Tarek Hamed
Tarek Hamed
Tarek Hamed
Petroleum evaluation through subsurface and petrophysical studies of Hammam Faraun Member of Belayim
Formation, Bakr Oil Field, Gulf of Suez, Egypt
Abd Elhady, M. A.1, Fathy, M.1, Hamed, T. 2 and Reda, M.1
Abstract: Bakr Oil Field is located at the western coast of the Gulf of Suez. The Middle Miocene Hammam Faraun
Member of Belayim Formation is considered to be a good reservoir in the study area. The present work mainly deals
with the interpretation of geological and geophysical data to evaluate the hydrocarbon potentials of Belayim reefal
limestone reservoir in Bakr Oil Field. Isopach, lithofacies and structural maps are constructed to study the
subsurface configuration of the study area based on the well-log correlations and seismic interpretation. Wire-line
logs, from four drilled wells in the study area are interpreted for petrophysical evaluation. Analytical reservoir rock
analysis includes achieving the shale content (Vsh), effective porosity (eff), water and hydrocarbon saturation (Shr &
Sw), and net-pay thickness variation. Also, the vertical and horizontal variations of reservoir parameters are studied
through constructing the litho-saturation cross plots and iso-parametric maps of the study area. As a result of the
present study, using the subsurface and petrophysical evaluation, the hydrocarbon potentials of the Middle Miocene
Belayim Formation in Bakr Oil Fields is determined. A new locations is recommended to be a prospect in the study
[Abd Elhady, M. A., Fathy, M., Hamed, T. and Reda, M. Petroleum evaluation through subsurface and
petrophysical studies of Hammam Faraun Member of Belayim Formation, Bakr Oil Field, Gulf of Suez,
Egypt. Nat Sci 2015;13(4):59-78]. (ISSN: 1545-0740). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature. 10
Keyword: subsurface structure, petrophysical studies and Hammam Faraun Member.
This study is carried out by using the computer
software programs, such as Petrel 2010 software
(@schlumberger, 2008).
Notice: To complete this study we looked at
another of some other wells in the study area.
Subsurface Geologic Setting
Geologic setting of the study area is determined
by reviewing the general stratigraphy and structural
relations, using subsurface data with the aid of isopach,
lithofacies and structural maps.
1- Subsurface Stratigraphy
The lithostratigraphic units in the Gulf of Suez
area range from Precambrian to Holocene in age and
have been divided into three major related tectonic rift
sequences: Pre-rift lithostratigraphic sequence (PreMiocene unit), Syn-rift lithostratigraphic sequence
(Miocene unit) and Post-rift lithostratigraphic sequence
(Post-Miocene unit). Figure (3) shows a generalized
stratigraphic column of Bakr Oil Field in the Gulf of
The Pre-rift succession disconformably overlies
the basement rocks and unconformably underlies the
Miocene sequence. The Pre-rift stratigraphic sequence
is composed of strata range from Precambrian to Late
Eocene and contains sandstone, shale and carbonate
facies that were laid down under terrestrial and marine
platform environments. This period of sedimentation
1. Introduction
Bakr Oil Field was one of the first commercials
oil fields and the most prolific in the Gulf of Suez.
Figure (1) shows that the Bakr Oil Field is located at
the western coast of the Gulf of Suez, between latitudes
28 47 - 28 40 N and longitudes 32 91 - 33 00. It is
located about 10 kms north of Gharib Oil Field, and
about 40 kms north of Ras Shukheir Oil and Gas Field.
Figure (2) shows the distribution of the available
seismic lines and wells in the study area.
2. Materials and Methodology:
The present study mainly depends on the use of
the available open-hole well log records (electric,
radioactivity and sonic logs) in the form of composite
well logs (Resistivity, SP, GR, Density, Neutron and
Sonic) of four wells distributed in the area of study. In
addition to this, twenty 2D and 3D seismic lines are
used to delineate the subsurface structural setting.
The subsurface geologic setting is gained through
the construction of isopach maps, lithofacies maps,
seismic sections, structural cross sections and structure
contour maps.
