure of TL lovel and different multiplexing levels with data rates. BAST 4. Whit ate the daawbacks of ST aad TS seviich and how are they sulved by STS switch? Explain, pasty 5. What is the advantage of common channel signaling system #7 (887)? Explain its working principte. 451 6. A public call office (peo) is installed in a busy part of a tovm. 300 persons use the booth ‘everyday, The average holding time for acail is 5 minutes. There is a suggestion from the public. that another poo is required in the same locality as the waiting times are undaly Jong. Analysis the situation using M/M/1 queue and determine ifthe suggestion descrvet serious consideration, 15] 7. Describe the role of Nepal 'elecommunication Authority (NTA) for the development of welevommunicaiion sector ba Nepal. ia} 3. Define traffic intensity in telecommumication. Describe the measurement of watfic rensity in terms of CCS, CM and CS. B+S} 9. Whal are the advantage atid disadvantage of DIME telephone set? Explain. BY 20, Write short notes vn: (any two) (ot8) Ib Telephone System ii) DSI. and ADSL ISDN Examination Controt Division oe eee KASS | 10. 28> TREBHUWAN Leavensiry INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING 2076 Ashsd —_ Subjec Candidates are requited to give their answers in their own works as far as practicatle. Attempt All questions, The fpires in the mergin indicate Fiall Marks Assiane suitable data if necessary ‘What is telephone exchange? Describe the major types af telephone exchanges in beief. Define subscribe loop, Explain the subscribe Iéop system showing cable hierarchy for subscriber loops. Explain the European TDM system used in telecomomuateation system. Explain the working principle ofa Digital Telephone Exchange. ‘What Time (1) switch used in digital telephone exchange. Explain the major building blooks or parts used in $S7 network, Show the differest links usedin S87 network also, Hzplain the major tasks und goals of traflic engineering in telecommurication slong with different typés cf busy how: defined by CCITT in its resorrmendation E.600. A group of 30 servers citry tuaflie of ISB. Ifthe average duration of « call is 1 minutes, dearnine the number of calle put through by a single server and group as a wiclo in 1 hour. Describe the charging plan used in ¢ telephone network, Write shost notes on: 4) Nopal Tele Commpications Authority (NTA) ') IP Teleplony ar TP switshing or VoIP (voice ever internet protocol) ©) DSL (Digital Subscribes Line} te B+] +5} (7 {10) (1 1543] [343] 131 (4 (4) 12) {6} 25 THIBHLVAN UNIVERSITY (Sexo INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING = [eval Exantnation Control Division .| Progtamas 2869 Chaitra Year Part Candidates are required to give their snswers in their owe words a8 far as practicable. Aatompt All questions ~ ‘The figures in the margin indiéate Full Marks, Assuine suitable data Hf necessary. SAAN 1, Explain the evolution of Telecomumuaication, ‘Explain the followings in case of telecommunications 2) Transmission of radio signal in twisted pair and coaxial cable W) The sole of characteristic impedance in the flow of redio signal from one equipmsal to anotter equipment ©) The role of Hybied transformer or circuit 3. Explain the working prinsiple of TDM. Describe TI cartier system showing the fame structure and differest multiplexing levels. 4, Desoribe the different configurations of a dual processor architecture used ina digital or SPC exchange. 5, What do you mean by S (space) and T (time) switches? Show that 7-stage STS oz TST network can minimize the switching problems assaciaied with 2-stage ST or TS meiwork ‘with their working models. 6. What is common channel signaling? Explain the working prineipte of signaling system 7 (SI, 7. Th case of telecomraumications explain: 8) The role of traffic engineering. 2) Two methods of calculating traffic intensity 8. Write the guidelines for transmission plan dedined by CCITT in its recommendation Q.40. 9. What is flow conteol in data comounigetion network! Explain, 10. Desoribe the basic services in ISDN with ita architecture. 11. Explain the operation of ADSL showing modem connection aad its topology. Pa. £3] 2 21 ira) Bei] [5] B45} [245] Bl Is} Ut {ay 4] 15] 36 TARHUVAN UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING [’ - Examination Control Division, | Programme | BEX 2669 Bhadra Year Subject: = Telecommunication (£G772Ex) Y. Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as'far as practicable. Attempt AM questions. YY. The figures in the margin indicate Fall Maris, Y Assume suitable data if necessary. What is a telecommunication? Keeping in view with the evolution of telecommunications, expiain the concept of switching system, [2+10) 2, With a block and logical diggram, esplain the working principle of space switch (5) used fa dighal switching system. Justify, why TST switeh and why not TS er ST switch are ‘used in digital switehing system? {6+6} With a black diagram explain the working prineipte ofa Digital Telephone Exchange. [12] 4. What is a communication protocol ad wliy is i required in data communication? Explain, [zy 5. What is an Ethemet? Keeping in view of CSMA and CSMA/CD explain its wicrking Principle. Pro} 6. Write short notes on: (any two) [o+19] ©) Switching techniques in data communication: b} Telephone Traffie Gngincoring ¢) Routing Algorithm in data communication ae Examination Control Division 25 RIBHLIVAN UNIVERSITY INSUITUTE OF ENGINEERING 30 2069 Chaitra Telecommunicotion /£x703)_ Y Candidates ate required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. ¥ Atempt Altquestions. The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks Y Assume sutiable dia if necessary. Explain the evolution of Telecommunication (8) 2. Explain the followings in case of telecommanications; 8) Transmission of radio signal in twisted pair and oomxial cable RI 0) The ole of characteristic impedance in the flow of radio signal from one equipment to another equipment PI ©) The sole of Hybird transformer or eireuit Ry 4. Explain the working principle of TDM, Deseribe T1 carrier system showing the freme sirucware and different multiplexing levels. [+5] 4. Deseribe the different configurations of a dual processor architecture used ina digital or SPC exchange. (st 5. What do you mean by § (space) and T jtime} switches? Show that 3-stage SLS or TST network can minimize the switching problems associated with 2-stage ST or TS network ‘with their working models. pus] 6. What is common channel signaling? Explain the working principle of signaling system 7 sn. 246] 7. im cas of tolocommunications explain: a) The role of traflic engineering pI b) Two methods of calculating tealfie imensi 16] 8, Write the guidelines for transmission plan defined by CCITT in its recommendation Q.40. [4] 9. What is low control in data communication network? Explatn. oi 10, Describe the basic sctvices in ISDN with its architecture. [a4 11. Explain the operation of ADSL showing modem connection and its topotogy. lt we 35 __TRIBHUVANLENWERSITY INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING Examination Control Division | Programme |1 2068 Bhadra [Year (Part [WV /ii _ Subject: -Telecommunications ¥ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as precticable. ¥ Attempt All questions. ¥ The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks, Y Assunte suitable data if necessary. L. Explain the working principle of time switch and space switch used in digital telephone exchange. What sre their drawbacks and how are they solved? Explain, [5-3-4] 2. Whit are the advantages of DIME teleghone set over conventional pulse dialing telephone set? Explain the design features considered in DTM telephone set [4412] 3. Draw a neal diagram of an intemet structure and explain the role of repeater, bridge, router and gatew2y. [449] 4. Whit is commumication protecol? Explain the OST architecture used in data communication. (214) 5, Write notes on: (any two) [ost a) IBM Ring LAN b} Traffic Engineering c) ISDN 35 mvonNESTY (isa egaartinet—F} INSTTTUTE.OF ENGINEERING | Leva BE ‘Lew Maris [@0 | Examination Control Division | Programme | DEX Pam Marka 132 f 2065 Bagh Year Fant [Ivar Time a} ‘Subject: - Telecommuni Candidates are iquired to give theic answers in their own words aa far as preaticuble. Asters Ail questions ‘The figures in the marge indicate Fill Marks Assume suitable data if necessary SARS 1, Explain the imporiance of trafic cnginecting aud its uuit in telecommonication. 03 Why line coding is required bofore the PCM signels to be counected to the digital ine? Justify that Unipolar Non Ret to Zero (NRZ), Remm to Zero (RZ) and bipolar Alternate Maxk Inversion (AMD codes’ can not be used in line coding, [412] 3, What is space switch? How does it work? Deseribe the working principle and drawbacks ‘of two stage Space-Time switch. And also explain to salve the drawbacks problem. [2+6+6+6] 4. What is communication protovol and why is it required in data communication? Explain. [i+11] 5. Write short notes on any two of the following: [o+19] 2) Digital Telephone Exchange 3) Routing Algoritiom in Data Communication ¢) Queuing Theory in Delsy System 24 TRIBHUVANUNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING Examination Control Division 2068 Baishakh Candidates are required to give their anewers in their own words as fer es practicable. Attempt Adf questions The fisghres in the mor gin indicate Bull Marks, Assume suitable data if necessary. 48K What is “talk off? in case of DTMF (Dual Tone Multi Frequencies} telephone set connected in digitel exchange? What are the desiga features considered in making DTME telephone set to protect ftom “talk off" problem. Explain (221g) 2. With the help of a neat diagrem, explain the woxking principle of an Electronic Exchange. [4412] Why line coding is required in PCM (Pulse Code Modulation) system? Is it possible to implemant NRZ (Net Reestn Zero), RZ {Rotum to Zero) and AMI (Alternate Mark Inversion) coding techniques? If not, explain why it is not possible and which coding technique solves this problem? (2tl+8+3] 4, What are the switching lechniques in datz communication system? Expiaio. +14] 5. Write short notes on any 1Wo of the followings: is-8] a) O81 (Open System Intercorinection) Architecture in Data Communication System, 6) Cambridge Ring LAN c} Hierarchies in Digital Teatsmission System 35 TRBHUVANUXIVERSITY L INSTITUIE OF ENGINEERING [Level Examination Control Division I 2064 Poush "Year /Part_ Telecomtounications Y Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. Y Ateompt All questions. Y. The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks, Y Assume suitable data if necessary. 