Insurance Law Review 2015
Insurance Law Review 2015
Insurance Law Review 2015
Ateneo de Davao
College of Law
Insurance Code of 2013
DECREE NOS. 1141, 1280, 1455, 1460, 1814
Insurance Code
General principles
Life Insurance
Non-Life Insurance
Payment of Proceeds
Rescission of insurance contracts
Differences between life and non-life
What is insurable interest
No-fault Indemnity Clause
Special rules in Industrial Life
Incontestability Clause
Unfair Settlement Practices Act
Illegal Acts in Collecting Claims
Coverage under PDIC Law
Cash and Carry Rule
Effect of grace period
Cover notes Test of Materiality
Double Insurance
Rule in case of suicide
Ratable return of premiums
An agreement whereby one
undertakes for a consideration to indemnify
another against loss, damage or liability
arising from an unknown or contingent
A contract of suretyship is deemed an
insurance contract only if made by a surety
who or which is doing an insurance business
as a vocation.
The insured has insurable interest
or interest of some kind susceptible of
pecuniary estimation
The insured is subject to a risk of
loss caused by the happening of the
designated perils;
The insurer assumes the risk of
Assumption is part of a general
scheme to distribute actual losses
among a large group of persons
bearing somewhat similar risks;
As consideration for the insurers
promise, the insured pays the
Philippine HealthCare v. CIR
ISSUE: Is a healthcare agreement in the
nature of a contract of insurance?
FACTS: Individuals enrolled in its health care
programs pay an annual membership fee.
They are entitled to various preventive,
diagnostic and curative medical services
provided by its duly licensed physicians,
specialists and other professional technical
staff participating in the group practice
health delivery system at a hospital or clinic
owned, operated or accredited by it.
Philippine HealthCare v. CIR
The DST under Section 185 of the 1997 Tax
Code is imposed on the privilege of making
or renewing any policy of insurance (except
life, marine, inland and fire insurance), bond
or obligation in the nature of indemnity for
loss, damage, or liability.
RULING: The health care agreement is
primarily a contract of indemnity. A health
care agreement is in the nature of a non-life
insurance policy.
Bar 2011
In return for the 20 years of faithful service
of X as a househelper to Y, the latter
promised to pay Php100,000.00 to Xs heirs
if he (X) dies in an accident by fire. X
agreed. Is this an insurance contract?
A. Yes, since all the elements of an insurance
contract are present. B. Yes, since X
services may be regarded as the
C. No, since Y actually made a conditional
donation in Xs favor.
D. No, since it is in fact an innominate
contract between X and Y.
C. No, since Y actually made a conditional
donation in Xs favor.
Principle of Subrogation
Process of legal substitution
The insurer, after paying the amount
covered by the policy, steps into the shoes of
the insured
Insurer avails of the rights of the insured
against the wrongdoer
Insured CANNOT recover from offender what
was paid by insured but can recover any
Applicable only in non-life insurance
(Philamgen v. CA)
Bar 2011
Where the insurer was made to pay the
insured for a loss covered by the insurance
contract, such insurer can run after the third
person who caused the loss through
subrogation. What is the basis for conferring
the right of subrogation to the insurer?
A. Their express stipulation in the contract of
B. The equitable assignment that results
from the insurers payment of the insured.
C. The insureds formal assignment of his
right to indemnification to the insurer.
D. The insureds endorsement of its claim to
the insurer.
B. The equitable assignment that results
from the insurers payment of the insured.
Bar 2014
ELP Insurance, Inc. issued Marine Policy No.
888 in favor of FCL Corp. to insure the
shipment of 132 bundles of electric copper
cathodes against all risks. Subsequently, the
cargoes were shipped on board the vessel
"M/V Menchu" from Leyte to Pier 10, North
Harbor, Manila.
Upon arrival, FCL Corp. engaged the services
of CGM, Inc. for the release and withdrawal
of the cargoes from the pier and the
subsequent delivery to its warehouses/plants
in Valenzuela City. The goods were loaded on
board twelve (12) trucks owned by CGM,
Inc., driven by its employed drivers and
accompanied by its employed truck helpers.
