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Examination of The Gravid Abdomen

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Authors: James Duffy, Louise Hancock and Gaity Ahmad

Examination of the Pregnant Abdomen

Medical students often find the examination of the pregnant abdomen daunting.
This document provides a framework for you to develop a comprehensive understanding
of the pregnant abdomen examination at undergraduate level.
To assist your learning this is presented as a step-by-step guide, together with questions
to test your understanding.

Introducing Yourself and Gaining Consent

Appropriate Introduction (Full Name and Role)
Hello my name is Alex Middle, I am a final year medical student at Prince Charles Hospital.
Confirm Patient Identity
Can I clarify your name and date of birth please?
Gaining Verbal Consent
Are you comfortable with me feeling your tummy to see how baby is?
Expose the Patient and Wash Hands
Could you lie down on the couch and lift up your top so I can see your tummy while I wash my
Remember to appropriately expose the patient from the costal margin to the pubis symphysis,
ensure they are lying comfortably and as flat as they can manage.
Are you comfortable?
Are you experiencing any pain or tenderness?
How many weeks pregnant are you?

Pregnant Abdomen
Comment on the presence or absence of the following key observations:
1. Distended abdomen
The abdomen is distended and consistent with pregnancy.
2. Fetal movements
Present from 24 weeks.
3. Scars
Suprapubic Scar: Previous caesarean section, laparotomy for ectopic pregnancy or ovarian
mass removal. Sub-umbilical scar suggests previous laparoscopic procedure.


Authors: James Duffy, Louise Hancock and Gaity Ahmad

4. Umbilicus
Umbilicus maybe flat within the surface or everted due to increase abdominal pressure. Inversion
of the umbilicus is normal.
5. Cutaneous Signs
Linea nigra: a line of dark pigmentation stretching from below the xiphi sternum through the
umbilicus to the supra pubic area.
Striae gravidarum: Purplish striae of no clinical significance.
Striae albicans: Silvery-white striae indicting previous parity.
Distended superficial veins: indicating alternative paths of venous drainage due to pressure on
the inferior vena cava by gravid uterus.

Palpation: Measuring the Symphysio-fundal Height (SFH)

The uterine size can be measured and expressed as the SFH, it represents the distance between
the fundus of the uterus to the pubis symphysis.
Locating the fundus: Palpate the highest point of the uterus, the fundus, by using the ulnar
border of the left hand and moving it downwards from below the xiphi sternum until the fundus is
Locating the pubis symphysis: Palpate downwards in the midline starting from a few
centimeters above the pubic hair margin.
Measurement: The SFH can be measured by using a tape measured in centimeters face
The uterus is palpable from week 12 of gestation and reaches the umbilicus by week 20, at which
time the SFH increases by 1cm per week. The maximum height of the uterus occurs at week 36
where is lies under the ribs. After week 36 the uterus descends due to the decrease in amniotic
fluid volume and the descent of the fetal head.
A higher than expected SFH value can be due to macrosomia, multiple pregnancy and
A lower than expected SFH value can be due to intrauterine growth retardation or

Examination of the Pregnant Abdomen


Authors: James Duffy, Louise Hancock and Gaity Ahmad

Fetal Lie
Lie of the fetus describes the relationship of the longitudinal axis of the fetus to the longitudinal
axis of the uterus.
Facing the mother, place one hand on each side of the uterus and apply gentle pressure. One
should be able to feel the resistance of the firm fetal back and on the opposite side it maybe
possible to feel the fetal limbs.
Fetal lie can be described as longitudinal, transverse or oblique.
Longitudinal: the head and buttocks are palpable at each end of the uterus.
Transverse: the fetus is lying transverse across the uterus and the pelvis will be empty.
Oblique: the head or buttocks is palpable in one of the iliac fossae.

Pregnant Abdomen
Presentation is the part of the fetus that overlies the pelvic brim, which occupies the lower
segment of the pelvis. It is of importance especially after 37 weeks gestation when the majority of
women go into labour.
It can be determined by placing both hands on either side of the lower pole of the uterus, just
above the pubis symphysis, whilst continuing to face the mother. By applying firm pressure
towards the midline one can determines the presenting part.
A hard round presenting part suggests a cephalic presentation, while a broader soft object
suggests a breach presentation.

Palpating the Anterior Shoulder

Once the fetal lie is determined the anterior shoulder should be palpated as the fetal heart
sounds are best heard over this area. A shallow groove palpable between the presenting part
and the rest of the fetus helps to identify the anterior shoulder.