1. What is the difference between DITME (Dual Tone Multi-Frequency) telephone set and pulse dialing telephone set? Explain the design features of DTMF telephone set 2414] 2, With an example, clarify the concept of frame and time slot in case of 1DM (rime Division Multiplexing) system. With respect to first order PCM system, explain the ‘mechanism invelved in American 24 voice channel multiplex system. [6+10} 3. What is Time (T) Switch? How docs it work? Is it possible to make o switehing network ina digital exchange with the help of two stage Time-Space (TS) switeh? [fmet, explain why and how this problem is solved. Hig 110) 4. What is protocol and why is it needed in data communication? Explain, (21101 5. Write short nowes on any 10 of the following: Hosto] a) Network Topologies and IBM Ring LAN in the deta communication +) ETHERNET ¢) Line coding principles in PCM system ” THINS TONIVERSITY. INSTITUTE OF ENGHNEERING = [_Leyet i" Examination Control Division [Prograume | BUX. UCT 2072 Chaitra [Wear /Part Subject: - Energy Environmem and Society (6x701) Candidates are reeuired to give their answers in their own words as far as precticable. Aitempt AH questions. All questions curry-equat marks “Arsime suitoble data if necessary: KAKA tC What is Appropriate Technology? Also explain it in detail, ep ‘and comment on the current (Global and National Enovgy Scenarie. Write dou ihe definition of insolation, Solar Constant, Inadiance and Peak Sun. What do you understand by wind encrgy? Wrile down the factors thot determine the available wind snergy in any atca Also wrile down its seepe, A ‘Write down the potentials and challenges of the hydropower based enerpy system, 23 TREENG VAN UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING Y Candiduies are required to give their answers in their owa words as far ns practicable. YY Attemnge All questions. YY The figures in the murgin indicate Fuld Starks, Assume stable data if necessary. 1. What aze the impacts of technology on saciety? How the appropriate technology helps in tbe sustuinsble development of the country? [213] 2. Describe the relation between “fluman Development Index and Encrey Consumption” 14 3. How do you classify the water turbines? Differentiate between impulse and reaction ‘turbines? +2} 4, What is biomass? Describe any themmo-chemical conversion process of biomes? [1.5 5. Define beam, diffuse anc global radiation and show the relation between them, 6. What are the different economic and environmental advantages of wind and geothermal energy in Nepal? ci 7. What is fuel cell? Low hydrogen tuel cell functions? 13 8. Explain somatic and genetic effects due to nuclear hazards in human beings BI 9. What atc the types of batteries? Describe about sinart arid system? [243] 10, Write short nows on: (any three) [23] a) Solar Constant b) Storage of hydrogen ©) Global waning 4) SO; emission and its impact 3 “TRIBHEVAN UNIVERSITY Fram, INSTITUYE OF ENGINEERING: Leva Examination Control Division 2070 Ashad j, Environment and Society (EX70i) Y Candidates are required lo give their answers in their own words as far as practicable, ¥ Attenpt All questions Y. The figures inthe margin indicate Full Marks. VY. Assiene suatabla dota if nvcessary. 1. Whatdo you understand by the term "Appropriate Techrology"? 1) 2. What are the conventional nn non-conventional encegy sources? 0G] 3. Writein short about the working of a solar cel. a 4. Whatis a suce of hydropower? How can you categorize the hydropower plants? 112] 5. What is the major factor determining the availahility of wind power? What cre the major components of wind turkine? [3] 6 Whatis biomass? Write example of any two cifferent conversion of biomass into fuel. [2¥2] White about battery along with the working principle of anyone type. [4 ‘White briefly about the emission hezard and their impact 14] Waite very briefly your experienc on the ease study you perforracd. rea 10, Define the following briefly: [2x5] a) Technology transfer ) Cattified Emission Reduction ©) Characteristics curve of solar cell a) Solar dryer ©) Classification of hydropower plant © a TROBHUVAN UNIVERSILY f INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING 2071 Chaitra ‘Subject: - Energy Environment and Society (24701) Candidates are required to give thelr answers in their own words as far 8s practicable, Y Atwernpt All questions, The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks, Y Assume suitable data if necessary, @)1. Describe technoiogy transfer and its importance to society and nation. 