Bar 2014
Because of this incident, FCL Corp. filed with
ELP Insurance, Inc. a claim for insurance
indemnity in the amount of P1,500,000.00.
After the requisite investigation and
adjustment, ELP Insurance, Inc. paid FCL
Corp. the amount of P1,350,000.00 as
insurance indemnity.
ELP Insurance, Inc., thereafter, filed a
complaint for damages against CGM, Inc.
before the Regional Trial Court (RTC),
seeking reimbursement of the amount it had
paid to FCL Corp. for the loss of the subject
cargo. CGM, Inc. denied the claim on the
basis that it is not privy to the contract
entered into by and between FCL Corp. and
ELP Insurance, Inc., and hence, it is not
liable therefor. If you are the judge, how will
you decide the case? (4%)
Suggested Answer
If I were the judge, I will rule in favor of ELP.
While it is true that CGP is not privy to the
contract of ELP and FCL, ELP has the right of
In insurance law, an insurer, after paying the
claim of an insured, by process of legal
substitution, steps into the shoes of the
insured and can proceed against an erring
party or the one who caused the loss.
Nature and Characteristics
Contract of indemnity for non-life and an
investment for life insurance
Executory and conditional on the part of
the insurer
Uberrimae fides
Bar 2012
An insurance contract is an aleatory contract,
which means:
Statute of Limitations
General Rule: 10 YEARS from the time the
cause of action accrues.
Exception: Period may be increased or
decreased BUT
In industrial life: cannot be shorter than
In all other kinds of insurance: cannot be
shorter than ONE YEAR.
Right of Action Accrues
Period is reckoned from the time of the
denial of the claim by the insurer (Vda de
Gabriel v. CA)
If there was no denial of the claim, right
of action does not accrue
Doing an Insurance Business
making or proposing to make, as
insurer, any insurance contract;
making or proposing to make, as
surety, any contract of suretyship as a
vocation and not merely incidental to
any other legitimate business or
activity of the surety.
doing any kind of business, including a
reinsurance business, specifically
recognized as doing insurance
doing or proposing to do any business
in substance equivalent to any of the
An entity can still be deemed engaged even
if he does not derive any profit from the
Section 187. Microinsurance is a financial
product or service that meets the risk
protection needs of the poor where:
(a) The amount of contributions, premiums,
fees or charges, computed on a daily basis,
does not exceed seven and a half percent
(7.5%) of the current daily minimum wage
rate for nonagricultural workers in Metro
Manila; and
(b) The maximum sum of guaranteed
benefits is not more than one thousand
(1,000) times of the current daily minimum
Bar 2011
A group of Malaysians wanted to invest in
the Philippines insurance business. After
negotiations, they agreed to organize "FIMA
Insurance Corp." with a group of Filipino
businessmen. FIMA would have a PhP50
Million paid up capital, PhP40 Million of which
would come from the Filipino group. All
corporate officers would be Filipinos and 8
out of its 10-member Board of Directors
would be Filipinos. Can FIMA operate an
insurance business in the Philippines?
Section 289.
Any partnership, association, or corporation
authorized to transact solely reinsurance
business must have a capitalization of at
least Three billion pesos
(P3,000,000,000.00) paid in cash of
which at least fifty percent (50%) is
paid-up and the remaining portion
thereof is contributed surplus, which in
no case shall be less than Four hundred
million pesos, (P400,000,000.00) or
such capitalization as may be
determined by the Secretary of Finance,
upon the recommendation of the
Bar 2012
X, a minor, contracted an insurance on his
own life. Which statement is most accurate?
The life insurance policy is void ab initio.
The life insurance is valid provided it is with
the consent of the beneficiary.
The life insurance policy is valid provided the
beneficiary is his estate or his parents, or
spouse or child.
The life insurance is valid provided the
disposition of the proceeds will be subject to
the approval of the legal guardian of the
The life insurance policy is valid provided the
beneficiary is his estate or his parents, or
spouse or child.
Life Insurance
Types: Suretyship
An agreement whereby a party called the
surety guarantees the performance of
another party called the principal or obligor
of an obligation or undertaking in favor of a
third party called the obligee.
