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Tarek Hamed

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Nature and Science 2015;13(4)


Petroleum evaluation through subsurface and petrophysical studies of Hammam Faraun Member of Belayim
Formation, Bakr Oil Field, Gulf of Suez, Egypt
Abd Elhady, M. A.1, Fathy, M.1, Hamed, T. 2 and Reda, M.1

Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Al Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt.

General Petroleum Company, Cairo, Egypt

Abstract: Bakr Oil Field is located at the western coast of the Gulf of Suez. The Middle Miocene Hammam Faraun
Member of Belayim Formation is considered to be a good reservoir in the study area. The present work mainly deals
with the interpretation of geological and geophysical data to evaluate the hydrocarbon potentials of Belayim reefal
limestone reservoir in Bakr Oil Field. Isopach, lithofacies and structural maps are constructed to study the
subsurface configuration of the study area based on the well-log correlations and seismic interpretation. Wire-line
logs, from four drilled wells in the study area are interpreted for petrophysical evaluation. Analytical reservoir rock
analysis includes achieving the shale content (Vsh), effective porosity (eff), water and hydrocarbon saturation (Shr &
Sw), and net-pay thickness variation. Also, the vertical and horizontal variations of reservoir parameters are studied
through constructing the litho-saturation cross plots and iso-parametric maps of the study area. As a result of the
present study, using the subsurface and petrophysical evaluation, the hydrocarbon potentials of the Middle Miocene
Belayim Formation in Bakr Oil Fields is determined. A new locations is recommended to be a prospect in the study
[Abd Elhady, M. A., Fathy, M., Hamed, T. and Reda, M. Petroleum evaluation through subsurface and
petrophysical studies of Hammam Faraun Member of Belayim Formation, Bakr Oil Field, Gulf of Suez,
Egypt. Nat Sci 2015;13(4):59-78]. (ISSN: 1545-0740). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature. 10
Keyword: subsurface structure, petrophysical studies and Hammam Faraun Member.
This study is carried out by using the computer
software programs, such as Petrel 2010 software
(@schlumberger, 2008).
Notice: To complete this study we looked at
another of some other wells in the study area.
Subsurface Geologic Setting
Geologic setting of the study area is determined
by reviewing the general stratigraphy and structural
relations, using subsurface data with the aid of isopach,
lithofacies and structural maps.
1- Subsurface Stratigraphy
The lithostratigraphic units in the Gulf of Suez
area range from Precambrian to Holocene in age and
have been divided into three major related tectonic rift
sequences: Pre-rift lithostratigraphic sequence (PreMiocene unit), Syn-rift lithostratigraphic sequence
(Miocene unit) and Post-rift lithostratigraphic sequence
(Post-Miocene unit). Figure (3) shows a generalized
stratigraphic column of Bakr Oil Field in the Gulf of
The Pre-rift succession disconformably overlies
the basement rocks and unconformably underlies the
Miocene sequence. The Pre-rift stratigraphic sequence
is composed of strata range from Precambrian to Late
Eocene and contains sandstone, shale and carbonate
facies that were laid down under terrestrial and marine
platform environments. This period of sedimentation

1. Introduction
Bakr Oil Field was one of the first commercials
oil fields and the most prolific in the Gulf of Suez.
Figure (1) shows that the Bakr Oil Field is located at
the western coast of the Gulf of Suez, between latitudes
28 47 - 28 40 N and longitudes 32 91 - 33 00. It is
located about 10 kms north of Gharib Oil Field, and
about 40 kms north of Ras Shukheir Oil and Gas Field.
Figure (2) shows the distribution of the available
seismic lines and wells in the study area.
2. Materials and Methodology:
The present study mainly depends on the use of
the available open-hole well log records (electric,
radioactivity and sonic logs) in the form of composite
well logs (Resistivity, SP, GR, Density, Neutron and
Sonic) of four wells distributed in the area of study. In
addition to this, twenty 2D and 3D seismic lines are
used to delineate the subsurface structural setting.
The subsurface geologic setting is gained through
the construction of isopach maps, lithofacies maps,
seismic sections, structural cross sections and structure
contour maps.
The petrophysical evaluation is gained through
the computer processed interpretation that passes
through the quantitative interpretation technique. The
petrophysical characteristics are illustrated laterally (in
the form of iso-parametric maps) and vertically (in the
form of litho-saturation cross-plots).