4 / Explain how development of any country depend upon its exergy consumption raie? Explain HDI and compere HDI for Nepal with other develosed country with example of crergy consumption. @ ®3. Discuss the need of energy in each steps of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, fa) ton 4, What are the various biomass GSMYVGtem provess? Explain the IV curve for solar @- PRvtoveluae cell with tempexauure varistion. How can you bave the wind mapping deta? Explain in brief. a8] © 5. Write abou: solar thermal energy and its zpplication, i © 6. What fs Hydrogen Fuel? Describe about advantages and disadvantages of Hydrogen Fuel. {4] 7. Write short notes on: [42] @ i) Hybrid vehicle 2) Sman grid system aod B ‘TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY {Exam. B INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING _ Level | BE _. Examination Control Division | Programme | BEX, BCT _| Pass Marks 2070 Ashad [Wear are 17 Tine Subject’ - Energy, Environment and Society 471 ¥ Candidates are zequtied 10 give their answers in their own words 1s far as practivable. Auempt All questions. Y. The figures i the margin indicate Full Marks, ¥ Assume suitable data if necessary, 1, Whai de you understand by the term "Appropriate Teclinclogy'? BI 2. What are the conventional eng! non-conventional energy sources? (3) 3, Write in short about the working of a solar cell. a1 4. ‘Want isa source of hydropower? How can you categorize the hydropower plants? [142] 5. What is the major factor determniaing the availability of wind power? What sre the major éomponents-of wind tuebine? [3] 6, Whatis biomass? Write example of any two different conversion of biomass into fuel...“ [242]. 7. Weite about battiry along with the working principle of anyone type. “8° 4 8 Write briefly about the emission hazard and their impact. ‘ 4] 9. Write very briefly your experience on the ease study you performed. ws fey 10. Define the following ‘riefly: [2x5 2). Technology transfer . b) Certified Emission Redvetion ©) Characteristics curve of solar cell @ Solar dryer 2) Classification of hydropower plant 27 Tupwevah versity INSTITUIE OF ENGINEER Examination Coatrol Di 2070 Ashad ¥ Candidates ate required to give thei: axswers in their own words as far as practicable. ¥. Attenipt any Ten quesitons. The figures inthe margin indicate Full Marks, Y Assiame suitable data if necessary. 4, What are the prindples of Organization? Explain the Informal Organization. 2. Explain the inportance of Management and discuss the different function of Management. 3 Explain Administrative Management Theory. 4 What do you mean by organization siructare? Exolain Line Organization, 5. Define the term purctiasing. Explain different function of Purchasing department. Define the term Personnel management and exolaln its functions. 7 Whatdo you mean by incentives? Explain the different factors affecting the wage/salary Structure. & Define the term Motivation and explain different technique of motivation. 9 Define the term leadership and Explain the different qualities af good leader. 10 a Define the term Entrepreneurship. , Explain the Vroom's Expectancy theory of Motivation. 11 What do you mean by Case study? Explain the objective of case study. 12 Detine term MIS. How information support for functional areas of management? a (aay 345) i {4e4) (45) a) (345) {3+5) {3+5) (3) {) (4rd) (345) 23 TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING — | Tevel Examination Control Division | Program 2070 Chaitra [Wear /vart "iWiT Energy Environment and Society EX701) _ ¥ Candidates are required co give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. ¥ Attempt ALI questions, The figures inthe margin indicate Full Marks, ¥ Assume suitable data if necessary. Subject 1, What do you mean by appropriate technology? Describe the impact of technology ox society. 4] 2. What is the trend of consumption of energy sources in the world? Describe the importance of renewable energy sources? 12.5425] 3. Define E number. How biotuels differ from other sources of energy [1331 4. List out different factors affecting the solar intensity and applications of solar energy. [22] ‘5. What are the minimum constructional requirements to develop a hydropower system? [ay 6. What are the environmental impacts af wind machine? [4] 7. What is fuel cell? How does a sofid oxide fuel ceil work? a] 8. The wide spread use of batteries has created maay environmental concems. Describe this voncept. [4] 9. Write briefly about the working principle of hybrid vehicles. Also diseuss the environment impacts. i242] 10, How the energy etisis of our country Nepal can be avoided? Deseribe ils polontial solutions in short, 13] 230 TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING Examination Control Division ~ Candidates mre required lo give their answers in their own words as far as practivabte. Attempt AN questions. Y ‘The figures in she margin Indicate Full Marks. ¥ assume suttable daca ff necessir. 