Includes official recognizances, stipulations,
bonds or undertakings issued by any
At a glance
In an insurance contract, a person
indemnifies another person for his loss,
damage or liability
Any contingent or unknown event which may
damnify a person or create a liability against
him may be insured
The two main kinds of insurance are life and
non-life insurance
A person can sue based on an insurance
contract within 10 years from the time the
right of action accrues
10-year period may be longer or shorter but
generally, cannot be shorter than one year
and in industrial life, cannot be shorter than
6 years
Doubts in interpreting insurance contracts
are resolved in favor of the insured
Topics in Stages 1 and 2
What may be insured against
Rule in case of death by suicide
Insurable Interest
Kinds of life insurance
Kinds of life insurance policies
Life Insurance - insurance on human lives
and insurance appertaining thereto or
connected therewith
Every contract or undertaking for the
payment of annuities including contracts for
the payment of lump sums under a
retirement program where a life insurance
company manages or acts as a trustee for
such retirement program shall be considered
a life insurance contract for purposes of this
Individual protection is based on
Group unit of selection is the group
rather than the
individual, blanket policy
covering a number of individuals
Industrial premiums are payable
either monthly or oftener if the face amount
of insurance is not more than 500 times the
current statutory minimum wage in Metro
survival for a specific period
continuance or cessation of life
What may be insured against?
Actual death
Living death
Retirement death
Actual Death
Cessation of life
Best proof of death: death certificate
Policy matures upon the death of the
Living Death
When the insured suffers from disability due
to disease or accident which prevents him
from engaging in any lawful occupation
Partakes the nature of health and disability
Living Death:
Accident and Health
Health, accident and disability insurance are
deemed as both life and non-life insurance
and such may be issued by either life or nonlife insurance companies (Sec. 193, 9th par).
Deemed life insurance when death is one of
the risks insured against (Gallardo v.
An event which happens without any
human agency or, if happening
through human agency, an event
which under the circumstances, is
unusual and not expected by the
person to whom it happens by reason
Retirement Death
Annuitant gives money or property to
the insurer
Insurer now becomes the debtor, and
has the obligation to give annual
pension or income to either the
annuitant or another person
The obligation of insurer to give
pension stops upon the death of the
Insurable Interest in Life
A person cannot insure just anyone he wants
One has to establish that he stands to suffer
some loss because of the death of a person
Insurable interest ensures that a person can
only get a policy on the life of someone
whose death will produce loss
Relation between the insured and a
particular event such that the happening of
the event will damnify or cause loss to the
To avoid wagering
To avoid temptation of bringing about the
On whose life does a person have
insurable interest?
himself, spouse, children
person on whom he depends wholly or
in part for education or support or in
whom he has a pecuniary interest
Section 10(a)
Every person has unlimited insurable interest
in his own life
One also had insurable interest in the life of
his spouse and children on the basis of love
and affection
Section 10(b)
Obligation to give support
Bar 2011
A. No one, as there is merely a partnership
contract among A, B and C.
B. Both B and C, as they are your partners.
C. Only C, as he is an industrial partner.
D. Only B, as he is a capitalist partner.
B. Both B and C, as they are your partners.
Bar 2014
Carlo and Bianca met in the La
Boracay festivities. Immediately, they fell in
love with each other and got married soon
after. They have been cohabiting blissfully as
husband and wife, but they did not have any
offspring. As the years passed by, Carlo
decided to take out an insurance on Biancas
life for P1,000,000.00 with him (Carlo) as
sole beneficiary, given that he did not have a
steady source of income and he always
depended on Bianca both emotionally and
During the term of the insurance,
Bianca died of what appeared to be a
mysterious cause so that Carlo immediately
requested for an autopsy to be conducted. It
was established that Bianca died of a natural
cause. More than that, it was also
established that Bianca was a transgender all
along a fact unknown to Carlo. Can Carlo
claim the insurance benefit? (5%)
Suggested Answer
Carlo cannot recover from the
insurance policy. Insurable interest is
necessary before a person can obtain a life
insurance policy on the life of another
person. Without insurable interest, there is
no valid life insurance policy.