Nature and Science 2015;13(4)


was affected by major unconformities representing

non-depositional or erosion at different geologic times.
The Syn-rift lithostratigraphic sequence was
previously subdivided into two main groups "Ghrandal
Group" and "Ras Malaab Group". The Miocene section
in Gulf of Suez is mainly related to the Lower and
Middle Miocene, while the Upper Miocene deposits are
previously believed to be missed as a result of a major
unconformity between the Middle Miocene and the
Pliocene deposits. Recent publications supported the
presence of Upper Miocene evaporite deposits in many
areas in the Gulf of Suez (Ryan and Hsu, 1973 and
Haq et al., 1987). The Post-rift sedimentary fill of Gulf
of Suez is Pliocene-Holocene in age. The thickness and
lithology of these strata show marked variation from
one area to another.
The post Miocene strata consist of sandstone,
shale and limestone. The strata were deposited in a
shallow to deep marine setting.
Stratigraphic Setting of Belayim Formation

Belayim Formation is conformably overlying the

Kareem Formation and underlying the South Gharib
Formation. It represents the oldest strata in Ras Malaab
Group. It represents the beginning of the main Miocene
evaporite cycle and it is composed of thick bed of
white, to grey, hard crystalline anhydrite intercalated
with grey, to green, soft to medium hard shale and fine
to medium grained sandstone. The clastic and
carbonate section represents good target for oil
reservoir in the Gulf of Suez. The evaporitic sequence
represents an excellent seal and cap rocks for
underlying oil reservoir (EGPC, 1974).
In the study area, Belayim Formation consists
mainly of reefal limestone with some shale streaks, but
in some wells it is distinguished into four members that
have different identities. Feiran and Baba members
consist of anhydrite and shale embedded by Sidri
Member of shale with limestone interbeds and overlain
by Hammam Faraun Member of reefal limestone and

Figure (1): Location map of Bakr Oil Field.


Nature and Science 2015;13(4)


Figure (2): The distribution of the available seismic lines and wells in the study area.


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Figure (3): Generalized stratigraphic section in Bakr Oil Field after (GPC, 2013).
Baba Member is composed of anhydrite and shale
interbeds (mostly one bed). It is the lower member of
Belayim Formation, which is conformably, overlies the
Kareem Formation.
Sidri Member is the lower clastic member of Belayim
Formation, which is composed of calcareous shale
intercalated with limestone.
Feiran Member is composed of thick bed of anhydrite
with minor shale streaks. It is the thickest member of
Belayim Formation in the study area.

Hammam Faraun Member is the youngest member

of Belayim Formation, mainly composed of reefal
limestone with shale at few wells. Its type section is
selected at Wadi Ghrandal, north of Gebel Hammam
Faraun. This member is affected by facies changes and
remarkable lithological variation all over the Gulf of
Suez. It consists of sandstone, shale, and limestone.
The stratigraphic correlation, (figure 4), runs in
the northwest-southeast direction passing through the
wells in the study area, using Belayim Formation as a
datum line. This stratigraphic correlation shows that the


Nature and Science 2015;13(4)


thickness of Belayim Formation increases in the

northwestern and southeastern parts and reach its
maximum thickness at Bk-102 well with 76m and
decreases towards the central part of the study area at
Bk-75 with 38m.
Figure (5) shows the isopach map of Hammam
Faraun Member of Belayim Formation. It shows that
the thickness of Hammam Faraun Member of Belayim
Formation increases in the western part of the study
area and decreases in the central part of the area. The
basinal area is directed to the western part of the study
area recording its maximum thickness in the western
part, while the platform occurs in the northwestern and
central parts of the study area.
Lithofacies map of Hammam Faraun Member of
Belayim formation:
According to Warner (1977), lithofacies map is a
map showing the distribution of different types of rock
attributes or facies occurring within a designated
geologic unit.
In the study area, The Nullipore facies in Bakr
area is described based on well-log data analysis. The
Belayim carbonates are dated to Hammam Faraun
Member. The Hammam Faraun Member of Belayim
Formation is mainly composed of reefal limestone