The petrophysical evaluation is gained through
the computer processed interpretation that passes
through the quantitative interpretation technique. The
petrophysical characteristics are illustrated laterally (in
the form of iso-parametric maps) and vertically (in the
form of litho-saturation cross-plots).
Figure (2): The distribution of the available seismic lines and wells in the study area.
Figure (3): Generalized stratigraphic section in Bakr Oil Field after (GPC, 2013).
Baba Member is composed of anhydrite and shale
interbeds (mostly one bed). It is the lower member of
Belayim Formation, which is conformably, overlies the
Kareem Formation.
Sidri Member is the lower clastic member of Belayim
Formation, which is composed of calcareous shale
intercalated with limestone.
Feiran Member is composed of thick bed of anhydrite
with minor shale streaks. It is the thickest member of
Belayim Formation in the study area.
indicate that the area was affected by faults in PreMiocene and rejuvenated during the Miocene time.
Structural model of the study area
To delineate the subsurface structure of the study
area, structural model is constructed and also structural
cross sections are done through the study area in
different directions. Figure (9) shows that the structure
affecting the study area is mainly normal faults forming
a horst block which would be an attractive trap for oil
and gas accumulations.
Figure (11): Lithological identification cross plots of Belayim Formation in Bakr-100 well.
petrophysical evaluation. In this investigation, figure
(13) and figure (14) show dia-porosity cross-plot which
is carried out to determine the shale volume (Vsh) and
effective porosity (eff).
The value of shale content ranges from 12% in
Bakr-100 to 30 % in Bakr-91. It indicates the
probability of presence of hydrocarbon sub-reservoir
intervals as the mean value is 22 %, while the value of
effective porosity ranges from 16% in Bakr-75 to 22%
in Bakr-100. It indicates the probability of presence of
hydrocarbon sub-reservoir intervals as the mean value
is 19%.
Mono-Porosity cross-plot
Figure (12) shows mono-porosity cross-plot of
Hammam Faraun Member of Belayim Formation
which carried out to determine the water saturation
(Sw). The value of water saturation ranges from 40% in
Bakr-75 and Bakr-102 to 75% in Bakr-91. It indicates
the probability of presence of hydrocarbon subreservoir intervals as the mean value is 52%.
Dia-Porosity cross-plot
For the determination of shale volume (Vsh) and
effective porosity (eff), a combination of porosity logs
can be used. Dia-porosity cross-plot is a specific
graphical log analysis technique for actual
Figure (12): Mono-porosity cross-plot of Hammam Faraun Member of Belayim Formation in the wells of
study area.
Figure (13): Dia-porosity cross-plot for determining the shale volume (Vsh) of Hammam Faraun Member of
Belayim Formation.
Illustration of Petrophysical Parameters
Lateral Variation of Petrophysical Characteristics
characteristics in the area under investigation could be
studied through a number of gradient and saturation
maps (iso-parametric maps, that include, net pay (m),
shale content (Vsh %), effective porosity (eff %), water
saturation (Sw %), and hydrocarbon saturation (Shr %)
to complete the vision of hydrocarbon potentialities in
the study area.
Figure (14): Dia-porosity cross-plot for determining the effective porosity (eff) of Hammam Faraun Member
of Belayim Formation.
Figure (15): Net pay thickness map of Hammam Faraun Member of Belayim Formation.
Figure (16): The Effective porosity map of Hammam Faraun Member of Belayim Formation.
Figure (17): Water saturation map of Hammam Faraun Member of Belayim Formation.
Figure (18): Shale content distribution map of Hammam Faraun Member of Belayim Formation.
Figure (19): Hydrocarbon saturation map of Hammam Faraun Member of Belayim Formation.
Figure (20): The litho-saturation cross-plot of Hammam Faraun Member of Belayim Formation in Bakr-75
Figure (21): The Litho-saturation cross-plot of Hammam Faraun Member of Belayim Formation in Bakr-91
Figure (22): Depth structure contour map of Hammam Faraun Member of Belayim Formation and the
recommended prospect area.