Section 10 of the Insurance Code
enumerates the people on whom we have an
insurable interest on, one of which is ones
legitimate spouse.
The estate of A is entitled to the proceeds. C
is a disqualified beneficiary because of the
illicit relation she had with A.
Bar 2012
X is the common law wife of Y. Y loves X so
much that he took out a life insurance on his
own life making X as the sole beneficiary. Y
did this to ensure that X will be financially
comfortable when he is gone. Upon the
death of Y--A. X as the sole beneficiary in the policy
of Y will be entitled to the entire
B. Despite the designation of X, the
proceeds will go to the estate of Y
C. The proceeds will go the compulsory
heirs of Y
D. The proceeds will be divided equally
amongst X and the compulsory heirs
of Y
Common law spouses are barred from
donating to each other. Those who are
barred from being donees cannot be
beneficiaries in a life insurance policy.
Hence, X is a disqualified beneficiary and the
proceeds will go to the estate of Y.
If beneficiary willfully causes death of
If beneficiary WILLFULLY causes the death of
the insured/cestui:
The share forfeited shall pass on to
the other beneficiaries, unless
otherwise disqualified.
In the absence of other beneficiaries,
the proceeds shall be paid in
accordance with the policy contract.
If the policy contract is silent, the
proceeds shall be paid to the estate of
the insured.
If beneficiary dies before insured
If beneficiary dies ahead of the
insured/cestui, the estate of the insured will
get the proceeds
If no beneficiary
If beneficiary is not designated, insureds
estate will get the proceeds
Only the insured or policyholder in life
insurance is required to have insurable
interest on the life of the cestui.
insolvent insured
insurers negligence or fault
insurer waives the right to
Proximate Cause
That which in the natural and continuous
sequence, unbroken by any NEW
INDEPENDENT cause, produces an event
without which the event would not have
Also called the EFFICIENT CAUSE, or one
that sets the others in motion
Proximate Cause: Examples
Fire causes an explosion which results in
loss. Fire is the proximate cause of the loss.
If fire is a covered peril, the insurer is liable.
A house is insured against fire. The house is
destroyed due to the falling of a wall. The
wall fell due to fire. The insurer is liable
Immediate Cause v. Proximate Cause
Immediate cause cause or peril
which appears closest in time to the
Immediate cause is NOT necessarily
the proximate cause and vice versa
Bar 2007
Alfredo took out a policy to insure his
commercial building against fire. A fire
broke out and destroyed the building. It was
found that the proximate cause of the fire
was explosion but fire was the immediate
cause of the loss. There is no excepted peril
in the policy. Can there be recovery under
the policy.
Alfredo cannot recover from the policy.
Section 84 of the Insurance Code provides
that before there can be recovery under
property insurance, the proximate cause of
the loss must be the covered peril. In the
instant case, the proximate cause of the loss
was not the peril insured against. Hence,
there can be no recovery under the policy.
Hostile v. Friendly Fire
Friendly - fire burns in a place where it is
intended to burn
Hostile - occurs outside the confines or
begins as a friendly fire and becomes hostile
by escaping from the place where it ought to
Fire insurance taken on a property belonging
to another is VOID, although the insurer had
full knowledge of fact of ownership and even
if insured subsequently acquired insurable
interest (Cha v. CA, 277 SCRA 690)
Bar 2012
A house and lot is covered by a real estate
mortgage (REM) in favor of ZZZ Bank. The
bank required that the house be insured. The
owner of the policy failed to endorse nor
assign the policy to the bank. However, the
Deed of Real Estate Mortgage has an
express provision which says that the
insurance policy is also endorsed with the
signing of the REM. Will this be sufficient?
No, insurance policy must be
expressly endorsed to the bank so that the
bank will have a right in the proceeds of
such insurance in the event of loss.
The express provision contained in the
Deed of Real Estate Mortgage to the effect
that the policy is also endorsed is sufficient.
Endorsement of Insurance Policy in
any form is not legally allowed.
Endorsement of the Insurance Policy
must be in a formal document to be valid.