termed Nullipore with some highly calcareous shale

Facies distribution map of Hammam Faraun
Member of Belayim Formation (Nullipore zone) shows
distribution of reefal limestone at most of the area
especially along the eastern and central parts of the
study area, and shows gradual change laterally to
calcareous shale to the western part where the
upthrown side of the horst block is found (Fig.6).
Hammam Faraun Member of Belayim Formation
lithofacies map is characterized by the presence of
three lithologic groups, as follows:
The first lithologic group is limestone. It is
located in the northeastern part of the study area (at
Bakr-75 well). In this part the sand /shale ratio is 0%,
while the clastic/non-clastic ratio is 0.16%. The second
lithologic group is Lime-shale. It is located in the
central and northwestern parts of the study area (at
Bakr-91 and Bakr-102 wells). In this part the sand
/shale ratio ranges from 0.3%in Bakr-102 to 0.6% in
Bakr-91, while the clastic/non-clastic ratio ranges from
0.4% in Bakr-91 to 0.8% in Bakr-102. The third
lithologic group is shale-lime. It is located in the
southern part of the study area (at Bakr-100well). In
this part the sand /shale ratio is 0.9%, while the
clastic/non-clastic ratio is 0.5%.

Figure (4): NW-SE correlation section in the study area.


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Figure (5): Isopach map of Hammam Faraun Member of Belayim Formation.

Figure (6): Lithofacies map of Hammam Faraun Member of Belayim Formation.

Seismic interpretation implies detection of the
subsurface structural configuration. To understand the
geology and subsurface structure of the area under
investigation, the interpretation of several seismic
sections would be done. To understand the subsurface
structure of the study area, twelve dip seismic sections
are constructed and oriented towards NE-SW direction,
and eight strike seismic sections are constructed and
oriented towards NW-SE direction as is shown in
figure (2). The interpreted seismic sections 4, 7, and 12
are shown in figure (7), which are dip seismic sections
and take the NE-SW trend. Seismic section-4 is located
at the southern part of the study area and passes near

2- Structural setting of Bakr area

To get a real structural pattern in the study area,
well-logging and seismic data are needed. Moustafa
(1976) defined Bakr area within the second down
faulted block (Belayim province). This province is
characterized by a strong deformation and exhibits a
rather complex intersection of fault pattern, mainly
Suez (clysmic) and Aqba trend (Van der ploeg, 1953).
The cross-sections reflect the structural image
vertically but it is completed by the construction of
structural model and structural maps, to illustrate the
structural feature laterally.
Seismic Interpretation


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Bakr-100 well. Seismic section-7 is located at the

central part of the study area and passes near Bakr-91
well. Seismic section-12 is located at the northern part
of the study area and passes near Bakr-91 well. The
interpretation of these sections is done by using the
time-depth chart constructed using checkshot data of
Bakr-100 well, so the detection of the two way time of
the selected stratigraphic horizon is easily done. These
sections pass through the studied rock units (Zeit
Formation, South Gharib Formation, Hammam Faraun

Member of Belayim Formation, Feiran Member of

Belayim Formation, Lower Miocene formations and
Lower Senonian Matulla Formation). These sections
show a set of two normal faults (F1 and F2) forming a
horst block that affects on all the stratigraphic units. F1
and F2 are directed towards the NW-SE trend forming
a horst block that would be an excellent location for oil
and gas accumulations.
Structure contour maps

Figure (7): NE-SW interpreted seismic sections.


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Structure contour map on top Lower

Miocene formations.

Structure contour map on of Lower

Senonian Matulla Formation.

Structure contour map on top Feiran

Member of Belayim Formation.

Structure contour map on top Hammam Faraun

Member of Belayim Formation.