1. What is a technology transfer? What impact technology has in your life? USt5] 2. What is ¢ clean Development Mechanism (CDM). What are the potential areas of CDM in Nepal’? pez] 3. What do you understand by solar constant, global irradiation and peak sun? B} 4, What is geothermal energy’ Write down its application. [142] 5. Write briefly ebout briquette and biogas as energy sources ia the context of Nepal 14 6. What are fuel celts? Explain briefly its working. (4) 7. What ore the potential hazard of batteries, How you think this hazard can be prevented? = [2-1] 8. What are smart grid and super-capacitor? p+] 9. Very briefly give your expetisncé of the case study which you performed. 1 10, Define the following is not more than three sentences, [2x5] &) Appropriate technology b) HDI ©) Solar water heater 4d) Hydrogen as fuel €} Application of Geothermal Energy INSTITUTE OF ENGESRERING «der BE xamination Control Division roars x, BUT 2072 Chitra Nartat Ber Subject: - Project Management (CT/00 Y Condidates are required to give their answers in theic own wards us far as practicable, ¥ Aitempt All questions. Y The figures tn tke margin incjcate Bull Marks. ¥ Assume suttabie date if necessary PA Wiis project? Explain abe riple conarsint of project with figure HF Whar ave the essential interpersonal and manages skills w be w suceessid project snunager? i VX Mot 2 the major causes of failure of the ICL project? Deserihe what bodies of bucwrledge are tequited by 9 PM to contribute for a successful project immplementetion. (S44) 3. Considcr the below table as the different WRS related job (activity) and sequences as por the prajeut plan for a MIS building project. ‘Vimes tistat are in works and the acivity ewwork proceeds from t" node to LO" node following the table sequences, Draw the critical path netoronke diagram and calculate the (otal project time and total network slsck lime ofthis project 15133) [ree | ator re died poe dow Pada pades Pep psdt bor gop BPs bot feb : [52 ape | ete pew he Deere sass that ‘you cannot enna! wrt you cant mesma”, Considering rom sotware project managers perspente, last) with rclvane example? LF A project ager ean siodify iver basis elegnents of softwar prufcr the sesources available, the tine: available and the unmount of praxtsct In he Pui, Deeoeibe how cach sf tare: cae be varied cnring a developient process in ocr #9 ensure the reselURg care is of high quality lain about the infcgtaled change contrl in detail Suppose you are managing a sofware developizens project, The project is expected wo be completed in 8 months al + cost of Rs.50,000/- per wonth Aer 2 snomths, you sa ‘hal the project is 30 percent completed ata cost of Rs 209,009. Deternine wother he project is onshere ané onbudge: after 2 cnontha, Celeulae Cost aml. Sckedile Performance Inde. Is] 2 Whats diixence borween commusicition sls and comseurication management! Hows does the commucication skill belp to resulve ceniliets tn ICT project? Fs ape, Bey CAC Onnlity is one of the as portant faci te. conta fir sffetive delivery of project objectives. How qualily assurance and quality contre! are implemented: in otter to _Aolivera sucer ful project” Leseribe. (8h 7 Compare the foltontngs Bom & Decision Tree vs. Tomado Analysis for risk aunangennenr 3) Quntation based purchase vs. Tender hased purchase for procuemert process 4) Consistency ¥s, completeness in requiemenis engineering, (Tipe short notes on HBr Batanced scorecard frantework iy Prajeet mansgernen. eensity mee ii) Respoosibiity wt guinent mats 6 TRIBIUVAN UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE. OF ENGINEERING Y Candidates are cequived to give theic answers in their owa words as far as praccicable, YY Atteript AH quessiovs The figures in the margin indicate, Full Marks, ¥ Assume suitable data if necessary. 1. a) Briefly explain the watts of being an effective and ineffective project manager? [242] Ub) Explain the necessity of IT Project Management? How do you perform feasibility study in IT project? p+] 2. a) Explain about knowledge atvas of PMI framework, WW 1) Describe project management? Explain the rates and responsibilities of key project members. BH] 3. What is a pruject charter? Low do you develop a project charter, explain the inputs and tools. aid techniques to develop it. Bs) 4y A project wok consist ofthe following acivities a below in table. pi Raivigy Beseipiion [_ Brrationineays_| AG) Ba -_ con Dea BC, FOS) Ge HG ing ost 769) Base concreting ial Continue handing K@9 1]. tang dias 3 ‘Draw the network diagram and trace the critical path of the network. What are the varions timings and the total dutation af the above project? __ 5. What do you mean by Project Procutemert management and what are the differeat processes adopted for procurement? Fea} 6, Explain various toots and techniques for performance reporting, 1 7. Tfeamed value is twice its actua} cost for a projet, calculate its cost performance index and cost variance percentage. Ts the project over/under budget? 14 8. a) Ts there shways a tradeoff between quality and productivity? Explain with an IT felated examplc. 