Bar 1999
A businessman obtained a fire insurance
policy on his stocks for P5 M. Three months
later, a fire broke out and destroyed the
grocery and stocks. The insurer denied the
claim since the stocks were mortgaged to
another person who also insured the same
stocks for P5 M. May the businessman and
the creditor obtain different insurance
policies on the same stocks?
Yes. The businessman, as the owner and the
creditor, as the mortgagee have insurable
interest over the stocks. Hence, they may
obtain separate policies on the same stocks.
Where the real intention of insured was to
insure his goods for P15,000 but insurer
mistakenly insured the building where the
goods were contained and not owned by
insured, in case of loss of goods insured was
allowed to recover (Garcia v. Hongkong,
45 Phil 122)
When insurable interest must exist in
property insurance
Time the insurance takes effect and
when the loss occurs, but NEED NOT exist in
the meantime
Bar 2002
Distinguish insurable interest in property
insurance from insurable interest in life
insurance (5%)
In property insurance, the expectation of
benefit must have a legal basis. In life
insurance, insurable interest can be based on
mere factual expectation.
In property insurance, the actual value of
the interest is the limit of the insurance.
There is no such limit in life insurance
except if insurable interest is capable of
pecuniary estimation.
In property insurance, insurable interest
must exist when the insurance takes effect
and at the time of the loss but not in the
meantime. In life insurance, insurable
interest must exist only at the time the
insurance takes effect.
Bar 2012
For both the Life Insurance and Property
Insurance, the insurable interest is required
to be -
existing at the time of perfection of
the contract and at the time of loss.
existing at the time of perfection and
at the time of loss for property insurance but
only at the time of perfection for life
existing at the time of perfection for
property insurance but for life insurance both
at the time of perfection and at the time of
existing at the time of perfection only.
Bar 2007
Alfredo took out a policy to insure his
commercial building. The broker agreed to
give a 15-day credit to Alfredo within which
to pay the premium. Upon delivery of the
policy on May 15, 2006, Alfredo issued a
postdated check dated May 30, 2006. On
May 28, 2006, fire destroyed the building.
May Alfredo recover from the policy?
Alfredo can recover from the policy. In a
decided case by the Supreme Court, it was
held that parties may agree on a credit
extension in paying the premium. The
happening of the peril during the credit
Bar 2006
A Insurance Company issued an policy on
the new car of B. The premium of P60,000
was to be paid in 6 months. B paid only the
1st two months installments. Despite
demands, B failed to pay the rest of the
installments. Five months after the issuance
of the policy, the vehicle was carnapped. A
denied the claim of B since B did not pay the
premium resulting to cancellation of the
policy. Can B recover from A?
B can recover from A the proceeds of the
policy less the unpaid premiums. In a
decided case by the Supreme Court, it was
Bar 2000
Name at least three instances when an
insured is entitled to a return of the premium
The beneficiary
Section 18 - no contract or policy on
property shall be enforceable except for the
benefit of some person having an insurable
interest in the property insured
Bar 2005
When does double insurance exist? (2%)
Bar 1999
A businessman obtained a fire insurance
policy on his stocks for P5 M. Three months
later, a fire broke out and destroyed the
grocery and stocks. The insurer refused to
pay claiming that double insurance is
contrary to law. Is this contention tenable?
The contention of the insurer is untenable.
First, there is no law prohibiting double
insurance. Second, there was no double
insurance here because the insured in the
two policies are different. The two insured
also have different interests on the property.
Bar 2012
X borrowed from CCC Bank. She mortgaged
her house and lot in favor of the bank. X
insured her house. Tt1e bank also got the
house insured.
Is this double insurance? Explain your
answer. (3%)
Is this legally valid? Explain your
answer. (3%)
In case of damage, can X and CCC
Bank separately claim for the insurance
proceeds? (4%)
No, this is not double insurance.
Double insurance exists when the same
In double insurance, the insurers are
considered as co-insurers. Each one is
bound to contribute ratably to the loss in
proportion to the amount for which he is
liable under his contract (Sec. 96e)
Bar 2012
X insured the building she owns with two (2)
insurance companies for the same amount.