Structure contour map on top South Gharib Formation

Structure contour map on top Zeit Formation
Figure (8): Structure contour maps on top of selected rock units in Bakr Oil Field.
After the interpretation of the seismic sections we
construct structure contour maps for each of the
selected stratigraphic horizons by using Petrel 2010
software program (@ Schlumberger, 2010(.To
illustrate the subsurface structural configuration of the
study area, six structure contour maps are constructed
on top of selected rock units (Zeit Formation, South

Gharib Formation, Hammam Faraun Member of

Belayim Formation (reservoir in the study area), Feiran
Member of Belayim Formation, Lower Miocene
formations, and Lower Senonian Matulla Formation) as
is shown in figure (8). These maps show a set of two
normal faults (F1 and F2) which are determined from
the interpreted seismic sections. F1 and F2 form a horst


Nature and Science 2015;13(4)


block that would be an excellent location for oil and

gas accumulations. F1 and F2 are taking the NW-SE
direction with a down-thrown side towards the NE and
SW directions respectively. All the studied wells are
located on the horst block and located within the threeway dip closure that is very suitable place for oil and
gas accumulations.
Mekkey (2012) mentioned that the uplifting caused
due to rift tectonic during the Eocene and some of
structures during the Early Miocene time. This may

indicate that the area was affected by faults in PreMiocene and rejuvenated during the Miocene time.
Structural model of the study area
To delineate the subsurface structure of the study
area, structural model is constructed and also structural
cross sections are done through the study area in
different directions. Figure (9) shows that the structure
affecting the study area is mainly normal faults forming
a horst block which would be an attractive trap for oil
and gas accumulations.

Figure (9): Structural model which constructed in the area of study.

and hydrocarbon saturation are required to be
evaluated, which together define the amount of
hydrocarbons per unit volume of rock. Petrophysics, in
its simplest form, is the calculation of porosity and
fluid saturations as a function of depth in a well (Luthi,
In this study, the petrophysical analysis was
performed for four wells restricted in the central part of
the study area (Bakr-75, Bakr-91, Bakr-100 and Bakr102).
The value of formation water resistivity (Rw) for
Belayim Formation is obtained from the composite-log
data at Sw equals 100%, by using the Archie's water
saturation equation (Schlumberger, 1987). Another
method for determining Rw is the using of "Pickett
plot", which is developed by plotting porosity values
with deep resistivity values on two-by-three cycle log-

Structural Cross Sections

Four structural cross sections have been
constructed using the interpreted seismic lines. Figure
(10) shows the structural cross sections which reflect
that the study area was affected by two normal faults
F1 and F2, forming a horst block. F1 is directed
towards the NW-SE trend and its downthrown side is
directed towards the NE trend. F2 is also directed
towards the NW-SE trend and its downthrown side is
directed towards the SW trend.
Petrophysical Evaluation
This part of the study is concerned with the
petrophysical characteristics of reservoir rock units in
Bakr Oil Field, Gulf of Suez, Egypt. We need to
evaluate the reservoir in the term of petrophysical
parameters of both rock and fluid constituents. In order
to assess a possible petroleum reservoir, the porosity


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log paper (Asquith and Gibson, 1982). The value of

formation water resistivity (Rw) for Hammam Faraun
Member of Belayim Formation ranges from 0.095
(Ohm.m.) in Bakr-100 to 0.813 (Ohm.m.) in Bakr-75.
The calculated net pay, Effective porosity, water
saturation and hydrocarbon saturation values were

tabulated and mapped for Hammam Faraun Member of

Belayim Formation (table 1). The cutoffs used are as
follows: Effective porosity 10%, Volume of shale 35%,
Water saturation 50%.

Figure (10): Structural cross sections in Bakr Oil Field.

Table (1): The Petrophysical parameters of Hammam Faraun Member of Belayim Formation in Bakr Oil
Net pay
Well no.
Gross (m)
( m)
Well log analysis
Well-log analysis represents the most important
stage in the evaluation of petrophysical characteristics
(effective porosity, shale content, water saturation, and
hydrocarbon saturation).