61 b) What are tte possible steps to improve project quality? el 9, What are the essential components of project scope management? Explain, {5} 10, Write short notes on: [x4] a) Scusitivity analysis 6) ‘The Balanced Scorecard ©) Sixsigma ) Project Mamsgemicn: Maturity ©) Decision tree analysis 24 TRsuvantnaversTY Rema INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING Examination Control Division 2070 ashad Subject: - Project Management (C1701) Cindidues are required to give their answers in thels own Words as fares practicable! Aitempt All questions. The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks, Assume suitable data if necessary, S4A8 ‘What is. project? List out its characteristics, ‘What aie different skill sets required by a project manager? Briefly explain each of them, » 3, Define project management body knowledge, 4. Explain about Project Management Insiitute Framework: 5. What ate the [phases in project life oycle? How does'a project life éycle differ trom'a ‘product life cycle? 6. Expleina Matrix O-genization Structure with its advaniages and disadvantages. 7. Discuss the concept of project imanagenient process groups (PGs). List down two processes of project management process group with their inputs, tools and techniques ahd ouyput, 8 Explein about Integrated Change Control in TT project development. “:9. Why is it important to determine activity sequencing on projects? What are differerit ‘disgrams/methods that can be used ta sequence activities ia the project? 10. Giver the following information for one-year project, use Eamed Value Management (EVM) methed to calculate, cost variance, schedule variance, cost performance index (CPI) and Schedule perfiormance index (SPI) for fhe project. Planned Vales = NPR 23,000 + Famed Vale = NPR 20,000 Actual Cost = NPR 25,090 Budget at Completion “NPR 120,000 11, Whatis « Maturity Model for software development? Explain them, 12, Explain shut the néecssity of information distribution endits tools and techniques. 13. What ae different tools ond techniques for risk idemification? Discuss brainstorming and Delphi Technique for tsk management, 14, What is a procurement process? How is it performed ina project? ‘15, Disease about 17 project management methodology. 16. Waite short note on: a) Project stakeholdess 0) Project maaagerscxt information system 2) Ceiticel Chain Scheduting 4) Cotegories of Riste 6) Balanced Seove Card 1) “Consirastive Cost Model (COCOMIO) Pas pa] 6] (2} icy 6) [4 a] 61 BI Bl 5) [4] Le] 5) [2x8] © —_TRIBHUVANUNIVERSIIY INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING: Y Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far asfpractioable, © —“~ Attempt All questions. The figures inthe margin indicate Full Marks, f Y Assume suitable data § necessary. ¥ / 1. Define a project. Explain the charactctistes of project and projecylite cycle in detail.” [214+-4} Define project appraisah, Write procedure for developing a prgfect proposal. Discuss om lechniques of project formutation. [2e4+6} a) Why scheduling is important in'plaxining phase of proj Find all the eoraponents of (CPM trom the following information: (313) EN | Activity | Dartion Gays) [Successor i A 2 DE t2 B 5 DEH 3 c 3 HI 4 be {Fo 5 E z oy 6 F % i 7 Ss A J # E a Pa 9 T y CT Ce ae x i ) Prepare a-work breakdown structyfe and oe simple bar chart of & project which ‘includes atleast twelve activities, \ Bt32 4) What are the factors that cause dfificulties in pigject? cz) 1b) You have a project that is sclylinled to be completed in 10 days at a budgeted cost of Rs.1,00,000/-. After the completion of 6 days, you do an analysis and you determined the job is 70% of work is caimplete and the expenditure is Bs.65,000/- . Beood on this data is your work porformgace is'on track? Perfoum: EVA and comment on you own ‘peefomaance, / ‘ ] ©) Define quality, What arg the techatques of quality conte] in a project? be] on \ Explzin the relationship hetween cost, schedule and quaithin a project Why we need analysig-bf projevt risk? Explain about sources offyisk in a project. What do syoumcan by qualitayre and quantitative risk analysis? y Die What is capital bybgeting decision? Why itis important? A hy@copower project edsts 5.30 crore, life i expected fo be 40 years ond salvage value is Rs.10 crore, Anmval income is Rs.6 gore and annual O and M cost is 3% of initial cost. Is it worthwhile to lovestiC MARB/s 107Use PW aad BCR metios este, 246] ; 5 Pla Examination Control Division Y v ¥ ¥ 21 TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE. OF ENGINEERING 2070 Chaitra Subject: - Project Management (C7700) _ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as fat as practicable, Attempt AU questions. ‘The figures in the margin indicate Fuld Marks, Assume suitable data if necessary. 4) List out the characteristics of a project. Explain the role of effective feasibility study for the successfil completion of a project, b) What is the role of project manager? What are suggested skills for all project managers and for information technology project managers? 