In case of damage, A.
X can not claim from any of the two
(2) insurers because with the double
insurance, the insurance coverage becomes
automatically void.
the two (2) insurers will be solidarily
liable to the extent of the loss.
the two (2) insurers will be
proportionately liable.
D. X can choose who he wants to claim
Contract by which an insurer procures a third
person to insure him against loss or liability
by reason of an original insurance
A gets B to insure his building against fire for
P10 Million.
B (insurer) can get C (reinsurer) to reinsure
him for P5 Million out of the P10 Million
insurance in favor of A. Thus, Bs liability
shall be limited to P5 Million. While C, the
reinsurer has to give the insurer the other P5
Double Insurance
Kinds of Non-Life Insurance
Sections 99 and 100 concept
Peril covered perils of the sea or perils of
navigation casualties due to unusual
violence or extraordinary action of wind and
wave or other extraordinary causes
connected with navigation must be the
Peril of the ship is NOT covered
Peril of the Ship v. Peril of the Sea
Parties may agree that instead of paying the
amount, insurer will rebuild the house.
When alteration can exonerate insurer
The use or condition of a thing is altered
Policy prohibits or limits the alteration
Made without the consent of the insurer, by
means within the control of the insured
increasing the risks = Insurer can rescind
the K
The use or condition of a thing insured is
Policy prohibits it or limits it
It does not increase the risk
Act which does not violate the policy
any act of the insured subsequent to the
execution of the policy
Act does not violate its provisions, even
though it increases the risk and is the cause
of the loss
No effect on policy
Bar 2014
On May 13, 1996, PAM, Inc. obtained
a P15,000,000.00 fire insurance policy from
Ilocano Insurance covering its machineries
and equipment effective for one (1) yearor
until May 14, 1997. The policy expressly
stated that the insured properties were
located at "Sanyo Precision Phils. Building,
Phase III, Lots 4 and 6, Block 15, PEZA,
Rosario, Cavite." Before its expiration, the
policy was renewed on "as is" basis for
another year or until May 13, 1998. The
subject properties were later transferred to
Pace Factory also in PEZA. On October 12,
1997, during the effectivity of the renewed
policy, a fire broke out at the Pace Factory
which totally burned the insured properties.
The policy forbade the removal of the
insured properties unless sanctioned by
Ilocano. Condition 9(c) of the policy provides
that "the insurance ceases to attach as
regards the property affected unless the
insured, before the occurrence of any loss or
damage, obtains the sanction of the
company signified by endorsement upon the
policy x x x (c) if the property insured is
removed to any building or place other than
in that which is herein stated to be insured."
PAM claims that it has substantially complied
with notifying Ilocano through its sister
company, the RBC, which, in fact, referred
is a minor OR
Reasonable Delay
in Payment
delay due to investigation to ascertain
the truth of information it received
that insured was not insurable at time
of application (Chuy v. Philamlife)
delay caused by determination of
actual beneficiary and claims of
creditors (RCBC v. CA)