Lithological Identification cross-plot

Identification of lithology is of a particular
importance in formation evaluation process. Logs can
be used as indicators of lithology. The most useful logs
for this purpose are density, neutron, sonic and gammaray logs. Figure (11) shows the neutron-density and the


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neutron-sonic cross-plots (lithological identification

cross plot) of Hammam Faraun Member of Belayim
Formation in all wells. As is shown in this figure, it is

mainly characterized by the predominance of reefal

limestone. It is also characterized by the presence of

Figure (11): Lithological identification cross plots of Belayim Formation in Bakr-100 well.
petrophysical evaluation. In this investigation, figure
(13) and figure (14) show dia-porosity cross-plot which
is carried out to determine the shale volume (Vsh) and
effective porosity (eff).
The value of shale content ranges from 12% in
Bakr-100 to 30 % in Bakr-91. It indicates the
probability of presence of hydrocarbon sub-reservoir
intervals as the mean value is 22 %, while the value of
effective porosity ranges from 16% in Bakr-75 to 22%
in Bakr-100. It indicates the probability of presence of
hydrocarbon sub-reservoir intervals as the mean value
is 19%.

Mono-Porosity cross-plot
Figure (12) shows mono-porosity cross-plot of
Hammam Faraun Member of Belayim Formation
which carried out to determine the water saturation
(Sw). The value of water saturation ranges from 40% in
Bakr-75 and Bakr-102 to 75% in Bakr-91. It indicates
the probability of presence of hydrocarbon subreservoir intervals as the mean value is 52%.
Dia-Porosity cross-plot
For the determination of shale volume (Vsh) and
effective porosity (eff), a combination of porosity logs
can be used. Dia-porosity cross-plot is a specific
graphical log analysis technique for actual


Nature and Science 2015;13(4)


Figure (12): Mono-porosity cross-plot of Hammam Faraun Member of Belayim Formation in the wells of
study area.


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Figure (13): Dia-porosity cross-plot for determining the shale volume (Vsh) of Hammam Faraun Member of
Belayim Formation.
Illustration of Petrophysical Parameters
Lateral Variation of Petrophysical Characteristics
characteristics in the area under investigation could be
studied through a number of gradient and saturation
maps (iso-parametric maps, that include, net pay (m),
shale content (Vsh %), effective porosity (eff %), water
saturation (Sw %), and hydrocarbon saturation (Shr %)
to complete the vision of hydrocarbon potentialities in
the study area.

Belayim net pay thickness distribution map:

Figure (15) shows the net pay thickness
distribution. The net pay ranges between 5m in Bk-91
to 50m in Bk-102. The highest thickness of the pay
zone is concentrated in the central part of the study area
and decreased in the southeastern and northwestern
parts of the study area. This map indicates that the
central and northeastern parts of the study area are the
most promising parts for hydrocarbon accumulations.


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Figure (14): Dia-porosity cross-plot for determining the effective porosity (eff) of Hammam Faraun Member
of Belayim Formation.


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Figure (15): Net pay thickness map of Hammam Faraun Member of Belayim Formation.

Figure (16): The Effective porosity map of Hammam Faraun Member of Belayim Formation.


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Figure (17): Water saturation map of Hammam Faraun Member of Belayim Formation.

Figure (18): Shale content distribution map of Hammam Faraun Member of Belayim Formation.


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Figure (19): Hydrocarbon saturation map of Hammam Faraun Member of Belayim Formation.

Figure (20): The litho-saturation cross-plot of Hammam Faraun Member of Belayim Formation in Bakr-75


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member, the shale content ranges between 0% to 70%