2) What is project management instiute (PMI)? How is it related t¢ project management? Discuss PMT framework in relation with project management. ») Feplain with example the concept of drivers of pmject success and inhibitors of project success 2) Discuss the convept of project management process groups (PGs). How isit rated to project management knowledge area? Give the example of two processes with necessary inputs, tools and techniques and outputs. b) Define work break down stricture and ite importanes in project manegement. What are different waysiaporoaches to prepare a work breakdewn structure for a project? 6) What—do -you understand. by: Quality-planning,Quality. Assurance. and Quality Convol? Explain different approaches to these processes, >) Why beter communication management is critical for projects? Discuss the communication management plat that shourd be considered for ICT projects. #) Pxplate the integrated change comrol process in depth, b) Define WBS technique in scape management, Being an IT project manager how are you going to manage an IT based project that demands regular tipdates with new trends in market Consider you are hired as 4 consultant in a IT college where every year $0) students are admilicd in 4 year program. You ere asked to prepare a tender. Specification document for setting up digital library to be setup on that college. State your all assumptions thet you will be making wile preparing the document. If schedule performance index (SPI) is 0.75 in a mega project undergoing near Devikepur district with carned value of being 60. Now calculate she planned valuc and also state whether the project is ahead schedule or behind schedule. Write short notes on: {any five) @) Belanced Scorecard b) Tornade analysis ©) Critical path analysis 4a) Decision tree analysis e) Trends in cloud computing £} Outsourcing and offshoring prions [243] (6) (45) 21 TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING Examination Control Division [Programme BE: 2069 Chaitra [Meae? Part {NIL Subject: - Project Management (C7701) Candidates are required to give their answers Attempt AH questions. The figures in the margin indicate Full Maris, Assume suitable daua if necessary. their own words as far as practicable. SARK What is « project, and what are its main attibutes? How is « project different fiom what most people do in their day-to-clay jobs? Discuss the specific attributes that are specific wo TP lated projects. ~ 2. What is a Project Management Body of knowledge? Explain different general management skills necessary to be # good project manager. 3,. What does it mean by the term “project management practice"? Discuss project runagement framework as per the standard of Project Management Institute (PMI) along swith the concept 4, What is a Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)? Explain any one of its kind that you profir in developing an IT project. Why? > Most of the project follows functional organizetioua! structure. Tf you agree, justify. © 6. Discuss about Project Management Process Groups. 2 Discuss the process of defining project scope in more devsil as a project arogrestes, going from information in « project ckarcer to a project scope statement, WBS and WBS dictionary. & Why is there necessity of Project Time numnagement? Explain how is that performed. 9 What is 2 cost estimating? Explain different tools and techniques used for cost estimating, Té, What do you undersand by Quality in the context of project management? Discuss quality control process and its major outputs FR. Why better communication is ccitical for ICT proj communication management plan that should be considered. 42. What is 4 Project Risk Management? Explain the processes involved briefly. 43, Why are organization moving towards the trend of outsoureing? Diseuss the challenges of outsourcing, 7 Discuss the contents of TH What are the soles of award and assessment in achieving Excellency in project completion, Briefly explain. 15, Write short notes on: a) Expert Judgement bd) Amow Diagramming Method c}) Balance score card Ps] 6) [243] 141 4 61 ay Ut BI [3] is] 13] i] By n TRIDITVAN LIBTVESI LY Exam, INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING Level LF Fxamination Control Division Programme ! BEI 2072 Chaitra [Nearspare L1V71 Subject: - Organization and Management (4708) ¥ Candidiles are required to give lheis answers in their own words as for a practicable, 4 Attomps All questions. Y The figures in the margin bulicate El Marks Assume stutable dota if necessary. uf why do we need orgunizations? Lescrite the principles of an organization [4-4] State and explain the different levels of Management. What are the basic skills required for Mamagemsnt? [ang] 3 What is the difference betwecn Scéentifie Management and Management Science? How do Taylor's principles itustrate importance of Scicnific Management for production processes? 13+] Which organisation structure is more suitable to engineering project? Discuss with your ogi (8 430 Heolain the differed methods of Purchasing, Why is advertising ane of the best form of Merketing!? 