Preliminary Proof of Loss
best evidence which insured has
not evidence in ordinary courts
A. actual.
Actual Loss, 130
total destruction of the thing
irretrievable loss of thing by sinking or being
broken up
damage which renders thing valueless for
the purpose it is held
other event which effectively deprives owner
of possession of the thing at the port of
Constructive Total Loss, 133
Also called technical total loss
Loss which gives the person the right to
abandon under Section 141
When there can be abandonment - SECTION
>3/4 of the value is actually lost or would
have to be spent to recover it from peril
If the vessel is injured to such an extent as
to reduce its value to >3/4
When there can be abandonment - SECTION
If the thing is a ship, and the voyage cannot
be performed without incurring either
expense to the insured of >3/4 the value of
the thing abandoned or a risk which a
prudent man would not take under the
May be intentional or
Requisites of Concealment
(a) party knows the fact which he
neglects to communicate or
(b) party concealing is duty bound
to disclose such fact to the other
Requisites of Concealment
a) party concealing makes no warranty
as to concealed fact
b) other party has no means of
ascertaining the fact concealed
All facts within his knowledge
Material to the contract
Other party has no means of
He makes no warranty
Information which prove or tend to
prove falsity of warranty
Those which the other knows
Those which, in the exercise of
ordinary case, the other ought to
know and which the other has no
reason to suppose him ignorant
Those of which the other waives
Those which prove or tend to prove
the existence of a risk excluded by a
warranty, and which are not otherwise
material; and
Those which relate to a risk excepted
from the policy, and which are not
otherwise material
General causes open to his inquiry
which may affect the political or
material perils contemplated (32)
General usages of trade (32)
Nature or amount of interest, except
in answer to an inquiry (34)
Information of his own judgment (35)
Determined not by event
Probable and reasonable influence of
facts upon the party to whom
communication is due in forming his
estimate of the disadvantages of the
Sunlife v. CA, 245 SCRA 268 - where the
applicant concealed prior medical history and
he died in a plane crash, there was still
concealment notwithstanding the apparent
lack of relation between the fact concealed
and the cause of death
Bar 2001
A applied for non-medical life insurance. He
did not inform the insurer that he was
examined and confined at St. Lukes Hospital
where he was diagnosed for lung cancer. A
died in a plane crash. Is the insurer liable
considering that the fact concealed had no
bearing with the cause of death of A?
The insurer is not liable. The concealed fact
is material to the approval and issuance of
the policy. According to a decided case, the
insured need not die of the disease he failed
to disclose to the insurer. It is sufficient that
his non-disclosure misled the insurer in
forming his estimate of the risks of the
proposed insurance policy or in making
further inquiries.
Bar 2011
An insured, who gains knowledge of a
material fact already after the effectivity of
the insurance policy, is not obliged to divulge
it. The reason for this is that the test of
concealment of material fact is determined
A. at the time of the issuance of the policy.
B. at any time before the payment of
C. at the time of the payment of the
D. at any time before the policy becomes
Bar 2012
The "incontestability clause" in a Life
Insurance Policy means --A.
that life insurance proceeds cannot be
claimed two (2) years after the death of the
that two (2) years after date of
issuance or reinstatement of the life
insurance policy, the insurer cannot anymore
prove that the policy is void ab initio or
rescindable by reason of fraudulent
concealment or misrepresentation of the
that the insured can still claim from
the insurance policy after two (2) years even
though premium is not paid.
that the insured can only claim
proceeds in a life insurance policy two (2)
years after death.
Bar 2014
On July 3, 1993, Delia Sotero (Sotero) took
out a life insurance policy from Ilocos
Bankers Life Insurance Corporation (Ilocos
Life) designating Creencia Aban(Aban), her
niece, as her beneficiary. Ilocos Life issued
Policy No. 747, with a face value of
P100,000.00, in Soteros favor on August 30,
1993, after the requisite medical
examination and payment of the premium.
On April 10, 1996, Sotero died. Aban filed a
claim for the insurance proceeds on July 9,
1996. Ilocos Life conducted an investigation
into the claim and came out withthe
following findings:
1. Sotero did not personally apply for
insurance coverage, as she was illiterate.
2. Sotero was sickly since 1990.
3. Soterodid not have the financial capability
to pay the premium on the policy.
4. Sotero did not sign the application for
Misrepresentation as a ground to
entitled to rescind from the time the
representation becomes false
right to rescind by insurer is waived by
acceptance of premiums despite knowledge
of ground to rescind
Misrepresentations as to Age
in Life Insurance
no rescission
proceeds shall be such as the premium
would have purchased at the correct age
in Marine Insurance
entitles the insurer to rescind
eventual falsity of a representation as to
expectation without fraud, does NOT avoid a
marine insurance contract
Bar 2011
Shipowner X, in applying for a marine
insurance policy from ABC, Co., stated that
his vessel usually sails middle of August and
with normally 100 tons of cargo. It turned
out later that the vessel departed on the first
week of September and with only 10 tons of
cargo. Will this avoid the policy that was
A. Yes, because there was breach of implied
B. No, because there was no intent to breach
an implied warranty. C. Yes, because it
relates to a material representation.
D. No, because there was only
representation of intention.