and the mean value is 21%. The effective porosity
ranges between 0% to 29% but the mean value is 16%.
The water saturation ranges between 0% to 100% and
the mean value is 40%. The net pay is 20m. The
hydrocarbon saturation reaches up to 60%.
Figure (21) illustrates the computer processed
interpretation (CPI) plot for Hammam Faraun Member
of Belayim Formation in Bakr-91 well. As is shown in
this figure it is encountered at depth ranges from
1240m to 1379m. The gross interval is 139m. It is
mainly characterized by the predominance of
limestone. It is also characterized by the presence of
shale, and siltstone. Limestone tends to increase in the
central and upper part of this member. In this member
the shale content ranges between 0% to 50% and the
mean value is 30%. The effective porosity ranges
between 0% to 41% but the mean value is 18%. The
water saturation ranges between 0% to 100% and the
mean value is 75%. The net pay is 5m.
Hydrocarbon Potential
From the subsurface and petrophysical
information of this study, we can concluded the
petroleum potentialities in the study area. According to
Ashraf (1999), the source rock in the study area is
suggested to be of Lower Miocene section of
calcareous, dark grey shale and reefal limestone which
is considered as a good source rock. The reservoir rock
in the study area is represented by Hammam Faraun
Member of Belayim Formation (Middle Miocene
Serravalian age) which consists mainly of reefal
carbonate. The seal rock in the study area is
represented by the evaporite series of South Gharib and
Zeit formations. The structural traps in the study area,
are represented by fault traps. A set of normal faults F1
and F2 are present and forming a horst block.
Prospect Evaluation
According to Gluyas and Swarbrick (2004),
exploration wells are drilled into prospect. Prospects
are volumes of rock in the earth crust that are believed,
but not proven to contain the four key component: a
valid trap, an effective seal, a reservoir and petroleum
source rock that has generated and expelled petroleum
into the trap. Once an exploration well penetrates a
prospect, it ceases to be a prospect. It became a proven
petroleum field or more likely a dry hole, which means
that it lacks petroleum. A lead is nothing more than an
ill-defined prospect. The boundary between what is
lead and what is prospect is open to individual
As a result of the present study, using the
subsurface and petrophysical evaluation, a new
location is proposed to be a prospect as in figure (22).
The area which has the red color, is recommended to
be a prospect area according to the subsurface
petrophysical evaluation.

Belayim Effective porosity (eff %) distribution

Figure (16) illustrates the effective porosity
distribution. The most frequent porosity is observed
within the range of 16% in Bk-75 to 22% in Bk-100.
The highest value of effective porosity is found at the
central and southeastern parts of the study area, while
the lowest value of effective porosity is found at the
northeastern part.
Belayim water saturation (Sw %) distribution map:
Figure (17) shows the distribution of water
saturation in the study area. The most water saturation
occurrence is observed within the range of 40% in Bk102 to 75% in Bk-91. The highest water saturation
value is found at the western and northwestern parts in
the study area while the lowest water saturation value
is found at the central and northeastern parts.
Shale content (Vcl %) variation map
Shale content is an important quantitative
function of log analysis. It is considered as an
important indicator of reservoir quality, in which the
lower the shale content usually reveals a better
reservoir. Figure (18) shows the shale content map of
Hammam Faraun Member of Belayim Formation and
illustrates that the shale content ranges from 12% in
Bk-100 to 30% in Bk-91. The shale content decreases
at the southeastern part, while it increases in the
northwestern part of the study area.
Hydrocarbon saturation variation map
Determination of hydrocarbon saturation (Shr %) is the
main target of the current study. The hydrocarbon
saturation map of Hammam Faraun Member of
Belayim Formation, figure (19), illustrates that the
hydrocarbon saturation ranges from 49% in Bakr-100
to 60% in Bakr-102. This map illustrates that the
hydrocarbon saturation in the study area increases in
the northeastern and central parts and decreases in the
northwestern part of the area.
Vertical Variation of Petrophysical Characteristics
The vertical distribution of hydrocarbon
occurrences can be explained and presented through
the construction of the litho-saturation cross-plots.
Litho-saturation cross-plot is a representation, zonewise, for the content of fluids and rocks with depth
through the studied well. The contents of rocks include
shale and matrix, while the contents of fluids include
water and hydrocarbon saturation. Figure (20)
illustrates the computer processed interpretation (CPI)
plot for Hammam Faraun Member of Belayim
Formation in Bakr-75 well. As is shown in this figure it
is encountered at depth ranges from 1520m to 1562m.
The gross interval of Belayim Formation is 42ms. It is
mainly characterized by the predominance of
limestone. It is also characterized by the presence of
sandstone and siltstone. Limestone tends to increase in
the central and lower part of the member. In this


Nature and Science 2015;13(4)


Figure (21): The Litho-saturation cross-plot of Hammam Faraun Member of Belayim Formation in Bakr-91

Figure (22): Depth structure contour map of Hammam Faraun Member of Belayim Formation and the
recommended prospect area.