15431 1-6" What is the difference between recruitment and hiting? Way do we need incentives in an organization? 1444] 1 What we the different faetors that affoet wage / salary structure? Faplain different + Ue methods of Haining Manpower. {4+4] ‘What is Lhe diflercnce tctween theory 'X' and theory ‘Y'? Explain on the basis of vifferent cory of motivation. 181 Describe Aviovtitic Leadecship Style. Sxpliin Ge different characteristics of Fineprenear. B15] ASCP yous are asked to prepare the ease study considering the planning harizan, leadership, motivation snd human resource development for either Nepal Blectricily Authority or Nepal Telecom to improve the existing perlormuines of these instiqution. Tow do you prepare case study following its structure? a 2 TAmMVaNUNIeRSTTY INSEITUTE OF ENGINEERING Examination Control Division 2071 Chitra Y Candidates ere required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. Y Atternpt All questions. The figuees in the margin indicate Full Marks Y Assume suitable data if necessary. @ 1. Why isan oganization necessary? Explain the principles of an organization. [44] @ 2. What ere the differences between the terms organization and management? Why de you need scientific approach of management to an organization? [24244] © > What do you moun by organizational structure? How i it defined for a particular enterprise? ‘Write advantages and dised vantage of Fine organization. [2-244] GD 4. Whet do you mean by purchasing and procurement? Explain the functions af marketing. [345] © Jy Explain the motive debind personnel management? Desoribe various Functions of personnel management. How docs Human Resources Management System differ from persourel management? pez] @) -6. Define the term job anelysis and expiais scientific selections of manpower. 1543] ® 7. What do you mean by Human need? How is a nocd used for motivation? Explain Horz Borg’s Hygine theory of motivation. [24244] G) 8. A reader is leader. Elaborate it in tems of leadership styles. What are the differences botween a leader and a manager? 1543] @ 9. ‘Define Management Taformation System (MIS). Describe briefly about different types of Information System and their support to managers in decision raking 513] 10, What are the objedtives of a case-study? Explain the needs, functions and importance of @ MIS. (3457 12 ‘TRIBAUVAN UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING Examination Control Division 2070 Chaitra "Subject: - Organization and Management (ME708) ¥. Candidates are required to yive their answers in their own words as far as practicebte Attempt AHL questions. The figues in the margin ineticote Bull Marks VY Assume suitable data if necessary. 1. Deseribe ixhy organization is considered as an open syste. Explain the importance of organization, 2. Name the different medels of management. [explain any three of them in dete State and describe H Fayot's administrative management thenry. What is meant by ‘Joint Stock Company"? Desoribe the procedure for forming ‘Joint Stock Company’ Define marketing, advertising, Explain the fimction of purchasing in detail. Define the term persounct management, Explain the function of personal management. * Define merit rating. State and describe the various methods of merit rating. What do you mea by human needs? Describe A, Maslow's hiewrchy of needs theury ia eetail, 9. Define leadership and explain by Blakes and Mouton’s Management Grid 10, Define Management Information System. Explain information support for functional areas of management. PND lta] [345] (8] (5) B45] i345] i2-6] B45] 1345] [26] 17 TRIBIILVAN UNIVERSITY ‘ULE OF ENGINEERING: Examination Control Division 2070 Chitra _Year/Part _ om ‘Subject: - Organization and Management (EG709¢E) Candidates are required Wo give their answers in iheir ove) wonds as far as practicable. ¥ Atiempt any Five questions. ¥ The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks Y Assume suitable date if necessary. 1. a What do you mean by single ownership? Explain the Importance of (345) Organization in Society. b. What are the functions of Management? Explain the system theory of (ay management. 2. a. Whatdo you mean by Marketing? Explain different manufacturing method. (3+5} 'b. Define the term industrial relation. Explain authority and responsibility. (345) 3, ./ Define the term MIS. Explain the hierarchy of Information architecture. (355) b. What do you mean by networking information system? Explain the role of computer for information system. 4. a. Define the term Motivation and explain McGregor’s Theory “x” and “Y" of (345) as) motivation, b. Whatdo you mean by incentive? Explain behavioral approach oflaadership. (345) Sa. Define the term Job analysis. Explain different method of performance (345) appraisal. b. What do you mean by hiring and selecting staff? Explain different staps of (3+5} hiring and selecting staff. 6. Write short notes on Any Four (ara) a. Contingency theory of management b. Single ownership organization Needs for MIS & informal organization e.. Collective Bargaining

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