Examination of the Pregnant Abdomen

Engagement of the Head
When the fetus is in a cephalic presentation it is usual to report the fetal engagement. The
term engagement is used when the widest diameter of the fetal head has descended into the
pelvis; the descent is described as fifths palpable. This is a rough approximation as to how
many finger breaths are necessary to cover the head above the pelvic brim.
If only 2/5ths of the head is palpable abdominally over half of the fetal head has entered the
pelvis and therefore the head is engaged.

The Pinard stethoscope can be placed over the anterior shoulder and fetal heart sounds can be
heard, at 24 weeks gestation. A Doppler Ultrasound can be used after 12 weeks gestation.
The rate can be determined by auscultation over 1 minute, and should be 120-140 beats per
minute. If there are abnormalities Cardiotocography (CTG) should be requested.
At this point you have finished your main examination, thank the patient, elicit their concerns, and
allow them to re-dress in privacy.


Authors: James Duffy, Louise Hancock and Gaity Ahmad

Maternal Blood Pressure
The maternal blood pressure should be measured at the end each examination. A diastolic blood
pressure >90mmHg should be investigated further, with particular attention to Pre-Eclampsia.
Mid Stream Urine
The maternal mid stream urine should be tested for glucosuria (Gestational Diabetes) and
proteinurea (Pre-Eclampsia)
Inspect for signs of anaemia such as pallor.

Self-Assessment Questions
Question 1
Uterine size is assessed clinically in a woman who is large for dates.
A. What are the causes of large for dates?
B. Name three investigations you would perform.
C. What is this clinical measurement called?
D. What is its relevance?

Question 2
Maternal causes of intrauterine growth retardation include:
A. Pre-eclampsia
B. Preterm Labour
C. Oligohydramnios
D. Recurrent miscarriage
E. Postpartum hemorrhage

Question 3
Causes of proteinurea in pregnancy include:
A. Acute pyelonephritis
B. Abruptio placenta without pre-eclampsia
C. Chronic glomerulonephritis
D. Diabetic nephropathy
E. Uncomplicated essential hypertension


Authors: James Duffy, Louise Hancock and Gaity Ahmad

Question 4
Breech presentation:
A. More common in mulitpara
B. Associated with an anthropoid pelvis
C. Associated with a bitrochanteric diameter of 10cm
D. More common in prematurity

Question 5
Risk factors for pre-eclampsia include:
A. Obesity
B. Previous pre-eclampsia
C. Underweight and short
D. Age between 25-35 years
E. Chronic renal disease

Examination of the Pregnant Abdomen

Question 1
A. Maternal obesity, adnexal pathology, uterine fibroids, multiple pregnancy, fetal abnormality,
macrosomic fetus and polyhydramnios.
B. Ultrasounds scan, red cell tolerance test, and antibodies to check fro isoimmunisation.
C. Symphysiofundal height.
D. One centimeter corresponds to 1 week of gestation.
Question 2
Maternal cause of intrauterine growth retardation include smoking and alcohol, infections, preeclampsia, placenta abruption, diabetes mellitus and renal disease. Fetal causes include
chromosomal abnormalities, anencephaly and multiple pregnancy.
Question 3
Causes of proteinurea in pregnancy include acute pyelonephritis, UTI, pre-eclampsia, abruptio
placenta, chronic glomerulonephritis, diabetic neuropathy, and hypertension.
Question 4
A breech presentation is associated with bony pelvic abnormalities, uterine abnormality, multiparity, pre-maturity and multiple pregnancy and placenta praevis.


Authors: James Duffy, Louise Hancock and Gaity Ahmad

Question 5
Obesity is a risk factor for hypertension only, women who have had hypertension on the
combined oral contraceptive pill are at risk as well as those with autoimmune disorders.

References and Resources
Oxford Textbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

A Online Guide to Obstetrics and Gynaecology History and Examination Technique

A Online Guide to Obstetrics and Gynaecology Examination Technique

Important Note
These notes are presented in good faith and every effort has been taken to ensure their accuracy.
Nevertheless, medical practice changes over time and it is always important to check the
information with your clinical teachers and with other reliable sources. Disclaimer: no responsibility
can be taken by either the author or publisher for any loss, damage or injury occasioned to any
person acting or refraining from action as a result of this information.


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