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Hammam Faraun Member of Belayim Formation

has a net pay thickness increasing towards the central
and northeastern parts of the study area, while the
effective porosity increases gradually into the central
and southeastern parts, the clay volume decreases
towards the northwestern and eastern parts of the study
area, while water saturation decreases towards the
central and northeastern parts of the study area, while
the hydrocarbon saturation increases gradually towards
the central and northeastern parts of the study area.

Zeit formations. The structural trap in the study area is

represented in the form of fault blocks.
As a result of the present study, using the
subsurface and petrophysical evaluation, a new
location is proposed to be a prospect area that is located
on such a three-way dip closure that is very suitable
place for hydrocarbon accumulations.
1. Asquith, G., and Gibson, C. (1982): "Basic well
log analysis for geologists", The American
Association of Petroleum Geologists, Tulsa,
Oklahoma, USA, 216 p.
2. EGPC Stratigraphic Committee (1974): "Miocene
rock stratigraphy of Egypt". Egypt. Journ. Geol,
18, pp.1-59.
3. General
"Stratigraphic setting of Bakr oil Field", internal
report, 36p.
4. Gluyas, J. and Swarbrick, R. (2004): "Petroleum
geoscience", Blackwell Science Ltd. 349 p.
5. Haq, B., Hardenbol, J. and Vail, P. (1987):
"Chronology of fluctuating sea level since the
Triassic", science, No. 236, pp. 1156-1167.
6. Luthi, S. M. (2001): "Geological Well Logs, their
use in reservoir modeling", Springer-Verlag
Berlin Heidelberg.
7. Mekkey, M. (2012): "Evaluation of hydrocarbon
potential of carbonate reservoir in Al Hamd and
Amer offshore Oil Field, Gulf of Suez, Egypt".
Ph.D. Thesis, Faculty of Science, Al Azhar Univ.,
Cairo, 191P.
8. Moustafa, A. G. (1976): "Block faulting in the
Gulf of Suez". 5th Petroleum Exploration and
Production Conference, Cairo, pp.14-38.
9. Rayan, W., and Hsu, K. (1973): "Initial report",
DSDP, V. 13, Washington (US. Convt. Printing
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10. Schlumberger (1987): "Log interpretation",
educational services, U.S.A., 168 p.
11. Van der Ploeg, P. (1953): "The World's Oil
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12. Warner, L. (1977): "An introduction to the
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U.S., 334p.

Summary and Conclusions

The present work mainly deals with the
interpretation of geological and geophysical data to
evaluate the hydrocarbon potentials of carbonate
reservoir in Bakr Oil Field, Gulf of Suez, Egypt. The
subsurface evaluation in this study was achieved by
well-log and seismic data analysis to determine both
stratigraphic and structural features as related to the
general subsurface setting of the Gulf of Suez province.
The stratigraphic succession penetrated by the
wells drilled in the study area is as the same as the Gulf
of Suez province. The structural setting is delineated by
the seismic and geologic cross-sections interpretation.
The geologic structural model was constructed to study
the structural setting in the area of study. Several
seismic and geologic cross-sections are constructed and
interpreted to illustrate the structural setting vertically.
The geologic cross sections confirm the presence of the
normal faults that are observed on the interpreted
seismic sections.
Formation evaluation in the area under
investigation was aimed to evaluate the hydrocarbon
potentialities in the porous carbonate zone that is
encountered in Middle Miocene (Nullipore of Belayim
Fm). All resulted petrophysical parameters are
represented vertically in litho-saturation cross-plots and
laterally in different types of iso-parametric maps (isoeffective porosity, shale content, hydrocarbon
saturation, and net-pay thickness variations).
From the subsurface and petrophysical
information of this study we can be in a clear vision on
the petroleum potentialities in the area of study. The
source rock in the study area is suggested to be Lower
Miocene formations based on previous studies. The
reservoir rock in the study area is the Hammam Faraun
Member of Belayim Formation which consists mainly
of reefal carbonate. The seal rock in the study area is
represented by the evaporite series of South Gharib and



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